#feelin sick oh boy
nctsplug02 · 1 year
Hey Ash, big ass fan here!
Can I request the first time Mr. and Mrs. Jeong found out they were going to be parents?!?
I love your work. <3
Expect the Unexpected jeong.j
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GENRE: fluff
WARNINGS: pregnancy!
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wife: babe
wife: i’m not feeling well :(.
you: what’s wrong, baby?
jaehyun quickly responds.
wife: i’ve been throwing up all day
wife: i feel very weak
wife: i don’t think i’ll be able to cook tonight
you: so no homemade spaghetti?
wife: not tonight, sorry
wife: could you maybe pick up some take out on your way home?
you: i can do that
wife: thanks, i love you
you: i love you more
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“honey, i’m home! and, i have food!” jaehyun hears footfalls as he shuts the door and kicks off his shoes.
“food?” you’re in a paper sheet face mask with a face roller in your hand. “yep, let me wash up and we can eat together.”
you nod and walk over to him, taking the bag of food and then his brief bag.
“oh, baby. you don’t have to carry my stuff.” jaehyun makes an attempt by trying to take his bag but you shy away. “it’s okay.”
you make your way to the kitchen and you set his bag on the dinner table.
“hurry and wash up! i’m starving.” jaehyun chuckles and pulls off his blazer, tossing it off onto the couch and walking over to you.
“you can eat first.” you shake your head, grabbing two plates and utensils.
jaehyun washes his hands and then walks back to you. “okay! it’s dinner time— oh, no.” you cover your nose as your mouth starts to fill up with a crazy amount of saliva.
“what’s wrong?” jaehyun asks you as you turn around with pinched eyebrows and drooly lips. he follows you to the living room and fans you with his hands while you gag silently.
“the smell, oh god.” you scrunch your face and shake your head. “but, you love chow mein.”
“i do but, it smells more oily than usual. i feel sick, again.” you frown.
jaehyun bites his lip and places his hands on both your cheeks. “want me to.. make you something?” you shake your head. “i think i’ll just eat noodles tonight.”
“are you sure?”
you nod. “positive.”
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you rest your head on jaehyuns shoulder while he laughs his ass off with his friends.
“we seriously need to plan another boys camp out.” jungwoo says.
“i agree.” taeyong says holding up his can of beer.
the girls were inside the house, drinking and karaoking while you stayed outside with jaehyun in his dark grey hoodie.
you were fine all day until around six is when your mood began to change.
you were feeling sick and dizzy. the smell of alcohol burned your nose and made your gag repeatedly. the medium rare stake had you gagging and pale.
you sigh and turn your head away from the live bonfire. “you okay, baby? feelin’ any better?” you shake your head with a slight whine.
“i still feel like throwing up.” jaehyun clicks his tongue and frowns. “wanna go home?”
“i don’t want to be a burden and pull you away from your friends and the fun.” jaehyun shakes his head. “nonsense, baby. they’ll understand. you aren’t feeling well and they know.”
you bite your lip and look up into his eyes. “okay, let’s go home.” jaehyun grins and kisses you before turning back to his friends.
“uh, me and y/n are gonna head out. she’s still not feeling well.” jaehyun stands and helps you up.
“yeah, don’t worry. we understand.” yuta says and the others quickly agree.
“get home safe, guys.” they say as you and jaehyun walk to the car. “you guys, too!” jaehyun shouts and helps you into the passenger side.
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“no, mom. i just feel sick, that’s all.”
“are you sure you aren’t pregnant?!” your mom screams over the phone.
you chuckle and shake your head. “no, mom. i just have a little cold. or fever, who knows.”
“i do and you’re pregnant!” you pull the phone away from your ear and you make a face when hearing your mother scream.
you bring the phone back to your ear with a sigh. “mom, there’s no reason to shout. we’re on the phone.”
“honey, i know you’re pregnant. i can feel it. i can sense it. it’s a mother sense, you’ll know soon.”
you sigh and shake your head. “mom, you’re crazy. im on the pill. plus, me and jaehyun always use a condom.”
“why? you guys are married! what’s the need of a condom?”
“me and jaehyun aren’t.. really ready for kids yet. i mean, mom, we just got married.”
your mother scoffs. “i may not remember how long ago you got married but you and jaehyun did not just get married.”
“whatever mom, i love you but we’re not like you and dad who decided to have a baby right after their marriage.”
your mother laughs. “condoms don’t always work, you idiot. get a pregnancy test and just see if it’s positive or negative. you never know, honey.”
“no buts. call me when the results are in! love youuu!” she sings with smooches.
“love you too, mom.” she hangs up and you bite your lip.
you pull your phone from your ear and you toss your phone on the pillow next to you.
the next minute you’re out the door with your keys, phone and wallet, heading to the nearest store that sold pregnancy tests.
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“hey, i’m home, honey.” jaehyun says, shutting the door and kicking off his shoes.
“hey, baby. welcome home.” you walk up to him and you hug him tightly.
you pull away and bite your lip. “wanna help me fold laundry?” jaehyun nods and slips off his brief bag.
jaehyun follows you to the bedroom and sits on the bed with you, helping you fold laundry and talking about his day at work.
“—tax returns, then— oh.” he holds up the tiny sage green onesie and tilts his head. “did you accidentally mix our laundry with mrs white upstairs?”
you suck in a breath and you exhale slowly. “what’s wrong, baby?” jaehyun looks at you and lowers the tiny outfit. “what’s wrong— why’re you crying?”
“i’m sorry,” you cover your face and shake your head. “that’s for us.” you point to the onesie and you wipe under your eyes.
“for us— what do you mean?” jaehyun wipes your jaw as tears drip down them.
“i mean, im pregnant.” jaehyun stills. “pregnant?” you nod. “like, with my baby?” you laugh and nod. “who else’s baby would it be?” jaehyun scoffs a laugh. “i—i don’t know?!”
“oh, my god.” jaehyun stands. “i’m gonna be a dad.” he says quietly. “i’m gonna be a dad!” he says more loudly and begins jumping around.
you laugh at his reaction. “we’re gonna be parents, baby.” jaehyun says reaching down and cupping your face.
“god, i love you. i love you so much, baby.” jaehyun says in between each smooch. “we’re gonna be the best fucking parents ever! best fucking parents, baby.”
your cheeks will hate you after this moment but it is so worth it.
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oh-austin · 2 years
lift a finger (austin butler)
summary: in which you're heavily pregnant on the set of elvis and austin is set on making sure you the most comfortable you can be
ask / prompt : Hi! Can you please do one where the reader is pregnant and Austin is just super overprotective and cute! You choose if you want to include the birth and make it extremely fluffy. I just thought this would be amazing.
authors note / warnings: mentions of pregnancy and vomiting! I chose not to put the birth and labour in because I have another piece planned for my inez and austin series coming soon!! we love dad!austin here <3
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Nearing the end of your pregnancy, you thought you had faced the worst of it and it would be smooth sailing from here on out. Boy were you wrong.
It was hard being pregnant and married to an actor, the busy schedules and flying from location to location was hard to keep up with, but when you’re married to the man portraying Elvis Presley.. that’s a whole other story.
Austin constantly doted on you whenever he was given the opportunity, but since you were often at home whilst he was shooting- you never really gave him the chance. But since you were met with braxton hicks last week, your doctor has recommended always being in someone’s company; Austin made sure he was that someone.
If Austin was filming a scene in the hot sun, you were sitting under a sunshade in his chair. If the call time was until eleven o’clock at night, you were asleep nearby. Austin made sure he always had you close and somewhere that he could see you.
Usually, you wouldn’t complain about getting to see Austin work. Watching him in his element was truly something special, but over the last few days you’ve just wanted to lounge around in bed and maybe finish the nursery. But here you were, sat next to a bail of hay nearing nine pm as Austin and Tom filmed the carnival scenes.
“How you feeling, mamas?” Austin looked just delicious walking over to you in his black lace shirt. Reminded you of how you got pregnant in the first place. “You’re glowing,” He complimented you.
“I don’t feel like I’m glowing,” You admitted to him. It was a warm summer night in Queensland, the humidity was not your friend. Being in the northern parts of Australia came with its perks, the heat wasn’t one of them- especially when you’re eight months pregnant. “Your child has been kicking me all day,”
“My child, huh?” Austin laughed, he almost seemed offended. “How’s your stomach? Still feelin’ sick?”
“I don’t know if I’m just nauseous because I’m pregnant or because they’re moving so much,” You rubbed your hand over your belly, “But I’m starting not to care,”
“Did you want to head back to the trailer? Have you got water?” Austin looked around, “I asked to get you water like three takes ago,” Austin’s voice became frustrated when he noticed you only had your bag next to you, no water in sight.
“Hey, it’s okay! These people are here for you, not me,” You reminded him, “I don’t need water, I’m fine,” You reached for Austin’s hand the best you could and placed it on top of your belly. Like your baby knew that their daddy was there, a strong kick made you jolt in your seat.
“Hey!” Austin laughed, “You should be asleep, little miss,”
“We don’t even know if it’s a girl yet,” It was true, your gender reveal idea was canned as soon as filming picked up. Everyone that you really wanted to attend was in a different country anyway, so there really wasn’t much of a point. That and Austin loved surprises, but he was set on your baby being a little girl.
“Oh, she’s a girl,” Austin crouched down, giving your belly a kiss, “Ain’t that right, Pres?” Austin had been adamant that you were going to name your child Presley. She was made on set baby, only fair we name him after the man who brought us here, he would argue. You weren’t letting that happen.
Austin Butler, the man who played Elvis Presley named his daughter after him? You could see the headlines now.
“We’re not calling her Presley!” You tilted his chin up to look at you.
Austin’s face broke out in a cheeky grin as he stood back up, “You said she’s a girl,” He sang. As Baz called him back over to reshoot the scene, Austin danced away from you joking whilst softly chanting ‘girl, girl, girl’. You shook your head at him and laughed.
Soon, Baz had Austin film some solo shots at the carnival, making use of the set whilst they were here. Whilst Austin was busy shooting, Tom soon made his way over to you.
“Y/N, how are you?” He asked. Tom might have been one of the most genuine men you had ever met. Soft spoken and kind, he had the ability to make anyone feel safe and calm.
“I’m tired,” You admitted to him, “Probably not as tired as you are in that costume,” Tom looked barely anything like himself, it was incredible really.
“You get used to it,” He chuckled, taking a seat down in the chair next to yours, “How much longer now?” He asked.
“Three weeks,” Your eyes widened, your heart would always race whenever you admitted it out loud. Soon, you and Austin would no longer be a family of two- forever three of you.
“Wow!” He marvelled, “Not long then. The first one is always an adventure,”
“She’s been a pretty big adventure,” You laughed, patting your belly, “I’ll tell you that,” You felt a kick back in response.
“So you’re having a girl! How exciting,” Tom sat forwards the best he could, he was always so attentive in any conversation. “My second child was a girl, I love being her dad- Austin’s gonna love it too,”
“Well, we don’t know if it’s a girl, Austin just thinks it is,” You told him. Tom watched as you looked across the carnival and over at Austin, he could see the admiration in your eyes for him. Reminded him of his wife and himself. “We don’t even have a name yet,”
“Well what names do you like?” He asked.
You thought to yourself for a second, “I like Harper for a girl, Austin doesn’t like it though,” You laughed, “He says it doesn’t ‘work’”
“You’ll know when you find the right name,” Tom admitted, “You’ll understand what he means when he says ‘it works’, I promise you that,” He laughed.
“Thank you, Tom” You turned back to look at him. After a few more minutes of conversation, Baz called Tom back for another couple scenes and you were sat alone once more. Well, not completely alone- and your baby was definitely trying to remind you of that.
The longer that you sat, the more sick you began to feel. Your stomach felt like it was cramping and turning at the same time. You tried some deep breaths to calm yourself down, but you couldn’t.
Austin’s manager noticed that you weren’t feeling well, once you had to rest your head in your hands.
“Y/N, you okay?” James leant down and spoke with a quiet voice, knowing you weren’t someone who wanted the attention on themselves.
You shook your head and swallowed the lump in your throat. “I think I’m gonna be sick,”
James, with a gentle hand on your back, lead you back to Austin’s trailer and helped you into the bathroom. It was hard for you to get close to the ground these days, but at that moment- your body knew you needed to.
You threw up your dinner, your throat burned as you dry heaved over the toilet. James was kind enough to hold your hair back for you. After a few minutes, you were rested against the wall of Austin’s bathroom, James passing you a bottle of water from the miniature fridge. You thanked him softly and apologised to him.
James asked if you would be okay as you begged him to go back to work, not needing people to watch over you. You were pregnant, not helpless. So James went back to set as you sat there taking slow sips of your water.
As Baz yelled cut and announced that they were now wrapped for the night, Austin was relieved that he could now spend the rest of his night with his wife and their baby. But as he looked over to where she was supposed to be, he found his chair empty.
He should’ve noticed you were gone. Austin mentally cursed himself, always his own biggest critic. He was too invested in filming the scene he could spare a single glance over at you, he was so stupid, he thought to himself.
“James!” Austin called over to his manager. James looked nervous as he rushed over to Austin.
“I’ve just come from the trailers,” James explained, Austin noticed his uneasy nature, “Y/N has been sick, so I’ve left her in there to rest,”
“Shit!” Austin sighed, already leaving the conversation once he heard you weren’t well, “Why don’t people come and tell me these things!” He shouted back at James, “She’s pregnant!”
Austin wasn’t an angry person, he wasn’t someone to express his feelings of frustration. Rather keep them to himself and write them down in his journal later. But when it came to you and his baby, it was a different story.
Austin was overcome with anger when he saw you sitting on the bathroom floor, struggling to get back up. “Mamas, what are you doin’ down there?” Even when upset, the Elvis drawl stayed with Austin. He rushed over to you and put an arm underneath you, ready to help you to your feet.
“I was sick, I’m just trying to get up and brush my teeth,” You explained to Austin. As soon as you were back on your feet, your ankles ached once more- oh they joys of motherhood.
“Sick? How bad?” Austin put his hand to your forehead, trying to feel for a fever, “You need me to get the doctor? She’s probably not left yet-“
“Austin,” You cupped his face with your hands, “I’m okay,”
He seemed to calm down visibly in your embrace. Austin leant into your soft touch. “Promise me you’re okay?”
“I promise! I’m just pregnant, pregnant people throw up” You talked slower to try and bring Austin back down to earth. You took a few breaths with Austin before letting go of his face, going to grab your toothbrush from the bench.
“No,” Austin beat you to it, “You’re not allowed to lift a finger for the rest of the night, you’re on my time now,”
You rolled your eyes at him, taking your toothbrush back. “Aren’t you on the clock?”
“As of five minutes ago? No, no I’m not,” Austin smirked, “So, brush your teeth and get in bed,”
“Did you want to brush them for me?” You raised your eyebrows at him.
“Shh,” Austin grabbed your face softly and kissed your head, “Get brushing,”
Although Austin was doting and protective over you, you knew that Tom was right- Austin was going to be a great dad to your little girl.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
cowboy!reader i feel would be a big baker. casually just bringing in bread and cookies. one of the other agents is sick? they get dropped off their favorite treats and a water bottle. bad day? cookies on your desk the next day. i also feel like he would be a gardener or at the very least have an unhealthy amount of house plants. also a bird watcher. i have so many ideas oh boy.
- 🦦 (if not taken)
🦦isn't taken (I didn't even realise it was an emoji omg it's so cute) Also send me all the ideas please!!!
Cowboy reader taglist: (it's only one person but let me know if you wanna be tagged lol) @xweirdo101x
"Hey, y'all does anyone have any allergies?" You asked, walking into work one morning, tupperware box in hand.
"No," Hotch answered, before looking at you slightly cautiously. "Why?"
"I er, I was feeling, um, anxious? I guess," You said, placing your hat on your desk and dragging your hand over your hair, "So I baked. And I thought, since there's only me and I got a bit carried away, that y'all might want some?"
Spencer peaked over, "What's in the tub?"
"Oh, er, my Grandmama's cookies," You said with a grin as you pointed at the top tub, "And my Mama's sourdough bread."
A few days passed since then and you had made a habit of bringing in a tub of baked goods each day (you weren't lying when you said you have baked a lot). You got in early, expecting to be the first one there when you noticed Spencer sat at his desk, his shoulders slumped in defeat.
"Spence, you feeling a'right?" You asked, approaching the younger agent. Spencer looked at you giving a small nod. Seeing him hesitate, you sat down next to him, "I know I ain't a 'talk about my feelin's' kinda man, but I'm here if you wanna talk,"
"I- Cases like this make me wonder if I'm even making a difference."
You take a moment to let what he's saying sink in, "Kid, I want you to know that what I'm about to say is comin' from the bottom of my heart... But we'd be stuck six cases ago if it weren't for you." You state, "You're the reason we get through so many cases - don't tell Penelope I said that - but it's true. I ain't a man of feelin's and sentimental words, but you're the reason this team keeps goin'. Please don't even doubt yourself, because you're the most valuable member of this team."
Spencer doesn't say anything, just continues staring at his hands, "I- I'm not quite sure what to say to that..."
"There's nothin' to say, Kid." You give him a grin, "I'm just spittin' truth... Now don't tell anyone, but I got some cookies in my bag if you want 'em?" When Spencer nods, you fish through the bag, grabbing the box and hand them over. "Let me know what you think, I tried somethin' different."
"Thanks," He says softly, standing up to head to the breakroom.
"Oh, and er, don't forget to hydrate and all that," You add before making your way to your desk.
Bonus: The team meet (Y/N)'s house plants.
"This is Wyatt," You said, "He's a spider plant. And my baby," The team share a confused look, "And this is Percy, he's a money tree. These are my children and if anything happened to them I would cry."
"What about the others?"
"I haven't gotten round to naming them all just yet," You said with a shrug, "They're all new purchases,"
"How new?"
"Last month or so," You said, "I buy one or two after a hard case... We have a lot of hard cases..."
Silence filled the air, no one quite sure what to say, "Anyone want a cookie?" You asked, "I baked them last night,"
You watched the team fight for the box with a confused look.
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ilovetulips · 1 year
steve harrington x fem!reader
steve harrington has a crush on you, and he’s terrible at hiding it. short n’ sweet. i’m so sorry for not being active,, expect great things soon
steve likes to think he hides his crushes well. well enough for nobody to notice. not robin, not nancy, and especially not you. he takes care into every word that leaves his mouth, concealing his happiness whenever you speak to him.
calm, cool and collected is his motto. everyday he follows this to avoid exposure. he finds having a little crush fun, harmless even. but he didn’t know that you knew. and he didn’t know that you feel the same way.
you walk into the rusting video rental store for your shift, paired with non other than steve this morning. “mornin’ y/n” calm, cool and collected. he makes a mental note to pat himself on the back.
“g’morning steve.” you smile, strolling straight past him and into the back room to clock in. the smell of your shampoo hits steve’s senses ever so slightly and he has to stop his knees from giving out right then and there.
when you return, your vest now atop of your floral blouse, he once again has to regain control of his knees.
calm, cool and collected. the red blush on the tip of his nose that he was completely unaware of was the complete opposite of this statement ‘motto’.
“bet you it’s not gonna be busy today.” the boy says, leaning forward on the counter with his arms. you do the same, only leaning backwards on the small of your back.
“whattcha betting me, harrington?” his head turns back, hair flopping widly before he turns around and copies your posture. bingo.
while he thought he was being the most subtle guy in the world, you had a list of things that made you almost positive steve had a crush on you.
1. he masked your posture. telltale sign.
“heyyyy, steve.” your shift not starting yet, you decided to sit in the small canteen for staff. your legs stretched out and your arms crossed.
“holy— y/n. scared the shit outta me.” he pulled out the chair opposite you on the small table.
“sorry! i got bored so just decided to wait in here.” you apologised. his arms crossed over his chest.
“you’re like some freaky ghost. you’re everywhere.” his legs stretched out infront of him as he spoke. the smirk on your face disguised in a laugh.
2. his feet pointed towards you whenever you sat in a group. always.
“did you just steal my fries?” your shocked face turned towards the culprit next to you.
“dunno what you’re talkin’ about. did anyone see me take her food?” eddie raised his hands in the air, feigning innocence.
“not me!” “i didn’t!” “what food?” your friends chimed in unison.
“you’re all traitors.”
steve smiled at your words. “what’re you smiling at, harrington?” his eyes widened slightly before he responded.
“nothin’.” his smile turned into that of a guilty person’s as he reached down into his lap, his hand returning with a few fries he happily shovelled into his mouth — a few missing and falling on the floor.
you looked down in shock at your falling fries, their grease coating steve’s shoes. his feet were facing you, which wouldn’t have been odd except for the fact his body was facing a different way and he wasn’t sat directly infront of you.
you made sure to remember that.
3. everytime you weren’t involved in something, he wanted to know absolutely everything about why not.
“hey guys! where’s y/n?” steve stopped in his tracks. you rarely missed group outings, which let his steve-senses tingle at the fact something was clearly wrong.
“mmm i think she’s sick. nance said something like that. i dunno.” eddie was twirling his hair, not really paying attention.
“hm? oh, yeah. said she wasn’t feelin’ good and she couldn’t make it.” nancy chimed in, sipping her drip and sinking into the sofa next to her boyfriend.
steve’s shoulders tensed. “what kinda sick? like throwing up or just a cold?” he sat down, his leg bouncing.
the girl huffs out a laugh at the state of his panic, “she’s fine, steve. just a bit sniffly. calm down.”
calm cool and collected. totally the opposite of what he was right now. shit. was he being obvious?
and of course, nancy phones you to give you a debrief of the night - including steve’s concerns and constant questions throughout the night.
“whatcha thinkin’ about?” slow day was an overstatement. you had served one customer in the 2 hours you had been there.
“hm? oh, nothin’.” you replied, words rolling off your tongue yet the blush staining your cheeks said otherwise.
you wouldn’t have paid such close attention to his behaviour if you didn’t like him. of course you were flattered by the revelation, who wouldn’t be?
“okay. who are you thinkin’ about then.”
you whip your head around to meet his eyes. “huh?”
“you’re blushing, y/n.” your eyes widened.
“no.” he laughs at your response.
“yes.” there is that pink blush on the tip of his nose. he leans down to your level.
“steve?” you look up at him. the pink turns to a shade of maroon.
“i know you like me.” the blush spreads across his whole face, and you wouldn’t be exaggerating if you said it spread to his hands too.
“i- no- what—“ he’s a stuttering mess. it’s cute.
“hm?” he gulps.
“i like you too.” you smile sweetly, and he thinks his heart cries out with joy.
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mxlktxa · 7 months
𝘶𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳 — 𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘳
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𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘸𝘳𝘦𝘯 (𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨/'𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥'), 𝘫𝘰𝘦𝘭 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳, 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 (𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥), 𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘢𝘮𝘴 (𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘥/𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥)
𝘤𝘸; 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘥 (𝘯𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘪𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘯𝘫𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴), 𝘶𝘩𝘩… 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺
𝘤𝘩𝘱 1 — 𝘤𝘩𝘱 2…
𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
𝘵𝘭𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘴 - 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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Everyone here in Jackson was always willing to help newcomers. Damn near rushing to greet the new resident or just to snoop about and get a look. That is, of course, after Maria had gotten her glimpse and obtained some information from these people first. She always made everyone at least know about a new neighbor's existence. Not yours, though.
You were injured and sick, stuck with a little boy who you would die for. So, the pair of you were rushed into someone else’s settlement, the boy demanding to stay by your side while you recovered yet was denied being close to you. Not by the regular Jackson residents who were caring for you, but you refused him. Just the thought of him getting sick was too much for you to handle.
“Wren as much as I love you, I need you to stay away for a bit, okay? I don’t hate you, sweetheart, I just don’t want you to see me like this anymore.”
“You’re gonna be okay, right? You’re not gonna leave me?”
“No, angel, no. Not anytime soon, I promise.”
That was just a short conversation you had with the boy before he was settled upstairs. Tears were leaving you like a huge, never-ending fountain, so upset with yourself for even ending up like this in the first place. It wasn’t your fault; you can’t control how badly you get injured or how sick you could get but you still felt so stupid.
A few days in, you were just starting to heal well in both injuries and sickness, lying on the couch and staring at the ceiling as you silently counted every time you heard Wren giggle upstairs. He was playing with the man who was taking care of you both, the only joyful sound you had heard for the past few days. The only sound you wanted to hear while you recovered.
‘I’m getting better, Wren,’ you thought, “I’ll make it up to you soon, boy. I promise.’
Just as your mind settled, you realized that footsteps were coming down the steps, towards the couch you lay on. It was Wren and your caretaker, standing at the bottom of the stairs, watching you slowly sit up and smile at the two.
“Wren,” you grinned, “Mr. Miller.”
“Wren wanted to see you,” Joel chuckled, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep him over here, patting Wren’s back gently to get him talking.
“Mr. Miller has a book about space! He says there’s a girl in town that knows more too, and she could tell me! But you have to take me to her because he’s busy, so you have to get better soon so I can meet her!”
You were so overwhelmed with how happy Wren seemed, almost crying at how he jumped around and spoke with such enthusiasm. Joel laughed at the sight, shaking his head.
“What’s the magic word, kiddo?”
“Please!” Wren turned to Joel, giggling so happily that it was like he miraculously cured and healed you. The little boy turned to you, taking just two steps forward, “You’ll take me, right?”
“Oh, sweet baby,” you whispered, resting your cheek against the couch, “You don’t even have to ask that. I will take you; I have to. You’re my boy. My world,” you swore to Wren at that moment. You would give your life and do anything for him to be happy, spoil him, yet still raise him correctly and be that mother/sister figure that he needed.
Wren squealed and ran back up the steps, leaving Joel to drop the friendly demeanor and rush to check up on you, “You feelin’ better in any way?” Joel rested his hand on your forehead, nodded softly as your temperature seemed to be normal. Now all that was left was your runny nose, mild headaches, and your wounds.
“Yeah. I should be able to take care of Wren soon. Get both of us out of your hair,” you giggled, “I’m sorry to intrude, Mr. Miller.”
“Oh, please,” he shook his head, “It’s not intruding if you’re knocking on death’s door, kid. You and Wren can stay here, I don’t mind it.”
Joel hated being in such a big house all alone. Hated how silent it was during the day, hated having no one to say goodnight to before turning in for that night. Hated that he had no one to cook dinner with him or even eat with. But the second he saw how poorly you’d been and how Wren was bawling his eyes out at the thought of you dying, he realized he could keep you two close. Finally have some company in such a lonely, miserable home.
“Mr. Miller—,”
“Just Joel. You can call me Joel. That ‘Mr.’ only makes me feel older than I am.”
You giggled at his comment, nodding, “Ah… Joel,” you smiled, “Thank you for taking us in. Taking care of Wren and I,” Joel only shrugged as to say it was nothing, just a simple gesture. Going in for a hug, you winced and jumped back, hand coming down to your abdomen where you had gotten some stitches, “Okay, yeah, not there yet. Give me a few days.”
Joel chuckled, standing up and patting your head, “I’ll give you a few weeks. But I’m most certainly holding you to that hug, little miss.”
“Oh, it’s coming. Just not… Not right now.”
Joel chuckled, leaving you to rest up and get you something to drink. You only smiled at his actions, glancing at the stairs.
“Where did I go wrong?”
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crabonfire · 2 years
Mercs when your sick :(
warnings: none!!
characters: all mercenaries
note: sorry if these sicknesses r badly described,,usually whenever I get sick my Asian household gives me a cup of tea to drink and oil to rub on my stomach to feel better...and it works? so I'm not very into how Americans or other people do it 😭😭
• usually, you and him would have breakfast together so you'd have time with each other before matches start. So when he waits for you to wake up and notices your still in your room, he gets a bit worried.
• he'll knock on your door waiting for an answer. When he doesn't get one, he'll force himself in. did you die??? are u good
• then when he notices your stuffy nose and irritated expression, he goes full on panic mode.
• he's never had to care for sick people before...uhh...
• "Shit, you don't look too good Y/N...uhhh fuck-"
• asks you what's wrong, lists every little thing you say and runs off to medic.
• "Ah, a common fever, a cold, nausea...alright. Just make zhem drink zhis before zhey eat anything. If zhey start to experience headaches too, give zhem zhese."
"Thanks doc, I mean it."
• he runs back to you and starts explaining, "UH so uh...the doctor said-"
• insert really poorly explained explanation
• after he's done that, he will stay by your side all the damn time until you feel better.
• "You uh...ya feelin' any better toots? ya need anything? Water? No? Okay, just checkin'."
• after he realises your okay, just a bit under the weather, he pretends like he wasn't worried as hell. But it's pretty obvious, I mean the man is clinging on to you and cuddling you in bed. The way he's holding you feels like if he let's go his whole entire world will collapse, man is he clingy.
• after a few, if your still sick he'll beg you to get better. Why? he can't kiss you. if he kisses you, he'll get sick too. He said "What? I can't kiss you??? Why not...I don't mind being sick with you." But also "...wait but if I'm sick then who's gonna take care of you?? Goddammit!"
• he will pepper your face with kisses all over your body, just not receiving any back. Will try to make soup for you and does a surprisingly decent job. Will MURDER anybody who even thinks of bothering you.
• "Get well soon okay? I miss not being able to make out with you. Its weird...but also I just don't like seein' ya sick. so get well soon okay? and-ask me for anything. Let big strong scout take care of you, got it?"
scout make out with me challenge
• he's the first to wake up at 5 in the freakin morning and wakes everybody else up by yelling into their doors. he always goes last with you though, letting you get that 5 minutes of extra sleep.
• when he does get to your door, he knocks slightly less aggressive than with the others. "WAKE UP CADET! WE HAVE A FULL DAY AHEAD OF US. ITS TIME TO WAKE UP!"
• you groan loudly and wake up, stepping to the door. He's quite confused to be greeted by you, yet you have a stuffy red nose and you look like you slept in a dump. Oh boy, what happened?
"Solly, I think I'm sick- sneeze oh there it is sniff."
• he's super dramatic about it, even more than you thought.
• carries you bridal style and runs off to Medic's medbay before Medic is even in there. He places you onto the patient bed and runs off to get Medic.
• "Soldier, did jou really have to barge into my room? I was very busy in zhe bathroom!"
"I'm afraid that's not how it works, but I will do my best."
• will not let you leave your room, he stands guard infront of your door to make sure nobody even dares to step foot near it.
• he checks in on you a lot, asks Engineer to make you some soup.
• once he's sure nobody is going to bother you, he's holding you tightly and making sure you feel comfortable. it's surprisingly quiet but he doesn't want to irritate your head, from time to time he will ask how your feeling and if he needs to get more soup or medication.
• he will be very wary of you now, after you get better he will inspect what you eat and how you feel so that you don't get sick anymore.
•assure him your okay please, he will not stop this for weeks.
solly?!?!??! faints
• you and him cannot be separated. even in matches, so when you come back looking sick he's very very worried.
• "hhudda hhuuddhaa mmddhh??" (Are you okay??)
" sniff I'm feeling a bit sick, now that you mention it."
"HHUDYDA?!?!??!" (SICK?!?!?!!)
• doesn't know what to do but first thing he does is lock you in your room, then running off to engie for help.
"Woah easy there buddy! Calm down-calm down. Hmm..oh! We could make some soup for them? Soup helps with sickness usually. Would you like if I made them some soup?"
" HHHUDA!! :D" (YEA!! :D)
"Great, I'll start workin' on it. You go ask Medic for some medicine."
• as soon as engie says that he will RUN GALLOP FUCKING FLY OVER TO THE MEDBAY.
"Ah, hello pyro-AH-"
Pyro has both his hands on medic's shoulders, shaking him aggressively.
• Engie overhears this and stops his cooking to give Pyro a lecture on why you should not yell and grasp your hands while you shake them aggressively, begging them for medicine. He understands and apologises, as Medic huffs and gives him the medication you need.
• when he finally unlocks the room he has a bowl of nice warm cream soup for you. He sets it aside on the table by your bed as he runs back out to get your assorted medication.
• he will spend the entire day with you, drawing cute pictures of you together and writing get well soon notes non stop.
• if your not well by tomorrow or stay sick for longer, he will leave you sweet messages while he's out on the battle field.
"Get well soon sunshine :) -pyro"
"I miss you!!! -yours truly"
"I just set 3 people on fire and all I could think about was you, love you. -pyro"
also ppl infantilize him a lot when I think he'd be a very corny partner, pyro my beloved.
• You usually come by to check up on him every night to see if he's drinking too much or getting into trouble. Sometimes he'd get super drunk on purpose just for you to take care of him.
• but your not there, in fact now that he thinks about it he hasn't seen you all day. hmm...u good?
• he goes over to your room, half sober and notices your slumped body on the table. Your asleep? But you seem annoyed. He notices how red your face is, and presses the back of his palm gently on your forehead. My god, your burning up!
• he's been taking care of his mother for a long time, so of course he knows how to take care of an ill person.
• he'll gently carry you and place you onto your bed, then get a cold wash cloth. if you wake up in the process, he will greet you softly. this man may be half drunk right now, but he knows when he needs to sober up!
"Hiya lassie, ye slept on the bloody desk and I can tell yer burnin up! Stay in bed for a bit for me, ok?"
• he will give you a kiss on your forehead, before heading off to your bathroom and preparing you a lukewarm bath. while you both wait for the water to fill the tub, he sits on the side of the bed, placing the cool wash cloth on your forehead.
• "Heh, how could ye get sick like this? Ye must've not been takin' care of yerself eh? No worries, I'm here."
• he makes sure your super comfortable, even refusing for you to walk as he carries you into the bath. letting you undress, he waits by the tub to make sure everything feels right.
the waters not too cold right? it shouldn't be, it should be lukewarm. do you want a sponge bath instead? No? okay. that's fine.
• once you get out of the bath, he gives you everything you need. Getting you light clothing, even making you a cool drink to rid of your fever. He won't stay in bed with you, because he doesn't want to crowd your sickness. But once he knows your asleep, he will smile and leave you alone.
• if your still sick by tomorrow? he will try extra hard to make sure your feeling better, anything you want he will get. After you do feel better, he will take you out to a fancy dinner. ( some ppl keep forgetting tav is rich and I find that so funny tbh) and treat you the entire day, giving you a free day as a treat for you.
man I love tav sm
• you two were having lunch together after a long match, you were absolutely killing it on the battlefield! though you made the mistake of not showering right after the match, making your body become drenched in sweat.
• "Ah...ACHOO!"
"...Y/N...are you ill?"
"Nah...probably just got something caught in my -ACHOO!"
• oh no!! you got a cold :(
• he gets a bit worried, but he has taken care of his entire family once when they were sick, so this is no problem.
• does not let you out of your room.
• makes you tea with some honey, and prepares you some delicious chicken noodle soup!! the best soup for colds :)
• will stay in your room with you for the day, asking you every couple of minutes if your okay. though he knows rest is important when in a cold, so he usually just stays quiet reading in your desk while he makes sure you don't wake up in the middle of the night or anything similar to that.
• honestly like...like super duper strict yet he's so sweet. if cold gets worse, he will get some medicine from Medic. Some to soothe a sore throat, some to clear a stuffy nose, all that jazz.
• "lisichka, are you feeling better? if not, Heavy is always here to help. please do not be shy to ask."
• makes sure nobody bothers you, if anybody comes to knock on your door at night all he will do is glare at them and shush them. "No, They are sick. If you do not stop bothering them I will rip your tiny head from tiny body. understand?"
• not much to say other than the fact he's not leaving your side for the day. he makes sure your 100% back in tip top shape before he even THINKS of leaving you alone while your sick.
• if you don't get better for a while, he will be extra diligent...and worried. He knows he's overreacting, he's usually someone who never does that, but what if you get sicker? a rougher disease? he wouldn't know what to do.
• though when Medic assures him its just a cold that's lasting longer than usual, he's more content with himself and tries not to worry.
• before you sleep, he will always give you goodnight forehead kisses. I can see he isn't a very romantic type of person, so moments like these is when he feels truly vulnerable with you. He blushes every time, this adorable man.
• "goodnight moya lyubov, get well soon."
I'm gonna kiss heavy💯💯💯 REAL!!!
♡Engineer ♡
• you two were relaxing in your room, he was talking about his latest invention and you were happily listening.
• but then you felt a weird feeling in your stomach, like you wanted to throw up. And...you did. You gagged and ran straight for your bathroom, throwing up in the toilet seat.
• he was quite shocked, and came after you. As you threw up, he kneeled next to you and rubbed circles on your back. "Hey hey, that's it let it all out..."
• when you finish, he's super duper worried. "Sugar-cube...are you alright? You seem a bit sick...did you eat anythin' funny?"
"Now that you mention it...Scout did give me a weird tasting can of bonk earlier."
"That scout...tell me, what do you feel?"
• he will write in his head about the things your feeling, and go straight to the doctor.
so a cold, sore throat, and slight nausea? cool cool, he's got it covered.
• "Sit tight honey, I'm gonna get some medicine for ya."
• is pretty calm honestly. he doesn't get sick a lot but when he does, he usually takes care of it so he can go straight back to work. So he's not worried or anything. he's a smart guy, of course he'd know it's best to take care of yourself.
• rest is crucial to cure a cold, so he will insist on leaving you to your room. he will check up on you every couple of hours, if your awake he'll ask if you need anything and if your feeling better.
• if you get worse, he will stay with you the entire time. leaving his work unattended just for a bit.
• very caring. each sneeze you let out or the way your tired eyes struggle to stay open makes his eart ache just a little.
"You don't need to force yourself to be awake, darlin'. I don't mind watchin' over you."
or something corny as fuck like "Even when you got that puffy red nose and those weary eyes, ya still look adorable."
• not much to say other than that honestly, just a sweet, caring and calm lover when your sick.
engie my beloved
• he knows your sick without you even telling him
• will randomly tell you to get onto the patient bed.
"Medic...what are you doing?"
"Checkup! Jou are sick mein schatz, I just need to know exactly vhat sickness it is. places gloves on now, relax. "
• checks on your eyes, mouth, all thay jazz. Once he does he asks you some normal questions.
like "How have jou been feeling lately? Any dizzyness while working?"
• after a small checkup, he writes it all on his board and gets some medication from his drawer.
"Alright, jour body temperature is unusual and from jour sore throat and lack of sleep jou may be getting a fever tomorrow or tonight. Once jou do, I want jou to take zhese. Take zhem after jou eat, three times a day, and zhis before you sleep tonight. If it does not cure by the next two days, I will give jou more to help with it. Understand?"
"Yea..thank you medic."
"Of course, take care of jourself more...and get more sleep for God's sake mein liebe."
• are you surprised he guessed your fever before it even occurs? Yeah. are you complaining? oh fuck no.
• it's amazing how he could guess, because as he said, by tomorrow morning you had been feeling terrible. As you placed your hand on your forehead, the heat it radiated was absolutely irritating.
• when you got out of the room to get yourself some food, to your surprise medic was in the kitchen...making food?
• "Ah mein schatz jour awake, guten morgen!"
"Morning medic, what'cha makin'?"
"Breakfast of course! I am making chicken noodle soup! With the help of heavy, I cannot cook haha."
outta nowhere, Heavy just appears 😭😭
"holyshit-hi heavy!"
Medic begins to explain your diet for the day, what to eat what to avoid, what to do and what to not do, etc.
As he does, Heavy is cutting up fruits for you. Medic says fruit is good for fevers.
Once the soup is done, Medic sits you down and let's you eat. "How is it?"
"Mmm...this is soooo good babe. You and heavy did a great job, thank you!"
"Thank you Y/N. "
"I'm glad jou like it, remember your diet, okay?"
"Yeah yeah, just leave me to eat this soup already."
With a hearty laugh, he gives you a kiss on your temple as him and heavy both go their separate ways.
• he won't really spend a lot of time with you, he doesn't want to distract you so for the entire day he let's you rest up in your room as he continues his work.
• not a very passionate man when your sick, but he really just wants you to get better, don't take it to heart.
medic cannot cook LMFAOOOOO
• you went into his camper van already feeling a bit nauseous, but you decided to ignore it because you wanted to spend time with him.
• as he was ranting about how scout stole his kill, you very quickly felt the pressure build up and ran to the door, throwing up on the ground.
• he was very much surprised, it took him a second but he got up to check what happened.
• "Oh...uh...are you okay?"
"...mundy I just threw up-no, no I'm not."
"Sorry... uh...."
He's gotten sick but his parents are the ones who take care of him...HE DOESNT MMOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF OTHER PEOPLE!!! HES A SNIPER HE TAKES CARE OF PEOPLE BY SHOOTING THEM.
• runs off to medic, who is very concerned to find a distressed sniper.
"Doc...uh...Y/N...is uh...throwing up a lot. uh..."
insert awkward pause
• takes him to you as you sit by the camper with the most sad face anybody has ever seen.
• "Are jou alright? What are jou feeling?"
You tell him what you feel, bla bla all that jazz. Medic nods as you do and prescribes you with nausea, and a cough. pretty basic stuff.
yet...sniper is so worried. again, it's common illness! But...he's never taken care of anybody. Even as an adult without his parents usually he'll just let the sickness pass without a thought in his head.
He's a bit ashamed to say the least. Ashamed he can't take care of a common illness his lover is going through.
• will stay with you all day and make sure you have everything you need. if you feel like throwing up again he'll get you some ginger tea to help soothe it.
• will go to medic personally while your chilling and ask for tips, and medic ends up rambling about illnesses to sniper. sniper is intrigued but weirdly interested??
"And for colds, jou want to make sure zhey are warm. BUT NOT TOO WARM! rambles on"
"Ah..." He says as he nods along.
• sniper tells medic he feels a bit ashamed not being able to take care of a simple illness, Medic comforts him and tells him it's fine and reassures him that it's nothing to be ashamed of. (this is a weird friendship ik but it's cute hehe)
• he does everything medic tells him, and does a really good job! Thanks to them, your all well now.
• mundy doesn't need to be worried because now he knows how to cure the ill!! Yayyyyy
he doesn't know how to take care of a sick person LMFAOOO LOSER (make out with me mundy)
• you hadn't left your room all day, heck he didn't even know if you were awake or not.
• feeling a bit worried, he knocked on your door.
knock knock
he waits for a bit, then the door shuffles to open revealing you. but, you look different.
the red puffy nose? those tired eyes? and the way you so loosely stood? oh your sick, doesn't take an idiot to figure that out.
"Y/N, are you sick?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"It's a small flu, it'll pass Spy."
"Hm, no."
• will ask if he can come in and as he does, you both sit down on the edge of your bed as he asks you tons of questions.
"Have you drunk any medication?"
"Yeah, once I woke up I felt pretty sick so I went to medics and he said it was best for me to rest."
"Good, have you eaten yet?"
"No, not yet."
"..I see."
silence falls between you two until he stands up and walks out of the room without a word.
"Spy? Uh...Spy where are you going?"
"Save your voice cherie, I'm going to make you a meal. Do not leave the room."
"Oh! Uh...okay."
• then he goes, leaving you in the room. it's a bit endearing how quickly he is to make you some food just by hearing the fact you need to eat.
• meanwhile, spy is in the kitchen making the most tasty chicken soup any man has ever laid their eyes on. oh my god just describing it is making my mouf water rn...yum
• scout and demoman walk into the kitchen, scout starts to bother him and demoman is trying to get a taste of the soup.
"Didn't know you could cook, Spy. You could've been making us food all this time but you really put Engie ta do all da work? wowwww, what a friend you are." rambles on
spy is too focused on his soup to care at the moment, chopping up vegetables to put in it
demo is drooling rn trying his best not to just take a big spoonful sip of it
In the end, spy just goes off with the soup and whatever is left he stores safely and threatens anyone that eats it a butterfly knife to the back of their heads. (He's saving it for you incase you want seconds.)
Now he's back in your room, a tray in his hands with soup and a fucking tea kettle with a cup.
He places it on your bedside table, as he hands you the soup. When you take it, he starts to gently pour some herbal tea into the cup for you.
When you take a sip of this soup, all your five senses activate and its like going through a delicious savory heaven of flavor. He's such a good cook, whyd he hide that talent?
The tea stays on the tray, as he leans by the door to watch you eat, smirking as your expression turns from tired into a happy one. He's quite proud of himself.
"Spy...this is so fucking good. What the hell...cook for me more? Oh my god...im drooling."
He chuckles, his voice low. "If you ask nicely then maybe I'll oblige, mon couer."
You almost splurt out your soup, he manages to make your cheeks heat up even when your sick. What kind of man says that sort of thing? Spy, spy is.
• will listen to you blabber and compliment his soup expertise, when you ask for seconds, he gets very giddy on the inside.
• for the entire time you get sick, he comes to you when you need a meal or when you need anything. You need tons of rest when you have a flu, he knows that. So, as much as he wants to hold you and cradle you in his arms, he has to leave you be.
• He doesn't want to get infected, if so, who will take care of you?
• though after, he will envelop you in kisses. Saying how much he missed your lips on his. Buys you a gift for being so well when your sick. Honestly, this guy is crazy with gifts.
spy 💘
sorry if some were longer than others!! I probably just didn't know what to add. Anyways, SORRY AGAIN for not posting much. Shit has been TOUGH man. But, I'm gonna write a ton for the next couple of weeks so leave your TF2 requests in my inbox!! I'm always up for ideas :)
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dreamyshape · 3 months
( i hope you are taking these kinds of requests) Can i request marco taking care of a sick bug? (Oneshot or headcannons is fine)
Heeey, this took awhile to pop out but I hope you like it! I might draw something for this later if I get the motivation! I hope you enjoy!
Feeling Green
Bug and Marco Oneshot!
(Bug is sick, Bodie went to get herbs, Marco visits!)
“Hey Bug, I need to check that leg of yours.” Bodie knocks on your door. You cough and tell him to come in. You’re sitting on the bed, that was once Marco’s, as you shield your eyes from any light. You have a skull splitting headache, your throat burns, and you feel nauseous but you don’t want to worry the big gator man. “Kiddo, you feelin alright there?” the gator questions. You nod but you can just feel his mother hen mode kicking in. “Come on now, your skins awfully pale. You coming down with something, bug?” The worried reptile places a scaled hand to your forehead. “You feel awfully warm. A fever perhaps?” You shake you head and decide to tell him what’s going on. He huffs and stands up, “I know what you have but I don’t have the right herbs to take care of you. I’ll have to go gather them real quick. Will you be fine on your own?” You nod. “Alrighty, I’ll be back in a jiffy!” Before you can bid him goodbye, he’s out the door. You can’t help but sigh at how kind he is and decide to take a nap. Maybe it’ll make your headache go away.
*knock knock* “Bodie, you in there? I came to give you some supplies.” Marco calls out to Bodie, unaware of his absence. “Bodie?” The gator boy asks again before swinging the door to the hut open. “Maybe he isn’t here, I’ll just drop these on the counter I suppose. I wonder if bedbug is here.” Marco’s steps echo in the house and Maria flutters behind him. “Hey, Buggy, you in there?” A cough and a quiet ‘yes’ is the only thing he receives. Your voice sounds rather gravely. “Can I come in?” he’s gotta ask’s, not wanting to barge in. You tell him to enter and he slowly cracks the door open. You are a rather pitiful sight at the moment and he can’t help but feel sorry for you. “You alright? You look like someone hit you with a poisonous arrow.” He chuckles and you groan. The headache you had is worse than what it was before you decided to take a nap. The throbbing pain had almost drowned out Marco’s words. “Seriously, Bug, are you alright? You look sickly.” You nod, no point in lying with the way he looks at you. You’re still nauseous and the room is spinning but you still find the strength to open your eyes and look at him. “Jeez, bug, what could have possibly caused this?” The slim gator thinks aloud. “And where is Bodie? I didn’t see him when I came in.” You tell him that he went looking for medicinal herbs for you. “I might just have them. Did he say what he was looking for?” You shake your head. “Can you tell me what’s wrong with you and maybe I can see if I have any.” You weakly nod and explain what’s going on. “Oh, you need a mixture of Fennel, Turmeric, and, oregano. I’m sure I have enough to make you some makeshift medicine.” The halfblood huffs before leaving the room. You open your eyes further and just now notice that Maria is standing on your stomach. She caws and uses her beak to lightly tap your head before flying off to Marco who, judging by the noises, is in the kitchen. You drape your hand over your eyes and groan, trying to settle the headache. Marco suddenly pops back into the room holding a small cup and an oddly colored mixture. “Now then, this should help but I’m gonna warn you that it will probably taste bad.” He just slightly smiles and walks toward your… well his, bed. He sits down at the side and you prop yourself up. “I assume you can hold this on your own, yeah?” He questions, he tried to make it sound like a silly little joke but you can tell he is slightly worried. You nod and, with shaky hands, lift the cup to you mouth. The first few sips make you grimace but you push through and soon finish the cup. He pats your head. “You should lay down and give it time to settle. I need to head out. I’ll see you soon, Bug.” You wave goodbye and lay down. Ready to fall asleep. You listen to the gentle creaking of the floorboards before your conciseness fads.
“Hey, Sugarbug, I got the herbs you need!” You stir from sleep to the sound of Bodie. He opens your door and notices the color to your skin has returned. “Huh, did you get better while I was gone?” You look up at the gator and explain that Marco came over and helped you with your sickness. “Oh? This is the second time he’s come over when I was out collecting herbs.” You smile and sit up, your headache has calmed down and you no longer feel like you’re gonna puke your insides out. “Well looks like I have extra herbs just in case this happens again but let’s hope it doesn’t.” He chuckles before heading back into the kitchen. You remain sitting on the bed and look over your leg, before sighing and standing up to help Bodie in the kitchen. You never got to thank Marco.
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gennyanydots · 1 year
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin Masterlist
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader
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Third Amendment- Based off a text post by “spn-marvel-nerd”
‘Desperately need a top gun fic based on the 3rd amendment. It’d be so funny.
Like imagine you’re just living with one of them or something and at random times you just kick them out bc of the third amendment.’
Hunting season is open - 18+ Please note fic warnings. You just need to keep moving and you’ll stay safe.
Connected One-Shots/Two-Shots
Spitfire universe masterlist - Connected stories between the Dagger Squad members and their significant others.
Matching Wits - How Jake met his wife. Spitfire Universe
When did you swallow glass? Jake’s wife gets sick Spitfire Universe
Spitfire - “So Mrs. Hangman where have you been hiding and why have you left me alone with these idiots?” Spitfire Universe
Kindergarten Failure - Jake's Spitfire is back and sassier than ever and she's got a lesson to teach or the jealousy fic nobody asked for Spitfire Universe
Whose name have you been screaming in bed? - You're just wondering whose name you've been screaming. Spitfire Universe
Strong people aren’t born they’re built- How did Jake’s spitfire become the way she is? Spitfire Universe
We’re expecting a baby but it could be a dinosaur- Jake’s spitfire of a wife is pregnant. They’re pretty sure with a baby but who knows? Spitfire Universe
Ready or not- Jake’s ready to be a dad. The birth? Not so much. Spitfire Universe
Your Son- Eli is Jake’s son when he doesn’t listen. Spitfire Universe
It was a nudge! - Eli is ready to walk but he needs to wait a minute Spitfire universe
Under two minutes - She thought you couldn’t get kicked out of a bar in under two minutes. What were you supposed to do? Not get kicked out? Spitfire Universe
Your kids are driving me nuts! -Jake can’t wait to get home to you and his two terrors. Two right? Spitfire Universe
Fuck Santa! - Fanboy wasn’t thinking when he taught Jake’s son his new favorite phrase. Spitfire Universe
Christmas Alarm Clock - Jake just wanted to sleep a little bit longer Christmas morning. Was that too much to ask? With a toddler? Oh yes, it is. Spitfire Universe
Ready or not: baby number 2- Ready or not Jake’s wife is having baby number 2. Can the Dagger Squad handle this? Spitfire Universe
Daddy’s getting cock blocked - 18+ Jake and his wife thought having kids would be fun until they wanted to have alone fun… Spitfire Universe
Grumpy Games - Jake’s wife has been grumpy lately and he wants to get her out of her head. He thinks he might have come up with a way to do just that. Spitfire Universe
Forced to go to the strip club - It’s Bob’s bachelor party and their babysitter cannot handle them. Reinforcements must be called in. Reinforcements are sleepy. Spitfire Universe
Do you want a skittle, mommy?- Potty training Spitfire Universe
Wan dat, dada! - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader Jake sent his wife and his son out on a mommy/son weekend but didn't realize just how stubborn his wife's carbon copy is. Can anyone speak toddler? Hangman definitely can't. Spitfire Universe
All Hail the Heartbreaker - Why couldn’t the shy girl get the quarterback? Why couldn’t they fall in love and be high school sweethearts? Get married and have a bunch of kids. Why couldn’t someone like him be interested in someone like you? You knew why… Followed by Be My Escape (Rooster x reader) and Have Faith in Me (Rooster x reader)
I'm just now feelin feisty - 18+ Bradley is such a good boy but you? You’re a brat through and through. Your poor daddy. Hangster x F!reader
I wanna feel good tonight- 18+ Jake makes good on his promise to buy you the strap on you wanted. Follow up to I'm just now feelin feisty Hangster x F!reader
I had to let go of you just to get a hold of myself masterlist -Jake’s felt numb for a while. Outside he hasn’t let anything show, he keeps his typical façade but inside he feels nothing. Nothing at all. Even the thrill of flying is waning and that’s what he left everything for. Soon he’ll have nothing. He’ll be an empty shell of a man.
Take me with you - Six years ago Jake had a motorcycle accident and he lost some of his memories. He’s regained most of them but there’s something he’s forgotten. Something big. Sometimes in his dreams he gets glimpses of things he feels like he should remember but the flashes of memories are gone when he wakes up. Biker!au Connected to Biker!au Bradley fic: But this is love I just can’t live without and connected to Biker!au Bob fic:
*Do not copy, repost, or translate my writing even with credit.
*Reblogs and replies make writers happy and more likely to write more.
* I write from my own perspective as a cis female so any ‘x reader’ will most likely have she/her pronouns unless stated otherwise.
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stevenose · 11 months
Do you do sick Steve? Cuz I rlly want to take care of him when he’s not feelin good
yeah hurt comfort is my JAM!!
givin him a little kiss, quick about it, because he’s weakly swatting you away every time you try. “honey, this shit’s not fun, you don’t want it.” he doesn’t even have a fever. you’re actually pretty sure it’s exhaustion, which is still horrible, but at the very least not contagious. however, steve’s also dramatic. something that you’d call “not a big deal” is, for him, “the worst thing that could ever happen to me and this is punishment for all of my sins”. (he falters when you ask what sin he’s talking about, then bashfully answers, “lust?”)
“fine,” you mumble, dodging his hand for a quick peck on his cool forehead. “lemme kiss you elsewhere.”
“oh?” he asks. he’s laying on his back on his bed, a record playing. staring up at the ceiling. miserable. but he perks up when you kiss down his chest, playfully nipping and kissing him.
“yeah,” you promise. “let me take care of you.”
he’s fisting the sheets and biting the flesh of his thumb when you go down on him. you’re nice and gentle, not taking him in very deep. just giving him enough attention that it takes his mind off of things. running your tongue around his tip, his precum addictive. “you taste so good, stevie,” and the nickname makes him blush a little harder than he already is. kissing his shaft, worshipping it, really. kissing the little freckles on it. working your lips around his aching balls while jerking his soaked cock off in your palm. it really doesn’t take much for him to cum, body entirely spent, full on exhausted and boneless.
steve can’t even push you or swat you away when you come up to kiss him gently again. “get a nap in, okay? i’m gonna make you some soup and bread and grab you a tea. sound good?”
“uh huh,” he mumbles, blissed out, looking at you through his nearly closed eyelids. he’s smiling. “i love you.”
“i love you, pretty boy,” you whisper, tucking him in and giving him one final kiss before heading down to his kitchen.
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bylrlve · 7 days
the heart and the light
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You Are in Love - one night, he wakes, strange look on his face, pauses then says: “you’re my best friend”… you understand now why they’ve lost their mind and fought the wars, and why i’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words
Don’t Blame Me - something happened for the first time in the darkest little paradise, shakin’, pacin’, i just need you
Francesca - though i know my heart would break, i’d tell them “put me back in it”… i could find you, darling, in any life
The Great War - and maybe it was egos swinging, maybe it was her… my hand was the one you reached for
To Be Alone - honey, when you kill the light and kiss my eyes, i feel like a person for a moment of my life, “maybe, we should run away”, not a trace of me would argue
Everything has Changed - all my walls stood tall painted blue, but i’ll tear ‘em down, tear ‘em down, and open up the door for you, and all i feel in my stomach is butterflies (the beautiful kind, making up for lost time)
evermore - it was real enough to get me through (i swear you were there)
I’m a Mess - and oh, i’ve known it for the longest time, and all of my hopes, all of my words, are all over written on the signs when you’re on my road, walking me home… and though i’ve only caused you pain, you know, but all of my words will always be low of all, all the love you spoke when you’re on my road, walking me home
Hello - i’m in california dreaming about who we used to be when we were younger and free… i must have called a thousand times to tell you i’m sorry for everything that i’ve done
As It Was - tell me if somehow, some of it remains, how long that you would wait for me, how long i’ve been away
High Infidelity - do you really wanna know where i was april 29th? do i really have to tell you how he brought me back to life?
Are ‘Friends’ Electric? - so i open the door, it’s the friend that i left in the hallway… you know, i hate to ask, but are ‘friends’ electric?
Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) - someday, love will find you, break those chains that bind you
Breakdown - i’m not afraid of you running away, honey, i get the feelin’ you won’t
Cosmic Love - i heard your heart beating, you were in the darkness, too, so i stayed in the darkness with you
Boys Don’t Cry - i would break down at your feet and beg forgiveness, plead with you
Smalltown Boy - the love that you need will never be found at home
You Spin Me ‘Round (Like a Record) - i got to be your friend now, baby, and i would like to move in just a little bit closer
First Light - and i can scarce believe what i’m believing in, can this be how every day begins?… and after this i’m never gonna be the same, and i am never going back again… like i’ve lived my whole life before the first light
My Love Will Never Die - you’ve done me wrong for a long, long time, but after all you’ve done i never changed my mind (my love will never die)… pick a blossom and hold it, hold it, to your breast, and you’ll know that’s my love bursting loud from inside (my love will never die)
Achilles Come Down - remember the pact of our youth: where you go i’m going, so jump and i’m jumping, since there is no me without you
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - holding hands while the walls come tumbling down, when they do i’ll be right behind you
Kettering - but something kept me standing by that hospital bed (should’ve quit but instead i took care of you)
Work Song (Live) - i was burning up a fever, didn’t care much how long i lived, but i swear i thought I dreamed her (never asked me once about the wrong i did)… if the lord don’t forgive me, i’ll still have my baby and my babe will have me… in the low lamp light i was free, heaven and hell were words to me
Take Me To Church (Live From London) - should’ve worshipped her sooner… we were born sick, you heard them say it, i was born sick, but i love it, command me to be well…. my lover’s the sunlight
Sunlight - i had been lost to you, sunlight, flew like a moth to you, sunlight… a soul that’s born in cold and rain knows sunlight… at last can grant a name to a buried and a burning flame as love and it’s decisive pain… strap the wing to me, death-trap-clad happily, with wax melted, i’d meet the sea under sunlight
Heroes - and we kiss, as though nothing could fall, and the shame, the shame was on the other side, and we can beat them forever and ever, and we can be heroes just for one day
I cannot fix on the hour or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation.. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew I had begun - Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more - Emma, Jane Austen.
The first night they allowed me above decks on the voyage to Villa Nueva del Grao there was a full moon. Do you remember—of course you do—how we all used to sleep on the roof at Caprarola, and you would creep under my blanket and ask me all the questions that were racing around your head and stopping you falling asleep? How could bats see in the dark? … Could you marry me when we grew up?… One night, when the moon was full, I explained to you about how the moon controls the tides, and you said I was like the moon and you were the sea, always following me about. And I said nothing, because I knew it was truly the other way around.“ — Sins of the House of Borgia, Sarah Bower
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deadmomjokes · 5 months
For anyone interested, following up on that preschool dance time incident, I have finally put together a playlist of my child's (current) favorite songs.
I have, over past few months of building this list and in the past few days of pruning it of old tracks she's not into anymore, asked her the name of each song, the artist, and what she thinks about it. These are her responses.
Time of your life by the band singer called Greeeeeeen Day SHHH NO DON'T TALK THAT'S MY SONG I WANNA HEAR IT!!! *sings along with shocking accuracy*
Middle by Jimmy in the World I think maybe it's about a roller coaster, and you have to be patient too. 'Cause see, it says "It just takes some time," so now you have to wait, and be patient.
PAIN by 'Magine Dragons I'm a freight train named PAIN! So this is my song. ^_^
Gimme that Fire OOOOOOEEEOOOO by.... um... i don't know this guy You know, you should not touch fire, it's HOT. Also, don't say gimme, you can say please, that's more polite.
Polaroid by 'Magine Dragons *too busy singing along to offer commentary*
Here Comes the Sun doo-doo-doo-doo by I don't know, that's a singer but probably I don't know their name I think that's about how it's okay, so don't worry. See? 'It's alright.' So it's alright!
It's the Hotdog Song! by It's Green Day too! This one is really called Polly Anna, but its picture is a hotdog on the music website on the computer, so it makes me think of hotdogs. I think this one is for being optimistic! *thumbs up* YEAH!
Record Player by Um.... It's the guys that sing it, and a girl sings it too What is a record player? Why did she dyed her hair green? 🤔 Oh, he says he's in the elevator, I like to go on elevators too. 😊
Be Careful by I don't know who sings that, I just like it because it says "be careful," and it's good to be careful. It's a dramatic song, so you have to do a dramatic dance. Like BALLET. *the most dramatic ballet dancing you've ever seen*
BONES by That's 'Magine Dragons, too. I think I like 'Magine Dragons a LOT. Magic isn't real, but this is a being determined song. *muscle arms*
I don't know what this one's called, but I think the band is Green Day, because it sounds like that. This one's got the big drums that are really loud, and that's why it's a rock song. I like rock songs, they're DETERMINED.
Am A Mess by A. J. R? He maybe needs a bath if he is messy... [see also] I like that funny whistle sound.
Astronaut in the Ocean (that's a rap song) by *shrug* That's really silly, because astronauts go to space, not the ocean. I think he needs a spaceship instead. Maybe he's lost and that's why he's in the ocean instead of space.
The Stick Song by Um... Mama? Who does sing this one? Stick is not a season-- the seasons are like winter and summer-- but it is a fun song. *proceeds to do a tappy kicky dance* [see also] You should probably not drink alcohol-- some people like to drink it, but it can make you real sick in your brain and your tummy-- so I think he needs juice instead. Maybe his friends will bring some for Christmas.
Shotgun by That guy also sings the other song we heard in the car, and he has a deep voice that is ~calm~ It must be hot where he's going, because he says 'hot sun' a lot. But what does "feelin like a someone" means...? 🤔
Daylight by The Guy Who Sings It It says 'running from the daylight,' but the daylight is just the sun, and you can't run away from the sun because it's all over, so maybe he just likes to stay inside until it is night. Yeah, that's what that means.
Paint the Town Red by Lady Rap Singer There is a part with a rap- a girl rap singer, because most rap singers are boys but she's a girl- and she says UGH like something is yucky. I like that part. But why does she say UGH?
SUNYOOF by ???? It is called SunROOF, but it sounds like he says sunYOOF, so I call it sunyoof. And we have a sunroof in our car, so I like this song in the car the most.
Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift I don't know how the summer is crool, but that's just what it says. [see also] WHAT? Blue is not a shape! *thinks* My body is shaped like arms and legs, not blue....
Liddle Bit of Sunshine by One-Re-Public, that's also who sings the song Counting Stars Mama, when it says SUNSHINE you gotta open the sunroof because it says 'throwing up the shade for a little bit of sunshine," so you gotta let in the sunshine, okay?
Young by Miley Cyrus *also too busy singing along with shocking clarity to make comments*
Antee Heeeero by Taylor Swift I don't know why she says she's a monster on a hill, because she's just a girl.
The one with the deedle-ee-deedle-ee-dee-dee guitar thing by *still busy playing air banjo* I think this one is about being patient, because he says he's gonna wait, and that takes a LONG time. And it has a good harmonies, that's the part where it's like a duet, only lots of guys sing so it goes "ooooooo" together, and then the guitar thingy goes like *kicking and flailing* like that!
I think she's got a future in writing music reviews, js
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thefairylights · 8 months
For day 25 of kinktober, I am sharing a second playlist. This one contains more r&b and slower, sensual songs plus my usual dark and religious blasphemy music. @vampirefest
I give to you:
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Vampire fest kinktober, come again. 21 songs.
01) The Weeknd/The Hills
I only love it when you touch me, not feel me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me
When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe
Hills have eyes, the hills have eyes
Who are you to judge?
02) Sabrina Claudio/Belong to You
It ain't strictly physical but I know that
I wanna lay where you lay
So I think you should fuck with me, yeah
You don't want to take me out the street, yeah
I can give you everything you need, yeah
Need you in my reach, yeah
03) Doja Cat/Casual
Take it off, follow me now
Let me in, don't shut me out
Don't tell me you love me if
That's not how it really is
04) Rihanna/Needed Me
Didn't they tell you that I was a savage
Fuck your white horse and a carriage
Bet you never could imagine
Never told you you could have it
You needed me
Oooh, you needed me
To feel a little more, and give a little less
Know you hate to confess
But baby oooh, you needed me
05) NBDY/Lights Out
When the lights out
I come alive when the nights out
I don't wanna see anymore
I only wanna hear the sounds of, uh
When we make love
Ain't no need to keep the lights on
I'ma fuck you with the lights out
I'ma love you 'til your lights out
06) Halsey/Not Afraid Anymore
I am not afraid anymore
Standing in the eye of the storm
Ready to face this, dying to taste this, sick sweet warmth
I am not afraid anymore
I want what you got in store
I'm ready to feed now, get in your seat now
And touch me like you never
And push me like you never
And touch me like you never
'Cause I am not afraid, I am not afraid anymore
No no no
07) Hozier/Eat Your Young
I'm starving, darling
Let me put my lips to something
Let me wrap my teeth around the world
Start carving, darling
I wanna smell the dinner cooking
I wanna feel the edges start to burn
Honey, I wanna race you to the table
If you hesitate, the getting is gone
I won't lie, if there's something to be gained
There's money to be made, whatever's still to come
08) Ari Abdul/You
Say your name like a ritual
Your body is something spiritual
Oh no
Don't you know you could save my soul
Feelin' your power head to toe
Feelin' your body head to toe
You're so divine
You're in your prime
It's love at first sight
Won't be satisfied
'Til I know you're mine
09) Isabel LaRosa/More Than Friends
My heart's racin' now, I just can't take a breath
I'm catchin' you starin' again
I swear all this shit isn't just in my head
I know that we're more than
Friends, friends, friends
I know that we're more than
Friends, friends, friends
I need
Need your hands on my waist, please
Save me
God, don't let me die waitin'
10) Tazzy/Fantasize (Ariana Grande cover)
I fantasize about it all the time
If you were mine
I'd give this pussy to you, nine-to-five
Tryin' to behave, but I'm feelin'
Some type of (Way) way
That just ain't me
11) Lilyisthatyou/FMRN
I got this aching and itching to be in submission
I got this burning desire to set you on fire
Oh, I hope my whole room goes down
You say swallow the fire, I'll choke it down
Say anything when you're around
Say anything and I'll make that sound like
(Make that sound like)
Can you come fuck me right now?
Parents are home, but my bed's too loud
I can take it on the ground
If I get too loud, you can shut my mouth
12) Aaliyah/Rock the Boat
Boy, you know you make me float
Boy, you really get me high
Ooh, I feel like I'm on dope
'Cause you, you serve me on a regular (you serve me on a regular)
Boy, you need to tie this rope
Oh, before we drift any deeper (before we drift any deeper)
Baby, now hold me close
Let's take this overboard now
13) Ashnikko/Slumber Party
My girl look like Wednesday Addams
Eyes go black when she orgasms
Hide your back, she likes to stab them
My butt cheeks, she likes to grab
Matching pajama birthday suits
Her spit tastes just like Juicy Fruit
She do that thing she usually do
Spell my name with her tongue, like (uh)
14) Dove Cameron/Boyfriend
The universe must have divined this
What am I gonna do? Not grab your wrist?
I could be a better boyfriend than him
I could do the shit that he never did
Up all night, I won't quit
Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him
I could be such a gentleman
Plus all my clothes would fit
15) Bad Omens/The Death of Peace of Mind
You're in the walls that I made with crosses and frames
Hanging upside down
For granted, in vain, I took everything
I ever cared about
I miss the way you say my name
The way you bend, the way you break
Your makeup running down your face
The way you fuck, the way you taste
16) CORPSE/E-girls are ruining my life
Choke me like you hate me, but you love me
Lowkey wanna date me when you fuck me (uwu)
Touch me with the lights off and my chains on
Baby, I'm not the right one you should wait on
17) Florence + the Machine/Bedroom Hymns
You had Jesus on your breath
And I caught Him in mine
Sweating out confessions
The undone and the divine
'Cause this is his body, this is his love
Such selfish prayers and I can't get enough
18) King Princess/Holy
Honey, on your knees when you look at me
I'm dressed like a fucking queen and you're begging, "please"
I rule with the velvet tongue
And my dress undone
And I'll get you lost but I'm having fun
Holy, holy, holy, yeah
Holy, holy, holy, holy
19) Imogen Heap/Come Here Boy
I know that my face
Is only too familiar to your sleep
I can see it in your eyes
And I can tell by your body heat
Why are you taking so long?
You need to come and find me, honey
To set your mind at rest
And let your dreams run free
20) BANKS/Godless
I'm into the darkness
That you feel a worse divine
'Cause I felt the power when I laid down by your side
I felt the rhythm, I felt the fever in your mind
I couldn't save you, but at least I say I tried
If your love was ever mine
It would stay with me tonight
I'm praying, praying
You can see it in my eyes
There's a raise that still reminds me
I'm waiting, waiting
21) Paris Paloma/The Fruits
My love, are you the devil?
I would worship you instead of him
I have no time for confession
For I'm too busy committing sins
My love, you're something special
I've never met someone like you
You'd make me fall from heaven
But I know just what I do
Come again? ❤️‍🔥 Spotify link here. 🔥
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autismhellhole · 3 months
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Hello everypony, you are all sick in the head,
Jeon Jung-kook (전정국) -
you imitate the feline friends, you ignored your responsibilities as a military soldier, and you left your friends. (BTS - Bangtan Boys)
translation :
"당신의 고양이 친구들을 흉내낸 군인은 당신의 임무를 무시하고 떠났습니다. (방탄소년단-BTS)"
Papyrus (Sans' Brother) -
you've played the foolish game that I play and kidnapped a child, and tried to unalive an innocent newborn. (Frisk Undertale)
Lord Boxman (John [NOT canon] ) -
hate crimes (will not elaborate). You are an active danger to the civilians that roam this basement so I tied you up like a doggie.
Barney Calhoun ( Half-Life [not HLVRAI DON'T mix them up] ) -
not patriotic to the free American States, how sickening. I actually can't think of anything else right now so I'll come back to you (maybe).
Kowalski (Penguin of Madagascar. The Smart One) -
Kowalski, Kowalski, Kowalski. You're a nerd dork, and endangered the entire world. But your worst crime was becoming an internet meme. And you're bi.
Jerma985 (Jeremy Elbertson. The SUS guy from the game Among Us) -
Oh, Jerma. Sweet, sensual Jerma. The crimes are infinitely endless, like the formula to Pi. (I don't know if that's correct). You threaten 'chat' and to 'ban' members on the platform Twitch™. My ink is travelling hold on oh it's smudging holdon.
Oh, Jerma. Your worst crime of all is being so handsome and delectable. However. I'm currently not on the market.
Shadowy Venomous (Professor Venomous' heterosexual repression) -
My, Oh, My. My Sweet Darling. You are so Yaoi and Sugoi. I'm bethrothed by your immense dedication and passion, and I would like to further our relationship. I'm handing you this note, please tick yes. *hands him a note with 'do you like me' on it, with 2 boxes, one being yes, the other being no* please say yes. I am YANDERE AND YOU DO NOT WANT TO MESS WITH ME!
The scene is set with a large group of individuals ranging from short to tall, from all different section of the Fandoms (#Tumblr). Please BTS fans do not come for us, this is just a bit of tomfoolery. From left to right: Stinky gay homeless, Stinky gay homeless again, Tied up chickie (stinky gay homeless), Jungkook (BTS stans please dontgetmad at me) saying 'What the FLUFF!' because he is a kawaii catboy, Skeleton (Sans' Brother), and Half Life the game smoking a fat blunt (I don't know why.)
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Please refrain from any comments about the accomodation, I am short on funds (The government has cut my benefits). We are in an economic crisis. I'm hashtag WOKE.
I'm writing this with my Glitter Gel pens and feelin' girly! ₊˚୨୧·₊ ♡·₊
YOU ARE ALL HERE TO BE PAWNS IN MY BIG GAME OF HUMAN CHESS (plus skeleton and catboy and chicken and snake and penguin). Enjoy the RIDE because it's BUMPY. You must ALL post on the torturous HELL that is TUMBLR.COM. buhehehehehehe~
I will KILL you if you do not OBEY.
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- Billy ꔛ‬♡
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
The Visitor
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Summary: Reader receives a surprise visit from the last person she ever expects. Andy Barber x Black!Reader, A.J. Barber
Warnings: Angst, Jacob Barber, Talk of Death, Surprised Reader, Sympathetic Reader, A.J. Cuteness, Angry Andy, Accepting Andy, Fluff, Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Part of my Growing Pains Series. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. Feedback is always appreciated. Semi-proofread. All mistakes my own. Thanks for reading!
“How ya feelin’ buddy?” You ask your sweet A.J. from his place on the couch. Your poor baby was home sick today, which he hated, because he loved preschool. He was snuggled in his favorite Paw Patrol blanket with a cool compress on his forehead. “Does your tummy still hurt?”
A.J. shakes his head “no”. “I hungwy, Mama.”
“Okay.” You gingerly rub his belly. “You wanna try some soup?”
He nods. “Chicky stars pwease.”
“Comin’ right up, little dude. Drink your water, okay?”
Leaving him in the living room, you enter the kitchen, only to hear your phone ringing. Seeing it was your husband, you hit “answer”. 
“Hey, Andy.” You greet him as you crack open a can of Campbell’s Chicken & Stars soup and pour it into a pot, along with some water, before turning on the burner. “What’s up, my love?”
“Nothing. About to go into a meeting. Just wanted to check on you and our little guy.” 
His concern for you both makes you smile.
“We’re fine, baby. A.J.’s fever broke and he said his tummy doesn’t hurt anymore, so we’re gonna try some soup. I’ve got it heating up now. You wanna talk to him?”
“Sure.” Your husband chuckles. Leaving the soup on the stove you head back to the living room. 
“A.J., someone wants to talk to you!” You tell him in a sing-song voice while dangling the phone in front of him. He quickly takes it out of your hand.
“Hello?” He asks, holding the phone to his ear.
“Hi, Junior! It’s daddy - how are you feeling, buddy?”
“Hi daddy! I is okay. Tummy better. No mo’ frow up.” 
“Well, that makes me super happy to hear. Daddy was worried about you, little man.”
A.J. coughs a few times. “No worry bout dah A.J. I stwong. Tough wike daddy.”
You can hear Andy’s laughter from your place beside your son on the couch. 
“You’re super tough, Junior. Ope - daddy’s gotta go, buddy. I love you.”
“Wuv too! Buh-bye.” Your baby ends the call before you can take the phone back. 
Oh well. You’d see your man tonight.
Jogging back into the kitchen, you turn off the soup and ladle some into a bowl so that it can cool. While that’s doing its thing, fish out A.J.’s favorite Paw Patrol spoon. And then you pour him a little apple juice into a sippy cup. 
Food in hand, along with some napkins, you return to where your sick little dude is resting. He sits up when he sees you, softly clapping his hands. “Fanks, Mama.”  
“No problem, baby. Let Mama grab a tray and then she’ll get you all set up.”
“An’ den snuggies?” 
“Yes, sweet boy. And then we can snuggle.”
Once you’ve got A.J. taken care of, you decide it’s time to make a little lunch for yourself. Perhaps a sandwich would –
The sound of the doorbell surprises you. Pivoting away from the kitchen, you turn and make your way to the front door. Assuming it was something from Amazon, you open the door with no real thought, only to step back in surprise when you get a look at the nervous woman standing on your front porch. 
“Um, hello. I’m, uh, um - is this - is this Andrew Barber’s house? Someone told me it was but…”
“Uhh…” Is all you can muster as all thoughts of lunch fly out the window. Or in this case, the open door.
“I’m Gretchen Talbert, his mother-in-law. I mean his former mother-in-law. Sorry.” She tries again. 
You shake your head and clear your throat. “Yes, this is his house, I mean, our house. This is our house, together.” You respond, wincing at the defensiveness creeping into your tone. 
“Right. You must be his wife. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t -” Gretchen stammers.
“How about we start this over?” You offer her your hand, which she accepts. “Hi, I’m Andy’s wife, Y/N. How can I help you, Ms. Talbert?” You give her what you hope comes off as a friendly smile. 
“Please, call me Gretchen. And I was hoping to speak with Andrew about something. I know he sometimes works from his home office, or at least comes back for lunch, and I was hoping to catch him.”
“Well, he’s not here. And even if he was, I’m not sure if he’d want to see you.” You can tell your words hurt the woman, which wasn’t your intent. “I just mean, you two seeing each other might not be the best idea, is all.” 
According to Andy, the last time the two of them had been in the same room things had gotten pretty explosive. 
A tearful Gretchen nods her head. 
Not wanting to continue having this conversation on your front porch, and needing to keep an ear out for your sick child, you invite her inside so that you’re both standing in the foyer. “Hold on a sec.” You tell her. “I’ve got a little one home from school.” 
“A.J., baby, are you okay?” You call out. 
“Yeah, Mama. Soup’s yummy!” He shouts back. 
Satisfied that he was alright, you turn your attention back to the woman in front of you. 
“Look, I um, was just about to make lunch. Why don’t you come in and join me?”
“No, no. It’s okay. You don’t have to -” She starts, slowly backing away.
You run a hand through your curls. “I know what I don’t have to do, Gretchen. But I would also like to avoid all this potential soap opera crap. So at least let me get you something to drink. And maybe you can tell me why you need to talk to Andy…”
“Thank you.” the older woman murmurs as she sips on her glass of raspberry iced tea. 
“You’re welcome.” You respond as you finish prepping your roasted turkey sandwiches on ciabatta bread. “Mayo, mustard, or oil and red wine vinegar?”
“Oil and vinegar, please.”
“Excellent choice.” You say as you slather both sandwiches with the dressing before adding a dash of salt and pepper, as well as a pinch of garlic. You add some chips to your respective plates before joining your husband’s ex-mother-in-law at the kitchen table.
You and your husband’s ex-mother-in-law.
“Here you are.” The woman smiles and takes a bite. 
“Good?” You ask. After all, you’d roasted the turkey yourself.
You both eat in silence for a few moments, unsure of where to begin. Your mind briefly wanders to A.J. and then you remind yourself that you’d already checked on him, giving him more soup and apple juice. Your kiddo was fine. 
“I, um, I was surprised to see that you had a picture of Andy and Jacob in the entryway.”
You set down your sandwich and wipe your hands. 
“We actually have pictures of him all throughout the house. We, Andy and I, felt that it was important for our children to get to know their brother.” 
And that was the honest truth. Bianca had been incredibly curious about her late brother for the longest, and was always asking Andy to tell her stories about him. Over time, your other little ones had joined in and, after a long discussion between the two of you, you had decided that it was time to acknowledge Jacob. He deserved a presence in your home. And it was important that his half-siblings knew who he was. 
“Wow.” She clears her throat. “Thank you, Y/N, for not, uh, forgetting my boy.” You reach over and grab her hand. 
“Even if we wanted to, which we don’t, our babies wouldn’t let us. Your grandson, Jacob, is very much a part of this family, Gretchen. Whatever happened in the past deserves to be left firmly in the past. We all make mistakes. I know Jacob may or may not have made quite a few, but that doesn’t mean he’s not loved. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t deserve to be remembered.” 
The woman dabs her eyes with her napkin. “Thank you.” She whispers.
“Of course.” 
“I have to say that you’re, uh, different than I thought you’d be. I mean, I had heard through the grapevine that Andy had remarried some years back, but…”
“And what exactly did you expect me to be like? A bitch?”
A sheepish Gretchen has the sense to look embarrassed. “I suppose so, yes.”
“I mean, that’s not my typical M.O, but I suppose we all have our days.” 
“Right, of course.” She takes another bite of her food before washing it down with a sip of her drink. “May I ask just how many children you have?”
“Four. Although sometimes it feels like double that.” You tell her. “Three girls and a boy. Our oldest girl, Bianca, is eight, Katrina is five, and Rory and A.J. are both two. They’re twins by the way, in case you didn’t catch that.” You finish with a wink.
“Sounds like you’re a very busy woman.” 
“Most days. But it’s worth it.” You offer up a shrug and a smile.
“I miss being a grandmother,” Gretchen whispers, tears once again filling her eyes. This time, a few manage to spill over. “I miss holding my baby. Both of them.” 
“I don’t know what happened. Maybe I should have paid better attention. Should’ve checked on Laurie and Jacob more when everything was going on. It was just…too much at times. It’s probably the reason your husband can’t seem to look at me and -”
“Gretchen, stop. Don’t take yourself down that road.” Your hand squeezes hers. “What is it you want from Andy? What are you looking for from him?”
You watch as the woman sobs softly into her napkin for another moment.
“I want Andy to come visit Jacob with me. His birthday is coming up and I want him to…” She clears her throat. “I want him to know that his father and grandmother came to see him. Together.”
You’re not sure why, but her request surprises you. Of all the things she could’ve wanted to ask your husband, you hadn’t been expecting that. 
Her request makes your heart hurt. As a wife. As a parent. As a mother. 
Just then, little A.J. toddles his cute self into the kitchen. 
“All dun’ wif’ dah soup, Mama. Yummy.” He hands you his bowl and spoon and then he turns to Gretchen. “Hi miss lady. I sick. Mama say buggies in dah tummy.” He pokes his belly for emphasis. 
“Well, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, sweetheart.” The older woman tells him through her watery smile. 
You pick him up and place him in your lap to check if he has a fever. Hmm…maybe a low grade one. You were going to have to end things with Gretchen soon. Plus, it was almost time for you to give your baby his cold medication. 
“Mama, wan’ snuggies.” A.J. whines as he burrows deeper into your chest. 
“I know bud. And I’m sorry. I was just talking to Jacob’s grandma for a minute.”
Your son looks between the two of you before settling his focus on the other woman at the table. 
“Like our Jacob?” A.J. asks, his eyes wide.
“Yes, our Jacob.” You tell him. “This is his grandmama.” He turns to give her a shy wave, which she readily returns. 
“Jacob mah bruver.” He tells her. “He in heaven now, but we still wuv ‘im.”
“I’m sure he loves you too, you sweet little boy.” She’s quick to assure him.
“Why don’t you tell Miss Gretchen your full name, A. J.? Go ahead.” Your baby puffs out his chest before responding. 
“I is Andrew Jacob Barber Jr.” 
“What a beautiful name. Thank you for sharing that with me.” She looks like she’s about to cry all over again. 
“Welcome! Fweinds call muh’ A.J.”
“Alright, bud. Back to the couch. Mama will be in shortly.” 
He scampers off and then moments later, you hear the sound of a door slam, followed by Andy’s voice as he checks on your son. 
Once again, you reach over and grab Gretchen’s hand.
This was going to be awkward no matter what, but as long as Andy’s temper didn’t come into play, you’d all make it through this. Hopefully.
You both wait as you hear footsteps approach the kitchen. 
“What the hell is this?” Your husband growls as he takes in the sight of the two of you sitting at the table, sharing a meal. “Why are you here, Gretchen? What are you doing in my home?”
“Our home, Andrew.” You mutter out the reminder.
“What?” He turns his glare on you.
“I said this is our home, and I invited her in. She would like to talk to you, and I think you should listen.”
Your husband stares you down, his captivating blue eyes are hard and unreadable.  
“We have nothing to talk about.”
“From one mother to another, I wholeheartedly disagree. Step outside and talk to -”
“My ex-mother-in-law?”
“No, you buttface. I want you to go outside and talk with a mother who is grieving. Deeply. Please.”
He sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’m hungry and I’m tired and I’m not in the mood to hear about how much of a shit father this woman thinks I used to be.” He mumbles to nobody in particular.
“You’re hungry? Here.” You say as you hand him your plate. You’d only taken two bites of the damned sandwich and you could always make yourself another one. “Now, please. Walk Gretchen out and just listen to her.”
Andy accepts the plate with a nod before taking a bite. He takes a moment to wolf down the half you’d nibbled on before placing it back on the table. 
“I’ll be back for the rest, Y/N.” He presses a kiss to your forehead. “Alright, Gretchen. Let’s talk.” ___
Nearly an hour later…
You’re snuggled up and dozing with a sleeping A.J. when Andy finally walks through the front door. 
“Hey…” You whisper when he walks right past you without a word. Untangling yourself from your son, you follow your husband into the kitchen where you see him enjoying the second half of your sandwich. 
You’d been so caught up in the drama that you’d forgotten to make yourself something else to eat. Trying to keep the mood casual, you walk over to the fridge and pull out all of the fixings to make another sandwich. 
“How’d things go?”
“Fine.” Andy grunts through a mouthful of food. 
“Just fine?” You ask as you place your turkey on the ciabatta before topping it with a piece of Muenster cheese. And then you go to slice your tomatoes and pickles. 
He sighs. “We’re going to visit Jacob in a couple weeks for his birthday. Actually, we’re uh, gonna try to visit him together more often.” He clears his throat. “So he knows that we’re thinking about him.”
Andy looks over at you, his beautiful eyes welling with tears. 
“He needs to know that his father thinks about him. All the time. And I need to tell him that myself.” 
You glide over to your man, wrapping your arms around his big body. 
“Yes, you do.” You wipe away a stray tear. “I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you for talking to your ex. I’m sure it was painful, but you did it. And maybe one day we can all go with you to see Jacob.”
“Yeah?” He whispers against the top of your head. “You’d do that?”
“Of course we would.” You pull away from him and lovingly pat his chest. “Now finish eating and go cuddle with A.J., it’ll help. Plus, Mama’s gotta make herself another sandwich.”
Andy finishes his lunch, wipes his hands, and walks off to go snuggle with his baby boy. 
By the time you join them in the living room with your food, you find A.J. once again fast asleep atop your husband’s chest, both of them snoring softly.
Grabbing another blanket, you cover both of them up before kissing their foreheads. 
Sweet dreams, my loves.
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toppersbitch · 1 year
Helpless // Rafe Cameron x Reader
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18+ Minors DNI
Summary: After running from the cops, you shower at Rafe’s house. Showering turns to more.
Word Count:2.6k
Warnings: drug use, alcohol, being objectified, hiding from the cops, begging, choking, kinda mean dom, smug male, my horrible writing
Topper’s birthday party was in full swing at his house, and you sat on the porch couch. Your shirt beginning to feel like a bad choice, being so low-cut. You heard the bubbling sound of the bong. 
“Finally we bust out the contraband, hand it over?” you questioned Kelce. 
“Oh me first!” Topper jumped in between you and the bong, grabbing it up and frantically taking a hit. He settled on the couch, taking a final one.
“Here you go M'lady” his use of words surprises you as he hands it to you, finally.
“Woah I didn’t know you knew such chivalrous words,” you laughed as you got ready to take a hit. 
“What the fuck is chivalrous?” He asked, his head tilting to the side. 
“Being nice to a woman,” Rafe chimed in, he has been sitting staring at his phone almost the entire time. You took a second hit from the bing, holding your breath and laughing on your exhale. 
“What the fuck would you know about being nice to women?” The obvious statement accumulated laughs and whoops from the room. You took your last final hit, setting the bong and lighter on the table.
“Oh I know plenty,” Rafe winked, grabbing the bong, holding eye contact s he took his hit and proceeded to blow the smoke into your face. You fanned the smoke away and glare at Rafe, he leans back, stretching his arms out to both sides.
“Oh they’re gonna have a fight,” Kelce yelled, running and sitting close by, his eyes scanning you and Rafe incessantly.
You and Rafe were notorious for getting into staring contests. Both of you were stubborn and what some might call mean.
You leaned forward, resting your hands on your knees, pressing your boobs together. Using them to your advantage would for sure make Rafe break eye contact, he was a sex-crazed boy. Everyone gathered around, watching intently as you both stared at each other. You adjusted your body once again, feeling Topper looking from. 
“Oh come on man she's wearing a lace bra, just look already,” Topper said.
“Come on Rafe, look.” you adjusted again. 
“Never.” He smirked at you.
“Come on objectify me, you know you want to,” you smiled at him.
“Rafe break already, I’m bored I wanna do shots,” Max whined, it had only been 2 minutes. She ran over and put her hands on both sides of Rafe’s face. She tilted his head down, his eyes still glared into yours.
He finally gave in, looking down at your breasts.
“They’re not even that good,” he rolled his eyes, “I’ve seen better.”
“Yeah right,” you scoffed, “now how about those shots?” you got up leading the way to the kitchen. Your immediate friends trickled in slowly, shots were poured one after the other. You began to feel the weed and alcohol mixing with each shot. You sat on a chair, feeling light-headed. 
You placed your hand on your forehead, squeezing your temples. 
“You feelin’ alright?” Rafe was towering over your hunched body. His hand reached out to your shoulder, squeezing lightly.
“I feel sick,” you said, looking up into his eyes. “could you get me some water?” 
“I guess,” he left you in the chair, and you could feel the sudden coldness on your skin where his hand had just been. You felt your stomach churn. You stood, holding onto the chair for balance. Gaining your balance you made your way to the ground-level bathroom. You closed the door, sitting on the closed toilet. Closing your eyes and placing your hands over your eyes. 
“Y/n?” you heard a light knock on the door.
“Hmm? You hummed in question.
“I have your water.” 
“Oh, come in.”
Rafe entered the small bathroom, closing the door behind him. He handed you the water. Watching as you sipped on it.
“I think I had too much tequila,” you said looking up at him again.
“Stop looking up at me,” he said looking away quickly.
“Why?” you questioned, filling your cup again with the faucet.
“Cause I said so,” He opened the door to leave, quickly turning around to shut off the faucet and slamming the door. He locked it.
“Wha-” you jumped.
“Shhh,” he placed his hand over your mouth.
“The cops are here,” he whispered, your eyes widened, “let's go out the window and wait until they leave.” 
“But I’m supposed to sleep at Topper’s,” you felt an adrenaline rush at the thought of getting caught.
“Well I don’t think that's gonna happen, so just come on.”
He pulled you up to your feet. He slowly pushed open the window, careful to stay quiet.
“That's too high,” you looked over the edge and down at Topper’s Mom’s flowers.
“I'll go first and I'll catch you.” Rafe began to put his foot out, then his leg. He landed gracefully.
“Okay come on,” He urged.
“No, it's too high Rafe.”
“Stop being a baby,” He lifted one hand out, and you took it willingly. He was steady as you let all your weight fall onto him. He made it seem easy to catch an entire person.
“Okay come on, now we’ll hop the fence to the neighbors,” he set you down and headed towards the side fence. 
Luckily, it was a small fence, but flower beds resided on either side.
You both squatted in the dirt of the flower beds, allowing them to hide you from the view. Watching as the police placed all your friends into cop cars. The cops entered the house once again, you could see lights flash in each room of the house.
“Fuck,” you both said wide-eyed in unison at the sound of sprinklers sprouting from the ground and spraying you both. The ground beneath your feet turned to mud. The cops pulled away, 4 cars, for one noise complaint. 
“Okay, let’s go,” he pulled you harshly, and your feet went out from under you. You landed in the mud, it squished beneath your back.
“Jesus fuck,” Rafe lifted you to your feet, “you’re helpless.”
He walked sternly to his car down the street. You picked the mud and leaves out of your hair.
“You’re not getting in my car like that,” Rafe stood at the driver's door.
“Well what do you want me to do?” you looked at him in disbelief.
“Strip,” he smirked, getting in the car and slamming the door. You stood outside his door staring.
“You’re serious?” you asked, he turned and smirked at you. You obliged removing your shirt, your aforementioned lace bra on display. You caught Rafe’s eye in the side mirror. His eyes trail down your body. You shimmied out of your pants, folding them neatly and holding them.
You walked around, opening the passenger door and getting in, using your clothes to cover your lap. 
“Where am I taking you?” he didn’t turn to look. He stared straight forward, starting the car.
“I don’t know, I can’t go home now,” your curfew was midnight and it was well after, not to mention the sleepover at Toppers’. 
“You can sleep at mine, but you’re taking the couch.” His answer didn’t surprise you, why would Rafe give up his bed for anyone?
“Yeah fine whatever. _
Rafe’s room was clean, not like any boys' room you'd ever seen, almost like no one lived there. Sneaking in was no problem in a house his size.
“Can I shower?” you asked, your clothes sitting neatly on the floor by your shoes.
“Only if I can watch,” Rafe winked at you. He was unbearably cocky.
He took you to the bathroom, placing a towel on the sink for you. He left closing the door, you removed your bra and underwear, standing exposed as you looked at yourself in the mirror. The shower was impossible to turn on, the hot was cold, and the cold was hot, not to mention the drain was plugged and you couldn’t undo it.
“Rafe comes and turns it on for me,” you whined, wrapping the towel around yourself. It was the softest but shortest towel you had ever used. You sat on the toilet lid waiting for him to enter When he did, his eyes catching on your thighs, the towel riding high up.
“You’re so helpless, how are you even alive still?” he turned on the shower, playing with the temperature to get it just right.
“Thank you,” you looked up at him and he began to walk out. 
“Stop it,” he scoffed, his tone obviously annoyed.
“But why,” you asked, you knew now why. 
“Just stop it,” He waved his hand at you, and you caught it. You pulled him back into the bathroom.
 “I thought you wanted to watch.” you batted your eyes at him and stood up.
He moved in close to you, your breath hitching as his hand moved up your arm. He grabbed the loose end of the towel and pulled it. It fell and you were left naked, standing in front of  Rafe. He eyed you up and down, taking in every inch of your body his eyes could see.
You moved from his space and into the shower. You stood in the water letting it cover you, you ran your hands over your body, checking out of the corner of your eye that Rafe was watching. 
Once your hand brushed over your breasts you held the, in your hands, kneading and letting out small moans. You moved one of your hands move down towards your cunt, brushing past your slit. You touched your clit, your hips moving involuntarily. You heard shuffling and Rafe was moving towards you.
 “You’re so helpless, let me do it?” it was a statement and you didn’t mind.
You nodded eagerly. He pulled his shirt over his head, undoing his belt and pants with one hand. His boxers were tented, and he pushed them down. He stepped into the shower, you felt his body heat radiating. He backed you into the tile wall, you were shielded from the water.
His hand moved to your neck harshly, holding as he pressed his mouth to yours.
He was hungry as he kissed, selfish even. His tongue explored your mouth, pushing your tongue out of the way. His hand felt its way to your breast, kneading hard. Involuntarily you moaned, and he smirked into the kiss.
“Rafe I need more,” you pulled back looking up at him.
“I’ll decide what you need.”
Your hand grabbed his hair as he began to kiss you again. The need became too much, and you grind your hips against him, feeling his shaft against your body.
“Stop it,” he moaned pulling away from you. He turned you around, his hand grabbing you around your torso. His head rested itself in the crook of your neck. He placed kisses as his other hand felt its way down to your cunt.
He placed a finger on your clit, making you whimper. He began to move it in circles, you threw your head back into his chest. 
“More please,” you whined.
“God you’re so needy,” he slipped two fingers inside of you. He held them still, watching you. writhe. “You think you deserve more?”
“Rafe,” you whined out, “Please.”
He moved his fingers, his palm hitting your clit with every movement. His hands moved fastly, your moans filling the bathroom. Your legs felt weak, shaking under the pleasure. You grabbed his bicep, digging your nails into his skin. Your other hand moves down to rub circles around your clit. 
“Don’t,” he moved your hand away holding it against your body. You let your weight fall on him, squeezing your eyes shut. He moved his fingers in and out with speed, grunting with exertion. He kissed your neck, biting at the skin. You rocked your hips with his thrusts, the pleasure becoming all-consuming. 
“Cum for me,” he whispered into your ear. He moved faster, sloppily thrusting his fingers into you, reaching a deeper spot. Your stomach twisted, and you cried out in pleasure, you felt the sweet release. Rafe held onto you tight, his hands still thrusting. He slowed down, and with every thrust, your body jolted.
“Good,” he removed his fingers and held you as you came down. You turned around, kissing him harshly. You fought for dominance, but he backed you into the corner now, his hand grabbing your ass, squeezing harshly. This caught you off guard, you moaned and he took his chance to take over.
He moved down your body, placing kisses as he made his way to your pussy. His arms held around your thighs, his tongue making contact with your slit. He teased you, placing kisses on your legs, licking just away from the sweet spot. You grabbed onto his hair, pulling on it, hoping to send the message. Instead, he stood up, pushing you onto your knees. 
“Helpless and greedy,” he tsked down at you. He ran his hand over your cheek, letting his thumb glide over your lips. You placed your hand on his cock, it was throbbing. You moved your hand around it, and Rafe moaned out. A smirk grew on your face, you rubbed the tip on your lips. His muscles tensed, and you felt his abs with one hand, the other playing with his balls. You licked up his shaft, letting your tongue linger on his tip. You took him into your mouth, looking up at him, he was staring down at you. You let the tip hit your inner cheek, and he grunted. You repeated this, teasing him.
“Stop being a fucking tease,” he grabbed your hair in his hands, “stand up.”
You did so, standing in from of him, he stared at you hungrily. He stepped forward, your back hitting the way. His hands parted your legs, guiding them to wrap around his waist. He lifted you up, pressing you hard against the wall. His body pressed against yours, and you felt his dick against your pussy. His hand guided his dick to your slits, it glided through them and in.
He thrust hard and fast, leaving you no time to think. You buried your head into his chest. His hand on your back is flat, supporting you. With every thrust, you bounced. He goes fast, beginning to moan with each move. 
Wrapping your hands around him, you dug your nails in. His thrusts became sloppy and jerky. You moaned out as your stomach tightened and release all in seconds. He thrust one final time, moaning, pulling out quickly. He set you on your feet, stroking his cock and then letting his white cum spurt all over your stomach.
He stared down at his cum for a minute before wiping some on his thumb, bringing it up to your mouth.
“I should’ve come in here,” he pushed his thumb into your mouth. You stared into his eyes, swirling your tongue around to taste his cum.
He left the shower abruptly.
You found him in pajama pants, sitting at his desk, playing video games of course. 
“Um, do you have anything I can wear?” you asked, the towel still wrapped tightly around you. Your bra and underwear were the only clean items of clothes you had. He said nothing as he went to his wardrobe and got a hoodie for you. He tossed it onto the bed. He was sitting back in his chair watching you. 
You let the towel slip, pulling the hoodie over your head. It pooled around your thighs. 
“Still think I don’t know how to treat a woman?” He smirked at you, turning in his chair and unpausing his video game.
I'm back on my shit!!!!! So excited for season 3!
Here is my masterlist :)))))
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makriiii · 10 months
Caught XII (Arthur Morgan × f!reader)
Word count: 3.1k
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Authors notes: Sorry this one took so long 😭
Warnings: 18+, angst, guns.
Caught XII
You hadn't gotten Arthur to do much this morning, as he was getting off easy after being asked by Abigail to take Jack to do something, something that would distract the poor boy from all the goings-on in this camp.
By no means were you mad at Abigail or Jack, but the snide look Arthur gave you as he walked by to his horse after telling the boy to get his fishing rod did.
"You think you're gonna get to leisure?" Snickering harshly as you decided then and there you were tagging along.
"Got business to do, I guess." He was more than happy to dismiss his duties, but you weren't letting up that easy.
"Fine then, but I'm coming with." You made sure you had all your guns, and though you didn't neglect them, you wished you had just so they'd be difficult for Arthur to clean. "Teach Jack to fish, but then you're cleaning my guns."
He bites back an argumentative retort, glaring at your face that now traded eachothers looks. A dirty smirk on yours and a vexed frown on his.
Pulling his eyes away from yours, he lifted Jack up on the back of his horse and pushed past you down the path leading to the river below the overlook.
Bouncing around on your horse after yesterday... you could feel most every part of your muscles burning and aching, especially your back, shoulders, and arms.
You wanted to get back at him, and now it was his turn to see how fun working was with a wound like yours.
Arthur and Jack spoke a bit of back and forth until you had enough courage to get your mare into a canter, much as your body protested.
"You feelin' better? I know you was a little sick." Arthur questions jack with a small check-up.
"Oh, I'm fine." He assures plainly. At that age, you recalled the simplicity of life.
"You're a brave kid." Compliments Arthur, the sort of warm speech you'd use with a kid. It didn't seem much Arthurs style, that's for sure, from what you were used to at least.
Jack looked up to Arthur, both literally and figuratively in that moment, confessing his conclusion. "So just like you."
Arthur gave him a chuckle, glancing over to you as you focused on not sliding out of your saddle with your sore legs shaking.
"I dont know about brave... I ain't much of a kid no more either." You were a bit surprised with this display, as typically he was all up in your face haughty. "Though your momma might disagree. Her and a few other women, I guess."
Now, his glance turned into more solid eye contact when you felt you were referenced in that sentence.
"I like it when you're agreeable." You nod with a certain light heartedness. The kind that was hard to muster around Arthur on a normal day.
His brow knitted together, but his playful look didn't completely vanish, no.
"What do you mean?" Jack chimes with confusion. He was still too young to understand humor of that sorts.
"Oh, I'm just talking silly. It's been a tough few weeks up in that snow."
"I liked the snow." Jack corrects as his eyes light up with the memory. For you, you'd been up there for only barely two days and didn't like it much. Their whole story of being up there you'd only caught snippets of.
The rest of the ride was short as you scoped out a good spot to fish at, Arthur and Jack, continuing a small conversation about the old camp and something he'd left behind in Blackwater.
It was tough for Jack, and tough to explain a situation like the gangs to a kid in a way he could not only understand but not start being worried or stressed.
You felt bad for him, but this whole trip was exactly for helping him not worry or stress.
Dismounting, you helped Jack down as Arthur got out the fishing supplies.
"You ready for fishin', Jack?" Distracting yourself with a question for him as your arms screamed at you with his weight being held.
He was still a bit skeptical of you. He knew about O'Driscolls and didn't like them much either as the rest of the gang. Did his part in pickin' on Keiran too, as young as he was.
His eyes scanned you with a harsh and genuine judgment only a young kid could give you, social skills not yet fully developed. "Yeah, I think so."
You walked him close to the water as you waited for Arthur, who wasn't far behind, holding the rods and bait.
"So, what was it you said you lost at Blackwater?" If it wasn't something completely unique, then perhaps you could get it for him.
"My storybook." He reiterates, clearly enough for your ears this time. That was easy enough for you to find. Probably. You hadn't seen a library in a long time.
"I'll see what I can do for you, hm?" You offer, not wanting to promise anything, just in case.
"Okay." He states plain as day. Conversing with kids was hard. So straight to the point most of them.
You stood back, heading for a small, dry rock to plant yourself on as you watched 'Uncle' Arthur verse Jack in the ways of fishing.
He seemed to catch on quick as they cast their rods out.
The whole setting by the river and birds achatter while Jack and Arthur were fishing, admittedly was the most calm you'd had for some time.
"I think you got a bite, look!"
The tranquil prattle ahead turned into excited calls from the both of them, your eyes drawing to the water to see what they spotted.
Arthur exclaims the same as Jack. "Fish on the line!" Safe to say, you hadn't seen Arthur like this at all before.
He reeled the line in as best he could as he fought with the thing, said thing, giving quite the scrimmage for its freedom against Arthur.
That was another learning chance for Jack, Arthur teaching him more tips along the reeling he was doing.
Once he had it close enough, he yanked it out. A dinky little thing, no bigger than your hand.
You let out a small snicker at his prize, one that perhaps wasn't worth the fight.
Arthur shoots you a look over his shoulder before holding it up to show Jack. "Look Jack, it's a bluegill! Almost as small as you."
Another small laugh came out of you at Arthurs laid-back teasing with Jack, who didn't seem much for the joke.
He threw the fish back in and cast his line back out, a short silence before Jack became disheartened with not catching anything. Wasn't long after that, he wanted to take a break, which was your time to strike.
As Jack strode a few feet away to a small patch of grass and flowers, you came up behind Arthur.
Your hand gripped above Arthurs shoulder, who jolted with your sudden arrival and touch just above his wound. "You see those guns on my saddle?"
He glowered at you next to him, glancing back and then to you again.
"I'll fish for you, get something bigger." You smile with raised eyebrows, feigning innocence over your cocky attitude.
Handing over the rod reluctantly, he went back unwilling to your mount to collect your guns. "Dont reckon you'll catch much better than me."
"Reckon I will. Dont doubt me yet."
"Too late for that."
You shake your head, switching your position to that of one you'd assume a professional would take. Likely it wasn't anyway.
"You got gun oil, or do I gotta use my own?" He gripes while he sat down in the distance between you and Jack, your shotgun and rifle in hand.
"Count it along my drinks you owe me." Gun oil was dirt cheap, and you didn't feel too bad if he had to use his own.
He grumbles something with a shake of his head and a quick venture into his satchel to grab some out. "I'm almost out since someone used most of it on my guns yesterday."
"They're clean, aren't they?" There was a chance you'd used a bit extra, but some of his guns were extra dirty, you shrugged. "We have to go to town soon anyways."
"Yes, we do." He was quick with his response, but both you knew your bounties would need to be paid off first. You just didn't want to arise any curiosity from Jack.
"I think you got a bite, y/n!" Jack points to the slight splashing in the water, just then finally paying mind to the tugging and whipping your head back around.
Bantering with Arthur distracted you from an activity you hadn't done for quite some time, something that you could agree with Jack on, was boring.
You reeled and pulled carefully, tugging the fish closer each time it stopped fighting. It took forever, and your full focus.
Just when you thought it finally conceded your attempt at yanking it to the surface, it pulled with vigor that near startled you.
"Dont loose it now, y/n." Arthur chortles behind you with his typical grating voice, the type that nearly lost you the fish.
As the fish finally slipped out of the water, you prepared yourself for the teasing you already knew you'd get from Arthur.
You could hear him chuckling evil. Both because of the fish but your confidence in your fishing ability. "Good thing we aint relying on you to eat."
"You weren't doin' much better than I was." Begrudgingly setting the small fish go before setting out the line again. You already felt like giving up. "I prefer fishin' in lakes anyway."
"I dont think you prefer fishin most of the time 'anyway'." His voice was much closer now, his steps near silent in the sand as he crept up on you.
"I fare better with guns, I suppose." You clicked your tongue disappointed that the fish proved Arthur right and your confident position started to slump. "Did you leave my guns in the sand?" You ask as you turn to give Arthur a look and your guns a glance.
Arthur was much closer than you anticipated, which somewhat shocked you. Not quite realizing how close he had actually gotten.
"Your guns are fine, but here." His chest suddenly met your back, and his hands finding themselves over yours. "You need to hold the rod like this."
You raise a cynical brow. Firstly, not realizing there was a wrong way to hold a rod, but secondly wondering why he was helping you physically, not just with his words.
The words you thought of saying prevented by another bite on the line. Jack calling it out again.
The sudden jerking caused Arthur to back up and let you at it, returning back to the guns he had left on the rock and thankfully not in the sand.
If you were not mistaken, the fight from this fish gave you hope that it was larger, but with that hope, a dread that your line was about to snap.
Arthur and Jack stayed just as silent as you, everyones sole focus on the splashing in the water as it wrangled closer to shore.
The splashes through the water made it hard to see how big it was on the surface, but you prayed and prayed it was big.
Finally, the splashing quit, and the fish revealed itself. The scales shone and glimmered in the sun as it wriggled in protest.
You looked over to them with dismay, both of them with a smile on their faces. "You think Pearson would be proud of me for this one?"
"No." Jack was quick to reply simply and truthfully, though a bit of a giggle mixed in as he fiddled with small red flowers in his lap.
"Pearson would be proud of himself if he caught the first one you had." Arthur chuckles along with Jack, finishing with your guns.
You couldn't help but laugh with them through the disappointment of another small catch.
As you threw the fish back into the water, Jack drew both yours and Arthurs' attention. "Hey, look at this."
"At what?" Arthur asks, walking back up to him.
You traipsed closer to get a better look, Jack holding up a necklace of flowers for display. "This necklace I made." Proud as could be.
"Necklace?" Arthur squints as he bends down to examine closer.
"For momma." Jack answers with a soft grip on it, cautious to not break any of the delicately knotted stems.
"That's sweet, Jack." You smile, impressed with his intricate craft. "Not even I can do that."
"Really?" He asked like it was something everyone knew how to do.
You handed back the rod to Arthur, who started deconstructing it for you. "I never learned properly -"
"What a fine young man." Interrupted a slithery voice behind you, which had you and Arthur both startling upright. "And in such complex circumstances."
In front of you had arrived two well-dressed men, dismounting and calmly floating to where the three of you stood.
"Arthur, isn't it? Arthur Morgan?" His tone and initial dialog was easy to be judged and labeled with ill-intent. The badges on their fancy and clean coats weren't helping either. "I think I've seen your face on a wanted poster or two, as well, miss." Now he directed, unexpectedly at you.
"Who are you?" Arthur made sure Jack was behind you and him, a sheild of sorts.
You already knew this wasn't business either of you wanted Jack hearing.
Arthur already had the same idea, both your eyes meeting, and with a small nod of agreement, you scooped up Jack as the man with a badge of the law spoke to Arthur.
Jack seemed confused as you walked away with him, your mind running with whatever would come out to distract him until you got out of earshot.
"Listen, I know I'm an O'Driscoll, but how 'bout we set our differences aside for a moment?" You ask softly, listening the best you could to the man as the distance silenced him. "Could you teach me how to make one of those necklaces?"
Jack contemplated you as he slowly slid out of your arms, your muscles ready to cramp. "Okay. But who are those men?"
You weren't even sure yourself, quite honestly. Whistling your horse over from where she stood grazing. "No one to worry about." You assured in the most comforting tone you could manage.
Now tagging along just for clean guns wasn't a bad idea, after all. You liked the boy, and avoiding any unnecessary trauma inflicted on him was the least you could do.
Arthur spread a gob of leather conditioner over your saddle that sat over his lap as you both sat at the table together.
You eyed him every so often. Occasionally, he did too, both making eye contact for a few moments. His eyes burned, and so did his pride.
The soup you ate while sitting in pensive silence with Arthur tasted even better while you watched him run the rag across your saddle.
If he hadn't made you chop so much wood yesterday, then youd've been sure to make him do some too, but as of right now, only splinters and small chunks of wood sat left.
Every time his eyes met yours, you gave him a content grin, which seemed to only peeve him off more.
"There'll be a time where I wipe that smile off your face." He growls at you from across the table. His movements with the rag getting more rough in his frustration with you. "Why are you sitting here, anways? I've seen enough of you for a day."
You stared at him for a moment before deciding to finish your soup, not bothering to retort first. "You remember when we were fishing just earlier?" You pointed your spoon at him all accusatory, sly, and teasing.
"Yes? I dont forget that fast." Then his anger fell, his head slowly turning to meet your look. His eyes squinted, and his lips pressed together when he realized where you were going with this. "Dont even start."
A slow chuckle started out of you as he tried to cease the progression of something worse with just a glare. "Was I actually holding that rod wrong?" You weren't direct. You wanted to see if he had an explanation.
"It's hard to hold something so simple wrong, yet you still did it."
Now you were confused, coming to a stand and traipsing over to his side, replaying your stance with an imaginary rod for a second. "You're right about the first part. But I wasn't holding it not normal?"
He looked up at you from under his hat, the darkness setting over the land making it harder to see his eyes.
"I think you just wanted an excuse." The crack at your lips grew with each time you teased without any specifics. He knew exactly what you were on about.
"Oh, for what?" His hand relaxed on the rag, now his full attention solely on you.
"Not even being an O'Driscoll seems to matter anymore." You acted all vaunt, but in truth, you weren't completely dead positive yet.
He raised his head up more to see you better underneath his worn hat. Your teasing didn't seem to completely anger him now, a sarcastic tug at his lips revealed itself. "Felt bad for the only lady who doesn't know how to fish proper."
You hissed out a small laugh, one that acknowledged him, but not one of letting him have the last laugh. "Maybe you felt bad for shooting me, so you gave me your best interpretation of a warm embrace."
That earned you a sharp chuckle, scoffing at your counter. "Save your nonsense for when we get our drinks."
"Then you best save your speakin' in general for that, Morgan." Shaking your head, you step up close to see the progress on your saddle.
"Sure, princess." He turned his head down and away to hide his face under the cover of his hats brim, the rag in his hand returning to its work.
You studied him sitting in front of you, thinking of anything that might annoy him more.
Your hand met his cheek, guiding his face to look back up at you. Not a peep or resistance from him, just sturdy and stern eye contact.
"You missed a spot." Pointing with your other hand to a small area in the dim candle light from the table.
Now his face felt warm, wether in reaction to your first gesture or anger at your words, you didn't know.
Your hand left his face, pushing down his hat over his face as you turned to leave. "When you're done, I'll have found something more for you to do."
The scene with Jack is not alluding to a pregnancy trope, I promise 🤞
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