#feeling a tad bit insecure about my writing here
dinsdjrn · 1 year
i'll be gone, you'll be gone | j. miller | 2.1k
part of: devils we know
joel miller x f!reader
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summary: part of 'devils we know': a series of stand-alones | a close call sends joel into a spiral, a hard conversation leaves everything on the table. [wc: 2.1k]
content warnings: 18+, mature themes, angst adjacent, hurt/comfort, talks of death, anxious!joel, (minor) injury, existentialism, poorly written/poorly edited.
timeline order | previous part | next part
💌 a/n: oh you wanted me to throw you right into a turning point in their relationship... here we are! tysm for all the love and support on this series. as always follows the same reader and joel through the pivotal points in their relationship, but can be read as a standalone. inspo: 'If We Were Vampires' by Jason Isbell
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The fragile heart you protected for so long
Or the mercy in your sense of right and wrong
Hope is fragile and needs to be nurtured. It can heal all wounds and tear them open anew. Hope isn’t something that is far and few between, if it was, you wouldn’t be here. For a long time is was masked as the fear of death, but it forced you to survive. Now, it is the driving force that keeps you alive, hope that you’ll live to see the day the world finds itself again. 
Hope breeds love and gentleness in an unforgiving world. Hope is something you found in Joel and Joel found in Ellie. You had so much love and hope for your little family you had formed. For the first time in years real joy, love, promise of a future and a family healed your wounded soul. 
You had only just begun building this domestic life with Joel and Ellie in Jackson. You weren’t in the dark to the hardships they had faced, but you accepted that you may never know all the details. Everyone in Jackson knows loss, but they’ve also learned how to heal. To start again. 
You and Joel were immediately drawn to one another, you knew it as soon as he took residence in Jackson. At first, you hesitated to accept his affections; having gone through so much to get to Jackson. You had a fragile heart you spent years learning how to protect. Slowly, piece by piece, Joel brought your walls down. You healed each other in places you didn’t know were broken. 
You and Joel had been together, officially, for a few months. You kept each other warm through the early spring and summer had finally settled on Jackson. The days were hot and long but as the sun set and a warmth clung in the air not willing to let go of the heat of the day, you felt comfort and peace. 
Today was not like any other day you had in a long time. Today scared you, today reminded you how fleeting time is and how careful you have to be. 
Maybe time running out is a gift
I'll work hard 'til the end of my shift
And give you every second I can find
“Joel… please, I am fine.” You huffed as he began fussing to the medic. 
“Ending up here means you were not okay!” He rubbed his hand across his chin and sighed. 
He stopped pacing and sat next to you putting his hands in yours. 
“It’s just when they said they were bringing you back to medical, I didn’t-“ he paused, “I didn’t know if you were going to be okay. I was just scared I was goin’ to lose you too.”
You sighed at his reaction. You knew going to the medical centre would cause Joel to have a full on panic, but it was procedure. 
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You were never one to go one patrol, you were comfortable with it, but you were usually stationed in the barn. Horses are what you knew best before the outbreak and arriving in Jackson it was your biggest asset. This was supposed to be a safe perimeter patrol so you could monitor the progress of a gelding recovering from lameness due to cellulitis around his coffin joint.
It was supposed to be simple; go out for the morning patrol, get the horse, Blues, to do more than loping and trotting. Go home and assess the next steps. Instead you, of course, went on a patrol that had the first sign of intrusion in months. Across the river a gunshot rang out agitating Blues. You did your best to calm him down and get him to relax, but as soon as the second shot rang closer he threw you from his back. You had been on top of a fairly rocky hill and Blues wasn’t by any means a small horse. When you fell you landed on your back and hit your head in the process. 
The members of your patrol immediately came to your aid and you had been slightly confused. You swore to them you were okay once you had come to, but procedure required you ride back and get checked by medical. One patrol member, Derek, returned you and Blues to Jackson while the others went to find the source of the gunshots. You knew this is what you had to do. Head injuries were no joke, and it was better to be safe, you would just have to talk Joel down. Calm the storm that would fester and make home to his anxiety.
You don’t blame him, he was scared of losing people he cared about. His own memories often betrayed him, assuming the worst was his only way to cope. 
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“Joel, I need you to look at me,” You spoke softly. 
He slowly raised his head, eyes meeting yours. 
You reached and softly touched his cheek, he leaned into your touch.
“I am okay, I fell. A few bumps and bruises, but I’ll be perfectly fine in a few days.” You gave him a soft smile. 
This side of Joel was rare for anyone but you and Ellie. He was closed off and cold until he let you in. Once you were in there was no part of your soul he didn’t take up residence. He was a good man, a great father and a survivor above all else. 
“Can we get outta here? I can’t fuckin’ breathe.” He was gruff again as soon as the medic came in. 
“Yeah, of course,” the medic, Jane, replied. “Just take it easy alright? You’re gonna feel like shit tomorrow.” 
“Thanks,” You smiled. You had already felt extremely sore and you were not looking forward to having to wake up every few hours throughout the night. 
With his hand in yours you left the medical centre and made you way to the barn. All you wanted to do was lay down, but you knew you had to talk to Joel. Make sure he was okay. 
It's not the way you talk me off the roof
Your questions like directions to the truth
“Joel, you alright?” You asked taking a seat on the steps that led to your little dwelling unit. 
He gave you a small smile and stood in front of you. It was early afternoon at this point and he looked exhausted. You’re sure waves of anxiety were hitting him over and over again. He was just trying to keep his head above water. 
“Joel..” You pressed on. Bringing him out of his thoughts and back to you.
“You don’t understand. I told them you didn’t need to go on patrol.” He sounded frustrated. 
“Hey,” you whispered, “It wasn’t up to you. And I’m still right here.” 
“But what if one day you’re not?” His voice broke.
His pain evident on his face, he was reliving every loss he has ever experienced. From Sarah, to Tess, being in arms length of losing Ellie. You could see that his mind was sinking letting the ‘what if’s?’ win.
“Then I would have fallen to the curse of living, just like everybody else. It’s okay to be scared, I’m terrified. Everyday I wake up and take breath not knowing what’s going to happen next, and that makes life so beautiful. Not knowing how brief my time will be.”
Your voice quieted to a whisper
“There’s not enough time in the world for me and you, Joel. Today just gave us a taste of that. So, let’s go lay down. Hold me and don’t let me go, okay?”
For a moment you saw his features relax. He nodded, needing rest equally as much as you. 
It's not your hands searching slow in the dark
Or your nails leaving love's watermark
By the time you had woken up the sun peeking in through the window had turned gold and you knew it was the early hours of the evening. Joels arm was draped over you, your back pressing into him, using his arm as a pillow. He was drawing a pattern on your bicep and you sighed softly. 
“I’m sorry, darlin’,” he whispered kissing you on the forehead. 
“There is nothing to be sorry for, Joel,” you voice still rasped with sleep. 
He hummed at you. You stretched your shoulders slightly and began to sit up. Your bladder betraying a slow evening in bed with Joel. 
When you had finished in the bathroom, you noticed Joel had moved to the couch. There was a small cloth wrapping on the table. 
“What’s that?” You asked.
“Take a look,” He nodded toward the item. 
You picked it up and placed in in your lap as you sat next to Joel. His arm reached around your shoulders. The other resting on a throw pillow. His leg was crossed over his knee. He looked much more relaxed than he had earlier when he was on the edge of full blow panic. 
You began to unfold the small towel that wrapped the present. It revealed a large golden tulip claw clip. It had clearly been quite the piece in its prime, the pink of the tulip had since faded. The spring and some of the fake gold had rusted, but it was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen. You felt your heart swell and tears began to well in your eyes. 
“Oh Joel,” your voice soft. “It’s so beautiful.” 
“I’ve, uh, been holding onto that for a few weeks. You said tulips were your favourite. Felt like the right time to give it to you.”
You leaned over and kissed him softly and slowly. You had no idea he hung onto your favourite flower. You had mentioned it once earlier in the spring. You had said they were your favourite because they were the first flower to both come and go. There was beauty in their brevity. You never expected Joel to remember such a small detail. Yet here you were, with a tulip clip in hand and a man you were certain you loved beside you. 
If we were vampires and death was a joke
We'd go out on the sidewalk and smoke
And laugh at all the lovers and their plans
“Hey, I have a question for you?” He asked. 
“Yeah, shoot.” You shot him a slightly confused glance. 
“Are you scared to die?” He asked softly, as if his words would send a dagger through you. 
“Of course, Joel.” You started. “I’m sorry if I made you believe otherwise.” 
“It’s just…” He shifted uncomfortably. “You didn’t seem scared earlier, and I’m fucking terrified.” 
“Well, it just,” You sighed trying to find the right words. “We don’t get forever, Joel. If we did we’d be less inclined to love so fiercely.”
You studied him, expression softening at your confession. He looked at you expectantly as if to carry-on with your train of thought. 
I hope it isn't me who's left behind
It's knowing that this can't go on forever
Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone
“Am I scared to die? Of course, I’m terrified. But to know that our time together is finite, and yet we will still choose and love each other, that makes it worth living. I will die knowing how fully I lived my life. God, I hope that it isn’t any time soon, but if it is, I was loved.”
He sighed, “I just hope I wouldn’t get left behind.” 
You smiled softly, the room had grown darker, and with it Joels features softer. 
“Just know that… that, I love you,” You admitted. 
“Always.” He hadn’t said it back. 
It squeezed at your heart that he hadn’t said he loved you in return. It would make it all too real for him. Today had already done that, in due time, he would find the courage. For now, his concern and need to be close to you would have to be enough to satisfy. There was more ways to love than words, and you had learned that with Joel. 
You kissed him softly, your lips brushing his. He took your face in his hands and put everything he couldn’t bring himself to say into the kiss you shared. He needed this to be enough for you, his desperation was present in the way his lips moved against yours. Any hope that he had for you two was carefully placed in this moment, and you felt it. 
You broke apart foreheads resting on one another. The space between you full of all the words you couldn’t bring yourselves to speak. 
It was enough for you to hope.
Maybe we'll get forty years together
But one day I'll be gone
One day you'll be gone. 
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comments, feedback and rbs are so appreciated 🥺❤️
tags: @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @quality-lust @tieronecrush @beskarandblasters @pedritosdarling @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @ilovepedro @sofiparallel @happinessinthebeing @aestheticangel612 @javierpenasimp @brie-annwyl @stupidthoughtsinwriting @evyiione @cambleuu @laysmt @imonmykneessir @wand-erer5 @orcasoul @chibimosa @maviee @midgetpottermills @steveharringtonswh0re @scoliobean @tightjeansjavi @pedgeitopascalreads @joelsversion @undrthelights
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bg-brainrot · 3 months
Unraveling Plan Meet Immeasurable Insecurity (Astarion x GN!Tav)
Featuring: Astarion x Rogue!Tav
Series: Fits into Love at First Knife, AO3 link here
Rating: Teen
Summary: Tav tries their damnedest to propose, only to be rebuffed by Astarion at every single turn.
Tags: Astarion POV - alternating w/Rogue!Tav, POV Second Person, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Fluff, Spawn Astarion, Post-Canon, Marriage Proposal, Mild Hurt/Comfort, insecurities
A/N: based on a request from a kind anon on Tumblr– "Would you ever consider writing a one-shot where Tav tries to propose to Astarion but keeps failing multiple times. But Tav doesn’t give up and raises the stakes higher and higher. Astarion will completely remain oblivious because he still has some self esteem issues (why would anyone want to marry him?) and is really confused why Tav is acting nervous around him."
I ended up taking it in a slightly different direction (based on the man’s self esteem issues as you pointed out, anon). Set an undetermined amount of years post BG3, post saving Karlach from Zariel, post-Lae’zel finishing the githyanki uprising so the gang's all here. I hope the kind anon still enjoys it!
Word count: ~5.6k
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Astarion first has an inkling that something is the matter when you sneak away from him.
Odd, he thinks, watching your retreating back. Usually they invite me along for this sort of skulking about.
But he understands, better than most, what a bit of privacy could afford someone who hasn’t had any in so long. So he watches you leave, pretending all the while that he hasn’t noticed a thing. Best not embarrass them, of course.
He brushes off the incident as an anomaly– after all, you continue to be your usual self upon your return. Neither of you speak of your absence, and you seem rather pleased with yourself, so he is pleased for you.
The next time he notices something is off he grows a tad more worried.
This time you don’t disappear, but you do spend a concerning amount of time staring at his hands, expression pensive.
“Darling,” he starts. He quickly tucks his hands under the Elfsong table that you both sit at and leans forward. “What are you doing?”
You blanch at the question– an uncharacteristic reaction to be sure. “Oh,” you sound startled, as if you’ve been caught doing something quite naughty. “Nothing at all. Just wondering if you’d done anything new with your nails? They look… nice.”
It’s a lie, that much is clear to Astarion. But it’s not typical that you lie so poorly. And why should you lie? No matter, you look flustered and gods does he love it when you look flustered– it happens so rarely that he feels the need to truly relish it. “Don’t they?” he asks, flourishing his hands in front of you now. “How did you know? I dipped them in an essence of ooze to thoroughly moisturize them.”
“Really?” Your bewilderment almost brings a laugh out of him.
“Gods no, my dear,” he says, reaching out from under the table and for your hands. “You seem quite out of sorts. Are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” you dismiss, staunchly avoiding eye contact with him.
Odd, he thinks again. Where is their usual daring now?
He’s forced to dismiss the thought as you flag down a waitress, ordering yourselves another bottle of wine.
Astarion becomes genuinely concerned when you return home late one night.
The two of you have grown comfortable together in your house, just on the outskirts of Baldur’s Gate, in a cozy corner of Rivington. The location allows you to continue your work with the guild, gives him plentiful access to any criminals that needed exsanguinating, and your former companions are never far.
It does mean that you will sometimes stay late in the city, working well into the sunlight hours– but you also know to send him a message on the days you stay out late. Otherwise your poor, beautiful vampire will waste away in worry.
“Where in the nine hells are they?” Astarion curses aloud on this particular dawning day. He’d tried sending a message to you, only to receive nothing back. He’d sent another to Shadowheart, again to silence. He considers trying someone less responsible like Karlach, when you finally burst through the front door.
“Oh! Astarion,” you say, surprise plain on your face. As if he wouldn’t be here, in your shared home no less, waiting for your arrival. “What are you still doing up?”
He watches you silently for a moment as you tuck something behind your back, straighten out uncomfortably. Then, with all of the annoyance he can muster, he rolls his eyes at you. “It’s lovely to see you too, my dear. It’s not as if I was worrying my gorgeous head off at the thought of you dead in some rank Baldurian gutter.”
“I’m sorry,” you say, shuffling around the room in a rather suspicious manner. “I lost track of time. I figured you would go to bed without me.”
Astarion can’t remember the last time he went to bed without at least knowing where you were. Even if he could, he suspects he really would rather not. “Darling, you know I need my warm-blooded lover by my side to enter my reverie. Besides, what could have possibly taken you so long?”
You hesitate, and something tugs at Astarion’s insides. He feels a sudden sense of fear, a dread that he may regret asking you this question. 
What if you’re upset at him, and this was your way to maintain space? What if you’ve finally, rationally taken a look at your situation and determined that no, you’d really rather not love a monster like himself? Or worse, what if you’d found someone else, someone who could bask in the daylight alongside you? Gods, the idea sends his undead heart plummeting.
Just as you’re about to open your mouth to answer, he rescinds his question, “Nevermind. I don’t want to know. I merely wanted to make sure you were alive. You’re looking as sprightly as ever, so I shall head to bed.”
He doesn’t wait for your response, heading to bed in a dramatic swirl and even more sensational thoughts. 
He’s right, he knows it to his core. You’ve found someone else, someone who can give you the life he never could. More than anything he wishes he had the courage to confront you, especially as all of your odd behavior clicks into place.
They snuck off to find a lover.
They were staring at my hands in the hopes that they were someone else’s.
They stayed out late to relish in another’s company.
They’re aloof because they’re leaving me and it’s all a matter of time.
It’s as plain as day. How could he have been so very, very blind?
You had concocted a nice, simple plan.
It involved a ring, a smattering of your closest friends, and a particularly prickly vampire. Ideally, the plan ended with the vampire agreeing to marry you.
Gods. The idea thrills you as much as it scares you: you are actually going to propose to Astarion.
After years together, you and Astarion are practically already married. This is merely a formality in your mind. But of course, for a man like Astarion, it's a formality that means only the utmost effort must be put in.
But, as it always goes in your life, your nice, simple fell apart.
The problem you're finding is that, after weeks of preparation and secretive planning, the man is being oddly distant. Distant and dismissive. It's almost as if he knows something is afoot, and he's utterly determined to make sure it doesn't happen.
Five times now he has thwarted your attempts at a proposal.
"Astarion," you had started the first time. "Would you like to take a walk in the park with me tonight?”
The look he’d given you was equal parts wary and panicked. So much so that you thought maybe you’d misspoken. But his response was measured enough. “No, thank you, darling. I’m afraid I’m quite spent today.” He gave you a yawn to illustrate his point, and you dropped the subject for the night.
You had had to send a message to Shadowheart to call off the trail of poisonous flowers that your friends were laying out for your stroll.
The next time, you had tried being a bit more casual in your attempt.
“Would you enjoy a day at the spa, Astarion?”
Again, he gave you a look that confused you. Frightened face, hackles raised– his only response was, “Why, darling, do I look that ghastly to you?”
“You know that’s not what I–”
“No matter,” he’d waved you off. “I am afraid I’m busy today.”
You’d sent a message to Karlach, telling her that the reservation of Baldur’s Gate’s spa was no longer needed.
The third time, you’d called in some more magical help.
“Astarion, what do you say to a moonlit picnic atop the roof of the Elfsong? We haven’t had one in a while.”
Appalled– utterly and truly aghast is the only way to describe the face he’d made. The words that followed didn't make you feel better either. “And why would we do that again after such a long while?”
Your stomach had roiled, worry settling in at his tone. “I thought it would be a chance to reminisce together.” Your tone stayed light, your smile just as friendly.
“It’s far too cold to bother with reminiscing,” he’d said, glowering at you. Looking at the hard set of his jaw, this is when you’d begun to worry that you’d done something to upset him.
“Is everything alright?” you’d asked, reaching out for his arm.
“It’s fine,” he’d replied, curtly, retreating from your grasp. “I just don’t want to be colder than I already am.”
You’d sent a message to Gale, instructing him to call off the magical skywriting over the Elfsong.
For your fourth attempt, you knew you needed someone with a slightly more forceful personality– and to perhaps lean a little less romantic.
“Astarion,” you’d begun, inflecting your tone with just the right amount of panic. “Lae’zel’s found a flock of mephits along the beach of Wyrm’s Crossing. She needs our help.”
“Mephits?” he’d asked, looking at you cautiously. “In Wyrm’s Crossing?”
“Yes,” you’d replied, nodding hurriedly. “We need to go now.”
He’d clicked his tongue at you and shaken his head. “As if Lae’zel couldn’t crush them all with a single swing. Seems to me like she’s grown lazy after all of her heroics.”
“Astarion,” you’d chided. “You know she will incredibly cross at us if she finds out you declined to help.”
“I’ll survive,” he’d said, returning to the book on his lap, hands turning paler than usual in a tense vice grip. “Probably.”
After, you’d sent a message to Lae’zel, instructing her to do as she pleased with the stash of fireworks on the beach.
The fifth time you’d grown genuinely, truly worried that something was wrong with Astarion because, by the gods, the man had refused to commit crime with you.
After so many failed attempts, you’d figured that you needed to go back to the roots of your relationship– to a simpler time when petty theft gave you some time alone together.
“I heard a rumor through the guild,” you’d said offhandedly over dinner. “A newly minted noble in the Upper City has quite the horde of wealth and very little security. What do you say that we pay them a visit, perhaps ‘relieve’ them of some of their wealth?”
Astarion had faltered, clearly tempted by your offer. But after nearly two weeks of avoiding going anywhere with you, he didn’t outright agree either. “And why would you need me for this particular job?”
The question had taken you aback. You’d never needed a reason to invite him along for crime of all things. It made you near certain that he knew what you were up to and that something about it was distasteful to him. Sweet hells, it made you nervous. “I, erm… well, I could use an extra pair of hands to carry it all, I suppose?”
“I could lend you my pack then,” he’d said, narrowing his eyes at you.
Why is he trying to avoid me? Have his feelings changed? you’d thought in fear. Aloud, you’d only doubled down. “Well, the company might be nice. And you know that your lockpicking is, somehow, better than mine.”
“I thought you said security was sparse,” he’d countered.
“Sparse doesn’t mean nonexistent.”
“Not much of a challenge then, is it?”
You had wanted to scream into the astral plane. Wanted to flip the table over his pretty pale face. Wanted to tell him, ‘You know what, I didn’t want to marry such a stubborn vampire anyway!’ – but you did none of those things. Because you love this man and, even when he’s being difficult, you do want to marry him.
So you had gritted your teeth and said, “Very well then. I shall borrow your pack.”
You’d sent a message to Wyll later to call off his father’s help with the upper city guards.
For your sixth attempt, you decide you first need to reconvene with your council– also known as your former companions. 
When you’d first met with them at the start of this whole ordeal, you’d snuck away from Astarion. It made you feel a bit guilty, sneaking around, hiding things from him, but the entire proposal was meant to be a fun surprise– one you are starting to suspect is a misguided effort. 
You profess as much aloud now that you’re meeting up with the five of them again, seated around the table in Jaheira’s kitchen. “Maybe there is no sixth attempt. Maybe I’ve overestimated the love between us.”
“Don’t say that,” Wyll says, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, squeezing softly in reassurance. “Your love is strong. And together we will find a way to make this proposal work.”
You smile up at the man, one always so willing to believe in the power of a good love story. You’re almost sorry to be disappointing him– and the smut peddlers. Really, you’re sorry to be disappointing all of your friends. Each of your companions had been eager to help you in your endeavor, in their own ways, of course.
Gale had congratulated you prematurely at first, misunderstanding your Sending spell. But when you’d clarified, asked him for his help, he’d only been incredibly enthused, arriving the very next day, offering all manner of suggestions.
Karlach, for her part, was only ever excited, practically bouncing off the walls that two of her best mates may potentially tie the knot. At the low, low price of allowing her to be your person of honor, she was entirely at your disposal.
Lae’zel had been confused initially. In her mind, you were already committed to a life together. What was the purpose of this… proposal? Of marriage? But when you’d explained to her a bit, she’d been curious– and excited at the potential of catching Astarion off guard.
Shadowheart had seemed surprised when you’d asked. You weren’t already married? Alas, she’d gotten the plot of one of the many bawdy novels about you confused with real life. No matter, she was happy to help.
And, well, Wyll– when he returned from Avernus he’d been disappointed that you weren’t at the very least engaged yet. It was no shock or awe to him when you visited him for help. In fact, he had only given you a wry smile and said, “I knew you would be the one to cave.”
As for Jaheira, well, she was allowing you to use her house as a headquarters, but had proclaimed early, “Invite me to the wedding and I shall be there, but until then– well, this is for you lot to figure out.”
And gods were you having trouble figuring it out.
“I don’t know, Wyll. I’m worried Astarion may never revert back to normal at this rate,” you say, shaking your head.
“Was he ever normal?” Shadowheart asks with a soft snort. “Besides, he can be awfully dense at times, you may just need to ask him outright.”
“There is not a single realm in which Astarion says yes to a simple proposal,” you say, brows furrowing. “You know he’d want something flashy.”
Gale raises a finger sagely before countering, “Well, my friend, sometimes what we want and what we need are two different things. I’m inclined to agree that you may just need to pop the question.”
“What if…” you trail off, your worries from the past weeks bogging down your thoughts. Somehow, despite everything you’ve been through, this seems to be your toughest challenge yet. “Do you think he knows what I’m doing and is simply too afraid to reject me?” you ask the group, turning to each of them with pleading eyes. You’re honestly not sure you can take his rejection, especially after the last five rebuffs.
“Not a chance in the hells,” Karlach answers. “I think he’s being a right idiot, actually. And if he knew what was happening, he may even say yes before you can so much as get the question out.”
“Really?” Your mood lightens a bit, her harsh words slashing through the hardened doubts that have settled over your heart. 
“Is it any surprise to us that Astarion is incapable of seeing the truth before him?” Lae’zel says, rolling her eyes. “Such sharp skills, yet completely dull in the face of our efforts.”
“Again, we may just need a softer touch,” Shadowheart suggests, tilting her head at you.
You’re not sure what a softer touch might be, and, from the silence that follows, neither are any of your companions.
Your resident wizard is the first to break the silence. “I could always create a simulacra–”
“Gale,” Wyll interjects, politely. “I’m afraid I don’t think that’s much softer.”
“Right,” Gale says, leaning back in his seat.
Another long moment of silence and you’re truly starting to feel defeated. You hang your head a bit, thoughts filled with the image of a certain beautiful, pale elf’s mouth curling at you in distaste, forming a pronounced ‘no.’
“Soldier,” Karlach starts. You look up to see her smirking at you. “If he won’t willingly join you anywhere. I think we both know what you need to do.”
They are going to sink the final nail in the metaphorical coffin.
For nearly two weeks now, Astarion has successfully avoided his lover’s attempts to get together in a public space– likely what they saw was the best, most civil way to dispose of him. But, foolish as it is to cling to something like a withered love, Astarion doesn’t want this relationship to end.
Perhaps, if I can do this for long enough, they will change their mind, he thinks. Gods, that sounds pathetic, even for him.
Astarion was running out of excuses, and, worse yet, running out of willpower. What is the use in fighting the inevitable? he thinks, as he walks down the streets of Baldur’s Gate. It’s a moonlit night, and he’s on the prowl for a criminal to bite– he needs something, anything to distract him from his woes.
He turns the corner, on high alert.
Then again, a more selfish part of him counters. Why shouldn't you fight for your love? They were the first good thing to ever happen to you in this damned world.
That’s when he spots them– the-first-good-thing-to-ever-happen-to-him is hiding behind a bush directly before him, facing another alleyway. There are very few reasons that they would be out at this time of night, in the middle of this particular street of Baldur’s Gate. While they could be on a mission for the guild, he had last seen them at home, reading by the fire. It’s clear that they followed him, are waiting to ambush him.
Is this it? he thinks, eyes narrowing. His chest hurts, more than ought to be possible given his lack of beating heart. Is this how desperate they are to be rid of me? May as well go out with flair, I suppose…
Astarion sneaks forward, careful to remain outside of your field of view. He settles behind you in the darkness of the bush, watching you as you look out for him. Despite the ache in his heart, the clenching of his stomach, he can’t help but think of how lovely you look under the moonlight– of how lucky he has been to have had you.
If this truly is it, he thinks. I can’t wallow or cry. I shall hold my head high and consider myself fortunate to have met them. To have loved them. At least, he hopes he’s capable of such a performance. Because right now, quietly crouched next to you, he wants nothing more than to pull you into his arms, to beg you to reconsider.
But no. He refuses to look pathetic– not after the life he has lived.
So, after waiting with you for a few minutes, he leans forward into your personal space and asks, “Darling, what are you doing?”
Astarion is ready for your instincts to kick in, so when your knife is drawn in a flash and you’re lunging for him, he’s easily dodging backward, holding his hands up in peace. “Now, now darling, I thought we were past the knives at throats.”
“Astarion?” you ask, startled. “Sweet hells, you haven’t snuck up on me like that in years.”
“Yes, well,” he says, avoiding your eyes now. He’s surprised by how much gazing into them has weakened his composure already. “You also haven’t looked so utterly distracted by your own thoughts in years either.”
“What are you doing here?” you ask, ignoring his words. “I thought…”
Yes, dear, what did you think? he wants to ask, to catch you in the act with a cruel moment of revelation, to hurt you as much as you’re about to hurt him. But when he brings his eyes back to yours, he knows he can’t do that. While he’s still capable of maiming, killing, all manner of atrocities– he cannot hurt you. So he only says, “I was out hunting and I saw you hiding in a bush. What are you doing here?”
“I–” you falter, seemingly torn. Perhaps you’re having second thoughts. Perhaps this is his chance to keep you from breaking his cold, crumbling heart.
“Do you need assistance, dear?” he asks, ready and willing to show how much he would do for you. Anything, honestly, if it means you’ll stay by his side.
“Gods, I keep mucking this all up,” you mutter, head hanging in uncharacteristic defeat. “Maybe Shadowheart was right.”
What did that damned cleric do now? Is she the one you’re leaving him for? He’s about to make a reflexive, snide comment about her veritable barnyard of animals, but stops when he sees you sheath your blade. When you wipe a hand over your face in frustration.
Oh. You’re miserable. You wouldn’t look like this normally. You would never be this nervous, this stressed to see him– not unless his very presence had turned toxic. “I should go, shouldn’t I?” he asks, throat tight.
“No!” you say, reaching out a hand to keep him from leaving. Your grip is tight, painful in its panic, but he doesn’t complain. How could he when you look like this? 
More than anything, he wants this worry that lines your face to fade, the jittery movement of your hands to abate. So maybe it’s up to him to spark the beginning of the end… “Did you… have something you wanted to tell me?” he asks, swallowing down the fear that threatens to overwhelm him.
“I…” you gulp, bringing your second hand to join the first, loosening your grip. You raise your head, and he sees the tumult in your gaze. At the very least, you must care about him somewhat to stress yourself this much. “Astarion, please don’t be upset.”
How could he not? But, somehow, he manages a sad smile at you anyway. “As if I could ever be upset with you, my love.”
Then you drop to a knee in front of him.
“Astarion,” you say, voice shaking a bit with nerves. “I had wanted this to be something lovely. Something meaningful. But… I guess you love ruining plans, don’t you?”
“What,” he breathes out, confusion plain on his face. His red eyes dart between yours, as if trying to process a sudden, large shift. You suppose it would be a shift in your relationship, even if you were practically married already. If he even decided to say yes.
You release his arm with one hand, reaching into your side pouch for the small square box that’s waiting for you. Fingers less dexterous than usual, you fumble over clutching it, opening it single handedly. You’re not used to looking this foolish, and you can feel a heat over your cheeks, an anxious shake to your movements.
But before too long the box is open, a shining platinum band resting inside.
It looks like everything you’d hoped for in the moment– its inlaid red rubies catch the moonlight just beautifully. You’d spent weeks agonizing, wondering if you had picked the right one, imagining what it might look like were it to be placed on his perfect pale finger. Here and now, with this man standing before you, you know it would look exquisite.
“Astarion,” you start again, courage returning to you with that knowledge, some of the words you’d prepared coming back to your mind. “These past years together have been the best years of my life. You’re my best friend, my dual blade, and I love you more than I can even say. I don’t know what our future holds, but I would consider myself lucky to walk towards it with you at my side. So…” You pull the ring from the box, holding it up to the man you love with a smile. “Would you, Astarion Ancunín, do me the honor of marrying me?”
Astarion Ancunín, despite years of quick quips and sultry words, seems to be frozen in place, unable to speak.
You’re used to these moments, when he needs to process, but you’re not used to them when you’re on one knee, waiting for a response. “Astarion?” you hazard.
“You’re…” he says, face slack, mouth barely moving. “You’re proposing to me?”
It’s not a no, but it’s certainly not the reaction you’d be hoping for. “Erm, yes. Is that… distasteful to you?” You can feel your hand recoil somewhat, your smile slip.
His expression remains blank, lips slightly agape as he continues to take in the scene before him. “You– you don’t have a new lover? You’re not planning to leave me?”
“What?” Now it’s your turn to be flabbergasted. “Astarion, what are you talking about?”
The sigh that leaves him then could collapse a small house. “Sweet hells,” he says, face and body relaxing. “I thought… I thought that you were acting odd, like– like–”
“Like I was trying to surprise you with the magnificent proposal you deserve?” you respond, suddenly understanding his behavior and growing a smidge annoyed. “Like I didn’t want to propose to you behind some damned bushes?”
Astarion looks around, as if just now realizing where you are, what is happening. “Yes, now that you mention it, like that.”
You want to be upset, but then the man above you laughs. It’s light, breathy, and utterly relieved. “You were really worried, weren’t you?”
“Oh my sweet love, I was about ready to jump into an Oubliette,” he says, shaking his head ruefully.
“You thought I would leave you, just like that?” you ask, brows furrowing in concern. Maybe you should have just proposed in your living room.
“I wouldn’t blame you,” he says, looking down at you with a tinge of sadness in his smile. “I doubt that this was the life you were looking for, darling. As a matter of fact, are you… sure about this?” He eyes the ring in your hand, all but forgotten in his confusion.
You proffer it again, raising your hand a bit higher this time. “The only life I’m looking for is the one with you in it, Astarion. I am quite sure.”
His scarlet eyes dart between yours questioningly, and you merely stare back, staunch in your words and intent. “Even if I’m a fool that forced your hand– left you kneeling in the dirt?”
“We’ve done worse things on dirt, Astarion,” you say, smiling widening at the memory of the first time he’d told you he loved you. “If you’d like me to get out of the dirt though, you could answer my question: Would you marry me?”
Once more, he looks between your eyes, this time his are wide, open– daring to believe that his darkest fears are just that. Fears. Ones that you would vanquish without a second thought. How could he have been so blind to that. Moisture pools at the corner of his eyes at the realization.
So he drops to his knees, reaching for your face with his hands. In a single movement, he’s pulled you toward him, captured your lips with his with an undeniable longing. A longing to hold you in his hands for as long as he is able. A longing to taste your lips on his, each and every day. A longing to never be without you, to be yours until death do you part.
You respond to his kiss in kind, lips pressing against him with your own pent up longing. He distantly hears the ring’s box fall to the floor, feels your hand brush past his ear to clutch his hair. You kiss him like he’s the answer to every question you’ve ever had and he feels a small tear run down his face as his eyes squeeze tightly shut.
Gods he would never tire of kissing you.
I ought to respond, he thinks in the back of his head, as he moves his lips against yours.
Is this not response enough? he argues, not wanting to break apart from you, for even a moment.
No, it wouldn’t do to have any confusion, not after the past two weeks.
So, before he can forget himself, he pulls back from you, far enough to look into your eyes. “That was a ‘yes’ in case that wasn’t evident.”
You laugh, short and breathless. “Oh good,” you say, leaning back further and bringing up the ring between you. “Then may I?”
Astarion removes his left hand from your face, holds it out to you with a large, gleeful smile. “You may.”
You slip the ring onto his finger. It fits well, matches his eyes, looks positively sumptuous– as always, you know him too well. “It’s stunning,” he says, angling it one way then another.
“I’m glad you like it,” you say, smiling at the sight. “And that you didn’t catch me when I tried to sneak it past you.”
The vampire laughs, shaking his head free of his own silly thoughts. “I smashed your plans into tiny little pieces, didn’t I?”
You don’t say yes, but the look on your face is evidence enough. “I’ll tell you all about what you missed out on later. For now, we should, erm, go get our friends.”
“Go get our friends?” he asks, wondering what in the hells they have to do with all of this.
“Yes,” you say, planting a kiss on his hand before moving to get up. “They’re all in place for another one of these ill fated plans.”
“Ah,” he says, following you up. Then, realizing what you’ve said, he looks at you with concern. “Just what were you in this bush for?”
To your credit, you look abashed. But your words do nothing to lessen his concern. “Seeing as you were refusing to come with me, well, anywhere, we had to pivot our strategy.”
“Darling,” he starts, his tone a deceptive sweetness. “Whatever does that mean?”
“It was Karlach’s plan,” you say, as a means of explanation.
“Oh good. I’m sure whatever it was was perfectly sane then.”
Scratching at the back of your neck, you finally admit the plan, “I was going to give them a signal when you passed. Gale was going to make an illusory double of me getting kidnapped by the rest of them in disguise, then hopefully you would take chase to go save me, they would lose you just as you got to the Elfsong where I would be waiting…”
Astarion looks at you sharply, his mouth a disapproving line. “Really?”
“In retrospect, I can see the flaws in the plan,” you say, palms open. “But in my defense, I was getting desperate. Either way, we ought to go get them. Karlach seemed just about ready to explode from hiding that long.”
“Fine,” he says reluctantly. “This is what we get for having such imbeciles for friends.”
“Funny,” you start, holding out a hand to him. “They said the same about you.”
He takes your hand with an exaggerated eye roll, but can’t help the smile that comes over his face at the feeling of your fingers twining with his. “It’s a shame you had to resort to them for help.”
“I really needed it. You know, I have killed more people than I can count, but you have been my most challenging mark by far,” you say, dramatically as you begin to walk down the alleyway.
“Worse than the giant, world-ending brain?”
“Oh yes.”
The two of you walk in silence for a few steps before Astarion feels compelled to say one last thing before reaching your friends. “Darling, I truly am sorry I ruined all of your plans, but I must ask: Please don’t try to surprise me like this again.”
The expression on your face deflates a little, and you say, “I thought you would like something grand?”
He brings your hand up to his lips for a soft, reassuring peck. “Normally, yes. But, I love you so very much. I’m afraid it clouds my usually impeccable judgment.”
You don’t comment on his judgment, instead focusing on his proclamation of love. “I love you too. So, hopefully, there isn’t a second proposal.”
“One can only hope,” Astarion says with a laugh. “And, if there is, perhaps it’s my turn to do the proposing?”
“Love, if you surprise me, I may kill you,” you say, plainly.
“A risk I’ve always been willing to take, my dear,” the man replies, pulling on your hand. “Now, come. I think I can spot Wyll’s peeking eye from here.”
Hand-in-hand, the two of you walk toward your waiting friends, ready to tell them the good news.
It wasn’t the grand proposal you had envisioned. Nor was it even a particularly romantic one. But, somehow, it was still perfect, still loving, still the beautiful new beginning to the rest of your lives together.
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paladin-heart5 · 5 months
Life Worth Living
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Husband Leon Kennedy x pregnant! Reader
A/n: hello there! I wanted to write something nice and sweet cause Leon deserves a happy ending and y'all deserve comfort! :) this story contains absolute fluffiness with a tad bit of insecurity, enjoy!
You stood in the bathroom, your hands on the sink as you leaned over. Your eyes were fixated on the pregnancy test, the word 'positive' staring back. You've been feeling pretty fatigued recently, you checked for cold, fever, everything. But considering you and Leon have been playing around quite a bit, it should've been obvious. Multiple feelings swirl around in your mind; excitement, fear, worry, disbelief. Which one do you focus on? Shit, what's Leon gonna think? He's always thought he wouldn't be ready to be a dad. What if he leaves? He wouldn't do that, right? The sound of the door opening and heavy steps snap you out of your thoughts.
"Shit shit, how am I gonna tell him?" You whisper, scrambling to figure out what to do with the test. You decide to put it in your sweatpants pocket. Your husband calls out for you as he looks around your shared home.
"Y/n? You here, my love?" Leon calls softly as he approaches the bathroom, knocking on the door.
"Yes honey! Just a second!" You fix yourself up as best as you can, although you've been in bed most of the day. You quickly open the door and are greeted by the sweet, handsome face of your husband. You smile and give him a hug.
"Welcome home, Lee! How was the mission, no serious injuries, right?" You quickly scan him for any bruises or cuts. He chuckles at this careful greeting and holds your hands.
"I'm just fine, baby. Nothing too extreme this time, thankfully." Leon takes a moment to look over you. You have little bags under your eyes, and your skin is paler than usual, he frowns.
"Y/n, are you sick?" He asks a bit worried as he feels your head. "You're burning up, you could've called me home baby, you need to be taken cared of." He says as he pulls you to sit on the couch.
"Yeah, about that Lee.. I have something to tell you." You say nervously, already fidgeting with your hands. Leon tilts his head and sits next to you, he remains calm. "What is it?"
You take a deep breath and reach into your pocket. You pull out the positive test and show it to him. "I'm pregnant." You breath out, hands shaking a bit. Leon blinks as he stares at it, letting your words sink. He's quiet for a minute, making you even more anxious.
"I- I know it's a lot, and I don't blame you if you need space I just-" You stop as you feel his hands grip yours, tears forming in his eyes. "We're gonna have a baby?" He asks quietly, you slowly nod. Leon smiles and laughs a bit as he lifts and spins you. This causes you to squeal in surprise. "Leon!"
"We're gonna have a family! This is amazing!" Leon smiles and holds you close. You let out a laugh, you weren't expecting him to be this ecstatic.
"You're not upset?" You ask, tears starting to well up. Leon looks at you with a flash of concern. "Upset? Nono, how could I be? I get to have a family with the love of my life!" Leon kisses you lovingly.
"After Raccoon City, I didn't think I'd be able to have a life like this. Having you in my life changed everything, Y/n. I'm so happy." He admits, making you sob.
"I love you so much Leon." You smile and kiss his cheek. He places multiple kisses on your face. "I love you too."
Six months later, your belly is showing and you're having a hard time putting shoes on. You're out of the fatigued phase, but you're craving everything and your emotions are haywire. At the end of the day, your excitement for a little one is immense. Leon has done everything he can to prepare. He retired, read all sorts of books, and took care of you the whole way. You aren't lifting a finger as long as he's around. And now, the nursery is almost done! Leon walks into the room and sees you struggle, quickly going to assist you.
"Y/n, you don't have to strain yourself. You can call me for help." Leon says softly as he gets your shoes on.
"I'm not glass, Leon." You giggle. "Actually, you're very fragile right now, baby. Too precious!" He responds, standing up and kissing your head. He gently rubs your belly, admiring how much you glow. "I can't wait to meet her."
"You seem certain it's going to be a girl." You raise a brow. "I am, I got a good feeling."
"Oh yeah? You'd spoil her rotten." You laugh out, holding his hand to help you stand. He has such a sweet smile, and his stubble looks so good on him.
"Boy or girl, consider them spoiled. But don't worry, pretty girl, I'm going to keep spoiling you for as long as I live." The retired agent smiles softly, placing a kiss on your lips. You blush and tear up, but quickly wipe them away.
"C'mon I'm starving, the baby wants Italian food!" You whine, making Leon chuckle and walk you out to the car. "Anything you want, my love." His life was about to be all about you, him, and your miracle. He's still trying to wrap his head around this. He finally has a chance at a more normal life, one he's willing to live for.
And when that baby arrives, there's nothing that can separate Leon from the both of you.
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cherryflavoured7777 · 6 months
okay i’m thinking a fic where you’re spending your first christmas with Hazel 🥹 and making a gingerbread house while drinking hot cocoa and watching movies… like TONS of fluff im in love with her.
PS i love u and ur writing so much 🩷
(THIS IS PURE FLUFF. BORDERLINE TOO SWEET BUT I AM A very cheesy hoe IM SORRY, you have been warned)
You and Hazel spend your first Christmas Eve together. <3.
word count: 2k
December 24th, Christmas Eve, found you spending the entire day at your girlfriend Hazel's house. The two of you totally immersing yourselves in a festive atmosphere, indulging in baking sessions, adding last minute decorations to the space, and listening to a blend of both classic Christmas tunes and your personal favourite songs.
You stood at the kitchen island, putting the finishing touches on a round of baking.
"Smells amazing, baby," Hazel sighed as she wrapped her arms around you from behind, observing you intently as you worked on mixing your second batch of cookies.
"Yeah?" you hummed.
"Mhmm, can't wait to try them." You felt the comforting weight of her chin resting on your shoulder, a warmth spreading through your body.
In the oven, your initial batch of Christmas cookies baked, ready to accompany the gingerbread house you were about to create.
Hazel snakes her arm in-front of you, dipping her finger into the cookie batter you're mixing.
"Hey! no tasting the batter yet." you protest.
"It's not for me, I already snuck a taste when you weren't looking. Open your mouth. You gotta try it."
Hazel’s hands met your waist again, and she gently spun you around.
She drew you a bit closer, fingers gently encircling your waist as she slid her batter-covered finger into your mouth, inviting you to taste. Her eyes grew slightly darker as she watched you slowly suck the batter off her finger, pupils fixated on your mouth. With raised eyebrows, she watched you expectantly.
"See?" She removes her finger from your mouth and licks the excess batter off her finger. "My girl can bake."
It all feels incredibly domestic, and merely being in her presence evokes a flutter in your stomach, a sensation that persists despite the fact that you see her almost every day. Love with Hazel unfolds in unexpectedly simple moments, and you can't help but feel fortunate, a sentiment she shares. The idea of experiencing such a pure connection once seemed unlikely to her, until she met you.
Your eyes stay fixated on hers before for a moment before she speaks.
"I love having you here,” she blurted out.
“I love being here,” you replied.
"No," she seemed a bit frustrated, as if you didn't fully grasp how deeply she meant it.
"Seeing you here gets me excited. Excited about what the future holds for us, you know? I know it sounds insane, or maybe like I’m thinking too far down the line, but I can't wait to come home to you existing in our place one day. Our kitchen, with the stuff we picked out together." Though confident and intentional, you could tell Hazel’s words were laced with vulnerability and a tad of insecurity.
Hazel’s words didn’t freak you out, though, they actually did the opposite. You never imagined you could feel so deeply enamored with another person. Truthfully, you would give her whatever she wanted.
"I know, Haze. Me too. I think about it so much, more than you know," you reassure her.
Hands still on your waist, she lifts you onto the countertop, adjusting slightly to stand between your legs.
Your hand instinctively reaches up to hold her face. You were both so young, and perhaps naive, but you never let that stop you from having these thoughts. You felt you owed yourself a completely lovesick, teenage romance, not tainted by fears of the future, not yet at least.
Your hands brush a strand of brown hair from her face, and you lean down to kiss her.
Whenever you kissed Hazel, you understood why people wanted to kiss, why they chased this feeling.
Growing up, you never quite understood it as much. But here in this moment, and every other one like it, you finally did. The warmth of her lips against yours, the subtle taste of cookie batter lingering between you—it's a simple joy that seems to encapsulate everything sweet and pure in your shared world.
You pull away, leaving her chasing you for more “Alright we gotta get these out of the oven, get out of my way,” you playfully command.
Walking over to put on your oven mitts, you take the tray out, carefully placing it on the stove. The sugary sweet aroma of the cookies envelops the kitchen with a rich warmth.
“I think we make a pretty good team,” Hazel says, smiling at you and admiring your baking.
“What are you talking about? I did all the work,” you tease, giggling as you await her response, turning back around to face her.
“Hey! That’s not true, I-” You cut off her protest with another kiss, choosing to indulge her instead of teasing her further. She smiles into the kiss, grabbing your waist before before her fingers start to trail along your spine, igniting a electricity against your skin. Letting the heated exchange linger, the playful banter transforms into a more intense moment as she slowly walks you backward and pushes you against the counter again.
The kitchen's warmth now feels more noticeable as ever as Hazel's lips leave yours and find their way to the sensitive curve of your neck. Soft, breathy sighs escape your lips, and you feel the air thicken around you. Hazel's hands move with purpose, exploring the contours of your body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.
The magnetic pull between you intensifies, making it momentarily hard to focus on anything but the rising wanting in your chest. Yet, amidst the heat of the moment, Hazel manages to steer the energy back to your task, her lips lingering near your ear.
“Okay, ready to tackle this beast?” she asks, motioning to the unopened gingerbread house. The mischievous glint in her eyes tells you that she knew exactly what she was doing.
“Absolutley.” you smile, trying to seem unphased and ignore the growing heat between your thighs.
The next half-hour is spent constructing the gingerbread house with Hazel around her kitchen table. She eventually pulls you onto her lap on her chair, her arms encircling you as she reaches behind with the frosting, guiding your hands to steady them as you outline the bodies of the gingerbread men. Laughter reverberates through the room as you and Hazel engage in a frosting fight, adorning the gingerbread with colorful candies and sprinkles, not really paying too much attention to where you're putting them.
“This looks like shit,” you say, staring at your handiwork. Hastily, you reach to save the drooping roof thats caving in.
You can feel Hazel’s breath against your ear behind you as she lets out a laugh, her arms wrapping around you to help salvage the falling structure. The shared moment becomes a sweet memory, even if the gingerbread house didn't turn out as planned.
"I think it's perfect," Hazel declares, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek.
You glance around the room, the glow of Christmas lights casting a warm ambiance. The sound of holiday music playing softly in the background adds to the sweetness of the moment.
“Come on, I’m getting sleepy, let's go watch a movie,” she says, lifting you off her lap, interlacing your hand with hers as she pulls you up the stairs to her room.
You make your way up to Hazel's room, quickly discarding your T-shirt in exchange for one of her oversized sweatshirts, carrying her comforting scent.
Entering the bathroom, you find Hazel already brushing her teeth. You grab your toothbrush from the cup beside her sink, one that you kept there all the time because she insisted.
Staring at each other in the mirror, you both giggle as you brush your teeth in tandem, finding joy in the simplicity of shared routines. When Hazel finishes, she comes up behind you, grabbing a hair tie to keep your hair away from your face as you wash it. She mindlessly held your hips as you bent over to splash water on your face.
You and Hazel were both extremely clingy, but you couldn’t help it, always wanting to be close.
After both of you finish your skincare, you make your way over to her bed, clicking on the remote to her TV as you get comfortable under the covers.
“Okay, you have two choices, Home Alone or The Holiday?” you say as she climbs into bed beside you. She smells like soap and cookie batter.
“Why only those two?” She shifts under the covers, positioning herself beside you.
“Because those are my favourites,” you reply.
“I’ll watch whatever you want, babe,” Hazel says, a yawn escaping her mouth as she wraps her arm around you.
“If you fall asleep, I’m gonna be sad,” you warn. “I want to stay up with you until at least midnight. It's our first Christmas together, and I have to go home in the morning.” You pout.
Hazel’s eyes reflect a certain sadness in them, like she didn’t know how much you wanted her to stay awake. All of a sudden, it's as if her tiredness is gone as she sits up and walks across the room. She opens her closet and pulls something out, a large, flat, wrapped gift.
"Okay, I have something for you," Hazel grinned, excitement dancing in her eyes.
“But, my gifts for you are at home, I thought we were waiting until tomorrow.” You say, a pang of guilt hitting you.
“Shh- it’s fine. I want you to open it now, it’s just a small thing, I have more for tomorrow.” she says.
Her hands trembling slightly with anticipation, Hazel handed over the gift, a hint of nervousness in her smile. Your eyes light up as you accept the package, curiosity mingling with joy.
"Oh wow, Hazel, it's so beautifully wrapped," you say, carefully unwrapping the present.
As the paper fell away, revealing a sleek and elegant box, Hazel couldn't help but hold her breath. You opened the box to find a delicate frame containing a customized star map. The night sky on the night you first met, immortalized in a celestial display.
"Oh, Hazel," you gasped, your eyes welling up with emotion. You recongized the date immediately "Is this…?"
Hazel nodded, her heart swelling with affection. "It's the night we first met. The stars above us that night," she explained, her voice tender.
You and Hazel constantly argue about your first official time meeting. The truth is, she’d watched you from afar for months, never thinking she’d actually have a chance with you. You didn’t officially talk until the first night of senior year, at the annual senior campout. You’d spent basically that entire night with Hazel, following her in awe as she pointed out different constellations to you, her infatuation with astronomy becoming quickly apparent.
You traced your fingers over the constellations, a smile playing on your lips. "This is incredible. I can't believe you did this."
Hazel leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. "I wanted us to have a piece of that moment forever. Something to remind us of where it all began."
The room seemed to shimmer with warmth as you pulled Hazel into a tight embrace, the framed star map cradled between you two.
“Thank you, Haze. I love it.” You whisper into her hair.
“Your welcome, baby. I’m glad you like it” she whispers back.
You spend the next two hours tangled up together watching The Holiday. Completely content in eachothers presence. As the credits roll, Hazel’s hands find yours, lightly toying with your fingers. “Hey, pass me your phone.” She whispers.
You reach for it beside you and hand it to her. She turns it on, the clock showing 12:13am, December 25th. She turns to look at you, beaming.
“We made it,” she says smiling, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” She buried her head in the crook of your neck, peppering warm kisses all over.
“Merry Christmas, my love.” You whisper, hands finding her hair.
She coaxes you onto your side, pulling you into her, gently stroking your hair. The movie soundtrack faded into the background, replaced by the quiet cadence of your shared breaths. Hazel's fingers traced soothing patterns on your back, and as the clock ticked away the minutes, you succumbed to the gentle pull of sleep.
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Hello! i absolutely love your work <33 can i request sagau scaramouche rates your taste in genshin boys pt 2. with diluc, kaeya and zhongli??
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❀ synopsis: you introduce your friend/unofficial sibling to your lover, what could possibly go wrong? everything...
❀ notes: AJNDJNEHBFH MY FIRST REQUEST!!! thank you so much for the support and reblogs, I'm also very honored you like my writing! here's the first part
❀ pronouns: none specified
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Diluc Ragnvindr: 2/10
Diluc is this 🤏 close to receiving a 1/10 if he continues to invade you and Scaramouche's sibling bonding time. Obviously, the two don't get along (and will probably never get along) due to Diluc's past and Scara's trust issues, the two argue a lot about you while you're just there vibing with the lamp grass unaware of the commotion.
He's heard of it all, the youngest Cavalry Captain who left the Knights to pursue Monstadt's enemies alone. He'd sometimes use his knowledge of Diluc's past to provoke him, and boy does it provoke him. The two went into a full-blown fistfight at one point, with the occasional use of a vision since their weapons have been thrown aside by the other.
Scaramouche is clingy to the ones who stay by his side, and Diluc is protective of the ones he loves, so you can imagine what it was like when Diluc saw you walking along with Scaramouche (who Diluc knows as the Balladeer, the 6th harbinger of the Fatui) when you told him that you would be introducing a very close friend of yours. It started with Diluc carrying you on his shoulder and running away, with a wild Scaramouche on his tail. And ended with Diluc being treated by Barbara and Scaramouche being treated by Nahida.
You really have to manage your time here, the two won't ever get along and if you spend more time with the other, the one you didn't spend time with will go visit the other and start demanding that they leave you alone. Diluc would wonder how you could ever tolerate and even care for Scaramouche, whatever your reason is he wouldn't be able to understand. Scaramouche would ask when will you break up with Diluc, and would pout if you reply that you wouldn't break up with him.
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Kaeya: 3/10
Just right next to Venti, and he would soon be ranked right next to his brother if Kaeya doesn't learn to shut the fuck up-
Arrogant, lazy, and a teasing prick. How many more traits can Kaeya have to piss people off? Scaramouche already looks down on humans, and seeing Kaeya with you disgusts him as he believes you deserve so much better. their first impressions of each other were bad, you can feel the tension in the air when the two just stood there with fake smiles.
He hates it when Kaeya tags along in your travels, even insisting on helping the both of you with your journeys when he has free time. Scaramouche would make a passive-aggressive comment on how the two of you don't need his help, and that you are both capable of defending each other. if you agreed to Kaeya joining Scaramouche would be appalled, before turning around so no one can see the expression on his face. Why did you agree??
The two are in a contest with how much they're provoking each other. If the other one breaks and lash out, the one who didn't wins. Their words to each other are sharp, and even when they're having a decent conversation with the other it's only when you're around, and even then it has slight undertones and hidden threats. Good lord, I hope you have a lot of patience.
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Zhongli/Rex Lapis/Morax: 4/10
You know that situation where someone's little sister is dating a boy and the big brother tries to be intimidating but the boy she's dating is taller and stronger than the big brother. Yeah that's the situation Scaramouche is in, but you are not a little girl nor is Zhongli just a human boy.
He's very annoyed with the situation, he's supposed to be the reliable one! What is this skyscraper of a man doing here?! Ngl he might be a tad bit insecure with the situation and would be at arm's length around you the entire time Zhongli was around the both of you. After the first few weeks of introducing him to Zhongli Scaramouche would notice just how pathetic this man is for you, and would find it amusing to watch.
Though it would soon turn to annoyance when Zhongli slowly starts dedicating all his time to you and going as far as to do his paperwork right next to you. This pet of yours is slowly turning into a pest, and he wants to get rid of it immediately. Zhongli would notice how Scaramouche is excluding him from your travels and would confront him about it in private. After the confrontation the atmosphere between the two became suffocating.
The only thing holding back Zhongli from throwing an entire mountain at the child was the fact that you and Scaramouche have a bond similar to siblings. The two of you insult each other but it never held any sort of ill-intent, and you both travel together frequently. Zhongli would rather die than be hated by you, and killing/hurting Scaramouche is a one-way ticket to being hated. So for now, he would just try to spend as much time with you, even if it means being next to the purple haired brat.
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saekkas · 9 months
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summary: in which suguru geto helps brush your hair after a ride around town.
tags: 1.1k wc | f!reader | established relationship (they're dating) | some talks about insecurity and greed (doesn't delve into it much) | domestic au | no curse au | suguru is alive and well | satoru gives you a ride on his motorcycle (wink)
notes: my first time writing for sugu <333 forgive me if he's ooc here (。>︿<)_θ constructive feedback is always welcomed!
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the apartment satoru parks in front of is nothing compared to the picket white fence, three story house you just visited.
in all honesty, the apartment is fine. it’s located in the middle of the city, only a ten-minute walk to where you work, the lift runs smoothly, security personnel are always on stand-by at the lobby, and you have an amazing view from the tenth floor.
even then, everything just seems to be lacking in one way or the other– the door to your apartment always creaks when you push it open, the neighbors are a tad too noisy, and every morning, the sound of honking horns never fail to wake you from your well-deserved sleep.
human nature is such a fickle thing– always so greedy, wanting more, more, and more. you pride yourself in how much you’ve accomplished, yet at the same time, it feels as if you’re still somehow behind every other person there is.
“i’m glad my pretty’s still alive and in one piece.”
the drawl of suguru’s voice is always a welcomed distraction– the sound just a little bit breathless when he calls your name. he waves from the lobby’s entrance before heading towards where you’re perched on satoru’s bike, hands still wrapped around the latter’s midsection.
hold onto him tight. i don’t care if you break his ribs, just get home safe, okay? suguru’s words still echo in your mind, along with satoru’s indignant shouts of hey! i’ll have you know, i passed my driver’s exam with flying colors!
the sight of your lover’s face is slightly obscured by your helmet’s visor– only half his face is visible to your eyes, and you giggle when he taps the top of the protective headgear. “sugu!”
“let me get that off for you,” he hums. his hands make quick work, unlatching the helmet’s buckle before gently lifting the visor, giving you a clear view of his eyes.
you’ve seen suguru’s eyes time and time again, whether in the morning or night. they’re pools of chocolate you melt into every day after coming home from work, amber-gold whenever he tilts his head as he laughs, the sun highlighting the colors even more–they’re a gentle reminder of how kindness and warmth can still persevere even in the midst of chaos.
“hello, beautiful.” there’s a ghost of a smile on his lips, one that resembles satoru’s a little too much for your liking. “what are you looking at, hm? need my help taking off the helmet?”
you shake your head, still a little too starstruck by his eyes and the smile that spreads on his lips. suguru’s nothing but a gentleman– he offers his hand, wrapping one arm around your waist when your feet touch solid ground after what felt like years. "i'm good. thank you, baby."
he doesn't say a word, eyes soft as he helps take your helmet off either way. he holds the headgear in one hand, and you giggle, giddy, when he lifts a hand to pat your hair down– smoothing down the wild strands that cover your eyes.
the lovestruck expression on his face pinches into one of confusion when you shake your head– the tresses on your head flying wildly and back into your eyes. suguru huffs out a laugh before smoothing his hand against your hair– pressing a kiss to your forehead, all the while keeping eye contact. "what are you doing?"
you grin, wide and bright enough to let anyone in the vicinity know how much you're in love. "nothing."
he leans in, whispering sweet nothings against your ear, and you laugh when satoru lets out a groan. “is this what i get for safely driving your girl around town?”
“it’s not our fault that you’re single,” you quip, poking your tongue out at the white-haired menace before suguru even has the chance to open his mouth.
said male laughs, patting satoru’s back before he has the chance to rebut and cause a scene. “thank you, satoru. i’ll treat you to mochi next time.”
you both watch with amused expressions as satoru grumbles out a response of i’ll make sure to empty your bank account before he revs the engines and disappears into the night.
“he’s rubbing off on you.”
“no, he’s rubbing off on you!” the gasp you let out is pure dramatics, more so the hand that you put on your chest– imitating what you’ve seen satoru do hundreds of times before. “you’re even starting to use cheesy nicknames like him.”
the security guard nods his head as you both head into the apartment, playful banter filling the air. you keep up with suguru’s strides, quickly slipping into the lift, standing right next to him before the doors close.
he lifts a hand– one so delicate that your cheeks warm under his touch. “i thought you liked it, pretty?”
he’s always this way with you; soft, sweet, and gentle as if you’re a fragile piece of glass in a museum’s exhibit. there are hints of fatigue etched across suguru’s features– the way his shoulders droop as he walks and the darkening bags under his eyes, but when he’s with you, it’s as if he’s found the strength to keep moving onward.
as if your presence is what keeps him going.
“see?” you mumble, pushing past him as the doors open to your floor. you can hear his laughter, hear the soft thudding of his footsteps against the carpet as he keeps up with you, practically wrapping around you when you unlock the apartment door. “absolutely insufferable.”
“so mean, love.” his words are muffled against the fabric of your sweater, his hands wrapped snugly around your waist– there’s something about him these days. how he’s turned clingy, melting into a mush anytime you let him close to you.
for a moment, everything is silent– only the touch of suguru’s fingers, running through your hair.
“want me to help?” he mumbles, the sound of his voice startling you out of the sleepy state his fingers have coaxed you into. “i know how it gets after you go riding.”
it’s a tradition between you– one you know he knows goes without saying. you plop down between his legs, leaning until your back meets his chest. suguru’s hands are gentle as they brush through every strand, smoothing his hairbrush against the tangled ends.
once he's satisfied, he presses a kiss to the top of your head– suguru loves to play with your hair, the same way you do his. it could take him hours to fix your hair because of what he claims to be a single naughty strand.
in all honesty, suguru just loves you– thrives on being able to touch any part of you. even the thinnest ones.
“thank you, sugu.” you press a kiss to his cheek before laying your head on his shoulder. the pitter patter of rain hits the apartment’s windows, and the sky turns dark, the perfect ambience for a nap. “love you.”
you fall asleep after hearing his sweet whisper of love you too, dreaming of a life where it’s just you and him– white picket fence and all.
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pearbunny · 8 months
Itty Bitty
Or Stray Kids' reactions to their significant other being insecure about their small chest size.
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paring: ot8 (separately) x reader. genre: Domesticated fluff, humor, comfort, but also contains a tad bit of explicit content [minors do not interact]. warnings: obviously talks about reader's insecurity (having a flatter chest than what they would like), boobies, cursing, playful teasing, sarcasm, pet names: baby, kitten, love, angel baby/babe, bubs/bubby, baby love. (sappy I know sorry) suggestive themes/explicit content... kind of? Idk Chan grabs some ass and Han gropes some titty. [again, minors do not interact]. word count: each member ranges from 300 - 600 words. a/n: First of these I've done so seeing this as a writing exercise but also something to hold over since ch 8 of TBL has been postponed lmao. Also, sorry for the excessive pet names, I just think its fun to imagine what they would call their s/o.
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Bang Christopher Chan
The water pressure from the shower head above subsides as you turn it off. You grab the towel you had prepared for yourself on top of the sliding door, patting yourself dry before wrapping it around your frame. You tuck the end of the towel between your breasts and slide the shower door open, landing your feet on the fluffy bath mat. 
“Chris,” you call to your boyfriend just feet away from you at the bathroom sink. 
“Yes, baby?” He looks at you through the reflection of the mirror, bent forward over the sink to examine his shaving work on his face. 
“Mmm,” You pause and look for the towel you typically use to dry your hair. The Australian man hands you the microfiber towel that was on your side of the double vanity sink to which you take it with a smile. “Thanks.”
Chan leans back over the sink, this time washing his face to get rid of the shaving cream. You observe the muscles of his exposed back flex and tense under his tanned skin, momentarily forgetting everything on your mind. With his face patted dry, he turns around to you and reaches his hand to gently take your wrist, pulling you close to him. 
You chuckle sadly at yourself, a little embarrassed to even be speaking the words out loud. “Do you think my boobs could be bigger?” 
A beat passes before Chan tugs you closer to him and positions you in front of the mirror. "Come here." He grabs your leave-in conditioner off the vanity and applies it into your hair. You’ve talked to him about the importance of hair care enough times that he’s taken the initiative to pay attention to your hair care routine. He works it through your hair and you can’t help but close your eyes at the gentle massage he gives your scalp in the process. “Baby, where in the world is this coming from?”
You shrug your shoulders and hold onto your towel, feeling it slip a little. “Shower thoughts, I guess?”
Chan points at the wide tooth comb over your shoulder and you hand it to him. He gently runs it through your hair, starting at the bottom. “Well I think you’re beautiful no matter what, but if that’s something you want to look into, I support you.” 
You think about the possibility and turn to him, placing your hands on his chest, fingers grazing gently over his skin. “Even if I want to get them done?”
Chan nods once and looks down at you, warmth in his eyes. “Of course.” 
You give him a silly pout. You’ve never considered it seriously, but it was nice to know he supported you. “But what if it's expensive?”
He places his hands on your waist, rubbing gentle curls against the fabric of your bath towel with his thumbs. “Then we save up.”
You thank whatever higher being allowed you to live in the same lifetime as this man. “Really?”
“Of course, babe. It’s whatever you want.” 
You melt into his arms and place a chaste kiss on his lips. 
The corners of Chan’s eyes crinkle as he grins widely, his hands sneaking to the curve of your ass, giving it a rough squeeze. “More of an ass man anyway.” 
Lee Minho
“Kitten.” Minho attempts to grab your attention as he stirs the curry sauce in the pan in front of him, preparing dinner.  “Hmm?” You slant your head over in his direction, looking up from your research paper on the laptop in front of you. 
“Why would you want bigger boobs?” He’s not even looking in your direction, instead focusing on his multiple cooking tasks. He goes back to making sure the chicken breast is thoroughly coated with panko bread crumbs.
“Wh-what?” You stuttered, slightly taken aback. You’re not sure where he's coming from.
“You were talking with your friend earlier and I overheard you saying that sometimes you wished you had bigger boobs.” Again, he’s not looking at you. Instead, he puts oil into a pan and heats it up until it’s sizzling to put in the coated chicken. 
“Oh, yeah.” You laugh a bit, closing your laptop before joining him at the stove. You do your best to keep out of the way whenever Minho’s cooking in the kitchen, instead delegating yourself the task of clean up. “Well, it’s just sometimes I think having bigger boobs would be fun.”  He stays quiet and you know from being with Minho long enough that his silence means he wants you to continue that thought. 
“Like bikinis for example or dresses.  Or how I could put stuff in my bra whenever I don’t have pockets and I don’t wanna carry a purse.” You give a very relaxed shrug of your shoulders. Your chest size is an insecurity of yours, sure, but it’s never really in the forefront of your thoughts. 
“Well then,” He takes the chicken breast in a pair of tongs and drops it into the oil. “I want a bigger dick.” 
“Minho, what?” You look at him incredulously. “Don’t be ridiculous. Why would you want a bigger dick?”
As the chicken breast sizzles, he stirs again at his curry sauce. “You wouldn’t like me if I had a bigger dick?”
You don’t even have to think about the answer, “I think your dick is perfect.” 
Minho takes the fried chicken katsu out of the oil and places it on a plate with a napkin on it, draining it of the excess oil. “You like my dick the way it is, then?”
You nod at him and take a taste of the curry in the ladle that he holds up to your lips. “Yes. I like your dick the way it is.” The curry is perfect, just the way you like it and it’s just then you realize what he’s done. 
“Oh… I see what you did there.” You give him a small shy smile. 
Minho gives you a toothless smile, his lips very akin to how you think a cat would smile. He takes the apron off from around his waist and prepares your plate, placing it in front of you. 
“Good.” As you take a bite, he gently pats the top of your head.
Seo Changbin
Changbin comes through the door at 8am on a Sunday morning, dropping his gym bag by the door next to his shoes. He shuffles on over to your form in the kitchen, hugging you from behind. “Good morning.” He presses a kiss on your temple. You hand him his post workout protein shake and he simply sets it aside, opting to hold you instead. “It was so hard to leave you in the morning.”  He does a little dance behind you, one he did whenever he was extremely excited to see you.
You smile gently and turn around in his hold, trapping yourself between him and the counter. “And yet you still did.” 
“I never skip chest day, you know that.” He gives you a small smirk.  
“Hey, Binnie. This is random but do you like my boobs?” 
Changbin stares at you with a very serious look. “Yes.” 
“Even if they’re small?” Lately, you've been noticing other people around you with a bigger bust size. The fact that you're noticing it at all was a sure sign to you that you were a tad bit jealous of their features. You've even noticed the work that Changbin has been putting into his pecs paying off.
“Yes.” Changbin places his hands on your boobs suddenly. “I’d like them if they were any size at all.” 
You roll your eyes, “You have to say that. You love me.” 
“I do love you.” He squeezes his arms around you tight and lifts you into the air momentarily, earning him a laugh from you. “But I mean it.” He brings you on top of the counter and settles himself between your legs. 
“Good.” You wrap your arms around his neck loosely and bring him closer to you to press your lips on his. 
Changbin is eager to kiss you back. He pulls away from you and gently pokes at your sides. “And I’ll love you when we’re old, happy and saggy.” 
Your eye twitches slightly in annoyance at his last added adjective. You quickly take one of your hands and gently jab at his pecs, knowing he would be sore. He pulls back, yelping in pain. He rubs at his chest, soothing the assaulted area. “What was that for?”
“Saggy is not a word I want to hear when talking about my boobs, big or small… But also for having bigger boobs than me.” You stick your tongue out at him playfully. 
Hwang Hyunjin
Hyunjin sits on the floor across from where you are laying on bed, head propped up in your palm as you stare off blankly. The soft hum of an orchestral piece playing over the Bluetooth speaker accompanies Hyunjin’s pencil sketching against the parchment paper of his Moleskine sketchbook. 
You adjust the thin bed sheet over your naked form, suddenly a little insecure. Realistically, you know that it’s a little silly. Hyunjin had drawn you multiple times, in the nude, totally covered up, everything in between, but you couldn’t help the intrusive thoughts from being well.. Intrusive. You look down at your form, the small vein on your forehead prominently showing as your insecurity grows with the passing seconds. 
Your boyfriend glances up at you quickly before his eyes dart back to his sketch, but he pulls his eyes back up to you when he notices that vein. “Hey, love. What’s on your mind?”
You sigh through your nose, hugging the sheets closer to you. “Sometimes I wonder if I’d look better with bigger boobs.”
Hyunjin, with his flare of dramatics, crawls over to you with a highly raised brow. He places his elbows on the bed, his hand at your shoulder. “You look perfect.” He’s staring into your eyes and it sends shivers down your spine. He still has that effect on you even after years of dating. It’s the way it seems like he’s looking straight into your soul. 
He twists to grab his sketchbook off the floor then gets up to sit on the bed with you. He leans against the bed frame and motions for you to sit against him. You do so and he wraps one arm around you to cradle you between his arms, opening his drawing book to show you all the sketches he’s done. 
“You’re perfect. And I mean that. Here.” He flips to a page that depicts you in the moonlight, washes of gouache paint for shadows and highlights. His finger traces your body on the paper. “This is my favorite curve.” It's the curve of your backside as you lay on your stomach. He turns the page past paintings and drawings of vases, streets, sunsets. “Ooh, this one is good.” It was a sketch of you in a dress from the waist up, looking over your shoulder with a large sun hat on your head. 
Hyunjin shows you all his sketches of you. He’s depicted you in numerous poses in multiple mediums. He turns back to the page he was drawing on moments before. You focus on the sketch noticing your messy bun, the details of your shoulder and collar bone and the small dimple on your cheek. He closes the book and places it on the nightstand. 
"You make me look so beautiful, Hyun." You crane your head back up at him, smiling softly. It’s a wonder to you how he is able to pull you out of your insecure thoughts. It’s clear that he’s so in love with you, enough to never be bored drawing you. 
He cups your cheek and brings your lips close to his. He whispers to you and he hopes you understand everything he says. “You are beautiful. I love every single curve, slope, line of your body. You might not love it, but I hope that I can love you enough to make up for it.” Hyunjin’s lips press against yours and you melt into his touch. “My perfect, perfect muse.”
Han Jisung
“Bubs.” You hold the phone to your ear, thankful that your boyfriend had picked up. 
“Baby love?” Han talks to you through the phone. 
“I’m coming over. We’re going on a date and you’re going to be okay with what I’m wearing.” You’re already in the elevator up to his apartment. You start to pace back and forth, waiting for the bell to ding to signify you reached the 8th floor. 
Han laughs over the receiver, his voice a little unsure. “Okay?” 
You walk down the hall and adjust your bag on your shoulder. “I’m outside.” 
Han opens the door to find you with a pout on your lips, a little bit sulky. Your shoulders droop as you walk through his door, enveloping you in a hug before shutting the door. “What’s wrong?” 
You place your bag on the kitchen counter and turn to his full length mirror above his small shoe rack next to the front door. “I was going to try to surprise you with a really cute date and I wanted to look really cute when you opened the door but instead I look like this.” You’re wearing a brown unzipped hoodie, black baggy cargo pants and a cropped tank top. 
Han leans against the counter of his kitchen, biting his lower lip as he looks you up and down. “I mean, you still look cute to me.” 
You sigh and turn around, crossing your arms over your stomach as if to hide your torso. “But I look like a small boy in this outfit.” 
“No, you definitely do not.” 
You sigh again, but this time louder, more dramatically, in frustration. He didn't seem like he understood where you were coming from. “Han Jisung! I have no titties.” You uncross your arms, showing him your lack of cleavage. 
Han scoffs and pulls you against him, slipping his hand into your back pocket. “You have titties, baby love. Do I need to remind you?” 
No answer comes to your lips, simply watching as he tugs the low scoop neckline of your tank top down past your boobs. He takes your left breast in his hand and squeezes it gently. A small sound moves past your lips and Han chuckles low. You push him away, tugging your top back over your boobs. All the insecurity you felt about your body image at that moment leaves you and is replaced with a giddiness in your stomach. 
“We’re supposed to go out today.” 
Han groans and buries his face into your neck, breathing you in. “Or we can stay in and I can remind you over and over again.” 
You purse your lips, his fingers slip under the fabric of your cotton top, his feather-like touch building a knot within you. He places a kiss on your neck and you can’t help the shaky breath you exhale through your slightly parted lips. 
Han can feel your body relax and that’s all he needs to pull your tank top over your head as you shrug your hoodie off your shoulders and onto the floor. He picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist as he takes you towards his bedroom. When he sits the both of you down, he places you in his lap and brushes your hair away from your face. “Now don’t you ever make fun of my baby love’s titties. I love them.” 
“Okay, bubby.” You whimper as he shows you just how much he truly loves them.
Lee Felix
You had bought a new dress online and tried it on as soon as you received the package, excited to wear it out on a date with your boyfriend. You stare are your reflection, a small frown set on your lips. A knock comes through the door. 
It’s Felix.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” He strides on over to you, immediately wrapping his arms around the small of your waist. You turn into him and embrace him back. 
“I just bought a new dress.” The crease in between your brows deepens and that is enough to cause concern for Felix. 
He takes a step back, his fingers still latching onto your own. “You look great.” He gives you a genuine smile and you can’t help but let your frown up, even just a little. 
“Thanks, but...” You look back towards the mirror and reach behind you to cinch the dress so the loose fabric gathered around your chest sits tighter on your body, the way you’d like it to. “It would look better if I had bigger boobs.”
Felix clicks his tongue at you and takes hands off your dress. The fabric falls slack against you again as it was originally. His arms snake around your form again as he rests his chin over your shoulder. “Angel baby,” His voice is low as it tickles your ear. “Look at yourself.” 
You look directly at your self-diagnosed problem area in the reflection of the mirror. 
Felix nudges his head against yours. “No, look at yourself.”
With a defeated sigh, you comply and look at yourself. Not just your chest, but the length of your legs, your thighs, Felix’s arms around your waist, your exposed shoulders, and your face, which Felix presses a kiss against the highest point of your cheek. “You’re beautiful, you got that?”
You turn in his arms, resting your head on his chest as you hum a reply. 
“I mean it. You are more than just your beauty though.:” He leans back and presses a kiss on your face again, this time on your forehead. “You’re brilliant,” He pauses to peck at the lid of your left eye. “You’re funny.” Another on your nose. “You’re kind.” On your lips. This time, you attempt to chase the kiss, but he expertly dodges your request and puts his lips on your jaw. “And you’re all mine.”
You can’t help the giggle that escapes you. You lean against him and he gladly supports your weight before he starts to sway your bodies to the imaginary music playing in your heads. 
Kim Seungmin 
Seungmin walks out of the bathroom to join you at your dining table for breakfast after his shower. He rubs the towel in his hair, attempting to get as much water as he can out of it. You’re sitting at the table, cross legged in the small chair with a large pout on your lips. 
Seungmin rolls his eyes, sighing. It’s a bit mean, but you know he’s just being dramatic. Plus, if it really bothered you, he would stop. No questions asked. “What is it now?”
You send a glare at him. Again, it was how you showed your affection towards each other. “I have small boobs.” 
Seugmin simply stares at you, deadpanning. The statement was so random and yet he would not expect anything less from you. Things like this would happen often. You would let him know what insecurity ailed you that day and he would tell you how silly you were being. Had it been any other two people in a relationship, you don’t think that the way you and Kim Seungmin communicated would be considered romantic. But the two of you understand each other the way no one else does. 
Hey ugly really means I miss you. You’re here again? means I’m happy to see you. I’m hanging up now means it’s late and you need to sleep for work tomorrow. You’re stupid means You’re perfect and I can't possibly be more in love with you than I am this second. 
“They’re fine.” 
That wasn’t very convincing.
Seungmin drapes his towel over his shoulder, sitting down on one of the dining chairs. He places his hands out in front of him, staring at his palms. 
You stand up and make your way over to him at the other end of the table, confused. “What are you doing?”
He looks up at you and shifts his whole body towards you, hands still out, palms up. “Your boobs are small, but they fit in my hands so I don’t see the problem.” 
Before you can walk back to your seat in a huff, he grabs you by the waist and pulls you into his lap, showering your face and neck with kisses. 
Your laughter, loud in his ears, brings a huge grin on his lips. “Now stop being so stupid.” 
Yang Jeongin
You lay on your back in bed, holding your phone above you while Jeongin rests his head on your chest, scrolling on his own phone. Your routine on Sunday evenings consisted of doing exactly what you were doing now, winding down by watching and sharing Tiktoks. 
Jeongin laughs and it vibrates your chest. You take a peek to look at his phone and jealousy springs up on you, noticing that the woman in the Tiktok had a low cut shirt, showcasing her cleavage. Lately, you’ve been noticing things like that everywhere you go, how clothes seem to just look better on people with a larger chest size, or that maybe people would stop assuming that you were a 12 year old because of your flatter-than-average chest size. 
You huff loudly, causing Jeongin to tilt his head in your direction, though his eyes were still on his phone. “What?”
You shrug your shoulders, pretending to scroll on through your own FYP. 
Jeongin tosses his phone aside on the bed and sits up, bringing you with him. You sit across from each other, your small hands in his much larger ones. You can’t look him in the eyes, ashamed. 
“What is it?” He ducks his head low, trying to catch a glimpse of your eyes. 
“Myboobsaresmall.” You blurt out quickly. 
Jeongin raises a brow. “Sorry, again?”
“My boobs are small.” You give a heavy sigh, your shoulders sagging in the process. 
It’s quiet for a while until Jeongin gives a chuckle, gently flicking your forehead. 
“Ow, what the heck?” You rub at the reddening spot. 
“You’re so dumb.” He places his arm across your stomach and pulls you back down onto the bed with him. 
“You’re calling me dumb after I tell you what’s been bothering me?!”
Jeongin moves his head in a nod then rests his head back on your chest. “I like them.”
“You do?” Your brows furrow together. 
“Yeah. They’re cute.” The way he says it is so matter-of-fact that it’s a little endearing. 
“Plus, if I wanted to date someone with bigger boobs I would.”
You roll your eyes and give him his own flick to his forehead which he happily takes, laughter from his whole chest filling your small room. Jeongin leans up to place a kiss on your lips, one that has you chasing after him once he pulls away.
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a/n: idk just something quick. didn't wanna think about it too much but honestly, these are a lil difficult for me to do without sounding redundant. likes, reblogs, comments always appreciated!
pearbunny's masterlist
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
With that art you reblogged + your requests being open, I have to ask for some PM Boss!Chuuya. Could you write about his reaction to finding out a rival criminal organization ordered a hit on his wife? And like, him being protective of her while his men investigate the situation?
!Know your place!
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Scenario:- pm boss!chuuya when his wife has been targeted.
Pairing:- pm.boss!chuuya x fem!reader
Genre:-idk what the first half would be but the last bit is fluff
Type:- oneshot
Art credits:- @taxolotl
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Chuuya nakahara was a ,man of great power and status.all of which had only increased since he had ascended to the position of the head of the port mafia.The mafia in itself was an organization that commanded great fear and respect from both civilians and the government,but since his ascension to the throne,things had only gotten better.the organization ran like clockwork,not that it hadn’t before,but he seemed to bring his own  twist to things.he was also more brutal and ruthless than the previous boss.dazai osamu was a man of great intellect and he too had elevated the mafia from where I once was.but chuuya had something that dazai didn’t.he had a lover, or wife, as those who were closest to him knew.you two had tied the knot shortly before dazai’s passing and although you knew it would be risky,you were determined to make it work.in fact,In your vows,he’d promised to protect you no matter the cost.and you’d promised to love him till the end of time.
You were also a member of the mafia,having joined at the same time he did.you were one of the sheep and had defected when they betrayed him. For even then,you loved chuuya but as you grew,so did your love for the blue eyed ginger,and when you started dating,you were the happiest you’d ever been!needless to say he’d felt the same way you had for almost as long,but the fear of rejection and losing a loved one is a pesky instinct.
four years was how long you’d dated before he proposed at age 21.the ring wasn’t exactly fancy,but it was the one you’d wanted,and although you could’ve rushed the ceremony,you decided to wait.the next year flew by like a blur and soon it was your wedding day,and as you walked down the aisle,you both teared up.
Fast forward to today,he was staring at a memo from one of his subordinates,the one tasked with protecting you and keeping you safe,for while chuuya knew you could take care of yourself,he also knew that in your world, there was no such thing as being too careful.
There had been an attempt on your life. and as he read the memo chuuya felt a sudden chill run down his spine.his worst nightmare….his biggest fear had finally been realised and he hadn’t even known it had.
At first he beat himself up about it,how could he let this slip by?how did he not know???he suddenly felt a sudden wave of disgust as his mind replayed a certain phrase, “dazai wouldn’t have let this happen.” he pushed the thought away and continued to think of how to keep you safe.he’d be damned if he let his insecurities were what out you endanger!
Step 1,get you to a safe location,and while chuuya knew that being by his side would be dangerous,half of him wanted to believe that he was the safest option.but finally he went with the objective solution and sent you off to an overseas safe house,with a unit of the organisation’s best hitmen.assassins and body guards.he knew this was a tad bit extreme yet he wasn’t going to risk it! So later that day,once you were feeling a little less shook up about the attack,you grabbed your to-go bag, and took a private flight to your,hopefully safe, hideout.and even though it pained him to have you so far away.he knew it wouldn’t be for long.
Step 2,figure out who the fuck was responsible.the mafia had many resources,and being the boss allowed chuuya to take full advantage of said resources.so with almost no effort,his informant was able to find out ,who ordered the hit on you,when they did and and who had been assigned to carry out the hit.chuuya thanked the informant,took this information and left to form a plan of action.he first decided to take out the man who had been tasked with the hit.
Did chuuya know this man was probably just following orders and had no actual beef with him or the port mafia?yes.but was he gonna let this bastard get off scot free?? Not a  chance.
He paid the hitman a visit himself,knocking on the door almost harmlessly,before punching the door in when he heard someone else on the other side.
Needless to say the assassin was shook! he watched as chuuya’s subordinates stormed his apartment and had all their guns aimed straight at his head.chuuya then took a few steps forward,his expression one full of rage and hate as he wrapped his hand around he man’s throat,instantly crushing his windpipe with what looked like no effort at all.his face became stoic after that.as he silently left the scene,he stared at his hand and it shook.he hadn’t shouted or screamed like he’d planned to,and it felt,weird.nevertheless,he got into his car and was driven back to the PM HQ.
Next for the the man who had ordered the hit himself.chuuya had found out that the man ordering the hit was a leader of a rival criminal organization,one dazai had managed to eradicate,that had come back from the dead.and apparently they thought attacking the new boss’ significant other would be a good idea…foolish.
(like bro we aren’t even in this universe and even we know that that’s a big no no! tf?! Literally you deserve to get rekt!)
As chuuya read the man’s file he realized just how insignificant he was.no abilities.no special accomplishments.no worth. Nothing that could even compare to the might of the port mafia but still they had chosen a fight? Chuuya didn’t know if he should have been impressed by their ambition or annoyed with their stupidity.perhaps they thought he wouldn’t retaliate.
Well,they were dead wrong.
So the next day,chuuya did a simple thing.
He broke into the man’s home,sat on his couch and waited.once he arrived at his home only to see the literal boss of the port mafia,scarf,fedora and all.the man attempted to run out the door.
Chuuya responded to this by simply throwing his blade at him,effectively pinning him against the door.he took his time sauntering over to the pathetic whimpering excuse of a man and finally said. “so you’re the sack of shit that tried to take out my y/n?” he gave the man a once over.he had a scraggly beard,tacky jewellery and looked absolutely disgusting.it made chuuya sick to his stomach to be in the presence of such a piece of trash,but he wasn’t done yet.
“please! Im sorry! I-I made a mistake I beg of you spare me! I promise not to ever interfere with the port mafia again!!” the man was fully begging now,and honestly it was quite entertaining to see him squirm under both the influence of fear and the pain caused by the knife in his shoulder.  chuuya pretended to contemplate letting the man go before his lips curled into a devious smile. “yeah how about no?” he said before pulling the knife out of his victim’s shoulder,causing him to crumple to the ground.
Next he climbed over the man and began to beat him to a pulp.
First one punch,then another,and another.each one getting heavier and heavier as he added the weight of his ability behind them.he screamed out curses and threats between punches,even straight up insults and just yells.
 The man was dead after about the tenth punch.
well…at least that’s when chuuya realized he was dead.but then again,who wouldn’t be death with a bashed-in skull?
Chuuya then calmly got up off the floor and soon realized he was covered in blood. “crap…..now ill have to send this one back to the cleaners you piece of shit!”he muttered to the corpse as he stepped over it and exited the apartment through the door.
His car was waiting for him when he reached the street and his subordinates made sure no one saw him in his blood-stained state.
Once in the car,he sighed and let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in. he pulled off his bloodied gloves and threw them to the side,picking up his phone to call the leader of the unit protecting you.
“its done.bring her back in four hours”
A “yes sir” was heard on the other side of the line,before it cut off and chuuya was left listeing to the beeps that replaced the team leader’s voice. He lowered the phone and called a different number this time. This one being the mafia’s elite kill squad’s leader’s. he let the phone ring once,twice, then hung up.this was the signal to carry on with the eradication of the rival organization. It would be a massacre,but still,the other organization stood no chance. Chuuya almost felt bad for the members of that organization;for they had to pay for sins they hadn’t even commited,but he supposed simply being a follower of the man who’d wanted you killed was enough of a sin to warrant the punishment they would be dealing with now.
Chuuya got home to your shared apartment and took off his shoes at the door,he looked at the pictures of the two of you that decorated the walls,and each time he saw your radiant smile his heart skipped a beat.
He went to the bathroom and stripped down,getting into the shower to wash off all the blood. He tossed his bloodied clothes in the hamper labeled ‘work-stained’ and chuckled to himself when he saw the label you’d hand written and stuck on there.
After he was done,he got out of the shower and began to towel off his hair,as he was doing this,a little flash of light caught his eye. It was your wedding ring twinkling at him from its place on the counter. Of course he’d left it behind! He wasn’t going to stain something so sacred with the blood of a worthless cretin! No way in hell!
But now that he was all cleaned up,he slipped it back on his ring finger and smiled.once he was ready, he heard a click and knew you were home.
He stepped out of your shared bedroom wearing and oversized tee shirt and some sweatpants only to be tackled by the likes of you!
You wrapped him up in a bear hug and didn’t seem to be showing any signs of letting go.and he was perfectly okay with that. He hugged you back just as tightly from your spot on the floor,simply saying, “I missed you too princess~and im not going anywhere.” you nuzzled into his neck and he held you close. “don’t ever send me away again chuu you know I can take care of myself” you said,pulling back to look him in the eyes from your position on top of him. “I know love but,” he said as he sat up, “you know I couldn’t risk it” “yeah… yeah I know” you said, looking down at the floorboards. “but it really sucked you know?” “oh yeah…it sucked ass.were you okay?did anything happen while you were there?” he said,concern seeping into both his expression and his voice as he gave you a once over,his eyes looking for any sort of scar wound or injury.
You placed your hand on his his cheek and directed his attention back to your face before bringing yourself closer and gently cupping his face. “chuuya,im fine…really.you can relax…” he nodded at that and leaned into your touch. “I know but i-” “ah ah! No buts.”  You interrupted him,“im okay and that’s what matters right? So lets just relax hmm?”
He nodded once again before pulling you in for a kiss. It was soft.yet passionate.clearly making up for lost time and when you both came up for air,your foreheads leaned against eachother, he said it. “I love you y/n and I’ll do anything in my power to keep you safe.” You smiled and nodded at him. “I know chuuya….i know” you said before giving him a quick peck and hoisting yourself up off the floor.
You pulled him up along with you and the two of you made your way to the kitchen to cook up some dinner.
“oh and chuuya? I love you too”                 “I know y/n…I know” he said with a wink. you almost threw a pot at him~
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All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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rabbitblackx · 1 year
I'm self-cautious about my weight, I could use some cheering up by Jason Voorhees, but I'm not the only one with insecurity about weight-gains. So how about a headcanon for slashers with an S/O who is insecure about their weight gain after finding out from someone or by the weighing scale.
Hearing about me gaining weight made me want to go on a diet and eat less. So It'd be nice to know what the slashers would do about it to make their S/O feel better about themselves and not hurt themselves. :)
I’m terrible at choices so I only did jacey :( I’m a bit of a realist when it comes to writing slashers so sorry if he comes off a tad cold. Hope u enjoy anyway <3 ps I bet u look lovely
Jason Voorhees with a Reader that’s insecure about their weight
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Your coworker had a baby last year, and finally returned to work from her family leave. You welcomed her back with a friendly smile, asking about her new bundle of joy. She seemed almost shocked to see you, eyes wide and looking you up and down
“What? What is it?” Your brow furrowed as you followed her gaze down your body
“Nothing!” The woman blurted. “It’s just… you’re a bit—bigger from when I saw you last…”
Jason wasn’t far from your cabin, and was alerted that you were back from work by your shoes clobbering noisily against the porch. Followed by you ripping the door open and throwing it shut
“Jason!” You barked. You looked around your cabin, noticing he wasn’t there. “Course you’re not here.” You rolled your eyes with a huff
You approached the kitchen table and dumped your bag onto it, grumbling to yourself while running a hand through your hair. As you turned on the spot, the bejesus was practically scared out of you as Jason seemingly teleported right behind you
“Oh, good. There you are.”
Jason tilted his head, wondering what got you in such a crabby mood. You lifted your hands up dramatically and purposefully parted your lips, signalling to him you were about to go on a full rant. Jason nearly audibly sighed
“You will not believe what this woman said to me today.” You gossiped like a teenager
Jason stood there like a soldier as you went on a mini tantrum about how your dumb coworker basically said that you had gotten fat
“Which is ridiculous, since she’s the one that just had a baby! Like, sorry to break it to ya, Margaret. But that bikini body is never coming back. Welcome to motherhood!” You carried on, placing one hand on your hip while the other was raised up sassily
Respectfully, Jason had absolutely no idea what you were talking about. You ignored his obvious confusion and turned away from him, going over to the fridge to get some cold water
“Like, how dare she? I was so nice to her too! And that was the first thing she said to me.” You rambled, grabbing a bottle of water and gulping it down
Jason didn’t know how to help you. He was not at all great at comfort. So instead, he simply walked out to let you cool off. That hurt your feelings a bit, but you just went about your evening anyway
Jason came back to your cabin in the nighttime, when you were getting ready for bed. He peeked his head through your bedroom door, pausing when he saw you standing in front of the mirror
You were in your pyjamas, staring intently at your reflection. Your hands went to your belly, sliding under your shirt and giving the skin a squeeze. Jason could see the big frown that crept across your features. He didn’t like it at all
He swung the door open and entered the room. You turned your head and looked at him, clearly biting back tears. He slowly walked over, standing just inches away from you
“She’s right. I have gained weight.” You sniffled
Ugh, great… now you were sad. Couldn’t you just go back to being angry? Jason could actually relate to that emotion…
“Do you think I look bad? Should I go on a diet?” You asked
You whirled back around to the mirror, studying your body while trying not to cry. Jason leered behind you, too watching you through the reflection. His shoulders slumped. Agh, you! Why’d you make him feel all this human stuff? You almost made him feel… god forbid, bad… which he thought was almost impossible
Jason reached up to his mask, carefully peeling it away from his face. Your eyes were finally ripped away from your body, now watching him in the mirror. You nearly flinched when the hockey mask hit the floor, teetering momentarily before laying still
Jason now stood unmasked behind you. You didn’t dare look back, instead having a stare off with him in the mirror. You froze up as he broke the distance between you two, pressing up against your behind. He placed both hands on either of your shoulders, slowly leaning over to rest his chin on top of your head. His hands soon traveled down your front, moving to wrap around your waist in a makeshift hug
The both of you silently stared at each other in the mirror, not moving a muscle. A single tear slipped down your cheek. It wasn’t much, but you knew that Jason was trying his best.
“Thanks, Jason.” You tearfully whispered, a smile meeting your face for the first time tonight
And just so you knew, no, he did not think you needed to go on a diet
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Rupert Giles x fem!reader, slight Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: younger reader (12 years younger than Giles but super legal ofc), btvs season 3 spoilers, jealousy/insecurity, drinking, light insinuation to smut 
Author’s Note: I know this is literally not on the list of things I was supposed to write and I’m going to get to the requests tomorrow I think but the fact there’s so little giles content makes me wanna DIE. anyway here’s this <3 watching buffy season 3 and feeling things for him. 
Summary: Set in season 3 when Buffy gets Wesley as the new Watcher. The reader, the assistant librarian and also Giles’ girlfriend, gets hit on a bit by Wesley and Giles gets protective™. 
Genre: mostly fluff! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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“They’re sending in the new Watcher soon,” Rupert murmured. He was sitting on the couch in front of you. You could only see the back of his head but you could tell what kind of look he had on his face. Contempt, annoyance, some disappointment lacing his features. He had a glass in his hand, his arm over the back of the couch. He glanced back at you in the kitchen. “I fear I might be a tad unbearable for the next couple of days.” 
“You’re always unbearable,” you quipped, grabbing your own glass as you finished pouring it. “That's what I like about you.” 
You knew Giles was extremely worried about Buffy’s new Watcher. It had been the topic of conversation ever since Buffy’s test. It had also been a general point of contention; how could he let her go through that? Though now that he was being punished through various other means, you laid off on the argument. 
“Do you know who it is?” 
“No. They won’t tell me. Fear of my reproach I imagine.” He shook his head a bit. “I can’t believe they’re allowing someone else to come in after Gwendolyn Post.” You stayed silent. It was better to let him just talk through this himself, without any kind of argument or solace from you. “Buffy will never trust someone as she trusts me. Trusted me that is, I suppose. I never should have gone through with it. No, don’t say anything. I’m just conceding to your earlier point, I know.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Relax. The Watcher won’t be here tonight…” you put your hand on his arm. “So let’s not talk about him hm?” 
“You’re being suggestive. Is it because I conceded to your point?”
“One of the various reasons,” you explained. “Relax Rupert. I have no ulterior motives, I’m not a vampire, I’m not possessed. I’m just a girl in your house with some light alcoholic suggestion.” He nodded slowly. 
“You know, I don’t need that much convincing.” 
“I know.” You grabbed his drink and put it down on the coffee table. He admired you with an eyebrow raised until your phone rang. You groaned, picking it up beside the drinks. “It’s Buffy.” He let out a soft sigh. 
“Duty calls.” 
“Hey, it’s my phone. Maybe she just wants to gossip.” 
“Moments like these I remember we’re from slightly different generations.” You rolled your eyes and answered the phone. 
“12 years is not that many years. Hey Buffy.” 
“Arguing about your age difference again?” she said over the phone.
“Always. Ever the straight.” You kicked your legs up onto his lap. He grabbed his glass back from the table and took a drink. 
“I have said you have odd taste in men right?” 
“Once or twice. What can I do for you?” 
“Was gonna ask if you want to go to the Bronze with Willow and I before patrol. I fear this will be my last night Watcherless.” 
“Does she know I can hear her?” Giles questioned. You shrugged. 
“I would love to come but I think I’ve got my hands full over here. Men's feelings are hard.” 
“Tell me about it,” Buffy muttered. You could almost see her rolling her eyes over the neverending Angel ordeal. 
“You should go,” Giles said. “I’ll be fine.” “I made plans I don’t like to break,” you pouted. “Rain check Buff?”
“Sure thing.”
“Have fun.” 
“I would say you too but that brings awful images to my brain.”
You came into school a little bit late. You were working as library assistant, at Snyder’s hope to keep Giles the least destructive as possible. Giles woke up ungodly early and usually had several cups of coffee before you even saw him. 
You pushed open the doors to the library, holding your bag to your side. You slowed at the sight of a man you didn’t recognize by the check out desk. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to place the suit. Familiar, but foreign. The man turned around, revealing some glasses and an even looking face. 
“Good morning,” he said, just as evenly. 
“Good morning…” You craned your neck to look behind him, wondering if you had suddenly entered a world with a different librarian. 
“Are you here for the librarian? He’s out at the moment.” He stumbled over his words a bit, making you unsure of his dedication to the sentence. 
“Who are you?” He cleared his throat. 
“Wesley Wyndam-Pryce.” He offered his hand. You shook it, warily. 
“Wesley Wy-” You paused and thinned your lips. Maybe it was the British accent that gave him away or maybe it was the suit. “Are you the new Watcher?” His eyebrows raised. 
“I take it you know about the slayer” You shook your head. 
“Just a tad. I swear I’m not a threat, just a friend. Y/N.” He nodded once, looking you over. 
“What kind of friend?” You scoffed a bit. 
“You Watcher’s have a type,” you observed. 
“Where’s Rupert?” 
“What was it? Westley?”
“Wesley. Wyndam-Pryce.” You nodded, pointing a finger at him. He smiled shakily, looking down. You opened your mouth to speak when the door opened again. 
“Oh man. You’ve met the new Watcher,” Buffy observed. Wesley straightened up and cleared his throat. “Getting along?” “Well,” he observed. Buffy raised an eyebrow at his stiffness and then glanced back at you. “I wonder if the Watcher’s have a book that says what kind of girl they’re allowed to go for. Maybe Giles just stuck a picture of you somewhere and this guy read it wrong.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Do you know where Rupert is?” 
“Nope. He’s not my Watcher anymore, remember?” she said, defeated. She passed you further into the room. You put a hand up in defeat. 
“He could be dying and none of us would know.” 
“I’m sure he’s alright,” Wesley promised. “Are you and Rupert…” 
“Yeah,” you said curtly. As if on cue, Giles walked into the room, holding a stack of books, looking completely in his natural habitat. “Thank God. Giles.” He halted when he caught sight of the two of you. 
“You met the replacement.” 
“I did. He’s a little stiff.” You squeezed his bicep. He watched you do it. “I was looking for you.” 
“Is everything alright?” He put the books down on the counter. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Just wasn’t sure where you had run off to and I like keeping tabs.” 
“That’s unhealthy,” Buffy noted. 
“Your boyfriend is dead,” Giles retorted. She shrugged with a point taken look on her face. You turned back to him. Wesley gave a once over at the two of you. Giles had put a hand on your upper arm, a gesture that was familiar to the two of you. You took the top book off his stack. 
“Whatcha reading?”
“You’re miraculously calm.” 
“One of us has to be.” You took the book and walked over to sit beside Buffy. She was eyeing the new Watcher intensely, like the whole world could come down at her mere gaze. Knowing her, you wouldn’t be surprised. 
“He’s gonna say something stupid,” she muttered. 
“Hm?” you asked. Wesley was looking at Giles. 
“Don’t you think she’s a bit on the younger side for you?” 
Silence went over the room as the words seemed to hang in the air. Giles stared bullets into his former colleague. 
“I don’t think that’s any of your concern,” he said coldly. 
“She looks closer to the slayer's age. My age. I have every right to ask, as a proceeding member of the council and part of the investigation towards your extermination.” Giles took a step forward, too close. You were suddenly reminded of the ‘not so booksmart’ person he used to be, the one who would throw a punch before working with words. You stood back up. 
“Keep her out of your mouth or so help m-”
“Alright,” you intervened. You stepped between the two of them. “I’m only 12 years younger but you flatter me. Giles, a moment?” You grabbed Rupert’s arm, gently pulling him in the direction towards his office. It took him a moment, not wanting to digress from the standoff. Eventually he followed. 
“Don’t leave me here all by my lonesome with this guy,” Buffy pleaded. 
“Vetoing your contribution here slayer,” you called back. She let out a huff, returning to staring bullets. You shut the office door gently behind you. 
“That’s a tad dramatic,” he pointed out. “I’m fine.” 
“I’m not going to put words in your mouth but I’m allowed to observe, yeah?” He pursed his lips, shoving his hands in my pockets. You nodded. “Other Watcher, bad. Wiles Westley Watchamacalllhim is making you, Rupert Giles, sad. You want Buffy to remain under your watch, lack of better word, and this new man is now stepping all over your toes in that regard. Observations correct?”
“What am I missing?” He shook his head. 
“It’s not important. Move on with your speal please.” 
“Buffy won’t trust this man the way she trusts you. She never could, you have too much history. You have the upper hand here, despite the council not backing you up. He’ll never be half the Watcher you are,” you promised. You grabbed his hand. “Speal over.” 
He nodded gently, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“You do have a way with words.” You laughed gently, shaking your head.  
“I’ll try to be more Bronte later.” He squeezed your intertwined hands, a defeated smile on his lips. 
There was a knock on the office door. You rolled your eyes and released his hand. You swung open the door to meet Wesley on the other side. 
“I have to speak to Mr. Giles.” 
“He’s all yours Wes.” You patted his chest as you walked past, back to Buffy. 
As the day wound down and everyone started home, you were stuck in the library still. You loved the place but the more you spent in it with two Watchers, the more you were starting to see its lesser qualities. Giles had followed Buffy and Faith out to have a generally mentor-like talk. 
Leaving you alone with Wesley. 
“So you know of Buffy because of Giles?” he questioned. You raised your head from the book you were reading. You had hardly noticed him watching you. He had a cup of coffee in his hand, standing disgustingly straight. You sat on the steps. 
“I was assistant librarian. Almost died by vampire. Happens to the best of us.” 
“He fraternized with a colleague?” 
“Continues to do so. Don’t look so jealous, Wes.” You put the book to your chest. “You’re ruining the perfect balance of the scooby gang you know.”
“Perhaps it needed to be out of kilter. I don’t see it going swimmingly right now.” He walked over to you. You looked up at him, observing his very even stature. You wondered, not for the first time, if Giles looked like this when he was a little younger. “What are you reading?”
“Rereading.” You glanced at the book. “Wuthering Heights.” 
“Yes sir. One of my favorites. Helps me forget about the neverending impending doom,” you muttered. He looked awkward for a moment and then sat down beside you on the steps. You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’ve always enjoyed a bit of light fiction reading.” You opened your mouth to speak, reading the signals he was not so eloquently putting off. You were interrupted by the library door opening. 
Giles slowed his walking speed at the sight of you. Wesley stood up, embarrassed. You gave Rupert wide eyes, a gentle I don’t know sign. 
“Go do Watcher duties won’t you? The girls need someone to watch them before patrol.” Wesley wanted to argue but noted the look in Rupert’s eyes and decided against it. He gave you a nod and then passed him to leave the room. 
You were alone with Rupert. Finally.
“Wuthering Heights?” he asked gently. You nodded, a small smile on your face. 
“Am I so predictable?”
“You’re a classic.” 
You leaned against the railing, watching him with admiration in your eyes. There was something special about emotions fluttering around the room, knowing there was something to be said and something understood. You softly patted the stairs beside you. He walked over, sitting down without a word. 
“You know what I’m going to say,” he breathed. You grabbed his hand, staring down at it as you traced the lines of his palm. 
“Wesley will never be you.” 
“Are you speaking for Buffy or…or for you.” 
“For me.” You wanted to argue aggressively, assure him that whatever he was thinking was wrong. You felt the opposite, you would never love someone like you loved him. That Wesley, no matter the difference in your ages, it would always be Giles. That the age truly wasn’t even that big of a deal. You were consenting adults with fully formed frontal lobes. 
Instead you leaned down to him and put your chin on his shoulder.
“I love you,” you whispered. He did a double take with his eyes, not moving his head so as to not disturb you. You hadn’t said that yet. “You don’t have to say anything-”
“I love you too.” 
You smiled brightly. You kissed his shoulder and then sat up all the way. 
“Can you read to me?” He glanced up at you, wondering how you had moved on so quickly. 
“I just like to listen to you talk Rupert,” you murmured. You handed him your book and slid down the stairs so you were sitting beside each other. He cleared his throat curiously. “One second. I’m gonna go grab one of your sweaters from the office, I like to get cozy. You got any blankets in there Rupert?” You got up and walked away. He smiled to himself. 
“Under the desk.” 
“Ah ha!” you peeked around the corner. You emerged wearing one of his gray knitted sweaters. “I love that you have blankets in your office. Hm. I love you I think.”
“Oh?” You shrugged. 
“Yes sir.” 
You sat beside him again and put a blanket over his lap. 
“Go on. Heathcliff won’t read himself.” 
When Wesley returned he glanced through the door window before walking in. Your head rested on Giles’s, eyes closed in content. You looked rather cozy on that step. Giles kept reading, even as you presumably slept. 
Wesley turned back to bother Buffy some more.
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meiiuka · 11 months
Might I humbly request Toko and Syo with an S/O who is very physically affectionate, also do you mind sharing what photo editing software with a fellow character x reader writer?
hey there, anytime! also i use ibis paint (mobile) to edit my banners and stuff ^^
i do only write for toko (and not syo), but here you are !
toko fukawa with an s/o who’s physically affectionate:
category: fluff, headcanons
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• the physical affection has her absolutely folding. she’s so used to being treated like she’s disgusting that someone genuinely wanting her is crazy to her
• it kind of scares her at first and she gets defensive since she’s really not expecting it
• “wait… so this isn’t some cruel joke? you ACTUALLY wanna get closer to me?”
• ngl she’d probably faint if you held her, falling over and tripping on her words
• she can be kind of awkward sometimes but she’ll eventually get better with enough time
• her favorite thing are forehead kisses because they’re so gentle and make her melt
• “y/n… i feel like when you kiss me, i don’t have to worry about the loud world around me as much. it’s so freeing…”
• if you ever were to stop being as physically affectionate she’d wonder what she did wrong and overanalyze everything 😭
• she’d come off a little strong at first and probably beg to know what she did wrong (she’s a tad bit insecure like that)
• she’ll need lots of physical affection to reassure her in the relationship but she’s generally really easy to please other than that
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the-amazing-wonderss · 10 months
hihi!! i hope both of ur guys day is going good! This is my first time requesting so im a little nervous i read ur rules over like ten times (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠) can u pls do Kou, Nene, and Hanako reading their s/o a bedtime story >w< ty in advance :3
A/N: Omg hihi its been awhile since we last posted but we're here and alive still~!! Oh and also If it makes you feel any better, this is actually our first ask 😭??? So we're really excited and decided to have both of us write for it, aren't you a lucky anon?! Anyways I hope you like it! ⎯ Mod ☠️ Omg...a request...Hello! ^^ We added Mitsuba to the list, I felt like a silly fella while writing for him. His brain makes me insane. ANYWAY, I actually didn't write angst. I can't remember the last time I did that. Enjoy~ ⎯ Mod👻 (if tumblr eats this again, I will cry)
Content: Fluff, slight angst if you squint in Hanako and Mitsuba's part, no gender mention for reader aside from the word 'prince' and 'princess' being used. Summary: Reading their s/o a bedtime story
Characters: Nene, Hanako, Mitsuba, Kou
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A story about a girl who gets saved by her prince, not in an ideal way like she wanted it to be, but nonetheless, still fell for them anyways. ⎯ Once upon a time I had my eyes set out for a fairytale of my own, wanting to feel like a hopeless romantic with the person of my dreams. But to think that the person I've been dreaming of was actually beside me this whole time... Perhaps instead of me, it was them that was hopeless in the end.
It was during when you stayed over at her house and weren't able to sleep, that she suggested she'd tell you some of the latest stories she's been reading about. Some that you've already heard of (either from her already mentioning it before or seeing it in the media) while others not so much.
When NENE talks about her stories she's very enthusiastic about it. Happy to even have someone listening to her rant on and on about something she's been dying to talk about for awhile, but it's even more special when it's her S/O ⎯ especially if they were the ones to ask her first before she even got the chance to herself.
Her stories lean more towards romance for obvious reasons. Loving the tropes to the story is one thing, but another would be because of how she likes to imagine herself in those sort of scenarios. Embarrassed to even admit it out loud, though it's already clear why she likes them so much.
And although at first she was telling the stories to you to get you to fall asleep, it sometimes ends with you staying up a little later due to her getting a tad bit carried away.
Oh but if you do end up falling asleep right before her? You won't ever see or hear about it, unless you were pretending to be asleep, but Nene is definitely the type to give you a shy goodnights kiss. Feeling brave only because you were asleep, but if not, she'd totally cover her face as she fumes at how embarrassing it is to get caught in her sly act.
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A story about a commoner boy who had a princess that loved him dearly, despite his backstory and everything he deemed as 'unworthy' of their love, nothing ⎯ not even his words, could sway their view of him. ⎯ Time and time again you run and hide from me. Behind that wall of doubt and insecurities there's something that you clearly don't see in yourself that I adore so much. When will you finally come to terms and see things my way? Love yourself as much as I love you.
It's weird how you decided to nap in the bathroom. Especially his bathroom where he's poking you constantly until you tell him off.
When HANAKO is reading you a story, he has you sleeping and leaning against his shoulder. His hand occasionally shifting your head back in place when he notices you nodding off or about to fall, or maybe even just doing it to use it as an excuse to pat your head ⎯ who knows? Clearly not you.
But the types of stories Hanako tends to read to you depends entirely on his mood. Whenever he's feeling like a jokester, he'd tell you horror stories just to see your scared reaction as you cling onto him ⎯ or when he's feeling a little solemn, he'd tell the sort of fairytale that ends with bad endings to them.
Differing between those two genres the most. But on the more rarer occasions, does he switch it up to something else.
Something odd, something you wouldn't even expect from him. Something ... that perhaps convey how he really feels but is too afraid to admit it out loud? It honestly depends up to you to actually catch onto it. If not? Then you probably won't ever hear that story again from him.
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A story where a ghost finds a human and wishes to stand by their side ⎯ A story where death will not part them, for they belong together. ⎯ I keep thinking that I could be good enough for you - that you could love me as more than 'friends', maybe I am a bit selfish for thinking this. Not that I could ever say it to your face.
Someone decided to be nice today and bless you with a sleepover!! At your own house of course.
MITSUBA didn't plan on reading to you but you told him a few stories of your own. He wasn't sure why he did it. Perhaps it was the smile on your face every time you started reading to him, so he returned the favor.
He wasn't sure what to read until he came up with his own idea. A short story about a ghost, since he knew that firsthand. A story with a ghost about falling in love with a human, a story he...
As he told the story, he could see your smile slowly disappear, almost as if you realized he was the ghost in the story.
"The ghost never told them how he felt."
And that was the last thing he said before being engulfed in your arms. He knew this feeling - he's felt it before. That warm feeling.
The feeling of love.
The feeling of an old memory.
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A story where the knight doesn't get the girl ⎯ oh...I guess this is a different ending. A story where the knight gets the prince, and they live a happy life. ⎯ I didn't change the ending! This is how it was meant to be! I...I suppose if you prefer for the knight to not fall for the prince then...Huh? You liked it?!
KOU brought a book of short stories over to your house. He was super excited to be able to stay the night.
Unfortunately for him, you had the same book and it just so happened to be your favorite!
Kou told the story as it was written for a bit.
Until he got to the end.
The story was meant to end with the prince marrying a princess but Kou couldn't bring himself to say it. Perhaps it was because he was never the prince. He was always second.
But it seemed that you didn't mind. It does get a bit boring reading the same story over and over again, and you did like listening to Kou talk.
"I'm...really happy you liked it." He says, almost struggling to get the words out as you blush and smile.
Maybe this really was his story, and that's why he rewrote the ending. Well, you can't say it's impossible for that ending to happen.
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lanawinterscigarettes · 3 months
Hiding Away (Clara Oswald x reader)
Summary: when you distance yourself due to insecurities over your body, Clara does her best to make you feel better
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Warnings: hurt/comfort, some angst, reader has body image issues but it's not specified why
A/N: I've been feeling pretty down lately due to dysphoria so I decided to be self indulgent and write this to help comfort me. I kept the reasoning behind the reader's body image issues vague so anyone who has troubles or insecurities about how they look can read this. just know that I love and cherish each and every one of you that have difficulties with how you look, regardless of the reason. it's okay if you have trouble accepting your physical body as a part of who you are. you're not broken or any less of a person for it ❤
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Clara hadn't seen you all day. In fact, she'd barely seen you the entire week, and while that wasn't entirely uncommon after a disasterous trip with the Doctor (you'd been attacked by the Daleks yet again) it was troubling to her just how little she saw of you.
That's how she ended up standing in front of the bedroom you had on the TARDIS. She really didn't want to pry, but she was starting to get concerned. Plus, she missed you.
Bringing her hand up to the door, she lightly tapped her knuckles against the wood before calling out softly. "Are you in there? It's been awhile since I've seen you and I'm a little worried."
She heard you call out a muffled "I'm fine" through the door. Clara waited in hopes that perhaps you'd elaborate, sighing to herself when you didn't.
"I'm going to come in, if that's alright with you?" She could've said it more as a command, but she posed her words as a question instead, so you'd feel a tad bit more comfortable with her sudden intrusion.
When she still got no answer, she turned the knob and slowly pushed open the door. The lights were out, but from what she could tell you were curled up in a ball on your bed, surrounded by a mountain of blankets.
Clara frowned at the sight, knowing it must be something truly bad to have you acting like this. "Sweetheart?" She called out tentatively as she walked over.
You let out a muffled grunt in response, peeking part of your face out a bit so she could see you. "Hi," you mumbled softly.
She gave you a gentle smile as she took as seat down on the edge of your bed. "Hello, darling. Are you alright?" She carefully asked, bringing her hand up to rest on what she assumed was your back, hoping to comfort you.
"Mm." You closed your eyes and muttered out a soft reply. "I haven't been feeling well recently. Been having problems with my body and how I look."
At your admission of what was really going on, Clara felt her heart break. So that was why you'd been hiding away. "Oh, sweetheart..." She whispered in a sorrowful tone as she knew exactly what you were talking about, even if you didn't say it in so many words. "Darling, I'm so sorry. May I touch you?"
She was careful in asking for your permission to touch you first, knowing how you'd sometimes rather to be comforted from a distance, but much to her delight you nodded your head before letting out a soft "Okay".
She nodded her head in turn before getting down on the bed next to you. As she pulled you close, she was careful not to shift or move your blanket off of you in any way, not wanting to raise your discomfort levels, even by accident.
You allowed her to cradle you close to her chest, nestling against her almost as if you were a small woodland creature who was trying to stay warm for the winter. "Thank you for being here. I really appreciate it," you spoke to her in a quiet voice. "I'm sorry for being so distant lately."
"It's alright, sweetheart. I understand completely, there's no need for you to apologize." Clara leaned her face down and pressed a loving kiss to where she thought your head might be. "I'll be here for as long as you may need me."
You felt as her hand moved up and down your back in a soothing nature while she added, "And just so you know, there's nothing 'wrong' with how you look. I know that might be difficult for you to believe right now, darling, but it's true."
Tears filled your eyes as you felt yourself become emotional. "Thank you..." You choked out while pressing your face into her chest. "Thank you, Clara.... I love you..."
The brunette felt her heart soar when you told her you loved her, even though you'd said it before numerous times. "And I love you," she reply before kissing your head again. "And I'll always be here for you if you need me. Okay?"
You didn't say anything else, but she knew you heard her from the way you grabbed her hand and held it close. The two of you stayed there like that for a good, long while, and even though it didn't diminish your awful feelings completely it did feel nice to have someone there to help take your mind off it, at least for a little while.
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Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated <3
Main masterlist | Doctor Who masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @theonetruepotato87 @sessa23
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nejiverse · 2 years
Atsushi, Dazai, Chuuya
In which they show love to their chubby! short! (5'3) s/o. Fem! Reader
cw: suggestive, touchy feely, a feisty ginger
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645 words
Atsushi’s absolutely adorable!
He tries his best to show as much love to you as he can because he's aware of your insecurities
He'll say things like "I hope you know how much you mean to me" or "I'm always here for you"
He's a little touch-starved baby so he loved physical contact. It takes him a while to ask if he can touch you though
He'd twiddle his thumbs and avert his eyes all over the place before finally blurting it out
"Do you mind...if I lay on your chest?", he would ask in the quietest voice possible.
You would obviously welcome him with open arms because he was just too adorable to resist but only on one condition
"Only if you do that thing I love so much"
He knew what you were talking about and nodded with a smile
Resting his head on your chest, he activated his ability and transformed his arms to that of his tiger's and wrapped them around your stomach, caressing your rolls
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Dazai is teasing you 24/7
You'd be laying on his chest between his legs doing whatever on your phone and he'd move his hands down to your thighs and rub and massage them, especially on the inner part of your thighs
"You have pretty thighs, belladonna", he'd comment with his head resting on your shoulder
You could feel his warm breath on your neck which sent an unwanted shiver down your spine
"And a pretty stomach", he hugged the middle of your stomach for a while before moving them up to just under your boobs
"And pretty milkers", he snickered
You turned your head to him "I told you to stop calling them that"
"Calling them what?", he tilted his head coyly.
"You know what!"
He chuckled. "I couldn't help myself! You're not giving me attention", he pouted.
You sighed and smiled, putting your phone on the bedside table. "Alright my phone's down, you have my undivided attention"
"Much better!", he exclaimed, littering kisses down your neck
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Chuuya and you are the same height couple goals 😆
The only thing that makes Chuuya a tad bit taller than you are his hats
The hat you decided to take today
"It suits me better doesn't it", you looked at yourself in the mirror with a pleased expression before Chuuya came up behind you and squished your round cheeks together
"No it doesn't", he shook your head for you
Chuuya tipped the hat so it'd cover your eyes and he then spun you around three times "Now find the Chuuya"
"We're playing a game, it's called find the Chuuya so move your ass", he snuck up behind you with a mischievous smirk on his face
You kept moving forward slowly with your arms in front of you, trying to find him
"Can you at least tell me if i'm hot or cold?! This is har—", you were cut off when you felt a pair of hands start tickling your sides which made your body jerk forward, your hands trying to pry off Chuuya's
"S-stop it Chuuya!", you said in between your laughs
"Take back what you said then"
"Fine! The hats suits you better", right after you said that, he stopped tickling you and you fell down onto your ass
Your sides were hurting and your stomach was absolutely exhausted from laughing
"You're so mean to me Chuuya", you frowned as he could only laugh
masterlist :)
A/N: what a coincidence that bsd ed 1 came on while i was writing this 😭
I'm so happy the bsd fandom's alive again!!! If ya'll liked this i have a dazai x oc book on wattpad that im currently working on called 'VENI VIDI VICI'. My username is NEJIVERSE.
Link to the book: here
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Soooooo I've been thinking of writing a Loop-centric Isat fanfiction, and I'm in very early stages of desicions with it. So I wanted to do my own take on a Human Loop design, with the idea that getting a physical idea of what I want Loop to look like will help influence some of the earlier chapters (Since my brain is thinking of later chapters way too much).
Design Choices and Thoughts below the cut, with spoilers and a whole lot of rambling!
So firstly, technically, there's actual colours I chose there. I'm not gonna spell out everything, but the jacket features an oxblood red leather and some yellow highlights. Their right eye was red (blind left eye is black with white pupil cus it's still blind), and the necklace's gem was a bright shining yellow like a star. The metals feature Gold, Rose Gold, and Silver mainly. All of these I manually shifted into greyscale. It looks very funny with the rainbow in the background.
The first big choice I made was to add so many scars. Like jesus so many. I was inspired by a fic called The Art of Sharing by Kamary on AO3 which has Loop keep the injuries they sustain in the loops. I had some different ideas though. Specifically, each scar Loop has is from something that damaged them more than once. Each one is a reminder of a mistake repeated. The more it repeated the more visible the scar. I have some bigger ideas for some specific scars to implement but the biggest one, clearly, is the hand.
Or more, the Arm. Loop favoured an arm for dunking into the tears to loop back, and they where recklace with it. While I like how Kamary did a similar thing, I had a different idea for it. What if they burned. What if they melted. What if whatever became of your hand or arm was just not compatible with You anymore. So, Loop now doesn't have their right arm. And they get a Crafted prosthetic. I wanna make this a continuous point in the fic. I imagine most have Change God imagery, and I imagine that makes Loop a tad... uncomfortable. I imagine them dealing with a basic one but then learning how to make one themself. Add onto how they hate being in any House Of Change now, as all of them, in a little way, of the House Of Dormont, and they struggle to learn nearly as easily as they could. Eventually, they make something their happy with. Something sharp and sleek and shiny and Different. (As a general rule I like to think people with different kinds of Craft at their disposal end up generallly having different affects on the things they use their Craft on. A Craft doll made by Odile would be different from one made by Isabeau, for instance. With how much Wish Craft Loop has, I imagine anything they make to look a bit Different).
Now for the outfit itself. I do love seeing people embrace Loop being more open to showing skin, and with the scars too it makes for a striking look. And I think that's the biggest key difference between Loop and Siffrin. Loop uses Confidence and Flamboance as their shield, as their diversion from their insecurities. I remember seeing someone mention about how, when they walk into a room looking visually striking, coloured hair and piercings, everyone in the room knows 1 thing about them. But by those people's reactions to that person, they know Everything they need to know about those people. I feel like Loop would lean into that heavily. Odile is smart and catches onto things quickly. Isabeau equally so and even more emotionally intellegent. And Loop uses their abrasiveness to gauge people extremely quickly. In a way Loop's disregard for how people see them helps them here. This influenced a lot of how I designed them, using these as key points of difference with Siffrin.
The hat had the least thought in it. Loop feels lost without a hat, but refuses to take Siffrin's and refuses to have anything like Siffrin's hat. They spent so long being someone other than Siffrin. In a way, it helps them cope with losing their own party. Helps them move on. It also on the same note helps them ignore how much it affects them. This hat is technically the Plague Doctor hat acording to Heroforge. I just took it as a decent leather hat with a brim. Enough to distinguish themselves from Siffrin, but close enough in feel to their old hat. They absolutly needed something with some kind of brim, both because they hate the sun and because they, like Siffrin, love hiding their face when they're having emotions.
The jacket I thought a lot about. I wanted them to have something long but not as long as Odile's. They like flowy things, but also something more open. Also, pockets and belts to stash and hide things. If anything they're more prone to picking up everything not bolted down than Siffrin! This combined with the simplest and nicest tanktop/binder tied the whole thing together. Very 'Hot Girl Shit' vibes.
The glove was because handling things without Siffrin's gloves felt extremely weird. They needed something. But also, damn their nails look killer with the dark varnish on, matches their makeup so nicely! They absolutly NEED to show that off or they will DIE!! They chose one with metal knuckles because at any moment they need the ability to deck someone. It's how they use their Rock crafts, with a mean Left Hook (They're debating renaming one of them to "Left Plot Hook" to keep the puns but also dipping into specifically narrative puns. This is a debate between Sif and Loop and sometimes the rest of the party through the whole fic).
The necklace was because they've grown so, so used to something shimering and shining under their chin, they needed something bright again. It draws the eye. It catches people's attention. It was a gift from Isabeau because "it reminded him of how they looked before being human" and Loop's heart decided to remind them it exists with a vengance and now Loop refuses to take it off ever. It just looks neat that's all there is to it yep.
Loop found a section in a shop dedicated to belts and decided then and there that they where gonna wear multiple. They now strive to collect one from every town they visit. It also adds to the Pretty Noise agenda a little. But not as much as
THE BOOTS!! Loop finds them in the armoury and is immedietly captivated, but then remembers The King. Those Gauntlets. And then ponders if knightly armour is a generally attractive thing where they're from, not that Siffrin ever indulged. But then they put them on and THEY GO CLINK CLINK WHEN THEY WALK!! They're suprisingly quiet, the heel making the most noise. They CAN be louder if they want, but all their sensibilities as a Rouge lets them be at least a bit quiet in them. AND THEY SHINE AND THEY GO CLINK CLINK AND THEY'RE STRIKING AND THEY HAVE TO HAVE THEM! Ahem. I mean. They do look nice. They're not Giddy over boots. Stop smiling like that.
For now this is their main gear, but I can imagine them getting more clothes as they go on. Stars they want changes of clothes. Different outfits. Before the loops they could never care about fasion or makeup or anything but now, anything for a Change. It's funny, they do have to admit how nice the freedom of Changing is, even if it's just clothes.
Anyway that's my rambles for now! I think I could go on for hours but I've already written so much! If I don't stop now I'll just start writing the fanfiction here!! Please share your thoughts with me my brain is going so so fast and I love seeing human Loop thoughts (this sin't even all my human Loop thoughts this is just what matters to the outfit).
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jasmariswonderland · 7 months
✨🎭A Glorious Masquerade With My Twst OCs🎭✨
Hello everyone!
A few days late but better late than never right? Here are my Glorious Masquerade headcanons for Yuulan, Danica, Farron, Sidonie and Vidaria! 
I should note that in my twst-oc universe, this is a canon event. But instead of taking place around halloween, this event takes place in midsummer with NRC holding prom around the same time, Yes this will be relevant in future writing. 
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Yuulan was very surprised when she was selected for the arcane academy social, but she’s also thrilled. She enjoys traveling and so far, one of the things she’s enjoyed so far about being at NRC is when she’s allowed to travel off school campus and see more of Twisted Wonderland. 
But she isn’t so thrilled when she finds out that both Malleus and Vidaria are also attending. Since Book 5, Yuulan and Malleus have slowly become more distant thanks to Malleus keeping his betrothal a secret from her and the rather blase manner he responded when she confronted him about it. Malleus has tried seeking her out since but Yuulan is still trying to sort out her feelings and for him and what exactly they are. And needless to say, she can’t help but feel the smallest bit of envy of Vidaria.
While in the City of Flowers, Yuulan manages to keep her distance of Malleus, Sebek making it all the easier. But she has a lot of fun hanging out with Epel and Deuce, particularly the latter. And up until he looses his entire fucking mind, she even grows to like Rollo as well. They have a lot of amiable conversation about the history of the City of Flowers and she likes that he seems genuinely interested in her. Yuulan has always suffered insecurity about lacking magic in this world and can’t help but feel like a useless tag along at times. Her falling out with Malleus hasn’t helped matters either. But Rollo helps Yuulan forget her more recent troubles, even if she does think he’s a tad peculiar. 
And then all hell breaks loose that evening with the firelotuses and any amiable feelings Yuulan had for Rollo go completely out the window. She’s horrified that he could be capable of such terrible things but she’s even more horrified by Malleus’ reaction when he realizes Rollo only intended to trap him and his invitation to the City of Flowers was never genuine. His brief tirade and the magic he displays is enough for Yuulan to temporarily be freighted by him, for the very first time. 
But with help from Farron and Professor Trein, she and Grim destroy the firelotuses in the city. At the masquerade, she now keeps her distance from Rollo but does finally talk to Malleus. They dance for a while and their conversation is pleasant but she wonders if they could ever really be friends like they once were. On the other hand, Yuulan spends a lot of time with Deuce and begins to see him in a different light. She’s always liked him but she can feel her feelings for him beginning to deepen within this elegant masquerade setting. 
Danica, Farron, Sidonie and Vidaria’s under the cut! 
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For Danica, this arcane academy social comes at a very difficult time in her life. Her relationship with Vil is on the rocks and she’s recently transferred to Diasomnia. To make matters worse, at the same time of the social, NRC will be hosting their yearly ball and it was her hope that she and Vil could reconcile then. Unfortunately her selection for the social squashes this plan. But it isn’t all bad. Some of Danica’s friends have also been selected and this actually isn’t her first time visiting the City of Flowers. Her sister brought her there for her birthday many years ago and her mother is actually an alumni of NBC. So Danica is looking forward to seeing the school her mother once attended. 
She loves her masquerade gown and with it, she’s choses to bring her own mask, one that was gifted to her by one of her dorm mates for her birthday. And it’s a perfect match, though Farron remarks that Diasomnia’s colors don’t quite suit her as well as Pomefiore’s
All in all, Danica thoroughly enjoys exploring the city with her classmates, trying pastries in one of the local bakeries, and making friends with a community goat. And to make things even better, she’s surprised when while checking out a shop, she runs into her friends Minette and Florine! As it turns out, students from RSA were also selected to attend the arcane academy social. Neige is also there but he and Danica are on better terms now. 
Needless to say, Danica is very happy to see them again even though her fellow NRC classmates side eye her. Sebek makes a remark about Danica being a traitor and even though the others try to write off his remark as a joke (it wasn’t), it really hurts her, to the point she ends up sitting with her RSA friends during the Topsy Turvy festival with Trein’s approval. She also walks back to NBC with Minette and Florine and when the firelotuses begin blooming and Rollo opens the trap door, Minette manages to used the last of her strength to pull Danica away from what she thinks is a death fall. Inadvertently seperating her from the rest of the NRC group.
Eventually though, Sidonie and Vidaria return to NBC with the other NRC students and drag an unconscious Danica out into the courtyard. They try to heal her but the rampant firelotuses prevents them from being successful until the Bell of Solace is rung. Danica ends up making a full recovery and enjoys the rest of her time in the City of Flowers. Including dancing with Vidaria and Florine at the masquerade, trying on her mother’s old NBC uniform and buying a glass mobile for Vil. 
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Farron is thrilled to be joining in on the social as he has always dreamed of visiting the City of Flowers because it’s considered a major hub for high fashion. He’s greatly looking forward to shopping not just for clothes but also for materials for future projects. When he finds out from Trein that other schools will be attending as well, Farron secretly begins to hope that if RSA is included, Andrew will be there as well. In the days leading up to their departure, Farron spends a lot of time with his clubmates watching old films with the City of Flowers as a backdrop. Out of all the NRC students, Farron is definitely the most excited about this next to Malleus. 
And he absolutely LOVES his masquerade outfit which, by a strange coincidence, marches Sidonie’s masquerade dress perfectly. Not that he minds though. Considering he’s usually the one working to provide fabulous fashion for his friends, he doesn’t mind at all being given his outfit. 
Sadly, Andrew is not included in the RSA envoy for the social. Farron is saddened by this but after a few hours exploring the city, he’s determined that the next time he visits, Andrew will be by his side. Farron buys a lucky charm for him and several little figurines for his older sister. He also manages to sneak off to one of the artsy districts and buys a few bolts of fabric and some beautiful lace. 
During the crisis with the firelotuses, Farron ops to help Professor Trein and Yuulan destroy the flowers in the city. At one point the flowers nearly strangle Grim and Farron manages to rescue him. Once the crisis has passed, he sleeps for a little while and wakes up a few hours before the masquerade to make a few alterations to everyone’s outfits as some of the got ripped and torn while dealing with the firelotuses. But he fully enjoys the ball with Yuulan and Sidonie being his most frequent dance partners
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When Sidonie finds out she’s been selected for the social, she’s not too thrilled since she was looking forward to the NRC ball, hoping Trey would ask her to go. But when she finds out Danica is also going, she quickly changes tune. She feels partially responsible for her dorm transfer and feels as though she’s failed her. She’s also somewhat jealous of the fact that Vidaria has taken over the role of Danica’s mentor. She wants Danica to return to Pomefiore and the day before the NRC students depart for the City of Flowers, Sidonie visits Diasomnia and she and Vidaria actually form a truce. Even if they dislike each other, they both mutually care about Danica and through Vidaria’s intervention, Danica  and Sidonie are able to mend fences with the latter promising to protect her better in the future. 
From the start however, Sidonie and Rollo do NOT get along. While looking at the statue of the Righteous Judge, Trein likens him to other figures who aren’t as revered as the Great Seven but still remarkable. Like the Rose Witch. Rollo responds that he actually thinks the Rose Witch was far from admirable because she used her shape shifting magic to deceive the prince and rather than just cursing him, she cursed all of the prince’s retainers as well. (I mean…) Needless to say, Rollo immediately winds up on Sidonie’s shitlist with those remarks. 
But beyond that, she enjoys exploring the city and buys a bell shaped amulet for Trey. During the Topsy Turvy festival when they’re all dancing, Danica catches everyone’s attention with her graceful movements and one of the performers brings her up on the stage with them. Rollo clearly disapproves of this and makes another remark about a witch who used her dancing to bewitch people and ran afoul of the Righteous Judge. He compares Danica to this witch and it really angers Sidonie. But instead of telling him to shut up, she decides to use her magic to cause a burst of rose petals to fall upon Danica as she’s dancing. This adds onto the chain reaction and the other NRC (and RSA) students also begin performing little bursts of magic to add some excitement to the festival. Furthering Rollo’s disapproval. 
It goes without saying, Sidonie was not surprised at all when Rollo showed his true colors. She joins the group of NRC students going after Rollo and greatly looks forward to beating his ass. But when they return to the school's hall, she finds Danica unconscious on the floor. Vidaria helps her drag Danica outside, hoping that some fresh air and healing potion will revive her. But nothing works until the Bell of Solace is rung. 
Until then, Sidonie and Vidaria team up to destroy as many firelotuses as they can before they also succumb to their malevolence. Though Sidonie will never admit it out loud, she begins to develop a reluctant admiration for her. During the masquerade the next night, they actually have friendly conversation and make many secret jokes at Rollo’s expense. At one point, they watch Danica dancing with Florine and Rollo once again compares her to the witch who tried to bewitch the Righteous Judge. Sidonie and Vidaria scoff at him with the latter asking Rollo ``Did she really bewitch him, or was the Righteous Judge not so righteous after all?” This remark fully earns her Sidonie’s respect.
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Vidaria has visited the City of Flowers once for a equestrian tournament but she didn’t have much chance to really explore the city or do anything outside of the tournament. So she’s was excited to attend the arcade academy social from the start. When Malleus proposes that the NRC students invited perform a traditional song during the social, Vidaria and Danica decide they want to add onto the song by performing a traditional dance as ballet originated in the City of Flowers. In the weeks leading up to is, Danica teaches Vidaria more about ballet and they become closer friends. 
However, when they arrive at NBC, Vidaira immediately feels suspicious of Rollo. She notices the way he looks at Malleus and having experienced fae racisim herself in the past, she gets an unsettling feeling that his intentions might not be fully amiable. But she forces her suspicions to the back of her mind since she knows she has a tendency to be paranoid. She manages to forget her suspicions for a while as she enjoys exploring the city with her friends. At one point, Sebek approaches her and Danica asking what kind of souvenir Taima would appreciate. He swears he just wants to give her something because he’s grown to respect her but the girls secretly snicker about this for the rest of the day. 
Unfortunately, Vidaria’s suspicious about Rollo prove to be correct later that evening when the firelotuses begin to bloom. Being a fae, Vidaria is not as affected by the firelotuses as her companions but it’s still a terrifying experience for her. She initially chooses returning to NBC with her classmates to deal with Rollo but changes her mind when she finds Danica unconscious with her RSA friends. She and Sidonie drag her into the courtyard and team up in destroying the firelotuses for as long as they can. 
When the crisis passes, Vidaria and Sidonie are able to successfully revive Danica and come for a level of understanding they haven’t had since the beginning of their freshman year. At the masquerade, Vidaria and Danica perform together and later the dances with Silver, much to her delight. 
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