#feeling awful
returnofahsoka · 9 days
had a job interview. results next week. inshallah the earth will have swallowed me whole by then
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lisaiese · 1 year
Noragami should pay me therapy
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cloudyfan2023 · 28 days
Feeling pretty awful atm due to some personal things. I did plan to release chapter 15 this evening but I am unsure of this now. If anyone would like to message or ask me any questions about Cloudy things, I would highly appreciate it! ♥
Thanks all, Cloudyfan2023
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fieriframes · 6 months
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beastblade69 · 2 months
I either nap or do nothing in an empty way or do nothing but in a depressed way these days. literally b staring at the fucking walls waiting for.. what?? I'm going to nap rn bye
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mad--sad--bad · 1 year
For anyone who thinks being mentally ill is cool and "you get so much attention": Wrong. It's not the attention you want and it's just embarrassing and uncomfortable and exhausting and sad and awful and cruel and destructive and frustrating and lonely and empty and..
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I’m kinda sick of people in general
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caddy-crystal-queen · 3 months
Warning: rant ahead. Sorry but I just gotta let all this shit out.
I feel like something in me just broke today. Like a piece of the dam just broke off. There's just...so damn much going on and I'm stressed about everything.
Just a list here of some of the stuff.
1. I can't seem to go a month this year without something being wrong with me health wise. I'm always getting sick or getting some kind of injury or something.
2. I feel like my dad hates me. I think he hates me for not being able to go to my grandmother's funeral. Or that he hates me because I left TN to live with my mother. Possibly both.
3. I'm harboring a lot of resentment towards my moms parents. We found out we had a carbon monoxide leak in our house and when we told them they agreed to help us but demanded my mom pay them back. Apparently mine, my mother's and my sisters lives are worth 3000 dollars...nice to know. They also seem to favor my aunt and her kids, all because they have kids while me and my siblings don't. I shouldn't have to have a kid to get some semblance of fucking care.
4. I'm worried about what's going on in the world, including what's going on in Palestine, the politics in my country and my boyfriend's (he's canadian and apparently treason has been found somewhere in the government)
5. I can't find a second job, though I desperately need one in order to help my mom and sister. We're throwing out my mom's ex, which is a relief cause he's a dick, but were also losing his income.
6. I feel like a failure of a daughter to my mother because I can't help financially...I can clean all the hell I want but it doesn't stop me from feeling useless.
7. My mom and sister are constantly fighting over my sister's laziness and entitlement, left over trauma from my mom's last marriage that neither of them are doing anything about so I get to listen to it.
I'm just not having a good time of any of it and writing feels like my only escape, whether I'm RPing, working on character notes for my novel, or writing my new fanfic...I feel like that's all I have, other than talking to my friends. I just wanna forget everything, get away from everything :'(
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vizthedatum · 7 months
I feel awful and okay, and that's okay.
During therapy, I was reminded that I can accept just how bad I'm feeling and the thoughts running through my head.
It's that radical self-acceptance that isn't meant to be necessarily "positive" or whatever society thinks is "positive."
I feel awful, but I also feel okay too. Right now, I'm probably going to parallel rage-blog about what I feel awful about AND do my analyses for work. That's the benefit of having a job you can do on the computer.
It's not wrong for me to be angry or feel awful. One of my most prominent habitual instincts is writing: I have a good reason to feel awful!!
But the thing is, I don't even need a reason.
I feel awful and okay now. These feelings may or may not persist. I'm likely going to actually like this day a lot - it's not a bad day at all.
My logical brain is telling me that it only feels awful because what happened to me last year around this time was awful.
And yeah. That's the reason, but also... I can just feel awful no matter what.
That's really empowering, in my opinion.
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https-furina · 10 months
I kind of accidentally stayed up all night… want a picture of the sunrise?
accidentally- omg- but yes i love sunrise/sunset so much you have no idea <3
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crunchycrystals · 1 year
im really feeling the horrors rn lol
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lewmagoo · 1 year
i hope you all have a wonderful day ☀️
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Breaking through the constant drone of "I hate myself, I hate myself, I hate myself" is proving particularly difficult today.
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mad--sad--bad · 10 months
alone in the void where I slowly fade away.. i disappear
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bix-bom · 1 year
Im having an awful night with awful cramps (boygirl things) and i forgot to grab ibuprofen because my family was pissing me off downstairs and im too lazy to go get it now. And The Boy isnt on netflix anymore and im broke asf rn so i cant buy it or rent it or whatever and none of my comfort things are on anything rn either.
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ilostyou · 2 years
everything feels wrong and i want to jump out of my own skin 😃
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