#felicia hardy 42
jennsterjay · 6 months
Clawcode Headcanons (because I could literally talk about them all day)
If Miles G is unsure about someone he'll put up a mask/front with them, but the minute Ganke M walks beside him and says the funniest unfunny joke known to man he snorts and the tough guy act completely crumbles against his will
Ganke M is the 'bro let's have fun' to his 'my life is the grind, all I know is the grind'. Even when Ganke M helps Miles G with complicated missions, afterwards he'll patch him up, then get him some Wcdonalds or King Burger and then play some Mario's Cart with him the rest of the night. Cue them falling asleep together on the couch
I'm still not over the idea of them getting each other Dragon Ball Z matching dog tags (rip to the goat of course 🙏🏾). Like there's so much sauce there it's perfect. Spider-Miles from 1610B would think its the coolest thing ever even when he teases Miles G about it, and the first week Ganke M wears it he makes sure every one can see it proudly around his neck
Ganke is Pan and Miles is Bi and Ganke doesn't think about gender too hard
Miles G: Rap, Trap, Rnb, J-Pop/Anime Music, Rock, and more
Ganke M: K-Rap, K-Rock, Nightcore, Daycore, Rap, Techno, Video Game Osts,  J-Pop/Anime Music and more
And they influence each other's music taste
They know each other's birthdays, favorite foods, shoe sizes, game catalogues, jokes, childhood stories, favorite songs, allergies,  icks, moral boundaries, biggest secrets, and worst fears...and they've only known each other for a year and a few months
Ganke M is simultaneously the class clown and one of the smartest students in his grade. Miles G is the other top student. Despite Miles G wanting to keep a low profile, when he's around Ganke he can't help but joke around and start roasting people and clowning in class too, and the two become pretty popular among the other students. Between their high grades, class disruptions, pranks, one or both of them disappearing to 'use the bathroom for a sec', prize winning robotics projects, funny jokes, and passing test scores...their teachers don't know if they should flip a coin to give them awards for their grades or to send them back to detention again
Rio and Jefferson were suspicious of Ganke M at first, thinking he was a bad influence, but eventually they warmed up to him and welcomed him after seeing how much he made his son smile. Even after Jeff was no longer there, Rio would still smile and welcome Ganke to their house just like they always had. Ganke sometimes even stops by to cook some Korean dishes and helps clean up whenever he visits Miles.
When Aaron Davis finds out Ganke M knows Miles G's big secret, he meets with Ganke alone for the first time (even though he would meet him once or twice in passing when Jeff was alive, they've never really talked to each other until this moment). At first Aaron is intimidating and tries to tell Ganke to stay out of Miles' business, but Ganke has never been a pushover and refuses. After a while, Aaron can see his determination and realizes Ganke's loyalty to Miles isn't shakeable. He sees something in Ganke that reminds him of himself. So Aaron says if he really wants to help Miles, then he needs to become stronger. It's after this that Aaron teaches him to box and fight, and teaches him more about tech, engineering, surveilance, tracking, stealth, and hydraulics.
Even though Miles G can hear his mom in his ear saying not to waste any food, Miles doesn't like eating the crust on sandwiches or pizza. But that's ok because Ganke will eat his own food and then eat the crust for him. Ganke will eat the tomatoes off of Miles' burgers too
Months after Miles G and Ganke M meet their universe's Gwen V. Stacy aka Gwenom, and she becomes an ally, she admits to them that she thought they were a couple at first. They weren't dating yet so she's not completely right, but with the way the two look at each other after she says that, she knows she's not completely wrong either. She totally teases them about it.
In this universe Dr. Ophelia Octavious is an African American scientist, ruler, and engineer who is part of the Sinister Six and runs a big part of the city. Miles G and Dr. Octavious have a Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr.Eggman type dynamic. Miles G keeps getting in the way of her plans and she knows he somehow has a connection to the original Prowler. Still, she secretly admires the kid for his heart and genius at least, not that she would admit this. One time at her base she successfully captures Ganke M saying "I have your little boyfriend" to try to get leverage over Miles G, but Ganke M is smarter than he looks and doesn't give her any information right before he escapes on his own with a dohickey he has in his pocket. When Miles G comes in to save the day and go toe to toe with Octavious, Ganke M looks from side to side and backs up towards a computer terminal and inserts a flash drive that hacks into and shuts down her whole system. Ganke and Miles slip away when the lights shut off, and all Octavious can see in the darkness is a computer terminal that has an anime girl dancing with flashing text that says 'Get Miku-ed'. Dr. Octavious is in disbelief and has several emotions at once before laughing and saying "I hate heroic teenage couples"
Their universe's Felicia L. Hardy will either work with you, be your ally, con you, or sell you out and Miles and Ganke don't know what to make of her. She guesses they're a couple almost immediately with the way they fight her (when Ganke already has his own suit) and even when they're on different sides, she teases them like she's an aunt or a big sister. Eventually they meet her girlfriend and even she teases them affectionately too.
Ganke's mom cooks Miles so much food when he visits (even when they don't have a lot) and Miles struggles to finish it because he's already so full from the first five plates but it's ingrained in him not to waste food. He taps out and brings the rest back home in Tupperware for him and his mom.
Ganke M and Miles G go to the rooftop a lot to listen to music and look at the stars together. Now that they know their universe is so big and that there are other universes out there, it really puts it into perspective that in the grand scheme of things they're grateful for what they do have in this world...
And that is each other
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bruciemilf · 9 months
Obligatory things I need in beyond the spider verse or ELSE:
Miles and 42 Miles sibling banter
42 Miles roasting the fuck out of Miguel “How you gonna let Dark Garfield fold you? Couldn’t be me.”
“If you can’t have a loyal friend, find a good enemy.”
Felicia recognizing Peter B under the Spidey mask immediately. “I know that’s you, Pete.”
“Play dumb.” “… Who’s Peter?” “Not THAT dumb.”
Extremely important to me that Felicia calls Peter B and every Peter variant “peanut”
Her revealing that actually, he broke up with HER, and no one believes it. Patrick (Web-Slinger) is particularly doubtful until Peter B confirms it.
“I did break up with her! Why’s that so surprising?”
Noir: I want to be honest, but I also want to be nice
Patrick: Usually when I make a mistake, it’s not intentional
Cliche as fuck, but, Peter variants chasing Felicia (she’s creating a diversion) and they end up in an elevator. Felicia being stuck between Peter variants like, “me-ow.”
42 Miles calling Felicia (yes this is rapidly becoming a Felicia post I’m aware) “auntie Fel”
Pav and Miles friendship <3 Miles saying he wishes he could be as effortlessly great as Pav, and Pav refuting that by saying “are you kidding me? I’d give everything to be… Real. Like you. Miles, you’re great because you work to be. Even when you think you’re not.”
Miguel finally apologizing to Miles and owning up to his mistakes. Also finally meeting Rio and getting the shit beat out of him with a shoe
Peter seeing others being down bad for Felicia and being confronted with the fact that he still has feelings for her
He’s also super jealous but insists that’s not the case. “Me? Jealous? Who’s jealous haha not me” (eye twitching)
The spider gang hanging out at the underground spot Miles goes to for graffiti and posing for a picture, which Miles submits to an art contest/scholarship and wins
The prompt was “Expectations Met”
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but its also on sum miraculous lady bug type time and they like go to school tg n shit🙏🏽
i been trying to write this since i got the request but i got fucking croup and my voice is gone . 😐
hope u like pookie 🤭🫶🏽
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prowl miles x black cat reader! black reader if u squint. warnings: I CNAT WRITE DIALOUG LMAO, cursing, use of n word, suggestive joke. a/n: YURRRR WHEA THE HOESSS AT YEAYUHHH welcome back to my channel w another slammer!! yo hair white weather it b braids, locs, straight curly idgaf but it’s white ! IMAGINE MILES MASK IS LIKE CAT NOIRS MASK OKAY?? heavily unedited so don’t b tryna crack a funny yk what i be tryna say. i can’t write dialogue.
you’re standing on the glass roof looking in the window at the auction below you, eyeing the very expensive pair of emerald earrings your mother would appreciate for her birthday you see another figure walk up next to you, “hey kitty. what u see in there?” and u glance on your right to see your competition, who was also your partner in crime, who was also one of your school friends but you didn’t know that yet. “the diamonds, a lil sum nice for my moms birthday” you said signaling at the worker who was holding them under a silver platter, miles hummed in response. “what about you pretty boy? i didn’t think you were into jewelry” miles chuckled dryly “i’m not usually, only if it’s for somebody special” he glanced over to you as you smiled to yourself while looking down, not oblivious to his tone of voice, “dude over there?” he pointed to a man who was shaking as he walked to the back door. “mhm” “he’s got some oxy, gunna give it to the hospital.” you looked at man miles was talking about almost forgetting your own plans “damn, i lost her.” “naw, she went inna kitchen.” you scanned the area for her sighing in relief when you found her. “what would i do without pumpkin?” miles looked at you while you crawled over to the other side of the roof, following you. you used your clawed finger to crack a hole big enough to fit you through it on the glass tile. miles stared daggers into you. “you coming?” you asked carefully picking up the glass circle and putting it next to the hole. as you put your hood on so your hair dangling wouldn’t be noticeable you entered the hole crawling on top of the ceiling slowly but surely, miles was right behind you and you both crawled all the way to the back hallway where nobody was looking. you both dropped down on your feet and when you saw a server walk into the bathroom you realized your all black leather suit wasn’t for the occasion. “i’m gonna go change into something less noticeable, you should too” you said tugging on his collar and miles looked u up and down one more time and you parted ways.
“hey kitty. u ready?”miles said as he walked up to you with a suit that looked identical to yours but he still has his mask on, you put your hand on his neck and leaned into his ear, “depends on what you’re talking about pretty boy.” “oh you could never be ready for that kitty” “what you think i can’t take it” miles huffed and you both went to the kitchen to grab a plate or something, miles saw the man he was looking for and followed him and you went to the main room to find those diamonds . after people starting realizing the diamonds and medicine were gone the alarm system went off and people were chasing you and miles, you climbed onto the roof and miles grabbed your waist to carry you as he swung from building to building with his ropes. “you found what you were looking for?” miles as and you flashed him a smiling dangling the earrings in front of his face. “that’s my girl” he said smiling as you swung onto a building where they wouldn’t find y’all. he landed on the edge letting you go and you almost stumbled off of it, he caught you wrapping his arm around your waist and kissed you, after you broke it you still stayed like for a moment catching your breath. “didn’t know you were such a good kisser” ”it’s a lot you don’t know kitty.” the moment ruined by the sound of a police siren signaling it was your time to go. you swiftly stole one of his gadgets without him noticing to give him a reason to see you again and you kissed his cheek. “this was fun pumpkin, come see me soon yea? later mr prowler” “see you kitty.” he said as he swung off to wherever he was going and you went back home thinking about him the whole way there. the next morning you were in school, you had prowlers little silver hook in your backpack in case you saw him again that day. as you walked in to your 4th period you sat next to miles. you were in the same friend group but hardly ever talked. you always thought he was fine asfc tho. “hey miles” you smiled as were looking for any excuse to not look at had to not look at him because he made u fold by js being there, you bent down to grab a notebook out of your backpack. “hey (name), how yo morning goin?” he said his voice coated with the light syrup of his accent, the one that made your cheeks hurt with how much you were smiling . “good, u?” you and miles talked the whole class and as you were walking out the door pushing past people you tripped and miles caught you, just like how prowler did last night. could he..? no. that’s crazy he couldn’t be. you thought as you looked into his eyes and thanked him, as the both of you walked in the hall he spoke up breaking the slightly awkward silence . “you wanna get lunch together? off campus maybe” “yea!” you nodded vigorously jumping at the chance to hang out with miles. as you were sitting down outside eating lunch with miles there was suddenly a smoke bomb being set off in the bank across the street and everyone started yelling and running and chaos was everywhere. you got up and looked into the bank, you turned around and miles was gone. you took this as your chance to suit up and investigate, when you got back you saw ur prowler and strolled up to him fondling the hook you took from him in your hands.
“hey kitty, can i have that back?” “mmm only if you say pretty please” you said moving dangerously close to him almost forgetting why you were here in the first place, he grabbed the hand you were holding the hook in harshly as he looked deeply into your eyes, his gaze flickered down from your eyes to your lips before trying to picking the hook up with his free hand but you quickly moved your entire arm back, unintentionally pushing your body closer to his, y’all quickly back away from each other after what felt like a lifetime pressed against him, as he turned around to walk you realized you no longer had the hook and found it in his hand. you smirked to yourself as you followed him into the bank and picked up the smoke bomb before showing it to miles, “what u think this is made of? vibranium maybe?” miles shrugged as he looking around the empty bank, nothing was taken but the vault door was wide open. maybe they backed out he thought as he walked into the vault looking around it. you could tell something was on his mind, like he was rushing to get out of here.“you okay pooh?, you’re acting really weird, almost like you don’t wanna be here no mo” you asked with playful lilt trying to not make it seem to obvious how nervous you were that the latter was true, moving up behind him looking around the vault swiping one or 2 bands . he just hummed “yea i’m fine it’s just- yo whoever did this is weird asfc. they ain’t even take nun.” he laughed as he closed the vault hoping you didn’t detect the obvious avoiding of her questions and walked into the alleyway so he wouldn’t be seen by the public. “so you know i was wondering, will you ever show me who u are?” you said walking behind him messing with the things on the back of his suit. “maybe one day, only if you say pretty please” referencing the conversation you had earlier,you both smile at each other “i gotta go kitty cat, see you later” he turned the corner and left before you couldn’t even say bye “bye…” and the reason miles was he was rushing the whole ‘mission’ was so he could get back to you, but you didn’t know that.
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shu-of-the-wind · 1 year
if i see one more "universe 42 miles is a criminal" post i'm going to walk into traffic
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melancholypancakes · 10 months
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{Disclaimer: this is fan-made, fan fiction and I don't own black cat at all this is just a "what if" of character scenario}
In Earth-42, there is no spiderman to protect the city of Brooklyn.
Only chaos and crime, however there is one superhero though.
Black cat, unlike other realities of Black Cat, this one became a superhero.
Felicia García, is a down to earth and gothic teenage girl in Brooklyn.
In this universe she attends to Brooklyn Visons Academy like Miles.
Felicia is the daughter of Lydia Hardy & Andrés García.
Lydia Hardy was the black cat burglar ever since she was a young adult but as time went by she fell in love with police officer Andrés García.
Lydia Hardy ended up giving up her life of the Black Cat to be with Andrés.
She revealed to him she was the burglar but wanted to change her ways, if he'll have her.
Andrés embraced her and accepted her, even if she did crimes.
He knew she had a good heart, they both ended up having two children.
Antonio García and Felicia García, Antonio is a military man these days so he's often not at home.
Lydia and Andrés raised their little girl and make sure she has a good life.
Lydia ended up filling a position to work for the Mayor of New York City.
However, Lydia gets murdered by a criminal named crossbones.
Unfortunately, she had a debt to pay for her life when she did burglary and own prople money.
She was survived by her husband and children.
Felicia was mourning and vengeful, but she knew she couldn't bring her mother back.
After Lydia's death, Andrés told Felicia about her mother's work in the past.
Shock by the news, butshe decided after her mother's death she would become Black Cat not a burglar but into a superhero!
To save people, protect New York City and make it safe as it once was all those years ago...
Felicia is friends with Miles Morales along with Gankee, Mike, Ari, Jin, and her best friend Zoe.
Zoe, Antonio and her father are the only ones her know about her secret identity.
Unknown to Felicia, Miles is Prowler and her archenemy.
Felicia love interest is Miles Morales as well as her friend.
Felicia is Miles opposite, as she is warm, loving, kind, always willing to help and selfless.
Black Cat is the only superhero in Brooklyn, she may not be a Spiderman or the perfect superhero like Wonder woman or Batman.
But she does her best and her best is enough.
Black Cat may not be the superhero this universe wanted but she is what they need.
Felicia made her costume herself based off Cat woman, her weapons and belt off Batman.
Felicia favorite foods are pretzels, hot dogs and pizza.
Felicia listens to 80s music, rap, alternative rock, R&B, and hip hop.
Felicia is known to be down to earth, nerdy and comic book reader at school.
As Black Cat she talks seductively, her way of hiding her real voice.
She got the idea from Catwoman in the Batman comics.
In Earth 1610, Felicia Hardy is a young cat burglar.
Walter Hardy, her father, and her mother Lydia Hardy take her under their wing in crime.
Unfortunately, as Felicia turned into a teenager her father was murdered.
She followed in her father's footsteps after his death to become the cat burglar.
Calling herself, Black Cat to seek vengeance for her father.
However, she soon learned that her father wasn't dead but was in prison.
Her mother covered up the story since he would never get out.
Felicia was upset that her mother lied to her but she couldn't let her father rot in prison.
So, she broke into prison and got her father out of there.
However unknown to her, her father fell into a disease and it was too late for him.
As he succumbed to his disease he told his daughter, "Never settle for less".
She was devastated as she witnessed her father's passing.
Lydia grew bitter after her husband's death and continued Felicia's remaining to be a thief.
With the help of a few mentors to teach her daughter how to fight.
Lydia would work in the shadows, her daughter's guide in crime.
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Spider-Verse Masterlist
Miles Morales
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Rough-Housing With Miles Morales
Not Your Lover
Miles Morales x Affectionate!Reader
Reader Who Gets Hurt A Lot
Frontline Confessions
Upside Down Kisses
Reckless Reader
You Can Stay
Tall!Reader Reassurance Digital!Drawer!Reader
Earth 42 Miles Morales
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Second Chance
His Second Chance
Earth 42!Miles Morales x Affectionate!Reader
Reader Gets Into A Fight For Him
Wear What You Want, I Can Fight
Not Your Lover
Villians Love
Dating Earth 42 Miles Morales HC
His Mama and Uncle Aaron Like You
Reader Who Gets Hurt A Lot
Earth 42!Miles Morales x Opposite!Reader
Full of Apologies But Never Sorry
Felicia Hardy!Reader
Reader Learning Spanish For Him
Eye Contact
Reckless Reader
No Makeup?
Mabel Pines!Reader
Self Defense
Boxer!Miles x Reader
Clingy!Reader Crush!Reader United Even In Death Hickies
Gwen Stacy
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Stealing Gwen Stacy's Clothes
Back Of The Theater
Reader Who Gets Hurt A Lot
Dating Gwen Stacy
Hobie Brown
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Two Parallels
Reader Who Gets Hurt A Lot
Hobie Brown x Reader With a Stutter
Reader Switching Moods
Hobie Brown x Intuitive!Reader
Hobie Brown x Big!Chested!Reader
Hobie Brown x Plus!Size!Reader
Hobie Browns Dream Partner
Sleep Walker Reader
Hobie Overhearing About Your Crush On Him
Your Cat Hates Him
Reckless Reader
Chubby & Big Chested Reader
Titty Pic Sit On His Face Aussie!S/o
Pavitr Prabhakar
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Moving Away From Pavitr Prabhakar
Back In His Arms
Pavitr Prabhakar x Ditsy!Reader
Pavitr Prabhakar's Love Languages
Reader Who Gets Hurt A Lot
Reader With Stretch Marks
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heckcareoxytwit · 1 year
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The Hellfire Gala variant covers for July 2023 Marvel solicits
Black Cat (Felicia Hardy) and Mary Jane on Amazing Spider-Man #29 variant cover
Hellcat (Patsy Walker) on Amazing Spider-Man #30
Vision on Avengers #3
Black Panther (T'Challa) on Black Panther #2
Carol Danvers on Captain Marvel: Dark Tempest #1
Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) on Daredevil #13
Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) on Doctor Strange #5
Deadpool (Wade Wilson) is oddly dressed as Fantomex on the variant cover of Deadpool #9
Iceman (Bobby Drake) on Fantastic Four #9
Nova (Richard Rider) on Guardians of the Galaxy #4
Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) on Ghost Rider #16
Hallow's Eve (Janine Godbe) on Hallow's Eve #5
The Five - Proteus (Kevin MacTaggert), Goldballs/Egg (Fabio Medina), Hope Summers, Tempus (Eva Bell) and Elixir (Josh Foley) on Immortal X-Men #13
Emma Frost on Invincible Iron Man #8
Miles Morales on Miles Morales: Spider-Man #8
Moon Knight (Marc Spector) on Moon Knight #25
Firestar (Angelica Jones) on Spider-Man 10
Jean Grey on Storm #3
Thor (Thor Odinson) on Thor Annual #1
Professor X (Charles Xavier) on Ultimate Invasion #2
Dylan Brock on Venom #22
Talon (the older Laura Kinney) on Wolverine 35
Bishop (Lucas Bishop) on X-Force #42
Psylocke (Kwannon) on X-Men: Days of Future Past: Doomsday #1
Exodus (Bennet Du Paris) on X-Men: Before the Fall - Sinister Four #1
Synch (Everett Thomas) on X-Men #24
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which-star · 2 years
Spotify Wrapped 2021
My Spotify Wrapped prompts for 2021! Thank you for all the asks xxx These are listed in order of my playlist. See y’all next year :)
#1 Coming Home by Bang Yongguk: journey to find the real me - 2.3k, GA, Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019), Carmen Sandiego/Julia Argent, post-canon; There’s a lot of things holding Carmen back, particularly her name. Through it all, she keeps coming back. To Julia. tumblr | ao3
#10 Rooftop by N.Flying: on rooftops and being lit aflame - 2.5k, T, Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019), Paper Star/Tigress | Sheena, post-canon; Tigress, always watching. Paper Star, always set ablaze. tumblr | ao3
#22 So Beautiful by DPR Ian: come on, you know I get confused - 3k, T, uni/social media au, Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy; The thing was, they just kept coming back. Back to each other; back to old haunts and rooftops; back, back, back. And Cindy didn’t know what to do about it. tumblr | ao3
#36 We Ride by Brave Girls: 0.5 better off (with me) - 3.2k, M, MCU Tom Holland Spider-Man, uni/social media au is BACK, Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy; before the breakup 5+1 style. tumblr | ao3
#42 Dumhdurum by Apink: better off (with me) - 2.4k, T, MCU Tom Holland Spider-Man, Cindy Moon/Felicia Hardy, college/university plus social media AU; Cindy Moon’s Instagram has changed. Which means Cindy’s single and Cindy’s not off limits anymore. tumblr | ao3
#45 Feel So Good by B.A.P: I want to have you - 1.9k, T, Carmen Sandiego (Cartoon 2019), Paper Star/Tigress;  Sheena was in Japan for a job. Paper Star being there was just a coincidence. Or, at least, that’s what they would tell anyone who asked. tumblr | ao3
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nekoannie-chan · 3 years
Reading list guidelines
Hi! This is Annie, here are my reblog guidelines during 2023:
  You MUST to TAG ME in your fic, I know some people discontinued their tag list, unfortunately Dumblr doesn’t notify me and I don’t have enough time to check blog by blog because I follow lots of people.
TAG all the WARNINGS, there’s some topics I’m not comfortable with. Please respect my boundaries and triggers as I respect yours.
Must be posted on Tumblr. I wanna support writers on here, so please, no links to another fanfic platform.
Every Friday a weekly list will be published (unless something happens in my life), so lists will have between 7-42 fics.
Use ‘read more’ if word counts is over 500, please; sometimes I keep fics in my drafts.
Would be amazing if you following, I swear I’m not a bad person, just a grumpy one.
Could take between 1 to 2 months I reblog your work, sometimes I’m slow because of school or personal stuff, also I always plan my queue at least for a month.
If I like your fic, it means I receive the notification and would be on my queue, but if I don’t like it, you can message me and send me the link, ‘cause probably I didn’t receive the notification. Also, if you notice my likes it means I’m putting your work on my queue with the comment.
If you wanna tag me but not be highlighted, you can send me a message and ask it politely.
I just wanna support people, and hope people support me too, so I just do this for fun, I’m no gonna tolerate hate or something negative, so if you send me something like that, I will block you without hesitation; this also applies if someone is rude with me.
I’m okay with dark, smut, fluff, angst, horror, etc., just please, tag properly.
͙♡*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♡͙
  Characters and fandoms I read below the break.
❤ Marvel characters I read:
Steve Rogers.
Brock Rumlow.
Tandy Bowen.
Ororo Munroe.
Sue Storm.
Johnny Storm.
Lorna Dane.
Nico Minoru.
Clarice Fong/Ferguson.
John Proudstar.
Stepford Cuckoos.
Sinthea Schmidt.
Janet van Dyne.
Doctor Doom.
Felicia Hardy.
Madelyne Pryor.
Mister Sinister.
Rachel Leighton.
Dottie Underwood.
Michael Morbius.
Ana/Satana Helstrom.
Daimon Helstrom.
Lauren Strucker.
Andy Strucker.
Hellfire club.
Jessica Jones.
Jack Rollins.
The divine pairing.
Morgan le Fey.
Tina Minoru.
 ❤ Knives out characters I read:
Ransom Drysdale.
Meg Drysdale.
 ❤ Charmed characters I read read:
Piper Halliwell.
Leo Wyatt.
Prue Halliwell.
Cole Turner.
 ❤ Desperate housewives’ characters I read:
Bree Van de Kamp.
Gabrielle Solis.
Susan Mayer.
Julie Mayer.
Katherine Mayfair.
Angie Bolen.
 ❤ Snowpiercer characters I read:
Lilah Junior “LJ” Folger.
 ❤ Money heist characters I read:
 ❤ Grey’s anatomy characters I read:
 Izzie Stevens.
Cristina Yang.
Amelia Sheperd.
Callie Torres.
Denny Duquette.
Stephanie Edwards.
Erica Hahn.
Nicole Herman.
 ❤ 9-1-1 characters I read:
Evan “Buck” Buckley.
Howie Han.
Maddie Buckley.
Abby Clark.
 ❤ American Horror story characters I read:
Misty Day.
Moira O’Hara.
Fiona Goode.
Lana Winters.
Cordelia Foxx.
Ally Mayfair-Richards.
 ❤ The Walking Dead characters I read:
Andrea Harrison.
Glenn Rhee.
Rosita Espinosa.
 ❤ Battle Royale characters I read:
Mistuko Souma.
Shūya Nanahara.
 ❤ Other stuff I read:
Original horror/terror stories.
Any horror movie killer.
Any Frank Grillo characters.
Any Ko Shibasaki characters.
 ❤ I’m not reading:
No pedo fics.
No underage smut.
No toilet, bodily fluids, bestiality.
No incest.
No A/B/O.
No Social Media AU.
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houseofwaifus · 2 years
My list of girls:
1. Miku Izayoi
2. Nonomi
3. Ilulu
4. Murasaki
5. St. Louis
6. Narmaya
7. Meiko Shiraki
8. Minamoto No Raikou
9. Asuka
10. Baiken
11. Yozakura
12. Mata Hari
13. BB
14. Hinata
15. Hasumi
16. Hermione
17. Wiz
18. Tsubaki
19. Albedo
20. Medusa Gorgon
21. Coco
22. Akeno Himejima
23. Atago
24. Yagyuu
25. Sonico
26. Sturm
27. Minori
28. Minamoto Sakura
29. Shirase Sakuya
30. Gwen
31. Macrophage
32. Minoto
33. Tsukio Kogane
34. Amagi
35. Tsuki Uzaki
36. Chobi
37. Nana Ebina
38. Yoruichi Shihouin
39. Morrigan Aensland
40. Mai Shiranui
41. Ryona
42. Jeanne D. Ark
43. Hinoa
44. Yamashiro
45. Sword Maiden
46. Taihou
47. Riamu Yumemi
48. Graf Zeppelin
49. Baltimore
50. Saeko Busujima
51. Saaya
52. Cynthia
53. Seaport
54. Mash Kyrielight
55. Mitsuri Konroji
56. Suffolk
57. Unryuu
58. Erza Scarlet
59. Akane
60. Havoc Chan
61. Miyaura Sanshio
62. Cerestia of Life
63. Prinz Enguen
64. Pneuma
65. Riko
66. Poi
67. Shalota
68. Zara
69. Dido
70. Xuanzang
71. Bremerton
72. Kasumi
73. Megumi Shiba
74. Rin(Suzune)
75. Auburie
76. Mamako Oosuki
77. Mitsuru Kirijou
78. Darkness
79. Yumi
80. Alicia
81. Gene
82. Roon
83. Ariane
84. Shirayuri Sakura
85. Murakumo
86. Camilla
87. Lina
88. Rina Athena
89. Tifa Lockhart
90. Zenobia
91. Toshiko Kiyotaki
92. Mei
93. Rias Gremory
94. Yomi
95. Orihime Inoue
96. Hesita
97. Palutena
98. Danua
99. Himiko Toga
100. Cygnet
101. Minamoto No Raikou
102. Miyabi
103. Kashino
104. Shera L Greenwood
105. Momoko
106. Matou Sakura
107. Timido
108. Hex Maniac
109. Kay
110. Artoria Pendragon
111. Itou Ittosai
112. Lila
113. Bulma
114. Shoukaku
115. Cattleya
116. Elphelt
117. Sirius
118. Vanessa(WA2000)
119. Sagisawa Fumika
120. Homura
121. Mai Natsume
122. Hitoyo
123. Kubiwa
124. Hinata Huuga
125. Asuna
126. Illustrious
127. Honoka
128. Shinobu Kochou
129. Ochako Uraraka
130. Katsuragi
131. Marin Kitagawa
132. Belfast
133. Cheshire
134. Dark Magician Girl
135. Narlya
136. Boa Hancock
137. Chiyuki Kuwayama
138. Nicole Robin
139. Juvia Lockser
140. Passion Lip
141. Aliza
142. Mitsuki Bakugo
143. Suika
144. Honolulu
145. Hibari
146. Hinata Kaho
147. Miyamoto Musashi
148. Beryl
149. Mio Naruse
150. Karin
151. Luna
152. Takao
153. Tsunade
154. Momo Yaoyorozu
155. Iohra
156. Jane
157. Perseus
158. Saya
159. Lucy Heartfillia
160. Hilda
161. Renka
162. Formidable
163. Mythra
164. Haruka
165. Prinz Heinrich
166. Nami
167. Rossweise
168. Ikaruga
169. Hikage
170. Hana Uzaki
171. Chapayev
172. Felicia Hardy
173. Pyra
174. Noel Shirogase
175. Yoko Littner
176. Ayame
177. Mirajane Strauss
178. Skyla
179. Chifusa
180. Nero Claudius
181. Victorious
182. Modeus
183. Suguha Kirigaya
184. Astraea
185. Ayaka Sunohara
186. Semiramis
187. Lucoa
188. Tharja
189. Rosa
190. Magisa
191. Android 18(Lazuli)
192. Kuvira
193. Es
194. Shiki
195. Oikawa Shizuku
196. Mizuki
197. Eimi
198. Anila
199. Fubuki
200. Marine Houshou
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airworthycomics · 5 years
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The Canary
This short story found in Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #300 occurs during the closing moments of Felicia Hardy’s regretful reign as ‘Queenpin.’ Felicia is forced to liquidate stolen valuables to keep her criminal organization afloat when a particular ‘worthless’ ring reminds her of a precious rooftop encounter with Spider.
[Zdarsky, Chip. (w), Goran Parlov (a), and Giada Marchisio (co).] ‘The Canary.’ Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) #300 (Feb. 2018), [Marvel Comics]: 42-47.
Felicia Hardy and Peter Parker | Black Cat and Spider-Man
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felinelvcky · 2 years
42     days     before.    
a    drabble    featuring   goblinisms.
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another  fucking  coffee  run  for  the  spoiled  little  prince  himself,  finished.  finally.   –––––  fel’s  slumping  into  her  chair,  sighing  loudly,  obnoxiously,  hopes  he  can  hear  her  exasperation  in  his  fancy  office  just  behind  her.
(   all  i  ever  do  nowadays  is  get  coffee.  hamlet  must  really  trust  me  not  to  spit  in  the  damn  thing.  or  maybe  ...  maybe  it’s  a  test,  and  he’s  just  waiting  for  a  reason  to  give  me  the  proverbial  boot.  )
ringed  digits  toy  with  the  tail  of  the  feline’s  long  white-blonde  hair,  the  ends  curling  as  they  hang  down  her  back.  their  freckled  face  is  still  flushed  from  the  summer  sun,  cheeks  growing  pinker  when  open  palm  presses  against  one.
oscorp  on  a  tuesday  morning  isn’t  terribly  exciting,  at  least  not  from  the  cat’s  point  of  view.  she  spends  an  hour  answering  a  few  emails  ––––  no,  sorry,  we  regret  to  inform  you  mr.  osborn  is  not  available  to  meet  this  month.  try  again  soon.  ––––  and  scheduling  appointments  for  harry.  product  testing.  pr  management.  the  eye  doctor.
really,  some  days  felicia  feels  more  like  a  mother  than  a  secretary.  ugh.  ew.
when  the  ac  finally  kicks  on,  she’s  in  the  middle  of  ordering  lunch  for  the  whole  floor,  nose  pressed  up  close  to  the  blue  screen  of  her  monitor.   doesn’t  take  long  for  the  cat  to  get  cold;   on  instinct,  they  reach  for  this  ridiculously  soft––we’re  talking  baby  cloud  from  the  heavens  above  soft––cashmere  sweater  she’d  swiped  from  the  boss’  office.
he  won’t  miss  it,  they  thought.  dude’s  plenty  rich.  cashmere  is  like  fucking  kleenex  to  him.   plus,  it  looked  warm  and  comfy  (  it  is  ),  so  felicia  could  totally  look  past  the  fact  that  the  thing  reeked  of  osborn’s  snooty  cologne.
smelled  like  it  everywhere.  even  on  the  sleeves.  (  does  he  take  a  bath  in  this  shit???  )
in  fact,  fel’s  got  one  of  the  sleeves pressed  up  against  her  pink  mouth  right  now.  stole  it  a  week  ago.  wonder  if  he’s  noticed.  and  no,  she  hasn’t  washed  it.
cashmere’s  sensitive,  you  know? 
“––––food’s  downstairs,  hardy!   we’re  eating  on  the  patio  today!”
the  cat  smiles  reflexively,  stands  to  their  feet  with  a  nod.  “be  down  in  a  sec,”  they  say,  giving  a  tiny  salute  to  their  coworker.  “gotta  tell  the  boss.” when  she  knocks  on  the  door,  she’s  still  wearing  the  cardigan.  one  hand  stuffed  into  the  giant  pocket.   she  feels  safe.  even  forgets  to  hate  him,  just  for  a moment. “hey,  lunch  is  here.  hey,  can  you  machine  wash  cashmere?  ––––  no,  you  know  what,  don’t  tell  me.  i’ll  google  it.  let’s  eat!”
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bruciemilf · 1 year
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To me, that’s fashion
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lalaounaamina · 3 years
Reading Poetry 1
Upon 'the 100 Best Recommended English Language Poets' I am willing to read at least one poem by each poet (1 to 100 is a random pick not a ranking).
1 John Milton 1608-1674
2 William Shakespeare 1564-1616
3 Geoffrey Chaucer 1343-1400
4 WB Yeats 1865-1939
5 William Wordsworth 1770-1850
6 John Keats 1795-1821
7 William Blake 1757-1827
8 TS Eliot 1888-1965
9 John Donne 1572-1631
10 Emily Dickinson 1830-1886
11 Walt Whitman 1819-1892
12 Alexander Pope 1688-1744
13 Robert Browning 1812-1899
14 Wallace Stevens 1879-1955
15 Percy Blysse Shelley 1792-1822
16 Lord Byron 1788-1824
17 Alfred Lord Tennysson 1809-1892
18 Edmund Spenser 1552-1599
19 Edgar Allan Poe 1809-1849
20 WH Auden 1907-1973
21 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1772-1934
22 John Dryden 1631-1700
23 Ezra Pound 1885-1972
24 George Herbert 1593-1633
25 Robert Burns 1759-1796
26 Andrew Marvell 1621-1678
27 Thomas Hardy 1840-1928
28 John Ashbery 1927-
29 William Langland 1332-1386
30 Elizabeth Bishop 1911-1979
31 Pearl Poet ?
32 Philip Sidney 1554-1586
33 Gerard Manley Hopkins 1844-1889
34 Robert Frost 1874-1963
35 Matthew Arnold 1822-1888
36 John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester 1647-1680
37 Beowulf Poet ?
38 Robert Lowell 1917-1977
39 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1806-1861
40 Christina Rossetti 1830-1894
41 James Merrill 1926-1995
42 Thomas Wyatt 1503-1542
43 Sylvia Plath 1932-1963
44 John Clare 1793-1864
45 Algernon Charles Swinburne 1837-1809
46 Philip Larkin 1922-1985
47 John Gower 1330-1408
48 Ben Johnson 1572-1637
49 Hart Crane 1899-1932
50 William Dunbar 1460-?
51 Geoffrey Hill 1932-
52 Seamus Heaney 1939-
53 William Cowper 1731-1800
54 William Carlos Williams 1832-1963
55 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882
56 Thomas Traherne 1636-1674
57 Adrienne Rich 1929-2012
58 Wilfred Owen 1893-1918
59 AE Housman 1859-1936
60 Thomas Moore 1779-1852
61 Dylan Thomas 1914-1953
62 Derek Walcott 1930-
63 EE Cummings 1896-1962
64 Marianne Moore 1887-1972
65 John Berryman 1914-1972
66 Henry Vaughan 1622-1695
67 AR Ammons 1926-2001
68 Anne Finch 1661-1720
69 WS Merwin 1927-
70 Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882
71 Robert Penn Warren 1905-1989
72 Allen Ginsberg 1926-1997
73 Louise Gluck 1943-
74 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1516-1547
75 Theodore Roethke 1908-1963
76 Felicia Hemans 1793-1835
77 Thomas Gray 1716-1771
78 Paul Muldoon 1951-
79 Thomas Lovell Beddoes 1803-1849
80 Abraham Cowley 1618-1667
81 Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862
82 Jonathan Swift 1667-1745
83 Ted Hughes 1930-1998
84 HD 1886-1961
85 Robinson Jeffers 1887-1962
86 Christopher Marlowe 1564-1593
87 Robert Herrick 1592-1674
88 Edward Arlington Robinson 1860-1935
89 Richard Crashaw 1613-1649
90 Carl Sandburg 1878-1967
91 Langston Hughes 1902-1967
92 Robert Henryson 1460-1500
93 Paul Laurence Dunbar 1872-1906
94 Stephen Crane 1871-1900
95 Anne Carson 1950-
96 Louis MacNeice 1907-1963
97 Anne Bradstreet 1612-1672
98 John Skelton 1460-1529
99 Bob Dylan 1941-
100 Emily Bronte 1818-1848
101 Rudayard Kipling
102 John Green Leaf Whittier
103 Richard Siken
104 Anna de Noailles
105 Edwin Morgan
106 Mary Oliver
107 William Ernest Henley
108 Pablo Neruda
109 Catol Ann Duffy
110 Adrienne Rich
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carnivalofhorror · 7 years
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Marcellus Williams (48), was sentenced to death (by lethal injection) in 2001 after former newspaper reporter, Felicia Gayle (42), was found murdered in her St Louis, Missouri, household in 1998.
Williams execution date, originally set for January 28, 2015, was postponed after Missouri’s High Court allowed for DNA tests to be conducted. The tests concluded that the DNA found on the murder weapon (a knife) was not Williams, but that of an unknown individual. As of recently, the court have refused to examine the new and compelling evidence, with the execution of Williams now only able to be prevented by the United States Supreme Court or the governor of Missouri, Eric Greitens.
Case background:
Williams' trial was centred around the testimonies of two individuals - Henry Cole (Williams cell mate) and Laura Asaro (Williams short-term girlfriend). Cole claimed that Williams had confessed to him about murdering Gayle, whilst Asaro claimed that Williams neck contained scratch marks, made by the victim but that she also saw Williams in possession of Gayle’s drivers licence. 
Williams lawyer, Kent Gipson, contested this stating "these scratches would leave DNA traces on the victim, but Williams' DNA was not found underneath the victim's fingernails, just like it was someone else's DNA that was found on the murder weapon”, Gipson also stated that Asaro’s claim regarding William’s possession of the driving licence was “impossible” due to the fact “Gayle's licence was left at the crime scene”. Gipson believes both individuals may have been compelled to provide false statements on Williams in the hope of receiving a $10,000 financial reward - in which they both acquired after their testimonies.
Another factor in this case, according to ‘Sister Helen Prejean's anti-death penalty organisation Ministry Against the Death Penalty’ spokesperson Griffin Hardy and Gipson - is Williams race. It is alleged that there was approximately seven African Americans in the jury pool awaiting the trial - that is, until the prosecution replaced six of them with white jurors. Gipson later spoke on the removal, stating "the jury that found Williams guilty consisted of mostly white people. This district has a history of getting African Americans off juries, especially when the victim is white’.
A petition has been created and will be delivered to Governor Eric Greitens and Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley in an attempt to delay/abolish Williams execution. You can join me in signing the petition here: [X]
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thesupergirls · 3 years
Tagged by @insaneinsecureintrovert xoxo
1. name/nicknames: Liv, no one calls me Olivia lol I once had a family member cross out Olivia to write Liv in a card instead. My close family call me doodle or dolly ajdksks
2. gender: girl
3. star sign: leo
4. height: Mariam says she's 5'5 and I'm pretty sure we are about the same height
5. time: 21:02
6. birthday: August 1st
7. favourite band: Teenage me owned Bastilles entire discography so let's go with them lol
8. fav solo artist: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9. song stuck in my head rn: nowhere to run - stegosaurus rex (thanks tik tok)
10. last movie: Superman/ Batman: Public Enemies
11. last show: @insaneinsecureintrovert i are watching riverdale lmao
12. when i created this blog: no idea, a fair few years ago now
13. what i post: mostly comics at this point, but literally whatever I'm into
14. last thing i googled: "is NCS a strong or weak field ligand" hmmm chemistry lmao (apparently -NCS is a strong field ligand but -SCN is a weak field ligand?)
15. other blogs: no sideblogs we die like robins
16. do i get asks: not really except when I ask for art requests (which I love doing art requests btw feel free to send them, though it may take me a while to get round to it)
17. why i chose my url:.... have you read DCs Nuclear Winter Special
18. following: 509 (but a lottt of them are inactive now)
19: followers: 214 (again I bet a lot are inactive)
20: average hours of sleep: rn it's about 6 :/
21: lucky number: 42 cause I was 42nd in the year register in secondary school lol
22: instruments: none
23. what am i wearing: pink whale pyjamas lol
24. dream job: idk that I have a dream job possibly something chemistry related but it's looking increasingly likely I'll end up working on the farm down the road which is fine by me
25. favourite food: I am weirdly addicted to ice lollies
26. free space: I chloroformed myself on accident once
27. nationality: british unfortunately adksksk
28. favourite song: changes constantly, right now it's Together - Yours Truly
29. last book i read: Places in the Darkness - Chris Brookmyre
30: top three fictional universes: marvel and dc comics and uhhhhh I don't know what else tbh
I tag: @ladypoison @ringdonuts @bi-felicia-hardy <3
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