#jeff morales 42
jennsterjay · 3 months
Clawcode Headcanons (because I could literally talk about them all day)
If Miles G is unsure about someone he'll put up a mask/front with them, but the minute Ganke M walks beside him and says the funniest unfunny joke known to man he snorts and the tough guy act completely crumbles against his will
Ganke M is the 'bro let's have fun' to his 'my life is the grind, all I know is the grind'. Even when Ganke M helps Miles G with complicated missions, afterwards he'll patch him up, then get him some Wcdonalds or King Burger and then play some Mario's Cart with him the rest of the night. Cue them falling asleep together on the couch
I'm still not over the idea of them getting each other Dragon Ball Z matching dog tags (rip to the goat of course 🙏🏾). Like there's so much sauce there it's perfect. Spider-Miles from 1610B would think its the coolest thing ever even when he teases Miles G about it, and the first week Ganke M wears it he makes sure every one can see it proudly around his neck
Ganke is Pan and Miles is Bi and Ganke doesn't think about gender too hard
Miles G: Rap, Trap, Rnb, J-Pop/Anime Music, Rock, and more
Ganke M: K-Rap, K-Rock, Nightcore, Daycore, Rap, Techno, Video Game Osts,  J-Pop/Anime Music and more
And they influence each other's music taste
They know each other's birthdays, favorite foods, shoe sizes, game catalogues, jokes, childhood stories, favorite songs, allergies,  icks, moral boundaries, biggest secrets, and worst fears...and they've only known each other for a year and a few months
Ganke M is simultaneously the class clown and one of the smartest students in his grade. Miles G is the other top student. Despite Miles G wanting to keep a low profile, when he's around Ganke he can't help but joke around and start roasting people and clowning in class too, and the two become pretty popular among the other students. Between their high grades, class disruptions, pranks, one or both of them disappearing to 'use the bathroom for a sec', prize winning robotics projects, funny jokes, and passing test scores...their teachers don't know if they should flip a coin to give them awards for their grades or to send them back to detention again
Rio and Jefferson were suspicious of Ganke M at first, thinking he was a bad influence, but eventually they warmed up to him and welcomed him after seeing how much he made his son smile. Even after Jeff was no longer there, Rio would still smile and welcome Ganke to their house just like they always had. Ganke sometimes even stops by to cook some Korean dishes and helps clean up whenever he visits Miles.
When Aaron Davis finds out Ganke M knows Miles G's big secret, he meets with Ganke alone for the first time (even though he would meet him once or twice in passing when Jeff was alive, they've never really talked to each other until this moment). At first Aaron is intimidating and tries to tell Ganke to stay out of Miles' business, but Ganke has never been a pushover and refuses. After a while, Aaron can see his determination and realizes Ganke's loyalty to Miles isn't shakeable. He sees something in Ganke that reminds him of himself. So Aaron says if he really wants to help Miles, then he needs to become stronger. It's after this that Aaron teaches him to box and fight, and teaches him more about tech, engineering, surveilance, tracking, stealth, and hydraulics.
Even though Miles G can hear his mom in his ear saying not to waste any food, Miles doesn't like eating the crust on sandwiches or pizza. But that's ok because Ganke will eat his own food and then eat the crust for him. Ganke will eat the tomatoes off of Miles' burgers too
Months after Miles G and Ganke M meet their universe's Gwen V. Stacy aka Gwenom, and she becomes an ally, she admits to them that she thought they were a couple at first. They weren't dating yet so she's not completely right, but with the way the two look at each other after she says that, she knows she's not completely wrong either. She totally teases them about it.
In this universe Dr. Ophelia Octavious is an African American scientist, ruler, and engineer who is part of the Sinister Six and runs a big part of the city. Miles G and Dr. Octavious have a Sonic the Hedgehog and Dr.Eggman type dynamic. Miles G keeps getting in the way of her plans and she knows he somehow has a connection to the original Prowler. Still, she secretly admires the kid for his heart and genius at least, not that she would admit this. One time at her base she successfully captures Ganke M saying "I have your little boyfriend" to try to get leverage over Miles G, but Ganke M is smarter than he looks and doesn't give her any information right before he escapes on his own with a dohickey he has in his pocket. When Miles G comes in to save the day and go toe to toe with Octavious, Ganke M looks from side to side and backs up towards a computer terminal and inserts a flash drive that hacks into and shuts down her whole system. Ganke and Miles slip away when the lights shut off, and all Octavious can see in the darkness is a computer terminal that has an anime girl dancing with flashing text that says 'Get Miku-ed'. Dr. Octavious is in disbelief and has several emotions at once before laughing and saying "I hate heroic teenage couples"
Their universe's Felicia L. Hardy will either work with you, be your ally, con you, or sell you out and Miles and Ganke don't know what to make of her. She guesses they're a couple almost immediately with the way they fight her (when Ganke already has his own suit) and even when they're on different sides, she teases them like she's an aunt or a big sister. Eventually they meet her girlfriend and even she teases them affectionately too.
Ganke's mom cooks Miles so much food when he visits (even when they don't have a lot) and Miles struggles to finish it because he's already so full from the first five plates but it's ingrained in him not to waste food. He taps out and brings the rest back home in Tupperware for him and his mom.
Ganke M and Miles G go to the rooftop a lot to listen to music and look at the stars together. Now that they know their universe is so big and that there are other universes out there, it really puts it into perspective that in the grand scheme of things they're grateful for what they do have in this world...
And that is each other
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axeoverblade · 1 year
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Earth 1610 Miles x fem! reader
Synopsis! Miles cut ties with you, his best friend of nearly ten years, when he decided to not so kindly tell you the way you felt about him was how he felt about Gwen. Now weeks later when you show up with a new guy, he couldn’t help but feel a covetous pit of envy burrowing deep inside his body.
Genre: angst(? not really), suggestive bits
Warnings: Mature!, foul language, toxic on every end, mentions of cheating
Word count: 2k
Authors commment: unedited and poorly written scrap fic from a while ago but I really liked this piece of it so I’m publishing it. One shot no second part. Enjoy <3
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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It had been months since Miles had spoken to you. His parents were concerned. They kept asking where you were, Miles would just sigh and say you had been busy.
I mean it wasn't his fault, he just didn't feel the same way you felt. Why was he being punished for that, for liking Gwen instead of you? Granted, he could’ve been a little nicer in his delivery. Who was he kidding, he could’ve been a hell of a lot nicer, but it was too far gone to change it now.
You just wouldn't get it. You have been his best friend since infancy. With you everything felt familiar, safe even. But with Gwen, he felt alive. Why was that so wrong, why wasn’t he allowed to be happy with who he wanted to be with?
He continued living his life as usual as he could make it. Still saving New York, still being Spiderman, still being Miles, just as life would be if he never met you. The ordinary.
Something that wasn't ordinary, was Gwen visiting. His dads party was happening, and even though he had just gotten into a big fight with his parents, he still wanted to go up and introduce her.
It didnt take long for Mrs.Morales to hate Gwen. Rio was furious, I mean the girl had the nerve to call her by her first name! You would never do that. Plus this girl looked old enough to vote.
This was not someone Miles should be hanging out with, especially over you.
So Rio took it upon herself to invite you. She hadn't seen you in a long time anyway, so she missed “the daughter she never had”. Knowing Miles would have to see you and eventually fix whatever happened between the two of you was just a bonus.
When you walked through the door to the roof a little while after she sent you that text, Rio squealed with delight.
“Jeff, papi mira! It’s Y/n” she saw a gift in your hand, something Gwen did not bring. “Ah! Y/n Mija! ¡Es muy bueno verte! Cómo está?” “Good Mrs.Morales, thank you for asking. How have you been? Sorry for not visiting, I've been busy.” “nonsense chiquita, I’m so happy you could make it, venir, venir! Come say hi! Everyone has missed you!” You gave a curt nod, preparing yourself for all the questions from the big familia and more importantly, seeing Miles.
Rio paused, seeing a tall, attractive, dark skin boy with dreads behind you, holding your hand. She looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, “Quién es ese” you pretended not to hear her, instead walking next to him behind her as she went further into the party.
After a couple of minutes of reuniting with all of the family, you saw Jeff and gave him his present. He thanked you, “Hey you know the girl Miles is with?” You looked around, still not seeing him. You shook your head no.
Jeff noticed the boy you were with was now holding your waist with one hand, standing next you. He side eyed him questionably. Jeff could’ve sworn you would only let Miles hold you like this, hating intimate acts physical touch from anyone but his son. Who was this guy who had won you over?
“Miles,” Rio paused looking at Gwen, “and uh you too I guess, Guess whos here! Come say hi! ” Rio told miles, pulling him with Gwen following over to whoever his mom wanted him to see. “Whos here mami-” He was cut off by the sight of Y/n talking to his father, and some random-, holding your waist?
He furrowed his eyebrows, who in the hell is that?
“Ay! Y/n look who!” Rio pushed her son forward so you could see him. He looked back displeased at his moms antics before turning to face you. Miles stared at you awkwardly, “Uh, hey.” You nodded at him with pursed lips.
The girl you had seen in all the drawings appeared next to him, no doubt this was girl he liked instead of you.“Uh-Hi! I'm Gwen!” She stuck her hand out, you looked at it before just nodding, causing her to drop her hand embarrassed, “Y/n”.
Rio smirked, happy you didn't like her either.
“So who are you?” Miles asked looking at the guy holding your waist, a little more aggressive in his tone than he needed to be. Miles watched as the guy raised an eyebrow mockingly at Miles. “Dre, nice to meet you”. Dre stuck his hand out, Miles to look him up and down ignoring the gesture. Dre dropped his hand, smirking lousily at Miles' expression.
Miles couldn't help but notice Dre was about an inch taller than him.
He didnt like that.
“Um, so how do you two know each other?” Gwen asked, looking between you and dre.
“I'm her boyfriend”
Miles unconsciously pulled his head into his neck, making the most aggressive stank face known to man. “Since when” he scowled, trying to hide the attitude in his voice. He wasn’t hiding it very well. Dre responded for you, “few weeks ago, why?”.
“huh” miles nodded ignoring the question, clearly annoyed. Dre kissed your shoulder, smirking harder, almost a full blown grin making its way to his face at miles expression. Miles's spider senses involuntarily made him aware of your heartbeat speeding up as you blushed, slightly giggling to yourself.
Miles had no clue why this bothered him so much. I mean he was right next to Gwen, the girl of his dreams. You being with this wannabe Luka Sabbat really shouldn't have bothered him so much. And why was your heart beating so quick from him kissing your shoulder? You didnt actually like this bum for real did you?
Feeling Miles prying eyes, you looked at him skeptically before turning to dre. “Well-uh we better get going before were late. Congrats Captain Morales,” you looked at Jeff and smiled lightly. “Um nice to meet you Gwen,” she nodded, grinning nicely. You turned to Rio “it's always nice to see you Mrs.Morales, contact me if ever need help with anything.” “Yes mija. Thank you for stopping by.” You finally turned to Miles,
Gwen stared between the two of you confused. What was that?
tap! tap! tap!
You groaned at the sound coming from your window. Covering your head with her blanket trying to ignore the noise, you pretended to be asleep.
The taps soon turned to knocks causing you to groan louder “Dre hold on I heard you” you got up begrudgingly leaving the comfort of your bed to open the window.
“-oh, it's you." Opening the glass surprised, you allowed Miles in. Miles stared you up and down, taking note of the fact you were in nothing but a big tee, a big tee he had never seen before.
“Why is he coming to your room through the window?” He questioned, towering over you. “Miles what are you talking about?-”. “You thought it was Dre at your window right? No te hagas la mudo y/n. Why is he coming through your window, especially this late at night.”
“I dont see how that is any of your concern. We havent spoken in weeks and you wanna pretend you care what's going on in my life, on my time? Nah, that's not how that works.” Miles scoffed. “Whos shirt is that y/n- cause I know it's not yours.” “Its Dre’s, but that none of your business-” “What is he? Some rebound?” He laughed sardonically. “I mean there's no way you even really like the dude, you just liked me!” You scoffed, “Not everything is about you miles, this has nothing to do with you, I moved on.” he looked at you “Estás mintiendo”. “Oh yea? What makes you think that huh? Y-you think i'm so stuck on you that i can't move on from- what? Some stupid crush on you? Get over yourself Miles-” “tu latido” he whispered. “What?” “Your heartbeat y/n, I know you're lying ‘cause your heartbeat.” You looked at him blanky, hiding the shock in your face as he stepped closer to you, leaving a small gap between you two.
“I can feel it, Sé tú mi amas.”
He gently grabbed your neck, leaning down to kiss you. Your eyes widened before closing. Embracing the moment, you wrapped your arms around Miles' neck. Your mouth parted slightly, allowing him to deepen the kiss. Feeling your knees buckle, Miles took his free hand and placed it on your backside, effectively stabilizing you. He could sense you, all of you.
Your heart was beating the fastest it ever had. He could feel your chest rising and falling as you struggled to breathe through your nose. Your pheromones were at their strongest. He smirked into the kiss, loving the effect he had on you.
This is wrong. You had a boyfriend, sure only for only about a month but you did still have one. And you were cheating on him with Miles of all people. Your lips shouldn’t have fit together like puzzle pieces, chest rising and falling at the same time with your hearts beating in sync. It was natural, like you were meant for each other.
But he wasn’t yours and you weren’t his.
You knew you should stop. You should end this before it got too far, before it got to a point beyond something an apology could fix.
But if this was so wrong,
¿Por qué se sintió tan bien?
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You sat on your bed anxiously, zoned out at staring at the ceiling. It had been two days since the…incident.
Miles' tongue fought for dominance with yours. He guided you over to your bed, hands roaming all over you body needingly. You slightly tripped falling back onto the edge of the mattress, still kissing him passionately as he leaned over you. He stabilized himself putting his knee between your legs, placing his hands on either side of you. Your hands were woven into his curls, slightly pulling on them causing him to groan in the kiss. His tongue won, exploring your mouth as it pleased.
ring! ring! ring!
You pulled away from miles, a string of saliva visibly attaching the two of you as you moved further away. You breathed heavily as you looked at the user ID calling you.
DREBAE<3 is calling!
You stared at the phone wide eyed. From your expression Miles knew exactly who had called you. “no respondas eso y/n.” Miles said sternly, so close you could feel his breath tickling your neck. The way he said it seemed less like a statement and more like an ultimatum. You looked up at Miles, your chest rising and falling quickly.
“...Hello baby?” you said as you put it on speaker staring at Miles, still trying to catch your breath. Miles scoffed looking at you, shaking his head in disbelief.
“Hey mami” Miles looked at the phone in your hand with pure disgust. Who did this guy think he was giving you that nickname? Did he even speak spanish? “I need you, real bad” Dre said breathily through the phone, causing your eyes to go wider than they already were. Miles however, became very irritated. Who in the hell did this guy think he was? And why haven’t you hung up the phone yet?
Miles quickly got up, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows. It was clear who your choice was. He scoffed, walking back over to your window . To him it didn’t matter what he said you to a few months ago, that he chose someone else over you. Or the fact you had a boyfriend who had every right to call you.
It was the fact it was only you and him right now, and you didn’t choose him. He suddenly felt the feeling you must’ve experienced when he did this to you. And damn did it hurt.
Miles stared at your figure, an unreadable look in his eye. Going back through your window with one last glance at you, he shut it with a slam. “What was that baby?” Dre asked through the phone.
“uhm.. Just the wind I think.”
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incognito-duo · 3 months
Do you ever think about. About how Jeff looks at Miles and sees Aaron? A creative and mischevious boy in a unkind world? Do you think about how maybe Jeff sees Miles hide his sketchbook and come home with spray paint on his fingers, 30 minutes pass curfew, and he wants to scold him but just can't cus he sees the boy Aaron used to be before they grew distant? You think he saw that shift in Miles after Aaron's death, that heavy look in his son's eyes, the same way his brother had? A bit wary, a bit too anxious - you think he gets scared that Miles' eyes will soon turn cold like Aaron's? You think he saw Miles' eyes in Aaron's when he found him in the dark alleyway, you think when he held his cold body he saw the little boy he grew up with?
You think Aaron in Earth 42 sees Jefferson in Miles G? He sees that overtly serious young man his brother was in the way Miles has his back too straight, his smart mouth and sass resulting in funny comebacks and witty comments just like his brother used to do. You think he sees that same raw urge to help that Jeff had in his nephew's eyes? The sorta urge to help that'll get you killed? You think he sees Jefferson's mural and thinks about how Miles has the same forehead, the same eyes? Do you think he worries about the spark in Miles' eyes blowing out like Jeff's did? You think he sees Jeff as a lil boy again every time Miles comes back from a successful mission as the Prowler - so bright, like he's reaching too close to the sun?
You think Jeff thinks about his son and wants to tell Aaron, "He's so much like you. I don't want that." You think Aaron wants to tell Jeff the same about his nephew? You think deep down they want that more than anything? You think they see the other when they look in the mirror, when they look at Miles? You think they're hoping that Miles could be better than either of them, that he'll be just fine?
I do.
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My Across the Spider-Verse art book is finally here! I made a post about the first one half a year ago. Here’s some of my fav pages!
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movietimegirl · 10 months
Rewatching this masterpiece
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itsmebytch001 · 9 months
give me Morales Family Prompts!!!
For exsample
Auntie / Mom Rio Morales.
Uncle/Dad Jeff Morales.
Dad! Aaron Davis (My Fave)
Brother/Cousin Miles Morales.
Seriously My brain is dry and I want to keep this going but my brain is DRY
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pauruserart · 1 year
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Hop onto my Morales-twins' agenda (and my Miles-42 is a dog person marathon too).
(my insta)
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
You wanna know what I need? I need Miles 42 to meet Miles 1610's dad.
I just know this kid who's supposed to be all big and tough and scary, the prowler, would turn into a teary-eyed little kid if he saw his dad again. I need to see him hug his dad, even if it isn't his dad, because Miles (1610) is very willing to share with his "twin".
I need to see this kid break down, but in all the best ways, letting himself be a little kid again, just clinging to his dad, because for fucks sake he's just a kid and he just wants to feel safe and protected, he just wants to feel his dads arms around him and hear his voice calming him down and the sound of his heart beating. Its not a need, its a want.
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lildoodlenoodle · 11 months
Not to be That Bitch but I’ve seen people talking about this so,,,
Who is actually most likely to die in BTSV?
Yep, yikes I’m going there. Again all theories so I’m open to conversation/opinions on this!
Jessica - She’s not gonna die. There’s no way. Spiderverse is known for breaking boundaries but they aren’t going to kill a pregnant woman.
Miles - Again spiderverse is known for breaking boundaries so killing a protagonist is not outside of their range but I do not think they can kill Miles because of how integral he is to the trilogy and general synergy with comics and video games. Miles is too important of a character outside of this film in a monetary and societal way for them to kill him off in my opinion. He is the character that people associate with ‘Anyone can wear the mask’
Peter B. - The man has a baby. They aren’t gonna kill him. It just isn’t gonna happen. Nor will they kill said baby.
Hobie - They won’t do it. I love him but I don’t think his death would be enough of a catalyst or whatever. Like I just can’t see it. Not to say he isn’t important to the story but with the role he takes on, his death wouldn’t make sense.
Ben Reilly - I’m not even sure he’s currently alive lol. Gwen broke his watch and then tossed him into a random ass dimension. He’s probably fine… He’s fine.
Noir - unlikely. It wouldn’t have the emotional impact a death would need in the next movie. If, for whatever reason, multiple members of the team die then I could see it, but just him? No.(either way bro’s been resurrected multiple times in the comics, he’s fine.)
Ham - ok I could see it, but only in the comedy angel wings ‘death’ way. Like it wouldn’t be real, it’d be a gag.
Peni - ugh I can kinda see this ngl. She was the only member of team B we saw in the society and had a speaking role. Maybe I’m jaded but doesn’t bode well for a young female character… she will most likely be fine though.
Pavitr - People have said it and I do understand it. I don’t think they’ll do it but I could see it happening in a couple of different ways. His death would have be a perfect mid-late movie catalyst simply because of the parallels between him and Miles, ‘being spiderman is easy!’, and inspector Singh and Gayatri ‘escaping’ death. Will be crying in the theatre.
The Spot - I’m 50/50 on this. Like he could totally be too far gone where the only way out is him imploding but also he just wanted attention 😢
Gwen - God I can see this happening. I really hope it doesn’t but,,, Specifically, her saving Miles or one of his parents and that somehow being it for her. Her home storyline is tied up, her only remaining loose thread is with Miles, and once that’s done her ‘arc’ is over, and also the foreshadowing. Like if it happens that’s how it’s gonna happen and it’ll parallel when Miles was saving inspector Singh and that moment where we can’t see him god,,,,,,
Miguel - I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I don’t know what they are going to do with this man by the end of the next movie. Dude has put his whole being into his canon events theory, cause remember he genuinely believes or is in heavy denial about this. I don’t think being visually proven wrong will fix anything for him. I genuinely believe it’ll destroy him. I could definitely see him dying in the next movie by saving Miles/his dad in some desperate attempt to do the right thing, or taking down the spot with him type thing.
Jeff - Look, we all know it’s a possibility. It’s like algorithmically predestined, so it definitely could happen and I wouldn’t be surprised necessarily. But do I actually think it will happen? No. It’s too built up, especially with Miles going to 42 where his dad IS dead.
Rio - I’m gonna be so honest, she’s more likely to die than Jeff. SORRY! She’s the one that dies in the comics, she’s the one alive in 42, and she has that big speech about Miles not being with her any more and to look out for himself for her. I really hope they don’t do it, I really hope cause I will sob in the theatre but if one of Mile’s parents is going to die, it’ll be Rio.
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homiesondaweb · 11 months
Aaron: Jefferson...
Jeff: Aaron...
Aaron: I just came here for the goods , bro
*picks up a 4 year old Miles by the front of his shirt and carries him off like a giggling suitcase*
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connwebz · 7 months
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Am I Dreaming
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weirdo09 · 9 months
what to name this jess x rio x jeff au? 🤔 eh it ont need a name rn
anyway i’mma just make a list of ideas
they’re all married
jess is miles’ other mom (because i say so)
miles’ jess and jeff’s child
billie’s jess and rio’s child
jada’s jess and rio’s another child
they’re a happy family
miles, as the oldest, is protective of his baby sisters.
jada n billie always ask for miles as much as he plays with them
jada is a february baby
miles (canonical but i’m addin it away) is a august baby
billie’s a june baby (idk her canon birthday but late june - early may seems right for her)
jada has 4c hair, billie has 3b hair n miles has 4a-4b hair
all of them except for jada are tenderheaded
they all have thick hair tho
jada’s clinger with jess than with any of her other parents (rio fake pouts about this because “my baby doesn’t spend as much time with me!”, the two women laugh it off tho, lil jay’s left oblivious)
the babies are a year apart, jada’s the youngest.
since miles is 13-14 years older than the babies, he likes to act like they’re his babies.
jess is trusted with the kids’ hair most days because of rio’s work schedule and jeff can’t braid.
rio and jess mostly speak spanish amongst themselves and the kids, jeff is left out convos most times but he doesn’t care too much as his wives are just so beautiful when they speak spanish.
rio is transfem (to me 😭😭) and her partners are widely supportive, she began to transition once miles was born.
(if we’re talkin bout transfem miles) rio would be absolutely estatic once she told her that she feels more of a girl than a boy (transfem genderfluid miles has my heart 🫶🏽) she still dresses ‘masculine’ and uses her name n he/him pronouns (genderfluidity at its finest, can you tell i’m slightly projectin?)
jess and jeff would be excited as well, they’d have a party n everythin (he would be shocked how all out they went from her)
(closin transfem miles section)
hobie comes over from time to time to see billie and jada, jada’s his favorite (jkjk, they’re both so lovable)
(punkflower thingy) once rio, jess and jeff heard about miles dating hobie, i’d say jess was the most accepting. she loves the kid, he kinda reminds her of herself so obviously her favorite boyfriend of miles’ (the only one *cough*)
(miles and miles 42 as twins) miles is older by 10 minutes, myle gotta big head and miles would tease him relentlessly about it when jess told them the birth stories. (actually i’mma add this to the au !!!)
myle n jada just clicked when she was born, same with miles n billie but they all love each other equally (or do they? /j)
(au where miles’ spider man and myle’s the prowler) they didn’t know about their secret identities until they went home one night and found each other in their suits. there was a lot of questioning after.
(punkflowerbyte au) jess was really happy when she heard that her son’s dating a black girl (let’s be so honest, black queen’s his type fam) along with his childhood friend who she loves like a son. she was really keen on getting to meet margo, the two hit it off instantly and they’re like best friends (miles sometimes jokes how his momma stole his girl, hobie agrees)
that’s all i gots now, more may be added. i really like this au, it may stay talked about from me really. i’mma def make oneshots on ao3 about it <3
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axeoverblade · 11 months
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1610! Miles and how his attitude almost ended his life…
Rio continued, flaring her arms around with Jeff cross-armed behind her, looming over Miles as he sat on the living room couch with his head down. “Miles you need to take this seriously! Do you know what happens to people who don’t value their-” “Damn I get it!” Miles cut her off, sticking his hand up at her to stop her talking.
Jeff eyes budlged out there sockets, his eyebrows furrowing at his son.
Miles mouth pursed into a thin line with a wince. He looked up at his mom wide-eyed, lowering his hand.
Rio looked around the room trying to find “who in. the. hell. are you talking to?!” She yelled, looking back sternly at Miles. “I am N O T one of your little friends, you hear me?” She flicked him hard on his forehead, causing him to let out a soft ‘ow’.
“Gimme your phone.” She stared at him blankly. “mami it was an accident-”
Miles sighed defeated, pulling his phone out his pocket, handing it over.
“And you’re grounded. Go to your room. ”
Rio and Jeff watched as Miles sulked away to the confines of his bedroom, shutting the door softly to insure there was no more conflict.
“You’re lucky that’s all that’s happening Miles!” Jeff screamed out to the abyss, accusingly pointing his finger at Miles door.
Rio turned to her husband “This is your fault!”
Jeff gasped, opening his arms and looking around confused “wha-me? What did I do?!”
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I could feel Miles heart drop through the screen guys 😭‼️
Jeff when Miles said that:
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incognito-duo · 3 months
Ignore the time my New Yorkers, but after looking at George Stacy, Jefferson Davis, and Inspector Singh (and Miguel tho due to the fact he's a more of a main character I didn't wanna put him in the line up for this character design notice) I noticed that ATSV really likes BUFF and BUILT and BOXY dads
That's it-
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Edit: guys this isn't a simp/appreciation post I was just confused on why every dad character was so huge - Nana
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 9 months
Miles's home Building: WTF is this layout
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In depth explanation here.
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bbissuestm · 11 months
Do fish think they are flying?
Summary: on the last friday of the school year, your class decided to throw a party on one of your friends' parents club. There, you met the Morales twins.
Tags: fem!reader, underage drinking, twin au, spanish reader.
A/N: Milo is Miles from Earth 42 since its the one ive seen most. English is no my native language so please have it in mind T^T. OH AND THERES NO SMUT, NO MATTER HOW SUS IT CAN GET (my friend said at one point it seemed that it was gonna turn +18 but its not).
You didn't go partying that much, you didn't like the ambient. Half of the time you went partying with your friends, all they wanted to do was get wasted. You weren't interested in that, you wanted to dance and actually have a good time, not drink until you couldn't remember your own name.
So, when your friends told you about the end of school year party, you weren't interested. They insisted on you going, though, saying that it was being held at one of your friends's parents club, one that you actually liked. They had a great mix of music there, all of the genres were ones that you really enjoyed. And they had some good spanish songs!
They promised to not get wasted and actually dance with you, so you agreed to go.
And there you were, in your favourite silk dress, dancing with your friends with a soda in your hand. In the distance, the Morales twins were observing you. While you were on the dancing floor with a few of your friends, they were leaning against the bar top, staring at you.
This was not their place, at all. But, when Milo heard you were coming, he forced Miles to acompany him. Tonight was the night he was going to finally speak to you.
However, the party had been going on for an hour already and he had not made any moves yet.
"Dudeeeeee" Miles let out, exasperated. "Just go and talk to her! Hell, look at her, I bet you don't even gotta talk, just go and dance with her." He said, turning around to his Nestea. "It ain't hard man..." he mumbled.
Milo forced his eyes away from your moving figure to Miles, scowling at him. "Motherfucker, you ain't one to talk. How'd go with that blonde, huh? Still got her hair stuck up your ass?" He asked, his eyes going back to you.
Miles groaned loudly, "What does that have to do with her? And, fuck you for bringing Gwen to this." Miles let out, thinking about the girl she's been missing for the past months. Milo looked back at him, watching as he fidgeted with the rim of his glass. He sighed, leaning farther against the bar top.
"My bad, it's just-!" He said, looking back at you. You were currently mouthing the words to Automotivo Bibi Fogosa while dancing with your friends, your silk dress moving with your body. "I don't know why, it's hard talking to her!" He said, pouting slightly.
Miles stared at him, raising an eyebrow. His brother was known for a lot of things, and his confidence was one of those things. Why were you making him so nervous? He brought the drink to his lips, thinking. "Damn, you must really like her, bro." Miles settled on saying, thinking about how he should be patrolling right now instead of being here. But, as Milo groaned and turned around to bury himself in his arms, he decided he had to stay to help the mess his brother was.
Miles smirked, leaning on his side to look at Milo. "Ok, man, listen. You're gonna go there, get in front of her, place your hand-" "If you tell me to do the 'shoulder tuch' I'm gonna take your arm and shove it up your ass until it's out your mouth." Milo interrupted him, still buried between his arms.
Miles stared at him, smacking his lips with a bewildered look. "O-kay." He said, turning back to his drink. A couple minutes passed like that, when a bartender stood in front of them.
"Hey, you've been here for a while. Why don't you go dance?" He said, while cleaning some glasses. Milo groaned, and Miles smiled at him, apologetically. "Girl problems." He said, finishing his drink. Milo glared back up at him, and the bartender laughed. "Well, I remember having those." He said, turning around to the liquor shelf. Both twins stared at him, raising an eyebrow. They looked at each other, curious, while the bartender poured something on two shot glasses. He then placed one in front of each other, smiling at them.
"This will help." He said, signaling to the drinks. Both twins straighten, Miles stuttering and Milo staring as if alarms had been turned on in his mind. "Oh, uh, we can't, man, we're, uh, minors." Miles let out, laughing awkwardly. Milo nodded in agreement, resisting the urge to down both drinks. Tha bartender laughed, and signaled with his arms to their classmates. "They all are, our boss is paying us to stay silent, so." He said, smiling and nodding his head to the drinks. The twins looked at each other, a silent question between them.
The bartender went away, having drinks to pour to already drunk teens. Miles shook his head at Milo, and Milo turned slightly, watching as you continued dancing and laughing. He grabbed one of the shots the bartender poured and downed it in one go, cringing slightly. "Milo!" Miles said, surprised. Milo shrugged at him, grabbing the other shot. "I've done worse things, Miles. Plus, it's just two shots, man, I'll be ok." Milo said, downing the other shot in front of a disaproving Miles.
As Milo finished downing the other shot, Miles stared at him, curious. "So? How's it feel?" He asked Milo, curious. Milo stood at his side, feeling the burn in his throat and his head lighten. He felt the music rumble his bones, the lights warming his skin. And he saw you, savouring all those things, moving your body against one of your friends'.
He turned to Miles, smiling slightly. "Feels like I'm getting her number." He said, punching his brother's arm playfully, and jogging to you.
Heaven and Back by Chase Atlantic was currently playing, and you were shouting the lyrics. All your friends had already gotten wasted, and they were all moving without rhythm as they kept drinking. You tried to ignore them and feel the music, with a soda in your hand.
You saw someone walking to you, a slight smirk on his lips. He walked confidently, his braids moving in sync with his steps. He was attractive, and he knew it. You admired that. You saw him mouthing the lyrics slightly as he got closer to you, and when you were close enough, you didn’t let him talk, you grabbed him by the wrist and made him move to the rhythm, your bodies crashing against each other rhythmically as you sang the lyrics.
He looked taken aback, but let you take control of his body. You stayed like that for the rest of the song, dancing and singing together. He seemed a bit self-conscious for the first seconds, but then got used to you. Once the music ended, you saw his lips moving. The music drowned all the noise he was making, so you got closer to him, pointing at your ear with your index. "Can't hear you, get closer!" You yelled, and signaled him to get down to your ear level.
He did, a bit stiff and awkward, but he yelled against your ear. "I'm Milo!" He said, and you smiled at him. You mirrored his movements, getting closer to his ear and yelling while bobbing your head to the music. "I'm Y/N!" You said, laughing slightly. "I know." He said, loud enough for you to hear. He seemed to regret that instantly, and you found it adorable. You stared at him, smiling. "You know?" You asked, teasing him.
You saw him get embarrassed, but covered it by grabbing your wrist and spinning you to the rhythm of the music. You laughed, loudly. Once you were facing each other again, you slipped your hand into his, intertwining your fingers. "Lemme buy you a drink!" You said, leading him to the bar.
Milo's eyes widened as you did, but he led you to where his brother was once you were near the bar. Miles was now sitting in a bar stool with a large glass full of a clear liquid. He had his phone between his hands, typing furiously. You let Milo lead the way, and stood between him and his brother. Milo slapped the back of Miles’ head, and he startled, scowling at him. He went to hit him back but stopped once he saw you.
You stared as he smiled big at his brother, wiggling his eyebrows. Milo rolled his eyes but you missed it, realizing they were the Morales twins. "You're the twins!" You exclaimed. By the bar the music wasn't as loud as on the dance floor, so you didn't need to yell. They both raised their eyebrows at you. You laughed softly, leaning against the bar top. "Sorry, that must sound weird. You're kinda famous in my friendgroup." You made eye contact with a bartender, and he nodded as he smiled, taking notice that the boys had fixed their 'girl problems'.
Miles and Milo stared at each other, surprised. "We are?" Miles asked, taking a sip of his drink. You looked at them, smiling. "Yeah!" You said, and turned around so your back was against the bar top. Milo leaned on his side, watching you, and Miles turned his body a bit so he could see both the dance floor and you. You pointed at one of your friends, she was currently talking to another one with a bottle of alcohol on her hands. "She had a massive crush on you, our first days of school." You explained, looking at Miles. You laughed, turning around. "She wouldn't shut up about you, man. 'Miles this, Miles that'." You let out, laughing. Your friend had been obssessed with him by that time, after he had been obssessed with a guy over summer. She was one of those girls that always had a crush, and none of them lasted more than two weeks.
Miles looked at you, disbelieving, and Milo laughed. You turned to him, enjoying his laugh. "Yeah, right, as if someone would like him with a face like that." He said, smirking. You stared at him, thinking he was insulting himself. "Dude, we have the same face." Miles said, mumbling an insult in spanish. Milo turned to him and hit him on the head, Miles returning it. You let the twins play-fight behind you, as you finally had a bartender's attention. "I'll have a Soda, and, uh-" You turned to Milo, giving him a playful smack on his chest to grab his attention. He looked at you and the bartender with his wide eyes. "Uh..." He let out as he let Miles go, clearing his throat. he looked at the random names on the blackboard and settled on the first thing his eyes landed on. The price didn't matter, he was going to pay for the drinks anyways. "A... a Black Russian. Please." he said it slowly, the name new on his lips.
Both you and the bartender stared at him, unsure. The bartender, though, got to work. "Is it your first time drinking?" You ask Milo, without teasing or judgement. Still, he felt like he had to impress you, so he shrugged. "Not really, I-" Miles didn't let him finish. "It is." He said, and Milo glared at him. You laughed, looking at Milo. "Well, then," You said, wacthing as the bartender gave both of you your drinks. "good luck." You said as you brought your soda to your lips. You watched as he did the same, expecting him to cringe at the drink. Instead, he drank it as if it was water.
He felt satisfaction at the way your face showed your surprise. You turned back to Miles, "Are you sure it's his first time?" They both laughed at your phrasing, and you rolled your eyes. "Yes," Miles said, between giggles. "it's mine too." he said, taking a sip of his drink. You stared as he took a sip, and wondered what he was drinking. You felt Milo get closer to you, and mistook his jealousy as curiosity.
"What are you drinking, Miles?" You asked, smiling. You let the curiosity be shown in your tone, and he looked at you while drinking from the straw. "Water." He said, confused. You smiled at him, and raised your arm. "Could I have a sip? So much Soda is drying my throat." You said, smiling at him. You felt Milo placing his hand on your waist, desperate to have your attention. Perhaps he was drinking too much too.
You ignored him, as he had not made you uncomfortable, and took a sip out of Miles' drink, feeling the liquor burn at the back of your throat. You stared at the drink, mixing it while debating wether to tell him or not. You smiled at him, giving him his drink back. "Thanks, Miles." You sighed discreetly, deciding to stay here to look after both of them.
You felt Milo tighten his grip on your waist and turned to him. You smiled at him, and his scowl went away. "So," You said, looking at his now empty glass. "do you go out much?" You ask, curious. Milo took his hand back, suddenly flustered. "Not really our area." He mumbled, looking at a nodding Miles. You scoffed, with a smile on your lips. "Yeah, people say that." You turned around, leaning your back at the bar top, watching your drunk friends stumble between them as they tried to dance. The brothers looked at each other, taking in what you said.
Before they could question you, you hummed to the song that was now playing, lighting up when you recognized it. "Oh my god!" You said, looking at Milo and Miles. "Dama con fama y cama alta gama, corazon partido." You sang, moving at the rhythm of the music. Miles and Milo sang with you, knowing the lyrics. Milo leaned against your shoulder, whispering in your ear. "Me llamo como el cantante. (I have the same name as the singer)" He said, proudly. You laughed, leaning against him. The song playing was Rara vez by Milo J. "Tienes razón. (you're right)" You answered, finding him adorable. You took notice of the new glass he had in his hands, as he looked at Miles in surprise.
"You know Spanish?" They both asked, surprised. You moved away from them, dancing. "Of course," you say, facing them. "I'm Spanish." You said, mumbling the lyrics to the song. The brothers looked at each other, surprise on their faces, and you grabbed their arms, pulling them to the dance floor. "Enough talk, let's dance!" You said, as the two let you lead them to the dance floor.
All three of you stayed like that for a couple more hours, them getting more drinks and you continue to drink your sodas and water as you kept dancing to the music. Though they were also getting wasted, they could at least dance while drunk, so you had fun.
After two and a half hours, though, they started to get a bit too drunk. "Do fish think they are flying?" Milo asked, while you were all waiting for more drinks. You made eye contact with the bartender, her stilling as Milo let his thoughts out. "I don't know, but I love you, man. I think I don't tell you enough." Miles said, looking at the brink of tears. You silently told the bartender to put water instead of alcohol, and she did so gratefully.
"Ok, well, it's getting late, maybe we should get going." You said, slipping some cash to the bartender. Milo looked at you, as if he hadn't heard you. "Think about it, the water is like air is like for us, right?" He said, words slurring. Miles looked at him, as if his mind was going meters per hour. "Dude..." Miles said, looking amazed. Milo looked back at him, as if he thought he was a genius. You calmly sipped on your drink, enjoying their bickering for a bit. "Right? And-and" he said, hiccuping. "they can see sand, were crabs are. They gotta think they flyin, man." He said, as if it were the most important topic. Miles motioned as if his head was exploding, making a little 'whoosh' sound. You laughed at their antics, grabbing them by their arms. Forget the drinks, you had to get these two home.
"I guess it has logic." You said, amazed at their drunk thoughts. Milo kept talking all the way out the bar, but his voice got muffled by the music. Miles answered from time to time, pretending to listen to his brother. His brother did the same. You rolled your eyes at their behaviour, with a small smile on your lips.
Once you were outside, they both linked their arms between yours, leaning against you to be able to walk. Miles was currently saying something about how much he loved both of you in slurred words, when Milo spotted a tree. You led them to a side-walk, stopping when you realized you didn't know where they lived. You turned to Milo, going to ask him for directions, but once he saw he had your attention he opened his mouth. "Do you think plants are farming us? They give us... they let o, oxygen for us until we die... and, and then, they use us as- then we turn into mulch and they consume us." You stared at him, processing it.
You turned to Miles after smiling softly at Milo. "Hey, Miles," you said, and he looked up at you, his vision blurred. "where do you live?" Miles looked at you, dumbfounded. A moment later, it looked like a lightbulb had been lit in his head. Milo looked the same. "Oh, towards there." They said in unison as they both pointed opposte sides. You sighed, running out of patience. As adorable as they were, you wanted to get out of the heels you were wearing.
Milo noticed your change in demeanor and separated his arm from yours, smacking Miles on the head. "Estás tan pendejo que no sabes ni dónde vives? (are you so stupid you don't even know where you live?)" Milo let out, annoyed. Miles looked at him with glimmering eyes. "Si sabo- uh... sepo, sapo...?" Miles started, looking at the distance, struggling with his words. You laughed, finding that adorable. "Se." You helped him, Miles light up and Milo scowled, jealousy filling his body. "Si sé dónde-" Miles started, his english accent thick on the spanish. "Si si, shut up already." Milo said, rudely. Miles roll his eyes, used to his brother's manners. However, alcohol seemed to make him defensive because he didn't shut up. "Well, at least I don't need alcohol to talk to a girl." Milo turned around so fast he almost fell, but you grabbed him and linked your arms again, following where he went. You weren't paying attention to what they were saying, thinking they were just letting out drunk thoughts.
"Fuck you." Milo said, seething. He didn't want to be embarrassed in front of you, he knew he was already going to regret this tomorrow morning. His tone brought your attention back to them, thinking they were going to fight, but you watched as Miles stuck his tongue out to a scowling Milo. Milo seemed to be thinking about hitting Miles, so you blocked his view of him with yourself. You nodded to the right right, "is it there?" You asked him, smiling. Milo's brain seemed to stop for a second, staring at you. You waited patiently for him to answer, and after a couple of seconds he seemed to get out of his trance, flustered. He nodded, but walked straight ahead. You laughed, letting him guide you.
"Do you-“Miles started, hiccuping "do you think mom will kill us?" Miles said, looking at Milo. "She isn't… there's no one home." Milo said, sure of himself. Miles sighed, relieved. He then pouted, lip trembling. "She's amazing, she deserves sons better than us." Miles said, Milo agreeing. Your eyes widened, watching as both of them saddened. The deep drunk thoughts were the worst, so you cleared your throat, awkwardly.
"Reading 'do not touch' in braille must be one of the scariest things." You said, trying to get the twins back to their dumb bickering. They both stayed silent, thinking. Milo looked up first, looking at you with a bright smile, it made your insides warm. "Bro, you're right." Miles then processed it, and looked like his mind had exploded, again. You laughed, watching as they both got back to these weird random thoughts. You interjected from time to time, saying things that made their floating minds explode.
You were all currently singing to Bad Bunny's WHERE SHE GOES when the twins stopped in front of a building, detaching themselves from you as they yelled the words to the song, between laughs. You stared as they attempted to get up the stairs, helping them when they stumbled. "We gotta blast it when we get inside, 'Lo." Miles said, talking about the song they were singing. Milo nodded, humming the rhythm as he struggled to get his keys out.
Miles turned back to you as Milo still struggled with his keys. You watched in desesperation, thinking that now you had to go back to your house. In heels and a short dress. You were definetely not getting home safe. "You heard that song, Y/N?" Miles asks you, smiling. You laugh at him, nodding. "It's amazing! I really like-" Miles hiccuped, bringing his hand to his chest. "Bad Bunny, I also like Andrea, the song." Miles says laughing and leaning against the railing, as Milo finally got his keys out.
You grabbed them from him, smiling at him when he pouted at you, and opened the door for them. Miles got inside first, yelling. "HOME SWEET HOME, WOO!!" You laughed as Milo rolled his eyes. Milo got inside then, turning back to you. You threw him his keys and went to turn around, but he stopped you. "Where are you going, ma?" You stopped.
Ma? The fuck? You turned back to him, raising an eyebrow. "Um... home? Where else would I be going?" You said, blushing slightly at the nickname. Milo rolled his eyes, turning back and motioning you to come inside too. "Milo! Close the door!" You told him, making him turn back around. Before he could open his mouth, Miles appeared with a speaker in his hand, blasting Bad Bunny’s song. They laughed and started singing, but you quickly grabbed the speaker, turning the volume down. “Miles, it’s too late- early…? Whatever, it’s not a good hour to blast music!” You said, scolding him. As you said this, though, you heard the door close. You turned around, looking at a mischievous looking Milo. You stared at him, processing everything.
He smirked, placing the keys on a high closet that he was sure you couldn’t reach. He joined his brother, both singing to Bad Bunny, loudly. You sighed, pressing your hands against your closed eyes as you felt a migraine coming. You stared at the boys, leaning against a wall. You sighed, watching them dance and sing.
Well, at least they weren’t trying weird things with you. God, how’d you end up here? You sighed, taking your heels off. They trapped you here, so you decided that manners were useless right now. You placed the heels against a wall and approached the twins, turning the volume down. They turned to you, and they looked surprise. Miles got closer to you, comparing your heights. “Bro, you were taller.” He said, genuinely confused. Milo jogged next to you, and tilted his head, also comparing heights. You took a breath, controlling yourself. Milo scoffed, leaning against his brother. “You’re right, she’s a midget now, bro.” They giggled and you decided you’ve had enough. You punched both of their shoulders before smacking them in the back of their heads. “Ok, both of you, fuck off and sit down.” You said, pointing to the couch.
They did, one rubbing his head and the other rubbing his shoulder. They looked at each other, feeling guilty. Miles’ eyes seemed to be watering and Milo looked down, feeling bad. You sighed, softening. You rested a hand against your hip. “Where’s your kitchen?” You asked, tired. They looked up at you and pointed to a room. You smiled, watching them. They looked like puppies that had been kicked out. “Thank you,” you said, ruffling both of the brother’s hair, your hand lingering in Milo’s.
You headed to the kitchen and started looking around slowly, trying to not make a mess. You grabbed two glasses and pour water in them, you brought them back to the twins, who were now resting on the couch. They looked about to doze off, so you let the glasses make a soft noise against the table, startling them. They looked up at you, curious.
You smiled at them, motioning for them to grab the glasses. “Water, drink it.” You looked as they did so, both smiling at you. “Thanks!” Miles said, chugging the water. Milo looked at you with a smirk, slowly grabbing the drink. “Thank you, ma.” He said, teasing, and you felt your cheeks get warm. Your rolled your eyes and sighed. Miles made himself comfortable against the end of the couch and Milo left space between them for you to sit there. You hesitated, but sat next to him. The smile he gave you was worth it.
He leaned against the back of the couch, and you mirrored him. He placed his arm on the top of the couch, around your shoulders. You wondered if he’d do the same if he was sober. He started to doze off, but you had to go home. “Milo,” you said softly, as to no startle either of them. Miles was fast asleep so you didn’t worry about him. Milo turned to you, sleepily. You smiled at him, enjoying how he looked. “I should go home.” You said, apologetically.
He scowled, pouting slightly. “Why?” He said, childishly. You laughed at that, throwing your head against the couch top (and inevitably, against his arm). “What do you mean why? It’s where I sleep!“ You said between laughs. He smiled, memorizing your laugh. “Sleep here.” He said, and went back to dozing off. You laughed softly, shaking your head. You started getting up, careful to not touch Miles. “Nah, I can’t. C’mon, gimme your keys.” You said, but Milo made no move to get up. Even more, he blocked your way out, smirking slightly. You rolled your eyes and turned around. “That’s cool, I’ll just get a chair-“ you said walking away but you weren’t able to get far because Milo grabbed you by the waist and brought you back down to the couch, making you lay down between his arms.
You tried to turn around or get out, embarrassed. “Milo!“ You cried out, flustered. He shushed you, tightening his arms around you. “I’ve been waiting too long to talk to you, I am not letting you go so easily.” He mumbled, and you felt his breath on the back of your ear. You sighed, feeling your cheeks burning. You relaxed into his embrace, processing what he said. “What do you mean by that?” You whispered, turning around a bit to look at him.
Now he was embarrassed. He buried his face in your head to hide it and you turned back, smiling. “I’ve been trying to get your attention this whole year. A bartender gave me a couple of shots to gain the courage.” He said, burying himself further into you. “It helped.” He said, smiling. You rolled your eyes and turned over to him, surprising him. “That’s stupid. Just talk to me next time, there’s no need for you to get wasted in order to do so.” You said, scowling at him. He laughed, changing your positions so you were resting your head on his chest, an arm around your waist and the other over his eyes, covering the light. “Ok, I’ll have it in mind for the next time, ma.” He said, dozing off.
You sighed, staring at him. This had been the weirdest night ever. You smiled, thinking that it was also the most fun you’ve had the whole year. You grabbed your phone to send your mother a quick text that you were staying over your friend’s and got comfortable in Milo’s arms, dozing off too.
Rio took the keys out her purse, explaining something that happened at her shift to Jeff, who was nodding at her, showing that he was paying attention. It was almost 5 AM and they were exhausted. After their shifts, they had decided to go out for dinner, their sons having a sleepover at their uncle’s. They were also excited, having the house for themselves. “And, so, this woman from urgencies, comes, verdad? She comes, yelling and panting, and-“ Rio stopped, standing over her entrance door.
Jeff looked at her, attentive. “What? What’s wrong, were we robbed?” Jeff looked around, trying to see if anything was missing. Rio just pointed at your heels, with a murderous look on her. “Jeff. Those are not mine.” Jeff looked at them, raising an eyebrow. He honestly couldn’t tell, Rio had many heels. She huffed angrily, going to the living room mumbling insults and prayers in Spanish with Jeff behind her, matching her energy.
She stopped in front of the couch, watching all three of you sleep. Miles was sprawled on one end of the couch, snoring loudly. Milo was on the other end, both of his hands around your waist as you were on top of him, resting your head on the crook of his neck. Both twins reeked of alcohol and Rio and Jeff noticed.
They crossed their arms, looking at you. “They are grounded.” Rio said, angrily. “Oh, for sure.” Jeff said, scoffing. “Until college.” Rio said. “Mhm.” Jeff agreed, matching his wife’s energy.
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