varpusvaras · 7 years
feliscybernicus replied to your post: feliscybernicus replied to your post: ...
no silti, ei se oo kivaa :( mulla on itellä ihan tarpeeks tekemistä omien vaivojeni kanssa ja ne on vaan puolet siitä mitä sulla on
Joo, eihän tää hauskaa ole. Mut onneksi oikeestaan ainoa vaihe elämästä ku ne oikeesti haittas ja oli vaarallisia oli sillon ku olin ihan pikkuskidi. Olin niin kipee että lähinnä huusin kaikki yöt ja pidin äiskän ja iskän aika tehokkaasti hereillä (tilanne onneks ratkesi sillä että tajusivat että en kipujen vuoksi kyenny hengittämään kunnolla makuultani, ni sitten nukkuivat mun kanssa istualteen tuolissa tai nukuttivat laittamalla turvaistuimeen ja ajelemalla autolla vähän aikaa ympäriinsä :D)
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itslalalita · 8 years
Sorry to hear that. :( It's rude of them but it's also a test. They want to see your reaction. Next time, politely tell them if you were the kind of a person to change your mind, you would not be there in LA and keeping on going despite everything.
Honestly my reply was that I have always wanted to forge a successful career for myself. I worked two jobs to get through university to get my degree, and then I moved out here 2 months after graduating -- alone --- to pursue a career. And that my sights are set on myself, and my life for the time being.
Tbh even if I met someone, I wouldn’t get married in 5 years like good god, that’s WAY too soon….
Makes me wonder if they EVER ask young male applicants that question.
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pleasedontgethurt · 6 years
I’m also joining in the protest. Will be going dark for a couple of days soon. My queues on my other blogs (that still have one) do still run but only once a day.
Mutuals and those I interact with more often, feel free to add me on Discord. Just send me in your details and I'll add you! I'm available to chat, voice chat and video chat. I'm also on some servers but have yet to make my own. May do that sometime.
My twitter is feliscybernicus. I do have a deviantart but I'm rarely active in there. I'm Cosmicat on AO3. I have plans to join other platforms but those are TBA. See you on the other side!
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@feliscybernicus that's supposed to be the sleeve of his under shirt. X'D
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lehdenlaulu · 7 years
@laventadorn replied to your video: finnishproverbs: feliscybernicus: You know...
Welcome to Finland. :D
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feliscybernicus replied to your post “Aaww can you imagine the mighty bean all grown up, and she's holding...”
I'm pretty sure I read a fic like this once. Except in that one, the sparkling was a sentient ship.
and also MegaOP child? SEND IT HERE IMMEDIATELY!
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aquilegiaformosa · 8 years
I was tagged by @221b-hogwarts-and-the-tardis (thank you sweetie!) Rules: Tag as many amazing people as you want so you can get to know them better! Name: [REDACTED] :3c Nicknames: Eagle, Makeshift, Space Dad Gender: female Star sign: Sagittarius Height: 5′2″ Sexual orientation: Asexual (Space Ace, my guy) Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff Favourite colour: purple Favourite animal: cat Average hours of sleep: sleep? i don’t know her Cat or dog person: cat person Favourite fictional characters: TFP Breakdown, G1 Skywarp, MTMTE Rodimus, Wolverine, Steve Rogers, Thor, Dr, Leonard McCoy, Spock, Uhura, Superman, Dr. Charles Emerson Winchester the Third, BJ Hunnicut, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mrs. Hudson, River Song... Number of blankets I sleep with: as many as possible Current favourite singer/band: Sleeping At Last Dream trip: Japan Dream job: 68W Field Medic (i’m gonna be a nurse tho so it’s all good). that or comic book artist When was this blog created: sometime in September of 2015 Current number of followers: 92 :D When did your blog reach its peak: we’re still climbing that mountain What made you decide to make a Tumblr: fanart and community
@kitchengremlinbakura @paulzombieslayer @phantomdarksgirl @justahollybat @thebestdecepticonleader @enmused @docbot-knockout @binarysunset @spookyprime @freakadeekk @incomingtransmissionfromearth @blueoatmeal @otterwillow @rinovarka @ppyrs @sometimescowardssurvive @onegun @d00mface @catmeme @feliscybernicus @obscurusvii @nerdytexanbythebayou @crazyfanatic97 @arcticfoxbear @forlorn-fangirl @impatienttomato @dent-de-leon @lifotni
you don’t have to do this if you don’t want and you can decline questions if you don’t wanna answer them <3
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kaysiel · 8 years
feliscybernicus: It doesn't really matter what the cause is, it's still executive dysfunction. Depression, adhd, hypothyroidism, etc. can all cause executive dysfunction.
...haha shit ok then
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varpusvaras · 7 years
feliscybernicus replied to your post: I sometimes laugh about how my body is complete...
mää oon niin tottunut tähän jo ja suurimman osan ajasta kipu on tasolla 1-3 ja oon vaan sillee hmmmm särkee :::D (huvittaa kans vähän ku mun lääkärien papereissa lukee tyylii “somaattisesti terve” ja “yleistila erinomainen”)
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pleasedontgethurt · 7 years
Alright, so there seems to be interest!
I’m going to set up a stream right now, but we just need to decide on what to watch. Join me at: https://www.rabb.it/Feliscybernicus !
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@feliscybernicus Damn it, Suzanne!
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     { OOC;
Who asks the other on dates: Ratchet. He has this idea of How Things Should Be Done, and dates are part of that.
Who is the bigger cuddler: Optimus, to be honest. Ratchet has to be convinced, although to be fair this is not difficult.
Who initiates holding hands more often: Ratchet. It’s part of his aforesaid image, even though neither of them particularly enjoy it. Sooner
Who remembers anniversaries: Both of them. Optimus is just organised, and they mean a lot to Ratchet.
Who is more possessive: Ratchet. He feels guilty over this, but it’s just part of his personality. 
Who gets more jealous: Ratchet, again. He tries not to let it show or dwell on it, but he’s afraid of turning into a jealous asshole, so it can put him in a downer.
Who is more protective: Optimus, but Ratchet has a fair helping of that tendency too.
Who is more likely to cheat: Optimus, but only in comparison to Ratchet, who is almost painfully monogamous.
Who initiates sexy times the most: The trick is finding the time in their busy schedules to do it. :B
Who dislikes PDA the most: Ratchet. Optimus is just personally uncomfortable with engaging in it; Ratchet actively dislikes it.
Who kills the spider: Ratchet.He’s too old for this shit.
Who asks the the other to marry them: Optimus. He kinda surprises Ratchet, who nonetheless is delighted to say yes.
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Both.
Who would bring up possibly having kids: Ratchet. *snerks*
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Optimus. He doesn’t have parents, so Ratchet gets off scot-free.
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Optimus. He volunteers, really - Ratchet stews, and that’s uncomfortable to be around.
Who tries to make up first after arguments: Optimus. He’s a lot better at dealing with negative emotions than Ratch is. :>
Who tells the other they love them more often: Optimus.
MEME Reference: [ x ]
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aquilegiaformosa · 8 years
feliscybernicus said: I use the 24-hour clock too, but it was still quite the coincidence X'D
鷲||: pretty awesome if you ask me ^3^
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kaysiel · 9 years
feliscybernicus reblogged your post Time to make some Drift patches Also ... and added:
TFP Ratchet? ôuô
I’ll be doing the TFP guys all together as a separate sort of ‘release’ once I’ve got more G1/IDW guys done :D
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airi-avaruus · 9 years
replied to your post
“I hate being asked “why haven’t you graduated yet?” Yes, I understand...”
If it means anything, if you manage to finish a degree that usually takes 4 years in under 9½ years like I did, you're better than me and I was one of the best of my class in high school.
I wish people didn’t think time to finish a degree equals how smart you are. You finished though and thats all that matters. :3 I hope to finish in two year but if I don’t its not the end of the world. 
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varpusvaras · 7 years
feliscybernicus replied to your photo: In other news: I GOT ACCEPTED IN UNIVERSITY! En...
Jeeee onneeee!! Maantieto on hitsin mielenkiintoista :)
Kiitooooooos !! :D joo maantieto oli mulla ykköshakupaikkana mut jotenki oletin että olisin päässy kakkospaikkaan eli geologiaan ennemmin ::::D
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