#fellas is it gay to look at the moon
if buck and eddie are just friends why do they look at each other like that
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knightlas · 1 year
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“”newly acquired soulsword”” im just gonna start shaking moon knight 2099 until the secrets fall out i think
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polaris-stuff · 23 hours
Do you have any Dark Sun headcanons?
Hi hi, anon!! ✨
It's currently 3AM where I am, but I'll take advantage of the fact that I'm taking a break from work to respond quickly (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
CW for content of a ship with high toxic content. You have been warned.
I don't really think I have too many HCs for Dark Sun, but I really like playing with his past, especially involving his Moon and the romanticism in cannibalism, hehe.
"Fellas, is it gay to eat your counterpart?" Dark Sun asks after devouring his Moon XD
Well, basically I feel like those two didn't even consider themselves a couple or anything like that, it was more like a toxic and abusive codependency that no matter how you looked at it, you knew it was going to end very badly. But they still stayed there and kept hurting each other because they liked it.
Dark Sun (and really, all Suns) loves to be in control so the ability to not only be able to manipulate his Moon the way he wants, but also break it and put it back together the way he wants, make him tremble and then coo him to calm him down. And GOD, Moon loves that, feeling so delicate and weak, the feeling of slipping into pieces through Sun's own hands, stopping feeling, stopping thinking and then it all comes back at once, and it's a shock of adrenaline that Moon can't never get enough of.
And so Dark Sun kept doing it, until it was no longer satisfying. Doing the same thing over and over again, same reactions, same results; it wasn't fun anymore. So he went further and these pieces he tore off he started eating.
In canon he and Moon have different bodies but I like the idea that they were never separated a little better so Dark Sun basically ate the pieces of Moon's code until make them part of himself. Idk, the romance of eating the person you love to be closer than ever lol
The only reason their codes didn't end up creating an Eclipse was because of Dark Sun's literal willpower to be stronger and in control. So Moon's code was of no use other than his intelligence and knowledge, because the Killcode was destroyed by tearing off the pieces.
Other than that, I don't think I have anything else about his past!!
Oh! I also have the HC that he likes birds more than cats.
And lastly, I have the HC that Dark Sun manipulated not only the situation and conditions to create Nexus, but also used the black matter generator to guide NSP to New Moon and basically poison him little by little. It was when Dark Sun completely ripped the Old Moon chip out of Nexus' head that the accumulated NSP took the chip's place (and consequently, finishing distorting Nexus' mind)
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forestshadow-wolf · 10 months
Just real quick! Something not soapghost (sorry)
I was rewatching httyd 2 (one of my favorite movies btw)
And I remember the first time I watched it, when Stoic was singing to Valka, I hated when Gobber kept interrupting. I thought it was annoying, and didn't belong.
But watching that scene again and I actually kind of like it now. And to properly explain this I just want to put an image in your head.
So imagine this - you, a fresh-faced young viking, has grown up next to his best friend your entire life. He's been beside you through thick and thin, and has never once left your side. Now you yourself have nevr seen any lady that's caught your eye, but your best friend? Oh He's got his heart locked on one. He's quite the fella, has no shortage of women that he could wed. But no, he want the kind-hearted woman who refuses to harm a dragon.
You think maybe she's too soft for this life. She doesn't belong. But you're best friend loves her, and you're his best friend for a eason so you don't say anything.
At first you leave them alone, the waves of love that radiate from them are sickening. They can't keep themselves away from eachother for a second. So you let them be.
Imagine around this time that perhaps you realize lads catch your eye more than lasses do (this is canon btw, and the VA for gobber is also gay)
At some point, after a few moon cycles of your best friend and his lady being together, the three of you start hanging out. You realize this lady is quite nice, still too kind, but you can see why your friend likes her.
At some point you can't keep it in anymore, and confide in your friend that you won't be looking for a lass, but rather a lad. Your friend claps you on the back, and says he's with you always, and it's like a weight has lifted off your shoulders. But then you hear a noise behind you, and you whip around. Standing before you is your friend's lady, and you freeze, but she gives you a nice smile and says she won't say anything. She says the village won't think anything of it, but regardless she won't say anything.
A few moon cycles later and you really do like this lady now. She may not harm dragons, she may fight to save them, but she is just as fierce as any viking you've ever met. And through it all you're best friend and his lady are tag teaming you, trying to set you up with other lads.
These are your best friends, you couldn't imagine your life without them. You do everything together. They never left your side, even when you lost your leg. They've been with you through everything, and you them.
It's been years now. And your best friends are still just as in love now, as they were when they met, in fact they might be even more so. They're married now. They're still trying to set you up with a few guys. You have dinner every night at their house. You cook because like a perfect matching pair, neither of them can cook. And you all laugh and sing together, and you know that no matter what happens it'll all be okay as long as they're here.
They have a baby together, it's a wee little thing. The lady worries something's wrong with him, but your best friend says he's gonna be the greatest chief there ever was.
Then imagine one night there's an especially bad attack, you see your best friends' house catch fire, that's where the baby is, and quiet possibly the lady. You're too far to do anything. But your best friend isn't. He races to the house.
The next thing you know a dragon busts from the roof with the lady in its clutches. Your best friend bursts from the house, little bundle of furs in hand.
After thay day everything changed. It was the same just... less happy. Less kind. But it can be kind of okay with three out of four pieces.
You watch the little boy grow up. Your best friend he's happy, but he worries. He never sings anymore, that's sad. He won't put him in dragon classes because he's scared of losing him too.
Eventually you convince him to allow it. And it goes great until it doesn't. And your best friend disowns his own son for befriending the very beasts that took his lady, the boy's mother.
And then you see that very beast save your best friend's kid's life. And your with your best friend through all of that. Life and death, thick and thin.
And then imagine you find the lady! Or well the kid did. And all of the sudden, this light that died in your best friend's eyes lights up again. And then for the first time in over 2 decades you hear your best friend singing again. Just once. And it's been so long. And then you hear the lady! And now it's like everything is better, just like old times, and you can't help but sing along.
So there! Now you all know some (probably) useless knowledge :)
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torturedpoetdean · 2 months
fellas is it gay to look at your best friend like he hung the sun moon and stars? asking for my friend eddie diaz
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lizaluvsthis · 5 months
Soery if this isnt related to br or something
What are your main japanese songs (if you have any)
That can either relate for the two gay characters?
Wowaka by Unknown Mother Goose - SMG4 redesign
Four deals with his struggles at being Perfect.
Rolling Girl by Miku Hatsune - SMG3 recolor/redesign
Three is trying his hardest all the time even after his arc.
The past re-encounters that gave him so much deja vu and all the bad things even tho he tries so many times making it all up with it. He couldn't.
(He does SH and the only way for him to think about is dying- yet Four prevents him from doing that)
Kokoro by Rin ft. Len Kagamine (duet) - SMG34
Four as the robot and Three... well... is the professor. (For those who heard the duet song you will understand that)
Vivi by kenshi yonezu - SMG3
Three slips away from Four and even ends up mising him even more.
Orange by 96Neko - SMG4
Three dies. Four is there to stay and cherish all the moments he and Three had made from their times, now he always visits his grave. Four finally moves on and Three could only say "goodbye"
Sigh by Rin Kagamine - SMG4
Four doesn't know why he was always sad, turns out his long dead-forgotten friend appeared as an angel to return the smiles he had missed.
Kokoronashi by Hikaru Station - SMG3
Three suffers at himself and well finds it hard to deal with emotions...
Knife by [vocaloids i fgt] - SMG4
Short straight [if you know and heard this song]
Four avenge Three's death after Niles killed him
Therefore You and Me by Eve ft. 38ban - SMG34
Ever long lasting slow burn. Recolored - redesign
Ikanaide (Don't Go) by Mafumafu - SMG3
From Recolor to 1st-2nd Redesign
Three's villain role is out of his hands now that he became a tritagonist. However he still looks out for SMG4 even after everything...
But somedays when he and Four get into basic arguements he still fears that one day he would stop talking to him and that he would rather hang out much to his friends.
That Four might eventually forget about what he had just done something good to him.
The Lost One's Weeping ft. Kagamine Rin - SMG4
Redesign vs. Recolor.
Four would recall his past about his senior high where he never understood nothing and the self comparisson between him and the rest of the students are highly at this rate.
It triggered him so much that he never wanted to get back to it, he is only recalling this from his vision - seen as his memories until he sees his recolored version telling him that he already made the decision and that there is nothing else he could do.
Nonsense Speaker by Miku Hatsune - SMG3
Smg3 even tho if he was a tsundere... he still has thoughts about his relationship with four... and the events they both shared if he'd still even see himself as the past or look into his bright self again.
Kagerou Days by Shizen no Teki ft. Miku Hatsune - SMG3
Basic timeloop
Three tried so many times to prevent four from dying with his self hatred side. Yet. He was the one to die at the end.
Racing Into The Night by YOASOBI - SMG4
Four didn't know why three was sad. (They both felt all sad and stuff-)
So when three said he wanted to die- four did too.
Suki Kirai (Like-Dislike) by Rin and Len - SMG34
Feathers Across the Seasons by Kagamine Rin and Len - SMG3
Smg4 was the mysterious feather being
Three is the diseased human person.
Bonus for other characters:
@shygirl4991 @alianarepasa
High Range ft. Kagamine Len - Heart 3
It kinda does fit for Heart since he does use his fem voice not quite often
I'll Quit Singing ft. Kagamine Len - Book 3
Nothing else I just like to think that book plays with a piano
The World is Mine by Miku Hatsune - Spade 3
The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku - Producer4
What huh personality disappearance? Yes.
Daughter of Evil by Kagamine Rin - Delinquent4
Servant of Evil by Len Kagamine Len - Producer4
I think you kmow this story already. Hehe.
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lesbicosmos · 2 years
things that have happened in my dps sims household that just make sense:
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todd and neil just having a conversation while sat on each others beds (charlie then strolled in and sat next to todd, so todd got up and moved next to neil)
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everyone having the same pyjamas just in different colours
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fellas is it gay to kiss your best friend in a museum?
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just...looking at neil's whims and this being one of them <3
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pitts started a fire, nobody came to help but he defied physics and flew
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he's reading him a poem he wrote
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they're just chilling, staring at the moon
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everyone else being asleep, meanwhile todd's up writing and neil's up reading his next play
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charlie just watching and applauding neil kissing todd
other things that have happened so far that i didn't get chance to screenshot:
-meeks spent a good hour just wandering around holding a saucepan
-charlie and cameron hate each other already
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sailor moon s4 if they had tumblr
💭 @local-juban-drama-n-news follow
I swear to god some weird ass scenario is always happening around here. First it was the sky randomly opening every now and then- and then Mugen academy suspiciously shut down- AND NOW THERE’S A CIRCUS LOOMING ABOVE US?? I can’t be the only one that thinks this is weird. Also some queer looking guys keep asking me if I’m holding a horse in my dreams?!
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🌙 @usagitsukinoz follow
Now I’m really confused. I thought my future-daughter was gay with her friend from Mugen Academy but now that the girl isn’t here for now she’s in love with a horse boy
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🗯️ @sailor-moon-updates follow
SAILOR MOON has been accused of being homophobic after shocking discussion between Uranus and Neptune surfaced from their most recent teamwork oriented battle.
“She’s boy crazy now so the gay stuff was totally a phase! Everyone’s a little bit queer.” -Sailor Moon
We have asked Uranus and Neptune for their stances on these accusations and received no comment.
Personally, I think this is Sailor Moon’s internalized homophobia. Read up on my closeted Sailor Moon thread 🧵 for more! Linked in my pinned post <3
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🌹 @butyoudidntdoanything follow
Once again I’m begging you all to be understanding of Usagi. She’s not homophobic I promise. She’s just a very confused bisexual woman.
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🔑 @pink-rabbit follow
Fellas is it gay to fall in love with a beautiful goth girl and then rebound to a prince who lives in your dreams when she can no longer reach you? Or is that just life
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📄 @mizunomadness follow
I’m probably queer but I have to study for my high-school entrance exams so I don’t care about that right now.
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🌙 @usagitsukinoz follow
I talked to Mamo about the lgbt stuff and I think I get the love part of it because I love all my friends and kiss them a lot so I guess I am bicurious but he told me people can use whatever pronouns they want
and I was a little lost because i thought i had to use the girl ones but he said I can use any SO you can use she/they for me :D ty for being so patient
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👑 @princeofdreamlands follow
wait until this wonderful girl realizes that I’m just a gay guy hiding in her dreams from people that want to keep me in a cage. is it really gaslighting if she’s lying about her sexuality too? No straight girl keeps yuri in her room.
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🗯️ @sailor-moon-updates follow
SAILOR MOON has been spotted kissing her fellow inner-guardian friends cheeks after each battle.
I think all my threads were worth it, she really is a queer.
Anyways for the Gaylor Moonies: Why Sailor Moon is secretly in love with Mercury and how this will lead to Tuxedo Mask’s downfall. A thread! 🧵 (1/92)
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🔑 @pink-rabbit follow
Someone at school today asked me if I listen to Girl In Red and it felt like an insult but i actually really liked some of her songs when I looked her up
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One day the planets will align for me to find her again. For now my prince sings me a melody of peaceful love 🫶🌸
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emo-gremlin · 1 year
Hey, you're cool! *hands you more MFN as memes/vines*
Lenard: what's cooler than being cool?
Gordon: financial stability
Lilianna: an octopus is just a wet spider
George: end on December 21, 2012. I bought all this fucking pasta as a way to celebrate the end of the world and now I'm $10,000 in debt, my taxi got towed and I have wet pasta everywhere in my house
Lenard: ...I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
Ricky: swear words are illegal now, say one and you'll be fined
Handy: heck
Ricky: you're on thin fucking ice
Ricky: oh no
Lenard: what if mayonnaise came in cans?
Lilianna: that would suck because you can't microwave metal...
Noir: *walking by drinking coffee* good morning to everyone except you people
Noir: anyone wanna get into an argument with me?
Ricky: ok cream cheese isn't that good
Noir: I was kidding but you know what fuck you for real
Unfriendly Lenard: I hate being high, why I hear footsteps?
Craig: are you walking?
Unfriendly Lenard: oh shit
Junebug: vanilla soy latte is just 3 bean soup
Gordon: why must you do this at 5am
George: a haiku for the bus drive who deliberately cut me off
George: *clears throat*
George: I swear to God bruh, let me catch you in the streets, bruh I swear to God
Unfriendly Lilianna: I find the fact I will never experience a sword fight in my entire life terribly tragic
Lenard: sorry, liberals, there's only 0 genders
Junebug: there's one gender ad we have to share
Craig: Gordon said its my turn on the gender
Norman: I wanna jump off a building and not die. Just relieve stress by slamming into the sidewalk and then get up and go get a slurpee or something
Ricky: Norman are you ok
Norman: no ❤️
Norman: *screams into jar* everything is fine :)
Gordon: I saw your last report card
Noir: *not even looking up from his phone* congrats you can see
Gordon: oh so you wanna be smart?
Noir: that's why I go to school
Gordon: hey Junebug how are you today?
Junebug: I swallowed a golf ball!
Gordon: uh- are you ok?
Junebug: I can't poop! :D
Ricky: hey Lillianna
Lillianna: can you get in the oven and clean it?
Ricky: bye Lillianna
Junebug: if it weren't illegal I would eat cereal for every meal of the day
Gordon: I have some wonderful news for you
Gordon: Noir asked everyone at dinner what color Norman's new shirt was. After we all said grey, he turned to him and said, "Now tell them what color you think it is." And Norman just quietly replied, "Dark white."
Lilianna: Lasagna is just spaghetti flavored cake
Fritz: I will pay you money to never speak again
George: fellas is it gay to fall in love with another man and spend your life with him
Gordon: that is the literal definition of gay
George: :0
Gordon: *texting the puppets* At airport! Bye guys! Love ya to the moon and back, you're the best! Bust a nut!
Noir: I'm not sure Gordon knows what that means
Tax: I Physically cannot breathe
Lilianna: God released me into the wild and now he's hunting me for sport
Fritz: where can I order a pretty face
George: from your mirror
Lenard: 2023: the year the Neighborhood learned how to flirt
Norman: oh my
Noir: 1 universe, 9 planets, 7 seas, 7 continents, 809 islands, 204 countries, and I had the unfortunate luck of meeting you
Gordon: I'm pretty sure 'viva la Pluto fuck you' is the best sentence I've ever heard
Craig, Fritz and UF Fritz belong to: @gayfraggle
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fuffleton · 4 months
Fellas is it gay to get handmade matching necklaces for your male friend? (Marmien fic, can be read as platonic if you squint really hard)
Friendship bracelets and matching magnetic heart necklaces were always a little bit corny to Damien, but when Mark insisted on giving him a moon necklace that matched his own sun necklace he couldn’t help but wear it everywhere he went. It was a cute little thing, a moon shaped charm that was at the end of a pure silver chain, custom made of course, to match both men’s expensive taste. And he loved it. Especially because it matched perfectly with Mark’s, who’s necklace had a pure gold chain and a sun charm.
Damien had kept the necklace on his nightstand the small amount of times that he wasn’t wearing it, he always put it in the same spot, and even in the dark he could locate it perfectly. So when he woke up from a night of getting plastered at a party it came to his surprise when he put his hand tiredly on his nightstand and he could feel his lamp, eye contact case, and badge. Everything but his necklace.
He sat up groggily and yawned. Maybe he just knocked it down, he was going through an awful hangover, maybe he didn’t notice. He swung his legs off the side of his bed, being immediately hit by a terrible migraine, and slid on his fluffy blue slippers and stood up. He ignored his headache, he needed his necklace, the thing was expensive, and more importantly, it was a gift. He got on his knees and elbow and looked beside his nightstand, nothing was there. He moved the nightstand and looked behind it, nothing. He stood back up, for a moment he considered putting his contacts in, but in his mind the necklace was more important. What if he went to the bathroom and ended up stepping on it? He couldn’t risk it.
He looked under his bed and then on his bed. And then under each blanket and pillow, but he didn’t see it. But why’d he care so much? Sure it was a gift but he could just have another one made and Mark wouldn’t know the difference. But it was their necklaces, a sentimental thing to represent their friendship. But then again he’d had matching things with William or even his sister Celine and lost it, and he wasn’t nearly as bothered. What made the thing he had matching Mark so different? He didn’t know.
The mayor walked out of his room making sure to inspect every inch of his floor as he did so. He kept looking at the carpet under him as he walked into his living room, maybe it just got caught on something and he’d been too pickled to notice.
When he looked under his couch and under each table and in each drawer in his house and found everything but what he was looking for he had a pit in his stomach. Why? Why did it matter so much? He wasn’t a materialistic person by any means, a necklace didn’t determine their friendship, so why? It might have been because of how pretty it was, how kind it was to his eyes and how in certain light it glistened in a way only he noticed. Or how it was always with him when he wanted it. Or, maybe, it wasn’t the necklace that he cared so much about.
He couldn’t stop himself from tearing up a little bit from the defeat he had after looking in every nook and cranny of his house and still not finding his necklace.
On his way back to his room he tripped on the foot of his couch that he didn’t see. And there it was right in front of him. It was on him the entire time, maybe if he just put on his contacts he would’ve known. Relief didn’t wash over him like it should’ve because in that moment he realized something;
The necklace wasn’t what he loved.
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bengiyo · 1 year
Dangerous Romance Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we mostly skipped dealing with the internal fallout of Sailom experiencing extreme violence from his creditors, or seeing how he and his brother are coping, to jump to the Kanghan tutoring arc. We’ve confirmed that Kanghan has massive issues because his dad has undermined his confidence constantly by never expecting anything from him. The boys practiced their English at a tourist spot, and got chased down (for gross sex reasons) by some foreigners who were after Sailom. Kanghan thought it would be brilliant if the hid in an alley and kissed. Also, Kanghan’s friends don’t seem to know him or his interests that well. However, Sailom is going to Courage Wolf this man into believing in himself.
Look at this man lying about studying. Get his ass, grandma.
My poor boy, Chimon. Y’all know he sweats profusely. Why would y’all do him like that with that close up pan?
The grandma is at least setting reasonable expectations of Kanghan.
Interesting. That was apparently NOT the first time Sailom has been beaten up over debts. That is NOT how that scene felt at all.
I’m not sure I’m keen on a tutoring/friendship montage, but it helps that Perth and Chimon are good.
How are the candles helping them study if they’re spread across the room? Did they ask Sam’s staff to set this up?
Why are they being so heavy-handed with this windmill analogy? This feels so early!
Kanghan is such a dork. Why is his hair not inside of his helmet?
Fellas, is it gay to think about the bonding moment you had with your rival/tutor/crush in the pool when you can’t sleep the night before exams?
Chimon is good. His face dropped briefly in disappointment when he heard that Kanghan failed, and then he masked it immediately to encourage him because only failing one subject is an improvement.
Alright, but did we clear things up with the parents group chat so Sailom can go back to tutoring other people at least? I didn’t forget that Kanghan called him a sex offender.
Oh lord, not him having a secret crush on Kanghan because of the umbrella stuff.
Papang is back! We didn’t talk about much.
Here he goes again eating this dry ass steak alone. He paid $30 for this?
I don’t get all this mooning at each other. They could just talk? Do they need to act like they hate each other after all this cutesy time together?
I’m gonna need GMMTV to stop using Perth shows to swindle people into investing in crypto.
“I’m okay,” then almost busts his ass on the bathroom floor. You can’t fall in love if you ain’t clumsy amirite??
Ah, the poverty-to-sex-work pipeline begins.
Pepper is pretty, but I really hate the color of this jacket.
Now, why is Saifah spending this kind of money on dinner when they have bills piling up?
This is the first time I think a Thai show has used their penchant for potty jokes well by having Sailom eat with a man experiencing incontinence.
Well, at least this man only wanted to have dinner with him this time.
I appreciate Pimfah being tactful about trying to offer help to Sailom.
I don’t mind them wanting to use their wealth to assist Sailom, nor do I mind the grandmother putting conditions on that help. Still, I’m not feeling kind of off about the whole experience here because it feels like we dropped the antagonistic part of this rather quickly.
They’re really committed to the windmill analogy. There’s even one on the umbrella. It’s part of the design, so I’ll let it ride.
Yes, dry his hair. A BL boy will die if his hair stays wet too long.
Fellas, is it gay to make your rival/tutor/crush hold your drinks, feed you, and massage your shoulders as a break from studying?
Besties, I gotta be honest, I’m a little frustrated with this show. I’m having a hard time staying locked in on much of the drama because it seems to get resolved or forgotten at will. Perth and Chimon are good, but this is a bit difficult for me to connect to, and I find that the irritation is leading to a bit of boredom with it on Fridays.
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homogrimoire · 1 month
My submission for David for DbD's cosmetic contest! I'm not much of an artist, but i wanted to show him some love. Plus, this man needs some more pink/red in his wardrobe. Here's the description I wrote up for it and some more fum facts if you'd like:
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David King: King of Roses
Once prosperous, New Moon Roses are now but an image in a passing memory. Until now.
Head - Parasite
Near a death, the last remnant of original power took root in King, granting him elevated vitality and virility. Unfortunately, its power, even with a host, is not enough to defy the usurper. Or so it seems. The rose in his right eye and his memories will not disappear, even upon “revival.”
Torso - Rubedo
Roses also bloomed sparsely across his body and on his tattoo. Not painful, only itching sometimes. It hardly compares to the weight of remembrance, but knowing has changed him for the better. His clothing is from a lost world, one watched by the New Moon Rose.
Legs - Vox
In addition to elevated virility and vitality, his voice held a certain sway to it. It wasn't noticeable at first, subtle. Despite the many advantages it offers, King hates the control it can exert over his friends. David theorizes String Theory is at play, the sound waves of his voice affecting everything around him.
The headpeice being titled Parasite is a reference to Zero from Drakengard 3, who had The Flower parasite take root in her eye when she died, reviving her and granting her a great and terrible power
The body piece is titled Rubedo, Reddening in latin. It is the final step in the alchemical process to obtaining a philosopher's stone. represented by things such as a rose or a crowned king, and blood. [if i started this sooner, i would've given david a crown, since his last name is king, buuut i started this late and am also, once again, not much of an artist.] In psychology, rubedo is basically a unification of the self and the ego, creating a new personality, creating wholeness within a person, allowing them to see their true nature and resolve inner conflict.
The colors of the other roses also match the other alchemical processes in creating a philosopher's stone: the light creme for albedo, whitening, the darker deep red for nigredo, blackening, and the (yellowish) orange for citrinitas, yellowing.
The world refrenced in this part doesn't actually relate to any world in dbd canon. Though, i did base the design of the clothing and inspired the patters from the movie Royal Space Force: Wings of Honneamise because I wanted an otherworldly but still distinctly human look. Some inspiration is also taken from Keith Haring, a gay artist you may be familiar with.
Vox is latin for Voice. The legs aren't the best place for this title, but this is about lore more than anything lol. This is about refrence to Zero, the flower turning her into an Intoner, a "human", technically a zombie now, with powerful magic, and access to the most powerful form of magic, Song.
Lastly, since i love doing perk concepts, here's one for this outfit: Blood Tone
Blood Tone - Your gunts of pain are 100% louder. Pools of blood are brighter for you, and remain visible for an extra 3 seconds. For the next 45 seconds after you scream, or if your grunts of pain are audible, the following activates: Allies recover from negative effects 10% slower. Pools of blood within 24 meters of you grants 5% haste while not in chase, 5% for 5 seconds once every 30 seconds in chase, and recharge items by 5% for each second near a pool of blood.
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marrow-minded · 1 year
ok so like. crimsun. its how we could’ve had the “fellas is it gay to be thematic parallels” ship. how one came from such an oppressive standpoint for faunus, in SLAVERY no less, while one came from vacuo, a place almost without such prejudice(?). it’s how one’s semblance calls back to the MOON meanwhile one calls back to the SUN. it’s how they’re bull demon and monkey king. light and darkness. it’s how adam wears black but sun wears white. its how one forgives and the other despises. how one got to be what the other so desperately wanted, free. and it’s how adam, with bright blue eyes, used to gaze up at that equally blue sky. a blue sky, where likely the sun waited, too.
i could eat a fucking cushion.
the fact that sun and adam never even share a proper screen together fucking rips me apart bro it literally KILLS ME how much wasted potential there is with adam in general BUT ANYWAYS
i like dont even have to be convinced on this rarepair bc im already there I LOVE THEMMMMM like one thing about me? i love sun/moon imagery (my true weakness is angel/demon imagery but like CLOSE ENOUGH suns basically a guardian angel anyways with his "I go where I'm needed!" schtick) like if i think about adam with any sunshine boy but esp adam (or marrow) it makes me want to claw through my walls and eat the insulation until i look like this
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bornetoblood · 2 years
M-moon divorce headcanons? (°^°)/
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okay headcannon time.
I think they met while Gehrman was still new at his job. Laurence snuck into Pthumaru to get samples or something and got lost and Gehrman had to go get him.
Cus of this one-on-one time Laurence has always kinda respected Gehrman and his work as a hunter (like the other scholars and Willem are aware of how important the hunters are but they don't really... like them... cus of classism). Laurence appreciates the violence.
That's not to say Laurence doesn't view Gehrman as how useful he is- just with a neat fella also attached.
This kinda symbiotic relationship was heightened by the fact that Laurence is the only real physician at Byrgenwerth to me. So every time Gehrman gets hurt he has to go to him for help.
Cus the rest of Byrgenwerth kinda disrespects the hunters, that was why it was so easy for Laurence to sweep them up and take them with him post Fishing Hamlet and Rom Ascension. That said, I do think Gehrman and the other hunters left after Laurence of their own volition (though Gehrman was defiantly heavily swayed to go with him).
Speaking of the Hamlet they absolutely kissed over Kos' corpse and that's why they're all cursed now.
They lived together in that little Byrgenwerth-pocket under Oedon Chapel while setting up the Healing Church and the Workshop and such.
Gehrman's experience with their relationship is slowly watching someone he loves become more are more dangerous and megalomaniacal. He knows it's defiantly bad but also... kinda hot tho fr. This is compounded but the idea that Gehrman 100% believes in a lot of the Healing Church's more religious aspects. What if you were dating Jesus but were also Catholic. It's cus of this that Gehrman sticks around in the dream, it's literally not a possibility to him that Laurence could be wrong about something.
That said I don't think Gehrman took a lot of the Church's more... horrific acts lying down. He's not a great guy either but he's got a strong moral compass and I defiantly think it took some smooth talking to prevent him from going to Cainhurst and beating Logarius to death. Laurence is just very good at convincing him they're in the right (until it comes to hurting Gehrman specifically, that is).
That said, I think Laurence does care about Gehrman quite a lot. If we go off cut dialogue it seems like he's willing to halt the plans to contact Flora for his safety. That'd mean genociding Cainhurst and burning down half the city for no reason. Laurence doesn't strike me as the type of guy to just throw out impactful plays like that for no reason. And if you wanna get really into my gay little theories, Laurence's relationship with Gehrman is the most human thing about him. It represents his humanity after his death and is his drive to keep going once he starts losing it. So I think it's apt that Gehrman's the guy he's willing to waste so many lives to protect.
Gehrman is violent as a job but generally dislikes bloodshed if it doesn't have a purpose. Laurence is willing to bullshit purposes for the sake of bloodshed. They get along great.
Okay, so we can infer from Viola's brooch that hunters give their partners bloodgem-jewellery as some sort of romantic gesture. The... the Vicar pendant is a bloodgem...
Equally heart-wrenching to me is the idea that Gehrman did leave a physical body behind after he got moon'd. Laurence tried his best to look after it but that got too hard for him eventually. The sick fic that never ends and never gets better!!!! (Lozza also starts wearing Gehrman's scarf post-divorce).
Their relationship is, overall, complicated. Especially near the tail-end, they fought a lot over what was best for the city and the fact that Gehrman wasn't leaving the workshop out of being too sad.
That said I feel like if you kill god with a person and they come to represent the things about you that tie you to humanity, you gotta love 'em.
Gehrman in the events of the game would do literally anything to see the awful little Vicar again believe me. Flora shapeshifts into him sometimes to try and cheer the guy up but it really doesn't work.
Okay, thank you for listening! They make each other so much worse ❣️❣️❣️
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livikattt · 2 years
now I'll never be the same
hi I've returned from my official unofficial break to present to you now I'll never be the same, my latest Creation, featuring Viper, Meiko, Jiejie, and a whole clown car of other characters that may or may not be relevant. Oh, and Viego.
haha, funny, writing about moon boi on lunar new year, yes, thats me, comedy genius of the year
dedicated to @aryasage because... it's viper and meiko. aryasage is the whole reason this story was written. arya is actually the reason why ANY of these stories were written past "it's time for a new empire", so you know who to thank for that.
possible next fics include:
the adventures of scout and showmaker (as hinted to earlier)
5 stupid idiots who are all unsuited for stealth missions for various reasons go on a stealth mission and of course shenanigans ensue
ruination station part 2
fellas is it gay to sit with your best friend who can turn into a lion and look at the stars? NO. NO IT FUCKING ISN'T. IN THIS HOUSE WE DO HEALTHY PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS.
an actual update to the TSM fic that would give some more context (which isn't technically a new fic but I'll put it here anyway)
jackeylove's solo fic because i Can
faker backstory that I 100% already know and have planned because I am such a meticulous author who lays everything out in advance yes that's me
rekkles fic that I wrote during the power outage except probably not because I fear the EU fandom more than any other (it's a close competition though)
thats all thanks for reading
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maguro13-2 · 8 months
Haruka : Come on, guys. It's Jan 27 and it's my birthday for a superhero to celebrate. But we don't have a birthday cake to celebrate.
Michiru : Look, Haruka. As a superhero and as a cousin that you totally sleep with, I'm sure that the cake will arrive soon. You got friends that are called the Sailor Scouts and we fight the evil, saving lives and stuff for the galaxy or the universe. After all, we Superheroes of Japan are named after the Gods where the planets were namesaken, and of course, Pluto, who was in this.
Setsuna : Hey, don't get me on the wrong idea, fellas. Back in the 06, those science assholes had me thrown out of the planet list and I had to comeback from the Underworld to get my payback! I'm still a superhero and that's exactly what I needed from the Romans to hear about it! Oh by the way, the name for Pluto is also the name of Mickey's dog and same goes to the Robot. At least we wanted to be all cool as planets. After all, I'm sure Haumea's a planet as well.
Haumea : Uh, no way! I'm named after a Hawaiian goddess of fertility! Meaning that I like to give birth to children!
Michiru : Gross. Michiru, (scoffs) Of course we're cousins in this Sailor Moon LARP, but we're still girls and that's what exactly we do for each other, caring each others and fighting off the evil is such a pain for us to have these horde of nerdy fans of us are trying to think that we don't work as an incest couple to think that were gay. You just gotta get a little more attention just to see with in the blink of an eye. That's how I felt when we Super heroes got our names from the gods of roman itself! Astrology and mythology can't mix when there are no superheroes in this country.
Haruka : That must be the delivery guy for the cake.
*Door opens*
Haruka : Who is it?
Me : Door Dash delivery! Are you Haruka that is the sailor senshi Superhero Sailor Uranus?
Haruka : Yeah, that's me.
Me : (as a delivery person) Well I got you a special delivery for a superhero for a special birthday! (Gives a birthday present to Haruka)
Haruka : Wow! Thank you so much sir. I would appreciate this gift to Michiru! It would be a pleasure of celebrating my birthday. And here's my pay! Put it on my tab! Thank goodness it's not Grubhub.
*door closes*
Haruka : Alright, Birthday girl. Time to show me what this birthday present can be. (unwraps present to reveal a birthday cake) Huh? A birthday cake? "Happy Birthday to our favorite Superhero, Sailor Uranus". That's a little bit odd for my birthday to have me as their favorite superhero that isn't a guy. But it's good that I have myself a birthday cake. Hope everyone will like it! And then we will--- *sniffng* Wait. What's that hissing sound that the candles are sparking over the birthday cake? Wait a minute. Candles don't hiss when there's some kind of explosives that are filled within this...(realizing) Oh crap. Those aren't candles! (it is revealed that the birthday candles are explosives) This is why I hate pranks for my birthday. What's the worse thing that could happen to us, Sailor scouts, in the first place? Am I paid enough for these silly cartoon jokes that don't understand.
Michiru : Hey, cousin. Me and the other Sailor Scouts would like to gather to celebrate your birthday. And by the way, we finished the-*KABOOM!*
(we later show the Sailor Scouts are now in Other World after they dies in an explosion, with halos over their head)
Usagi : Way to go, Michiru! Scratch that! Good job, Ur-anus! You just had make the Sailor Scouts to celebrate your birthday by being gifted for the cake that contains explosive pranks.
Minako : Nice birthday party, Michiru! We all got caught in the explosion, thanks to one of their stupid pranks!
Setsuna : Guess it wasn't my fault this time! You just wanted us to celebrate your birthday! This is just too ridiculous! By the way, why are we in the Other World to celebrate in the Other World?
Haruko : Just a special occasion.
Usagi : I'm getting my nerves to have this birthday crap going over my head. At least everyone wanted celebrate my birthday on the moon.
Piccolo : I blew it up, ya nerd! It was making Gohan to turn into a giant ape and I had to destroy before it came back and turned Gohan into that ape twice per episode! Vegeta had a fake one that he made, son't don't ask why!
Usagi : Well, thank you for noticing that. If every fan on earth would like to celebrate a Sailor Scout's birthday, bring us a Birthday Cake that does not contains explosives. But yelling like this is kinda awkward! Could we talk in person later!
Piccolo : I still got time on King Kai's planet before I was brought into Namek by Gohan for the exchange being revived from the Namekian Dragon Balls. (Realizing) Oh sh*t! I forgot, granting a wish from the Namekian Dragon will make the Grand Namekian Elder go pass from a--*POP!*
Usagi : Well, that's the problem if I wanted to celebrate a person's birthday, It's on me for that matters. Speaking of matters, when will I gonna turn into a ape one day. (Tail swipe) Oh...That! (transforms into a Oozaru Ape)
Rei : I guess we can reconsider our own birthdays on earth again.
Minako : Agreed!
Ami : Indeed!
Makoto : I stand corrected!
*imaginary scenario ends*
Usagi : And that's the reason that we stars of Toei would like to celebrate our own birthdays and not just stuff that will make things go explode and go to the Next Dimension, including your friends of course!
Goku : Do you'll ever think that celebrating my birthday is great. My cake doesn't contain explosives. Same goes luffy.
Luffy : (holding the cake with explosives) Hey, guys. What parts about the stuff that-*KABOOM!*
Luffy : (covered in ashes) Sorry for destroying your place, Usagi. You sure don't want me to get you another cake for your birthday?
Usagi : (in a goofy voice) That's it. I'm gonna find me a place to stay in till my place get fixed. At least I won't celebrate another Sailor Scouts' birthday for a singular year. Have at it, chumps. At least it's our birthday to celebrate for all superheroes! *DBZ SFX : COLLAPSES*
Goku : We should cover the damages from the stuff we did.
Luffy : Goo idea. Let's just walk away slowly and...
Usagi : Oh no. You two aren't going anywhere. I got a better idea that will help me to cover my insurance!
(scene later transits to show the boys as waiters at Usagi's mansion, where Usagi and the Sailor scouts are casual nudists layin on the chairs)
Luffy : Here's your sparkling lemonade, ma'am.
Usagi : Thank you.
Goku : Oh man, I really hate this part. Can I please put my clothes back on? I gotta get back to Master Roshi's and--(Usagi and the girls pull out their wands) R-Right away! I'll get more sparkling lemonade for the scouts! *ZOOM!*
Luffy : Hey! Wait for me! *ZOOM!*
Usagi : Yep. You were right, guys. Being a Superhero is what we mean life in Japan. And we superheroes are just a bunch of rich fellas with no clothes on. Birthday Suits rule!
All : To us!
Usagi : Yep. Being a nudist instead of a Superhero is the best!
[Iris Shot]
Haruka : At least, we still have each other Sailor Rich scouts. I always get that right.
[Iris out]
~ Happy Birthday Sailor Uranus! ~
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