#fellswap gold headcanon
All skeletons
All skeletons can purr, they have the physical capacity to do it. Do they want to though?
Undertale Sans - He usually has a very good control on his purring and it's extremely rare you hear it. One way to make him purr is by petting his head while he's deep asleep. But he's rarely deep asleep and all the other times he might just stare at you in confusion lol.
Undertale Papyrus - Too much praise. It's rare though as Papyrus never lacks praises, but sometimes too many praises are too much and he blushes, purring loudly. He hates it though.
Underswap Sans - It's extremely rare and only when he's so happy he loses complete control of himself. His purr is also very low so it's hard to tell he is purring.
Underswap Papyrus - He's a big purrer and he doesn't hide it. When he's happy, he likes to show it. His purr is not that loud so it's hard to tell when he is, but he is, often.
Underfell Sans - Only in private and when he feels really really safe with his S/O. He doesn't want anyone else to know he can purr, think of his reputation.
Underfell Papyrus - Even though he will act like that never happened, Edge can sometimes purr when you're flirting with him. It's never for long though as he's very self-conscious about it and will do all he can to hide it, including throwing you by the window.
Horrortale Sans - He's not purring, he's making tractor noises. Oak purrs for all sorts of things, very loudly. When he wants attention, when he gets attention, when he's happy when you looked his way for two seconds... He's not hiding it. He purrs so loud that sometimes his brother has to take you to another room to have peace lol.
Horrortale Papyrus - Even though he hates it, his body instinctively mimics his brother's purr sometimes lol. He has no control over it and it makes him curse every time because he doesn't know how to stop it???
Horrorfell Sans - Only when he worried and you start petting him. It helps him to calm down. He's not purring other than that.
Horrorfell Papyrus - When you praise him, it can happen. But he immediately starts to cough to hide it because, duh, of course, he doesn't purr what are you imagining?
Horrorswap Sans - It might happen once or twice when he feels very comfortable, but other than that, he's not purring. He has other ways of showing affection.
Horrorswap Papyrus - That's one of the last sounds he can make without his jaw so he will certainly use it as often as he can. It's his way of saying "I'm fine today". It can be more or less loud with what he's trying to say.
Swapfell Sans - He can sometimes purr in his sleep, but that's his max lol. Don't you ever call him out on this because he will bite you and fight you.
Swapfell Papyrus - He purrs when he's flirty. It makes his voice more cavernous and sexy. Well, he thinks at least. It's not working that much in reality lol.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He can purr but you'll never catch him alive. Maybe one time in a coma, but that's all lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He has a low purr for long cuddle sessions. It means he feels very safe and happy right now, which is actually not that hard.
Outertale Sans - It can happen when he feels a bit lonely. It helps to soothe himself. Moon has a bit of separation anxiety.
Outertale Papyrus - He's purring to make the children he's looking after sleep for their nap. It's working really well!
Dancetale Sans - Only when he's half asleep on your lap and you pet his head to make him sleep.
Dancetale Papyrus - He purrs rarely, but it can happen once or twice when he's really excited and happy. He's self-conscious about it though and quickly grasps a hold of himself so no one notices.
Dancefell Sans - He doesn't purr often, but not rarely either. He loves having attention and he's favorite things ever is the shower of kisses. He starts to purr hard when it happens.
Dancefell Papyrus - He purrs very rarely, mainly when he's having a very good time.
Farmtale Sans - He can purr. But you'll never catch him alive either. He's a very secretive guy. Maybe after a few years of deep relationships, but it will be a one-time experience.
Farmtale Papyrus - He purrs rarely, he's too shy to assume it. Usually, it happens for ten seconds and then he stops himself and blushes deeply. He might do it longer if he's really comfortable around you.
Mafiatale Sans - He has a spot on his neck that activates the purring. He hides it really well though so good luck to find it.
Mafiatale Papyrus - Nah, he's not going to show you. You can barely see any expression from him in the first place, so a purr? Never.
Mafiafell Sans - He only purrs when he's with his dogs. He loves his dogs. You're not sure if you should be offended or not.
Mafiafell Papyrus - He never purrs except in bed with his S/O while he's... You know.
Ink - He doesn't have enough focus to relax and purr, sorry. His brain is working 200% every second of his life so no time for purring.
Error - He only purrs when he's eating chocolate. He never eats chocolate in front of anyone so chances are you're never hearing him purr.
Disbelief Papyrus - Like Papyrus, intense praising is what send him into purring mode. He's resisting better to your attacks though, so it's harder to get him.
Killer Sans - He's purring when you're praising him. It's not that hard. He likes attention. He likes attention so much he won't let you go before two hours so you can continue praising him.
Dustale Sans - Uh... He purrs randomly, mostly at times he's staring at you intensely without blinking like he's going to hunt you down. It's not cute, it's scary.
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ratsoh-writes · 5 months
After skele rocks his s/o's world in the bedroom, and he/she follows them around like a puppy with dreamy eyes, nuzzles and constant little touches
Uhhh ut, uf, hf, ht, annnnndddd fs gold
Shdhdhdh under the cut for mentions of sexy times obviously
Sans: well sans is well known for not being a high energy monster. There isn’t much to follow since normally he conks out once he and SO finish lol. SO can get their nuzzles in through a cuddly nap. If he’s somehow still awake and gets to see SOs dreamy eyes, you’ll have quite the bashful bonefriend on your hands.
Papyrus: honestly same. Papyrus gets some serious post nut bouts of affection as well and will be equally nuzzly with his beautiful sexy thoughtful cuddly great smelling datemate! He’s chatty, and as SO follows him around, he’s singing their praises
Oak: oh he’s gone. Doing the horizontal tango with his SO works better on oak than any sleeping pill ever could. This boy is deep into slumberland right now. But there is a silver lining, oak tends to hold onto things in his sleep. Usually it’s just the blankets, but if SO positions themselves right, they’ll get to be a very comfy little spoon.
Red: yall red is a total horn dog. If SOs gonna give him all that affection right after the nasty, you can guarentee he’s aiming for a round 2. Or maybe a round 3 if SO can handle it ;). ….. no round 4. He’s not Superman lol. After that round 3 red is pretty much in the same state as SO now.
Edge: oh this strokes his ego so much. He’s preening at the proof that edge is the best lover! Of course his SO keeps sending him those loving looks! He did his datemately duty of making their life even better! He deserves a reward! Edge demands more nuzzles!
Rust: sadly he doesn’t have the stamina of his non-famine counterpart. Rust goes in for a brief round 2 and is pretty much done with life for the day. SO now has a tired and slightly achy, but affectionate and pleased datemate. At least with how sweet SO is, he’s sure he’s doing a good job.
Noir: oh he’s glad SO is so easy to read afterwards. With his limited.. mobility, sometimes he worries he doesn’t do enough to please them. A SO like this is very reassuring for noir. He indulges their nuzzles with lots of smooches in return.
Wine: and rock SOs world he did. Wine is one of the rougher skeletons in bed, so he’s rather impressed SO isn’t taking a snooze right now. He did give them a workout after all lol. Wine goes about his day with a soft smile, enjoying SOs antics. Sometimes when things are quiet, he’ll give SO a smooch and a teasing promise for more later ;)
Coffee: oh jeez, you’re killing him SO! The easiest way to turn coffee on is through praise or attention. He likes having his ego stroked lol. Coffee is so frustrated right now, and wishing he was a lust monster so he could act on what he wants to do again. Alas though! He’s been through exhausted for the day! He’ll have to settle with a lot of aggressive smooches until SO gets their brains back.
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may i have some headcanons? S/O is a big big fan of "strange" animals, specifically bugs and fish, and enjoys going on hikes and swimming to find different species. how would the skeletons react? for ut papyrus, us bros, uf sans, sfp papyrus, fsr papyrus, and fsg papyrus, please! (can you tell i really like the papyri lmao)
if the above is too long of a prompt, how would the above skeletons react to an S/O who has bug terrariums?
I love bugs and have known to catch moths and spiders when my family is too scared of them(I've also caught and released mice but that's a story for another time). Also, the Papyri are the best, they're just so cute, no matter the AU 🤭.
Papyrus : Oh! So you want him to go bonkers! He can deal with fish(after all, he's best friend with one), he can deal with cats and dogs and everything else, but bugs? Why's it got to be bugs? You can gently push him into a weird-animal-loving perspective by showing him the pretty moths and playful lizards, but good luck getting him to hold a spider or a millipede.
Cobalt : Woah, those are so cool! Can he hold one? He seems interested at first... until he feels their little legs trailing up his bones. With all of those tiny feet speeding up his arm and latching onto him for balance, Blue is instantly disinterested. He'll love them from afar.
Honey : He likes taking you places to go find said animals, even if he naps in the car the whole time. Hey, Y/N, go place a bug on his chest. Cue the loud screeching followed by falling out of the car.
Red : Surprisingly, he's more into it than you, which is odd because usually he only acts like it even though he's scared of his shadow half of the time. He points out lizards that were too quick for your eye, camouflaged bugs hiding in trees, and the odd fish out in the water.
Rus : Lizards, insects, spiders?! You're almost perfect for him! Even though he's usually too lazy to pick his fatass up off his bed or the couch- if you tell him you're going hunting for little guys, he's on your heels. He wants to go, please? His hands grab your shirt everytime he notices you going near the door while holding a small container. Where are you going, s/o? He's wants to come too.
Pup + Coffee : Unless it has four legs and is fluffy, Pup wants nothing to do with it. I'm sorry, but he's not the best fit for this one, and neither is Coffee. Coffee is more willing to let your stickbug hang out on his finger, but Pup freaks out at the sight of a ladybug or a butterfly. For someone who's supposed to be your scary guard dog, Pup sure is a wuss.
As for the terrariums, almost all of them would be chill with them. Until you ask where Fluffy the tarantula went, the sound of a skeleton freaking out over your 8-legged friend being somewhere in the house. Whether the worry is for themselves or the spider, that's for you to figure out.
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(I'm not sure if you've answered an ask similar to this previously but)
What is the FSG boys "type" when looking for an S/O? And what changes with the boys personalities whenever they start developing feelings, like going from a "friend" to a "crush" to an S/O?
(Don't think I have, friend, you're in luck!)
A friend? Oh no, that's my crush :)
Wine (FSG Sans): His ideal type is a little,,,, difficult to point out. He's never really taken the opportunity to mull over it like others do as he was always focused on his job, on his life mainly when he was in the underground. It takes him a bit to really decide what is his "type". But once he does, it's not all that surprising.
Or is it?
Wine would fancy someone who knows how to hold their own, someone who's got a little spunk and is very witty. He'd also like someone who's very sure of what they're doing and level headed, but it's not a deal-breaker for him if you're someone who's a bit more shy and mousy, he finds it all alluring once you've completely and utterly charmed him. How to do that is a whole other ball game, however.
There's a way to figure out if Wine sees you as a friend or as a "friend" is the way he talks about you to others (mostly Coffee, though, he knows ALLL the tea) so if Wine let's you hang around his younger brother without him being there, you're definitely in his good books. With his close friends, Wine likes to treat them with nice things, or would take them along with him for whatever he's got planned that day. You also will see that he's more talkative, even if he can be rather sassy sometimes.
When he's got feelings for you, man, it's like Cupid struck him hard. He'd start to call you the sweetest nicknames, and although his face doesn't reveal much, his voice sounds just a tad softer when he calls out to you, that little bit of gentleness reserved for you and only you. He'd be more inclined to give you gifts that you can actually use or store away as he hopes you will always remember him when you look at it.
Coffee (FSG Papyrus): Doesn't have much of a type, honestly. If you asked him, he'd probably list out the most basic things in people (Nice, sweet, etc, etc). It's not that he doesn't care or doesn't find anyone attractive. Rather, his priority is never love or being in a relationship but it's not hard to have him fall for you, quality time is the way to go with him, honestly.
He doesn't change all that much when he's around a friend, perhaps a bit more relaxed rather than his usual, closed off self. But give him a bit of time (and the right topic) and you'll see that shell of his start to break and go on long spiels of what type of music he likes and the process of creating music and the tools in excruciating detail. You also will notice that he likes to send you random pictures throughout the day or message you at the quiet hours of the night.
And if you listen closely enough, maybe, you can even hear him laugh at the horrid pun you just made.
If he's got feelings for you, the first thing you'll notice just how quick he is to tense up around you. It's like you're sent back to square one, really. Perhaps it's not all that bad when you begin to spot little letters left for you, and it starts out fairly innocent, mundane compliments that soon get a little more braver and more specific, stuff like how much he likes being around you, or how you have a really nice laugh, it makes him feel.. Good to hear it.
He's not the most obvious but he certainly tries as he does value the friendship you guys have and the main thing is that it's because of you, as long you're around, that's what makes him happy.
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vrnicky · 8 months
Finally... I present thee
All Jobs!
Sans- college teacher, science
Papyrus- carpenter (hobby) and architect
Blue- cop
Miere- muffet's bakery cashier
Rojo- mechanic
Cap/tain- chef and also culinary teacher
Orion- works in the planetarium but is also a sustitute teacher
Perseo- cop
Atlas- waiter in different restaurants
Orbit- secretary of the boss of the casino
Meteor- writes books, hides his image tho
Sirius- police officer
Zen- works in a restaurant, he makes the meals
Max- works in a restaurant, he makes the dessert
Odiseo- mechanic but more in the area of fixing bikes for people with disabilities
Hator- from home translator
Loan- works in the same restaurant as Zen and Max, he makes the meals
Nayer- works in the same restaurant as Zen and Max, he makes the desserts.
Azrael- library’s receptionist and translator
Deus- owner of the library, also the one to organize everything, books from his universe
Angelus- vet
Daimon- not a vet but works with Angelus, calming the pets
Astarte- blacksmith
Morpheo- cashier in a coffee shop
Bonnie- works in a casino, either guard or with paperwork
Clyde- doesn't have a main job in the casino
Shark- hitman
Gorilla- matón/bruiser
Patrone- security guard of the casino
Chief- head of the casino along the royals
Devonte- informant to the royals
Sargent- security guard of Iron, ex-mafia member
Wine- makes clothes, often in Black's store but makes his own designs
Coffee/Cofi- freelance artist, webtoon artist
Berry- lawyer
Money- candle maker
Black- manager of fashion store, mind behind the designs
Slim- fashion store, jewelry
Edan- daycare
Hans- animal shelter
Butcher- works at an antique shop as an employee by a nice old lady
Twister- doesn't work
Disco- dance studio, teaching kpop sometimes (forced)
Tango- dance studio, teacher of more traditional dances
Swing- waiter in a cafeteria
Regga- works in a dance school and as a DJ in the weekends
Caramel- owner of a bakery
Sweet- waiter or Caramel’s bakery
Vino- full-time model
Cappuccino- full-time artist, sometimes anonymous modeling
Lur- owner of the market in the farm district
Farren- he harvest everything for the market while also taking care of his animals
Vega- mailman of the neighborhood and carpenter
Carrot- beekeeper
Nicte- foreman
Balam- horse tamer but also a furtive hunter
Garo- forestry and floriculture
Bosco- woodcutter
Sugar- vet
Cherry- doctor
Lemon- dog herd
Lime- soil and plant scientist
CC- agricultural engineer
PJ- winemaker
Gent- General surgeon
Lupin- college teacher, physicist
Aloe- head of the department of chemistry
Lion- mathematician
Cempa/súchil- Quantum control, annealing and computing. Mathematician.
Velvet- Fashion and interior design (hobby). Nature preserve ranger.
Allen- flower shop
Bliss- freelance painter
Nolan- in the police as a detective
Eros- model
Phew, long text
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ysmirall · 6 months
For my undertale asks, a guide for the skellies names;
Undertale Sans Papyrus
Underswap Blue Stretch
Underfell Red Edge
Swapfell red Rasp Rus
Swapfell gold Wine Coffee
Swapfell silver Gold & Scandal Silver
Horrortale Axe Sugar
??? Ink
??? Error
All of them have nicknames they get either called by their brother or an other sceleton. But the names that are listet above are the once they use as 'offical names' .
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skeletonlvr22 · 1 month
to see the mess you've made - Chapter 10 - Something Good
When Coffee was small, still in stripes with his thumb in his mouth, he would get the overwhelming urge to run away. He can't recall why, really. Despite knowing the rules that his mother had given him, one day, he ran. His brother ended up finding him an hour later, sobbing silently as he wandered, lost, in the snowy woods surrounding Snowdin. Wine, barely a teenager at the time, had dragged him back home.
The feeling never dissipated, though. If anything, it worsened. And growing up underground, there isn't really anywhere to run, anyway.
On the day of his mother's remembrance ceremony, when he was 10, the itch got worse. Yet, he didn't run and let it simmer as he stood, empty, next to his brother, staring down at the urn.
Over the next few hundred years, as Coffee grew older, the itch never went away. When the resets started, the itch got unbearable. Yet, with nowhere to run, stuck in that damned cave, he remained.
Then, he and his brother were sucked into a different universe. A kinder universe. One where Wine wasn't Captain, Coffee wasn't a soldier, and the sun was in the sky. And with the sun hung freely in the sky, Coffee suddenly had everywhere to run.
Or: Coffee acquires a bus, a brochure, and a reason to leave Ebott so, naturally, he does. Maybe he'll find something more beyond cavern walls, universal mishaps, and his brother's suffocating reach.
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unknownchoatic · 4 months
thinking about how a lot of people draw Wine (fellswap gold sans) with a cane. and like its used as kinda a status symbol, but also new idea that he walks with a cane to help reduce/stabilize the chronic pain.
and most people are like “oh look he’s carrying a weapon while also its not a weapon” or like “wow status! mobility aids are expensive” and its kinda like Wine just wants to look cool
but really he’s just chronically in pain but has to hide it- yk cause underfell aud
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Coffee Serrif
Does it really matter? No, but that doesn't mean that you're safe from his ever watching eyes
*FS!Gold Papyrus has said enough
- Official height is 6'4
- He/They
- Selectively mute
- Would play the Drums
- An artist, he has a box filled with old sketchbooks and still gets more even now. His favorite is using charcoal
- Consumes Whipped Cream
- Feels insecure in his friendships, since he doesn't only struggle socializing, but he isn't sure when someone actually is sincere with their interest
- Good friends with Rus, Stretch, and Cash
- Grows bashful from praise, he can't handle it
- Empathetic, kind, open minded, creative, timid, passive, intuitive, will avoid fights, pessimistic, impatient, reserved, and sensitive
- A cat person, he's a hub for them
- Video game expert genius. Would be excellent if you handed him a new game and controller
- Uses notes to communicate, if he talks he stutters and messes up frequently
- Curses rarely, only a handful of times
- A master sharpshooter who was taught by Wine
- Loves coffee drowned with whipped cream and caramel
- Likes chocolate, loves dark chocolate the most though or caramel chocolate
- Loves eating rye bread
- Once close with someone, he adores physical affection and is clingy
- Doesn't admit his frustration when Wine constantly tries to do everything for him, since he likes to do things on his own sometimes
- Grew to see Razz, Carmine, and Powder as role models overtime
- Knows sign language
- Wears gloves due to his sensitivity
- Stims with his hands
- Doesn't smoke often, but he uses matches when he does
- magic smells like hazelnut, magic tastes like toffee
- A soft romantic
- Prefers handshakes
- likes Hello Kitty, his favorite character is Choco
- Calls Chara "Kitty" because they're small and remind him of a cat (it's fucking cute bro)
- Cries vary in quality often, he cries a lot
- Would call his lover peaches
- He doesn't seem like it, but he's physically pretty agile and strong. He gets irritated when he's belittled
- Sometimes, when frustrated, he'll actively ignore someone or throw something to get them to shut up
- He can't be bothered with doing a lot of things, such as drinking or partying
- He loves any sort of video games and is an excellent gamer. The moment someone shows interest, he'd have to be reassured that he's not talking too much
- He's curious of humans, but he doesn't blindly trust them
- He doesn't judge others and often is a silent observer to figure out his opinion of them
- He has very acute senses, and he'll dodge drama as soon as it's present. He slips away with whoever he's spending time with easily
- When meeting Chara, he had a piece of paper with a smiling face as he was overly friendly as he joked how to greet another human despite his terrifying aura
- Very internet savvy, he's dangerous since he can hack into anything for information
- Like every swapfell variant of Papyri, he loves fast food
- He can be very mischievous, him and Rus are very slick with their pranks
- his hoodie changes what it says based off what he's feeling
- He has a black list which is to identify who is considered an enemy and who he watches. You do not want to be on that
- He visits multiple locations, but when he's in public he usually stalks around the corners without feeling the need to say something
- He's very well educated and can be seen reading up on mechanical engineering, he gave up working on the machine however
- He doesn't remember Gaster, except for faint sensations and memories in his dreams. They're never pleasant
- He doesn't actually like the Queen, but he works for her and knows how to behave in her presence
- He always has a hood or something on his head, he doesn't like it being bare
- His eyelights don't frequently light up unless he is surprised or feeling an intense emotion, such as crying or getting flustered. His magic is much smoother(?) in appearance and yet can feel more intense
Closing Notes: i honestly want to flesh him out more than what I have for him. He's fun and I love his character, this might be updated or something since he's just sooooooo- OURGH
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When Skeleton does something too mean or bad S/O will wrap them up in a blanket burrito as a punishment. The blanket burritos are inescapable. All main boys except for Willow I don't want to hurt him
Undertale Sans - He's giggling the whole time, not regretting anything for even one second. He accepts the punishment as you're obviously encouraging him to nap. He lets you deal with Papyrus once he gets home to explain to him why he's sleeping instead of doing the dishes.
Undertale Papyrus - He's pouting in his burrito. You're ruining his routine and he's mad. Now he's late and he's going to have to do things twice as fast to recover. Please let him go, he's begging you! That's not funny, how did you even manage to make it impossible to escape? It's a blanket, not one of his elaborate traps!
Underswap Sans - He's struggling, growling, and rolling on the ground in his burrito, trying to free himself. It was funny for the first two minutes, but now he's losing his mind because he hates staying still for more than two minutes. You're laughing at his misery but do nothing to free him.
Underswap Papyrus - That's fine. He gives you the sad pathetic puppy eyes and waits for you to break down. Eventually, it works, only for him to betray you by immediately lunging at you to give you a taste of your own medicine. Now you're the one stuck in the burrito, and unlike you, Honey is very patient and not too much in a hurry to free you.
Underfell Sans - He makes annoying noises with his mouth to piss you off, smiling like a shark in his ridiculous blanket burrito. He's never going to stop. You can try to flee, he's going to teleport right behind you to continue to annoy you. You better let him go fast or he's going to do it even louder.
Underfell Papyrus - You want to annoy him? Good, he can do that too. Edge is screaming. Just screaming. Nonstop. Very loudly. He's going to ruin your day, and won't hesitate to puncture your eardrums if you dare to ignore him. Think of the neighbors, they're definitely going to call the police on you if you don't do something. Edge knows he has already won. You just don't know it yet.
Horrortale Sans - He whines. Not too loudly, but just enough to be annoying. If it doesn't work, he just falls silent, staring at you with sad begging eyes. He can even cry to make you feel bad. As soon as you free him though, he switches back to normal mode, like nothing happened, and you understand he manipulated you, fake crying and everything. He has no regret.
Horrortale Papyrus - He knows really well he can escape your death burrito thanks to his back problem so he teases his brother when he is stuck inside one. You swear they're children sometimes.
Swapfell Sans - Well that's fair. He accepts his defeat. You win this fight for now. But not the war. As soon as he's free, he goes back to his room, throws a blanket from the stairs and your pillow, and locks the door. You're sleeping on the couch tonight as he's pouting all night like a child.
Swapfell Papyrus - Oh come on! That's not funny. He's trading his freedom against date ideas. Don't you want to go to Disneyland? He can take you to Disneyland! Or to the mountain! Or to the dump if you want! Please let him out of this horrible prison!
Fellswap Gold Sans - He's displeased. How dare you put the mighty and terrible general of the royal guard in such a humiliating position. He keeps taunting you, asking you to fight him like a real warrior instead of hiding like a coward in the kitchen. You think he can't see you? And he swears if you take one more photo he's going to get really mad and you really are not going to like what's next! You challenged him to come at you. He gives you a death stare, so angry, as he desperately tries to free himself. You better find a way out of this country before he manages to find a way out of this.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Oh well. Since he can't move and that he's comfortable, why struggle against it? Coffee simply falls asleep there. His brother passes by and says he can't believe he got caught this easily. If it was him, it would have never happened. Clearly, he's W E A K. He doesn't see you standing right behind him with a second blanket. Wine doesn't know it yet, but he's already a blanket burrito.
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ratsoh-writes · 2 months
Maybe do an updated version of the introvert vs. extrovert list ask in masterlist 2, but with all the skeles?
Alright. *breaks fingers* let’s do this!!
Introverts: honey basil red rust lord mutt coffee butler gold Pluto Helios peaches ram pitch moose quill harpy papaya sails Alden barin saga snipe slim pop tempo green lens cricket tinker partner rowdy
Extroverts: papyrus Star willow lilac edge noir mal cash charm sugar sparks lush sir Flambe pesto Jupiter orion barley crow roost mango fisher Jasper Finn hook captain silex Ollivander arwin Hilda bruiser butch boss rhythm vibrato gears zen thistle yarrow
Ambiverts: sans oak wine salt pepper weasel atlas Artemis rancher cider maple Pearl ace G compass taffy pudding stitches shield
Longer answers: under the cut cause it’s a long fkn list
Sans: he truly is fine with or without company. Simply put sans is just too lazy to care. While he does value his privacy, that’s more in the lines of what his thoughts are. Sans doesn’t give out his true intentions easily. And he can keep being a secretive little jokester in the privacy of his own home, or surrounded by friends. It doesn’t make a difference to him.
Papyrus (and willow): papyrus loves people! He thrives on being surrounded by other happy faces. When he’s alone too long, his more anxious thoughts start turning creep in, so having friends or just any people around is always preferable.
Star (and lilac): he’s an extrovert cause it’s a lot easier to have fun with others than by yourself. Daily tasks just don’t hit as hard without commentary from other people to fill the silence. Star hates silence lol
Honey (and basil): he’s an introvert cause people are scary. It takes a while for him to get comfortable. Therefore it’s just easier to have his me time by himself.
Red (and rust): introvert. He doesn’t like people. And he’s territorial and likes his space. There’s really nothing deep to it
Edge (and noir): extrovert. The best work is done with a proper team and edge prefers his allies around him. He’s learned over the years that just life is simply more.. enjoyable with others, even if they sometimes hold him back he feels
Oak: while he and sans are both ambiverts, it’s for entirely different reasons. Oak simply can’t be introverted. It’s not safe for him to be along long times with his memory. And his perception of time is trash, so he gets nervous if he’s alone too long. But at the same time he would really rather not be always surrounded you know?
Mal: extrovert obviously. Come on, this gossip queen can be nothing else! After all you need many friends in order to get good tea~
Cash: he loves his besties, and causing chaos is always better in groups. You need people to take the blame with you after all lol. Cash prefers having company, mostly of very close friends, but he’ll take others too. He’s pretty extroverted
Lord: he’s a total introvert. He’s only happy to be around a small handful of special people all day, and even then he still needs breaks from them periodically lol
Mutt: he was an extrovert before his LV sickness, but his inability to connect has made him loose his taste for always wanting companionship, so he’s more introvert these days. Unless it’s the right person that is…
Wine: he quite likes lazy days alone, but he equally loves outings with groups. Wine just lets the day take him wherever it may go with no real preference. So ambivert
Coffee: total introvert. He doesn’t like people, and when he is actually in the mood to socialize, it’s for a very limited time frame lol.
Pluto: he’s such a little introvert. He has to get himself psyched up for a day beforehand first when he knows he’ll be in a group larger than four for a few hours. Pluto is perfectly happy spending his days researching alone instead
Jupiter: sports are better with teammates so 100% extrovert.
Orion: his lazy devil may care personality is deceiving. Orion thrives in company, he craves interaction. He’s the guy who will look at a complete stranger and go up to them to get their life story. Total extrovert
Atlas is an ambivert because while he can enjoy company, he doesn’t necessarily need it. He just needs adventure and gossip. It doesn’t have to come from a face to face source, but it doesn’t have to be alone to be enjoyable either
Helios: while he has a great stage face, that’s all it is, a fake face. Helios never liked the spotlight, it’s just another thing he endures so he can stay in the fight. He’d much rather be chilling alone in his Snuggie than dealing with people all the time
Artemis: she’d have been extroverted if she hadn’t been shut away in a hospital room for most of her life. Artemis is used to being alone, but she also loves interaction
Charm: he hates being alone with his thoughts. The brain is cold and hard, other peoples beds are soft and warm~ extrovert
Sugar: he just loves everybody! Of course he wants to hang out!! Total extrovert. If anyone argues otherwise they don’t know sugar at all
Sparks: I could repeat sugars answer and you have sparks pretty much. He loves everyone! Extrovert!
Salt: he’s ambivert as he likes people, but he likes his own space too. He needs a healthy balance of both to feel fulfilled
Lush: he’s a tragic extrovert. Lush craves companionship and company, but finds it very hard to make said friends that fufills that. So he pretends it doesn’t matter when it very much does. Please be friends with him!
Pepper: he’s incredibly picky about the company he keeps, and honestly doesn’t care if that means a few days alone or not. Pepper can entertain himself. But he does throughly love hanging out whenever with the ones he deems worthy. Ambivert
Sir: he’s a nosy bugger and likes being around every one so he can know what’s going on at all times. Sir is a great extrovert!
Weasel: he doesn’t really care if he’s causing chaos with friends, or just chilling alone. There are many ways weasel keeps himself entertained. He’s pretty independent. Ambivert
Butler: he tolerates large groups if he likes the people in them, but it doesn’t stop him from craving that sweet sweet alone time. He’s a social introvert.
Gold: while he does love being with friends, his social battery is way smaller than he acts it is actually. You can tell golds getting tired the more he flirts. He’s secretly hoping he can get this interaction over with so he can go back and work on his outfits
Flambe: all eyes on him ladies and gentleman~ extrovert lol. He loves attention too much not to be
Pesto: like Flambe, pesto craves attention and validation. And he wants it from lots of friends. He’s not in a place where he can feel that again, but he’s getting there. Extrovert
Peaches: he’s perfectly happy with just his trees, and family. But even with a large family, he knows he’ll get all his me time during his work in the orchid. He’s a sweet introvert
Rancher: he’s top goal driven to be introvert or extrovert. He doesn’t care if he’s alone or together with people, as long as he’s achieving the thing he wants to do right now!
Cider: he prizes peace, but peace can come in a group just as much as when it’s just him. Cider is used to a cramped large family, so being surrounded doesn’t bother him. But he’s also perfectly fine alone for a while. He’s definitely ambivert
Barley: he’s so extroverted he literally feels itchy if he’s been alone too long lol. Barley jokes that he’s allergic to solitude
Ram: things are just easier to understand when it’s just him. Ram does prize his alone time and peace. So introverted.
Pitch is easily the most introverted skeleton on this list. He’d be just fine socially if the only three people left in the world were him, Ram and maybe a nice gal/guy for ram lol.
Moose: he’s pretty introverted. While he does like outings, he wants to plan ahead for them. Or else he feels very drained afterwards. It is what it is
Maple: as long as a chainsaw is involved, maple doesn’t care if he’s alone or with 100 people. People that know chainsaw safety that is lol. He’s ambivert
Quill: he’s so introverted it hurts. Groups larger than 3 drain him so fast. He even needs breaks from best friends occasionally
Crow: he’s totally extroverted! Crow thinks people make everything so much more interesting! Yes he would like to hear about your day! Give him all those details!!
Roost: he’s a ladies man~ and a lads man~ and a platonic but flirty chill dude/dudettes guy! Roost just likes fun banter and prefers it over none at all. He’s pretty extroverted
Harpy: she truly doesn’t care if she does everything by herself, or if she has competent partners around her. In her main social life she’s seen as ambivert, but personally she feels as if she leans more towards introverted. While she puts up a good farce, she does just feel.. better alone. More calm.
Mango: she feels more secure surrounded by people she likes, preferably humans but she has monster friends too who’ve earned her trust! Mango is definitely extroverted!
Papaya: he’s more on the introverted side of the spectrum. Papaya is friendly and kind, but he simply just needs a dose of peace and quiet every day to function.
Fisher: his favorite activity in life is playfully tormenting others, and since that requires other people to work, extrovert it is~
Jasper: intellectually he knows he’s a walking dumpster fire if left to his own devices so Jasper constantly seeks out company from buddies. And he does like it lol. So he’s very extroverted
Finn: he quite literally took a job in the royal guard, then as a scout master cause it involves working with other people! Finn loves people and loves helping them! He’s extroverted for sure!
Sails: his ideal day is just him, his dog and a nice day out on his boat in the ocean. Nobody needing anything from him. Sails knows he’s an introvert and is cool with this about himself
Hook: he gets lonely easily, and seeks out lots of companionship and drama cause of it. Hooks always been extroverted because of this. It’s why he’s so happy on the ship with all his crew mates
Captain has honestly never had a life where he was alone. In his old au he shared a ship with many others, and now he captains a navy vessel with a crew on his own. He’d feel quite off if he ever did find himself alone. Captain is definitely extroverted
Pearl quite likes her relaxing me time, but she has no issues pleasing the masses as well as a princess. The spotlight on her is heavy but not exhausting. She’s a good ambivert.
Silex: this man is so extroverted lol. He wants to meet every one and see it all!!! It’s hard to imagine him as anything else
Alden: he’s happiest when it’s just him in his art studio. No distractions. Alden is for sure introverted even though he comes across as one of the more friendly skeletons
Ollivander: the reason his bank is so successful is because in part of how personable Ollie is! Ollivander is an extroverted fellow, and that friendly helpful face he puts on at work is very much genuine. Unless you aren’t paying your debts that is~
Hilda: she’s so obviously extroverted lol. And sucks for her since she was raised in a family of quiet polite high class introverts lol. Hilda felt pretty repressed growing up, leading to the over the top personality she has these days
Saga: she’s very much introverted. Saga is happy to just be left to her books for the rest of her life. But she will tolerate polite companions for a bit each day
Barin: he’s introverted, always has been. But his duties require him to manage a lot of people. So Barin powers through like he does with everything else in life. He really really values what little alone time he does have though
Arwin: he’s the extroverted life of the party! Arwin is a fan of having many fans and wears his posse like a badge of honor lol
Snipe: he hates people. And he probably hates you too. So don’t bother him. Introverted
Bruiser: he loves meeting his favorite people. And things are simply just too boring without them! So bruiser is very extroverted. He’s a needy friend lol
Butch: in order to kick *ss and take names, there needs to be *ss to kick and names to take, so for the sake of all his crazy shenanigans, butch must be extroverted lol
Boss: he craves companionship despite his best efforts to pretend he doesn’t. Boss feels quite lonely when he finds himself with nothing to do. Hence why he bosses his brothers around so much. He’s extroverted
Ace: causing chaos with (or against) others is fun~ causing chaos alone is also fun~ ace is a true ambivert
Slim: he’d rather hurl than have to be around people all the time. And his best friendships are more than often done through a screen. Slim is introverted all the way
Pop: he’s a very friendly and random introvert! He comes across as a quirky socialite though when- oh where did he go? Did he ditch every one again?
Rhythm: dancing is simply more fun with a partner so rhythm must be extroverted! Besides you need a mob to make a flash mob lol
Tempo: he’s very much introverted. After all he need solitude in order to make the compositions he loves! And he’s happiest when he’s creating
Vibrato: it’s a good thing he’s extroverted with how much he’s on stage! He loves his fans so much! And the paparazzi, and his bodyguards who keep him from the paparazzi lol
Lens: even without his paranoia, lens has always been more on the introverted side. There’s certain people he trusts enough to be fine around whenever, but anyone else is very tiring for him emotionally. It takes lens a long time to open up
Cricket: he’s introverted as well, a bit of a surprising fact for anyone who often sees him with cash and mal. Cricket likes his alone time at the junkyard. Only best friends can drag him away from it lol
G: he’s ambivert for sure. G does quite like being surrounded by people, but there’s something equally alluring with exploring life on his own too. He’s a go with the flow guy. Whatever fits better with that days plans works fine
Green: while socializing is enjoyable, green needs time to recoup and heal from it. He thinks very hard when he’s with people and even if he likes them and what they do together, he’s simply just tired afterwards. So introverted
Gears: he’s extroverted, but just barely. Gears can be alone for ages when he’s caught in creating a new trinket, but when he’s away from that (and lucid after he gets out of the inventors haze lol) he craves companionship! He wants to chat! To hang out! To be doted on lol
Compass: he’s a true ambivert. He’s happy playing and exploring on his own, but if someone wants to join he’s perfectly chill with adding them. No fuss. It’s not that deep for him
Zen: he’s an extroverted boy! Zen is just so curious about people. He wants to hear their stories! Plus it pleases the little host inside of him to have lots of others around!
Shield: hes ambiverted. While shield enjoys company, he also enjoys his independence quite a bit. Shield likes toeing the line between popular social guy and cool independent lone wolf. Why confine yourself to one label when you can have both?
Taffy: she doesn’t care for quantity of friends, just the quality. And if that means she’s alone sometime, well that doesn’t bother her. Taffy is a good ambivert
Pudding comes off as extroverted pretty easily, but she’s quite ambiverted really. Most of her social butterfly mask is just that, a mask. She enjoys the play bit doesn’t need it to feel fulfilled
Partner: he’s more introverted. And it reflects in what he does when he’s off the clock. When partner isn’t playing his part as sheriff, he takes a lot of time alone to himself
Rowdy never really got to explore himself socially as a child, so he’s trying very hard right now to come across as social open and adventurous. He’s been realizing over time though that he really just wants to be left to himself for most of the time. Adventure is only fun when it’s scheduled in with plenty of me time breaks in between. He’s an introvert
Stitches: he’s happy nerding out with friends, or nerding out alone! Online forums are a thing too. Stitches doesn’t need lots of companionship to be happy although it is fun. He’s ambivert.
Tinker: anyone who knows this monster can just smell the introvert oozing out of him lol. He crochets all day alone and loves it that way
Thistle: he’s extroverted! In fact he gets jittery if he’s been alone too long. He starts feeling unsafe. Loneliness is scary man
Yarrow: yarrow too is more extroverted for sure. Being raised in a coven all about family inclusion and stuff kinda leaves you no choice lol. He’s cool with it though
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What would each pair of the Skelebros have as pets ? And would they have allergies ( despite being skeletons , I'd like to think that they do have some sort of allergy to an animal . )
Ah yes, pets. I'll do all of the boys/theys, because why not lol Oh, and remember, all names are paired with their respective skeleton on my pinned post!
Sans : He would love to have a little bird or something, like a cockatiel.
Papyrus : While he isn't the biggest fan of pets, he can accept a cat or a dog. It doesn't matter to him though.
Cobalt : Like Papyrus, he doesn't matter what kind of animal lives in his house, as long as it doesn't create a huge mess. Although, he would like a ferret. or three. maybe five...
Honey : He loves animals. He really likes dogs, especially the bigger ones, and would probably treat it like a big teddy bear.
Red : Lizard all the way. He would more than likely have a bearded dragon that vibes in a big ass tank in his living room. He would let it roam too(with supervision).
Edge : From the evidence we have with Doomfanger, Edge likes cats. His max is four, as he's not home often to be able to fully care for them. He would like to be home more often though, just so he can see the furballs.
Nox : Surprising or not, Nox would like to have a bunny. Specifically the English Lop. Although, his reasons are the same as Edge's for not having one, he's just not home enough.
Rus : Spiders, insects, lizards... Anything and everything to freak out his older brother, he more than likely already has it homed in his room.
Cherry : A lamb. Don't ask why, he'd just like lambs and sheep.
Pup : Like his name, he likes dogs, but ones that are bred to work. German Shepherds, Australians, Belgian...
Wine : No. Just no. If he'd ever get an animal, it'd be a guard dog. He's too worried about the house staying clean than an animal.
Coffee : With enough convincing, Wine would be okay with a small animal. So, he'd only get away with a bunny or a chinchilla. Not a bird because it's loud.
Moon : Kittyyyyyyyyyy!! He'd love to have a little scottish fold and would name them Stardust and would love it forever and ever and ever.
Sun : Sadly, Stardust will never exist as long as Sun is alive. Sun is allergic to kitties :(
Oak and Willow : You see that big ass farm out of the window? Yeah, they got enough animals to supply a whole high school. Though, Willow likes the cattle and Oak is fond of the chickens.
Crow and Dove : Unless their future s/o has an animal, they'd be lacking in that department. They are death personified, so being able to make the time to take care of one would just be a bother.
Error : Nope, next question.
Dust : Some kind of service dog would help, or maybe just there for emotional support.
Killer : He loves cats from his canon, so he'd be more than happy to get some more kitties if someone was okay with it.
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Ohh, skelly boys of your choice with a fox monster s/o? Very fluffy and soft, with a big floofy tail. :3
Sure! This was a really cute ask ^^
Werewolf: I hope you're ready to run around sometimes! He loves to chase after you while you run around the house. You both most likely have a lot of energy, and it's a good way to work through it. If he catches you, he's just gonna cuddle and nuzzle you a lot. He loves your tail! He thinks that it's one of the softest and cutest things.
Axe: He likes to play with your tail, it's soft and fluffy, and it helps him when he's feeling nervous. So if you ever feel him start to play with it out of nowhere, he's feeling a little on edge. You help him feel better though.
Noodle: oh they think that you are just the CUTEST thing. They love your tail, they love to play with it... Honestly they love any part of you. Sometimes they feel strange being too close to you. You're so cute and they're... Not.
Chief: sometimes while you two are out with each other he'll hold onto your tail so you don't rush off without him. He does the same thing for Wolf... He loves how soft your fur is, he finds it enjoyable to play with and pull his fingers through.
Killer: expect him to pull his fingers through the fur on your tail when he's bored. As long as you don't shed too much he's perfect! He likes to sometimes tug it to get your attention... He makes a lot of fox puns too. Laying on you after a mission is awesome and it's a sure fire way to get him to sleep.
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marigoldsandbuttercups · 11 months
Aw Damn, We're In An Escape Room
(How would they deal with being in an escape room)
Man, what a pro, they walk into this with knowledge you'd never expect, will have you in and out before the Game Master could even be a little shit and make it a challenge (as if, they would chuckle, nay, chortle even): Black, Sans, Aster, Blue, Wine
They're such a newbie at this it's so painfully obvious it's kind of endearing, honestly. They haven't had their innocence tainted just yet by escape rooms but it doesn't matter when they're holding onto you like a lifeline: Stretch, Rus, Thistle, Chestnut, Coffee.
Walks in with the biggest fucking ego you've EVER seen that you can't help but want to watch Karma come for them. And just you're luck, you picked the scariest room and that "tough guy" persona melts away as soon as they scream and deck one of the actors in surprise: G, Red, Edge
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vrnicky · 2 years
What are some non-verbal ways your guys would show affectionate/say "I love you" to their S/O's?
Y'know what? Let's do the swap guys!
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Blue: his non-verbal way to say I love you is always getting your favorite food when he comes from work! He might not have time to actually cook for your but he will always find time to get you food.
Miere: resting his chin on your head, yes, he is somewhat really cuddly but when he rests his chin on your head it means "remember I love you"! He gets quite shy when saying it so that specific action helps him.
Black: getting you some cute rocks! It means a lot to him gifting stuff he finds and that reminds him of you. Sometimes he will grab the rests of some gems from his brother to gave them to you.
Slim: making you flower crowns. Mostly if it's made by your favorite flowers! And even more important if he made some for himself, matching flower crowns!!! Any flower like stuff that he gives you means "I love you".
Edan: always getting you a small candy from the daycare. It may be small but that means he really wants to give you something when he's back from work even if it's just a small detail. He really means it! He tries hard to find your favorite.
Hans: spending lots of time with you, and teaching you how to play his favorite videogames. And not just playing with you, actually teaching you how to do it! That means he cares a lot about you because if you were someone else, he would kill you instantly lol.
Berry: letting you see him during his stress and rage attacks, he doesn't like being weak infront of people he cares about so when he finally lets you comfort him during those moments. Man, he loves you a lot and would die for you, probably.
Money: buying you something, anything, food, fast food, candy, clothes, jewelry. Just anything small you really liked the other day, has appeared under your pillow when you went to take a nap. He's sensitive with money so spending with you means he loves you!
Wine: letting you wear his scarf and gloves, this is really important to him so letting you wear those things really mean "I trust you with something that means a lot to me" and you will get heart eyelights when he sees you with them.
Cofi: leaving you cute doodles on your stuff on post-its. Small and cute but means he misses you and loves you!! Also holding pinkies, not the whole hand, just the pinkies <3.
Butcher: calling you a pet name, he isn't very used to using pet names since on his underground it meant weakness. If he lets you use a pet name on him or use one on you, know that he really loves you.
Twister: letting you touch his skull, he's very sensitive about his fangs and dual-colored eyelights so when he finally lets you hold his cheek or pet his heads, it means he has trust you enough.
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skeletonlvr22 · 1 month
and i kept runnin' for a soft place to fall - Chapter 5 - Something Good
When Coffee was small, still in stripes with his thumb in his mouth, he would get the overwhelming urge to run away. He can't recall why, really. Despite knowing the rules that his mother had given him, one day, he ran. His brother ended up finding him an hour later, sobbing silently as he wandered, lost, in the snowy woods surrounding Snowdin. Wine, barely a teenager at the time, had dragged him back home.
The feeling never dissipated, though. If anything, it worsened. And growing up underground, there isn't really anywhere to run, anyway.
On the day of his mother's remembrance ceremony, when he was 10, the itch got worse. Yet, he didn't run and let it simmer as he stood, empty, next to his brother, staring down at the urn.
Over the next few hundred years, as Coffee grew older, the itch never went away. When the resets started, the itch got unbearable. Yet, with nowhere to run, stuck in that damned cave, he remained.
Then, he and his brother were sucked into a different universe. A kinder universe. One where Wine wasn't Captain, Coffee wasn't a soldier, and the sun was in the sky. And with the sun hung freely in the sky, Coffee suddenly had everywhere to run.
Or: Coffee acquires a bus, a brochure, and a reason to leave Ebott so, naturally, he does. Maybe he'll find something more beyond cavern walls, universal mishaps, and his brother's suffocating reach.
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