#fem! riku
briry18 · 3 months
Not sure if this is a hot take or just my opinion but I feel like Sora should have been made a female protagonist. Nomura and Disney really missed a golden opportunity to make a fun loving, cute, and diverse female protagonist to offset the gender stereotype we've come to expect from video game females. In terms of video game protagonists we have only a few legit female protags, and the ones we do have are usually intensely violent, compute smart, and sexy **COUGHboobsCOUGH** (Examples: Bayonetta, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine, Samus Aran etc.) Sora could have broken the mold by being the first teenage girl to take the protagonist role in a video game. A spunky, sometimes lazy tom boy who wants to prove she's as good as her best friend Riku who's good at anything he tries; Sora could be the kind of role model girls needed. She could show you don't necessarily need to be objectively beautiful, smart, or physically intimidating to stand strong against adversity and take leadership in times of crisis. Not to mention pairing her with Disney Princesses which are known to be reliant on their men, and garnering her reaction on that would be funny as hell.
This approach would have also saved Kairi's character. Kairi is given this cliché damsel in distress role throughout the series, and having Sora as a role model could have been a great character dynamic to offset that. Allowing both girls to learn and grow from each other; Sora learning to express herself in a more feminine and graceful manner, and Kairi learning to be stronger and take action, would have been a much smarter way to go than this Peach and Mario relationship they have now.
Speaking of Romantic interests though, this could have also given Sora and Riku's relationship an extra boost, or even added some will they/won't they dynamics. Sora clearly feels closer to Riku, despite Kairi being the supposed love interest. And while Sora doesn't need to be a female for this relationship to blossom, let's be realistic, we are dealing with Disney and same-sex relationships is still relatively new territory for them. That being said, they could have also played Sora off as this sort of androgynous female, turning her into a possible LGBTQA icon with her alignment being questioned from having both Kairi and Riku vie for her affections.
There's more I'd like to say on the matter, but I'll leave here, ending with that I love Kingdom Hearts as it is. It is my favorite video game of all time. This was just my opinion on how they could have added dynamic and growth to an already beloved series of characters. Thank you for listening!
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harveybwabbit92 · 2 months
[R/n, Belial and Riku are all in a panic when Isla goes missing at first they assumed someone took her when they got distracted, Isla being a child of Ultraman Belial the ex-darklord with reiblood genes flowing through his veins and R/n the last confirmed living frost giant makes her a high-priority target for traffickers. So yeah, her family was understandably freaking out!
After hours of searching the amusement park they were in, Riku went to search the arcade Isla went missing in one more time and found his baby sister sleeping in giant stuffed toy claw machine she'd somehow crawled into without them noticing. Needless to say, everyone was relieved. 21 radios Neos to call off the search.]
21: Bundle recovered.
Neos, bemused: What?
21: Ducks in a row.
Neos, still confused: What??
21: Peas in a pod.
Neos: What???
21: We found the kid!
Neos: Well why didn't you say so?
[21 facepalms.]
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microwave-core · 1 year
Oh God it's more Headcanons
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To prepare for XC3 (because the DLC drops at like 9pm for some reason) I wrote more headcanons, mainly because I didn't have a specific character in mind to drabble about.
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Sonia my beloved. God, Galar has so many great characters and yet I just don’t have the time to write for all of them… even those with banger designs. Anyways, Sonia. Where to even start with her.
Her hair is a mess. Humidity is her worst enemy. She spends dozens of minutes a day attempting to detangle it when the weather goes to shit. She would be forever indebted to you if you brushed her hair for her. Please just be careful, she will complain if you tug too hard.
Also be careful if you sleep next to her at night, because you very well may end up choking on her hair. Even just cuddling is risky business. You are never safe, not even if you are the little spoon. But it’s worth it because Sonia runs very warm, so it’s always comfy to hold her or rest in her arms.
Speaking of hair, she wants to style yours. Doesn’t matter what kind of hair you’ve got, she’ll find a way. Straight or curly or coils or braids or what have you, she will play with it. Doesn’t matter how long it is either. If you ask for a specific style, she’ll do it, but at some point she will weave little hearts into it to match her own. Don’t ask how she does it, it’s a secret.
Anyways, enough about that. I am absolutely obsessed with the idea of a kid rocking up to get their first pokemon from the Professor and her wife and their adopted son assistant. She’s just… so powerful I love her so much. 
Hop loves you. He ships you so hard with Sonia it’s unreal. He is Galar’s best wingman and will do everything in his power to get you two alone together. You guys could literally be married already and he would still be trying to set you guys up. And Leon is no different. Sonia’s his best friend and she talks about you all the time. This guy knows how much Sonia loves you and wants nothing more than for you two to be happy together. Sometimes a family is just a professor, her wife, their assistant, and his brother.
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Not enough content for Big Sis Plumeria. She’s gotta take care of basically all Team Skull because they would never get anything done without her around, so she’d be immensely grateful if you either helped corral them or help her relax after constantly chasing after them.
She’s very much an “asshole to the world, sweetheart to her girl” type of girlfriend, mixed in with some tough love. She would never raise her voice at you or seriously insult you, something she does often with the grunts. The most she’ll do is mildly insult you for doing something stupid (as in she would call you an “idiot” or something along those lines), but it’s always evident that she’s more concerned than upset.
As long as you're her girl, no one is going to mess with you. Especially if you have a storied history. Asshole ex? Shitty family members? Straight up enemies? You don’t have to worry about those people anymore. 
Oh also all of the Team Skull grunts look up to you and would literally die for you. You’re Big Sis Two, their third favorite person. Also, if anything happened to you on their watch, they would have to face Plumeria’s wrath, which might as well be worse then Guzma’s
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Slightly older contest-star Shauna who, despite being pretty girl-crazy, attempts to navigate her first serious relationship. I realize that I like Shauna more than most people, but hear me out.
When she went on a journey through Kalos with her friends, like stated above, she was completely girl-crazy. Literally every girl she met was the absolute prettiest woman she had ever seen (especially Diantha). But she never ended up getting into a relationship, despite wishing otherwise.
When she meets you, she is absolutely smitten. When you’re just friends, she dreams about you every waking minute. She really, really wants to hold your hand and kiss you and go on cute little dates to restaurants and picnics and do contests together and go shopping together and and everything else girlfriends do. She is obsessed. 
But once you start dating her, she’s a mess. She has all these things she wants to do with you, but she doesn’t know how to go about doing any of them, so sometimes she comes off as a little awkward in the most endearing way possible. She’s a little clumsy and hesitant when initiating affection, but every little thing you do together makes her so happy. It’s got the energy of a cute high school romance, just two dumbasses in love with each other.
Also she’s super supportive of you. Like Marnie, she is your personal cheerleader. She’ll bring up your achievements to everyone she comes across because she needs everyone to know how great you are and how lucky she is to be dating you. Please be supportive of her in return, she would actually ascend to heaven if she saw you in the audience of one of her contests.
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Zisu… big woman. I don’t even have words to describe this absolute unit of a woman. She is far too powerful to fully put into words. Her strength is seemingly unending. She canonically trains with pokemon with her bare hands and could absolutely fuck all of them up.
She can bench press your ass, no matter your size or stature. She’ll carry you anywhere you want whenever you want, she’ll get anything you need off of the top shelf, she will lift up anything you need for whatever reason, and she will give you a little kiss on the forehead because she loves you very much.
If you’re afraid of Pokemon (which is pretty likely given the time period), she will do whatever it takes to help you get over your fears. Zisu is all the protection you need in Hisui. No Pokemon will ever get past her. But she would also like to help you get more comfortable with them, if nothing more than for her peace of mind. She can’t be there all the time, given her position in Team Galaxy.
But if you have a strong team, she would love to train with you. If you managed to beat her, she would love you forever. She’s hella strong, so she finds you being stronger than her in one aspect incredibly attractive. And if you managed to beat her in hand to hand combat? She would never recover.
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I think Larry is objectively the funniest gym leader, but I whole-heartedly believe Iono is right behind him. I just think she is a funny little guy with an absolutely banger design.
As the most popular streamer in Paldea (I think), people across the region are going to know that you're dating. There is nothing you can do to avoid it. And Iono doesn’t want to hide your relationship. She wants to show you off.
Showing up on stream at least a few times is a mandatory part of dating her. Both Iono and chat love when you’re there. Sometimes Iono will warn you about what she’s planning beforehand, but other times she’ll leave you in the dark. Don’t worry, though, she won’t ever do anything that will make you uncomfortable.
More importantly, when dating Iono, you get to see the normal her, without the energetic streamer persona. Not to say that she’s completely different on stream, she just amps everything up for the camera. Off camera, she just wants to lay down with you and chill out. Let her complain about the weird people in her chat while you hold her close, she desperately needs it.
Outside of that, this girl loves to gossip. Tell her all about the drama you're dealing with or about the people you just don’t like, she eats that shit up. Likewise, she’ll also “spill the tea” as the kids say. She’s got a lot of people and things to tell you about, both big and small. Just promise to not blab to others about those she complains about. She already has to deal with too much weird shit to have time to deal with additional drama from other people.
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Flannery is, like, an og waifu, or something like that. Anyways I like her because her design is sick and so is her gym aesthetic (at least in oras). Girlypop is confident in her abilities but she also only has a vague idea of what she’s doing and is just trying her best.
Being a rookie gym leader is hard, even if she is highly skilled. More importantly, it’s stressful. Thankfully, Lavaridge has a hot spring, giving her a perfect way to relax at the end of the day, and she is borderline desperate for you to join her. Listen, she just radiates disaster lesbian. Being in your presence helps her unwind as is, so pairing you up with the hotspring makes her melt. 
She is very dedicated to her training and would love it if you were to join her sometime. Be warned, it gets uncomfortably hot and you will most likely regret it almost immediately, so be prepared. She doesn’t ask you to join her because she doesn’t want you to accidentally strain yourself due to how rigorous it gets, but she’d let you if you asked (after warning you of how difficult it would be, of course).
She seems like someone that would enjoy hiking. Conveniently, there is a volcano right nearby to track up. Flannery desperately wants you to come with her because it would give her a chance to share something she loves with someone she loves. Don’t worry about getting tired, she will carry you up the remainder of the track, no sweat. When you make it to the top (or just find a clearing to rest at), you get to gaze at the beautiful scenery with her. 
Okay I now realize that I didn’t do much outside of the first point to show how much of a disaster she is but she just like… is. I cannot explain it, that is just the vibe she has. So even if she seems confident and held together in your presence, she is screaming in her head because you’re so pretty and she loves you AAAAA.
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Oh shit I forgot about Tymeand Ryme for the gilf section of the last headcanon post fuck. Uhhhhh, I like them in the same way as the other gilfs in that they’re cool but ultimately they are funny little grandmas, so here comes your grandma posting.
Like the others, Tyme would totally bake you cookies and while eating them would help you do math. I don’t care if you’re not taking some kind of math class or if you're a student at all, she is going to help you do math. Someone has to teach you how to do your taxes, right? If that is not enough to entice you, then perhaps you would like to see her very cool rock collection, because she would totally have one, and a big one at that. Unrelated, but if you give her any kind of rock she could identify it immediately and would also cherish it dearly.
Ryme is the cool grandma. She doesn’t have time to bake cookies (she isn’t very good at it), but she makes up for it in other ways. You want to see a band or artist live? Just tell her, she’ll find a way to get you to that concert. She’d also let you get away with a lot of things, letting you off easy where others would be upset. Like, if you got into a fight with someone, she would lightly scold you then immediately ask if you won. She’d be really proud if you did and would comfort you if you didn’t. Also teaches you how to rap, but that much should be obvious.
Hopefully this is the last of the grandma posting because if I do this again it means I forgot someone else and I don’t think I did. I guess if there’s one major appeal to the gilfs it’s the domesticity of them? Like, you get the ideal of living your life alongside one another for such a long time, which is the dream, really. Girl I don’t know I’m gonna get back to regular unhinged scenarios sorry about this.
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One professor was not enough for one post apparently because I wanna talk about Professor Juniper, the original hot professor. Ever the reliable woman, she will do all she can to lend a hand should you need it, but in return you need to put up with her deciding to do things before confirming with the other people involved beforehand.
Unlike most professors, Juniper has another professor to rely on, that being the other Juniper, so she does have a bit more free time on her hands. That being said, she is often doing things for other people, so she is pretty much as busy as the others. But because she’s just helping out other people and not completing research, she is definitely more accessible. Not going to say that she would hold off on helping someone to come help you if you were to need it, but she would do that (assuming that what she was doing before wasn’t urgent).
She loves to travel around the region, and would love it if you joined her. It’s not really a date, but it’s good quality time. Most of it is taken up by her rambling about the Pokemon that can be found in the area. She would also love it if you lent her a hand in her research. It’s a fun and cute little bonding activity, and it means you can spend more time together afterwards.
Like Sonia, the idea of rocking up to a lab only to be met by the professor and her loving wife is a very powerful one, but Sonia remains more powerful. After all, Juniper doesn’t usually give kids their starters in person, nor does she have an assistant whom she and her wife can semi-adopt.
As a side note, I considered using her first name because she has one, but I don’t know if that is common knowledge. It pops up at the very beginning of B2W2, but I didn’t realize it was there until, like, two days ago. 
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Oh my God I forgot about Professor Magnolia because she isn’t even on my list of characters. I am so upset. And no I’m not going to fix this my moving her up to be with Tyme and Ryme because I need it to be known that I fucked this up here’s your grandma posting again and if I mess this up for a fourth time I’m going to be so upset with myself.
Magnolia is just a chill grandma. She always has cookies in her kitchen to give to Sonia. I’m pretty sure they live together so it’s not like she’s visiting her, but she feels that her granddaughter should always have access to finely made cookies. If you were to come over, she would break them out along with tea and have a surprisingly intellectual conversation. She may have given the professor title to Sonia, but she continues to delve into research, if nothing to fulfill her own self-interest.
These visits are especially interesting if you were, say, dating Sonia. She would give you all kinds of stories from when she was growing up. They aren’t particularly embarrassing, per say, but they usually embarrass Sonia anyways. She’s happy that her granddaughter has found both a path in life and someone to spend it with. In general, she would be interested in you as a person. She wants to have a good relationship with her future granddaughter-in-law, after all!
I swear to God if I forget another grandma (besides Cogita because I already write about her plenty) I’m going to lose it.
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Let’s end this one with Misty. She’s normally sweet and bright, but she has a tendency to get snappy when annoyed, which tends to leave a greater impression on people than her regular nature since she easily gets frustrated.
Like all gym leaders, she has lots of responsibilities and is busy and also has an affinity for the type she uses. This is especially true for her since most of her designs are just swimsuits (good for you girlie). She will take you on walks all over Cerulean, as well as swimming in the water surrounding it. It’s her happy place, and she gets really annoyed when people interrupt the tranquil moment.
Sorry to say that it usually falls to you to keep her temper down in those situations. Remind her that it’s probably just a challenger looking to continue their journey and that you’ll get to continue your little date when she’s done. She’s still going to be annoyed, but it’s hard for her to remain bitter when she knows she gets to spend more time with you soon.
At some point, she wants to leave Cerulean and its gym for a while in order to go on a journey of her own. When she does, she wants you to come with her. Nothing sounds better to her than getting lost (metaphorically, she can’t stand actually getting lost) in nature with you by her side. Hopefully you don’t have something that could fry her bike because that would be pretty unfortunate.
I would say her sisters are supportive but they aren’t really there enough to know much about you. Sorry Misty. It’s a shame that they’ve been on the same cruise for twenty years. Someone should really check in with them.
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trarainbowsnake · 10 months
SNSR MasterPost
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linagram · 11 months
𝚢𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚔𝚊'𝚜 𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝟸 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚜!
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Prisoner 008, Maruyama Yurika, is officially voted..
Guilty! (57.1%)
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THE ULTIMATE FAILGIRL OF LINAGRAM.. the fact that it's not even a huge ratio, like she could get something like shun or eiko's result, BUT NO. 57.1%. I'M SOBBING IT'S JUST S1 ALL OVER AGAIN BC BACK THEN SHE ALSO HAD THE SMALLEST GUILTY PERCENTAGE.
she's the first prisoner to get guilty twice in a row. i sure hope she doesn't get voted guilty again in s3, haha.. (i mean. her final verdict is already kinda bad according to the verdict system..)
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slytherinshua · 2 months
genre. fluff. fake texts. warnings. none?? pairing. riku x fem!reader. request. requested by anon. a/n. i love riku so much he's so perfect i wanna eat him.
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↳ nct wish taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @kangtaehyunzzz,, @eternalgyu,, @lexeees,, @nyukyujs,, @planetkiimchi,,
@haecien,, @talkingsaxy,, @thesunsfullmoon,, @talking-saxy,, @hursheys,,
@kristianities,, @lilly-cherry7
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wookiepie · 3 months
Lucky Girl 🤍🎀
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PAIRING. Football player Yushi + fem!reader
SYNOPSIS. Yushi is the captain of the football team and one of the most popular boys in school. Y/N is your typical school girl that just so happens to have a huge crush on this said captain of the football team they’ve had a few interactions but it’s not enough for her . With her friend’s help and a lot of convincing she decides to try out for the cheerleading team just to get closer to him, Will it work out ? Or will she embarrass herself?
GENRES. non-idol au, football captain !yushi au, fluff , crack , smau, strangers to 🎀 friends to🤍 lovers🎀
WARNINGS. profanity , 18+ jokes sometimes ( other things will be added as the story goes) includes idols from different groups, this is a work of fiction and not to be taken seriously!!
STATUS. on-going 🪽
tag list : open ✅ new updates every Sunday 🎀
Started: 6.30.24
Finished: …
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ profiles ONE & TWO
Chapters 🎀
1. Riku mom vibrator💀 ?
2. He smiled at me?
3. Future cheerleader?
4. Try outs…
5. TBA
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sunshyni · 6 months
gênero. fluff
tokuno yushi × fem!reader
wc. 1.4k
n/a. posso ser sincera? não gostei de nada que eu escrevi aqui, mas eu queria muito responder esse pedido desde que a mah (@nayuswifee) me enviou (inclusive mah tá um pouco diferente do que você me pediu, mas espero que você goste mesmo eu não tendo curtido kkkkkk se tiver minimamente bom eu já tô feliz 🙏). eu sinto que o yushi é um tanto quanto atentado, do tipo atentado no sigilo, sabe??? então eu tentei transmitir isso na escrita kkkkkk e no mais é isso!!!
Boa leitura, docinhos!!! ⭐
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2 . my love is young and it's strong
Você ainda se recordava de observar Yushi num uniforme da banda marcial em algum evento organizado pela escola de vocês, a imagem dele tocando um trompete com maestria enquanto você contava os minutos para aquela aula acabar, observando-o pelo vidro da porta, continuava viva na sua memória. Não poderia se esquecer de todas as vezes que Yushi esperava com expectativa o professor deixar a sala para te puxar para dentro do cômodo instantes depois.
Ele costumava ter a fama de bom moço, representante da sala e sempre o primeiro aluno quando se tratava de notas, mas ele gostava de te bagunçar um bocado sempre que tinha a chance.
Além de um ótimo musicista, Yushi gostava de cantar, foi por isso que ele resolveu se declarar num karaokê que o pessoal da escola tinha o hábito de frequentar, num dia específico em que vocês dois inventaram de matar aula e Yushi fez questão de mudar as letras das canções de forma proposital para dizer que estava perdidamente apaixonado.
As coisas continuaram dessa mesma forma por alguns meses, com Yushi te levando para a sala dos professores escondido só para te mostrar o grande arsenal de chocolates de um professor chocólatra e para te beijar também, certo, o chocolate era apenas um pretexto para deixar seus lábios inchados e vermelhinhos. Tudo estava absolutamente perfeito, até as provas finais chegarem e Yushi te dizer de que tinha passado para a universidade de Oxford, na Inglaterra; sem mesmo ter comentado sobre ter se inscrito para lá.
Você decidiu de que seria melhor terminar para que ambos não tivessem que ficar “presos um ao outro”, mas isso era só uma desculpa sua, já que queria um motivo concreto para parar de pensar nele, virar a página, qualquer coisa, e se Yushi não fosse mais o seu namorado, talvez isso ajudaria, você não iria sofrer todos os dias querendo vê-lo, tudo certo. E mesmo Yushi achando todo o seu diálogo uma bobagem, ele aceitou sua decisão, apareceu na sua casa de manhãzinha, antes de embarcar no seu vôo, e te beijou docemente, desaparecendo no carro dos pais logo a seguir.
Agora, haviam se passado dois anos desde então, era o seu aniversário de 20 anos e por coincidência, o encontro anual dos seus colegas do ensino médio foi marcado no mesmo dia, por isso todos ao redor da mesa do restaurante despojado que você havia encontrado, estavam com chapeuzinhos de aniversário de cores vibrantes na cabeça.
— O Yushi acabou de pousar, acho que ele só vai deixar as bagagens na casa dos pais e daqui uns 40 minutos ele chega — Riku disse sem pensar nas consequências e você engasgou com uma batata frita. Todos fizeram questão de olhar para Riku com uma expressão que dizia claramente “Você é tapado?” — Eu só chamei ele, como fiz no ano passado. Como que eu ia saber que ele ia aceitar o convite e não dar furo que nem na outra vez? Quer dizer, ele tá morando na Inglaterra agora.
— Você podia ter tido a decência de me avisar, Riku — Você admitiu ao passo que Sion se juntava a mesa com uma nova porção de batatas em mãos.
— E aí você não viria. Qual é a graça? — A graça é que você estaria se prevenindo de uma situação embaraçosa, se você já se esquivava de Yushi nas redes sociais e em conversas que o envolviam, direta ou indiretamente, imagine como seria pessoalmente, será que seu corpo entraria em estado de alerta e seu cérebro involuntariamente movesse seus músculos para debaixo da mesa? Ninguém sabia ao certo como responder.
Você se tornou monossilábica depois disso, uma amiga ao seu lado não parava de contar sobre a vaga de emprego que conseguira numa multinacional, mas tudo que você conseguia pensar era em Yushi, será que seu visual continuava o mesmo? Ele estava mais maduro? Seu inglês adquiriu algum sotaque britânico? E a pior curiosidade de todas: será que ele estava de rolo com alguma britânica misteriosa e sensual?
Você balançou a cabeça para todas essas indagações e direcionou o olhar para a entrada do restaurante como se já soubesse que ele estava por alí, parecia até que a temperatura do lugar havia mudado, a mesa de vocês estava bem longe da cozinha, mas você conseguia sentir as bochechas esquentarem como se estivesse com o rosto próximo dos fornos. Sinceramente, ele parecia mais alto, o cabelo mais cumprido, mas o estilo descolado ainda continuava presente considerando a escolha do moletom da universidade de Oxford como a peça principal do seu visual. Yushi se acomodou bem na cadeira livre do seu lado, a cadeira em que a garota da multinacional estava sentada, mas que se tornou desocupada assim que ela se levantou para dar um pulinho no banheiro.
— E como andam as coisas, senhor advogado britânico? — Yushi sorriu para o amigo Riku que empurrou uma cestinha de nachos para Yushi, que aceitou o alimento sem pestanejar. Você permaneceu imóvel ao lado dele, vendo-o mergulhar metade da tortilha na guacamole e torcendo para que ele não percebesse que você estava observando-o feito uma maluca, embora essa fosse a verdade.
— Suportáveis. Estudar direito é legal, mas eu 'tava é com saudade de vocês — Ele confessou e virou o rosto bonito na sua direção, tocando na sua bochecha e acariciando a pele sem vergonha alguma, como se vocês nunca tivessem terminado e continuassem íntimos daquela forma — Senti sua falta também.
Mesmo que você parecesse ridícula aos olhos dele, com aquele chapeuzinho que mal cabia na sua cabeça e a expressão abobalhada, seu coração disparou com a confissão como se vocês tivessem regressado alguns anos, quando seu interior facilmente se abalava com uma fala sussurrada e um beijo roubado antes do início da aula.
Você vem que tentou dispensar o convite de ir até o karaokê mais próximos relembrar os velhos tempos quando Sion sugeriu, insatisfeito com apenas aquele momento que tiveram conversando e gargalhando no restaurante com direito a muitos acompanhamentos e os drinks mais malucos do cardápio. No entanto, quando deu por si, lá estava você, sentada no meio do sofá extenso da sala de karaokê enquanto o tempo que pagaram por passava na tela juntamente com a letra de uma canção que Yushi tinha escolhido para cantar.
Alguns colegas cochilavam de cansaço no estofado, outros foram procurar por glicose no balcão do karaokê para terminar bem a noite, então quando Yushi chegou nos últimos acordes da música em questão, a única pessoa que pode testemunhar os cem pontos foi você no fundo da sala. Reconhecer que foi exatamente com aquela música em questão que ele se declarou para você anos antes fez seus olhos se encherem de lágrimas e você desejar que as coisas não tivessem terminado daquele jeito.
— Feliz aniversário — Yushi desejou, erguendo um isqueiro que tinha tirado do bolso do moletom canguru, por algum motivo, ele costumava dizer que era devido a sua experiência de escoteiro, Yushi sempre tinha consigo as coisas mais inusitadas como o presente isqueiro fofo de um dos personagens de Hello Kitty. Você sorriu, gostando de mirar seus olhos sob a luz da pequena fonte de calor e no momento que você fez o movimento de assoprar a vela improvisada, Yushi fechou o objeto, selando os lábios nos seus de repente. O que fez com que você desse um pulinho do sofá pega completamente desprevenida.
— Você tá tão fofa com essas bochechas rosadinhas, não consegui resistir — Yushi sorriu, puxando as suas pernas para o colo dele com a maior naturalidade do mundo e fazendo as suas maçãs do rosto se aquecerem um bocado mais, se isso era possível.
— Eu não consigo mais. Não consigo mais te ver online em alguma rede social e não poder te dizer que tô com saudade e que não vejo a hora de te encher de beijos — Ele disse enquanto acariciava suas pernas cobertas por uma meia-calça, ele tocou seu queixo suavemente, fixando seus olhares — Você me entende, né? Também se sente assim?
Você assentiu com o olhar, contemplando quando um sorriso esplêndido se fez presente nos lábios dele.
— Acha que consegue lidar com um relacionamento à distância?
Yushi não demorou nem um milésimo para te responder de prontidão:
— Eu só não consigo ser só o seu amigo.
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em1e · 1 year
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⠀ ⠀ ༝ your mother said to pick the very best girl - and i am.
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こづめ + てつろう + コウタロウ + けいじ // TAG, YOU’RE IT ⠀ ༝ ༝ slasher!au ft. kuroo + kenma + akaashi + bokuto ⠀ ༝ ༝ 4.4k words ⠀ ⚠︎ final girl!reader, VIOLENCE, CHARACTER DEATH(s), implied fem!reader but no pronouns used, reader's bf and friends are oc's! ⠀ — a fun camping trip! what could go wrong.
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you really wish you could pinpoint when everything went to shit. 
you could guess, sure. maybe it was when your boyfriend suggested coming to this hicktown, the promise of a campground for your friend group of four to have a wonderful, fun, and cool outing. maybe it was when his friend invited his new girlfriend - some girl from your college that talked too loud and popped her gum too much the entire car ride over. maybe it was when the lock to your cabin didn’t fully click into place. 
or maybe it was when your boyfriend slumped against the wall, his head cracked open with blood and what you could only guess was brain matter leaking freely from the hole. 
you should probably backtrack a little. think for a second. 
“does he have to bring his new girl?” you’re almost whining at this point, shoving the last of your bags in the back of the minivan your boyfriend, akio, thought would be perfect to rent for this weekend trip. 
‘so we can all ride together!’ he’d explained with a grin. you really couldn’t tell him no if you wanted. 
he hums in thought at your complaints, shrugging, “i mean he’s already invited her. he said she’s excited, too, i don’t wanna be the one to tell her she can’t come when we’re gettin’ him from her place.” 
you find it hard to believe that hana’s excited to be out in the middle of nowhere with bugs biting at her and no cell service, but you take the new addition in stride, “whatever,” you wave off, climbing into the front seat, "we’re getting chiyo and aya first though, right? they dislike her more than i do.” 
the twins, grouped nickname given to them by their brother and one bringing the parasitic gum-popping girl, have voiced their complaints about her coming more than once, but are ultimately shut down by said brother, riku. 
“mhm,” akio confirms with a thumbs up after he’s settled in the driver’s seat, offering you the aux as he starts the van. a passenger princess through and through, you start the playlist you’d carefully crafted days before - full of things everyone will enjoy, “then we’re gonna get hana and riku.” 
akio doesn’t miss the small thank god that falls from your lips, but he chooses to ignore it in favor of turning up the music.
༝ ༝
“i’m not really fellin’ this song.” hana leans over the center console to peek at what you have queued next on your phone, popping her gum loudly in your ear as she does. you grimace, but she doesn’t seem to notice while trying to decide herself what song to play instead. 
you lean away from her, head hitting the window with a small frown that barely disappears when akio’s fingers tangle with your own. 
“we’re like 30 minutes from the campsite, can you just sit down?” aya groans, happy to voice her distaste to anything hana does. to be fair, she’s been bouncing from seat to seat in the van, and you think it’s even been pissing riku off, if the way he grumbles a small yeah, please is anything to go by. 
you tune out any further argument while looking out the window, squeezing akio’s fingers with a small hum as you pass some dingey motel in the dingier town you’re passing through before you hit the woods, “if any bugs land on me or i see a snake or a spider, you’ll be able to find me there.” 
“the motel?” akio asks, grinning while glancing back in the mirror. 
“mhm,” you nod, sitting up slightly and stretching your legs as much as you’re allowed, “not dealin’ with that.” 
“we’re gonna be in the woods,” he reminds you with a laugh, “s’gonna be kinda hard to avoid all of that.” 
you shrug, “good thing that ‘no vacancy’ light was off.” 
“you’re funny.” he untangles his fingers from yours to squeeze your thigh instead, and the action leaves you smiling. 
and true to aya’s word, thirty minutes later you’re in the middle of the woods, in front of a pretty cabin akio rented on airbnb. hana complains before she’s even out of the van, swatting away invisible bugs that seemed to swarm her as soon as the door was opened. 
you do your best to ignore her, bumping hips with chiyo as you begin to remove everything from the van, “let’s have a fun weekend, yeah?” you offer with a small smile. 
chiyo returns it with a scrunched nose, “one could only hope.” and removes her two suitcases from the pile. 
༝ ༝
the first night was nice. riku might’ve made the damning decision to invite his annoying girlfriend, but he makes it up to the group easily by providing a surplus of booze, and the six of you get drunk off your asses and sleep until the middle of the next day. that saturday is filled with exploring around the cabin, walking down what trails were already there, and settling the next night off with a barbeque and sipping on what alcohol was leftover from the previous night. 
the second night does not end as nicely. 
you went to bed early. a headache, you think was your reasoning, probably from hana and whatever annoying habit she’d picked up for the day getting to you, but you woke up far earlier than intended. 
one look to your phone told you it was a little past midnight, and you chasisted yourself for not plugging in the device before laying down - the blinking red of 7% flashing at you from a day of taking lots of pictures in nature. there’s a crash somewhere in the cabin, the living room you think, followed by a scream that has you stumbling to your feet and almost tripping over the covers as they try to hold you down to the bed. 
hana’s holding what you assume to be her phone in one hand, pointing a finger at aya with a glare, “who the fuck gave you permission to go through my shit?” 
aya looks impassive as she shrugs, “shouldn’t leave your phone out. maybe then we wouldn’t know about daniel, 32, who likes long walks on the beach and, what was it chiyo, country music?”
hana’s cheeks flush, scowl deepening when she finally realizes you’re standing in the hall, “of course you’re up the second there’s something going on.” and as if god isn’t sparing her any chances, your boyfriend and riku stumble in through the front door, cheeks pink from drinking. 
hana’s eyes narrow between the three of you, before settling sweetly on her boyfriend (boytoy?), “riku, babe, i think we should head to our room. stinks in here.” she and aya share an intense glaring battle, before she clicks her tongue and saunters over to riku, who’s mostly being held up by akio. 
just as she snakes her hand around his waist, pulls him close, the door swings open again. it lets in the chilly night air, leaves you wrapping an arm around yourself with a furrowed brow. 
who the hell could that be?  
tall. objectively attractive with a sharp grin and dark hair, taking in each of you with enthusiasm. 
“um . . . do we know you?” 
chiyo asks, head tilting while the two boys turn to face the intruder. 
“me?” the stranger asks, mocking her head tilt, “no. not yet at least.” his grin is unwavering, and you decide then it’s unnerving, leaves a pit in your stomach when his eyes find your own. 
“who the hell are ya then?” akio straightens his shoulders, and despite being over the line of tipsy, stands tall. the stranger however, remains taller of the two. 
“is it a party in here or what?” someone behind you says, and you jump with a squeak when an arm wraps around your waist, a face you don’t recognize hooking their chin over your shoulder. gray and black hair finds way to your vision, and your body tenses before you’re shoving him away with a stumble. he pouts, slouching over, “thought a pretty thing like you’d be sweet.” 
“can we help you guys with something?” aya snaps, pulling you back by the upper arm so you’re a decent distance away from him, “this is private property.” 
the tall man from the door clicks his tongue, eyes narrowing, “maybe. we’re just here to have some fun.” 
two more guys walk in behind him, one shorter with a mix of overgrown bleached-blonde hair giving way to dark black roots, and the other a taller man with dark hair following in close behind. 
“is this a joke?” hana steps from riku, who’s looking just as annoyed as your boyfriend. 
“no jokes, ” the first guy who came in promised, “just wanna play a game with you guys.” 
“we’re not into games,” akio slurs out, “you guys should go ‘fore we call the cops.” 
this seems to make the stranger grin wider, holding out his hand behind him to his friends. the shorter one puts something in his awaiting grasp, and it’s like everything starts happening in slow motion. 
akio’s squaring his shoulders, getting ready to throw a punch, but the guy, without hesitation, is already swinging. except it’s not his fist that makes the contact - it’s a fucking bat. akio’s head turns with the impact, and the stranger takes another swing from overhead. it lands with a sickening crack, one that has akio stumbling backwards until his back hits the wall and he slumps over, fingers twitching once, twice, before stopping altogether. 
you don’t know who screams first - if it’s hana or chiyo - unable to process anything around you as you openly gape at your crumbled boyfriend’s form on the ground. 
“now,” the man with the bat wipes away a spot of blood that’d splashed to his cheek, “let’s talk about that fun, yeah?” 
riku takes a stumbling swing at one of them, but is ultimately knocked on his ass when his own hit doesn’t connect while they make their way further into the room. hana is the first to try and run out the door, but it’s slammed shut by the last guy to come in, steel eyes freezing her in place when her hands make contact with the doorknob. she stumbles away instantly. 
“let’s start with introductions, “ the bat man gestures to the couches at the center of the room, pulling a chair from the dining room to sit across from it. the slamming of another dining room chair on the ground has all of you scrambling to find a spot to sit while they find places in front of all of you, “‘m kuroo,” he points the bat to the one with blonde bits of hair, “that’s kenma,” to the one who touched you, “bokuto,” the final of the four, “and akaashi.” 
his head tilts as he looks at each of you squished on the sofa together, pointing the bat at the group and grinning when you recoil, “eenie,” he points it at aya, “meenie,” chiyo, “miney,” riku, “you.” stops on you, “tell me your names, pretty.” 
your eyes widen as you look between your friends. 
“u-um . . .” and you introduce everyone with hesitation laced on your tongue, looking at him for confirmation that you’re finished when you’re done. 
“and him?” he nods his head to akio’s body, smiles when your lip wobbles as you stutter out his name. 
“good job,” he praises, “now, we are gonna let you guys go.” 
hana visibly perks up at this, it’s not missed by the analytical eyes of the four studying your group. bokuto sighs from behind the couch, surprising both you and chiyo as he leans over the back of it and into your personal bubble again (when did he even move from beside akaashi?), “buuuut we gotta have some fun first.” he adds before kuroo can continue. 
“fun?” chiyo parrots with a squeak. you think you can make out a smile from akaashi. 
“fun,” kuroo confirms, “we’re gonna play a game. like hide and seek. you guys make it to the town that’s a few miles north from here, you win!” 
he almost sounds excited as he explains. 
“what happens if we don’t . . . make it?” aya asks with a frown. 
“good question, aya,” kuroo stands, pushing the chair back as he does, “we’re going to kill you, if we catch you. you’ll join your little friend over there.” 
you hear aya swallow hard. 
“what if we don’t play?” riku counters with a glare, “we can just stay here and you won’t get a hard on from chasing us.” 
“we’ll kill you here,” akaashi says easily, as if talking about something as miniscule as the weather, not about your life being held in the palm of their hands. 
“speaking of -” kuroo’s eyes flit over each of you, “seems kinda unfair to be a 5 v 4, huh?” 
you feel chiyo stiffen at your side from the implication, hand clumsily finding your own as kuroo towers over the five of you. 
“who should it be, kenma?” kuroo glances to his right, and kenma’s head tilts before he points. 
riku barely has the chance to stand before the bat is hitting him. he falls loudly to the center of the carpet, unmoving.
chiyo sobs, squeezing your hand, and aya wretches at the sight, vomiting over the side of the couch. you can only stare, wide eyed because surely this isn’t real. your boyfriend couldn’t have been murdered in front of you less than thirty minutes ago, riku’s not dead on the ground joining him right now, and these guys aren’t going to chase the four of you in the woods of some dense forest with such a minimal chance of escaping. . . right? 
chiyo’s fingers digging crescent marks into the back of your hand is what pulls you from that hope. 
“we’re gonna give ya fifteen seconds to get out of here-” kuroo starts, tapping riku’s back twice with the bat as if to ensure he’s down for good. 
you interrupt him before you can stop the words from spilling off your lips, “twenty.” 
“sorry?” kuroo’s brows furrow for only a second, before his head is tilting with a grin. 
“w-we get twenty seconds,” you ration, ignoring the way chiyo’s fingers are squeezing your hand too hard, “and we get to put on our shoes.” 
“you’re not really in a position to be making demands,” kenma comments impassively, but kuroo waves him off, closing his eyes for a second. 
“no, it would be a little unfair if we let them zip outta here like that. we’ll give you twenty-five seconds to put on your shoes and go and it starts . . .” he looks at kenma, who gives a thumbs up, “now.” 
only a second is wasted between the breath of his last words before the four of you are scrambling to stand. you have to drag chiyo up yourself, push her forward towards the door so she can slide on her shoes with shaky hands, and you’re following in suit as she’s opening the door. 
one of them hollers excitedly as you slam the door shut behind you, and your eyes meet kuroo’s just before the door shuts completely. there’s no comfort in the way he smiles, the way his eyes bore holes in your trembling form. 
༝ ༝
you’d been running for what felt like forever. 
somehow, you’d lost everyone in the dark - hana dipped into the right of the woods the second she was out the door, and aya and chiyo’s hopes of climbing into the van were crushed when they realized the tires were slashed, so the three of you made a dash following the dirt road that brought you here. one minute they were with you, the next you’re alone, and your legs were starting to ache from exhaustion. 
you freeze when a scream tears its way through the woods, echoing and desperate, but you don’t have a second to dwell on it when another body slams into yours. the impact knocks the wind out of you, and you almost scream until you fully realize who’s taken you down. 
hana winces as she looks down at you, tears trailing down her cheeks with her hand held tight to her abdomen, and it’s then you notice the blood. 
“t-the smaller one stabbed me,” she breathes out, a fresh wave of tears filling her eyes and spilling over her cheeks, “i didn’t even wanna come to this stupid trip.” she pushes herself off of you, sitting at your side. 
“we gotta keep moving, hana,” you whisper, forcing yourself onto your aching legs and offering her a hand to stand as well. 
she takes it with a frown, opening her mouth to say something before her eyes flit behind you. they widen for a second, before she’s shoving you back and stumbling away, ignoring your curse of her name as you fall flat on your ass. 
“two for one?” someone says behind you, you whip your head around as you see kuroo emerging from the dark of the trees, smiling with a tilt of the head, “s’a shame. kenma just went that way, too.” 
as if to confirm this, you hear a scream that has you cringing in on yourself. 
“now what to do with you?” he steps around you, crouching in front of you with his head still tilted, “you were quite amusing with that twenty second rule - and the shoes. no one’s ever demanded anything from us like that. i’d hate to end this chase when you’re at such a disadvantage.” 
his fingers tap the sole of your shoe, trailing up until his fingers brush against the skin above your ankle to poke there too, “you won’t make this boring for me, will you?” 
you dig into the dirt at your side with a frown, and he opens his mouth to say more, but you’re tossing the mix of twigs and dirt and leaves into his face before he can get the words out. he even laughs, when you use the leg his hands wrapped around to kick at his chest. somehow, miraculously, your other foot connects with his face while he’s distracted with controlling the first, and it loosens his grip enough for you to push yourself onto your feet and stumble away. 
you think you hear him laugh again as you disappear into the trees. you don’t stay long enough to find out what’s so funny. 
༝ ༝
kuroo was really enjoying this chase with you. 
they each took turns picking who they’d get to grab, and he was lucky enough to go first. 
but something about you was really driving him wild. and now, here you were throwing dirt in his face, kicking him right after hard enough to make his nose bleed. he wipes at the blood as it makes its way past his lips, metallic and warm against his tongue. maybe they could have even more fun with you together. 
don’t kill mine if you guys see ‘em. <
b> :( 
k> you got something in mind with them?
you could say that <
a> I just got mine. I can help you guys if you need. 
b> me pls !! mine’s slippery :( 
a> 👍
k> stabbed mine couple of times. she’s annoying  
just remember not to kill mine <
kuroo shoves his phone in his pocket as the three bubbles pop back up, uninterested in whatever else his friends might have to say.  
he’s got a chase to get back to. he grins at the thought. 
༝ ༝
you hadn’t seen anyone in what’s felt like hours and you were fucking exhausted. 
your legs were begging you to just take a break, your lungs heaving painfully with each inhale you took, but the adrenaline in your veins spurred you on further. everything ached as you stumbled up a hill, leaning against a tree for support to use the height to your advantage and fuck, you could cry at what you saw. 
just barely in the dark, you can make out the asphalt of the road - and if you squint your eyes, you can see a little further down the road is the shitty fucking motel you were gonna sleep in, the no vacancy sign shining bright against the dark of the world surrounding you. 
but then someone’s grabbing you from behind, shoving your back against the tree you’d been using to hold yourself up. a scream rips itself from your throat, clawing at whatever skin your nails can come in contact with, but bokuto, you realize, only smiles and presses you harder against the tree. 
“i’m so close,” you whimper out, shoving at his face when he drops it too close to your own, stomping on his toes and really doing whatever you can to shove him away from you. you glance to your right and you can still see the neon lights from the motel’s sign, the streetlights keeping the hicktown illuminated, “please.” 
“kuroo’s gon’a be so happy i caught ya,” he leans down, nosing at your collar and inhaling despite you still struggling against him, “exciting since ‘kaashi got mine.” 
you feel him frown against your neck, fingers tightening at your shoulders where they keep you in place. he pulls back with a pout, “that’s not even fair, is it! what’s the point of pickin’ who we wanna go for if someone else is gonna get ‘em anyways!” 
you’re frozen at the implication of what ‘got mine’ could mean. the question of who dancing on your tongue, unable to voice it. 
bokuto straightens after a second, smiling down at you, and you never really realized how much bigger he was than you until now - all muscles that flex as he readjusts his grip on you, “now, let’s go meet back up with kuroo, yeah?”
it frightens you how easily he picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder - and despite your desperate flailing, the way you kick and claw and scream, his grip never wavers. you can only watch as the red LEDs blink further out of sight, until the light that remains is eaten by the darkness of the woods that surrounds you. 
by the time he’s walking up the stairs to the cabin, you’re worn out, and you don’t fight it when he places you on the living room floor. 
riku’s no longer at the center of the carpet, and if you dared to look you’d see akio is no longer slumped against the wall as well. 
bokuto crouches in front of you, toying with a piece of your hair as it falls in your face, and you half-heartedly push his hand away when he laughs, “we’re gonna have lots’a fun with you, i just know it.” 
he stands when the door is pushed open again, akaashi walkin through the foyer, dragging a groaning riku in behind him. you stiffen at the sight of him, scrambling to stand only to fall back against the floor when bokuto pushes you down by the shoulder. akaashi, not so gently, pulls him until he’s laying in front of you, and you feel your fingers flex with tears welling in your eyes when he barely moves. 
“r-riku?” you whimper out.
you’re answered in the form of a groan, his eyes fluttering open before they close again as if keeping them that way brought him pain. despite the way your hands shake, despite being pushed down before, you move to his side to examine what damage they could’ve done to him. 
bokuto laughs again from your side, but doesn’t stop you from pulling him to you protectively, “look atcha, worrying ‘bout someone else’s skin.” 
akaashi clicks his tongue, but makes no comment as the door swings open again - kuroo and kenma walking in with dirt and blood staining their hands and clothes. kuroo ruffles your hair almost affectionately as he passes and you duck away from the contact with a frown. 
he looks away from you, whispers something to someone, but your heart beats painfully loud in your ears and you can’t hear much beyond your own breaths. kenma fiddles with an already blood-stained knife, twirling it between his fingers as he stares holes into your back. 
kuroo takes the knife from kenma with a grin, kneeling beside you and tilting your chin up with the blade, “you do good, we’ll consider letting you go.” his hand finds itself at the nape of your neck, keeping you in place when you shy away from the metal. 
“you’re gonna kill him,” his eyes flit from your own to riku’s body lying beside you, then he’s turning the blade so the handle is facing you instead, pushing it into your hands, “it’ll be easy once you get past the first stab.”
your hands tremble at the weight of the knife, shaking your head with tears spilling over your cheeks, “no . . . no, i’m n-not gonna-”
kenma groans from behind you, and you flinch at the sound, closing your eyes as if that could make everything happening come to an end. 
“they’re not gonna do it,” akaashi says boredly, moving behind you to somewhere else in the room, “told ya.” 
“i think they can!,” bokuto adds, “they’re just scared of the first step.” 
kuroo’s staring at you like he wants to eat you, like you’re stepping in the maw of a wolf and his teeth could sink into you at any second from the way he grins, “you’re right. first step is the hardest.” 
his fingers wrap around your own on top of the handle, long and precise as he maneuvers you with his chest against your back, his arms surrounding you until all you can feel is him. it’s suffocating. he leans down, breath hitting the shell of your ear as he whispers, “let me help you.” 
and he lifts the knife above riku’s body, and despite your protests, despite the way you fight against him, to try and squeeze your hand out from under his, the knife still lands right at the center of his chest. you’re sobbing with new vigor now, body vibrating when kuroo lets out a genuine hearty laugh.
he holds you upright as you curl in on yourself, numb. you so desperately want to fall. collapse, cold and lifeless just like riku. a nasty jolt snaps you back to reality. kuroo´s shaking you out of your stupor, his pupils dilated to the point where his eyes look black. he holds you vice-tight, cradling your head as you cry, your tears dampening his shirt. proud? maybe.
“now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
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mayaflowerxs · 2 years
Synopsis: As the new transfer in college you managed to befriend the popular sweet innocent girl everyone deems her to be. But as you uncover her true colors, you decide to put her in her place by going after someone whom she truly cares for, her father.
Warning: SMUT / Angst /. Swear word usage, cheating, Dad!Yuta x Daughters’BFF!Reader. Manipulation, blackmailing, revenge, reader is in college, engagement, mentions of drugging and backstabbing + more.
A/N: I’m back yall! So sorry for the long wait but hope you enjoy, those who have sent requests they will be posted shortly promise!🤍
Pairing: Yuta x fem reader
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8:04 A.M
College students scurried off frantically to get to their designated classes. The campus is loud as they conversed with their friends. Some laughing and others tiredly yawning. A few silent with their earbuds plugged in and others running off inside the building. Just arrived, Yuri gets out of her pink corvette. The boys, her friends that were waiting for her are quickly at her side helping her with her heavy books. Asking if she woke up okay, wondering if she ate. What class did she need to get to. All as they bombarded her with questions, her girls came over and waved them off. Demanding to give her space and stop crowding her. All with a smile on her face.
Greeting her group of friends, she makes her way onto campus gracefully. A certain aura vibrates around her, it’s what many get attracted to. Her silky hair flowing freely down her back, her bangs barely covering her eyes as she shows her pearly white teeth each time she smiled. Manicured hands always greeting anyone and everyone even if they were strangers to her. Speaking with a soft tone, never daring to raise her voice as she stands straight. Posture never slouching and always wearing nice, clean attire. A skirt just the right size with a tight shirt that’s covered with a matching blazer to her skirt. Heels the newest edition and jewelry that costs most of the students monthly rent. Nakamoto Yuri was the it girl at the college she attended. Even those in near schools know about her, how could they not? Her family is wealthy, admired and respected. They do so much for the community and their success overseas is what makes the country proud to present such a family in their island. It wouldn’t be a surprise if all of Japan knew who she was. Her father is printed on every magazine cover, news outline. Yearly, a family photo is captured and there presents Yuri with a gracious smile. Glowing in her beauty and wealth.
Truly, she was the purity this world needed more of. If what she gave, really was purity.
Heels can be heard clicking on the ground, steady steps that get closer to her. The friend group was still rowdy. Consisting of seven if you include her. Three of them are her boy best friends. Aro, shaggy light brown hair. The tallest of the three but also the scrawniest. Known for his bubbly persona and optimism he’s spoken as the man of hope. Always ready to be your right ear to lend if needed, and has no problem giving you as much needed help. He shows his love through acts of service and although he tends to be anxious at times, he tries his best to get out of his shell if it means it’ll help others do so to. Riku, bright white hair, strands of his hair covers his eyes which results him in blowing it away from poking his eyes. Slight freckles near his nose and the second tallest. He has a bit of muscles, he tends to hit the gym but mostly it’s to work on his arms. It’s not a lot, but enough to still woo the ladies. He’s the chick magnet out of the three. His smile captivates any woman but unfortunately to him, never did it captivate Yuri. For the most part he was the class clown in all of his years in school and college is no different.
He can joke for days but can’t speak his emotions to save his life. A few small tattoos can be seen starting from his neck down to his chest. Lastly, Sota. The youngest and shortest of the three. Only slightly taller than Yuri and has jet black hair. A few slight curls but for the most part, wavy. A mole sitting on his right cheekbone. A slit on one of his eyebrows and a single earring dangling. Tattooed on his left arm but it’s still to be completed in a full sleeve. Despite being the shortest he’s the strongest. He has more muscles than Riku. He’s, the gym rat but he’s the sweetest, most caring person. Even though as the youngest he’s teased the most, he still makes any decision like a ‘gentleman’. The three of them are the rambunctious trio any one has ever known. And even though they manage to lose themselves in their own little world, they were the ones who noticed the new presence nearing. Their smiles faltered as well as their laughs, the girls grow confused and follow their sight.
Standing behind them, a new face presents themselves to the group. They couldn’t deny it, her natural beauty was jaw dropping. You were a natural beauty. You wore nothing but lipstick and eyeliner because your bare face looked as if it already had makeup applied on. Your hair as healthy as it can ever be, skin glowing and smooth. Your hands tender like it never had to lift a single thing. You weren’t wearing anything fancy, no Balenciaga, no Chanel nor Saint Laurent. And yet with the mostly black and white outfit you had on managed to reveal your most favorable aspects. The boys gulped at the sight of you, they wondered who you were. How is it that they never heard of you, were you new? A transfer?
“Hello, the name’s y/n.” You smile politely. Before any of the girls can say anything, the boys are quick to introduce themselves. “Hello! I’m Sota-“ “I’m Riku-“.“Aro!” Giggling, you tilt your head at them and give ‘em a once over. They weren’t bad to look at, but their high energy already seemed like it’d be draining. At least for you. Being pushed to the side, a girl with shorter black hair extends her hand out. She’s the smallest out of the group. “I’m sorry about them, I’m Ai.” She smiles warmly at you. Accepting her hand you shake it. “Are you a transfer?” Nodding, you hum and show them the portfolio the school had given you the day prior. “Do you need help finding your class?” Riku asks you. “I Can show you if you want.” Sota adds. “Boys.” The girl to Ai’s left hisses at them. “Please ignore them, I’m Emi.” She goes to shake your hand. “No worries, I get that a lot.” You chuckle. You notice a look on Emi’s face but it doesn’t falter the smile on her face.
Emi would be considered the ‘bigger’ of the group. According to Japanese standards she wasn’t thin even though she weighs 140 lbs for someone in her twenties. Her hair was spread in two buns. Curtain bangs and makeup nicely done that did a nice job showing her cute nose. She wore baggier clothes, self conscious with her appearance, she prefers to wear oversized shirts than crop tops. Baggy pants than tight jeans or short skirts. Sneakers than heels. But her style still holds some sort of familiarity. And when you see her stand next to Yuri, the last girl yet to greet you. It clicked. The colors, the jewelry, the manicured hands and makeup. The clothes even look alike it’s just one is tighter, shorter and the other is bigger, baggier. Then you notice Ai, and see she too wears a familiar style to Yuri’s. It was obvious they looked up to her. Her influence was apparent in them.
“Hi hun! I’m Yuri. You might already have heard of me.” She giggles, a large smile on her face as she goes for a hug. Different than what her friends did. “Yeah, you’re famous.” Waving her hand at you she chuckles. “Not really. I mean I appear in a magazine every now and then and in an interview-“ “So how old are you y/n?” Riku asks you. Yuri is shocked for a moment but is quick to cover it. She watched Riku stick to your side as he awaits for you answer. A grin on his face as he listens to you intently. Just as he normally would with her. Riku’s never been this intent in knowing about a girl ever since he’s met Yuri. If anything, all his focus was mainly on Yuri when it came to any girl. And yet, you haven’t been here for a good five minutes and you captured his undivided attention. And not just that, Sota and Aro’s. They too shifted closer to you, paying close attention as they too had questions of their own to ask you.
Yuri isn’t going to lie, you’re beautiful. Gorgeous really. Your eyes bright like stars, as soft as those of a doe and smile that can brighten any gloomy day. Your giggle can be confused with those of symphonies and it’s what has her intrigued as to who you are. Wedging herself between you and the Riku who already had his arm around you. She walks you inside, “Come on, I’ll walk you inside. And you can tell me all about yourself.”
Ai, you come to find out is a bundle of joy. Apparently her and Sato are the youngest and have eyes for each other but haven’t done anything to make it official. She has a love for makeup, clothes and is actually studying to becoming a designer. Her father helped her get an internship at Calvin Klein where she’ll be a co-designer for those modeling in vogue magazine. She’s also the emotional one, like a golden retriever she holds a lot of love and gets attached easily. A bit oblivious and ditzy but she has good intentions. Emi is more level headed and a bit hard going. Like the mother of the group, she’s the common sense not many of them have. She speaks her mind and is very protective of her friends. Loyal to an extent and has had the biggest crush on Riku but it was only mutual given Riku has always had the hots for Yuri despite her never returning the feelings.
Yuri. She’s what they say the voice of reason. Apparently she helps band the group back together if there’s ever an imbalance. Soft spoken and patient she is able to see both side of the same picture. Aro and her have more chemistry. Unlike Riku, Yuri likes Aro. But much like Ai and Sato, haven’t done anything. There’s no real reason as to why, maybe it’s because she doesn’t want to make things difficult between the rest. Afraid to commit, or to cause conflict. Whatever it is, she keeps him at arms length.
They were quick to accept you into their clique. And it only took a matter of time before word got out about you and by the end of the day, you were practically a famous celebrity. Many glanced and whispered. Awes and oohs as they admired your beauty from a distance. Crushes already made on you, and then the chattering happened. “She’s as beautiful as Yuri, maybe even more.” One whispers. “It seems like Yuri has competition.” Another says. “She’s going to be the new popular girl trust.” And it kept going. You pretended to not hear. You feign ignorance just like the presence of Aro coming up behind you. “Y/n wait up!” Turning your head to see him send you a smile he chuckles awkwardly. “You going home?” “Actually I was thinking of getting a coffee. Wanna come?”
“Yeah!” Embarrassed by the quick response, he blushed and looked away. Giggling, you pat his bicep. Typical go to move and it works every time as just expected, he leans closer. “So where did you move from?” “Kyoto.” “Oh really? My parents live there.” “That’s cool, I’ve lived there my whole life but I decided I needed to start fresh and moved here.” “Well you did good choosing Tokyo. Very lively here, and lots more opportunities.” Nodding, the two of you are just about to enter the parking lot when you hear Yuri call out. “Where are you two headed?” Walking closer with the rest, she stares at the proximity between the two of you. Practically touching shoulders. “To go get coffee wanna come?” You tell her with a smile. “I do!” Ai says and Sato waste no time joining her to walk over to the two of you. “I can go for a latte.” Emi speaks. “I really want to try some of the refreshers.” Riku adds. Soon after, the eight of you were heading to the nearest cafe. Aro would admit, he was a bit bummed that it wouldn’t be the two of you. But when Yuri comes up beside him and looks up at him with a smile. He feels slightly guilty to think about not wanting her to join you two.
There wasn’t much dirt about Yuri. Since the first grade she has won countless awards for good sportsmanship, skills and behavior. She has won medals for all sorts of clubs she’s joined and was practically the smartest person. An ace overall. But it’s that, that causes suspicion. No one is ever that perfect. Surely there has to be a flaw she has, and much like everyone you were ready to accept that she was in fact perfect until you saw the clip. An unedited clip of the family preparing for an important dinner with the president. As Yuri’s mother spoke of what was being prepared, in the background was a maid. Hands together and head staring at the ground. Apologizing profoundly as Yuri scowled at her, cursing at her for spilling all over her now stained dress. The clip was cut out almost immediately after it was posted. Completely wiped off the internet and no matter how hard you try to find it, it’s completely gone. But you saw it. Maybe one of the few who saw it. And you would make sure to reveal Nakamoto Yuri’s true colors.
The famous ball the Nakamoto family would be hosting was just around the corner. It’s all anyone was talking about. Their large mansion will be absolutely packed in a short few weeks, the richest most respected people will be attending. Friends, family, acquaintances and more. And now officially part of their clique, they dragged you to go dress shopping. “How about this one?” You hear Emi ask to no one in particular. Lifting the dress up to the mirror in front of you, you watch as Yuri looks over the dress with a slight distasteful look. A tiny smile as she tells her it makes her look huge. “Maybe wear something less short and puffy.” She pats her shoulder before walking off to change into her selection of dresses. You notice the slight frown on Emi’s face, looking over and seeing an emerald green dress that goes down to the floor, an off the shoulders and slight sparkles towards the bottom of the dress. An underskirt with it. “Here wear this.” Motioning for her to enter the stall, Yuri and Ai come out wearing the dress of their preference. “You look pretty in them.” You compliment them. Grinning they twirl and ogle at each other’s dress. When the door opens, the three of you turn and find Emi nervously fidgeting with her fingers. “You look so gorgeous!” Ai squeals. Yuri who hadn’t said anything just watches Emi chuckle and look at herself in the mirror. “The dress does look nice.” Turning to face you, she smiles appreciatively. “Thank you y/n.” Yuri looks at your hands connected and forces a smile. “Emi you look lovely. You should buy it, maybe after this we can even do your hair. Maybe cut the bangs and some of the dead ends.”
“No need to cut the bangs.” You interject. Turning to face you, Yuri stares as you brushed Emi’s bangs to the side. “Maybe part them a bit but they definitely define your face shape well. Maybe even the ends and if you want do some touch ups on the balayage.” Emi nods excitedly in which you respond with a grin. “What about you y/n?” Ai asks. “Have you picked out a dress yet?” “Mmm.” Looking through the rack of dresses, you look at the many different colors and styles. But none gain your attention. “I suggest this one!” Yuri says and hands you a bright orange one. “Ew! Yuri orange is never a good color.” Ai wrinkles her nose. “But y/n you’re beautiful I wouldn’t be surprised if you could pull of that color.” Shrugging, you walk over to the orange dresses. “I’ll try this one.” While you go in to change, the boys had just gotten back from buying their tuxedos. Their loudness can be heard as they converse with the girls. Yuri quick to stand next to Aro where they begin their own little conversation. “How dress shopping go?” Aro asks her. “Good, I found my dress.” She shows him her blue gown. “I’m sure it’ll look great on-“
“Woah! Y/n you look fantastic!” Riku exclaims. Heads turning to see you walking out of the fitting room, the orange dress flowed freely down your waist. It wasn’t a bright orange, the kind that’ll give you a migraine. It was a sunset looking orange but the white layer underneath gave it a certain pop. Like Emi’s there were a few sparkles at the bottom and there were cleavage around the chest area. Only the top of your shoulders would be covered with a puffy silk material around it, the top looked one of a corset. The silk of the dress flowed beautifully that with every step you took looked graceful. “Wow.” Aro breathes out before taking a step forward. “You look…wow.” Giggling, you send him a shy smile that he returns. “Okay love birds, we better get going!” Ai squeals, none noticing the frown on Yuri’s face. Well none except you. Going back in to change, Aro waits for you and joins you to the counter. “I got this.” He pays for your dress, a shock to everyone especially Yuri. “You shouldn’t have.” He shrugs and hangs you the bag. “Wanted to.”
By the time the ball came, it was flooded with people. Many you didn’t know, but your beauty was ethereal everyone’s eyes was on you the second you entered. Ai squealing and shaking your arm, excited for you. Happy you’re getting all the compliments and jaw drops. Every year Yuri is the talk of the night. Paparazzi and news reporters all come together to see what Yuri would be wearing for the ball. Every year there would be debates on what she’ll wear and how she’ll outdo the previous year. Something Yuri always looks forward to. But this year, no one barely batted an eye at her. All of it was on you. Since you stepped foot out of the limousine, the cameras were pointed at you. Everyone dying to know your name, to figure out your name. Even the host of the night, and of the entire ball. Nakamoto Yuta.
The longer you stuck around, Yuri has started to feel neglected. You were the talk of the week, your face on every news outlet. And at school, people crowded you and not Yuri. People would bump into her and give her a quick apology before their attention went back to you. She felt like the black sheep, a shadow and for once, the side character. The smile she practically always had plastered on her face has started to decay little by little as you were the center of attention. Professors adored you, the Dean favored you and any person who came across you couldn’t help but want to befriend you. Truly, she had no idea how everything began to slip through her fingers so quickly. Yuri no longer sat in the middle when the group would go out to eat. No, you were. Everyone’s attention was no longer on Yuri, but on you. Every decision they’d confirm it with you, any opinion they made, they sought out your approval. And the bitterness little by little was beginning to bubble up inside the Nakamoto girl.
“Y/nie Can you please help me pick out an outfit. Sota has finally asked me out!” Ai claps her hands excitedly. Currently in the cafeteria where the boys were off getting snacks the girls sat at their designated table. With Emi and Yuri both at your side, they watch as the smallest one comes skipping. “Oh I can help you Ai.” Yuri speaks up, a soft tone in her voice as she turns to you. “I’m sure y/nie is very busy.” “Nope! Not at all!” You grin. Squealing, Ai comes up from behind you and gives you a big hug. “Thank you! Ugh we’re going to have so much fun on our dates.” “Our?” Yuri asks. Nodding, Ai pats your shoulders. “Yep! Our little y/n here was asked out on a date. By none other than…” giggling, she turns to look over at the three boys who were making their way over.
Emi gasps and widens her eyes. “No way!” The boys raise a brow and silent ask what was going on. “Aro did you ask y/n out on a date?!” The boys erupt in cheers as they look over to him and see he’s begun to blush. The group teases the two of you, Emi stands and grabs Aro’s hand to sit him next to you. “Y/n and Aro sitting in a tree, k-i -s-s-i-n-g!” As they celebrated the growing connection between the two of you, Yuri scowled. Glaring at you, she felt anger. She practically cursed you out in her head and wished to simply push you off a cliff for taking Aro away from him. It wasn’t until she notices a passerby had taken a notice of her scowl that she quickly changes it and beams. “Well I’m happy for you two.” She gains everyone’s attention, setting a hand on top of yours as she holds eye contact with you. “Thank you Yuri.” You give back the same plastic smile.
As you suspected, Yuri had slowly began to lose her patience. Her backhanded compliments continued and became more common. From your education, to your looks and your personality. The constant wedging between you and Aro to put as much distance. And the faking in order to gain the all the lost attention back on her. “Ow!” She falls clutching her ankle. “Yuri you okay??” They ask her but she only cries, wailing she can’t walk. “Please Aro help me up.” And he does. You stand back, arms crossed and a smirk on your face as you notice how she continues to cry out in ‘pain’. “How did you hurt yourself?” “I slipped on y/n’s purse.” She pouts. “Oh no, y/n why would you leave your purse on the ground?” Emi asked you. Shrugging, you change your facial expression to one of guilt. Playing with your hair you look down at the ground. “Yuri had taken up all the table with her makeup, i just didn’t want to bother her making space for my purse. I’m sorry.” “Well she does make a good point Yuri.” Riku says. “Yeah next time make sure there’s a spot for her stuff so you won’t fall again.” Sota adds. Watching as they lead her into the living room, you notice her jaw clenched and hardened eyes as she continues to fake her limp.
Things changed drastically the day Yuri insisted to throw a sleep over at her house. It was meant to be a small get together, a few drinks and play some truth or dare. Aro had excused himself to go get some water and you noticed only a few seconds later Yuri stood up to use to bathroom. It’s been exactly a month since you befriended them and a week of becoming official with Aro. Taking a sip of your beer, you stand up and excuse yourself. Taking slow, steady steps. You hide behind the corner that leads into the kitchen, and lord and behold. Was none other than Aro and Yuri. His eyes were widen as he’s pressed up against the counter, Yuri pressing her lips up against his and a few seconds later he reciprocates. Taking your phone out, you record the entire thing. Their kiss turns heated, Aro turns them around and sets you on the counter. When you felt like you had enough video footage. You take a step back and walk away not before causing noise that gets them to stop and freeze. “Do you think anyone saw us?” Aro says worriedly. “No, but don’t worry. It’ll be our little secret.”
Entering back into her bedroom where the rest awaited. You watch as she tries to fix herself, wiping her lips that were stained red. Patting down her hair and laboring her breathing. Her eyes meet yours momentarily, she pauses before looking down nervously. Taking a seat next to Ai who rushes her to choose truth or dare. After a while the group got tired and decided to settle down and watch a movie. Aro came to cuddle you in which you let him but when it was half way through the film and everyone fell asleep you slipped out of his embrace and walked out. The house was empty, the employees had already left and from what you were told Yuri’s parents were out of town for a business trip. Luckily as the only child she was able to have the entire mansion to herself. Fixing yourself a cold glass of water, you turn around abruptly when you hear a sudden noise. Standing there, in a black suit, hair slicked back and a suit case was none other than Nakamoto Yuta. The very man you’ve heard of for years and now here he is before you, in the flesh. A fixed smirk on your face as you set the glass down. “Well look what we have here, Nakamoto Yuta.” Raising a brow, he sets the suitcase down and takes a step closer. “Do I know you?” “No, but I know you remember me.” You were right, he did. The day at the ball where he stood at the top of the stairs speaking with his business partners he noticed the sunset orange dress. Your beauty immediately captivated him but unfortunately he wasn’t given much time to get to know you. He tried searching for you, to figure out who you were but it seemed like you didn’t exist on the internet. Untraceable, only images the reporters took of you the night of the ball.
Stepping closer to him, you extend your arm out. “The names y/n y/l/n. The beaut you couldn’t keep your eyes off of.” Feeling the ends of his lip curl, he nods and accepts your hand. But he doesn’t shake it, instead he brings it up to his lips where he presses a soft gentle kiss while remaining eye contact with you. “Well greetings y/n, may I ask what brings you here?” Shrugging your shoulders, you come face to face. Wrapping your arms around his neck which causes him to lean down to accommodate you. “You.” Leaning in, you press a chaste kiss to his lips and he doesn’t hesitate in returning the energy. Getting a hold of your waist he pulls you in. Pressing you to feel his growing bulge. “Already hard?” Growling, he tugs at your hair and pulls you down on your knees. “You got an attitude alright, but it’s okay I’ll fuck it out of you.” Unbuckling his pants you pull em down and free his constricted cock. Pressing a soft kiss to his angry red tip. His veins prominent, you let your tongue hang and lick a long stripe up from his base. You hear him let out a loud hiss, his slicked back hair has begun to unstick. Small strands of his hair falling on his forehead as he looks down at you. His hand making a shift ponytail with your hair as he gets you to take more of him.
“No teasing and suck, pretty girl.” Feeling yourself get aroused by the nickname, you obey and deep throat him. Pulling him out and spitting on him, you jerk off before taking him back in your mouth. The kitchen wall bounces off the loud gags and gurgles you make with every inch you take him in. Heavy breathing and low deep grunts Yuta let’s out. After a stressful business meeting and a blow out with his wife he decided to head home days early and now here he is, standing in his kitchen getting sucked by the chick he hasn’t been able to get out of his head since the ball. He doesn’t regret the decision. “Swallow every drop princess.” He grunts as he begins to thrust powerfully in your mouth. Your nails digging into his thighs as you feel him explode hot cum in the back of your throat. Staring up at him with innocent looking eyes, gulping every drop and pulling away with a pop. You show him your tongue to prove to him you listened to him. A chesire grin on his face as he helps you stand. “Turn around.” Leaning over the counter, he lifts your leg to rest on the stool. Dropping your pijama bottoms on the floor, you gasp when his tip prods at your tight hole, shutting your eyes and leaning your forehead on the cold marble surface. His ring covered fingers coming to grip your arms and place them behind your back. Using it as leverage to fuck you harder.
His thrusts were fast but steady, he was using you to burn off steam you can tell. His face concentrated and with every smack he left on your cheek it got louder and became more painful. You chuckle as he wraps his hand around your throat and gets you to stand. Your back pressed against his chest, “Careful daddy, get too reckless and you might just wake up Yuri.” Something in him was set off at the mention of his daughter. Pulling out and turning you to face him, he lifts you up. Quick to wrap your legs around him, he wastes no time in pounding into you again. “Don’t mention her again.” “But why? She is a good friend of mine. Wonder what she’ll think if she saw you fucking her friend.” Gripping your throat he presses you up against the wall and uses his other hand to rub harsh circles on your clit. Jaw slacking, you start to mewl by the over sensitivity. “Fucking brat.” He hisses, his relent never seizing. Your gummy walls grip him so tight he finds it hard to keep thrusting. Trying to muffle the grunts that are begging to come out. But he doesn’t want to, he doesn’t want to give you the satisfaction that you’re making him feel immense pleasure. That he hasn’t had a good fuck in a while and you’re making him go insane.
But you can see through him. Cupping his face, he glares at you. Too intimidate, he should be putting you in your place. To shut you up but instead he’s becoming obsessed with you. “Admit you need me. Say it and I’m yours.” Shaking his head he grips your hands and keeps them over your head. Looking down and seeing the connection between your soaked pussy and his slick covered dick. Spitting at your entrance he watches how well you take it all in. “Don’t fucking, ngh! - need you!” Shutting his eyes, his thrusting stutters as he shivers at the pleasure. He’s close, he can feel it but he refuses to climax. “Look at you baby, you’re becoming putty for me.” “Shut up!” Moaning out loud, he covers your mouth and continues to hit your g-spot. He doesn’t stop until your walls are constricting around him. Until he feels you come all over his cock, then does he set you down on your feet and walk off.
Catching your breath, you huff and roll your eyes. Pulling up your bottoms, you take a sip of your water and wonder back to the bedroom. Aro shifts in his spot but once he feels your presence he comes closer to cuddle you. He presses a soft kiss to your shoulder before muttering a tired goodnight. Ignorant to the fact that you had Yuta’s juices running down your legs.
Yuri was becoming more and more careless. She thinks she finally began to regain her power. The attention would finally be hers again. Days went on and she and Aro have secretly been seeing each other. But you know. You see everything and as you continue to get popular, you are being told more about things no matter how much google searching would be able to give you. “Me and Aro need to go study for our upcoming finals, bye guys!” Yuri excuses them. “Bye baby!” You smile at him, leaning in to press his lips on yours, you see Yuri looking upset from the corner of your eyes. Just as Aro goes to pull away you notice the red hickey on his neck. “Burn yourself babe?” You ask as you press on the dark mark. Gaining the attention of others. Yuri’s eye’s widen momentarily, an awkward chuckle falls from the boy’s mouth before covering it with his hand. “Yeah, my coworker got me during one of my shifts.” Nodding, you wave them goodbye. And once they were gone, you excused yourself. “But you’re so fun please don’t leave!” They try to convince you to stay but you give them a sad smile and wave them goodbye.
“You got the files?” You ask the Dean once you enter the office. They nod and hand you a beige looking file with a name on top. Yuri Nakamoto. “Acceptance, SATs, and any other record we have of her is on there.” “I don’t see any acceptance letter.” “She never got one.” Raising a brow, you look up at them. “Why?” Shrugging their shoulders, you nod and thank them. Walking out of campus you get in your car. Shoving the file into your glove compartment��, the door to the passenger seat opens and in enters the very man who fucked you in his kitchen nights ago. “Well, well well.” You say with a smug look. He doesn’t say a thing only leans in and kisses you hungrily. Moaning, you allow him to shove his tongue down your throat. And when he pulls you away roughly you bite your lip. “Knew you needed me.” “Drive.” “Where to daddy?” Glaring, he goes to buckle himself. “Your place.”
The keys to your apartment is tossed to the ground the second the door gets opened. Slamming the door shut as Yuta picks you up and slams you up against it. Removing you of your jacket, crop top and bra. He’s impatient and doesn’t waste time sucking your perky tits. You run your hands through his soft hair, you can’t help but feel content. Your heart beats rapidly and your heat throbs, yearns for him. “Missed me?” You hum. You didn’t expect him to answer but when his dazed looking eyes move to look up at you, capturing your chin to pull you in for a soft kiss you knew the answer to your question.
For the rest of the day, it was spent indulging in the man’s needs. You let him fuck you up against the door, you let him press you against the cold glass window. A perfect view of you and him, any one even paparazzi would be able to see but Yuta didn’t care. He spread you across the kitchen table as he ate you out. Didn’t stop until you squirted for him, until your cried for him. Until you begged him to stop. In the shower, he bent you over where he used the shower head to overstimulate you, and on the bed where he took you doggy style until he made you come into subspace. Even when you woke up, you woke up to him settled between your legs and mouth already attached to your breasts. The man was a beast and no amount of experience would help you prepare yourself. When he wore himself out, you straddled him. Running a hand through his sweaty hair, completely fucked out and passed out on your bed. You took this as an opportunity to take pictures of him, the scratch marks apparent on his chest. Love marks displayed on both his and your skin. Like a piece of art work created by Davinci himself, you toss the phone aside and lean down to pepper his face with soft gentle kisses. “Mine.” You mumble, admiring the beautiful man sleeping below you. His soft cock still snuggled deep inside you. “All mine.” You lay one last kiss on his lips.
Yuta has fallen under your spell almost immediately. His mind filled with the thought of you. He can’t concentrate any more, his business partners have to call out his name multiple times during meetings. Interviewers can barely get a decent response from him and his work ethic has been slacking off. His wife and daughter don’t make it any better given how much they nag him. They are never content with what they have, they want more. Need more, and it seems like they are one for the other. Yuri’s mother defends her wrongful actions, Yuri sees no problem with the ignorant thinking her mother has. The Nakamoto women have grown to be selfish, greedy, classist monsters. And slowly by the years, they began to suck the life out of Yuta. But you were different. You gave him oxygen, the life he thought has lost all these years. He feels like a man who had just been reborn and he finds it hard to ever come to let you go. And even though it’s wrong, to cheat on his wife. To put his family on the line, he can’t stop himself. Doesn’t he have the right to be selfish at least once as well?
So what if he masturbates to the thought of you in the shower? Or sends you nude pictures of himself to you? Or has sex with you in secrecy? To open his heart to you, to wish to live a different life where it’s just the two of you. Is it really so bad to say he’s fallen in love with you?
“Divorce her.” You tell him one afternoon. In his office, door locked and a strict order to not bother him at all. His shirt undone along with his tie on the floor. His black work pants slightly lowered enough to reveal his long veiny dick. With you on his lap wearing the shortest, skimpiest checkered skirt and a top that only covers your breasts. A finger curled to take a hold of your Diamond necklace, specifically the one he gifted to you. Leaning in to press a kiss on your boobs, he hums and squeezes your ass. “Is that what you want?” Cupping his face you make look you in the eyes. “With all my heart. I want to love you like you deserve, give you the life you lost. It’s not too late to give yourself a fresh start.” “What about Yuri-“. “She’ll have to deal with it.” You tell him sternly. He’s confused by the tone, it’s almost like you’re sure of something he’s not in the know but he doesn’t push it. “Your wife,” kissing his cheek. “Doesn’t know what love is.” You kiss his jaw, “doesn’t know how to love you,” he closes his eyes and relishes in the gentle kisses you leave on his face. “Doesn’t know how to cherish you.” Lastly, kissing his lips he gets a hold of the back of your head and pulls you closer making sure you can’t pull away faster than he wants to.
Groaning when you clench around his girth, he moves you to grind on him. His heavy breathing coming back when he lets you pull away. Biting your bottom lip softly as he looks up at you. “Your family has taken advantage of you left and right, but me…” grabbing his hand and lowering it to your cunt you hear him groan. The lust coming back in his eyes. “I know how to satisfy you. How to make you happy, make you feel loved…marry me and I’ll give you the world.” Whining when he begins to rub fast circles on your clit you look into his eyes. He smiles and kisses your temple. “And I’ll give you the stars pretty girl.”
The news of the filing of divorce between the Nakamoto’s hit ever news channel possible. It’s all anyone can talk about. It was sudden, unexpected and no one can understand how that happened. It seemed like the couple were happy. If anything they were admired for being such a happy loving family. And it didn’t take long for the rumors to start that maybe there was a mistress. That one of them wasn’t faithful, or maybe abusive. The people of Japan were demanding for answers and before she can prepare herself, Yuri was being bombarded with them every time she took a step out of the comfort of her home. At school she can barely walk by without being crowded. Ironic how much she’s grown to hate the crowding given it’s all she’s ever wanted. “Yuri did your mother cheat?” One yells. “Is your father abusive?” Another says. “Guys give her space!” Emi and Ai shouts as the boys try to put distance. Yuri only covers her ears as she rushes by with tears in her eyes. She felt humiliated, never did she think everyone’s eyes would be on her with looks of judgment and pity. Since when did everyone care what goes on in her family’s lives? What is it to them?
And as she enters the bathroom about ready to break down, she’s met with a few girls already there, reapplying their makeup. Snickering and smirking once they get a look of her. “How pathetic.” They scoff before shoving their shoulders against hers. Falling on the ground, she breaks down into loud sobs. She cursed her parents for separating. How could they do this to her? To embarrass her to this extent, how selfish could they get? Did they not care how much this would affect her? The door to the bathroom opens abruptly and in enters Aro. Concerned looks as he asks if she was okay. “Oh Aro!” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she seeks his comfort. So much they don’t notice a lurker just right outside the bathroom listening to them. What was suppose to be a reassuring hug turns into sex, a camera was snuck in and capturing the entire thing. “Oh you poor thing.” You tsk once you end the recording and walk off.
Yuri refused to speak to her father. After her mother told her that he was the one who demanded the divorce, she had a growing hatred for him. It wasn’t fair, her mother had no where to go. All the money she made she blew it up on luxuries and what’s left isn’t enough to satisfy her. She wanted a large mansion not an apartment. She wanted a driver not a personal car where she’d drive herself. But her budget didn’t cut it. All business she had was cut given she made contracts with them through her ex husband. More people began to believe the rumors that she cheated. No one wanted her face to be connected with their company in worry it’ll tarnish their reputation. She had approximately a week to move out before she was forced out. Luckily Yuta never wrote a prenup, seemed like the only good decision he made all those years ago.
Stressed with everything going on, he needed you more than anything. For a few classes you were absent because you refused to leave his side. And despite Aro and the others asking about your whereabouts you only gave them short responses and nothing more. “You did good baby.” You comfort your fiancé. The large Diamond engagement ring fits perfectly on you. The twinkle shines brightly, Yuta sends you a fond smile and takes a hold of your hand. Pressing a kiss to the ring, he pulls you for a hug. “I love you.” He murmurs in your chest. “And I love you.” And you do, which is why you went through great lengths to make sure everything came out in your favor. Laying him down on your bed, you undress him. Unbuckling his pants as you take his dick in your mouth. Your soft hand coming to fist what you can’t get in your mouth, the bright Diamond glimmering in the sunlight that enters your room. Yuta’s head is thrown back as he focuses on the pure bliss he’s receiving, letting his grunts fall out freely with each lick and suck you give him. Climbing on top of him and taking all of his inches, rolling your eyes back when he manages to hit deep inside you. Bouncing on his cock until you’re going stupid on him, his hand coming to brush your hair out of your face. Cooing at you as you try your hardest to not enter cloud nine but he’s addicting. You want more of him, you can never have enough of him. Which is why you beg him to take you, fuck you like he hates you and he does. He fills you with his white warm semen over and over again until your bloated with his babies. Falling asleep only to wake up and do it all over again.
The day Yuta brought you to his mansion, the housekeepers bringing in your luggages. Yuri couldn’t believe her eyes. “How could you?!” She shrieks, disgusted in seeing you hold hands with her father. “How could you do this to me? To Aro?” Snickering, you shake your head and pull Yuta’s head to kiss him. You felt proud to see her face turn red as she practically shakes in anger. Her hands balled into fists at her sides as she glares daggers into your head. “I want to talk to Yuri alone, please babe?” Nodding, he presses one last kiss to your temple before signaling the housekeepers to follow him upstairs. Going to comfort his daughter, he’s disappointed to see her distance herself from him and give him a look of disgust. Once he was out of hearing range, you couldn’t help but laugh. “You bitch!” She seethes at you. “Never did I think you’d stoop so low. Guess you were the mistress my father has been seeing, should’ve known you were here with no good intentions.”
“Me? With no good intentions.” Chuckling, you take cautious steps around you. Your heels are heard hitting the tiled floor with each step taken. “Yuri, you know better than to be hypocritical.” You grin. Furrowing her brow, she continued to glare at you. “What are you talking about?” Chuckling, you clap your hands and shake your head. “Seriously, did you think I wasn’t made aware of whats been going on between you and Aro?” Her face drops to one of horror. “The sleep over, making out in the kitchen where anyone can see?” Shrugging you pick at your nails. “Eh but its okay, your father and I fucked about an hour after you fell asleep on the same exact spot you backstabbed me.” About to defend her honor, you cut her off.
“I wonder what Emi will think when she finds out the reason she’s feeling insecure is because you have been convincing guys to not approach her. Saying she’s, ‘emotionally unstable’ or how about she’s currently fighting off an, ‘STD’ Mhm?” “Lies!” “Really? So if I were to ask half the boys at school they would all say I made it up? How stupid of them to think you were doing it for Emi’s benefit. That you were ‘looking out for her’.” Laughing you shake your head and walk closer to her. “What about Ai?” “I did nothing.”
Tsking, you sigh. “Another lie.” Taking out your phone, you find the photo in your gallery and show it to her. It’s satisfying to see the color drain from her face. “Just the day after Sota asked her out did you just have to swoop in and steal her thunder. Seriously though? Did you really have to kiss him? Fifteen minutes after making it official?” Clear as day did the photo show Yuri and Sota kissing. The rest of the group just the room next to them. “How did you…” “Remember Yuri, I see everything. You’re not the sweet innocent girl you make yourself out to be. No, you’re arrogant, egotistical and greedy. Can never be happy for others, everything has to be about you. You need to have the most awards, medals, achievements, to be in the best clubs and go into a college with an acceptance rate of 3%.”
Frozen in her spot, she swallows when she sees you take out a file from behind your back. “Funny how there’s no record of being accepted to…anything really. And yet, what I did find were receipts. With large quantities of money. So tell me Yuri, how much did mommy have to pay in order to get you in without Yuta finding out? $1,000? $10,000?” Pushing you away she denies it all. “I got in all by myself!” “Really?!” You mock shock. “Because Ritsu told me, you sucked him off in order to enter the debate team and was paid to keep quiet?” Drawing her hand back, a loud smack is heard resonating throughout the large house. “Y/n!” You hear Yuta call out for you, climbing down the stairs he sees the red mark beginning to form on your face. “What the hell is wrong with you Yuri?!” Tears had formed in her eye sockets, some running down her face as she feels exposed. “I hate you!” She screams at you, “YURI!” His voice booms off the walls.
“You don’t know the kind of woman she is daddy! She’s only using you!” “That’s not true!” You say as you cradle your face. Standing next to him, you hold his arm and cuddle into his side. “I love you Yuta.” You soften your eyes at him, “But she won’t let us be happy.” You get your eyes to water. “She won’t accept that I love you and you love me!” “Don’t listen to her! -“ “That’s enough Yuri! I’ve had it with you! I wasted all these years trying to give you the life you deserve and you threw that all away with your greed. It’s my time to be happy and if you don’t like it, you can always move out and go live with your mother.” Shutting up, she glares at the scene in front of her. Her father inspecting your face gently as he presses a soft kiss to your face. “Ill get you some ice.” Once he left, you turned to look at her with the same satisfied smirk.
“You can try your best to separate us. But just remember, I can easily make your life a living hell. You wouldn’t want the world to find out just how evil you are right? Drugging Riku’s drink to have sex with you, manipulating Aro into thinking he’s only ever good enough being with you. Blackmailing the hundreds of people to keep shut, doing your dirty work and deleting any video footage that captures the real you. In a second, I can end you. So do us a favor, and stay the hell out of my business with your father.” Taking one step closer to her, her tears much more noticeable you lean down to stoop to her level.
“Because I’m going to love your father whether you like it or not, and he’s going to love me just as much.” Hearing him call out to you, you give her a wink and walk off into the direction of the kitchen.
And as you walk in and find the man you love holding an ice pack, you let him gently press it on your face. Sensing her eyes watching the two of you, you move his hand out the way and pull him down by his shirt. Pulling him into a heated make out right in front of his daughter without him knowing. And as much as Yuri hates her life at the moment, she will soon come to despise it even more when you decide to expose her crimes nonetheless.
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harveybwabbit92 · 3 months
{Reader's relative left their kid at her place while they do errands, The kid stares at Belial’s chest.}
Kid, to Belial about his pecs: Why are your boobs so big?
{Cue R/n choking on her coffee while Riku rubs her back.]
Belial, stunned: They are not… boobs.
Kid: Do you have to wear a bra?
Belial: ….What?
{Meanwhile Riku and R/n are in the background are pissing themselves laughing]
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officialstrawhat · 5 months
The Rose Of Dressrosa- Chapter 5
Chapter List
Hello! Wow, it's been forever. But on the bright side, I am completely caught up with One Piece! :D Please enjoy this Chapter!
Trafalgar D. Law x Fem!Reader
After King Riku is dethroned, Doflamingo takes you under his wing and asks you to follow only one strict rule, "do not leave the palace alone". However, your sense of adventure is too great.
Law had only one thing in mind... Revenge. And you seemed like the best way to do that.
Trigger Warnings!: Please be advised there will be some allusions to grooming, non-con touching, and manipulation.
Word Count: 1.7k
Note: Gif is not mine. Not Edited.
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Chapter 5
You hummed happily as you sat in the courtyard of the palace. You sat back against the trunk of the large tree rereading your favorite parts of your adventure book. This was a great chapter:
In the South Blue, there are descendants of wayward giants from Elbath. According to legend, centuries ago, these seafaring giants were shipwrecked on a tiny island in the South Blue. In an attempt to return to Elbath without a ship, they tried to build a stone bridge to reach their homeland. Eventually, the island ran out of stones, and the giants soon realized they would never see their homeland again. Now, every year, their descendants walk across the stone bridge to honor their ancestors...
“You're chipper,” Dellinger came up from behind you.
“So? Am I not allowed that as well?” You bite back at his comment, rolling your eyes.
So what if you were happy? Was that so bad? Whenever you left the palace you felt a euphoric bliss that only satiated until the next time you could sneak out again. Anytime you would go out it was all very secretive. At least you hoped so, you tried not to ever talk to anyone unless it was necessary. Which only made it all so lonely. 
That was until you met him. Law. He was new and told you all about his adventures sailing from island to island. It captivated you. 
He captivated you…
You began to blush furiously at the thought. He was attractive, that was easy to admit. But to act like this it was a feeling you had never felt like this.
“Hellooo?!” Dellinger began to snap his fingers in front of your face. 
Oh shit. Was he talking to you? “Hmmm…”
“I said, Doffy wants to see you.”
Your heart sank, “Did he say why?”
“Oh yes we had a great big chat all about it over tea,” the Sharkboy said mockingly.
Rolling your eyes again, you rise from your grassy spot.
“Have fun,” he laughed as he sank to lay down on his back the brim of his cap hiding his eyes. “Hopefully he doesn’t kill you” 
“Asshole.” you tossed out as you walked off. 
Shit. Shit. Shit. you curse.
Did he know? Did someone see you while you were out? With some strange man no less. You weren't stupid this could be bad. You had heard rumors of how Doffy would kill if he felt like his family was put in jeopardy. Maybe if you explained…
Taking a deep breath you knocked on his massive office doors.
“Young Master?” You say as you enter cautiously.
When you fully entered his office it was empty. It had been a long time since you had stepped into his room. You looked over to his desk and there were the flowers that were browned and dead in an expensive crystal vase. You waved your hand over the petals, reviving them back to life. The act caused a memory to revive as well.
Seven years ago…
Doflamingo sits in his desk chair reading a newspaper
He looks up, “Aww there's my Rose.” 
“I made you something!” You tell him excitedly
“Did you?”
You nod and reveal a wildflower from behind your back lifting it up to him. 
“Watch what I can do!” You turn the one into several different colors.
“My that is something,” he smiled and  placed an invisible string to the flowers and tied it together before placing the bouquet in a crystal vase, “I think it works well there.”
“Mhmm.” You agree as he places you on top of his lap. “Doffy? How many strings can you make?”
He chuckled, “How many stars are in the sky?”
“You hung all those stars,” you gaped.
“Let me tell you a secret,” The Young Master leaned in close to your ear, “Only for you”
“Y/N,” you heard causing you to spin towards the entryway. 
“I was told you wanted to see me,” you said hesitantly as you watched Doffy walk over to his large chair next to the window. 
“Yes. Come sit,” he said once he placed himself in his large chair, you moved to the opposite chair in front of him.  Before you could sit he stopped you by grabbing hold of your wrist.
 “No, right here.” he patted his lap. You felt your stomach turn. Gulping you moved and sat on top of him, causing the grin on his face to widen at your obedience. 
“I am proud of you, you know,” he says pulling you closer to him, “for keeping up with your training. In no time you will be able to unleash the full potential of your power.” He ran a hand through your hair brushing a strand behind your ear.
“Will it always be Monet training me?” you ask trying to focus on your breathing as your heart beats faster against the cage of your chest.
“Yes. As difficult as it may be,” he spoke, his words trailing off before speaking again this time his voice dangerously low and slow, rubbing your thigh. “Unless you want me to step in and teach you. I am a very good teacher.”
You watched his hand inch closer and closer to the most intimate part of yourself. Immediately you jumped out of his lap, “Was that all you wanted to speak with me about?”
“No,” He chuckled, seemingly amused at your jumpiness, “I wanted to speak with you before I leave for The Reverie.”
He’s leaving? This was news to you. You had heard of the meeting before. He had gone before, four years ago. 
“I also wanted to warn you that while I’m away-” 
“Don’t leave, I know.” You finish. 
He stared at you with a grin on his face, “I know my rules may seem rigid but I do so because I care.” He rose from his seat and walked toward you. “You are naive my dear and I would hate to see you taken advantage of. I've only ever wanted to take care of you. Let me take care of you.”
He towered behind you, “Perhaps the next reverie I’ll let you attend with me” he spoke lowly again but this time he snaked his large hand down the length of your back eventually resting and firmly grasping the curve of your backside causing you to take a sharp intake of breath, “On the condition you continue to be a good girl of course.” 
He moved too quickly for you to even understand what was going on. His hand wrapped your loose hair pulling your hair roughly, exposing your neck to him. Frozen in place you watched him smirk and lean down to the crook of your neck. He inhaled your scent deeply before rapidly running his tongue from the base to the top of your neck to the point where you could feel the tip of his wet tongue lash against your ear.
Before you could push back he let you go. Dismissing you back to your room. Quickly you scurried out the door as Doffys laughter echoed in the room.
Four hours later you met Law just like you had planned and tried to block out the events earlier today. As you walked through the alleyways you were at war with yourself.  You kept thinking about Doffy and how he held you. How he touched you. It felt- not good. But Doffy had looked out for you your whole life. 
He wouldn’t hurt you. 
But he just did…
Maybe this was always meant to happen? 
What was it that Doffy said? “Let me take care of you..” 
Maybe it wasn't a big deal. He was very clear. All you had to do was play by his rules and in four years possibly get a taste of freedom. Do what he says, stay on his good side? Allow him to touch you and-
“Are you hungry?” Law asks as they walk down the dark street pulling you out of your head. 
“No,” You say flatly arms crossed against your chest.
“Ya sure? I found this great little booth down this way” Law replied. He could sense something was off you weren’t your normal cheerful self. 
“It's nothing.” You push back suddenly changing your mood into one of fake enthusiasm. “Food sounds great. Let's go.”
You two walked in silence for a considerable amount of time before he brought you to a small cart parked on the sidewalk of a market street. There were so many people and Toy people that it brought a certain warmth you always loved about the city.
You knew this place although it looked different in some aspects. Your attention immediately went to the two-story building the stucco roof was a different color and bicycles as well as their seller could be seen from the new glass windows but you could only imagine a woman who looked a lot like you did now helping customers in the quaint shop.
Law passed you the food and drink he purchased and led you away from the area until he found an empty alleyway.
You both slid down the building and remained quiet until Law finally spoke. “We don't have to talk about it.”
“Whatever it is that's wrong,” he told you, “We don't have to talk about it. Frankly, I’d rather just eat my empanada.”
“I used to live there,” you aren’t sure what made you say it,  “Above the bike shop. Well It used to be my mother's flower shop”
He remained silent. Allowing you to continue if you wish.
So you did.  “She died. I was ten.” You felt the tears but managed to push them back. “It sucked.”
Law nodded. “To your mom” You raised your glass of bottle letting it clink to his.
You both continued to eat in silence. Law wished he could say he was pretending to care about your sad story. But he did. It made him think of his mother. He was ten too. Or maybe it was because he knew something was up the moment he saw her walking over to him. He wondered what could have- No. he shook the thoughts from his head. He had to stay focused. He couldn't afford to start caring about some spoiled girl's sob story. She was just a key to his plot and it was high time to start putting it in motion. 
@rebeccawinters @mj-airlines @awkwardspontaneity @cresent-z
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faustiantales · 4 months
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Dark Descent: Tenn Kujo X fem/afab!Reader
Twisted Truths: incest, yandere/possessive tenn, obsession, imprisonment, noncon, physical violence, psychological abuse, emotional distress
Synopsis: She didn't know when it started. She didn't know why it happened. By the time she realized it, it was already too late — Kujo Tenn wasn't the same caring and loving older brother that she remembered him to be anymore.
Shadows Lengthen: 600+ words
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"T-Tenn-nii..." you whimpered, struggling against the confines of the metal cuff on your wrists.
You looked around his room, trying to find anything that could be of use to free yourself from the chains that held you in place. The reason why you're in this predicament? Your older brother, Kujo Tenn, was obsessed and very possessive of you. And it just happens that you were spending more time with your other older brother, Riku, than him. Because of this, Tenn decided to lock you in his room for himself; imprisoning you without any means of escape.
You never saw this side of Tenn. You know that he's sweet, caring, and kind, however, when it comes to you, he becomes more like a psychopath. He became a yandere. When you realize his sudden change of demeanor, you start to fear him unlike before. You wanted Riku to help you escape from him yet you are afraid that he would get hurt by the hands of his own brother.
You know all too well that a yandere can kill anyone—even their own relatives—just to keep their special someone to themselves, and only them.
You whimpered once again, trying to push away the tears that threatened to fall down your cheeks. Your eyes start to burn as your vision blurs due to the tears bubbling in your eyes. You're already reaching your limit; you don't want to experience this anymore...you want to escape.
"Riku-nii..." came your muffled sob. "...please save me..."
You didn't try to resist the tears that kept flowing down your face anymore. You're scared. And all you wanted is protection coming from Riku. Your frail body slowly fell into the soft mattress of Tenn's bed as you continued to sob silently, eyes becoming dull and lifeless as the minute passed. After a few moments, you heard the doorknob rustling and turning.
You didn't even look at the person who came in; you knew all too well who that person is. Kujo Tenn. Your yandere brother.
"[Name], why are you crying?" he asked softly, making his way towards the bed you are in after closing the door and locking it.
Your eyes made contact with your brother's lustful, magenta one. You didn't care about giving him an answer as you averted your eyes away and stopping your pointless cries. Tenn frowned at the lack of answer as he sat down next to you, only for you to move away from him.
"Why are you avoiding me, [Name]?" he asked with a hint of irritation in his voice.
You once again didn't give him an answer. Your attitude made him annoyed and mad, clicking his tongue as he harshly gripped your hair to make you look at him in the eye.
"Ah! T-Tenn-nii! It hurts!" you screamed as another batch of fresh tears came cascading down your cheeks.
"Hm~ I thought at first you were mute. But it seems that you can actually talk," he mused, examining your pained expression. "I love the expression you're making."
You glared at Tenn. Though he just smirked and snickered at your futile attempts. Using his other hand, he grabbed your chin and lifted it up. You tried struggling against his grip, but it proved useless when he tightened his grip on you, making you stop and yelp in pain. Tenn's smirk widened after seeing you so vulnerable under his hold.
"Don't try to resist, [Name]. It's futile," he whispered in your ear huskily. "I own you now. These chains would forever keep you imprisoned in my love."
Suddenly, you felt wet lips pressed against yours. Your eyes widened in shock when you saw your brother kissing you lustfully. You cried as you closed your eyes, the tears kept streaming down your face as your body fell limp. Your hope slowly fades away as you melt under Tenn's forceful kiss. It's already the end, huh?
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📜— Return to the Shadowed Archive
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ghostly-writes-stuff · 3 months
Thank you for letting me know!
Would it be okay to see platonic hcs where fem!reader plays an ocarina? She's often discouraged in her home when she plays it, but she gains newfound encouragement when meeting Sora, Aqua, and Naminé?
Of course!
(Also, my first fic I've ever written...so pls pls pls be nice!)
Sora, Aqua, and Namine with a Fem!Reader who plays the ocarina and was discouraged from playing it
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Discouraged? With Sora? Not happening!
Sora will encourage you to do what makes you happy!
100% would give you a ton of compliments all the time
He might learn how to play a couple songs himself
Would listen to all the songs you play!
He would definitely have Riku and Kairi listen as well as Donald and Goofy
Best supporter a girl could ask for tbh
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An ocarina? She used to play when she was small
So seeing you play has her interest peaked!
She'd play the ocarina with you
And of course she'd listen to you play, it's helps calm her down and relaxes her quickly
Aqua is very upset that people discouraged you from playing!
If it makes you happy, why get mad at someone?
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Oh see understands
She's an artist herself and in the past DiZ tried to discourage her from drawing (Ansem has since apologized for this)
So Namine knows to encourage you
She'd draw you playing the ocarina, places the songs take place in and what the songs remind her of
Artists always have each others back!
Thanks for the request!
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Eyes That Whisper
Word Count: 488
Warnings: None
Headcanons: Riku x Fem!Reader ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶
In the tranquil town of Twilight Town, where the sunsets painted the sky in hues of orange and purple, Riku found himself often lost in thought. He was a warrior, a Keyblade master, always on the edge of battle and darkness. Yet, in the presence of the mysterious girl who had wandered into his life, he found a peace he never knew.
Their first encounter was nothing short of a fated event. It was during one of those lazy afternoons in the town square, where kids ran around with their laughter echoing through the air. She was there, sitting quietly on a bench, her gaze lost in the pages of a book. Riku had seen her from across the room, their eyes met, and in that silent exchange, a connection sparked. 
As days turned into weeks, their paths crossed more frequently. Riku would often find excuses to be where she was, and their interactions grew from flirty glances to meaningful conversations. Whenever her name was mentioned, Riku’s ears would perk up, and he’d subtly turn the conversation towards her, eager to see her reaction to his stories and jokes.
It wasn’t long before their friends started to notice the change in them. Riku, who was once so guarded, now openly cared for her opinions, sometimes more than his own. And she, who was once just a visitor in Twilight Town, began to adopt some of Riku’s mannerisms, like the way he would rest his hand on the hilt of his Keyblade or the thoughtful look he had when gazing at the horizon.
Their bond deepened with every shared smile, every laugh, and every moment spent under the starlit sky. It was during one of those nights, as they sat side by side on the clock tower, legs dangling over the edge, that Riku realized how much she meant to him. The way she smiled, not just a small half-smile, but a real, beaming smile that reached her eyes, made his heart flutter in a way he never thought possible.
The subtle things they noticed about each other became not so subtle. Riku’s hearty laugh would echo in her ears long after they parted, and the smirk he wore after a playful kiss lingered in her mind. They were becoming like each other, slowly but surely, and it was beautiful.
One evening, as they walked through the town, hands brushing against each other, Riku gathered his courage. “You know,” he started, his voice barely above a whisper, “I think I’ve found my light, and it’s you.” She turned to him, her eyes wide with surprise and affection.
And in that moment, with the silent eye contact that spoke volumes and the flirty glances that had become so much more, Riku and the girl from another world fell into a love that was as deep as the darkness he once fought and as bright as the light he now embraced. 
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your-dark-angel · 1 year
☠︎︎Fem! Dark era! Dazai x reader ☠︎︎
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Warning: Swearing, mention of sexual dance, insults, murder,crimes,sexual harassment, mention of drugs and alcohol, mention of suicide and self harm scars.
A little note:I had a dream about this lol
Pairing:Dark era Fem!Dazai x reader
Short description:You are an informator and Dazai came to ask for your help
There will be a part 2!
Dazai is now eating at the table with Mori who called her. She is eating a steak with her fork in her hand and a knife in the other hand. Her guts are telling her he wants something from her. She just keeps eating waiting for him to say something.
"Dazai,we both know that I did not bring you here for nothing." Mori says while eating as well.
She just nods. She fixes her skirt making sure she looks good.She is in front of her boss after all.
"I have a mission for you. Pay attention." He says making eye contact with his mafia executive.
Mori looks dead serious about this making Dazai wonder how he trusted her with something like this."There's this man who owns me a lot of money. That bastard had gone missing recently as his date to repay me got closer. I need you to find him and bring me back my own money and his head." He adds literally stabbing his steak.
"Did I ever let you down,boss?" She says confident. She does need some confidence for this type of missions. After all he put all his trust into her.
"You never and you can't. We both know there's punishment waiting for you if you fail a mission." He says in a cold tone. "We don't want you to end up like my last executive."
Mori is sure a strict boss who always follow the rules making sure everyone respects them and him,the leader.
Dazai,on the other hand, knows rules are important in the mafia,but she thinks there's need for chaos sometimes.
"You're an interesting one so I am not in doubt that you will be able to do it." Mori says as he pours some wine in his glass.
"Now listen up. The guy's name is Hiragi Riku. He owns me around 10 million yen. Something I know about this guy is that he used to lead a club.
I can give you an address if this helps." The boss says finishing his food.
"Yeah. That would be perfect." She says finishing her food as well. She gets up getting ready to leave.
The girl just left to the club with the address Mori gave her. Of course she dragges Chuuya with her to annoy him.
"Remind me again why did I have to come too? Isn't this your mission?" Chuuya says getting off his motorcycle.
Dazai gets off the motorcycle as well as she smirks. "One, You're my personal driver and two, you're the person I love to annoy the most" She says playfully.
"What the actual fuck, asshole?!" Chuuya says getting already angry.
"See what I'm talking about? It's fun to see you get angry so easily" She chuckles.
They both enter the club.
Dazai tells Chuuya to talk to the barman and call her if he finds anything interesting. Meanwhile, Dazai is going to talk to a dancer.
What Mori didn't mention is that this is not a normal club.
"Excuse me,miss." Dazai says respectfully.
"Oh? Are you here to play, girl? Didn't know we have clients into this" The dancer says getting closer to Dazai.
"Come in the back, but you gotta pay me first" She adds smirking.
The brunette girl takes a step back.
"No,no! You got me all wrong! I want to talk to you." She says a bit uncomfortable talking to her.
"Talk? Listen here, I'm not payed to be a therapist. I'm payed to dance for horny ass old bastards." She says not paying attention to the young lady in front of her anymore.
Dazai is one of the people who doesn't give up easily so she speaks again hoping she will find some information."Hiragi Riku. What was he like?"
The dancer looks at him confused and scared.
The look in her eyes already makes Dazai question about this man's identity."I don't know what you're talking about. I don't know anyone with this name.Leave me alone or I will call the security."
The brunette haired girl tries to speak again to ask 'Why?' but the dancer leaves. 'I guess that's a sign I should go talk to Chuuya' She thinks.
"Any luck?"
Chuuya looks at his partner with a confident look. "Yeah. The barman says he didn't get to know this guy since he is quite new, but he heard rumors about him covering his wife's murder."
The girl sure knew something is not right here. Of course, Mori knew this guy because of his money or crimes or maybe even both. As a mafia leader of course that's the only way he can have a connection with someone.
She already thought that this guy is trouble, but how does that help with the reason he went missing? Is there really any connection? "Anything else?" She finally speaks again after a few seconds of analyzing everything.
"No. I couldn't get much out of him since he's knew. How about you?" Chuuya says.
"I couldn't find anything. The other employees look terrified of this guy." She says still thinking. There's not enough information for sure. They need more, they need a lead.
What if they ask a regular customer?
Who is that wife? Any family to ask about her relationship with him? Any children to ask? She has a few ideas.
So she grabs Chuuya and goes to an old man standing and looking with a smirk at one of the dancers.
"Hello,mister. Are you a regular here?" Dazai asks.
The man in front of them looks
miserable. He is clearly drunk or high.
"Well hello,young lady. You look really mature for your age. I like this type of girls." The man says as he starts drinking. "I've been going for quite a while here. I wouldn't consider myself a regular though"
"We have a few questions about the other boss. Did you happen to know him or anything related to him?" She asks trying to ignore the gross remarks.
Dazai is only talking to this guy for information so she better keep her mouth shut until she gets what she wants.
"Yes, I do know him. I had the pleasure to talk to him a few times." The old man says.
"Great. Do you know anything about his wife?" The ginger haired boy asks ready to slap the stranger. He knows they need information for the sake of their criminal organisation so he is trying to keep his calm,like Dazai.
"She was murdered recently. Just before her husband when missing" The old man says.
"Thank you. Do you know anything else about her?" Dazai asks as she smiles trying to make him tell everything he knows.
The man smirks as he sees her being patient and polite with him. He hopes he will be able to touch the girl in front of him if he playes it well.
"She was from Europe, Transylvania and she moved here. Her family are still living here and couldn't afford to take a trip to their own daughter's funeral. Isn't it sad?" The man says as his gaze is fixed on Dazai's body.
"Is this all?" Chuuya says trying to make him look at him.
"Yes. Now, does the young lady love her mouth full?" The old man says rubbing his area.
"The young lady loves a man who brings a fresh one to her, not an expired bag of meat." Says as her heel makes contact with his cheek leaving that man a huge black eye.
She leaves the building disgusted.
"I'm glad you hit him cuz I would have broken his ribs if you didn't hit him yourself." The ginger haired man says red of anger.
Dazai wakes up after she had a lot of dreams about the perfect suicide. "What a great night!" She says for herself.
She gets up as she tries to find a pair of trousers. She sighs as she realizes she needs to wear a skirt today.
Skirts aren't really comfortable for her. She has a few self-harm scars on her legs,as well as her whole body. She grabs some bandages to cover up as much as possible.
After she is done with wrapping the bandages around her thighs and ankles she leaves her room.
Odasaku walks by in a hurry.
"Good morning!!!~~~" Dazai says excited.
"Good morning." Oda says and stops.
"What's with all this hurry? Did something happen?" She says getting closer to him now that he stopped.
"There isn't really anything that bad. Just promised some children I'll see them today." He says going outside with Dazai following him.
"Is it alright if I go with you? "She asks looking at him with the sweetest eyes she can make.
Odasaku sighs and just nods. He grabs his cigarette pack and light one. He offers Dazai one as well. The brunette looks a bit surprised as this didn't happen before.
'It's only one time.' She thinks as she grabs his lighter and cigarette.
"So how come you're free now?" Odasaku says knowing Dazai should train Akutagawa now.
"Mori-san gave me an important misson that requires a little time even for me. He loves to give me challenges." She lights her cigarette.
"He sure does,but he trusts your abilities. You'll be an amazing detective,you know?" He says with a straight face. On the inside Oda is the proudest friend right now. He is lucky to have Dazai near him. Even though he is older he looks up to Dazai.
"Not if I commit suicide first" Dazai jokes around like always.
"What mission did he gave you?" Oda asks curious. 'What could be such an important matter that Dazai had to interrupt Akutagawa's training?'
"Well, there's this man... He went missing with a lot of Mori's money and of course he wants them back" She says as she starts thinking about yesterday.
She is nowhere near close yet because of the lack of information.
He notices something is wrong with the girl near him.
"Ah. I see. Money. I am not even surprised." He says knowing well how a mafia is. "What's with that long face? Does something bother you?" He asks stopping and putting a hand on her shoulder.
They both just finished their cigarettes.
"Yeah. There actually is something. It's about the missing man. I can't seem to get information about him. At all." She says feeling down. Maybe she isn't the best to be a 'detective' like Oda said.
Did she suddenly lose all her talent? She can't help but overthink a little.
"Hm..." Odasaku mumbles thinking about something. "There's someone you should meet up with. They can help you for sure."
"Who??" Dazai says as her eyes are getting filed with hope.
"Y/n l/n. They are an informator. They know everything about everyone. They once helped me too,but..." He says knowing there's a catch.
"But?" She says hoping the but won't stay in her way.
"But it's really hard to find them. There's no phone number or anything like this. Only the name. Knowing so much it can be dangerous for them to be exposed to other people." He says hoping that he at least helped her a little.
"I think I can make them meet up with me." Dazai says already getting an idea.
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