blackberrywars · 4 months
🔀 Aiden/Lambert :)
Well. This song is basically begging for a blue-collar deep dive into Lambert's generational struggle with alcohol, as well as a sillier nod to the long-and-lean Aiden headcanon. She's a tall boy indeed. I'm also making it 70s americana because I personally deserve to imagine butch4butch laiden where Lambert wears nothing but a dirty boiler suit over a gray wifebeater and no bra, and Aiden is head to toe in disco menswear —burgundy flare pants and vest, with an outlandishly patterned green silk shirt unbuttoned to the navel.
Lambert is a mechanic, and has been since before she dropped out of high school, to the dismay of her chemistry teacher. She'd skipped town at 16 without a word to her or anyone else, taking nothing but her tools and her father's last 12-pack for the road —it was the only thing she couldn't leave behind. Everything and everyone else is gone, along with the hair clippings and bloodstains on the bathroom floor. She spends a few days sleeping in her shitbox rust bucket, making loops around the city before she moves on to the next. And the next. It's a good thing every gas station has a beer cooler, the way she drinks and drives her way to the east coast.
She makes it, though, and by the time some old bastard named Vesemir finally hires her after three shops turn her tits down, it's a habit. Ordering an irish coffee at 9am doesn't make the barista bat an eyelid in her neighborhood, and it tides her over until her break. A can there sits just right beside her coworkers', and really, they drink more than she does. No matter Vesemir's tuts, he never stops them, just scolds them for leaving the pop tabs everywhere. She's collected enough to make a curtain with them, hanging instead of her bedroom door.
It's a few years of this and Lambert is...... content. She's good at her job, and the only bruise on her body is from where she dropped a gasket scraper on her foot. If she drinks too much, then at least she has no one to take it out on, and really, she's just fine, really. Beer mellows her out, stops the lava under her skin, and the only drunken fights she's gotten in were well-deserved, in her opinion. She goes to sailor's bars with Eskel and Geralt, and goes to the dyke ones when she's not with them, but she never plays for keeps.
It's this Lambert that Aiden meets when her adorable yellow vespa calls it quits. Garage Morhen has a good word-of-mouth reputation with queers for never turning down a customer for the amount of glitter they put on their bodies. Rumor has it that the owner still vists the leather daddy clubs every now and again. Some other whispers say his second son's wife and boyfriend get along spectacularly. Even more say that the third son is the meanest dyke around.
So Aiden goes in all her glory, pushing her scooter in her five-inch boots, brown leather stained with grime. Looks up after five minutes to find Lambert leaned against her station, tall boy in hand and a scowl on her face. Her hands are dyed black up to the elbow, showing off her thick forearms, and her nipples poke through her wifebeater. Her eyes are a little yellow as they look up up up at Aiden, telling her it won't be a cheap or quick fix. And Aiden just smiles, because she's sure as hell not opposed to hanging around for a while.
EDIT: For anyone not aquainted with them, @whyzowl and @yolki-palki have drawn some GORGEOUS fem!laiden art, and the outfits described above are basically me using their designs like paper dolls. Art linked here, here, here, and here with my screeching commentary.
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tryingtofindava · 4 months
i saw the tyler fic u did where instead of him being impale, it was his gf! do you think u could do that but with aiden’s gf and the ceiling? 🫶
A/N: is the title lyrics from Low by Flo Rida? Yes. Do I think I’m hilarious for this? Also yes.
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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Covering Ashlyn’s ears with your own shaking hands as she trembles from the crazily loud bangs coming from Taylor’s shotgun.
Watching as she shoots the ever loving fuck out of the creepy massive centipede. “… Yeah, uh- Tay, it stopped moving.” Aiden nodded with an uncomfortably big smile, though his semi assuring words fell upon deaf ears.
Giving her a thumbs up as he’s crouched right beside you while you help Ash, having a hand on your shoulder and giving you light squeezes to comfort you or himself, you couldn’t tell.
Taylor upon taking notice that creature is in fact dead…. Hopefully… She lowers the gun as Logan comes up behind her, grabbing her shaking hand soothingly. “We need to hurry in case it recovers.” He spoke reassuringly to the panting Taylor.
Watching the others rummage around the small office while you stood watch at the doorway, was a stressful experience having to keep watch to make sure no phantoms got in and keeping watch over Tyler (who was getting patched up by Ben).
.And no one could find the keys… “Where are they?!” Taylor seethed, slamming shut another keyless drawer.
“Coach must’ve moved them again!” The brunette complained while starting to sigh through another drawer. “Does he move them often?” Ashlyn asked doing her own searching.
“Yeah, because idiots like Jay and Conner keep messing with them!” She scoffed. You would’ve giggled at Taylor being so frustrated for what seems like the first time ever if it wasn’t for your current situation.
You were leaning against Aiden who was fiddling with his army knife, flicking the blade out and flicking it back. “I feel a minor sense of Deja-vu.” He murmured in your ear while smiling to himself. It never failed to amaze you how your boyfriend could always smile no matter what was going on around him. “We have 3 minutes left,..” Logan called out.
Ashlyn perked up at a certain sound her super hearing picked up on, she looked over at you and Aiden. “Guys, there’s a straggler.” Carrot-top warned. Aiden sniggers, nudging you “Yeah, I can hear it running.”
And with that he stabbed the smiling demon monster right in the face, making you cringe at the disgusting squelch sound it made pulling the knife out of the phantoms face. “Got it!” Aiden hummed enthusiastically, skipping over to Ash to show her the black substance it left on his knife.
She of course rolled her eyes, ignoring the blondes antics, her eyes falling back to you. “Is there anymore, Y/n?” She quipped in curiosity.
You peaked out the door, looking left and then right. “Uhhh… nope, we’re good.” You answered, looking over your shoulder at her.
The walls and ground shook, “Huh…?” You mutter to yourself in confusion. “EVERYONE GET UNDER SOMETHING!” You heard someone yell, you were too busy keeping yourself balanced to register anything else in the moment.
The last thing you saw was Aiden reaching out to you, before the ceiling collapsed. “Y/N!” He shrieked, racing towards you. That’s when it all went black.
“C’mon! Get her under the table!” Taylor helped Aiden carry you to the table, everyone crawling under it. Logan, Ben and Taylor hiding under the desk on the other side of the room.
Aiden cradled your body in his arms, rocking back and fourth with he was staring at your face in horror. Blood was leaking from your forehead, and it was also trickling from your nose.
Aiden was on the verge of tears as she wiped the blood from your nose, that’s when he noticed your eyes were wide open and an unsettling grin stretched across your face.
In the real world Aiden shoots up from his sleeping spot, looking around the room until his eyes fell on your shaking form. “Y/N!” He yelled out again. Which caught the attention from the adults in the room over, including your parents/parental figure.
Before he could even get to you, the adults were already around you. Trying to assist your violently thrashing form. You coughed and wheezed, “I’m okay! I’m fine!” You assured the adults, while also trying to calm your heart and and breathing. “-M okay, really…!”
Aiden pounced on you, hugging you tightly, muttering incoherent words while pressing small pecks to your hair and forehead. You leaned into his touch, tears welling up in your own eyes just like his own.
“Don’t scare me like that again.” It was the first time you’ve ever heard him sound so serious…
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morgy-doo · 5 months
school bus graveyard x Fem! Secret idol! reader
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Who is Wonyoung (IVE): Wonyoung is the bubbly, outgoing and caring member of a popular K-pop group IVE.
character has similar traits to Wonyoung, non dimension AU, fluff, Tyler hernandez, Ashlyn banner, Taylor hernandez, Logan fields, Ben clark, Aiden clark.
TW: none
y/n quickly speed walked through the allyway, crossing the intersection, she had five minutes till vocal practice and she was already running late as it is as Aiden decided to pull some dumb stunt right before she left. she did want to be honest with them, but after recently transferring schools she didn't want the news to get out again, last time all it did was hinder her school life, but she couldn't be mad, she adores her fans and does her best to excuse their sometimes out of line behavior.
y/n breathes out in relief as she arrives to the recording studio. as she walks through the carpented halls she had a thought were the group on to her? it did seem kinda weird she had to keep cutting hang outs or leaving so abruptly. well, they probably didn't even know her group, the weren't as popular as other bands, if they did, they would of bought it up by now. also, if they did discover her group, its not like they would know its her from the glamour of the makeup and costume design. with that reassuring thought, she pushed open the doors to the main studio. nahh, they have no idea.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"There is something going on with y/n" Ashlyn said, crouched in the bus seat, taking the entire seat to herself. Taylor turned and raised an eyebrow. "Do you think? i mean, i did think its kinda weird she always left really early when we hang out, but i just thought she had strict parents or something." Aiden laughed ."No, iv'e spoken to Marhshall and Christy, they are actually really laid back"
Tyler gave Aiden a confused look "When did you get the chance to meet her parents?" Aiden sat down next to Tyler, who immediatley shoved him off the seat onto the floor.
"Well i was bored so i was gonna ask y/n if she wanted to come and convince old people its 3000 and that the nursing home was a secret time machine" (Aiden would totally do that you cannot tell me otherwise.) "But she wasnt answering er texts so naturally i went to her house and climbed through the kitchen window."
Logan gave him a horrified look and looked back at Ashlyn. "We should give y/n her own privacy, if she wants to tell us where she is going then that is up to her, we should drop it for now, maybe."
Ashlyn nodded in response and kicked Aiden off the chair next to her that he was trying to sit on.
(stop aiden abuse)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the group (minus y/n since she scurried off to another rehersal) were leaving school, it had been a long day full of work and Aiden, so everyone was tired and pissy. they were turning the corner when they heard the voice of Barron. Ashlyn grabbed the back of Taylor and Aiden's shirts so they wouldn't walk into their line of view and pulled them back behind the corner.
"Doesn't that new girl y/n look familiar, i just thought she was some washed up bitch who iv'e probably seen sleeping around, but then i noticed this." he pulls out his phone and shows one of his skanky friends a picture, it was of y/n in their most recent school photo, Ashlyn can barely discern the picture as it was from a distance but could still recognise the face.
Barron zoomed in on a mark on y/n's neck. Ashlyn had noticed the mark several times, but never chose to bring it up. Barron loaded up a new picture, this time it was a picture of someone in an over eccentri outit, their face covered in makeup and their hair done fancy, Barron zoomed in once again to reveal that this mystery girl had the same marking on her neck that y/n did.
"I think y/n is a member of the girl group ONCE" the group all turned to look at each other. Ashlyn pulled out her phone and researched the group, clicking on a video of a recent performance, Ben smiled and pointed to a girl near the left, now that they saw it close up, there was no mistaking it was their friend y/n. "I recognise this music, my dad always plays it in the car, says its cheery, doesn't stop me from wanting to jump out the window." Ashlyn says as she clicks off the video.
"But why wouldn't y/n tell us?" Taylor says looking around. Tyler just rolled his eyes. "Well i would be embarassed too if i had to wear ugly frilly dresses like that." Logan smiled weakly. "That's not the point-" Ashlyn cut Logan off, finishing his sentence for him, "She probably doesn't trust us enough, that's why, this is kinda a big secret idiot, so lets just pretend we haven't seen this and never bring it up to her"
Too late. Aiden had already sent y/n a picture of the video they had been watching with the text: "nice dress LOL"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A few weeks later, things began to work out better for y/n, after seeing Aiden's text, she came clean and explained everything about her vocal practice, and that she did indeed trust them, she just didn't want the knowledge being leaked. the others all accepted her and her career. infact, her band and the group even all hang out together, but Aiden was more so interested in farting in the mic and hearing it reverberate through the sound system.
thanks for requesting, did the best i could with the knowledge of how wonyoung acts, i never heard of IVE before so
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kadentherabbit · 9 months
Five Hargreeves blabs!
(I haven’t watch TUA besides season 1)
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(Dating! SFW! Includes like hickeys n stuff)
Hargreeves!Reader ⬇️
Five’s love language is buying you stuff. Clothes, jewelry, shoes, he will buy you absolutely anything. Even spying in on your conversations so he can come up with random gifts.
You two aren’t dating unless he wants you two to be dating. It’s nothing like being FWB, he just absolutely hates labels. If someone else talks to you with even a hint of being nice, he’ll lose his shit, you’re his partner.
He loves hickeys, giving and receiving. He finds it adorable. Leaving marks all over you and you leaving marks all over him. A lot of the time, he only lets you give him hickeys if he doesn’t have any work the next day.
Five isn’t a big PDA fan besides holding hands. He doesn’t like the idea of people thinking he’s some sweet mushy guy, You’d be lucky if he called you a pet name in-front of any of his siblings.
Five is definitely a big cooking guy, just for you, he could probably cook you any meal. Even nuggets and fries if you really wanted him to. He’d definitely wear a “Kiss the cook” apron.
Lets you draw on him if you really wanted to. Absolutely anything, he’d let you draw on him with anything but sharpie. I mean, he’s a busy man. Saving the world and shit.
He’d only stop his studies to cuddle with you, food, nah, sleep, nah but you? Absolutely, he’d be an asshole about cuddling but he would actually love cuddling with you, and if you play with his hair, he will be out within seconds.
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issacballsac · 11 months
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Fem Reader
Good fucking luck, bro.
Having Aiden as a FRIEND is chaotic in and of itself so imagine being his sister and dealing with him 24/7
As stated in the comic he and his family travel quite often
So you would rlly just be each other’s long term friends
He screams iPad kid
He has definitely forced you to play any and all games with him
Constantly making you watch him speedrun FNAF3 for the fifteenth time
Aiden and his bum-ass fashion sense is APPALLING
Despite if you try to get him to dress differently he REFUSES
Eventually when Ben joins your traveling circus Aiden’s behaviour mellows out ever so slightly
It’s nice having someone in your presence who isn’t constantly on 10
When the trip to Savannah happens you bet your ass he’s telling you all about it
His dumbass gossiping got u dragged into the dreamworld too💀
Having to witness his awkward crush on Ashlyn
“Go talk to her. Y’know you want to.”
Scoffing at your teasing comments, “I talk to Ash everyday. Can’t I just watch for today?”
“One, that’s weird. Two you’re never quiet, it’s weird.”
He definitely blamed you when you were younger for him microwaving plastic
Horrified eyes pierced the two of you as your mother parted her lips, “Who thought it was a good idea to put plastic in the microwave?”
“It was her.”
“You fucking liar!”
“No cursing!”
Will hoard the TV remote all the time especially when you guys were younger
If you experience a period he’ll tune down a bit especially if you get moody during but is still a menace
Forced you to watch the Barbie movie with him(he cried)
Every time his roots start showing y’all immediately take care of it
Bleach bros (gals? Pals?)
When he sees Taylor and Tyler matching outfits he suggests you guys do the same
He was immediately shot down with that request.
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zhvakinnn · 5 months
Hello! May I be ⚡ an)on? If that's ok? Anyways! Wondering if I could request a tyler x reader where they thought reader couldn't go to the phantom world but one day while they are there, they are running from a group of Phantoms before a flash bang goes off and reveals reader, holding a machete, and a huge light that was keeping the Phantoms away? You may edit it as you wish! Just keep the basic plot pls! -⚡anon
I was thinking about they flash the light at reader, I don't understand the basic plot but i goggle it (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
I'm choosing if i should choose the
while 'you' were running
While' i' was running
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Warnings: none ig?
Character: Tyler
G/N reader
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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Let's start on how you went to Savannah
You didn't know why you went to Savannah you didn't even have friends but your parents insist you on going there to make friends
But instead of making friends you look like a lost cat
You wonder around the place then you saw a mansion you went close to it trying to peak but ran away when you heard a rattling sound
You panted as you ran when you look back you froze for a moment you scared of the sight, while you stare at it, it suddenly came running towards you, you shriek while holding your arm up in defense
You fell down when you felt it scratch you
That's when a woman came running towards you
"hey! Are you okay?!" A brown haired woman with yellow shirt came running towards you
You look up from her then your arm, you were shock 'i swear i felt it scratch' then you look around but nothing was there it was just you and your embarrassment
Screaming without anyone harming you is kind of embarrassing
You stand up but the woman help you
"yes I'm fine sorry, i just saw snake came but i guess it disappear?" You lied because you always saw in movies they don't believe ghost or monster ti'll they see it in their naked eye she nodded believing it
"hey? Do you have anyone with? Like a friend?.. sorry to say this but ever since you walk out of the bus you look like a loner" you were offended but she's telling the truth anyway
"well yeah I was just force to be here, no friends" you said smiling softly while scratching your nape
You were shock when a hand was Infront of you "well then i will be honored to be your first friend, im Taylor Hernandez, im on the mechanic club" she smiled brightly at you
"oh, well hi Taylor im (name) , and glad to be you're friend" you smiled back as you were about to shake hands a group came running
"hey Taylor everything ok?" "Yeah just them seeing a snake" Taylor and.. tyler the baseball player that you're inlove with
"(name)" you can't help staring at him his so beautiful "(name)?" His brown eyes "(name)!"
You jump all the sudden only for Taylor apologize "oh no need to apologize, sorry i zone out, what are you saying again?"
"oh just introducing them let's start again this is Logan fields the genius of our group friend" she said pointing at the blonde boy with glasses
"and that is Aiden the uh? Hmm the insane one of our group" he yelled a 'hey' making everyone giggle
"and that is Ben the tall one of our friend, Aiden and him are cousins" Ben waved at you and you wave back
"and that is Ashlyn the quite one sorry not sorry" she shrugged it off and just said hi raising her hand
"and last this is-" "oh yeah i remember him being in the baseball club right?" She nodded and telling you their twins
"so that's why you two look alike"
When on that night you were in a different room all by yourself when you heard a banging you woke up the sky is red you looked out of the window seeing there's already the black monster it bang its head on the window and you search the room you were shock when you saw a machete
'weird but okay?!'
You swing it in its head and they died
You ran into the bathroom wishing this wasn't real you remember you have your phone on the bed
You cursed why didn't you didn't think to get it first
You open the door looking if there is anyone you quickly snatch your phone and went back in the bathroom you tried calling someone but there are no service
'of course there isn't, am i now in the horror movie ' you thought as you look at the time 12:00 for you it was passed by minutes now yet the clock was still 12:00
This made you cry with fear you tried calling for someone out and you just noticed you have a bleeding arm, you remember that from earlier you look for a wrapping bandaid
Once you find on you wrap it
'i knew it i was scratch!'
That's when you felt your body being pulled
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You woke up gasping, you look out of the window and regretting it when a bright light came to your face you closed it immediately
They're are many thoughts on your mind but glad that it was a dream, while thinking that you felt something coming out of your throat
After all that vomiting you still felt sick
You kept vomiting then vomiting so you went home, you ask your teacher permission and he agree
Present time
By the time you made friends with the six but you came more close to Barron
He was sweet and caring and he asked if you could help him do his assignments and you agree only regretting it
"hey Barron i thought im gonna help you but instead you kept playing baseball" you said looking frustrated and scared at the same time
"oh sorry but can you do my assignment i never had baseball before cause my mom always wanted me to study" he looks at you smiling, you only nodded and went to do his assignment and he added his friends assignments too
But day after day he started to get violent kicking you, Punching your gut, beating you up
You didn't dare to confront him you were to scared of him
You were at the arcade like Barron said you were meeting up there
"hey (name)! It's nice to see you again after weeks, how come i don't see you around" you saw Taylor and his twin Tyler i mean
You were about to speak up but Barron already pulled you away making tyler glare at him
"heyy (name) who's you're friends" Barron glared back
Then you notice Logan looking worried at you and mouthing 'are you okay?'
"oh i.. i i just met them on the camping, its nice seeing you again you wave goodbye as Barron lay an arm around you
"they're not okay" Logan said looking at everyone then you
Ben might not know you but he was mad whenever he saw someone encounter with Barron
But when they got there you were no where to be seen
They were now in the phantom realm Logan was at the top of the wall looking out
Ashlyn suddenly said "hey Logan how many phantom are there they kept getting louder"
When Logan looked with his sniper he can see a group of phantom chasing someone
"there's someone there running!" "Someone? Quick put the light on the direction it might be another person!" Ashlyn said as they all climb up because of curiosity but Ashlyn went out to grab you
When Logan put the light he can see a person when all the phantom became a slime you look at the light seeing someone you were happy that you're not alone anymore
Then you felt a hand grab you and ran towards the wall
Once you got inside the wall you Taylor and ben and Logan, Ashlyn and....tyler
'stop with your thoughts (name) its not healthy
"how did you get here, how long have you been here, when did you get here"
"calm down Taylor don't ask them many questions" Tyler said as he look at you then looked away
"I got here ever since the field trip then I had a dream well... Now I know it's not a dream then woke up vomiting and this been happening for a few weeks now "
They also explain that's what happened to them
"okay okay now thats done what the hell does Barron have to do to you?" Tyler said changing the topic you let out a small 'oh' before being silent
Logan sigh and look at you "Barron also force me to do his homework and violently beat me up" when you heard that from him you started to open up to them
"just letting you know if Barron came to you again I'll beat the shit out of him" you started to feel the warmth of your cheeks when you heard what tyler said
Who would've thought you would fall for him even though he doesn't know you
"woah you use machete" Aiden said with a big grin on his face
"well yeah i found this on the room where we slept while having the field trip, weird they have this things"
Ben tapped you then showing you a board "hey (name) question how did you survive these weeks?! I mean you didn't have any light"
"oh! Well we have a Bunker and I hid there with these torche but when im running out of food i decided to run in a market nearby but none was there only finding those creatures and your light lead me here" you explain to them
"but did you know in the human realm you can put anything, anywhere and it will be on the phantom realm like those lights, before we don't have those but them we figured out we can transfer anything in the phantom realm by being in the human realm" you only nodded but still couldn't catch up to what his saying but you get what he was saying
"okay okay how about we get some rest for now, and here eat you said you ran out earlier you must've hungry" tyler said giving you a snack
"whoa this is not like you tyler, where's a grumpy old Tyler" Tyler glared at him like there was flaming fire around him
You all are quiet while you ate the snack you thank Tyler for it
This tiny things can make your heart jump you were inlove with him but now being this close you were every much now falling and falling inlove
The next day you we're getting pinned by the wall because you forgot to do his homework and so as your homework
"seriously are you really that dumb?! It was an easy task and you couldn't do it?!"
Barron kicked you gut and you fell on the ground
"if it was an easy task why can't you do it?" You heard a familiar voice you knew that voice, you love that voice
"If it isn't prince charming what your gonna save your helpless s/o" they all laugh as Barron did too you grunt in pain holding your stomach
Tyler saw you then quickly get blocked by Barron when Tyler was about to punch him a teacher appeared out of nowhere making them run
Tyler didn't care he was worried about your situation right now he asked if your okay, you nodded and look at him if you were and emoji you could've have been the emoji with heart eyes
"from now on your sticking with us, were gonna protect you from that maniac like we protected Logan from him" you smiled at him and lead you to the group
It was months now you were officially their friends
You suddenly didn't regret going to the field trip thought you regret being in the phantom realm but you were also glad you have them
You've been hangout most of the time with the twin their mom loves your company aswell
"oh hey ty-ty" you said when he sat down next to you
"congrats its been months your now our officially friend" heh right friends...
You two sat there in a comfortable silent while in the background there was a chaos you laugh when Ben suddenly went flying on the spinning thingy
"hey.. i know we don't know each other much but.. nevermind"
"no go on im listening"
" we were classmate ever since grade 6 and we aren't close but ever since we became grade 8 i suddenly catch feelings for you... Even now" you were shock at his words he fell for you ever since grade 8 while you fell for him at first sight
When you were silent Tyler stand up "sorry I just ruined our friendship we just started and I already ruined it im-"
"no.. no Tyler im.. i accepted your confession though i already fall for you ever since grade 6" you grabbed his hand then he sat back again
"really?..." Another silent was made but then tyler held your hand " so does this mean we're you know... Together?" "Well i guess yes" you giggled at him
When his face started to get close you closed your eyes when your foreheads was at each other Aiden suddenly shout
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This story doesn't make sense but I hope you liked it🙏🏻
Masterlist | about me | rules
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cosmic-cupidsss · 3 months
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recents —➤ sorry nothing here yet :(
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ — each fic is labeled with a genre tag or warning: fluff, angst, mature, comedic, suggestive, etc..
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ashlyn banner | aiden clark | ben clark
logan fields | taylor hernandez | tyler hernandez
various | .etc
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Sorry there’s nothing here yet :(…
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chaosromanoff · 1 year
I Think She Knows (Natasha Romanoff x f!reader / Wanda Maximoff x f!reader)
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Summary: After that weird interaction with Wanda, Nat suspects that she may know about your encounters. Even though she doesn't seem to care... not too much at least.
A/N: Teasing pt.2! I'm not really a fan of second parts, but I thought it was necessary this time. Also, sorry for not updating all this months, but this one is a long one-shot, so I think it's worth it. Remember that English is not my first language, sorry for mistakes and all that stuff.
Warnings: bottom!Natasha x top!reader / powerbottom!Wanda x top!reader. Almost pure smut, explicit language, nipple play, oral, fingering, use of strap on. (Minors DNI!)
A week has passed since your last public interaction with Natasha, but behind the doors, you have been with her almost every night... just like tonight. It was a friday night, you invited Nat to come since you were all alone.
She took a seat on your lap and soon her lips clashed on yours, your hands on her waist trying to get her closer to you. And when your tongue entered her mouth it was all over. She moaned and started to get desperate, grinding herself on your thigh.
"Please." She begged between kisses. "Please touch me. Please, please, please." To be honest, you enjoyed when she begged you to touch her, but right now you couldn't wait anymore.
Your hands started to roam through all of Natasha's body, until you put them down her shirt, just to notice she wasn't wearing a bra.
"Naughty little slut." You mumbled and she moaned at both your touch and your words. Your started to pull and twist her nipples as delicate as you could, and Natasha's moans filled the room. "Take your shirt off, baby" You said and Nat obliged quickly.
The readhead arched her back as she felt your mouth on one of her hardened nipples and your fingers working wonders on the other one. Her hands went straight to your hair and pulled you closer to her body. "I need more" She mumbled. "Please"
You threw her softly next to you, she rapidly did grabby hands to you and you couldn't resist anymore. You kissed her again while you tried to unbutton her jeans, which you did. You both moaned as your fingers moved along her still covered slit, feeling her wetness through the fabric. "Y/n, please... I need you"
"Not my name." You said boldly, kissing and biting the skin of her neck while still moving your fingers through her covered wetness.
"Please, mommy." She whispered and that was enough for you. You almost ripped her panties off Natasha and inserted one of your fingers inside her and you both let out a huge moan.
"Fuck, Natty, you´re so tight and wet." You said. "Maybe next time you'll be prepared for my special toy"
Natasha couldn't answer, her mind was fuzzy and all she could do was moan your name as you fucked her, until you added a second finger.
"Mommy!" You felt how she clenched around your fingers, she was close and you knew it, but you stopped your movements and took your fingers out, making her groan at the loss of contact. "Me a bad girl?" Natasha asked and you noticed she was on her subspace.
"No, baby, you're being a good girl for me." You assured her, kissing her lips softly. "But I thought it would be better if you come on mommy's tongue, what do you say?" Natasha nodded happily at your words and your mouth went directly to her centre.
You groaned at her sweet, delicious taste. You just couldn't get enough of her, not even when she came on your mouth a couple minutes after.
Normally, you and Natasha didn't cuddle after an encounter, but this time she was so into her subspace that you couldn't refuse when she asked you to do it. So now you were on your bed, her head on your chest and her arms around your body.
"I think she knows" Nat said and you gave her a confused look even if she couldn't see it.
"Wanda. I think she knows about this."
"Why you say that?"
"It just came to my mind. She's been asking me about you these past days, but she probably knows."
"Are you worried about it?" Natasha didn't answer, but you could feel her tension. "Hey, it's ok, don't worry. Wada is your friend, isn´t she? She's not gonna tell anyone if you don't want that.
Natasha wasn´t really worried about that, but she didn't say anything else. She just smiled and kissed you before apologizing and starting to dress up again.
It was the next day and you were still alone in your house, so you were surprised when you heard someone knocking on your door on a Saturday evening. You thought it was Natasha, even though she always texted or called you before going to your house. When you opened the door you saw a pair of green eyes, but not the ones you were used to see every day.
"Wanda." You said surprised about the visit. "Can I help you?"
"Yes, Y/n, I think you can help me with something." She said and you let her enter to your house. "We need to talk" You nodded taking a seat on the couch and she did the same. "Do me"
"You heard me. I want you to do me."
"Wanda, I don't think I can help you with that."
"Why not? I mean, you help Natasha constantly. And don't you dare to deny it, the marks on her neck have the shape of your mouth." You remained silent, so Wanda kept talking. "I know you're good, question is... how much?"
"You really want to know?" She smirked and before you could say anything, her mouth attacked yours.
You both were almost ripping your clothes, until Wanda took a seat on your lap and felt certain hardness inside your joggers.
"Are you packing?" She asked with a smirk on her face. You nodded and she kissed you again. "Don't be easy on me, Y/n. But you need to know I'm in charge."
"It´s fine for me" You mumbled and Wanda nodded with approval.
"Put that little mouth to better use." She took a seat next to you and opened her legs, exposing her wet centre. You got on your knees and kissed the inside of her thighs before leaving a kiss on her clit, making her squirm a little bit before you started to lick and suck along her slit. "Fuck, Y/n, just like that"
You continued your actions until you inserted your tongue into her, feeling Wanda's walls clenching around you. "Oh, fuck, Y/n, I'm gonna cum. Gonna cum, gonna- Fuck!" Wanda started shaking because of her orgasm and you continued your movements to help her ride her high.
She pulled your hair back to stop your movements and cleaned your lips with her thumb before licking the remaining juices. "Get up." You obliged and she started to take off your joggers, exposing your strap-on. "Good girl, Y/n." You breath stuck on your throat when you saw her taking all of it on her mouth. Her green eyes looking at you lustfully, you felt you could cum in that very moment.
"Not so fast." She said taking the fake dick out of her mouth. "You can come when you make me cum again. Now come here and fuck me."
She didn't have to ask you twice. You kissed her desperatly while entering her. Wanda broke the kiss as she felt the dildo sliding into her and let out a quiet moan. Even though you couldn't feel her, you were mesmerized about Wanda's body, you needed to fuck her. "Remember, Y/n: don't be easy on me." And with that, you started to move. Your pace was hard and kinda fast at moments, but Wanda seemed to love it.
Her hips started to move with yours, following your pace and getting her close to reach her high. Wanda kissed you passionately as you felt her body shaking, she was so close. "'M so close, fuck, touch my clit, Y/n." You did as told, and when your fingers started to play with her hardened bud, that was it.
Wanda reached her high and so did you. You weren't used to cum normally, and maybe that's why you enjoyed this so much.
"Fuck, Wanda." You mumbled. "That was amazing"
"I never told you we were done yet." She said smirking and you could tell this was gonna be a long night.
And it was, because you didn't even have time to notice your phone announcing that Natasha was calling you.
I don't really know how many words are in here, sorry if it's too long. Let me know your thoughts about this one, please<3 Love, Aiden.
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cinnabundolly12 · 1 year
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25 notes · View notes
a-problematic-writer · 8 months
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Mini Art Dump! Jaime and Aiden my beloveds 🫶🫶🫶
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dat2ndaccount97 · 2 years
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What if I got Victoria and Aiden and made them a couple but swapped their outfits so it's Masc Victoria and Fem Aiden?
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rhodestoruin · 1 year
“actually…i did that on purpose.”
"Yeah? I hear that a lot." In Tony's case, it was unfortunately true more often than not. Rhodey didn't have to worry nearly as much about the things he did by accident as the ones he did on purpose. It was a coin toss with most of the kids though, and there was a skeptical arch to her eyebrow that said she doubted it.
There was amusement in it too though. Jane wasn't their parent, and she was comfortable in the role of Cool Aunt. Those duties varied from anything to making them dinner and offering a shoulder to cry on to helping them hide the evidence or blowing things up in the safety of the training compound. "Can I ask what you were hoping to accomplish?"
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mystic-writings · 2 months
we’re just fine | daryl dixon
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PAIRING — Daryl Dixon x Fem!reader
SUMMARY — after the fall of the prison, you find yourself in alexandria, alone. two months later, your family finds their way back to you. 
WARNINGS — angst, canon-typical violence/situations, pregnancy, fluff 
WORD COUNT — 5,000
NOTES — idk what happened to me all i know is i blacked out and then this was made. enjoy i guess
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Despite the pure monotonous routine you’d gotten used to during your two months in Alexandria, you couldn’t say that it wasn’t sometimes extremely boring. Your only saving grace was the mealtimes you had with Aaron and Eric at the end of the day. At least they had the sense and experience outside the walls to be able to carry out a conversation that wasn’t about what food you were eating or how the weather was. 
It was why you hated when they went out on recruitment runs. As their roommate, you felt awkward being in the home by yourself when they left the walls; as though you were intruding. You felt that way in a lot of aspects. An intruder on a perfect life that these people had grown used to in the wake of the apocalypse. A life where their only worry was whether or not Aiden and Nicholas would find the right ingredients for the food they’d planned on cooking during their supply runs. 
But there was nothing to be done aside from making a meal for one, eating alone with only a soft classical music CD to fill the silence, and to wait for the couple to come back home so you would have normal people to talk to. 
You were glad for them and the runs they went on, though. Or they never would’ve found you, and you’d likely be dead in a ditch by now. 
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Your hand shook as you gripped the handle of your blade, wide eyes searching the pharmacy for any signs of walkers, or people. Being on the road alone for as long as you had been was making you feel like you’d gone crazy. Maybe you had already. 
Sweeping the small aisles, you found no signs of life. Most of the shelves were already empty, likely having been raided during the early days. Still, you grabbed whatever was available to you, shoving it into your bag before ducking into a corner, knees pressed to your chest as you rooted around for one of the final few cans of food you had left. 
You’d been rationing out what used to be a plentiful supply for a few weeks now. One can of food per day, nothing more. A lot of what you had was thanks to the traffic blockages on the highways and interstates you’d wandered along on your way out of Georgia. What used to be two cans a day for almost three weeks turned into one for the past week and a half, bordering on two. 
The lack of food wasn’t your only issue anymore. With no signs of life from your former group, you had every reason to believe that they were all dead. Logically, you knew they weren’t. You’d seen some of them escape in the firefight, yourself included. But without any real way of tracking them down, they were as good as dead. Not to mention the sudden and constant fatigue that the southern sun seemed to give to you, making traveling more difficult than you had originally planned. 
Even with no end in sight, no real indicator that the man you called your husband was still alive, and no true hope for your future, you still persisted. You found places to sleep for the night, whether in abandoned cars or gas stations off of turnpikes. You found just enough food to supply you for a few more days if you managed to stretch it thin enough, and you kept going. 
Just as you were about to crack open a can of corn, the crunching of glass and shuffling of footsteps alerted you to the body that had just entered the pharmacy. Its footfalls sounded too heavy and spaced out to be anything but a human. 
Gripping onto your knife, you held your breath and gently placed the can on the floor. With your bag still on your shoulders, you kept your body crouched and your ears peeled, moving around the person — no, people — moving around the pharmacy. 
“I’m telling you, we’ve already been here. There’s nothing left to take,” a voice reasoned. 
The footsteps ceased for a moment, and you paused, praying they hadn’t heard you. “I know. Doesn’t hurt to check, though, right? I mean, we can’t exactly go back empty handed. Aiden’ll have something to say about it.”
“But we aren’t out here for supplies,” the other stressed, “we’re out here for people, remember? New members?”
“I know,” their partner chuckled, footsteps resuming as they rounded the last aisle. You ducked between the shelves closest to the door, hoping to just outrun them and not have to fight them. There was a pause, a palpable beat, before he spoke again. “But I think we might not be coming back alone.”
A cold chill ran through your veins at the former’s words. He knew you were in here. He’d seen your can of food, or heard your shuffling around the pharmacy. In an instant, you were at your full height, eyes wide as your fingers clutched your knife tighter and you ran, against your better judgment, toward the pair. The blond was the one closest to you, his back facing your front. With as much energy as you could muster, you hooked your arm over his shoulder, dragging him to your chest as you pressed your knife to his throat. It wasn’t hard enough to do any real damage, but you knew that if you absolutely had to, you’d apply pressure. 
“Who are you?” You spat, hand shaking as it gripped the knife. “What do you want?”
“Woah, woah, calm down. It’s okay. We’re not here to hurt you.” The brunet immediately jumped into negotiation mode, putting his hands in front of him. The position reminded you of Rick, oddly enough, and your heart twinged as you adjusted your grip on the knife. 
“Then what are you here for?” You spat. “Like you said, there’s nothing worth taking here.”
The faintest of whimpers escaped the lips of the man you held hostage, dragging both yours and the brunet’s attention to him. “We’re just—” the blond gulped. “We’re recruiters. We have a camp not too far from here. A safe one. We’re looking for people to join us. People who have— have experience, out here.” 
His words, as stuttery and fearful as they were, confused you. 
“I’m Aaron,” the brunet said, keeping his arms up in surrender as he slowly slid the backpack from his shoulders. “That man you have is my partner, Eric. Everything he’s saying is right, and I can show you. I have pictures and a brochure in my bag, if you’ll let me get it.” 
Hesitantly, you nodded. Even if he had a weapon, most of your body was blocked by his partner — Eric. There was a highly likely chance that he wouldn’t try to harm you while you kept his friend in your grip, however weak it was becoming. 
Slowly, Aaron reached into his bag, pulling out exactly what he said he would. With Eric still in your grip, he showed you pictures of the place he and his friend called home — Alexandria. “Look,” Aaron sighed, stepping back a bit. “You seem like someone we could use. You have experience that we lack. Plus, it seems like you’ve been out here by yourself a while. We have walls, food, running water, and proper shelter. And if you decide to come with us, our leader, Deanna, will interview you. If she allows you in and you don’t like it, you can leave any time you want. We won’t keep you there if you don’t want to be, okay?”
With a shaking nod, you let go of Eric, nudging him toward Aaron, who enveloped the other man in a tight hug. “I— I can leave if I want to, right?”
“Of course, you can. No one will stop you, and that’s a promise.” 
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It took a bit of getting used to, but you were glad that Aaron and Eric had found you that day. You’d been skeptical of things in Alexandria for the first few days, but you warmed to the entire situation a lot easier than you thought you would. You supposed it was because of how things were at the prison, but even then you weren’t alone.
Aaron and Eric, while not pushing the topic often, had managed to get to know enough about you and where you came from before they’d found you that they considered you a close friend. 
You’d only told them the briefest of answers. That you were with a large group in Georgia from the beginning, that you’d been with one of them for most of that time — even, at some point, considering yourselves to be married, though the symbol you’d had to show it had been lost months ago — and then another group came along and took everything away from you, simply because they could. 
The safety and privacy that the couple provided was something you were more than grateful for, even if you were sure you wouldn’t be able to have it forever. 
Because while Aaron and Eric, along with the rest of Alexandria, provided a structure and a sense of normalcy for you, you couldn’t shake the grief that fell upon you every time you were alone. 
The thought of Daryl being out there, combing every inch of Georgia for you while you were so far away, was enough to bring you to tears. It was another thing to think about the possibility of his rotting corpse roaming the woods in search of something living to eat. The thought that you’d never see him again, dead or alive. That you’d just push through life — however much longer that would be for you — without him, even though he promised you’d never have to go through something like that. 
The thought of your baby never knowing who their father was, and their father never knowing who they were, either. 
You could go an entire lifetime without ever seeing Daryl again, and the idea of it nearly killed you when he was still around. It hurt a hundred times worse now that it was practically a reality. 
The night passed without word from or the arrival of Aaron and Eric. It was common for them to be gone a while at a time — this particular trip lasting almost a week — but you hated sleeping in the house by yourself now. You were so used to waking up to Eric clattering dishes in the kitchen that waking up midday when they were gone only proved how fatigued you seemed to feel nowadays. 
Waking up to a knock on the door wasn’t unusual as of late, but it was certainly unpleasant. You were, however, grateful for the fact that when you were given a room at Aaron and Eric’s, it was on the first floor. 
Rolling out of bed got harder and harder with each passing week, but you managed it anyway. The knocking persisted, and you sighed as you made your way into the living room, shouting out, “I’m coming!”
The knocking ceased, and you pulled on the fabric of your shirt before answering the door, only to find Jessie. “Oh, hey,”
“Hi, hon,” she smiled, and you felt bad for being upset at her moments before. “Pete sent me over, said you were supposed to see him this morning?” 
“Oh, shit, Jessie I’m so sorry,” you said, brushing some stray hair from your face. “I overslept, normally Aaron—” 
Jessie smiled warmly, reaching out and putting a gentle hand on your arm. “I understand, Y/n, no need to worry. Just get dressed and head over to the infirmary. It’s not like Pete’s in any real rush.” 
“Alright,” you nodded, bidding Jessie goodbye and closing the door as she headed down the porch steps. 
Padding your way through the home, you went back to your room, pulling on some fresh clothes before freshening up in the bathroom. Routines like these were simple, but they kept you sane. You’d had something a little closer to it at the prison, but it was nowhere near as nice as it was in Alexandria. 
After eating a small breakfast, you were out of the house and on your way to the infirmary. The streets were quiet, as always, and the sun was anything but forgiving. People smiled and waved, and you did the same, even if you didn’t know half of the people in this place. Even after being here for two months, it was hard to remember such trivial things about so many people. Plus, putting names to faces was never one of your strong suits. 
Stepping into the infirmary, you were grateful for the burst of air conditioning that fell over your body. Smiling, you greeted Denise and Pete, the former of the two sitting on one of the beds as she pored over the book in her lap. 
“Alright, let’s take a look at you. Sound good?” Pete smiled, and you nodded back. 
While you hauled yourself onto the bed, Pete readied the ultrasound equipment. Pulling back the loose shirt you wore, your eyes glued themselves to the obvious, albeit still small, bump you were sporting. 
“Hey, I’m about four months along now, right?” You asked, eyes darting up to Pete, who confirmed with a nod. “That means you can see the baby’s gender, doesn’t it? I remember hearing that somewhere,” 
Pete chuckled, powering on the machine and taking the gel from its holster. “Most of the time, yes. If you want me to look around for it, I can do that. After I make sure everything’s okay.” 
“I really wanna know,” you said, wincing at the cold gel making contact with your skin. “It’d mean a lot. Then I can go full nesting mode. And so can Aaron and Eric, really.” 
The ultrasound went off without a hitch. According to Pete, your margins were clear, and everything looked healthy with the baby. It was always a relief to hear. There was little room for error with these things now that you had scarcely little supplies to work with. Finding the ultrasound machine early on in the apocalypse was a miracle in itself. 
“Okay…” Pete hummed, the wand moving and pressing over your skin. “The kid’s giving me a hard time with this one. And…” he pressed a few buttons, eyes focused on the screen before him. You watched his features intensely, as though his expression would give the answer away before he could say it. Pete’s eyes broke from the screen as he smiled, lifting the wand. “You’re having a little girl. Congratulations.” 
Your heart swelled, a wide smile overtaking your features as Pete handed you a towel. “A girl,” you whispered, eyes locked onto your belly. 
Before you were able to stop yourself, you were once more reminded of the likelihood that you’d never be able to share this with Daryl. Tears welled along your waterline as you sat up, swiping the scratchy cloth across your belly. Whether Pete noticed or not, he made no indications. You were thankful for it, and for him leaving the room to put the ultrasound equipment away. 
When he came back inside, he pulled Denise from her books and into the kitchen to talk, but you paid no mind to them. They were talking too low for you to listen in, anyway, and you were too busy trying to quell your emotions on the makeshift examination table to want to eavesdrop. 
By the time you were ready to leave, Olivia entered the infirmary, eyes scanning the room before landing on your frame. 
“Y/n, they’re on their way back,” she smiled, and you nodded gratefully. 
“They’re okay?”
The woman nodded. “Eric’s a bit banged up, hurt his leg I think, but otherwise they’re fine. And they brought a group. They should be getting here soon.” 
Exhaling a relieved breath, you slid from the bed, bidding goodbye to Denise and Pete as you followed Olivia onto the street. You walked side by side in silence, mulling over what she’d said. 
“You said they brought a group?” You asked, following Olivia up the steps to the house that held all of your inventory. “How many?”
Olivia huffed, brows cinching. “Deanna said it was a big one. That they had a lot of weapons, been on the road a while.” 
Your eyes widened. “A while as in the entire time, or?”
“Not sure,” Olivia shook her head. “All I know is I gotta get the weapons cart to the gate, if you wanna help?” 
“Sure. Should probably be there to get Eric to the infirmary, anyway,” you decided. 
And, sure enough, Aaron helping a limping, sweating Eric through the gate was the first — and for now, only — glimpses of the new group you would get. Aaron smiled apologetically as he spotted you, tucked out of view from the newcomers. 
“What the hell happened to you?” You said, looking pointedly at Eric, who grimaced as you took his arm from Aaron. 
“Roamers,” he sighed. “It’s broken, I think.” 
“You think?” You asked, eyeing the bruising flesh. “I can tell it’s broken. Come on, let’s get you to Pete.” 
Aaron thanked you as you wrapped an arm around Eric’s waist, helping him up the road and back into the infirmary. 
As Pete worked to wrap Eric’s ankle, you couldn’t help but ask questions about the trip. 
“It was a disaster,” Eric groaned. “There were roamers everywhere. Plus, this group, they’re headstrong. Been out there a while.” 
“How many of them are there?” You asked. “Olivia didn’t tell me.” 
“Fifteen,” Eric hissed, squirming as Pete positioned his ankle properly. 
Your eyes widened, throat going dry. “Jesus,” you huffed. “That many of them and they’re still going?”
“With a baby,” 
“Oh my God,” you gasped. Your mind flashed with images of baby Judith, heart clenching. The fall of the prison meant that you never found out exactly who made it out alive, and you never dared to venture the thought of whether or not she did. “They must be some lucky sons of bitches.” 
Eric laughed. “Not only are they lucky, but they’re tough. And really close. I think, once you get used to them, you’ll like them. They remind me of you when we found you.” 
“So, scrappy, hungry, and tired?” 
“Yeah, pretty much,” Eric laughed, and you couldn’t help but do the same. 
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“If you need me, I’m four houses down.” Aaron pointed, Rick and Carl following his line of sight. “If I’m not there, Eric or Y/n probably will be.” 
Carl’s eyes snapped back to the brunet, a mixture of confusion and skepticism floating within them. “Y/n?”
Aaron’s brows furrowed at the boy. “Yeah. She’s a friend of ours, came here a few months back. Why?”
“We, uh…” Rick stepped in, a hand scratching at his beard. “We used to know someone named Y/n. that’s all.”
“Oh,” Aaron nodded, stepping away and heading back home, where you and Eric were sitting at the table, sandwiches in hand as you giggled about something he wasn’t aware of. 
Upon his entrance into the kitchen, you stood excitedly and hugged the man. “Glad you’re back okay,” you said, heading back to your chair. “I heard the group you brought was tough.”
“Yeah, they are.” Aaron chuckled, still mulling over the puzzle pieces in his head. “You said you were with a big group before, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
Aaron huffed, glancing at his shoes. “I brought up your name to one of the new members — just a name, nothing else — he said they used to know someone with the same name.” 
Your heart stuttered in your chest, limbs freezing as you were bringing the sandwich to your mouth. Clearing your throat, you forced yourself to put the food back down, looking up at Aaron with shining eyes. “This man, what’d you say his name was?”
“Rick. Rick Grimes.” 
If your heart had been fluttering before, it was banging like a drum in your chest now. Your stomach fluttered, your hand coming to rest on the swell of your belly, hoping to quell the anxiousness. 
“Where are they?” You asked, and Aaron’s mouth only remained agape. “Aaron, where are they?”
“Down the street,” he finally said, voice cracking. “The house on the curb, the one you said you liked.” 
Within moments, your food and friends were abandoned as you practically ran from the home, shooting down the porch steps and down the street. You were thankful that no one was out and about right now, or you were sure they’d think you looked crazy. You didn’t even register a person in your path until you’d already bumped into them. 
“Oh! Y/n, are you alright?” Jessie asked, her hands on your shoulders as her eyes searched your wild ones. 
“‘M fine, Jessie.” You muttered. “I’ve gotta go.”
You gave the woman no time to respond before you were wriggling out of her grip and hurrying down the street. Up more steps, you were greeted by the charming yellow door of the home you’d wished you lived in, knuckles rapping frantically and unyielding on the wood. 
The door finally, after what felt like decades, creaked open. Your heart stopped in your chest as you took in the sight of your husband’s best friend, clean shaven and hair dripping from a recent shower. 
Rick’s eyes flooded with tears as they met your own. In seconds, you were pulling him into your arms, grateful that you weren’t the only survivor of the Governor’s wrath. 
You sobbed into his shoulder, gripping tightly to the clean white shirt he wore. “Rick,” you croaked, “is he—�� 
“He’s fine,” Rick whispered, heart breaking when your sobs worsened out of pure relief. “He’s just fine.” 
When you finally found the strength to let go, Rick led you inside. “We thought you were dead,”
“There were times I wished I was,” you said, taking a seat at the edge of the couch. “I was by myself for just over a month. Found some train tracks, lost ‘em, then stuck to interstates, mostly. Got lost in the woods, found a small town, and from there, Aaron and Eric found me. I’ve been here for two months.” 
Rick huffed a laugh, disbelief filling the sound. “Sounds like you had one hell of a trek.”
“I had a car, for a bit.” You shrugged. “Walkers ruined that part. I crashed it into a tree. Stuck to walking after that.” 
“When did you…” Rick glanced down at your swelling belly, forcing a laugh from you. 
Shrugging, you smoothed your hand over your belly. “Four-ish months ago. Didn’t find out until I got here. Been terrified ever since, really. Not knowing if Daryl was out there, if I’d see him again.” 
“You’ll see him soon,” Rick assured you. “He’s talking to Deanna now.”
“And the others?” You asked. “Beth? Judith?”
“Judith is just fine,” Rick said, eyes leaving yours as he sighed. “Beth got caught out in Atlanta. A woman in a hospital killed her.”
Your stomach churned at Rick’s words, guilt crushing your lungs and bile rising in your throat. “Oh, my God,” you whispered, pressing your fingers to your mouth to try and stop yourself from throwing up. 
Rick nodded, resting a hand on your knee. He watched you stand, your arm resting over your belly, beginning to pace the floor before him. 
“I have to… I need to go see the others. Daryl.” And without another word, you were leaving Rick behind in an unfamiliar home, nearly running down the familiar path to where Deanna and her husband lived. 
The group milled about in the small courtyard in front of Deanna’s house, hidden behind the brick walls that fenced it in. Everyone was either sitting or leaning against something, sticking to a tight group, and completely blocking your path to the inside of the home. 
With your mind so set on seeing Daryl, on simply getting close to him again, you failed to register Carol saying your name. Once again, you were pulled from your thoughts only when someone was right in front of you. 
This time, Carol was pulling you into her arms, her grip on your body tight. You hugged her back, despite the sweat and grime that covered her. Soon enough, Glenn, Maggie, Michonne, and Sasha had joined her. You were surrounded by your family, all overwhelmed at your presence, but happy nonetheless. 
When you finally requested to be let go, they obliged, and you finally spotted Judith in the arms of someone you didn’t know. Relief flooded you, seeing the baby healthy and happy as she could be. 
“What happened to you?”
“We thought you were dead!”
“Are you okay?”
“Guys, I’m fine, I promise.” You chuckled through tears. “I’ve been here almost the whole time, and I’m perfectly healthy. The doctor said so this morning.” 
You smiled as Carol’s eyes drifted from your face to your belly, shock overcoming her features, before her smile matched yours. She said nothing, but you were sure everyone else was either figuring it out or partially aware, just based on the interaction alone. 
A loud scoff echoed from the porch door, followed by low, gravelly muttering. Your heart stopped at the familiar voice, before thrumming in your heart like a rapid drumbeat. There, walking with careless ease, picking at his thumbs, was your husband, covered head to toe in layers of dirt and grime. You choked a sob as the group seemed to part around you. 
“Daryl,” you croaked, just loud enough for him to hear it. 
Daryl paused at the top of the steps, his eyes locked onto yours through the hair he’d let grow too long. In a flash, he was down the stairs entirely, rushing to pull you into his arms. You met him in the middle, colliding with his body and bringing you both to the ground. With one hand cupping the back of your head and the other splayed between your shoulder blades, Daryl cradled you close to him, rocking you as you clutched to the leather vest on his back tighter, sobbing in his embrace. 
“I thought ya were dead,” he whispered, fingers digging into your back. “I thought I lost ya,”
A choked sound escaped you as you shook your head. “Never,” you promised. “You could never lose me.” 
“Yer necklace,” Daryl croaked, tucking his face into the side of your head. “I found it, on the tracks in Georgia. Thought ya were gone…” 
“It fell.” You said, words hushed and shaking, as though they were a desperate plea. “Walkers were coming for me, too many for me to take on myself. It snapped off in the fight, I couldn’t go back for it.” 
By the time you felt okay enough to stand on your own, everyone had departed from the courtyard, likely into Deanna’s home. With a vice grip on his arms, Daryl helped you stand. His eyes raked over your face, tear-stricken and flushed with emotion. No matter the state you were in, Daryl could never see you as anything other than utterly beautiful. 
“You’re okay?” You asked, hands gently brushing the hair from his dirt-caked face. “You’re not hurt?” 
Daryl shook his head, leaning into your delicate touch. Hands smoothed over cloth, over skin, dedicating the feeling of your body beneath his touch to memory. He watched your eyes flutter closed as he did so, relishing in the slight pressure of his palms against your skin. They slid down your hips, your waist, and Daryl’s brow furrowed. He’d committed your body to memory long ago — every curve, every bump, every scar. Slowly, and with a hand that was less steady than it had been a moment ago, Daryl’s fingers drifted delicately over your front, eliciting a small gasp when he found what he’d suspected. 
The sound forced your eyes to open, meeting the bright blue of his own, widened in shock. Immediately, your stomach churned and you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, a habit you’d been unable to shake since high school. 
“Daryl?” Your voice shook. 
“Yer…” he breathed, eyes darting down to where the backs of his fingers rested, the slight swell of your stomach confirming what he’d been about to ask. “When’d you… did you know?”
“No, no…” you whispered gently, shaking your head. “I had no clue when… I didn’t know until I got here. I suspected it on the road, but… no, I didn’t.” 
A shaking breath fell from his lips. “And yer okay? Yer both— both okay?”
“We’re just fine,” you smiled, resting your palm on his cheek. “I promise. Your girls are just fine.” 
Daryl’s breath caught in his throat, a new wave of pure emotion rolling through his body. It seized his muscles, freezing him in place as he struggled for breath and blinked away tears. Girls. He was going to be a dad. He was going to have a daughter. 
“Ya have no idea how much I love ya,” Daryl muttered, his head dipping low, forehead resting on your shoulder. 
“I think I have a clue or two,” you joked, voice as soft as you could make it.
Daryl scoffed, lifting his head and pressing his lips to yours. It was short, shorter than you would’ve liked, but it carried as much love as all the other kisses you’d shared and stolen with the archer over the years. Still, he was here, and he was safe, and so were you. Nothing else mattered except that. 
The horrifying reality you’d thought yourself to be in was nothing but that — a mere thought. For now, you and Daryl were safe. Together. As a family. 
And you knew that, as he slipped the necklace back onto your skin, this time on a leather rope tied tight, there was nothing either of you wouldn’t do to stay that way. 
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forever taglist: @mazerunnerrose @theboldandthebootyful @miraclesoflove @heliads
daryl dixon taglist: @katrina765 @hp-hogwartsexpress @ellablossom @alexxavicry (open!)
taglist form here!
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aliidarling · 3 months
no thoughts, only the group deciding to take in a nurse reader but is very sensitive and very naive to people now. Like doesn't grasp the idea of ulterior motives and Rick is OBSESSED with her. Wants to keep her safe and very protective, gets jealous when she tends to Daryls or Glenns or Merles wounds. Almost kills Merles when he finds out that he almost convinces reader to let him do a, body inspection to check for "bites". All the clothes she picks out are washed out pinks and dirty creams from the muck but still a pretty doll for him and maybe one night he just can't take it anymore and sneaks into her cell or room or tent and takes her. After the cherry on top is she's virgin??? I'll let you run with this if you want but yeah, no thoughts just this :3
say yes to heaven
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RICK GRIMES x fem!reader
sfw content :)
summary; you’re the cute nurse of alexandria and rick may or not be obsessed with you
warnings; fluff, kissing
i tried so hard to write nsfw but i couldn’t i’m sorrryyy😭love u jay!! but hey if this gets enough attention maybe i’ll do a part 2 with the nsfw..
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they had found you weeks back in terminus, a small girl wearing a bloody sundress. rick was the one who found you, and he practically fell inlove at first sight, astounded by your soft hair and pretty face that looked angelic in comparison to the blood covering your shaky figure.
he had been the one who comforted you and helped you walk, one hand around your waist and one of yours wrapped around his shoulder. you were limping, and he was quick to aid you.
you stuck around them ever since, clinging onto rick mostly with a goody-two-shoes attitude that would annoy rick normally if he wasn’t so infatuated. you were too cute to get angry at, a killer smile and soft baby-skin.
after discovering your knowledge in nursing, you were quick to be appointed as one of the doctors in alexandria. rick was annoyed by how popular you suddenly were, especially with how all the men in town suddenly had injuries that they were dying to get medicated.
he could feel his anger rising as he sat on one of the benches in the small clinic you shared with denise, arms crossed as he watched you interact with aiden. you were gently wrapping a bandage around a slash he got from a run, a slash rick swore wasn’t even that deep. not deep enough to need all the shit aiden was begging you to give him.
“tell me if i’m hurting you, okay?” you smiled at him sweetly as your delicate fingers worked at him, one hand on his bicep holding him steady while the other wrapped the bandage. aiden stared up at you shamelessly, practically drooling as he nodded.
“you could never hurt me, darling.” he says cheekily, grinning as he ogled your small form. rick held back a scoff at how confident his tone was, when he knew damn well who you would choose between the two of them. you would choose rick over that dumbass anyday, right?
rick decides he's seen enough of this dumb little interaction and coughs lowly, gaining both of your attention. your eyes widen at the sight of the scratches and blood on him, not much but still enough to worry you!
“rick! what happened?” you gasped, walking over to him and gently placing your hands on him to look at his wound. he bites back the cocky grin when you immediately ditch aiden for him. he wants to grab you and kiss you stupid, show aiden who you really belong to, but he knows that would probably make you freak.
“the run was rocky, got a lil’ roughed up, it’s nothin’ sweetheart.” he soothes, placing a hand on the back of your head and petting you like a little kitty. he saw you as the cutest thing—wanting to pet and rub you like you were his little pet.
“oh no, cmon, sit down. i’ll patch you up, okay?” you smile sweetly at him like a damn angel, making him want to just scoop you up and run off. rick obviously doesn’t do that and instead nods with a soft chuckle, following your orders and sitting down on one of the beds.
“you’re an angel.” he sends you a crooked grin that has you blushing and shying away, making his smile widen even further. you’re so adorable, he thinks, nothing could take you away from him.
rick almost laughs as you leave aiden behind and start wrapping him up, smiling at him and asking how the run went. he knew you preferred him— why wouldn’t you?
later that night, he’s out on a late night patrol around town when he passes by your house. you had decorated it well, with little garden gnomes outside and a patio with a rocking chair. there was even a fluffy throw blanket thrown over it, with the side table occupied by a crystal lamp and book.
he had caught side of you sitting out there by yourself, making him frown. pretty girl like you shouldn’t be alone. he thinks for a split second before mindlessly walking up to you, waving with a friendly smile.
“hey sweetheart.” he greets, eyes twinkling as you immediately straighten your posture and send him a killer smile. you give him a polite wave back, and he asks if he can sit down.
“oh yeah, of course. i’m actually— i have cookies in the oven, want some?” your words are soft as you stand up, patting down your clothing.
you wore a pair of matching silk pajamas, a pair he had seen you wear before. it had tiny shorts, a short sleeve button up, and was pink. everything you wore was pink, he noticed. whenever he would go on runs you’d always run up to him beforehand, just begging for him to bring back some sweet creamy clothes or a light pink. he always did, just for you.
“cute pajamas.” he teased as he follows you inside, glance around your cozy place. he had been here before, rare occasions , but now he was alone with you at night time. no one would be able to hear you both.
he shuddered. that sounded wrong. no, he just wanted you to moan his name over and over again. not murder you.
you giggle at his comment, glancing at him, “thank you!” you wiggled your hips teasingly, showing off your pajamas, not even knowing the effect that had on him. he could feel his cock harden in his pants at the sight— jesus christ, don’t just do that.
“definitely smells like cookies in here. didn’t know you liked to bake.” he mutters as he walked up to your oven, peering down at the pan of cookies inside. he hums at the sight and smell.
“it’s my comfort at times, you know? living in an apocalyptic world isn’t the greatest.” you pout, leaning against the counter next to him. he wants to grab you and make you feel so good, but that would just scare you off. he needed to ease into it.
“they’re lookin’ good, hun. you better let me get a few extras too.” he jokes, straightening his back to full height and towering over you. you feel your tummy tingle at the sight of the officer so close, his messy curls hanging over his forehead freely. you feel the urge to brush your hands through them, you have before. you were quite touchy with him whenever he was in his clinic, something you only found yourself doing with him.
a silence falls between the two of you. you’re both just staring at each other, the only sound audible being the wind blowing against the windows and the clock ticking. since when was he so close to you? you could practically feel his breath on you.
the next few seconds are filled with you both gradually leaning closer to each other, his hand going to place it on the counter behind you, trapping you— his chest flush against yours and his lips about to connect to yours.. when the stove stars dinging loudly, making you both flinch. you immediately dive towards the oven, grabbing your pink mittens and pulling out the pan.
“aw, shit, i burned them—..” you panicked, a big blush on your face from the interaction you just had with him. he stared at you silently from behind, eyes narrowing slowly. he was definitely gonna spank you later for that, because no way is he leaving this house tonight without at least one kiss.
“it’ll be alright.” he says, his sarcastic tone pretty obvious. he presses his chest against your back, making you stiffen from the sudden contact. he smoothly grabs the pan from you and places it down onto the counter, before swiftly turning you to face him.
“rick—“ you gasp, blinking rapidly as he was now holding you against him, hands on your waist. firm. he wasn’t planning on letting you go.
“shut up.” he grumbled, immediately shutting you up with a harsh kiss to your soft pink lips. you moan in surprise into his lips, your body arching into his reflexively. shakily, you place your palms on his biceps, holding them steadily to steady yourself.
the kiss was passionate, something he’s wanted since day one. ever since he saw you all scared in terminus, wearing that pretty dress with the face of an angel, all he could think was how well he would treat you.
he slowly steps forward, making you stumble back. your pressed against the counter now, his hands holding you down as he deepens the kiss, hungry for anything you could give him. everything.
“you taste so good, exactly how i thought you would.” he groans as he finally parts from you. your lips were coated in saliva from him practically eating your face off, breath heavy.
“thank you..?” you choked out, a big blush on your cheeks. you looked down shyly, face warming up as he was so close to you. you were still trying to process the fact he had kissed you.
“don’t go all shy on me, sweetheart.” he chuckles, gently cupping your face and leading you back towards him. he taps your chin gently, making sure you don’t look away.
“i want you to know im not playing around with you, or trying to get a small fling.” he says firmly. a smile tugs at your lips as you press closer, licking your dry lips. his words touched you, making you feel seen and happy that he would reassure you on such a sensitive topic.
“promise?” you grinned childishly, holding out your pinky finger with a hint of mirth. he holds back a laugh and nods, holding out his own pinky. you both shake your pinkies while giggling.
the smell of burnt cookies catches his attention and he turns to the counter, frowning at the sight. they were slightly burnt with the edges black and the chocolate chips all gooey. it still looked edible, in a way, but definitely not the outcome you wanted.
“did my excellent kissing skills distract you too much?” he snorts at the sight, picking one up them carefully and narowing his eyes.
“shut up,” you roll your eyes at him he scans the cookie before hesitantly taking a bite out of the one of limited edible-looking portions.
he chews for a moment before smiling at you, taking another bite.
“not too shabby.” he nudges you playfully.
you can’t help but chuckle, curling up in his side and hesitantly taking a cookie from the stack. you put it in your mouth and cringe at the burnt taste, frowning immediately.
“this sucks.” you huff with a pout, putting it back on the tray. you glance at him and feel a warm blush spread across your face again, scanning his figure in his uniform and curly hair. he looked so good in your kitchen.
“hey, everyone’s first try is never the best.” he comforts, stepping back up to you with a comforting smile. he gently pets your hair, wanting nothing more then to hold you for hours and play with your locks. he doesn’t miss the way your cute little face flushes the more he pampers you.
“..this was my fourth time.” your defeated tone immediately makes him chuckle.
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issacballsac · 5 months
Memorable Moments
Aiden Clark
Gender Neutral Reader
Now Aiden has a LOT of ideas that he should keep to himself but that he doesn’t
And where does he go with said ideas? Straight to you!
His many excursions have gotten the both of you into a handful of shit on numerous occasions
So when he came knocking on your door all you could do was instinctively tag along
If you have a car he’ll immediately get in the drivers seat and start blasting music
Car is LITERALLY shaking
If you guys go by foot he’s still gonna play music out loud💀🙏
I feel like he owns a boombox for some reason
He’s taken you so many places
Crashing pottery classes, the supermarket, rage rooms, a Batman convention
So you’d think this time would also be just as whacky
Surprisingly enough it wasn’t
A venture to a lonely patch of the beach
A picnic of sorts only with half empty energy drinks and gummy worms
“What’re we digging for shit?”
Despite your many comments on the plain scenery he just laughed
A quiet laugh rather than his typical hysterical hyena one
And before you could try and fill the silence he spoke
“Not to get all sad and everything but, thanks.”
“Thanks for what man?”
“For everything. God—that sounds so corny. I do mean it though.”
“Don’t make it even more weird. Now let’s go dig for shit!”
“Why do you have a metal detector?”
“Don’t even worry about it. Let’s go maybe there’ll be something worth money here.”
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keerysfreckles · 9 months
luke being protective🤗🤗🤗i’m a sucker for protective guys bye
jealousy — luke castellan
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pairing: luke castellan x aphrodite fem!reader
warnings: use of y/n and she/her pronouns, luke being an asshole (not to reader), unwanted flirting, slight cursing
a/n: sorry to anyone name aiden..
꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱
ever since percy jackson arrived at camp half-blood, there hasn't been a new camper in months. some campers liked the peace of not worrying about which cabin the newbie would join. others missed the excitement the new camper brought to the sometimes dull camp.
the end of summer was going normal for the campers, counselors, and camp directors, until aiden mckinnan stepped foot in the camp.
everyone seemed off when they were around him.
no one could understand why, until the bonfire at the end of the night.
all the campers were seated around the large growing fire. stories were being told, smores were being eaten, and laughs were being shared. luke was in the middle of telling silena and y/n how percy made everyone laugh in archery training, however he was interrupted by someone whistling in their direction.
"damn! aphrodite really knows how to make hotties!"
the trio turned at the unexpected voice. it was aiden. he still hasn't been claimed by his godly parent, so luke was the lucky counselor who had to watch him until he got claimed.
y/n and silena awkwardly glanced at each other, while luke glared daggers at aiden.
"what do you want aiden?" luke questioned.
"just wanted to appreciate this goddess," aiden sat down next to y/n, making luke glare at him ten times harder.
y/n let out a nervous laugh, "i- uh- thank you?"
"why don't you and me go by the lake and hang out," y/n hated the emphasis aiden put on the 'hang out' part.
y/n glanced between luke and silena before responding, "sorry, i have a boyfriend."
aiden chuckles, "i don't see him anywhere princess."
luke leaned forward to look at aiden, making y/n stuck in the middle of a brewing testosterone fight.
"her boyfriend's right here," luke states coldly, placing his arm around y/n's shoulders, only making her lean into him.
aiden laughs obnoxiously, "you're with him?" he laughs louder, "oh sweetheart you could do so much better."
before y/n can respond, luke beats her to it, "why don't you just leave man? we were having a nice time before you showed up."
aiden rolled his eyes, but reluctantly left the trio and went back to his own small group of friends. silena started talking about something that happened at lunch, trying to distract the three from what had just happened. it worked well, and now they were all laughing again.
luke couldn't help but shoot a few death glares at aiden from across the fire, and he moved his hand down to y/n's waist. y/n knew luke was still angry over what aiden had said, so she simply leaned over and kissed his cheek. that easily calmed him, and luke leaned over to place a kiss on her temple.
"you guys are so cute, it's disgusting," clarisse laughs while walking by, carrying a tray of smores supplies for her and her cabin. luke simply flips her off, before listening to silena again.
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