souryam · 12 days
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you've chosen your way
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fistfuloflightning · 7 months
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Apprentice potioneer Severine Snape
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moonychildxd · 9 days
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Lil drawing of Fem Sev :3 I think her name hould be Severine , Drew her w tummy cuz movie sneep is kinda chubby and i find it really cute ^^
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thatsillything · 4 months
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Drew Fem!Snape as a present for my birthday. Happy Birthday to Me!
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i-crave-the-forbidden · 4 months
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Fem! Snape in various outfits, medieval ver.
I'm gonna fill the Fem!Snape tag if this continues lmaooo
Singles under the cut+references
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shadowdiyt · 6 months
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Fem Severus because why not
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nightingale2004 · 7 months
Female Severus snape headcanons
Name: Severina, Severa, Sevrina, Seravina, and Severine.
Middle name: Eileen (obviously)
I feel like Severus, as a female, would give off the feminst energy without knowing or caring that she gives off that energy?
I feel personally like severus as a female would've started to try to blend in with the crowd when she was in hogwarts, making herself mediocre. But with the help of McGonagall (we know that she is a queen), she would help convince sev that she doesn't need to make herself feel small to fit in a man's world.
She loves Draco like a son and has growing love for Harry (lowkey)
Sev loves Lily like a sister
Total emo girl and I love her.
A freaking genius and is always underestimated because she is a woman.
Strong, dominant, independent, boss b1tch vibes
Since she is a woman, she would often be ignored by most men, which gives her an advantage to listen to the death eaters' conversations (especially spying for the Phoenix order)
All I got. Enjoy tho
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I curse jkr for many things but above all its making severus snape a straight man instead of a pining lesbian
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postmariannizm · 4 months
Hello Snapedom! I'm looking for a comunities, groups, servers, forums etc dedicated or open to Snape and LGBT headcanons, genderbending, gay fics, fem!Snape or trans!Snape. Or maybe you know LGBT bloggers/ creators that do LGBT Snape related content? 💕💕💕 I'm in need of good Snape posting!
(bonus points: lesbian snily 👀)
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fem snape is so sexy
I think about her all day, every day
Me too anon 😭 Probably not every single day but she's constantly somewhere in the back of my mind.
A few fem!Snape headcanons under the cut:
She keeps her hair shoulder length because it's short enough to not bother with styling it but long enough to put it in a low ponytail or bun when it gets in the way of her work.
Her nails are short too, not only because of her work, but because longer nails feel uncomfortable. She might be inclined to paint them from time to time, when she feels confident enough to do it. Her chosen color would be black to match her clothes, and style. Any other feminine color would diminish her credibility, she thinks. She might try a wine shade red sometime by the recommendation of a certain Malfoy couple, and it looks gorgeous on her. She wears the nail polish until it's too badly chipped. Only then she removes it and doesn't reaply it for months at a time.
She keeps to trousers during the school year. They're comfortable, have big size pockets, and doesn't have to worry every time she sits or gets up like she does with skirts, no matter how long they are.
She's tall enough to not have to think of ever wearing heels, and when the social circumstance might ask for them, she'd still go without because she values her comfort more than anything, and she doesn't need people to stare at her more than necessary.
When she's at Spinner's End during summer, she'd spend her vacation in two or three long summer dresses. After more than 9 months confined in seemingly endlees layers, it's nice to have to only put on a dress. They have long sleeves and have no pattern, only a plain, dark colour, but they are flowy and light. You might even catch a glimpse of her naked calfs in the late summer afternoons as she reads in her back yard. She won't admit but she loves feeling the sun on her pale skin. It's comforting, warming up the soul as it does with her body.
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citrusotakutea · 2 months
all these cunty severa snape edits meanwhile actual fem!snape would look like shelley duvall
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fistfuloflightning · 8 months
Giselda Volodi as female Severus Snape
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snapesmorningcoffee · 11 months
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seriouslysnape · 8 months
Morning Shift
Dad! Severus Snape x Mom! Fem! Reader x Baby Tags: Fluff. Sev being a good dad. Reader getting rest she deserves <3. Baby being a cutie. Word Count: 2.0k "I didn't mean to oversleep."
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It was quite rare for you to have the chance to sleep in.
Even before the baby was born, you were pretty much up and going by dawn every day. It made you feel more productive to get up early and get the day started before the sun even had the chance to fully rise.
An occasional Saturday or Sunday would roll around where neither you nor Severus were in any rush to get up and moving. Those were during the slower weeks of the year, usually during the summer when Severus wasn't teaching and your work wasn't as demanding.
But after the baby was born, those occasional lazy weekend days had become pretty much obsolete. The mornings and nights had become less hectic as your newborn transitioned into an infant, and she was on somewhat of a sleeping schedule. However, when the baby was up, so were you.
Severus gave his fair share of helping out with the baby at all times of the day, but typically, Severus tended to her the most in the evenings. Severus usually fed her dinner, bathed her, and prepared her for her early bedtime.
It wasn't intentional really, but the two of you fell into a routine where you handled the mornings, the two of you rotated off during the day, and Severus handled the evenings/nights. Severus would help anytime when needed, but for the most part, that was the best arrangement.
On one particular weekend morning, however, the routine was different.
Severus awoke to a quiet house. There wasn't the sound of his wife stirring in the kitchen, preparing breakfast for him and the baby who would no doubt be babbling for her breakfast.
He felt a presence in the bed next to him, a gentle warmth coming from it as well. He was surprised to see you were still asleep, bundled up in the covers as comfortable as could be.
The warm glow of the newly risen sun beamed through the windows of the bedroom, spilling over your back that was facing the glass. He watched you only for a moment, pushing some stray hairs from your eyes and pulling the covers higher on you to keep you toasty.
It made his heart swell to see you getting some extra rest on your day off, and he made it his mission to let you sleep as long as possible. He was more than happy to be on baby duty that morning and a change of routine was a bit exciting.
The clock on his bedside table read 7:12 a.m. which did alarm him briefly. It was twelve minutes past the baby's usual wake up time, which meant either she was getting some extra sleep as well, or she was storming mad that no one had come to pick her up to begin her day.
Severus was quiet as he crept out of bed, his footfalls quiet as he exited your bedroom to enter the baby's room just next door. Severus always left the baby's nursery door slightly cracked in the event the baby needed something during the night or woke up earlier than usual.
He pushed the door open gently, a burst of sunlight painting the hallway. The room was perfectly warm for a January morning, a vast difference from the bitter cold on the outside.
He glanced at the crib, seeing some movement in the crib. She was squirming excitedly, happy that someone was finally coming to get her up for the day.
She was awake, but not agitated in the slightest that no one had come to get her yet. She was content to lie in her crib for a little while, the charmed mobile above her crib keeping her entertained. She couldn't have been awake for very long, considering it was only a few minutes after her usual wake up time.
Severus approached her crib with a gentleness that few knew he possessed. His dark eyes, so often narrowed with sternness, softened when they gazed upon his child.
"Good morning, darling." He smiled, reaching down to pick up the cooing baby.
His daughter smiled back at him with a sleepy grin and sluggish eyes, but held an expression of confusion as to why her mother wasn't there to wake her like usual.
"Not expecting me this morning, hm?" He asked, which only returned a yawn from his daughter. "We'll let Mum sleep in this morning. She deserves it."
The eight-month-old only babbled in response, mouthing at Severus' shoulder through his T-shirt. You and Severus were pretty sure she had some teeth coming in based on the fact that she wanted to chew on everything.
Usually you dressed the baby as the first step of her morning routine, but it was the weekend so she would more than likely be home for the majority of the day. Severus opted to leave her in her pajamas for now, which she had no protests with.
She was rather clingy today, her tiny hands grabbing for him to pick her up again once she was dressed. She knew that if anyone in the world would pick her up whenever she wished, I was Severus.
Severus struggled with leaving her when she wanted to be picked up. You had been telling Severus for the last month or so that it is indeed okay to let her sit on her own as long as she's being supervised. She was beginning to work towards crawling, and you knew the only way she was ever going to learn to crawl was if she had the chance to be on the ground.
But Severus couldn't resist his daughter's grabby hands and beaming eyes. He spoiled the little girl, and he just couldn't tell her no.
He whisked her down the stairs, smiling at her giggles when he pressed a kiss to her temple.
Severus knew it was time for breakfast, and he knew that she was going to get fussy if he didn't get her fed soon. He slipped her into her highchair, her legs wiggling as she squirmed with anticipation.
"What would you like for breakfast, princess?" He asked, only receiving an interested stare in response. "I know you like eggs...and I think Mum picked up some fruit yesterday."
Severus turned and surveyed the inside of the fridge, studying its contents to make a decision. She was getting impatient, whining and babbling for Severus to hurry up. She was on a specific schedule, and her late wake up time had her about fifteen minutes behind.
Severus went with his suggestion on the premise that eggs and fruit were a safe option. She wasn't terribly picky, but since this wasn't her usual routine, he figured giving her something that he knew she liked was best.
Severus selected a few eggs from the fridge, deciding to cook them all and divide the portion appropriately between himself, you, and the baby. He knew it wouldn't be long before you were up, so he got started on getting a pot of coffee brewed as well.
With a wave of his wand, the stove ignited and began cooking the eggs in a pan while he worked on getting some fruit mashed up for her.
"Strawberries or a banana?" He asked her, who was more interested in dancing in her chair than picking which fruit she wanted.
Severus was certain that she hadn't eaten strawberries before. He took a chance and went with the strawberries, retrieving a few and getting them smushed enough to be suitable for baby consumption. He plated the eggs once they were cooked,
He pulled up a chair to her highchair, holding the tiny baby spoon and bowl in his hand to begin feeding her baby spoonfuls of her breakfast.
She made a noise of approval with the strawberries, barely even swallowing before motioning for more. For an eight-month-old, she was a fantastic eater and would try nearly anything.
Your daughter giggled, her eyes sparkling with the sight of her dad in front of her. Severus couldn't help but feel a tug at his heartstrings. This was a side of him that no one else got to see, a side reserved only for his precious little one.
He felt so incredibly lucky to have a child. He felt even more blessed to raise her and love her in the ways he never was. He wasn't a perfect father by any means, but he made it his personal mission to never give her a reason to think of him as a bad father.
When her noises slowed and she hesitated to take any more bites of food, Severus stopped feeding her and began cleaning up. Slowly but surely, she was fed to satisfaction -- and Severus managed to fill himself up by getting bites in between feeding her.
Her face and shirt was painted with stains of sticky red from the strawberries, but she was happy as a clam and not at all concerned about the fact that she would most certainly need a bath.
Severus stood at the sink, letting her entertain herself while he arranged the dishes to be washed. When she gave a particularly joyous squeal, he knew that she had spotted something that she liked.
You were up now, standing in the doorway of the kitchen just freshly awake.
"Good morning, you two." You spoke gently, still clad in your sleepwear from the night before.
Severus turned, grinning at you with a small pink tint in his cheeks.
"Good morning, darling. We've just had breakfast." He smiled at you, his wife who he adored so dearly.
"I see that. You should've woke me up," You said. "I didn't mean to oversleep."
"Nonsense, darling. You needed the rest, and I am perfectly capable of taking on breakfast," He said. "I...assumed eggs and fruit were a safe choice."
"Oh, yeah. That's perfect," You approached the highchair, using your fingers to swipe some of her bed head hair to the side. "Looks like the strawberries were a hit." You laughed, noting the stains of red on her pink pajama shirt.
"Yes...sorry about that, my love." He blushed.
"I needed to do laundry today anyways," You smiled, not irritated in the slightest. "She'll be grown out of it soon."
A slight pang in Severus' chest made him go quiet for a moment. She was growing so fast that he couldn't even believe it. In four short months, she was going to be a year old. To think that it had been almost a year since she was born completely blew his mind. Next thing he knew, she would be starting her first day at Hogwarts and getting sorted into her House.
For now, he was enjoying her infant stage of life. Just as he had cherished the newborn phase, and how he would the toddler stage and beyond.
"I say it's time for a bath." You lifted her from her highchair, laughing again at how sticky she was.
"I can handle it," Severus said, turning the sink faucet off. "Might as well finish her morning routine."
"Are you sure?" You asked, feeling a bit guilty that he was taking on your usual morning duties.
"Absolutely," He grinned, taking her from you and turning his attention to her. "Mum will read you your bedtime story and put you to bed tonight. Does that work?"
She only hummed, clearly content with the arrangement they had going on today.
"Thank you, Sev." You said, thanking him for being so attentive and letting you sleep in for a bit.
"Oh, darling, it was nothing," He pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Why don't you have breakfast and coffee while I get her ready for the day?"
Sure enough, Severus had a plate and a cup of coffee ready to go for you, a charm casted to keep the coffee hot and the food warm.
"The day where we have nothing planned?" You grinned, and Severus chuckled.
And to Severus, a Saturday with nothing to do was perfect. In a lot of ways, nothing was everything when you and the baby were around.
His family (albeit small) was everything he ever needed.
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i-crave-the-forbidden · 4 months
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Another fem!snape in medieval clothes,,,
I think I'm addicted to floral patterns and motifs..
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shadowdiyt · 3 months
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I wanted to draw female Severus and normal one together to see their difference but uh
It appears that there are barely any
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