#fem!spot conlon
joeythefrog · 17 days
masc for masc sprace is teeth and smoke and agression and tension it's fighting and bruises and small moments of tenderness through this. The aftermath of cleaning scrapes and kissing teethmarks where the other went too rough
fem for masc sprace is teasing and a slow push and pull, it's softer. The masc following the fem around like a lots puppy, adoration and unfiltered affection.
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 4 months
trans fem spot conlon is slowly leaking into my brain...
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thatbookworm08 · 2 years
Over the Bridge Part 1 (Race Higgins x reader)
a/n: Hi there! Thank you so much for noticing my story! It is completed and has eight parts in total. Enjoy!
Summary: The Queen of Brooklyn never expected to fall so hard for an overly energetic blond Newsie from Manhattan during the Strike...
Over the Bridge Masterlist
It was a cloudy day in the city of Brooklyn. You rolled over in your bunk just before the sun began to rise. Your best friend, Spot Conlon strode into the room and stopped by your bed giving you a light tap on the shoulder saying, “Wake up, Ace. Time ta carry da bannah,” 
‘Ace’ was the newsie nickname you acquired for being Spot’s right-hand man–or woman rather–along with ‘The Queen of Brooklyn’.
You sighed. “I’se up,”
You were the only girl newsie in all of Brooklyn, but that didn’t mean you got any less respect. The older boys knew not to mess with you, especially when you were upset, and you had even beat the King of Brooklyn himself in a fight once. As tough as you were, you always made time for the littles. 
You and Spot finished selling your papes by midday and decided to hang out by the harbor before lunch. You two were in the middle of a sling-shot competition when three people approached. 
“Why, if it ain’t Jack be nimble, Jack be quick,” said Spot. 
Jack Kelly? In Brooklyn? Odd. 
Kelly jumped into a speech: something about a strike…? In Manhattan? You stopped listening for a moment when your eyes met with the third boy… you recognized his blue eyes and messy blond curls poking out from underneath his cap. His ears turned a little pink when you smiled. He was one of Spot’s friends from Manhattan, but you just couldn’t remember his name.  
One of the boys with Jack, a new guy you observed, explained to Spot why Brooklyn should join the strike. 
“What is this Jackie Boy?” Spot asked sarcastically, “A walkin’ mouth?” 
“A walkin’ mouth with brains,” Jack clarified, “So’s I suggest you listen to what he’s gotta say. Both of you,” he finished, motioning to you. 
You listened intently to what the boy Davey had to say, nodding at Spot in agreement.
“And how do we’s know you’se won’t back out the second the bulls come for ya?” 
You glanced at your friend. He made a good point. 
“We won’t,” said Davey.
“Then you’ll need ta prove it,” 
You excused yourself and Spot, grabbing his wrist and pulling him aside. “I think they’s is serious ‘bout this, Spot,” you said. 
“I need a bit’s more convincin’ than that,” he said defiantly. 
He strode back over to Jack and said “When you prove it to me, Brooklyn will be right there backin’ you’se up. Now scram,” 
Kelly knew better than to linger in Brooklyn when he wasn’t wanted so off he went, Davey and the other boy trailing behind. The blonde boy turned back and gave a slight wave and a shy smile. 
Luckily Spot wasn’t looking. 
That night you lay awake, thinking about the strike. You had to help. You wanted to help. So you slid out of bed, dressed in your clothes for the next day, and soundlessly slipped out the window and into the warm night air. 
The city was finally sleeping and everything was calm. You trekked across the Brooklyn Bridge, ready to make history.
Late into the night, you arrived at the Manhattan Lodging House. 
It was too late to knock on the door, it was the middle of the night, after all, so you climbed up the fire escape to the rooftop. 
In the darkness, you saw a figure spin around. “Who’s there?” a male’s voice called, “I can see you,” 
The voice was unfamiliar. It wasn’t Jack’s, or Davey’s, or anyone you knew. 
“It’s me,” you said confidently, stepping into the light. 
You had discovered who the voice belonged to: it was the blond boy with curly hair.
“Well, well, well,” he said, smirking, “What’s da Queen of Brooklyn doin’ on ‘Hattan’s toif?” 
“I came to help with the strike.” you explained. 
The boy raised an eyebrow. “In the middle of the night? Does Spotty know you’re here?” 
“He doesn’t,” you said, keeping your composure. Everyone in New York knew to be scared of you. You weren’t about to let this kid think otherwise. 
“Ooh. Goin’ against your boyfriend’s wishes yeah?” 
“Spot ain’t my boyfriend,” you said. “We’s just friends and that’s all,”
For a moment, a flick of what seemed to be…hope?...sparked in the boy’s face. He stuck out his hand and introduced himself. “The name’s Race,” 
You eyed him skeptically before shaking his hand. “Ace,” 
“No, that’s not right,” Race said, shaking his head.
“Excuse me?” I questioned. 
“Your name,” 
“You tellin’ me I don’t know my own name?” 
Race chuckled and shook his head. “It rhymes with mine!” 
You studied him. The way his nose scrunched and his eyes closed when he laughed, the way his curls bounced in the cool summer breeze. He was rather attractive, in a boyish manner, and you couldn’t help but notice. “It does!” you smiled. 
Race led you to the roof’s edge and leaned on the rail. “Ain’t it amazin’?” he breathed. 
“What?” you wondered. 
“The city,” he said, “When da woild’s finally quiet…” he inhaled deeply.
“Yeah…” you said, doing the same, “So why are you up so late?” 
“Couldn’t sleep,” Race shrugged. 
You couldn’t help but ask him why. 
He shrugged again. “Runnin’ thoughts,” 
You decided not to ask any more. You didn’t want to push his boundaries—you had just met. 
Race didn’t think he’d ever see you again. You were from two different boroughs who didn’t like it when people trespassed on their turf. 
He was told you were scary, and some part of him believed that, but there he was, standing on a roof with you, and you hadn’t soaked him to the ground. That was a good sign…wasn’t it?
He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard you clear your throat. “Oh sorry,” he muttered.
Now he was done for.
Or so he thought. 
Instead of soakin’ him to a pulp, the Queen of Brooklyn just stared out onto the city streets and said, “Are you nervous?…about the strike?” 
“Why do it mattah what ise thinks?” He questioned. 
“It mattahs what everyone thinks,” 
Race thought a moment, searching for the right words. “Do’s youse wants da brave answer or da real answer?”
You stared into his sky-colored eyes and softly said, “Da real answer o’course,” 
Race took a deep breath and leaned forward on the railing. “I’se terrified,” he whispered.
You and Race sat in silence for a long beat. You didn’t like touchy conversations and you certainly didn’t know what to say to ease Race’s anxiety. You looked up at the moon and guessed it was about four in the morning. It took two hours to get back to Brooklyn and you needed to be there before Spot awoke, so you said “I should gets goin’, but you tell your boys Brooklyn will be helpin’ wit da strike. Wit or without Spot,” 
You turned to leave but Race grabbed your wrist. “Wait—“ you turned to face him, “when will I see youse again?” He asked.
“You…you wanna see me again?” 
“Will you meet me up here tomorrow night?” 
You thought. Spot wouldn’t notice if you left…he slept like a rock… “Yes,” you agreed.
Race’s face lit up and he dramatically tipped his cap to you and said “Well then my Queen, until tomorrow!” 
You laughed at his antics and pretended to curtsy back, even though you were wearing Newsie trousers, before climbing back down the fire escape on your way back home.
Race felt like he won a million bucks. You might not have been as ever-stoic as Spot, but he made the Queen of Brooklyn laugh and she seemed to enjoy his company. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow night.
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whyareyouhere66 · 1 year
hey hey you should give me Spot Conlon hcs :)
I mean how could I possibly say no?
You sent this hours ago I’m so sorry-
Spot Conlon x Reader HCs
Fem or Male reader (gender neutral) - Platonic and Romantic HC’s included.
Romantic -
(Starting with the fluff, more lighthearted stuff)
◘ He just - he loves you.
◘ His love language is flirting with you, nicknames all that- and he also constantly has to have an arm around you. (So some physical touch)
◘ He didn’t really realize how truly touch starved he was until he had you, not saying he’s some lovey-dovey sappy kind of guy but just the casual arm around your shoulders, waist, etc brings him a nice hit of comfort. 
◘ And for those of you who aren’t into physical touch, he finds other ways to love you. Again, flirting, always has a nickname at hand, and even just the subtle things like passing you some of his food.
◘ “Hows about some flowers, eh? Y’like those- eh I’ll get youse some flowers” // “C’mere, sweetheart, you’re too far away.” 
◘ He’s so proud of you. Brags about you to Race, Davey, even Jack has heard about you enough to know any or all of your accomplishments.
◘ Race always feeds into it, of course, Jack kind of brushing him off. 
◘ Let’s not forget the sleeping arrangements. 
◘ He likes it best when you sleep next to him. Doesn’t matter if the bed’s small, he sleeps best when you’ve got your head on his chest, a lazy arm wrapped around your back. 
◘ That cute, dopey smile we got to see at Medda’s? Y’know the one, yeah- we get to see so much more of that when you’re around and the world thanks you for it.
◘ Trying to get deeper than just the same things everytime: the river. 
◘ The docs, the crates built up to make his throne, those are your spots. 
◘ Sometimes at night you two will just sit out there, either propped up against the crates or with your legs dangling off the docs edge. And you’ll talk, no one else around except you both. 
◘ It’s come to the point where if you can’t find him inside, he can’t find you, just go and look by the docs and you’ll find eachother, hidden behind the wood.
◘ And just like that we’re talking about more angsty stuff, here we go-
◘ The docs are where lots of the heavy, trauma dumping stuff happens. Or the inappropriate stuff- either work. 
◘ It took a while to get there, but he trusts you more than he’s trusted anybody. So he tells you things, you tell him back, and the bond grows stronger and stronger every time- an understanding builds, sometimes you don’t even have to say a word and he’ll know. You’ll know. 
◘ It doesn’t make you immune to fights though. Spot is outspoken, he gets stressed. And that can lead to him lashing out. 
◘ He doesn’t like it, sometimes he’ll regret it instantly and other times he’s gotta take a hot second to breathe, and then it’ll hit him. Either way he’ll find a way to make it up to you. 
◘ I’m not one to say how you’d react, maybe you’ll lash out too and maybe you’re more the quiet type. Either way he’ll take the time to swallow his pride and return things to the way it was before. 
◘ Oh yeah and he would fight literally anyone for you. The dude’s protective, over the newsies, his reputation, and his love. He isn’t scared to defend it or  himself.
◘ Two ways I can imagine it- one, you both are complete menaces and cause chaos through Brooklyn. 
◘ Two- it’s calmer, more you both enjoying eachothers company and having that level of understanding. 
◘ Either way, he’s glad to have a friend he can trust, which is hard for him. 
◘ Just like the romantic hc’s, y’all hang by the river a ton. Just talking, mainly, sharing a drink and having a couple laughs. He isn’t as over the top “crazy” as Jack, closer to the sarcasm of Race. 
◘ Speaking of- you, Race and Spot always have a good time when together, the three of you get along, far better than any of the others. 
◘ You joke about stuff, Race tries placing bets, Spot stupidly takes him up on the offer, and you get to watch. It’s a great time, the main reason you even go to Manhattan cause you know what’s ahead. 
◘ Spot isn’t as hard on you as he might be to the rest of the Brooklyn newsies, he’s admittedly a bit biased. There’s more room for understanding, he’s more comfortable in your presence. The jokes you share and the talks you have allow him to loosen up a bit, his shoulders relaxing more. 
◘ You’re the first one he wakes up in the morning, doing it personally instead of letting the alarms wake you up like he does the rest. You’re the closest thing to second in command they have, it’s never been officially said but hey the other newsies have joked about it and recognized it so that’s official enough. 
◘ I know there isn’t as much platonic as romantic but hey I just wanted to add this-
Ok there you go 😌 I’m actually so glad you sent this request-
I could go more into detail about some of this too idk I love him.
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banggyu0308 · 10 months
option i forgot isssss:
'devil by the window' (succubus!reader x txt....) (headcanon? idk. sixsome? maybe...)
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itsgrapes-exe · 6 months
girlfriend of spot conlon <3
(spot conlon x fem!reader)
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he leaves you for a man (racetrack higgins)
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heliads · 1 year
:D yay!!! I love your Newsies stuff sm (and yes you absolutely should rewatch its amazing). If you have time could you maybe write a Race x fem!reader where she's like Spot's second command and kinda like the "mum" of the Brooklyn kids - they go to her for like comfort and when they have injuries or have problems etc. And she's kinda reserved and such but became friends with Race from when he'd spend time in Brooklyn, and after the strike (during like KONY I guess) he goes to find her to ask for her help like getting everyone fixed up and the like, and at some point from there onwards it's like FEELINGS yknow? No worries if not! Only if you're inspired and have time and such :) I love your writing - you're so v talented xx
grateful for your support in my rewatching newsies agenda. anything for you anon xoxo
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There’s a newsie from Manhattan wandering your streets again. He’s not supposed to be crossing over into Brooklyn like this, none of them are, but for some reason that hasn’t stopped Race Higgins from showing up time and time again. 
It’s not like this should really matter. Shouldn’t, anyway. Brooklyn is messy and getting messier. One particularly plucky Manhattan boy shouldn’t have an impact on what you’re doing on a day to day basis. Spot’ll do some nonsense involving a good threat or two to scare the guy off. This sort of thing happens once a month, but Brooklyn always ends up on top. Always.
That hasn’t seemed to sway Race, though. Last time he tried this, one of the other Brooklyn generals was in a fighting mood and nearly left the blond with a black eye had you not stepped in and put a stop to the scuffle before it started. No one needed any more trouble when you’ve already got so much as is, or so you claimed.
Truth be told, you’re not really sure why you helped Race out. It’s not like you’ve got any particular fondness for the guy, he keeps bothering you whenever he sneaks over the turf boundaries. It’s like he has a sixth sense for figuring out where you are whenever you’re selling papes. Even when you tell him to bug off and leave you alone, he’ll just start selling half a block down from you, or right across the street. Just close enough that you can see the trademark grin on his face when you roll your eyes and do your best to ignore him.
At the end of the day, it’s not something that should be the pull of too much of your attention. It’s Race, for goodness’ sake, not a rogue Delancey brother or someone who could actually cause you grief. Race just wants to make you laugh, which is weird of him to do but not actually dangerous.
Dangerous is the rest of Brooklyn. Dangerous is what waits for Race when he’s not halfway in your shadow. Dangerous is what made you Spot Conlon’s second in command when there were so many other newsies vying for the title. You know dangerous, and you know how to handle it, how to keep your boys safe. That’s what you should be focusing on the most, not errant Manhattan newsboys who keep getting alarmingly close to making you crack a smile.
But. Well. It is easier to think of boys than trouble. Boys try to make you laugh, for the most part. They don’t come back under the cover of the dead of night, bloody and trembling, talking to you about cops and thugs busting up strikes, about workers from the Refuge who want to brazenly take kids off the street just so they can keep up their numbers. They didn’t always.
Then they did, and suddenly you weren’t quite so easy with your temper and gait anymore. Race was usually quick to a smile, a laugh, a joke. He’d offer you a cigar free of charge, then swear like a sailor at any other boy who tried to even look at his prized possession. You were different, he didn’t want to trouble you. 
So he said. Didn’t stop him from hanging outside your window until you climbed onto your fire escape just to get him to stop throwing pebbles at the dusty glass. You might have spent more than an hour outside that night, and the next one, and the next, but it was only so he’d let the others rest. You falling asleep on his shoulder at least once, then waking to find his jacket wrapped around your shoulders, was pure coincidence.
Race was always carefree. It was his job, you think, his role to play amongst the Manhattan newsies, just as yours was to keep track of your Brooklyn kids. Race used to tease you relentlessly about how the Brooklyn newspaper distribution system would completely grind to a standstill if you so much as got a cold.
It wasn’t entirely a joke, it was true. Race knew it. The two of you could hardly talk for longer than ten minutes before a boy or twelve would come up to you, asking for help on something else. He saw how long you faked your smiles just for the happy expression to start fading into an exhausted sigh whenever no one was around but him. You liked your position in the newsie ranks, truly you did, but it drained everything from you.
Sometimes it felt like it was just you and Spot fighting a losing war trying to keep all of your boys out of trouble. You teach them to be tough and loud and unapproachable, but it will never be enough? How could it be, in this city? Race tells his jokes and you laugh and you try not to pretend that everything is falling to ribbons. At least then you could marvel at the colors.
Still. Race stayed. Longer than you expected, in all honesty. You kept waiting for him to have his fun and leave you to your city that never sleeps, but he came around and it felt more natural by the day. Instead of being surprised that he showed up, you started feeling confused if a week went by without you seeing him.
And, when two newsies come to Brooklyn from Manhattan talking about a strike, and neither one of them is Race but both of them need your help anyway, you listen. More than Spot, at least. Spot gets wind of trouble and he shuts down their plea in an instant. Despite the fact that you think this is the best chance any of you will have to change something around here, Spot can’t risk his guys.
You never know when someone will back out without telling you, he tells you later, and then all of you would be stuck out there on the front lines without backup. The ace without the sleeve up which to hide. Brooklyn kids are tough, and they wouldn’t run, but who knows a damn thing about anyone else?
It made you want to scream and cry and run out there anyway, just to prove a point. You heard how the strike went later, how no one showed up except the Manhattan boys because no other borough would come without Brooklyn’s express approval. You catch whispers and threads of the story, but you don’t learn the whole thing until Race shows up.
He’s alone this time, beaten and bruised. You flinch when you see him, even though he’s not swinging. The look in his eyes, though– that’s enough to leave you bloody.
Race puts a hand on your shoulder. The knuckles are bruised, and you try not to notice the spatterings of skin already turning a mottled purple and green. “It’s not your fault. Jackie boy told me you tried to convince Spot to join us.”
You frown, look away. “You got hurt and we could have done something. That sounds an awful lot like I failed.”
Race shakes his head, puts a hand on your cheek so you have to look at him again. “I’m not here for that. This isn’t your fault, it’s his. Pulitzer’s. Him and those damn thugs. Not you.”
You nod slowly. It’ll take some time before you’re able to absolve yourself of the guilt, but you can try. “Let me get my first aid kit, I’ll come back with you, try to patch some of the kids up. Can I assume that a lot of them are worse than you?”
Race’s expression drops. “Yeah. The thugs came hitting pretty hard.”
“Well,” you say in an attempt to cheer him up, “I’d wager it’s because they knew your lot were the toughest around.”
Race cracks a smile, even though you’re sure it must be painful. “Oh, absolutely. I’d topple a building with a single punch.”
You can’t help but cast another worried look towards his hands. Damaged, bruised, and they had tipped his cap towards you just a morning or two ago. Race always liked to playact a gentleman when you were around. As if any of you have money or morals to spare. The only mansion you’ve got is the wide sky above you, the expensive habits of running too fast on green grass. Your gold is a rusty coin or two, your finery hand-me-down clothes. Your mockery of manners is the closest you’ll get to that sort of lifestyle, but it was always fun to fake it, anyway.
“No more punches,” you tell him. “I’m serious.”
“So am I,” Race retorts, “we’ve got to be out there again tomorrow for the strike. We’se not giving up so easily.”
The thought makes your stomach twist. Race, back out there, ready to get dealt another blow. Maybe this time he won’t be able to pick himself up so easily. Maybe this time he won’t be able to pick himself up at all.
No. You won’t let it happen. This is still your city, damn it, and you have not spent all these years sweating out your sunrises and sunsets to keep it informed just for the last bits of your control to be ripped out from between your desperate fingers.
“You won’t be alone tomorrow,” you decide, “I’ll get Spot to join you.”
Race frowns. “Jack and Davey tried that already, I thought. He said no. Isn’t Spot a dead end at this point? Unless there’s something else you know to change his mind.”
You sigh. “You’re not wrong. I talked to him, though, after your boys left yesterday. I tried. As much as anyone can try to talk to Spot, y’know. I’ll try again, though. The choice he made was–” There are a lot of words you could attribute to Spot’s decision to stay out of the strike. Stupid. Pointless. Backstabbing. You end up saying something a little more polite. “Not what I agreed with, to say the least.”
Race’s lips quirk up in a half smile. “Glad to hear it. I always liked it best when you were on our side.”
You snort. “I’se a Brooklyn newsie, remember? I don’t think we was ever on the same side.”
Race shrugs. “Maybe not in a turf war, but other times we got along just fine.”
You feel your cheeks heat up. “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Race grins, leans a little closer to you. It feels like your whole world is tunneling– you can look at his eyes or his lips, but not both, and it’s enough to make you dizzy. “The last month or two, I swear you almost liked me. Sure, you’re a tough girl if anyone asks, but I know what I know.”
“And what do you know?” You ask carefully. It takes every fiber of focus in your being to keep breathing, chasing every word he says like a high price headline.
Race tilts his head to the side, considering this. Considering you. “I know that you’ve been hanging around me more and more. I know that you aren’t trying to run anymore. I know that no Brooklyn newsie sticks their neck out for someone from ‘Hattan unless they’ve got a pretty good reason. Most importantly, I know that I want to kiss you, but only if you want that too. Do you?”
He’s so close to you now, practically a breath away. Just enough room for you to run if you wanted to, but also for you to do something else, something you’ve been thinking about even when you swore you wouldn’t.
“I do,” you breathe, and that’s all Race needs to lean forward and kiss you at last. He tastes like blood and foolish hope and promises you know he’ll always keep. It’s a damn good mix, enough to make you kiss him again when he starts to break away.
This is how you keep him safe, then. You love him too much and you convince Spot to lend Brooklyn’s support by hook or by crook. You defend the strike and you defend your boy. There are a hundred reasons this could all go wrong, but thousands, thousands more, that all shout for you to keep going. 
Well, you’ve always liked a little bit of danger. Race is good trouble, and you are well inclined to keep him.
newsies tag list: @lovesanimals0000, @misguidedswagger, @mayfieldss, @amortensie
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jack-kellys · 5 months
this video is about paul mescal saying he’d like to be in a rom com with ayo edebiri but these were the trenches i was in february 2023 with fem & black spot conlon LMAO
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ao3feed-newsies · 7 months
Kiss me like you do
by, Mavkediemackmack by Mavkediemackmack Idk the title is totally random bit it just spring to mind so deal with it idc. Just some fluff and maybe even some smut parts. Maybe something else idk yet. Just i have to many ideas to keep to myself so i took it on me to show then to you. Words: 387, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Newsies - All Media Types, Newsies (1992) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Annie Kelly, Jack Kelly (Newsies), Sarah Jacobs (Newsies), E. A. Monahan, Hannah (Newsies), Medda Larkson | Medda Larkin, Crutchie (Newsies), Meyer, Esther Jacobs (Newsies), Les Jacobs, Snaps - Character, Tumbler (Newsies), Cricket - Character, Pinky, Curls - Character, Tommy Boy (Newsies), Scooter, Scratches - Character, Purples, Pepper, Kitchin‘, Laces - Character Relationships: Kid Blink/Mush Meyers, David Jacobs/Jack Kelly, Albert DaSilva/Racetrack Higgins, Spot Conlon/Racetrack Higgins, Spot Conlon/Albert DaSilva, Spot Conlon/Albert DaSilva/Racetrack Higgins, Hot Shot/Ike (Newsies), Katherine Plumber Pulitzer/Darcy Reid, Katherine Plumber Pulitzer & Darcy Reid, Bryan Denton/Hannah, past spot conlon/ Jack Kelly, Sarah Jacobs (Newsies)/Original Female Character(s), Henry/Tommy Boy (Newsies), Sarah Jacobs/Laces Additional Tags: fem!hotshot - Freeform, Blush - Freeform, jelly - Freeform, space, i find it rly cool how all the ships in newsies are real words, semi romantic! Katherine pulitzer/Darcy Reid, spot conlon and Jack Kelly are Ex‘s, you can fight me on this, Racer has ADHD, u can fight me on that too, Annie Kelly was a masive asexual, hannah is hungarian, and left handet, and kidblink and henry are lefthandet as well, i have a very strong opinion on that, spot connlons pink suspenders, Period-Typical Homophobia, Maybe - Freeform, Everyone Needs A Hug, Sarah Jacobs is a Feminist, albertd nick name is flinchy, 92‘sies Henry, At this point im just making up oc‘s but thats okay, there are so many newsies, no ones gonna care, There are less girls than boys bc period typicall sexism, Mush and Blink are two switch asf motherfuckers, cant change my mind, that is a switch relationship, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Mush has adhd, everyobe has adhd bc im projecting read : https://ift.tt/IpO27Vm - December 08, 2023 at 04:57PM
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newsies-squared · 7 months
Newsies name comparison's
So obviously everyone has different headcanons for the newsie characters names and even gender identitys,here's the difference between me and stillts headcanons.
Jack Kelly (He/Him)
David jacobs(he/him)
Race: Luca Higgins (He/Him)
Crutchie: Evangeline Morris (She/They)
Spot: Sam Conlon (He/Him)
Specs: Benji Samuels (They/Them)
Romeo: Rowan De Jesus (He/Him)
Buttons: Brielle Davenport (She/Her)
Sniper: Noelle Wah (She/Her)
Smalls: Tessa Davidson (She/Her)
Roxy Jacobs (Trans Fem Les) (She/Her)
Katherine Plumber-Pulitzer (She/Her)
Sarah Jacobs (She/Her)
JoJo: Josephia Jorgelina de la Guera (She/Her)
Micah Guzman (Genderfluid, so depends)
Ike: Issac Guzman (He/They)
Myron Hernandez (He/Him)
Elmer Kasprazak-Zas (They/Them)
Abby Dasilva (Trans Fem Albert) (She/They)
Henry Rios (He/Him)
Finch: Robin Cortes (She/Her)
Tommy Boy: Theresa Domeski (She/Her)
Kenny: Kenneth Ellenbury (He/Him)
Hotshot: Peter Ferrari (He/Him)
Blink: Louis Batteli (He/Him)
Mush: Charles Skyes (He/Him)
Skittery: Richy Brooks (He/Him)
Boots: Grover Gibson (He/Him)
Bumlets: Eddie Livingston (He/Him)
Snipeshooter: Percy Harris (He/Him)
Dutchy: Levi Burns (He/Him)
Itey: Felix Mitchell (He/Him)
Odette Delancey (Trans Fem Oscar) (She/They)
Morris Delancey (He/Him)
Barney Peanuts: Ginny Scott (She/Her)
Snitch: Harley Brooks (He/Him)
Tumbler: Owen Glenn (He/Him)
Pie Eater: Max Livingston (He/Him)
York: Jasper Rowe (He/Him)
Joey Higgins (She/They)
Rafaela Storrs (She/Her)
Hildy Keller (She/Her)
Stray: Becca Bailey (She/Her)
Lucky: Dani Wildman (She/Her)
Splasher: Will Stelle (He/Him)
Splint: Lily Evans (She/Her)
Scope: Cherry Saroki (She/Her)
Ritz: Alyssa Moss (She/Her)
Pips: Kitty Cony (She/Kit)
Knobs: Dallas Bead (He/Him)
Mack: Jeanie MacDonald (She/Her)
And Here's mine
(Just to clear up there's 2 Mike's and 2 snipers due to a personal headcanon and technically there like 3 smalls and also 2 Splashers but I'm only adding leader of the bronx smalls and the older Splasher,I'll explain why I did this in a later post)
Jack kelly|he/him
David jacobs|he/him
Race:Diego Higgins|he/him
Crutchie: casey morris|he/him
Spot: Riley Conlon|any pronouns
Specs:linus willamsburg|he/they
Romeo:cosmo howard|he/him
Buttons: Benji davenport|he/him
Sniper(queens):Nikola Alekseev|he/him
Sniper(Brooklyn): Elaine wah|she/her
Smalls(bronx): Enya Gallagher|she/he
Les:Leshem jacobs|he/him
(This is inspired by someone else here on tumbler I can't remember them for the life of me)
Kathrine pulitzer|she/her
Sarah: Sarahya jacobs|she/her
Jojo:Josephino Jorgelino de la guerra|they/he
Mike(Manhattan): mike sawyer|he/him
Mike: Miguel Cardoso
Ike: Isaque cardoso
(I believe the idea for Mike and ike's first names are from sparkedblaze on here but I'm not 100% sure)
Myron windsor|he/him
Elmer Ostrowski|he/him
Albert DaSilva|he/him
Henry day|he/him
Finch: patrick cortes|he/him
Tommy boy: carter Simeon|he/him
Kenny: Kenneth Phillips|he/him
Hotshot: Issac jones|he/him
Kid blink: Kesten Bennett|he/they
Mush: Gabriel Myers|he/him
Skittery: dakota riggs |he/him
Boots: Avery clive|he/him
Bumlets: noah lopez|he/him
Snipeshooter: Bernard Melvin|he/him
Dutchy: Ruben brouweer|he/him
Itey: Nicos franco|he/him
(OK the delanceys are next and so I headcanon them using "fake" names so I'm gonna include there legal names and there "fake" names)
Legal name: Oskar Antosha Ehrlich
"Fake":Oscar Guillaume delancey
Legal name:Maurice Pascal Ehrlich
"Fake":morris beau delancey
Barney peanuts: Emerson Truman|they/them
Snitch: Allen Sommers|he/him
Tumbler: Sanjay robbins|he/him
Pie eater: vernon Kingsley|he/him
York: Virgil smith|he/him
Joey: joesph Hudson|he/him
rafaela Haddad|she/her
Hildy: Hilda Swanson|she/her
Stray:Cheyenne willamsburg|she/her
Lucky: Della Patterson|she/her
Splasher(Brooklyn): William Steele|he/him
Splint: Cassidy Harrison|she/her
Scope: Juliet Tudor |she/her
Ritz: Lydia Harrison|she/her
Pips: sawyer Andrew|she/her
Knobs: Johannes Theodore Andersson|he/him
Mack: jeanie Macdonald|they/she
(Oh my God that took so long I'm going to explode, I know some of my names are really weird but my irl name is odd aswell,I don't know I'm tired)
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
Request Info
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*Fics can take some time before they get written because I write when I have the time before and/ or after work. It takes times for me to write and edit fics before they can be posted, so please be patient. 
This does not mean that they are forgotten. 
Also, I may not be able to write all requests right away, but I will try my best to write them in a timely manner. 
*I’d be happy to try and write for a character I don’t currently write for
I have the right to accept or deny any request
Types of fics I would be happy to write
AU’s which can be boxer, baseball, movie (ex: Cinderella for Wolfman from Top Gun), etc.
Genre (angst, fluff, comfort, etc.)
Can do specific reader (ex: plus size reader, insecure reader, fem reader, etc.) [would be up to trying to write male reader, never done it before but I would give it my all :)]
Things I will not write 
Alcoholism (excessive amounts of alcohol) 
Drug use (hard drugs: coke, heroin, etc) 
Dubcon/ noncon/ rape 
Anonymous NSFW/ Underage character NSFW
Self-harm (in any way)
Prompt List
Who I write for 
Shawn Spencer
Carlton Lassitor
Teen Wolf
Theo Raeken
Scott McCall
Mieczyslaw "Stiles" Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Tyler Lockwood
Alaric Saltzman
Enzo St. John
Katherine Pierce
Kai Parker
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Finn Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hope Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Marcel Gerard
Dean Winchester
Gabriel the Archangel
Big Time Rush
James Diamond
Anthony Bridgerton 
Benedict Bridgerton
King George
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Xavier Thorpe
Ted Lasso
Jamie Tartt
New Girl
Nick Miller
Winston Schmidt
Winston Bishop
One Tree Hill
Chris Keller 
Brooke Davis
Hawaii Five-0
Danny “Danno” Williams
One Piece
Vinsmoke “Blackleg” Sanji 
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Triple Frontier
Benny Miller
William “Ironhead” Miller
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Santiago “Pope” Garcia
Davey Jacobs
Jack Kelly
Spot Conlon
Star Trek (Alternate Originals)
Montgoery “Scotty” Scott 
Leonard “Bones” McCoy
James T. Kirk
Top Gun + Top Gun: Maverick
Tom “Iceman” Kazinsky
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Leonard “Wolfman” Wolfe (Henry “Wolfman” Ruth)
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Natasha “Phoenix” Trace
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Mickey “Fanboy” Garcia
Willard Hewitt
Ren McCormick (yet to be written)
Marvel and DC
Wade “Deadpool” Wilson 
James “Bucky” Barnes
The Chronicles of Narnia
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie (yet to be written)
Paul Lahote 
Felix Volturi 
If anyone has an idea for a fandom or character, they don’t see listed is welcome to send in some ideas and or suggestions.
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ya9amicide · 1 year
The End of the World In a Woman’s Hands [Newsies]
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♡ newsies masterlist ♡ next chapter ♡
summary: Being a girl in the everyday world is difficult. Being the leader of the Manhattan Newsies and a girl? Even more so. Especially when nobody knows you're a girl and the truth is the closest kept secret you have ever had. For Jack Kelly, keeping the truth of her gender a secret is one she's found easy after doing so for many years. Unfortunately, having close encounters with the iron fist, Pulitzer, and a new Newsie who seems determined to get to know her, that secret might just become the opposite.
pairing: fem!jack kelly x david “davey” jacobs
warnings: none
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Jack Kelly. A rag-tag, hard-headed, ladies' man. The newsboy in charge of the branch of boys in Manhattan. At least, that’s the facade that everyone else sees.
Jacqueline Kelly is a 17-year-old woman who disguises herself as “Jack” Kelly every day and has done so since she first became a Newsie. Nobody alive knows she isn’t a “he” besides herself.
To escape from her past and get a fresh start, she created the character Jack in order to fit in and make a living for herself.
Not any–if any at all–female Newsies make it out in the real world. Nobody buys from them and the boys in other boroughs don’t usually take too kindly to them.
Jacqueline, throughout the years, has been able to work her way up through the ranks to become the leader and most notorious leader–well, most notorious right behind Spot Conlon, leader of the Brooklyn Newsies.
So far, Jacqueline has been able to keep up her facade. With a few close calls towards the start of Jack Kelly’s life, she’s gotten skilled at keeping her secrets. Of course, it does get a bit easier when you look the part.
Her hair is continuously cut short and crisp, her clothes match that of the other newsboys, her height rivals that of some of the tallest boys in the business, her voice is deeper than the average girl's (she still has to work to deepen it all the time and by this point, it’s a reflex), and she plays the role of a stubborn, ladies man on the streets.
Her biggest fear is that her boys will find out and turn their back on her. She’s too far into her role to back out now that she’s been doing this for over a decade. She didn't know what she would do if they felt like she betrayed them and lost their trust.
She’s done so well keeping all of her secrets buried.
Unfortunately, it seems like two new Newsies and an upcoming strike might be what finally digs them up.
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thatbookworm08 · 2 years
Over the Bridge Part 8 *Final Part* (Race Higgins x reader)
a/n: this is it! I have another story about Race and Ace that's already completed. Comment if I should post it? Or don't that's fine too :) Thank you so much for reading!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
You ran the whole way to the Brooklyn Bridge. It felt like forever since you crossed it. You and Race made it to the harbor by dawn and decided to rest for a moment. Sitting on the dock, Race noticed how exhausted you looked and put his arm around you, beginning to play with your hair. 
“I know what you’re doin’...and we’s need ta get ta da login’ house…bafore Snydah gets us…” you said, trying to keep your eyes open. 
“Hey youse need sleep more than Ise do.” he said, starting to braid your hair. He somehow knew—probably from Spot—that the one way to get you to fall asleep was to play with your hair. “Snydah da Spidah ain’t gonna get us,” Race placed a kiss on the side of your head just as you dozed off. 
Race was right. Snyder hadn’t gotten you. You hid in Brooklyn for a few days and only saw the men from the Refuge once—but they didn’t see you. 
Race returned to Manhatten the next morning, alone, to find a distraught Spot pacing back and forth, running his hands through his un-gelled hair. He looked like he hadn’t slept all night and jumped the second Race opened the door. “Racer! Youse snuck out to da Refuge! Ise know you did! Where is she? What did theys do ta her? Is she hurt? Why didn’tcha bring me?”
“Woah! Spot! She’s in Brooklyn!” Race said, holding out his arms in surrender. 
Spot stopped. “W-what? She gots out?” 
“Wes got Oscar Delancey ta thanks fa dat,” he nodded. “Ise took ‘er ta Brooklyn last night—Hotshot knows she’s there—she’s okay,” 
Spot sank to the nearest bed and sighed. “Okay…” 
“Race—you’ll let the fellas in?” 
In the basement of Joseph Pulitzer’s own house, the newsies of New York began to print their newspapers. 
“Here they come!” Race called.
“Race!” he heard.
“Ace!” he ran and scooped you up. He hadn’t seen you in days and missed you terribly. 
Newspapers were spread to every working kid in New York and Pulitzer was furious. 
“In case youse hadn’t noticed Mr. Pulitzer,” Spot said sarcastically, “Wes got youse surrounded.” 
“Wes got no problem woikin’ fo you, Joe,” you added, “Youse just needs ta treat us right,” 
Under a glare from Governor Roosevelt himself, Pulitzer scowled and said, “Fine,” 
“NEWSIES OF NEW YORK!” Jack yelled, “WE WON!” 
You didn’t care who was around, you were just so happy that you pulled Race into a kiss. 
The other newies around you stopped and watched. “Guys!” Les squealed. 
Albert, Spot, and all of the boys cheered, hollered, and whistled. 
Sure, you had won the strike, but the real win, for you and Race at least, was each other. 
~The End~
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hello newsies fandom it seems there’s not much new content recently so I decided to do my part since I’ve been mia since like February and posted two chapters to my fic on ao3 so if you feel like starting that it’s 8 chapters so far and more are on the way and I think it’s pretty okay
it’s about an afab Spot, canon era, a weird amalgamation of 92sies and livesies so there’s my contribution it’s really niche but I like it okay thanks I appreciate you bye
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whyareyouhere66 · 2 years
Imagine/Fic Links
So I already made a list of all the fandoms/characters i’m gonna write for, but I don’t actually have anywhere with all the fic links, 
So I’m putting them here! Just to make it more organized, y’know?
no idea how often I’ll update it, so if there are some links missing then that’s why
ALSO- make sure to scroll because it is gonna grow a lot and you might miss something you’d like so just bare with me as you scroll through this-
These are the characters/fandoms I write for - link
The Outsiders-
Late Night [Angst, Sodapop and Steve friendship]
Mini Series - Grief: [CW: mentions of major character death (Johnny and Dally), no reader, no ships, implied violence/drinking]
Only Love Can Hurt Like This [Ponyboy Curtis]
Wish You Were Here. [Two-Bit Matthews]
To Where You Are [Sodapop Curtis]
Fire and Rain. [Darrel Curtis]
Let It Be. [Dallas Winston & Johnny Cade]
[Steve Randle in progress]
How They’d React to Your Friend Flirting With Them [HC] [GN Reader]
Sodapop Curtis -
Started With a Ring   [Male Reader]
Vandalize    [Fem or GN Reader]
Can’t Help Falling In Love  [Male Reader]
Can’t Help Falling In Love - Part 2. [Male Reader]
Showering With Sodapop [HC] [GN Reader- NOT SMUT]
I love you. [Male Reader]
Snowed In. [GN Reader/ Reader using Fae/Faer/Faers pronouns]
Steve Randle
Wrong Direction  [Fem Reader]
Dallas Winston
The One That Got Away   [Fem Reader]
Anxious Reader HC. [Fem Reader]
Showering with Dallas [HC] [GN Reader - Not smut]
Darry Curtis
Coping Mechanism. [GN Reader]
Physical Affection [HC]. [GN Reader]
Let It Snow [GN Reader]
Showering with Darry [HC] [GN Reader- Not smut]
Ponyboy Curtis
Secret. [Fem Reader]
random Tim and Sylvia thing from when they were kids
The Mighty Ducks-
The Ducks-
The Ducks in a Haunted House [HC]   [No reader, just an HC]
TV. [GN Reader, no romantic stuff but lots on Adam]
Charlie Conway-
Exile - Part 1   [GN Reader]
Exile - Part 2   [GN Reader]
Kenny Wu -
Homework and Cuddles   [GN reader] 
Dean Portman-
Reunion [Fem Reader]
Reminder: there is much more to come! Y’all should see my drafts-
Lies [Male Reader]
Lies pt 2. [Male Reader]
Too Late [GN Reader] tw! for blood/implied death
Nail Polish. [GN Reader]
Mezo Shoji
Dating HCs. [GN Reader]
Pulled Away. [Male Reader]
Neito Monoma
Just Can’t Help Myself. [Fem Reader]
Haikyuu Characters as Quotes From my Life [HC]
Total Drama Island -
Hanahaki Disease Part 1   [Male Reader]
Hanahaki Disease Part 2   [Male Reader]  WARNING: hanahaki disease (duh)
Julie and the Phantoms -
Reggie Peters-
See You Again.  [GN Reader]
The Sandlot -
Benny Rodriguez
Do It Again. [Male Reader]
Visitor. [GN Reader]
Rumors. [GN Reader]
Touch. [Male Reader]
Call Me A Snitch. [GN Reader]
Newsies -
Spot Conlon-
Idk U Yet [Prologue/Part1]. [GN Reader]
Romantic/Platonic HCs. [GN Reader]
Chubby Reader HCs. [GN Reader]. (I recommend combining this one with the other HCs just for one big thing of Spot HCs)
Jack Kelly-
Love at your Convenience. [GN Reader]
Mike Faist (actor)
Pleasant Distraction. [Fem Reader]
Found Family. [FTM Reader]
His Smile. [Fem Reader]
Racetrack Higgins
Romantic/Platonic HCs. [GN Reader]
Kid Blink
How you met/Asking you out HCs. [GN Reader]
Rooftop. [GN Reader]
Thank You. [Fem Reader]
IT 2017
Henry Bowers-
Untitled Lol. [Male Reader]
Harry Potter Fandom
Owe It All To You. [GN Reader x !Father Figure! Remus Lupin]
Draco Malfoy -
Perhaps, Perhaps. [Male Reader]
Look What You Made Me Do [Male Stark !Vigilante! Reader]
[Almost] a Loss. [Dad! Loki x !Son!Teen!Reader]
DNA [Dad! Loki x !Son!Villain(?) Reader]
JJ Maybank -
You Are Home [Male Reader]
Kook Prince [Male Reader]
Smoked. [Male Reader]
Lonesome [Male Reader]
Safe With Me [Male Reader]
So Say It [Male Reader] Bonus part
His Sweet, Sweet Words. [Male Reader]
Awake With You. [Male Reader]
Kiss It Better [Male Reader]
Polaroid. [GN Reader]
I’ll try to update this as much as I can, and again I promise there is more to come! My drafts are full rn man soooo-
Feel free to send in a request!!
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aznisure · 4 years
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more self-indulgent fem 92sies
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