#female firestar
I’m not fully finished with the story, I’m only on chapter 2 but I’m hoping that if I post the allegiances and prologue I won’t be urge to do more changes and rewrite everything again
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determined-blazeau · 2 years
Here is the new blog for my au! I call it the Determine Blaze! The art is done by the wonderful @spottyistired
The setting is that there are no humans, but a world where Godzilla didn’t defeat Ghidorah fast enough and all the humans died… after many years some animals began to become sentient and build their own groups and cultures
Remember this is a firetiger au don’t like don’t read!
Hope ya all enjoy
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femalefirestarau · 2 years
So while I love love bluemom in warriors fics because I made tigerclaw’s her nephew I won’t be having bluestar adopt blazepaw… while she would want to she is terrified that the stars will take her away even if she is the prophecy cat
So blue and blaze relationship will be strictly mentor and apprentice
But don’t worry blaze will still have yellowmom
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tfvirtues · 7 months
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The (very crunchy) bare begins of something I've wanted to do for a while! If Hasbro won't give me the G1 TF ladies focused show I crave then by gods I will make it MYSELF. Or well, at least make a trailer& opening for a show that doesn't exist.
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bonebabbles · 2 months
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Uh.... wh?
Honey and Shell are right.
Nightheart was allowed to act out MUCH more strongly and harshly than any other warrior
Squilf herself as deputy was trying her best to help him reconnect to their family, when he was angrily pushing them all away
He interrupted his own name ceremony and was given a new one, no consequence
Was given a huge opportunity to go on a mission to get lifesaving medicine, BECAUSE of Jayfeather, Alderheart, and Squilf, his family. Didn't appreciate this.
Ran away to ShadowClan, and then came back, no consequence again because his family missed him.
Left AGAIN with a StarClan Permission Slip to help Frostpaw, came back, no consequence for vanishing. Even Sunbeam doesn't resent this.
He does get away with shit because he's a descendant of Firestar, he's part of the family that leads ThunderClan. This all would have been treated much more harshly, and he wouldn't have gotten so many opportunities, if these people WEREN'T his family.
And now he's gotten an apprentice before Shell and Honey for it!
This ISN'T "building his own legacy." It IS nepotism.
Even the next handful of cats who get apprentices-- Bayshine, his best friend who he was basically raised with and aids him constantly, just this morning lying to cover Sunbeam, AND Finchlight, sister. Molewhisker is a random senior mentor so they're not ALL completely brand new.
TERRIBLE conclusion to Nightheart's character arc, this execution has earned a fierce, flaming F + See Me After Class
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rookflower · 3 months
u know what, sure, i've got my issues with feathertail's characterisation in A Shadow In Riverclan (specifically in regards to how they wrote her relationship with sasha) but honestly big up to her for breaking free of the "shallow dead love interest" box she was sitting in fanon-wise before that. im glad that a lot of people's first impression of feathertail is now about her trauma her and trust issues from that book rather than just about crowfeather. not because female characters with romance centric arcs are worth less obviously, but because warrior cats has such a deficit of major female characters that are not heavily associated with romance and/or motherhood that knocking one halfway off the list is, to some extent, a tiny little victory
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yuridovewing · 6 months
i also gotta mention once again how fucking weird it was of the fandom to villainize shadowclan in night whispers so harshly for being upset that lionblaze killed russetfur. like honestly i think thats a bit worse than the dawnpelt scenario because lionblaze DID kill russetfur, a deputy who you could argue was fighting out of self defense since thunderclan instigated the attack, and someone who most of shadowclan had grown up with, and the cats were naturally upset, but the fandom basically went “lol look how stuuuupid they look! dont they know it was an accident and she deserved it for being an old lady in battle? dumb cunts.”
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churino6 · 1 year
Drew firestar and flareup, they're sisters, both firefighters, but flareup is a bit of a brat
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shadowed-yet-vibrant · 6 months
Every day I log on and see Warriors fan artists making stories that are infinitely more complex, emotional, and sophisticated than the source material ever has been. It's incredible how such a error-riddled, flat, and continually disappointing series has led to such incredible creative vision.
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🌫Darkest Hour - Best and worst death ?
Best death? Hm.... That's a tough one!
Okay, I have 2 here. For comedy value I've got Redwillow. Trash talked Blackstar only to IMMEDIATELY get his shit rocked by the "elder growing old over and over".
For genuine value?
Tigerstar's death. Iconic scene, 10 outta 10. Still holds weight today. Only complaint is the immediate "oouughhh he was still a strong warrior he didn't deserve that" because the writers are cowards.
Worst death?
Firestar. Jesus Christ on a Fortnite Bike that could not have written that scene in a more confusing way if they had TRIED. If a character imagines something and suddenly "snaps back to reality", yeah, it needs gravity. You need to SHOW what actually did happen. You know it's bad when the writers have to make a post explaining what happened in the culminating scene for their OWN BOOK. Everything about it is so messy.
Since I had 2 for best, I'll give the other worst to his wife, Sandstorm. What a complete and utter fucking waste. Complete lack of knowing who your own character is. What story does her death tell? Why does she not get a proper send-off like Dustpelt got? Or Ravenpaw? Or Graystripe? Why does our Arc 1 girl get such a pathetic ass-pull of a death? So they wouldn't find out something was wrong with Skyclan? Darktail could do this cool thing called LYING. Tell the patrol that Skyclan has moved out. It's not that hard. Have her die fighting for Skyclan. Have HER be a Light In The Mist in TBC instead of more firegray "bait" ffs...
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A friend of mine and Strelles drew Blaze! Look at her! My girl is pretty and she is orange!
I love her so much
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determined-blazeau · 1 year
@trailofflamesrewrite @strelles-universe did not stop me so now blaze is a Bengal cat
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With horns of course because radiation world
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femalefirestarau · 2 years
Guys I just had a great idea… you know how I’m giving my cats voice actors?
Tigerclaw voice by Hayden Christensen
Blazepaw voice by Natalie Portman
Whitehawk voice by Ewan McGregor
I’m a genius
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tfvirtues · 6 months
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Character intro frames from the animation I'm working on
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vaugarde · 2 years
so i gotta emphasize that i havent read the books past arc 6 book 2 so take my observations here with a big pinch of salt but its soooo funny to me how the erins introduced a character who’s entire deal is that shes firestars granddaughter and she looks like firestar and they push this idea extremely hard at first and promote her as “GUYS HOLY SHIT ITS GIRL FIRESTAR WAAAAAAA” on their blogs and shit and all the characters are like “wow is she gonna have some kind of significant thing related to that” and really hammer that all in, and maybe even hint at an arc where she has to live up to the pressure of her dead grandfather and tradition and all that, and the absolute BEST thing that the erins could squeeze out of their heads was “ok so we give all the significant plots to her brother while she gets post partum depression that we proceed to demonize her for. also her son who looks nothing like firestar is the one who grapples with the firestar legacy while she just kinda shrugged offscreen. heres an entire article explaining why this is so deep and real and better actually”
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firestarwrites · 11 months
Hearts Unmasked pt. i (Jack Dawson x f!OC)
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Name: Hearts Unmasked
Fandom: Titanic
Pairing: Jack Dawson x f!OC
Length: Short (405 words)
Warnings: none
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Set in 1912, day 1 of the Titanic's voyage.
Eva Hastings was a middle class woman with a soft heart and a niche for adventure. As soon as she caught wind of the Titanic setting sail on her maiden voyage, she instantly bought a ticket.
The day of the voyage arrived and Eva walked to the dock. Her eyes widened as she saw the metal hull towering over her. She took her bags and boarded the ship. The eloquently crafted handrails and architecture of the ship caught Eva's eye as she walked up the stairs to the top deck of the ship.
She carefully explored the Titanic's top deck, stopping frequently to jot ideas down in her notebook. She loved to write and the Titanic was perfect inspiration for it. As she passed the lifeboats, she began to count. While she was lost in thought about how many people the lifeboats could hold, she bumped into someone. He had light brown hair and sparkling eyes that caught her attention. They exchanged a brief "sorry" and Eva went on with her day. She secretly hoped she could meet him again.
After a long day of exploring, Eva decided to eat in the massive dining area. A violinist played an upbeat tune while a group of dancers swirled around her. She made her way to the opposite end of the room and sat down in a soft chair. She briefly closed her eyes and breathed in the smells and sounds of the dining room. When she opened her eyes, another pair of eyes met hers.
"What a beautiful night," he noted as he watched the dancers.
Eva said nothing, slightly blindsided by his sudden appearance. He smiled and offered her his hand. She took it with a grin and allowed him to lead her to the center of the dance floor. Eva's heart fluttered when he put an arm around her waist and danced with her. The lights of the room seemed to dim while they spun around. Eva looked into his eyes and slightly melted. She knew even if she never got his name, this moment would stay in her heart forever.
After the song ended, they returned back to Eva's seat.
"I never caught your name," Eva said.
"It's Jack," he responded with another wide smile.
"It was nice to meet you tonight," Eva said softly. "I hope we cross paths again soon."
"Me too..."
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