#female summoner feh
katfreaks-hidyhole · 1 year
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euclesia · 1 year
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Summoner and Fjorm ~
A cute wedding of my summoner's friend and his favorite girl Fjorm. I just love her design in this version.
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saiyan-of-fairy-tail · 8 months
Happy 7th anniversary to Fire Emblem Heroes!
Music used: UP TO ME! from Four Knights of the Apocalypse - by Little Glee Monster
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emblemxeno · 1 year
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I think the CYL FEH Channel is tonight 👀 They await their new sister
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wizling · 4 days
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can we have one good awakening alt before EOS please. just a crumb of recognition for my bisexual angel and her butch wife. just one tiny reference to the canonical girlprince homoeroticism sumia got to enjoy during the harvest scramble
Sumia: I know it's silly...but this whole thing is just SO alluring! I mean, men have their own unique appeal, and women do too, right? But combine them both, and you get the best of both worlds! The beauty of the female form, with the magnetic appeal of a handsome man... If we can pull this off, you'll be like a dashing prince from a fairy tale!
(FEH summon simulator here)
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elluia · 8 months
Choose Your Legends 8 ended with lots of surprises, and it's time to celebrate!
I've seen concerning amounts of salt and bashing on the games involved or not, so this will be a positive post! I'm tired of the fandom's dumb takes and toxicity so let's praise everyone for the amazing scores and stories that unfolded during this vote!
First let's start with the link to all the official CYL art since Year 1 of FEH, enjoy the trip down memory lane!
(I nabbed that chibi Soren right away, bless Kita Senri)
CYL 8 Male winners:
🥇1: Alfonse | A beautifully deserved win for our well-written OC lord who keeps the story of Heroes entertaining with his crazy one-liners and unhinged plans, with more tender moments with his family and friends to soften him. I hope we get to see him grown-up like Legendary Veronica.
🥈2: Felix | I love seeing non-lord characters emerge from the voting. His voters have shown their supports 4 years in a row and it paid off! Especially nice win because Felix has been shafted by IS with a silly seasonal and an ok god-sword pre-TS unit.
CYL 8 Female winners:
🥇1: Bernadetta | Just like Felix, her voters lost to circumstances (aka the surprise Gullveig sweep), so I'm glad for them! Plus her post-TS personality should force the writers to tone down the moe nervous trait that flanderizes her character.
🥈2: Female Robin | She's finally free to be in the common summoning pool as herself, not Grima! She has too few alts to her name, and she marks the first time both genders of an avatar have won CYL, so good job!
About the Engage non-sweep, don't get disheartened! The votes for Engage were equal to Three Houses, but they were split between A LOT of fan favourites for both genders, while the FE3H fans rallied one last time for 1 male and 1 female representation, without competition from their lords. It's a respectable result, and the bashing on Engage is disingenuous and undeserved.
I've seen the top 5 from each game and I'm happy to see Finn up there for Thracia and Mae for Echoes. I hope to see Linoan soon, and other alts for Berkut and Rinea. People rallied for Athos to get in the game already, for Lloyd to have new art, for Seth and Titania to get the stats they deserve...
Fan favourites like Lyon or the Black Knight still score high. Azura received love. Even Elincia who's already been very lucky in 2023 got in the top for PoR and RD! I love to see people rally for a Sentinel Nephenee too.
We continue to see Leo and Takumi side by side, chilling in the male top 20 like BFFs. It's adorable.
This CYL8 follows in the steps of CYL7 with no main lords, only favourites and avatars.
Next year I hope to see Jugdral and Elyos win, but for now I'm happy with the 4 we have 🥰
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Corrins in FEH: Distinctions between the Male and the Female
Firstly, congratulations to Female Corrin in winning this year’s CYL. Though I’m more of a Male Corrin fan so I would be lying that I am not a bit sad with the results. But hey at least he’s top 15 (for Men). Anyways…
Something interesting of all the “avatars” is that Corrin, in each gender, represents the two main paths, Female from Conquest and Male from Birthright. As it is illustrated in their respective box art. I won’t argue if this makes it canon or not, however their portrayal beyond their games have also followed suit. For example, from what I heard about Warriors, correct me if I am wrong, is that Male by default gets Hoshidan noble and whereas Female has Nohrian noble. But I’ll focus on FEH as it’s the game I’m more familiar with and accessible for me.
Let’s talk about their portrayal in FEH. In their base alt(i.e., OG) it is ambiguous which route each took but in their seasonal alts, it’s pretty obvious that male does come from BR and whereas Female from CQ. I attempted to take notes of some of the differences between the two , from castle quotes, voice-lines ,Lv 40 confession and meet the heroes page. I noticed that they do have contrasting differences. Here’s a table of summary:
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Brief Discussions
Both of them have mostly the same lines and even the same Meet the heroes entry but interestingly, they have some differences in their castle, voice lines and even confessions. Male emphasizes about choices and road taken has a somewhat serious tone while Female more on bonds and cheery. Though it is vague which route each took so it is on you how to interpret it.
(However one may say as what male Corrin’s Yato sprite looks like the Omega variant meaning he’s from Revelations. But I argue that it’s contradicting with his art and weapon name that has the standard Yato. I think IS that time just gave him the Omega Yato sprite that early as they didn’t think FEH would last long.)
Of all the Corrin alts that have both male and female versions, so far the Ninja alts are the most different and their lines are very different and it isn't vague which route each represents. If you read all their lines and the Meet the heroes page, definitely Ninja Male Corrin is definitely from Birthright and the Female one is from Conquest, the closely associated characters is a big hint. And it’s neat that they had encountered each other.
Another note, this line also intrigued me from their paralogue:
“It's definitely a bit shocking, at least you still get along with your siblings! Oh, Elise... As upbeat as ever, I see.”
-Ninja Male Corrin Paralogue 65-1
I find this intriguing because it references about his experience from Birthright and he had a reaction when he saw Elise. However in his voice lines and castle lines he mentions sending Ninja clothes to Elise, there are two theories I could think of—One, she survived in that reality, or Two, it is some sort of in honor of her loving memory.
Fallen and Adrift
These alts don’t have much indication of which road was taken since fallen are presumed from the pre route split and adrift ones are just Young Azura’s imagination.
The Fallen lines seem similar for both of them—about them suffering , anxious and trying to contain their powers and rephrasing one another. From what I could tell, Fallen Male Corrin seems more unstable than Female. While in their Adrift forms, Male Corrin is very concerned more with Azura while Female is more concerned with the summoner.
Another note is no indication about Revelations of all the alts except these alts. In the Meet the Heroes Page of Fallen(both), there’s a mention of Valla while the rest of Corrin entries none. And for Adrift, the paralogue takes place in Valla.
Of all the Corrin seasonal alts, this is the most similar for the both of them, they almost say exactly the same lines or rephrasing in both castle and voice, even confession. Though I found some nuances that implies Male Corrin is from Hoshido while Female is from Nohr. Just like in Ninja Paralogue, they meet too and they’re BFF’s, literally “friends with myself”.
Unique Alts
Meaning that these alts have no counterpart in respective gender (yet) like New Years is exclusively for Male while Summer for Female. Despite that, it’s pretty obvious which one is from, Male again from Hoshido—voice-lines and the paralogue takes place in Hoshido, together with his Hoshidan brother Takumi, (though Camilla is there for some reason). And Female, no need for explanation as it is explicit in the title in her paralogue “Nohrian summer” and as Anna stated that this takes place in the world of Conquest.
As for Legendary Female Corrin, it’s very explicit that she’s from Conquest. In all her lines talks about the events in the CQ route. By following this precedent, it’s pretty obvious that in the near future Legendary Male Corrin will be from Birthright. And I can’t wait to hear his thoughts about the BR route too. And that would be a huge help too in my analysis I’m writing—“Lord Corrin, Second Prince of Hoshido”. It’s still WIP.
Recently Female got her too so I guess I’ll include this but I couldn’t find something notable. They just both doing role-play with the realm that their resplendent represent— Male talks about future as he represent Askr while Female like a dark fairy as she represents the fairy land (sorry can’t remember the hard to pronounce Norse name). So far there has been a pattern Askr for Hoshidans (Takumi is a fitting exemption and his resplendent makes sense) while Fairyland for Nohrians.
Side note, I just love Male Corrin’s special line “This is the end!”, I like this aggressive side of him.
Quick comparisons with other “Avatars”
Before I’ll conclude, I did some quick checks with other avatars: Kris, Robin,and Byleth, if they also exhibit some differences between Male and Female too. ( I only checked the ones having counterparts, unique seasonals I didn’t because I won’t have something to compare with. I didn’t include Shez and Alear since they’re new and I’m not very familiar with them yet.)
Kris’: They both say the same but Male emphasizes on training, while Female about serving and loyalty to Marth.
Robins: Same with Kris. They say the same or rephrasing some lines however in their confessions and some lines Male is about bonds and partnership while Female reminds of herself about the summoner. As for the Grimas, meh. Personally not a fan, can’t finish reading their condescending lines. “Worm this, worm that.”
Byleths: Kid you not, all lines are exactly the same, not even rephrasing, even exactly same confessions, literally copy-pasting.I may know the reason. As far as I know, they’re supposed to be emotionless for lore reasons which gives them a little variety.
Of all the “avatars” Corrins provide variety with their alts and there are distinctions between Male and Female, not just simply copy-pasting most lines for each gender unlike other avatars most especially Byleth.
By nature, they are the same—kind, trusting, endearing and optimistic, but by nurture (i.e., taking different paths and experiences) makes them a bit different. From what I could tell in their overall portrayal in FEH, Male Corrin seems to be somewhat serious, low-key melancholic, emphasizes choices and path to peace while his Female counterpart who is easy going, cutesy and emphasizes bonds. With these distinctions between the two, the notion that “they’re just the same person but different gender” could be challenged, for FEH at least.
( Wanted to recheck and compare their lines in their own games too but so many lines to read and I won’t have much spare time soon. So far I’ve noticed they have different support lines for Gen 2. For example, with Male Corrin support with Kiragi, they’re doing hide and seek, while Female, they had a conversation about Kiragi’s role as a royal)
In their seasonal alts, they act goofy and a kid at heart. This can be said to all seasonal alts too. But this really makes sense to them due to their locked in a tower childhood. They would naturally act this way as they enjoy to the fullest of their freedom and be mesmerized with new things.
As we have seen, it has been consistent which route represents who. Male for Birthright and Female for Conquest. Even their kid: Kana hints which road was taken from by their refined weapons. I’m certain that Male Corrin will get Hoshido Noble from his legendary to mirror the female counterpart. I haven’t found one that heavily implies from Revelations yet. It is very likely that Brave Female Corrin will break this pattern or IS will throw a curveball at us as usual.
I am glad that the characterization of Corrin in FEH is surprisingly good and gave them some depth and nuances despite how much the fandom loves to make them into overly peaceful, naïve and silly caricatures, and especially Female Corrin who is reduced to fan-service. I hope this will make people warm up more to Corrin.
And with that concludes my attempt of doing “”analysis””. I’ve put more effort into writing this than I ever did with my school essays. Like this has ~1800 words and I didn’t resort to using redundant word extending techniques. This shows how interest and passion would make you do. I did my best with all my abilities and limits and I hope I didn’t miss something. If something was overlooked, please politely correct me and please don’t kill me…
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gascon-en-exil · 9 months
Excellent post on Edelgard and sexualation because it's true they don't do the same to male characters. And people can deny it all they want but when the interview says they wanted a red emperor but girl and THIS is how they do that, it makes a statement and not a good one, there is so much more they could have done with that idea and cute waifu is what we got. A really good example and I saw a post on this a while back is ironically Grima. Someone referred to the girl version as Grimette (remember Bowsette?) and yeah that explains the disparity of treatment for who should be the exact same character. But see ones a girl so she gets the sexy dom treatment while the boy gets to stay in character, along with female Robin being in this form more because she can't be as sexualized as herself? It makes me uncomfortable as a girl myself tbh
It's certainly not just Edelgard, and you can find numerous examples throughout FEH's roster of female characters getting unnecessarily horny alts while their male counterparts get nothing whatsoever. The Grima example is particularly interesting, as I can recall that when rearmed Robin came out there was some wariness over her because Grima is still technically male even when he's in her body...and yet the character looks like this:
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I very much don't have a horse in that race as I'm indifferent at best to anything from Awakening, but I did find the concern amusing.
But yes, as we're just now seeing yet again with New Year's Seiðr, it's only ever female characters who get designed like this, and written in such a way that emphasizes how available they are to the player summoner. No, I don't care that the big-breasted goddess who wants to make a baby with me is fighting with her younger self over who gets to greet me for the new year first.
Male characters are never written that way in any FE media*, and as I demonstrated to actually find anything of the sort you have to go looking at literal gay erotica...and when I show off an example of that, I promptly get an anon message calling it stupid. As if this isn't:
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*There was some hand-wringing (presumably all from insecure straight men) over Dimitri in Azure Moon, but excluding the f!Byleth-exclusive S rank that's nothing compared to what that game does with Edelgard. Hell, Dimitri's scenes with m!Byleth are also pretty milquetoast when compared to his multiple intimate interactions with Dedue and Felix...and only some of that is attributable to the fact that those characters can actually speak back.
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kimium · 2 months
Thoughts after FEH Channel:
Super excited for the yukata themed banner for August. I always enjoy those. On the other hand, I am super disappointed that our Harmonic is two female characters... again. Female/Male or Male/Male pairs are a Thing that can Exist, IS. Though I am Extremely excited for Summer Leo and Summer Lucia.
I'm waiting to be absolutely dunked on for the guarantee 4* focus summon banner. I always am with those banners.
Sparkable weekly revival banners is such a good quality of life change! Love it.
I am so excited for Legendary Claude's remix and refine! I love Claude so much! I hope his refine is also amazing.
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chromaji · 1 year
wait isnt this the first summer banner with only female characters as summonable units? I was gonna say “damn rent must’ve been DUE, the lights were OUT”, but tharja of all characters is the demote so you know what idk actually
& the one male character they did add as a free summer unit being donnel like HUH. i know donnel has fans for being a strong unit & all so… i guess? i’ve never played much of awakening. anyway its like Ivy got dragged into the banner instead of an awakening or feh character. she’s trying to claw her way back to elusia as we speak
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dionysusdecent · 5 months
First ever post (not counting reblogs) that isnt Limbus Company related!? Woah! But anyway....other Fire Emblem Heroes players....is the game still fun for you guys, because I just opened the game since not opening it since the beginning of april because the game has just hit me with massive burnout for it due to the insane powercreep, how horrible summoning rates are, the very obvious increase in bias towards female characters (even better when they just run full on into the sex appeal and increase the female characters chest size by 3 times. Kagero, you have big boobs yes, but your wind tribe alt increased their size by like double, wtf), and.....well I mean this book has been fine with its story but wow, book 7 was shit, and that's in comparison to books 1 and 2 which were bad. I just dont have motivation to play the game anymore. It's just gotten so tiring to even open it up because the game does really now feel like it's not there for fire emblem fans, it's there for gacha fans and no one else. (And when I say gacha fans, I mean like the people that only care for big tiddies anime women). Like, this game could so easily be a fun ol time of fire emblem characters hanging out and getting into wacky adventures because of multiverse shenanigans, but no, its powercreep insanity, some of the worst summoning rates I've ever seen and....big tiddie anime women with them feeling like they could be generic anime girls instead of whatever characters they are actually supposed to be, and that's not even talking about some of the OC's who are just really bad (looking at you Njordr, you were mishandled so fucking terribly. Not looking at you Surtr, your just a guy who wants to kill everyone because your a massive asshole and that's great). This sucks because I wanna play the game because I like fire emblem....but I dont want to play the game because everything else about it is just not fun or good. So again, other feh players, am I insane or do atleast some of you also feel this?
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katfreaks-hidyhole · 2 years
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dentos-wife · 2 years
Since you say Chrobin is inferred what else is inferred and canon in FE?
Disclaimer this is just my option from the stance of an aromantic asexual who only follows the text and what they do with the characters and what I see pushed in side material. But here's what I see and with just the lords
FE1/3/11/12: Marth and Caeda canon, there's no arguing it, all the side material confirms it it's blatant canon
FE 2/Echoes: Alm and Celica canon same reasoning as Marth and Caeda
FE 4: Sigurd and Deirdre canon, Deirdre and Arvis is canon too but it's never pushed not like the former that's the FE4 ship they want you to remember. Seliph as far as I'm aware doesn't have a pairing, his siblingship with Julia is his important relationship and it's platonic
FE 5: I know nothing about this game except what I see in FEH. I think Leif and Nana canon, could be wrong, would be willing to hear someone out who knows that game, if not canon they are definitely inferred
FE 6: Roy and Lilina implied I think like his dad's game Roy can pick anyone to be his wife, IS seems to favor Lilina the most in side material
FE 7: Eliwood and Ninian highly implied this is the one I'd compare Chrobin to the most, Eliwood can marry Ninian but he doesn't have to he can marry anyone else if he wishes, in side material though and FEH they're pushed a lot to the point when I looked it up I was surprised it wasn't canon
FE 8: I...don't think anything is canon or even inferred here. Open season
FE 9: I'm going to get so much hate for this but here we go. It's heavily implied I don't think it's been stated, Soren has feelings for Ike. And I 100% believe that. However...Ike comes off as very ace to me so I don't think Ike can ever love Soren as much as Soren loves him. That said they could easy have a queerplatonic relationship I don't see the two ever separating it just wouldn't be a traditional relationship
FE 10: Micaiah Sothe canon I personally wish it wasn't and don't like it but you can't argue it's not canon, and the side material continues to agree with the game, just ignore it (I sure do)
FE 13: As I said Chrom Sumia was originally implied, but they dropped it now Chrom Robin is heavily implied Lucina has no one, protecting her dad is her character.
FE 14: Gender split. In the game one could argue for MCorrin Azura was slightly implied due to her having a different support per route. For FCorrin due to popularity Leo got a drama Cd and a manga which slightly implied Leo Corrin. That time has passed, Corrin has no implied pairings anymore Corrin just cares about family, everything is platonic
FEH: Yes this is a mainstream game. Almost everyone loves the summoner (because it's you) Fjorm outright is in love with them, Alfonse and Veronica could be implied due to Lif and Tharsir's relationship. Everything is canon here and nothing is canon here at the same time.
FE16: So this one is interesting because of how hard it splits between MByleth and FByleth
Edelgard is heavily implied not just with Byleth but MByleth in particular. In the game the portrait she's drawing is of MByleth if you look close enough, MByleth is also usually for advertisement purposes put with the Black Eagles, Edelgard's house. Because her crush on Byleth is such a part of her character they didn't write it out for FByleth yes, but it was made in intention to MByleth (aka the male players)
Dimitri is implied with FByleth. Her material has her with Blue Lions the same way MByleth's material has him with Black Eagles. It's not as blatant as Edelgard, nothing would be but it's still there (to cater to female players)
Claude: Ha you think they'd care about the character who is a copy paste route? They don't. Poor Claude, nothing is implied or canon with him
FE17: No one but due to Alfred's circumstances changing if you S support him, I might lean to Alear Alfred implied it will all depend on what the side material tells us
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saiyan-of-fairy-tail · 10 months
My Favorites Emblem
So, some of you in the Fire Emblem Heroes community might be wondering, which Hero I am close to. In case you are, I'm glad you asked. Here's my list of Heroes my summoner (Yamato) is close to and why he is.
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1.) Lucina - She's Yamato's best friend. Saving Meliodas from Validar's control and helping the Superstar Brothers of Britannia get a chaos emerald back from him was enough for her to earn their respect. But when she removed her mask and revealed her identity, both brothers were shocked—In more ways than one. Meliodas was crushed that his favorite childhood hero turned out to be a girl, while Yamato, AKA Jake, was stunned, until he saw the Brand of the Exalt on her eye, and realized she really was Lucina. Overtime, she became closer to Yamato. So much so, that when they, along with Meliodas (and Lillia) defeated Grima in her world, her bond with the little saiyan gave her the strength to avenge her parents. Now, since she was the one Hero I finally summoned after Askr knows how long, she fights alongside Yamato in the Order of Heroes.
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2.) Corrin - Lucina's girlfriend, Corrin is very kind to Yamato. She pats his head, she lets him lay on her lap, comforts him, holds him close in her arms as if he's…a baby, and she calls him by his given name, rather than his birth name. Simply put, she's basically like a big sister to Yamato. She stated that herself in her second 5-star voice dialogue!
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3.) Celica - Yamato's great-great…uhh…great-grandmother. Despite that fact, that's been my headcanon for my Seven Deadly Sins fan story for a few months, Celica has been more of a mother to her little descendant. She can be sweet and gentle when off the battlefield, but on the battlefield, she will not hesitate to defend her baby from the enemy.
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4.) Alm - Yamato's great-great…uhh…great-grandfather. After learning that Veronica has Alm under her contract, Yamato was horrified and angry. But due to not having his powers, he was unable to fight back. And when he did manage to free Alm, he begged his great ancestor to join him. Nowadays, Alm is fighting for his descendant's cause, with Celica by their side.
And their you have it. Those are the four Heroes my summoner is close to. One half took till Valentine's Day, the other half required a trade offer, but in all, I love them. They are my Favorites Emblem. My OC's family, since his earth family is still fighting for their lives!
Anyway, what about you other summoners from other versions of Askr? Do you have any favorites? Reblog this post with a Hero/Heroes you're closest to and why.
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childofaura · 2 years
If you’re still doing the FEH artist asks, what about Niji Hayashi?
I'm ALWAYS up for FEH artist asks. I love the chances to interact!
And Niji Hayashi is a great choice. They're the artist for Ballroom Eldigan (Don't really know what else to call him besides that), Resplendent Elincia, New Year's Fafnir, Summer Hilda/Marianne, Ascended Ishtar, Resplendent Raven, and Ymir. A pretty nice well-rounded cast! And also a lot of original designing going on. They've got a really nice sharp coloring style going on, where some artists might have softer or more blended shading, Hayashi's is crisp and defined. And a fascinating thing to note is that their lineart is very textured; kind of like Fujisaka Kimihiko's work.
It's funny, because I've noticed a lot of their men they've drawn so far are sharp and serious; There's a little bit of variety though with Fafnir's smug smile:
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I wanna give them credit where credit is due: I have always strongly disliked character designs where the character has no eyebrows; It's why I hate Hubert's design because I feel it partially messes with the character's ability to express. But Fafnir... He's kinda handsome-looking in this style o//w\\o
But like I mentioned before, they have some GREAT original costume designs for the characters they've drawn!
Resplendent Elincia:
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No offense to Kippu, as I said before I love their art. But I love that Hayashi wasn't afraid to work with Elincia's dark green hair; that's a bit of a difficult beast to overcome in working with color, but they gave her a gorgeous outfit to compliment it (And I LOVE the style of the butterfly wings and the crown!).
Summer Hilda and Marianne:
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I think Marianne's ensemble is just so pretty, and Hilda's is a nice call-back to her timeskip outfit.
Resplendent Raven:
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The tatters of Hel's regalia really suits Raven.
And Ymir:
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I also want to point out the absolutely gorgeous work with the plants and the waterfalls that fall underneath her cloak; Ymir's design relies more on her natural adornments rather than her clothing, and it really does help to tie in the outfit.
Their posework is also nice and dynamic, too! Using the crit portraits because also those crits are great!
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Also, this isn't a criticism or anything, but I was reviewing their portraits gallery and Elincia's... That girl has some CAKE:
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I don't know why but it's like super funny to me. I'm jealous XD
I honestly can't think of any crazy-strong criticisms... I guess if I had to think of ONE thing, I'd say that I'd like to see some more character diversity in terms of age for the characters. Maybe have them tackle Manuela, Nuibaba, or Calill for the women, and for the guys maybe Yukimura, Vaike, or Jesse.
All in all, they're a very close 9.99999/10. Really great artist, really great artwork, even if it's a character I wouldn't really summon on, I can't say I've had any complaints or issues with their artwork. I think they'd be a great choice to draw Felix, a Lon'Qu alt, a Shez alt (male or female), or a Luthier alt (Pls IS, more Luthier pls).
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nammyfanficsblog · 2 years
ASDGGAAAAAA!!! i forget to write the reaction of "Ascend Eir" banner. So here I am!
Rearmed Grima....can't believed Feh has forgotten the existence of Female Robin as they are keeping give Grima new alts...but her skill is so good and most importantly she is another "Rearmed"!!!
Phila is now a 4* with good skill for SI? Good!
Gregor, wow! One of my fave man of Awakening is here!!! And his skills is so good!!! ( I ship him with Nowi once so I will do it again, here lol, if I got him)
And Ascend Eir, ASDFGHAAAAAA! is she a goddess now or something?? ( Well, she's already is in her Og alt) cause her skills is too good and mystic boosts 4!!!! ( very nice to fodder)
I really glad that Ricken is here but why the character that I liked always got demoted with poorly skills? ; w ; ( except for Summer! Claude and Halloween! Zane though)
That's all guys! Hope you get who you want! For me, I want Ascend! Eir and Gregor ( and yeah, I got them both, I mean I got all of them one by one but Gregor is coming with 40th summon, not bad I guess?)
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