adachimoe · 1 year
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My Adachi and Friends shelf is growing 💸
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mycomicbox · 3 months
Updated renders for Persona 4 Golden's FeMC (+ Izanagi)
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Default Names: Emi Narukami, Shiori Seta
👉 Emi's Art Fight page
👉 Izanagi's Art Fight page
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vgckwb · 3 months
P4G: Mirror Mirror (A FeMC Story/P4G Rework) Chapter 2: Slow Start
In a small house in a small town, a man was asleep on the couch. His phone started ringing, causing him to jut up sporadically before centering himself. He answered the phone. “Mmm, Hello?”
“Ah, yes,” Miss Fujioka replied. “Sorry to disturb you this late at night.”
“Mmm. It’s fine,” the man said. “I’m a cop. I’m used to this.”
“Well, um, my name is Aimi Fujioka,” she explained. “I’m your sister’s neighbor.”
This caused the man to awaken even more. “Is everything alright?”
“Well…no,” Aimi said. “You are aware that your sister and her husband are out of the country at the moment.”
“Right,” the man said.
“I was asked to keep tabs on their daughter, your niece,” Aimi continued.
“How is she?” the man asked.
“Well, um, that’s why I’m calling,” Aimi explained. “I just caught her attempting to…jump off of our building’s roof.”
“On to what?” the man asked. There was a silence. The man then realized what was happening. “Oh!”
“Yeah…” Aimi said. “I was given your number as an emergency contact. As much as I would like to, I can’t be there Yua as much as I would like to to prevent this from happening again. So, um, I was wondering if she could stay with you?”
The man was a little concerned. “Have you asked her about this?”
“Well, um, no, but,” Aimi said, “this whole situation has been a bit turbulent to say the least.”
“I can imagine,” the man said. He sighed. “Yeah, I can take her in. I’ll head over tomorrow to discuss this.”
“Thanks,” Aimi said. “I can get started on the paperwork and all that.”
“Much appreciated,” the man said. “Talk to you later.” He hung up. He then glanced over to the hallway door. “Shouldn’t you be asleep Nanko?”
A young girl walked out into the living room wearing pajamas. “I wanted a glass of water.”
The man sighed. “Fine. How much of that did you hear?”
“A little bit…” Nanako said.
The man sighed. “Well, I’ll explain more later, but your cousin is coming to live with us for a little bit.”
“Oh…” Nanako said.
The man smiled. “It’ll be alright. I know we don’t visit often, or ever… but it’ll be fun.”
“OK,” Nanako said. “You’re leaving in the morning?”
The man sighed. “Yeah. I’ll have Adachi stop by to check in on you.” Nanako groaned. “I know he has a bit of a screw loose, but he’s a good guy.”
“I guess…” Nanako said.
“Besides, it’ll only be for a little bit,” the man said. “You have school, and he has work, so it’ll just be check ins while I sort this out.”
“OK then,” Nanako said. She started to go back to her room.
“Your water?” her dad reminded her.
“Oh, right,” Nanako said. She went to get a cup of water, drank it, and then headed back to bed.
The man sighed. “I dunno if I’m ready for this. But when someone’s in trouble, it’s my job to rise to the occasion.” He set an alarm, and then fell back asleep on the couch.
When morning came, the man met another man at the door. This man had longer hair than he did, but  it was still a little short. He was also wearing a blue suit. “Are you sure Dojima?” the other man asked. “I mean, Nanako is pretty self-sufficient. She’s fine on her own. Besides, I’ve got a lot to do at the station.”
Dojima glared at him. “She’s six Adachi,” he said. “And don’t think I don’t know how much work you have to do.”
“Yes sir,” Adachi said.
“Besides, this might be the last time I ask you for a bit,” Dojima said. “If all goes well, I might have someone to look after Nanako when I’m not around.”
“Oh, you’re going to find a girlfriend?” Adachi joked. Dojima flicked him on the head. “Ow!”
“No you nitwit,” Dojima said. “My niece might be coming to live with me.”
“Oh?” Adachi wondered.
“Yeah,” Dojima said. “I know it’s a little sudden, but I think it’s something Nanako and I could use. Besides, it sounds like she needs it too. Between you and me, she tried to commit suicide.”
“WHAT?!” Adachi said.
“Not so loud,” Dojima instructed. “Her neighbor caught her before anything happened. I’m going over there to discuss this with her and make sure everything is OK.”
“Well good luck with that,” Adachi said. “How long do you think you’re going to be?”
“I’ll be back either tonight or tomorrow,” Dojima said. “She might be coming at a later date. You know, cause she needs to pack everything.”
“Right,” Adachi said.
“Just make sure Nanako gets to school, and then you can go back to the office,” Dojima said. “And check on her at about 5 as well.”
“Yes sir,” Adachi saluted. Dojima nodded, and headed out.
Meanwhile, Yua woke up. She yawned. She noticed the TV was still on, but right now there was a commercial for a soda advertised by the idol Rise Kujikawa. There was a slight blush across her face. She waited for the ad to finish before turning the TV off.
She got up and walked to the kitchen. She found a note. She picked it up. “Good morning Yua! Like I said, I called you out of school for the day. I’m off to work, but I will be calling you every hour to make sure you’re OK. Anyways, I’ve made some calls, and I think I’ve worked something out. The plan for right now is to stay with your uncle. He’s going to stop over sometime today to discuss things, but it should be alright. Also, you can eat whatever you want. I tend to overshop a little. -Miss Fujioka.”
Yua’s phone then rang. She answered it. “Hello?”
“Ah, good!” Aimi said. “You’re aaaaaaaawake!”
“Yeah…” Yua said. “I just read your note.”
“Oh good!” Aimi said.
“I’m going to be living with my uncle, apparently?” Yua asked.
“Yeah…” Aimi said. “Sorry I didn’t talk with you before asking, but…I wanted to give you some space.”
Yua then wondered something. “Um, Miss Fujioka? I was…alone when you found me, right?”
“Ummmm, yes?” Aimi said. “Why?”
Yua sighed. “It’s nothing. I just have a lot on my mind.”
“Well, if you need to talk I’m always here,” Aimi said. “Even when you move out, you still have my number.”
“Right…” Yua said.
Aimi paused for a moment. “It’s not like I want you to leave or anything. But my job requires a lot of my time. Besides, it’s not like we know each other that well. We’re just neighbors after all.”
“Right…” Yua said. She didn’t have it in her to tell her that she is not that close with her uncle and his family either. The last time she saw them was her aunt’s funeral a few years back. Still, maybe a change of scenery might help.
Aimi continued. “Your uncle is going to be stopping by later today. Just be prepared, OK.”
“Yeah,” Yua said.
“You can stay at my place if it makes you feel better,” Aimi said. “Otherwise, you can go back to your place if that makes you feel more comfortable.”
“Thanks,” Yua replied.
Aimi giggled. “Talk to you soon!”
“Bye,” Yua said. She hung up. She started to look around to see what she could make for breakfast.
After eating breakfast, Yua sighed. “I think moving in with my uncle for a while would be helpful. At the very least, it’ll give me some time to get my head on straight.”
“You seem to be taking to that idea quickly,” Izanagi remarked, appearing out of nowhere.
“GAH!” Yua said. “You…You’re still here!”
“Of course,” Izanagi said. “Like I said, you and I are deeply connected.”
Yua sighed. “I thought this whole thing with you was a hallucination.”
“Nope,” Izanagi replied. “It’s 100% real.”
“So why didn’t Miss Fujioka see you?” Yua asked.
Izanagi remained silent for a bit. “It’s 100% real…to you.”
“Ughhhhhhhh,” Yua groaned. She sighed. “Last night, you told me that the answer to…all of this wasn’t here. If I go to live with my uncle in Inaba, would that put me farther away from solving…this?”
“Actually,” Izanagi answered, “Inaba is where you need to go to solve this problem.”
Yua glared at him. “How convenient.”
“Convenience has nothing to do with it,” Izanagi said. “The answers that we seek are just there. You lost something there. And when you lost something, I did as well.”
Yua huffed. “What did I lose then?”
“That…I am unsure of,” Izanagi said.
“Figures,” Yua retorted. “Can you at least tell me when I lost it? That might help me figure out what to do next.”
“Hmmmm,” Izanagi pondered. “I have to imagine it was around six years ago, I believe. Something like that.”
“Wow,” Yua remarked sarcastically. “You CAN be helpful.” She began to think. “Let’s see…I believe that was around the time Nanako was born. In fact, I think that’s why we went to visit in the first place. I think I’m starting to remember that trip. Inaba’s a small town, but it has its charms. I think I really liked it there. I spent a lot of time at my uncle’s place greeting Nanako, but I do remember also having a lot of time to wander around on my own while my parents and my aunt and uncle were busy. It was fun.
Hmmmmmm. I also kind of remember throwing a fit. I…think I wanted to stay longer...I don’t remember why though…” She tried for a little while longer, but was not getting anywhere. “ARGH!” Yua exclaimed. “This is frustrating. Why can’t I remember?!”
“Well, at least now you know what’s missing,” Izanagi said.
“Are you sure you have something to do with that?” Yua asked. “It was a while ago. Maybe I just forgot.”
“If you just forgot, I wouldn’t be here,” Izanagi noted. “There is a method to the madness.”
“At least you admit it,” Yua said. She sighed. “I guess if I want to figure out why this is happening, I gotta go with my uncle to Inaba.”
“Yes,” Izanagi said. “Unless you don’t want to.”
Yua stared at him. “I tried jumping off of a building, and was saved by something only I can see telling me that we are not only connected, but also we’re incomplete. To be honest, I’ve…felt incomplete for a while now. I don’t know why or how, but…it frustrated me to the point where I felt like…well, you know. The point is, this is all insane, but it would be even more insane not to follow through on it.”
Izanagi nodded. “Glad to hear that.”
Yua sighed. “Still, this is a lot to take in. I don’t think I’m going to find the answer day one.”
“You’re not meant to,” Izanagi said.
Yua was confused. “What?! What do you mean?!”
“This is a journey,” Izanagi said. “If you were meant to figure it out right away, you would have already done so. The truth is hidden, and hidden well. To unearth it takes a while. Fighting my way through Hell and back didn’t happen in a day.”
Yua groaned. “OK. So not only am I missing something, and it’s in Inaba, but it’s hidden?”
“Precisely,” Izanagi said.
“Who would even benefit from taking it, let alone hiding it?!” Yua asked, exasperated.
“Someone devious,” Izanagi answered.
“Do you know, or are you just theorizing?!” Yua asked.
“Just theorizing,” Izanagi said. Yua groaned. “I don’t claim to have all of the answers.”
“Clearly,” Yua said.
“But rest assured,” Izanagi continued, “if we keep following this trail, we’ll find the answer sooner or later.”
Yua let out an exasperated sigh. She took a deep breath. “Even if this is all just in my head, I’d say it’s worth doing. One way or another, this will help.”
“That’s the spirit!” Izanagi said.
Yua sighed. “I’m going to go take a shower and then start packing up.”
“Hold up,” Izanagi said.
“What is it?” Yua asked.
Izanagi pointed to the dishes she used to eat breakfast with. “It’d be rude not to wash them.”
Yua sighed. “You’re right. Thanks.”
“Anytime,” Izanagi said. Yua went to wash the dishes she used. After that, she went back to her apartment to shower and start packing.
While he was stopped at a gas station, Dojima got out his phone to make a call. The other person answered. “Hello?”
“Hey sis,” Dojima said. “You know why I’m calling, right?”
There was a hesitence, but Yua’s mom answered “...Yes.”
“Did you notice anything?” Dojima asked.
Another pause. “As much as I hate to say it, I didn’t notice anything. But I think it’s because I couldn’t notice anything.”
“What do you mean?” Dojima wondered.
“Well, we’re just so busy all the time,” Yua’s mom replied. “I guess we didn’t notice…”
Dojima sighed. “Well, I don’t know how much help I’ll be. But I’ll do what I can.”
“Thanks Ryotaro,” Yua’s mom said.
Ryotaro smiled. “No problem Toyoko. I’ll check in once a week.”
“Much appreciated,” Toyoko said.
Ryotaro hung up. He sighed. “I don’t want to let you down sis…but I might be a little in over my head. But then again, misery loves company, so maybe this could work.”
Later, as Yua was working on packing, the apartment buzzer rang. She went to click it to answer back. “Hello?”
“Hey kid,” Ryotaro said. “I don’t know if you remember me, but it’s your uncle.”
Yua paused. “Yeah. I remember. Come on in.” She pressed the button to let him in.
Soon, there was a knock at the door. Yua opened it, and saw her uncle on the other side. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Yua answered back. There was an awkward silence.
“Um,” Ryotaro said, breaking the silence, “how…are you?”
“I…think you know…” Yua said awkwardly.
Ryotaro sighed. “Well…I’m offering to take you in…if you want…”
“...I’ve started packing…” Yua responded.
Ryotaro was surprised. “Really?” Yua nodded. He grinned slightly. “I’m glad. Although, I have to say, I might not be as involved as your neighbor may think.”
“Yeah… Yua admitted. “But I think it’s the best I can get for now. Besides, I think I need a breath of fresh air.”
“Hm,” Ryutaro smirked. “I think Nanako and I need a breath of fresh air too.” Yua slightly smirked back.
Meanwhile, Aimi came walking over. “Oh, Yua!” she said. “And this must be…”
Ryotaro offered his hand. “Ryotaro Dojima. We spoke on the phone. Mrs. Fujioka, I presume?”
Aimi shook his hand. “Just ‘Miss’ Fujioka. Thank you for agreeing to this on such short notice.”
Ryotaro sighed. “Well when you told me what was happening, how could I say ‘no’?”
“Eh heh,” Aimi chuckled nervously. They let go. She then took out some papers. “Well then, should we get started? It may take some time to process these, so I thought we should get a jump on it.” Ryotaro turned to Yua. “Well, how ‘bout it?”
Yua smirked. “The sooner, the better.”
Aimi smiled. “I’m so glad to see you in such bright spirits.” The three of them began going over the paperwork to transfer Yua out of her high school into a high school in Inaba.
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lunafool · 6 months
oops i've been dead lately and i apologize for that but this excerpt from an interview with hashino about why p4 didn't get a femc option has altered my brain chemistry recently and i've been having the brainworms ever since
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like. how the fuck is moving to a small town from a big city a masculine trait. hello???
so anyways, i've been playing through p4g again and just thinking about things from the lens of a female protagonist and how the vibes and dynamics would change and it's actually made the experience with my least favourite of the modern trilogy a lot more fun. ( i mean, i like 4. i just like it the least out of it, 3, and 5 lmao )
more of my shenanigans under the cut because hoo boy i uh. yeah.
so anyways i've gotten attached to this hypothetical p4 femc and ended up designing her / giving her a name...........
female main character's 'default' name is ( in eastern order ) yoshinaga madoka; 吉永 ( good luck, perpetual ) 円花 ( circle, flower ). the idea 'circling flower of perpetual good luck' sounded really cute and vibed well with yu narukami / its meaning, so.
madoka is yet another cousin of yu's and nanako's. dojima can just have two sisters, it's fine. should she be chosen as the protagonist, her parents take on what we know about yu's: constantly busy and moving around with work, and they've now been sent overseas so now their daughter must go stay with her uncle in inaba. if yu's chosen ( so, in canon lmao ) she's out there somewhere living her best life with normal ass parents hehe.
madoka keeps izanagi as her starter persona, because screw you if p3's femc got to keep orpheus, madoka can have izanagi. as a treat.
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next to yu for comparison and hypothetical outfits + tv world glasses concept. going into this, i wanted p4 femc to be distinct like kotone, rather than just yu but girl. since he has a very silver + dark colour palette in his hair and outfits, i wanted madoka to contrast that with gold + brighter colours. i kept the gray eyes, though, just because i thought they looked good. the circle frames are a work in progress; i like the thought of them because of her name.
i wanted to take yu's badass kingpin imagery and translate that into something gentler yet still... queen bee-ish, if that makes any sense? i really wanted to project the image of a reliable and approachable girl with this sort of. charm and charisma to her, but not in the stereotypical alpha bitch sense.
anyways.................... i love her, your honour
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chaos-cousins · 1 year
[Introduction Post]
Hello, I'm Ren Amamiya, Wildcard, and my life is a nightmare. I'm either almost 17 or 24, depending on how you count time loop years. I keep getting thrown into other worlds with my cousins Elena and Hibiya, including this world. I like coffee and cats.
Also, Ene sometimes shows up and messes with my phone.
We are currently in Alola!
My team:
Diego the Incineroar
Nekomata the Alolan Persian
Xiezhai the Ampharos
Milady the Toxapex
Red Rider the Mudsdale
Hi there! My friends are making Pokeblogs so I thought I would make one too! But this isn't your average Pokeblog, instead it's from my crossover extravaganza from hell! Here's what you need to know:
Ren Amamiya/Joker (Persona 5), Elena Amamiya (Star Twinkle Precure), and Hibiya Amamiya (Kagerou Project) are cousins and have been isekaied into various worlds that I love. Meanwhile, their friends have been trapped in a time loop that resets two weeks after the Amamiyas end their adventure in whatever world they've become isekaied in. Luckily, the Amamiyas have their phones and csn communicate with their friends back in their world, as well as friends from the previous worlds they've visited!
For the purposes of this blog, the timeline is as follows: Xenoblade 1 > Xenoblade 2 > Chrono Trigger > Earthbound > Breath of the Wild > Persona 3 FES > Persona 4 > Persona 3 Portable FeMC > Yokai Watch > Pokemon Platinum > Pokémon Shield > Pokémon Legends Arceus > Too Many Types Emerald > Pokémon Violet > Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity > Ultra Moon (where the blog is currently)
Okay miscellaneous stuff:
This blog is run by Ren Amamiya, who has been through a NG+ time loop separate from this one and frankly is done with time travel.
Hibiya Amamiya is no longer 11, he's 13 because I only found out he was 11 a couple months ago and I think it's funnier if he stays 13.
Also, the mod is a minor. So please no NSFW. I also have arachnophobia, so please do not reblog my posts or send me asks with pictures of spiders in them (spider Pokémon like joltik and spinarak are fine)
Here's an archive of the Sinnoh teams!
Ren: Jack Frost the Empoleon, Izanagi the Luxray, Lucy the Gardevior, Cerberus the Houndoom, Andras the Chatot, and Arsène the Lucario.
Hibiya: Turters the Torterra, Pepper the Staraptor, Ace the Rapidash, Dart the Toxicroak, and Echo the Bronzong.
Elena: Blaze the Infernape, Usagi the Lopunny, Rosa the Roselia, and Frostbite the Sneasel.
Dawn: Bubbles the Empoleon, Menace the Golbat, Shelly the Gastrodon, Stella the Togetic, and Princess the Giratina.
+Legion the Spiritomb
Here's an archive of the Galar teams!
Me: Seiten Taisei the Rillaboom, Raoul the Thievul, Apsaras the Gastrodon, Futsunushi the Bisharp, Kelpie the Grapploct, King Frost the Mr. Rime, Genbu the Wartortle, and Kamui the Urshifu.
Hibiya: Aqua the Inteleon, Heilos the Growlithe, Pegasus the Rapidash, and Mammoth the Piloswine, Joule the Morpeko, Dusty the Mudsdale, and Spyro the Charmander.
Elena: Amber the Cinderace, Ringo the Appletun, Quake the Excadrill, Prism the Mantine, Fuji the Abomasnow, and Misty the Spritzee.
Here's an archive of the Hisui Teams!
Ren: Satan the Samurott, Lucifer the Luxray, Loki the Purugly, Helel the Hisuian Sneasler, Black Frost the Magmortar, and Pixie the Hisuan Zoroark.
Hibiya: Apollo the Decidueye, Geo the Golem, Matrix the Porygon-Z, Polar the Walrein, Sparks the Raichu, and Nightshade the Gengar.
Elena: Cyndi the Typhlosian, Honey the Combee, Vee the Glaceon, Gooey the Goodra, Vides the Tangrowth, and Clef the Clefable.
Akari: Borb the Decidueye, Bnnuy the Lopunny, Floof the Hisuian Arcanine, and Chomps the Garchomp.
Here's an archive of the Hoenn Teams! [Note: Elena, May's, and Hibiya's teams are incomplete because I cannot keep coming up with teams. From this point forward, only Ren's team will be listed.]
Ren: Mandrake the Meganium, Mot the Sandslash, Bicorn the Kingdra, Orobas the Galarian Rapidash, Bugs the Shedinja, and Trumpeter the Absol
Elena: Fuego the Delphox, Snips the Kingler, Cherry the Jumpluff,
Hibiya: Poseidon the Primarina, Anubis the Lucario, Slash the Zangoose
May: Foxy the Delphox, Stuffy the Bewear, Blobby the Ditto
Here's an archive of my Paldea Team!
Zorro the Meowscarada, Forneus the Paldean Clodsire, William the Pawmot, Carmen the Salazzle, Hereward the Ogerpon, Johanna the Miraidon
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vgdiamonds · 1 year
What we know about Persona 3 Reload (as of 1 Sept 2023)
Release date: 2 Feb 2024
Prices (USD)
$69.99 vanilla
$79.99 Digital Deluxe (artbook and soundtrack)
$99.99 Digital Premium (artbook, soundtrack, and DLC)
Contains Denuvo anti-cheat (LOL)
ALL English voice actors have been replaced
New battle theme for ambushes (It's Going Down Now) plus a reworked Mass Destruction
P4G Yasogami High uniforms
P5R Shujin Academy uniforms
P5R Phantom Thieves uniforms
2 P5R Persona Sets (Original and Ultimate Personas, including Akechi's and Yoshizawa's)
P4G Persona Set (Izanagi, Magatsu Izanagi, Kaguya)
P4G Soundtrack (also included as preorder bonus) (Reach Out to the Truth, Time to Make History, I'll Face Myself, A New World Fool, The Fog, Results)
P5R Soundtrack (Last Surprise, Take Over, Rivers in the Desert, Jaldabaoth, Throw Away Your Mask, Victory)
Confirmed Content from FES
Aigis Social Link
Koromaru's walks
Shijiro, Ken, and Koromaru will get additional side stories to flesh them out
Gameplay was redone in the style of Persona 5 for new fans
Party members other than MC will be controllable in battle
WILL NOT Have The Answer or the FemC
(their souces are the trailers and Atlus' own website, plus all the store pages)
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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You're not my dad, bro
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I think Nanako is maybe everyone's dad though, lmao. "Are you causing trouble under my roof, father? Are you starting shit? 'Cause I'll end it."
Thanks for the assist, Nanako. She is singlehandedly going to keep this investigation going just by providing cover for me and my dipshit crew who bring fucking full sized katana to the food court.
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holy shit
It is after dark. I just went up to my room to sleep. and my homeroom teacher is calling me and asking me to meet him at a gas station.
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right sure okay i'll just go do that, that seems normal and not likely to end in a third fucking murder, yep sure, just gimme a sec to run up to my room and jot down my final will and testament, i'm sure nanako knows where the nearest notary public is in inaba and is willing to get it signed for me, mmhm
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its fine. okay.
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anyway. after that brush with death, yosuke and chie talk about their shadow selves and note that Reverie didn't have one before attaining his Persona. Now, Yosuke thinks Reverie got his persona outside the TV!Saki Liquorstore, but we know from being the player that Reverie had Izanagi in a dream the first night after arriving in Inaba.
Which. Yep. Pretty weird. Metatextually, we could be Shadow Reverie, but that doesn't seem MegaTen's style. I hasn't known one to tap on the fourth wall in that specific way yet.
Whatever, I'm not going to guess this from the start. As long as it's not Ryoji again, I'm fine with it. We can literally only go up from Ryoji.
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Chie's the Chariot. That tracks. Forward momentum at all costs. The Chariot is meant to learn to wield the reins, unifying conscious and subconscious to gain more control. I'm cool with this.
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Velvet Room. The spoiler-free walkthru I'm using (I heard a suggestion to use it for the first month just to learn about various mechanics bc P4G has a LOT) had me leave and re-enter, and Marie seems just thrilled to bits to see me. At this point, I am becoming inured to the fact that literally no one is nice ever in this town. SIGH.
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Marie is... not of man. Okay. /blinks
What is the Velvet Room... Margaret says everything that occurs in here is tied to our destiny and specifically the contract we have to fulfill. In P3P, no one but FeMC could see the Velvet Room, and in P4G, same case.
Nngh this is the kind of thing I wanna crack like an egg but the answer genuinely might be "this place is a vehicle of the story (pun intended) and exists to facilitate it."
So the Velvet Room is Atlus. There, I solved it. Quod erat demonstratum.
Because Marie is "not of man" (a term Margaret pointedly refuses to elaborate on) I should take her out to explore the world outside, apparently. Like my dates with Elizabeth in P3P.
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Please don't blush, you're a bit too tsuntsun for me right now.
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Margaret also calls me the next morning to talk about quenching my heart's yearnings, so I think she wants me to go find Akihiko and cry into his ample pecs until he hugs me because I am SO ALONE in this town.
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But first I have to join a sports club. And culture club? I have zero recollection of these. I think I may have even skipped a sports club in my initial PS2 playthru bc I'm petulant and hate sports. Buuuut I need S-Links.
do you know akihiko gives good hugs? i mean that's why he spent three years in boxing club, right? to give better hugs?
you know who i know gives good hugs? Mitsuru. she'd pull a whole jennifer lopez "come into my coat" thing, i bet you
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for fun I decided to look up the starting Personas for the 3-5 protags and I find it so funny that Makoto/Kotone get their asses absolutely wrecked elementally by both Yu and Akiren, cause Orpheus is weak to Electric and Curse, meanwhile Izanagi just straight up blocks Curse which fucks over Arsene a bit though he still has his physical skills and Dream Needle lol
I think Izanagi wins either way because he's got debuffs but hard to say
This is also how I learned that they finally gave the FeMC a name: Kotone Shiomi. As someone who could never remember her other name cause it was too close to Minato Arisato I am ok with this this
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2stregafangirl · 2 years
Made some Femc Ocs so from Left to Right:
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Name: Kimiko Arisato/Kiseki
Gender: Female
Age: 16
( Her headphones are supposed to represent her MP3 Player)
Games: Persona 3 Persona 3 FES ( She’s the FEMC for the p3 games that aren’t portable)
Personality: Kimiko is very cheery and friendly, though she can be quite cynical and deadpan at times but she ultimately means well and has a tendency to scare and shock people with her dark taste in music.
Likes: The Occult music with dark themes and ambience, dogs bitter foods
Dislikes: overly cheerful music, being plain and forgettable Strega Ikutsuki
Weapon: a Cleaver she puts the bow of her school uniform on the handle of the cleaver for good luck.
Persona: A more feminine Thanatos
Name: Izumi Narukami/Seta
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Games: Persona 4 Persona 4 Golden
Personality: Izumi is a motherly figure to the people around her, she is very considerate and kind always trying to be truthful with others the best she can, however it seems like she’s hiding some hidden self loathing and self trust issues and compensates by acting all motherly and kind.
Likes: Gyaru Culture cooking baking toy cats video games animals Watching TV cleaning
Dislikes: Things that feel wet, unsanitary things and people centipedes bullies
Arcana: fool
Persona: A more feminine Izanagi
Weapon: Dual Tonfas
Name: Riko Amamiya/Kurusu
Age: 16
Gender: female
Games: Persons 5 Persona 5 Royal
Personality: Riko is extremely shy and socially awkward, her being on probation just makes things worse for her since she’s always weary of what everyone thinks of her and is always nervous, luckily Morgana is able to keep her stable. in her Ace form she’s a lot more confident and is more cocky, some of those traits carry over to her in the real world albeit a little.
Likes: Reading manga engineering mechas and mecha anime fairytales puzzle games
Dislikes: loud sounds interacting with people other then her social links and Phantom thief pals dogs manipulators
Codename: Ace
Arcana: Fool
Persona: a more feminine Arsene
Weapon: a pinwheel staff, the pinwheel part are crazy sharp and can spin and slash stuff while creating whirlwinds and tornadoes, it can turn into a smaller form similar to a wand so Ace can use it to slice up smaller enemies and obstacles.
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p5x-theories · 8 months
I saw this back in the first beta and ever since I’ve thought this character looks like a P4 FEMC and the Izanagi portrait found made me think of it again
Haha, yeah, I can see it! They also kind of remind me of a Velvet attendant, just because of the hair color. I remember posting an image of them back during the first beta, over here if you want to see them with better lighting than the above screenshot has.
Izanagi's portrait and 3D model, along with Asterius' portrait and 3D model, have actually been in all three betas now! So they seem to be here to stay.
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purpleheartemote · 2 years
Hey love!! Remember me?<3 hehe, how are you doing?:D are you getting enough rest, eating well, drinking water?? Take care and love yourself, dear, you deserve the world and more<33 any new special interest you'd like to ramble about?? I'm all for listening<33
Sorry fo the disappearance lmao just started my training in the hospital and ostg I love it there,, I love the chronically ill sm they're all really sweet old people, all my patients are so nice!! This old lady kept begging me "Little lady, you're such a sweet child, please stay with me until my perfusion is done. There's only a little left:(" and it was not, it was barely halfway done but i couldn't turn her down andvekb so I just stayed there while she told me jokes,, love sweet grandmas and grandpas, bless their hearts
hello Gabby! long time no talk :> I missed you!
these past few weeks haven’t been the kindest. i’ll be lucky if i ever sleep before 4 am. but i’m managing. i hope you’re taking care of yourself, at least! you also deserve the world and more <3
with the ports of Persona 3 Portable and Persona 4 Golden out tomorrow, i’m just bouncing all over the place with excitement jskakdjakjsdh. in the meantime i’m playing new game+ p5r, and while doing so i maxed out the stats for Orpheus F and Izanagi, because i love Yu and femc (even though i’ll be playing as the male protag for gender euphoria). look at them! they’re buddies!
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i’m SUPER excited for these ports. p4 especially, because Yosuke Hanamura my beloved has become my second favourite fictional guy ever, right behind Dimitri fire emblem. it has to do with a lot of personal stuff, though. and also he’s really cute. LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!!!!!
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it’s fine for disappearing! life gets busy, i know that. i’m super happy that you’re getting your training!
oh that old lady sounds like a sweetheart 🥺 bless their hearts indeed
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m0e-ru · 2 years
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hi hi woohoo yippee hopping jumping clapping taking out my notes. also copy pasting a bit from my au pages
kai moeru's take on a p4 femc au!!! not only will the protagonist and Velvet Room attendant have their own counterparts, but so will Marie and Izanami because yeah whoo yeah yeah. I haven't decided on a name for her yet, so in the meantime I've been calling her "sukeban," female counterpart to "bancho."
Bancho > Sukeban
A fully fledged girl delinquent except… she’s also not. Workaholic parents who don’t give her much notice and constant school hopping due to the nature of her parents’ jobs. She is brash and has quite a potty mouth, but she is a quick witted, strong and caring leader of the Investigation Team as she pours her own soul into searching for the truth with her new friends. Her initial Persona is "Izanami (イザナミ)."
Margaret > Victor
A flirtatious glittery prick of a host who complains about not having a guest he can serve alcohol to. Always getting on Sukeban’s nerves, calling her pet names like “kitten” at every opportunity. But he is a Velvet Room attendant first, pain in the ass second. He performs his duties properly and with pride, and takes good care of Stein who recently began residing within the Velvet Room.
Marie > Stein
A boy lost in thought and with a loss of memories. He is ushered into the Velvet Room and is taken in as an apprentice. While he sits around in the stuffy room, or is being chaperoned around the nostalgic human world, he thinks about his memories while he takes his mundane thoughts, which he mumbles and… raps about them.
Izanami > Izanagi
The pretentious god who thinks about giving the ideal “life” to his people with carefully controlled fog. His facade is that of a weather reporter, regularly appearing on TV and eagerly encouraging publicity for himself. His name under his facade appears to be "Akihisa Kino ( 輝乃朗久)," Inaba's beloved weather girl "Aki." He feigned mourning for Mayumi Yamamo's passing as a fellow co-worker, despite seeing her die by her own Shadow with his own eyes.
more details of plot differences and characters and such as much as I've been able to flesh them out under cut !!! fun fact !! I thought of a possible Velvet Room attendant first before the actual femc
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I'll be honest, I managed to flesh out their characters a bit better by thinking of pq2 crossover scenarios. In fact I have ideas for a femc Q SOTL and a Q2 NCL + Sukeban edition but I'll put that aside for another day 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
Sukeban never really wanted to be a delinquent. She just fell into society's gimmicks and decided to play the role assigned to her. Transfer student with a history of constantly changing schools, coming late on her first day and most other days, being occasionally grumpy and brash because of the lack of sleep, unable to make friends or connections because of her circumstance having her habitually be as unapproachable as possible.
Her parents aren't around as often and wasn't ever there to support her at school. Festivals? Class performances? No, they had a business trip, an important meeting, stuck with clients. She wouldn't even want to bother them with what she's doing at school. Not like they need to.
Staying up as late as she wants because there wasn't anyone there to actively discipline her out of love and having to get used to the new house for the month, although there wasn't much to do than sulk around thinking about the next move which could happen at any time. Thinking her archery club teammates would get mad at her for leaving after they've applied her into competitions, so she never bothered to enter after one experience.
Then she was really being confused for a delinquent for how disheveled she looked, even asked by long skirt, bleached haired girls what her school was.
She learned how to fight for herself, instinctively hold any long pole like objects like bats, hope her uniform shoes hold up every walk into town, learn the lingo and get that same accent just so people could get the picture right away. Although with most encounters with normal people, she just hopes intimidating them enough with the image she's built would scare them off. Avoiding her parents around the house not saying a word to one another.
They're out for overseas work, meaning she's booted back to her mother's hometown to stay with her uncle and cousin for a year.
Halted at the front of the train station by a peppy looking weather reporter, giving her a brief interview as a "city girl" and getting her hand shaken. Soon after, she meets her uncle and cousin. Now stopping at a gas station to see this... wandering boy with a somewhat listless expression hand her a memo she dropped. The graphic tee and cargo pants was... a statement
Suddenly she's stuck in the middle of a murder mystery, being able to hop into televisions that could kill people and promise her classmate she'll help the cause to stop people from dying. Now there's this thing she can summon, a "Persona," monkey bear mascot said—why was it rotting and beautiful in two different halves of itself? That's her? ... that's pretty metal
She's awake in the blue room again. With the man and the long nose again. With the freak of nature host calling her "kitten" like she thought she avoided every red light district just so she wouldn't meet pricks like this ever in her life. Now that boy from last time has a stupid hat and silly bag—a pair of headphones too? He's intertwined with her fate, they say. What fate? To get through a year in this backwater city? To solve the mystery plaguing this town? What'll he do to help, give him a mixtape of middle school level tunes he made himself?
Getting through that year was something. Actually getting into clubs again. Skip class and carry bags for a girl. Get good pay from part time jobs. Becoming friends with a fox and have some faith in shrine prayers. Got a scooter licence. Actually learn how to cook for her little cousin's sake. The deliveryman who'd hand her the Tanaka special goods she'd call to buy was behind the kidnappings. Her uncle's partner was behind the killings and cat and mouse game she got to beat up as liberally as she wanted. Her friend who almost killed himself was actually god who was actually the weather reporter on TV almost every broadcast then she returned a whole world into the fogless paraside state it was. and that host wasn't actually all that bad a freaky prick he's actually really nice.
okay!!!! not proofreading this i gotta stop putting effort into bullshit it becomes plot (I dont) more miscellaneous stuff I guess???
Sukeban isn't as good a cook as Bancho so she actually learns throughout the year to make nice bento (and be at least a bit better than the other girls concocting literal poison). She does archery, but would rather not use it in the TV world or anything violent for that matter, she respects the art. Her dynamic with Kanji is a fun brain exercise. Also one time they called themselves "Investigation Gang" instead of "Team" while Yosuke starts imagining something silly like they all look like goons but Kanji looks the same sorry Kanji </3 She was about to finally snap when she learned Vic almost named Stein "Frank" like that would've been the last straw.
Victor hmmm. Unlike Margaret who I was personally really felt a bit uncomfortable with the flirting and subtext in her speech sometimes playing as a highschool protagonist and seeing this individual as a grown woman, he takes it up a notch and kinda makes it obvious it's superficial just to joke around and get reactions out of Sukeban, to play his "role" as a silly host as "Club Velvet" (inspired by what Elizabeth talked about a few times). He's really just a good guy and does his job as attendant well. He'll be sophisticated when he needs to but in the meantime he likes being over the top to hear sukeban groan or try to hit him. He calls her "babygirl" when he's the babygirl in the room. They have this older brother younger sister kind of dynamic I like to think. Stein is literally just there when shit goes down. The IT first see him in Stein's tomb after he found it and brought them there. They ask sukeban who this glitzy looking city boy host is and she just calls him a slur. He can also make nice cocktails (that humans can't actually consume) and stacks champagne towers when Igor isn't around. Vic and Margaret hate each other they hope the other would just get out. get out of the velvet room I dont want to see your face because if we fought it'd cause the end of the world. <- mostly Margaret.
Stein HAHA Stiney boy. I'll admit I'm the one who named him "Frank" first. sorry. He's just as blunt as Marie but he's less tsundere and more... deadass (?) idk how to explain how I imagine him actually but in general he's like bancho. he doesn't really have strong reactions to things but he sure has opinions. Gotta give him some sort of unlikeable fandom trait like Marie's tsundere mary sue ass or whatever people complained about. Instead of writing poems, he just records some Dr. Seuss level rhymes about his memories. Contrast to Marie reciting poems in her tomb and being poetic and gloomy, Stein would rap his bars and get a little riled up trying to tell sukeban and the IT to leave. Unlike Margaret who intentionally leaves her poems out for people to see, Stein leaving tapes is a lot more of a genuine blunder while even Vic is curious as to what he recorded. Stein isn't too embarrassed about it, either he wouldn't notice you've listened to it and gets it back, or he knows and asks "how was it" maybe.
IZANAGI /vine boom/ gigi. gets his gay little ass. going teehee I'm everyone's girl everyone knows me I'm correct about the weather always because I am the weather. complaining like "zamn guys the weather's gna be rain again this week :/// this sucks yknow it's so shitty nowadays </////3"<- behind the shitty weather. Besides iznmi being this "mother knows best" situation, Izanagi's more like "condescending man over men high and mighty whatever the hell fuck you I'm god." His realm isn't Yomotsu Hirasaka, it's like "Hollow Forest But Like For Real This Time." It's the forest the TV world was, but all monochrome and superficial and forced. This is the "life" Izanagi thinks is best for people, nothing to see when everything's just veiled in the fog. The forest has been hollowed of life. When he's defeated, his reporter facade would be completely forgotten by the normal folk. Like "Aki" never existed in this reality. ever.
mini pq ideas as bonus. Stein and Marie would be friends. Margaret and Victor just see each other again and it's usually Margaret going off when Vic just breathes. Although he does get along well with Elizabeth and keeps trying to coach Theo to step up for himself and stop being a doormat. Second eldest kind of things. Sukeban 🤝 Hamuko our friends are from a different world who dont know us but know someone else who has the same role as us in their world. oh oh Vic's booth in the cultural festival is like a mini host club booth . there's a little disco ball there and a couch pushed inside with kid friendly drinks on the table he'd make little cocktails out of. give those highschoolers the "minor's host club experience." sukeban would just threaten to report him for unauthorised booth set up in her school. he also knows like every terrible cheesy pick up line out there. for fun.
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sirenspells · 4 years
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Azami’s version of Izanagi and Sunako’s version of Arsene! These killed me but you know what it’s fine, they could’ve been a lot worse lol 
In case you don’t get what’s going on with Arsene, her wings are a bit lower on her body and when not in use they fold over her legs like a dress (though in some art, canon Arsene’s wings are that low? lol)
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vgckwb · 3 months
P4G: Mirror Mirror (A FeMC Story/P4G Rework) Chapter 1: Starting at the Bottom
(WARNING! This story begins with a suicide attempt, and discussions about it are peppered in throughout this chapter, and will be going forward. If you want to skip the actual attempt, start at the paragraph that begins "The girl was surprised." I am going to put the read more split here just to be certain.)
One night, a young girl was standing on top of a building. The wind was blowing, as her messy platinum hair blew with it. She was wearing a white shirt, black skirt, and white knee-high socks, with no shoes. Her brown eyes stared down at the streets below.
She looked back up, took a deep breath, and then walked off the edge. She was falling. She knew she would hit the ground soon. She wanted that though. She wanted to be free, and this was the way she had chosen her freedom.
Unbeknownst to her however, this path of freedom would become blocked off, as a shadow sped upwards, catching this young girl, and placing her back on the roof.
The girl was surprised. “What are you doing?!” she barked. She then got a look at the figure that saved her.
The figure had a long black cloak, the inside of which was red, white ribbons around their shoulders, a white headband, metallic arms and legs, wielding a sword with a hilt longer than the blade, and a metal mask with piercing yellow eyes shining through it. “I might ask you the same thing,” it said.
The girl, confused by this figure, deflected, saying “It’s none of your business.”
The figure knelt down to meet the girl eye to eye. “It’s all of my business. You and I are deeply connected.”
“Hmph,” the girl pouted.
The figure looked at her some more. “I’m not one to make the same mistake twice. This time, I’m going to rescue the person that needs saving.”
The girl got angry. She stood up. “I don’t need saving!” she shouted. “I need to escape!”
“And this is the best way to do it?” the figure retorted. The girl glanced away in a huff. “As someone who’s been to Hell and back, I know that what you’re going through right now is-”
“You don’t know ANYTHING!” the girl screamed back. “I don’t need you! Or your lectures! Or your pity! Now just shut up, and let me DIE ALREADY!”
Suddenly, a door opened. “Narukami-chan?!” a voice said, a flashlight shining on her. The girl turned toward the door she came from to get up here. She saw a woman with glasses, wearing a white sweater, a long lavender skirt, and had brown hair up in a bun. “Is that you?”
Narukami was stunned. She looked back, only to see that the figure had disappeared, and then turned back to face the woman confronting her. She sighed, not knowing what else to do. The woman confronting her did the same.
A little later, Narukami and the other woman were in an apartment. “Yua,” the other woman said, annoyed and worried at the same time. “You know your parents entrusted me to keep an eye on you while they were on their business trip for the year.”
“Yes Miss Fujioka,” Yua replied, annoyed.
“If they found out you had died, they’d be really upset,” Miss Fujioka continued.
“Yes Miss Fujioka,” Yua replied again.
Miss Fujioka sighed. “I just want to know why.”
Yua huffed again, averting her gaze. “You wouldn’t understand.”
Mss Fujioka sighed, upset. “If you don’t want to talk about it with me, that’s fine. I get it. We’re just neighbors. But…I can’t let you go on like this. If you continue to put yourself in danger…” She sighed again. “I can’t be there for you when you need it.”
“That’s fine,” Yua snided.
“Hmmmm,” Miss Fujioka pondered. “You can stay here tonight. I’m going to make some calls, and we can continue sorting this out in the morning.” She looked over Yua. “There’s some blankets on the couch. I’m sure you’ll be alright. And don’t let me catch you doing anything like that again! I’m allowing you to stay here because I can trust you. I doubt a hospital would trust you as much. Are we clear?”
Yua groaned. She rolled her eyes, but understood. “Yeah. Thanks.”
Miss Fujioka smiled. “Of course. Now, you go to sleep. Don’t worry about school. I’ll call you out.”
“Thanks,” Yua said again. She stood up and walked to the couch. She curled up into the blankets, and turned on the TV. She didn’t care what was on. She just wanted some white noise. Miss Fujioka looked at her, and then went to get her phone to make those calls.
Yua was thinking about what she was doing, and what had just happened. She sighed. “Maybe this is for the best…”
“I agree,” the figure said, suddenly rejoining her.
“GAH!” Yua gasped. She looked around. “Where did you come from? Who are you?”
“I am but an extension of you,” the figure said. “But for simplicity’s sake, you can call me Izanagi.”
Yua was confused. “Like…the god?”
“The very same,” Izanagi nodded.
Yua was even more confused. “What do I have to do with a god?”
“It’s like I told you before,” Izanagi said. “You and I are deeply connected.”
“But how?” Yua wondered.
“That…I am unsure of…” Izanagi admitted.
“Hmph,” Yua huffed. “Some help you are.”
“You and I are not whole,” Izanagi continued.
Yua was alarmed. “What?”
“I don’t know what I’m missing,” Izanagi said. “But I know I need you to help me find it.”
Yua was annoyed with this roundabout language. “Why don’t you get someone else? Someone who isn’t a complete wreck.”
“As I’ve stated, you and I are bound together,” Izanagi said. “Just as I am missing something, so are you. And just as I need you to help me find what I’m missing, you need me to help you find what you’re missing.”
Yua still wasn’t sure what was happening. Who would be? She sighed. “I think I need more help than I thought.”
Izanagi groaned. “I know you’re annoyed,” he said. “I know you think this is some kind of hallucination. But this is very real.”
“Alright,” Yua said. “Say I go along with this? What do we do?”
“The answers that we seek are not here,” Izanagi said. “However, we won’t have trouble getting to where we need to go.”
“Fun,” Yua remarked sarcastically.
“It won’t always be fun,” Izanagi continued, either not noticing or not caring about the sarcasm. “Any journey is full of highs, lows, clams, storms, but through it all, you’ll find growth.”
“Fascinating,” Yua remarked.
“Indeed it is,” Izanagi replied.
“And I suppose you’re just going to be following me around the whole time?” Yua asked.
“‘Follow’ might not be the most apt description,” Izanagi answered, “but it is the simplest.” Yua let out a deep sigh. “It’s not as bad as it seems.”
“I’m being ‘followed’ by a figure calling himself a god, telling me I’m incomplete, and that we have to work together to complete ourselves,” Yua said. “I’d sound insane describing that to anyone.”
“But jumping off a building makes you rational?” Izanagi sniped back.
Yua glared at him. “I didn’t know you could be sarcastic.”
“Everyone contains multitudes,” Izanagi replied.
“I guess,” Yua said, not having a better comeback for that.
“And now,” the TV said. Yua and Izanagi turned to look at it. It was turned to the news. “Continuing coverage of today’s top stories. Firstly, we look at the affair between Taro Namatame, a city council secretary and husband to renowned enka singer Mizuru Hiiragi, and TV announcer Mayumi Yamano. It was announced that Namatame and Hiiragi will be filing for divorce. While Miss Yamano has currently stepped away from her position, as she has been inundated with questions on the matter.”
The TV suddenly went partially static. A translucent blue field appeared on top of the news broadcast. In said blue field appeared the silhouette of a little girl. She was wearing a light dress, and had shorter hair. That was all Yua and Izanagi could make out. The silhouette smiled, showing off a white set of teeth in an otherwise blackened silhouette. The silhouette whispered. While it was faint, Yua could make out what it was saying. “...See you soon.” The silhouette and blue field disappeared, as the news came back into focus.
Yua turned to Izanagi. “Did you see that?!”
“I did,” Izanagi answered.
“What was that?!” Yua asked.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Izanagi replied.
Yua sighed. “Fantastic.”
“Like I said before, I am incomplete,” Izanagi reminded her. “As are you. Perhaps this is a key to making us whole.”
“Hmph,” Yua pouted. “Maybe I really did die, and this is purgatory.”
“As someone who’s been to purgatory,” Ianagi said, “trust me, you’re very much alive.”
“You only have the answers when it’s convenient for you, huh,” Yua snided.
“I only have the answers I have,” Izanagi replied.
Yua sighed. “Whatever.”
“Are we good?” Izanagi asked.
“As good as this can be,” Yua said.
“You’re not going to…?” Izanagi inquired further.
“Even if I made the effort, I suspect you’d block it in a nanosecond,” Yua said.
Izanagi nodded. “See? You’re learning.”
“I wish I could learn why this was happening,” Yua remarked
“Take it a day at a time,” Izanagi said. Yua sighed, having nothing to say to that. She watched the news some more before falling asleep.
Yua then woke up. However, she wasn’t on her neighbor's couch. It looked like she was seated in a fancy car of sorts. The car’s seats were lined with this blue velvet. As she looked around, it seemed the rest of this car had the same aesthetic. Sitting opposite of her was a bald man in a tuxedo with a ridiculously long nose, and a woman with shorter platinum-blonde hair, a blue coat-like dress with a matching headband and set of heels that matched the blue of this vehicle, black leggings, yellow eyes, and a book sitting next to her.
The man suddenly spoke. “Welcome. To the Velvet Room. Do not be alarmed, you are fast asleep in your own world. My name is Igor. This is my associate, Margaret.”
“Pleasure to meet you,” Margaret said.
“Ummm,” Yua pondered. “Forgive me if the feeling isn’t quite mutual.”
Margaret chuckled. “You have some questions, I presume?”
Yua nodded. “Yeahhhhhhh…”
“Hm hm hm,” Igor chortled. “This place exists between dream and reality. Mind and matter.”
“I feel that line is getting more blurry by the second,” Yua noted.
“I take it you are referring to Izanagi?” Igor said. Yua was stunned. “Heh heh. No need to panic. We are here for the same reason he is.”
“We’re here to help facilitate your journey,” Margaret interjected. “Both to make you whole, as well as he.”
“OK, you all keep saying that,” Yua said. “But what am I missing? Why am I not ‘whole’?”
“The part of you that can answer that is the part of you that is missing,” Igor replied.
Yua sighed. “More roundabout explanations…”
“Rest assured, I am only here to help,” Igor said. “If I knew the answer, I would gladly tell you.”
“If I may,” Margaret interrupted. “We believe that the parts of you and Izanagi that are missing are related to strange events that have occurred, and have yet to occur.”
“Precisely,” Igor agreed. “And at the center of it all is you. We will be here to assist you, of course, and a time will come when we will further expand on it, but the choice is up to you. What will you do? How will you handle each accompanying trial? While we may assist you, the choice is ultimately yours.”
Yua contemplated on what they were saying. She was thinking about the choice she had almost gone through with, were it not for Izanagi. Did I really want that?
Igor glanced out the window. “It seems like our time here for now is up. But don’t worry, we shall meet again, when the time is right.”
“Farewell,” Margaret said.
“Farewell,” Yua replied, as she closed her eyes.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 years
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The Ren palette for Yu is basically just fuse the inverted palette with the normal outfit. And inverted Izanagi is just slightly altered. I wonder if we’ll get a keychain like the inverted pallet did:
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jelly-mix · 3 years
Im supposed to be studying but P4 brainrot goes deep, so heres some ideas for a P4 Femc! (spoilers)
Her attitude could be a mix of Yu, Hamuko/Kotone and Akiren - definitely cheerful and caring but with that sass that Akiren had. (Not to say Yu didn't have any, Mr. "Sass Morooka and the first day of school")
I honestly dont think changing her persona from Izanagi to Izanami would work narratively. They are both deeply connected to each other so i think Izanagi can stay the same. Maybe like orpheus give him an updated design to match her.
In terms of her design i think going with that Sukeban thing Yu had going during the Drag Show could be a good base. A sort of "looks deceive" theme going, with her being really intimidating lookwise but pretty nice inside like Kanji.
Which Brings me to Social Links!
Ok, big one, and you might disagree on this (and i get you).
As much as id love to date Yosuke (I GET IT WE ALL WANT TO ) I dont think poor guy is ready to enter a relationship after Saki's passing.
(Also, thats why i think if Yu and Yosuke would end up together It would be after the games. He needs to figure stuff out).
His social link could play out similarly, but with more focus on who Saki was for him before that (maybe have him visit her grave? You know, for some angst?)
Kanji, would benefit from having a gruff looking friend as well. Someone who sympathyses with him.
Teddie, well he could try to hit on Femc and realise that the human world of emotions is a lot to bear and he might not be quite ready. (He still calls her sensei, but here a sensei of love)
Id love to see a member of the Occult club from that one side quest to be a social link. Someone who talks about mythology a lot (It's also megaten so could actually preach about something that happened in other games)
Also, I think it would be cool if instead of Adachi there was a Social link with Namatame (making the reveal more shocking)
I also really like the idea of a Link with Hanako, who was the Butt of many not-funny jokes. Have the player learn about her attitute, maybe dive into her insecurities?
Nanako still adopts people and force to be her siblings.
Big Sis? Big Sis!
Besties with Ai!
I honestly dont think Margaret could be replaced with a male attendant but Marie is sitting there. Theo now has an adopted brother. (Plus another romace option)
I was also thinking of some nighttime social links and... what if Lady Shiroku? Have her talk about her life, and husband (kinda stepping on the Death ladies teritory but whatevs)
Oh OHOH Little Akiren!!!! Somewhere in there.
Maybe Gekkougan does these trips to Inaba regularly? Let's have a team from there vist and Mention that Yasogami will visit them later that year!
Other hobbies. Maybe instead of reading Femc like to watch stuff?
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