#feminist ally SJ
olderthannetfic · 1 year
Agree with this. I mean I’m an academic who in grad school was often in discussions with people who were Terminally Online, but the dumb ways they applied tumblr discourse in class were usually the least of their problems (as in they were often awful people in their ACTIONS outside of class. That said I’ll never forget the person, who was not a gay or bisexual man himself but was a straight trans man who acted like that identity meant he could speak for the entire LGBTQ community based on stuff he read on Tumblr and never doing the actual class reading, claiming that the way Wayne Koestenbaum described gay man’s attachment to female opera divas in The Queen’s Throat had “consent issues.” This was a guy who later got investigated by Title IX for graphically discussing his sex life with other grad students, including female TAs when he was a student instructor).
But I think where I saw the most obnoxious and insidious ways that Tumblr discourse shit infected irl academic discourse was you’d have some older academic who wasn’t super online but cared a lot about social justice and wanting to do the right thing, and would hear about some concept third hand and think it sounded good and not have the broader context a regular Tumblr, Twitter, etc. person would have to know why it wasn’t, or that the person behind it was abusive or didn’t really know their stuff (I’m thinking about stuff like Medieval POC being promoted by academics who just liked the idea of highlighting more instances of POC in pre-modern European history, didn’t know that the person behind it was a racefaker with a history of deeply racist statements, and weren’t specifically art historians or really digging all that deep into her posts to know that she was getting some basic stuff wrong). My frustration a lot as a grad student who is familiar with Tumblr, and with the feminist blogosphere of the late 00s/early 10s before it where a lot of “Tumblr social justice” first developed, was trying to explain that there were people within that culture who were pro-SJ and feminist and antiracist and so on, and from marginalized groups themselves, who had legitimate objections to these concepts being applied to academia that didn’t come from unfamiliarity or “college students just need to grow up” style thinking that you saw in Jonathan Chait style thinkpieces.
For instance, I objected to and continue to object to “mandatory trigger warnings” because I’ve read about and seen in action how they’re often used by students to box in female and POC faculty — already disproportionately hurt by student evaluations — for not running their class or discussing issues of race, gender, etc. in a way that perfectly fits their ideas from Online Discourse. They’re harder on us for this than similar white male faculty, especially older ones, and older white male allies need to be more aware of this when they extrapolate from their own experiences. (Also students IME will get way angrier if a film by or about marginalized people is “triggering” even though it’s impossible to show some aspects of systemic misogyny or racism on screen without doing that — think movies like Do the Right Thing — than they will a similarly “triggering” film by and about white dudes that has no larger Social Point to Make with its triggering content. And I say this as someone who always gives students a heads up beforehand, but some really think that those movies shouldn’t be shown AT ALL and I’m increasingly getting students asking me to accommodate trigger warning requests for vague Tumblr stuff like “unreality” and I’m so tired.)
Thanks for letting me rant about “Tumblr SJ” and academia in your inbox lol
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radio-charlie · 4 months
Love to see some "male feminist ally" revealed to be yet another subhuman sex pest and feel like the hottest shit ever for clocking that vibe years ago, while the dumb shits of our sj sphere were platforming him and showering his fake shit with likes and some of us were exiled to the woke hinterlands for being """"""russian assets"""""" lol
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saint-jussy · 2 years
Look at this baby feminist Saint-Just quote 🥺
Une femme ne peut s'unir à ce qu'elle aime sans se donner un maître c'est là le moindre de ses maux mais si l'on unit à ce qu'elle n'aime point ou si elle n'aime plus ce qu'elle ne doit plus aimer et si dans cet esclavage un main tendre essuie ses larmes cette femme est coupable elle est adultère, mais la loi l'est plus qu'elle de quel droit a-t-elle disposé de sa propriété?
A woman cannot be with her love without giving herself a master. This is the least of her misfortunes, but if she is with someone she does not love, or she no longer loves someone she does not have to love--if in this slavery, a tender hand wipes away her tears, this women becomes guilty. She becomes an adulteress. Yet it is the law that is more guilty than her; what right does the law have to dictate her property?
Sourced from 每日圣鞠斯特, corroborated in Un manuscrit inédit de Saint-Just: "De la Nature, de l'État civil, de la Cité, ou les Règles de l'indépendance du Gouvernement"
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theres something to katniss (a girl) (a native) being forced into a murderous tournament against her will, being romantically involved w/ a boy against her will, being carted from place to place and beautified against her will, being manhandled by the captiol team/other competitors/the rebels against her will, being the face of a revolution against her will.........something about the objectification and commodifaction of women and their emotional labor, and destruction and disenfranchisement of natives and then using that as a talking point of rebellion against the government but w/o rly consideration of what natives want..........but i dont have a degree so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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arccanine · 7 years
bitch is the slur you can’t get literally anyone to take seriously as a slur lol esp now that it’s In Vogue for everyone to rly use including its Bitch Lite versions ie binch/bxtch
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
I love how the fandom calls themselves feminists, but only approves of men being 'feminists'. All the female characters in the books that have achieved their success without a man are not only vilified (the Queens, Maeve, Nesta etc.) by SJM, but her fans don't even question twice the morality behind making all females in power villains. The reasons why Feyre is even adored is because she is under Rhysand's care (also let's not forget how much they used to ship her with Tamlin, who also was (1/?)
Feyre's source of power. I keep reading about stans calling the female characters out for questionable and awful actions, but God forbid someone do the same to a male character. Even someone as awful as Eris is having fanfics written about him and a mass of stans trying to redeem him. Everyone keeps forgetting that Nesta and Elain were the ones to save the fae and yet they're still expected to play nice and be thankful for the IC nasty attitudes. (2/?)
Cassian and Co have killed hundreds of people and entered multiple wars and yet are never called out for it, nor seen as anything less than innocent and uwu. But the moment Nesta rejects him, she's dragged through the mud. Y'all keep telling yourselves that you're the biggest feminists, but at the end of the day you not only ship Nesta with someone that she has countless of times said 'No' to and physically rejected, but also claim how she doesn't deserve Cassian because she's sooo mEaN. (3/?)Not to forget how much of a NiCe gUy Rhysand is. On one side he claims to give Feyre the choice to stay with him or leave him and promises her that she won't ever be anything less than his equal, but on the other side he mind r*pes with Feyre other characters OUTSIDE of war (Lucien, Elain?). Also you can't be a feminist if you only treat women that you either f*ck or are related to with respect. Still haven't forgotten how he tried to force Nesta in Acofas with his powers. This guy is nuts (4/4)
So many excellent points made. The standard for male characters’ behavior in AC0TAR/T0G is so low (except for when it comes to marginalized men like L/ucien and Kale). I’m not going to sit here and defend A/marantha, M/aeve, and I/anthe, but it’s very telling that the three main villain women all a) use their sexuality for evil, and b) got their power through their own machinations and not through men. It’s also pertinent to note that these three women die violently for their crimes whereas male abusers like Rice, Eris, Papa Arch, Tom, etc all get some semblance of a redemption arc. Stans root for them to be redeemed while casting aside N/esta and M0r for not complying with Rice’s wishes. The biggest mindfuck is figuring out how the same people can (rightly!) hold N/esta accountable for the way she treated Faerug but swallow up all of Rice’s apologies and excuses for being a terrible person. They empathize with his arc and his trauma, they feel bad for him because of what he went through, they claim he only did what he did out of necessity, but when N/esta is clearly traumatized throughout AC0WAR and FAS for what she went through, they give her no such empathy.
Even though they are oppressed by Rice, it’s somehow N/esta, M0r, and E/lain’s responsibility to grovel at the IC’s feet. SJ/M uses the IC’s backstories as a get-off-free card for any terrible thing they’ve done, including breaking people’s arms, invading homes, destroying public property, stealing from allies, reneging on deals, and more. However, this logic falls apart when you realize that N/esta and E/lain have gone through equally horrible trauma and yet are expected to get along nicely with Rice and trust that he knows best. People seem to view the impending N/essian arc as the “redemption” for N/esta, which is kind of messed up. Why can’t she just do her own thing and redeem herself? Why does she need to conform to Cassiass’s opinion of what she should be? She clearly doesn’t want anything to do with him. This is why the books infuriate me and why I find N/esta much easier to stomach as a character than Rice. N/esta doesn’t pretend she’s a good person. She’s not interested in these assholes who want her to change into their idea of what a productive and content person looks like. Rice on the other hand is constantly in everyone’s business trying to dictate how exactly they should worship him and Faerug, and he does it all while upholding himself as the paragon of goodness.
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aphroditeproject · 5 years
Tumblr media
(scroll down for English)
Αφροδίτη* / Η μαγεία της*, το έργο της*, η επιθυμία της*, η δύναμη της*, η φροντίδα της*   21-23 Ιουνίου Κινηματογραφικές προβολές, 16 - 23 Ιουνίου Εργαστήρια και Παρουσιάσεις      
Στα πλαίσια του Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών και Επιδαύρου 2019                              Στο πλαίσιο της αυξανόμενης συντηρητικοποίησης της ελληνικής κοινωνίας που θέτει στο περιθώριο κάθε έκφανση της διαφορετικότητας (έμφυλης, φυλετικής, σεξουαλικής, κ.ά.), η ανάγκη του πολυφωνικού εγχειρήματος Αφροδίτη* γίνεται πιο επιτακτική από ποτέ. Το Αφροδίτη* επιχειρεί μέσα από προβολές ταινιών και τη διεξαγωγή εργαστηρίων και συζητήσεων να ενισχύσει τη δράση και την ορατότητα κουίρ φεμινιστικών πρακτικών και συλλογικοτήτων, προκειμένου να ισχυροποιήσει τις φωνές απέναντι στην κουλτούρα του σεξισμού και του κοινωνικού ρατσισμού.
Πιο αναλυτικά, οι προβολές ταινιών από το Κουίρ Φεστιβάλ Pembe Hayat της Άγκυρας, από τη φεμινιστική συλλογή της Cinenova στο Λονδίνο και από το Φεστιβάλ Trans*Formations του Βερολίνου, που διοργανώνεται από μια ομάδα People of Color* τρανς και άλλων ατόμων που δεν συμμορφώνονται με το φύλο τους (gender non-conforming), μας προ(σ)καλούν να συζητήσουμε, μεταξύ άλλων, για τον αντιρατσισμό και τη μετα-αποικιοκρατική συνθήκη, την επιθυμία και τη σεξουαλικότητα, καθώς και για την καλλιτεχνική και ακτιβιστική δράση κουίρ φεμινιστικών ομάδων. Τα εργαστήρια Gender Panic Inc Queer MagiK Sigil, της συλλογικότητας Gender Panic, και το Visibly invisible της Adeola Naomi Aderemi από τη συλλογικότητα Distinguished Diva εστιάζουν στις επιτελεστικές πρακτικές της φροντίδας και στον κουίρ μαγικό συμβολισμό. Η ομάδα Πολιτικά Χοντρέλες συζητά το θέμα του πάχους ως βίωμα και ως πολιτική ταυτότητα, ενώ το εργαστήριο Queer(s´) Talk(s) πραγματεύεται την ποιητική της/των (κουίρ) γλώσσας/γλωσσών και τη σχέση μεταξύ γλώσσας, συν-αισθήματος (affect) και τρανς* σωμάτων. Το εργαστήριο Slut Pride θέτει στο επίκεντρο την κουλτούρα του σεξισμού και ζητήματα δικαιοσύνης αναφορικά με αυτή, καθώς επίσης επεξεργάζεται τρόπους για τη φροντίδα, την αυτοπροστασία και την ενδυνάμωση των θηλυκοτήτων*. Τέλος, το επιτελεστικό εργαστήριο Gender troubles in (art) education συζητά την κυριαρχική ανα-παραγωγή έμφυλων στερεοτύπων εντός των θεσμικών δομών της (καλλιτεχνικής) εκπαίδευσης και διερευνά τις εμπειρίες και τις αντιστάσεις των κουίρ φεμινιστικών δημιουργικών υποκειμένων. Τέλος, η ομάδα Queering Psychoanalysis (QP) συζητά θέματα που αφορούν στην πολιτική του φύλου και τα ζητήματα κοινωνικής αντίληψης, σε μια προσπάθεια επαναξιολόγησης της ψυχαναλυτικής θεωρίας έτσι ώστε να αφορά την κουίρ κοινότητα.
Επιμελητική ομάδα: Περσεφόνη Κερεντζή, Σοφία Μπέμπεζα, Σοφία Ντώνα, Βασιλεία Στυλιανίδου, Athens Museum of Queer Arts (Maria F. Dolores, Johnny Pavlatos, Holly Ιngleton, Alex Buschky), Beaver.
Καλεσμένες συνεπιμελητικές ομάδες: Cinenova (London), Pembe Hayat Kuirfest Ankara, TransFormations – Trans* Film Festival Berlin, Nτιάνα Μάνεση & Φρύνη Κόντη, Adeola Naomi Aderemi.
Καλλιτέχνιδες*/κινηματογραφιστές*: Μαργαρίτα Αθανασίου, Demhat Aksoy, Gizem Aksu, Jean-Pierre Bekolo, Jay Bernard, Anna Brownfield, Rodrigo D’Alcântara, Michelle Fiordaliso, Su Friedrich, Leah Gilliam, Sinan Göknur, Βίλμα Μενίκη, Maude Matton & SJ Rahatoka, Pol Merchan, Tracey Moffatt, Thomas Anthony Owen & Kentaro Kumanomido, Chelsea Poe & Courtney Trouble, ομάδα Queer(s’) Talk(s), Elizabeth Okoh, Prokne, Sarah Pucill, Qigemu, Saundra Sharp, Caroline Sheldon, Tejal Shah, Tran T Kim Trang, Evi Tsiligaridou.
Υπεύθυνες* εργαστηρίων: Αντεόλα Ναόμι Αντερέμι, Μαρίζα Αυγέρη, Βανέσσα Βενέτη, Δήμητρα Ιωάννου, Σοφία Μπέμπεζα, Μαρία Φ. Ντολόρες, Δέσποινα Σεβαστή, Άννη Σιμάτη, Αλέξια Στουραΐτη, Βασιλεία Στυλιανίδου aka Franck-LeeAlli-Tis, Άννα Τ., Atina Kolektifi, Gender Panic Collective.
Παρουσιάσεις/Συζητήσεις: Ράνα Χαντάντ, Ελένη Τσαμπούρη, Ολυμπία Ζωγράφος, Political Fatties, Χλόη Κολύρη, Στέλλα Κασδοβασίλη, Δήμητρα Τζανάκη, Γιάννης Ρϊγας, Κώστα Σκαρπίδης, Clara Vlachodimitropoulou Rodriquez, ομάδα Queering Psychoanalysis στην Αθήνα.
(*) Στη σύγχρονη θεωρία του φύλου ο αστερίσκος υποδηλώνει τη διεύρυνση των ταυτοτήτων του φύλου.
Aphrodite* / her* magic, her* work, her* desire, her* power, her* care     
21-23 June – Film screenings, 16–23 June – Workshops and events              
As part of the Athens and Epidaurus Festival 2019                                           
Within the context of a growing conservatism of Greek society, that places each aspect of diversity (gender, race, sexuality etc.) at the margins, the Aphrodite* polyphonic project acquires an obvious impact and urgency. The Aphrodite* project, including film screenings, workshops and discussions, seeks to reinforce the action and visibility of queer feminist practices and collectives, in order to strengthen their voices against the culture of sexism and social racism.
In detail, the films by the Pembe Hayat Queer Festival in Ankara, the Cinenova feminist collection in London and the Trans*Formations Festival in Berlin, organized by trans People of Color* and other gender non-conforming people, provoke us to discuss anti-racism and post-colonialism, desire and sexuality, along with art and activist practices of queer feminist groups.The workshops Gender Panic Inc Queer MagiK Sigil, introduced by the Gender Panic Collective, and Visibly Invisible by Adeola Naomi Aderemi, founder of Distinguished Diva, focus on performative practices of care and queer magic symbolism. The feminine group Political Fatties discusses fatness as an embodied experience as well as a political identity, while the Queer(s') Talk(s) workshop approaches the poetics of (queer) language(s) and the relationship between language, affect and trans* bodies. The Slut Pride workshop critiques the culture of sexism and proposes transformative justice for processing ways of caring, self-defence and female* empowerment. Finally, the workshop Gender troubles in (art) education contests the dominant reproduction of gender stereotypes within the institutional structures of art education and explores the experiences and resistances of queer feminist creative subjects. Last but not least, the Queering Psychoanalysis group (QP) discusses issues related to the politics of gender and social perceptions in an attempt to re-evaluate psychoanalytic theory in order to make it relevant for the queer community.
Curators: Sofia Bempeza, Sofia Dona, Persephone Kerentzi, Vassiliea Stylianidou, Athens Museum of Queer Arts (Maria F. Dolores, Johnny Pavlatos, Holly Ιngleton, Alex Buschky), Beaver.
Guest co-curators: Cinenova (London), Pembe Hayat Kuirfest Ankara, TransFormations – Trans* Film Festival Berlin, Ntiana Manesi & Phryne Konti, Adeola Naomi Aderemi.
Artists/Filmmakers: Demhat Aksoy, Gizem Aksu, Margarita Athanasiou, Jean-Pierre Bekolo, Jay Bernard, Anna Brownfield,  Rodrigo D’Alcântara, Michelle Fiordaliso, Su Friedrich Leah Gilliam, Sinan Göknur, Maude Matton & SJ Rahatoka, Vilma Meniki, Pol Merchan, Tracey Moffatt, Thomas Anthony Owen & Kentaro Kumanomido, Chelsea Poe & Courtney Trouble, Elizabeth Okoh, Prokne,  Sarah Pucill, Qigemu, Queer(s’) Talk(s) workshop group, Saundra Sharp, Caroline Sheldon, Tejal Shah, Tran T Kim Trang, Evi Tsiligaridou.
Workshops facilitators: Adeola Naomi Aderemi, Sofia Bempeza, Maria F. Dolores, Gender Panic Collective, Atina Kolektifi, Despina Sevasti, Anni Simati, Vassiliea Stylianidou aka Franck-Lee Alli-Tis, Vanessa Veneti, Anna T., Maria Tzeferi.
Presentations/Discussions: Rana Haddad, Eleni Tsampouri, Olympia Zografos, Political Fatties, Chloe Kolyri, Stella Kasdovasili, Demetra Tzanaki, Yannis Rigas, Kostas Skarpidis, Clara Vlachodimitropoulou Rodriquez, the group Queering Psychoanalysis in Athens.
(*) According to gender theory the asterisk implies the inclusion of all gender identities.
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mob-zombie · 6 years
No matter how much you throw around SJ language, a ship does not make you an ally, a ship does not make you anti-racism, a ship does not make you feminist.
Shipping is a thing you do for fun, shipping is a way of enjoying a canon, shipping can be a speculative tool, but for the most part it’s a thing you do for fun not to wave you dick to ‘prove you are better than others’.
A gay ship doesn’t prevent homophobia, an interracial ship doesn’t prevent racism (looking at finrey shippers who’re super eager to throw the N word at black people for ‘justified reasons’,) a ship with a woman in it doesn’t prevent  you being a misogynist fuck nugget.
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saiditallbefore · 6 years
Social Justice-y Thoughts
So here’s the thing.  I’ve been dealing with some Dude Bullshit on the Internet lately, couched in SJ terms, and it’s got me thinking.  “Staying in [your] lane” is a pretty flawed concept to begin with.  You shouldn’t speak over people who know more about an issue than you do, and you especially shouldn’t speak over people who have experienced oppression on an axis you haven’t.
But.  Allies are important.  It is important to have people stand in solidarity and speak up, to help amplify the voices of those who often aren’t heard.
When people tell you that you need to work on listening and not speaking over people, that’s not a code for STFU and never speak about sexism (or LGBTQ+ issues, or racism, etc., etc.) again.  It’s... it’s not a code at all.  It means that you need to listen more, and, more importantly, you need to take in what you’re hearing.  And the next time people ask you for your opinion, maybe (hopefully) you’ll be able to give a better-educated opinion based in empathy and understanding.
Because not speaking up is not an option.  It’s cowardly.  It erases and minimizes the issues that X group (women, LGBTQ+ people, POC, etc., etc.) have to deal with.
And at the very least, if you’re going to paint yourself as a feminist, you should listen to women.
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dilutedd · 7 years
here’s a list of popular/common users who are aphobes so those of us who don’t want to platform them can avoid them
or in other words, I see these guys casually on posts a lot and want you all who are reblogging them to know they are aphobes (and some of them have done worse yet, such as abuse, rape apologism, transphobia, being anti sj, racism, etc)
tw for: ableism, abuse, abuse apologism, biphobia, body shaming, child sexual abuse, cissexism, conversion therapy, death/violent threats, fatphobia, gaslighting, homophobia, intersexism, lesbophobia, misgendering, pedo apologism, pedophilia, queerphobia, racism, radfems/terfs/swerfs, rape, rape apologism, sex shaming, sexism, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, suicide baiting, transphobia, truscum, whorephobia
edit Last updated: 12/11/2017
[edit] fun fact: I am trans and queer!! thanks for the misgendering, misidentifying, threats, constant use of misogynistic slurs, and suicide bait!
(will exclusionists ever stop misgendering inclusionists and calling them the b-slur? the world may never know)
[edit] Honestly this has now become just a general list of aphobes for people to block, not necessarily specifically of people I “see a lot” that people don’t know about. So with that in mind, here’s an extension that lets you block a list of people at once. (edit: link fixed, sorry!) Unfortunately, it’s only for Google Chrome and I’m not sure if there are other versions out there for other browsers.
[edit] Latest additions, so people can keep track of updates: cadaverjones, captainfunkpunkandroll, captainprism, chainsawpunk, cherryseltzer, chloepricekin, chunke, cisphobepapyrus, clara-the-slytherin-graduate, clarith, clusterc, commanderlotus, commuwuism, confused-alien-on-earth, constowllation, corrgii, courtneyhammett, cozybears, crash-bandisloot, crawlybug, crunchydude, cuckmobile, cybernetyx, cyberni, depechemodemutual, peppermint-dyke, reindeer-ritsu, romansilver, wikdsushi
[edit] Other block lists to take note of: Pedo apologist list and list of other shitty inclusionists, list of anti-sj, anti-feminists, terfs, truscum, and their apologists
[edit] Previous versions of this list. Keep in mind these may contain users that have been removed.
[edit4] Aphobic as in,
don’t believe aro/aces are LGBT+,
don’t think aphobia is real, don’t think ace/aro pride is needed and/or that it is homophobic, don’t think aro/ace issues should be discussed,
think asexuality and aromanticism aren’t real, are “just modifiers”, are “just internalized homophobia”, and/or are fake “special snowflake” identities,
or worse, that aspecs need to be medically/psychologically examined - that being aspec is or is a symptom of a medical disorder or mental illness,
think asexuality just means someone doesn’t like or have sex,
don’t think we should educate about asexuality,
think minors can’t be aspec,
think the A is for “ally” which is particularly ironic while arguing aces don’t belong because they’re “cishet invaders”
think asexuality and/or aromanticism is pedophilia, homophobic, inherently abusive, or nsfw, etc
believe having sex without attraction is bad, mentally ill, abusive, rape, etc (just in general a lot of sex-shaming shit that often pulls in whorephobia), or even think aspecs can’t or shouldn’t date
often don’t even think you can be gay/etc and ace, and make sweeping statements against asexuality in general, so “lgbt aces” is a bunch of lying shit
make and support numerous lies regarding the discourse, such as that MOGAI was “coined by a pedophile” or that aspec was “stolen from autistics”
And most of them are biphobic, such as believing biphobia doesn’t exist, using phrases like “bihet”, and hating on “”””new”””” or “”””fake”””” identities in general, which means many are truscum/anti-nonbinary/exorsexist as well (fun fact: truscum came up with this “the mogais” shit btw), and most of them believing in “straight/cis passing” privilege
And tend to have a habit of shitting on people who identify as queer, or even imply or directly say nobody is allowed to ID as queer, as well as a habit of intersexism on top of that. Many also think it’s inherently homophobic to be triggered or uncomfortable by general pda and related content, including sexually explicit content (there’s generally a lot of anti-survivor and anti-sex repulsed bs).
Annnnd a lot of the cis here keep using “cishet” which is not their fucking word to use! because they have cis privilege! they are not oppressed by cis people! And a lot of them speak over trans people or outright try to educate us about what is “really” transphobic in the discourse. And the amount of misgendering is extreme, if the above big and bold part didn’t indicate that well enough.
Just look at my damned discourse tag ffs.
That being said of course if you see someone on here who is additionally abusive, an assailant, a radfem/truscum, etc, feel free to mention it. Blogs like @regreceipts and @aphobehallofshame and @justaphobethings​ has quite a lot of posts on these people (and others) saying awful things and being nasty.
[edit] Due to the increased harassment, transphobia, and threats, I am now auto-blocking everyone added to this list. If you do NOT believe any of the above and I’ve made a mistake, you’ll have to find another way besides a message or reply to correct this.
[edit] Also, (many) people on here aren’t irredeemable, there have been cases of people changing and being removed from here. There’s also the case of when someone else (often unrelated) takes over the URL and gets removed from here. If that happens, let me know… but again because of the abuse, these blogs are autoblocked, so you’ll have to find a way around that.
[edit5] “Why are there deactivated people on here?”
because regardless of deactivation their posts still exist and their comments on others’ posts also still exist, so, people who don’t want to give aphobes a platform should avoid those posts, that’s the point of this list
16bitdiscourse (also threatens physical violence on aces for coming out)
343-guiltyspark / x2013x (also a terf and makes posts about violently attacking trans people)
6-/-6-6 (remove / for blocking purposes, tumblr autocorrects it to a longer dash)
6c415f (also a terf and biphobe)
9-lovs (also a terf and pedo apologist)
aawb (also a terf, doesn’t believe in biphobia, doesn’t believe that refusing to date or befriend bi people is biphobic, and believes that bi women are privileged over lesbians)
abracababra / discourspicy
accelgors (also biphobic)
acecommunityreceipts (also claims aces can’t be raped for being ace)
aceoppression (also believes calling trans people cishets isn’t misgendering)
acephobia101 (also believes sex ed shouldn’t be taught to children and that you can’t know you’re ace until you’re a teen)
acephobiafreediscourse (also defended discourseprincesa (see below) and protested her outing)
acephobiaisajoke / gonnadeleteafter (also a rape apologist)
acetungldotcom (also suicide baits; wishes death on aces)
aceslation / lesbiandiscordblog (also blames Ace Tumblr TM for lesbian porn)
acoupleofradfems (also a terf)
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thatfeministkilljoy · 7 years
Liberal "SJ" culture has riddled you with some weird guilt for being cishet, so you feel like you have to make up for it by being a SUPER AGGRESSIVE ally for trans women, who would never, ever fight this hard for you. (And, in fact, often mock and dismiss you/women like you.) You're AFAB, we have been oppressed by AMABs for almost all of civilization. You don't owe AMABs *anything*, no matter how the AMAB in question identifies. You don't need to play this game for head pats.
I don’t feel guilty for being cis or het, I am aware of the privileges that they give me, and the oppressive structures they come from.
I’m an ally to trans women, because I believe in social justice (which you’re using scare quotes for, which is weird, because like, do you support social injustice?) and trans women are marginalized, because I’m a feminist and I want justice and liberation for all women, whether they’re like me or not.
As for wether trans women would go this hard for me, I’m a white, cisgender, straight woman, as far as women go, I am pretty privileged. Trans women generally are facing much more weight from oppressive structures, why should they spend all their time fighting for the rights of cis women? For that matter, they’re trans women, there are very few issues effecting cis women that don’t also effect trans women. Maybe not in the exact same way, but they still do.
I am a woman, men have been oppressing me and other women for almost all of civilization (tho honestly I feel like this might be a western-centric take on how this actually is but.) Much like how cisgender people have been oppressing transgender people pretty much forever. Trans women are not my oppressors. I am not scared of trans women, and trans women are not out their creating laws against me. 
This is not a game, this is people’s lives, and I am not doing this for “head pats,” I’m doing it because I strive to be a good feminist, and a good person. You should try that some time.
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svartikotturinn · 7 years
(Reproducing my comment here in its entirety.)
I’ve looked through lots of Nazi Tumblogs for trolling material in my day: you can easily find them if you know what to look for: they don’t tag their posts ‘Nazi’ or ‘Nazism’ or whatever, it’s always stuff like ‘NatSoc’, ‘National Socialism’, ‘1488’, or (if they’re too cowardly to openly say what they subscribe to) ‘traditional/reactionary European’. I think my observations are good story material.
First of all, I’ve found quite a few interesting trends there.
First off, they lie like crazy. They claim that Dr. Albert Schweitzer wrote about how he became disillusioned with Africans and said they had the mentality of evil toddlers in African Notebook, that Richard Dawkins wrote about how progressivism not allowing free speech about how humans are naturally classified into races is ‘alarming’ in The Extended Phenotype, and that Taylor Swift has expressed white supremacist ideas, among others: the first two are easily proven false with a simple search on Google Books, the third is obviously false considering she’s good friends with Nicki Minaj. I’ve actually found a post on a Nazi blog that included a quote by Hitler saying, ‘The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.’
Aside from lying like crazy about easily disproven bullshit, they also tend to grossly misread things, either intentionally or because they’re that fucking stupid. One example I’ve seen is an article about a trans woman openly admitting to ‘indoctrinating’ children or whatever, which was posted with a ‘gotcha!’ comment that completely ignored that the article basically said something like ‘I teach kids to be respectful of those who are different, and if you call that indoctrination so be it’. Another article said that legitimizing pædophiles was ‘the next crusade of the left’, completely misunderstanding that the point was about looking at it as an affliction to be remedied rather than a crime in and of itself (as opposed to child molestation). And this is before relying on broken statistics and whatnot, like the time I argued with a Nazi who insisted that California if not the US in general had a non-white majority. Happens all the damn time.
Third thing I noticed was that a lot of their rhetoric had to do with women’s beauty and chastity. ‘NatSoc’ blogs are notoriously rife with pictures of pretty young white women in various states of dress (in traditional European garb) and undress (often with, like, a laurel on their heads or something) in fields and natural scenes and suchlike. (One time I found a blog filled ONLY with pictures like those and jokingly suggested to the admit that he should look into this one chick named Scarlett Johannson; he said, ‘Is this the part where I tell you Ashkenazi Jews are Aryans and you run off with your tail between your legs?’ Apparently, he really took the ‘Neo’ part of ‘Neo-Nazi’ to heart!) The notorious 14 Words (specifically ‘because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth’) are also pretty commonly quoted, as well as horror stories of white women who were abused by Arabs and black men. You never hear about the reverse: extolling the beauty of white men and warning them against going with black women. The truth is, much like the Israeli organization Lehava (who keep talking about women as ‘daughters of kings’, warning against Arabs who seduce Jewish women into their villages and abusing them there), anti-white rhetoric about how white people ‘take [black people’s/Asians’] women’, and the Mongolian Tsagaan Khas (who talk about foreigners making lots of money and taking their women), they see women as some kind of resource they feel entitled to and are terrified of having taken away from them. (Cracked once had an article about a former Neo-Nazi named Frank Meeink who started associating with black inmates, because the Nazis kept talking about his girlfriend being unfaithful; the black inmates congratulated him when she was pregnant. I think that sums it up amazingly.)
Finally, I found out they were a lot more diverse than people give them credit for. Aside from the VERY ‘Neo’-Nazi mentioned above, they vary in terms of economic beliefs (unlike the KKK, who see Socialism as a foreign evil, they are more split on the issue), religious beliefs (i.e. badly interpreted Christianity, badly interpreted paganism, and badly interpreted purely secular ‘science’), and other issues. I’ve even come across a ‘feminist’ blog (NSFW) claiming patriarchy is a Jewish conspiracy, and I’m not entirely sure whether it’s for real or not, and another one saying Nazis and Muslims are natural allies that Jews have set against each other.
I’ve had the most interaction with two particular Nazis on Tumblr.
The first of the two was a Serbian woman. She was an admin on a general anti-SJ blog, which also featured a hardcore Christian who claimed Jews were ‘devil spawns’ or something based on (misquoted) New Testament quotes, an avid fanboy of Assad’s regime (his presence and their defence of Palestinians was justified because apparently ‘Arabs are Aryans’), and other idiots. I clashed with her a few times and talked about how her sense of superiority based on not being ‘a cumdumpster’ had nothing to do with actual respect and everything to do with succumbing to male standards. Then I accused the admins of that blog of subscribing to the ideology just as an excuse for violence; she said that she’d adopted it because of her experience with NATO’s aggression towards Serbia, their mishandling of the Trepča Mines (which she attributed to greed), and deep contempt towards George Soros for his involvement in all of it. I sympathized with her, and we began debating with far more civilized tones.
She talked about how SJ ideology has gone out of control (e.g. the dismay caused by a road named ‘Bangays Way’ named after a historian named Bangay), and how much of it was forced on her, and how she felt like she was being attacked simply because she espoused endogamy to preserve her culture. I agreed with her about the crazier bunch in the SJ crowd, talked about how she used really gross generalizations (apparently she thought Jews could agree on ANYTHING), pointed out some misinterpretations (e.g. that people protesting the road were less ‘THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE’ and more ‘this looks iffy, come on guys’), and pointed out the problems with defining what a culture is. After a short while she said she was sick and occupied so she couldn’t answer, and then she just deleted her blog. I wish she hadn’t, it was getting interesting.
The second one was the guy who posted that Hitler quote, who was also the same one claiming California had a non-white majority. I argued pretty fervently, with citations and everything, and he was apparently genuinely impressed. He sent me a personal message saying that was the first time he was not dismissed by an SJW for his ideology and was actually debated in earnest (albeit with lots of insults) and wanted to have a serious reasoned debate. I agreed, we chatted some, and he explained that he was an EMT who would treat non-white people just fine but still preferred a world where nations were divided into races and had fair fights in armed conflict over territory and wealth.
He wanted the divide to be based on race because, he claimed, races have serious genetic differences based on their evolution in different environments that made them incompatible in terms of living side by side. I asked him for citations (and also my close friend, who is working on his PhD in biochemistry), and he kept stalling on and on (at first it was because he was out celebrating his birthday, then basically just because), and then we stopped talking. (Meanwhile my friend found citations saying that it was overwhelmingly bullshit, and in fact he found an article showing Yoruba people lack a mutation found in white and Asian people that caused aggressive behaviour.)
Eventually I tagged him in a post asking him if he agreed with the harassment Jews in Whitefish, MT over rumours that they were harassing his mother. Eventually we ended up in an argument where he said it was only natural for people to lie and have double standards when it comes to theirs and an opposing view, and that he wanted me to drop dead. I strongly rejected that notion and pointed out how I’ve criticized leftist over and over for their lies; he conceded I was morally superior but he didn’t think that mattered.
In private I expressed my disappointment with him. I told him I’d thought better of him and his interest in having a serious debate; he responded, ‘The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.’ The nerve of a guy using ‘Kozak hanigzel’ on a Hebrew speaker from Israel… Man was that disappointing. I blocked him.
At any rate, I blocked him. A day or two later, when I wanted to see if he was swamped with anons for this and getting lots of shit for basically admitting his ideology was indefensible, but his blog was already deleted. I want to believe he realized this himself, that he needed to do some real thinking if a ‘degenerate’ like me proved his moral superior, but I can never know.
These two interactions and some others have led me to wonder if sincere Nazis, who are actually good but horribly misguided people, were mostly women. I wonder.
Ultimately, I feel really sorry for Nazis of the latter kind, and the alt-right crowd in general. From what I’ve seen, they’re really miserable people: they think of love and sex in terms of conquest and keeping what they got (hence the constant talk about ‘cucks’, who are too ineffectual to keep their ‘property’ theirs), not actual human connection. They’re so obsessed with power and maintaining and demonstrating it that they seem to have no concept of genuine compassion: they write it all off as ‘virtue signalling’, i.e. pretending to be virtuous for the sake of some kind of social capital. They’re so bitter they’ve become obsessed with spite, talking so much about ‘liberal tears’ they barely argue their own position. There’s such a deep sense of fear and loneliness and resentment there, and when they don’t scare me, I feel really sad for them.
On the other hand, I’d like to say a few words about anti-Nazis:
The attack on Richard Spencer triggered a whole lot of posts on Tumblr about how punching Nazis is not only justified but morally mandatory (because Nazis could never reform, you see, and were necessarily evil), which I strongly objected to on the grounds that Nazis were a diverse group, with many motivations and backgrounds, and responding to them with violence could be counterproductive in many cases (I cited Lamb & Lynx Gaede, the aforementioned Meeink, and all the KKK members Daryl Davis has dissuaded: all of them converted by peaceful means). I’ve seen people shamelessly call me a ‘Nazi sympathizer’ by some people on that website, and at one point I wanted to take legal action, considering the kind of harassment that accusation could lead to.
The same kind of belligerent attitude is found in the far left as well. Those ‘beat the Fascists where you find them’ anti-Nazis seem to be far more preoccupied with letting out aggression against rivals than actually dismantling their threatening ideology. They’re only marginally better, and also suffer from similar ills (e.g. incessant lying) and some others (e.g. scouting for perceived ideological rivals to unleash aggression on). This is why I’ve pretty much left Tumblr altogether.
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theoceanswaves0 · 8 years
Empire of the Soul Graveyard Update
In chapter 42 when Dorian asks Manon if they are allies, she refuses to answer without knowing what happened to Elide and her Thirteen. But the best part is SHE ASKS ABOUT ELIDE FIRST. 
THAT IS LOVE DEAR READERS AND SJ*M. Keep your trashy compulsive heteronormativity away from Manon and put her in the relationship THAT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE W HER CHARACTER. Dorian has Chaol. Still want to put him w a woman? Then why did you kill Sorscha? Also, why does everyone have to end up paired off by the end? I thought this book was supposed to be feminist? So wouldn't it be feminist to a. Show a loving lesbian couple and b. Show characters being happy without being romantically committed in any way???? 
(Of course all of this is rhetorical bc this series isn't feminist. White feminist perhaps but people argue that it fails at even that so...)
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fierceawakening · 8 years
(1/2) "(also, we unfortunate denizens of Dystopian Hellpit™ have much bigger things to worry about right now than “hey wait did my bf just accidentally insult the rest of my gender while trying to tell me I’m special?”)" Seriously, there was no need for this. You don't get to determine what's important to others, just b/c there are huge problems out there doesn't mean the little problems aren't important too, and ... (cont'd.)
I definitely hear the anger in your comment. You’re usually pretty calm and thoughtful, so I understand I really must have hit a nerve.
But (unless I misunderstand your position, which is possible and perhaps even likely), I disagree with you.
I think that before the election, we on the left got really... nitpicky about one another. I think a lot of us felt we’d pretty much won the culture war, or at least won it in our safe little blue enclaves. And the thing is, once the Enemy is vanquished, you can start cleaning house. Those people you connected with as uneasy allies because you had to fight for marriage equality, or whatever Big Issue you were battling for? Now you finally don’t have to hold your tongue about why you can’t stand ‘em!
And I think that’s part of where the cultiness and the endless purity testing in bad SJ circles came from. We still had fightin’ energy, but we didn’t have much to fight, not really. Not unless we wanted to be there for people it might be hard to be there for: “transtrenders,” people of color, BLM. 
So instead: Maaaan, my boyfriend says I’m “not like other girls!” FEEL MY FEMINIST RAEG!!!!@!
Now we’ve got real stuff to fight. Now we are in a situation where our future and quite possibly our lives might depend on telling truth from “alternative facts.”  
When we need to put our minds to that, figuring out whether there’s something slightly sinister in a compliment from someone who cares about us is... not priority one.
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
What makes you think that Lucien is better than Rhysand.
Oof, is it a copout to say literally every aspect of their characters? Lmao. In all seriousness, this is gonna get real long real fast. I guess the obvious thing to say first would be that L/ucien passes the basic lowest standard of being a decent person just by virtue of never having drugged someone or broken and tattooed their arm for paper thin motivations. Other than that, there are so many reasons why I like L/ucien better as a person and literary character and I think he’s better written than Rice, but I can group them into three main categories.
First, I find L/ucien to be an actually compelling and flawed character. He’s got baggage about Jesminda and Andras, both of whom close friends who died in ways he couldn’t control. I think there’s also room for him to be interpreted as MLM with the ambiguity of his and Andras’s relationship and he was bridal carried by Assriel okay. He has a personal fear and investment in A/marantha’s curse and her fate because of what she did to his eye. He can’t really escape his fraught relationship with Tom Lane because if he returned to his family he would be disrespected and essentially neutralized as a political entity. His residence in the Spring Court is always strained because of his conflicting loyalty toward and fear of Tom. (And this is a huge part of why L/ucien is borderline objectively better as a character. Internal conflict. Interesting backstory that has implications for the current story. Two attributes that almost all AC0TAR characters except L/ucien and N/esta lack.)
Plus, as a person, he’s simply a more likable guy than Rice. Faerug and L/ucien had their rough moments in the first act of AC0TAR, but once they got past that, he was actually a good friend. They bantered. He provided her life advice and warned her about the dangers of the fae world. He tracked her all the way into Night territory trying to save her from Rice, who, to the best of L/ucien’s knowledge because of idiotic Night Court antics, was an evil monster who kidnapped her to mentally and physically control her. L/ucien is not an obnoxious ~fae male~ who beats up other men and tries to force his mating bond onto his mate. Rice on the other hand has no inner conflict–he’s either completely morally reprehensible as in the first book, or he’s completely justified in his actions and absolutely sure of all his decisions for the greater good of Faerug. Rice tortures, ridicules, estranges, robs, and bosses people around all the time due to a false sense of entitlement and he is called a good person for it. He treats his political allies like shit, allows wing clipping and wealth disparity, and has no idea how to stick to a budget. He’s just an evil idiot who gets away with everything because SJ/M thinks he’s hot. That’s a thousand times more boring than literally any single aspect of L/ucien’s character.
Second, SJ/M’s narrative preference of Rice over L/ucien is nonsensical. In AC0MAF, after several hundred pages of not giving L/ucien a second thought, Faerug mentally condemns him for not fighting for Faerug in the beginning of AC0MAF. I have to laugh at the entitlement and slander. Um SJ/M? Are we ignoring the fact that L/ucien was literally also an abuse victim for decades if not centuries and is not at fault for the way their abuser treated either of them? She should be holding neither character to this standard, and yet L/ucien is victim-blamed here. Faerug clearly feels that she deserves his undying loyalty despite only having known him for a year tops, killing his friend in cold blood, and abandoning him to Tom’s antics for months. How about how he trekked across P/rythian on foot for Faerug while she was having boring banter with a bunch of annoying fuckboys? How about how he tried to save her during the trials with absolutely zero ulterior motive and offered his help FOR FREE while Rice’s price was absurdly high and unnecessary? He’s a much better friend to her than Faerug ever is to him, despite being forced to say the exact opposite to Faerug in AC0WAR. Meanwhile, every truly evil thing Rice has ever done is retconned into either a pity party or a part of his master political plan. Like?? I think drugging someone repeatedly, forcing them into an unfair deal, exposing “friends” to their abusers, generally being a douche in the political arena, and robbing precious heirlooms from allies makes someone a demonstrably terrible person, but SJ/M seems to think that makes him… a feminist?! Sure Jan.
Third, Faerug constantly treats L/ucien like human garbage and gets away with it. In AC0WAR, not only does she not acknowledge Tom’s abuse of L/ucien, but she purposely contributes to that abuse by manipulating both Tom and L/ucien. She takes advantage of L/ucien’s trust, friendship, and shared history by first publicly invading his personal space, then privately doing so, then hugging him in lingerie just to make Tom mad. What the fuck. That is sexual harassment. That is completely abhorrent behavior and yet never fucking once does she question the evil in it. She just sees her end goal of taking down Spring, despite the selfish stupidity of said goal due to a whole ass war coming to P/rythian and the destruction of the only relatively safe space her supposed “friend” can live. Furthermore, the fact that I/anthe raped L/ucien is a passing thought in her mind when it first comes up, then it’s never discussed again until I/anthe literally chains him in the forest with the heavily implied intention of raping him again and Faerug CONSIDERS ABANDONING HIM. Oh, and of course we can’t forget how Faerug violated L/ucien’s mind, a crime previously established to be one of the most abusive and corrupt in the AC0TAR universe, to answer the burning question of whether or not his small talk with E/lain was leading somewhere sexual. What the actual fuck?! How the fuck is this the same character who unironically believes she’s the better friend in this scenario?!?! L/ucien goes through so much more than he deserves, gives so much of himself to assholes who don’t deserve him, and he is never acknowledged for it. That’s why I think L/ucien is better than Rice Sand times infinity.
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battlestar-royco · 6 years
Sorry if this isn't the place to say it but I will forever be pissed that Green Book won Best Picture when Black Panther and Bohemian Rhapsody were literally right there. At least Into the Spiderverse won Best Animated Picture so I guess there is some justice in the world.
No apology necessary! This started off as an anti-SJ/M blog but seeing as we’re in a hiatus of SJ/M content and my blog has evolved in the months since I started it, it’s become more of a place to talk about representation in all media so you’re in the right ballpark. And for sure, we’ve seen a lot of disrespect and generally weird shit happening to movies featuring diversity in the past few years–like when an announcer called Hidden Figures “Hidden Fences” in 2017; when La La Land got called as Best Picture instead of Moonlight; people crediting the success of Black Panther, Get Out, Ocean’s Eight, Mad Max, Wonder Woman etc to audiences wanting to prove how progressive they are instead of underrepresented people actually being a large, powerful, active demographic; Crazy Rich Asians simply not getting as much play as it could have; C/MBYN…. I feel like now that the standards for diversity in Hollywood are finally changing, by no means linearly or speedily, but surely, privileged audiences really just don’t know what to do.
With movies like these, there’s always going to be this subtext for white/straight people/men of “This is a POC/Woman/Gay movie” that they can’t separate from it being good simply because it doesn’t center around them. They view movies about white straight (typically) men as neutral and apolitical in a fashion they wouldn’t a movie that centers any other type of person. So there’s always an unspoken politics around the attention and awards that more representative films receive. For one, I do think there’s some truth to the assertion that some “allies” really couldn’t care less about representation but want to pretend they do by seeing and praising these movies but never talking about them again or doing anything else for the represented communities. Two, I think the old white dudes who run the Academy always want to satisfy other people like them and don’t want to make a habit of giving non-normative movies the attention they have always deserved because that would mean that Hollywood has to continue changing from the American white cishet propaganda machine it has always been.
So what does that look like? Giving crumbs and scraps to intersectional films every few years or so, making feminist icons out of privileged white women who do the bare minimum by making snarky comments/faces at the award shows, and getting back on their bullshit after they feel they’ve recognized diverse films sufficiently. The Green Book win was just embarrassing for the Academy this year, but I doubt they see it that way. At the very least, Into the Spiderverse did so much for animation and representation this year and won a well-deserved award, so I’m glad for that win, even if I do see this year’s awards as a typical white performative mess. I’m definitely not surprised by how it all turned out, but I think it’s likely that we’ll see more good representation infused with weird and bad representation by performative allies in the coming years. And I also wouldn’t be surprised if the good ones continue to go through phases of getting the credit they deserve and getting slighted for bland movies or misrepresentative movies.
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