oubliettemagazine · 1 month
In cerca di te di Emma Fenu: l’ardua ricerca di un figlio
In cerca di te è un viaggio. In cerca di te di Emma Fenu In cerca di te è una vita con un viaggio dentro sé stessi. È un lunghissimo percorso per trovare un equilibrio sapendo già che l’equilibrio non ci potrà mai essere. E che forse si esce sconfitti. Allora è una corsa a ostacoli verso un traguardo che fugge sempre più in là; è una corsa a tappe dove ogni tappa è una sconfitta; è una corsa a…
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fenuslegal · 4 months
Fenus Legal: Legal Services Advisory in Barcelona
Navigate legal complexities with confidence. Fenus Legal in Barcelona offers comprehensive legal services advisory. Trust our expertise for effective solutions tailored to your unique legal needs.
Contact US Company: Fenus Legal Website: https://fenus.legal/ Mail Id: [email protected] Contact No: +34670217886 Address: C/ de Muntaner, 269, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08021 Barcelona, Spain
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leona-florianova · 4 months
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A commission for @/fenus-furus on twitter.
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chrissymorgan9700 · 1 year
Humans are Space Orcs: First Encounter
Planet Hedar 9-BG6, 2135 GE (Galactic Era) 
We had scheduled meetings between the leaders of the various species of sentient life that have become members of the United Inter-Galactic Federation with the topic of allowing a newly introduced species to be inducted into our council.
Humans, from the Level 10 Death-World, Earth.
I, Mokar'ak, diplomat of the Gracovkar, have been tasked to meet with the captain of the Earth starship, the U.S.S Castaway, as their personal guide and as a secret investigator to learn more of our potential allies. So here I stand at the docking bay of my home planet, waiting for their ship to come to port. Everyone in the UIGF had heard tales of the feared Apex Predators from Earth, how they were advanced, but also the most primitive of the known sentient life forms in the known galaxies.
The first time any other lifeform had ever gotten into contact with the human race, they had just successfully colonized the red, neighboring planet in their solar system. Everyone, my planet included, had sent numerous amounts of disguised scouts to observe the humans and report back to us. The accounts varied from species to species with some reporting humans with different colors, cultures, and regions of their home planet and their newly acquired sister planet. However, the way they described the humans was mostly the same. They were bipedal creatures, walking upright on two legs with a foot on each leg and having only two arms, a hand and five fingers on each one. They had one head with two eyes, one scent reciprocal, a mouth with small teeth, and two sound canals that were surrounded by fleshy skin and cartilage to protrude out from the sides of their face. They did not have scales or spikes of any kind, only skin that, for some humans, would burn as soon as they stepped outside and faced their star. They did have some fur (if you could call it that), but it was mostly on the top of their heads and/or on their faces. They had no claws either, just some built-up keratin that protruded from the front-side of their hands. They held no powers, such as telepathy like the Vradari of Fenu-5 or night vision like the Smenuru of Ydriv-B43, nor did they have any sort of natural body armor like the Hmunurbe of Vega-0943-P or the vast intelligence of my own people. In fact, they had no outward display of strength or power of any kind beyond their crude and primitive weaponry that a small Xlarion child could dismantle.
At first, we were relieved, if not slightly disappointed. We had heard some dark tales of humans killing each other with such malice and contempt that some members of the Federation were convinced that they were nothing but a planet of savages. But with this rather unimpressive report, we thought that though they were a threat to themselves, to us, they were more or less harmless.
We were wrong. So very, very wrong.
The Degartsi of planet Bul’nimsat-3534-L were a way-fairing race, conquering smaller, more obscure planets for their vastly growing empire and enslaving the surviving inhabitants by helping them drain the resources of their planet and any other planet they came across. Standing at 9 rigmas tall (10 ft by Earth standards), they towered over many of the other life forms in the known galaxies, with multiple limbs and a vast arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, both close and long ranged, as well as a full militia fleet with thousands of spaceships, housing well over 100,000 soldiers, both Degartsian and slave alike. They were ruthless, showing no mercy to any lifeform on their newly conquered planets.
Old, young, it didn't matter.
The sheer notion of resistance against them was to guarantee the total annihilation of your entire species and any neighboring planet that would try to assist you. Though the UIGF were able to push them away from the planets under the Federation's protection, it did not come without enormous casualties.
I shuddered at the memory of the day I saw Degartsian ships leave the atmosphere of my own planet in a hasty retreat when I was a youngling, my parents being included amongst the dead after they tried to protect me and the rest of my village after they laid waste to our planet, desecrated our most sacred spaces, burned our crops, taken over our mines, and destroyed our homes. By the time the Federation were able to cause them to retreat, the Gracovkar were almost completely wiped out, our population going from around sixty million to only ten million.  
So, when the horde set their eyes towards the human home-world, none of the surrounding Federation members dared to help them. We were even more convinced of the planet’s destruction as the leaders of the planet had refused the horde’s demands for surrender. 
Instead, they declared war. 
We watched with bated breath as their forces closed in on the little blue and green planet. Surely, such a small planet wouldn't stand a chance against these cruel overlords. All of the Federation planets began to say their prayers and hold memorial services for the planet, expecting the battle to be over in an hour. With such archaic technology that they had, there was no chance that they would win. The fact that they thought they COULD stand a chance was impossible and, in Earth terms, stupid. Noble, but stupid.
That was until the humans began to wipe them out. 
To this day, we don’t know what really happened. The majority of the Federation planets had banned travel to Earth due to the impending war, but what few that dared to be near the planet’s solar system all had different testimonies. The J’rutsi people of Quasvi-43G claimed that the human’s atmosphere was filled with noxious gasses that had the horde fleeing back towards the stars. The Muvriadians of Wi’ox-9-3FD reported that the humans had their own weapons of mass destruction that rivaled the size and number of the Degartsi. The Kniphors of Umortina-F435 swore up and down that the humans simply brought down their ships and then hunted the Degartsi until the horde was too tired and too depleted to carry out their plans. 
Whatever the cause was, the Degartsi certainly never discussed it, even after their complete and total surrender. Their armies were depleted, their ships were destroyed, and in their surrender, they were confined to their original, dying world, never to traverse the galaxies again and would free any planet that they had enslaved, alongside giving the planet’s inhabitants reparations.
It was at this moment that I heard the low, ground-trembling rumble of a starship as it made its decent from the atmosphere to the docking bay. The ship’s interior was a bright, almost iridescent white, which made the name of the ship stand out in bold, black letters on one side. The once quiet deck began to bustle with activity as the arrival of this new ship brought with it all the curious and cautious alike to welcome our new guest. 
Then, the docking bay went silent as with a whoosh, the hatch of the ship opened and one, lone creature stepped out, dressed all in white and a strange, round orb on their head, which I began to realize was a helmet as they began to take it off and reveal themself. 
The helmet gone; the face of the human was clear. They were of moderate build, dark brown skin and head full of black, thick braids on top of their head. I couldn’t help but stare. Surely, they never said anything about the humans being beautiful. 
I guess they forgot to add that to their reports. 
The human glanced around for a moment before I remembered what I was actually there for and made my appearance. I turned my translator on in order to communicate, seeing as Gracvese wasn’t understood by most of the galaxy and made myself known. After getting their attention, I introduced myself. 
“Greetings, human. My name is Mokar’ak of the Gracovkar. Welcome to the planet Hedar. I will be your guide and translator during your stay here. And what may I call you?” 
The human stared at me, the eyes of an apex predator shining with interest on my form. Then, baring her teeth in what I briefly remembered was supposed to be a form of positive assurance, the human spoke.  
“Hello, my name is Tsiri Stephens, I use she/ her pronouns, and I bring you greetings from the planet Earth.” 
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donaruz · 9 months
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Ti ho pensato proprio ieri, quando ho scritto il mio post sull'Acca Laurentia e il possibile collegamento con la nostra Sacra Accabadora.
Ho pensato a quanti inorridiscono a sentirne parlare, come se fosse un'assassina legalizzata da una comunità di incivili, come spesso, ancora ci definiscono.
Pensavo a quanta Bellezza nelle tue parole, per raccontarla, e a quanto le parole hanno potere.
Parole che non si vogliono sentire.
Perché certe verità sono scomode, e la donna deve restare sempre un passo indietro.
Hai deciso di andare via e ritornare alle stelle, da cui sei arrivata, proprio nella notte di San Lorenzo.
Forse la tua 'Accabadora interiore, ti stava chiamando.
Perché ogni vera Donna Sarda, lo è.
Colei che capisce i Misteri della Vita e della Morte, perché è "bogadora" e "accabadora".
"Come sopra, sotto"
L'equilibrio è stato ristabilito
A me, mancherai. Tanto.
Grazie per tutta l'abbondanza e la dignità.
Buon ritorno, Michela💖🌟
"Parlare è un potere e dare potere alle donne è sempre stata una cosa problematica nei monoteismi. «L’unico femminismo che ci piace è quello silenzioso della Madonna, – scriveva nell’editoriale prenatalizio del 2020 il giornalista di un quotidiano sovranista improvvisatosi teologo, per poi proseguire – è una madre giovane, semplice, dolce, il cui pianto non diventa mai piagnisteo e che ci insegna l’importanza della riflessione interiore». Il silenzio è una virtú, ma solo se sono le donne a praticarlo. Agli uomini nessuno chiede di tacere le loro riflessioni interiori, anzi sono cosí sollecitati a condividerle che è lecito sospettare che prima di parlare parecchi di loro non abbiano riflettuto a sufficienza. Invece al sesso femminile è consigliato di fermarsi alla fase del pensiero afono, proprio come la Maria di Nazareth che, secondo una certa ermeneutica strumentale tradizionalista, ci venne raccontata come creatura talmente annichilita dalle conseguenze dell’unica volta che ha aperto bocca da non voler aggiungere piú una parola per tutta la vita, dalla mangiatoia di Betlemme alla croce del Golgota".
Tratto da "Stai zitta" di Michela Murgia
Sei nata tu forse da sola, Maria? Sei uscita con le tue forze dal ventre di tua madre? O non sei nata con l'aiuto di qualcuno, come tutti i vivi?
- Io ho sempre... - Maria accennò a replicare, ma Bonaria la fermò con un gesto imperioso della mano.
- Zitta, non sai cosa dici. Ti sei tagliata da sola il cordone? Non ti hanno forse lavata e allattata? Non sei nata e cresciuta due volte per grazia di altri, o sei così brava che hai fatto tutto da sola?
Richiamata alla sua dipendenza con quello che le parve un colpo basso assestato con cattiveria, Maria rinunciò a replicare, mentre la voce di Bonaria si abbassava fino a diventare una litania priva di qualunque enfasi.
- Altri hanno deciso per te allora, e altri decideranno quando servirà di farlo. Non c'è nessun vivo che arrivi al suo giorno senza aver avuto padri e madri a ogni angolo di strada, Maria, e tu dovresti saperlo più di tutti.
L'anziana sarta parlava con la sincerità con cui si fanno le confidenze agli sconosciuti sul treno, sapendo che non si dovrà sopportare mai più il peso dei loro occhi.
- Non mi si è mai aperto il ventre, - proseguì, - e Dio sa se lo avrei voluto, ma ho imparato da sola che ai figli bisogna dare lo schiaffo e la carezza, e il seno, e il vino della festa, e tutto quello che serve, quando gli serve. Anche io avevo la mia parte da fare, e l'ho fatta.
- E quale parte era?
- L'ultima. Io sono stata l'ultima madre che alcuni hanno visto.
Tratto da "Accabadora" di Michela Murgia
Tiziana Fenu ©®
Figlie della Madre
*Un grande libro che non si dimentica *
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despazito · 1 year
what convinced me to watch trailer park boys was hearing about the episode where ricky robs a pharmacy for his pregnant daughter and demands “pills that make your fenus bigger” so the pharmacists frantically give him a pile of dick pills instead and the boys use them to barter with lahey who tries an fails to impress his gay lover randy. average day in nova scotia
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elkdiaries · 3 months
welcome to my blog ☆。*。☆。
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an introduction ₓ˚. ୭ ˚ i’m ellie! \\ butch \\ writer \\ scorpio sun & rising, cancer moon \\ any pronouns \\ lover of all things nature and art ♡
i post a lot about ₓ˚. ୭ ˚ boygenius \\ the mandalorian \\ art \\ marauders \\ stranger things \\ bugs \\ percy jackson \\ music \\ the last of us \\ a league of their own, emphasis on jesslupe \\ & other queer stuff
requests open ₓ˚. ୭ ˚ don’t be afraid to send me asks! i love making headcanons and moodboards and would love to work with prompts ♡
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musicians i love ₓ˚. ୭ ˚ ratboys \\ lucy dacus \\ brent faiyaz \\ illuminati hotties \\ foo fighters \\ adrianne lenker \\ ethel cain \\ frank ocean \\ elliott smith \\ duke ellington \\ jeff buckley \\ soccer mommy \\ olivia rodrigo & so many more ♡
recent reads ₓ˚. ୭ ˚ the old man and the sea by ernest hemingway \\ the awakening by kate chopin \\ all of you every single one by beatrice hitchman \\ never let me go by kazuo ishigiri \\ carmilla by j. sheridan le fenu
header source ₓ˚. ୭ ˚ the book of miracles by augsburger wunderzeichenbuch, c. 1550
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angelnumber27 · 8 months
“Doesn't matter who bornt the fenus. Family is family.”
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lightweaverleporine · 8 months
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A moment. Fleeting. Yet it tore his life apart.
" Of the Wood Warders hailing from Fenu... There was none more renowned than Tal Djt-Marouc. With lance in hand, he was without parallel. Yet, more frightening than his strength... Was his temperament.
Why he chose Riva to be his disciple is unfathomable - a boy weak of both body and mind. Perhaps he saw potential... None could be certain of his motives.
Though it cannot be denied.
That their meeting shaped the boy's fate irrevocably. "
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kickasstorrents · 3 months
venus in fenus
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Transformers: Omnicode
Transformers:Omnicode is a TRANSFORMERS fan continuity that draws inspiration and concepts from various Transformers continuities. Oh and it’s basically an anime. With MHA as a basis, persay.
But EVERYONE has a unique power. EX: Bumblebee as an Electricity Based power where he can create Stasis Stingers and Energy Fields; Overlord can summon two extra arms made of energy which are bigger and far stronger. Cry about it. 
Cybertron. A world ruled by a seemingly goodwill and calm nature senate. But that was far from the truth. In fact, almost every member of the senate was dealing with illegal activities and abusing the lower earning citizens. But there were seven leaders of the senate that REALLY made the senate the corrupted group they were.
Ian Duo was a lazy slob of a Cybertronian and dealt with various drug and arms dealers. Xianmu was a vain and jealous bot that wanted items and add ons to a point of forcing the parts in. Baoshi was drunkard pure and simple, and could down gallons of high grade Energon. Fenu was the angriest bot you could ever meet, and if you disagreed with him, the next day you never existed. Yuwang was a seductive bot with a sharp tongue and corrupted view of Cybertronian biology. Tanian was a greedy pig that controlled all the banks on Cybertron. And their leader Zihao? So filled with pride she was charming and persuasive, but a powerful bot that no one could challenge. 
Together they controlled Cybertron with their fellow senators. But there was one senator who was different. His name was Shockwave. And he was shocked by the corrupted nature of the senate, but knew if he spoke out he’d be effectively sent to the mines and gladiator rings. But it was this exact thought that led him to go to the Pits of Kaon. It was there he met a strong willed and intelligent young bot named Megatron. Megatron worked in the mines during the day, and then fought in the ring at night. Shockwave was able to find some time for them to chat privately. Shockwave was able to hear the treacherous conditions of the mines and fights the lower citizens had to deal with. It broke Shockwave’s heart. So Shockwave decided to find a friend.
That friend was Orion Pax. He and his friends Fortress Maximus and Ultra Magnus were working in the library as High Ranking Librarians for Alpha Trion, a member of the Lower Senate, which wasn’t corrupted… yet. Shockwave knew Orion would listen.
And listen Orion did. Orion went STRAIGHT to the pits to meet with Megatron. The two began to chat often, and Orion was even able to get Megatron a job in the library instead of the pits thanks to his high position. This is what Shockwave had hoped to have happen. If Megatron could help the lower ranked citizens from his now earned high position, the senate’s actions would be exposed.
Sadly the High Senate would catch on. Zihao ordered an Institute Squad to drag Shockwave to the Institute where he was forced under the Emputara Process. Luckily for him, Starscream, a fellow Senator from the Lower Senate was able to bail him out, but the damage was done. Shockwave became a dangerous scientist. From there only the ancients could have foreseen the chaos. Shockwave would come to Megatron to expose what has become of him, and in a rage Megatron would rally the lower ranking citizens from the pits and raid the Senate building, killing all of the High Senate. 
Orion couldn’t stand for the slaughter of the senate, seeing that violence was only making things worse and tried to speak for peace, but Megatron had gotten a taste for High Rank blood. So Orion was forced to gather his own forces to defend the rest of Cybertron from Megatron’s violence. 
Fast forward millions of years later, and the war is still going on with a stalemate. Orion Pax, as leader of the Autobots, decides to send everyone off-world to various sectors. And while they do that, he’ll stay behind with Ultra Magnus and Elita One on a quest to find a powerful relic. Megatron has become ashamed of his actions and now tries to figure out a way to finish the war fast and with the least amount of lost lives with the help of his closest advisors Soundwave, Onslaught, Mixmaster, Shockwave, and Starscream. But the only plans they come up with have massive consequences. ______________________________________________________________
Just a few notes: There WILL be some repositioning of various characters. Blackout and Grindor (Bayverse edition) are going to become Autobots, for example.
Optimus Prime IS still going to exist, but later down the timeline. He actually doesn't have that big of a role at the BEGINNING of the "story."
Characters like Zeta Prime and Sentinel Prime ALSO exist. But they may become members of the High Senate or Supporters of it.
Shockwave and Starscream are VERY different now, but for a reason.
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oubliettemagazine · 1 year
Intervista di Emma Fenu a Loriana Lucciarini, autrice diventata indipendente per scelta
Intervista di Emma Fenu a Loriana Lucciarini, autrice diventata indipendente per scelta
Loriana Lucciarini è un’autrice romana e vive in provincia di Viterbo. Spazia tra romance, fantasy, favole, approfondimento sociale, mainstream, poesia. Loriana Lucciarini Curatrice di progetti solidali, scrive per le testate web de Gli Scrittori della porta accanto, Cultura al femminile, Protagonista donna. Negli anni ha pubblicato oltre venti titoli. Il Sussurro del Lago, thriller psicologico,…
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fenuslegal · 4 months
Fenus Legal: Legal Services Advisory
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Explore comprehensive legal services and expert advisory at Fenus Legal. We are your reliable partner for navigating legal complexities and ensuring sound legal strategies. Visit now!
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imeverywoman420 · 2 years
Abortion bbl clinic where they put the fenus in your butt
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rr-sheep · 9 months
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⬇⬆-fnf/dnb joke? oc-⬇⬆
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Basiclly it's a ship joke oc child between: Nortas (my friend nortas. oc) and Minus Sheep (my oc)
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kwakurichblogger · 1 year
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C Blvck - Fenu Wu Gate Producer(s): Rexxie Genre: #Afrobeats Released: Fri, 30th January 2022 @iam_cblvck #fenuwugate #entertainment #music #love #fun #kwakurichworld #fashion #hiphop #dance #trending #party #news #artist #media #Ghana #nigeria #viral #events #photography #explorepage #music #sport #explore #actor #kwakurich #kwakurichblogger #album https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNJDUOIElo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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