#feros 8
shalalalalaw · 2 years
Guardians preferred weapon type?
Additionally, do they have an exotic (armor or weapon) themed after them?
Schala has a tendency to take up long-range weapons, like snipers and scouts. But then she also tends to swipe things from Drifter's Gambit arsenal because they're feel so tactile. Less energy based.
Feros likes heavy hitters like shotguns and low rpm machine guns.
I haven't ever thought about personalised exotics for them, I'm not good at that sort of design, so I will have to think on it!
your turn! 👉
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little-guy-polls · 4 months
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BB-8: It's BB-Great! :D
Fero Feritas: Half-ling druid who wants to rip up the old world by it's roots. Loner who still likes people but doesn't want to be responsible for them and doesn't always get why people have hard feelings towards him after he leaves when they needed help. Accidentally responsible for severe envionmental destruction. Can turn into a swarm of birds. Bad break-up with his best friend. Befriends the god older than everything else in existence.
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Wow, I looked at the player content coming in the new Lancer module (Operation Winter Scar) and it's amazing.
Despite my grievances with my Gilgamesh overflow, I think its unique limited weapons are really clean and it's simplicity allows it to basically act as an Everest+. Also the legion nexus is amazing (I love summoning support bees after firing my big fuck off bee cannon).
In specific, Gilgamesh is a simple mech. It loves limited systems. It loves chewing through them for tasty tasty free accuracy. It also gets an extra limited charge. Again, Gilgamesh is just Everest+, having the ability to equip any limited system or weapon and go hog wild. Even more similar to Everest, its passive allows it to skirt around using its repair points on health or armor by allowing it to restore itself in a fight or do so for free in a rest.
I love the Lycan, the new Manticore alt frame, I think it provides a good risk and reward play style that works really, really well with a lich that can kind of just be ignored if desired (either by immediately popping armor off for a rushing fight or by choosing to stay tanky for the sake of self and other pilots). As a side note, I think players can really go nuts for flavoring their Lycan's transformation (I can already think of how cool a snake-esc Lycan peeling itself to reveal an arcing kraken).
Oh also its 3 speed while shelled means nothing when it can use Beckoner to swap with a target 8 spaces away.
hehe, we love a 3d6+6 (or 4d6+6 if you wait long enough) AP weapon with accurate and not heat cost so you can spam Executioner cleave attacks all willy nilly.
Amber Phantom, the new Metalmark alt, is also really cool because it adds a further strategic element to strikers by making its player focus on and manipulate turn orders for cheese. The ability to cause a double player turn allows for some real combo potential. Just imagine movement manipulation on the Amber Phantom like Beckoner or Feros Lash right before an ally uses an aoe attack against the sudden clump.
I thinks its a whee bit simple but has incentives for strategy so no mindless unga bunga. Definitely a good mech for someone who wants to mess with big braining lancer but can't be bothered to use a Lich properly or really intricate combos that controllers like Minotaur or Hydra are capable of at peak bullshit.
For the last alt frame, the Kutuzov, the reverse of my Gilgamesh situation. In April I thought of a funny: "hey what if I used Calendula to drop a Blinkshield on some fool and run away" Turns out that Intangible is included in BS's "any action or effect", who could have guessed. But that still gave me the idea of using Napoleon's systems on an Intangible mech so I made the Massena (will post eventually).
Regardless of the fact my players now have a fucked Napoleon license, the Kutuzov is an amazing mech that I couldn't criticize for existing. I personally think it is unfortunately just better than Napoleon. So how Kutuzov works is its a more of a support spin of Napoleon that trades raw defense for support capabilities. It also trades Napoleon's extremely funny but kinda weak core power into a less funny but good efficient core power that allows you to full protect a teammate from an enemy and vice versa. Unironically just the default frame if you want to maximize Napoleon's worth as a teammate without having to rely on a powerful gimmick once or twice a mission that really only works to make a enemy shoot your teammate instead of you.
In conclusion, YIPPEEEEEE MORE LANCER CONTENT. I'm so happy Lancer has basically free DLC oh and if you want to get the art for these mechs, y'all are literally on the website where you can go see the artist (be free and go to theogm-art)
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monowires · 1 year
Big profile textpost about my personal canon Shepard! There is a Lot of stuff under the readmore (I added the readmore so that y'all don't have to scroll 3,000ft to get past my post), just warning you.
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PRONOUNS: he/him | SEXUALITY: Gay | BIRTHDAY: April 11, 2154
AGE: 29 (ME1), 31 (ME2), 32 (ME3)
ORIGIN: Earthborn | BACKGROUND: Sole Survivor | CLASS: Adept
COMBAT ROLE: Long-Range Offensive Support
WEAPON SPECIALIZATIONS: Sniper Rifles (Primary), Assault Rifles & Handguns (Secondary)
DOES NOT USE: SMGs, Shotguns
BIOTIC SKILLS (ITALICIZED = MOST USED; BOLD = MOST PROFICIENT): Backlash, Barrier, Cluster Grenade, Flare, Lash, Pull, Reave, Shockwave, Singularity, Slam, Throw, Warp
NOTE 1: Backlash is a ME:A exclusive skill, but I like it so much (and am somewhat salty about it not being in the trilogy), so in my canon, Shepard knows this skill. I also felt it was unrealistic to confine him to 8 skills; while this is a gameplay mechanic, canonically there technically wouldn't be a limit on skills he can learn.
NOTE 2: He is also capable of deploying a spherical biotic shield (much like the ones deployed by asari, or by Cora in the beginning of ME:A). Because his specialization is long-range offense rather than defense, this exhausts him relatively quickly; it is something he only discovers via protecting his squad in a situation that would've otherwise killed them.
Shepard's combat style differs from that of a Vanguard or even most Adepts in that he prefers to maintain distance. He occupies a support-esque offensive role, backing his squad with sniper fire while deploying his biotics from range. Having trained for many years (both in- and outside of the N7 program), he has a refined control over his biotics and thus is capable of devastating the enemy with biotics regardless of the space between them. His most often used combat method is to deploy a Singularity field from range before picking them off with his sniper rifle.
Originally, Shepard was outfitted with L3 implants. During the Lazarus project, he was equipped with L5x implants. This upgrade allowed him to expand his arsenal of biotic skills. Though he lacked access to Alliance training facilities, he trained himself in these new skills with help from the many biotics aboard the SR-2. It was after his revival that he learned the skills Flare, Reave, and Slam.
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MORALITY (BEGINNING OF GAME): Paragon (roughly 90% paragon, 10% renegade).
MORALITY (END OF GAME): Paragon (roughly 80% paragon, 20% renegade).
COMBAT DISPOSITION: Pacifist; violently capable, but often disinclined to engage in combat unless given no other choice.
GENERAL DISPOSITION: Though not optimistic to the point of ignorance, Shepard has a relatively bright outlook on his future. He has finally crawled out of the shadow of Akuze and reestablished his footing serving as Lieutenant-Commander on the Normandy SR-1. Though the images given to him by the Prothean beacon leave him troubled, it is more of a motivator than anything; Akuze left him without a sense of purpose, and stopping Saren/the Reapers allows him to have a central focus again.
He does, however, have a ruthless side, holding the mentality that sometimes the only way to get rid of a problem is to get rid of it.
RELATIONSHIPS: Shepard establishes a casual friendship with all of his crew; he does not consider himself a social person, though, and often avoids close relationships. Early on, he does develop a small crush on Kaidan, though it's more of a "wow, he's good looking" than anything else. He becomes close friends with him, growing to trust him outside of their Alliance-related relationship. Though his feelings deepen, both regulations and fear of rejection prevent him from ever acting upon them, and he is content to just be friends.
Recruited all potential companions/allies.
Saved the entire colony on Feros.
Released the Rachni Queen on Noveria.
Spared Balak on X-57.
Talked Wrex down on Virmire.
Saved Kaidan on Virmire.
Kept Kirrahe alive on Virmire.
Told Saren that Sovereign would betray him, avoiding the first half of his boss fight.
Saved the Council.
Chose Anderson as humanity's representative.
Killed Fist himself.
Saved Rita's sister.
Intimidated Helena Blake into disbanding her gang.
Disabled the Rogue VI on Earth's Moon.
Hung up on the Council only once, after being challenged/taunted for saving the Feros colony.
Chose Renegade options in Garrus's dialogues.
Gave Tali the Geth data.
Recovered Wrex's family armor.
Completed all smaller assignments (i.e. the collection assignments or smaller tasks pertaining to NPCs).
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MORALITY (BEGINNING OF GAME): Paragade (roughly 65% paragon, 35% renegade).
MORALITY (END OF GAME): Paragade (roughly 75% paragon, 25% renegade).
COMBAT DISPOSITION: Abrasive; prefers to shoot first, but does not stand for needless violence.
GENERAL DISPOSITION: Working with Cerberus leaves him distrustful, especially after having learned of their involvement with the Akuze disaster. He adopts a pessimistic/realistic viewpoint which contributes to the worsening of his scars. He is a bit more ruthless, often intimidating and/or harming people if they don't give him what he needs (though he doesn't behave violently towards civilians). He is still tethered to his own moral code, but has experienced a drastic upheaval in that he has been stripped of the Alliance identity he's maintained for the past 11 years.
He also somewhat blames himself for the destruction of the SR-1, a fact that is only worsened as the game progresses, since it's shown that Harbinger has a direct interest in him. This causes him to adopt a mindset wherein he feels that the only way to keep his crew safe is by eliminating threats at their source. Because of this, he will often seek revenge and/or refuse to show mercy to his enemies (unless taking revenge would endanger civilians/innocent people, in which case he relents, though it does stress him out to do so).
He has a more positive outlook towards the end of the game, though, when he manages to free himself of the Illusive Man's influence and reminds himself of who he is.
RELATIONSHIPS: Though wounded by Kaidan's distrust on Horizon, he does understand it. However, due to working with Cerberus, he is generally distrustful towards people and thus does not establish a solid support system as he did before. His friendship deepens with both Garrus and Joker, and he finds new friends in Kasumi, Samara, and Thane.
Recruited all potential companions/allies.
Completed all loyalty missions successfully.
Maintained cooperation between all companions.
Installed all Normandy upgrades (aside from the Med-Bay upgrade).
Saved Maelon's data.
Destroyed the Geth heretics.
Saved the entire SR-2 crew from the Collectors.
Destroyed the Collector Base.
Everyone survived the suicide mission.
Completed all DLC/lesser assignments.
Sent David to Grissom Academy.
Let Veetor go with Tali.
Got Kal'Reegar to stand down.
Set the memorial at the SR-1 crash site.
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MORALITY (BEGINNING OF GAME): Paragade (roughly 75% paragon, 25% renegade).
MORALITY (END OF GAME): Renegon (roughly 20% paragon, 80% renegade).
COMBAT DISPOSITION: Violent; shows no weakness or mercy, especially with Cerberus. Does his best to avoid civilian casualties but acknowledges them as often being unavoidable.
GENERAL DISPOSITION: The invasion of the Reapers despite his warnings causes Shepard a great deal of stress. Dealing with his stresses alone while also having his worst fears realized causes him to become more abrasive. As the war progresses, his patience grows thinner and thinner, especially as the expectations placed upon him seem to only grow in magnitude. Hardened by the obvious fact that his word only matters when it conveniences others, he adopts a colder personality. He detaches himself from the war, unable to psychologically handle the stress otherwise, and views things in black and white.
However, he is not evil, and is in fact often overburdened with his own sense of empathy and responsibility. The major shift in his psyche occurs on Thessia, as he holds himself completely responsible for the deaths after his defeat—both on and off the planet. After this defeat, his taste for revenge which began in ME2 grows stronger, as he knows that the only way to truly put things to rest between himself and Kai Leng would be to kill him.
He struggles with his morality, too, as combat inevitably becomes his only outlet; this subsequently causes a subconscious inclination towards violence, as it is one of his only methods of release. He is prone to violent reactions in the face of adversaries, though he does not act without thought (with the exception of the Omega DLC, where he restarted the reactor without hesitation despite the consequences; this was because he refused to allow Cerberus to try and get the upper hand on him again by manipulating his qualities).
NOTE: It's important that I emphasize his shift towards Renegade is a direct result of his traumas/their aftermath. He is not by any means intended to be a "cruel for the sake of it" kind of charcter.
RELATIONSHIPS: Despite his inner turmoil, Shepard actually develops closer relationships over the course of the war, partially because he recognizes that he may never otherwise get the chance. His closest friends are Garrus, Joker, and EDI. He initiates a romantic relationship with Kaidan, which is maintained even after the game's ending.
Chose Paragon options in the conversations with Kaidan on Mars; automatically had his trust by the end of Priority: Citadel (II).
Revealed the Shroud sabotage to Eve and Wrex.
Disabled the Geth fighter squadrons.
Saved Admiral Koris.
Brokered peace between the Geth and the Quarians.
Saved the Rachni Queen a second time.
Achieved the Destroy Ending with necessary TMS to get the bonus scene, thus confirming his survival.
Rescued Grissom Academy's students.
Saved Samara on Lesuss.
Killed both his clone and Brooks in the Citadel DLC.
Held a revenge-driven/hostile attitude during the Omega DLC.
Restarted the reactor (Renegade interrupt) during the Omega DLC.
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dragonflight203 · 7 months
Mass Effect 1 replay, part two of Virmire:
-Kirrahe’s speech is as brilliant as the first time I heard it. I don’t recognize most of the references in it and I still get pumped up.
-Both Kirrahe and Tali refer to the geth as Saren’s geth.
The can be taken the same way Saren’s men would be – i.e., they’re his troops.
However, given the geth’s history my first instinct was to take it as the geth are Saren’s property.
Am I over thinking this? Almost certainly. Is it fun to play with? Considering Noveria had Benezia packing the geth as her luggage, yes.
-Kirrahe refers to the geth as Saren’s in your first meeting with him, when you ask how he knows the facility is Saren’s.
-Tali: This world is beautiful. Too bad it’s been contaminated by Saren and his geth.
-The first time Shepard runs into indoctrinated Salarians, the squad recognizes them for what they are. Logical: By this point you’ve at least done Feros or Noveria, and both inform you about indoctrination.
-Huh. If you come in through the (absurdly large) sewers, the salarian prisoners were permitted to keep their guns. Convenient, since they attack you if let out.
-The salarian commando in the sewer prisoner cells says he’s been captured for six days. He’s already mostly indoctrinated.
The neutral is to not let him out.
If you leave him locked in, it’s two renegade points. If you free him, it’s 8 paragon points.
-If you let him out, all the cells open. Why? That can’t be the norm for the prison – in the other set of prison cells we see, one door at a time can be opened.
-There are couple of indoctrinated salarians in the lab area at the bottom of the elevator, between the two entrances. Were they performing research?
-If you go renegade, the salarian commando in the other set of cells says he’s not indoctrinated because he was the control subject.
We know Saren’s researching indoctrination, so this is possibly true.
Is he still probably indoctrinated? Most likely.
It’s a shame we never learn what happened to him.
-The neutral is to let him out.
It’s 9 renegade points if you leave him locked in. It’s 2 paragon points if you free him.
It’s strange how this compare to the other imprisoned salarian. The “correct” option gets you fewer points that the “wrong” option. In both cases the neutral is the “correct” choice.
-This is the first mention that Saren may not understand indoctrination.
-The docile prisoners are a very interesting choice. Knowing what we do of indoctrination, they should be killed – but leaving them there or killing them still feels morally wrong.
-If you free them, you can speak to them. They’re subtitled as slaves. Oof.
-In an early conversation with Wrex, he says there are no salarian scientists. ME1 already proves him wrong – Dr. Droyas, the one researching krogan breeding for Saren, is a scientist.
I think this speaks more to Wrex’s despondency in ME1 than anything. He knows damn well there are krogan scientists. He just doesn’t consider them to matter because he’s lost all hope for the krogan’s future.
-There are husks in the krogan breeding lab too. What do they have to do with krogan breeding? This place is huge – Saren couldn’t make room for another lab?
It is interesting to observe that Saren was studying husks too, however.
There’s also a geth terminal in the back of the lab, for who knows what.
-Did Saren build this facility or find and repurpose it?
Even with the technology of Mass Effect, it feels too large for him to have had built in such a short time. If construction were that easy, people wouldn’t live in prefabricated trailers and bases.
-Rana is studying indoctrination, but she also seems to believe Sovereign is just a ship. Saren really did tell her as little as possible.
-And here’s the first mention that Saren might not control the indoctrination process, and might be affected by it.
-Rana gives the time frame of indoctrination as days to week. It works fast.
Note: Shepard spends about two days asleep next door to a Reaper artifact in Arrival. He was probably well on his way to getting full blown indoctrinated by the end of it.
Am I saying the indoctrination theory is what Bioware intended? No, I don’t think it was. Am I saying they laid a lot of groundwork to make it plausible? Very much so.
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soldiermom1973 · 2 years
N7 Month, Day 1 - Space
Some short Allie & Kaidan fluff.  You can also read it on AO3. . . . . . . One thing Allie loved to do when she was on another planet and had time was look at the night sky.  Feros was no different.  Her post-mission work always took priority – filing reports, checking her crew, cleaning her gear, and, in this case, keeping an eye on the people she just saved.  When Dr. Chakwas asked for at least one day to montior the people in there, Allie readily agreed, hoping she'd have some time to take a peek at another alien sky. As soon as her 'commander' duties were done, Allie carefully made her way back to the skyway.  She had enough sense to wear her kit and have her weapons on her back, but she was still pretty sure she'd be ok.  Still, her eyes darted around the wrecked vehicles watching for movement and her ears pricked at the smallest sounds.  She didn't wander too far from the garage door before taking up a spot against the railing and looked upward.  A disappointed sigh left her lips – there was too much cloud cover to really see anything. “Hey, Joker, any idea when the weather's supposed to clear down here?” she paged her pilot. There was a moment's pause before the sass-in-chief replied.  “Sorry, Commander, they didn't include weather forecasting in my pilot's training.  If you give me a minute, I can give my magic 8-ball a shake.” “Well, talk to Pressly, then.  I'm pretty sure he's got some experience with weather patterns.”  Allie clicked off her comms and shook her head.  She gave the sky another wistful gaze and debated whether or not to head back inside when a familiar voice made her smile. “Is this spot taken, Commander?” Kaidan asked, gesturing to the empty space beside her. “It's yours if you want it, LT,” Allie grinned at him, then turned her attention back to the sky, hoping for even a small break in the clouds. “See anything interesting?” Kaidan asked. Allie glanced at him and said, “Depends on the direction I'm looking.”  She chuckled when she noticed him rub the back of the neck.  She had a feeling if there was better lighting, his cheeks would be flushed, too. “Seriously, though, I was hoping for a view of the stars.  There's just too much cloud cover,” she said. “Yeah, it'd be nice to see the same sky the Protheans did, right?” Kaidan asked.  He leaned over the railing and laced his fingers together.  “Though I suppose the sky looked a little different 50,000 years ago.” “The stars would, yes, but it's still the same sun.  The same moon.  And even if it wasn't cloudy, I have a feeling all that dust would be hard to see through, too.” Kaidan hummed in response, but didn't say anything else.  Usually Allie preferred to be alone with her stargazing, but she enjoyed the lieutenant's amicable silence as they both stared at the sky.
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birdylion · 11 months
Music Tag Game Rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people.
I don't have an "on repeat" playlist, I don't have playlists at all, so I just shuffled all the music that's stored on my phone. Which is not all the music I listen to, but well.
Feros, from the Mass Effect Soundtrack
2. Welcome Home (Sanitarium) by Metallica, Cover by Apocalyptica
3. Perfection Or Vanity, by Dimmu Borgir
4. Princess Leia's Theme, Star Wars episode IV
5. Tinta, by Faun
6. Highway Star, by Deep Purple, in the cover version in Lang Belta from The Expanse
7. Asp Hole, by Rik Schaffer
8. Merseburger Zaubersprüche, by In Extremo
9. The End Run (Alternate), from the Mass Effect 2 soundtrack - the song is a mashup of "Hearts of Courage" by Two Steps from Hell and the rhythm of another song from the soundtrack
10. Protector Of The Common Folk, by Howard Shore
I feel the rules of this game where made for people more interactive than I am - I'm not sure I know 10 people, let alone who play these games. I'm tagging ... @caffeespresso, @shakespearerants, @asherlockstudy, @bumblebee-and-tea and @astronicht - I'd be curious what you're listening to, but as always, no pressure.
And if you're not listed here but would like to play the game, please do, and tag me (or not, as you like). I love getting to know new music through other people.
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charlie-shepard · 3 months
The Basics
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Full Name: Charlotte Vivian Shepard (Nickname: Charlie)
Class: Soldier
Weapons: M-76 Revenant assault rifle, N7 Crusader shotgun, N7 Valiant sniper rifle, N7 Hurricane submachine gun, M-77 Paladin pistol (more info →)
Armor: N7 Ajax Armor (more info →)
Pre-Service History: Earthborn
Psychological Profile: Ruthless
Morality/Alignment: Mostly Renegade
Love Interest: Kaidan Alenko (more info →)
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Height: 5’6”
Body Type: muscular, athletic, sturdy
Eyes: light blue/gray
Hair: blonde, straight, a few inches past shoulder-length (she keeps it in a messy bun most of the time and she’ll throw hairpins into it for extra hold during missions and assignments)
Tattoos: 8 total on various parts of her body; she gets most redone after Cerberus rebuilds her and gets a new one after the Reapers are defeated (diagram →)
Piercings: various piercings on her right ear and two on her left earlobe (diagram →)
Scars: one on her right cheek and other assorted scars on her body (all are healed after Cerberus rebuilds her), she gains additional scars after being rebuilt, despite her cybernetic enhancements.
Birthmarks/freckles: small beauty mark above the left side of her lip, light dusting of freckles on her shoulders
Typical makeup style: black, heavy eye makeup
Typical clothing style: she usually just wears her Alliance-issue uniform pants and a plain tank top/t-shirt (and an Alliance/Spectre/N7 hoodie)
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Charlie’s mother gave birth to her on on April 11, 2154, in a prison in New York (United North American States, Earth), and she was put into the foster system. She bounced around from home to home (in New York City) over the years, and when she was 12, she ran away and lived on the streets for a year before the Tenth Street Reds took her in. Her time with the Reds started out well, despite the various crimes they had her committing, but as the years went by and her crimes became more serious, she grew to hate the gang. When she was framed for murder just before she turned 18, she jumped at Anderson’s offer to join the Alliance instead of going to prison. Charlie thrived in the Alliance, and quickly established herself as a soldier who would do whatever it took to get the job done, no matter the cost. After the raid on Torfan in 2178, she was asked to join the N7 program and accepted. After her training, she mostly performed high-risk missions with other N7s, never staying with one team for too long, until she was assigned to the SSV Normandy in 2183.
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Charlie’s pretty much a grump. She’s ornery, sarcastic, stubborn, uses dry humor, curses a lot, and is generally not the nicest person. She was always like this, but losing her boyfriend and almost her entire squad on Torfan just makes her even more unpleasant. She’s not the easiest person to get along with, but when she gets comfortable around someone she starts to let her walls down and lightens up. She’s very protective of those she cares about, and will do almost anything to keep them alive. Charlie is intelligent, determined, brave, a (calculated) risk taker, and one of the best—if not the best—marksman in the Alliance, all of which make her a very good soldier.
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Mass Effect 1:
Fist killed by Wrex (Citadel: Expose Saren)
Nirali Bhatia’s body returned to her husband (Citadel: Homecoming)
colony on Feros saved, Shiala lived 
Rachni queen killed 
Finch allowed to live (Citadel: Old Friends)
helped Sha'ira (Citadel: Asari Consort)
helped Garrus find Dr. Saleon
Major Kyle taken in alive (UNC: Major Kyle)
let Tali copy geth data for her pilgrimage
helped Wrex get his family’s armor
let Balak go to save hostages (Bring Down the Sky DLC)
Wrex survived Virmire, Rana Thanoptis killed, Kaidan saved
saved the Council during the battle with Sovereign
Udina became Councilor  
Mass Effect 2:
Veetor taken into custody (Freedom’s Progress)
refused Council’s offer to re-join Spectres
gave Jack access to Cerberus files (Dossier: The Convict)
Grunt released from his tank
cybernetic scars healed
Alpha Relay destroyed (Arrival DLC)
helped Liara find the Shadow Broker (Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC)
Eldfell-Ashland refinery liberated from the Blue Suns (Zaeed: The Price of Revenge)
Keiji Okuda’s graybox destroyed (Kasumi: Stealing Memory)
Jack killed Aresh (Jack: Subject Zero)
Maelon killed, data saved (Mordin: Old Blood)
Ronald Taylor left to be attacked by survivors (Jacob: The Gift of Greatness)
Garrus killed Sidonis
Charlie killed Talid (Thane: Sins of the Father)
Morinth killed (Samara: The Ardat Yakshi)
Tali exonerated, evidence against her father kept a secret
David Archer taken to Grissom Academy (Overlord DLC)
Legion recruited, geth heretic station destroyed
Collector base destroyed, all crew members rescued, all squad members were loyal and survived
Mass Effect 3:
Dr. Chakwas rejoined the crew
Diana Allers joined the crew
Grissom Academy students rescued, used in a support role
Mordin died curing the genophage
Thane killed during the Cerberus attack on the Citadel
Kaidan rejoined the crew
Javik recruited (From Ashes DLC)
prevented Legion from uploading Reaper code, Legion killed, geth collective defeated by quarians
Samara prevented from committing suicide
Rachni breeder left to die, Grunt survived the Rachni (Attican Traverse: Krogan Team)
Leviathans provided aid in the war (Leviathan DLC)
Ex-Cerberus scientists saved (Arrae: Ex-Cerberus Scientists)
Balak allowed to live again, batarian fleet committed to war effort (Citadel: Batarian Codes)
helped Aria take back Omega, General Petrovsky killed (Omega DLC)
Charlie’s clone was stopped, Maya Brooks killed (Citadel DLC)
Miranda and Oriana survived Horizon, Miranda killed their father
Cortez survived crash, squad survived Harbinger’s beam
Reapers destroyed, Charlie barely survived
0 notes
thecomicsnexus · 7 months
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February 2024
By Sophie Campbell, Kevin Eastman , Vincenzo Federici, Fero Pe, Ronda Pattison, and Shawn Lee.
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The Turtles try to help each other across time to stop Armaggon. Donnie discovers what the mutant shark's ultimate destination is.
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I love Zero Hour. Someone already did a fan comic copying that saga into the Turtleverse, and it's... a thing. And I really hope this isn't going in the same direction.
It's a strange feeling. This last arc is more focused on the Turtles, but the Turtles themselves are not focused. The plot in the present is probably going somewhere, just not yet, and the plot in the future... makes me wonder if this was a story that could have been told in three issues and had to be extended.
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I imagine Jennika will come back before the end from the bus she was put on... I assume. But at least now Mikey is back with Leo.
You have to consider that this arc is also acting as the conclusion of a 50-issue story (that was meant to be only 12). So perhaps this is one of those situations were you have to read-binge the whole run to appreciate what is happening.
Spoilers after the break...
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Since we are going to feudal Japan, I wonder if they will finally revisit how Krang took QNA from the Hamatos after their deaths. And even if Armaggon killed them before they die... I guess the QNA would still ensure their return?
Unless of course, Armaggon kills Saki, which would be kind of genius:
Saki would reincarnate again under a different identity.
The Hamatos would possibly be killed later in life? Or maybe die of old age?
The implications of killing Saki could result in an "Age of Apocalypse" if you think about it.
But I have to assume that they are not trying to create a temporary timeline, or a reboot with this. As disorganized as this universe is right now, I don't think I have the mental capacity to deal with a new origin this year :p
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shalalalalaw · 2 years
Do your Guardians have an affinity to any of the hostile factions?
HMM, that depends on if you mean affinity for killing them or getting along...
Feros has a long nursed hatred for the Hive, he was there for Burning Lake and Mare Imbrium and that's where he lost his first fireteam and saw far too many Guardians die at Crota's hand, and he's become very good at cutting them down since.
He also has a... complicated relationship with the Eliksni. In the beginning of his life as a Guardian, one of his biggest fears was to see humanity fall like they did, lose their home and all they've struggled to pull from the ashes of the Collapse and the Eliksni reminded him of that possibility every single day. It's not the case anymore, there's more hope to be had.
Schala has always just been friendly with some Eliksni Houses whether they like it or not. Sometimes to everyone else's ire. On the other side of the coin, she enjoys throwing wrenches in the plans of the Vex.
✌️throwing this back at you now, gimme the lore!
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bernamegeh · 10 months
Ben Fero Kimdir, Hayatı
Rapçi ve söz yazarı Ben Fero ya da gerçek ismiyle Ferhat Yılmaz 25 Şubat 1991 tarihinde Almanya’ya bağlı Bonn’da doğdu. Babası Trabzonlu, annesi ise Sivaslıdır. 1994 yılında ailesiyle birlikte Türkiye’ye dönerek İzmir’e yerleşti. 8 yaşındayken Tupac dinleyerek rap müzikle tanıştı. Sabancı Üniversitesi’nin İşletme bölümünü bitirdi. Nisan 2018’de ilk şarkısı Mahallemiz Esmer ile çıkış…
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cepetriwrites · 1 year
Into the Storm - Chapter 8 - Aegon II
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Helaena always found her sister Rhaenyra and brother-in-law Laenor more attentive to her than her own parents. As a young child she hopes to marry Jace in order to join gain them as parents. As she grows older she realizes a dark truth, there is a storm coming. With two rising factions threatening to tear apart her family and homeland, she comes up with a solution that can ensure everyone's survival. A marriage between her and Jace, but is such a union even possible with her grandfather's power grab and mother's hatred?
In an effort to create goodwill between all of his children and grandchildren Viserys had ordered them to share septons. Most days Aegon spent at least half the day with his brother and nephews. History lessons, math, manners, literature, sword practice, dragon training. After a day of lessons he couldn’t catch a reprieve because the Red Keep often threw feasts they all had to attend and sit at the same table together. Father’s plan had… varying success depending on the day and occasion. 
Aegon, as the oldest, found all of them annoying and childish, except when they weren’t. He was never bitter towards them despite how many times their mother raved that their birthright had been stolen. Aemond, however, was starting to feel bitter, which was stupid because even without Rhaenyra, Aemond wouldn’t ever sit the throne. 
“What birthright? I’m the oldest, Aemond.” Aegon gleefully reminded him when he was parroting mother’s words.
“I’d be second in line!”
“ Third .” Helaena said, there was an edge to her voice Aegon hadn’t heard before. She stared him down, waiting for a response. The tension becoming thick enough to cut with a knife. Helaena was the peacemaker of the family, she resolved any fighting and did her hardest to keep the peace between their two families. Aegon didn’t know what to do when their mediator was in a fight. He should say something but his brain was empty. The tension was finally broken when a servant came to fetch them for sword training. He openly sighed in relief when that happened. 
Aegon had foolishly assumed Aemond would be wise enough to not repeat such rants in front of their sister again. Alas, Aemond was not as smart as their family believed him to be. Their mother criticized Aegon for being oblivious to the future threats Rhaenyra’s claim held, for not paying attention to court politics. Yet Aemond was so blind he didn’t recognize the impressive grave he was digging with their sister. Helaena was obviously bristling at Aemond blatantly disregarding her in the succession. She was Aemond’s best friend and the fool was creating a rift for what? A higher place in line to a throw he’d never get. A nicer, more mature sibling would step in and advise Aemond to get his head out of his ass. Unfortunately they only had the one, and Aemond was pissing her off. 
Usually their dance lessons were a disaster because one of the boys started a fight. Their instructor Master Feros had to pull in servants half the time because when Helaena was the only available girl everyone had to take turns with her, or pair off with their brother or nephew. When the latter happened someone, usually Aegon, would decide to make some light hearted remarks and sometimes arguing or fighting broke out. 
Was it annoying? For them. Did their Master beg him to stop? Yes. But getting a rise out of people was fun, and his thing. Besides he didn’t want his instructor to know he was starting to find dance interesting. Helaena being the only one who took this class seriously had an unexpected event, her footwork skills were excellent. During their private sparring Helaena would sometimes teach him dances. It was even fun, sometimes. Aemond was throwing the balance of their sibling dynamics out of order. 
“Lightly! As if you’re dancing on air. You’re stomping around as if you’re a commoner dancing on a tavern table in flea bottom.” Feros snapped at Luke and Aemond.
Helaena nudged Aegon for snickering, “They dance on tables? That sounds kind of fun. Could you show us one?”
Master Feros gave an offended sniff, “Such common dances would debase someone of your status.” He clapped his hands together, “Again.”
Aegon thought nothing of the exchange, until Helaena was in his bedchamber at the Hour of the Ghosts. “Do you want to go see the dancing in Flea Bottom?”
Aegon rubbed sleep from his eyes, “Helaena they’ll never let us go there, the only way would be for us to sneak… ohhh,” realization hit Aegon. “Who are you and what have you done with my sister? Can you stay?”
She yanked his blankets off, “Stop fooling around and get dressed.”
Aegon climbed out of bed, “Helaena wait, we can’t go in our regular clothes, they’ll spot us. We need commoner clothes.” 
Helaena thought for a moment, “I have an idea.” 
They crept through the palace as quiet as mice. The halls were mostly empty, aside from the odd servant and patrols. Aegon had saved them from discovery by grabbing Helaena’s had and yanking her back. He kept a tight grip on her hand the rest of the way to the laundry room. They found a couple shirts and pants, none of which properly fit, and caps to cover their silver hair. Then they stumbled around trying to find the best exit to take, then trying to make their way through the winding city to a tavern where the smallfolk danced on tables.
Aegon had never seen the city like this, it was filthier, noisier, more vibrant than the sheltered way he had been paraded through the city streets. People shouted their names and wished them good fortune. Now they paid no attention to the wide-eyed brother and sister walking through the streets. His sister stayed pressed to his side in the crowded nightlife of the city streets.  “Aegon,” his sister pointed to a couple in the alleyway. “What are they doing?”
The woman had her back pressed to the way, her skirt was pushed up, revealing her bare legs, which were wrapped around the waist of the man. His hands were gripping her waist, and she was being moved up and down rhythmically. He should look away, but he didn’t want to, it made him feel queer, and he liked it. “I think they’re … babymaking.” 
Helaena gasped, “That’s how they do it?” They kept staring, “Do you think the wall is important?” They both laughed and took off down the street.
There was an amateur performance being performed in the streets, every actor had on splotchy white foundation, and bright rouge circles on their cheeks. One actor danced around the stage narrating the play. If one could call it a play, about the Targaryens, and who should have the throne. They had two dark hair actors who were Rhaenyra’s Baratheon children, everyone laughed at the thinly veiled insult. Though it earned him an elbow to the ribs from Helaena. He wasn’t laughing when they were portrayed as whining spoiled babes, with a mother who had an icy “... personality.”
“The theatre in the palace and on the streets are two very different styles.” Helaena said as they walked away.
“That was stupid. Let’s go to a tavern.” 
The tavern, called The Flying Pig, was bustling despite the late hour, most tables were occupied by patrons. “They’re not dancing,” Helaena pouted
“Those musicians are eating, they’ll probably start again.” The room smelled of smoke, ale, and roasted meat. It made Aegon’s stomach growl, he patted his pocket and realized he had not brought any coin with. He wandered off to a table where a group of men were playing cards, a stack of coins were in the middle. 
“What are you playing?” Helaena asked one man.
“Rummy,” he grunted, flicking another coin to the pile. 
Aegon groaned internally, she had enough presence of mind to orchestrate sneaking out of the keep, but not enough to know she shouldn’t be bothering strange men gambling in a tavern in the middle of the night. When no one was paying attention, Aegon picked up an unsupervised mug and drank from it. He threw Helaena a wink and she bit her lips trying not to react. Aegon almost wretched after his first sip, this ale was a very different quality than they served at dinner. He put it back. 
There were cheers and groans at the table as a man with salt n pepper hair and scarred knuckles scooped up his earnings. “I’m confused,” Helaena’s voice rose above the noise. “What was the card for?”
“What are ye on about?” Asked the winner, still beaming at his winnings.
“The card up your sleeve, you didn’t use it.” Everything stopped and a tense silence settled over the tavern. Aegon’s stomach dropped, why Helaena, she was on the other side of the table with multiple men in between them. 
Before the accused could defend himself someone grabbed his arm and pulled a card out from the sleeve. “Cheat!” Someone cried out.
“You little bitch, I’ll cut your tongue out!” He lunged at her and grabbed her shoulder, Helaena started shrieking. Aegon grabbed a mug from the table and hurled it full force at the man. It shattered against his shoulder. Chaos broke out as everyone started swinging and shouting. 
“Helaena!” Aegon shouted, trying to elbow his way through the brawl. “Bite him!” A table crashed to the ground. Something hit him and he hit the ground. Before he showed the thing off, he realized it was sister. “Come on get up!”
Someone grabbed at Helaena and she screamed, knocking them across the face with an object. Aegon hauled her off the floor and they ran out of the tavern, not stopping until they were a few streets away and ducked behind an alley. He was relieved they were alive and unstabbed, his body ached from being bumped and jostled by the brawl. “Oh no,” Helaena said, Aegon cringed, wondering which of the patrons had found them. He looked at Helaena, she was holding up a small pouch. “I took his money.” 
Aegon laughed in relief and pulled himself up, “Come on, let’s go spend it.” The nightlife was winding down to his disappointment. He and his sister decided to visit another tavern, he handed a coin to the server asking for one ale. The woman gave them a queer look, but clearly decided she didn’t want to question if two young children had procured the money through savory means.
“Do you have any sweets?” Helaena asked.
“I’ve got some leftover apple hand pies from our bakery, they’re stale.” 
“Yes please!” Helaena slid a second coin to her, “For your troubles.” The server smiled and returned with a couple stale treats and a mug of ale for the two of them. It tasted like bitter bread, and every sip made them flinch in disgust, by the time they finished the mug, its flavor had improved. The hand pies were much better. Aegon felt light and happy when they left the tavern, tired as well. He had noticed his side stung, since after they had left the first tavern. As they walked back he pressed his hand to his side and it came away wet.  He held his fingers up to a torchlight, they were red. He swore.
“What?” Helaena gasped when she saw the fingers. “Oh no! Crap! Crap!”
Aegon lifted his shirt, discovered there was a small hole, and a small cut, still oozing a bit of blood, surrounded by dried blood. He felt woozy, he had never been cut like this. Thoughts raced through his head, he looked at his sister, neither child knew what to do, but with a silent look there was a shared consensus: mom could not find out. “I think it needs stitches, it won’t stop bleeding.”
“I have a sewing basket in my room.” 
They quickly made their way back to the palace and managed to slip in without detection. The Red Keep had not yet started its daily activities. Up to Helaena’s room they went, she got out her basket and heated her needle in a candle’s flame. Aegon rubbed soap against her thread, then his skin. 
Helaena sewed him shut with shaking hands, Aegon cried out in pain and started swearing. “Keep quiet! You’re going to get us caught!”
“Stop sewing so slowly! It hurts! Seven Hells.”
“The wound keeps bleeding! It makes it hard!” His sister kept going, wiping at the blood after every stitch. Aegon groaned into hands, to muffle the sound. After an eternity Helaena tied off the last stitch. He looked at his wound, ten stitches now closed it tight. He had tears in his eyes.
“Will I live?”
Helaena looked at him, and in her most serious voice answered, “No.”
They both started quietly giggling, Aegon dropped the shirt. “I’ll sneak back to my room.” He paused at her door, “Sword fighting, sneaking out, stitching up wounds, I never thought you’d turn out to be fun.”
“You too.”
Aegon managed to make it to his room. He took off his street clothes, stuffed them under his bed, and slipped into bed. He didn’t know how he would fall asleep, he still felt his fingers shake from the excitement of their wild night out. It felt as if a whole new world had been discovered. One of adventure and danger. One he wanted to revisit again soon.
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spacenutspod · 1 year
Imagine a living star with a magnetic field at least 100,000 times stronger than Earth’s field. That’s the strange stellar object HD 45166. Its field is an incredible 43,000 Gauss. That makes it a new type of object: a massive magnetic helium star. In a million years, it’s going to get even stranger when it collapses and becomes a type of neutron star called a “magnetar”. According to astronomer Tomer Shenar (University of Amsterdam), HD 45166 provides clues to the creation of magnetars. He’s the head of a team looking at this strange object. Their observations show that this object is no ordinary massive star. Instead, they think it is what’s left after the merger of two lower-mass helium stars. “Some of their mass was lost during the merging process,” he said in an email. “The result is this heavily magnetized helium star which mimics the core of a star that was originally 8 times more massive than our Sun—massive enough to explode as a supernova and collapse into a neutron star.” This artist’s impression shows a highly unusual star destined to become one of the most magnetic objects in the Universe: a variant of a neutron star known as a magnetar. It will explode as a supernova, the core will contract, and concentrate the star’s already daunting magnetic field lines to create the magnetar. Courtesy NOIRLAB. The newly formed helium object is a highly evolved Wolf-Rayet star. Before it becomes a magnetar, it has to go through some more changes. Stellar evolution models suggest that it will eventually explode as a type Ib or IIb supernova. As it collapses under its own gravity, the already-strong magnetic field will grow. Eventually, the object will become a very compact core with a magnetic field of around 100 trillion Gauss. That would make it one of the most powerful types of magnet in the Universe: a magnetar. Studying the Progenitor for Clues HD 45166 is actually a stellar pair, of which the Wolf-Rayet star is one member. Astronomers have observed it for more than a century, but its strange characteristics defied explanation. Shenar and research colleague Julia Bodensteiner (of Katholieke Universiteit in the Netherlands) decided to look more deeply into its oddities. “This star became a bit of an obsession of mine,” said Shenar, who has studied other helium-rich stars. He began to wonder if a strong magnetic field could explain what he and others knew about this object. Magnetic fields play an important role in events and objects throughout the universe. They certainly influence behavior throughout a star’s life. So, it’s not surprising to consider magnetic fields when confronted with a stellar mystery. “I remember having a Eureka moment while reading the literature: ‘What if the star is magnetic?’” said Shenar. To research that idea, and to see if this object is a proto-magnetar, Shenar and his colleagues requested and got time on several telescopes. The main observations occurred in February 2022. The team used an instrument on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope that can detect and measure magnetic fields. They also relied on archival data taken with the Fiber-fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph (FEROS) at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. That’s how the team found out the star had a magnetic field strength of 43 kiloGauss. “The entire surface of the helium star has a magnetic field almost 100,000 times stronger than Earth’s,” said team member Pablo Marchant, an astronomer at KU Leuven’s Institute of Astronomy in Belgium. This observation marks the discovery of the very first massive magnetic helium star. “It is exciting to uncover a new type of astronomical object,” says Shenar, ”especially when it’s been hiding in plain sight all along.” How Do Magnetars Form? The discovery of HD 45166’s strange origins gives another tantalizing clue to the origins of magnetars. These objects are really strange denizens of the cosmic zoo. Magnetars are neutron stars, the hot leftovers from the deaths of supermassive stars. Essentially, neutron stars are the cores of the once-living supermassive stars. They’re no longer stars with nuclear fusion going on in their cores. Instead, these beasts are spinning spheres of condensed neutrons packed together incredibly tightly. All that mass has very strong gravity. And, something inside is generating a magnetic field that is trillions of times stronger than Earth’s. An artist’s view of a highly magnetized neutron star, a magnetar. It’s thought that these objects have solid surfaces and suffer eruptions when their magnetic fields are disturbed. Credit: Carl Knox/ OzGrav Magnetars go one step further and generate magnetic fields a thousand times stronger (at least) than their progenitor neutron stars. The process probably comes from a magnetohydrodynamic process in conducting “fluids” inside the star. This is roughly similar to what happens in the turbulent center of our planet. Like their neutron star predecessors, magnetars likely have solid, crusty surfaces. Astronomers continue to probe these objects for clues to the origins of their hefty magnetic fields. As far back as 2009, they entertained the idea that stellar mergers could create conditions for such strong fields. According to Shenar, the origin of the magnetic field in HD 45166 probably goes back to the process that created the proto-magnetar. It gave rise to the hefty magnetic field, which he says “got frozen” into the layers of the star. That field will be the hallmark of the future magnetar. At least 29 known magnetars exist in the Milky Way Galaxy, visible to us through their X-ray and gamma-ray emissions. Eventually, the magnetic fields relax and fade and the emissions stop. That leaves behind a dead core. It’s likely that our galaxy likely has tens of millions of inactive magnetars. For More Information New Type of Star Gives Clues to Mysterious Origin of MagnetarsHow Mergers Magnetise Massive StarsA Massive Helium Star with a Sufficiently Strong Magnetic Field to Form a Magnetar The post Is This How You Get Magnetars? appeared first on Universe Today.
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rausule · 1 year
Doen afr. Don my gee lt. Lt. Impa, ek sal leer
. Van die Latynse facĕre, fuomo faerĕ fanna, famma waaruit reeds in die afd. VI lei die gekontrakteerde vorm doen af ​​na analogie van gee. Baie gebruik in D., dit dek byna al die semantiese gebied wat die woord in die moderne taal oorheers. In D., en in antieke Italiaans in die algemeen, is die perifrastiese gebruike van f egter baie meer gereeld, nie net deur grammatikale redes gemotiveer nie, maar ook deur 'n "neiging van die mentaliteit van daardie tydperk om idees eerder as aksies uit te lig" (Corti). Die teenwoordigheid van F. in D. se werk beloop hulle 2061: Ryp 130; twyfelagtige rympies 38; Nuwe lewe 138; Convivium 396; Hel 332; Vagevuur 319; Paradys 348; Blom 330; Gesê 30. Wat die vorme betref, speel D. op die afwisseling van argaïese of literêre tradisievorme met ander, natuurlik vir die Florentyne van sy tyd. Faccio (facciovi) seëvier bo fo, analoog van 'do', 'sto', wat nooit in die Komedie verskyn nie, terwyl dit algemeen voorkom in die Fiore. Foe is slegs in Vn XXIII 31 en XXXI 5. Fai (fa') is die mees gebruikte vorm; faci, van liries-Siciliaanse invloed, is slegs in If X 16 en XIV 135, en in rym. Fa (fassene, fassi) is die vorm wat tans gebruik word; gesig, "Sicilianisme meer as Latinisme" (Contini), is skaars, en meestal in rym. Die epitetiese vorms fae (Vn XXI 6, XXVIII 2, Cv II V 15), fane (Rime CXVI 34) is geïsoleer. Kom ons doen dit is slegs in Cv IV XXII 3, terwyl D. elders tare, farem, skaars gebruik. Die lot is die enigste vorm van die II meervoud, en slegs een facen (Pd IX 78), teruggestuur deur Petrocchi, is teen die voortdurende gebruik van kos (fannomi), fan (fansi).
Facea, wat slegs in die Komedie voorkom, en facei (Pd XIX 69) is die enigste vorme van die I en II enkelsnit. van die onvolmaakte; facea (faceasi), en facia, in Siciliaanse rym (Vn XXXIV 8 4), seëvier bo fa, skaars in die Komedie, en elders slegs in Fiore XXVIII 4. Faceano, facean kom meer gereeld voor as fatti, fain, altyd in die Komedie. Die vorms, van Siciliaanse oorsprong, is skaars, facien, slegs in die Komedie, facien (Rime Dubite VII 13, Fiore CCXIV 5), en faciensi (Pd XVIII 77).
Feci (fec'io, fecimi) kom meer gereeld voor as fei (fe', fe'mi, femmi), wat slegs van die Komedie is, en bowenal in rym voorkom. Facesti is die enigste vorm wat aan Dante bekend is. Gesig heers duidelik bo fé in die Convivio en in die Fiore, en het 'n minder konsekwente meerderheid in die Rime en in die Vita Nuova; ontlasting (feceli, fecemi, fecesi) wissel met gelyke frekwensie af met fé (felli, femmi, fessi: 92: 89). Fée is slegs in Bl XXXII 12; féo, "bekend nie net deur lirieke digters nie, maar ook deur prosa" (Parodi), is slegs in die Komedie op rym. Féne slegs in If XVIII 87. Femmo, gebruik in If XVII 32, word afgewissel met did (If XXVI 125, XXXI 82). Faceste is slegs in Vn XXXVII 6 1. Die ouer vorme fatto en fecer word in al D. se werke verkies behalwe in die Commedia, waarin die gekontrakteerde vorme fero, fer (ferci, fersi) bo fatto, fecer (gemaak) seëvier. Fenno, met 'n Pisan-Lucca-einde, maar stewig verwerf in die literêre taal, asook in Rime CIV 55 en Cv II XI 2, verskyn tien keer in die Commedia, en slegs in twee gevalle buite rym (If XVI 21, Pg III 93). Fensi is slegs in rym (Bl X 63, Pd VII 148).
Ek sal doen (faròl, farotti), farai, fa, faremo, farem, farete, fare, faran is die enigste vorme van die toekoms wat deur D. gebruik word; die epentetiese vorm faroe is slegs in Fiore CCXXX 2. Farei (fare', farëi) word slegs in kleiner werke gebruik; faresti kom voor in Pd XXI 5, Fiore XIV 3. Farebbe wissel af met faria, wat van die liries-Siciliaanse tradisie is: die twee vorme is ekwivalent in die Convivio en in die Fiore, in die Rime kom slegs faria voor. In die Commedia het ons farebbe in Pg XXIV 9, Pd VIII 134, en faria in Pd VII 18. Farebbe is slegs in die Convivio en in die Vita Nuova; in die poësie het ons farieno (Bl XII 66) en farian (Fiore CLXIX 5).
Die einde in -e van die II enkelvoud. van die konj. pres. dit word slegs in Fiore (LIII 7, LXVII 2) aangetref, maar in die Commedia (en ook in Fiore CXXVII 6) word dit slegs facci aangetref. Doen ons vir die III enkelsnit. dit word slegs in Rime LXXXVIII 6 aangetref, terwyl dit elders altyd gesig is. In die meervoud is hulle opgeteken fare, farem, fasades (slegs in Rime LVI 24), fareno, faren (gesig daarvoor). Solo in Fiore LXXXV 7 facer.
Fessi (ek sing. vir " facessi ") is slegs in If XXXIII 59; facessi (II pers.) in Fiore CXLV 9. By die III enkelsnit. van die onvolmaakte konjunktief word dit algemeen gebruik facesse (fesse is slegs in die Commedia). Van die meervoudsvorme word facesser geïsoleerd aangetref (Pd II 67).
Fa' word opgeteken in die imperatief, dikwels met die toevoeging van 'n enklitiese voornaamwoord (falla, fallle, fagli, fagliele, fammi, fammiti, fatti, en slegs in Rime LXVIII 49 falmi), lot (fatene, Bl V 30; faitevi, Cv IV XI 12).
Die gerund kom byna altyd met 'n dubbele Toskaans voor: doen, self maak; volledig slaag. die vorme fatto, -a, -i, -e, en met apocope fatt'io, fatt'eran moet aangeteken word. Die infinitief fare, far, het 'n lang reeks enklitiese formasies: fare, farli, farle, farmi, farmisi, farti, farvi, far, farne.
In D. se werk kan die volgende betekenisse van die werkwoord onderskei word:
1. " Vervul, voer uit, bring tot 'n einde iets ": Cv I IV 5 alles wat hulle soos kinders doen; Pd XXII 9 en weet julle nie dat die hemel geheel en al heilig is nie, / en wat daar gedoen word, kom uit goeie ywer?; Fiore CCXXV 3 wil egter regtig vir elkeen wys wat sy weet hoe om te doen. Sien ook: Vn XXVIII 2, XXXIV 4, Rime Dubite XVII 5; Cv I V 11 (twee keer), VI 3, VII 6 en 9, II Voi che 'ntendendo 52, X 2 (as 'n aanvulling op die kritiese uitgawe van 'n leemte in die teks) en 5, III VIII 7 en 11, IX 3, IV IV 2, XI 14 (twee keer en XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, XXII, 7 en 11) XXVII 15, XXVIII 1 en 2; Indien XIII 85, XXVIII 107, Bl III 82 (twee keer), V 77, XIV 78, XIV 53, XIX 115, XX 82 en 85, Pd IV 102, XVII 50; Blom XLIX 14, LXXII 2, CXCIX 9; Gesê 425. Sinspeel op seksuele aksie in Fiore LXIV 14
Dit word dikwels gekontrasteer, selfs onoorganklik, met ander werkwoorde: 'n ‛ sê': Bl V 61 sê jy, en ek sal vir daardie vrede doen, ensovoorts Rime XCI 35, Vn XXIII 30, Bl XI 32, XVII 30, Pd XII 44; a ‛ vra': As XXIV 77 " Nog 'n antwoord", het hy gesê: "Ek sal jou nie teruggee / as ek dit nie doen nie...", en Pd XVII 74; a ‛ moenie': Cv III IV 6 slegs in die dinge wat in sy vermoë is om te doen of nie te doen nie; a 'ly': Bl XXV 47 een wat gewillig is om te ly en die ander om te doen; a ‛ dink ': Cv IV IX 5 bewerkings is dat sy [rede] in materie buite haarself oorweeg en doen, en so drie ander gevalle in dieselfde gedeelte uit die Convivio; aan bewind: Cv III I 9 as meer kon, meer sou ek doen.
In die besonder "om te vorm, om 'n ding in sy wese te konstitueer": Cv II V 6 en hierdie drie ordes maak die eerste hiërargie uit; Pd V 41 en stop daar binne; ché non fa scienza, / sonder om dit aan te hou, verstaan. Dus Cv II V 6 (twee keer benewens die reeds aangehaalde gedeelte), III XI 5, IV VI 3, XXIX 10 (twee keer). Ook in 'n fisiese sin, van riviere gepraat: As XIV 116 Acheron, Styx en Phlegetonta maak; XIV 119, XXX 66, Pd I 81; of astronomiese verskynsels: Pd II 67 As dit selde en gereeld voorkom, het dit soveel gedoen, en 60.
2. Dui handeling in die algemeen aan, en synde die werkwoord by uitstek kan dit enige werkwoordvorm vervang wat voorafgaan of, meer selde (slegs in D. As V 96, VII 22, Bl XXIII 2 e 16, XXVI 13) volg (‛ f. vicario '). Hierdie funksie kom gereeld voor, veral in die poësie, in modale proposisies, om lastige herhalings te vermy: As V 29 Io venni in loco d'ogne luce muto / che mughia come fa mar per tempest; Bl VIII 81 Die adder wat Melanesi opslaan, sal nie so 'n mooi begrafnis maak / as wat die haan van Gallura sou gedoen het nie. Sien dus Rime CI 33, CXIV 9; Vn XXIII 10, XXXVII 2; Cv I X 10, II IX 7, XII 4, III IX 14, XII 3, IV I 3, XXVI 14, XXVIII 5; Indien XII 25, XIV 58, XVI 22, XVII 49, XXI 135, XXII 105, XXV 141, XXX 56, XXXIII 130, XXXIV 31, Bl IV 131, IX 42, XI 12, XII 82, XXII, XXII, XXV, XXV, XXV, XXV, XXV , XXIII 2, XXIV 9 en 135, XX VI 70, XXVII 45, XXXIII 120, Pd II 17, III 94, IX 96, XI 51, XIII 14, XV 3, XVIII 38, XXVIII 11, XXX 85; Blom LI 10, C 5, CCXXXI 3.
Wanneer die f. ‛ predikant ' het 'n komplement, dit word gewoonlik gevind "in daardie geval sal dit gepas wees vir die vervangde werkwoord" (Vidossich). In D. word die komplement dikwels in 'n direkte geval aangetref: As XXV 132 li orecchie reti per la testa / come face le corna la lumaccia; Vn XXXI 10 19, If XI 104, XVIII 13, XXXII 132, Bl XXX 5, Pd XXII 56, XXIII 30, Fiore LXXII 14. Die komplement kan egter ook in skuinsgevalle voorkom: Pd IX 96 di me s'iofee, C luiii, C luiii, C, Luii,,,,,,,,,,,,, fe, che ne la mente 38 (weergegee in XIV 3), As XV 21, XXIII 8, XXXIV 31, Bl XI 12, XIII 72, XVII 58, Pd XI 51, XV 3, XVIII 38, Fiore LI 10. Ten slotte, soms word die verhouding met 'n preposisie slegs of soms 'n persoon met 'n ‛ uitgedruk. ': Bl XXIV 35 Ma come fa chi guarda e poi s'apprezza / più d' iets anders wat ek aan dié van Lucca gedoen het; Pd XVI 84 En soos die draai van die lug van die maan / rusies sonder pouse bedek en ontbloot, / so doen Fortuna van Florence. Sien dus If IX 116, Bl XIV 27, XX 81. F. ‛ vicar ' kan ook in 'n selfstandige bepaling gevind word, maar deur 'n modale bywoord gekoppel aan die een waarin die gesubstitueerde werkwoord gelees word: Vn XX 5 e tanto dura talora in costui, / che fawakar lo Spirito d'Amore. / E soortgelyke gesig in vrou omo valent; As XII 82 Is jy bewus / dat die een agter dit wat hy raak beweeg? / So maak hulle gewoonlik nie die voete van die dooies nie. Sien ook Rime LXXX 19, Vn XX 8, Cv IV XXVIII 5, Pg XXVI 124, Pd IV 80, XVI 112, Fiore XXVIII 4, CLXX 12, CCII 10, CCXIX 2.
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diarioelpepazo · 1 year
Selene Rivera En Dinamarca matan a cientos de ballenas por cumplir con una extraña tradición y en tan solo una semana van más de 500 muertes en Islas Feroe. A través de su cuenta en Twitter, Alerta Mundial compartió, en una serie de publicaciones, varias imágenes y videos de la matanza en la que se visualizan a los balleneros acorralado a las ballenas hacia la orilla. Todo esto con la intención de sacrificarlas en cumplimiento con una «tradición» que inició nuevamente a principios de este mes de junio en Islas Feroe, en Dinamarca. De acuerdo con la información suministrada por la cuenta antes mencionada, durante lo que va de temporada, desde el 8 y 14 de junio, han confirmado la muerte de más de 500 ballenas en la costa a nombre de la «tradición«. Asimismo, señala que se han contabilizado cinco capturas masivas de estos especímenes y que solo durante el miércoles se registraron 269 muertes en el puerto Vestmanna y 178 en Leynar, todo según los datos de Sea Shepherd. 🇩🇰 | LO ÚLTIMO: MASIVA MATANZA DE BALLENAS EN LAS ISLAS FEROE, EN DINAMARCA, COMO PARTE DE UNA "TRADICIÓN". CIENTOS DE BALLENEROS UTILIZAN LANCHAS PARA ACORRALAR A LOS ANIMALES HASTA LA COSTA, DONDE LOS SACRIFICAN. LA NUEVA TEMPORADA DE ESTA "TRADICIÓN" COMENZÓ A INICIOS DE… PIC.TWITTER.COM/W350NC7PZI — Alerta Mundial (@AlertaMundial2) June 16, 2023   Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/2001/Con información de Alerta Mundial.
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