#ferros exodus
boinkingbattlemechs · 18 days
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Marauder IIC
One of the most notable IIC BattleMechs, the Marauder IIC is based upon one of the most iconic 'Mechs in existence, the Marauder.
Touted as one of the most effective 'Mechs of all time, the Marauder saw wide usage during the Star League era by all the Great Houses. The design was also much favored by both the Star League Defense Force's Regular and Royal units as well as its famed Gunslingers, with many examples taken on Operation EXODUS. The belief that the Marauder was a precursor to a new 'Mech design paradigm disappeared in the Inner Sphere as the Succession Wars dragged on; however, in the same year as the Second Succession War broke out the Clans developed a followup to the venerable design, later dubbed the Marauder IIC, representing the pinnacle of Clan weapons technology prior to the advent of the OmniMech. Like other IIC designs, visual similarities between it and its predecessor initially led ComStar to incorrectly label the design as a mere refit of the original.
It is to the credit of its original engineers that no new production variants of the Marauder IIC appeared until a wellspring of new technology emerged in the 3050s and '60s, with Clan Star Adder introducing a visually refreshed model carrying the then-newly developed Heavy Lasers that quickly spread to the Cloud Cobras, Goliath Scorpions, Snow Ravens, Blood Spirits and Diamond Sharks. The efforts of the mercantile Sharks would result in the further spread of the design to the Inner Sphere-based Invading Clans, followed by Clans Jade Falcon and Ghost Bear introducing new Marauder IIC variants and constructing new production lines for them on Sudeten and Satalice respectively during the Word of Blake Jihad.
As with the Warhammer IIC, the Marauder IIC is ten-tons heavier than its Inner Sphere progenitor, pushing it into the assault weight class, but otherwise the design matches the original's ground speed through the use of a 340-rated standard fusion engine. Though both designs carry eleven and half tons of armor, the Marauder IIC's use of more advanced ferro-fibrous plating gives it superior protection, with an endo steel frame freeing up weight. While structurally the Marauder IIC appears to offer little advantage over the LosTech refitted Marauders introduced by the Successor States, the blatant superiority of Clan weaponry allows the design to pound its opponents to pieces in short order.
Built around the Extended-Range Particle Projector Cannon, one of the most powerful weapons in the Clan arsenal, the Marauder IIC's weapon layout is typical of the standard Marauder, each pod-like forearm carrying an ER PPC paired with Medium Pulse Lasers. Where the Marauder IIC differs is with its torso weaponry, replacing the top-mounted autocannon and its vulnerable ammunition-feed linkage with another ER PPC, and adding a set of four ER Small Lasers. Twenty-one double heat sinks keep heat levels manageable, with an enterprising MechWarrior able to use volley fire to keep up a steady barrage of fire.
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shinmiyovvi · 11 months
New voice claims for the Salvatorix crew
A note for Elliott's vc:
I said in a previous post from the poll that Elliott is a French Canadian/Quebecer man and I know everyone would be confused about why I gave him a French dub vc. There are similarities between French and Quebec French but I think it's the accent that changes between the two languages. I am trying my hardest to find a fitting vc for Elli but failed to do so and went on with the French dub instead. It really took me a while but I hope this will suffice.
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pavedinashes-if · 1 year
What are some IFs/WIPs/Upcoming WIPs that you consider your favourite?👀
Oh wow, I have a list here, but I don't know if it contains all the IFs I am simping for atm - I will have to check it again soon... cause there have been so many new IFs appearing recently... - feel free to have a look on my other blog:
If you're too lazy for the link, here's the current list (BELOW THE CUT)
Q: Which are your all-time fav IFs?
A: In no specific order:
The Wayhaven Chronicles
Werewolves: Haven Rising + Werewolves 2: Pack Mentality
Fallen Hero: Rebirth + Fallen Hero: Retribution
The Golden Rose: Book One
I, the forgotten one
Arcadie: Second Born
The Sword of Rhivenia
Keeper of the Sun and Moon
Keeper of the Day and Night
Hidden Sanctum
Way Walkers: University + Way Walkers: University 2
Zombie Exodus + Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven
UnNatural + UnNatural Season Two
Breach: The Archangel Job
Crème de la Crème + Noblesse Oblige + Royal Affairs
Q: Most anticipated WIPs to get finished?
A. Way too many but these got me hyped:
Precious: The Eyes of Shan 💜
Softly Opulent 💜
Crown of Ashes and Flames 💜
The King's Hound 💜
Touch of Lies 💜
Red Strings of Fate 💜
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian 💜
Ouroboros 💜
The Scun Chronicles 💜
Crown of Exile 💜
Blood Legacies
The Gray Ascendancy
Dark Impulses
The Exile 💜
Wolf Set Free 💜
Fields of Asphodel💜
The Wroth Ode 💜
The Golden Harp
In the Ocean of Stars
Heir of Light and Blood 💜
The Deal💜
The Eight Year Revolution
Viam Ferro - The Path of Steel
Water to Blood 💜
Project Hadea 💜
Subject Zero 💜
Vendetta 💜
Mirror Mine 💜
Infamous 💜
Dropout 💜
Love and Leases
Love Bites
and many more...
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elgringo300 · 4 years
30 Days of Worldbuilding - Day 2: Weekends
I arrive in Endora. I had heard talk of their lifestyle, but nothing could prepare me for how radically different it is from anything I had known in Galras. The city is so incredibly ancient, and yet it only covers a small portion of the isle. 
It was originally founded as a resting port for sky ships travelling to Destra from Galras. That was hundreds of years ago. More and more people began moving here from all the Isles. It especially grew thanks to the persecution of alchemists in Galras a couple hundred years ago. 
The city's history is exceptionally interesting. Thanks to many circumstances, it’s never had a strong city government. Every attempt has either been ignored or removed. At the moment, there is a mayor, but the word is he is mayor in name only. Despite its reputation, the city remained attractive as an escape from the Galrian government and Destran theocracy. There are some Minvrese here, but they are the exception rather than the rule. The barbarians seem to prefer the harsh cold to any sort of civilization. 
As immigrants arrived, the city expanded outward. They say every hour’s walk away from the port represents fifty years of immigration. Walking through the city feels like taking a stroll through history, as each successive ring is colonized by a different culture, a different time period. Some buildings near the port have stood for hundreds of years. Several hours walk from the port, the city’s style changes drastically, the ring occupied by the victims of the Alchemic exodus. Even within this ring, the style changes. 
At first the houses are built from ironoak which was molded by the Alchemists to better fit the form of a house. Soon, as the alchemist's abilities increased, the houses are built directly out of trees, which as they grew, were molded into the forms of their dwellings. It's like seeing a village of elves from the fantasy books, but in the middle of a city. 
It’s in this ring where I found a place to stay. There is an inn built into a massive ironoak tree, owned by an old lady who intends to pass the property to her daughter with time. It's quite the experience to wake up in the morning in what appears to be a normal wooden room, then look out the window to see branches, leaves, and birds singing not two feet away. 
Mrs.Gruppin, the innkeeper, also has an interesting hobby, one which is more familiar to me as a Galrian perhaps than to folk from Destra or Endora. She maintains a small garden of metallic crops, mostly silver-leaf and copper-root flowers. She also owns her own ferro-loom, where she spins the crops into raw silver and copper fiber which she uses to craft beautiful ornaments. I’ve bought a couple off of her - one is a lizard she calls a relko, and the other is a stymphalian crow. The ornament is only a couple inches long, but she informs me that the real creature is more then two meters tall at the head, and sometimes ambush fishers on the river. It was a rare and unfortunate happening, apparently, but not unheard of. 
My second day in Endora, I found the ring I was most interested in - colonized by Galrians not more than hundred years before my arrival. This wave, unlike the alchemists, was completely voluntary, motivated by the talk of a free land in Endora, where government was virtually nonexistent. I was surprised at the differences in architecture between these immigrants and the buildings I had left behind in Galras. Only a few buildings followed the tall, imposing style that dominated the cities of my home. Instead, they were mostly two to three story, square buildings built out of metal fiber they must have purchased from the alchemists or others. There was a large variety in between the styles of the individual houses, though. The roofs are sometimes decorated with interesting patterns which are woven into the metal fiber, or the walls with different colors. It seems that many of the Galrians who left their ancestral homes did so to escape the monotony of the vast cities of my country. And no wonder! Galras is worthily praised for many of its aspects, but the beauty of its architecture is not one of them. 
Most of the Tinkerers here work as shipwrights, walking or riding to the port. In their spare time, however, they seem to spend creating. I purchased a small trinket which when wound up, walks in circles. 
Scribbled on the side of the page: after the fifth or sixth winding, it suddenly exploded, bursting into pieces. Not a single piece remains attached to another. Was this designed?
These do not seem to be the same people I left in Galras. Those people worked tirelessly day and night to advance in their profession, not wasting a moment on pleasantries like these. I wonder if they left because of this laid-back personality, or if this trait developed because of the new environment they found themselves in?
At the recommendation of a new friend in the Galrian ring, I decided to retrace my steps to taste the alcohol produced by the Alchemists. I found a brewery, and was graciously granted a tour in exchange for a hefty sum of crescents. By the deep, the variety! Alchemists seem to have the capability to distill or ferment any organic matter, from fruit and veggies to ironoak leaves and copper-root. Do the abilities of these strange doctors know no bounds?
On my third day, I backtrack again to find the ring of the Destrans, some of the first settlers here, second only to the initial trading outpost. The architecture here is large and beautiful. Churches dominate this ring, but surprisingly, not all of them of Felenor, as you might think seeing as they come from Destra. Instead, there are temples dedicated to Felenor, Lralso, Caorr, and Elorath all have dedicated places or worship. There’s even one small wooden temple dedicated to a god who supposedly was known from before the ancient storms which drove us to the isles, one represented by a cross. Most of these are built out of stone and marble, a risky endeavor using such a rare material. But it merely demonstrates their dedication to their god of choice. 
There is one building here which apparently was once a temple to Felenor, which was abandoned and fell into disrepair. A follower of Felenor came and has converted it into an Academy, one which is dedicated to training young men and women to become guardians and warriors. I was graciously provided a tour for a surprisingly small amount of money. The Ambrose, the headmaster, doesn’t appear to bear bias towards followers of any sect, although the walls of the school are decorated with Felenor’s symbols - a sheathed sword, or sometimes the same sword behind a shield. Many of the students here are from Galras, Destra, or even Mivnir, and arrived in Endora solely to attend the Guardian Academy. To see the students in the courtyard, tirelessly rehearsing drills and dueling against their fellow attendees - it would inspire me to attend if I wasn’t already advanced in my years. 
As I return to my bed in the inn, I wish I had time to write down everything I saw. But my pen only moves so fast, and my mind only retains so much. By the time I’ve written down a quarter of my observations, the rest has already fled. 
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pythosart · 9 years
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If you ask Pi how she got that scar, you��ll get a different and increasingly creative story every time...
Happy Pi day, everyone
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ferros-archive · 9 years
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LO AND BEHOLD: THE GALLERY OF FIRES A Ferros Exodus Telephone Game
This was a really fun project to do. Below you will find all blogs of participants listed in the order of the game:
MonsieurLeBattlier Pythosblaze Eggplantwitch Plaidyart 42Nights Noah Doublearrows Zeekubeast
“And the Fires Fell”
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totalcamarchy · 9 years
One Hell of a Deal
Driven by thoughts revenge, Percival makes a pact with a demon.
The bloody sunset was fitting if Percival had to say so. And he did. To the oily, rotten looking skull perched on top of a dead crow.
Which in turn was in the center of a pentagram made of goat blood and withered bones.
The summoning was set in the center of a crossroads on the evening of a full moon. "[Can't be too sure]," he said to the air.
The knife blade glinted as Percival examined it. Now or never.
"[Magdalena of the Bitter Mace]!" Percival called out. The knife stung as he pressed it into his arm - he liked having the use of his hands thank you very much.
Blood dripped over the skull. "[Show yourself! There's a bargain to be made!]"
Carefully, Percival repeated the words he'd been taught. He knew he misspoke more than once, but there were no do-overs.
"[You better show,]" Percival muttered as he pulled out a bandage. "[This shit wasn't cheap.]"
The skull in the pile begins shaking gently, cracking down the center and releasing a heavy, black vapor. It circles the pentagram and trails up higher into the form of person, smokey and indistinct. A voice speaks through the figure;
"What do you want, human?" The voice sounds practiced and sharp, though feminine.
"A deal."
"Of what sort? You must have something big in mind if you were rash enough to call me.."
Percival had rehearsed what he had wanted to say - but a frog was a far cry from the sight before him. He threw his shoulders back, ignoring the slow trickle of blood running down his arm.
"I need to kill someone," Percival heard his voice shake. "And I need the means - and power - to find him."
"That's all? Incredible- You could have called any demon of pain to aid you and yet you chose me?" The smoke rises again and 'walks' towards Percival, close enough that the acrid smell of it burned into his skin.
"I'm not complaining. But you're making a choice you can't back out of."
"I want-" The smell chokes him, and he coughs. "I want to make him pay. To torture him."
"Ahh? Say that a little louder for me."
His eyes were beginning to tear from the smoke - the awful stench. "I WANT TO TORTURE HIM."
The smoke backs off and spins as if to dance.
"A human with revenge on his mind! The bitterest, darkest desire in his heart! It's delightful, and to think you chose ME to help you?" Approaching him again, the smoke figure appears to bow and hold his hand- the one on his injured side.
"It is.... an honour, and a pleasure....."
The words come out in a quiet hiss.
The silver ring, studded with turquoise, is smudged with blood and Percival's fingers twitch involuntarily at the touch.
"What are your terms." "Simple. I only ask for your devotion; when people witness your power, make them cower in their boots and fear your very name. If someone wrongs you, make them pay the highest price of pain."
"And when your faith in life begins to waver, call to me so I may bring you to your end...."
"That, is what I ask for. Complete.. Devotion."
The last words spoken in a breath, running down the back of Percival's neck and back.
Despite the rising goosebumps, Percival laughed in disbelief. A bark of laughter in the "face" of the smoke.
"You got it, Mace."
"That's an unpleasant name spoken aloud. Refer to me as Magdalena."
"Magdelena," Percival repeated. "You get me my info and power, and I promise you worship."
"Not just worship. I need you to carry out tasks for me, in my stead. Small things, to spread influence and fear. Tasks which should-" a hand appears, flesh and nail, from the smoke and reaches to stroke Percival's face, "-be unbelievably achievable, given your soon-to-be powers."
Her hand pulls back into the smoke. "You are certain in your contract? By demon right, I am not allowed to bind you until I have your final word."
"Were it my own choice, you'd be bound the moment you called."
Percival let out a shaky sigh as the claw retracted, sweat beading his forehead.
"Yes." There's no hesitation. His eyes flick from where the hand vanished to where he guessed Magdelena's eyes would be.
"I accept your terms."
A toothy smile appears in the haze; another, larger, beneath it.
"Then the deal is set."
From the smoke emerges a complete figure; hair a wild tangle, just covering a pair of huge horns. Skin like rosy leather, claws as black as tar, and a pair  of wings bigger than the demon herself.
Magdalena, as bitter as her name, standing before Percival. She holds her arms out, beckoning to him.
The gravel crunches under his boot. Definitely more impressive than a frog. Cold sweat runs down his back, and Percival steps forward into the embrace.
She clutches him, gently, and whispers jagged-toothed into his ear.
"You will first find yourself with the power to instill terror and drive your enemies to their knees. But you can become more... When you find the girl who resembles me in shape and form, I will increase that power tenfold. She calls herself Gamma. Bring her to me and you will be strong beyond any human comprehension. A demon, among men."
She cradles Percival's face in one hand, leans to the back of his neck, and kisses him just below the hairline.
"You belong to me now. Let everyone know of that power, Percival."
Magdalena recedes into the haze, and vanishes.
The kiss burns . Scalding and etching into his skin. With a cry of pain and lack of support, Percival falls to the ground - scattering the bones and dirt.
The dead crow had turned into a frothy ooze in Magdelena's wake, and Percival curls away from it as he presses a hand to the back of his neck.
His fingers don't come back bloody - the kiss had cauterized - but he did feel something. Shapes and lines. Plaid: The sun had vanished along with Magdelena. But he could feel something in her absence. There was a life in the distance - so very far away.
But even as thunder rumbled, Percival could still hear her last words ringing in his ears.
"Worth it," Percival gasped to the cracked skull.
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pythosart · 9 years
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Sable is definitely a real horse and you should take her for a nice, refreshing ride to the bottom of the nearest lake
(testing a sketch brush)
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eggplantwitch · 9 years
RP: A Squashed Squash
In which Ronelle discovers an intruder.
Location: Ronelle’s House Starring: Ronelle, Percy, A Very Angry Mandrake Canon
[23:23:16] *** Percy shuffles around in the well maintained garden, picking food left and right for a later meal ***
[23:23:37] Percy: "The hell-"
[23:24:20] *** Percy grunts as one of the plants refuses to budge, and drops the other vegetables to give the plant a two handed pull, ripping it out of the ground ***
[23:25:18] *** Percy then promptly drops the plant and covers his ears as the newly unearthed mandrake begins screeching very, very loudly ***
[23:28:14] *** Ronelle hurries to the door armed with a broom, glancing briefly at Percy before hitting the mandrake with enough force to knock it out ***
[23:29:38] *** Ronelle kicks it, and once satisfied that it is dead looks back to Percy***
[23:30:04] Ronelle: "Well. I... assume you didn't mean to do that. Um. I'm not sure what you meant to do. What are you doing?"
[23:31:24] *** Percy slowly uncovers his ears and looks down. Under his feet are the smashed remains of vegetables ***
[23:31:34] Percy: "-wasn't stealing."
[23:31:42] *** Percy clears his throat ***
[23:33:04] Ronelle: "Did you want something to eat? You only had to ask if you did, you know. I couldn't possibly eat all of this myself!"
[23:33:23] Percy: "I uh-"
[23:33:30] *** Percy blinks in confusion at Ronelle ***
[23:33:34] Percy: "You ain't mad?"
[23:34:22] Ronelle: "Um, maybe a little bit annoyed - that mandrake really wasn't quite ready yet, and those vegetables have just gone to waste - but you look very hungry to me. So I don't think you were taking my things to be unkind."
[23:35:58] Percy: "So if I take some-a this. What's the catch?"
[23:36:11] Percy: "And uh- sorry bout the. Dead thing."
[23:38:26] Ronelle: "Oh, don't worry about the mandrake. They're horrible things, really. I only keep them because they're good for some spells and potions."
[23:40:35] Ronelle: "As for 'the catch', that's not a very nice way of putting it, but if you wanted to you could help me tidy up the gardens? I've been so busy lately and they've gotten a bit overgrown. And then you could even have some food which I've cooked! I made an apple pie just yesterday."
[23:40:43] Ronelle: "Oh, and, um, who are you? What's your name, I mean."
[23:41:33] *** Percy shifts his weight as he  glances around at the gardens ***
[23:41:48] *** Percy turns and squints at Ronelle again, hands in his pockets ***
[23:42:23] Percy: "...Percy. And- figure I could help out, yeah."
[23:42:34] Percy: "Who're you?"
[23:43:39] Ronelle: "My name's Ronelle! I'm a witch, which is why I have all these things in my garden. As well as normal food, of course. It's nice to meet you, Percy."
[23:44:07] Percy: "Ain't like any witch I ever met before."
[23:44:59] Percy: "But shoot, thanks Ms. Ronelle. I can uh-"
[23:45:11] *** Percy prods the dead mandrake with his toe ***
[23:45:22] Percy: "-start with this thing here."
[23:47:24] Ronelle: "I think that would be a good idea."
[23:48:03] *** Percy fumbles for a bit with something in one of his pockets and offers a hand to shake ***
[23:48:26] Percy: "I'll hold you to that apple pie, Ms. Ronelle."
[23:50:04] *** Ronelle smiles and shakes his hand ***
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ferros-archive · 9 years
Collecting the Telephone Game entries!
The Telephone game is drawing to a close- and therefore, kindly send all of your entries to either:
‘Monsieur Le Battlier’ on skype or, alternatively [email protected]
Thank you for your cooperation!
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meihex · 9 years
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Day 26 of OC October! Geoff Donovan
geoff donovan, who mostly goes by his pen name j.d. o'donovan, is an author, conspiracy theorist, self-proclaimed cryptozoologist and alien enthusiast. he writes novels about aliens and conspiracy theories; all of which are moderately popular. he's quite a jolly sort, and will go on and on about his theories and findings. he was the president (and only member) of his cryptozoology fanclub in high school. he also sounds like steve buscemi.
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meihex · 9 years
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Day 19 of OC October! Yo
yo is a tiny rambunctious verdicyte courier who's always full of energy and ready to meet new people. they like to play pranks and deliver questionable items. they also have very poor hearing and a very noticable lisp which may or may not make them harder to understand.
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meihex · 9 years
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Day 9 of OC October! VISI
VISI is a fencing android that resides in the aravea school of the fine physical arts in fort wake. despite having a hard metal exterior, VISI is usually very relaxed and playful. her job is to help train the athletes at the school, but now that they're gone, she's looking forward to having a relaxing existence.
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