#fetty's town
fettystown · 2 years
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OHOHOHOHO look what I foundm, it's a veeeeeery old art of Lumity
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ireniggg · 2 years
Thing about Southern tags is not...
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george228732 · 8 months
Fylass Through the Looking Glass - Chapter Eleven - Crimson Walls
The cold winds were becoming even colder, as the white sky above everyone was starting to gain a red hue, making it a pale pink color, with crumbs of red dust still like ash; it felt like a place that was burning, yet everything felt so cold.
Back with the gang, Banshee and Unicorn have opened a small hole within the bag they were in to check their surroundings better, realizing that not only the sky, but the grass has changed as well, replacing the white, grassy tiles, with crimson red grass, still conserving the black patches of it, though. This was surely the Red Kingdom, but it felt… desolated. 
"Er… Are you sure that there’s another kingdom around here? This just looks like a wasteland to me." Banshee asked.
"...The Red Kingdom doesn’t give off the best first impression. Not many people like to visit this place, let alone live here; it hasn’t gotten the best reputation due to its Queen in place, and it doesn’t help that the King has passed away quite recently for unknown reasons…" The King of the White Kingdom responded, making the Queen uncomfortable for reasons that no one, but herself, seemingly understood.
"Hm, alright. I’ll take your word on that; I don’t think that the Castle I imagine exists is too far away from here, so we might as well prepare for whatever will happen, since I can tell that there are reasons for this kingdom to have a bad reputation." Everyone else was awake and prepared, but Fylass, who was still recovering from their wound in their sleep, was right next to Lucid and Buddy.
"...Should we wake up the kid now, or do we wait until we get to the Castle Grounds?" Banshee asked Lucid.
"We might want to wait a little bit more, for their wound is healing quite well at this point; sure, the scar is still there, but they will be able to walk properly soon." Lucid kept rooting for the child’s safety, as he checked to see how their wound was doing.
"That’s fair. We might want to plan our way of exploring the castle as we wait, because I am sure that these people won’t take kindly to strangers, especially seeing how your Kingdom wasn’t too eager to see us." Banshee was still quite salty about the unwelcoming situation in which he and the rest found themselves in when they got to Underland the first minutes around, but at this point, there was nothing much he could do at the moment, and besides, his attention was pointing towards another thing.
"...I am sure Maforanti will find a way to let us in with ease; he’s a man that knows how to plan extremely fast, and sadly, we know that well. He hasn’t done anything against our plan for now, though, so we can only pray he knows what he’s doing." Queen Celeernyx said, looking at the rest with her, who seemed attentive to what she had to say, except Chaos, who was seemingly talking to himself, much to Fetty’s confusion and concern.
Banshee looked back at the hole he had made on the bag, realizing that there were houses around the now foggy area; resembling checkers chips, from the red ones to the black ones, but many of them looked lifeless, as if basically no one lived in here. Maforanti didn’t even bat an eye to it, though, so Banshee could only assume that these surroundings were normal.
Nonetheless, Mafo kept on moving forward, quickly drifting away from the ghost town, and now moving towards a forest with withering Crimson Queens; this might not be the most miserable place Banshee has ever seen in his life, but it surely was up there. Leaves resembling ones of autumn were scattered all over the ground, and the fog was making it impossible to see through; the feeling of rain crossed Maforanti as he kept going deeper and deeper into this silent place. 
Everyone at the bag was feeling a faint sense of dread, maybe due to how dark it was getting thanks to the fog, but Fylass seemingly liked the feeling, since they placed themselves in a better position to sleep, staying next to Buddy without even knowing. Buddy didn’t do anything about it, though, making Lucid confused.
"...I thought you hated Wonderlanders…"
"I do, however, this Wonderlander right here is just a kid, and besides, is the least I could do for them, after all I did and said to them back then."
"...Wait, are you apologizing?"
"Even if I hate to admit it, these Wonderlanders don’t really mean much harm to Underland; I still won’t allow them in here when we get the Chronosphere back, but we’ll finish this off in the best terms possible, at least between these specific people."
"...Why do you hate them so much specifically, if I may ask?"
"I am going to assume you know about the Jabberwocky, yes?"
"..." Lucid had suspicions on that being the reason on why Underland and Wonderland became so distant with each other, but he wasn’t happy seeing those suspicions were confirmed. "Y-Yes, I do. I was there at the incident, if that's what you’re referring to."
"...Excuse me?" Buddy was surprised on hearing that. "...I assume that you were still selected as the Bishop in Wonderland either way…" He was having his suspicions about something else happening, but he quickly brushed off that idea.
"I… I guess? Everything was so fast that day, though…" 
Chaos, who was by far the quietest in the group by now, seemingly was curious about what he was hearing, and approached the group the best they could.
"...Could you be more specific about the Jabberwocky Incident?" He asked.
"...Are you sure you want to know? And why, of all people, you want to know about that?" Lucid asked Chaos in response.
"...Alright, then…? You see, everything was so fast, so I might not have a nice recollection of the moments that happened there, so bear with me on this." What Lucid said was genuine, although Chaos could be sure that it wasn't; yet, he kept pushing.
"I don’t mind."
"...Well, I was relaxing on the last festival day between Underland and Wonderland, and I was about to discuss… something important with… someone; soon enough, though, the Jabberwocky entered mid-festivity, and it was hungry…"
"..." Buddy was silent, not wanting to discuss this.
"That thing left The White Kingdom destroyed, with a lot of victims being fed to the Dragon, including that someone I once loved. I however, somehow escaped its jaws mid flight as it came back again to Wonderland, to be dormant once again after the lots of food it had eaten. I don’t know what happened as I was dragged towards Wonderland, though."
"...I’ll explain the other side." Buddy broke his silence.
"Oh… Are you sure, though?"
"I am more than certain…"
"Alright, then."
"...I am going to assume that you were one of the villagers that were victims of the Jabberwocky, and so, I’ll try to tell the full story of it…" Buddy cleared his throat. "The day was pretty, with the celebration being as joyful as the rest of celebrations; although, that didn’t last long, when the Wonderlanders accidentally let the Jabberwocky in, a creature that has a curse in form of a bell, seemingly lost due to the same Wonderlanders sealing it with that strange man. Us Underlanders and the people at the Card Castle were actually planning to do something about it, and we were actually pretty close to domesticating it, but nonetheless, that dragon came in here first before we could do that."
"...Huh. Continue…" Chaos seemingly was piecing together something.
"That creature was ruthless, and sadly, the one person I appreciated died in the incident, and with not much choice, I crowned myself with the Rook, a crown capable of granting great power to its user, being the one I am using right now. I tried to use my power to strike it down, even if I knew that its curse would follow another entity to become another Jabberwocky. I just didn’t care anymore, but at least, that thing left us Underlanders for good. Either way, I was heartbroken…"
Lucid felt as if those words were familiar, but by pure pessimistic denial, he ignored the signals as if they didn’t exist.
"...I feel so sorry for you."
"There’s… no need to be sad." Buddy wiped off some tears that started to gather in one of his eyes, as the crown above him seemingly woke up.
"Rise and shine-... Wait, are we still in this bag? Bummer."
"Ah, you woke up, Rooky. Yes, we are still in the bag, but we are not that far away from our destination. You better prepare for whatever will happen."
The crown seemingly was acting odd, as a gray bird got out from that exact same object; it was apparently the living being inside the crown, oddly enough. "Whew, in that case, I better prepare myself to use my abilities, if we need a big bird to destroy a castle!" 
Unicorn was really surprised by hearing that. "What? What did you just say?"
"Oh! Look at this!" From one swift movement, the bird suddenly grew in size. "Isn’t it cool! Heeheehee!" The bird was becoming bigger with a single movement, but Buddy was quick into making her as small as she was, again.
"Oh well, yes, I can do that, but that would mean that we would have fun! And in this world, we apparently can’t have that." Rooky said as she sat right above one of Fylass’ deer antlers. "Man, this Club is a pretty heavy sleeper, but to be fair, I would be quite asleep too if I had such a big scar on me."
"...Let’s just hope that their wound gets healed before we get to the Red Castle." Lucid said with faint hope.
"Er… Too late." Banshee was looking at the hole again, and there it was… The Red Castle. With more inspection, it resembled a mansion more than anything, with crimson walls, and vermillion roofs; at the entrance, windows with wooden frames were there, but they seemingly didn’t let the light of outside come in, for the inside looked oddly dark. No one could place a finger on why, but there was a faint sense of despair by only feeling its presence.
"...Sigh." Maforanti was right at the front door, as he waited for a knight to come across the entrance; it would be rude to enter without permission anyways… Well, that, and the fact that there’s an infiltration at the scenes. It would be weird for a castle to not have security at the front door, but it seemed that no one could even bother to steal, or break into the castle.
Soon enough, someone opened the door, apparently being one of the knights "patrolling" the area for safety.
"Ah, Mister Maforanti, it’s wonderful to hear from you again." The Knight said.
"It is nice to see you here, I have to suppose…" Mafo was doing his best to try and hide his low panic and confusion, giving off that energy of superiority that was characteristic, until Fylass came along.
"...Say, what’s with that bag? It has patches of the Suits…"
"...It was one of the remaining things that were left from the Jabberwocky Incident, so I thought I could take advantage of it." Maforanti was pretty good at lying on the spot, and the lies he spewed were really convincing most of the time.
"Oh, that incident… Do you regret it?" 
"...Excuse me, I need to enter the castle." Buddy overheard that, feeling confused as to what that knight meant, but either way, this was not the task at hand.
"...I am going to take that as a no. Nonetheless, please do enter. The Queen is actually eager to see you, so, consider yourself lucky." Mafo was quite concerned about that statement; the last times he had talked with the Queen normally ended up on good terms, with the general always receiving some sort of freebie, but something about this now felt off. It doesn’t help that the King has recently passed away.
Maforanti couldn’t help but to enter anyway.
The inside of the castle gave off the same vibes than it did the outside, only preserving the idea that this was a mansion; although, nothing about it was spectacular; sure, the checkerboard floor of pink and black colors was pretty, but there’s not much that could be considered royal, or pristine.
"...Okay, I think we’re in." Banshee said. "You better prepare and wake that kid up, because I just know that this will end badly. That dude carrying us doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing." Indeed, Mafo didn’t have much idea on what to do now; he just thought the group had a plan for this.
That’s when they heard it.
"Oh, Maforanti, it’s glad to see you here." A soft, yet intimidating voice echoed through the empty halls of the castle, being none other than the one of the Red Queen herself; red filled her clothes, as she held a black staff right beside her, and her piercing, green eyes having a sense of security, but unease. 
"Greetings, Queen Majaway." Maforanti was one of the few people that had the privilege of saying her true name, which made Celeernyx tremble; it surely catched Mikuto and Genesis’ reactions. 
"...Are you feeling okay?" Genesis said.
"...Yes, Yes, I am fine. There’s no need to worry, my dear."
Back with Maforanti, he still had no clue on what to do, but kept playing along for an idea to come across his head; in any other situation, this wouldn’t be a problem, but here, he felt as if he was in danger, feeling another person watching him.
"Something happens, Mafo?"
"...It’s nothing."
"If you say so… Here, let me take care of that dirty bag you have."
"..." That’s when he got an idea. The laundry chute. He knew exactly what the Queen was going to place that bag, and he knew that the place it was going to be thrown off had little to no security; the majority of the place was emptied out, so there’s a small chance that the thing the gang was looking for was around, which would be unlikely, but what are the odds at the moment?
"Much obliged, but please, I would recommend for you not to open the bag just now, since it has… some toxic components in it that would cause you harm." He lied, once again.
"...Alright, then. Guards!" Majaway called one of her knights around the area and gave them the bag. "Please dispose of this properly to the laundry room, if you please." The knight nodded as he took the bag with them.
"Now, now, Maforanti, what if we take some cups of tea and have a small talk? There’s something I need to talk about with you."
"...That’s no problem on my part."
"Great. Follow me upstairs, please…"
Maforanti was quite taken aback that the Queen seemingly wasn’t phased by her husband’s death, but that feeling of concerned transformed into something else, as he felt a presence behind him, and when he turned back, there were two eyes, staring at him on the shadows; they were green, and giving off a feeling of danger, but they quikcly faded into the darkness.
"..." Maforanti was silent, feeling as if he knew those eyes from before, but he wasn’t going to stick around to find out their origin. Either way, he followed Majaway upstairs.
Back with the gang, they were carried away towards the laundry chute by the knight in place, and they quickly settled themselves for the ride.
"Ooookay, let’s be prepared, since this will obviously be a nasty fall." Unicorn said as the rest of the group placed themselves in better positions, and with Lucid still carrying the sleeping child on arms.
The bag was swiftly thrown into the chute and after some seconds of falling, the bag hit its destination, being a small pile of clothing. Luckily, no one got hurt.
"Eurgh… Everyone’s fine?" Genesis spoke up as everyone affirmed in relief, and Fylass was, surprisingly, still asleep, but it was sure that they would wake up around the next minutes.
"Okay, the coast seems to be clear, for I am not hearing any steps. Let’s take these muffins and go back to our size." Everyone left the bag, and did just that, being as silent as possible.
"Whew, everything surely is dark around here!" Rooky said as she looked towards the hallway right next to the room they were in; indeed, it was dark, with only a faint red light coming from seemingly nowhere being the only source of light. Looking further into the darkness however, revealed that there were rows and rows of other hallways around.
"Okay, this place is pretty big, so we better split up to cover more terrain." Unicorn spoke up again. "Me and Banshee will explore this one hallway. The rest explore the others."
"Wow, that surely was descriptive, huh?" Banshee said, jokingly.
"It’s descriptive enough. Now, let’s get going before someone here finds us."
Everyone parted their own way towards the abyss, with Lucid still carrying a sleepy Fylass, as he went down his way with Buddy and the White Queen. The rest seemingly did the same according to plan.
Banshee and Unicorn went through their designated hallway, revealing a set of stairs going deeper and deeper. It was barely visible, but they would fight through without much issue.
"Say, how is your deck?"
"Filled with weapons I don’t recognize, from gardening shears, to other items I can’t put a finger on what’s their purpose. What about you?"
"Same, really… This place somehow did this, and I don’t think that it is that convenient for us, especially down here…"
"You don’t say?"
The area was becoming gloomier, as Unicorn could see that there were armors on the side of the walls, as with any other stereotypical castle… Although, something was off.
"...Wow, this place is so quiet that I can hear my heartbeat-" Ironically enough, something interrupted the crushing silence, being a banging sound towards what seemed to sound like metal bars.
"Great, you jinxed yourself. Prepare that javelin…"
Now that they realized, this place was actually the Castle’s dungeons, with its walls changing as well, resembling more of a chamber. There must be someone here, probably only a helpless burglar on one of the cells that were right next to them. Banshee didn’t think much of it, though, only taking a peek at the possible prisoner out of pure curiosity, until…
"...Wait… Aren’t you…"
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"That dude in the clock tower before?!"
"...You. What are you doing here?"
"Well, we were looking for you, and the Chronosphere! The Chronosphere was more important than you in this situation, but at least we found half of the objective!"
"You guys are fools! You doomed yourselves by coming here!"
"Did we? I don’t see any threat around here… Anyways, where’s the Chronosphere?"
"The Queen has it! She… took it, and started to use it to give time to things around the castle…"
"...Excuse me? What do you mean?"
"The Chronosphere has the capacity to give time to beings, making them go to life, as another clock is given to them back at my castle. It’s extremely dangerous to use it, though, since I was only able to do it a couple of times…" Time said, behind bars, and not really knowing why he revealed that information to these two.
"...Okay, first of all, that thing wasn’t a castle, not even if you squinted. Second of all… We haven’t seen any "live objects" around this place, so I am not sure if what you are saying is true…"
"...Do you really think we’re the only ones here?"
Banshee and Unicorn looked to the side, in response to that statement, only to find out that all of the armors beforehand, were looking directly at them.
"...Uh oh."
@galakianexplosion (CREATOR OF THE DRAWING!)
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deltaswapjevil · 7 months
Finally posting this
You may be wondering why I haven't been post too much art recently especially my secret bosses
While I ran out of paper
I have some i finished before I ran out but......never got to posting them
But that's for tomorrow
Today I have something that's a month overdue
Halloween post
So here's all my secret bosses dressed up for Halloween
I swear I started this in October but......uhm things happened
Long story but next year I'll be starting in September
Costume list: Jevil: Pennywise (It) Spamton: Billy the Puppet (Saw) Tinkerina: Jenny (My Life As A Teenage Robot) Lucifur: Lamb (Cult of the Lamb) Radiola: The Phantom of the Opera (Phantom of the Opera) Flowery: Joker (Joker Movie) Ratelly: Mickey Mouse (Disney) General Woodrow Stiltskin: Solider (Team Fortress 2) 314: Mew Mew Kissy Cutie (Undertale) Lunzzz and Sunestra: Sun & Moon (FNAF) Pupina: Frankenweenie (Frankenweenie) Dyla: Wonder Woman (DC Comics) Octoboo: Mimikyu (Pokemon) Creatos: Balloon Boy (FNAF) Fetti Widow: Betty Boop (Betty Boop) Be-Bo: Ghost (Pac-Man) Crysdoll: Kangel (Needy Streamer Overload) Pentagone: Pyramid Head (Silent Hill) XO: Shringold (DHMIS) Aeros: Peridot (Steven Universe) Cozmoze: Buzz Light-Year (Toy Story) Smasher: Bowser (Super Mario) Count Von Thrill: Count Dracula (Non Specific) Falangel: Angel (Non Specific) Sewtipede: Mad Scientist (Non Specific) Gossipel: Poison Ivy (Batman) Sucubyxxx: Catgirl (Non Specific) Scriptos: SCP 035 (SCP) Anne Pecy: Pomni (TADC) Barb B. Barb: Halloween Barbie (Barbie) Mommy Longlegs: Marge Simpson (The Simpsons) E. Vile: Robbie Rotten (Lazy Town) Mr. Mupidley and Socks: Wally Darling and House (Welcome Home) Ex Rai: Glados (Portal)
If you notice any characters I posted missing....thats because I made them after I started working on this and decided not to add them
If you notice charecters I haven't posted here thats because they're really old and I lost the original art
If you want to know the reasonings of why they're dressed this way ask in the comments/reblogs (which are highly encouraged)
Lastly who's costume is best?
(The actual lastly....uhm do not use this as an accurate scaling for the characters because it is wildly off but most are accurate....the most inaccurate scales are Flowery, Ex Rai, Crysdoll, Creatos)
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heavenforblog1111 · 2 months
Alright, so this is a collection of the best hip hop songs since 2000. I hope you like this list. The order doesn't depict ranking of any sort. I believe all these songs are great. 1. Black and Yellow: Wiz Khalifa VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UePtoxDhJSw 2. Written in the stars: Tinie Tempah ft. Eric Turner VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgFyi74DVjc 3. Trap Queen: Fetty Wap VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_kF4zLNKio 4. Stronger: Kanye West VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsO6ZnUZI0g 5. Beautiful: Eminem VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgT1AidzRWM 6. Talk That Talk: Rihanna ft. Jay Z VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8FarCnm1mE 7. No Love : Eminem ft. Lil Wayne VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV2ssT8lzj8 8. I Need a Doctor : Dr. Dre ft Eminem and Skylar Gray VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA770wpLX-Q 9. Me Myself and I: G Eazy ft. Bebe Rexha VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSfpSOBD30U 10. Deuces: Chris Brown ft. Tyga and Kevin McCal VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhBwt9mw7Sk 11. The Way I Are: Timbaland ft. Keri Hilson VVIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhBwt9mw7Sk 12. Yeah: Usher ft. ft. Lil Jon, Ludacris VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhBwt9mw7 13. My Time: Fabolous ft. Jeremih VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAFWA7qxC0E 14. High Right Now: Tyla Yewah VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc7yZ7efbDQ 15. Words I Never Said: Lupe Fiasco ft. Skylar Grey VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22l1sf5JZD0 16. Diddy - Dirty Money - Coming Home ft. Skylar Grey VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-ImCpNqbJw 17. Sucker For Pain: Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons w/ Logic & Ty Dolla $ign ft X Ambassadors VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-59jGD4WrmE 18. Better Now: Post Malone VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYwF-jdcVjY 19. Started from the bottom: Drake VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RubBzkZzpUA 20. Run This Town: Jay Z ft. Rihanna and Kanye West VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeE7CfNs7Js
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#10K2024 1-19-24
1707. I Don't Like Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me)-Mariyn Manson 1708. Doll-Dagga Buzz Buzz Ziggety Zag-Marilyn Manson 1709. Use Your Fist & Not Your Mouth-Marilyn Manson 1710. Bitch Came Back-Theory of a Deadman 1711. Rx (Medicate)-Theory of a Deadman 1712. Scream & Shout- Will I Am, Britney Spears 1713. Feelin' Myself-Will I Am, Mustard, Miley Cyrus, French Montana, Wiz Khalifa 1714. Gettin' Dumb-Will I Am Apl-de-ap 2NE1 1715. Grenade-Bruno Mars 1716. That's What I Like-Bruno Mars 1717. Just The Way You Are-Bruno Mars 1718. Our First Time-Bruno Mars 1719. Runaway Baby-Bruno Mars 1720. The Lazy Song-Bruno Mars 1721. Marry You-Bruno Mars 1722. Talking to the Moon-Bruno Mars 1723. Liquor Store Blues-Bruno Mars 1724. The Other Side-Bruno Mars 1725. 24K Magic-Bruno Mars 1726. Chunky-Bruno Mars 1727. Perm-Bruno Mars 1728. Versace on the Floor-Bruno Mars 1729. Straight Up & Down-Bruno Mars 1730. Calling All My Lovelies-Bruno Mars 1731. Finesse-Bruno Mars 1732. Too Good to Say Good Bye-Bruno Mars 1733. Up Town Funk-Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars 1734. I Can't Lose-Bruno Mars, Keyone Starr 1735. Silk Sonic Inro-Bruno Mars 1736. Leave the Door Open-Bruno Mars, Anderson, Paak, Silk Sonic 1737. Fly As Me-Bruno Mars, Silk Sonic 1738. ...should have done the fetty wap song for this number... oh welll.... "After Last Night" is the song title by Bruno Mars 1739. Smokin' Out the Window-Bruno Mars, Silk Sonic 1740. Put on a Smile-Bruno Mars, Silk SOnic 1741. 777-Bruno Mars 1742. Skate-Bruno Mars 1743. Love's Train-Bruno Mars 1744. Blast Off-Bruno Mars 1745. Blow-Bruno Mars 1746. Wake Up in the Sky-Bruno Mars 1747. Over Again-Ceranda, Mashbit 1748. Hotel in a Hurry-Skylar Lee 1749. Whoopsie Daisy-Skylar Lee 1750. Too Good to be You-Skylar Lee 1751. Roman Holiday-Skylar Lee 1752. Modern Art-Skylar Lee 1753. Brave Heart (Digimon)-Animelmack 1754. Forget For Me-Skylar Lee 1755. Only one, No. 1-Masami Okui 1756. Sex Sells (Hard)-TX2 1757. I Feel PRetty -Julie Andrews [I wrote I feel gay instead of pretty on this!!!! hahaha] 1758. The Ketchup Song-Las Ketchup (Spanglish) 1759. On a Roll-Ashley O 1760. Right Where I Belong-Ashley O 1761. Barenaked-Jennifer Love Hewitt 1762. Waking the Witch-Kate Bush
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weaversweek · 7 months
Billboard magazine's favourite singles of the 21st century
Relevant to the ongoing #FearOfMu21c chatter, a top 50 extracted from Billboard magazine's staff picks.
They've asked for the best songs of the Hot 100 era, stretching back to 1958; these are the 2000s songs.
12 PTS Since u been gone - Kelly Clarkson 2005
11 PTS Call me maybe - Carly Rae Jepsen 2012 Super bass - Nicki Minaj 2011 Hey ya - Outkast 2003 Crazy in love - Beyoncé 2003
10 pts Work it - Missy Elliott 2002 Bad romance - Lady Gaga 2009 Rolling in the deep - Adele 2011 Yeah! - Usher 2004 You belong with me - Taylor Swift 2009
Somebody that I used to know - Gotye & Kimbra 2012 Umbrella - Rihanna 2007 Toxic - Britney Spears 2004 Bye bye bye - *N'Sync 2000 In da club - 50 Cent 2003
Thank u, next - Ariana Grande 2018 Unwritten - Natasha Bedingfield 2006 Drivers license - Olivia Rodrigo 2021 Rehab - Amy Winehouse 2007 Party in the usa - Miley Cyrus 2009
Uptown funk! - Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars 2015 Blinding lights - The Weeknd 2020 Hotline bling - Drake 2015 Despacito - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee 2017 Say my name - Destiny's Child 2000
What makes you beautiful - One Direction 2012 Baby - Justin Bieber ft Ludacris 2010 Mr Brightside - The Killers 2005 Trap queen - Fetty Wap 2015 A thousand miles - Vanessa Carlton 2002
Party rock anthem - LMFAO ft Lauren Bennett & Goon Rock 2011 I gotta feeling - The Black Eyed Peas 2009 We found love - Rihanna ft Calvin Harris 2011 Royals - Lorde 2013 Empire state of mild - Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys 2009
As it was - Harry Styles 2022 Get lucky - Daft Punk ft Pharell 2013 Paper planes - MIA 2008 Born this way - Lady Gaga 2011 Old town road - Lil Nas X ft Billy Ray Cyrus 2019
Sexyback - Justin Timberlake 2006 Single ladies (put a ring on it) - Beyoncé 2008 Bad guy - Billie Eilish 2019 Bodak yellow - Cardi B 2017 Viva la vida - Coldplay 2008
Tik tok - Kesha 2010 Lose yourself - Eminem 2002 Get ur freak on - Missy Elliott 2001 Wrecking ball - Miley Cyrus 2013 Buy u a drank - T-Pain fr Yung Joc 2007
**Bubbling under
Blank space - Taylor Swift 2014 I love it - Icona Pop ft Charli XCX 2013 Love on top - Beyoncé 2011 Say so - Doja Cat 2020 Chandelier - Sia 2014 One more time - Daft Punk 2001 Bad habit - Steve Lacy 2022 Lucid dreams - Juice WRLD 2018 Hot in herre - Nelly 2002 Circles - Post Malone 2019 We belong together - Mariah Carey 2005
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sexanddrugseducation · 10 months
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Fetty ...Betty baby love goes out to all my homies\junkys in ⬇️town #pdx much love to all
Ps. Hide use 5-0h is out and about more so than usual. Umbrella ☔ it up hoodies|blankets over heads. Team work boys and girls..[girls]..hehe...don't 360 ur head on me miss infected and possibly possessed...I love u still. ..yup a portion of any money I get threw social media will directly goto homeless folks around town. (No shit) I'll record it when the money comes in.
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thelasttime · 1 year
Cleveland anon again I actually don’t know if that is more unhinged or if my 1989 tour story is ??
So I had just graduated high school and was going to start college that august (🧂💨) but my college was making me go to this mandatory poor kids seminar for the whole month of July to make sure we were ~adequately prepared for the rigors~ or whatever so I was going to be out of town during the shows where I’m from but we weren’t allowed to leave campus for ANY REASON at ALL during the seminar thing so I wasn’t going to be able to go to the shows there either (which I did actually have a b-stage pit ticket for one of those but had to give it away since they imprisoned me in a dorm) ((also also I gave it away to some kid on here for free and she blocked me after I’m still mad about that))
ANYWAY. So I was like I have to go to this. And I convinced my GF at the time that it would be a great idea for us to go to Seattle for the show? We do not live near Seattle. We do not go to college near Seattle. So I like manufacture this whole ass vacation to get her to go to the Seattle 1989 date with me and I basically finance the whole thing w the proceeds from my after school part time job at a god damn MARSHALL’S because my ex SUCKS and we stayed at a super sketchy motel outside of Seattle and took the train in for the show but the show was beautiful and perfect and it was the first time I’d ever seen T live!! Also fetty wap was there and they played trap queen?? Idk that was a wild summer
There was some butthead though who was talking to the TN employee the whole time we were getting our pic taken at the booth before the show and like crying about how they were PROMISED that they would FOR CERTAIN get loft 89 and the TN employee was like ??? Who told u that?? But they just kept screaming and crying so the TN employee rushed us out to deal w them and then later on tumblr I saw that they did actually get loft 89 that night 🙃
IN CONCLUSION lmao I guess all my stories are “I spend way too much money on flying to random places for Taylor swift concerts” and yes I might randomly fly somewhere for eras don’t @ me I have credit cards I’m an adult we all die in debt anyway
omg speaking of the loft 89 / all of that - i don't know if i ever shared this but i got offered like $200 for people to take our rep room passes and go instead ???????? like this was in front of sydney from taylor nation who was wrapping the rep room bracelet around me as people were crowding around us and asking me if they could pay for our meet & greet passes ... i was 17 years old ???????????? and they were like full adults (like 25+)
anyways - yes perhaps you need to start going to concerts that are closer to your area .. although i will say that my sister and our friend flew into nashville for this eras tour and it was really fun!! just be financially responsible bestie <3
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siderisejournal · 1 year
Resmi ! Grup Electronic Cheat Codes , Melepas Album Country PertamaMereka Berjudul “One Night In Nashville”
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Trio pencipta lagu-lagu hits global, Cheat Codes baru sajac merilis debut project country mereka Cheat Codes Presents: One Night in Nashville (Cheat Codes LLC/Downtown Music). Album ini adalah hal yang baru untuk trio ini yang sebelumnya telah banyak mengeluarkan rekaman dalam genre electronic dance, pop, dan rock alternatif. Ketiganya baru saja memulai National Finals Rodeo (NFR) dengan penampilan “Rodeo World” pada tanggal 1 Desember di Zouk Nightclub. “Going to the coolest city ever after making one song turned into fourteen and we wanted to make an entire album. We knew it was a different world musically from the one we lived in, but we knew we wanted to be a part of it,” sebut Trevor Dahl, KEVI & Matthew Russell, yang dikenal sebagai Cheat Codes. “We felt so comforted and welcomed by this incredible community of creators. The journey that began two years ago, now gets to be heard around the world, and we could not be more excited about this collection of songs.” , Lugas Cheat Codes Lima single telah dirilis sejauh ini, termasuk hits radio Top 40 “I Remember” featuring Russell Dickerson. Lagu lainnya termasuk “One Night Left” dengan MacKenzie Porter, “Lose You” featuring Jimmie Allen, yang dilundurkan dengan official music video, “How Do You Love” featuring Lee Brice & Lindsay Ell, dan “Never Love You Again” featuring Little Big Town & Bryn Christopher. Perilisan track yang akan datang meliputi “When You Know” dengan Matt Stell dan “Bets On Us” dengan Dolly Parton.
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Tentang Cheat Codes : Dengan secara bersamaan menjual genre elektronik, pop, hip-hop dan alternatif, trio Cheat Codes yang berasal dari Los Angeles tetap menjadi kekuatan yang cukup kuat di seluruh budaya populer. Perhitungan total streams mereka telah mencapai angka yang mengejutkan yaitu 6 miliar. Dengan mempertahankan kecepatan yang produktif ini, mereka terus mengumpulkan diskografi yang beragam, termasuk hit platinum Pop Radio Top 5 “No Promises” [feat. Demi Lovato], gold certificate “Feels Great” [feat. Fetty Wap & CVBZ], dan terobosan penjualan terbaik “SEX” dengan Kriss Kross Amsterdam. Berbicara tentang dampak internasional yang mereka berikan, “Only You” [feat. Little Mix] melambung ke peringkat #1 di Radio Pop Inggris, yang juga pada saat bersamaan mereka menerima lusinan sertifikasi platinum di 20 negara. Belum lagi, Liam Payne, Kim Petras, Wiz Khalifa, dan Sofía Reyes semuanya mengambil kesempatan untuk berkolaborasi, dan mereka juga membuat remix untuk Ed Sheeran dan Sam Smith. Menghidupkan club di seluruh dunia, EP level 2 tahun 2019 mereka menghasilkan hit Radio Dance #1 “Who’s Got Your Love” [feat. Daniel Blume] selain daripada “Ferrari” [feat. Afrojack] dan “Be The One” [feat. Kaskade]. Cheat Codes melakukan debut akting mereka dengan film pendek yang disutradarai Bella Thorne, video musik untuk "No Service In The Hills" featuring Trippie Redd, blackbear dan PRINCE$$ ROSIE. Diakui oleh Rolling Stone, Paper, Time, Billboard, dan banyak lagi, musisi ini telah menutup The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon dan Jimmy Kimmel LIVE! dengan penampilan yang sangat memukau
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alaminshorkar76 · 2 years
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fettystown · 2 years
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Aaaand there she is! In the beginig of toh I didn't like her, 'cause she was harmful and evil :,)))
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doctorsbanana · 2 years
Fetty wap instagram download
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#Fetty wap instagram download professional#
As Leandra stated, he physically abused her, cheated on her and was always high on drugs. The two lovebirds tied the knot in 2019 in Canada but in 2020 were already divorced. Speaking of the singer’s personal life, he did date a number of women but was married only once with Leandra Gonzales. Even though he was immediately delivered to the hospital, he died there. He was shot in his home town by a stranger. Twyshon is a late brother, who died in 2020. Also, there is absolutely no information about her life. There is also one more sister, whose name is unfortunately unknown. Yazzming is another sister, who resides in California and works there as a marketer. As for her personal life, she is happily married and together with a husband raises four children. She studied at Passaic County Technical Institute and runs her own hair care company. Just like her spouse, she is also very close with all her five children. It was she, who taught a famed son everything she knew about music. The mother Doria used to sing in a church choir. Willie shares a tight bond with all his kids and is very supportive of them. He studied at Hackensack High School and was really young when he met the love of his life, Doria and created a big family with her. Nowadays, everyone is waiting for the celebrity’s second album.Īnd now, we are eager to share more fascinating facts about the star’s closest people.
#Fetty wap instagram download professional#
After that he presented a debut album that was also positively accepted by fans as well as professional critics. The single became a hit overnight and so, made Fetty Wap a real star. However, things changed for the worse when he began selling drugs.įortunately, he got on a roll in 2014, having released a song called Trap Queen. With time he started dreaming of becoming a recognized artist. Instead, he was very passionate about music. A future star attended Peterson Public School but didn’t like it much. Keep scrolling to see Wap’s children and their mothers.A talented rapper, singer and songwriter Fetty Wap was born in New Jersey, in 1991. The singer is a “mushy and tough” dad all at once, he told his Instagram followers in September 2020. Thank you for letting m still be a father to my lil lady. I promise to love you forever and your mom is the true hero, for every day I can’t be there she will. Wap praised the little one on her first birthday in 2018, writing via Instagram Stories: “Hbd Lauren. “LoLo daddy did that s–t for you last night baby girl,” he said while performing at the Rolling Loud festival in Miami. One week prior, the “Trap Queen” rapper dedicated a set to his late daughter. “If you see this post scrolling by with her comment or just say to yourself ‘I love you LAUREN’ because they say that souls can feel your love. “This is my amazing, beautiful, funny, vibrant, loving, talented, smart and hardheaded princess mermaid Aquarius,” the dancer wrote via Instagram in July 2021. Two years later, tragedy struck the musician’s family when Miami announced that her and Wap’s daughter had died. Skyy, 27, replied to her ex’s Instagram Live video: “Out of respect for my new relationship I’m not going bak and forth with anything from the past. If it was biological with me, then it would be different.” I’m gonna help, but as far as me going above my boundaries … nah. When I feel like I want to be there, I’m going to be there. Me and her mother fell out but that ain’t got nothing to do with the baby. I was there for her doctor’s appointments. “I’mma always love Lai Lai,” Wap told his Instagram followers of Alaiya’s paternity in September 2019. Model Alexis Skyy named the American Music Award nominee as the father of her daughter, Alaiya, in 2018, but the following year, Brandon Medford was revealed to be the baby girl’s biological dad. Turquoise Miami gave birth to their daughter, Lauren, in 2017. The former couple also welcomed son Zy in 2018.īetween the siblings’ births, Wap became a dad to Khari, born in March 2016 to Masika Kalysha, and Amani, born in April 2016 to Elaynna Parker. Four years after the little one’s birth, the New Jersey native welcomed daughter Zaviera with Lezhae Keona in 2015. The songwriter shares his eldest child, Aydin, with Ariel Reese. Fetty Wap is loving fatherhood! The rapper became a dad in May 2011 and has been sharing his sweet moments with his children via social media ever since.
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witchvspatriarchy · 5 years
Artists that Taylor Swift has had as Special Guests at HER tours or has collaborated with and whether or not they've spoken up ✅
Kellie Pickler (fearless tour)
Gloriana (fearless tour)
John Mayer (fearless tour)
☑Justin Bieber (fearless tour, speak now tour)
Faith Hill (fearless tour, reputation tour)
Katy Perry (fearless tour, yntcd mv)
Little Big Town (better man, 1989 tour)
✅Hayley Kiyoko (reputation tour, yntcd mv)
B.O.B (speak now tour, both of us single)
Kendrick Lamar (bad blood single)
Imogen Heap (clean)
✅Todrick Hall (yntcd mv)
Troye Sivan (reputation tour)
Brendon Urie (me!)
Ed Sheeran (red tour, everything has changed, end game)
Gary Lightbody (the last time)
Colbie Caillat (breath)
Sam Smith (red tour)
Shawn Mendes (1989 tour, reputation tour, lover remix)
✅Selena Gomez (speak now tour, 1989 tour, reputation tour, bad blood mv)
✅Camila Cabello (reputation tour)
Ellen DeGeneres (speak now tour, 1989 tour, yntcd mv)
Jason Mraz (speak now tour)
Tal Bachman (speak now tour)
Usher (speak now tour)
Flo Rida (speak now tour)
Jim Adkins (speak now tour)
Nicki Minaj (speak now tour)
Fall Out Boy (vsfs)
Andy Grammer (speak now tour, 1989 tour)
Joe Foreman (speak now tour)
Kenny Chesney (speak now tour)
Hot Chelle Rae (speak now tour)
James Taylor (speak now tour)
Johnny Rzeznik (speak now tour)
Darius Rocker (speak now tour)
T.I. (speak now tour)
Shawn Colvin (speak now tour)
Nelly (speak now tour, red tour, 1989 tour)
Hayley Williams (speak now tour, bad blood mv)
Tim McGraw (speak now tour)
Ronnie Dunn (speak now tour)
Carly Simon (red tour)
Jennifer Lopez (red tour)
Hunter Hayes (red tour)
Cher Lloyd (red tour)
Tegan and Sara (red tour)
✅Sara Bareilles (red tour)
Ellie Goulding (red tour, 1989 tour, bad blood mv)
Austin Mahone (red tour)
Brett Eldredge (red tour)
Neon Trees (red tour)
Train (red tour)
Rascal Flatts (red tour)
Luke Bryan (red tour)
Idina Menzel (1989 tour)
Allesia Cara (1989 tour)
Ricky Martin (1989 tour)
Pitbull (1989 tour)
Dwyane Wade (1989 tour)
Tove Lo (1989 tour)
Miranda Lambert (1989 tour)
Charlie XCX (1989 tour, reputation tour)
Keith Urban (1989 tour)
Steven Tyler (1989 tour)
Leona Lewis (1989 tour)
Kelsea Ballerini (1989 tour)
Mick Jagger (1989 tour)
Alison Krauss (1989 tour)
Dierks Bently (1989 tour)
Dixie Chicks (1989 tour, soon you'll get better)
Sydney Sierota (1989 tour)
The Band Perry (1989 tour)
Whiz Khalifa (1989 tour)
Omi (1989 tour)
Avril Lavigne (1989 tour)
Justin Timberlake (1989 tour)
Lisa Kudrow (1989 tour)
St. Vincent (1989 tour, cruel summer)
John Legend (1989 tour)
Alanis Morissette (1989 tour)
Matt LeBlanc (1989 tour)
Chris Rock (1989 tour)
Uzo Aduba (1989 tour)
Mary J. Blige (1989 tour)
Joan Baez (1989 tour)
Julia Roberts (1989 tour)
Little Mix (1989 tour)
Fifth Harmony (1989 tour)
Fetty Wap (1989 tour)
Russell Wilson (1989 tour)
✅Ciara (1989 tour, yntcd mv)
Tim McGraw (reputation tour)
Nico & Vinz (1989 tour)
MKTO (1989 tour)
Walk the Moon (1989 tour)
Sam Hunt (1989 tour)
Andrea Pejic (1989 tour)
Lily Donaldson (1989 tour)
Serayah (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
Jason Derulo (1989 tour)
Lorde (1989 tour)
Nick Jonas (1989 tour)
Hailee Steinfeld (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
Lily Aldridge (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
✅Lena Dunham (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
Heidi Klum (1989 tour)
Haim (1989 tour)
The Weeknd (1989 tour)
✅Martha Hunt (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
Kendall Jenner (1989 tour)
Serena Williams (1989 tour)
Karlie Kloss (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
✅Gigi Hadid (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
✅Cara Delevigne (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
Rachel Platten (1989 tour)
Mariska Hargitay (1989 tour, bad blood mv)
✅Echosmith (1989 tour)
Imagine Dragons (1989 tour)
Niall Horan (reputation tour)
Robbie Williams (reputation tour)
Bryan Adams (reputation tour)
✅Maren Morris (reputation tour)
Sugarland (reputation tour, babe)
Adam Lambert (yntcd mv)
Tan France (yntcd mv)
Ryan Reynolds (yntcd mv)
Idris Elba (london boy)
RuPaul (yntcd mv)
✅Antoni Porowsky (yntcd mv)
Jonathan Van Ness (yntcd mv)
Karamo Brown (yntcd mv)
Laverne Cox (yntcd mv)
Chester Lockhart (yntcd mv)
Jesse Tyler Ferguson (yntcd mv)
Justin Mikita (yntcd mv)
Adam Rippon (yntcd mv)
Dexter Mayfield (yntcd mv)
Hannah Hart (yntcd mv)
Billy Porter (yntcd mv)
Trinity the Tuck (yntcd mv)
Delta Work (yntcd mv)
A'keria C. Davenport (yntcd mv)
Tatianna (yntcd mv)
Trinity K. Bonet (yntcd mv)
✅Jade Jolie (yntcd mv)
Zayn (idwtlf)
✅Bobby Berk (yntcd mv)
Future (end game)
Zendaya (bad blood mv)
Jessica Alba (bad blood mv)
Ellen Pompeo (bad blood mv)
Cindy Crawford (bad blood mv)
Miley Cyrus (yafywbh)
Calvin Harris (tiwycf)
Rihanna (tiwycf)
Tiffany Haddish (reputation tour)
☑Ryan Tedder (I know places) he was vague
Jack Antonoff
✅Joseph Khan
Max Martin
✅Joel Little
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moonflowerlesbians · 3 years
Dear bloom town anon,
I’m sorry you’re running out of pick up lines.
Just kidding, I’m not really sorry.
It’s my time to woo.
Fetty Wap. Trap Queen. 0:14-0:16.
what is *happening* right now
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elitespacefreak · 4 years
PART ONE OF WHO KNOWS | What’s up, it’s ya horny girl Fetty Whap. Your response to last night’s thot made me so happy hehe. How was your day? I have three days off from work now and I’m SO HYPED FOR CHRISTMAS. Christmas as an adult feels different, but it’s still enjoyable. TONIGHT’S THOT OF THE NIGHT IS: Zim worshiping you uwu. Zim likes being worshipped. Obvi. But Zim is never opposed to worshipping you. You’re not only his loyal lover, you’re also his right hand.
PART TWO OF WHO KNOWS FROM FETTY WHAP | you’re also his right hand. Zim flies you up to the highest point of the town where the sky is clear and the city is so far out, the light pollution doesn’t cover the stars. Zim starts your lesson with the constellations and major stars and planets you can see from Earth. He’ll need your help one day, so you should get a head start. You of course find it endearing and properly listen to all of his lessons.
PART THREE OF WHO KNOWS | After some time, he notices your cold, and he offers you a blanket. He likes how it makes you genuinely happy. He leads you back inside the ship. The sky is so clear and visibly through the stressed glass screen. You two sit in the pilot’s chair, cuddling one another. You enjoy the feeling of Zim’s face tucked into your neck, his content purring and small kisses keeping you at ease. He kisses down your neck, to your chest, and eventually he goes lower. ;)))
PART FOUR (maybe it's five i lost count OOPS) OF WHO KNOWS FROM FETTY WHAP | He kneels between your legs and helps you to shimmy out of your shorts. He grins up at you when you get flustered just at the sight of him between your thighs. He presses a kiss to the inside of your thigh before licking a long, agonizingly slow strip up your cunt. You’re mewling and trembling just as he plays with your pussy. He leaves kisses and licks all over your core before he attaches his lips to your clit
FINAL PART | He sucks at the little pearl and between the little suckles, he speaks such dirty praises. His tongue eventually stops licking little circles into the crevices of your clit. He slowly lets his tongue enter you, circling up inside of you. His nails would dig into your thighs as he pushes you into the seat, urging you to keep still as he has his way with you. WHOOOOO I wish I was YN right now LOL.🌞
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YYOOOOOOOOO OH MY GOD OKAY IM VERY AWAKE NOW asjdkahfhsjfhshfks I had a lovely day yesterday!! Got to celebrate my roommates birthday and we went rolling skating and I fell on top of my skate wheels so now there’s a huge bruise on my butt where I sit but IM OKAY and also we went axe throwing and that was dope af, and then a big dinner at a fancy steampunk chocolate factory~ ALSO IT IS ALMOST CHRISTMAS I mean yeah the holidays kinda suck as an adult sometimes and here in the subtropics we don’t have seasons so it’s a lot of extra work to get into the spirit of things. BUT IM JOLLY ANYWAY DAMMIT.
This was a biggin’ so I’m tagging this as a long post lmao I have lots of thoughts~ First of all, YES TO BEING HIS RIGHT HAND I’ve actually been thinking about this so much in the last week, like obviously while in a relationship he’d learn a lot about being domestic and stuff. But I think you would learn a lot about Irken engineering and taking care of the base and being able to work on simple things just so he had more time to do the hard or dangerous things.
I mean not to totally feed into my want to be a service sub for him, but I think that would be like your end of the bargain per se. Zim does a lot for you; he protects you, makes sure you’re well taken care of, looks out for you, lavishes you with affection, probably cooks for you, and overall handles the responsibility of being in charge. So what do you do? Make sure things are running smoothly. He’s a stickler for making sure things are done a very certain way, which makes it easy to learn exactly how to do things around the base, and once he really trusts you, you take the initiative to make your rounds and complete any of the small tasks he’s had to set aside because he was busy.
And I mean stuff like changing filters and power cores, updating system functions, cleaning out the storage rooms, maybe gathering supplies for a big project. He’s not gonna like let you clean his weapons or anything or do any real maintenance. But there’s always something to do, and I just really love the idea of doing those tasks as an act of service~
BUT YES OF COURSE HE ALSO TAKES YOU OUT IN THE VOOT TO LOOK AT STARS AND TEACH YOU ABOUT SPACE THINGS BECAUSE HE FUCKING ADORES HOW ENAMORED YOU ARE WITH IT. Like any time something cool is happening like an eclipse or an equinox or just the planets are doing something neat, he flies you out to look and gives you a few lessons on whatever is happening and he just fucking loves how you pay such close attention to him he gets so soft for you over that shit I can’t hes so cute.
But yeah it’s cold up there and he always has blankets to cuddle you in and covers your face and neck in kisses because it makes you blush and he knows you get warm when you blush so technically it’s helping. And he continues that logic because he’s a fucking horn dog and will spend at least an hour eating you out, smiling every time you moan or whimper and try to hide behind the blanket he gave you until he’s too desperate to wait and sits you on his cock while he snuggles you for warmth and purrs the whole time he fucks into you because you feel so good and he just loves you so much he can hardly stand it.
And then by the time you get back you’re asleep and he gets to be all paternal and tuck you into bed.
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