#feud for two
mcuamerica · 2 years
Introducing: Amelia Grace
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I am pleased to introduce Amelia Grace, the new OC in my upcoming Chris Evans AU, Feud for Two. If you want to know a little something about Amelia, please leave me an ask and Amelia will answer you! Anything from her job to her family background (and opinions on celebs such as the one and only Chris Evans).
Face Claim: Catrinel Marlon Pictures all from @catrinelmarlon on instagram
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notemaker · 3 months
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Happy, happy Hotel.
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spinetacks · 1 month
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updated brody being a hater compilation
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tottenhamhotsperm · 2 months
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"The only 2 people to kick out the One Winged Angel."
Youtube user batmanneedssome200 / Kota Ibushi kicks out of the One Winged Angel, DDT Peter Pan 2012 / Only One Man Has Kicked Out of The One Winged Angel, 2023 / Kenny Omega kicks out of the One Winged Angel, AEW Full Gear 2021 / Reddit u/Kumomeme / Kenny Omega kicks out of the One Winged Angel, AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2023 / Reddit u/sicKlown
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morverenmaybewrites · 4 months
Imagine Wayne Manor as a Haunted House (Bruce Wayne x Reader)
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Been thinking about Wayne Manor.
What it would be like as a haunted house, and Bruce Wayne cursed as its last living heir.
Imagine Wayne Manor as a haunted house, its great stone walls overgrown by twisting kudzu vines, its hallways creaking with the weight of all the tragedy that had befallen the Wayne family tree.
In an upstairs bathroom, a leaky faucet drips water like tears. A strange stain darkens the bottom of the tub, where one of Bruce's ancestors had drowned herself after the loss of her lover.
No one ever uses that bathroom, yet there are days when Bruce can hear running water. And he would feel a grief so profound that it would leech all of the color out of the sky.
And he would remind himself, with renewed determination, of all the terrible fates that befell anyone who has loved a Wayne.
Imagine Wayne Manor as a haunted house, older perhaps, than Gotham itself. Where the walls are overrun by kudzu vines, the fat purple clusters of their flowers all but hiding the weathered stone.
Except, perhaps, in the East Wing, where even the vines do not grow. The walls remain blackened, the windows cracked and warped. Here, there once lived an heir who thought that he could outlast the curse. Or perhaps he believed that there was no curse at all.
He had held the wedding on the grounds itself—ignoring the way the grass twisted around his bride's ankles like starving rats—and moved her into the East Wing that very night.
One would hope that they were happy in the week before the fire. Where the heat was so intense that it blackened the Manor's stone walls and the smoke that rose from it blotted out the sky.
One would hope they died instantly, suffocated in their sleep before they even knew what would happen.
And yet, Bruce knows they did not. Perhaps it is only his own pessimism. Or perhaps, the Manor wanted him to know.
It was she who died first. Her smooth skin turning cracked and leathery, blisters forming on her skin and bursting like the fat of a pig on a spit.
It was she who died first, and the heir had enough time to run away. To live with the knowledge of what he had done to her.
But he did not.
Instead, he lay down next to his bride and let the fire claim them both.
And Bruce Wayne, heir to Wayne Manor's wealth and tragedy memories, would wake up some nights with the taste of ash in his mouth.
Imagine Wayne Manor as a haunted house, a cursed house. A house that has claimed everyone its heirs have ever loved.
But oh, it is hungry. Its once-thriving grounds have become dry and barren. The grass that had once twined around a doomed bride's ankles have grown yellowed and shriveled.
For while its previous owners have kept it fed with its share of tragedies, Bruce Wayne had starved it.
Bruce Wayne, who as a child would wake up with the taste of ash in his mouth, who once used an upstairs bathroom where the faucet drips water like tears.
Bruce Wayne, who promised himself that he would be the last heir Wayne Manor would ever have.
Now, imagine you. You who have lived in Gotham City, your whole life.
You who would pass by the Wayne Manor on the way to classes or to work, and you would look at its barren gardens and its cracked windows.
And you would feel...something.
A pull perhaps or an ache, one that could only settled by approaching this house, this cursed lot, placing your hands against the wrought iron gate so that you can get a better look.
And you would see its blackened walls and its barren gardens, the grass yellowed and withered and dead.
And you would feel a strange sort of tenderness for a place that looks so unloved.
You feel the cold of iron against your palms, a flash of heat.
And then—
Somehow, you had cut yourself against the gate. A wide cut, a deep cut, straight against the meat of your palm.
You don't quite know how it happened. And perhaps, it did not matter, because the only thing you can focus on is the pain that throbbed against your skin like a heart.
You curse, try to staunch the flow, and in doing so, you catch a glimpse of a figure.
Perhaps it was the mansion's old butler or perhaps one of its many ghosts. But as he approached, you knew that this could only be one person.
The heir to Wayne Manor was said to be a glib playboy, one who would spend rather spend his family's vast amount of wealth on drugs and women and sex than actually fixing his broken-down home.
And yet, when you meet him on that fateful day, he did not look like the blindingly beautiful man you had seen in the newspapers.
He didn't have a fixed smile that could have meant anything from loathing to adoration, he didn't wear a suit that cost more than your yearly salary.
That day, he looked human. He looked reachable.
Perhaps that was what made you accept the handkerchief he so graciously handed to you. Perhaps that is what makes you smile—a little clumsy, a little lopsided, but a smile all the same—as you say,
"Thanks a ton. See you around, Bruce Wayne."
And when you walk away, you do not look back.
You do not see what Bruce Wayne saw.
You do not see how your blood dries preternaturally fast on the surface of the black gate, as if something was drinking it in.
You do not see the way the grass along the driveway twists around your ankles like a starving rat.
And you definitely do not see the expression on Bruce Wayne's face when he realizes what it all meant.
Imagine Wayne Manor as a haunted house, its great stone walls overgrown by twisting kudzu vines, its once-barren gardens now blooming with life. Galica roses with buds so heavy that their stems drooped, as if begging one to cut them and place them in a bouquet.
Imagine Wayne Manor, which has fed well on centuries' worth of tragedies, as a house starved.
For its latest heir, Bruce Wayne, had vowed never to fall in love.
Had vowed that whatever curse lingered in his family tree like the rot in an oak would die with him.
Imagine your blood drying on a wrought iron gate. And a leaky faucet that drips water like tears for a story that already has an ending.
Imagine a blackened wall, and the story of a man who lay down next to dead bride, to be consumed alive in a fire.
Imagine Wayne Manor, its hallways creaking with the weight of all the tragedy that had befallen the Wayne family tree.
And now imagine: its hunger.
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softambrollins · 5 months
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skylessnights · 4 months
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He knew me by heart. It infuriated me that he knew me by heart.
— Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky
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foursaints · 2 months
ok but ofc I have to ask, what is your Remus like saints dearest. I must know. I insist.
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Guys… i’m scared the wolfstar blogs are going to cancel me. people are very protective of r/s!! BUT
i’ve addressed this before but my remus is literally a dirty Kreuzberg squatter raised in west berlin at the absolute height of deutschpunk. lyall is dead & his entire mother’s side was left in east germany, behind the wall. he’s a werewolf orphan brought up by a gaggle of benevolent druggie teenagers living in an abandoned flat over potsdamer platz. he’s still a dorky wet napkin. he’s just got All That to contend with and also his english is really bad
bro has Issues™️. and he falls in love with the fairytale-beautiful scion of an ancient pureblood house, trapped in tradition like a princess in a tower. people like sirius weren’t made for men like him!!!! they’re very classically romeo & juliet….. i think they’re two Notoriously Independent Lone Wolves that want nothing more than to be Alone Forever, who both accidentally get pulled into james potter’s orbit and collide, changing both of their shapes forever
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drrav3nb · 6 months
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Awaken, my love. You are with me forever
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moonshynecybin · 2 months
marc being 22 when sepang happened makes me want to die inside like SO many people turning against you SO viciously.. when you were loved by them just days before.. falling out of vale’s favor too! literally out of the blue! vale doesn’t look at him once during that press conference like oh what a nightmare genuinely i need to invent a time machine and help him outgdjbshrn grrrrr
i literally. cannot watch that thing ever again amen. godbless. gesundheit. like yes it consumes my every waking thought no i shall not ever behold it with myne own two eyeballs ever!!! once was fucking enough !!!! because if i actually hold the event in my mind's eye like it is a real three dimensional thing that actually happened i am afraid i am going to book a flight to italy and do something that gets me on the news. kidding. mostly.
like he does not look. at marc once the entire time. he is SURGICAL and DANGEROUSLY LIGHT with his words and demeanor. enough wiggle room for people to think hes not being mean. not being crazy. marc is even smiling. oh thats just vale hes playing. NOPE. not even a LITTLE. and he's not confronting marc one-on-one— that is insanely deliberate and calculated here, he is DELIBERATELY leveraging his media know-how because he KNOWWSSSS that his fans will believe him and it will be a big story and marc is going to have to deal with that and SOME PART of the record is always going to absolve him of this loss and take his side here because he is valentino rossi and what he says to the press gets NOTED. actually and genuinely pisses me off so bad. if itchy and scratchy did not compose a dramaturgical dyad and if vale wasnt gods favoritest little clown i simply wouldve killed him. dead ass.
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How I see every Godzilla x Mothra ships but in their respective eras?
Showa Godzilla and Showa Mothra = ENEMIES (Okay, they're enemies and they both wished to stay each other's asses and their family to ensure the safety and secure of their family clan; still they dislike each other frequently whenever they passed by their homes or just...comment snidely to one another)
Heisei Godzilla and Heisei Mothra = Neutral (Heisei Mothra is married to Heisei Battra and they both raised a son named Leo. )
GMK Godzilla and GMK Mothra = Yeah partners-in-crime (both have family issues and ran away, eventually the two meet each other and become roommates shared in one rented apartment; I supposed they might be enemies but, here's the fact: they both dated each other secretly without getting caught)
Millenium Godzilla and Millenium Mothra = Friends obviously (Millenium Mothra still raising her twin children alone)
MV Godzilla and MV Mothra = MARRIED COUPLE!!! (Childhood friends; both lived in their family clan; inseparable until they were married and moved on to their new home; start raising your future kids would you?!)
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mcuamerica · 2 years
Damn I thought I wrote the full chapter for chapter 2, turns out I only wrote 2 paragraphs😅
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ariszed · 5 months
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Better Than You Bay-Bay, you will always be famous 💔
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alcorian-wizard · 1 year
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ik they’re like sworn enemies and stuff- but i’ve been thinking abt how one day in the faaar future alcor just brings bill cipher back for the shits and giggles (in a good ol the-more-u-fuck-around-the-more-u-find-out fashion) after being bored out of his mind for a good millenia or something (im sure this goes against some alcor lore but it’d just be so funny). alternatively, in the fashion of someone like me, bill comes back after like, centuries after dying and alcor’s got a small tea party set up waiting for him 
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batsplat · 6 days
Thank you so much for ur work for this community 😭
thank you!! so, listen, I need to get some casey, jorge and valentino images out into the world
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this is from the 2007 qatar post-qualifying press conference. obviously it's not just the three of them given colin edwards is like. right in the middle. (and *checks notes* gábor talmácsi is also there.) but still a photo of historical significance... casey's first ever race with the ducati (which he very much wins), plus valentino with his then-current teammate edwards and then-future teammate jorge... it's a bit unclear when jorge was actually signed - lin jarvis implies it was in 2006 but if that's the case, edwards seemed to be under the impression for a little too long that he wasn't going to lose that seat. anyways! look at wee nineteen year old jorge lorenzo, look at his utter absence of anything approaching a smile... look at him
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misano 2007 post-qualifying press conference and a very powerful photo imo... some nicely contrasting vibes here, good composition... jorge had already been announced as valentino's teammate, and the title is already more or less in casey's pocket (even more so after casey won here and valentino had a mechanical dnf lol - they'd basically brought the race back to the calendar for valentino so this was. not ideal! incidentally still the last race with an entirely non-european podium.)
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not much from 2008 tbh. casey and vale took turns to flop in the first bit of the season and then jorge started crashing his brains out. anyway these are from indianapolis, at a time when jorge was just about in the process of getting his act together while casey had crashed in his last three races (including laguna where he picks up the bike to finish p2). quite fond of this race actually, bit of a mess due to the weather and ends up getting red-flagged
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first race of 2009.... casey's scheduled annual qatar win. decent shout for his most boring one of the lot, sorry king
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pre-event presser before mugello, where valentino had won seven consecutive times headed into the 2009 race. if I'm valentino I low-key never show my face again after the le mans catastrophe but whatever it's fine
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the le mans fiasco in question
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anyway mugello is another wet-ish race that valentino ended up playing too conservatively because of the le mans horror show. so casey wins! also jorge beats valentino! old man's washed! just about scams his way onto the podium
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italian press weren't particularly kind to valentino for having the audacity to lose mugello. they said it was over... he was finished... imagine only winning a race seven times in a row. was he even trying any more? loser
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valentino bounced back at catalunya 2009 in highly dramatic fashion (y'know, it's the one with the last corner overtake). moment of deep historical significance in which jorge pulls valentino down from the podium to give him a hug
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first race where casey was really struggling with his mystery illness... idk if I were valentino or jorge I'd maybe check if the third guy on the podium isn't about to drop dead but. well. professional athletes, never really been known for their empathy. they did clap along with the journalists in the post-race press conference when the moderator thanked casey for actually making it to the presser, so that's something?
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we all have our struggles
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the very next race. immaculate vibes imo. the 2009 title fight going into assen had all three of them tied on 106 points... #heritage
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anyway the race itself is pretty boring (as unfortunately are many of the races that year), but it's valentino's 100th win so good on him ig. he got out a special banner with photos of all his wins, which would've been an absolute pain to lug around if he'd not immediately won the next race after his 99th
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cute. unfortunately, this is now very much mystery illness period for casey... heroic effort to get himself to the podium but not much more was possible at the time
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laguna 2009 post-quali presser. jorge is sitting for the photo, because even though he'd bagged pole, he had a massive highside right at the end of qualifying... hurt both his ankles and his shoulder. he'd also had a horrendous highside right at the start of laguna '08, did a good job to banish his gremlins in order to win at the circuit in 2010
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qatar 2010... can't have been after the race because casey crashed :/ valentino grabbed the win, before immediately injuring his shoulder in a motocross accident. all went downhill from there, really. damn the eruption of eyjafjallajökull we were robbed
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laguna 2010 podium, most memorable as 'that time when they accidentally played the italian anthem rather than the spanish one and valentino thinks it's extremely funny' (clip here). extremely poor quality photo shows casey found it funny too. very #them thing to happen to them. valentino buddy the cap's supposed to remain off for the duration of the anthem
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this is very much post-leg break btw, still pretty cordial with each other given some of the stuff they'd been saying about each other to the press during that period lol (not casey/jorge, they were basically fine by this point)
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presser right after jorge and valentino's little motegi misadventure... gifs from the presser. valentino's smirk vs casey's grin while jorge is being interrogated, I think about you often...
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this was casey's fourth consecutive phillip island win (of six total)... isn't that just like. an incredibly cool circuit to be goated at. does mean the fight for the victory was generally quite boring - though the battles behind casey weren't always exactly thrilling either, so you can blame that on the era too. 2008 and 2010 has decent action behind casey, 2009 is the closest casey was pushed for the win and 2011 at least has a bit of weather-related jeopardy
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valencia 2010, photos taken before unfortunate events
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last shared podium!! le mans 2012, a fun wet race that featured the final proper casey/vale duel at the race after casey's retirement announcement so has real sentimental value... congrats to valentino for not collecting casey this time. presser clip where he shows he's also pretty glad about how he (just about) managed this
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happyk44 · 1 year
PJO: we need to recognize the value of the minor gods. The Olympians are important, sure, but the minor gods do a lot of work in maintaining and assisting the pantheon, have their own kids and deserve to be seen and valued just as much
HoO: Back at it again with Olympian-only nonsense!
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