#fezco and ashtray
pinkvenomsstuff · 2 years
Fezco and Ashtray.
fem x reader!
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Not my gif
When the boys' girlfriends are on their period together, driving them crazy.
You and Ashtray started dating a little before Fezco and Howard. Their relationship was so cute, so cute it was irritating at times. Since you and your boyfriend almost always had to witness Fezco and Lexi cuddling and saying really corny things, but that was their love, they were lovers of old-fashioned romance; as Ashtray once said, making you all laugh at his speech, you didn't even know he knew those words.
You guys were always together, and sometimes you even did couple shows where Ashtray would always go around muttering something about being too corny, but you knew deep down he loved those moments. You literally lived in their house, your parents were absent and didn't care where you slept - or whether you lay in bed to fall asleep, you just couldn't show up pregnant, or they'd kick you out of the house.
On the same day, you packed your bags, determined to leave that house that you felt never belonged to you, that was never your home. You never really felt at home like most kids with their family. You almost didn't see each other, because their work was extremely busy, but when you were together at home, you didn't talk or do anything as a family, just each one in your room.
Like real strangers. You lived together but had no interaction at all. You weren't surprised when you showed up with suitcases in the room and they said, "Okay, do what you feel you have to do. We'll send money every month while you don't have a job." You smile as you walk through the door, feeling free to be officially leaving a place that never welcomed you. When you arrived at the boys' house, you were greeted with lots of kisses, hugs and pizza. You were sure for the first time that you were without your true home, with loved ones.
With Lexi it was almost like that. She hadn't moved into their house, but spent most of her time there. Since she shared a room with Cassie and didn't like it, she didn't respect her privacy. Like Faye, Custer didn't show up to pick her up or text her anymore, he just disappeared. The three of you didn't have a good relationship before, Lexi didn't like her because she thought she had an interest in Fezco, and you for your extremely short robes in a house full of boys.
But as the weeks went by, you started talking to each other when the boys went out for your sales. And you realized that Faye was definitely not what you thought, she was sweet, polite and kind. But she had a good part of her innocence and life stolen from her by her boyfriend. She might have her drug problems, but she never brought that shit to you guys.
Since those days, the three of you started treating each other like sisters. You did everything together, bought clothes together, watched movies together, read together, you even studied basic math things with the blonde so she could help out in the store. You also cooked together with Lexi reading a cookbook with you and Faye horribly going on trying to make a delicious dish for your boys, she wanted to thank you for staying, you just wanted to please them. Resulting in raw rice, undercooked meats and a terribly salty salad full of dressing.
Your coexistence made you interconnected in some way, so your menstrual cycles did not escape that. You were the first to bleedwere, and then Lexi and then Faye on heroin. But one day, the three of you woke up with pains in your stomach and blood running down your legs, on the exact same day.
For you, it was nice in a way, but not for your boyfriend and Fezco, who had to go to the candy store and buy a bunch of goodies when Lexi started harassing him, and Ashtray who had to literally run minutes before local pharmacy close because you needed colic meds and pads. And it was even more terrible for him to hear the three of you saying your preferences, with tabs, without tabs, o.b, night... And to top it off, he had an even greater embarrassment when he arrived at the cashier with all the tampon options that were in the shelf, earning a judgmental look from the attendant.
He comes home slamming the door shut and flinging the bags walking towards you who have been lying on the couch moaning in pain for more hours than he could count. "Done, damn it. Don't ever make me go to a goddamn drugstore again for this shit! The clerk looked at me like I was a fucking pussy." he grumbles, running his hands impatiently through his hair, catching his breath from a four-court run. "Oh baby. Thanks." you smile blowing him kisses "But did you buy all kinds?" you say, he looks at you "Yeah shit I couldn't remember which ones you guys talked about so I thought I'd bring them all." he explains, your heart melts when you see him tired, he was before, but he didn't stop doing it for you.
You want to cry and hug him, but hold back the crying until it disappears, you don't want to sound like a crying baby over something so simple. You get up from the couch, walking towards him in long steps because the pain was indeed too much, Ashtray is in the kitchen having a glass of water. You go to him and take his face in your hands, kissing his lips. "Thank you, really." "They're just absorbents." he says, you shrug. "I know, but I appreciate the gesture."
You walk out of the kitchen with him exclaiming "You're welcome!" You smile as you head to the bathroom with a packet of sanitary napkins in your hand. You take a quick shower and change them by discarding the used one in the trash, replacing it with a new one. You walk out of the bathroom feeling much better, a hot, relaxing shower was what you certainly needed.
You walk back to the living room where you see Fezco arriving and handing two bags to Lexi, who smiles brightly, not even knowing what's inside. "What do you have there?" Faye asks about you two. "Yes, love, what did you buy?" Lexi reinforces the question, the redhead smiles slightly at her. "The chocolates and candy you ordered, baby. It was so fucking hard to find your favorite. My knees fucking hurt from waiting ten minutes in a giant line to buy them, but there you have it." he strokes her dark red hair, Lexi opens her smile even wider, hugging him. "Thanks, Fezzy."
Her eyes fill with tears at that cute scene, Lexi hugging Fez's waist as he strokes her back. He leans in to whisper probably cute and romantic things in her ear, they start a kind of love vow. You don't know exactly when you started crying, but you could feel the hot tears coming down without your control. You were sensitive and fragile, as you always were in that period, you certainly wouldn't cry if it weren't for that.
"Hey Y/N. Why are you crying?" Faye asks, you blink when you come back to reality. "It's just cute, Faye…" you mutter, running your fist over your eyes, pushing back some tears. "Hey, what happened?" You hear Ashtray behind you, he looks at her belly and then at her face. "Are you in pain? Do you want another pill or jelly beans?" he asks coming up to you and pulling you into a hug, you instantly go back to crying like a little baby on his shoulders, which you try to stop when you realize you're worrying him.
"Oh, they're so cute." Faye groans smiling "Yeah, they're like strawberry and chocolate." Lexi completes, they laugh and Ashtray breaks the hug casting hateful looks at them. "There's nothing fucking cute here, she's crying and in pain." he says rudely and rolls his eyes, you wipe your wet face on his sweatshirt. "I'm not in pain, I'm fine, Ash. Just emotional about stupidly cute assholes like Fez and Lexi." you speak, confused looks go to you.
The couple laughs when they understand what you mean, the redhead walks over and stops beside Ashtray, patting him on the shoulder. "That's fucking neediness bro, you need to spoil your girl. Or she'll spend the afternoon crying." he whispers, smiling playfully, but enough for you all to hear. "Oh, damn! What's wrong with you women, you were perfectly fine and happy before." he sighs in frustration, playing on the unoccupied couch, everyone laughs.
"It's the hormones I think. My gynecologist says I get as sensitive as a pregnant woman." Ashtray snorts "You're only fifteen Y/N. You can't be feeling pregnant." he sighs, you don't even understand exactly what he said but it made you upset, thinking he thinks you're a fool for silly moments when you cry like this. "Yes I know." you grit your teeth feeling more tears form. "It's almost uncontrollable, I'm sorry." You say hoarsely in between crying, your boyfriend quickly gets up from the couch and comes to you
"Oh ok, bear, sorry." he says hugging you passionately, encircling your waist in his piebald arms, you returned the hug, but still slapping your chest for the nickname. "Hey, that shit hurts!" he grumbles, you squeeze him more fearing he wants to separate with you. Ashtray chuckles with your amused laugh as you bite his chest "oh fuck-" he doesn't try to say anything else when he understands that you totally want to have him right now. Ashtray squeezes you tighter against his body, ensuring you get all the affection and love you want and deserve.
The others in the room exchange amused and warming glances with each other at how surprisingly cute Ash is now. They smile at you before leaving the room, Fezco goes upstairs with Lexi to your room, probably to sleep. And Faye goes out on the porch to smoke some joint. "Hey baby come on here. Do you want to go to my room?" he asks taking your hand and taking you with him to the three-person seat.
"No, love, it's great here." you smile gratefully as you sit there, Ashtray nods giving you a kiss on the forehead and saying he's going to get some things. He returns a few minutes later with blankets, pillows, and some candy that Fez bought. He sets everything neatly lined up on the couch, he feels himself pulling you to sit on his legs. Ashtray covers her body with the warm blanket, turning on the television and leaving it on a show you both like to watch.
You feel his fingers touching your hair, then back and forth movements through your strands, like a shampoo application, a caress from him that you loved to receive. He opens a chocolate and puts it in your hand, you thank him with a piece in your mouth. You spent a few hours there, watching TV with Ashtray playing with your strands, twirling them around your fingers.
You feel your body relax completely, you don't even feel the cramping pain anymore. You incredibly ate four bars of chocolates, jelly beans and a few gummy candies, I couldn't be happier. "I'm going to brush my teeth." you say getting up, groaning in frustration at having to get out of there. "Ok." You walk to the bathroom where you find Faye and a syringe of heroin in her hands, you feel a pang of sadness in your chest.
"I thought you were just into weed." you speak, she looks at you with visible disappointment in her eyes. "Yeah, I tried. But I don't think I can stop." she shrugs her shoulders slightly, you go to her. "Yes, you can. Have a chocolate instead." you smile sympathetically handing over a leftover bar that you haven't finished eating, she takes it from your hand with a comforting smile. "Thanks."
"You're welcome. Now get out of here bitch, I'm going to use the bathroom." you say, obviously joking with her who leaves the room smiling. You brush your teeth quickly, walking back into the room as fast as a rabbit. "I was with Faye, where did we stop?" you ask lying down on the couch and covering yourself with the velvety blanket. "The woman finds out that the guy is cheating on her, it was pretty crazy for her to break the whole house." he responds by laughing, you laugh too.
You stop for a few minutes to watch it, but you really can't help but fall asleep. "Uh…I think I'm going to sleep." you almost whisper so low your voice comes out. "Uh, ok baby. Do you want me to turn off the tv?" he asks caressing your face, you deny smiling slightly. "No, you can watch. Just turn the volume down." you ask, he nods pulling you closer to him. You turn to Ashtray as he hugs your body making you lay your head under his chest.
"Thanks for today. Especially for the meds and pads. It must have been weird showing up in line with a basket full of pads." you laugh, he nods several times. "Yeah, it was annoying. The guy looked at me like I was a workhorse." he says grimacing, you laugh. "Other than that, it was nice spending the day with you too. Minus your crying, I hate to see you cry. You look prettier without tears on your face, honestly." he kisses your cheek, you smile brighter than the rainbow, snuggling closer to his chest. "Okay, good night, love. Love you." "Night, bear. I love you."
sorry if this sucks, english is not my official :/ 😘
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euphoriashots · 22 days
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Euphoria - Fezco
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incorrectfexi · 2 years
fez: promise not to laugh? … i might have a mild to moderate crush on lexi
ash: yeah, no shit. what gave it away?
fez: she, uh, she touched my eyebrows and now i have an erection
ash: *laughing obnoxiously*
fez: fuck you, you said you wouldn't laugh!
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
I love writing these three LMAO such a family aspect.
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"Am I gonna be an uncle any time soon?" My jaw slacks at Ash's random question and my head cranes to look back at him in the back seat of the car, surrounded by groceries. "I gotta know if I gotta go cold turkey or not." Fez chuckles beside me, unfazed by Ash's seemingly personal question but it has me floored.
"Are you asking to be an uncle because that seems like a conversation Fez and I should probably have first." I reach over to past Fez's shoulder with a laugh, turning around in my seat and I almost expect Ash to drop it but instead Fez pipes up.
"You heard the kid, let me knock you up." His hand reaches over to secure itself on my thigh but I bat him away and with wide eyes, I silently chastise him through a glare.
"You guys are the worst." I huff, giving them both a sassy eye roll.
"If Fez could raise me and keep me from killing myself, I could babysit a kid no fucking problem." Ash boasts, giving me a hopeful look through the rearview mirror and I let myself dream about the thought of bringing home a baby and letting Ash see what it's like to grow up actually being cared for like Fez tried to care for him.
"Ash, you curse like a trucker and you smoke like a pipe." Fez teases, sending me a playful wink as I snort.
"A man can learn." A man- you're literally fourteen, shut up.
"Would you rather be a boy uncle or a girl uncle?" I change the subject from the both of us teasing and ganging up on Ash, instead fueling my own dreams of having a child with Fez one day and involving Ash in all the best moments.
"Girl uncle. That kid would be a shit-kicker either way. You'd raise a badass girl, Y/n." He reaches out to pat my shoulder with a sincere smile and I look back at him with a soft look, shocked at his sudden affection at the topic of babies.
"This is the nicest you've ever been to me, Ash."
"Shut up."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy @steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the heart @vampviolets@haylee-e @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife
@officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @witxhy-lexx @minjix @luvroseee @tee-swizzle @savageneversaw @admiringlove @hysteriahall @piceous21 @starlightandfairies @igotmajordaddyissues @drewstarkey-wife1 @manyfandomsfanvergent @revesephemeres
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lxversharkss · 1 year
( LIL P ! )
warnings : one swear word , platonic! ashtray , fez and reader are dating
a/n : in love with the sibling relationship ash and reader have.
requested : no
summary : ashtray and reader buy a dog and try to hide it from fez
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ashtray rolled his eyes as you held the dog close to your body, as if you were cuddling it (which you were and had no shame in admitting that).
but when he held the dog all his ‘tough guy’ acts dropped and all he wanted to go was take him home.
so that’s what you did.
“what should we name him?” you mumbled, as you stroked the adorable puppy.
ash shrugged, “i dunno. maybe, lil p”
“lil p?” you questioned, holding back your laugh.
“yeah , stands for little pup” ash told you, taking the dog off you and into his arms. “don’t like it?”
you smiled softly, looking at the boy you considered your son brother. “I love it”
the sound of the door unlocking filled both your ears, you turned to face each other with wide eyes. neither of you asked fez if you could get a dog, ash whisper-yelled, “what do we do?”
“uh - go hide the dog in your room and I’ll put all your stuff in the bathroom closet, he never goes in there.” you explained.
with one quick nod, you both split up and done what you were supposed to. after, ash was sitting on the sofa and you quickly jumped next to him.
fez came into the room, “hey ma” he placed a quick peck on your lips with a smile. “hey , ash”
ash nodded at him , to focused to the sound of little steps in the background.
“be right back.” he told the two, before going into the bathroom. “uh, y/n. why is there all dog stuff in the closet?”
“I don’t know.” you called back.
ash turned to you, “we need to get lil p outta here.”
“why? lil p is fine in your room.” you shrugged it off before turning back round and seeing the puppy on the floor , right by your feet. “ash? why didn’t you shut the door?”
the boy stayed silent, the sound of the toilet flushing filled the room as you quickly (but gently) grab the door and hide him behind you. ash smiled with a playfully roll of his eyes, while you acted like the dog wasn’t there.
“yo, ma.” fez said , “what the fuck is that dog doin here?”
“what dog?” you acted clueless.
ash received a look from fez that made him exclaim, “it was her idea!”
“you snitch! he named it.”
“you paid for it”
“you tricked me into getting a dog.”
“no I didn’t , it was all your idea.”
“no , you said ‘let’s got to the pet store’ to just look at some dogs when you knew how much I wanted one.”
fez just sat there with an amused expression .
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blueribbonbaby · 2 months
Can’t wait !!!!
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raviposting · 5 months
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Caro mio ben credimi almen senza di te languisce il cor
@lgbtqcreators bingo: blending
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wholesome-holland · 8 months
euphoria masterlist!
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emily’s navigation rules for requesting
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rue bennett
to be added!
fezco o’neill
look whose got a torch
mini me (lwgat part two)
empty house
ashtray o’neill (platonic only!)
mini me (lwgat part two)
maddy perez
karma’s a bitch
cassie howard
permanent mistakes
lexi howard
to be added!
kat hernandez
to be added!
jules vaughn
to be added!
nate jacobs
to be added!
ethan daley
to be added!
to be added!
to be added!
gia bennett (platonic only!)
to be added!
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some-lonely-loser · 11 months
📍Location-Perez Household
📷POV- Narrator (3rd)
Brooke sat on Maddy's bed with a small, foldable mirror in one hand while her other hand lined her lips with a walnut brown shade while listening to Maddy and Kat's conversation. "Do you think my areolas look weird?" Maddy asked, while looking at her boobs in the mirror.
"No." Kat responded while Brooke just hummed in agreement, moving onto her eyeshadow, gathering her brushes together.
"But like.. The edges though." Maddy spun a little round, glancing at her friends who weren't even paying attention to what she was saying.
"Maddy, they're fine." Kat said while Brooke responded, "Yeah girl, calm down."
Maddy scoffed and said "Fine like they're weird, or fine like nobody but me would notice what I notice?"
"Fine like shut the fuck up Maddy!" BB yelled from Maddy's bathroom which caused Brooke to stop applying her makeup and start laughing
"I'm disgusting. I literally look disgusting." Maddy said while  pulling her tank top back up while Brooke scoffed and Kat responded "Maddy, you need to snap the fuck out of this. You're hot as fuck and Nate's a loser. Who cares?" Kat said, looking up at her while Brooke hummed in agreement, finishing her makeup and putting the mirror back on Maddy's table.
"He's not a loser, he's a dick." Maddy defended him. "All dicks are losers... duh." Kat mumbled. Brooke stood up and grabbed her phone, walking into the bathroom that BB was previously getting ready in, no longer interested in the seemingly never ending conversation. She pulled up her periwinkle colored jeans and smoothed out the wrinkles on her satin, indigo shirt.
Brooke came back into the bedroom and sat down on the bed and grabbed her phone to get more details about the party that was being thrown later.
"Brooke! You ready?" Maddy yelled from downstairs, glancing at Kat and BB who were also confused on what Brooke was doing. "Yep! I'm coming, gimme a sec I'm putting my shoes on." Maddy shrugged and turned around, walking to the door while BB shouted "We're gonna wait for you in the car." while following Kat and Maddy outside, shutting the door.
Maddy slowed the car down, beginning to pull into the parking lot of the store that Fezco owned with his brother. A certain curly haired girl walked past  the car and as soon as Maddy parked, she squinted her eyes and leaned closer to where the familiar figure was coming from.
"Is that..?" Maddy mumbled
"Oh shit. Slow down." Kat told her, even though she was already parked.
"Dude that's Rue! Oh my god.." Kat yelled.
Brooke sat up and smiled. "Oh shit! It is her!"
"Wait. didn't Rue like.. Die?" Maddy asked, confused.
BB leaned back in her seat and said "Oh my god.. I hate ghosts." Making Brooke laugh and say "She was in rehab I think."
Kat stuck her head out the window and yelled, "Yo Casper! You want a ride?"
Rue turned around and started walking slowly to the car. "Why thank you."
Brooke moved over to the middle seat, making room for Rue while she opened the door and got in the car. "Hey Rueee" Brooke said, making Rue turn to her and grin lazily. "Oh hey."
Maddy pulled out the parking spot and continued driving while rap music played and the smoke from BB's vape and the blunts that were being passed around, filled the car.
Brooke looked down at her phone, getting a message from her best friend, Sienna.
Hey bitchh, where u at?
I'm omw rn. I'm in the car wit Maddy and evb else. This car loud asf
Ok girl be safe
Love u. see u soon
I will! Love u too.
Brooke shut her phone off and laid her head against the headrest behind her, growing a headache every time BB blew smoke in her direction. Brooke just kept calm and continued listening to the rap music playing throughout the car, thankful that the current situation would only be for a couple more minutes. When the girls arrived at the party, they all said their goodbyes and ran off inside.
Brooke planned to stay with Maddy, but of course that wasn't happening since she already walked off, probably to find Nate. Her eyes darted across the room, hoping to find Sienna, or anybody else that was familiar to her.
After walking around for a few minutes, Brooke grew irritated with how many people shoved into her, unapologetically. Looking through the crowd of people one last time, before eventually deciding that she would find Sienna later, Brooke walked to the kitchen.
She grabbed a red solo cup, glancing at all the bottles of alcohol and shot glasses that were scattered throughout the kitchen. Making sure her cup was clean, she walked over to the fruit punch bowl and made herself a drink, making a mental note to add some tequila to it as well.
"Hey Brooke! I've been looking for you!" Brooke's head snapped to where the voice came from, thinking it was Sienna but it was just one of her friends from school, Isobel. "Hey Isobel! You liking the party so far?" She said drinking from her cup.
"It's ight." Isobel shrugged. "You?" Brooke grinned before shrugging as well. "Yeah it's ight. You know where Sienna is?" She shouted over the loud music.
"Uhm.. The last I saw her, she was at the bathroom so try there." Isobel spoke before grabbing a bottle of alcohol and walking away, saying her goodbyes.
Brooke drank the rest of her drink, scrunching her face, looking down into the cup, only to see that it was clear. She put the cup down, rolling her eyes as she realized she just drank from the wrong cup. She shrugged it off, walking back into the living room, to find Sienna. Her eyes scanned over all the dancing figures before she found what she guessed
were the bathrooms, where a lot of people gathered.
Brooke looked at all the figures, not finding one with noticeably crimson colored hair, which caused her to turn around, figuring whatever was going on behind that crowded door, was most likely bullshit.
She walked around more, still trying to find Sienna before eventually giving up and sitting herself down onto an empty seat on the couch. Her eyes scanned the room, watching all the people who were doing their own thing before she turned her head to get a look at who she was sitting beside. Her eyebrows raised and when she saw Sienna
"Where the hell were you?" Brooke shouted over the loud music, causing Sienna to look at her and smile. "I was looking for you everywhere!" Sienna yelled before pulling her into a hug.
Brooke's smile faded away as she felt a tug on her bladder. "Hey, stay here, don't go anywhere. I gotta use the bathroom." Sienna pulled away from the hug and said "Alright, but be quick" she chuckled and walked off to the bathroom.
Brooke walked out the bathroom, shaken up from all the drama she had heard. She shrugged it off, walking back to the couch that she was previously at. She looked around for Sienna before eventually sitting down, figuring she just went to get a drink.
She grabbed her phone out of her bag and started scrolling on instagram, no longer having interest in this party.
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Liked by MaddyPerez, and 4,728 others.. Ashtrayoneil: Jus got done countin View all 1,384 comments
She started scrolling through the comments before she felt the seat beside her sink down. She looked over and saw Sienna. "I told you not to leave!" Sienna laughed "I'm sorry, I was thirsty I had to get a drink. You wanna dance?" She yelled over the loud music. Brooke nodded as Sienna pulled her up and led her toward the middle of the living room, crowded with dancing figures.
Sienna and Brooke started dancing together but Brooke felt eyes watching her. Brooke continued dancing but shrugged the feeling off
Unbeknownst to Brooke, Ashtray was staring ahead of them. He watched as they grabbed onto each other, dancing and singing along with the music. He didn't know either of the girls well, but he did know that Sienna bought weed from him alot and Brooke just seemed.. Confusing.
He met her a couple times before. Sometimes she was dressed in sweatpants and a tee and didn't talk at all while looking at her phone and other times, she was dressed all fancy with her hair done up in some kind of way while being chatty.
He knew she came from a rich family and just figured she would be one of those rich, annoying, stuck up girls with an everlasting bitchy attitude. Maybe he was judging her based on what he heard about her but she just seemed like she was uninteresting and annoying.
Despite how Ashtray was staring her down, Brooke didn't notice it. But Sienna did. And just as she was about to tell Brooke, and suggest going over there, she heard a loud voice.
"Do you guys know who the fuck this is?" Brooke and Sienna stopped dancing and the music stopped. Everyone was staring at Nate Jacobs pointing at a girl Brooke had never seen before.
"Does anybody know who the fuck this is? Does anybody know who the fuck Jules is?" Nate yelled again, while everyone stood awkwardly, but silent. He walked away from the girl and towards the crowd of people around him and started pointing at someone "Anyone at all. You. Do you know who the fuck Jules is?" He turned around and started walking back towards her. Continuing their previous conversation, Brooke couldn't hear because she was too far away.
Nate started getting in the girl's face which obviously upset her before he yelled again "Yo is anybody here, friends with Jules? Anyone? Does anyone know who the fuck this bitch is?"
He got quiet again, waiting for someone to speak before yelling louder. "Somebody better speak up or this bitch is gonna get fucked up!" The girl, seemingly tired of Nate being an asshole to her, grabbed a knife
"Oh shit.." Brooke mumbled while Sienna hummed in agreement to her reaction. Nate walked backwards away from the girl, as if he was retreating from a bear. "You wanna fucking hurt me!?" She yelled, walking towards him. "No! I was fucking kidding!" He yelled, trying to calm her down, which obviously in this case, wouldn't work. "Back the fuck up! What the fuck is your problem?!" She yelled, getting him against a cabinet with a scared look as he eyed the knife in her hand. "Put the fucking knife down okay- It was a joke-" He scrambled, trying to find the right words.
"You wanna fucking hurt me!?" "No no no-" Nate mumbled, still eyeing the knife. "You have no fucking idea." She said, slicing her wrist after. Brooke gasped like everyone else and looked at Sienna, who was just shaking her head, at a loss for words.
"I'm fucking invincible!" Jules said, with her hand raised up, walking over to Nate and putting her blood on his shoulder. She backed up from Nate, putting her arm down and shouted, "By the way, I'm Jules. I just moved here!" She said, smiling and walking out the kitchen,
The music started back up and everyone continued dancing. Brooke nodded slowly, finding the new girl cool but somewhat weird. She then  turned to Sienna, who was already looking at her. "Okay then.." Sienna mumbled over the music. "The fuck just happened" Sienna shrugged in confusion
WC: 1946
I haven't posted on here in so long but I hope u enjoyed LMAO
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scarliefrancis · 6 months
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Do they know I was grown with you? If they're here to smoke, know I'll go with you.
Stay with me, my blood.
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euphoriashots · 23 days
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Ashtray, Kat & Fezco
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incorrectfexi · 2 years
fez: you are irrationally angry 365 days a year
ash: well, that's just your personal opinion, because i don't have anger issues
ash: you guys think i have anger issues?
lexi: well, i mean, i wouldn't exactly call it an issue
rue: an issue is something you can fix
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fezcosbluntroller · 1 year
Dude…I-he was my favorite..he was a big reason I kept going everyday was because he was able too..
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mjlovescm · 2 months
Two green thumbs, Fezco O'Neil
a/n: another super old oneshot idea finally set free from brain !! Reader and Fezco’s love for gardening and making each other sandwiches 
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From a young age, you knew you had a green thumb. Whether it was playing in dirt at the park or watching seeds grow for school projects. Plants, seeds, fruits, vegetables and, of course, dirt were all things you knew very well. So when your school started a gardeners club, you were first in line, but after disagreements ending in mud slinging and foul words, you left. By force. 
But that didn't stop you, and not too long after, a second gardening club was formed with you as its sole member. That was before a certain ginger haired boy saw you struggling with carrying around a few large bags of soil. 
"Fuck!" you cursed a bit loudly then you should have for a school hallway.
"You good?"
You turned around with an irritated expression, expecting a member of your previous club behind you. Instead, it was a boy from your math class. The cute, smart one who always raised his hand and wore a gold chain. 
"You need help?"
You nod, breathing heavier than you realized. 
"Grab that end, and I'll grab this one." 
The suggestion is shot down by the freckled boy, insisting on carrying it himself. 
"Yea, these bags heavy as shit." He told you as he lifted the bag over his shoulder. 
You laugh and a small smile breaks through his concentrated expression. 
"I know I've been moving them all by myself."
"I thought y'all had a whole club of people." he asked, curious as to why you were doing this alone. 
The mention of the original gardening club sent you down a spiral, which you unloaded on the boy. As he moved bag after bag of soil, you went on and on. Complaining about changing club hours, disorganized meetings and not considering the weather. It wasn't until he dropped the last bag that you realized you'd been rambling. 
"I get that, my grandma likes to do her own things too." 
His lifting left his skin with a light layer of sweat, to make up for his help, you offer him water and half of your packed lunch. 
"Mm, this is good." a content noise leaves him. "Where'd you get it?"
The compliment makes you smile in a giddy way that's hard to hide. 
"I made it myself" you gloat, "and grew it. The tomatoes and lettuce, I mean."
Together, you ate for a few minutes before getting to work on the soil. After grabbing himself a pair of gloves, the boy joined in. After an hour of hard work, it was time to go home. You both grabbed your bookbags and walked to the front of the school, where an older woman and a baby were waiting. Goodbyes were exchanged and he left.
As his grandmother drove away, you continued your wave and smile, only now remembering the redhead's name. Fezco. 
Years later and the tradition of having lunch with Fezco never died, and neither did the two of you's love for gardening. 
It was a nice spring day, warm and cool. You walked up to Fezco's door with a basket in hand, yet before you could knock, Ashtray swung the door open. 
"Checking my location again?"
It wasn't the first time Ash had been prepared for you coming over. His love for video games made him detest getting up in the middle of  one to open the door for you if Fez was busy. So he watched your location and knew when to take a bathroom break so he could get the door for you. 
"Nice dress." he ignores the question. 
"Thank you, I got it at the mall." you tell him, walking into their home.
It was a blue dress that greatly complimented your figure, it was scattered with flowers and paired with simple blue shoes. 
"Yea, when yall didn't take me."
"It was a date." 
He slips his headphones back on and returns to his gaming chair and game. 
You find your boyfriend in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal. His blue eyes meet your brown ones as he finishes drinking the leftover milk. He chokes for a moment seeing you, you both jump before rushing for a paper towel to clean the milk that spilled. 
"Damn, baby, you scared me."
"Sorry, I wanted to surprise you." a beat of silence. "Surprise. Well, actually, we have to drive to the surprise."
After a quick outfit change and second bowl of cereal, you two were in the car and on the way to his surprise. The ride is short but filled with conversation and Fezco's questions on where you were leading him and what you had in store. 
"Close your eyes."
Although you're dead serious, he looks at you as if you just told him a bad joke. But after adding a "please" and "baby" he folded.
"You better not make me trip," Fez warns as you guide him, being his eyes. "I'm not tryna fall in front of all these people."
"You're not gonna fall." you assure him, "But I will if your big feet keep kicking me."
"My fault." he apologizes as if his hands weren't currently blocking his view.
It took a minute but once you found your way there you placed Fezco in front of the two garden plots and instructed him to open his eyes. 
"Surprise!" you yell and watch his hands leave his face.
At first, he's confused, understandable. The same way anyone looking at two plots of soil would be. 
Many times, Fezco had told you of his ideal future. A family, a farm and his own land. Although your family was made up of the two of you and Ash. And the land was technically owned by the community garden, it was a small start. Since leaving school to take care of his grandmother and Ashtray, your boyfriend was limited to your garden only, and now he had his own. 
Kisses cover your face and "Thank you baby."'s fill your ears. Fezco's large arms hold you tight and close as he showers you in love and gratitude. 
Once he released you from his grasp, you gave Fezco a full tour of the entire community center. From its large garden and outdoor space, library, and list of hobbies and clubs. When you made your way back to the plots, he was ready to start planning his future plant layout. 
Two and a half months later... It was a hot summer day, overly sunny but saved by strong winds and few clouds. Fezco was returning home with dirty hands and fresh vegetables. After a good wash and cut, he pulled out his phone, taking a picture and sending it to you.
"You hungry? I'm making lunch." he speaks his words out loud as he types them.
He hits send and waits for a response before bringing all of his sandwich ingredients out. Not too long after you arrived at the O'Neil residence, he seated you at the dinner table and asked you to close your eyes. When they open, you're met with a fresh BLT and a smile waiting for your approval. 
"What's this?"
"Try it, tell me what it tastes like. I made it," a beat, "and grew it. The lettuce and tomato, I mean." 
"I know what you mean." 
You lift the hefty sandwich and take a large bite. A content noise leaving you as the rich flavor meets your tongue. Nodding as you chew, Fezco watches you enjoy the fruits or well vegetables of his labor, remembering the little girl who rambled on about dirt.
masterlist Messy, 🍋
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
A fez x reader. Reader Announces that she is pregnant to fez and ash. Just lot of fluff and cute family vibes
So cute.
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"No." Ash says, looking down at the table with wide eyes before glancing back up at me with a huge smile on his face. "I can't be responsible for no kid- if I'm the uncle, I'm the high uncle, that's it!" He offers and my eyes roll playfully at the boy, reaching out to pull him into my arms as I stare at Fez, watching his shaky hands reach down to pick up the test, looking at it even closer.
"I think Fez is in shock." I whisper to Ash as he pulls back, turning to look at his brother who's frozen, his lips parted in shock as he shakes his head simply.
"Ayo man. Snap back to reality." Ash claps his hands, Fez's shoulders jumping at the loud noise and he finally turns to look at me with wide eyes.
"You not playing?" He asks, taking a hesitant step towards me as Ash chuckles under his breath. My eyes flicker back and forth between his as I scoff, reaching forward to cup his freckled cheeks.
"Would you like to watch me pee on the stick-" Before I can finish my sentence, I'm in Fez's arms, his arms crushing me to his chest as I toss my head back in giggles.
"Aye! Yo! Gentle with her man, gonna squeeze the fuckin' baby outta her man." Ash smacks at Fez's arm but his grip on me just tightens, his face tucking into the crook of my neck as my hands rub up and down the expanse of his back as I shoot Ash a playful wink.
"Don't work that way, kid. Imma hug her all I want."
-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Taglist: @bubblebuttwade @rafelover2405 @leslienjazzy @sorceresss @grxnde-dwt @alex–awesome–22 @bunnietoof @niyamar1e @serialghost @plantlungs @geniusohn @akaliltimmytim @lilaalouuxx @xshariex @elliotsbeigeguitar @elle4404 @lelieja @srhxpci @joselyn001 @taysirene @spinkspanther @thedivineuphoria @peter-maximoffs @tsukishimawhore @poohkie90 @szlaco @distantsighs @nstyles4299 @wolflover384 @givemefoodandlovesstuff @vane28282 @yeswhatever33 @amirrahfranson @vvaalleennttiinna @f-mu @yaspillz @jeyramarie @skylievin@abbybarnes17 @jointherebellion215 @visiondaddy
@steezysimfinds @its-ya-gay-boi-luigi @crunchytoenailsyum@glizzymcguirex @beth123lg @melovesmut @rafecameronswhore @ariianelle @write-from-the-heart @vampviolets@haylee-e@popehaywardssecretgf @honee-chai-tea @lokiandbuckywife @smoke-and-fire @officiallyunofficialperson@heyaitsklaudia@rosepetalsparks @bluetreecloud20 @scenesofobx @double-shot-of-tequila @1dluver13xx @colbysbrocks @iamasimpingh0e @loveshineslikethesky @id-3-kbro @diorsitgirl @errorfound101-allideasburnedout @neverwillknowme18 @ellyskey @taylors-folk @loversjoy @myaloveee @thyris-is @lagataprrr @aaaaslaaaan @minjix @luvrosee @storytellingwitht @savageneversaw @admiringlove @witxhy-lexx @starlightandfairies
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blueribbonbaby · 1 month
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The Holy trinity convenience store photoshoots!
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