tsupertsundere · 16 days
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"‘If my lord feels some chilling presentiment Despite his firm status as Heaven-sent, Doubt he not what he sees, With limp thrusts such as these, It explains why his wife is so -- "
FFXIVWRITES 2024 - DAY 4 - RETICENT LIMERICK ---- 32 words ---- Notes: Despite her status as Warrior of Light, Angeline Carax never was invited back to the home of Lord and Lady Voixeurienne. (She swears to this day she was referring only to his bad attempts at jokes.)
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Hythlodaeus and my friend's (@cafe-melanion) OC Lycoris being work buddies
The pile of concepts on his desk didn't seem to grow any smaller, no matter how late he worked. It seemed as soon as one stack of forms was complete one of his assistants would come in with two more stacks, or a basket of crystals that he had to personally oversee. It was madness, an eternity of paperwork that haunted his dreams with no relief in sight. The pile of ominous aquamarine crystals on the far side of his desk likewise taunted him, no doubt a myriad of sharks he could hardly tell the difference between or would have so many extra appendages that he had no idea why they needed.
Who needed a flying shark? Or one that could walk on land? Or one that had a weirdly curved jaw that couldn't close and created what looked like a circular saw blade turned in on itself.
If he saw another shark, he would scream and tender his resignation immediately to the Convocation.
And so the pile, and any new additions, remained far from him.
Not to say other departments didn't have their oddities of choices or fada they all got into. He still remembered the horrible year that cactus shaped creatures were all the rage in the Words of Halmarut. Some of them had barely changed a thing, a different colour here, a specific flower on its head there, a very muscular one… he groaned.
The door swung open and his Deputy stepped in, bearing another basket. “Please, Lycoris, tell me that isn't a new batch?”
“Alas, Chief, it is. It is amazing how productive people are right now.” She sat the basket down and pulled out a smaller one from inside. “I separated the sharks already.”
“Bless you, would you like a promotion? I think you would make an amazing Chief.” He fluttered his eyelashes at her but she laughed. "You would have my stamp of approval!"
“No thank you, I like going home at night.” She put her hands on her hips and gave him a knowing look. “Besides, if a certain someone didn't hare off for weeks every time Azem called him, then he might be all caught up and able to go home at night.”
He gave her an exaggerated pout. “But, I'm drowning! You're so organized, between us we could smash through them all, perhaps literally in the case of the sharks, and we'd be done!”
“No you don't. You will not guilt me into overtime.” She wagged her finger at him. “I intend to go home to my husband and wife tonight, since Ajax and Talia are both in residence for once. I will not miss it for anything short of the end of the world.”
He sighed dramatically, sulking as he picked up another stack of paperwork. “Go on then, and think of me, wasting away behind my desk.”
“Good night, Chief.” She said cheerfully from the door, waving.
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sohkatani · 1 year
FFXIV Write 2023 - Prompt #3: Silence
There was no other word for the silence that lingered between the two of them, amongst tender, slowly exploratory kisses. And yet, were she to close her eyes, she knew his mouth as well as she knew her own. His lips slid across hers, warm and wet, his tongue teasing, tasting, his long hair tickling her bare shoulders, clad only in war paint and cloth straps.
There was nothing awkward about this silence. The little shaman didn't feel the need to fill the void with flirty words or sassy teases, as she normally would have. It had taken them so long to get to this point, but this was right. It felt right. The bridging of their past lives as lovers to the present - not just lovers, but as soul mates. Khel.
Dear Khel, who had waited half a lifetime to find her again. To find his little Sunspark.
He kissed her throat and she lifted her chin, gathering the strands of his hair at the nape of his neck. She stared at the stars through the little vent-hole at the top of the yurt and thought about how much she loved him, in so little time. Her heart had known what her head hadn't. Her heart had known just how it fit inside his, so perfectly, how her body molded to his, as if she had been made for him.
How could it be that she could love three, so deeply and steadfastly, all so different in their own ways? Strong, brooding Altan, sweet, kind Ganzorig, and now Khel, who had brought memories back to her that she knew in her heart were true of their lives together on the Steppe.
Burying his face in the crook of her neck, he inhaled deeply of her scent. He'd told her no, but what she hadn't realized was that it hadn't been a no. It had been a not yet. This rejoining of bodies and hearts was going to be a soft thing, a sweet and poignant thing, one of coaxing past lives to the surface, one that wouldn't be complete until he knew every inch of her body again, and she of his. It was to be a reawakening. "I love you," she whispered, barely a breath, gripping his hair to make him look up at her. "I love you."
These words that he'd only heard for the first time in this life moments ago, these words, she wanted to impress upon him. That she, in this life, loved him. He smiled, and it was perfect. Just for her. Just as it always had been, just as it always would be.
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starsandauras · 1 year
Prompt 1: Envoy
FFXIV 30 Day Writing Challenge Prompt 1: Envoy
“I don’t trust him,” murmured Araki, as the group watched Hien and Asahi sas Brutus exchange farewells at the river, a few fulms away.
“Aye,” Arthur quietly agreed. “There’s something… not quite right about him.”
“Insincere,” supplied Connor. “And swiving oily.”
“Goin’ to be needin’ a hot bath after he’s bein’ gone,” grumbled Brigid, giving a small shake for emphasis, and the others nodded in agreement.
And then Asahi pitched his voice up so the others could hear, “I simply cannot leave without first giving thanks to the Warriors of Light for accompanying me though Yanxia.”
Hien silently looked over to the Warriors of Light, and they looked at each other, a silent conversation passing between them. And then finally Sammy shrugged. “I’ll go.”
But suddenly (but not so suddenly it looked the part) Brigid reached out and caught his shoulder. “I’ll be doin’ it,” she murmured, then looked up to Hien and nodded. Hien nodded in return.
Considering that his permission, Asahi approached them, Brigid breaking away from the group to meet him halfway, but staying close enough that anyone who didn’t know or remember how good Elezen hearing was wouldn’t realize the others were listening in.
Asahi kept his face down, and Brigid was about to remind him where her eyes were when he nearly growled. “Mark me, savior of the savages. There will be a reckoning.”
It caught Brigid enough by surprise that she forgot to speak at all, and then, of all the terrible timing, she felt the tell tale pull of an Echo vision, dragging her focus away.
It was an Echo she would have been so much happier never seeing, the first meeting between Asahi and swiving Zenos, of course it would be swiving Zenos. And it showcased an unsettling level of… interest in the other man.
When she finally returned from the vision, shaking her head to clear it, she saw that Asahi’s face had practically transformed from the sheer rage that had engulfed him. He looked up at her and nearly snarled, “Everything you are — your power, even your face — it vexes me.”
It was instinct that made Brigid snarl back at him, instinct that made her hand twitch towards a dagger. It would be so easy, wouldn’t it? To gut this gutless worm masquerading as a person. To watch the red of his blood spread so prettily over the white fabric of his uniform. However…
Then he smiled, as though he knew exactly what Brigid was thinking, and his next words came out in that slimy tone he had spoken in the whole time. “Go on. Lash out like the beast you are. At an emissary. And jeopardize the newfound peace between Doma and the Empire.”
Brigid hummed, tilted her head like a confused pet. Then she reached out… to lightly poke Asahi’s nose. “Mm, nay,” she said, simple as could be.
It was apparently enough to throw Asahi off whatever track he had been on, as his eyes crossed just before he jerked back a bit and blinked up at her. “What?”
“I was sayin’ nay,” she repeated, voice devoid of much of any kind of mood. “Are you wantin’ to know why?” she asked after a moment, when it seemed an offended silence would stretch on, a smile quirking the corner of her mouth. “‘Cause you’re borin’ me.” Her voice had gone mischievous then, her eyes twinkling with mirth. “You’re just nay bein’ worth the trouble, darlin’. So nay, I dinnae think I will be killin’ you, ‘cause you’re borin’.”
Asahi’s mouth had dropped in shock, and he stared at her a moment longer before visibly pulling himself back together to continue. “My lord was destined to lead us unto a glorious new age. Your light is nothing to his radiance,” he practically insisted, and Brigid would not be surprised if he had stomped his foot for emphasis.
“Oh? ‘Twas strikin’ me as a lad who wasnae carin’ much ‘bout anythin’ ‘sides the next time he could be wettin’ his blade.” And not the blade it seemed Asahi wished Zenos would wet either, from the looks of that Echo vision, she thought to herself.
And still Asahi stumbled on, gritting his teeth. “I-I will cherish this moment — lock it away within my heart — until the day we meet again.”
“Were you havin’ that speech practiced then, darlin’?” she asked, a touch of innocence to her tone. “‘Tis sorry I am to have been interruptin’. But I do hope our next meetin’ is to both of our likin’s.” With that she gave him the most sarcastic bow she could and tried not to laugh too hard when he turned on his heel and returned to the riverbank.
“Bit obvious, wasn’t he?” murmured Connor, crossing over to Brigid. She hummed in agreement, watching as the airship took off and returned from whence it came. “Do you think he would have crouched down if you’d let Sammy talk to him?” he asked, matching the innocent tone Brigid had used earlier.
Hien and Yugiri both startled and looked over in shocked confusion and Brigid finally and truly lost it, her giggling echoing against the cliff face.
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miyakosora · 1 year
Day 1 - Envoy
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She didn’t mind the extra company…really… --- --- --- Just a cross-world trip with her three best friends...that is...if they could ever get out of the city limits. --- --- --- Azem(Oc/Persephone), Elid --- --- --- Word Count: 790
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Day 1
Envoy - a messenger or representative, especially one on a diplomatic mission.
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“Are you sure you're ready to travel this far? Once we leave the city it’ll be safer to keep a low profile.”
She should be grateful that this was her ‘punishment’ instead of another censor. It would be nice to finally get out of the city and back on the road. To travel towards the endless sky towards destinations unknown…but…
“Of course! We don’t want to attract unwanted attention. No grand feats of creation magic while on the road!” Elidibus was already bursting with enthusiasm. “Our trip will be passing by the island with the grapes, I do hope we have time to stop by and taste them.”
She didn’t mind the extra company…really…
“I’ll say, I’ve been looking forward to these grapes since I first heard of their existence.”
“She should have left the damned island to its destruction as the Convocation desired.”
Hytho shrugged while Hades pinched the bridge of his nose.
Really she didn’t mind the company per say…
…but this was exactly how she expected the trip to go.
She had been placed in charge of escorting Elidibus as an envoy to another city. I.E. the other members of the Convocation saw this as a perfect opportunity to dump their youthful member onto her. 
Jokes on them, she much preferred his company to the others.
…speaking of the others.
Naturally, Hades had decided the trip would be too long and treacherous for the two of them to take alone. He ‘convently’ had work to do in the area, and needed to make sure she was held accountable for her previous actions. 
She’d almost preferred to be censored.
Finally, their darling Hythlodaeus had joined on a whim. Though she assumed he wouldn’t be left out of the chaos that was about to ensue. 
“Alright, gentlemen when we reach other towns outside the cities we should reframe from our titles. People from outside Amaurot can be hesitant to the Convocation. I don’t want to stir up too much trouble for them, I can’t image how frightened they’d be by three members showing up unannounced.”
“It’ll be a fun vacation, throwing titles and pretense to the wind.”
“As if they wouldn’t recognize the Chief Architect.”
“And the illustrious Emet-Selch doesn’t have an ounce of fame to his name?”
Kore let out a nervous laugh before clasping her hands together trying her best to regain control of the situation. 
“Okay gentlemen, let's settle down.” Trying to take a calm approach this time. “We’ve got a long trip ahead of us. We should head out while those spirits are burning bright.”
After all, they hadn’t even left the city yet. 
“Our first course of action is getting Themis to his destination. After that if and only if time allows will we make stops. The Convocation will be wanting a full report, and they expect everyone to be on their best behavior.” 
“Does that include you, or is that a veiled threat at our dear Kore.” 
Oh for Star’s sake Hytho.
The vein in Hade’s forehead threatened to pop. A perfect summary of how this trip was going to go. The two started bickering like the old married couples she’d met on her travels. 
“Boys, we’ll never make it to our first destination before dark if we-” She didn’t bother wasting her breath as the two continued. She dropped her shoulders with a sigh and turned towards Themis. Fixing the bag on her hips she kneeled down. “Come on Themis, I don’t want to sleep on the ground and Lahabread will have my head and my seat if you don’t arrive on time.”
He motioned to move in before pausing. She glanced up at his apprehensive face.
“...Aren’t I getting a little old for you to carry me, Kore?” 
She tried not to be taken aback by the question. Sure he was a growing young man, but he still had several years before he’d reach up to her in height and stamina. 
“Nonsense, and I’ll put you down as soon as we’ve reached a safe distance from those two. Now come on, I wouldn’t mind stopping by that island for some grapes.”
“If you say so Kore.” 
It took a little more effort for her to hoist him onto her back. Perhaps he had gotten a little heavier since their last trip together…how long ago had that been? Nevermind. It wasn’t important. He was a growing boy and it wouldn’t be much longer before he would be trusted to make his envoys alone. 
She’d certainly miss his boyish optimism.  
“Kore, is it okay to just leave the two of them behind like that?” 
“Don’t worry they’ll catch up in a little while. I just wanted to spend some quality time with you.” 
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FFxiv 30 Day Writing Challenge SEPTEMBER 1st - 30th, 2024
Welcome to YEAR 8 of our annual FFxiv 30 Day Writing Challenge, folks!
Last year we had 7,935 total entries! Which brings us to a total of 50,656 unique written entries over the last 7 years. That is just incredible! And something that I think that we should be super proud of as a creative fan community.
Whether you're new to the FFxivWrite community or a 7-year writing challenge veteran, if you'd like to give perfectionism in your creative writing process a swift kick in the butt, then this challenge was designed for you!
More info is below the cut~
Here’s the gist:
Runs from September 1st - 30th, 2024. During that timeframe:
Visit sea-wolf-coast-to-coast​ once a day at 12:00pm (noon) PDT for the prompt of the day. Convert to your timezone accordingly. All prompts will be one word or brief phrase that you can interpret however you please.
You have 24 hours to write something for that prompt.
Submit the link to your entry post via this Google Form: https://forms.gle/jDWjFKfmeaGnH3PL9
There are no length or skill requirements (short & sweet is fine!).
There will be no 24-hour deadlines for the first week, September 1st - 7th. The deadline will go into effect on September 8th at 11:59am PDT.
Makeup/extra credit days every Sunday.
Every entry posted within its 24-hour deadline will count toward a participation prize raffle at the end.
You can join any time with any prompt #! There’s no need for latecomers to start with prompt #1. Picking up with the most recent prompt is A OK.
If you’re an artist and you would like to volunteer to do a simple black & white illustration as a participation prize at the end of this challenge, you can volunteer here!
RULES & MORE INFO can be found here: https://ffxiv-write.carrd.co/
(( banner art - by @dantinmikannes ))
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2024 || kofi
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starrysnowdrop · 25 days
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My best friend may not be my sister by blood, but she’s my sister by heart… ~💖
Yume ~ @firelightmuse
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lilbittymonster · 21 days
Day 1: Steer
Read on AO3
“I’ve ridden chocobos before, Haurche,” Kitali said, “you’ve seen me do it.”
“Aye, you’ve sat atop a chocobo and pulled its head about, but can you steer without the reins in your hand?”
She folded her arms sullenly. “What’s the difference?”
“Come now, if you are to bear the title of ‘dragoon’ then it would behoove you to learn to fight astride a chocobo like one. How shall you tell your bird where to fly while your hands are occupied with your lance, hm?”
Kitali sighed through her nose. “Fine, I see your point. But I haven’t ever seen dragoons fighting from chocobos, just the ground.”
“Tis far more often used outside the highlands, where mountains may not be as plentiful. I have little doubt one day you shall.”
“Mm. Do they all have one, then?”
“Aye, some, depending on their rank before joining the order, keep the same bird their entire careers. Tragedies notwithstanding, of course.”
She took a long sip of her tea, trying and failing to picture Estinien handling a chocobo.
“I am sure we would not be missed were we to pay the Holy Stables a brief visit,” Haurchefant continued, lowering his voice and glancing over his shoulder to where Edmont, Artoirel, and Alphinaud were still sat speaking at the dinner table.
Kitali drained the rest of her tea in a single gulp, wincing as it went down.
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” she said just as quietly as she slipped past the door.
He caught her hand and entwined their fingers just as she reached the front door, and Kitali couldn’t stop the smile that pulled at her lips as they walked purposefully nonchalant towards the aetheryte shard. In an instant they were beside the Manufactory. The sounds of machinery echoed into the street as the setting sun stained the cobbles with golden light. Hands still clasped, Haurchefant led them to Belle’s stall. She was dozing off in the corner but perked up at the sound of their voices, sticking her head out over the door questioningly.
“Is her tack where I left it?” he asked Kitali.
“Should be.”
“Then I shall be back momentarily.” With a brief kiss to the top of her head, he jogged back towards the main building.
Belle nosed meaningfully at Kitali’s hand. Having no apple to give her, Kitali just scratched at the line where her beak met feathers. This seemed acceptable, given the small trills Belle was making, and shortly Haurchefant returned, saddle and face plate slung over an arm.
“Are you going to make me put that all on, too?”
“Not today, no, but eventually you should. Maintaining your mount’s gear is as important as maintaining your own,” he said as he tacked Belle up with swift practised movements.
Leading her out of her stall, Haurchefant knelt and held out a hand to help her onto Belle’s back. Kitali smiled, and indulgently stepped into his palm, allowing him to lift her. As she settled into the saddle Haurchefant laughed to himself.
“I realise now that you had no need for assistance,” he said.
“It was sweet of you to offer, though.”
“And it was sweeter for you to accept, my dear,” he returned.
“Now then,” he said, falling back into a professional stance, “the way that our Ishgardian birds are trained is they respond to one of two halves of the leg, the upper and the lower.” He demonstrated by gently pushing first her thigh, then her calf against Belle’s sides. “We must needs have you a proper dragoon’s saddle made,” he muttered. He raised his voice once more to continue. “Squeezing with your upper legs will tell your bird to slow down, and if you keep squeezing they will stop entirely, or descend if you are in flight. Conversely, your lower legs will spur them on. A quick and gentle kick will tell them to step up and a continual squeeze will let them know you’d like to be airborne.”
His hands were clinical as he moved her legs alongside his words. Belle shifted under her at the rapid mix of signals and nudged at Haurchefant’s shoulder impatiently. He stroked her beak soothingly and murmured something Kitali didn’t catch.
“You already know how to turn, correct?” he asked.
“Mhm, that one’s easy.”
A sly grin crept across his face. “Excellent. So! As the point of this little lesson is to learn to communicate without use of the reins, I don’t think you’ll be needing them.”
And with that, the leather strap was pulled from under Kitali’s grasp as he unclipped the connecting rings. Belle shook her head at the lack of restraint and craned her neck all the way around to bump at Kitali’s foot.
“I- excuse you,” Kitali said, only half-irritated with him. “And if she doesn’t want to listen to me?”
“Well, you two will need to work things out then, won’t you?” Haurchefant said cheekily. “Start with just circling the square here.”
With a huff, Kitali pressed the heels of her boots into the soft underside of Belle’s stomach, and she dutifully stepped forward in a wobbling line. Kitali instinctively reached for the rein to turn them to avoid the stack of crates, and nearly crashed them into it, but managed to avoid it save for scraping the side of her boot against the scaffolding. Haurchefant, for his part, said nothing, merely leaning against the gate as he watched. A few more turns about the small landing and Kitali was able to make smooth curves and weave Belle in concentric loops.
After the tenth or so direction change, Haurchefant pushed off from the gate and walked over to meet them.
“You’re a quick learner,” he said warmly. “I knew I had nothing to worry about.”
“This was hardly a challenge,” Kitali said, trying not to squirm under the praise. “She didn’t even leave the ground.”
“Another time,” he promised quickly. “The hour grows late, and I would rather you not practise here in the dark.”
Kitali huffed, but dismounted all the same, holding her hand out wordlessly for the reins still looped in his hand. He dropped them into her palm and watched as she reconnected them to the plate on Belle’s head. Belle dipped her head to nudge into Kitali, nearly bowling her over, but was satisfied with more scratches to her feathers. Hardly needing to be lead, she walked beside Kitali to her stall and dutifully lowered her head to have the face plate removed. Haurchefant stepped in to remove the saddle and took the last bit of tack from Kitali.
After he was gone, Kitali lingered, leaning into Belle. She savoured the warm smell of hay dust that still clung to her feathers while Belle nipped affectionately at her horn, making that same quiet trill.
“I’ll be back soon, I promise,” Kitali whispered before steeling herself to return to the Fortemps manor.
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spotofmummery · 20 days
Are you participating in FFXIV Write this year?
You can share your writing on this community just for FFXIV Writers - open to join!
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tsupertsundere · 7 days
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concrete poem ---- 98 words
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Hythlodaeus, Hades and Theia (my Azem before she becomes Azem)
Theia comes to visit Amaurot and Lahabrea from Pandaemonium and the boys take her on a walk.
Suggestions of Something Wrong
Hythlodaeus smiled as he hugged his dear friend, it had been years since they had seen her. She was much thinner than he liked and had a haggard look about her that worried him but he put it down to her work and being a mother of two very young boys. “Theia, it's been nigh on forever, I'm so glad you could stop in. How are the boys? And Athena and Lahabrea, of course.”
He had been so proud when Theia had asked him and Hades to be the guiding parents of the boys and he missed them since they had moved to the Pandaemonium facility. It had seemed only a year or two ago they had been born, small chubby little creatures with bright red curls like their one mother and father. He wondered what colour their eyes had settled on, would they be red like Athena and Lahabrea's? Or would there be a secret green eye from Theia? A ring of orange around the pupils to add to their uniqueness?
“Did you bring them with you?” Hades asked, looking around suspiciously as he held himself slightly away, just outside of reach for a hug.
Hythlodaeus gave him a stern look and a slight tilt of his head to indicate he needed to join in, earning a rolled eyes and an awkwardly wrapped arm to the two.
“Um… no… they're back home.” Theia pulled away from them both, keeping herself separate and gazing down at her feet. “I should be there but Lahabrea needed my assistance with the reports to the Convocation.”
“Oh, a shame.” Hythlodaeus watched her closely, shifting his sight until he could see her soul.
Her usual brilliance seemed dampened, her soul heavy and clouded, the fires within burning embers. He tried to hide his frown with a false smile, giving Hades a sharp elbow, hoping he too would look and confirm what he saw.
“Well, are they well at least?” Hythlodaeus pressed, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Respectable, bright, well behaved.” She sounded distracted as she spoke, describing the boys more as subjects than children. Even Hades had a deepening frown and furrowed brow with confused concern as he listened in. “They are a credit to their father.”
Hades and him exchanged a quizzical look. “Theia, that is all very well, but are they happy and healthy?”
She took a step back, a wavering smile on her face. “Of course. I said as much, didn't I?” She glanced at the door. “Oh, I should find Lahabrea, he'll need my help…”
“Oh no, I forgot to mention it.” He gave a dramatic sigh. “I ran into him before you, he suggested we take you out for lunch.” It wasn't entirely true, if anything Lahabrea seemed as disconnected as she did, but he had agreed that Theia could be spared from the upcoming meeting. “We're going to eat something nice.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, steering her towards the door. “And take a little walk in the park, and you, my dear, are going to smell some flowers.”
“But…” she struggled half-heartedly against him but was stopped as Hades wrapped his own arm around her as well, effectively trapping her between them. “Okay…”
She was quiet through most of the walk but she did seem to relax and become more of her old self as they went. Eventually Hythlodaeus couldn't keep his questions to himself any longer. “What is Pandaemonium like? Hades and myself were considering requesting passes, so we might visit you and the boys. Would you like that?”
She stiffened. “I don't know if that would be okay.”
“Oh, we could make a study of something there, I'm certain. It is part of Elpis, after all.” He tried to act as though he didn't see her reaction. “Right, Hades?”
“Oh.” He coughed. “Yes, Emet-Selch has suggested we expand our horizons, as it was. Learning from the best of Lahabrea's Words would be fascinating. Athena is his second in command, is she not?”
“Yes, Athena is a marvel…” she murmured.
“What kind of work do you do there, Theia?” He pried gently. “Do you have your own research?”
“I… assist Athena.” She began to stare intently at the flowers at her feet, kneeling down to stroke the delicate blossoms. “It is very… fulfilling.”
“Fulfilling.” Hades sounded baffled by her words, giving Hythlodaeus a look that suggested he found the whole thing unbelievable. “Theia, what are you talking about? Why are you talking like this?”
“I don't know what you mean.” She became defensive, standing tall, her back erect and her expression hardening, her words becoming cruel. “I'm happy, perhaps it's too much for you to understand, for someone like you to understand. It's not like you've ever wanted me happy, why should I be happy when you're so miserable and disdainful of everyone else but yourself? So determined to push everyone away so you can be alone and we can all be as miserable and alone as you.”
Hades took a shocked step back, his frown turning from perplexed to angry. “At least I still know who I am outside of my partners, you're little more than a shell of yourself, obsessed with your wife and husband to the exclusion of all else. If that's all you want, go back to them and I won't bother you with my misery.”
“Now, both of you…” Hythlodaeus held his hands up, trying to diffuse the situation.
She whirled on him. “And you, so nosy about other people's lives because you've nothing interesting and worthy in your own. So determined to live through other’s achievements, since you've none to claim.”
He blinked, hating that she had struck so close to home. He had nothing of his own, he did live vicariously through his friend's lives. Without them, he was just a clerk in the Bureau of the Architect, his only redeeming feature his eyesight which was only marginally better than Hades’, who likewise was powerful in creation magic and aether manipulation. Compared to Hades he was nothing more than a shadow.
He saw something glimmer in her eyes and around her body, something that had never been there before.
He almost lost it, a faint shimmer of silvery-purple that covered her entire self, invading her soul and being.
She stormed off as he stared at her and he turned slowly to Hades and was standing there with crossed arms, looking in the opposite direction. “Did you see that?”
“See what?” He grumbled.
“I don't know… something's wrong.” He puzzled over what he saw, wondering if it was real or he was imagining it to excuse her behaviour. “She's never been so withdrawn before.”
“Sounded like she held on to some of that for years, withholding her true opinions of us.” He kicked at a stone on the path, sending it flying into a nearby bush. “Well, she gets what she wants, I won't be bothered to let her go.”
Hythlodaeus watched as Hades shuffled away, noting the droop of his shoulders.
Oh Hades, it does bother you.
He decided he would ask Lahabrea if he has noticed anything changed about Theia recently, and talk with Azem. If anyone would want to know if he suspected something was wrong, it would be Azem. She had always seen Theia as a daughter, raising her alongside her own son.
He squared his shoulders and resolve, heading in the opposite direction of both his friends.
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fair-fae · 16 days
FFxivWrite24 Entry #6: Halcyon
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FFxivWrite 2024 Prompt #6: Halcyon It was a lazy summer day like any other in the Black Shroud, humid heat hanging heavy in the air outside the Covington manor, a marvel of tall, white marble and manicured gardens that stood in stark contrast to the wild woods surrounding it, either a bastion or a blight of mankind among the expanse of nature. Faye rested upon a bench outside her home, a half-emptied and forgotten cup of tea sat surely now cold beside her as she focused on her embroidery–or tried to, anyway. It was a quiet afternoon, only the birdsongs and the ambient buzzing of insects breaking the silence. That was, until Zularti had found a long, skinny stick and decided to pretend it was a spear. He paced around the garden, thrusting the stick this way and that, adding in sound effects and striking occasionally at a nearby tree, fighting off invisible foes. Faye did her best to tune him out, quite accustomed to his antics by now, and kept her focus on her needlework and the piece of fabric in her hands. Suddenly, however, her attention was stolen away as the boy suddenly exclaimed. “Guhhh! I’m so boooored!” He easily snapped the stick over his knee, tossing the two halves aside and wiping away the sweat that matted his dark auburn hair to his brow before he dramatically collapsed onto the grass. Faye heaved a sigh, giving up on her task and setting her embroidery hoop aside. “You could try doing something useful for once,” she offered helpfully. “You could try shutting up for once,” he muttered in a mockery of her own tone, squinting up at the sun bearing down on him from the cloudless sky. Perhaps she should have appreciated those days more, when life was simple and everything was peaceful, when all the horrors of the world were far away things that happened to other people and there was no cause for pain or want. But the truth was, she was bored, too.
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umbralaether · 14 days
Day 4: reticent
Erenville was a man of few words.
He preferred being straightforward— saying what you mean, when you mean it, all feelings aside. Feelings were messy, a distraction from your work so he hid them deep within and moved forward. It had worked just fine for him for years.
Then he met Eisha, the warrior of light who's very gaze could pierce through the walls he'd put up. Perhaps it was the healer in her, the way she could pinpoint an injury with focused precision. He hadn't anticipated the scale of her empathy, and his reticent nature began to unwind itself when in her presence.
He had been… unkind, when she came to him in Living Memory. She'd had that look of worry on her face ever since they'd arrived in Yyasulani, and the deeper they dug into this wound, the more horror he'd had to choke down.
His home was gone.
His mother was gone.
Everything he knew was gone.
Erenville, I—
Don't say it, Eisha. Just go.
Curt, barked out words were the only thing he could think of that would keep her away and still she hesitated before returning to the others. He knew as soon as she walked away that being alone was not what he wanted after all.
Now, sitting on the deck of his cabin alone, he ached. A hollow kind, deep inside.
Rain sprinkling from the storming clouds above began to pick up fervor when he heard a voice from behind.
"You'll catch a cold sitting in the rain like that," Eisha says. He turns his head to see her standing a few fulms behind him, arms crossed.
"That is an old myth, one mothers say to their children to keep them inside." He's certain his own mother had said as much, at least once.
"I like to call it 'your local healer's recommendation' but you might be on to something." She makes her way over to sit next to him, close but not quite touching.
They sit in silence for a moment, before eventually she speaks again, "You're not okay. This is know, and yet I stayed away because you told me to."
He stays silent, thinking and not thinking. He had gone to the celebrations, paid his visits where he needed to. She came to his door every night, and he sent her away each time.
"I think you deal with everything by yourself because you've had to, and then you didn't know how not to."
He stops breathing for a second, caught off guard at how easily she reads him. He looks over to her, her soft aqua eyes an ocean of concern.
"I want to be there for you, Erenville. I care about you, and I'm not going anywhere."
She reaches for him, and before he can stop himself he falls into her embrace— letting himself come undone. He clings to her as the tears fall, and she runs her fingers through his wet hair as the sobs wrack his body. She hugs him tightly until he has nothing left to cry, empty but no longer aching.
He pulls away just a bit, "Thank you, Eisha. Words cannot express—" He's interrupted by a violent shiver, their clothes now fully soaked through from the rain.
"Shall we go inside, get dried off?" She asks, lacing her fingers with his own.
He nods, and they make their way inside. While she rummages through the cabinets for towels, he comes to a simple conclusion.
Everything hurt less, when she was around.
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elliewiltarwyn · 20 days
I've decided to take a particular spin with this year's entries and emphasize the fact that i titled this blog "the personal journal and scrapbook of Elilgeim 'Ellie' Wiltarwyn". hopefully that will make the creative juices flow easier, especially since i'm post-surgery and in painkiller hibernation so that's a pretty severe debuff lol. sooo:
FFXIV Write 2024 | #1: Steer
Word Count: 436
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Fourth Umbral Moon, 23rd Sun
Cid stopped by the house today - surprising, and welcome with how long it’s been. Even more surprising was the vehicle he arrived upon: a prototype magitek bike that runs off a “twin-bank ceruleum” engine, whatever that means. Somehow he had convinced Jessie to have me be the one to test-drive it, put it through its paces. They seem to think I’d be the one most likely to wring the most potential out of it, and he also alluded to Jessie determining I’d be the most marketable person and therefore the best candidate to show it off.
I must admit, even after all this time, I still don’t understand Jessie’s business acumen and I’m not certain I wish to. That being said, when I took it for a spin later that evening, with Mia as passenger holding on tight from behind… it was an amazing sensation, like those manacutters but without the pesky third dimension. The thing (Cid says its model is called the Garlond GL-II, but I’m thinking she needs a sexier name than that) can outspeed chocobos, and feeling the wind in my hair as we sliced a path through the Lominsan plains posed a thrill I haven’t felt since well before Ultima Thule.
Every day, I’m grateful for these peaceful times we fought so bloody hard for - for the chance to engage in fun times like this, testing inventions by good friends. Some days, I still wonder how I ended up in this position of trust for so many, with someone as famous and genius as Cid Garlond entrusting me with his prototype vehicles of dubious safety. I mentioned this to Mia when we stopped for a break near Red Rooster Stead, and she just smiled and pointed out that I’ve done a lot of work to ingratiate myself with so many influential figures. “Which is funny, considering how rude and standoffish you were when we first joined the Scions,” she teased as well. “You certainly put in the effort to become a much more agreeable person overall.”
Couldn’t let her get away with that - “You know that that’s your fault,” I shot back at her with a grin, “you steered me along those paths to become that person - away from the whole ‘reckless brute’ thing you kept calling me back then.”
She looked stunned by the idea, but smiled back eventually in that coy-yet-comfortable manner that arrests my gaze every time. If she insists I’m such a good person, then she should get to feel good about helping me reach that point too. For being that person in the first place.
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Prompt #1: Steer
Submit your entry here: https://forms.gle/jDWjFKfmeaGnH3PL9
#FFxivWrite2024 is underway – a daily writing challenge presented to the Final Fantasy XIV writing community for the month of September. You can join any time throughout the challenge with any prompt number! Entries can be written on any online writing platform (tumblr, Archive of our Own, Google Docs, etc.). Submit the link and be sure that I have reading access. Reminder: The 24-hour deadline does not go into effect until September 8th at 12:00 pm PDT. Check you entries here in the Public Spreadsheet
Rules & Info || Prompt List || #FFxivWrite2024 || kofi
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ahollowgrave · 20 days
Steer (verb): to direct the course of.  A young nun far from home. Some waterway of Vylbrand.
Wooden plants creak in protest as the ferry glides through water pushing the opposite direction. The ferryman whistles a tune as he gazes forward, his work second nature to him. You marvel at it. Watch as his arm flexes and the ferry effortlessly pivots past an outcropping of bright white stone. The canyon river is narrow and winding and he knows it well. His eyes - a velvety brown - catch yours and his big mustache bends with a smile and a wink.
You look away, embarrassed.  Lean over the edge of the boat. The water here is impossibly clear and you can see the smooth pebbles at the bottom. Schools of fish drift by, and minerals and rocks glint in the afternoon light. You spot and identify several useful water plants before the flow of water begins to make you dizzy. 
You could not bear to catch the ferryman’s eye again. Your stomach clenching at the mere idea. Thankfully, the ferry is full. Farmhands lean against one another, hats pulled low as they doze. Their hands are weathered with dirt packed under the nails, in the knuckles. They breathe in sync. A trio of adventurers in the front have a map out; they’ve been arguing in hushed voices since boarding. They talk over each other in familiar patterns. A child leans over the edge of the boat, their mother’s fingers clutching the back of their tunic. She points out a turtle sunning itself on a rock. Their laughs match.
A sharp, green shoot of yearning sprouts along your rib, pierces the soft muscle of your heart. 
Your pack rests solidly against your legs. A short but effective wall between the seat you claimed and the rest of the passengers. It isn’t personal, you try to say with your expression, you just need your space. 
The ferryman’s hands pull the rudder and the boat responds in a graceful, slowing turn. It comes to a stop with a gentle bump against the dock. There is a chorus of rough laughter from the bow and as you watch the adventurers clap each other on the back, share long-lived grins. They’ve had that argument before and they’ll have it at least twice more before it’s done. The mother and her child are the first ones off, carefully aided by dockworkers. The child squeals with laughter as a worker pulls a flower from behind their ear. You rub at your chest. Falling in behind the farmhands you shoulder your pack. You will lose your fellow passengers soon -- to the crowd and to their paths. You don’t know their names and only some of their faces yet still you grieve these minuscule relationships.
Laughter and song pour out onto the street from an open door. An tavern, bustling and busy in the middle of the day, bards reciting old favorites. From the street you glimpse skirts flaring in the steps of a spirited dance; flowers blooming with each turn. It would be easy enough to slip inside, find a corner to claim, build more tiny relationships between strangers.
The letter you carry -- carefully folded in your chest pocket -- is time-sensitive. And the address it bids you travel to is far from this harbor town. Isolated. You linger. You could delay your trip for a day, perhaps two. 
You leave the open door behind. Guided, as always, by the chilled hand of your most holy bride.
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