ryllen · 8 months
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I absolutely won't be any help, because i am the baby.
But if you want to take my hand, this is me.
( 29cCj3hr )
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basichaircoursetips · 9 months
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invcntions · 6 months
🌼 ( cree to koa )
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it's ridiculous. deep down koa knows it's ridiculous. fingers close around the singular flower and his heart can't help but skip a beat ( or more like lurch forward several ). brown eyes study the petals gently, as if somewhere within them there might be some signal of what it means, how he's meant to respond. not that koa really needs it. it's cree, and their friendship allows for this sort of thing — the joking, the slight intimacy. it's never meant anything before and he doesn't need to raise his gaze to the familiar features to know it doesn't now. not really, at least. “ thanks. ” he beams, uneven beating in his chest not quite helping the ease koa forces to his features as attention raises to the other male. “ — reckon this is the nicest gift you've ever given me. ” the observation teases softly. it's probably not true and yet for a moment it certainly feels like it, in a way koa very quickly pushes aside when it's sure to do more harm than good.
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bisexualrhee · 1 year
i am convinced that there is literally nothing that can prepare me for this wedding fgsh i can't actually i just can't
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herpatrolbluebird · 5 days
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spitonews · 1 year
President Upholds Order To Grant COVID Health Risk Allowance To 37 Employees Of NIRM, FGSH
President Upholds Order To Grant COVID Health Risk Allowance To 37 Employees Of NIRM, FGSH
ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 28th Dec, 2022 ) :President Dr Arif Alvi has upheld the orders of the Wafaqi Mohtasib (WM) to grant COVID Health Risk Allowance to 37 employees of the National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicines (NIRM) and Federal Government Services Hospital (FGSH) who had been deprived of the allowance earlier as being declared non-clinical. The president gave…
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ofadan · 4 years
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          “  did  no  one  teach  you  not  to  WANDER  dark  alleys  late  at  night?  ”  he  doesn’t  need  to  see  the  girl’s  face  to  recognize  her  ——  the  scent,  the  style,  the  hair  ...  everything  about  her  screams  barbara  friedh.  “  i  know  you  did.  ”  he  trails  behind  her,  seemingly  inconspicuous  at  first,  but  when  he  finally  invades  her  space,  his  veins  under  his  eyes  turn  prominent,  bleeding  black  and  crimson.  “  why  won’t  you  follow  your  own  advice?  ”
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prenvii-moved · 3 years
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axperjan · 2 years
Hey! I'd love to hear a bit about Norbhan, your new sylvari co-commander!
oh dfgdsf that IS my boy :v
to be honest he’s a pretty average cabbage except that his connection to the Dream was uhhh... a little faulty, not enough that he wasn’t shielded at all but still he’s had to put in a little more active effort to make sure he stayed that way and could manage the nightmares alright. which is why he’s pretty skeptical and tenacious on principle, even if he couldn’t help a lasting bundle of nerves in the back of his head before their path leading to Maguuma kinda explained it.
BUT that also means it’s comforting his sibling wasn’t as straightforward either. he’s a bit more concerned about what matters in the moment and personally so they’re not trusting anything too blindly, and he knows how to turn causes into action most of the time.... but he’s still got a small reckless streak sometimes for fun, sometimes because he still cares very much about getting them through everything alive (and that includes budding his way into looking after the baby dragon together because that’s what they do).
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kingreywrites · 3 years
btw eugene has a BOUNTY?
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it's probably an old wanted poster but like, damn, who wants to bet he staged his own arrest once when he was still Flynn to get the money
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sanaspink · 6 years
my father figure made it by heating coconut oil, and then adding cocoa powder and honey!!! (you can use a 'simple syrup' too, i dunno what it is though ;w;)
this sounds pretty simple thank you for telling me this! ^^ 
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community-gardens · 7 years
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1kook · 3 years
hrnekdneknd idk why but I laughed
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perap · 3 years
unfortunately im not as excited about this as i would be because of all the shit i had to go through to get it but. at least its here right?
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the seller included a few extra things like origami cranes, little papers with backdrops on them, and some extra cards! which actually made me realize that they changed poison from sharing its type with psychic to sharing its type with dark? shows how much i really know about the tcg these days lol..
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(apologies for dog butt in the picture fgshs)
and here we have the most pokemon card packs ive ever had at one time. technically its only 30 packs i guess since there are only 5 per pack, but still. i find it funny that i never buy cards, but when i do its always a shit ton at once
ill get back with my pulls in a few
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yellowmotorola · 4 years
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gemsofthegalaxy · 3 years
Second Citadel for the fandom ask, if you havent already done it!
Ooooh thank you!! 
Favorite character: Damien, hands down!! Least Favorite character: Ooh.. aside from the obvious jerkass knights that I can’t remember the names of, uhhh.. I’m not the hugest fan of Queen Mira. Like she’s fine but I don’t vibe with her.  5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): are there even 5 ships for this fandom??? jk but fgsh. 
Rilla/Arum/Damien like, obviously. (I could cheat and put every variation of this ship for to make 4 whole ships and it would still be truthful, but I’ll put others)
Angleo/Damien (it’s is very intriguing to me!! i enjoy best friends to lovers a lot, okay?)
Annnnd obligatory Ale/Angelo. (they’re cute! I’d like to see more of them eventually) 
Character I find most attractive: this is a podcast. But. Probably the Rilla that exists in my head, followed shortly by the Rilla on the artwork fgjdshkf  Character I would marry: I was going to say Damien and I DO adore him but his overt religiosity might actually grate on me ngl... so imma say ANGLEO. he’s the definition of male wife.  Character I would be best friends with: Ooh... Interesting.... maybe Rilla? I have a degree in science and I think we could vibe. But also maybe Damien because I feel like we would vibe really well. (i love Arum but I feel like he’d annoy me irl sfgjdshkj)  a random thought: Lizard Kissin Tuesday is the best fandom meme possibly ever.  An unpopular opinion: I can never tell which opinions are actually popular or not but I think Caroline was far too harsh on Rilla in the second season. I love Caroline but she also pisses me off especially when she interacts with Rilla.  my canon OTP: RAD Bouquet  Non-canon OTP: Hmmmmmmmmm. Prob Quanyii/Rilla  most badass character: I mean, objectively, Caroline. Hands down, by far.  pairing I am not a fan of: (i forgot to fill this in initially OOPS) tbh, I guesss Mira/Caroline is also very “meh” for me. Like i can see why people like it but it’s eh.  character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): HAHA I don’t really know? Like, on one hand, Literally every/any of the rad bouquet in their recent appearances- I mean I know miscommunication/lack of communication as a plotline or plot device is like, The Thing when it comes to Romance and Relationships.... but does it have to be so trite and contrived sfghsk?  favourite friendship: HHH......... yeah Damien and Angelo followed very closely by Caroline and Angelo. Angelo is just shaped like a fucking friend and he’s the best. I love his relationships because he’s so genuine and wholesome and he truly cares. Honestly, writing this, I feel even more secure in my decision that he’s the one I’d marry.  character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Oh boy I don’t want to be a parent nor do I want to be adopted seeing as i’m a whole adult sdfgjsdhfj but hey- I’ll be adopted by the Queen so i can be Princess of the (HIGHLY PROBLEMATIC) Citadel and hopefully get fancy clothes uwu~ 
Thank yooouu!! this was very fun~
Ask Me About Fandom Shit 
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