natalieironside · 8 months
I wish Peter Jackson hadn't cut Shelob's brother Helob out of the movie
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erebusvincent · 2 months
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It was clearly referencing two things and it’s obnoxious to lie to us and pretend otherwise. Both the producers and the whale in the middle admitted the scene was meant to be the Last Supper. Adding Dionysus at the end doesn’t change that.
No one appreciate fibbing. Reality is important.
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drmonkeysetroscans · 2 years
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Smoke is a trace.
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weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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Madara's been fibbing! , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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jsdesingning01 · 1 year
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(via "Quit Fibbing" Magnet for Sale by JSDesingning01)
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rrover · 1 year
hi guys first time making a post on this site
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lonelyroommp3 · 25 days
okay seeing as i’ve unwittingly started a trend on here i’m going to make you all do another quiz but it’s hard mode this time
ceremonial counties of england 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
[disclaimer that in an ideal world i’d have had a third set of answers for those of you in the other british nations because i feel like you’ve got a better chance at this quiz than someone outside of the uk entirely, but also i didn’t want to offend anyone by lumping you in with the english against your will. you know how it is]
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rickybabyboy · 2 months
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Im going back of sleep
ID: Orange and white tabby laying on his side on some pillows with his eyes closed and reaching his paw out in his sleep
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weaversweek · 2 years
Television show number 1, who are you?
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“I am You Won’t Believe This, a game where contestants find the truth amongst tall tales.”
Television show number 2, who are you?
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“I am Tell the Truth, a game where contestants find the truth amongst tall tales.”
Forty years separates these programmes, forty years of style and change. One has a celebrity panel.
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One has ex-police as interrogators.
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Both could well work as 6.30 filler, except Channel 4 doesn’t do entertainment at 6.30.
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fibvlaa · 6 months
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I think they like each other
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natalieironside · 1 year
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rebouks · 3 months
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Definitely not his hat but he still pulls it off.. 🐸
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drmonkeysetroscans · 1 year
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dcxdpdabbles · 11 months
Ghost king danny goes on a reincarnation vacation to the dc universe by ClockWork, he ends up as a mortician/coroner and chats up the dead and is super creepy and has to go to Arkham to claim a body there (idk how-) and ends up freaking out the prisoners but also makes some friends and is just all around having a good time and Batman is concerned why this guy just feels weird and why Jason likes him enough to call him a friend
"This is Daniel Fenton." Bruce starts clicking the button on his wrist computer so an image of a young man in his early twenties appears on the hologram. "He is the mortician working at Gotham Funeral Home and Crematorium. Recently, he has been the talk of the underworld for his actions in Arkham."
"Actions?" Tim asks, reading over the files that Bruce had downloaded into their own wrist computers. He pauses at the old-school photo of Daniel Fenton smiling shyly at the camera. Two rows below him is Jason's equally bashful smile when he was fourteen.
"A patient was found dead in her room. Daniel went over to claim the body, but while there, he made a few of the inmates uncomfortable." Bruce pulls up a security camera footage of Fenton strolling down the hall, pushing the cart with the body covered by a white sheet.
The way his lips are shaped tells the Bats he whistles even if there is no sound.
It looks normal- even if he seems just a tad too cheerful for picking up a dead person- until he passes by Two-Face's room. The man flipped his quarter and then started shouting at Fenton.
They couldn't make out his words, but whatever the mortician said had Two-face laughing so hard he fell to the ground.
Then, the camera glitched as if there were some kind of interference. They watched it clear up with Fenton walking away and Two-Face sitting on the ground, staring at a wall with a blank expression.
"What happened?" Dick asks.
"It's unclear what Fenton did to him, but Harvey has been unresponsive since. This was three days ago."
"Shit," Steph swears, which pretty much sums up everyone's thoughts.
"Yeah, Danny has that effect on people," Jason speaks up, shrugging his shoulder at the looks he receives. "What? Danny has always been weird, but I doubt he is dangerous."
"You are acquainted with Fenton?" Damian asks, and Jason shrugs again.
"We were in the same graduating class. I spoke to him more after I died and came back, but I wouldn't meet up with him for a drink or anything."
"You don't drink."
"Exactly, Timbos."
Bruce clears his throat. "In any case, I want you all to keep an eye on him."
"B, seriously, the guy is harmless. He cried the other day over a book character's death-"
"How would you know that?" Cass cuts Jason off, a teasing smile on her face even though her eyes are narrowed with suspicion.
"We're in the same book club. Not another word." Jason grunts.
Dick, who has been staring at the class photo that Tim has seen, snaps his figures. "I know him! He's the weird kid who told people he was the reincarnation of the Ghost King on vacation! Claimed he was a powerful afterlife entity. Didn't you get caught with him behind the bleachers, Jason-"
"Shut it Dickface!" Jason screeches face a bright red suddenly. " That was one time, and I was fourteen!"
Bruce's frown is suddenly more profound. "I had forgotten about that particular detention. Jason, are you compromised for this mission?"
"What!? I am not!" The second oldest yelled, balling his hands "In fact, I bet I could get Danny to tell me what he did!"
"Good. Go get that done." Dick waves his hand at him in a dismissive motion. "Don't come back without the little crazy mortician's number."
Tim smiles as Jason explodes, but his eyes never leave Heavy Dent's image on the security camera. There is something about the way his eyes are hazy that set bells off in his head.
He is sure he sees flashes of green on Dent's pupils. He saw similar flashes in a file inside the League of Assassins while searching for Bruce.
It was the warning of ghosts.
Was Fenton's teenage lies not so fatuous after all? He'll have to investigate.
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jeeaark · 4 months
Ok but imagine. greygold porting back and finds the emps panicking and trying to figure out to locate them and then turns around and sees they are completely fine. Except for a now beautiful full stash on their squid face.
Aight, I imagined, I loved, and I'm ✨inspired✨ Although perhaps not the cute stash bit as Greygold got a lil too GloomGold saying goodbye to Lae'zel, but have a silly nonetheless-
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Bonus when Greygold's feeling better again:
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ccrisntok · 7 days
Good thing.
(spoilers for most recent drdt ep)
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