#fic by paradigmparadoxical
deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
8 & 16 for the New Year’s asks.
Thanks for the asks! Let me know if you’re still accepting asks for that post; if so, I’d love to return the favor!
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
Hoo boy. Yeah, I… I do. I have this idea, inspired by @mrs-stiltskin ‘s Golden Hook fic, Sacrifice and @paradigmparadoxical ‘s Rumbelle fic, Never Let Go. Warning you now that this blurb is gonna involve very heavy, dark themes, so feel free to skip. So… the romantic parts of this fic would be Rumbelle, with the heavier parts being non-romantic, non-con Golden Hook. Basically I’d be going for a Once Upon a Time-esque jumping between two timelines: flashbacks where Spinner Rumpel sold himself into sex slavery to Hook (thinking he was sparing Milah that same fate), and flashforwards to Dark Castle Rumbelle. The flashbacks would be very Dead Dove: Do Not Eat segments of non-con, abuse, and a victim convincing himself he’s in love with his rapist/abuser in order to cope with what’s being done to him. The flash forwards would be loving BDSM scenes where Belle helps Rumpel find healing and acceptance for what was done. Basically my goal here would be for readers to close each chapter feeling depressed, hopeful, horny, and utterly conflicted. Really uncomfortable, in other words. I don’t think this is the year I get the nerve to take on such an ambitious, complicated, and emotionally taxing project. But maybe someday!
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Nope! I post every chapter the moment I finish writing it (which is why there are so many typos). I find that reader reactions help to shape the story into what it’s meant to be. Not that I’ll make drastic changes in order to chase likes, but just because they can let me know what works and what doesn’t, as well as give ideas that spark the imagination.
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paradigmparadoxical · 2 years
So I did a thing.
Remember when I accidentally tagged my papafire artwork with 'Killian Jones' and wondered for months why no one liked it?  No?  That's okay.  The two audiences don't tend to mix much.
It's been two years since I posted Never Let Go, my fluffy Rumbelle novel-length.  There is a tiny mention of a past non-con event from an uninvolved third party's perspective in the second chapter, therefore the archive warnings say 'rape/non-con.'
… said 'rape/non-con.'
Yeah, I don't read that stuff much either.
For those intrepid enough to venture past, the entire fic must have been a question of 'When's the other shoe gonna drop?'  For those who clicked because of the rape/non-con warning, my apologies for disappointing you.
Two. years.
ETA: Here's my cover art added to the post, because it needs its picture.
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killingkueen · 4 years
Fic: Nooner
Summary: Belle wants to ask Gold something. It’s very important and can’t wait. Obviously. || A companion to Seeing Red, but you don’t need to have read it.
Rating: E (this is just porn); specifically mutual masturbation and a tiny bit of cum play
AO3 link
Thank you to the spectacular @paradigmparadoxical, who keeps the world turning.
“—but close enough in shape and color.”
“That’d be great! Honestly, whatever you have to do, you know? Mary would be devastated if nothing was salvageable.”
Belle closed the door behind her, the bell chiming merrily.
“A moment, dearie,” Gold called absently, bent over the display case inspecting whatever David Nolan had brought in. “Most of them aren’t,” Gold continued with David. “But if Mrs. Nolan doesn’t object to a couple glue lines on the ones that aren’t shattered, there shouldn’t be a problem.”
“That’s more than we expected, honestly.”
She hovered at the door, wondering if she should come back tomorrow—her lunch break was only so long—and perhaps she would have, if the view were different. Belle liked watching Gold in his element: behind his counter, the sun just missing him as it stretched across the floor of his shop. It left him in shadow, despite the lights overhead. He might not enjoy working with the public, but he was good at it, letting his knowledge and expertise guide him.
Gold wrapped the glass pieces back in the towel that David had brought them in, placing the bundle carefully in the shoebox. “I’ll dig around for the figurines I have,” he said. “They might be too small, but I have a few sources that would likely have more appropriate sizes. If it comes to that, I’ll call you with an estimate.”
“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it,” Belle could hear the relieved grin in David’s voice as he reached out a hand to shake Gold’s.
Gold’s lips twitched into a polite smile. He let go and turned to greet his new customer, finally spotting her.
“Miss French,” he said, voice deepening. His smile became no less placid, but he looked more present than moments ago, his eyes brightening. “What a surprise.”
“Hey,” Belle sighed, smiling in return. There was no way there was enough time left on her break—even taking the rest of the day off wouldn’t suffice. 
David coughed, catching the changed air between them. “Well, now that I got the mobile squared away, I think I’ll be leaving. Thanks again, Gold.”
“You’ll be hearing from me,” he said automatically, eyes glued to Belle. He didn’t turn to watch David leave.
For that matter, Belle wasn’t inclined to do more than offer David a quick smile in goodbye when he passed her. She made quick work of flipping the closed sign and lock, before prancing up to the counter.
“Can you fit me in, Mr. Gold?”
“It’s quite short notice, Miss French. I’m afraid I have to charge a fee.” 
“And what would that be?” she asked slowly. She relished the way his eyes trailed down to her lips.
“Nothing too steep, I hope,” he said, leaning forward.
Belle happily met him for a sweet peck. When they parted, she bit her lip. No, there was not enough time in the world with this man.
“Tea, sweetheart?” Gold asked.
“I was thinking lunch? Maybe? Eventually.”
He raised an eyebrow, gaze darting to his locked door.
Belle cleared her throat. “Let’s talk in the back.”
“Talk, hm?” There was the beginning spark of mischief in his eyes as he swept the curtain aside, holding it for her pass by him.
“Yes. Talk.” Belle put on her most stern face. It was hard to keep up when he was smirking like that, when he popped his hip as he stood in the backroom, waiting for her first move.
She cleared her throat. “So,” Belle began. “I want to see your—cock.” 
She hoped she wasn’t blushing. It would be really silly if she were blushing, considering all the things they’d already said and done to each other. But Gold murmuring dirty things so sweetly into her ear while he moved in her felt vastly different when she tried to say the same things in the light of his backroom while they were still fully clothed.
Instead of cringing in secondhand embarrassment, Gold’s smirk deepened. “Do you, now?” He hooked his cane on the edge of the worktable and reached for her waist. Belle accepted the kiss, letting it deepen. She sucked his bottom lip until his wandering hands trailed to the zipper on her skirt.
Belle stepped away reluctantly, her hands running down Gold’s arms until she was loosely holding his hands—and it was with a huge amount of self-restraint that she didn’t abandon her plan right there and let him have his nefarious way with her.
“I mean, I want to actually see it.” Belle pushed her bottom lip out in a pout. Gold’s eyes strayed to her mouth longingly.
Gold turned their hands so his thumbs were rubbing circles into her wrists. The gentle movement belied his filthy smirk.
“You’ve seen me plenty,” he said.
“Yes, that’s true.” Belle trailed her eyes downward. “But, see, I had this completely random thought while I was doing something very important at the library,” she started.
“Reading on the job again, Miss French?”
“And,” she said, admitting nothing. “I realized I have never seen a hardening cock.” At least her  voice was steady, even if she had to dart her eyes away from his face.
Gold gave her a blank look, his thumbs pausing.
“I’ve seen you hard, but never how you got there,” Belle elaborated.
“Huh.” Gold thought on that as she took a deliberate step back, his hands brushing against hers as they let go. She then took another, until she could lean against his work table.
“If that’s what you want, I suppose I have no reason to say no.” Despite his confusion, he started to work at his belt buckle, so that was something.
“It really is,” Belle said, toes curling as she watched.
He got as far as unzipping his trousers before asking, “Do you mind if I sit for this?”
“Not at all,” she said, but Gold was already limping to the cot. He waved away her help as he settled, slipping off his jacket and placing it carefully on the pillow. He unbuttoned his waistcoat, folding it on the jacket. 
Next, he toed off his shoes, then toed them to the side so they wouldn’t get in the way. His fingers fidgeted with the top buttons of his shirt, not sure if that should go, too.
“The point is to be seen, yes?” He glanced at her, still against the table, but couldn’t hold her gaze. It dropped to his feet, and he focused on peeling off his socks instead.
“Do—do you not want to?” She thought they had gotten past his initial shyness; considering how often they’d seen each other naked, she thought this request would be easy.
Gold opened his mouth, but then seemed to think better of whatever he was going to say. “I guess you could say I’m not a fan of being scrutinized,” he finally admitted.
“I have already seen it,” she reminded him. “And I like how it looks when it’s hard. I only want to see how it gets there.”
“Do you?” Gold asked. 
“Yeah,” Belle said. If Belle were to rank the aesthetic appeal of a human body, a penis would rank near bottom—dicks were strange and beyond the obvious use for them Belle never understood their appeal. Not that she saw the point in mentioning that. 
She was still honest when she said: “It’s yours, that’s why I like it.” 
Gold, thankfully, believed her; he undid the trouser button, and lifted his hips so he could slide them and his briefs down his thighs, letting them pool at his ankles.
He smiled at her, and it was less the filthy smirk of minutes ago than the tender melting of his eyes, a soft tilt at the corner of his lips. A wonder (a privilege, an honor), that such a small assurance from her was enough to get him to look at her like that.
It was really, really hard for Belle not to walk over and straddle him. It would be the work of moments to push her panties aside and sink onto him like a rock at the bottom of an ocean. She just had to remember she wanted to see this through more. 
He spread his knees, welcoming her greedy eyes, but the tails of his silk shirt obscured his lap.
“You’re still hiding,” she accused.
He hid his grimace well with a smile that reached his eyes. Before Belle could offer an alternative, his hands were already sliding each button through the eyehole, and then his front was bared to her. 
Gold was a slim man by nature, his thin frame hinting at a wiry strength. His skin was smooth and tanned, framed by the shirt he left hanging off his shoulders, open. He was welcome to leave it on; the purple was a good color on him.
Belle was too far away. If she was going to watch the show, she needed a front row seat. Slowly, as if to keep from spooking a wild animal, she crouched to her hands and knees. Crawling was the work of moments in the cramped space of the backroom. She stopped as she reached the cradle of Gold’s knees, her eyes never leaving his cock.
He made a noise in his throat at her approach, and his cock gave an interested twitch, but otherwise stayed very pink and very soft.
Gold blew out a breath of air from his nose. She watched as he ran one hand down his stomach, over his hips, then cupped his sac underneath. Before his other could grab hold of the shaft, Belle stopped him.
“No hands,” she ruled, tapping his knee until he let go of himself. “I can’t see.”
Gold frowned. “How do you think this works?”
“I don’t know. It just happens, right?”
“Sometimes, yeah,” he said, shifting his hips.
A few moments passed.
“Aw, does he not like being put on the spot?”
Gold snorted. “Keep staring like that, it’ll perk up.”
Belle regarded his nethers curiously. “Usually you get hard so quickly. You’re almost always ready to go by the time I get your clothes off. It’s actually quite flattering.”
“Happy to please,” he murmured.
Belle had never been this close to his flaccid member before. It wasn’t exactly shriveled, but it was limp like a deflated balloon, pillowed on his balls, head pointed down. It humored her to see that it fit quite neatly on top of his scrotum, the dick being a little narrower, a little shorter—like nesting dolls.
Her gaze broadened slightly, taking in his spread thighs, the hair he kept trimmed, the V of his hips that stood prominent, despite the rounding belly above. Belle knew exactly how the skin below his belly button tasted, knew how he’d jolt in pleasure if she cupped his sack in her hand or trailed two fingers behind to tease at his perineum. 
“He is shy, isn’t he?” she said, her mouth feeling dry. She was getting impatient.
“Stop calling it a ‘he,’” Gold huffed, trying to smother his indulgent smile.
“Maybe I can help?”
“Your, ah, mouth, perhaps?” Gold said promptly, licking his lips. He spread his legs further, an invitation for her to settle between them.
It was a tempting offer. “I would feel it, not see it.” 
A fascinating sensation, surely—to put her mouth on his soft cock and feel it harden, lengthening against her tongue. How different would his skin-warm flesh feel before the blood warmed it further? Would the heat of him burn her? And if she palmed his balls, if he thrust his hips, how long until he grew too big to fit completely in her mouth?
Belle leaned forward on her hands, watching him twitch. “Next time, definitely,” she promised.
“Your breasts, then,” 
She realized then that she had him at a disadvantage, what with being fully clothed while Gold was very nearly naked. And that sent something through her, didn’t it, a heat that was as familiar as her hands. She was warm before, but now felt a blaze alight under her skin, right in her groin.
They could play with that later. Belle started to undo the buttons on her blouse, pulling at the fabric to release it from the waistband of her skirt. She’d leave it on though, like his was. Her bra was not front latching; she shrugged the straps down her shoulders, then pushed the cups down. She wished, not for the first time, that she was better endowed. Never would her breasts be described as being contained by her bras; they were comfortably blanketed.
From the look of rapture on Gold’s face, he didn’t mind. His hands were squeezing his knees, likely to keep from pulling her closer and ruining her game. His eyes were dark and hungry, focused entirely on her chest.
Belle bit her lip, cupping herself in her hands, pushing the mounds up and then together. At his groan of approval, she flicked her nipples with her thumbs. The welcoming pull that sent through her was almost enough to close her eyes, but she couldn’t forget her purpose.
Her eyes trailed down, back to Gold’s cock. Was it bigger than it was, moments ago? She pinched her nipples, pulling them out, then pushing in, leaning into the movement. The jolt was deeper than her belly; she could feel it right in her cunt. She couldn’t keep her mouth from opening in a silent gasp of pleasure, but her eyes stayed focused on Gold.
And there, finally—he began to swell, his cock growing and lifting off his balls as it filled with his hot blood. Slowly, it came to swing between them, long and hard. If he gave his length a pull or two (with a slight twist at the head that she knew he favored), maybe it would fall back against his belly, sitting as he was.
 And wasn’t that an idea.
“Did you know erections produced from oral sex are longer than erections without?” she asked without thinking.
His answering laugh was surprised, short. His eyes, still dark, still heated, melted somewhat into a look of complete adoration.
“If you want it longer, by all means,” he panted.
Belle hummed, eyes scanning up and down his length carefully. The skin was flushed like the sky at sunset; the tip darker than the peach at the base.
“You’re already perfect,” she decided, leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to the tip. Her tongue flicked over him, teasing inside his slit.
His hips twitched, and he released a rush of breath at the contact that turned into a moan of disappointment when instead of taking him into her mouth, she leaned back on her heels.
Belle gave him an encouraging smile, mischief dancing in her eyes. “Go on, then.”
He looked at her blankly. “What?”
“I want to watch.”
“Watch what?”
“What do you think?”
She hadn’t had a plan when she first walked into the shop. Nothing concrete beyond asking for what he so delightfully just delivered. But the view was too good to pass up, and ordering him around sent such a delicious thrill down her spine. Belle settled back on her heels, expectant.
Gold’s throat bobbed. His hand loosely gripped his shaft. He took to this request with a surprising but welcomed ardor.
“There’s lotion. In that drawer." He nodded to the cabinet by his chair.
“Unscented?” she teased, slipping off her heels before standing up. She didn’t trust herself to walk in a straight line in this state.
She found the bottle near the front, brandishing it proudly when she turned back to face him. “The question is—” she started.
While she was digging through the drawer, Gold had freed his ankles from his trousers, his shoulders and arms from his shirt. He now sat bare and hard on the cot. Belle froze—couldn’t help but stare.
“Take a picture,” he teased. “It’ll last longer.”
“Maybe I should,” Belle murmured. “Give me something to keep me warm when you leave me cold and alone in my apartment.”
Gold whined. He held his hand out for the lotion, and when Belle gave it to him, he grasped her hand in his, turning it so he could press a hard, needy kiss to the palm of her hand.
“I love your cock,” Belle said, getting comfortable at his feet. “I don’t tell you enough, just how much.”
He whined again, fumbling with the bottle. When he was lubed, he wasted no time wrapping a hand around himself. To Belle’s delight, he started slow, with firm strokes. His other hand cupped his balls, fondling himself as he stared at her with open want.
“It’s so hard and thick. I love how it feels in my hand, how it tastes in my mouth.” The words came much easier than before. Gold leaned forward slightly, desperate to hear them. “And especially my wet, hungry cunt.”
Belle was wiggling her hips before she realized she had started tweaking her nipples again. Fuck, but she wanted him so much. She could feel the moisture that had seeped into the gusset of her panties. 
She spread her legs wider, giving herself more purchase to run her hand up and down her thighs and then hike up her skirt. As Gold twisted his hand at his tip, she pushed her panties aside so she could swirl her fingers through her moist curls. 
Gold’s grip was firm as his hand gripped his cock and he pumped it a little faster up and down, watching Belle the entire time. “Fuck, Belle,” he moaned when she used two of her fingers to open her cunt lips, showing him how wet he made her.
Smooth and musky, she could smell her scent mixing with his, and she inhaled deeply, wanting more of it. 
He squeezed his erection, hand tightened on his balls, and Gold watched, rapt, as Belle slipped a finger inside of herself, where she desperately wanted him; his fingers, his tongue, his hard cock. 
He was leaking precum, could see it glistening on his fingers. She pictured him sliding against her labia, how it felt to grind against his shaft. Her thumb pressed gently across her hard clit, finger pinching and twisting her nipple. She watched his hand work himself, matching his pace as she added another finger.
“Belle, love,” he panted in answer, stroking himself harder and faster, listening to her sweet moans as she brought herself closer and closer to orgasm. She knew he was close, could almost see his cum boiling in his sac.
Gold’s eyes stayed trained on her cunt, to the gushy slide of her fingers and fuck, she can practically feel herself dripping on his hardwood floor. She gasped, cunt squelching at the image of making him lick it up.
She made a sound, drawn out and low, as her fingers curled in her just there. She desperately tried to keep her eyes open, to keep watching as Gold fisted his cock, and she nearly succeeded. Wave after wave rushed through her, and she felt electric and loved and beautiful. With a final gasp, she fell forward, catching herself on Gold’s good knee.
His movement had slowed at her orgasm, but picked up with a frenzy when she sucked her fingers into her mouth with a happy hum.
“Belle, please,” he cried, desperate. “Please, fuck.”
“Anything,” she promised, looking up at him with hooded eyes, mouth already watering at the thought of swallowing him down.
“Your chest,” he said. “Please, please, may I?—”
Belle blinked, surprised, but straightened enough so she could settle in front of his frantic hand. His eyes were glued to her tits as she bared herself, making sure her shirt and bra were out of the way.
The first ropey splash at her collar bone made her toes curl, the warmth surprising her more than it should. The second, the third, accompanied by a low groan. Gold squeezed his cock in one hand, cradled his scrotum in the other, making sure every last drop was wrung from him.
Belle felt the cum cool even as it dripped down her chest, but she wasn’t paying much mind to it, not when the lines had disappeared around his mouth, when he was so lovely and content, the sweat making his hair stick to his face. 
Their eyes caught, and he smiled. Belle let the laughter burst from her, and she ran her hands up and down the insides of his thighs, kissing his knee.
She was probably hours late to the library. Her clothes were disheveled and if she got cum on her shirt she was going to die of embarrassment, but she didn’t care. She was laughing with the man she loved, who loved her back.
“This is called something,” she said, when her laugh subsided. Her cheeks hurt from smiling, her knees felt a little raw from kneeling unprotected. She felt better than she had all week.
“Ah, a necklace, of some sort.” His hands found hers on his thighs. He laced their fingers together.
“Opal necklace, was it?”
“Pearl, I think,” Gold said. The crow's feet at his eyes crinkled. It suited him, this contentment. The blush of his orgasm was clearing up, his cock drooping down again, yet he kept the rosy glow, the liquid adoration in his eyes.
“That’s right,” she murmured. With her finger, Belle smeared some of the mess across her collar bone, careful to miss her blouse. “You’ve given me a pearl necklace.”
It was getting tacky. It’d dry soon. She wondered what it would feel like to have to peel it off her skin. She had to admit, the image was a lot less fun than how it was put there.
Gold watched her fingers, chest rumbling with a sound that wasn’t quite a growl. “I’ll buy you real pearls. As many as you want.”
He’d look at her the same, she knew; whether she was spread out on a bed wearing nothing but a dozen strings of pearls, or here in the back of his shop with her shirt hastily opened, her skirt hiked up around her hips.
“I’d rather you make me dinner,” Belle decided. She pushed herself up just enough to press a kiss to the side of his mouth. 
With an anchoring hand on the back of her neck, he took her hand—the one she’d used to finger herself, the one smeared with his cum—brought it to his lips and sucked them into his mouth. 
Belle could only sigh in approval as his tongue licked her clean. When he finished, he placed an open-mouthed kiss below her collarbone, sucking in her skin, their moans mingling as he cleaned her there, too.
Soon her chest was wet and sticky with his saliva and what cum he hadn’t licked up. She was quite pink, too, from his love bites. With a final kiss over her heart, Gold reached over to his suit jacket so he could pull the handkerchief from the front pocket and started in on the mess still on her chest.
“No, you’ll ruin the silk,” Belle protested half-heartedly.
Instead of answering, he flashed her a crooked smile. 
“I’m making fish tonight. With broccoli and potatoes. You should come.”
“But it’s your week with Bae.” She hadn’t been serious about dinner, at least not immediately so.
“The lad should get used to you being around, don’t you think?”
“I don’t think he likes me much,” she said, chewing on her lip.
“He doesn’t know you well, is all.” He kissed her temple. “You tend to flitter off every time he shows up. He thinks you’re avoiding him.” Anxiety had creeped into the corner of his eyes, dimming the warmth.
“I’m trying to respect his boundaries,” she said weakly.
She liked Bae; it was hard not to. But she was also keenly aware that Gold was the stable parent, and that the life of a single father and his teenaged son might not always have room for her. But perhaps that was a tad short-sighted. There would never be room for her if she didn’t stick around long enough to get comfortable.
“Come to dinner, Belle.”
She hummed. “What kind of potatoes?” 
“Roasted,” he said. He kissed her below her jaw. “With garlic and herbs.”
“And for dessert?” she asked, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, skin still bared and warm.
“I’m sure we’ll think of something when Bae goes to bed.” He caught her mouth in a kiss, swallowing her laugh as it bubbled from her chest.
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woodelf68 · 4 years
(Sorry for the long post, tumblr isn’t letting me put a “read more” cut in.)
Family – Spinner by woodelf68, A Bear In Need of Rescue by @byrneinggold
Comfort – Lost and Found by @worryinglyinnocent
Fix-It – Love Is Purple by @xiolaperry, A Life for a Life by @paradigmparadoxical
Reunion – Finding You by @silwenworld
Best Child Fic (fluffy fic centered on children in the Rumbelle family) – Best Beloveds by woodelf68, Announcement by @jackabelle73
Kink – All I Have by @cannibalisticshadows
Comedy –True Lust by @junoinferno
Best First Time – Birthday by @crossinginstyle
PWP – Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out by woodelf68, The Spirit of the Trees by woodelf68, I Want To Watch by Scarletstar1
Death – Believe or Leave by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Date (Overall) – Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out by woodelf68
Best Courtship – Roses On The Doorstep by @worryinglyinnocent
Best First Meeting – The Spirit of the Trees by woodelf68
Best Bathing Scene – Making a Splash by @ifishouldvanish
Best One-Shot – Believe or Leavy by @worryinglyinnocent, Distractions by @thestraggletag
Best Drabble – Getting Ideas by @xiolaperry
Best Post-Ep Fic – A Life For A Life by paradigmparadoxical
Best Comedy Fic – Animal Magnetism by @worryinglyinnocent, A Bear In Need of Rescue by @byrneinggold
Best Movie AU – A Thrill of Hope by ishtarelisheba, What You’d Thought Lost Is There To Be Found by @deliriumsdelight7
Best TV Show AU – The Game by @thestraggletag, A Funny Girl by @shakespeareanhoneybadgers
Best AU Inspired By Other Media (including but not restricted to video games, musicals/plays, and graphic novels)
Best Historical AU – You’ve Really Got A Hold On Me by @crossinginstyle
Best AU – Spinner by woodelf68, Rally Cap by @halfwayinlight
Best AU!OUAT – Out of Time by @worryinglyinnocent, In Another Life by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Series – Precious Moments by @jackabelle73, The Floofy ‘Verse by woodelf68
Best Novel Length Fic (does not have to be finished, but must be a minimum of 40k words to qualify)
Best Holiday Fic – A Thrill of Hope by ishtarelisheba,  What You’d Thought Lost Is There To Be Found by @deliriumsdelight7��
Best Remix – Our Masks by @lotus0kid
Best Crossover Fic –  Afternoon in Soho by @barpurplewrites, Coleslaw and Daggers by @darcyfarrow2005
Best Dark Castle – I Want To Watch by Scarletstar1, Animal Magnetism by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Storybrooke – Fresh Start by @joylee56
Best Rumbelle Poly Ship (ex: Golden Swan Beauty, Mad Golden Beauty)
Best Background Swanfire –  What You’d Thought Lost Is There To Be Found by @deliriumsdelight7​
Best Crack!Fic – He Thought It Said Satan by @idesignedthefjords, Everyone Needs A Hobby by woodelf68, How Did You Two Get Together by @barpurplewrites
Best Supernatural – The Princess of Avonlea by @gwenore
Best Creature AU – The Spirit of the Trees by woodelf68, All I Have by @cannibalisticshadows
Best Unexpected Twist – Finding You by @silwenworld
Best Bobby Squared (a fic featuring more than one Bobby character, including multiple instances of Gold and/or Rumple)
Forgotten Gem (a fic completed more than three (3) years ago, that you feel has been overlooked) – Civilised Existence by amuseoffyre
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2020 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa – Three Appointments and a Wedding by @thestraggletag
Rumbelle Christmas in July – Fresh Start @joylee56, Dark Spring by @nerdrumple, A Truth for a Truth: A Study In Confusion by silwenworld
Fluffapalooza – Love Is Purple by @xiolaperry
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut) – In Another Life by @worryinglyinnocent, A Flash of Imp-spiration by @worryinglyinnocent, Chocolate Cake and Chocolate Roses by @byrneinggold, Lost and Found by @worryinglyinnocent, The Kelpie by @worryinglyinnocent
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut) – Steamed Up by @worryinglyinnocent, Off The Deep End by @byrneinggold
Rumbelle is Hope – Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out by woodelf68
Best Dark One!Belle – Masters of Destiny by @deliriumsdelight7
Best AU Belle – Distractions by @thestraggletag,  Spinner by woodelf68
Best Spinner!Rumple –  Masters of Destiny by @deliriumsdelight7​, Her Angel by @kelyon
Best Baelfire/Neal – Masters of Destiny by @deliriumsdelight7, Rally Cap by halfwayinlight
Best Gideon – Spinner by woodelf68
Best Fan Art – Mr. Gold sitting on wall edge with cane by @vayuvayu, Rumpelstiltskin and Belle embracing (gold dress/blue coat) by @vayuvayu
Best Cover Art – A Thrill of Hope by ishtarelisheba
Best Comic/Graphic Novel – “Love Letters” by @dekayingtree
Best Artist – @vayuvayu, @dekayingtree
- BEST AUTHOR – @nerdrumple
- BEST NEW AUTHOR – @deliriumsdelight7
- BEST RUMBELLE FIC – Fresh Start by @joylee56, Dark Spring by @nerdrumple
- BEST ANYELLE FIC – Breaking Cycles by @deliriumsdelight7, A Safe Place To Land by @deliriumsdelight7
- Newbie Spotlight - deliriumsdelight7
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teaespensonawards · 5 years
2020 T.E.A. WINNERS!
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Congratulations, T.E.A. winners!!
We would like to thank everyone who participated in the T.E.A.s this year! We’d also like to thank every single creator in the Rumbelle fandom. Y’all are the ones who actually make these awards possible by continuing to create the most amazing fan works so prolifically. You’ve all made this T.E.A. season awesome.
Now that we’ve accomplished those Very Important thanks, click on through for this year’s winners!
(Quick note: if there are any works you want to read or view, the mods of the RumbelleTEAs.com site have worked hard to gather them all in one place for your convenience.)
Family Irish Twins, by @killingkueen
Comfort Belle notices she's going gray, by @lotus0kid 
Fix-It It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent​
Reunion The Awakening, by @joylee56​
Best Child Fic Irish Twins, by @killingkueen​
Kink The Party, by @worryinglyinnocent​
Romance Neverland, by @emospritelet​
Comedy Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen​
Threesome Sidereal Time, by @mrs-stiltskin​
Best First Time The Rose and the Dagger, by @sarashouldbestudying​
Best Afterlife Smut The Heart of a Hero, by @mrs-stiltskin​
PWP Seeing Red, by @killingkueen​
BDSM The Dungeon, by @worryinglyinnocent​
Why? The Long Road, by @thestraggletag​
Death We'll Have to Muddle Through Somehow, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Oops All I Want for Christmas, by @timelordthirteen​
Hurts So Good Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet​
Best Date (Overall) Of Comic Books and Sushi, by @worryinglyinnocent​
Best Hamburger Date Best Laid Plans, by @0ceanofdarkness​
Best Courtship More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery​
Best First Meeting Best Failed Date Ever, by @barpurplewrites​
Best Bathing Scene Ceasefire, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Best One-Shot A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell​
Best Drabble I Won't Be Home for Christmas, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Best Post-Ep Fic It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent​
Best Comedy Fic The Whole Point of Magic..., by @worryinglyinnocent​
Best Movie AU A New Life, by @djlouat​
Best Book AU The Library Beneath the Clocktower, by @eirian-houpe​
Best TV AU Penny for Your Thoughts, by @nothingeverlost​
Best AU Inspired By Other Media I Must Be Warmer Now, by @ifishouldvanish​
Best Historical AU The Demon Earl's Deal, by @b-does-the-write-thing​
Best AU Little Miss, by @nothingeverlost​
Best AU!OUAT A Sharp and Glorious Thorn, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Best Series Ceasefire series, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Best Novel Length Fic How Do You Sleep?, by @ifishouldvanish​
Best Holiday Fic Murder at the Moonlight Inn, by @maplesyrupao3​
Best Remix Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet​
Best Crossover Fic Something Quite Wonderful, by @spottytonguedog​
Best Dark Castle The Sounding Sea, by @mareyshelley​
Best Storybrooke Flying High, by @ryik-the-writer​
Best Travel A Blind Love, by @lotus0kid​
Best Missing Years Fic True Love, by @djlouat​
Best Argument (Angst) The Casualties of War, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Best Golden Lace I Must Be Warmer Now, by @ifishouldvanish​
Best Woven Lace Opening Lines, by @emospritelet​
Best Woven Beauty Killing Time, by @timelordthirteen​
Best Background Swanfire 9 to 5, by @phoenixfeatherquill​
Best Afterlife Fic The Heart of a Hero, by @mrs-stiltskin​
Best Crack!Fic Pop!, by @barpurplewrites​
Best Drama Opening Lines, by @emospritelet​
Best Supernatural How Soon Is Now?, by @nerdrumple​
Best Sci-Fi Hatched, by @maplesyrupao3​
Best Horror In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley​
Best Creature AU The Deal, by @thestraggletag​
Best Unexpected Twist The Image of Her, by @mareyshelley​
Best Bobby Squared Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent​
Best Trope Battles and Skirmishes, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Best Meta 25 Fucking Stupid Writing Choices OUAT Made, by @celticheartedfangirl​
Rumbelle Secret Santa Year Walk, by @nerdrumple​
Rumbelle Christmas in July The Deal, by @thestraggletag​
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut) Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent​
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut) Behind the Mask, by @worryinglyinnocent​
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball Nephila, by @kelyon​
Rumbelle Big Bang Fine Print, by @prissyhalliwell​
Best Belle Human Nature, by @thestraggletag​
Best Dark One!Belle The Plus One, by @joylee56​
Best AU Belle Honourable Members, by @emospritelet​
Best Lacey Command Me to Be Well, by @magnoliatattoo​
Best Detective Weaver En Pointe, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Best Dark One Soul Deep, by @barpurplewrites​
Best Mr. Gold Blind Faith, by @maplesyrupao3​
Best AU!Gold/Rumple Neverland, by @emospritelet​
Best Spinner!Rumple The Plus One, by @joylee56​
Best Woobie!Rumple Human Nature, by @thestraggletag​
Best Wish!Rumple Under Dark Skies, by @mareyshelley​
Best Baelfire/Neal Flying High, by @ryik-the-writer​
Best Gideon Put Me In, Coach, by @mariequitecontrarie​
Best OC Rumbelle Child Jenny, from Accidental Magic, by @woodelf68​
Best Fan Art Rumbelle Family Seasonal Doodle, by @cocoadrops​
Best Cover Art Take Me Away, by @nropay​
Best Graphic Art (GIFs) 365 Days of Rumbelle, by @timelordthirteen​
Best Graphic Art (Still Images) Touch Him So Help Me, by @jenitosam​
Best AU in Art Mer!Rumple with a Mer!Belle, by @foxmurphy​
Best Fluff Art Rumbelle with Baby Gideon, by @cocoadrops​
Best Angsty Art Hold Me, by @virgidearie​
Best Smutty Art Steamy, by @virgidearie​
Best Comic/Graphic Novel Because of course he kept her bones, by @staypee​
Best Dark One Form Glitch!Rumple, by @nropay​
Best Use of Color Take Me Away illustrations, by @nropay​
Best Video Someone You Loved, by @desperatemurph​
Best Artist @cocoadrops​
Best New Artist @paradigmparadoxical​
Best Overalls
Best Author @emospritelet​
Best New Author @kelyon​
Best Rumbelle Fic More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery​
Best Anyelle Fic Honourable Members, by @emospritelet​
Best Anyem Fic I'm So Done With This, My Love, by @thatravenclawbitch​
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
Each year, the Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award goes to a person who has done something spectacular in the fandom. Either by making people feel welcome, organizing events, or simply embodying the Rumbelle fandom as a whole. This year, the Lifetime Achievement Award goes to… 
Aaaand last, but definitely not least...
Newbie Spotlight
@suchwriting @purgatory-of-assbutts @shadowedoracle @kelyon @eirian-houpe @peacehopeandrats @ryoko1027 @theonceoverthinker @paradigmparadoxical @xiolaperry @tia-artstuff
Welcome, new Rumbellers, to our delightfully and spectacularly filthy little corner of the fandom! :D
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ao3feed-rumbelle · 4 years
Ghosts in the Snow
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kqEHWF
by Paradigmparadoxical
Cover art for theoneandonlylittlebird's fic 'Ghosts in the Snow.'
Words: 32, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kqEHWF
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kelyon · 5 years
Golden Cuffs 38: The Man
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Cover art by TEA Nominee @paradigmparadoxical​
Rumbelle Dark Castle BDSM AU
Belle and Jefferson get to know each other 
So as of now, Golden Cuffs is a TEA Nominated Fic in the category of Best Smut (BDSM)! And the cover art by Paradgimparadoxical was nominated for Best Cover Art! Thank you to everyone who nominated me, and don't forget to vote when the time comes!
Trigger warnings for mentions of abuse and anal rape. I'm sure this isn't remotely how sex therapy works, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!
Read on AO3
Belle bit her lower lip as Jefferson got up. He walked away from Leona and Rumple to be with her. They stood together in the center of the pit sunken into the ground, a nest lined with pillows and cushions where the four of them would spend the night enjoying each other’s company. On the outer edge of the nest, Leona sprawled her naked body against the plush bench. She leaned against Rumpelstiltskin in leisurely satisfaction, her skin still flushed from the pleasures she had shared with Belle. 
Rumple wore a dressing gown that covered his arms, legs, and body. He sat stiffly next to Leona on the bench, neither pushing the woman away, nor inviting her any closer. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched Jefferson and Belle.
“Go on,” he said. His voice was thick with emotion, but his face held no clue as to which one. “Take her, my boy.”
Jefferson gave out a brief chuckle and looked at his feet. Was he bashful about being so directly instructed? But Belle had no shame, not now. She had just fucked this man’s wife while he had watched, and her owner had just commanded him to fuck her. This was no time to timid.
She reached out to take his hand. It was soft and warm, large enough to cover her hand entirely. She squeezed his fingers.
“It’s alright,” Belle said. “I’d like to know you as well as I know your wife.” She paused a moment before adding, “Perhaps as well as you know Rumple.”
Jefferson’s mouth opened, as if he were going to protest or make a denial. But then he didn’t, he just smiled. His eyes flicked over to Rumpelstiltskin and he swallowed. “I guess we weren’t exactly subtle.”
Belle put her other hand on Jefferson’s arm. “Are you ashamed to have been his lover?”
“Oh, gods no,” he said. “But I wanted to consider your feelings. Not everyone is as comfortable with sharing as Leo and me.”
She made herself smile. It didn’t bother her that Jefferson had been Rumple’s lover once, or even that Rumple wanted him still. It only hurt to think that Jefferson thought that Rumple was Belle’s the way Leona was his. 
“Well, I have no claim on him.” Belle deadened her heart to the words coming out of her mouth. “He owns me, not the other way around.”
“Right,” Jefferson said slowly. He scratched the back of his neck, fingers brushing against his leather collar. Leona’s was exactly the same. “So he can just give you to anybody? Without any regard for your opinion? Or your safety?”
Belle breathed in sharply, tightening her jaw as she took her hands off his body. How much did Jefferson know about what had happened to her? Was he baiting her with these questions? Was he trying to make her angry with Rumple?
“That is the deal I’ve made,” she answered stiffly. “I obey him in all things.”
Jefferson nodded, considering her words. “Well, I made a different deal. And I’m not going to be a part of doing something that you don’t like. I can do a lot of things with a lot of people, but never against their will.” He squared his broad shoulders and looked her in the eye. “Now our mutual friend has told me what he expects of me. He wants me to fuck you. Very specifically, he wants me to fuck your ass.”
Belle blinked, surprise supplanting her indignation. She looked back and forth between Jefferson and Rumple. “Did he tell you why?”
“No,” Jefferson said. “Do you know?”
The guard in Regina’s castle. It had to be because of him. The handsome young man hadn’t wanted to hurt her. He had wept and begged Regina not to make him rape Belle. But the queen had been merciless. She had forced him to force himself on Belle, specifically on her ass. The pain of that violation had been horrible, unspeakable. And it was made all the worse to see that poor guard’s misery throughout the whole encounter. When she thought about it, she could still feel his tears on her back, still hear his sobbing apologies in her ears.
Belle looked at Rumple. “You want him to want to do that. You want him to enjoy it.”
Rumple cocked his head to the side. “I want you to enjoy it too,” he quipped brightly.
Should she laugh or should she sob? Belle rubbed her face and sank to her knees on the cushioned ground.  
So this was Rumple’s idea of making things better? He thought it would help her to have the same experience made into a joy instead of a torture. Perhaps he was right. Being with Leona had put away the thoughts of Regina and Maleficent’s bodies, at least temporarily. Perhaps this would do the trick as well. If she had Jefferson volunteer to perform the same action the guard had been forced to do, perhaps that would allow for happier memories to take hold in her mind. The next time her thoughts wandered to the image of a handsome young man fucking her in the ass, she would be able to tell herself that she was thinking of Jefferson, and not that poor wretch in Regina’s thrall. 
When she looked up, Jefferson was sitting beside her, propped up on pillows, a concerned furrow in his brow. 
“Listen,” he said. “I know what you mean about your deal. I know what it’s like to owe your survival to the Dark One.” Jefferson ran his tongue over his teeth, like he was thinking. After a moment, he lifted up his leather collar, just far enough up his neck that Belle could see a long, thin scar spanning the entire length of his throat. “He and I have a long and eventful history together. Believe me when I tell you I understand the impulse to make him happy. But I will not do anything you don’t want, Belle. I don’t have a lot of principles, but that’s one of them.”
“You would say no to him?” Belle asked skeptically. “You?”
For all that he wore a hat that allowed him to travel between worlds, Jefferson seemed to have no magic of his own. Certainly, he had no power to match the might of Rumpelstiltskin. Until now, he hadn’t seemed to be the sort to stand up to the people. His compliant, easygoing  nature was one of his most endearing qualities. Belle had seen him act perfectly content to be led around by stronger personalities--first his wife and then Rumple. Why would he take a stand about this? About her?
“I have limits,” Jefferson said seriously. “Everybody does. I expect the people I interact with to respect my limits.”
“Well that’s very nice for you.” Belle found herself suddenly furious, suddenly about to weep. “But I don’t always have that luxury!” She covered her face with her hands. Oh gods, she was going to cry.
Jefferson opened his arms and Belle slid into his embrace. Huddled against his bare chest, her body racked with sobs. Why did she keep doing this? She had been having a good time! Why had she started feeling?
“I know,” Jefferson murmured as he held her, rocked her. “I know. And I’m sorry.” He rubbed her back, his fingers tracing the lines of her scars. He buried his face in her hair to whisper in her ear. “Tell me it isn’t always this bad. Please tell me he doesn’t make you feel this way all the time.”
Belle shook her head. “No, it used to be wonderful. Sometimes it still is. Having you both here is him apologizing to me. That has to count for something, doesn’t it?”
Clutching her tightly, Jefferson placed a kiss on her temple. “It can, if you want it to. I’m sorry you don’t always have choices, Belle. But right now you do. I won’t make this decision for you. What do you want to do?”
She choked back a bitter laugh. When had it ever mattered what she wanted?
But with Jefferson, it did matter. What she wanted seemed to matter quite a bit. Whatever she told him, he would go along with it. He would support her, defend her. She could say she wanted to spend the rest of the night alone in the library and Jefferson would do everything he could to make that possible.
Of course, spending any night alone was currently Belle’s greatest nightmare. But the point still stood: Jefferson cared about her limits, he would respect them when she told him what they were. Even having that, even just having the promise of safety gave Belle comfort. 
In their own way, Jefferson and Leona were as powerful as Rumple, even if it was only that they had the courage of their convictions. They were right and they would stand up for their own rightness. The two of them would keep Belle safe in a way that Rumple didn’t seem to want to anymore. They cared about her. They would protect her until she could protect herself.
Wiping the tears from her eyes, Belle sat back in Jefferson’s arms. She took a moment to admire his body. He had broad shoulders and muscled arms. His chest had only a few dark hairs around his nipples. More hair collected beneath his navel, trailing down to his groin. His cock was soft, but flushed with arousal--understandable, considering the naked woman in his lap.
He looked like the guard, she saw it now. Both of them were handsome, young and fit, chiseled jaws and tousled brown hair. But the guard’s eyes had been brown and soulful, constantly overflowing with tears. Jefferson’s eyes were slate blue. Though they were serious now, they normally sparkled with merriment. It would be nice to see Jefferson’s smile again. 
She placed her hands on his shoulders, resting her weight against his body. He was strong enough to accommodate her. She straddled his waist, angling her breasts and hips for his perusal. Acting with the confidence she wanted more than what she had, Belle leaned against Jefferson to whisper in his ear, “I still do want to get to know you better.”
He looked up at her. His tongue darted in and out between his lips. “Are you sure?”
Belle shook her hair back, putting her breasts on full display. “Quite sure.”
Jefferson moved to hold her by the hips, his large hands warmly grazing her soft skin. “We can stop whenever you need to,” he said even as he looked at her body and not her face, even as his expression grew more lustful. “Just say one word and I’ll stop. I don’t ever want to hurt you, Belle.”  
She touched his face. “You won’t.”
She bent her head and kissed him on the lips. His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer. His kiss was gentle and inviting, welcoming her into this moment. When they broke apart, Jefferson made a trail of kisses from her neck down to her breasts. As he sucked on her, she felt a line of taut pleasure pulling from her secret places up to her nipples. Belle’s back arched in pleasure, and she dug her nails into his broad back. 
With a pop Jefferson released his hold on her nipples. He grinned up at her, his eyes shining. “Okay!” he said. “Now we’re back in business!”
His cock had hardened while he’d sucked on her. Belle felt the hot weight of it pressing against her thigh. What a lovely compliment that was, that his body wanted her, that she had made him hard so quickly. Belle felt her own body responding, her own pleasure building. Jefferson’s desire added fuel to her own fires. 
“I do think,” Belle heard her voice as silky, seductive, “that we should do as Rumple says.” She moved Jefferson’s hands from her waist to her bottom. “I would like it if you fucked me here.”
A jolt went through the man at her words, his hands gripped tightly at her flesh. “Really?” he asked, just a little breathless.
With one finger, she traced the outside of his ear and he shuddered in response. It felt good to have a man want her this much but still be so considerate. It felt like she was taking control, like she was giving the orders for once. 
“Yes,” Belle whispered, her breath hot and sultry against his ear. “Please.”
Nodding vigorously, Jefferson broke his gaze with Belle and turned to his wife. “Leo,” he called. “Can you get in the bag and give me the jar?”
“Right-o!” Leona grinned and reached for the leather satchel that they had brought with them. 
What was in that bag? Rumple had mentioned accessories, and Leona had spoken of toys. Belle didn’t entirely know what either of them meant, but she had no doubt that she would learn before the end of the night. In the mean time, Leona had produced a small jar in brown glass. She tossed it to her husband and he caught it in one hand. 
“Thank you, my love,” he said.
Leona winked at them. “Give us a good show!” she cackled as she settled on the bench next to Rumpelstiltskin.
Rumple was still unmoving. His eyes were focused on them, but his face was still a mask. Belle couldn’t remember the last time he had been so closed off. 
Jefferson didn’t seem to notice. He gave them both a boyish smile before he turned back to Belle. He held the jar out for her to see before he unscrewed the cap. 
“This is called lubricant,” he explained. “I picked it up in a shop on the Street of Negotiable Affection in Ankh-Morpork, in Leo’s world. I know the Dark One has an oil he likes to use for these purposes, but this is the non-magical solution.”
Jefferson dipped his fingers into the jar and pulled out a gob of a clear substance. It looked like a giant drop of water balanced on his two fingers. But the droplet didn’t run down his hand in rivulets, it stayed just as it was. He held out the jar and invited Belle to take some as well.
“It’s… cold,” Belle said as she examined the stuff on her fingers. Lubricant. There was no odor to it, and it looked as clear as a mountain stream. She had expected the substance to be sticky, but when she spread her fingers apart, they separated easily, leaving only threads of the clear material to connect one glob to the other.
“It does warm up the more you rub it,” Jefferson said, sliding his other hand over his fingers to demonstrate.
Belle did the same, aware of the gesture she was making as she did so. The lubricant was slick on her fingers, and the more she played with it, the more it reminded her of her own wetness. 
“You say this serves the same function as Rumple’s oil?”
“Mm-hmm,” Jefferson said. “Makes everything so much easier.”
With a pang of sorrow, Belle remembered the guard. He had begged and pleaded with Regina for a way to ease his passage into Belle’s body. Of course the queen had refused, she had wanted to hurt him, hurt them both. But with this lubricant, Belle and Jefferson would both be able to enjoy what they were about to do.
Jefferson spoke, “Do you, uh, do you want to put some on me?”
Her mind elsewhere, Belle looked down at the glistening goo in her hands. “On your cock?”
“Yeah,” he said huskily. “That’s a good way for us to get to know each other. Feel free to use a lot.”
Belle scooped a handful of lubricant out of the jar and held it in her palm. Jefferson stood in front of her now, his cock red and rampant, extended as though it was reaching out to her. She took it in her hands. 
Jefferson’s cock was thicker than Rumple’s, perhaps a little longer, though not enough that she would notice when it was inside her. The color surprised Belle more than any other difference. She was used to seeing Rumple’s body flushing dark green in the places that aroused him most. But Jefferson’s skin was the same color as her own, the blood in his veins turning areas red and brown. A vein traversed the length of his cock, something she had never noticed on Rumple. Perhaps green-gold skin allowed for better camouflage.
With both hands, she coated Jefferson’s cock with lubricant. He hissed when the cool substance met his heated flesh, but as Belle rubbed, the temperature became more comfortable. His breathing slowed, his eyes closing in sensation. Her hands slid over him, and she had to work to grip at his hardness.
“Okay, that’s enough,” he said, pulling himself out of her grasp. He opened his eyes and took an exaggerated sigh. “You’re good at this, Belle. If I’d let you keep going you would have popped me off before I could do anything for you.”
Belle blushed. She almost wanted to thank him for the compliment. 
Jefferson looked around the pit, calculating the best way for them to proceed. “Let’s do this,” he said at last. “Get up on the bench with your knees on the seat, facing out. That way you can grip the edge if you need support.”
Wiping the drying lubricant on her thighs to get it off her hands, Belle got into the position he had described. They picked a spot a few feet away from where Rumple and Leona were sitting. The other two would have a full view of the proceedings, but Belle wouldn’t have to look at them if she didn’t want to. Had Jefferson planned that? Had Rumple told him to do it that way? 
She took a breath, and kept her eyes focused on what was in front of her. This wasn’t about Rumple. He had temporarily abdicated his right to her attention, yielded his time with her to Jefferson. In this moment, Belle didn’t have to think about him. 
The bench was upholstered in plush velvet, crimson red, the color of lust. The fabric was soft and rich under Belle’s fingers. The thick padding was easy on her knees. She rested her cuffs against the back of the bench, looking out onto the floor of the otherwise unfurnished tower room.
Jefferson stood behind her, his hands resting on her waist. “How you holding up, beautiful?”
Belle nodded slowly. How had he known? She herself hadn’t been aware of how overwhelmed she was until this moment. But, somehow, Jefferson knew.
“Can you talk to me, gorgeous?” He rubbed his hands up and down her sides, like one would pet the flank of a nervous horse.
“I’m alright,” Belle said softly. “This has just become… rather a lot, all of a sudden.”
“Do you want to stop?”
“No.” She wanted to see what Jefferson could do, if his body would be as good for her as the rest of him had been.
“Okay,” he said. “Let me know if that changes. Right now I’m gonna touch your pussy.”
Belle made a low, desirous sound in her throat. She spread her knees apart, to give him better access.
Jefferson chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Yes, please.”
His fingers dipped inside her and he swore. “Fuck, you’re wet. Leo did a good job on you, huh?”
She turned her head to give him a dazed smile. “You helped too.”
Jefferson played in her wetness, spreading it around her backside. “I could almost go without the lubricant,” he remarked. “But I won’t.” He exhaled slowly as he kept touching her. “Gods, Belle. This is going to feel so good.”
 Despite her earlier thoughts, Belle looked over at Rumpelstiltskin, to see what he thought of all this. This was what he wanted, wasn’t it? He wanted Jefferson to want Belle. He wanted her to know how desirable she was. Would he be pleased to see them obeying him?
Still, he was expressionless. He looked over at them, watching Jefferson spread lubricant and wetness all over Belle’s bottom. His face was completely unreadable. Belle kept staring at Rumple, silently begging him for a sign. Did he approve of this? Was he happy? Was she doing what he wanted?
After a moment of observation, she found her sign. His breathing was slow and steady, deliberate. His lips were parted, ever so slightly. No one else would have noticed. Only a person who had spent hours studying Rumpelstiltskin would have seen the subtle difference.
Most telling of all, one of his hands had drifted to Leona’s thigh and rested there. This was less a signal that he desired Leona, but that he had become distracted enough to not mind her. His defenses had lowered. Belle bit her lip to hide her smile. Something was stirring in him.
“I’m gonna open you up now, gorgeous.” Jefferson’s thick voice brought Belle back to herself. His hands spread apart the flesh of her backside and he slowly slid one finger inside her. 
Belle rocked back into his touch, her body instantly ready for more. He gave her more, adding fingers and moving them around. Gripping the top edge of the bench, Belle leaned back against Jefferson’s chest, relishing the fullness and the perverse delight of this sensation. With his other arm wrapped around her waist, Jefferson supported her. He held her up so she could fall apart.
“If you feel adventurous, you can touch your pretty clit while I’m inside you.”
“My what?” Belle breathed the question.
Jefferson’s hand slid down her stomach to reach into her short curls. His fingers pressed against her flesh until he found the spot that made her jump and squeal in pleasure. “That’s called your clitoris, Belle. Clit, for people who like their dirty talk short and strong. The word doesn’t exist in this world, but it damn well should. You know what this thing does though, don’t you? Even if you don’t know the name?”
“Oh yes,” Belle shuddered, her eyes fluttering closed at what both of Jefferson’s hands were doing to her.
He gave the spot a rough pinch. Her clitoris. “Tell me what it does, pretty girl.” 
“It gives me pleasure,” Belle whimpered. “It makes me come.”
“Fuck yes, it does,” Jefferson muttered. The longer they did this, the more comfortable he seemed to be. Once they had firmly established what Belle wanted, he was more than happy to give it to her. “So if you wanna touch it and get yourself off while I’m buried balls deep in your asshole… well that would be just peachy.”
Peachy? But Belle didn’t have time to ask for another vocabulary lesson. The brush of his cock against her slick back opening suddenly occupied all of her attention.
“Are you ready for me, darlin’?”
“Yes,” Belle whispered.
“Good girl.”
In one motion, slow but unstopping, Jefferson pushed his cock into her ass. Using the lubricant meant there was no pain, but Belle felt the fullness of him, the hardness of him, with a force that almost took her breath away. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, her nails digging into the flesh of her palms.
“Oh,” she moaned, a high, needling sound, like a wounded animal. Quickly, she added, “I’m alright!”
“Good.” Jefferson’s chest was flush against her back, she felt the heat of him seeping into her skin. “That’s a good, good girl.”
They were still for a moment. Belle breathed, resting her weight against Jefferson. He kept one hand over her stomach, the other on her hip.
“You wanna lean forward for me, beautiful? Brace your hands on the edge?”
Without speaking, Belle did as Jefferson said. Her hands felt strangely heavy as she moved them to the velvet bench. She saw Rumple’s face reflected in the gold of her cuffs. Slowly, she turned her head to see him.
His mouth was more open now, his red tongue licking his lips. Belle licked her own lips as she looked at him, her mind filled with a hazy, heady, satisfaction. This was what he wanted. This was what she wanted. For the first time in so long, their desires were united, even while her body was being used by another man. 
Bent over as she was, Belle felt the full length of Jefferson’s cock in her ass. He pulled out a little, slowly at first, and then pushed himself back in to her. Stroke by stroke, he went in and out, faster and faster until they were well and truly fucking.
“Gods, you feel so good, Belle,” he grunted. “Are you feeling good? Gods, do you even know how tight you are? You’re amazing. You’re so fucking good” 
“Thank you,” Belle whispered. She closed her eyes and let him shower her with praise. Perhaps it was vain, but she needed to hear those words. In his constant mutterings, Jefferson gave her not only compliments, but a true gift--his desire. 
The guard had wept and pleaded over her, apologised and begged to stop. But Jefferson was the opposite in every way, and his words proved it. He relished taking her. He appreciated her beauty, her body, her willingness to be used. He seemed grateful for her, and his praise was his show of gratitude. She hadn’t realized how much she needed that, as an antidote to what had been done to her. Her body wasn’t shameful. It wasn’t a punishment for a man to be asked to fuck her. Men wanted her. Jefferson wanted her. And he said so, over and over.
Jefferson’s body followed his words. His strong arms wrapped around Belle’s torso, his large hands kneading at her breasts and between her legs to give her pleasure. He seemed to crave her sighs and moans as much as she hungered for his. She tried to follow his advice and touch herself, but she needed both hands to support herself against the bench as his cock slammed into her again and again. 
Belle heard a femine moan that did not come from her own throat. When she opened her eyes, she saw Leona, on her knees next to Rumple, her dark eyes fixed on the two of them. One hand grabbed at her round breast and plucked at her nipple. Leona’s other hand was buried between her thighs, furiously pleasuring herself.
“Oh,” Belle moaned. “Oh Jefferson, look at her.” He had to see his wife, he had to see how beautiful she was. She felt him turn his head away from her to look at Leona.
“Oh fuck!” Jefferson shouted as his hips jerked and bucked in a frenzy. “Fuck, Leo!” His body fell against Belle’s and his cock pumped out his pleasure into her ass.
As he softened, Belle’s body began to twitch and jerk. Suddenly empty, her backside gyrated back and forth, as it had when he had been inside her. Jefferson’s seed mixed with the lubricant and her own wetness and the whole mess leaked out of her in a sensation that was as disgusting as it was arousing. 
“Touch me,” Belle begged. It didn’t matter which one of them answered. “Please, someone, make me come!”
Jefferson was closest, and not too overwhelmed with his own satisfaction to leave her wanting. “I’ve got you,” he assured her. He slipped his hand into her cunt, his fingers slipping in her wetness as he felt for her clitoris. “You’re gonna come so good for us, aren’t you, Belle?”
She whimpered her assent, her body shaking and pleading for release. Jefferson’s fingers were quick and clever. He kept his body over hers, so they stayed together as he held her up with one arm. They sat up so Belle’s legs were spread open, her cunt on display for Rumple and Leona as Jefferson fingered her into oblivion.
She came with a moaning wail, throbbing against Jefferson’s hand. He pulled her back onto his chest as she panted and trembled. Together they rolled onto the pillowed ground, collapsing and catching their breath. 
Leona rushed off the bench to kiss them both. “That was amazing!” she cried. “You were so good with her, my love. And Belle, you took his cock like a fucking champion, you were incredible!”
Belle returned Leona’s kisses, and smiled dreamily as the married couple embraced each other. At least she got to be between them. At least Leona had to reach around her to get to Jefferson. If Belle would never be loved herself, at least she could have this glimpse of what love looked like between other people. 
It was beautiful.
Rumpelstiltskin stood up from the bench. He didn’t join the three of them on the floor, but towered over them in his dressing gown.
“Excellent work, my boy,” he declared. “Belle, how do you feel?”
Belle wiped a bit of fluid away from her mouth. It was probably saliva, but she couldn’t say whose. “I’m a trifle tired, truth be told.”
Rumple’s mouth quirked into a grin. “But we’re only halfway through!” He looked at Leona. “Mrs. Ogg, would you like to show my girl the contents of your little bag?”
Leona grinned and scrambled to her feet to fetch it. “I wanna get you in the nuddy, too, don’t forget!”
Rumple’s expression soured a little at the mention of him getting undressed. “All in good time.”
“No time like the present,” Jefferson smiled up at Rumple. “You gotta give me a reason to get hard again.”
“The reason is Belle,” Rumple said softly. He produced a steaming wash rag and crouched on the ground to reach Jefferson’s hands. Tenderly, he took the other man by the wrist and began to clean off his fingers.
“Me?” Belle whispered. Rumple was so close to her, but he wasn’t looking at her. He spoke of her, but he didn’t seem to be thinking of her. 
He looked at her now. “You, my sweet. I want Jefferson to use his magnificent cock on you one more time before we’re through.”
With the hand holding the rag, Rumple gestured to Jefferson’s groin. Belle got up off of the man and knelt beside him. She watched as Rumple--delicately, and with obvious enjoyment--applied the warm cloth to Jefferson’s cock. He cleaned up the filth that their pleasure had created, and Jefferson moaned with renewed desire. 
“My husband won’t be the only one who gets to use a cock on Belle, I hope.” Leona joined them again. She sat down with her bag on her lap. After rummaging through it, she pulled out something that seemed to be made entirely of brown leather straps.
“All in good time,” Rumple repeated. “For now, why don’t you let Belle see your toys?”
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sassyandclassy94 · 5 years
Tag Thingy
I was tagged by @neitralwitch (THANK YOU!! I always get so excited when people tag me in fun things like this!!)
1.) Nickname: Abby; Abs; One of my co/workers calls me Miss Sassy Pants but I think it’s her nice way of saying that I’m mouthy...
2.) Zodiac: Scorpio I think?
3.) Height: 5′1″ (roughly 154 cm for those of you who do not use the units)
4.) Hogwarts House: I’m not into the HP fandom so I don’t know and I don’t have time to Google it at the moment...
5.) Last song I Googled: I believe it was “The Next Right Thing” from Frozen 2
6.) Favorite musicians: Jason Gray; Piano Guys; Sara Groves; Lindsey Stirling
7.) Song stuck in my head: Anything from Frozen 2 I guess 
8.) Following: I don’t know... a little bit of everything - SwanFire shippers; people who have the same beliefs as me; people who post How to Train Your Dragon gifs and fics
9.) Followers: I don't really know what this question means.... sorry! I have some favorite followers if that’s what it means...?
10.) Do you get asks?: No... I mean, once in a blue moon but mostly no. I wish I did though!
11.) Amount of sleep: About 7 hours... some nights I get 6 and if I don’t have to work on the weekend then I get a little more :P
12.) What are you wearing?: Oversize-ish T-shirt and jeans with sneakers - casual, but presentable
13.) Dream job: Wife and mom thank you very much! I just gotta find my Baelfire first...
14.) Dream trip: VANCOUVER and/or VICTORIA, BC, CANADA!!
15.) Instruments: I took violin for two years and it just wasn’t for me...
16.) Languages: English, English, and English
17.) 10 favorites songs as now:
‘Forbidden Friendship’ from How to Train Your Dragon
‘No Thief Like Fear’ by Jason Gray
‘Lay it Down’ by Sara Groves
‘Now We are Free’ from The Gladiator
‘I’m Gonna Let it Go’ by Jason Gray
‘Order Disorder Reorder’ by Jason Gray
‘Show Yourself’ from Frozen 2
‘Be Prepared’ from Lion King (1994)
‘My Heart Will Go On’ (Jackie Evancho’s cover)
‘Raindrops’ by Eurielle
18.) If you were an animal?: If not a dragon then an ORCA!!!
19.) Favorite food: Anything that isn’t asparagus, tomatoes, and eggplants
20: Random fact: I find the smell of car garages soothing
21: My aesthetic: Anything blue LOL! I don’t really know what this question means HAHA!
I tag: @heytheredeann @bookwormchocaholic @paradigmparadoxical @muldertorture @orngtrs @charlottevictoria
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worryinglyinnocent · 5 years
Fic Questions Meme
I was tagged by @paradigmparadoxical, thank you my dear!
Author Name: worryinglyinnocent, WorryinglyInnocent on AO3, Worryingly Innocent on FF and NaNoWriMo. I had a different handle before I discovered Once Upon A Time, but I don't want to link my old handle to my new one.
Fandoms You Write For: *cracks knuckles*
Mainly Once Upon A Time, Stargate: Universe and Lost (and various other fandoms that come under the anyelle/anyem umbrella.)
Under my old handle, it was mainly Harry Potter, Robin Hood (BBC 2006-2009 series) and Phantom of the Opera (and some Twilight - hey, we were all young and impressionable once). 
I also have dabbled in: X-Men (films), The Worst Witch (90's CITV series with Kate Duchene), Batman, The Hobbit, Kingsman, and most recently, Gerry Anderson's New Captain Scarlet.
(Not all of this has been posted. I write a lot just for self-indulgence that never gets posted but it makes me so happy to write it that I just put it down on paper for my own benefit.)
Where You Post: Tumblr and AO3. I have some stuff on my FF account but it's all also on Tumblr and AO3. All my stuff under my old handle is on FF.  
Most Popular Oneshot: I'm going by AO3 kudos here. It's A Match Made In Heaven, my knight!Rumpel and lady!Belle arranged marriage AU in which they become penpals before the marriage and fall in love via letters.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Playtime, which is hardly surprising considering it's literally just 50 chapters of smut of varying degrees of kinkiness.
Favorite Story You Wrote: Maison Rouge. It's not my most well known, but it is my second most popular. It was one of the first OUAT fics I ever wrote and it means so very much to me.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: The Party, because it despite it being tame in comparison to some of the kinky smut available out there, it was still the kinkiest thing I'd ever written and I didn't know what the fandom reaction would be.
How Do You Pick Your Titles: They normally just pop into my head without any input from my actual brain. I hate titles. Everything gets saved on my computer as 'random wedding fic' or 'currently untitled BoE divergence'. Or on a couple of memorable occasions 'what the fuck am I writing?', which is always interesting when I come back to them in six months time, it's like a magical mystery tour of documents.
Do You Outline: Depends on how I'm feeling. I usually outline longer fics, but that never guarantees that I'll actually stick to the outline.
How Many of Your Stories are complete: Currently on AO3, I have 4 in progress, but one of those is Once Upon A Different Time, which doesn't really count, and one is a series of one-shots, which again doesn't really count.
I have 265 complete.
In-Progress: Out of Time, the epic time travel fic in which Rumpelstiltskin and Bae are yanked out of their timeline just after the confrontation with Hook and brought to present day Storybrooke after an accident with Zelena’s time portal at the end of season 3. 
Also Together Again, a short little Woven Beauty Babies Ever After fic based on this month’s Monthly Rumbelling prompts.
Coming Soon: Pure, more details here. TL;DR, Belle comes from a community obsessed with sexual purity and abstinence till marriage etc, which causes problems when she gets married to Gold. The whole fic is basically her coming to terms with her sexuality and her identity as a woman and a sexual being. I am writing this for my NaNoWriMo project this year.
Also, my second attempt at writing a foursome, details here, involving Belle, Gold, Rush and Gloria...
Do You Accept Prompts: Not currently as I've got too much other stuff on my plate, but I am all for prompts and I'll let you all know when I'm accepting them again.
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: The second attempt at writing a foursome, as outlined above...
I'm no good at tagging people, so have at it if you want, people! :D
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thecompletebookworm · 5 years
Fanfic Writer Ask Meme: B, E, K, and T, please!
This is why I should not be allowed to put ask prompts in my queue.  Some times I just get a happy reminder as I check on the right evening, and others its been a long week in which I literally nearly sleep through a major presentation because I’ve had four hours of sleep for 3 nights in a row and blood work came back that I’m not imagining my symptoms are getting worse, they actually are.  So definitely a bit overwhelmed, not even accounting for finals right after thanksgiving.  
Questions came from this and I honestly was so excited to see that someone had asked, it brightened an awful week.  So I’m sorry @paradigmparadoxical​ this is so delayed.
B What was the first fandom you read fic in? Which was the first you wrote fic for?:  Both are probably Harry Potter.   I mean first online published fic (which is actually still online because I’m not terribly embarrassed of it just more willing to ignore it) was definitely Harry Potter.  But what fandom I read for first is a bit more complicated as my neighbor and I used to make up stories for Little House, Harry Potter, Star Wars and Twilight, the last two of which I had never seen/read before we played (and half of the Star Wars stories was just us adding all the female characters.) 
E What character do you identify with most?  Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?: One of my college application essays (the one I’m most proud of) revolved around the characters that I thought formed me.  The question was “Where’s Waldo really?” and my answer was Waldo, like all fictional characters, is present in the people who relate to him.  The three characters I used as the foundation of my argument were Luna Lovegood, Rumplestiltskin and Peggy Carter. Of those three, the one that is the most true is still Rumplestiltskin, for his anxiety and self-doubt, his determination to protect the ones he loves even if he feels he isn’t worth protecting, his inability to see himself as lovable and the journey that comes with his growth, and because I do believe Belle is the most beautiful being he has ever interacted with.  
I don’t believe I’m particularly good at capturing Rumplestiltskin very well.  I find that Belle’s voice comes to me easier even if relate to Rumplestiltskin more.  Trading One Nightmare for Another probably comes close.  (Although not Rumplestiltskin, Panic also touches on some of the same themes although with a Post-Asylum Belle.  Both are mental health heavy.) 
K Do you have a guilty pleasures in fic?:  Oh boy, I certainly do. All the guilty pleasures.  For some reasons, fashion designer/artist and muse really gets me going. I’m worried I don’t know how to parent because I had bad examples but we’re learning together is so good, also general kidfic fan.  Found family has all my heart and soul.  
Holiday fic makes me happy even if its not a holiday I celebrate like @junoinferno​‘s Eight Nights with Mr. Gold always makes me so happy.  It’s more about the love a person has for that time of year that gets poured into their writing that I love than a shared tradition.  More OUAT specific things, BAE IS ALIVE! 
T Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?:  Hmmm, that’s a good question since I don’t really keep track of the things I avoid.  I mean I like things to be character driven not plot driven; bad spelling and no spaces are my biggest turnoffs.  I’m not a huge fan of hooker or pornstar AUs typically. 
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heytheredeann · 5 years
Fanfic question meme
I was tagged by @x-voyevoda, thank you so much!
Author Name:
heytheredeann on Tumblr, Elisexyz on Ao3.
Fandoms You Write For:
I am currently knees deep in the Black Sails fandom, I’ve been writing fix-its for Once Upon A Time for about a year now, and I write a lot of Timeless too. There’s the occasional Agents of SHIELD fic, and... that’s about it? I’ve written for other fandoms, but not too recently.
Where You Post:
I post everything on Ao3, then post a link to it on Tumblr (or crosspost if it’s a very short story).
Most Popular Oneshot:
Sorting by kudos on Ao3, it’s my Marvey soulmates AU, unsurprisingly, given that Marvey (from the show Suits) is the most popular ship that I’ve ever written for, I think XD If we only count stuff from this year, my most popular one-shot by kudos is this Flinthamilton+Miranda AU in which they save Thomas early and there are hugs and tears. because we are simple people with simple needs.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
Going once again by kudos, though I haven’t really written many multi-chapter stories, it’s my Timeless movie fix-it. Which funnily enough was supposed to be a one-shot, just some Garcy-leaning stuff, but then I was like “.....there is.....too much crap......in this movie......” and it got five chapters LOL.
Favorite Story You Wrote:
Always The Worst Question.  Okay. I am going to take the pressure off myself and do a top three that isn’t like---my Absolute Favourites. Just some fics that I am particularly proud of, I guess. There’s Echoes of yesterday, which is post-canon Flinthamilton, and it’s soft and I like how the dialougues came out. There’s Should’ve, which is a fix-it about Hookfire, my precious precious brotp, I guess I am very attached to it because no one writes for these two LOL. Last but not least, there’s Cracks, my Wyjess fic about the night when Jessica didn’t die in the altered timeline. I just really like how that one came out.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
All of them. I get particularly nervous about posting multichapters, but I remember hesitating a lot before posting I know you love me from the other side, my Neal Cassidy Lives Fix-It number a million and one, maybe because it’s particularly self-indulgent. 
How Do You Pick Your Titles:
I cry a lot until some god above takes pity on me. There’s the ‘picking song lyrics’ method, though I am trying to use that less, now I generally re-read the fic, start thinking about the overall theme and what exactly it is that I feel like is The Point/I’m trying to say, and try to condensate it in a few words or something? Songs are a good inspiration too, even when I don’t use lyrics.
Do You Outline:
Definitely for multichapters, it helps me a lot to know where I am going, though I am anything but strict with my outline, I make changes along the way 99% of the time. Even with one-shots, I generally prefer to have the idea written down at some point. Sometimes I just have the starting point for the fic, I start writing, and while I’m going it will occour to me where it all is going, so I will write a note at the end of the document. I have a hard time just writing aimlessly, without even a vague notion of where I want it to end, it makes me feel like I don’t know what I’m doing and I’m just stretching it out at random XD So generally I have at least a bunch of messy notes about stuff that I want to put in the fic, yeah.
How Many of Your Stories are complete:
All my one-shots, Between (the Timeless movie fix-it) and Porcelain (my Swanfire Beauty And The Beast AU).
I don’t have longfics that are in progress, but I have collections (Calls me home, a collection of Swanfire ILYs, and To build a home, a collection of mini-stories about a Hookedqueen fuck-buddies to co-parents to lovers AU) and Closer at heart, a series exploring a canon divergence in which Neal was saved by TLK in Quiet Minds. There are other series that are ‘in progress’ in the sense that I can always add one-shots, but they don’t give me a sense of ‘this needs to be finished sooner rather than later’.
Coming Soon:
Hell if I know LOL. I am currently writing for whumptober, though I have totally messed up the schedule by now, so some of those prompts are in the works... Then I have a million WIPs that are in need of attention, among them the instalment to close the Defeating Zelena storyarc in Closer at heart, which---I deeply, deeply loathe. That damn one-shot is killing me, I’m stuck. Ugh. Probably a new I Love You ficlet for Swanfire will be out sooner rather than later. probably. 
Do You Accept Prompts:
Yup! I have prompt lists that you can always choose from, though I accept scenario prompts too! I am not always very fast at filling them, but I do my best XD (obviously, if a prompt is vague it’s easier for me XD)
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For:
Uuuuuhm....... I don’t know? There’s a Neal Resurrection Fic that I’m working on *insert collective gasp of surprise here* that I am pretty excited about, though even just the outline is a complete mess, I don’t know if/when I’m ever gonna finish that one XD Also, there’s a Silverflinthamilton amnesia fic that I have been working on, though, again, it’s far from finished XD
Tag Five Fanfic Authors to Answer These Questions
@ilosttrackofthings @writtenwolves @frivoloussuits @paradigmparadoxical @statusquoergo (If you don’t feel like it or you’ve already been tagged and I missed it, feel free to ignore it!)
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paradigmparadoxical · 5 years
Never Let Go
Belle/Rumplestiltskin, Baelfire/Morraine, Ariel/Eric, NC17, 107k.
What if Rumplestiltskin followed Baelfire through the portal like he was supposed to?  What if leaving was the wrong choice? AU.
The best parts of this are all the fault of @killingkueen and @thecompletebookworm .  If not for their expert coaching, hand-holding, encouragement, long sounding-board emails, and finding a thousand things to fix, this would have stayed at a mild, fluffy four thousand words, or vanished into the dustbin.  This story would not be a fraction of what it is without them.
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killingkueen · 5 years
Fanfic Question Meme
tagged by the ever wonderful and brilliant @paradigmparadoxical​ 😘
Author Name: KillerKueen on AO3, killingkueen on tumblr cause the former was taken. 
Fandoms You Write For: I started with, uh, TMNT? And Dragon Ball. That was in junior high school. I didn't start writing again until college, and I've stuck with rumbelle.
Where You Post: AO3 all the way. I started on fanfic.net, but the profiles I had are long dead. I can't even access them to delete my work which is....a shame.
Most Popular One-shot: Down the Rabbit Hole. I don't want to use the word disappointing, but
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Irish Twins. It's fun melodrama.
Favorite Story You Wrote: Aquamarine. I put a lot into it, though the ending needs work. Oh and The Lighthouse. I really like The Lighthouse.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Everything I wrote for gift exchanges cause only like, two stories I've ever written for them have been good. No, three. I have three Good Ones. I'm thinking of deleting the rest.
How Do You Pick Your Titles: If I can make a pun, I gotta. Or I google Shakespeare quotes. I'm not that great at titles.
Do You Outline: I try ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How Many of Your Stories are Complete: 25, but I post a lot of one-shots
In Progress: 3, and 2 are as good as abandoned, hence the one-shots.
Do You Accept Prompts: If anyone wanted to prompt me, absolutely, but the few times I asked for them no one was interested.
Upcoming Story You're the Most Excited For: I’ve been trying to finish an octopus fic for literal years so if my brain could cooperate with that, that’d be great
and tag five authors to join in the fun: @gwenore @little-inkstone @mrs-stiltskin @ifishouldvanish @minticetea and anyone else; and tag me if you do cause I like reading these things 😘🌈😘🌷😘
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thestraggletag · 5 years
TEA Rec List Part 2
*Edit: This list has been curated to almost 100% guarantee none of the mentioned works have won TEA awards in the past so they’re, therefore, elegible to win this year.
Best Woven Beauty
En Pointe by ThatRavenclawBitch
Best Background Swanfire
9 to 5 by @phoenixfeatherquill​
Best Crack!Fic
Pop! by BarPurple  
Best Drama
In the Blood by Megara Bee (Megara_Bee)
The Long Road by TheStraggletag
Best Supernatural
How Soon Is Now? by nerdrumple
In the Blood by Megara Bee (Megara_Bee)
The Deal by TheStraggletag 
Imp mansion by Gwenore
Promised by Maplesyrup
Closing the Circle by Emospritelet      
In Dreams of Him by mareyshelley  
In Lovelier Colours by mareyshelley
The Deepest Roots by mareyshelley
Best Sci-Fi
Hatched by Maplesyrup
Best Horror
In Dreams of Him by mareyshelley  
Human Nature by TheStraggletag    
Imp mansion by Gwenore
Promised by Maplesyrup
The Wolves Were Always Lurking by ishtarelisheba
Year Walk by nerdrumple
Best Creature AU
The Deal by TheStraggletag 
Creature chronicles by Gwenore
Human Nature by TheStraggletag    
An Eerie Sight by villainsarebetter (darkling59)
Nephila by Kelyon
The Deepest Roots by mareyshelley
The Sounding Sea by mareyshelley  
In Dreams of Him by mareyshelley  
Crocodile Tears by cannibalisticshadows
Don't Be An Ass by cannibalisticshadows
The Price Worth Paying by cannibalisticshadows
The Dark One of Prague by cannibalisticshadows
By The Fire of My Heart by cannibalisticshadows
The Shepherdess and Her Satyr by cannibalisticshadows
Scrumptious by cannibalisticshadows
Best Trope
The Good Alpha by cannibalisticshadows
How Soon Is Now? by nerdrumple
Ownership by Occasionally 
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2019 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa
Year Walk by nerdrumple
The Long Road by TheStraggletag
Eat Your Words by KillerKueen
The Deepest Roots by mareyshelley
Something Quite Wonderful by Crysania
Are You All Right? by jenigweve
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Teach Us Something Please by B_does_the_write_thing
Touch me so help me by jenitosam
The Deal by TheStraggletag  
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
By The Fire of My Heart by cannibalisticshadows      
Rumbelle Big Bang
Fine Print by @prissyhalliwell​
Take Me Away by @nerdcafeolatra​
In a Dreaming Place - by @sieben9
Best Belle
The Long Road by TheStraggletag
Human Nature by TheStraggletag    
Best AU Belle
Human Nature by TheStraggletag    
Best Detective Weaver
En Pointe by ThatRavenclawBitch  
Best Dark One
Golden Cuffs by Kelyon
The Deepest Roots by mareyshelley
Portraits in Stone by BarPurple
The Gingerbread Verse by Mrs_Stiltskin (Lady_Belles_Teacup)
Best Mr. Gold
The Long Road by TheStraggletag
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
In Dreams of Him by mareyshelley  
In Lovelier Colours by mareyshelley
The Deepest Roots by mareyshelley
Year Walk by nerdrumple
A New Life by DJL
The Deal by TheStraggletag
Human Nature by TheStraggletag    
In the Blood by Megara Bee (Megara_Bee)
Best Woobie!Rum
Human Nature by TheStraggletag    
More Precious Than Silver by Bad_Faery
Reuben by Trash_000
The Wolves Were Always Lurking by ishtarelisheba
Best Baelfire/Neal
Irish Twins by KillerKueen
Best Gideon
Put Me In, Coach by MarieQuiteContrarie (SeaStar1330)
Best Fan Art
Come back to me by @virgidearie​
Rumbelle with Baby Gideon by Cocoadrops
The Library by @virgidearie​
Touch me so help me by @jenitosam
Best Cover Art
Take me away by nropay
True Nature by Paradigmparadoxical
Human Nature by Paradigmparadoxical
Revenge Radio by Paradigmparadoxical
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Come back to me by @virgidearie​
The Library by @virgidearie​
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Touch me so help me by jenitosam
Best Fluff Art
Rumbelle with Baby Gideon by Cocoadrops
Rumbelle with Santa Hats by Cocoadrops
Best Angsty Art
Hold me by @virgidearie​
Best Smutty Art
The Library by @virgidearie​
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Touch me so help me by @jenitosam​
Best Artist
Best New Artist
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woodelf68 · 5 years
TEA recs 2019
Family - Irish Twins by @killingkueen, Announcement by @jackabelle73
Fix-It - A Life For A Life by @paradigmparadoxical
Reunion - A Sharp and Glorious Thorn by @thatravenclawbitch, The Other Fork In The Path by @jackabelle73
Best Child Fic (fluffy fic centered on children in the Rumbelle family), On With The Show by @worryinglyinnocent, Announcement by @jackabelle73
Kink - Indulgence by @emospritelet, Across the Night by @worryinglyinnocent
Romance - Neverland by @emospritelet, The Deal by @thestraggletag
PWP - A Glass Darkly by @worryinglyinnocent, Pop! by @barpurplewrites, In The Dark and Wicked Hours by @timelordthirteen, Real Life and Fantasy by @worryinglyinnocent
Death - No One Mourns the Wicked by @worryinglyinnocent
Best One-Shot - Afternoon in Soho by @barpurplewrites, Of Dogs and Cats by @xiolaperry, Not Quite What Was Expected by @spottytonguedog
Best Comedy Fic - Eat Your Words by @killingkueen, Belle and the Mystery Box by @beastlycheese, How Did You Two Get Together by @barpurplewrites
Best Movie AU -Begin Again by @rufeepeach
Best TV Show AU - A Funny Girl by @shakespeareanhoneybadgers
Best AU - More Precious Than Silver by @bad-faery, The Champion by @lotus0kid, Irish Twins by @killingkueen
Best AU!OUAT - Not Quite What Was Expected by @spottytonguedog, A Sharp and Glorious Thorn by @thatravenclawbitch A Life for a Life by paradigmparadoxical
Best Holiday Fic - He Thought It Said Satan by @idesignedthefjords, The Founder of the Feast by @lotus0kid
Best Crossover Fic - Afternoon in Soho by @barpurplewrites, Coleslaw and Daggers by @darcyfarrow2005
Best Dark Castle - Pop! by @barpurplewrites, In the Dark and Wicked Hours by @timelordthirteen
Best Storybrooke - Flying High by @ryik-the-writer
Best Crack!Fic - How Did You Two Get Together by @barpurplewrites, The Champion by @lotus0kid
Best Supernatural - Indulgence by @emospritelet, Temptation by @emospritelet, No One Mourns the Wicked by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Creature AU - Nephila by @kelyon
(All fics in these categories are limited to 2019 events only.)
Rumbelle Secret Santa -- He Thought It Said Satan by @idesignedthefjords, The Founder of the Feast by @lotus0kid, Eat Your Words by @killingkueen, Belle and the Mystery Box by @beastlycheese
Rumbelle Christmas in July - Not Quite What Was Expected by @spottytonguedog, On With The Show by @worryinglyinnocent, The Other Fork In The Path by @jackabelle73, The Deal by @thestraggletag
Fluffapalooza - A Mug of Love by @worryinglyinnocent, ‘Why are you so scared of me?’ by woodelf68, ‘There was blood on her hands as he laid by her feet’ by woodelf68, ‘I’m so sorry, but we were too late’ by woodelf68, ‘Are those bullet holes?’ by woodelf68
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut) - Forward Post by @worryinglyinnocent, If A Picture Spoke A Thousand Words by @byrneinggold, The Midnight Train Going Anywhere by @worryinglyinnocent, 
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut) - A Glass Darkly by @worryinglyinnocent, Real Life and Fantasty by @worryinglyinnocent, Across the Night by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball - Temptation by @emospritelet, Nephila by @kelyon, Confession by @emospritelet
Rumbelle Big Bang - In A Dreaming Place by @sieben9, Begin Again by @rufeepeach, Endless Years Between by @paradigmparadoxical, Coleslaw and Daggers by @darcyfarrow2005, This Is Us by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Belle - Coleslaw and Daggers by @darcyfarrow2005, Irish Twins by @killingkueen
Best Mr. Gold - Coleslaw and Daggers by @darcyfarrow2005, Irish Twins by @killingkueen
Best Gideon - If a Picture Spoke a Thousand Words by @byrneinggold, Coleslaw and Daggers by @darcyfarrow2005
Best Baelfire/Neal - Flying High by @ryik-the-writer, Endless Years Between by @paradigmparadoxical, Irish Twins by @killingkueen
Best Fan Art -’All my favorite Rumplestiltskins together’ by @cocoadrops, Belle with a bouquet of Rumples by @staypee, Read Me A Story by @allicamallison, L•O•V•E by @allicamallison
Best Comic/Graphic Novel - Touch him so help me by @jenitosam
Best Use of Color - illos from ‘Take Me Away’ by @nropay
Best Artist - @allicamallison
- BEST AUTHOR - @sieben9, @killingkueen, @paradigmparadoxical
- BEST RUMBELLE FIC - More Precious Than Silver by @bad-faery, In A Dreaming Place by @sieben9, 
- BEST ANYELLE FIC - Confession by @emospritelet, Purple Bean Brew by @barpurplewrites
54 notes · View notes
teaespensonawards · 5 years
Official 2020 TEA Nominations
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Once more, CONGRATULATIONS to all of our nominees!!
If you want to have a look at any of the works on the list (highly encouraged, because our nominees are amazing), the RumbelleTEAs site has compiled links to everything.
And since the list is... long... very, very long, it’s below the read-more.
Voting will begin on January 24th.
Precious Moments, by @jackabelle73 Belle’s water breaks at a party, by @lotus0kid Family Portrait, by @emospritelet A Christmas Present for Mama, by @shadowedoracle Irish Twins, by @killingkueen The Golds’ Adventures in Parenting, by @ethereal-wishes
Forgiveness by the Firelight, by @bellegolds/belleyonce A Life for a Life, by @paradigmparadoxical Belle notices she’s going gray, by @lotus0kid Ever After, by @boushh2187
Between Present and Past, by @jackabelle73 A Step Forward, by evelyn6 It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent
The Awakening, by @joylee56 Marbled, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Child Fic
Babysitting Debacle, by @ryik-the-writer The Mayor’s Chair, by @worryinglyinnocent A Christmas Present for Mama, by @shadowedoracle Put Me In, Coach, by @mariequitecontrarie Baby Steps, by @nothingeverlost Irish Twins, by @killingkueen
In the Blood, by Megara_Bee Seeing Red, by @killingkueen Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon The Party, by @worryinglyinnocent
Neverland, by @emospritelet Come Together, by @thatravenclawbitch A Command Performance, by @prissyhalliwell
One for the Road, by @mrs-stiltskin Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen
Room for Three, by @worryinglyinnocent Sidereal Time, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best First Time
The Wedding Night, by Megara_Bee Behind the Mask, by @worryinglyinnocent The Rose and the Dagger, by @sarashouldbestudying
Best Afterlife Smut
The Heart of a Hero, by @mrs-stiltskin
Seeing Red, by @killingkueen One for the Road, by @mrs-stiltskin Parent Teacher Conference, by @timelordthirteen Last Man Standing, by @emospritelet
The Golden Cage, by @gwenore The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin Golden Cuffs, by @kelyon The Dungeon, by @worryinglyinnocent
The Long Road, by @thestraggletag Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3 The Unresolved, by @of-princes-and-savages
We’ll Have to Muddle Through Somehow, by @thatravenclawbitch Cogs, by @maplesyrupao3 Sacrifice, by @wierdogal
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, by @justanoutlawfic In the Blood, by Megara_Bee All I Want for Christmas, by @timelordthirteen
Hurts so good
Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet
Best Date (Overall)
Of Comic Books and Sushi, by @worryinglyinnocent The Attorneys Paralegal, by Wandering_Willow
Best Hamburger Date
The Alphabet Romance, by Zhanice Best Laid Plans, by @0ceanofdarkness
Best Courtship
Blind Faith, by @maplesyrupao3 Lava Java, by @betweenpaperpages More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery A Match Made in Heaven, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best First Meeting
Best Failed Date Ever, by @barpurplewrites A Match Made in Heaven, by @worryinglyinnocent The Quill, by @paradigmparadoxical Forward Post, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Bathing Scene
Ceasefire, by @thatravenclawbitch The Golden Cage, by @gwenore
Best One-Shot
Love Unsought, by @killingkueen Come Together, by @thatravenclawbitch A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell Why Not?, by @betweenpaperpages
Best Drabble
Quoth the Dark One, by @barpurplewrites In Death, by @timelordthirteen I Won’t Be Home for Christmas, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Post-Ep Fic
It All Ends Well, by @worryinglyinnocent Our Better Decisions, by @theoneandonlylittlebird
Best Comedy Fic
Quoth the Dark One, by @barpurplewrites The Whole Point of Magic..., by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Movie AU
Elevated Hearts, by @b-does-the-write-thing A New Life, by @djlouat I Gave You My Heart, by @ishtarelisheba The World is Not Enough, by @wierdogal
Best Book AU
The Library Beneath the Clocktower, by @eirian-houpe Around the World in 80 Days (More or Less), by Megara_Bee
Best TV Show AU
Penny for Your Thoughts, by @nothingeverlost Storybrooke Hyperion Teaching Hospital, by @wierdogal
Best AU Inspired By Other Media
I Must Be Warmer Now, by @ifishouldvanish Bellissima, by @standbyyourmantis Storybrooke Marblelympics, by @kelyon
Best Historical AU
Once Upon a Time in the West, by @joylee56 Fools Rush In, by @worryinglyinnocent Endless, by @mareyshelley The Demon Earl’s Deal, by @b-does-the-write-thing
Best AU
Little Miss, by @nothingeverlost A Face for Radio, by @b-does-the-write-thing In All Things, by @timelordthirteen The Champion, by @lotus0kid
A Sharp and Glorious Thorn, by @thatravenclawbitch Heartstrings, by Dragonbat
Best Series
The Gingerbread Verse, by @mrs-stiltskin The Floofy!verse, by @woodelf68 Ceasefire series, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Novel Length Fic
How Do You Sleep?, by @ifishouldvanish Writing Our Own Stories, by @wierdogal
Best Holiday Fic
The Founder of the Feast, by @lotus0kid Alabama, Arkansas, by @timelordthirteen Murder at the Moonlight Inn, by @maplesyrupao3 I Gave You My Heart, by @ishtarelisheba Selective Santas, by @of-princes-and-savages A Visit From St. Nick, by @betweenpaperpages
Best Remix
Relative Earth, by @maplesyrupao3 In the Right Measure, by @bad-faery Twisted Fate, by @emospritelet
Best Crossover Fic
Through the Vortex, by @wierdogal Something Quite Wonderful, by @spottytonguedog
Best Dark Castle
The Sounding Sea, by @mareyshelley Are You All Right?, by jenigweve A Wanted Storm, by @maplesyrupao3​
Best Storybrooke
Flying High, by @ryik-the-writer Car Kicking Reduces Stress, by @wierdogal The Moment of Truth, by @leni-ba
Best Travel
The City That Never Sleeps, by @peacehopeandrats Going Back to the Great Wide Somewhere, by @wierdogal A Blind Love, by @lotus0kid
Best “Missing Years” Fic
True Love, by @djlouat Leaving Storybrooke, by @peacehopeandrats
Best Argument (Angst)
How Do You Sleep?, by @ifishouldvanish The Casualties of War, by @thatravenclawbitch Together Again, by @worryinglyinnocent
Best Golden Lace
Nighthawks, Morningbirds, by @ifishouldvanish Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley I Must Be Warmer Now, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Woven Lace
Opening Lines, by @emospritelet In From the Cold, by @mrs-stiltskin Much Ado About Lacey, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Woven Beauty
Killing Time, by @timelordthirteen The Awakening, by @joylee56 The World Didn’t End, by @timelordthirteen En Pointe, by @thatravenclawbitch
Best Background Swanfire
9 to 5, by @phoenixfeatherquill Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @wierdogal
Best Afterlife Fic
The Heart of a Hero, by @mrs-stiltskin Partners Beyond the Grave, by @wierdogal
Best Crack!Fic
Everyone Needs a Hobby, by @woodelf68 Pop!, by @barpurplewrites Storybrooke Marblelympics, by @kelyon
Best Drama
Opening Lines, by @emospritelet Heartstrings, by Dragonbat
Best Supernatural
Lack of Reflection, by @barpurplewrites A Safe Place, by @lotus0kid How Soon Is Now?, by @nerdrumple Imp Mansion, by @gwenore Endless, by @mareyshelley
Best Sci-Fi
Relative Earth, by @maplesyrupao3 Hatched, by @maplesyrupao3
Best Horror
In Lovelier Colours, by @mareyshelley Promised, by @maplesyrupao3 The Wolves Were Always Lurking, by @ishtarelisheba In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley
Best Creature AU
The Deal, by @thestraggletag Nephila, by @kelyon The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley The Pharaoh and His Priestess, by @wierdogal In Dreams of Him, by @mareyshelley
Best Unexpected Twist
An Unknown Road, by @lotus0kid The Image of Her, by @mareyshelley A Real Hero, by @lotus0kid
Best Bobby Squared
Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow, by @wierdogal
Best Trope
Battles and Skirmishes, by @thatravenclawbitch The Golden Veil, by @maplesyrupao3 Wrong Room, Dr. Rush, by @theoneandonlylittlebird The Good Alpha, by @cannibalisticshadows
Best Meta
25 Fucking Stupid Writing Choices OUAT Made, by @celticheartedfangirl
Rumbelle Secret Santa
The Long Road, by @thestraggletag He Thought it Said “SATAN”, by @idesignedthefjords Eat Your Words, by @killingkueen Witness Protection, by @eirian-houpe Home for Christmas, by @boushh2187 This Rough Magic, by @0ceanofdarkness Year Walk, by @nerdrumple The Deepest Roots, by @mareyshelley
Rumbelle Christmas in July
Teach Us Something Please, by @b-does-the-write-thing The Runaway Ringmaster, by @lotus0kid The Deal, by @thestraggletag A Tradition to Remember, by @prissyhalliwell
Monthly Rumbelle (Non-smut)
Love in the Highlands, by @worryinglyinnocent Number Twenty-Six, by @worryinglyinnocent
Monthly Rumbelle (Smut)
Behind the Mask, by @worryinglyinnocent Real Life and Fantasy, by @worryinglyinnocent
Rumbelle Monsterfuckers Ball
Nephila, by @kelyon By the Fire of My Heart, by @cannibalisticshadows
Rumbelle Big Bang
In a Dreaming Place, by @sieben9 Much Ado About Lacey, by @thatravenclawbitch Fine Print, by @prissyhalliwell
Best Belle
Human Nature, by @thestraggletag Spin Me a Tale, by @ifishouldvanish
Best Dark One!Belle
The Plus One, by @joylee56 The Spinner in Chains, by @mrs-stiltskin
Best AU Belle
The Runaway Ringmaster, by @lotus0kid Honourable Members, by @emospritelet
Best Lacey
Command Me to Be Well, by @magnoliatattoo Lipstick Kisses, by @mareyshelley
Best Detective Weaver
Doppelgänger, by @celticheartedfangirl First, do no harm, by @iatethebiscuit En Pointe, by @thatravenclawbitch Killing Time, by @timelordthirteen
Best Dark One
Soul Deep, by @barpurplewrites Kiss, by @nerdrumple
Best Mr. Gold
Blind Faith, by @maplesyrupao3 The Champion, by @lotus0kid A Visit From St. Nick, by @betweenpaperpages
Best AU!Gold/Rumple
How Soon Is Now?, by @nerdrumple Neverland, by @emospritelet
Best Spinner!Rumple
The Plus One, by @joylee56 Finding Home, by @thecompletebookworm
Best Woobie!Rumple
Number Twenty-Six, by @worryinglyinnocent Human Nature, by @thestraggletag
Best Wish!Rumple
Under Dark Skies, by @mareyshelley
Best Baelfire/Neal
Flying High, by @ryik-the-writer Bae and the Bear and the Bow, by @wierdogal
Best Gideon
Best Beloveds, by @woodelf68 Put Me In, Coach, by @mariequitecontrarie
Best OC Rumbelle Child
Jenny, from Accidental Magic, by @woodelf68 Oliver, from The Unresolved, by @of-princes-and-savages
Best Fan Art
Come back to me, by @virgidearie Belle with a bouquet of Rumples, by @staypee Rumbelle with Baby Gideon, by @cocoadrops The Library, by @virgidearie “don’t worry pop, I’ll take care of mom until you two meet again.” by @nropay​ Rumbelle Family Seasonal Doodle, by @cocoadrops
Best Cover Art
Human Nature, by @paradigmparadoxical Take Me Away, by @nropay Golden Cuffs, by @paradigmparadoxical
Best Graphic Art (GIFs)
Have You Ever Been in Love?, by @timelordthirteen Telephone speech from 2x16, by @agentsphilinda Come Back to Me, by @virgidearie Fine Print gifset, by @bisexualbelle 365 Days of Rumbelle, by @timelordthirteen Much Ado About Lacey gifset, by @desperatemurph The Library, by @virgidearie
Best Graphic Art (Still Images)
Touch Him So Help Me, by @jenitosam Taking a break from building their home, by @staypee
Best AU in Art
2019 Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin RumMARBeLle Date, by @wayamy Power Game, by @virgidearie Mer!Rumple with a Mer!Belle, by @foxmurphy Much Ado About Lacey gifset, by @desperatemurph Fine Print gifset, by @bisexualbelle
Best Fluff Art
Breakfast for Two, by @virgidearie Rumbelle with Santa Hats, by @cocoadrops The Pretty Librarian, by @virgidearie Rumbelle with Baby Gideon, by @cocoadrops
Best Angsty Art
Hold Me, by @virgidearie Because of course he kept her bones, by @staypee I miss you -- We miss you, too, son, by @virgidearie
Best Smutty Art
Steamy, by @virgidearie Reflection, by @virgidearie
Best Comic/Graphic Novel
Because of course he kept her bones, by @staypee Touch Him So Help Me, by @jenitosam
Best Dark One Form
Real Inside Rumple holding Belle back, by @dekujin Glitch!Rumple, by @nropay
Best Use of Color
Take Me Away illustrations, by @nropay 2019 Goop!Rumple, by @dekujin Papafire Art (I’ll find you Bae), by @nropay
Best Video
Someone You Loved, by @desperatemurph Fragments of the Past, Glimpses of Tomorrow video, by @fangirlgeeksstuff
Best Artist
@cocoadrops @jenitosam @ripperblackstaff @virgidearie @rumpledspinster @staypee @timelordthirteen
Best New Artist
@b-does-the-write-thing @barpurplewrites @mareyshelley @of-princes-and-savages @emospritelet @worryinglyinnocent @wierdogal @timelordthirteen​ @maplesyrupao3​
@kelyon @shadowedoracle
Fine Print, by @prissyhalliwell More Precious Than Silver, by @bad-faery
If Only for a Moment, by @ifishouldvanish Questions and Kisses, by @worryinglyinnocent Hatched, by @maplesyrupao3 Hamish is Sir Rum’s Storybrooke Persona, by @lotus0kid Need, by @worryinglyinnocent Honourable Members, by @emospritelet Belle meets Hamish at the Stag Bar, by @lotus0kid
Lacey has concerns about Danny’s suits, by @lotus0kid Bloody Lace, by @of-princes-and-savages I’m So Done With This, My Love, by @thatravenclawbitch
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
@ifishouldvanish @emospritelet​ @timelordthirteen @desperatemurph
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