#fic: maybe one day you'll become that star
Maybe One Day You'll Become That Star (1/?)
Kip has never wanted anything more in his life than to study magic and become a real wizard, no matter what it takes, no matter the hurdles he has to overcome to achieve that dream. So when a chance to study under one of the most prestige wizards in the country rises, he's more than ready to jump on it. But could it be that there's something else he finds himself fascinated with, even more than the magic itself under the apprenticeship of this intriguingly odd wizard…?
Kip Sabian/Orange Cassidy (eventually). Slow romance. Modern with magic AU.
Kris Statlander makes a cameo in the first part, Chris Brookes is mentioned. Most likely we'll be seeing more of Best Friends and Penelope as well.
On AO3 here
I'm an absolute beginner with anything in the realm of even slight fantasy, so please bear with me while I try to learn how to do this. This concept was just too cute and too good to pass up, so I'm willing to try to get out of my comfort zone to create some more magical fluff. Hopefully this'll only be a few parter and it's not gonna suck complete ass ajsndjkas Also thank you @midnightpretenders0 for this idea and being the amazing moral support I needed to get to writing this, couldn't have done it without you 💜
Clutching his belongings against his chest, Kip scanned the door standing almost threateningly in front of him. He had honestly lost track of time for how long he had been standing there, trying to build up courage to give the door a knock and get this over with. He was here by his own will, so why was this so hard to do? He was sure the people passing him by on the busy street were staring at this point, so many of them wondering what he was so nervous about, how long he had been there, what he was waiting for, even if they just observed him for barely a few seconds while walking by.
Kip wasn’t sure what kind of a reaction he was going to get, if he ever managed to get himself to go through with this in the first place. He wasn’t an expected guest in this place, he wasn’t going to be a customer, he wasn’t… Well, it was probably a shorter list to mention what he was. Or what he was hoping to be, hoping to become by coming here.
And Kip wasn’t sure if the great wizard that occupied this residence even wanted to have an apprentice, let alone someone like him.
Straightening his suit jacket, hoping that he looked much braver and put together than he actually was on the inside with his nerves going absolutely crazy, Kip finally reached a hand towards the door. The balled fist stopped inches away from the wooden surface though, making him second guess it once again. Was this the right move? Was this really what he wanted, what he was meant to do? He had already flubbed his chance once before, despite thinking he was ready for it, so what good would this do to him? What proof did he have that he was made for this, that someone like an actual wizard would even want to see him, let alone consider teaching him anything?
Kip pulled his hand back, pulling the notebook he was holding with the other hand even tighter against his chest. This was ridiculous. He had no idea why he had even listened to Chris about this. Sure the man knew how much Kip wanted to study magic, how much something like this meant to him, but to take his advice, advice from someone that had no idea how any of this actually worked. Sure as a performer Chris sometimes worked with wizards and magicians and what have you, but that didn’t mean he had an idea what actually studying under one would take. Or how that stuff would be approached. Or anything outside of how it all related to the show business.
It had been a mistake to listen to him in the first place, and yet somehow Kip had convinced himself to try out Chris’ stupid advice. And now he was here. Standing in front of a door leading to the residence of the greatest wizard, at least according to Chris, on this side of the country. Having no idea what to do or how to actually proceed with this plan that he didn’t really even have in the first place.
He tried to remember what Chris had said. “What’s the worst thing that could happen?” Kip had to admit, in that line of thinking he was right. The worst thing he could hear is ‘no’, or the door wouldn’t open up to him in the first place. He didn’t gain anything by not trying, that much was for sure.
But at the same time, he had already failed once before. How bad was it going to hurt the second time, especially if he went through so much extra effort for this? This wasn’t like the first time, this time he had no competition, and while this wasn’t a magical school of very high prestige that was extremely difficult to get into, this was something so much more, something much more personal, something ever more important to him. And while some people could claim that Kip had nothing to lose, he also had everything to gain from him. Which was maybe even scarier to him, if he was being honest.
Swallowing hard, Kip finally pushed the intruding thoughts aside, raising his hand up and knocking on the door. The sound wasn’t that loud, but it felt like it took over every other sound of the busy street behind him, swallowing him into the inevitable wait mode, just having Kip now stare at the door in anticipation, hoping that something, anything, would happen. The end result at this point was irrelevant, as long as someone would answer the knock and he would see at least a glimpse of another person at this point was all he cared about.
At least then he could convince himself that he tried, if nothing else.
Kip waited for a moment. Then another. A third. He was slowly starting to grow impatient, not really having prepared for this. Was the knock not loud enough? Would he be heard if he knocked again, or was he ignored on purpose and the second knock would just be seen as annoying and thus dooming him from any even minor amounts of success in this quest he had set himself on? Maybe there was just nobody home? Did he even have the right address, was he hundred percent sure someone lived here?
With one hand fidgeting with the corner of the cover of his notebook, Kip waited for a while longer. He didn’t hear any indications coming from inside that someone was even there. Maybe he had come here at the wrong time, the wrong day, or something.
Maybe this was a sign for him to give up on this crazy, silly dream of his finally. It seemed like the second disappointment had been inevitable, and while the saying was that third time was the charm, Kip wasn’t sure if he was able to handle this kind of disappointment after getting all of his hopes up one more time after all the efforts he had already gone through multiple times.
Finally letting out a breath he had been holding for a while, Kip leaned down, grabbing his little bag in his hand. He didn’t have a lot with him, he could find a place to crash before heading back home tomorrow. Traveling back home was a whole day's worth of struggle, but this was the best place he could have come, honestly. This is where Chris had directed him, saying this is where he could find the best wizard on this side of the country that could potentially help him, and yet…
Once again, Kip wasn’t sure why he had listened to him. Sure this was something he wanted, almost desperately so, but the amount of effort probably wasn’t worth it in the end. Trying to repair the damage he had done with the previous mess up wasn’t worth it. Traveling all this way just to knock on a door that wasn’t going to open for him wasn’t worth it.
Him trying so hard to convince himself that he was going to be a wizard wasn’t worth it, and it obviously wasn’t going to happen. And Kip just had to take the defeat and accept his fate finally.
As he turned on his heels to leave, Kip finally heard the lock on the door click. He froze in place as the wooden door opened with a soft creak, feeling the soft breeze of warm air rush outside through the doorway, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as it pushed past him. Kip could feel the eyes on his back, the air around him suddenly very expecting, waiting for him to turn around and face the fate that he came here to chase in the first place.
As much as he didn’t want to, this was the reason he was here now. This was the moment Kip had been waiting for. He straightened up a little, inhaling deeply before spinning around on his heels.
Kip wasn’t sure what he had expected, but getting face to face with a blond man roughly around his age, maybe slightly older, definitely wasn’t it. Kip had been expecting someone older, more magnificent, someone that actually looked like a wizard and definitely not… A man dressed mostly in denim wearing sunglasses on his face indoors.
…Fuck. Maybe he already had an apprentice.
Taking in another deep breath as he could feel the pair of eyes behind those sunglasses stare at him expectantly, Kip put on the most polite and friendly smile he possibly could, hoping that it didn’t look as fake as he felt it did in this situation. The blond didn’t seem to care as he just slowly, and surprisingly casually, leaned against the door frame, hands getting stuffed into the pockets of his jeans after brushing a few rogue coils of hair away from his face.
“You know the door was open, right? You didn’t need to knock. And we also have a doorbell.”
Kip wasn’t sure who this fellow was, but honestly he was slowly starting to irk him. The clearly carefree attitude, no respect for a proper attire for a man in his position – whatever that might have been, Kip knew denim was the wrong choice either way, especially compared to the effort he had put into picking out a suit for this very specific occasion – sunglasses indoors, among so many other things that were just wrong. He didn’t fit into this setting, inside this house, into the life Kip was envisioning for himself here instead. He–
“So did you actually need something or…?” Even his manner of speaking was so lazy that Kip had to hold himself back from snorting. They denied him a chance and a position in a prestigious dream school of his, but here was this dork living his dream instead. Absolutely ridiculous.
“Yes, actually.” Kip couldn’t help but to sound just a tad bit annoyed. As if he had gone all this way here to be treated like this, to be put in a position like this. With feelings like this. The blond just nodded at him, not asking any further questions. “Okay. Come in.”
Kip blinked at him a couple of times, slightly stunned. Was there really no vetting process in this place, anyone could just waltz in with whatever into the residence of a great wizard if they just said they had some business here? Maybe Chris had lied to him, to make fun of him, to lead him to a wild goose chase of a supposedly great teacher, only to land him in the house of some F grade street magician. Kip should have known, it was very on par with the kind of people Chris spent his time with anyways, it wouldn’t have surprised him if Chris would think this was what Kip wanted.
Still, something about this whole situation, this whole place, and especially this blond man that was now motioning him to follow him inside the building was intriguing to him. It was all so odd that it almost came full circle for him, that maybe there actually was something magical going on around here. After all, if everything was correct, this still was a residence of a rather magical man.
Kip nodded carefully, following the other man inside. The door slowly closed behind him, making Kip jump a little as he heard it click shut, eyes shooting over his shoulder towards it. He should have known; everything around here did feel magical now that he was inside, so it shouldn’t have been a surprise to him if the door was enchanted or something. And yet it still somehow caught him off guard. Eyes shooting back forward, Kip’s nervous hands were picking on the corners of his notebook again, trying to calm his nerves as he wasn’t really sure what to expect now that he was inside the place. The place he had dreamed for so long to be in.
As he took in his surroundings, it slowly dawned on him that the lower floor of the building seemed to be some sort of a magical shop. Long and tall shelves lined up most of the wall space, filled with books and familiar looking magical items and what Kip assumed to be enchanted tokens of all sorts, each set in their own shelves, sorted based on their different qualities. Few tables were set under the windows facing out to the street he had just been on, lined with various potions and elixirs that most seemed familiar to him, just the usual stuff. The storefront itself wasn’t anything special, Kip was assuming most of this was just a convenient side business on the side of actual magic that was performed here by the owner.
Speaking of which…
Kip looked around him, eyes landing on the blond who had moved to now sit behind the desk at the back of the store, checking over some books set on it. Maybe he was just a helping hand, Kip had hard time believing a hard practicing wizard, or even his apprentice, had a lot of time to keep up with a store of this size along with everything else. Kip breathed a sigh of relief, laughing in his mind at how silly he had been before. Of course this guy wasn’t going to be a practicing wizard, or even if he was, at least not an apprentice of any sort. Like, look at him. He looked like he could care less where he was or that he was surrounded by magical items from the floor to the ceiling on almost all sides, he was probably only in it for the money and nothing else. Kip knew his kind, the lazy type that barely cared about anything in this life. He probably didn’t even know what this store actually was about, he was just here because nobody else would hire him to do even the easiest jobs imaginable.
With a new found confidence and a smile climbing its way on his lips, Kip approached the desk with a slight spring in his step. The blond didn’t look up at him until Kip had actually stopped right in front of the desk, looming slightly over him as he got an expecting look back, still through the sunglasses. Kip wasn’t sure how he was able to see so well with those on indoors, the store was already very dim, only being lit up with a few candles and some of the natural sunlight that managed to make its way through the heavy curtains hanging by the windows. Even he had a hard time seeing at first, so Kip couldn’t even guess how it all looked through tinted lenses the blond was wearing.
“So were you looking for something specific that I could help you with?”
That he could help him with. Kip held back a snort, feeling almost insulted by the question. He might have failed in his life before, almost masterfully so if he was being honest, but even he didn’t need help when it came to magic from a man who clearly had no ambitions in such a field, or life in general. Lowering the notebook from his hand on the desk in front of him, Kip leaned one hand against the desk, leaning slightly over it towards the other man, who didn’t seem to mind this move from him at all as he just kept staring.
“Nothing you could help me with.” Kip watched as he nodded, but saw the slight, clearly confused tuck on the corner of the blond’s brow at his statement. “I’m here to see the great wizard that owns this place. So if you could get him for me, I would appreciate that.”
The man watched him quietly for a moment, Kip trying to keep up the confident exterior that he had finally found. He knew he was going to be fumbling over his words when he actually got face to face with the man he was here to meet, so this was the downtime before that he had to calm his nerves and try to keep himself collected, hoping to carry at least some of that feeling with him later. Kip knew exactly what he wanted, he knew what he was here for, and this was the time he was going to get it. He wasn’t going to lose anything by asking for this, it was a bigger loss if he now turned and walked away because he didn’t like the attitude this one single man that was standing in his way was giving to him.
And hell, if someone like this ignorant fool was able to be inside this building, handling this sort of business, there was nothing stopping an actual talented, passionate young lad like Kip himself from achieving that as well, and even more.
“…Okay,” the blond finally shrugged, standing up from the stool he had been sitting on. Kip watched him, the man just standing behind the desk for a moment before he sat back down. Kip furrowed his brows at him in confusion, the man responding by taking off his sunglasses, crossing his arms on the desk and leaning over them, never breaking eye contact with Kip as he did.
“How can I help you?”
Kip stared at him, not taking in this bit whatsoever. “Is… Is this a joke? Are you making fun of me?” The other man shook his head, the blue eyes still not looking away from Kip as he did. “I said I wanted to speak to the owner. Your boss.”
“Yeah, and I’m asking how I can help you.”
“This is ridiculous, what --”
Kip couldn’t finish his sentence as the front door was slammed open, making him jump a little. Both pairs of eyes shot towards it, a woman striding in the store through the now open doorway. She glanced around the place quickly, eyes landing on the two of them, her steps directing towards the desk. Kip took a hesitant step to the side as she didn’t seem to slow down at all, not even stopping to look him over as she slammed her hands on the desk, eyes locked on the blond sitting behind it.
“Cass! It worked! It’s perfect!” She pointed at her hair, Kip’s eyes traveling from the side of her excited face to the hair, seeing the shiny blue color on the whole left side of it framing her face. The blond behind the desk nodded, Kip seeing the first real smile crossing his lips since he had started interacting with him. It was brief, but continued all the way up to his eyes as he watched the excited woman talk to him, showing off her apparently new hair color. Kip couldn’t help but look on, almost mesmerized, at the sight of the odd duo continuing an equally odd interaction with one another.
“The boys didn’t think you could do it but look at this,” she stated, spinning a coil of her freshly colored blue hair around her finger, pulling it slightly away from her face to stare at it in clear awe. “They will be so jealous when they see this. Chuck is going to freak out for sure, it’s going to be amazing.”
The man chuckled, Kip’s eyes almost instinctively traveling back to him. He was fully smiling now, obviously comfortable around this odd woman who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, but who he clearly knew very well. He was listening to her go on and on about the hair, the extremely good quality of it, the magic tied to it; him just nodding along with a smile plastered all over his face, proud that someone appreciated the work that had been done.
Almost like she finally realized that Kip existed, the woman looked towards him as she finally quieted the gushing down a little bit, glancing him quickly up and down. “Sorry, did I interrupt something?”
“No, you’re good, Kris,” the blond shook his head before Kip had a chance to reply, gathering a glare from him. “Did you need more of the blend? I can make a few more.”
“Oh, yeah, if you could,” she smiled, turning back towards the man behind the desk. “I have a few other requests so I can come over tomorrow for them? I have a whole list of colors and placements I would like to try if you can make them.”
The blond chuckled, though Kip could have sworn he sounded slightly insulted at Kris’ words. “Of course I can. Just let me know what you need. I have some more of the blue from the last batch though so let me get that for you.”
She nodded, both her and Kip watching as the blond disappeared through the door behind the desk, which Kip assumed to be the storage room of the shop. As soon as the other man was away from his field of vision, Kip turned towards the woman, offering her a quick smile as he pointed at the blue streak in her hair.
“Could I, uh, see the hair?”
Kris beamed at him, handing the coil towards him enthusiastically, obviously being more than happy to show off this magical work that had been done. Kip examined the coils carefully, admiring the excellent craftsmanship that had taken place to produce such an incredible product, being nearly unrecognizable as a magical creation to the untrained eye. Which, of course he didn’t have, so it was easy for him to spot such a top notch enchanted creation.
“This is incredible,” he mumbled, observing the shiny color of the hair carefully as he turned it around in his hand. “The color is amazing, the shine makes it look so real, it’s almost indistinguishable from regular dye. Like this… This is art.”
“And lasts twice as long without a messy fade or destroying the hair,” the other man piped up as he walked back in, lowering a jar filled with something blue and slightly luminescent on the desk from his hands. Kip let the hair fall from his grasp as he straightened back up, watching as Kris reached for the jar, pulling it close to her chest as she continued to beam at both of them. “Also a custom made color. I can hook you up too if you need a refresher on that platinum of yours.”
Kip could feel a soft blush creeping on his cheeks, brushing a quick hand through his hair trying to rid of the nervous energy as the conversation had suddenly turned back to him. He knew it had been a while since he had his hair recolored, sure, but it wasn’t that bad, right? The roots couldn’t have been pushing out too badly already, he would have noticed that, being as particular about the way he looked on the outside as he was. “No need, I-I’m good.”
The blond shrugged. “Suit yourself.” He turned his attention back to Kris, sending her a little smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow for the rest then?”
“Yeah! I’ll stop by at some point, thanks Orange!”
She turned on her heels, with a nice spring in her step almost skipping her way back out of the store. Kip watched after her, his head slightly spinning at this odd interaction he had witnessed, before her last words slowly crept their way into his mind. Brows furrowing, he looked back towards the blond who had taken a seat behind the desk again, currently fitting the sunglasses back on his face before looking back up at Kip.
The man shrugged, running a lazy hand through his hair. “Yeah? That is my name.”
Orange… Orange. Why did such an odd name also sound so weirdly familiar to Kip? And more importantly, who the hell gets named after a color, let alone a fruit? At the same time?
“That is the name that’s on the mailbox outside. Orange Cassidy. Considering how long you were out there earlier I figured you would have seen it.”
No… No, that wasn’t it, there was some other context where Kip had heard such a weird name before. It was off the walls enough that he remembered it, not every day you met someone named after a fruit or a color. And yet, he was struggling to place it anywhere specific while trying to ignore the other man’s sassy remarks about his behavior from earlier.
“Anyways… You’ve been here for a while. Did you need help with something or…?”
Kip snapped back to the moment at hand, blinking blankly at the blond a couple of times before quickly nodding, as if he finally remembered again what his true mission here was. He couldn’t get derailed by minor details such as this, there was something much more important he was here for.
“Uh, yeah. I wanted to talk to your boss. The great wizard Orange--”
Before he could get the full name out of his mouth, Kip froze in place. All of a sudden everything made sense, the color flushing from his face as his eyes widened in horror as the realization was finally setting in. He could so vividly see the name Chris had scribbled down to his notebook for reference alongside the address where to find him, the one he deemed to be the best wizard he could find from a reasonable travel distance away.
And right next to the name, drawn the little orange fruit that Chris had thought at the time was such a funny little joke to make, considering the name.
…Oh no.
“I-I, uh, I… Um.”
The blond watched him patiently, clearly seeing Kip struggling to form words as the true nature of the situation was creeping up on him, how everything was slowly starting to make sense to him. The attitude he was getting back from the man with the sunglasses, the way he was dressed and yet handled the entire store, the whole exchange with Kris and the quality of the work done for her… Everything was falling into place, and the realization Kip was having as he was coming to terms with how he had acted earlier was catching up with him, having him finally face the consequences of it all, but especially his own actions up to this point.
Cassidy looked at him, just waiting. Watching him. Observing the nerves getting better of him as Kip fidgeted with his hands, wide eyes now shooting around the room, trying to find something interesting and calming enough to look at as he was trying to reassess the situation at hand. Situation that he had created himself, unintentionally it seemed, but it was still more or less Kip’s fault that he was in this predicament right now.
“So… Can I actually do anything for you or…?”
Kip tensed up immediately, wide eyes landing on the blond. He couldn’t read the expression behind the sunglasses, but the air was thick, filled with expectations Kip wasn’t sure he was going to be able to fill. He quickly glanced down at his feet, spotting the bag he had lowered there earlier, flicking the switch on in his brain. Reaching down for his belonging, Kip pulled the bag into his hands, eyes landing back on Cassidy again for a brief second one more time.
“Sorry, I-I gotta go.”
Turning on his heels Kip rushed out of the store, cheeks flushing red with embarrassment as he didn’t turn to look back to see if the blond was calling out after him or anything, he just pushed out the door as fast as possible.
Cassidy didn’t move from his spot, just stared blankly after the Brit as Kip was suddenly gone from his view. The silence fell back into the dim little shop as the door closed shut after him, leaving Cassidy alone there to ponder over what had just happened. He had to admit this wasn’t the first time, and probably wouldn’t be the last one either, when someone had made such a mistake, thinking he wasn’t who he really was. But there was something about the way this particular man had dealt with it all, probably the most disrespectful he had ever witnessed.
Slowly his eyes moved down to the desk in front of him, a brow slightly raising as he spotted the notebook that didn’t belong to him, the one thing Kip had left behind him in his rush to get out of the store and away from him as quickly as possible.
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Mingyu Fic Recommendations Part 3
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a - angst f - fluff s - smut
part 1 part 2
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One Shots
again and again (f s) by @lovelyhan ✩♬ ₊˚. your mother calls one day, asking if you’re bringing mingyu along for chuseok this year. in your panic, you end up giving her an affirmative—never mind the fact that you and mingyu have stopped seeing each other over half a year ago.
penance (s) by @smileysuh ✩♬ ₊˚. You’re hyper-aware of the fact that all four of your lovers are just outside the confessional, that they’re listening in- it’s making your mouth dry, your palms becoming sweaty as you rub them against your dress. “When you last confessed, you mentioned greed and lust as your sins. Would you care to elaborate more on that?” The priest asks. “Maybe it will be easier, now that you’re amongst… friends.”
Let our lips lock, baby (f s) by @whipped-for-kpop-fics ✩♬ ₊˚. The intention is to sneak into Mingyu's apartment(get let in by Wonwoo) and set up banners and balloons ready for when he wakes. And then you'll cook him a meal like he's been asking for and give him his birthday gift. You don't really have a plan for what happens after that, you assume you'll just hang out, you really don't expect a confession and to wind up in his bed.
This is how we fall (a f) by @bitterie-sweetie ✩♬ ₊˚. You should know better than to make a deal with a stranger, but the need for a date to Minghao’s party has you desperate. It can’t be too bad though; all you have to do is show Mingyu what you saw in your reading, and he would be your date for one night. Simple enough, right?
Good Girl (s) by @whipped-for-kpop-fics ✩♬ ₊˚. One minute you're sitting on the couch watching a movie with your best friend and the next, you're face down with one of his hands on the back of your neck and the other routinely connecting with your ass.
hang up if u want to (a s) by @ugh-yoongi ✩♬ ₊˚. he's in japan. you're at home, knowing there's no point in staring at your phone, waiting. mingyu might not wanna define what the two of you are, but that certainly doesn't stop him from asking for what he wants.
Slowly; All At Once (f) by @gyuwoncheol ✩♬ ₊˚. Kim Mingyu fell in love with you slowly, but you fell in love with him all at once.
size kink go brr (s) by @okiedokrie ✩♬ ₊˚. Reader is horny, Mingyu is big, size kink go brrr
The Only Exception (f s) by @wonusite ✩♬ ₊˚. Your university’s star football player doesn’t understand why you don’t want anything to do with him. Several humiliating rejections later, Mingyu is more determined than ever to change your mind about him. Chaos and confusing feelings ensue.
celebrated (s) (ft. mingyu) by @smileysuh ✩♬ ₊˚. after a long week working overseas, mingyu calls you and wonwoo to make sure you still miss him. And, because he’s the ‘breadwinner’ of the day, supposedly- he’s going to get to call more of the shots ;)
Cross My Heart (s) by @minisugakoobies ✩♬ ₊˚. Your crush Mingyu wants (to eat) you.
Pup Code (s f) by @beefboyandbabygirl ✩♬ ₊˚. mingyu doesn't have crushes. he likes avril lavigne and sometimes he fucks pretty girls. but you seem to stir something in him that no one else can. without the trusty girl code, mingyu makes his own code to help you fall in love with him.
231 notes · View notes
jadeylovesmarvelxo · 3 months
You're Still The One ♥️
Coupled up Virgin Eddie and Virgin reader having their first times with each other, and - from both love and in defiance of the people who said they'd eventually get bored with each other - ending up married and/or with a couple of kids, and still as in love with each other and as horny for each other in their 40s/50s/60s/+ as they were in their late teens/early 20s?
Request by anon.
Also this request reminded me of the Shania Twain song-You're still the one so the lyrics are at the end of this fic 🥰
Mdni. 18+. A little bit of smut at the start, fluffy and sweet. Eddie and you being utter simps for each other.
Eddie's hand gently clasps yours, the two of you are nervous, entwined together and naked in more ways than one but there's so much love and trust, the eagerness to give each other everything.
He's gentle, so very gentle as he thrusts into you. Well as gentle as he can be and holds your hand whispering words of love as he moves in and out of you, only begins to move faster when you assure him you're okay.
The sharp pain you felt at the start dulls and in its place is an all-consuming need for Eddie, you're begging him to move faster and meet his lips in a clumsy but perfect kiss.
"You okay princess?" he strokes your cheek and you nod clenching around him, he lets out a guttural moan and his thrusts become harder, a little bit sloppy at first but he gets into the most perfect rhythm that has you seeing stars.
"You feel so good, so tight sweetheart, I can't believe you're mine"
The pleasure is like nothing you've ever felt before and you know Eddie feels that way too, moans issuing from the both of you as you both reach your climax.
You're giddy and on a high, so is Eddie and the two of you kiss, giggling and so in love with each other.
"That was fucking incredible princess" he sighs then he pauses his eyes flashing with anxiety, "Was it okay for you too?" You rest your forehead against his and smile, feeling like you're on cloud nine.
"It was perfect Eddie"
People warned you that the two of you wouldn't last.
"You'll never last, you'll grow bored and move on. You're young and being so head over heels in love doesn't last forever"
All of the naysayers were proven wrong, through utter love and defiance you and Eddie fell more in love with each other and that love lasted.
Eddie proposed one beautiful spring day, he had the ring for a long time while trying to think of the perfect time to propose. He had big ideas for doing it, maybe a campaign where at the end he would propose or he could take you to a fancy restaurant and propose to you there.
In the end, though the proposal came on that spring day while you and Eddie were enjoying some quiet time together after a busy week. It was windy and a little chilly, with blossom trees in full bloom (a sight you always loved) and Eddie tearful and struggling to get the words out.
You had pretty much screamed yes and nearly tackled him to the ground when you hugged him. He was grinning widely, all dimples and glee as he slipped the ring on your finger. It was perfect.
The two of you married in the autumn, with just Uncle Wayne, very close family and friends in attendance. It was outside, in the park you and Eddie loved so much, under pretty autumnal trees painted in golds, reds and rich browns.
It was one of the best days of your life and Eddie's too.
Adelaine was the first of you and Eddie's kids to arrive, from the minute you found out you were pregnant you and Eddie pored over every pregnancy book the two of you could find. He was extremely protective and completely enraptured with your growing bump, talking to the baby and telling the baby stories.
"I want to be the best dad sweetheart. Better than my old man ever was" he murmurs as you both look at lists of baby names. Gently you squeeze his hand and press soft kisses on his forehead.
"You're going to be the best daddy Eddie Munson, you're already the most amazing husband, I know our little one will be loved and so lucky to have you" he still looks anxious so you climb onto his lap and hold him close to you.
"Eddie you're nothing like your father. He was an asshole, cold and cruel. You're nothing like that, you're so full of love and gentleness, I love you so much and so will our little one. Any anxieties we have we get through together okay?" He nods his eyes brightening and a small smile on his lips that soon turns mischievous.
"Hey, how about the name Gandalf?" you snort and shake your head.
"Absolutely not" he pouts and wraps his arms around you, rests his hand on your bump and grins when he feels a kick.
"It would be so fucking metal babe, Gandalf Munson, we could be on to something. Popularise the name" You can't help but start giggling, Eddie pouts again but lets the name game drop for now.
Five months to that day Adelaine Maria Munson was born and Eddie was wrapped around her little finger which was adorable.
Samuel Munson followed and then Arwyn Munson, completing your little family.
Not to mention the many stray cats and dogs you adopted over the years as well. Ozzy, Sabbath, Midnight, Gandalf and a lot more.
Your house was always filled with love, laughter and a dozen pets, you could never resist a cute kitty or dog and Eddie could never say no to the combined forces of you and the girl's pouts.
"Sammy, they're doing the puppy eyes again dude, help your old man out" he would playfully joke to Samuel who was pretty much Eddie's mini me and idolised Eddie.
The first time Samuel and the girls begged Eddie to teach them about D&D, he almost cried. (He totally did) and rushed to make up a campaign for them.
Sundays were campaign day every week in your house after that and Friday nights were reserved for Eddie's epic bedtime story hour - Lord of the Rings was a hit in your household.
Not to mention he made up stories for the kids and dramatically acted out each one (with your assistance) you think Eddie enjoyed telling the stories even more than the kids.
You and Eddie being still so completely in love year after year made your kids whine that the two of you were "so gross" when you kissed or were particularly touchy-feely, Eddie always over dramatically kissed you even more just to make them laugh.
All these decades later and the two of you were more in love than ever and despite what everyone said the two of you did last.
Soulmates until the end.
Looks like we made it. Look how far we've come, my baby, We mighta took the long way.
We knew we'd get there someday
They said, "I bet they'll never make it" But just look at us holding on. We're still together, still going strong.
Mm (you're still the one) You're still the one I run to, The one that I belong to. You're still the one I want for life (You're still the one), You're still the one that I love.
The only one I dream of, You're still the one I kiss goodnight.
Shania Twain- You're still the one
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sp1rit-realm · 4 months
༻¨*:· 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 remus is used to the same day, and then you come into his life.
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 please give me some grace. i havent written a full on fic in... a hot second 𖦹 record shop owner!remus x fem!reader (she/her prns) 𖦹 sirius uses he/they prns 𖦹 also. reader moves to england so she doesnt have british accent. yeah. 𖦹 lily evans being the best 𖦹 FLUFF (everyone cheered!) 𖦹 [brief] ANGST (everyone cried!) 𖦹 not proofread
༻¨*:· words ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 2.7k
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Routine—a very familiar word to Remus. His days were the same. Wake up, go to work, go home, shower, then sleep. He ate the same thing for breakfast and the same thing for lunch. Dinner was the only thing he frequently changed—maybe one day, he would have pasta, and the next, he would have chicken. He hung out with friends on Saturday, and they went to the same pub every time. The topics were usually the same. Sirius met someone new, someone they claimed to be "The One," only for that person to leave their life. James usually talked about training, Lily, and updates on her pregnancy. Since school ended, things had become... predictable.
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You walked into the rickety old record shop, intent on finding your favorite album. It broke on the move to the UK, and you needed it desperately. 
Upon hearing the bell ring, Remus looked up. It was part of his routine—to see who had entered his shop—and there you stood, tote bag in hand with messy, windblown hair.
After searching through the Rock section for ages, you practically squeal when you see the album.
Remus looks up as you walk to the counter, "Hi." 
"Hi," You smile. Your accent throws Remus off, and he smiles. 
He looks at the record, then puts it down, "We have this in a white vinyl," He says, "I— I didn't mark it as colored, so you probably didn't see it. I can go grab it for you?"
You eagerly nod, "That would be fantastic!"
He stands, and you realize how tall he is—it's like he's towering over you.
A moment later, he returns with the other record, "They're hard to come by," He scrawls something on the record sheet, then rings up the album.
You thank him and pay, leaving him to wonder if you'll be back.
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The next time you see him, he's with a pretty girl. She's got bleached blonde hair and a cute button nose. She's beautiful. Of course, you recognize the tall man—how could you not? He and the girl make their way to the counter; they both order.
"For Remus," A woman calls out. 
Remus—that's his name.
Remus steals glances at you the entire time he's at the coffee shop.
"Who's that?" Marlene asks with a coy smirk.
"I don't know. Came into the shop a couple of weeks ago."
"Oh, so you have a little crush." Marlene is full-on smirking now.
Remus goes red, "What? No." He shakes his head, "No," He repeats, trying to reassure himself that he doesn't have feelings for you.
"Sure," Marlene mutters, taking a sip of her drink.
Remus rolls his eyes.
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About a month passes by until you see one another again. You walk into the shop. Remus looks up when the bell rings, and he smiles.
Sirius is there today, and they go up to you.
"What're you looking for?" 
You answer, and he leads you to the section as if you don't know the alphabet. He doesn't mean it that way, you know that. 
Still, you tease them about it, and their face goes stark red, "Sorry. I just— Sometimes record shops can be confusing in how they order things. Like, when it goes from 'C' to 'D,' does the 'D' section continue on the other side, or does it continue straight across? You know?" 
"I'm kidding around," You smile, "I've been here before. Granted, it was just once, but I know how it works. Thank you, though."
"But of course," Sirius curtsies, "Anything for you..."
"Y/n," You introduce yourself.
"I'm Sirius. Like the star," He clarifies, "Like, that's my name. S-i-r-i-u-s," They spell out.
You giggle, "Nice to meet you, Sirius."
"Nice to meet you. I love your silly accent, by the way."
"You're the one with the silly accent," You shoot back.
"Not when my accent is outnumbering yours."
You tilt your head and hum, "Strangely, I understand what you mean."
"It'd be concerning if you didn't."
"Do you frequent this shop a lot?" You ask, flipping through albums.
"My friend is the owner." Sirius shrugs.
You perk up, "Remus?"
Sirius quirks their brow, "You know him?"
You get hot, "No."
He narrows his eyes, "So, how do you know his name is Remus?"
"Well," You whisper, "I came in a while ago. He was really nice when I checked out. Then, a couple of weeks later, I saw him at a coffee shop, and they said his name when his drink was ready."
"You're a creep," Sirius raises his eyebrows.
"No!" You argue.
"Such a creep." Sirius begins walking away; you rush to follow him, "I'm telling him." He says.
You begin to panic, "Wait! No!" 
Sirius keeps walking to the front.
"Sirius," You whine, "Stop!"
You silently will him to stop.
"Remus!" Sirius calls again.
"Lovely lady over here has something to tell you," He smirks.
If looks could kill, Sirius would be six feet under.
"I just– um–" You sputter out, "I just wanted to thank you for helping me with the record last time I was here."
You swear he blushes, but you don't want to look to find out.
"It was no problem," He smiles, "Maybe I could give you a call if any of their other records come in?"
Sirius smirks from the sidelines.
"Um..." It takes a moment to process, "Sure." You nod assertively, "Yeah. I would love that!"
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Remus's world has turned upside down—you keep him on his toes. He stays up because, maybe, you'll call tonight. You eat lunch with him sometimes, and gone are the days when he eats the same thing every day. Gone are the days when he closes up shop at 7:00. Gone is routine.
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"Do you want to have dinner tonight?" You ask, wrapping the cord around your finger.
"I'm actually going out," Remus responds. You frown, and your imagination runs wild. What if he's going on a date?
"Hello?" He asks, and you realize you've blocked him out.
"Huh? Sorry?"
"I asked if you wanted to come with me. You can meet my mates. If you want." He spits out. Saying it once is nerve-wracking enough; saying it twice is terrifying because what if you say no? What if you don't want to meet his friends? What if–
"I'd love to!" You cut his frantic thoughts off, and his heart swells.
"Really?" He asks.
"Of course!"
So, now, you're standing in front of a random pub, wondering if he's pranking you. It's been about five minutes, and you know that's not a long time to wait, but your anxiety is getting the better of you. 
Then, five turns to fifteen, and you're wondering how pathetic you look.
Your head whips to the door, "Sirius? When'd you get here?"
Sirius checks their wrist like they're checking a watch, "'Bout half an hour ago. Did the dimwit not tell you to meet us inside?"
You shake your head, "He said to meet him at the bar. So, I guess he didn't quite specify." You shrug.
"Well, come on in," He holds the door open for you.
You thank Sirius and look around for Remus. He's not hard to spot, and Sirius jogs over to their booth before whispering something into Remus's ear. He looks up and smiles brightly.
"You're here!" He exclaims.
"You're here." You say, tone almost scolding him. 
Sirius whispers something else to him.
His face drops, "Oh... sorry for not telling you to meet us inside." His mouth quirks to one side in a guilty expression.
You smile, "It's okay. I forgive you." You sit next to him.
"Oh, thank god," He rests his hand on his chest, "A pretty girl being mad at me would've been my death."
Heat blossoms in your chest.
"So..." James begins, "Now that flirt time is over, can I say hello?"
"Ha!" Sirius barks out, "Flirt time!"
Remus gets warm, "This is James, another one of my school friends. James, this is y/n."
All James says is: "You're his lock screen, y'know?"
Remus kicks him under the table.
"I mean–" James smiles, "Hello, it's nice to meet you. I have never seen your face before."
"Smooth," Sirius whispers to James.
You smile at Remus's red face.
"Ignore him, please?" He begs.
You nod.
Sirius and James tell you embarrassing stories about Remus for the rest of the night, and the boy starts to regret introducing you to them as a pair.
 At the end of the night, he drops you off. 
Rubbing his face, he sighs, "I hope they weren't too much."
You smile brightly, and Remus feels like he could fall to his knees, "I had an amazing time. They're really fun, Remus."
You leave him with a kiss on the cheek—he puts his hand up to the spot and smiles the whole way home.
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"I've missed you," You say into the phone.
"I've missed you, too. You should just let me come over." Remus begs for the umpteenth time.
"I don't want to get you sick," You frown, "That would be horrible."
"It wouldn't be the end of the world. We could quarantine together," He smirks, "I could make you soup, and we could cuddle together on the couch and watch some ridiculous rom-com."
"Take a girl out on a date first!" You joke.
"I would if you weren't so busy being poorly." Remus groans.
"So you're asking me out on a date?" You smile and do a little happy dance.
"I guess I am."
He's smug, and you can tell.
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A week later, you sit in a fancy restaurant—the kind where the prices aren't even on the menu. Remus is fidgety. He's wearing his nicest button-down, and you think it looks funny on him. He gets red at your comment and looks down at the table with pursed lips.
"I just meant that I'm so used to you wearing those comfy sweaters. You look good, though." You earnestly smile at him.
"You look nice tonight, yourself."
"Well, I'm going on a date with this charming boy. I wanted to impress him."
"I hear he's very impressed."
You insist on paying, but he won't let you. As soon as you pull out your wallet, he snatches it from you.
He kisses you before leaving you at your car, and you don't want it to stop. It's soft and tender, and it's everything you hoped it would be. 
One date turns to two, which turns to five, and now you're anxiously pacing in your flat. You're dating Remus; you have been for a few months, and you're not sure when it's an appropriate time to ask the question, but you'll ask tonight. Except Remus doesn't come. He doesn't call, either. 
After an hour of worrying, you call Sirius.
"Hello?" He answers—it's obvious he's high.
"Hi. Do you know where Remus is?"
Sirius laughs, "Right here."
"Can I talk to him?"
You hear rustling as Sirius passes the phone.
"Remus," You whine.
"Hey there. What's going on?" He's calm—too calm. He's also high.
"You were supposed to come over tonight." You frown—it's a fruitless effort. He can't see you.
"Shit. 'M sorry, baby," He frowns, too. You can hear it.
"'S okay. I was just really looking forward to seeing you." You dramatically slide down your wall into a crouching position.
"I'd come over, but, y'know," He wanders off.
"You're so high you can barely walk?" You offer.
He takes it, "Yes."
"It's alright," You sigh, and Remus feels terrible, "Promise you'll come over tomorrow?"
"Promise," He answers.
But then tomorrow comes, and Remus has yet to show up. So you dial his number, but he doesn't pick up. An hour passes until your phone rings, and you're anxious and giddy and hopeful as you pick it up.
"Sorry." Remus's voice is gruff, and you can hear the guilt in his tone.
"It's okay. You can still come over. It's not too late."
"No," He sighs, "I'm sorry, but I can't... I have to break up with you."
Your face drops with your stomach, "What?"
"I can't be with you. I'm— I'm sorry."
"No!" Tears blur your vision, "You can't just tell me we're over. Explain yourself!"
"I just can't do it anymore. It's too hard."
You choke out a sob, "What's too hard? Loving me?"
"No," He sighs, and he sounds tired, oh so tired, "I'm incapable of giving you what you need."
"And who gets to say what I need?"
"Y/n, for your sake, I'm ending this. I can't provide for you in the way you'll need me to."
"Remus," You sigh, "I don't understand. What do you mean you 'can't provide' for me?"
"I can't emotionally be there for you. I'm sorry." 
And as you hear the dial tone, you let your sobs out.
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You feel empty. Your only friends are Remus's; now you feel like you can't talk to them. 
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"You're daft," Sirius scolds, "Y/n was lovely, and you break up with her over the phone?!"
Remus hangs his head in shame, "Yeah, I did."
Then Remus looked up and was met with one of his worst fears. He'd been on Lily Evans's bad side more than once, but never like this. He'd only seen this stare a handful of times, but not once was it directed at him, until now.
She marches over to the booth, never breaking her stare, leans close to Remus, and slaps him, "You twat!" 
He doesn't know what to say, so he holds his cheek and waits for her to continue.
"You hurt an exceptionally lovely girl for what?! Because you're insecure? Because it was too scary to feel loved so deeply? That girl gave you her all, Remus! And this is how you treat her?" Lily's face is red at the end of her rant, and Sirius tries to hold in their snickers.
Lily narrows her eyes at Remus, "I can read you like a book, Remus Lupin. I know what's going on in that magnificently stupid head of yours! Go apologize to her!"
"I can't," He murmurs, "I've already ruined it."
She rolls her eyes, "You won't know unless you try, and not knowing will eat at you, and you will die confused, sad, and alone."
"She has a point," Sirius agrees, "I mean... we all know you'll just mope around until we push you to talk to her, but by then, it'll be too late. She will have found somebody, and they'll get married, and you'll just be that bloke from when she moved here. Go talk to her."
"What do I say?"
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It's almost midnight when a knocking at your door wakes you. Groaning, you get out of bed and make your way to the door.
You undo the bottom lock, keeping the chain in place.
"Yes?" You peek through the crack, surprised to see Remus holding flowers on the other side.
"I'm sorry."
He thinks he's surely blown it when you close the door, but he hears the chain clanking as you fully unlock it.
"What are you doing here?"
Remus wants to cry at the sight of you. Your eyes are bloodshot and puffy, with red tracing your waterline.
"I—" He has a whole script planned out but seems to have forgotten every word, "I have flowers," He settles on.
"For me?"
He nods.
"What are you doing here?" You ask again, taking the flowers.
"I'm here to apologize. I was a dick the other day."
You tilt your head, "You mean the other day when you broke up with me?"
Remus almost doesn't catch the sarcasm, "I'm sorry. I get so caught up in my head—"
You turn from him, "Come in," You mutter as you walk into your kitchen.
He closes the door behind him and toes his shoes off, "I get scared when I let somebody get too close."
"Yes, please."
He watches as you move around your kitchen, grabbing cups and boiling the water. He's missed you.
"Why let me get close at all, then?"
"Because I like you."
You turn and look at him, "Do you, now?"
Remus sighs, "Look, I fucked up, I know that. Do you think we can try again?"
You walk over to him, "You said you can't give me what I need. What does that mean, Remus?"
"I'm unfit to be with somebody."
"I don't think so. You were wonderful the past three months. So wonderful that I think, if you work on yourself, we can give this another go."
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, leaning in.
"I look terrible," You laugh.
"No," He rests his forehead against yours, "You're always beautiful."
"Kiss me." 
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hi guys sorry if this is bad😇😇
my lovely mutuals <33 @sepptember @violetteshoneybee @ay0nha @maroon-winestain @prongsio @imabee-oralizard @storyofaromance @queerpumpkinnn @doyouknowwhoyouare13 @zvdvdlvr @reysdriver @g1rld1ary @starsval @vampieteeth @maddipoof @bruisedboys @ell0ra-br3kk3r
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carlos-in-glasses · 4 months
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✨ The Wonder of It ✨
By @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-in-glasses and @ladytessa74
3 chapters, rated M. Now live on Ao3
To @thisbuildinghasfeelings on your birthday - Lemon, Tessa and I are delighted to bring you The Wonder Of It. (There are lots of easter eggs in there for you. We hope you'll enjoy finding them and reading these stories.)
Thank you, Anne, for being such a lovely friend, cross-stitcher and fandom archivist. We hope you're having the best day!
Fic Summary: As Carlos comes to terms with his relationship with his father, he realises he's ready to become one himself. Over time he and TK begin the adoption process and prepare to meet their baby boy. But even as they settle into family life with Elijah, Carlos knows that the past won't stay there. When his father's unsolved murder comes back to the forefront and puts his son in danger, Carlos will do anything to protect his family. But is it enough?
Chapter 1 by @lemonlyman-dotcom - I Know It’s Love That’s Got Me Feeling Okay
Chapter Summary: A year and a half after their wedding, Carlos and TK are settling into their marriage, and Carlos surprises TK with a trip to a Canadian mountain resort for his 31st birthday. Set against a majestic backdrop of snow-capped mountains, vast star-filled skies and the wonder of his husband’s unshakable love, Carlos realizes that he’s finally at peace with his father’s passing and their turbulent relationship, and he begins to understand that maybe fatherhood isn’t something one ever feels truly ready for. But with his soulmate by his side and their found family at their backs, he feels ready to begin exploring their options.
Read on Ao3
Chapter 2 by @carlos-in-glasses - In My Father's Footsteps
Chapter Summary: It’s Carlos’ 34th birthday, and while TK is determined to celebrate, Carlos is too preoccupied to care. In three months’ time, they will bring their newborn son home – and there’s a lot that needs to be dealt with. As the day passes, the couple fix up their house and work through their insecurities about impending fatherhood. Luckily, they make a pretty good team. 
Read on Ao3
Chapter 3 by @ladytessa74 - Lingering in Happiness
Chapter Summary: As Carlos and TK trade off Elijah's care, as per their agreement, TK returns to work at the firehouse. The day before the tenth anniversary of Carlos' father's murder - unsolved all these years - Carlos takes Elijah to the Reyes ranch for a mini vacation while TK is stuck at work. But even as Elijah plays with the horses, danger looms. Carlos may find out what really happened to his father, but what will it cost him?
Find the official playlist for this fic: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4QbUoYbapr8LX0t5sEl2fG?si=uQJYbI0ZS2Ku7NnPxDHUHQ&pi=u-u7xlJrlwTZGP
Huge thank you to Tessa for opening up her glorious Elijah Verse to Lemon and I to play around in. It's been a pleasure working and conspiring with you both to create this fic for Anne! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
hi <33 i just read your yandere jeongguk fic and immediately rushed to see if your requests are still open. (i'm thanking all the gods and the stars that they are����)
you're so talented and creative, and i'm really hoping you'll accept my prompt. if you're willing, could you please write a non-idol smutty, possessive and jealous yoongi fic?? maybe with a slight age gap? thank you for sharing all your work with us!! have a great day/night <333
𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭:
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pairing: brothers best friend! yoongi x f. reader
genre: fluff || pwp || non-idol au || age-gap au || brother’s best friend au ||
summary: your brother’s best friend isn’t too happy when you come home with a lipstick stain on your chest, and has no issue about reminding you who you truly belong to.
word count: 2.8k
tags/ warnings: porn without plot, fluff, secret relationship, mild age-gap (5-6 years) smut in the forms of: oral (f. receiving), fingering, unprotected penetrative sex (this is fiction, don’t be stupid), breeding kink (but she’s on the pill so no babies yet), exhibitionalism? kinda because they fuck in the living room with other people in the house, multiple orgasms, creampie, cockwarming by the fire
notes: thank you so much my darling!! i hope you have a good day/ night too!! it’s all smut, there is a hint of plot but it’s minimal. this is my first time writing pwp so idk how i feel about it :’(
requests rules can be found here || my masterlist
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“You’re home late”
You pause; eyes meeting Yoongi’s gaze, always calculating. Always watching each little move you made until you were squirming, almost begging him to look away— your cheeks flushed red and voice barely above a whisper. And all he had to do was look at you.
If eyes are the windows to the soul then Min Yoongi’s windows have the curtains drawn shut— he had you figured out the minute the two of you met, and it’s taken over a decade for you to even remotely figure him out. And even now, both adults, you really could never figure out what he was thinking.
It’s the frigid caress of the winter wind on the back of your neck that has you shutting the front door. Careful not to slam it shut, assuming everyone but your brothers best friend was already asleep if the lack of lights on from the windows outside was any indication.
You stomp your feet to rid of any snow as you shrug your jacket off. Hanging it on the overcrowded hooks, evidence of another family living with you as you only pray it doesn’t fall.
“It was one of my friends’ birthdays” you explain, dropping to the floor in front of the fire. Skin tingling at the drastic change of temperature, your cheeks still a little red from the bitter weather outside (though it may also have to do with the man sat before you)
Your brother was home for the holidays, along with Yoongi and his parents. It had become a tradition over the years that both families gathered for the winter break— they took “the more the merrier” very seriously. And it wasn’t all that surprising for one of your families to stay over the others’ until new year.
“Looks like you had fun” his tongue wets his lips, book long forgotten on the arm of the chair as his eyes flit down your body.
Your fingers run over your collarbone, his eyes lingering a little longer than proper.
“It’s just my friend, she gets a little touchy when drunk” you wave him off, lipstick stain smudging under your thumb as you rub at the skin, no real force behind the action.
“Touchy?” Yoongi laughs.
“Mhmm” you smile up him.
And Yoongi groans, head tipping back as he readjusts himself in his sweats.
“Baby, the things you do to me” he tilts his head, eyes meeting your own. “Always a little minx”
“What do I do to you?” you dare ask, fingers toying with the hem of your sweater.
“That’s a loaded question, darling” his smile is lazy, hips rolling languidly up into his palm; short lived relief enough for him to stay sat on the chair.
“I can handle it” you reassure him. That gentle smile that tempts him time and time again, that gentle smile that he wants to kiss off your lips until you’re moaning his name, any thought of another man off your mind until you’re wholly consumed by him; and him alone.
“Bad things” he groans, not missing the way your eyes flit down to his lips, fingers fiddling and he knows you’re trying your hardest not to look at his cock— straining heavily against the fabric of his underwear.
“How bad?” you whisper.
“Very bad. You make me wanna do bad things, darling” he pushes himself to the edge of the chair.
You stay rooted in your place, and Yoongi thinks you look pretty on your knees; maybe prettier if you were between his legs.
“What sort of bad things?” you prod.
“Like fucking you silly” he leans forwards.
He watches your thighs clench, eyes widening a little at how blunt he was.
“Oh?” he croons, “You like the sound of that?” he asks, slipping off the chair.
“Yes” you nod, still unsure in yourself as you let his hands graze over your neck; unsure what to do with your own.
His thumb brushes over the lipstick stain, “You know I hate other people touching you, doll” his fingers dig into the skin, your breath coming out alongside a shudder.
“I told her not to” you tell him, lips pouty. And Yoongi leans forwards to kiss it away, ever so gentle that you fall into him. Early trying to deepen the kiss as he pulls away, lips tugged into a ghost of a smile.
“Yeah?” he whispers against your lips, “Did you tell her you have a boyfriend? One that doesn’t like to share?”
Your eyes fall shut when he presses wet kisses along the length of your jaw, his hands slipping under your sweater; rough skin caressing your bare back.
You tug at his shirt, and Yoongi pulls away from your neck to let you pull it over his head. He follows suit, tugging your sweater off before his lips find your neck, teeth nipping over your collarbone.
A hand clamps over your mouth, moan muffled by Yoongi as he sucks on your skin. He pulls away with a wet pop, thumb running over his bottom lip as he eyes his work.
“You’re gonna have to keep quiet, baby. Don’t want anyone waking up now, so we?” he pulls his hand away from your mouth, “Okay?”
“I know” you whisper, suddenly aware of everyone sleeping upstairs.
“Good girl.”
You flop back onto the floor, hair sprawled out on the carpet as Yoongi braces his arms on either side of your head.
“Yoongi” you smile up at him.
“Yeah?” he leans down to press another kiss to your jaw.
“Need you” your hands fumble with the waistband of his sweats, knuckles brushing over his cock.
Yoongi groans, muffled as he shoves his face into your neck. Goosebumps prickle your skin as his warm breath brushes over your shoulder, your hips rolling upwards— desperate for any kind of friction, any sort of relief.
“Yeah?” he grunts, helping you pull your jeans off, panties soon to follow, and you don’t bother to look where he throws them.
“Please” you whine, hands taking a hold of his face as you bring him in for another kiss, the heat of the fire melting your lips, moulded into one, so close that you don’t know where you end and he starts.
You mouth falls open into a breathy moan when a teasing fingers runs over your slit, your hole clenching around nothing as he teases over your clit. Touch so gentle you could barely feel it, pleasure like thin stardust as it fizzles through your body.
Your hips roll upwards, tempting him to give the release you so crave. You both pull away finally, breathing heavy as your chests connect. Hearts in sync with one another— and truly, Yoongi knows you’re his. Knows that your hearts are wrapped with a think red string and that you’ll always fall back into his arms. His love, his reason to breathe, his soul melded with yours that he couldn’t begin to imagine another woman underneath him.
Your fingers tug at the clasp of your bra, fingers a little shaky as adrenaline pumps through your body. Somewhere in the back of your mind still aware that anyone could walk down those stairs any moment and see the two of you.
Your hands find their way to your tits, tugging at your nipples as they begin to pebble— as Yoongi works his way down your body, trail of kisses following him. Lips barely there, though they feel searing against your skin. Printed in invisible ink that you’ll trail your fingers over later when you’re alone; a secret message left for you from him.
He kisses over your mound, fingers parting your lips before he licks a long stripe up to your clit. Your hand flies over your mouth, chocked moan bubbling up your throat as he repeats the action.
“Yoongi” you whisper, one hand tangling in his hair as his lips close around your clit. Your thighs twitch when his teeth graze over the bundle of nerves, eyes squeezing shut as a lick of pleasure wracks over your body.
You feel a finger prod at your hole, teasing the entrance before he slowly dips into you. You bite down on the skin of your arm as his tongue flicks over your clit, finger curling, before he’s pulling it out.
You barely feel the stretch of a second finger as he plunges it into you, the lewd squelch of your sodden pussy drowned out by the crackling of the firewood.
Your back arches, Yoongi pulling you closer into his face by one of your thighs. You feel him gently tug at your clit with his teeth, fingers expertly curling up into you; the slow build of your orgasm rising within your stomach.
Your thighs begin to shake, clamping around Yoongi’s head as he pulls his fingers out of you. Instead, replacing them with his tongue while his slick-coated thumb flicks over your clit in tight little circles.
You bite down on the skin of your arm as you feel the pressure of your orgasm reach its peak, Yoongi doesn’t need to ask if you’re close— knowing you were seconds from tipping over the edge as your cunt dribbles slick over his chin.
Your thighs to continue to shake around his head as you reach your orgasm. Your hand falls over your mouth, hiccup of a moan hard to contain as Yoongi continues to flick your clit, helping you ride out your high as the white behind your eyelids seems to fizzle to black.
Yoongi watches you tremble when he brings his face away from your soaked cunt. And you dare look down at him, light of the fire catching the sheen of your cum on his lips and chin as he smiles up at you; his fingers continuing to toy with you clit.
“Too much” you try to squirm away, his arm laying heavy over your waist to keep you down.
You feel yourself fall into another orgasm, buzzing overstimulation on your clit pulling you into a less intense but just as pleasurable high that has tears prickling your eyes.
“Yoongi” you snivel, mouth falling open into a silent moan, Yoongi not letting up on your poor clit.
Another dribble of arousal is pushed out of your clenching pussy, walls pulsating around nothing as you squirm, toeing Yoongi away from you— and finally stopping his unrelenting thrumming on your swollen clit.
Your next breath comes out jittery, hand held over your cunt as Yoongi licks his lips.
“You’re mean” you whine up at him, clit still buzzing with pleasure as the soft skin of your palm brushes over it.
“Can’t help it, your pretty little pussy is too addictive” he drawls, hands running over your sides to try and quell the slight tremble.
“Think you can take my cock?” he asks, wary of how sensitive you’ll be.
“Yeah” you nod, hand trailing back up your body to tug at your nipples as Yoongi pulls his sweats down.
You watch his cock spring free, pearly pre-cum smeared on his lower stomach, wet slap making you cringe.
He leans down, hand tugging at his length as he presses another kiss to your lips, drinking in your moan when you taste yourself on his tongue.
He kisses the corner of your mouth when he runs the head of his cock through your folds, cock slicked up with your arousal before he’s nudging the head against your entrance.
“You ready for me?” he murmurs against your skin, smiling when you hum.
Your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer and he angles the head of his cock right over you cunt before he’s pushing in. The head pops inside with little resistance, and Yoongi has to bite back a moan as your walls clench around the tip of his cock.
You pull him in further, your boyfriend pushing his hips forward slowly before gently pulling back. Slowly, agonisingly, feeding you each inch of him until he’s buried to the hilt.
You revel in the feeling of being so full, cunt sporadically clenching around his length as he starts to pull out; gentle drag of his cock against your walls enough to bring you to a third orgasm of the night.
It wouldn’t be hard to make you cum again, not when your pussy was so sensitive after two consecutive orgasms. And Yoongi is kind enough to leave your clit be as he starts up a pace he’s happy with. Hand covering your mouth as you start to moan, fingers gripping your jaw and he worried he’ll bruise you.
Yoongi’s hips snap forwards before he’s pulling back until only the tip of cock is nestled inside of you before he’s ramming back into you again.
You feel his balls slap against your ass, squeaky moans tumbling off your tongue like honey that he licks from between your lips as he bends you in half, knees pushed up next to your shoulders.
You can’t help the red that stains your cheeks when you hear how wet you are, each brutal thrust of Yoongi’s cock ramming into you followed by a wet squelch as your cunt weeps around him.
“I’m close” you manage to squeeze out, eyes falling shut as your mouth opens, only Yoongi is clamping his hand over it moments later when he can see the moan ready to drip off your lips.
You’re the image of pure sin underneath him, nails digging into his arms as his hips continue to slap against your ass, and it’s a wonder as to how no one seems to have woken up.
“Me too, baby. Together okay?” he grunts, hands grabbing onto any part of you he can hold.
“Inside” you whine, “Cum inside me please”
“Yeah?” he grunts, “Like the idea of me putting a baby into you huh?” his laugh is mean, “What would your parents say? What would they think when you tell them you’re pregnant?”
“Probably ask whose baby it is” your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him close enough for you to kiss over his jaw.
“Yeah? And whose fucking baby would it be?”
“Yours” you cry, body being pushed up the carpet with each harsh thrust, your arousal starting to dribble down Yoongi’s balls. Each wet slap of them against your ass a lewd reminder of how wet you truly were for this man. “I’d tell them it’s yours” you sob.
“Yeah you will”
His hips start to stutter, thrusts less calculated, sloppier and he reaches his high. You feel his cock twitch and Yoongi smashes his lips against your own, more teeth than tongue, when his fingers find their way back to your clit; a cry being ripped from your throat at the harsh press of a finger against your swollen bud.
Your body trembles, Yoongi pushing his cock as far into you as he can before he’s cumming. Thick cum painting your walls white as he holds you close.
You shake through your own orgasm, tugging his hand away from your clit when you feel the overstimulation become painful, thighs shaking in the aftershock of it all.
Yoongi barely pulls out before he’s thrusting back into you, a foamy ring of white surrounding the base of his cock as he gently rocks into you.
You don’t bother telling him to stop, each electric thrum of overstimulating pleasure of his cock dragging against your walls too delicious to let up on.
Yoongi feels your walls rhythmically clenching around his slowly softening cock; and he’s gentle as he pulls the both of you to sit up— making sure he was still nestled deep inside of you as his hands run over your back.
Both of your skin shine in a sheen of sweat, bodies sticky as you flop into his chest. Your toes burning as they get to close to the fire.
“When are we gonna tell them?” you whisper, breath tickling Yoongi’s bare chest when you yawn.
“Whenever you’re ready sweetheart” his fingers run through your hair, catching in a knot and you wince at the pain. Though he feels you clench at it, he chooses not to comment. That was a discussion for another day.
For now he needed to get the both of you cleaned up, and you into bed before someone wandered downstairs wondering what all the noise was. Though he thinks that can wait a while, more than happy with you flopped against his chest while his cock stay impaled into your cunt; cum filled and swollen. Nothing a few kisses can’t fix and maybe his tongue in the shower.
“Maybe new year” you shrug, “I’m sorry about my friend kissing me” you peer up at him through his lashes.
He simply hums, “Just don’t let it happen again, fucking hate how touchy all your friends are” he grunts, “You’re mine, y’know?”
“I know” you giggle, wincing a little when you jostle his cock inside of you, leaning up to press a gentle kiss to his cheek in apology.
And you let him off this one time, his smile too bright for you to even dare tease him about it when the atmosphere was so cozy.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
congrats on 450!! I've just gotten back into my star wars hyperfixation, tis the season I suppose, and your fics have been LIFE SAVERS and so I am here to congratulate you on an incredibly well earned celebration! and to request:
7. "you're not as bad as everyone says."
28. "maybe there's a universe your there where we're friends."
with either Wolfe or Cody x fem/gender neutral (whichever you prefer)?
Thank you so much and congrats again!!! <3
Awww @hxad-ovxr-hxart that's so sweet. I'm so glad my fics have helped. That makes me so happy, and I hope you'll like the fic. I wrote with Wolffe in mind. Enjoy.
Love oo,
Warnings: Crashing, angst, death, fluff, comfort, I think that's it. If I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Commander Wolffe was never a man who suffered fools, he didn’t appreciate tardiness, he hated chit chat, and worst of all he hated personal questions. And somehow you managed to do all four on your first day on the Triumphant, which made you public enemy number one in Wolffe’s book. 
Every day you saw him, he simply rolled his eyes and growled each time you passed. 
You tried your best to fix it, but no matter what you did or said, it didn’t make a difference. You gave up after months of constant growls and eye rolls. Now you simply made a point to arrive on time for your shift as a communication specialist. You performed your role to the best of your ability, and did your best to stay out of his way. 
Things were going well, that was until your shuttle crashed, and the two of you were the only survivors. 
“Anything broken?” Wolffe asked after he checked on the two pilots and made his way over to you.
You shook your head, “No. I think …” you tested out each of your limbs, “I think I’m alright” you groaned as you tried to stand.
“Easy. Here,” he held out his hand to help you up, “alright?”
You nodded and followed him out of the crashed gunship, “Hmm… where are we?” You looked around trying to become aware of your surroundings.
“We dropped out of hyperspace somewhere in between, the Triumphant and our destination. Don’t worry they’ll come for us, I sent out a distress beacon.”
“How long do you think we’ll be here?”
“A day or two… maybe a week.” He went into the ship, and grabbed the emergency gear, passing one backpack to you and keeping one himself. 
“Are we going somewhere?”
“To a more defensible position, we don’t wanna be out here in case there’s Separatist droids nearby or in case there are any dangerous animals.”
You nodded and followed him, keeping pace as best you could. It was about three hours later, when you were panting and gasping for breath, “Wait … Commander, please I … I need a break.” You leaned against a boulder. 
“Alright …” Wolffe nodded, “take a break, we can rest for a minute.”
You nodded, thanking him, as you took a break, “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, you’re a civilian. You’re not used to this.”
You looked up at him as you regained your breath and took a sip of water, “You know, you’re not as bad as everyone says you are.”
Wolffe, let out a laugh, “And how bad does everyone say I am?”
“That you have a short temper, you don’t suffer fools, you don’t like civilians really…”
He turned to look at you, “Really?” You simply nodded your answer, “I wouldn’t say I don’t like civilians, I’d say … civilians don’t appreciate the sacrifices me and my brothers make.”
“I know” you answered solemnly, “I’ve heard them, when I walk around Coruscant. I’m sorry. It’s not right or fair.”
“My life has never been really fair. But, thank you.”
You stood brushing off your pants, “I’m good, we can continue.”
Wolffe simply nodded as he led the way to a cave that would provide the right shelter, he set up a defensive perimeter, while you started a fire, when you were finished he came and sat beside you nodding at your achievement. 
“Good job, didn’t think civilians knew how to start a fire”
“Well I did take basic survival training, when I first joined the GAR.”
“Impressive.” He took off his helmet and his gloves, keeping the comm alert on high in case the rescue team was trying to get a hold of them.
“Commander” you looked into the fire, lost in thought, “Do you think maybe there's a universe out there where we're friends?”
“I don’t know” Wolffe answered as he kept his own gaze on the fire, “but I can tell you, you gained a friend today.” He smirked as he looked at you, “Listen, I don’t know what I ever did to make you think I hate you, civvie. But I don’t. I am actually impressed by you. It’s not easy joining the GAR to begin with, not as a civilian, certainly not as a woman, but you continue to work harder than everyone else. You’re prompt with your reports and always pleasant with your co-workers. I’ve heard nothing but praise from everyone you work with, and even today, you put up with a lot, with barely a complaint. That’s impressive.”
You tried to hide the smile that wanted to creep on to your face, “Thank you, Commander.”
“I’m sorry?”
“When it’s just us, you can call me Wolffe. After all, we’re friends, right?”
“That’s right … Wolffe.”
He didn’t know why but hearing you say his name, brought a smile to his lips. “Close your eyes and try to sleep” he motioned to the ground, “I’ll keep watch. You’ll be safe.”
You nodded and leaned down against the ground resting your head on the backpack, wrapping the emergency blanket around you to stay warm. “Wolffe, do you think someone got our distress signal?”
“Don’t worry civvie, Plo’buir isn’t about to leave us behind.” He looked after you and smiled, “Just relax, and close your eyes. It’ll be okay.”
You nodded, closing your eyes, “Thank you, Wolffe”
“For being my friend,” your voice trailed off as the exhaustion from the crash, the hike, and just the anxiety of the day pulled you under. Soon enough you were snoring. 
Wolffe smiled as he watched you sleep, his heart fluttering as he took in your features. He always wondered why you had kept your distance from him, but to think you thought he hated you, made his heart hurt. It was so far from the truth. However, it was too soon to point that out. Instead, for now, he’d be your friend, and hope that in the future, your friendship could progress to something more. Maybe one day. 
“Goodnight, cyar’ika. Sweet dreams.” He whispered as he put his helmet back on and kept his blaster on his lap, keeping guard, making it his job to protect you. 
Main Master List   |  Star Wars Fic Roulette
Tag list:
@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 months
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Writer_Lethogica's Table of Contents
THE TABLE OF CONTENTS HAS ONCE AGAIN BEEN UPDATED. Anyway, reposting an updated Table of Contents for my AO3 works. You can check it out on AO3 by section here:
1) MCU Fics (Mostly SamBucky, but also SamSteve, SamRiley, Samquin, Samdall, etc.)
2) 9-1-1 Fics (Mostly BuckTommy, but there's a HenRen one in there)
3) IWTV Fics (I have a Loustat fic)
Or, if you'd like to see the Table of Contents here, it's under the cut!
MCU Fics (Mostly SamBucky):
Canon Divergence:
The Bucky Quest Saga, which tells the behind the scenes story between Sam and Bucky post-Captain America: the Winter Soldier through to The Falcon and the Winters Soldier and beyond that
A Captain and His Bucky which is what if Bucky was the original Captain America, Sam has been Captain America since the events Avengers Movie, Steve Rogers is the Winter Soldier, and Sam found Bucky thawing from a chunk of ice in SHIELD headquarters during the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and has now taken him in to help him navigate life in the future
My Aaron Davis/Peter B. Parker Fake Marriage Enemies to Lovers Fic You're a Sunflower (I Think Your Love Would Be Too Much)
My Heimdall/Sam Wilson Post-TFATWS Fic Series, Loving Are All-Seeing Men and Midgardian Captains
Sam Wilson finds himself in a very strange game show with some asshole named Bucky Barnes, The Marriage Game
Two clubbing feelings with porn SamBucky fics. One that happens post-TWS during Bucky's European Tour and one that happens during the black market art auction nightclub scene in TFATWS. The fics titles, as well as this collection title, are based on lines in the song hand crushed by a mallet by 100 gecs, I didn’t get to tell you goodbye
A story about Sam and Bucky finding out that Sam's dead husband Riley is a Winter Soldier, Captain America, The White Wolf, and the Winter Soldier
A story about Bucky hearing Sam truly laugh for the first and a bonus series of vignettes about Bucky's twenty-three goats and their pun names, Sam and Bucky's Cabin
Time After Time, or my Sorcerer Supreme Sam Canon Divergence Fic
Back in the Gulf, where Sam Wilson tries to figure out where he fits in the world post-blip and if he wants Bucky Barnes to be part of his life.
My All Caps fic, sometimes that's all we need, an Endgame Canon Divergence where everyone lived, no one went old and went to the past, and Steve and Bucky are competing for Captain America Sam Wilson's love and attention
Five Times Bucky Got Dirty and the One Time Bucky Got Sam Dirty, a two-part fic about five times Bucky got dirty around Sam and the one time Bucky got Sam dirty
My gay chicken, post-blip, accidental undercover fake married fic, Playing with Fire
My Valentine's Day Fic about Sam Not Knowing He's Actually Dating Bucky, You'll Never Be My Maybe.
Meanwhile... a short two-part fic about Sam and Bucky figuring out their love for each other while on a mission.
My Gideon Visits and Shenanigans Ensue two-parter, A Surprise Visit
The Beyoncé Trilogy, a series of three fics inspired by the Beyoncé songs "Blow", "Cuff It", and "Texas Hold 'Em" that take place during an alternate version of CATWS.
Fantasy AUs:
My Fantasy/Medieval/Arranged Marriage AU, Golden is the Sun
His Wingless Stranger, which is a "What if WWII Bucky fell off that train into a world that spliced Tomorrowland with Hiyao Miyazaki and Sam lived in a future society where everyone has wings?"
My Apothecary Meets Prince Who Accidentally Becomes His Apprentice Fic Series, The White Wolf Apothecary
My Star Wars AU, Star Wars Episode IV.V: The Phantom Hookup
Fairytale AU, The Little White Wolf
A story about monster Hunter Joaquín meets Vampire Sam and Werewolf Bucky in a bar, Joaquín Torres Monster Hunter
The Two Strangers, A post-apocalyptic future western SamBucky AU on a different planet
My Practical Magic inspired AU, Impractical Magic
My matelotage Pirate!Sam, Merman!Bucky fic, Reaching Out For You
My Future Kid Fic, Pre-Vampire Apocalypse fic Canary in the Coal Mine
My Selkie and Pirate two-part love story, The Selkie and the Pirate Elect
My If You Were the Last AU, The Hypothetical
The Midnight Lover, my bittersweet Vampire AU
My Percy Jackson and the Olympians AU, Sam Wilson and the Olympians
No Powers AUs:
My Single All the Way AU, A No Snow Christmas
My Popstar AU, The Only Thing That I Refuse to Forget
My one fantastic impromptu date fic, A Night With You
My airport chase confession fic My Best Friend's Brother
My Bachelor AU, If I Take You Home
My Christmas Fake Relationship Fic, For the Holidays
From That Show, my Sitcom Actors!AU
My High School AU fic, Walking and Running to You 
My Anthologies:
The SamBucky Halloween 2021 Anthology I made for the SamBucky Halloween 2021 event the SamBucky Library is hosting
The WinterFalcon Week 2021 I participated in that's being hosted by the WinterFalcon Week tumble
The Nine Short Dates with Sam and Bucky ficlet series I made
The Sambtember Ficlets and Drabble Anthology I created for the Samtember event hosted by the Sam Wilson Fest tumblr
The Kinktober Collection 2021;
Water They Waiting For anthology series. It's 9 writers, 19 stories, and a lot of sexual tension involving water
My SarahBucky fics for Fleur de Louve Month2021
My SamBuckyTorres anthology, Captains and Falcons and White Wolves, Or My!
My collection of three fics for the MYSU Holiday Gift Exchange 2021!
My collection of fics based on the SamBucky Library's Candy Hearts Event 2022, SamBucky Library's Candy Hearts Event 2022 Fic Anthology
My collection of stories inspired by my the Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary on my tumblr, The Daily SamBucky Fluff Diary Auxiliary Stories
My collection of fics based on the 2 card of the MYSU Valentine's Day Bingo 2022, MYSU Valentine's Day Bingo 2022 Fic Anthology
My collection of fics based on the photos in post by hot-chocolates-world on tumblr, The Tush Collection
My collection for the SamBucky AU Week 2022, My SamBucky AU Week 2022 Collection
My collection of Drabbles and Ficlets for Samtember 2022
My collection of WinterFalcon Bingo Round Two 2022-2023 Bingo Fills 
My collection of fills for SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2022
My collection of fills for the Sam Wilson Bingo Round 2
My collection of fills for the SamBucky Festive Bingo 2022
My collection of fills for TFATWS Anniversary 2023 Fics
My collection of All Caps Bingo Round One 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Summer Bingo 2023 Fills
My collection of Samtember 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Halloween Bingo 2023 Fills
My collection of SamBucky Gift Event 2023 Fics
My collection of SamBucky Valentine's Day Bingo 2024 Fics
My collection of TFATWS Anniversary 2024 Fics
My collection of SamBucky Summer Bingo 2024
My SamBucky One-Shots!
My Other One-Shots!
9-1-1 Fics (Mostly BuckTommy):
Canon Divergent:
My BuckTommy Canon Compliant Fic Series, the  Denial-verse, which includes my 7.03-7.05 fic, caught in this denial (tell me the day, I’ll say no more), my post 7.05-7.06 fic, Muay Thai and Flying Lessons, my  7.07-7.10 fic, Burnt Lasagna and Slow Dances, and my in-between season hurt/comfort fic, The Fire is Inside the House
No Firefighting AUs:
My HenRen D.E.B.S. AU with a touch of BuckTommy, The Red Herring Date
My BuckTommy Modern Day Cowboy AU, Hill Country and Swamplands and Rodeos
My Anthologies:
My collection of fics for BuckTommy Week 2024, including my "What If Buck went to karaoke trivia?" fic, the boy is mine, my Incubus!Tommy fic, Your Recently Assigned Incubus, and my Buck 1.0/Just Came Out Tommy Canon Divergent fic, The First Evan
IWTV Fanfics:
Canon Divergent:
My IWTV Season 1, Episode 2 Loustat fic, I don't think you realize (but you are in my insides)
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
hiii i've gone through your whole masterlist and i'm obsessed with your works <333 an idea popped into my head and i just know you'll be able to bring it to justice because you're so talented hehe would you be down to write a friends to lovers fic about grooms man!eddie x bridesmaid!reader, like maybe it's nancy and steve's wedding, and everyone in the party just teases them like "oh so are you guys gonna be the next ones to get married" just so they'll admit their feelings to each othee once and for all hahaha sorry if it's too specific! love you <333
Eep this was so fun!
Warnings: some angst, language
WC: 2.6k
Divider credit to @firefly-graphics
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“There we go.” You gently weave the clip of Nancy’s veil into her hair, fluffing the tulle so it brushes her shoulders. “Nance, you look stunning.” Her curly hair is perfectly coiffed, falling in soft waves. Her dress is classic and elegant; an off-the-shoulder bodice with a full skirt. Even her makeup is perfect, with eyeshadow shimmering on her lids, lips painted a soft baby pink.
“Seriously,” Robin agrees as she hands the rest of the bridesmaids their bouquets. “Steve is gonna lose his mind when he sees you walk down that aisle.”
Max pipes up from behind her. “I’ve started taking bets on how long it’ll take him to start blubbering.” 
“Personally, I think it’ll be as soon as he hears the music,” Holly adds, smirking. This makes everyone giggle, and no one can disagree. 
Once the laughter dies down, Nancy beams, looking at her bridal party. “I can’t thank you girls enough for everything you’ve done to make this day so special.” Her voice breaks on the last word, and maid of honor Robin dashes over with a tissue.
“Don’t cry! You’ll smudge your makeup!” she warns, contorting her face at her own words. “God, I sound like such a priss!”
“Yeah, but you’re my priss,” Nancy teases, carefully dabbing at the corners of her eyes. She turns to you with a smile. “Y/N, could you go see if the guys are ready? I have this fear that one of them is gonna show up missing a tie or a shoe or something.”
“I’m also taking bets on that,” Max calls out. “My money’s on Mike.”
You take Nancy’s hand and give it a little squeeze. “No problem. I’ll make sure everyone is fully dressed.” 
She thanks you and pulls you in for a hug. “I’m so glad the gods of dorm assignments made us roommates,” she says as she lets you go. It seems like ages ago that you’d lugged your suitcases into the tiny dorm room your freshman year of college, greeted by the shy girl with big dreams of being a New York Times editor. The two of you had become fast friends, writing papers and cramming for exams together. After college, both of you had landed jobs at The Indianapolis Star, and the shared experience of being women in journalism had only brought you closer.
It had also brought you closer to Nancy’s friends from high school, many of whom were in the wedding party.
You rap on the door to the groom’s suite three times. “Is everyone decent?” you ask, pushing open the door slightly.
“10-4, we’re good to go!” Dustin’s voice calls back. He’s been taking his best man duties seriously–perhaps too seriously–since Steve first asked him to take on the role. You walk into the room and squeal with excitement at the guys in their tuxedos.
“You all look so handsome!” you gush. “Just wait until you see your bride, Steve. She looks even more beautiful than usual.”
Steve smiles, already blinking back tears. You’ll have to report back to Max that he didn’t even make it to the chapel before crying.
A clamoring comes from inside the restroom. “Stupid tie; won’t stay straight!” Eddie Munson grumbles, flinging open the door in frustration. “Does anyone here know how to–whoa.” He stops mid-sentence when he notices you in your lilac dress, accessory woes all but forgotten. 
“Need some help?” you offer politely, trying to calm your nerves at the prospect of being so close to him. Eddie just nods, and you pray that he doesn’t notice your trembling fingers as you adjust his tie. “There; now it’s perfect.”
“Thanks,” he mumbles. “You, um, you look really…wow.” He blushes as he trips over his words. He’d been shy around you ever since you’d moved to Indiana after college two years earlier, but he’s never been this tongue-tied. Probably just nervous about the wedding, you think, shrugging it off.
“Good wow, I hope,” you tease, finding yourself unable to make eye contact with him. His gray suit is fitted to his body and his usually unruly hair is pulled back into a low bun. If it wasn’t for the signature rings adorning his fingers, the D20 cufflinks, and the guitar pick necklace peeking out from under his shirt, you might not even recognize him.
“Y-yeah, of course!” He rushes, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
You blush at the compliment. “Well, you look very wow, yourself.” He looks more than wow; he’s downright gorgeous, but you can’t bring yourself to say it. Especially in front of a crowd.
“Okay, lovebirds, save it for your own wedding,” Dustin jeers with a roll of his eyes. “We gotta start lining up.” He reads out the pairs:Mike with Holly, Lucas with Max…and Eddie with you. 
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You loop your arm through Eddie’s, waiting your turn to walk down the aisle. Steve and Dustin are already at the altar; the former has tears streaming down his cheeks, and Nancy hasn’t even started walking with her father yet.
“He’s such a mess,” Eddie whispers to you, making you laugh.
“Careful,” you warn jokingly, “you might be the same way at your wedding.” Your heart skips a beat when you imagine him in Steve’s spot; only instead of Nancy, you’re the bride.
You and Eddie part once you make your way to the front of the chapel; he takes his place next to Mike and you take yours alongside Holly. Everyone stands when Nancy enters, and you find yourself nearly as emotional as Steve. Her eyes are glued to her groom, and she can’t seem to stop smiling. 
Your gaze briefly shifts to the groomsmen, and you’re taken aback when you realize Eddie’s looking back at you. He notices the tears brimming in your eyes and quickly pokes his tongue between his lips to make you laugh. You mirror his action and he grins, looking down at the ground before he gets caught causing mischief. 
The ceremony is simple and sweet, with Nancy and Steve reading handwritten vows. After promising to love and cherish one another forever, the minister pronounces them husband and wife, and all the guests burst into applause. 
Steve places a deep, passionate kiss on his new wife’s lips, and the recessional starts. You hook your arm around Eddie’s once more and head to the cocktail hour. 
Nancy grabs you as soon as you enter the sunlit room. “Can you help me with my bustle?” she asks sheepishly. “This dress feels like it weighs a hundred pounds!”
You nod emphatically, ignoring your growling stomach. You really worked up an appetite being a bridesmaid. “Of course, Mrs. Harrington,” you say with a smile. 
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You’re kneeling on the ground of the bridal suite, determined to hook the loop around the buttons dotting the back of Nancy’s dress, when you hear a knock on the door.
“Special delivery!” Eddie’s voice alone makes you blush. Nancy, always astute, catches your pink cheeks in the mirror and makes kissy faces. You swat at her playfully.
“Come in, we’re decent!” you call back, and he enters with a plate of hors d'oeuvres. 
He extends the plate out between the two of you. “Figured you ladies might be hungry,” he says. Nancy grabs a mini quiche, but you don’t want to get grease on your hands while touching her pristine white dress.
“You can just leave the plate there,” you tell him politely, jutting your head toward a nearby table. “I’ll have some when I’m done with this.”
Eddie shakes his head. “Nuh-uh. Max told me you’ve barely eaten anything all day, and I’m not waiting for you to faint. Really cuts into our dancing time if you’re unconscious, y’know?” He pinches a mushroom cap between two fingers and motions to your mouth. “How’s it?”
“Delicious,” you report. “Hit me with another.”
He laughs and obliges. This time, his fingers gently graze your lips, and you have to stop yourself from visibly shivering. 
“Thank you,” you say softly, retreating into yourself after the accidentally intimate moment. 
“Not a problem,” Eddie replies, unfazed by the ordeal. “Anything else I can help with?”
“I think we’re good here!” You finish fastening the bustle triumphantly, and Nancy breathes a sigh of relief now that she no longer has to drag the long train.
Eddie nods and steals a bacon-wrapped scallop from the plate. “I’ll see you two out there, then,” he says, but he’s only looking at you.
With Eddie safely on the other side of the door, Nancy looks at you with her arms folded across her bodice. “Now do you believe us when we say he’s in love with you?”
You bark out a laugh. “Because he brought a plate of food? It was for you, too. Is he also harboring a secret crush on you?”
“He didn’t feed it to me,” she shrugs, giving a knowing smirk. “And he didn’t mention dancing with me, either. Only you. And the way he looks at you? Come on, Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter. “Let’s just get you to your husband.” You can’t let yourself develop stronger feelings towards Eddie. You’ve been through this before–everyone convinces you that a guy likes you, you let yourself get attached, and then your heart gets broken when he inevitably starts dating someone else or says he only sees you as a friend. No, that can’t happen again.
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The band plays song after song as you and your friends dance the night away. Robin, four shots of tequila deep, starts a conga line to Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance with Somebody.” Between the endless barrage of photo taking and the sheer happiness radiating through you, your cheeks hurt from smiling.
Eddie’s among the group of you on the dance floor, laughing and moving along to the beat. This is probably what he meant by ‘our dancing time,’ you think; to your dismay, you’re disappointed by this realization. You could, in theory, ask him to dance to a slow song–it is 1992, after all–but you can’t stomach the idea of him rejecting you. Or worse–taking pity on you.
“Having fun?” Max shouts over the music, and you give her a thumbs-up. “How about you?” she asks Eddie, who’s sulking now that the band is playing some overdone Madonna song.
“Would be better if we could get these guys to do some Metallica or Black Sabbath,” he jokes, although you suspect there’s some truth to his statement.
Max rolls her eyes and says, “Don’t worry; you can have a metal band play when you and Y/N get married.” Your eyes widen at her brazenness, and you try your best to be inconspicuous as you shuffle back to your seat.
“Y/N!” Max calls after you. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.” Her cheeks are flushed, though it may be from the drinking and dancing.
“‘S not just that,” you mumble, slumping into your seat. “Sure, it’s embarrassing; but it’s also…I don’t wanna get my hopes up.”
“Get your hopes up?”
“Yeah, get my hopes up that…that he feels the same way about me.” You feel your voice warble, and you take a deep breath to quell your emotions.
“Are you kidding?” Max asks incredulously. “Eddie is pathetically obsessed with you; it’s so obvious.”
“Then why hasn’t he asked me out? We’ve known each other for two years, Max. Two years. And he can make me feel like the most special person in the world, but he never makes a move.”
Max is uncharacteristically quiet for a moment, chewing on a painted fingernail. “You didn’t know Eddie back in high school,” she starts, “but he’s basically spent his entire life being rejected, especially by girls.” She sits down next to you and rests her palm on your knee. “He asked this one girl to prom–a cheerleader–because he thought she was into him. And maybe she was, I don’t know. But her ex-boyfriend ‘won her back’ the day before they were supposed to go together, and she left Eddie in the dust.”
“That’s…that’s terrible,” you manage, a bitter taste settling on your tongue. “I had no idea…”
“He’s told us a hundred times that he wants to ask you out. He has all these plans: dinner and a movie, or a concert; one time, he even thought of taking you to a cooking class because you mentioned how you went to one in college and really liked it.” She snorts at the idea of Eddie using a stove without burning the place to the ground. “But every time, he second guesses himself and chickens out. And every time, we give him shit for it.”
“So what do I do?” You gnaw at your bottom lip anxiously, looking at her through your lashes. 
Max pauses, considering her options. “Wait here,” she says finally, bolting from the table and making a beeline to Lucas and Dustin. She whispers something to them, and they nod in unison. You watch as Dustin sprints outside, where Eddie is smoking a cigarette. Lucas talks to the band, who is in between songs. They’re nodding their heads and discussing something, and Lucas looks satisfied when he hops down from the stage.
Your pout softens when you hear the opening notes of “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica. You glance over at Eddie, who is making his way towards you with a shy smile on his face. When he gets to your seat, he extends his hand.
“Can I have this dance?” he asks. You can see in his eyes that he’s nervous, maybe even more so than you.
“Of course you can,” you reply, taking his hand and joining him on the dance floor. You drape your left hand over his shoulder and his places his on your waist as the two of you sway to the music.
“It’s come to my attention that I’m an idiot,” he hums in your ear. “And that there’s someone really, really important to me that I’ve been hurting, and I didn’t even know it.”
You shake your head, hair tickling his face. “‘S not your fault,” you tell him. “I could’ve said something, too.”
“That is very true,” he teases, twirling you gently. “Maybe we can be idiots together?”
“I’d think we’d better, considering everyone’s already started planning our wedding,” you joke back. “Although I’d prefer to start with a date.”
Eddie holds you closer, pressing a light kiss to your nose. “I think that can be arranged.”
The two of you dance in comfortable silence, just holding one another. You rest your head on his chest, breathing in the scent of musky cologne and cigarettes. You feel so safe, so loved, with his strong hand holding the small of your back. “Hey, Eddie?” you murmur.
You shift your body slightly so you can look at him. His dark brown eyes are focused on you and you alone. He runs his tongue along his lower lip, and his jaw twitches slightly with nerves.
With all of the courage you can muster, you lean in and kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He pulls you impossibly closer, resting a hand on your cheek and caressing it with his thumb.
“Can’t believe I waited this long to do that,” he muses. “I really am an idiot.”
“I don’t know what’s more unbelievable: Eddie Munson kissing me, or Eddie Munson in a tux.” You laugh and kiss him again.
“Well, you’d better get used to the first one,” he says with a smirk. “But the second one isn’t happening again until our wedding.”
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aziraphales-library · 4 months
Hi! Sorry, don't really know how to request fic recs and I don't know if y'all have responded to any specific requests like this before (probably have and I just can't find it) but do y'all have any recs for fics that center around (a) flashback(s) or just historical moment(s) with Az and Crow? Specifically Rome, 1940's, or 1650's with piracy (gotta love OFMD brainrot)? I would prefer fluff but won't say no to some angst as well, just maybe not completely smut since I tend to skim that. That's all then, have a great day!
You'll want to check our #through the ages tag. Here are some Rome, 1941, and pirate fics to add...
the stars are aglow / and tonight how their light sets me dreaming by pearl_in_the_nebula (G)
Post-canon 1941 scene. Aziraphale has some modern music to show Crowley.
like the sun, softly I take you into my arms by Milky_Etoile (G)
It was nearing the end of their celebratory lunch at the Ritz when Aziraphale realizes Crowley's silence. It becomes clear to him that it's due to exhaustion over the events of the averted Apocalypse. He tries to suggest resting, but Crowley's unwilling after their escaped executions. It would take more time and effort to get Crowley to relax, but those were things Aziraphale was more than willing to give for his dearest demon. or In which Aziraphale coaxes Crowley into resting with wine, a shared couch, and a foot massage. Somehow, Aziraphale ends up even more smitten.
The Kiss That Was No Oyster’s Fault by SeedsOfWinter (T)
All the taverns in all the cities in all of Creation, and the demon slithered into Aziraphale’s. There was no mistaking Crowley. All mourning black wrapped and hellfire haired, slouching towards inebriation, there could be no other. There never would be. (Or, What if Aziraphale and Crowley throughout the ages, but a first kiss of some kind always happens? In Rome, Aziraphale and Crowley have time on their hands and oysters on their plates...)
Demons of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Golden Angel by CaspianTheGeek (T)
All Crowley wanted was a carefree jaunt at sea with his pirate beloved, but the powers of Heaven and Hell have other plans... starting by cursing his ship! When Duke Hastur steals the Golden Angel and declares himself captain, Crowley's plans to reverse the curse are put in peril. He needs to get the vessel back so he can go home to Aziraphale, but he can't take on the crew of the damned by himself. With the Caribbean seas filled with enemies, angelic and demonic alike, he'll need to sail carefully to avoid capture, or worse: the truth coming out. Luckily, this is also the story of two unlikely human allies, descendants of Agnes Nutter and of the witchfinder general she exploded. Cue pirate music!
A Pastel Sky Above the Wine-Dark Sea by maniacalmole (G)
It's 1725, the Golden Age of Piracy is nearing its end, and an angel and a demon have both been sent on a mission across the seas. Aziraphale has never been one for boats. Crowley, however, is thrilled.
My Funny Valentine by theshoparoundthecorner (G)
“You’re kind,” Crowley said with another small laugh. Aziraphale looked over at him. His gaze softened. “Y’know, people like that sort of thing. Kind people.” Aziraphale nodded. Crowley felt something strange stirring in his stomach, and he wondered if perhaps he’d had a little too much to drink. He was beginning to get the urge to do something stupid. To reach forward and take the angel’s hand. To trace the lines of his smile, and the creases of his eyes, and memorize what he looked like in case it was a long while before they saw each other again. Whoa now, said the only logical part of his brain he had left, maybe it’s time to sober up. Five times Crowley gave Aziraphale a gift on Valentine's Day, and one time it was the other way around.
- Mod D
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teresalace · 1 year
🥵The Bastard Takes You Home (Courtin Cowboys the bastard x G.N Reader)
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• Words: 4.2k
• Triggers: Usage of word Member, non consensual humping, In the woods, Minor spoilers, Ditzy reader
Author notes: WHere's the bastard x reader fics at?🍳👄🍳Back from My long ass hiatus and now it's studying season for abit, going to work on unfinished stuff for yall, hope you enjoy guys! (tho this isn't the most satisfactory story I've written so far personally 🥴🥴 Or maybe I wasn't in the mood anymore) As always, minors beware AND SUPPORT @ffishstickks COURTIN COWBOYS!!!
It's 1863 and you're on a journey with an old friend to the western town of Summerfair.
Luckily or not for your incredibly charming friend, they managed to win every heart from left, right and center while you were settling down and becoming a decent inn's cook. Last thing you heard from your dear friend, landing themselves in some love scuffle before ending up with a dopey shepherd, was having an all lovey dovey time in that barn. . . 
The clink of a beer infront of you pulled you from your thoughts, full and chilly when you grabbed it.
Downing it immediately, the noisy world around you came bubbling back to life. The bar, ever so lively with patrons chatter and piano tunes, made you feel less alone. 
"Thanks bartender," you smiled with a bright buzz, "I'll cook you up something good next time for the free drinks." HIC.
You stood from the bar seat. A solemn head nod from the bartender bids you farewell.  
Out of the saloon you went, a pleasant buzzing throughout your body, still in the middle of the quiet town.
Just as you walked a step to balance yourself, something below stopped you. Looking down at the ground by your shoe, you couldn't believe it!
You picked up the 100 coin pieces, quickly pocketing it into your pouch and gave it a pat. A cheerful smile making it's way on your derpy face.
What a good omen! 
Maybe it could mean it's time for you to find somebody to spend the rest of your days with. Good omens don't always come your way. 
.   .   .
Hah, what funny things were you thinking now, the sun has barely set. 
The loneliness must've begun to sink in after overhearing a married patron brag about one of the multiple lovely times he's had in the saloon. Oh how suddenly you wished to be living in those romantic stories, to be the one held sweetly underneath moonlight and stars. 
It would be so nice, you thought wistfully.
In your slightly drunken walk down town, head high in the clouds, you smacked right into a charming familiar face who you haven't seen in a while of a week.
"(Name)! Great timing, I've got so much to tell you– What are you doing daydreaming outside the inn– you'll get all sweaty and red." Not waiting another second or for a response, they dragged your bubbly-self into the shelter of the inn. 
Your body felt cooler already, calming you down as both you and your friend plopped on the reception seats. The buzz in your blood slowly going away. 
"Thanks, buddy," you pushed down an incoming burp from ruining whatever you wanted to say. "Thought you were busy loving that Shepherd."
"I was, just LAST night." They chuckled, looping their arm around yours. "But never too busy to visit my dearest friend, so tell me, what's gotten you looking so glum? I hope this town hasn't bored you yet." Oh no this town was the most exciting thing to you since you weren't close to anyone besides your friend and the friendly inn keeper (who provides rare ingredients for your cooking per request), barely boring but then again you were simple to entertain.
The one and only friend loyal enough to stay with you through hard times while disappearing into thin air when not needed. The friend you needed right now to make a life-changing decision, drunk as can be.
"I've been wanting to settle down you know. Maybe in this town or the next one, I don't wanna keep–" A large burp from your guts interrupted your heart-to-heart talk.
"Burping?" Your friend teasingly finished the sentence.
"–Being alone after a long day."  You breathed out a sigh as they watched, sobering up slowly. "It sounds nice enough to imagine having somebody to go back home to." You hoped you didn't sound ungrateful to them but it just isn't the same anymore, you couldn't always rely on your friend for emotional support. Both of you knew that. 
A short pause. 
Giving their earnest attention to you, your dear friend pulled your hands into their lap and held them. "I truly hope you find what you're looking for, (Name), take  your time and see what or who life can surprise you with!" 
When they comfort you like this and talk sweetly, it's no surprise they've got the whole town smitten for them in an instant. Even though you were generally known as their best friend, it still came with some advantages– free drinks sometimes– and more if the time of day was right. You were proud to have a wonderful friend like them and hope to have an equally amazing partner too. 
Wishing that day came sooner.
"(Name)," their voice brought you back to earth and to a pair of concerned eyes. "I think you need to down a cup of water or two, you must've had too many drinks." 
Smiling unashamedly, "only one but guilty." Your answer was followed by a snort response from them. 
Your friend's eyes twinkled like an idea popped in. "I'll tell you what, after you have some water, why don't we go fishing together? Might as well when the weather is lovely and the sun is still out." You took a brief minute to think. Fishing wasn't the most fun activity, you've tried before and preferred to buy your fishy ingredients from the market but with your friend as company? It started sounding not too bad of a plan.
"Hmm. Alright, let's do it," you agreed, shrugging. What could possibly go wrong other than feeling boredom and being sprayed with water or slapped by some fins if unlucky. They cheered loudly and shook your hands together in theirs, earning a glance from the ever-smiley handsome inn keeper.
"Don't you worry, it'll be fun!" They grinned enthusiastically, getting to their feet and pulling you up along. "A warning, you'll need some patience and a strong grip because some of those fishes are slippery fellows." Too late to back out now when you heard that. 
"Great. I could use a challenge now and then," was what you said until both you and your practically beaming friend left the inn, following the forest path and arriving at a creek they discovered in the woodside of the town. 
Fresh minty breezes, vibrant greenery and shrubs surrounded you in every inch though you didn't expect for the fishing spot to be at an unimpressive small creek. 
"This place is where I usually fish! You can even forage some of them delicious berries if you walk a bit and turn right." They squeal showing you, delighted and setting down their basket full of fishing supplies near the creek edge, not too close to be worrisome.
Its deep and calm blue waters glittered in the sunlight while both you and your friend settled down on the flat grassy patches (that you assume have been made by their many trips here), under the cool shades of the forest. 
Curious, you stared at the creek then asked them. "If you've been fishing here a lot of times then there's no way there'd be any fish left, right?" They turned their head to face you, giggling as if you said something funny, pointing to the basket.
"You'll see, (Name). Just give it a try and wait, this town never seems to run short of anything. Really." That felt like they weren't referring to the fish anymore but something else entirely you couldn't understand. 
Moving on from that before the small talk ate away the remaining time before sunset, you and them began unpacking stuff, each person equipped with a sturdy, metal fishing pole in both hands. Looking back at the waters then to the wriggling worm on the hook of your fishing pole, some part of you doubted this would work and be a waste of time. 
Sure you couldn't see through into those unclear waters but could there really be fish swimming in there? 
The answer, a shocking yes with a side of boots and weeds. 
No kidding patience was important, you fished more junk than actual fish whereas your friend beside you managed to capture the most. 
"Really wasn't expecting this much fish, wow," you exclaimed at the sight of the bucket full to the brim with a colorful variety of fish, some you've never seen before in all your years of cooking. 
"What did I tell ya?" They set side their fishing pole, grinning, barely a drop of sweat on their shining face.
"You were right." 
"Psh, of course I'm right," they teased, leaning against a tree. "Told you to go exploring the town some time, there's plenty of surprises to experience. But a word of caution, don't go exploring at night. There's nothing much to see than maybe a pervert here and there doing their business."
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."
Everything was peaceful, with your friend relaxing beside the full bucket, you laid on your side on the soft cool grass, bare feet pointed towards the creek. 
"Remind me to bring more buckets next time we go fishing," you slurred, lips slowing down in movement.
"Hah, will do, (Name)." Their giggles fading into the breezes.
Gentle rustling of bushes lulled you to doze away and drape your eyes from the world, no longer hearing the shrills from the birds overhead. 
It felt like nothing could ruin this perfect day. So you decided to fall asleep, waving off your persistent friend to go on back without you, trusting that they would leave some fish behind for tonight. Though fishing alone wasn't fun, they were right about the weather being lovely, almost too lovely to not take a nap.  .  .
Unfortunately the short nap you originally intended for, lengthened to an hours long coma. Only when the sudden burst of froggy croaks and loud crickets chirp disturbed your sleep, did you realize the sun had been replaced by the brightest full moon. 
You hugged your form, waves after waves of chills beginning to settle in your bones. 
That was one dangerous nap, to be waking up at near midnight in the woods. Nope, you got to head back to the inn and fast.
Rustle. Rustle.
Instinctively you held your breath, paused in the middle of pushing yourself off the bitter-cold ground. It could just be the wind? Or an insect hopping about. Yeah, yeah it must be. 
Convincing yourself that it was nothing, no, it had to be nothing, was a tough feat but somehow you managed to carefully get up. 
The tip of your shoes accidentally kicking over something nearby, oh- it was the bucket of fish! How nice of your friend to not leave you without some company. 
It was too dark though, you put aside the urge to bring along the bucket and opted to only placing it in your spot. Hope the fishes wouldn't spoil at sunrise. 
Then off you went, towards the inn.  .  .
There was a small problem in your navigation skills when everywhere you turned to appeared to have the same vaguely shaped trees, it was black as the night sky above too but fortunately you walked out of the creek area. 
You think the hard ground beneath your shoes feel familiar, that is, until mud and softer patches of soil messed with your senses. Great, you stood there in silent frustration.
Maybe you should've explored the woods like your friend suggested before as now you surely were lost. Not that it was their fault for leaving you behind. 
.   .   .
Louder now, you heard it, the rough shaking of bushes close by. Your heart pounded. 
That wasn't nothing. 
Loud enough to freeze you in place, just as you looked in the source's direction– 
Something heavy tackled you to the ground from behind, the side of your face smashing against dirt and mud as that thing landed on your back.
–Oh no, bear. A huge bear in these woods and no warning signs in sight about it?! Your friend would've told you, scratch that, would've not even mentioned fishing had there been a wild animal–
Hot air fanned the nape of your neck as it sniffed you over like you were its next meal. 
Frozen and taking in shallow breaths, your mind was focusing too hard on the sharpness of its talons pressing against your arms. Almost warning you to stay still, not that you could successfully struggle against its monsterous weight before being crushed to death.
Wait, did bears know how to cage people? 
"Grrrr," its breath leaned down and edged the curve of your ears. Please get it over with, you were awaiting, hopeful for, a quick and painless death at this point.
Panting over you, in the silver of moonlight you caught a side-glance at the wild animal or at what you initially assumed to be that had you pinned down. 
It was no animal but a humongous bare chest man, canines glinting as he grinned down at you.
Long shaggy pitch black hair that resembled fur than human hair, earthy toned skin that faded to an inky black down his forearms. 
Was half of his body covered in mud? 
Ah, your neck ached from trying to get a better view of him. Surely even a beast of a man like himself would help if you explained yourself, right? 
"Uh– excuse me, sir." Huffing, he dragged his gaze from your body to your eyes as you managed to turn your face with small relief. 
"I uh just went fishing and lost my way from the pathway to town, could you please help?" It never hurt to attempt for anything but you had a moment of regret as the stretching silence that followed was less than helpful. 
His claws, or sharp nailed hands, shifted from your holding down your arms and now dug into the sides of your waist. Maybe he didn't intend for it to be painful but his weight wasn't one bit comfortable.
Low and rusty, the beast, ops you meant, man let out a gut-busting laugh before removing his weight on top of you. Finally you could gasp for a lungful of air, for how long you laying there for the former freezing soil under you felt warm. 
The man hadn't spoken anything but It must be a good sign! 
"Oh thank you, sir!" Just as you gathered strength to push yourself up, a big hand forced you down hard. Admittedly it wasn't your first time dealing with an unexpected kissing to the ground. 
Thankfully none of the mud or dirt made in your mouth but why on earth did he? 
"Uh sir, weren't you going to let me go?"
A mightier growl escaped from him, showing teeth this time around, scaring you in place as your voice gave out. Again. 
In that second, you remembered this man was no friend, a practically nude stranger who roamed the woods, clearly not dressed to make any good impression. But at least you were given some breathing room, so he wasn't evil. You think. 
Another low growl, this one directly over your head. 
Staying silent became the best option. 
He must've sensed something changed as the sound of him sniffing you grew louder, stopped, and with an unimaginable swiftness you heard an audible long rip in your outfit. 
Chilly air instantly flooded the areas where fabric used to be, your skin felt sensitive. Your eyes flew wide, more opened and shocked, heart trembling at the noise.
Another long tear by no doubt his claws. Oh no no no, your poor overalls, your trousers! 
Your thoughts sizzled, face flushing when his claw-like hands ran down your exposed skin, like in search of something– 
The jingle of coins startled you. No, oh no, he was aiming for your money all along! 
In horror, you watched as he picked a few coin pieces out of your pouch and pocketed it somewhere, tossing your still full pouch away out of the moonlight.
Your fear changed to actual frustration. The nerve of him! To be robbing you in broad moonlight, why, you ought to teach him a lesson and give him a good head smacking. . . If only he didn't have his hand and knee pressing down on your back.
 .  .   .
Wait a second, you felt his knees shift near your legs. Then finally in your delayed mind, you came to a terrifying realization that the hard thing pushing against your lower back was most likely a gun– 
"Uh sir! Please let me get up, surely you're satisfied?" You spoke in a pleasing tone, trying to move a tiny bit under his body weight. Heart thumping.
 He had better be satisfied after taking a piece of your precious money. 
He didn't move off you. Still staying there on top of you, sniffing? Looking around the moonlit forest as if he had forgotten your existence being squashed beneath him. The cold ground painfully pebbling your nipples against the ground, evident of how long you had been in that darn position.
"H-Hey! Could you please get off–" Something hot and stiff poked at your waistline, long and harder than any boulder. He shifted his body or must've crouched over you as his gigantic shadow covers you whole.
The hard poking grew in size and so did the fear in your heart. Wait, how did you even feel that, this almost entirely nude man has no pockets to carry a gun, it didn't feel metallic in the slightest so what was poking you– Oh.
Oh dear no.
Don't look down, don't look down– 
"GRRR." Oh what was he growling about this time?! He already took your money, what else was he going after now. You stilled.
Then he began moving it, slowly rubbing his hardness in that one spot below your lower back. Like he didn't know what he was doing but you weren't going to correct him. 
Already uncomfortable just lying there being used as some scratching post for an animalistic man who robbed you not so long ago. . . Wait, in this position, a strong heat radiated from his lower body and grew closer and closer- 
He began rubbing himself on you, soft as if testing the waters at first than harder. Vigorously humping himself against your exposed buttocks, warming up the cool skin and pressing you into the earth further. 
Breathless and at a lost for words, you shivered while struggling to stay put. Heart wildly beating in your chest like it was screaming for help, so loud you'd think the entire forest could hear it. 
He wouldn’t hear it, he kept going, the hardness of his member cutting into you and you felt it.
A slimy slick spreading across your bottom, thick globs of heaviness sliding down and sending tingles in between your thighs. The tingles grew everywhere, and you became aware of a throbbing, not from the man’s flesh, but yours, as if your body was enjoying this terrible torment forced on you. 
Please let it end. 
He would slow down to your momentary relief, only to speed up at an alarming rate and burn you from behind, skin to skin. The smell of the earth and everything became a blur.
The rumour of the beast in the woods was no exaggeration, like an animal he wouldn’t stop pleasuring himself on you and all the while you silently prayed for it to end as it felt like hours had gone by like this. 
Kept going and going, barely any drop of sweat on him all the while you felt like you were being cooked from the inside out, sticky, clammy skin, and out of breath.
The persistent throbbing, hot and needy, inside of you couldn’t cease to stop craving. . . Touch, any kind of touch to relieve this ugly tension fully other than being kneaded into the ground. After this ordeal you were going to ask the pretty saloon lady for help, you won’t be able to last another night without some help.
Finally his rubbing slowed down, hardness swelling impossible hot against your ass and as if his throat was caught on a fishing hook- a deep grunt expelled from his chest and like dread, you felt it, almost a bucket load of slime spilled over you, your hips and down your thighs.
"Now could you move, please?!" That must've sounded more aggressive than you intended it to be but it worked, he crawled off you but the stickiness remained. Before you could muster up the energy to give him a piece of your mind, he slowly growed before bolting into the shadows. 
You were alone again, thank goodness.
Sluggishly, you rolled onto your side, flinching at the disgusting globs of slime slide off of you and pool underneath. Taking a moment to rest and mostly to catch your breath, lungfuls of air expanding your chest, feeling crumbs of soil stuck to your skin. The moon was blinding you by the second the longer you stayed there in the open. . . Exhaustion and the cold lulled you to almost dozing off but it was too dangerous out here, you slowly rose, grabbing your pouch of money, swaying like a brittle leaf in the wind as you walked on the path back town. 
.  .  . 
Maybe because you hadn’t been seen by them in a while, your friend instantly burst out of the inn and instantly spotted you, supporting your weight and walking you to the bathroom as you confided in them about the attack.
“How horrible! What a disgusting thief,” your friend spat while helping you change out of the torn pieces of fabric that used to look like an outfit as you quickly covered yourself, hiding the slime on your skin from being seen. They continued ranting, dissatisfaction written all over their face. “I’ve had the same experience weeks ago, it’s always the money that they want. I even told the sheriff about it but there’s been no news yet, shucks.” 
You nodded agreeing, not that you told them exactly all the details but enough to draw the conclusion that you’ve been unwillingly robbed. Worried about you, your friend promised to stay the night and went to visit the sheriff to give your account. The innkeeper was a trustworthy fellow who wouldn’t let any criminal in.
After a long, long much needed bath, the heat within your body eased down to a tolerable simmer, especially places where that beast’s release reached. Like where your holes twitched and- Ah, stop you shouldn’t be thinking of that! Huffing out a frustrated sigh, you stomped past a mirror into your room, not feeling brave enough to take a look at your no-doubt reddened face.
It felt like heaven being comforted by your dear friend and sleeping together in the same bed, your curiosity popped out again- wondering what became of that beastman- if just giving the sheriff a report was enough for his capture. Maybe you should do something, see if you could mark a spot in the woods where that man would visit, it would be a ton better than waiting around for good news. Right! 
Determination filled your blood and forced you onto your feet, heart thumping fast in almost excitement.
The moment you stepped out of the inn, it felt like a terrible idea. With no plan in mind, you snuck away from your snoring friend in bed and proceeded on the moonlit path towards the dreadful forest. 
You heard a hurt groan before you saw the source. A man who should’ve already fallen dead, the naked beast with a weapon deep in their forehead spilling blood. Black blood trailing down his rough face, dripping onto the ground. 
Witnessing something incomprehensible had you rooted to the spot, it was a scene out of those horror tales your gram would tell to get you and the other children to sleep, of a monster impossible to defeat. You should've never curiously followed a beast of the woods. Now you would never be able to escape his territory, entirely roamed by him. How could you even attempt to stop him from carrying you when you see not even a dagger lodged in his forehead deterred him from staying alive. 
Could you call him a beast? He sniffed the air like one.
Even beasts can be killed but not this man. 
He froze like he heard or smelt something.
What was far worse than a beast is an unkillable one, and worse than that- was a beast who has found its prey. You. 
It didn’t take long for you to sprint away out of instinct but it was too late, he had seen you, and with one long arm he caught you mid-air and carried you on one broad shoulder, whimpering and struggling to no avail. Deeper into the woods where you’d never be able to escape, where only wisps of light and fireflies lit the mornings and darkness reigned the rest of time to come. 
Deep below the neck of the woods, rumours of the dangerous beast have now changed due to the rare sightings of him not only alone- there was another one who stood by his side, a beast more humane looking yet scared and equally as nude. No one dared to overstay in the woods anymore, not wishing to join those monsters or become their next meal.
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Maybe One Day You'll Become That Star (2/5)
Kip has never wanted anything more in his life than to study magic and become a real wizard, no matter what it takes, no matter the hurdles he has to overcome to achieve that dream. So when a chance to study under one of the most prestige wizards in the country rises, he's more than ready to jump on it. But could it be that there's something else he finds himself fascinated with, even more than the magic itself under the apprenticeship of this intriguingly odd wizard…?
Kip Sabian/Orange Cassidy (eventually). Slow romance. Modern with magic AU.
Chris Brookes is mentioned a few times. We'll be seeing Best Friends and Penelope (and probably actually Chris too) in the next chapter or two woo ~
On AO3 here
Hi sorry its been a hot second. Hopefully the next one doesnt take like a month and a half to finish lmao.
Just establishing the full setting for this story, talking more about Kip's background (which we'll see more in the next one, for both of them really) and what this whole thing means to him. I'm absolutely not projecting any recent personal life failures into this and his feelings lmao what are you talking about.
Also how can one say a chapter is about them having breakfast and then write almost 5,2k words with barely any breakfast having in them ajsndkjansd
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate @unlikelywrestlingfan
He hated this. He truly, truly hated this.
His hands fidgeting, Kip stared at the all too familiar door in front of him. He was here, back again, for another day, this time very unwillingly and with even lower expectations than yesterday. Honestly if Kip could have just skipped out on this entirely, he would have. He had no will or want to talk with Cassidy again after yesterday, after how he had acted, how things had gone down. After the fool Kip had made out of himself right there in front of him.
And yet he was forced to come back, just to humiliate himself some more.
At least this time Kip kind of knew what to expect. He knew who to expect, specifically. Not that it made him any less nervous or anxious about being here, but at least it was something. Or so he hoped.
Kip’s hand hovered over the doorbell, hesitant to actually press it down to alert someone about his existence. Unlike yesterday, he had actually read the signs on the door, making sure he was aware of the opening hours of the store, being aware of the fact that he was here way before anything was supposed to be open. In his stressful state yesterday he had entirely ignored the signs to the point where he honestly hadn’t even understood that the ground level of the building was a store, Kip had just mistaken it all for the residence of the wizard, when in fact it seemed to be that it might have just been both.
He was here so early he wasn’t even sure if anyone was awake yet. Would he be disturbing Cassidy if he announced his desire to visit via the doorbell already, or should Kip wait until the store was actually open, and try to handle his business with potentially being disturbed again by other customers and making even more of a fool of himself?
Kip’s fingertip circled around the doorbell, the man biting his lip as he tried to gather the courage to push it down. The worst would be if nobody answered, just like he thought yesterday, and he would just have to come back later. In the best case scenario Cassidy knew what he was here for and the whole ordeal would be over even before it began, which would be what Kip wanted. He just wanted this over with, to get on the first possible train back home and forget all of this ever happened. He was tired, disappointed mostly in himself, ready to give this up and never try something stupid like this that Chris suggested ever again. Kip should have known that since getting into the school he dreamed of didn’t happen, there was no way this was going to work out in his favor either.
And yet.
Brows furrowing, Kip pressed the little button down, hearing a soft buzz coming from it. He held it down for a moment before letting go, stopping to observe if he had created any kind of commotion inside. Despite the street around him being very quiet still in such early morning hours, it was very hard for Kip to hear anything going on inside. Maybe the walls and windows were reinforced, possibly even with magic, due to the man living here, or he was just too anxious to fully focus with all of his senses to figure out what was going on inside.
The more time passed as Kip stood there waiting, the more excuses he was making for why he wasn’t being let inside. Maybe Cassidy was just so fast asleep that he didn’t hear the bell. Maybe the great wizard was so hard at work that he couldn’t come to the door right away. Maybe the bell was broken and there was no sound inside the house at all. Maybe there was just nobody inside at all. It couldn’t be because it was still so early and he wasn’t taking visitors, or that he knew it was Kip and Cassidy had just decided to let him wait to teach him a lesson.
No, couldn’t be any of that. Absolutely not.
Kip knew he couldn’t leave without handling his business here one more time, so all he could do was wait. What seemed like minutes passed him by extremely agonizingly, so slowly it felt almost like he was stuck in a dreamlike state, with no escape other than just waiting it all out. Kip wasn’t sure at all how much time had passed by when he finally, actually much to his surprise, heard the door lock click open, shortly afterwards the door opening ever so slightly, a familiar face peeking at him through the small crack.
“Um, hi --”
“Oh. It’s you.” Kip wasn’t able to deduct from his voice if Cassidy was disappointed or surprised to see him, but the emotions definitely felt to him like they were from somewhere in either of those two categories. “Hang on.”
The door closed again before Kip could respond, hearing some rustling through the door. A door that Kip assumed was held shut tight with magic seemed to just be closed with locks any common man could bust down with enough determination, much to his surprise. Kip didn’t think much of it though as soon enough the door opened for him again, the familiar blond in the doorway now motioning him inside. Almost as if he had anticipated Kip to arrive sooner or later. Not wanting to leave him waiting, Kip stepped inside, hearing Cassidy to proceed to close and lock the front door to the store again behind him.
Even if he wanted to leave now, there was no way he could without making it into a ridiculous hassle. Great.
“Sorry, I-I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
The blond just shrugged, walking past Kip as he headed towards the back of the store. Cassidy looked tired, the plain t-shirt and sweatpants clearly telling that he had just gotten out of bed, and Kip didn’t blame him. It was very early hours, the man was probably busy to the very late hours of the night having to handle the store and whatever else wizard business there was for him to do afterwards. And here Kip was, making him get up way too early just to deal with his nonsense, as he just couldn’t wait just a little bit longer to handle his business during open hours instead.
“It’s fine. I needed an early start for the day anyway,” Cassidy muttered, running a hand through his clearly messy bedhead, eyes scanning the desk as he kept looking for something. Kip carefully walked closer, knowing the exact spot where he had left the notebook that he had come back to look for. He could feel a slight panic rising in him though as that corner of the desk was now empty, his belongings having clearly been moved elsewhere without his approval.
“I might have taken it upstairs…” Kip looked up at Cassidy, the man clearly looking for the same item as he did. He was now definitely panicking inside, knowing that not only his property had been touched and moved around, but that it was more or less lost and had also been in the hands of the wizard standing in front of him. Cassidy looked over the table once more, shrugging a little before his eyes lifted up to Kip, the man trying to keep himself together to the best of his ability at least from the outside.
“Would you like breakfast? I was about to make some anyway.”
Breakfast? At a time like this? Kip wanted to just get this over with, he just wanted what was his and to be on his way. Honestly, breakfast was the last thing in his mind right now.
But before he could reply anything back, the clear, rather loud rumbling of Kip’s stomach made it very clear that he had skipped breakfast to be here as soon as possible. He admittedly hadn’t eaten much last night either, being too stressed out and anxious about missing his precious notebook and how this whole thing had gone down to focus on eating, let alone sleeping much, so now that Kip stopped to even think about food for a split second, it was very obvious that he was actually really hungry.
“I’m gonna take that as a yes.”
Kip just looked away from him, pretending to be scanning the shelves on the side of the table instead, it being almost painfully obvious to both of them what he was actually doing. “You can keep searching if you want. I’ll let you know when everything's ready.”
Kip just nodded his head a little, from the corner of his eye seeing Cassidy spin around on his heels, heading towards the door leading to the backroom. As soon as he passed through it, Kip allowed his eyes to fall back to the table, not having to hide the embarrassed blush on his face anymore. As if things weren’t bad enough already, now he had to deal with all of this. His precious belongings misplaced, him making a fool out of himself over an offering of food…
The thought only now slowly creeping back into his mind now that he was alone.
Orange Cassidy was offering him breakfast.
This wasn’t how Kip had envisioned any of this going. No, he was just supposed to come in, take what was his, and be on his way out again. He was literally supposed to be on the train home right now, not standing in this shop again at an hour like this, waiting to be called up for breakfast. This was quite opposite of what he came here to do, but unfortunately for Kip, he felt completely powerless to do anything about it. He couldn’t leave without the notebook, and since Cassidy obviously wasn’t willing to help him to look for it, this was all he could do.
Wait, accept the invitation for breakfast, and hope he didn’t throw up out of the nervousness of the whole stupid situation he had put himself into.
Kip’s gaze slowly focused back on the table, looking it over once more. Maybe the notebook was still somewhere in here and he could find it and just let himself out without a hassle. With slightly shaky hands he pushed some items around, lifting a few papers, hoping to catch a glimpse of the familiar leather covers that belonged to him.
If it wasn’t so important to him, Kip wouldn’t have been back here, he had to try to remind himself of that. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t just walk away from this and pretend like nothing had happened. At least not before he got back what was his.
It took him a moment to realize someone was calling his name. His head snapped up, eyes widening a little as he recognized Cassidy’s voice coming from somewhere past through the open doorway leading to the backroom, the same way he had disappeared earlier. Kip abandoned observing the desk, quickly rounding it before approaching the door, almost frightfully peeking inside, not really being sure what he was expecting to see on the other side. Much to his surprise it just seemed to be like a normal storage room, only with a set of stairs on the other end of it leading up to the second floor.
He could hear the voice clearer now, noting that it definitely belonged to Cassidy. Kip cleared his throat quietly before croaking out an answer.
“Do you want coffee?”
Kip carefully proceeded into the storage room, approaching the stairs. “Uh, yeah, sure?”
Cassidy didn’t reply anything back to him, but Kip could hear faint footsteps coming from the top of the stairs, walking away. As he got to the bottom of the stairs and peeked up, there was nobody there anymore, signaling that Cassidy had probably returned back into the kitchen. Taking in a deep breath Kip pushed himself on the move, carefully climbing up the stairs to the second floor, eventually ending in what seemed like an entrance to a living room.
He was honestly a bit taken aback how normal everything looked compared to the store downstairs and the occupation of a man that resided here. Just a couple of half empty bookshelves, barely alive plants on the side table, couch and a few armchairs for some rare guests by the looks of them and how untouched they looked. To Kip’s eyes this place looked like it was barely lived in, which probably shouldn’t have surprised him as much as it did – this was still a world class wizard he was thinking here, a man that surely had his hands so busy all the time that he didn’t have much time to just lounge around in his apartment doing nothing, despite what his odd and rather off putting looks were telling to Kip at least.
Kip’s thoughts were derailed as the sounds coming through the second open doorway nearby caught his attention, his eyes shooting towards it. As he was pretty sure there was only one person apart from him occupying this floor at the moment, he figured it must have been the kitchen, knowing Cassidy had gotten up here to make breakfast. Kip walked to the doorway and peeked inside, confirming his suspicions as he easily recognized the room in question indeed to be the kitchen, watching Cassidy fidgeting with the toaster with the coffee brewing in the coffee maker next to him.
Looking around the room from the doorway, Kip’s eyes widened a little as he noticed the familiar leather cover bound notebook sitting on the small round kitchen table in the corner of the room.
“Do you want eggs?” Kip barely heard Cassidy’s question as he stepped inside the kitchen, eyes fixated on his prized belongings sitting at arms reach away from him finally. Almost stumbling on his own feet Kip hurried to the table, Cassidy glancing over his shoulder towards him as he didn’t get a reply, a small smile gracing his lips as he watched Kip pick the notebook into his hands, looking at it with a victorious smile on his entire face. Kip quickly flipped through the pages, letting out a relieved sigh as everything seemed to still be intact, tightly pressing the notebook against his chest as for the first time this morning he could feel some sort of peace taking him over.
“Kip? Eggs?”
He finally snapped into the real world again, eyes shooting towards Cassidy as the blond raised a questioning brow at him. Kip just barely nodded, realizing he was standing in his kitchen still being offered breakfast. He had prepared himself for it, but also he just wanted to be out as soon as he got his hands on the notebook again, so now Kip was stuck between having to decide what to do about all of it. Cassidy nodded back at him, but clearly noticed the thought process running through Kip’s distressed mind, offering him a quick smile.
“I’m not forcing you to stay. You can leave if you want.” Kip just stared back at him, trying to push the idea of how Cassidy seemed to be almost able to read his thoughts out of his mind. “The breakfast offer still stands though. I wouldn’t want you to be on the road while you’re so hungry, but it’s up to you.”
Cassidy turned back towards the counter without waiting for a response from Kip, leaving the other man just looking at him for a moment, before glancing between the notebook in his arms and the back of Cassidy. This was what he wanted, and Kip was more than ready to leave and not be part of his life anymore, but at the same time, the breakfast offer was tempting. If for nothing else, he really was hungry…
And this would be a really good moment for him to possibly probe the wizard’s brain a little over a cup of coffee.
Kip turned towards the table, carefully pulling a chair for himself. He felt slightly awkward trying to make himself home like this, even after being told he could just stay and eat. Sitting down, he lowered the notebook on the table, flipping it open as he started to scan the pages of notes he had written down in it, trying to find something he could bring up with Cassidy.
His attention was quickly captured by something else though as Kip saw something move from the corner of his eye, glancing towards it and stopping to stare as he watched with widening eyes as two coffee cups floated from the drying rack, carefully landing on the counter next to Cassidy. Kip watched the blond glance towards the sink, with a lazy flick of his wrist towards it snapping the faucet open, making Kip jump a little.
He just stared, mesmerized, as Cassidy controlled and commanded his entire kitchen from a single spot entirely silently, with just looking at what he wanted and simple movements of his hands. Few more dishes from the cabinets and drying rack set themselves up on the counter next to him, waiting for breakfast items to take them over. With ease he filled glasses with orange juice, opening and closing the fridge door, all of that and more without ever taking a single step inside the kitchen until he was ready to actually serve the breakfast to the table for them both.
With two plates in hand, Cassidy turned around, walking up to the table, placing one of the plates in front of Kip and the other across the table from him, taking a seat on the chair over there. Kip was still looking at him with such curiosity filled wide eyes as Cassidy continued with a couple more lazy wrist flicks, basically ordering the coffee and juice he prepared earlier to float to the table as well.
Kip jumped a little as the first cup passed him by as it approached from behind, Cassidy barely faltering at the sight, only a small smile tucking the corner of his lips for a split second, not long enough for Kip to even notice it. As the cups and glasses landed on the table, shortly afterwards they were followed by forks for each of them, Cassidy finally settled mofe comfortably on his seat, eyes landing on Kip across the table.
Kip carefully reached for the fork that had landed on the table next to his plate, almost too afraid to touch it, giving it a small poke as if to make sure it wasn’t going to float away. He finally took it in his hand after making sure it was a real fork, next very carefully poking the scrambled eggs on his plate, before shooting a look finally towards Cassidy.
“All of this is so… Incredible!”
Cassidy chuckled at him quietly, his hand reaching for the coffee cup sitting on the table in front of him, Cassidy taking a small sip from it.
“I’ve never seen something like this! You don’t even use a wand or anything to cast your spells with, everything just… Works here!”
Cassidy took another sip of his coffee before sending Kip a smile.
“I can let you in on a little secret.” Kip’s eyes lit up as his whole being perked up, the man leaning over the table a little, clearly more interested in what Cassidy had to say than the breakfast he was offered despite being very hungry. “Everything in this room is enchanted. All the furniture, the dishes, whatever food items I bring in, I enchant them all to be controlled with just…”
He trailed off, not being entirely sure how to explain it all. By how it looked like to Kip, this was one of the few times he actually had to explain how all of this worked to someone else. Instead Cassidy opted to just look across the room at the fridge, with a quick flick of the wrist opening the door of it and bringing out a little carton of milk. Kip watched in clear awe as this happened, the carton floating to the table and being set down between the two of them on it, before Cassidy flicked his wrist again, closing the fridge door.
“You know.”
Kip nodded his head slightly, eyes fixated on the milk carton on the table before slowly drifting back up to Cassidy’s face, watching the tired but content smile on his lips as he continued to sip on his coffee. Kip hated to admit it that while he had been aware of the kind of fame Orange Cassidy’s name held on it, he actually had no idea what kind of magic he was able to do and how he made it work. Even now he was still kind of unsure, and his way of commanding his kitchen wasn't really giving Kip much to go on with guessing either. Most of the information he could have used beforehand wasn’t available to him, or it was extremely vague when he got it in his hands.
Especially when most of that came from Chris and the information he had was mostly through hearsay, which was more or less extremely unreliable. Honestly, Kip was surprised what he got from Chris had led him this far in the last two days.
“If you have any questions, just ask away.” Cassidy’s voice snapped him back into reality, Kip blinking at him a few times, only now realizing that the past few moments he had just been directly staring at the blond. Quickly averting his eyes a soft blush flashed on his cheeks, Kip hoping that him suddenly remembering that he was still holding a fork filled with scrambled eggs was enough to hide it from Cassidy as he was suddenly very interested in the contents of the plate in front of him again.
Of course he had questions, very many of them honestly. And it was probably very obvious to Cassidy as well, considering that he allowed Kip this time at the breakfast table to ask them.
“Or not. Whatever you want. I’m not holding you here against your will or force you to talk. We can eat in silence too if you want.”
Shoving a forkful of eggs into his mouth, Kip’s eyes glanced at the open notebook sitting next to the plate on the table. He had had the idea to ask Cassidy a couple of things before he got distracted with the magical aspects of the kitchen being on display, but all of a sudden being put on the spot about it like this, Kip was in complete loss of words, every single question ever leaving his mind, leaving it just completely blank.
Cassidy clearly took this as a sign that Kip just wanted to have breakfast in silence as he shrugged, digging into his food while Kip just kept silently staring at the open pages of the notebook, slowly chewing on his eggs. He wasn’t sure if they tasted really good because he was so hungry, or because there was magic involved in making them, but it surely was some of the best food he’d had in a while, the thought further distracting him from the task at hand.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Cassidy’s voice broke the silence after a while, making Kip curiously glance up at him again. “I took a look through your book last night. I was trying to find out if it had any of your info on it so I could return it in case you didn't come back for it and I might have… Flipped through a few pages in the process.”
His words slowly registered with Kip, his eyes widening as he realized why it finally made sense that Cassidy seemed to know his name despite Kip never officially introducing himself to the great wizard. The next thing that popped into his head was the realization that Cassidy had seen some of his notes, some of his studies, the practice attempts that he had written down for himself to come back to later. There was a reason this whole notebook was so important to him that Kip had come back for it after the huge embarrassment the day before; it held his entire life with attempting magic between its covers.
“You’re not trained, are you?”
Kip slowly shook his head, averting eyes with Cassidy again, this time more out of shame than anything else. It was probably obvious to him since the very first meeting of the two yesterday, with Kip’s cluelessness and ignorance of everything around him being most likely a dead giveaway. Of course someone of Cassidy’s standard would see that from him straight away, and even if the question wasn’t presented to him in a mocking manner, Kip was sure had been chuckling to himself last night, flipping through his precious little notebook, just finding him trying his best with what he was given and what he really wanted extremely amusing on top of it all. Asking himself what this hopeful but stupid little boy was even thinking, trying to make his way into the world of magic like this.
“No, I…” Kip stared at his plate, pondering over his words. He had originally come here, to Cassidy, for a reason. They didn’t let him into the prestigious school he really wanted, citing that he wasn’t ready, that he wasn’t capable of doing what they demanded of him, that they couldn't teach him, that he wasn't ready for all of it. All Kip had tried to do by himself was some level of a failure, never resulting in anything bigger than a couple of parlor tricks that not even really Chris appreciated that much. Everything he had detailed down in the notebook was important, but even more so it was about his failures and him trying to learn from them. “I’m… I’m not.”
Cassidy hummed quietly at his response, focusing his attention to his coffee again to give Kip some breathing room as his eyes left the Brit for a moment. Kip audibly inhaled, his fingertips drawing along the letters he had handwritten on the page he had open, carefully rereading the words he had written for himself when he had been preparing for the entrance exams that turned out to just be another failure for him.
“But I… I’d like to be.”
Cassidy nodded, twirling his cup in his hand, watching the dark liquid in it swoosh against the inner sides of the cup as he did so. Kip’s eyes traveled further down the open page, his hand stopping following the writing on it as it slowly disappeared under a messy black scribble, brushed over the rest of the text in a clear showcase of frustration. And if that wasn’t enough to drive home the point of how he had felt at the time of getting the news, surely the big bold ‘NO’ on the next page with nothing else written on it was saying all that it needed to say. 
“You probably figured it out already,” Kip muttered, honestly a little bit embarrassed that he was bringing up the obvious at this point, “But I’m here to… To ask…”
“For an apprenticeship, right?”
Kip nodded, glancing towards the blond from under his brows, spotting Cassidy mirroring the gesture back at him. “Yeah, I kinda figured.”
Silence fell back into the kitchen, Kip’s hand slowly closing the notebook before resting on top of it. Cassidy observed him for a moment before carefully nodding towards his plate. “Please, eat something. Before it’s all cold.”
Kip glanced between the notebook and the plate in front of him a few times. Truth to be told he wasn’t really that hungry anymore, all this talking had definitely put him into more of an anxious mood again, effectively ruining what had been his appetite mere minutes before. Still, he obliged, picking up the fork as Kip continued to poke his eggs, one hand reaching for the toast set on the plate next to it.
“Can I be honest with you?” Kip nodded, though he was sure Cassidy was going to keep on going with that thought no matter what he would have answered. “These schools… They are pretty much only there for the value of their names. Sure they teach well and a lot of high class witches and wizards graduate out of there, but… I’m not a graduate, for example.”
Cassidy shrugged as Kip once again looked up at him, the blond offered him a little smile. “And yet you are here. Asking for help. Instead of going anywhere else, to anyone else. You found your way to my doorstep.”
Maybe Chris had made a mistake. Maybe Cassidy wasn’t the big highly regarded wizard that he had been made out to be, maybe he was just some lowlife lazy bum handling a little magical shop downstairs whenever he felt like it. He sure did look the part, and it would be on par with the kind of people Chris was familiar with. Maybe this whole thing was just an elaborate ruse to make Kip look even more ridiculous than before.
But while these thoughts ran through his head, at the same time, there was just something about him that made Kip not believe those words, his own words. He might have looked unconventional and weird, he might have had a sassy sort of attitude you wouldn’t expect from a man of his status, he might have looked much younger than what Kip had anticipated…
But still something about Cassidy just screamed at Kip that he wasn’t lying about this one. That this truly was him, the great wizard Orange Cassidy, the greatest you could find from this side of the country.
“If you’re willing to learn, I’m willing to teach you.”
Kip’s head snapped up so fast he almost dropped the fork from his hand, wide eyes looking back at Cassidy across the table, the blond only offering him a smile as he sipped the remains of his coffee.
“Y-you are?”
“Of course. After all the trouble you’ve gone through to get here, why not? I could use another pair of hands around the house and the store.”
Kip carefully lowered the fork from his hand, trying to breath in to stop himself from shaking at the sudden turn of events. He looked up at Cassidy, taking in a deep breath.
“…Why? I’m just… A nobody.” Mentally Kip was beating himself over the fact that the self doubt was still crippling him like this, but at the same time he couldn’t help but to wonder if this was really it. It seemed so much easier in the end than he had imagined, almost laughably so. Cassidy just continued to smile.
“Every great wizard starts from somewhere. Rarely anyone is a master of their craft immediately. And I can see how much you want this.”
Kip could feel his cheeks getting hot again, but he just quietly nodded.
“Besides,” Cassidy chuckled a little as he lowered the coffee cup from his hands to the table, crossing them in front of him as he leaned a bit over the table, as if to try to drive his point home for Kip better. “I can sense something in you. It’s not strong yet, but it’s definitely there. Something… Magical.”
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aimlesspixel · 4 months
Part 2 of my in stars and time continuation fic
Read part one here if you're interested.
You're floating, in a sea of lightless space, stars of pure darkless dotting your surroundings. You're not alone here you can feel it you're not sure where but you know it's not harmful, maybe it'll show itself if you wait. It's quite peaceful here amid the sky, ripples begin to flutter across the lightless sea around you making the stars shift and constellations dance it all seems so close here yet so far. The stars darken as you hear something call out to you and…
"Hey… Hey. HEY, cmon stupid frin! Breakfast's ready we're gonna finish it all without you if you don't get the crab up." "Now now Bonbon you've made plenty for everyone and I'm sure Sif will be up in a moment." "Fine! I'll put peppers in it instead hehehe." "Now that's a credible threat, you better get up soon Siffrin."
You open your eyes to see Bonnie peering down at you… that's weird you could've sworn you were sleeping in your tent but the area above you distinctly lacks such an implement. Oh well you will yourself up and move to grab a plate. Just as Odile said there is a enough food for everyone. A good start to another day of travel if you do say so yourself I mean you're up before the sun finished rising! You'll get plenty of time to travel like this.
Odile seing you've finished your slightly spicy breakfast calls you over "Siffrin a moment please I would like to get this over with before we're done cleaning up."
You nod at her in acknowledgement and walk over. She and Mirabelle are in charge of making sure you're not overexerting yourself after the whole almost ending the world buisness. It's a bit embaressing but you don't want to worry them or get worse so you let them give you a check up.
Mirabelle looks you over while Odile takes your tempature and consults a transcription of a medical book she's gotten from the house's infrimary. Isabeau and Bonnie look at the process with slightly worried expressions.
Odile - "Well as far as I can tell you're not any worse for wear so I think the pace we've been keeping will be fine for now. Any objections Mirabelle?" Mirabelle - "I can't see anythng wrong but just to make sure you're feeling up to it right Siffrin?"
You feel alright even despite the weird sleeping spot maybe a little sleepy still but nothing serious. "Yesterdays pace is fine." Isa and Bonnies faces ease up and they get back to making sure you haven't forgotten anything.
Odile - "Alright just remember keep the crafts to a minimum whenever possible you don't want to overextend and knock yourself out or something."
She doesn't have to remind you. You still feel drained in a more intangible way than usual and can tell you probably couldn't manage too many crafts without a break, best to avoid any wildlife then. The path is well walked making it easy to follow the darkless leaking through the trees as you walk along the path your family alongside you it's nice, It'll probably become routine again soon enough but while it's nostalgic again you relish in it. Mirabelle and Odile are discussing books of some kind maybe it's part of their book club they mentioned… oh wait have they mentioned that this time? You're not sure. Does it matter? You're glad they can discuss it regardless. Isa and Bonnie walk alongside you chatting with you as you travel. It's nice.
It only takes a few days to reach your first stop. You could tell you were getting close when the path changed to a stone road. You'll just be staying here a day but it's nice to see time flowing here again. The Defenders at the edge of town greet you all as you enter and you see some kids running around the town.
Isabeau - "We really did it huh? It's still a little hard to believe but…" Yeah. The atmosphere is so much better now that people who fled are returning and the ones who were frozen have begun to move once more. You recognize some of them from Dormont most of the refugees who fled there left ahead of you all to reunite with their loved ones and homes.
Some of the kids from Dormont and some you don't recognize run up to you all.
"Look! Look! It's Mirabelle! She's the one who kicked the king's crabbing butt!" "Yea It's thanks to them that everyone's moving again!"
One of the kids in particular gets starry eyed at this and runs up to Mira.
"Oh! You're the reason mom and dad are moving again! Thank you thank you thank you!!!"
They jump up and down a bit before Bonnie calls out "Hey it wasn't just Mira we all went into the house and kicked that Kings crabbing butt!" The kids gasp and look at everyone beside Mira including you.
"Whoaaaaa. So you went in to kick his butt too?" The kid asks expectantly at Bonnie. "Of course." They say standing proudly.
Mirabelle - "It's true we all worked together to save Vaugaurd." She looks at you "Maybe a little too hard for some of us." You look away.
The kids chatter around you for a bit before Odile intervines "We know you're all excited to see us but we need to find that Inn so we can rent a room for the night."
"Oh sorry." The kids turn and run off, the starry eyed one looks back one last time before going "Thank you again!" and they run off.
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hyunverse · 6 months
hi my love! i’ve slowly been getting into skz fics so i’ve been watching you from afar for a little while now and reading your amazing fics (i have so many in my liked posts, waiting to be read - i promise i’ll get to them soon 🙏)
i just wanted to say congrats on 5k and i was hoping i could join your event !! it’s such an adorable idea and sounds like so much fun hehe <33
my ideal date is something unplanned, romantic, and childish. i’d love to go to an arcade and play all the games and lose track of time and later maybe we could go out for ice cream on a late night drive with no destination in mind or we could stop at the beach and it’d be cold so he’d give me his jacket while we walk around and talk about everything and nothing under the stars 🤭
sorry for being a hopeless romantic anyway, just wanted to say i love your fics and i look forward to getting through your masterlist eventually <33
— the cupid's heard your wish, your match is yang jeongin .ᐟ
note: ahhh you're so sweet and kind ^.^ thank you so much for the kind words, do take your time to read them!! i hope you'll like them, and that you'll like this <3
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back to the old house by the smiths ・ because you're pretty by giriboy ・ 18 by one direction ・ bad by wave to earth ・ 10,000 hours by prettymuch ・ dance, baby by boy pablo ・ every summertime by niki
boy next door trope!! jeongin's the boy next door you've had your eyes on throughout your teenage years. one day you become friends with one of his brothers and with his help you manage to get closer to jeongin. i feel like he gives off such boy next door vibes tbh.
dating jeongin = spontaneous dates. all the time!! if he has time after practise you'll get a call and he'll ask you to dress up and takes you out on a spontaneous date.
due to his tendeancy of having impromptu dates, i think you'll end up discovering a lot of secret spots together. a beautiful pond that overlooks the city, a hidden gem of a cafe in the corners of the city, and instagrammable spots. you name it!! jeongin keeps track of these places to revisit with you.
loooots of time spent in arcades. he gets competitive!!! always either trying to beat you in a game or trying to win you a plushie. either way, you're pretty sure he's used up a lot of his money in arcades.
your instagram game will 100% be upgraded. seriously. jeongin would take so many pictures of you and insist for you to post them because he's so proud to have you <3 occasionally, you'll wake up to see a candid photo of you posted in his instagram story.
losing track of time while hanging out with jeongin is so easy. he's just so comfortable to be around with. some nights, you get to stargaze with him in a field as you lay on his lap and he plays with your hair <3
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hemmohaze · 5 months
Valentine’s Day Plans
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Word Count: 1,000+
Warnings: Strong Language
AN: Okay what if i said this is my favorite fic I’ve ever written. Maybe it’s because Cal is my cheat lane as well. Happy reading and hope you all enjoy<3
February 13th 2019
Daniella Walker. The name that is mainstream as she was making her way into the music scene as what the internet calls their "pop princess."
Daniella first had internet fame how everyone does in the early 2010's, by posting on Youtube. From the age of 16 she started posting covers of her singing different popular songs at the time ranging from Halsey to Ariana Grande. First viral video being her cover of Honeymoon Avenue from the album Yours Truly.
Her life changed at 19 when one of her self produced songs called Speechless dropped and became an overnight sensation. Flying from her home country of London, England to countless radio interviews to her first American Music Awards as an attendee and performer at.
That’s when she met some of her longtime friends in the music industry, 5 Seconds of Summer. She met them because she accidentally bumped into a red haired Micheal as she was coming off stage and they were about to take the stage. The two gushing over much they enjoyed each other’s music.
She was a huge Amnesia fan.
Over the years they continued to keep contact with one another. She was featured on their 3rd album Youngblood on their song Want You Back as backing vocals.
Daniella had also become a regular feature in 5SOS content. As well as being posted on their respective girlfriend’s Instagram’s pretty frequently.
For a little while she was considered a groupie when she went to Bali with them in 2016. Until stan twitter quickly defended her from the trolls on the internet claiming how do they not know her.
She was now 24 standing in line at her favorite local coffee and bagel spot in downtown Los Angeles. The line continued move at a slow pace as she hummed along to the beat in her airpods she been sent the night previous. She was absolutely in love with it. She had a studio session set with Max Martin that she definitely couldn't be late for.
He's worked with artists like Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Ariana Grande, and Britney Spears.
It's been a dream of hers to work with him and only her 3rd album that is saying she's gotta be doing something right.
She finally approached Bailey, one of the cashiers she had blossomed a friendship from after being a regular here for 4 months.
"Everything bagel with a side of strawberry cream cheese and Iced Americano double shot with light ice and vanilla creamer!" She shouted to the back. "Hey Daniella."
A smile was plastered on her face. "Hey girlfriend! You'll never believe what I've got planned today." She started as she dug in her purse for her card to hand over for her to swipe.
"Please you're literally a pop star. If you told me you were going to meet up with Kim Kardashian I would probably believe you." She stated in her strong jersey accent as she handed the card back.
"No I wish, but on my bucket list though, maybe I could get a discount on those Skims bodysuits I like. Anyways besides the point here, somehow managed to get a studio session with Max Martin! And cherry on top, the guys are showing up with Ryan fucking Tedder.” She said excitedly as she moved off to the side of the line so other people could move.
"See this is what I mean. It's Thursday at nine in the morning and you're going to work with your hot Australian friends and I'm here covered in flour all day while dealing with the bitches in the back and isn't Max Martin that Swedish dude who's written and produced for basically every A list singer." She leaned against the register.
"Yeah it's so exciting is it not. And Alexis you're so talented at making bagels. Hone in on that." She joked making the curly haired blonde roll her eyes in fake annoyance.
“Your accent makes this sound all posh Dani.”
“Oh whatever.”
"Your beautiful everything bagel and iced coffee m'lady." Bailey turned around to the kitchen workers as she handed her two paper bags one full of her favorite little snacks and the other with her bagel.
"Oh my goodness, you didn't have to do th-." She started.
"Oh please shut up yes I did. You're gonna be late with the hot guys.”
“Text me when you can, I'd love to hear all about it." She smiled.
"Will do."
As she was on the highway on the way to the studio her mind was clouded with thoughts some negative some positive, but mostly negative.
Before she knew it she was finding a parking spot and walking into Capitol Records.
Showing security her badge, she looked down at her Apple Watch and cursed, realizing she was going to be late if she didn’t climb the stairs in under 2 minutes. Thank god for her zumba classes she’s been taking.
Once she figured out what studio she was gonna be in for the next 6 hours, she spotted his long hair and glasses talking to Ryan and the four men sat in the couch in the corner. All of them laughing at something on Luke's phone. She knocked bringing their attention to her standing at the door slightly out of breath.
"Daniella! Pleasure to finally meet you." Max said getting up from the comfy chair to give her hug.
"So nice to meet you too. I'm so incredibly excited and I also see you've invited some of my good friends." She stated nudging Ryan's elbow.
"He had a lot of positive things to say about you." He said sitting back down.
"Daniella you probably know them," Ryan gestured to the men sitting on the couch.
"Know them. These guys are basically a second family to me." She joked.
"I hope you don't mind that I decided to bring them along here to hopefully do some live instrumentals for ya." He told her looking at her with a smile.
"Oh my goodness not at all! It actually sounds so cool. I’ve missed these guys." She smiled widely.
Micheal stood up and gave her a brotherly hug. “Have you gotten shorter?” He joked making Daniella give him the bird.
“Haven’t you gotten weirder.”
Ashton was next, giving her another squeeze and pat on the head.
Then Luke who did their handshake they made up in Bali together, that neither of them forgot even after 4 years.
Finally it was Calum who smiled at her first and then suddenly picked up her up and spun her around in a circle, earning a loud laugh from Daniella and his signature smile that she still got butterflies from.
Even after her 6 years of knowing him, he still makes her blush like a school girl.
“Alright everyone let’s get to work to hear this beautiful voice of hers.” Max stated turning around and facing the recording booth as Daniella walked in and put on her headphones.
Two hours passed as Daniella stood in the recording booth, recording the second verse. She was mumbling the possible verse in the microphone. The song had a Lorde lyricism with Ariana Grande singing vibe.
She and Max had titled the song Selfish. Max and Ryan giving her corrections if needed. Other than the couple comments or corrections from the group she had total artistic freedom and she loved that.
“Could we leave that first half blank of that chorus and I’ll stack some more vocal layers on that run.” Daniella suggested over the noise of the metronome. “Thank you.”
“Yup sounds amazing.”
While Ryan was stacking her vocals, she leaned next to Ashton's drum kit and told him what pace she needed for the chorus.
Calum was fiddling with his bass strings trying to tune them when Daniella walked over. “So what’s your big opinion on it??”
“I think it sounds bloody brilliant.” He said in a Scottish accent.
“Don’t make fun of the Scottish people.”
“You always seem to forget I’m half Scottish and you’re literally British.” He laughed as she hit his tattooed arm slightly.
Max leaned into Micheal's headset, "Okay Mike start from when Daniella comes in at "I used to be cautious about this and stop when the beat drops back down to the acoustic version that we have prepared.”
3 more hours passed as their session ended and Daniella so proud of the song they had made and gotten mastered.
"Alright, could we schedule another one for Friday morning? We’ve got selfish crossed off the list. We could get started on Messier Things as well." Max asked her looking at his calendar.
She nodded with a thumbs up. "That should work with me."
"It was so good to finally see you guys today. What’s new in the wonderful world of 5SOS land." She asked the boys as they were walking to a lunch spot on the less crowded side of LA so the likelihood of them all being noticed and ambushed by paparazzi was a zero percent chance.
“Going on a promo tour for Easier. Thats literally all. New York, LA, Atlanta, and some overseas.” Ashton said laughing.
"Well whatt are you guys doing for the day of love that happens to be tomorrow." She asked wiggling her fingers together.
"Spending time with Sierra." Luke quickly answered with a smile. He loves that woman more than air it seems. But it’s good to see him so happy.
"Crystal wants to go see some new movie." Micheal stated with a raised eyebrows. He probably had no clue but he was with Crystal and thats all he cared about.
“Oo lemme know if you need a dog sitter. I’ll bring Pepper. Y’know she loves Moose and Southy.”
"Probably just a dinner with KayKay." Ashton’s bright smile came up whenever he talked about KayKay.
"Absolutely nothing." Calum said quickly with a slight eye roll. She knew how he felt about Valentine's Day. He hated that day with every fiber in his being.
"We could spend it together Cal, I'm not doing anything either. It can be like old times!" Reminiscing on when they would go their favorite Ramen restaurant in the city and rewatch Criminal Minds at his house whenever they were both free.
As much as only everyone around them knows, they've had a flirty relationship ever since they've met. But what they don’t know is they claim they’re just friends who have occasionally kissed each other, slept in the same bed, and she's worn his clothes more than once but just friends.
But due to them being too awkward to act upon their obvious feelings, they have no official label on whatever they are.
"Ramen on Melrose it is." He laughed making Daniella laugh along with him.
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
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"If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden."
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This is a request event to celebrate my birthday (Sept. 7). It's inspired by the language of flowers ("floriography"). I'm looking forward to your requests! <3
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Event Status: OPEN ✅ -> Will start writing prompts in a couple of days once I've finished my birthday fics.
Event Masterlist (check back, once some seeds have been planted)
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Choose a flower you want to plant (max. 3)
Choose one soil you want to plant it in
Send me an ask (no DMs!)
Refer to the prompts and descriptions under the cut!
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Step one: Choose up to three flowers you wish to plant.
Red Spider Lily: Loss Death
Camellia: Deep Devotion
Daffodil: Truth
Forget-me-not: Memories
Hyacinth: Betrayal
Hibiscus: Beauty
Lavender: Peace
Yellow Carnation: Rejection, Disdain
Petunia: Anger
Marigold: Jealousy, Grief
Orange Blossom: Love
Sunflower: Adoration
Gloxinia: Love at first sight
Red Rose: Confession
Poppy: Accomplishment
Cyclamen: Goodbyes
Gardenia: Marriage
Chrysanthemum: Protection
Yellow Rose: Warmth
Mystery Seed: choose your own prompt - something you want that is not on the list? simply include it in your ask.
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Step 2: Choose your soil (= genre).
Fertilized Soil (Fluff): This high-quality soil is guaranteed to perfectly nourish your seeds and make them grow into the most beautiful, fragrant flowers that make everyone's hearts swell.
Dry Soil (Angst): This soil looks lifeless and pale. Almost all nutrients are stripped from it and it feels like sand between your fingers. Whatever you're going to plant here will surely die sooner or later. But maybe it withstands the harsh conditions and becomes something beautiful in the end. You'll have to wait and see.
Damp Soil (Comfort): Do you know the soothing smell of rain on a warm summer day? That is exactly what this soil smells like. Water is the fuel of life - this also goes for plants. In this soil, your plants will find a comfortable home.
Regular Soil (let me choose the genre): This is just your average, run-off-the-mill soil. It's not bad, it's not outstanding, but it makes do. No way of predicting how your plants will grow on this. Try it out and let it be a surprise.
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Step 3: Send an ask with your choices + one character from Genshin or HSR.
Genshin Characters I write for: Alhaitham, Ayato, Kaveh, Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Tighnari, Cyno, Kazuha, Childe, Thoma, Heizou, Itto, Xiao, Gorou, Albedo, Neuvillette, Wriothesley
Star Rail Characters I write for: Blade, Jing Yuan, Dan Heng, Gepard, Welt, Luka
→ Example: "Hi Dust! For your greenhouse event, I'd like to plant a red spider lily and marigold on dry soil for Alhaitham!"
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→ The usual request and blog rules apply for this event as well. → Depending on the amount of requests I get I will not be able to guarantee to write for everyone's request. I try to write for as many as I can and get ideas for though.
Thanks for participating <3
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