#ficscafe ape
minisugakoobies · 3 years
Mugs & Kisses | JJK
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: fluff, Barista!AU, strangers to lovers
Rating: T
Warnings: kissing, Taehyung is a bit of a rapscallion, general silliness, this fic may cause your teeth to rot - my apologies to your dentists
Word Count: 6k
Disclaimer: SFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Jungkook has something he'd like to tell you, but he can't find the words. So he's thought of another way.
A/N: I wrote this for ficscafe's au pairing event, using prompt fifty-two: ceo x barista ; where the barista unknowingly writes daily cute little messages on the cup of the richest person in the country. Put my own little spin on it, and set it at Christmas time because I am a sucker for holiday fluff. Unbeta'd as usual. I'd love to know what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜
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The bell chimed as the door to the coffee shop swung open. Jungkook’s head popped up above the counter where he was crouching as he cleaned, looking around frantically to see if someone had just walked in.
“Don’t worry, it’s not her,” Taehyung’s low voice droned over his shoulder.
“It’s not?” Jungkook whipped his head around to gawk at his coworker, who leaned casually on the cash register in front of him, waiting for the customer in line to put away his phone and give his order. “I mean, uh, what are you talking about?”
Taehyung rolled his eyes. “Her. You know. The woman you’ve been making eyes at for the last month or so? Always comes in on Saturdays at this time of morning, always orders a caramel macchiato to go. And you always stare at her like a lovestruck puppy the entire time.”
Jungkook felt his face heating. Was he really that obvious?
He didn’t get a chance to refute Taehyung’s words before the door chimed again, and you swept in.
It must’ve started flurrying outside, Jungkook realized, from the snowflakes that dotted your hair and face, tiny drops of white that melted away as the heat of the coffee shop slowly thawed you. You peeled off your gloves and queued up behind Taehyung’s customer. He watched as you scanned the menu that hung on the wall behind him, eyes flicking back and forth as if mulling over your options, even though you always ordered the same drink.
Jungkook thought you had the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen.
“Kook,” Taehyung’s voice broke through his reverie. “Large dark roast, with one shot of espresso, to go, for Yoongi.”
Jungkook sprang into action. “Got it.” He snatched a cup, grabbed his fine tip marker, wrote “Yoongi” on it in loopy lettering, then set about making the drink. Once finished, he stepped to the end of the counter and called out “Yoongi!” A sleepy-looking man with pink hair wandered up and took his drink with a grunt that Jungkook assumed meant “Thanks.”
When he returned to his spot by Taehyung at his register, you were already placing your order.
“Medium caramel macchiato to go, please,” you chirped, your voice the sweetest melody to Jungkook’s ears.
Taehyung asked your name and you mentioned it as Jungkook remained rooted to the spot, gazing at you softly.
“Did you get that, Kook?” Taehyung repeated your name. Jungkook blinked and nodded, reaching for a cup and his marker. He started to write, then paused, thinking hard.
A minute passed.
“Uh, are you planning on making that drink anytime soon?” Taehyung asked, smirking at his friend. “Or did you want to ogle our customer a little more?” Jungkook glanced up, relieved to see that you had wandered off to wait for your drink, well out of earshot of Taehyung’s teasing. He shot his friend a dark look, then finished what he was writing and hurried off to make your drink.
You heard your name called out a minute later and walked up to the counter where the doe-eyed barista stood. He didn’t acknowledge you, focused on cleaning his equipment, but you thanked him anyway and picked up your cup. Stopping by the door to put your gloves back on, you shifted the drink in your hands, noting in happy wonder that, below your name, there was an intricate, beautifully etched snowflake, with “Stay warm!” scrawled beside it.
A week later, an amused Jungkook watched as a pile of shopping bags on legs burst through the door of the coffee shop. It trundled up to the counter, a pair of bewitching eyes peeking over the tops of the packages.
“Hi!” your voice rang out. “Can I get a medium caramel macchiato, to go, please?” Your face appeared as you lowered the bags, gingerly juggling them as you attempted to reach for your wallet.
“Starting your holiday shopping?” Taehyung questioned as you handed him your card.
“Finishing it!” you trilled cheerfully.
“Wow, this early? It’s only the beginning of December! I’m impressed.”
You shrugged, a pleased smile crossing your lips. “I like to get an early start, beat the crowds.”
As you and Taehyung chatted, Jungkook’s hands worked swiftly, his marker flying over your cup. He half-listened to your conversation, wishing he could join in. You and Taehyung struck up an easy rapport, gabbing away while Jungkook worked on your order.
He envied the way Taehyung could talk to anyone. Jungkook sometimes found it hard to say what he was thinking, especially if he was excited. He’d get overwhelmed and the message would get mixed up, words jumbling together somewhere between his brain and his mouth.
When a beautiful woman like you got his heart racing, he’d lose his words completely.
He didn’t realize how long he was taking until Taehyung raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking what he was waiting for. Jungkook ignored him and scurried off to make your drink.
You managed to rearrange your purchases by the time your order was ready, giving yourself a free hand. As you reached for your cup, thanking the dark-haired barista who was once again occupied with wiping down his workstation, you giggled at the detailed drawing of a cute little elf, a tiny gift box in its hands with your name written across it.
“Hoseok!” Jungkook called out, pushing a tray of drinks towards the edge of the counter.
“Jin!” He slid another tray forward.
Another busy Saturday in December. Only two weeks left until Christmas. The closer the holidays got, the more hectic the little shop became, gallons of coffee flying out the door as sleep-deprived shoppers fueled themselves for more retail madness.
Normally, this made Jungkook happy, because it meant the hours ticked by faster - and he usually left with bigger tips. But today, he wasn’t particularly enjoying himself.
He tried to convince himself that it had nothing to do with the fact that you hadn’t been in this morning, for the first time in weeks. That was certainly Taehyung’s theory, which he’d told Jungkook during their break, complaining that Jungkook’s sour mood was killing his “vibe,” whatever that meant. But he wouldn’t give Taehyung the satisfaction of agreeing with him.
Jungkook was in the middle of whipping up another tray of eggnog lattes when he heard Taehyung call out your name. As he dusted nutmeg over the drinks, he risked a swift peek at the register, where you stood talking at the blue-haired man taking your order. You were the last customer in line, which meant Taehyung could catch his breath and rest for a minute, before the next crowd shuffled in and the frenzy started all over again.
Jungkook quickly handed out the lattes, then hopped over to grab a cup for your order. Spotting a sly glance leveled his way, Jungkook understood with a sinking feeling that Taehyung was going to take advantage of the lull not to relax, but to bask in his favorite pastime - torturing Jungkook.
“I’m guessing you weren’t out shopping, since you are shopping bag free today,” Taehyung mused as he leaned towards you, resting his chin in his hand. “Not to mention you don’ t look like you’ve been fighting the crowds. No one who’s been out in those throngs could come in here looking as pretty as you do.”
Jungkook frowned as his marker swirled your name over the cup.
“Oh, no, I just needed my weekly fix of macchiato,” you answered, smiling sweetly in return. “I would’ve been here earlier this morning, but I slept through my alarm.”
“Late night?” Taehyung cocked an eyebrow.
You shot him a conspiratorial wink. “Oh yeah. This project I’m finishing for work kept me up all night.”
“Hmph, how rude of it. Well, I’m glad you came in. Wouldn’t be a good Saturday without my weekly fix of you.” He grinned, lips revealing a brilliant, boxy smile, hitting you with the full dazzling Taehyung charm.
Something that sounded like a rather annoyed grunt sounded from your left, and you turned to curiously eye the shaggy-haired barista standing next to Taehyung. He must’ve felt your gaze, because he suddenly looked up. As your eyes met, he froze.
You were struck by the thought that he very much resembled a deer caught in headlights.
After a few seconds, he seemed to snap out of it and spun on his heel, rushing off to make your drink. You cocked your head, wondering what that was all about.
“Sorry about him. Overcaffeinated. Hazard of the job.” Taehyung commented dryly.
You peered at the flirty employee standing at the register. “I’m sure it is.”
Your gaze kept snapping back to the tall barista crafting your drink. You watched him work in thoughtful silence, suddenly remembering something.
“Oh, do you have comment cards?” you asked Taehyung. “I wanted to tell your bosses how much I love the little holiday illustrations on your cups! They’re so cute and festive!”
Jungkook’s ears perked up. He tried to lean towards the conversation as unobtrusively as possible.
“The… holiday illustrations?” Taehyung repeated in a puzzled tone.
“You know, the drawings? Snowflakes and elves? I really like them.” You beamed. “They even look hand drawn, like a little personal touch. It’s a nice change from the plain cups.” Catching the confusion on his face, your smile began to falter.
“I have no idea what y-“
“Here you go, miss!” Jungkook cut Taehyung off as he set your drink at the end of the counter.
You strode towards the other handsome barista. As ever, his eyes were averted, but you caught a slight nod when you thanked him. Grabbing your drink, you twirled it in your hands until you saw your name. You grinned and brandished the cup towards Taehyung.
“I think this one is my favorite!” you giggled as you displayed a little reindeer, its antlers all tangled up in Christmas lights, the caption ‘Oh deer’ hanging above its head. “Thanks, guys!”
As the door closed behind you, Taehyung scrutinized Jungkook carefully, realization slowly dawning across his face. “Ohhhhhhh,” he crowed.
“Shut up,” Jungkook growled, walking away.
“So, what will our artist-in-residence be sketching tomorrow, hmmm?” Taehyung teased Jungkook the following Friday. “Santa Claus? Christmas tree? Do you decide these things ahead of time, or do you find inspiration in the moment?”
“Don’t you have some work you should be doing right now?” Jungkook retorted as he tried to focus on the gingerbread latte he was crafting. Taehyung was crowding his workspace. “Cleaning? Restocking? Literally anything else?”
“Mmmm, nope,” Taehyung intoned. He draped himself across the counter to Jungkook’s left, not close enough to be in Jungkook’s way as he worked, but just close enough to be a major nuisance anyway. “You know what you should draw?”
Jungkook sighed, defeated. “What’s that?”
“Your phone number.”
“How… how do I draw a phone number?”
Taehyung stared at Jungkook.
Jungkook stared at Taehyung.
Taehyung sighed. “Dude. I just mean, give her your number already.”
Jungkook scowled. “Order ready for Namjoon!” He handed the drink to a tall man in glasses who flashed a dimple-laden smile. “Will you please drop it?” Taehyung had been hounding him about giving you his phone number all week.
Jungkook slipped past his friend, bolting for the stockroom in the hopes of ending the conversation. But Taehyung simply followed, undeterred.
“I don’t understand what the big deal is,” Taehyung went on as Jungkook paced the stockroom, pretending to take inventory of the cups and lids. “You like her, right? What do you have to lose?”
“I just… don’t you think that’s a little cheesy? Hey pretty lady, here’s my phone number! Call me!” Jungkook punctuated his words with finger guns, aiming at Taehyung.
“Well, yeah, if you do it like that, it’s definitely cheesy. Creepy, too.” Taehyung quipped. “Just write your number on her cup and leave it up to her. If she’s interested, she’ll call. If she’s not, she won’t. No harm done.”
“I don’t know,” Jungkook fretted. “What if she thinks it’s weird? Some random guy hitting on her? Or what if I make her uncomfortable? That’s the last thing I want!” Resigned to Taehyung’s nagging, he abandoned his inventory scheme and walked back out to the counter, knowing Taehyung would be on his heels.
“You’re overthinking this,” Taehyung declared.
“Maybe. Maybe not.” Jungkook waffled, turning to look at his friend. “I think I’d feel better about slipping her my number if we’d ever talked before. We haven’t even exchanged a simple ‘hello’.”
Taehyung and Jungkook jumped, both surprised to find you standing at the counter, smiling brightly. Neither had heard the door open while they were in the stockroom.
“We gotta get a louder bell,” Taehyung murmured.
“Is it always this quiet on a Friday?” you wondered out loud as you surveyed the nearly empty shop. Pulling off your pink knit hat, you shook the snow from the fluffy pom-pom before unraveling your matching scarf.
“You just missed the morning rush,” Taehyung told you. “The usual, to go?”
Jungkook automatically picked up a cup and reached for his marker when you shook your head.
“Actually, could I have that for here instead?” You held up a laptop case. “Need to get some work done, wanted a little change of scenery.”
Jungkook slowly lowered the cup as Taehyung grinned widely.
“Of course! We’ll be happy to have your company today.” Taehyung rang you up as Jungkook marched rotely over to the espresso machine, lost in thought. “Have a seat and we’ll bring it right out.”
You chose a table by the window where you could watch the crowds drift by. Shedding your winter gear, you sat down and started typing away as you waited.
The shop was quiet save for some tinny holiday music rattling out of a speaker overhead. But after a few minutes, you thought you detected a whispered argument, a few choice expletives being hurled back and forth in hushed tones. You chose to mind your business and kept focused on your work.
You were so in the zone that you didn’t realize someone was hovering over you until they cleared their throat. You glanced up, startled.
The handsome barista with the big eyes was staring down at you. Jungkook, that was his name. He seemed almost as spooked as you. “Sorry. I, uh, didn’t mean to scare you.” He held out a large cup on a saucer. “Here you go.”
You slid your laptop to the side to make room. He lowered the cup and mumbled a quick, “haveagoodday,” about to turn and walk away when your fingers closed around his wrist. He stopped, going completely still with shock.
“Oh, how cute!” you cooed as you inspected your drink. The foam floating on top of your macchiato had been deftly swirled into the shape of a polar bear, bundled up in a big hat and scarf. In your delight, you had reached out to grab the barista’s arm unthinkingly. Upon realizing this, you gently released him.
Peering up at him, you inquired, “Did you do this?”
Jungkook nodded, tongue feeling too thick in his mouth to speak.
“That’s so cool. Do they teach you how to make different designs when you work here?”
Jungkook shook his head. “They didn’t - they don’t teach that stuff here. I figured it out on my own.”
“You taught yourself how to make foam art?” Your eyes widened. “Wow!” You watched the little bear bob gently across the surface of your drink. “I’m jealous of your skills.”
You gazed up at Jungkook with a warm smile. His heart somersaulted in his chest.
“Th-thanks,” he stammered, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. “Um, enjoy your macchiato.”
He bustled back towards the safety of the stockroom and sat down on a pile of boxes turned into a makeshift chair. A moment later, Taehyung strolled in, hands in his pockets, expression nonchalant.
“Sooooo, how did that go?” His tone implied innocence, but Jungkook knew he’d been stretching himself over the counter as much as humanly possible, trying to listen in. But he didn’t care.
“She liked my bear. She said - she said she was jealous of my skills.” Jungkook clapped his hands over his ears, feeling to see if the tips were as hot as they felt. He scrunched his nose as he grinned at Taehyung.
“And then?”
“And then I came back here.”
“That’s it?”
Taehyung looked aghast. “Good god, the way you’re reacting, I figured you’d asked her out - or, more likely, she’d asked you out. You just talked about foam art?!”
Jungkook nodded.
“You’re hopeless, man. Hope. Less.” Taehyung drifted away, leaving Jungkook still smiling to himself.
The next time you visited the shop, Jungkook did a double take. Then a third.
Every other time he’d seen you, you were dressed casually - usually jeans and boots, though one time in late October you’d worn yoga pants and a clingy tank top, apologizing for being sweaty by explaining you’d just come from your first (and last) attempt at pilates, and he’d accidentally inhaled a noseful of espresso when you’d removed your coat to reveal your form-fitting workout clothes.
But you’d never walked through the coffee shop’s door looking the way you did on this particular Monday morning.
You wore an immaculately tailored dark green wool coat, with large black buttons running down your torso, that nipped in tightly with a shiny belt at your waist, then flared out into a ruffled hem, accentuating your hourglass curves. A black pencil skirt peeked out from underneath the coat, stopping just above your knee. Your calves were swathed in dark nylons, and as you turned to make sure the door closed behind you, Jungkook noticed a seam running along the backs of your legs. He swallowed thickly as he followed the line down to the intimidatingly tall high heels you wore that gave you an extra few inches, bringing you eye-level with him as you sauntered up to the counter and smiled.
Right at him.
From his post at his register, Taehyung whistled. “Wow,” he said, breathing your name. “You look amazing!”
You tore your gaze away from Jungkook. “Thank you, Taehyung,” you flushed, giving a little twirl at his compliment. “I’m happy to hear you say that, because I haven’t worn my power suit in a very long time, and I really needed a confidence boost today!”
“Your power suit?”
“Yeah.” Your fingers dropped to your skirt, smoothing a nearly imperceptible wrinkle as you explained. “I’m hoping to close an important negotiation today. Business deals like this always make me super nervous. But this suit is my secret weapon. It’s like a coat of armor - makes me feel like I can conquer anything. And then, you know, I had to make sure the rest of me was pulled together nicely - hair done, heels on, complete the whole look.” You grinned, posing cutely. “You think it works?”
“It definitely works.” Jungkook heard the words leave his lips before his brain alerted him that he’d said them.
Two heads swiveled in his direction.
Before Jungkook could think about running away, your phone rang.
“Ah, excuse me, I gotta take this!” You stepped away from the counter as you swiped your phone open, but not before the baristas heard you answer with your full name.
Taehyung suddenly released his grip on his register, popping upright. “Did… did she just say…” He repeated your name to Jungkook, who nodded, still sweating from his accidental utterance.
Taehyung’s fingers flew over his phone. “Whoa. I knew that I knew that name!”
Jungkook just waited, knowing from his friend’s tone of voice that he had something interesting to share.
But he was not prepared for the headline on the article on Taehyung’s screen:
Country’s Youngest Tech CEO Now Country’s Richest Tech CEO
He gaped at the photo accompanying the headline. It was you, appearing very much like you did today, hair pinned up, makeup tastefully done, and wearing the same skirt with similar nylons and heels. The top half of your suit was on display, and Jungkook had to admit - calling it your ‘secret weapon’ was no lie, because you were absolutely lethal in the fitted jacket, ready to vanquish your enemies.
The satisfied smirk on your face knocked the air from his lungs.
Once he regained the ability to breathe, Jungkook peered at Taehyung, baffled. “You read Tech Biz Weekly magazine?”
“My roommate Jimin’s cousin’s boyfriend works for her.” Taehyung informed him as Jungkook scrolled his phone, reading. “He tweeted this article the other day. She’s a big deal in software. I guess she, like, revolutionized the work from home industry with a program or something? I don’t know, I just skimmed it.” He shrugged. “But the point is, her company is crazy successful and she’s stupid rich. Like, could probably buy several islands without blinking rich.”
“But… she wears jeans?” Jungkook’s brain was completely scrambled, making it even harder than usual to find the right words to express what he was thinking. You didn’t look like a CEO, he meant to say.
“Yeah, dude,” Taehyung confirmed. “Rich people wear jeans sometimes. You expect her to dress like that all the time?” He pointed to your back. You were still on your phone, pacing in an empty corner as you spoke.
“Well, no, of course not, but… she was here on Friday and not dressed in office clothing.” You didn’t appear to work in a stuffy corporate job. “Right. Work from home technology, remember?” Taehyung shrugged again. “She probably uses her own products.”
“But she’s always alone? Shouldn’t she have bodyguards or something?”
Taehyung gave him a look. “I don’t think many people recognize her. She’s rich, she’s not Beyoncé.”
“She’s our age.” How could someone his own age be so rich and powerful?
“She’s your age, dude. I’m still your hyung, you know.” Taehyung gazed into the distance. “Oh. That means she’s younger than me. I need a minute to process.”
Jungkook attempted to reconcile everything he’d read and everything Tae was (rather blasély) telling him with everything he’d learned about you over the last few weeks. He already knew you were smart and confident. Was it really so surprising that you could be a tech savant, too? It… made sense, as much as it all could.
It just meant that you were even more out of his league than he’d thought. As if you’d ever be interested in a goofy, tongue-tied barista.
You returned to the counter, sliding your phone back into your pocket. “Sorry about that.”
“No worries,” Taehyung waved his hand. “So, medium caramel macchiato to go?” “Better make it large today,” you stated, handing him your card.
Jungkook had barely put the tip of his marker to your cup before your phone went off again. Wincing, you mouthed an apology to the two men as you grabbed your card and took the call at the same time.
You were so absorbed in your conversation, going over the final details for your big meeting, that you didn’t note how long it was taking for your drink to be made. But eventually you heard your name called over the voice of the lawyer nattering in your ear, and you flashed Jungkook a quick smile as you grabbed your drink from him and dashed out of the store.
Jungkook tried to ignore the pang of disappointment that struck when you didn’t even glance at the drawing on the cup. Ah, well. You were clearly a very busy woman.
Two days left until Christmas. The coffee shop was a madhouse, with last-minute shoppers and holiday travelers packing the lobby and keeping the staff hustling from open to close. Jungkook barely had the time to think about you.
Yet somehow he did it anyway.
He wondered how your meeting went while he was whipping up peppermint mochas and snickerdoodle lattes. Wiping down his station, he imagined your face when you saw his drawing, hoping it had made you smile. Running to the stockroom for more cups, he remembered how you’d spun in your gorgeous coat and skirt, and paused to stare unseeing at the shelves, adrift in reverie.
He knew he’d have to get over this crush eventually. But it couldn’t hurt to stand there and pretend for a few moments that you might feel the same way.
It was while he was in the back that you entered the shop, door chiming as you scanned the counter.
Taehyung stood alone. Leaned alone, to be more precise, draped as usual over his register, blissfully enjoying a rare moment of silence between the swarms of shoppers. Catching your eye, he grinned.
“If it isn’t our favorite customer,” he greeted you cheerfully. You clocked the “our” as you reached into your shoulder bag and produced an empty coffee cup, setting it in front of him.
Taehyung snatched it up, examining it curiously. “You brought your cup back? Um, we appreciate your commitment to recycling, but we don’t reuse our paper cups. They are biodegradable, though.”
You didn’t reply, but simply reached out and rotated the cup in Taehyung’s hand until he saw it.
Inscribed across the cup was a stunning sketch of a fierce-looking woman, wielding a shield, sword raised above her head. Next to her was scribbled “파이팅.” Most would assume it was an illustration of a random warrior, but you recognized the woman’s eyes right away.
They were your own.
Based on the way Taehyung glanced between the drawing and your face, he recognized them, too.
“What does this mean?” you implored, tapping the word written in Hangul.
“Paiting,” Taehyung smiled. “It’s like, good luck, or let’s go! Like someone’s encouraging you.”
“Mmm,” you hummed, staring at the cup. Taehyung handed it back to you and you held it delicately, lowering your head as you contemplated his words. He opened his mouth to ask if he could take your order, but the question died on his tongue when you gazed up at him, an intense expression on your face. “Okay. Thank you, Taehyung.”
He tilted his head, not really sure what he’d done for you. “You’re welcome?”
You smiled. “I’ll see you later,” you said, walking away. As you exited the shop, shoppers streamed past you, filling the lobby again, and Taehyung’s attention was diverted by the next wave of customers.
It wasn’t until he was lying in bed that night, drifting off to sleep, that he realized he’d never told Jungkook about your visit.
Christmas Eve morning was mercifully slow. The neighborhood businesses were already closed for the holiday, so there weren’t any employees needing their daily caffeine fix. By now, most travelers had reached their destinations, so they were no longer piling into the shop. The only steady flow of customers were the remaining last-last-minute shoppers, those who had procrastinated until there were only literal hours left to shop, and thankfully they were more of a trickle than a flood.
Yet despite the holiday and the quiet, Taehyung wasn’t surprised to see you walk through the door.
“Is he here?” you inquired by way of greeting, dusting snow from your hat.
Taehyung didn’t bother to ask you to clarify. “Yeah, he’s in the back. Let me grab him.”
Jungkook was combing through boxes, scouring for more caramel syrup, when he heard his friend’s voice call out, “Kook. You have a visitor.” He lifted his head to glance at the doorway and ask who it was, but Taehyung had vanished.
He blinked, suddenly nervous.
Taehyung was missing from his register when Jungkook emerged from the stockroom. And you were standing at the other end of the counter, bundled in your winter gear, with a cup in your hands and a soft smile on your lips.
Jungkook forced his legs to carry him to his workstation. You looked up as he approached.
“Hi Jungkook.”
His name had never sounded so sweet.
“Hi,” he responded. “Um, can I help you?”
You waved the cup around. “Did you draw this?”
Jungkook nodded.
“I didn’t notice it until I was on my way to my meeting yesterday,” you confessed, twiddling the cup in your hands. “It… it made me smile. I wanted to tell you that. And thank you.” You looked away shyly for a minute before giving him another sweet smile, and Jungkook felt his face heating in response. “The meeting went so smoothly. Even though I didn’t know what you wrote, I still felt like someone was cheering me on, and it helped. A lot.”
Jungkook knew he was still standing in front of you, but he felt like he was floating towards the ceiling.
“You’re welcome,” he murmured, just barely loud enough for you to hear.
“Did you do all those other sketches? The reindeer, the elf… was that you?”
“I thought so.” You regarded him closely. “Did you draw them for all your other customers?”
He shook his head, fighting the urge to cover his ears, knowing they were burning. “No.”
“Ah.” You bit your lip, fighting a smile. “You’re not much of a talker, huh?”
Jungkook just blinked his doe eyes in alarm.
“It’s ok. I talk enough for the two of us.” You suddenly dug into your bag, searching for something. “Anyway, like I said, I wanted to thank you. This time of year can be... hard, you know? I didn’t intend to visit this place so often, honestly - I’m not much of a coffee drinker, as you can tell by my preferred order.” You grinned and Jungkook couldn’t stop himself from beaming as well. “But you and Taehyung have always been so nice, and then the little sketches… well, they made me happy. I wanted to show my appreciation, so… here.” You thrust a small package into his hands. Jungkook stared at the beautiful gold wrapping paper, the gauzy white bow, and the tiny tag that read “Jungkook” in elegant handwriting.
A gift? For him?
He automatically moved to open the package and you quickly interjected. “Wait, don’t open that now!”
He stopped, gazing at you with wide eyes. You smiled at his startled expression.
“Sorry. I just… just open that later, okay? After I leave.” You cleared your throat. “I, uh, took the liberty of breaking it in. But I don’t draw, so… you’ll see,” you blathered, fiddling with the strap of your bag.
“Okay.” He easily acquiesced to your plea and tucked the package under the counter, out of sight.
“Okay,” you repeated, nodding. “I better get going. Got a lot of miles to travel today.” You edged towards the door. “Merry Christmas, Jungkook. Please give Taehyung my wishes for a good holiday.”
He nodded, watching you walk away. He felt like he was going to burst. As your fingers gripped the door handle, he found his voice, calling out your name.
“Merry Christmas. And… thank you.”
Your smile shone brighter than all the Christmas lights strung throughout the shop.
The moment the door closed behind you, Taehyung instantaneously reappeared. Jungkook assumed this meant he’d been hanging out in the back hallway, eavesdropping on your conversation. He didn’t care. He grabbed the gift and set it on the counter.
Taehyung gestured for him to continue.
The metallic paper sparkled as Jungkook turned the gift over in his hands. It was wrapped so neatly that it almost seemed a shame to tear into it. But he didn’t think he could wait a second longer.
Peeling back the layers of ribbon and paper, he found a gorgeous, leather-bound sketchbook. Tucked inside the cover was a row of pristine pencils arranged in a perfect rainbow of colors.
On the first page of the pad was written a little note:
Talent like yours deserves a better canvas. Hope this helps.
And underneath your signature, a phone number.
“Whoa,” Taehyung marveled, plucking the sketchbook from Jungkook’s hands and inspecting the contents. “Fancy!”
Jungkook was halfway through the lobby before Taehyung looked up.
“Where are you going? You don’t have your coat!” he heard his friend yell as he opened the door and dashed out into the cold.
Falling snow made it difficult to see very far as Jungkook spun around, scanning the street. He shivered, wishing he had grabbed his jacket. But he’d been moving on instinct, his gut telling him to run out the door before he lost you.
Though he was starting to fear that he already had as he surveyed the scene around him. The boulevard was mostly bare, only a few other people out trekking through the wintry weather. Then he spotted it - that fuzzy pompom, bouncing on the top of your knit cap as you strolled away a few blocks down from the shop. Jungkook started to run, skidding slightly on the slippery pavement.
“Hey!” A voice was shouting your name. You slowed your pace, glancing over your shoulder, eyebrows shooting up as you saw Jungkook dashing towards you.
“Jungkook!” you exclaimed as he came to a halt, breath huffing into little white clouds as he panted in the chilly air. You observed his lack of outerwear with a frown. “You must be freezing!” Taking his arm, you ducked into the entryway of a closed clothing store, tugging him behind you, giving him partial protection from the snow and wind.
Huddling close to you in the doorway, Jungkook forgot his words again.
The wind whipped up, nipping at your face. Brushing your hair out of your eyes, you retreated more, leading Jungkook further out of the cold, until your back bumped the door behind you. You peeked up at him patiently, giving him time.
Eventually, he spoke. “I just… wanted to thank you. For the sketchbook. It’s amazing.” A shy smile crossed his face, eyes crinkling as he beamed, and you swore your heart skipped a beat. “No one’s ever given me a gift like that before.”
“Well, I have to be honest. I gave it to you for rather selfish reasons,” you admitted.
His deer in headlights expression returned. “You did?”
“Yeah. Because I can’t wait to see what you do with it.” You looked down at your feet, feeling slightly bashful yourself. “I’m hoping you’ll show me.”
Jungkook’s gaze flitted to your lips. He licked his own unconsciously, fighting the urge to lean in. Would it be too forward to kiss you?
You lifted your head, and something hanging above Jungkook’s head caught your eye as it swayed in the wind.
“Jungkook,” you murmured, pointing. “Mistletoe.”
His eyes followed your finger, missing the way you glanced at his mouth, watching the perfect cupid’s bow and pouty bottom lip pop open in surprise. He gawked at the little green sprig someone had strung up above the store’s entrance.
How else should he interpret the tiny plant, but as an answer to his question?
Jungkook cupped his hands over your cheeks, drawing you to him for a tender kiss.
Your eyes fell shut, lips brushing against Jungkook’s as he pulled you close. Warmth flooded from your head to your toes, driving out the winter air’s icy sting. Your fingers fisted in his apron as Jungkook hummed into the kiss, stepping forward until he was flush against you, pressing your back firmly into the door, causing you to squeak slightly.
Jungkook broke the kiss. “Sorry! I - I got carried away,” he apologized, dropping his hands from your face.
You shook your head vehemently. “No! Don’t apologize. That was really nice,” you gushed, releasing your grip, trying to iron the wrinkled material of his apron with your hands. “But you should probably get back to work before you catch a cold! I can’t believe you’re out here like this.”
Jungkook lowered his head, grinning sheepishly. “Yeah, I, uh, didn’t really think this through. I just wanted to see you. And….” he trailed off, running his fingers through his dark, messy hair.
“And?” you prompted him lightly.
“And ask if you want to get dinner with me. Maybe next Friday?” He peered at you hopefully. “I’ll bring my sketchbook.”
“To show me or to draw me?” you teased.
“Both, if you’ll let me,” he replied, without hesitation, a playful gleam in his eye.
Your neck burned as you nodded your acceptance, suddenly too shy to speak.
Jungkook promised to text you before sprinting off back to work.
As the door chimed, announcing Jungkook’s arrival, Taehyung poked his head out from where he’d been standing in the back, savoring the quiet with a hot cocoa.
“Well?” he demanded.
Jungkook just smiled. He opened his gift, selected a pink pencil, and started to sketch.
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© 2021-22-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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ggukseoulcafe · 3 years
— put a spell on you | jjk
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pairing: knight! jeongguk x princess! reader
genre: royalty! au, fluff, slight angst
summary: For Jeongguk, it's another ordinary day in life. An ordinary day that involves accompanying you on your latest quests (wherever that may be), watching over you as you go about doing things (whatever they may be) and realizing, yet again, how much he loves you. And if he gets to make you smile? That's just the peach on the cake.
word count: 1.4k
warnings: themes of monarchy, jeongguk has it bad for oc, suggestive themes, few brief hints of sexual thoughts (but its pretty light, no descriptions), a singular bad joke (i’m sorry)
a/n: this was written as a part of @ficscafe's au pairing event! #22 knight x royalty: where a love forbidden is the sweetest of all.
i always wanted to write for knight jeongguk so this is my poor and unedited attempt at it ♡(。- ω -) mayhaps i'll continue this story sometime. i hope you enjoy!
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The blowing mid-summer wind hitting his face, cooling, as if to apologize for the almost unbearable heat that the kingdom was subjected to every year around August.
He remembers it.
The distant voices of the children, his childhood friends, playing together, laughing as they lived through every moment of their naivety. Innocent, happy days involving running through the small, patchy forest spreads surrounding the kingdom.
He remembers it.
The sound of the royal guard's marching as they surveyed the kingdom and surrounding areas, the sound that ringed in his ears like dreams manifested.
He remembers it.
He remembers it all so clearly.
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His childhood wish of working for the royal family, just like his parents did, oh how he wishes he would've known back then. Known that he didn't have to try so hard, that he was destined to work for royalty.
That his dreams had already been written down before he started dreaming them.
But what he wishes he should've known back then the most is the ray of sunshine, now standing just a little distance from him, picking fresh fruits for baking those absurdly colourful but sweet and delicious fruit cakes, as always, for any and every occasion she could find.
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Jeongguk opens his eyes, only to watch you strutting around the plants with curious eyes. Definitely excited to try out a new fruit combination, he guesses, seeing as you have those wide eyes and small smile, looking around happily.
The silk of your dress making you look like a Goddess from where he's laying under the tree, in the fresh produce garden on the castle grounds.
He doesn't regret it. Working for royalty.
In fact, if anything, he's grateful. Because if not for his position now, how could have he crossed paths with a soul like you?
He still remembers the day he met you.
Such a sweet sweet day it was. The memory fresh in his mind, like the scent of his childhood room. A scent he never quite forgot. It faded over time, sure. But if he strains his memory even now, he can still smell it. The scent of comfort.
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"Jeongguk, today we're taking you to the palace. Make sure to behave yourself there," he hears his mom say sharply, implying that he is not to take what she's saying lightly.
"For what mom?"
"You'll see in time, son. But no talking back and no tantrums, okay? We expect you to be on your very best behaviour," his mom sounds very stern, he notes. So he nods.
Jeongguk has never visited the palace before, despite his parents working there for years now. He's nervous but also, excited.
When he reaches the palace, things happen so fast, almost too fast. One moment, he's in awe, looking at the luxurious place with wide eyes, barely containing his "wows" as he looks around. And another, he's being pushed into a large room which looks even more luxurious than the one before.
But his train of thought is broken when his mother grabs his head and pushes it down slightly, making him bow.
Jeongguk hears her say, "Your Majesty, this is our son, Jeongguk. He's new to this kind of a setting so he's surprised, that's all. Please forgive if any of his behaviour is not as expected."
But then, he hears a hearty laugh fill the room. Looking up, it's the King himself. Laughing fondly as he looks over at Jeongguk.
For Jeongguk, the moment doesn't seem real. To be in such close proximity to the King, the ruler of the kingdom, seems surreal. The thought too dreamy to be true but the slight ache in his neck from being forcefully strained earlier tells him otherwise.
He bows again, out of respect but upon raising his head, catches the King smiling at him, beckoning him closer.
With one nod from his mother, he moves forward. Standing in front of the King, he can feel his legs shiver.
"Hello, Jeongguk. What an adorable boy you are. I have someone I'd love for you to meet," the King says, as he signals something to one of the guards.
"Someone I should meet?" Jeongguk repeats the question, tilting his head.
The King smiles wider, "Yes, my dear. I hope you'd make friends."
Just then Jeongguk hears loud feet walking in, or more like, stomping in.
A small girl, with hands folded on her chest, a small pout permanently etched on her face, walks in.
"There you are, my princess," he hears the King laugh fondly.
"____ sweetie, won't you greet your new friend? Say hello to Jeongguk, darling," he hears the King say as he walks up to her, gesturing her closer to him.
"A new friend?" He hears her timid voice say, a stark contrast to her father's deep, gravelly voice.
"Yes, a friend. He'll be with you from now on."
Jeongguk looks at her, all shy himself. But then, he watches as she comes closer and sticks out her hand for him to take.
He stares at it for a moment and shakes it, looking at her again. That's when she smiles. So radiant.
"So happy to have a new friend! Nice to meet you, Jeongguk," she chirps happily.
Just then, the King almost pleads, "Jeongguk won't you take her as a friend? For now? Hmm?"
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And oh how he wishes to take her. Take her completely. As a friend, a partner, a wife. And much more. So much more.
Jeongguk opens his eyes again. You seem farther now, looking for fruits at the other end of the garden. But he can easily find you. Always. Anywhere.
His eyes are always stuck to you. Wherever you go, he will follow. And he feels blessed to be able to do that without coming off as weird or inappropriate. Perks of being the only knight for the princess. The closest to her, at all times.
You seem so happy today, he notes.
To him, your happiness is equivalent to the light of a hundred suns. So bright, almost blinding and he realizes he wouldn't mind getting blinded if it's you. Everything is sweet pain if it comes from you.
He watches you rush back to him.
If only you'd always return to him like this. Always.
"Jeonggukie, I'm done. Let's go," you give him a hand to help him get up.
"Princess, it's 'Jeongguk' remember? I am not a small kid anymore and neither are you," he says as he scans you head to toe.
Definitely not a kid anymore. You're a grown woman now and oh so gorgeous, he could drown in you. If only you'd let him.
He shakes that thought off as he moves to take your basket from you.
"Guess what flavour I chose for the cake today, Jeonggukie?"
Jeongguk ignores the name and closes his eyes. Deep breaths, Jeongguk.
And he looks over at you. Beautiful. So beautiful, he just wants to watch you blush. Just wants to touch. So he does exactly that.
Raising his hand to wrap around your waist as he draws closer, breathing warm air over your ear.
"For the cake? Peaches, Princess?" He smirks.
He watches you flush red and feels a gentle wave of triumph wash over himself.
Oh how he wishes to watch you flush red in another setting too. Where there are no trees, no fields. A place that looks like his bed, all soft sheets and silk pillows. And you. Laying on top, waiting for him. The most beautiful princess. His princess.
But those thoughts are better kept for another time.
"Jeonggukie, that's not fair. I was being serious," you pout.
He wants to coo at how cute you are.
"And I was too, Princess. Am I wrong?" He asks with wide eyes and a matching pout.
He watches a spark of confusion flash in your eyes as you seem to contemplate his words. Eventually, you give in.
"Apples. I decided to scratch the cake and make an apple pie."
"Sounds good," he nods.
"You say that everytime," you raise an eyebrow.
"Because everything you make is delicious, Princess. I promise," he says as he grins.
He watches as you look away, trying hard to not blush. He loves it.
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For Jeongguk, you will always be his driving force, his source of happiness, the person who taught him love.
And for that, he'll follow you everywhere you go. For you are his light and without you, he's sure he'll lose his way in the darkness. For you are his love and without you, the love that shakes him to the bones will have nowhere to go.
And being able to protect you from everything is an added bonus. Again, perks of being the the only knight for the Princess. The closest to her, always.
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all rights reserved ©ggukseoulcafe | copying, translating and/or redistributing the work is strictly not allowed.
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daybreakx · 3 years
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pairing: idol! seonghwa x songwriter! (gn) reader.
genre: fluff, angst if you squint.
summary: the biggest inspiration behind your songs might also be the reason you lose your job.
word count: 1.8k
warnings: use of the word schoolgirl (though it isn’t used to describe the reader directly). unedited.
a/n: this is for @ficscafe​ au pairing event! prompt #42: songwriter x idol ; where the idol realizes all the love songs are written for them.
feedback is greatly appreciated, please let me know what you think! and share my works if you enjoy them♡
taglist: @pinutbutterjelly
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Seonghwa always got excited when he saw you arrive at the company. For a while, he thought it was the sheer curiosity of wanting to discover whatever was that you had written down in the notebook you clutched against your chest like it was your greatest treasure. 
And to be fair, it was. Every lyric you wrote wasn’t just a source of income, It was your deepest feelings and thoughts, sometimes your wishes and dreams. It was your heart you poured out in ink in those pages.
And it was Seonghwa’s group who got the most benefit from it. You had quickly turned into their most trusted lyricist, besides the group’s own leader. You were constantly at the studio writing, composing, adjusting songs and creating new ones that would become a hit as soon as they were revealed to the public. 
“I think that should be Seonghwa’s line, though,” Hongjoong underlined the verse in blue, searching your eyes for approval.  
The aforementioned perked up in his seat, a few chairs away from the two of you in the meeting room. This special comeback had everyone stressed to the point where you couldn’t sleep properly. You’d written around fifteen songs and the company had rejected all of them except for one, claiming the rest felt ‘artificial’ and ‘unlike you’. 
And maybe they were right. Fourteen of those songs had come out from forced surges of inspiration. Every verse and chorus squeezed out of your brain like crystalized honey from a bottle. All except for one.
“Yeah, I think so too,” you nodded, keeping your eyes away from Seonghwa as you marked the letters SH in your own copy of the song. “Do you think we should change the ending word? It might sound a little awkward.”
“I like it just the way it is,” Seonghwa butted in, finally catching your eye. “We should keep it that way.”
The rest of the group agreed with hums, stretching in their seats or leaning forward to grab their cups of iced coffee. It was almost 11 pm and you knew that after their long schedules all that they wanted was to get some rest.
Luckily, their manager got up from his seat a few seconds later, announcing the end of this meeting. The rest of the line distribution and whatever modifications could be done the next day, after another long set of schedules that would probably leave them too tired to pay the right amount of attention. 
“See you tomorrow, y/n!” Wooyoung and Mingi called as they made their way to the exit, the rest of them waved you goodbye while Hongjoong still talked about the points of the song. 
“I think this will be a great comeback y/n, thanks to your song.” Hongjoong continued, as you walked next to each other to the elevators, his group long gone without him. “Sometimes I really wonder where you get your inspiration from.” 
The elevator doors opened and you hesitated in getting in, as if being enclosed in the little silver cube with Hongjoong would somehow make him capable of reading your thoughts.
“You coming?” He frowned, placing his hand on the doors to keep them apart.
“Of course,” you chuckled, shaking your head lightly to clear your thoughts. There was no way Hongjoong could know you wrote songs about his best friend, there was no way you’d let them find out.
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You crossed another line with red ink, in order to get rid of it. You hated it. You hated everything you’d forced yourself to write. Cheesy, nonsense lyrics that made you gag just by thinking someone—meaning ATEEZ—would have to perform them. 
The only thing that made you cringe even more was the possibility of writing the songs you actually wanted to write. Songs that talked about Seonghwa’s pretty eyes, gentle smile and soft voice. It was horrible.
You could lose your job if people found out about your true feelings, your silly source of inspiration, the one that made you write the biggest hits everyone loved and praised you for, was the reason you could lose all that you had achieved. 
Not to mention the eternal dread you would carry with you once Seonghwa realized you had a stupid schoolgirl crush on him and he—ever so kindly, let you down. Maybe it would be for the best, heartbreak was also a huge hit in the music industry. But you weren’t ready just yet to be crushed to pieces.
The cold air forced a gasp out of you as it hit you from all directions, messing up your clothes and hair, and making the fog clear out of your brain. KQ Entertainment’s roof offered a nice view of Seoul, and it always worked as a nice distraction for you, as you let your mind wander to the little figures of people sauntering the streets, all caught up in their own little world with their own worries, likes and dislikes. Maybe a few of them had your songs blasting through their headphones, Seonghwa’s voice singing the same lyrics you wrote about him. 
“You alright?”
You jumped at the sound of Seonghwa’s voice to your left. With his hoodie on and between the shadows, it was impossible to spot him at plain sight.
“Sorry,” he winced, “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
“It’s alright,” you assured, placing your palm above your heart. Its beating faster than before once you realized who had scared you. “It’s pretty late, why are you still here—? I mean, you can be here I—”
Seonghwa smiled, stepping into the scarce light the roof offered. “I was still practicing a choreo. And I came here for the view, it helps me relax.”
“Right. Me too,” you smiled, sinking both hands in the pockets of your jeans. The thought of going inside the building rushed to your brain as quickly as the blood did to your cheeks.
“You’re working really hard,” Seonghwa addressed next, returning to the shadows to sit against the wall. “Thank you, y/n.”
“Ah—” you inhaled sharply, “You’re working really hard too and I’m grateful my songs get to be performed by you—you guys.”
Seonghwa patted the ground next to him, a gentle invitation for you to sit down next to him. “I’ve always wondered…”
Regret, fueled by the butterflies in your stomach, almost made you run back inside. Yet, with your jaw slightly set, you let yourself slid to the floor, bringing your knees to your chest so they didn’t touch Seonghwa’s.
“What?” You encouraged Seonghwa to continue, face leaning against your knees but looking directly at him. 
You cursed yourself, knowing you’d end up writing about this. The way the stars shone, even if the lights of Seoul City made it difficult to spot them, how your cheeks felt hot despite the biting breeze and how Seonghwa’s voice drew you like a moth to a flame.
“Is there someone you write your songs for?” Seonghwa let the words out before his brain could catch up with his tongue. “Because they— I mean, you’re talented and— they’re lucky to have such beautiful words written about them.”
You froze, arms caging your legs as your face drained of all the blood that had pooled there in the past minutes. “Um…”
“You don’t have to answer that,” Seonghwa added quickly, head whipping to look at you again. “I’m sorry I asked—”
“There is—" you whispered, your voice carried away by the wind yet loud enough for Seonghwa to understand the words. “Someone.”
Seonghwa always thought he was excited when he showed up at KQ because it meant you would show them amazing songs. Songs that had him smiling, especially when he saw them written directly with your messy handwriting as you rushed to get the words out. Seonghwa thought he was happy to see you because it meant he’d get to sing about things such as true love, deep as the ocean and wide as the sky. 
Seonghwa realized he was happy to see you, because it was you. Because he liked the way you frowned when another producer tried to change the feeling of the song by adding lyrics that didn’t make sense but ‘would stick’ with the public. Because he knew you spent nights up here in the roof when you felt overwhelmed with work, because he knew you hated every song you wrote in purple ink and every lyric you crossed in red. 
And now, Seonghwa realized he didn’t like your answer, as much as he had been dying to ask the question. 
The possibility was way too real, and he knew it. There was no way your heart wasn’t beating for someone if you could summon such perfect lyrics. Now he knew you thought of a person to do so. 
“Ah,” he murmured, cringing at the way his voice filled with disappointment. “That’s nice to know.”
“It’s—” you opened and closed your mouth several times, struggling to breathe like a fish out of the ocean. “I just get inspiration from thinking of this person, it’s not like we’re in love. That’s it.”
Seonghwa’s eyes darted back to you, even in the dim light, he could recognize the expression he’d seen in you a thousand times before. That one of avoidance, very close to dishonesty. You usually showed it when you acted like you agreed with the line distribution, and deep down you hated it. 
“In love?” He echoed. He scanned every single image of you that had been burned into his brain, but none of them he could identify as you being in love. And despite the disappointment still filling him, his curiosity was piqued again. What did you look like when you were in love?
You bit the inside of your cheek. Maybe after tonight, heartbreak would be the new theme of your songs, maybe even bravery if you managed not to choke before you could let the words out. 
“I think I might be in love with…him,” you explained slowly, eyes capturing every angle of his face. The curve of his lips, the angle of his jaw and the glint in his eyes as they looked into yours. 
“Do you think he could be in love with you too?” Seonghwa asked, observing you with mirrored intensity.
Before you could utter another word, he continued.
“He would be a fool not to be.”
“Have you ever considered yourself a fool before?” You let the words fall out of your mouth swiftly, arms finally relaxing from around your knees and into the pavement, your hand pressed wholly against it.
Seonghwa’s smile was inevitable. The mixture of emotions he’d gone through drowning in the warmth of this new discovery. “A couple times only,” he replied, his hand sliding down the pavement, searching for yours in the dark. 
Tentative at first, your fingers linked with each other’s before Seonghwa slid closer, his shoulder touching yours as his hands cupped yours completely. Squinting, he drew his face closer to take a good look at your face.
This. This is what you looked like when you were in love. 
This was the way you had always looked at him. 
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nctinthehouse · 3 years
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PAIRING: reader x Mark
GENRE: fluff, implied friends to lovers!au
WC: 0.9k
⚠️ WARNING(S): horror themes? nothing gruesome
PROMPT: FIFTY-SEVEN. friend x friend ; when they get a little too cozy during a horror movie.
A/N: Anyone loves horror movies like I do? Thanks to @ficscafe for creating the au pairing event! This is the first event I’ve participated in and I had a lot of fun writing this one. Feel free to check out #ficscafe ape for more stories by the other awesome writers :D
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A so-called horror fanatic you called yourself. You love the jump scares, the demons, the ghosts and the overall thrill you get from it. Your friends could never understand how you can watch them, especially by yourself.
As well as someone who absolutely loves horror movies, you also claimed that they weren’t even that scary and that there was nothing to be afraid of. You’re definitely not scared of them at all…
Or are you?
‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎
‏‏‎‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‏‏‎ ‎
You texted Mark earlier and asked if he wanted to come over to your apartment to hang out for a movie night. It was something you both liked to do quite often as a way to de-stress and catch up on life. (And totally not an excuse for you both to hang out with each other more because you guys have feelings for one another but are oblivious to it).
Since you picked the movie last time, it was Mark’s turn to pick today. Mark knew you loved horror movies but never really took much interest in that genre. You always begged for him to go to the cinema with you whenever there was a new movie out that you wanted to check out but he never found the plots interesting. Until today.
“The Grudge” was the movie he picked out.
You’ve actually seen this one before. A few times actually but is one you try to avoid watching because as much you love horror films, this one is definitely not the one you enjoy watching. There’s just something about this move that makes your body shiver and scare the living crap out of you. Especially the weird croaking noises??? You can’t even watch this during the day, that’s how much you don’t like it.
But of course Mark didn’t know that. Since he’s here with you, you didn’t mind watching it because at least you have someone else with you. You can hide behind him and use him as a shield if needed.
It hasn’t even been an hour into the movie and you’ve already hid behind a cushion and screeched a few times. You find yourself leaning to the side towards Mark as you keep your eyes on the tv. You can hear nothing but the slow footsteps of the character and your increasing heartbeat as you watch the character walk through a dark room that is just about lit up by the lantern they’re holding.
Mark looks at you with one of his eyebrows raised
“Hellooo? Some personal space?”
You roll your eyes at his words, but still focused on the movie in front of you
“Oh please, it’s not like we haven’t been this close before”
At this point, your head is leaning on his shoulder, your eyes squinting and grimacing at the sight of the scene unfolding. Mark feels your head moving and turns to look at you and sees that you now have your face down on his shoulder, not even looking at the movie anymore.
Mark scoffs at the sight of you but not before sneakily moving his arm down from the top of the couch behind you to hold you closer to him by your shoulder
“I thought you weren’t scared of horror movies”
You quickly lift your head up and look at him
“I’m not! I am absolutely perfectly capable of watching any horror-”
The unexpected noise of a loud bang makes you scream out loud and jump onto Mark’s lap. Your face is buried on his neck as your arms are wrapped around him. Mark freezes at the sudden closer contact. He can feel your rapid breathing on his neck as well as his own heartbeat speeding up.
“films” you murmur on his neck, hugging him tighter
His whole body feels tense against you, still not moving an inch. You figured you’re probably making him uncomfortable so you slightly push yourself away from him but still on his lap. You lift your legs up closer to your chest and look down at your lap, your hands on his shoulders while fiddling with his t-shirt
“Sorry” you mutter out
You look up to take a glance at Mark but you see his lips forming into a smirk and raise an eyebrow at you. You both continue to look at each other without saying a word, staring at him doe eyed, completely forgetting that you were watching a movie in the first place when another unexpected bang frightens the living daylight out of you. This time, you don’t scream but you do wrap your arms around him and bury your face onto his neck once again.
You can feel Mark place his hands on the sides of your waist. His fingers slowly move up and down as a way to comfort you. You can feel your body tingle at the contact; melting into his touch as he wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you closer to him.
After a while, you move off from his lap. Your legs are now resting over his thighs and your head leaning on his shoulder. Attention is now fully focused on the movie again.
You enjoy the closeness of Mark; still close to him as you snuggle him. Your arms are wrapped around his waist as his arms are wrapped around you too, ready to protect and comfort you from any further jump scares and pretty much the rest of the horror movie you apparently were not so scared of.
Mark glances down at you, a small smile appears on his face as he feels you tightening your grip on his t-shirt
“Oh shut your face Mark”
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network tagging: @pretty-neos
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sanccharine · 3 years
pizza party! | sn
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single parent au
pairing: babysitter!sana x single parent!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.9k
warning: mention of food
summary: you are evidently flustered when your son invites his beautiful babysitter to dinner. 
a/n: wrote this for ficscafe’s au pairing event and picked prompt seventy-nine – babysitter x single parent ; where the single parent is a little rusty at the whole dating thing. also, thanks to @masterninjacow​ , @fullsunfluff​ , and @latetaektalk​ for beta reading, where would i be without you guys ;-;
part 2: blueberry muffins
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“Oh, Miss Sana! Would you like to eat dinner with us?” 
The question startled you from behind and you twirled to face your son; pupils as big as saucers with flecks of light reflected on his glassy eyes. Innocently, he waddled forward,  taking his babysitter’s palm in his petite hands, before giving you the biggest smile physically capable. The little rascal was plotting something!
“I’d love to!” The words escaped Sana as she pinched your son’s nose.
Now, your head snapped to the sitter, the answer must’ve caught you by surprise as well, because Sana let out a warm chuckle when she glanced at you. Frozen, you stood with your mouth ajar, much like the front door to your home. 
“Perfect!” your son said while guiding the sitter to the couch in your living room. Sana passed you by with a ghost of a smile before taking her seat. “Please sit, I’ll be with you in a moment!” 
You weren’t exactly sure what your son was up to, but the sight before you brought a smile to your face. One thing you were proud of is how well you’d brought him up; so well-mannered and well-spoken. That is, until he returned for you. The innocent child act long disappeared. Faster than the speed of light, he reached you and yanked your sleeve. After he pushed you onto the couch, he left without another word.
Without your son as a buffer, the atmosphere was intense–
“I hope you don’t mind me staying for dinner,” Sana said, turning her whole body towards you. She scoffed while rubbing her neck. “I can’t really say no to him.” 
“I know what you mean.” You nodded, mirroring her posture. Then you shook your head. “Oh, by the way! It’s no problem at all, stay as long as you like– my son! Clearly, he likes your company.” 
Not your smoothest delivery, but it wasn’t that terrible. Sana’s eyes narrowed but before she could address your statement, or before you could embarrass yourself further, your buffer arrived. And he did it in style. 
In the very few minutes you’d spoken, your son had donned his white school shirt, beneath an enormous padded black jacket stolen from your closet. His unruly hair, for once, was combed and pulled back… with water guessing by droplets running down his jawline. Trying not to giggle at the sight, you observed the towel hanging on his arm and a few sheets of A4 cardstock. 
“Welcome,” he said with a polite smile, before handing out the sheets. “This is what we’re offering tonight.” 
They were menus, menus your son had drawn. Under the large ‘PIZZA TIME!’ scribbled in bubble lettering, there was a drawing of a pizza. It was decorated with three toppings that his establishment offered; cheese, olives, and mushrooms. 
Expectantly, he asked, “So have you decided on what you will have?”
Without missing a beat, Sana answered, “I’ll have a plain cheese pizza please!” 
“Wonderful! Would you like water or apple juice with that?” your son asked, before helping Sana flip over the menu. Similar to the previous page, there was a huge cup drawn with a straw, underneath it scrawled water or apple juice. “Personally, I’d suggest the apple juice.” 
It was an odd combination, Sana seemed to think so as well because she turned to you with a quizzical look. When you shrugged, so did she before saying, “Sure, why not? Apple juice, it is!” 
Sana nodded, before handing the menu back. The two of them, done with their conversation, turned to you, who was undecided on the order. You son widened his eyes and then glimpsed at the menu in your hands. 
“Uh, um… I’ll have the same!” you said with a smile that went ignored. Your son offered a practiced smile, snatched your menu and muttered ‘boring’ under his breath before scurrying away into the kitchen. 
Thoroughly confused by the interaction, you turned your attention back to Sana. She was sitting with her legs crossed and head tilted to the side, the corners of her mouth twitching up when you met her gaze. Flushed cheeks and bright eyes, she was radiant this evening. Her auburn hair fell down her shoulders in waves, contrasting the black woolen sweater she wore. 
You desperately wanted to look away from her, but for an unthinkable reason you couldn’t. You were enraptured. The sensation was odd; prickling up your neck and fluttering in your stomach… must’ve been the hunger. The smell of pre-made dough and melting cheese wafted its way to the living room and you took your chance to break away from her scan.
“Careers!” you shrieked, much louder than necessary. Cringing at yourself you tried again, “At school, they’re learning about careers. He learned how to make microwave pizza and has been doing it non-stop.” 
Sana glanced down to suppress her giggles before nodding. “He told me about it, though I was not aware of the waiter and chef act.”
“Once, I picked him up from school, and he’d made a rocket out of a tissue box.” You smiled fondly, remembering how he’d zoomed around you claiming how he would be the one to discover aliens. “Not even two days after, he spoke about how he’d cure all the illnesses in the world.” 
“Oh, yes! I was his patient, I went home covered in Spider-Man bandaids.” Sana shook her head when you mumbled an apology. “At least, we know he has a promising future.” 
“I guess, yeah.” You laughed, though it came out as a robotic ‘ha ha’. “I should go check up on him before he burns the house down– not that he will! That hasn’t happened before–!” 
“Your dinner is ready!” your son called from the kitchen, before bringing out a tray with your orders. He placed your orders on the coffee table in front of your couch, and said, “Bon appetit!” 
He then proceeds to take cushions and place them on the floor. Taking the sign, you and Sana sat down cross legged while watching your son scurry back to his room. 
“Honey, you’re not joining us–?”
“I’ll be there in a second!” 
He returned back to his clothes, even his slicked hair had vanished as he brought his own pizza and cup of apple juice. Sitting down opposite you, he smiled widely at you, then Sana, before grabbing a slice and taking a huge bite from his pizza. Grinning at the string of cheese dangling from his lips, you began to eat as well.
Sana, with absolutely no help from you, had your son captivated. It was understandable, so you sat back and watched the two interact. It was rare to see your son get along so well with someone, the way his eyes practically lit up as he spoke warmed you. And when you gazed at Sana, matching your son’s level of enthusiasm… a similar fondness enveloped you. 
Too soon, dinner was over. 
Your son quickly whisked away the dishes into the sink before donning his pajamas. The sight had you checking your phone – it was almost bedtime! Sana chuckled and spread her arms and without question, your son jumped into them. 
“Good night, Miss Sana,” he mumbled into her stomach causing Sana to giggle. “Thank you for staying for dinner.” 
“Thank you for cooking dinner,” she said, as she fondly rubbed his hair. “Sleep well, sweetheart.”
Beckoning your son over, you glimpsed back at Sana and offered a genuine smile. Swiftly, your son had placed himself on his bed and pulled his blanket over him. After dimming the lights in his room, you kneeled by his bed. 
“Thank you for the dinner today,” you said, slowly stroking his hair away from his forehead. “You’re a really good cook.”
“Better than you, right?” he said softly with a cheeky smile, though his eyes began to droop.
“Without a doubt, honey.” You smiled, as you pressed a gentle kiss onto his forehead. “Sleep well. I love you.”
Mumbling his ‘I love you’ back, he snuggled deeper into his blanket. You stayed there for a moment, taking in your son drifting into slumber before pushing away from the bed. The sound of running water from the kitchen filtered into your ears as you cautiously closed the door to your son’s room. 
“Sana?” The thought of Sana possibly doing the dishes sent you into a panic, and you rushed to the kitchen, only to have your suspicions confirmed. With her sleeves rolled up and hair hastily pulled back into a bun, she hummed as she worked. “Oh, you didn’t have to do that!” 
You tried to intervene, but Sana shook her head. “It's the least I can do to thank you for the dinner. Plus, it’s not much.” 
Sana gave you a look over her shoulder and you found yourself suffocating in her presence again. This time it was guaranteed that your son would not return to save you. Clueless, you floundered; hands folded, maybe in your pockets, or maybe clasped together. Maybe you should ask her about her day, though for the better part she spent it here. Or maybe you should offer to drop her home! It’s quite late, and it’s not safe… yeah, that’s why. 
So caught up in your own mind, you almost embarrassed yourself in front of Sana when she spoke. 
“We should have dinner again sometime,” she said, oh so casually as she finished the last of the plates. With a hint of a smirk, she added on, “Or coffee.”
You were awkward, not stupid. Well, at least not in this specific situation. So with a confident grin, you answered, “I’d like that.”
“Cool.” Sana nodded as she dried her hands on a towel before walking to the living room, and you followed. “I’ll text you the details then.” 
“Sure.” The happiness in your tone was clear as day, so you opted to say a few words. You walked straight for the entrance to your home and picked up her coat before opening the door. “Oh! Do you want me to drop you home?”
Silently grinning, Sana stopped an inch away from you to take her coat from you. Citrus and cinnamon filled your senses as she pulled her coat over herself, then leaned forward… to free her hair from the collar. This close to you, she must know what she was doing because her grin never left. 
Then, moving closer, she brought a hand to your shoulder. “I live five minutes away, Y/N.” You gulped as her hand slowly fell to your collarbone. “Good night, Y/N.” 
After two gentle pats, she moved to the elevator and disappeared behind its doors. Taking your time, you swung your own door close and closed in on yourself; either from immense exhilaration or immense embarrassment, they’re one and the same anyway. However, before you could even process the night’s events a shrie emanated from behind you. 
“Finally! Yes, yes, yes–!” Your turned to find your son jumping about, limbs flailing as he kept chanting. 
Too elated to even scold him for being out of bed – and possibly plotting this dinner and listening in on your conversation with Sana – you easily scooped him up. You tickled him, and he squirmed in your arms as the laughter from the two of you echoed around your home.
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: honestly, i had a lot of fun writing this. and as terrifying as i find the idea of having and caring for children, i have to say i love single parent aus. anygays, hope you enjoyed this one, goodnight everyone !!
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tagging: @its-a-me-mario-hihi​ @luvlyyrv
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kiwisol · 3 years
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pairing: baker!mark lee x doctor!reader
genre: fluff, bakery!au
wc: 742
taglist: @neotism @perhapsthanatos @ilovjaehyun
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Mark spread the mixture of butter, cinnamon, and brown sugar onto the flattened dough, his tongue poking out of his lips in concentration. The aroma was intoxicating; a mixture of soft and sharp when the cinnamon hit just right, and sweet enough to lure someone into tasting it. The sleeves of his grey thermal were rolled up to his elbows, white streaks of flour and dough adorning the black apron that was tied around his slender waist.
The bells above the door rang in the front of the bakery and he wiped his hands off on a cloth, walking towards the door. Hana, the receptionist from the clinic across the street, stood there with her hands on her hips and eyes full of excitement.
“I come bearing top secret information, Lee. And a question.”
“What would that be?”
“Y/N’s break starts at twelve o’clock today, so expect me to send her here around that time,” she explained. “Also, can you bag me two cake pops? The ones decorated like little pumpkins.”
Mark nodded, grabbing a small, periwinkle-colored paper bag and going towards the glass display filled with all kinds of confections. “I’ll add an extra for you to give to that x-ray tech you like,” he teased. “What’s his name again?”
“Jeno, but I just found him cute! That’s it,” Hana groaned.
Mark laughed. “Well, consider it a premature thank you for later. You’re helping me out.”
Hana had known about Mark’s little crush on you since the longest, and to say she wanted to play Cupid was an understatement. You had started working at the clinic a year ago as a pediatrician, and oftentimes you would come in with your stethoscope around your neck and a small star-shaped sticker on your cheek courtesy of a little kid. If you weren’t in the bakery on your own volition, it was because Hana was dragging you there.
And as nervous as you made him, talking to you was easy—even though Mark often found himself staring while you spoke instead of responding. It didn’t help that you were so passionate about your job either; your face lit up like a glow stick when he’d ask how it was going, and you could tell him about it for hours on end. Some people may have found it borderline annoying, but it was endearing to him.
“I don’t get why you couldn’t just ask Doc out for coffee without a whole little plan.”
He folded the bag filled with Hana’s cake pops and handed it to her. “Easier said than done. You just worry about getting her over here and I’ll do the rest.”
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By the time twelve o’clock rolled around, he was piping white icing onto sage-colored fondant. Little flowers with yellow middles were littered around the perimeter of the heart-shaped cake, his loopy letters in the center of it.
The bells above the door chimed and he poked his head out to see you. Your eyes lit up when you saw him, and he returned your smile as he walked out toward the front.
“Hana said you had something to give me?”
The usual sparkly star sticker on the apple of your cheek was missing and a pink heart adorned your skin instead.
“Oh! Yeah, give me a sec.”
You eyed his figure as he disappeared into the back again, his slightly mussed hair and apron making your heart swell. He came back out and walked carefully towards you, a small cake in his hands.
“It’s just something small for you,” he said sheepishly. “I hope you like it.”
You felt heat rush to your cheeks as your eyes flitted between him and the heart-shaped cake. “Happy 365,” you read aloud. “You remembered?”
“You were so excited when you came in here and said it was your first day,” Mark replied, setting the cake down on a white, circular table. “It’s something to celebrate.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from throwing your arms around his shoulders and hugging him tightly, his warm body and the scent of cinnamon that stuck to him comforting you. “Thank you, Mark.” You pulled away from him, pressing a small kiss on his cheek.
A blush started dusting his face and you let out a laugh at his flustered state, your eyes glinting in amusement.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” he murmured, a shy smile tugging at his lips. “Do you want a slice?”
“I want anything you bake, Mark.”
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a/n: for ficscafe’s au pairing event! SEVENTY-FIVE: baker x doctor; where the baker has the hots for the sweet doctor in the clinic across the street
© 2021 fullsunfluff — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours.
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sunlightwoo · 3 years
still here
pairing: boxer!san x doctor!g.n reader 
genre: fluff, squints of angst, warning: fighting and language
wc: <500
a/n: just a little something for ficscafe’s au pairing event!! for this one i used #48: doctor x boxer ; where the doctor grows increasingly concerned for the boxer’s health. hope you guys like this!!
permanent taglist: @allyg-onz @viastro @bbanghoonie @wooyoung-a @pwttychannie  @sunwoahkim (add yourself to my permanent taglist here!)
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A day off should be a day off.
You haven’t been able to make home cooked meals in a while, and after so long of not doing so, you find it therapeutic that you were finally able to tonight. Something so familiar that had brought nostalgia to your heart was all that you could ever ask for, including the sound of the front door opening to hear the stumbling of your boyfriend coming in despite the late hour of the night. 
“You’re late.” You mumbled from the kitchen with a frown on your face, knowing that his presence was now in the kitchen and by the time that you turn around you see him. 
Your oh-so tough boyfriend, Choi San, was quite the opposite when it was just you two. Gentle touches and kisses that burned your skin as though he was fire, loving you passionately as if you were going to break at any given point. However he treated you so well that you even forget that it was all because of him, since he also gave you your own space to grow into the person that you became today. 
Turning the countertop stove off, you grabbed your spare medical kit in one of the cabinets above you before you hopped onto the countertop. It was a special routine that the two of you had, one that felt so intimate, but at the same time-
“Babe, it burns.” 
The pout on your boyfriend’s lips makes you want to kiss them off his face, but it was his fault for getting a bruise so close to his lip where the alcohol would’ve hurt anyways. His eyes, however, seemed to have roped you in because as soon as you place a peck against his lips, he wanted more than just one peck. 
“You’re going to get it infected, if you keep trying to kiss me, sir.” You tease, raising an eyebrow at him as you applied some ointment against his cuts but all you could even think about was how warm you were feeling inside because of how close he was to you. 
Despite the fact that you two had been together for years, he always made you feel as though it was the first time that you had fallen in love with him. You knew that he was still going to be there for you, the same way that you always had been there for him, and to prove it was the rock that was on your ring finger to withhold that promise.
“Then at least I’ll have you to take care of me for the rest of my life, my favorite doctor.”
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neo-shitty · 3 years
patch up — l.mh
prompt. #35 - sick x concerned: where there’s a lack lot of mother-henning of ficscafe’s au pairing event
pairings. lee minho x gender-neutral reader
genre. fluff, neighbor!au
warnings. mentions of injuries and accidents, swearing.
word count. 1.4k
notes. happy minho day! let’s pretend that i didn’t lose track of the date and panicked when i checked the calendar. yes, i’m aware the banner is empty but it looked better without the title text.
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“Who’s gonna do my work now?!” 
Your voice startled Minho when it boomed across the room, he should’ve seen it coming. Long before you barged into his bedroom, he could already hear your heavy footsteps marching down the hallway outside his room. When you arrived at his door, you didn’t even bother knocking. You swung the door wide open, standing in the doorway with a scowl plastered on your face.
“Stupid boy,” you muttered under your breath. In the quiet of the room, it was loud enough for him to hear you.
Minho, on the other hand, was an immobile mess lying on his bed, just like he informed you in the call earlier. His left arm was sloppily coiled with a bandage and his legs were propped up by a fluffy pillow. While his other leg seemed fine, the other had a nasty scratch just below the knee. The sight of his injuries made you wince, another you should’ve been more careful bubbling in the back of your throat but you figured he’d heard enough of it from you already. Instead, you looked him dead in the eye—still fuming. Probably sensing your hostility, he pulled a pillow over his head to block eye contact with you.
You let out a huff, crossing the room to snatch the pillow off his face. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he whispered, still hiding his face beneath his better arm. 
You lifted it off with ease, careful not to accidentally nudge any other injuries you haven’t seen yet. Finally, you caught his eyes.
The corners of Minho’s lips twitched up a small gummy smile adorned on his face. “Hi,” he said, waving his unharmed hand in front of you. You were staring daggers at him, he swore he could see steam coming out of your nostrils. When he saw your arm raised, he instinctively covered his face again. 
But you dropped it when you told yourself that the poor boy had suffered enough for today. You pulled his swivel chair over from where his PC setup was and took a seat, sparing the space on his bed for your first aid kit. Minho recoiled at the sight of it, backing away as far as he could (or as far as his injured body and the small bed let him anyway).
“Lee Minho,” you deadpanned and he stopped squirming, “you’re overreacting.” 
You plucked the things you needed out of the kit and laid them to rest on the bed. 
“So tell me, what happened?” 
As he began his narration, you got to work. Keeping Minho distracted made him forget about the stinging sensation that jolted through his system whenever you pressed a damp cotton ball on his wounds to clean them up. you say while taking out the things you needed to patch up his wound and he just shakes his head relentlessly. He told the tale about how he totally wasn’t speeding yet the motorcycle he rode skidded down a slippery road and left him in his current injured state. You nodded like you believed him, recalling how he was notorious for overspeeding in a 20mph neighborhood.
A few minutes and a slightly dizzy Minho later, you had his wounds cleaned and covered up in gauze and bandages. 
When he called to tell you he couldn’t do the project for you, you panicked. What you excelled in academics, you lost to arts. Minho, on the other hand, was a fair balance of both; blessed with talent and had average to good grades.  You resorted to him for help with an art project that had little to no relevance to your major. Your neighbor was more than happy to lend a helping hand. At least until he got injured. 
A bright idea crossed your mind though and after convincing him, it led you to where you were now: sitting in front of his desk and doing the project yourself but with his guidance. 
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Minho looking over your shoulder as you worked on the project he was supposed to do for you. As promised, he still helped you out as much as he could even when he was just lying down on his bed. 
“Wow, you’re so bad at this,” he remarked and when he saw that you had your foot raised—aiming at the freshly patched wound on his leg he took it back. “Relax. Back to work.”
The sunlight seeping in through the blinds slowly lost intensity as the hours passed. You slowly got the hang of it as you progressed through your work. As you didn’t want to be bothered, you left Minho with nothing to do in his immobile state. At around 6, he was already complaining about being hungry and being bored and being hungry again. Most times, you’d just tell him to cook for himself and he’d drag himself to the kitchen. Now, you obviously couldn’t tell him the same thing.
“Wait, really? You’re gonna cook for me?” he gasped, wide-eyed in disbelief as you stood up from his swivel chair. “It took an injured leg and an arm sprain. I should get injured more for free service.”
You glared at him and he sent you one of those cheeky smiles he always did to get himself out of trouble. It worked every time.
You walked out the door and made your way to the kitchen. The cupboards had a lot to offer, the fridge wasn’t particularly empty either. Your mind whirred, matching available items to the recipes of the meals you knew how to prepare. You weren’t a bad cook, but you weren’t as good as Minho was. But you had to try. So with the stock knowledge you’ve garnered through the years, you tried to make a decent dinner enough for two. 
You were too busy making yourself familiar with how everything worked in their kitchen that you were unaware of the eyes that watched you.
Lee Minho was a smart guy. With the aid of his gaming chair, he managed to get himself from his bed to his door. Thinking you really didn’t know your way around a kitchen, he prepared himself for the worst. He propped his bedroom door open to watch you with narrowed eyes and scared for the welfare of his own kitchen. He heard you beating yourself up for not being as good as he was. He was sure he would’ve eaten anything you cooked regardless of the outcome. It was the thought that counted.
Contrary to what he thought, you knew your way around pretty well. He pushed the door back shut and headed back to bed. The smell of spices in the air only made him more hungry than he already was. He opted to distract himself with a Youtube video while he waited but somewhere along the video, the weight of his eyelids became unbearable and he slipped into shallow sleep. 
“Hey, I didn’t burn down the house,” you said once you were back in his room with a tray of food balanced between your two arms. 
Minho was asleep when you walked in, head tilted to the doorway as if he was anticipating your return but passed out in the process. You walked over quietly, setting the meal atop his bedside table before sitting on the space beside him. 
It took that long stare at his sleeping figure for you to realize that maybe you cared for him a lot more than you initially thought—a lot more than you wanted to. Maybe it started when you first met him three summers ago when they moved across the street. And maybe it grew deeper every time their family came over for family dinners where he would crack jokes that would brighten everyone’s day. Or the time he showed up to your school competition and cheered for you instead of the person he supposedly showed up for. Or on the days he’d show up on your doorstep, meal in hand, upon hearing that you haven’t eaten anything yet. 
Maybe it was one of those tiny moments that did the trick or all of them combined that made you feel that way. But one thing was for sure, you couldn’t bring yourself to tell him anything. You weren’t willing to risk the friendship for something that could’ve just been passing.
“Why are you looking at me? You like me, don’t you?”
You snapped back into focus, quick reflexes immediately covering up your flusteredness with an eye roll. “Shut the fuck up. Get up, let’s eat.”
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© neo-shitty, 2020
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hyuukais · 3 years
Hey, Lifeguard!
Juyeon loves his job. It’s the entire reason he was introduced to the attractive resident surfer, Y/n. And as a beach lifeguard he’s got to know swim safely, right?
Word Count: 1.6k
Genre: Juyeon x Reader, lifeguard! juyeon, surfer! reader, slight fluff
Warnings: mentions of blood, drowning, and the ocean, juyeon kinda almost drowns
Author: My contribution to ficscafe au pairing event ! took far longer for me to finish than it should have 💀 also thank you so much @taecup-fics for beta reading this !!
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It’s a useless morning for Juyeon already. The stretch of beach he's meant to watch was almost entirely empty, with most of the people he’d seen merely runners or bikers passing by. So, it seemed, the early breeze was left to the two or three surfers out in the waves. The vacant seas, probably perfect conditions to move however they wish. Riding any good wave they can get without having to worry about running into regular beach goers. He watches them from his lifeguard tower, one specific surfer catching his eye.
Y/n floats about thirty meters out from shore, waiting. After being out here for about 30 minutes, that’s all they’ve really done. Wade and duck under when a new wave comes. That’s just a part of their routine, as Juyeon’s come to know. Having met them three years ago when he first took up this summer job, the two quickly became somewhat acquainted. Y/n was a common face amongst the waves who became a lot more known to Juyeon after the first two or three times he’d had to run out to help them. Realizing both were attending the same school in September, a stronger friendship bloomed. The two would talk often on days the beach was calm or empty, such as this one. And by the time his first summer here came to end, Juyeon found his feelings slowly growing for the surfer.
As the water once again begins to recede, he notices a flash upon their face. A smile. Y/n paddles frantically, racing against the rushing current. The water pulls up. Suddenly, it’s breaking, just seconds behind their scramble. The crash sends the board forward and Y/n pushes up. Beamed against the early morning sun, they swerve and sway amongst the white. Juyeon had seen them ride before. Each time more enraptured than the next, watching their grace atop the water. He could always tell they knew exactly what they were doing, but this time it looks like a struggle. The wave moves much faster than anticipated, soon overtaking the board. He stands in alarm as Y/n’s forced beneath the surface; instinct kicks in and he prepares to run—but not before their head pops up. Despite the wipeout, they seemed more annoyed than anything, and swam to the abandoned board. The new waves pushed them towards shore.
Sand flies behind Y/n’s feet as they’re running to a towel piled with their stuff. It sat only a few feet away from Juyeon, and it gives him a better view of their mopped hair.
“You all good?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, a bit out of focus, I guess. Though, I think my leg got caught on a shell or coral of some sort.” They twisted their hips to display a gash running across their calf. Blood pooled from it, causing Juyeon to suck in a breath.
“Hold on,” he turned to rummage through his guard bag and pulled out an antiseptic wipe and bandage. The sand collapsed under his knee as Juyeon knelt down to their leg.
“Oh, how chivalrous of you, but at least take me on a date first.”
He laughs, beginning to apply the towelette and rid their skin of red. “I’m just doing my job. I bet you would like it if I did take you out though, wouldn’t you?”
“Who says no to free food?”
“Who said anything about food?”
“Well then, what kind of date are you thinking of?”
“Oh, a lot of things, but I guess you may never know.”
Y/n says nothing in return as he stands, their leg now plastered with a rainbow band-aid. Looking at them, he notices the flush of embarrassment fallen over them.
“There, all fixed up. Now be careful going back out. Don’t wanna use up all my nice band-aids.” They chuckle, making him smile before continuing. “But, I wanted to ask if I will be seeing you at the end-of-year beach thing this Friday?”
“The boys, and I, I guess, are throwing this hybrid beach-frat party for the end of the year. I was wondering if you wanted to come.”
“Oh? Are you actually asking me on a date?” They jokingly bring up the topic from earlier, not respecting the response he gave
“Maybe. So, will I see you there?”
Y/n’s eyes visibly widen at the implication, “Oh, um, yeah. Sounds like a date!”
“Great! I shall see you on Friday then.”
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Loud shouts echo in the dark. Students laugh and mingle, chattering amongst friend groups. A huge, sweltering bonfire rose from the sand. People danced and sang around it, some chasing each other dangerously close to the flames. There were even a select few wading in the sea. A party was in full swing and Juyeon was trapped in the middle. Strangers were crowded into his side, limiting his ability to move away from the mass of party-goers. He tried his best to squeeze around the crowd. Though he made sure to look around as he did so, eyes peeled for a glimpse of Y/n somewhere at this party. Finally, he made it out of the more packed area around the fire. With fewer people loitering around, he took the chance to sit. From a farther vantage point, there was still no sign of Y/n, yet he didn’t doubt that they’d arrive shortly. Instead, he opted to turn his attention towards the night. Far from the brightest streetlights, stars twinkled clear in the sky. Some remain dimmer under the illumination of the blaze, but are nonetheless visible. Waves fall in ambient noise cruelly contrasted with the pumping bass. Enough sounds clashing that Juyeon barely hears the shift of someone making their way to his side.
“Hey, lifeguard!” Y/n’s shoulder knocks against his as they plop on the beach, scaring him a little.
“Jesus, you scared me!”
“Haha, sorry. I saw you sitting alone so I came over.”
“Ah. Yeah, the crowd’s a bit much for me; The stars are really nice, though.”
“Mm,” they hum, looking upwards. Juyeon took the chance to take in their features. Light reflects against the color in their irises. It dances across the white and black, blending with the fire's orange tinge, like an entire galaxy held within just their sight. “The moon as well.”
“Mhm.” Red flares against his ears as they turn to face him. “So, um, do you wanna go for a swim?”
“Hm? I dunno, isn’t it a bit too dark for that?”
“Well, why don’t I go out and check and you can make sure nothing bad happens to me.” He winks, turning towards the shore and stripping himself of his shirt.
“Ha! Don’t die!”
Waves rack against Juyeon’s body. The current pulls stronger than usual, but he turns around to make his point.
“Y’know, it’s not too bad!” Though, he’s silenced as another wave smacks the back of his head, eliciting a laugh from Y/n. He continues on moving further and further out, eliciting a laugh from Y/n. They watch as he tries to continue moving out. It gets harder to see, the ocean mirroring the night’s pitch black and the tide significantly rougher. Regret settled in his chest, but he was unable to make the decision to turn back. A new wave rose ahead, smacking down ferociously. Juyeon was knocked under. Swept up in the rush, his head was unable to come back up. Ice ran atop his skin. Darkness completely prevailed in an attempt to shut out the burning salt. He felt trapped, jerked, rolling along with the rush of water, unable to fight. Everything happened so suddenly, nothing had kicked in to tell him to move. To push upwards. To strain for a breath as oxygen ran thin. Shock-stunned, his mind couldn’t register the tight grip squeeze around the stomach. As air hit his face, realization set in. Juyeon had been out quite far, yet now found himself tumbled into shallower tide, Y/n’s panicked face falling close above his. Their hands held tight upon his shoulders. Lips trembling inches from his cheek.
“Oh god, I,” They scrambled away, panic now presenting itself in their voice. “Are you okay? I, just, I saw you go under and you weren’t coming back up so I panicked and went out to try and help and oh god, are you hurt, did something cut you or-”
“No, no, no, no, I’m okay! I’m okay,” he latches on their flailing hands, trying to calm them, if only a little. From here, he began to take it in. Their drenched clothes, shaking hands, wide eyes. Finally, he sits up with them but does not let go of their hands.
“Are-are you sure?”
“Yes, and Y/n, thank you for trying to save me.”
“I mean, your job requires you too but, I know you’d do the same for me.”
They smack his arm, laughing in unison.
“Oh shut up! Just know you owe me now.”
“Oh do I?”
“Well, then what exactly do I owe you?”
Y/n stands, sand and cloth clinging like a second skin. Their hands fall down to Juyeon’s in a silent offer to pull him up. “How about a date where you don’t almost drown? I mean, when you said something other than food, I definitely did not think you meant this.”
He grabs on, raising up, just as sandy, hands not leaving even when fully standing. “How about we start now? I do have some better ideas, I promise.”
“First,” Palms found purchase upon his cheeks, Y/n pushing up towards him. And in one swift motion, their lips landed atop his, moving softly almost cautious despite how headfirst they jumped into the position. Juyeon melted. His arms fell to their waist without much thought. Warmth spreading down, it filled each vein and hole, swelled in his heart and across his skin. As the kiss broke, their hands shakily pulled away, obviously just as flushed.
“So, uh, yeah, let’s get on to that date.”
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taem-min-archived · 3 years
soulmates || k.jm
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PAIRING || Suho x female reader
GENRES || fluff, angst, soulmate au, best friends to (?) au
SUMMARY || In a world where soulmates were a thing, will you be able to truly find yours?
WC || 0.6k
WARNINGS || none
A/N || This is the EXO version of my Xiaojun fic Soulmates
EVENT || Part of the au pairing event by @ficscafe​
PROMPT ||  TWENTY-NINE. soulmate x soulmate ; when a soulmate has already found love elsewhere.
TAGGING || @fifty-shades-of-mischeif​ @xavi-in-kpopland​ @whatudoing​ @midnightmoi​ @shrutiajit​ @cerisetalks​ @exoxobsession​ @woo-minhee02​ @buttvi​​ @iminchaosnow​(If you want to be added to my taglists, fill in this form)
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"Have you ever loved anyone?"
The young boy looked up from his incomplete puzzle, before giving her a half-shrug.
"Only you."
"Do I count?" She asked, not sure if best friends were supposed to be clubbed together in this category.
Junmyeon blinked at her in surprise.
"Of course you do. Why wouldn't you?"
She looked down, playing with the fringe of her dress.
"I don't know, no one seems to care for me." The six year old girl muttered.
She felt him edge closer to her.
"I care about you." He said slowly, as though he was hurt by her statement.
Slowly, she looked up at him and felt herself smile. His honest words had warmed her heart and she didn't know what she would have done without him.
"I care about you too."
The boy smiled back, extending out his pinkie finger for her to interlink.
"Let's promise to take care of each other till the very end."
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"Myeon!" She screamed with delight, nearly ripping out the said boy's arm as she pulled him out of the wooden cabin they were staying in. "It's a shooting star, we need to make a wish soon-"
But before either of them could wish, the star disappeared in the horizon, leaving behind a dark night sky sprawling with stars.
"Oh no." She said, visibly upset. "It's gone now."
"Nothing is gone." Junmyeon whispered, taking her hands in his. 
"We can just wish on each other, and it will come true. Faster than a shooting star. "
She blinked at him rapidly, trying to process his words. Soon a smile broke onto her face.
"Yes." She whispered happily. "Let's do that."
Their eyes fluttered closed as they wished upon each other.
"What did you wish for?" Junmyeon asked.
She raised her eyebrows.
"Are we supposed to say that though?"
His eyes widened in fake betrayal. 
"I'm your best friend!"
She laughed at his over reaction.
"Fine. I wished that we meet our shipmates soon."
He gasped.
"I wish that too!"
She looked at him incredulously. 
"I swear!" He said, and he took off running, his laughter the only sound in the empty valley.
"Kim Junmyeon! Come back here right now!"
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She knew it.
She always had a feeling it was him, but now she was confirmed that her soulmate was her best friend.
In a world where soulmates were found by the initials of your significant other being tattooed on your palm, a lot of people didn't find theirs.
But she knew hers.
She knew these letters and whom they belonged to.
Kim Junmyeon.
Her best friend.
The man she had been in love with for god knows how many years.
And so she went to his workplace extra early today, dying to tell him the good news.
Upon entering the bakery, she found her soulmate  in a good mood too.
"Hello mister. I see someone is really happy today." She joked, leaning against the counter.
Junmyeon smiled at her, causing a million butterflies to break in her stomach.
“I found my soulmate!”
She beamed at him. Of course he did.
“Who’s it?” She asked eagerly.
Just then, one of his coworkers walked in, and Junmyeon turned around to her. Then, wrapping his arms around the newcomer, he beamed at Y/N.
“This is Hyeon, my soulmate.” He said, turning to peck her on the lips.
Y/N felt her world crash as they both showed her their carved initials.
She smiled at them bitterly and congratulated them. After a few words, she walked out of the cafe, the heaviness of her heart almost unbearable.
Looking back she realised something.
Junmyeon was never hers to keep.
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A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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ichorai · 3 years
sin to win ; k.sj
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requested by anon (50 + angel au) for my milestone celebration !!
pairing ; angel!jin x demon!reader (gender-neutral) ft. boxer!jungkook
summary ; an angel and a demon are forced to put aside their differences to help out the same human.
themes ; fantasy, action, comedy, angel au, demon au, boxer au
words ; 1.4k
warnings / includes ; fighting / boxing, cursing, one mention of murder and jail (but nothing of the sorts in the fic), reader is an annoying lil shit KWJLKSDJF, jin is basically a concerned parent bye, jungkook is an emotional n reckless boxer yikes
a/n ; for ficscafe's au pairing event :D i used #5 !! writing this fic made me realize i write this kind of dynamic all the fucking time but i'm not ashamed bcs writing bickering is super fun KWJDKJF
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“You’re a nuisance,” Jin hissed out as he flicked his fingers, the boxer’s laces you had just untied lifting into the air and knotting themselves neatly. “I thought you were supposed to be helping the poor guy.”
One of your shoulders lifted in a half-shrug. “Tripping once or twice never hurt anybody.”
The guardian angel rounded on you, bristling. His opal-aureate wings fluttered with the sudden movement. “That’s exactly how people get hurt. Now stop mucking around, the match is starting.”
Your eyes rolled to the dim pipes crisscrossing the ceiling of the underground boxing arena. The large room was filled with people surrounding the make-shift ring, their deafening cheers making the cheap plaster walls quiver.
“You know, what we’re doing may be illegal but at least you look amazing. You look like this all the time?” Your charming (at least, you thought it was charming) compliment received all but crickets in response. Though, you were pretty sure you saw his pretty lips twitch a bit. Whether it was into a frown or a smile, you didn’t need to know. “I’d never expect an angel to be willing to cheat in order to help their human out. Doesn’t that go against one of your billions of rules?”
With an exasperated glare, Jin scoffed out, “I’m merely protecting my mortal. I wouldn’t intervene unless necessary. This is necessary.”
“Awh, are you afraid little Jungkook is gonna get a boo-boo?”
The beautiful angel that stood just centimeters away from you didn’t grace you with a response. You grinned at him smugly.
“Well, you’re right to be afraid. Skullcrusher here has won every single match since ‘89. He’s not known to leave his contender in tip-top shape, if you catch my drift. I used to be a big fan. Now? A little bored, if I had to admit. Jungkook winning will create enough chaos to keep me satisfied for a while.” You chuckled, slinging your elbow over Jin’s shoulder, to which he moved away with an irritated side-glance.
The shrill ringing of the red bell signified the start of the match. Skullcrusher, a burly man with a missing eye and more scars than you could count, loomed over Jungkook in the ring. His clenched fist looked bigger than his opponent’s whole torso. His tough features were fixed into a hard, gnarled expression. This man looked as if he’s seen war a million times. In stark juxtaposition, Jungkook stood on the opposite end of the ring, fists raised but raw carmine terror painted across his features. If you looked extra close, you could see his bare shins tremble. Way to play it cool, kiddo.
“I think it’s pretty fucking hot that you’re getting your hands dirty,” you whispered whilst leaning closer to Jin. “I’ve been around for eons, but never have I ever met an angel like you.”
“Stop, I’m blushing,” he replied dryly. He wasn’t blushing, nor were angels really capable of such a feat.
Both of your attentions diverted from each other to the ring, where the first punch was thrown. Jungkook managed to lithely duck out of the way, sliding along the barriers and throwing a jab of his own against the larger man’s abdomen. That must’ve hurt no more than a tiny flick would’ve.
Both of you yelled at the same time.
“You’re doing awful!”
“You’re doing great, Jungkook!”
A bark of a laugh escaped you. “Don’t give him false hope. That shit is poisonous in this industry.”
“He’s not doing so bad,” Jin said, just as Skullcrusher landed a bone-snapping strike against your boxer’s shoulder. “Okay, yeah, fine. But he still needs encouragement.”
“Now or never, angel,” you whistled in a sing-song tone, red magic forming between your fingers. “Your human won’t last much longer in there.”
Gritting his perfect teeth, Jin nodded once. “Do it.”
With a maliciously delighted smirk, you murmured an incantation under your breath. Jin watched in baited interest as Skullcrusher paused in his furious blunder towards his mortal, singular eye turning red. He dropped his fists, an expression mimicking one of a kicked puppy splaying across his rugged visage. Well, as close as a man like that could look like a kicked puppy. Jin turned to look at you, observing the way your own irises were now stained with rose petals, hair floating in the air slightly as your fingers twitched, lips moving whilst susurrating a mantra of sin.
You were beautiful, but you were also deadly. It was hard to remind himself that he was meant to stay well away from you. Jin had to pry his eyes away to make sure he wasn’t staring too long.
Whilst you were keeping the burly man under control, Jin snapped his fingers and fixed his human’s broken shoulder.
The boxer, slightly miffed as to why Skullcrusher wasn’t going absolutely feral and just how his shoulder suddenly stopped buzzing with pure agony, shrugged it all aside and seized the opportunity to land a parade of jabs and punches against his exposed skin. One after another, it sent Skullcrusher toppling down in a matter of minutes. The ceiling pipes rattled as his head hit the ground. Jungkook didn’t stop, sweat dripping down his forehead, going so far as to play dirty and use his feet to throw kicks with a scarily accurate precision. Man, you liked this mortal.
Jin didn’t seem too pleased.
“Get up!” Jungkook roared, but it was all drowned out by the upset boos of the crowd. They were hoping to see another notch in Skullcrusher’s belt. With a concerned furrow of his brows, the angel beside you used his powers to tug Jungkook’s flailing body away from Skullcrusher. He certainly wouldn’t protect Jungkook from jail if he accidentally murdered somebody, that would just be plain immoral. Judging by the crystal disappointment in your gaze, it was evident that you had wanted Jungkook to carry on with his ministrations. Thankfully, you kept your mouth shut.
Disoriented, the boxer stumbled away from the large body and dodged a flying can of soda thrown at his head. With an angry growl, he ducked out of the ring, ripping his gloves off and rushing out of the arena. What was this, Cinderella? It wasn’t even midnight yet. Jin clapped his hands together to push people out of the way for Jungkook.
“Your mortal is moody,” you hummed in amusement. “He’s fun. Keep him around for me, will you?”
Jin’s golden pupils flickered from you to the green-lit exit, and back to you again. For a moment, he appeared as if he wanted to say something to you, then decided against it.
After a considerable amount of hesitation, Jin cracked his lips open once more. “I’ll be back.” His words rang in your ears and you cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at him. “After that stunt, people are going to be hunting Jungkook down. Once you’ve reached the top, there’s always going to be a million hands pulling you down, after all. I might want to fight fire with fire, is all.”
If you thought Jin couldn’t get anymore handsome than he was before, you were absolutely wrong. He looked wickedly arresting in the dim light, a taste of the fruit you couldn’t have.
Your palms planted themselves on your hips. “Would you look at that,” you drawled with playfully narrowed eyes, “Mister Pure Angel wants to see the morally corrupt devil again, huh? Here, have this. It’s my business card.” You conjured a scarlet piece of cardstock out of thin air and slotted it into his cool palms. The brushing of your warm fingers against his skin sent a jolt down his blemishless wings.
An unamused snort escaped him. “This just says meet me in hell, bitch.”
“Well, that is where I live.” Noting that Jin looked quite peeved at your jesting, you gestured for him to turn the card over. “The back’s got an engraved rune. Tap it seven times and I’ll come to you. Now go back to your human. I think he’s crying behind a dumpster. He reeks of fear.”
The angel nodded once, backing away as he said, “Again, thanks for helping out my mortal. We’re indebted to you.”
“I didn’t do it for you!” you called out to Jin, whose figure was growing smaller and smaller the farther away he walked. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve thought he was ignoring you. That was absurd, though. “I was just bored, but一and he’s gone.”
A dry laugh danced on your lips. Until next time, ya’ sinful bastard.
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pufflix · 3 years
pairing: choi soobin x gn!reader
wc: 0,5k
genre: fluff, attempted humor, neighbor!soobin, superhero!reader, superhero!au, neighbors!au
tw: mentions of food
notes: i used n°14 of ficscafe’s event! neighbor x superhero; where the neighbor accidentally sees superhero pull off their costume and reveal their secret identity. (don’t hate me for the end pls and thank you)
networks: @ficscafe @multifandomnet
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another villain caught and passed on to the authorities, it was barely lunch time.
with a content smile on your face, you discreetly entered your apartment through the roof, as usual.
you were one of the most respected superheroes out there because of how fast you were to catch the bad guys. indeed, you had an amazing visual acuity and the ability to fly. a very few things could get past you, but usually not for long.
you were also unbothered by a lot of things, like a driver honking you bc you scared them when you weren’t even dangerous, or if you’re not getting a reply in the first ten hours or the way you dress.
when your neighbor knocked on your door as he called your name, you were just coming down from the roof.
“hey, are you there?”
“soobin, hey,” you greeted through the door, “what can I do for you?”
“can I get my glass dish back, please?” your eyes went wide. what glass dish??
“uh, remind me when was the last time you came with it?” you asked as you desperately tried to remember yourself, slowly walking to your kitchen area.
“last week for our game night. I baked a cake.”
suddenly feeling dumb, you shook your head, then searched through your kitchen. when you finally found it in the cabinet, you reached for your door handle.
just then, you realized something important. after putting your mask off with a hand (in your defense, it was hot!) and checking your hair on the mirror on the wall, you answered your door.
“here you go!” you smiled, offering soobin’s dish.
but he didn’t take it.
instead, he looked at you, then from head to toe and up again with a shocked expression. raising an eyebrow, you asked if he was okay. he just pointed to your outfit.
looking down, your expression went from confusion to surprise to panic.
abruptly closing the door, you internally screamed while bringing the dish in front of your face with both hands.
how more stupid can I get? you thought.
you rapidly came up with a reason he probably won’t buy and opened the door again, trying your best to display a detached and unbothered smile.
“it’s a cosplay costume. I’m a big fan of them. here’s your dish.”
“thanks. why did you close—”
“alright, bye!” you cut him off before closing the door. you cursed yourself for being so reckless. of all people, it had to be your cute neighbor.
(good thing you weren’t a villain, or you’d have to get rid of him.)
it was painfully embarrassing nonetheless.
soobin, on the other side of the door, confusion still evident on his face, slowly started walking back to his apartment.
he came to the conclusion he was going to give you more attention from now on by the time he put the glass dish on the countertop. he needed it to make a cake for his friend’s birthday, at which you were invited too.
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hwangsify · 2 years
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pairing. skz x gn reader
genre. pure fluff
warnings. food
summary. domestic moments with skz!
word count. 1k+
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chan: it's tugging him out of his chair after he's been shut up in the studio for the past six hours, insisting that he needs a break. it's running into his embrace after a terrible day, allowing him to run a hand through your hair and press a kiss to your temple. it's taking him grocery shopping and playfully arguing over whether to buy the spicy ramen or the bland ramen (you insist on buying the spicy ramen because you know he can't handle spice and annoying him is one of your favorite pastimes— he concedes in the end because he never could say no when it comes to you). it's finding little things about chan insanely attractive, the way he hums whenever he's focusing, his absentminded habit of running a thumb along your knuckles whenever you hold hands.
minho: it's taking minho shopping for cat merch at the mall, teasing him because the cat ears headband you just perched on his head suits him just a little too well. it's staying up late at night until he comes back home from work, greeting him with a tired smile and a mug of warm tea. it's tiptoeing into minho's room when you can't fall asleep at night— and it's minho wordlessly lifting a corner of his blanket from underneath his covers, inviting you to slip in next to him. it's the look of utter adoration in minho's eyes as he gazes at you, that endeared sensation of sheer devotion that blooms deep within minho's chest whenever you turn to smile at him.
changbin: it's changbin draping his entire body over your own whenever you find the time to relax together, squeezing your body in a suffocating embrace. it's complaining that he'll asphyxiate you with his aggressively loving hugs but pulling him closer all the same. it's eating his shitty cooking and trying to make it seem like it tastes decent just because you love him so. it's listening to all his tracks and it's him listening attentively to any feedback you offer him. it's finding yourself thinking of him randomly throughout the day— finding that you miss him already, even if you've only been apart for a few hours. it's learning to communicate through brief glances and gentle hand squeezes, memorizing each other's body language until you can read each other at one glance.
hyunjin: it's laughing as you pull his hair into a tiny ponytail with a scrunchie. it's hyunjin groaning enthusiastically whenever you feed him your cooking, nodding earnestly when you ask if it tastes okay. it's trips to the dance studio at 2 am because hyunjin insisted on teaching you some random choreography he just learned. it's hyunjin throwing his head back while laughing whenever he finds you especially funny, and it's the warm feeling of satisfaction that settles through you at the sound of his laughter. it's learning to be vulnerable with each other, learning that you don't always have to be invincible around someone like hyunjin, who holds you so carefully and loves you fiercely despite your flaws and scars— and it's hyunjin learning to do the same.
jisung: it's falling asleep together on the couch after a particularly grueling study session, his arms securely locked around your waist. it's jisung casually mentioning that he wrote a song dedicated to you, and asking you with flushed cheeks if you'd like to listen to it. it's jisung whining through the phone that he hardly ever gets to see you anymore (even though you slept over at his place just a few days ago) and insisting on meeting at the bakery for a cheesecake date. it's hyping jisung up for the little things, because you know even someone like him has his own doubts and insecurities, and watching him unfurl and bloom with your praise. it's listening to him ramble about how much he adores cheesecake through the phone at night, half-asleep as he goes on and on about how long it's been since he last had a strawberry cheesecake.
felix: it's the daily cat memes that felix sends to you on a regular basis, just because he knows you find cat memes adorable and he loves to see you laugh. it's baking cookies together at 2 am in the morning together, smearing whipped cream on his freckled cheeks. it's felix slipping next to you on the couch, resting his head on your lap after a long day of practice. it's the sighs of contentment that leave his lips whenever you card your hand through his very damaged locks of hair. it's wondering what you would do without this freckled boy by your side— this boy who has fit himself so intimately within the folds of your heart that you cannot imagine life without him.
seungmin: it's seungmin constantly nagging you to dress warmer because he knows you hate being sick. it's teasingly calling him by disgustingly sweet pet names just to hear him cringe and roll his eyes. it's the coffee machine he got for you that now sits on the countertop of your kitchen, just because he overheard you complaining about having to go all the way to the local coffee shop for an iced americano the other day. it's the weight of his head against your shoulder as you sprawl across his bed together. it's falling deeper for him everyday, feeling like it's the first time every time you set your eyes on him.
jeongin: it's squeezing jeongin's cheeks and teasing him over his startling resemblance to bread as he squirms away and laughs. it's filling your camera film with random pictures of jeongin until your phone storage is practically used up. it's jeongin slipping your hand into his coat pocket whenever you complain of cold fingers and enveloping your hands with his own. it's memorizing jeongin's coffee order so you know just what to ask for whenever the two of you visit the coffee shop. it's buying jeongin the pair of jeans he's been wanting for forever now on a whim. it's jeongin making some dumb joke and immediately looking to you just to see your face scrunch up in a laugh, just because he loves nothing more than watching you laugh.
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nctinthehouse · 3 years
Unexpected Company
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PAIRING: neighbour!reader x neighbour!Jaehyun
GENRE: fluff, slight humour, neighbours!au, strangers to lovers!au
WC: 1.7k
⚠️ WARNING(S): language, horror themes
PROMPT: SEVENTY-SIX. neighbor x neighbor ; where the power goes out and they’re both afraid of the dark and so seek comfort with each other.
A/N: Written for @ficscafe au pairing event. I had a lot of fun writing this one, hope you guys enjoy this! Happy reading & Happy Halloween 🎃
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It’s around 10 PM and you’re still not asleep yet as usual. The TV is on, playing in the background while you’re lying down on the couch playing on your phone.
You were just minding your own business when the TV and the lights around you turned off all of a sudden.
You let out a yelp as soon as it happens, quickly looking up from your phone as your eyes scan around the apartment. You sit there on the couch frozen and it takes a few moments later to clock what just happened even though it was obvious.
A damn power cut.
“What the fuck?” you said out loud to yourself
Your apartment was now dark and gloomy, like straight out from a horror film. You did not like it one bit because you’re afraid of the dark.
You’ve had a power cut before but it was so long ago that you weren’t certainly expecting it to happen again. Not that power cuts happened frequently in your life. The last time you had one, it only affected your apartment building and you had one of your friends over so it wasn’t so bad.
You don’t remember it being this dark though as the lights from outside helped bring some light into your apartment. But this time, it’s way darker than it was.
‏‏‎ ‎
‏‏‎ ‎
You turned around from your couch to look out the windows and realise that all the street lights and any sort of light source from outside were all gone.
“Wait, did the whole area lose power?” you furrow your brows in confusion
Your balcony doors were slightly open, the groans and complaints of your surrounding neighbours confirmed your suspicion.
The fact that not only your apartment building has lost power but the surrounding area outside has lost power too, making the whole place black. The only sort of light source you had was the flashlight from your almost dying phone and the lights from a few cars that were just passing along the streets but that didn’t help at all.
You mentally slapped yourself for not getting up from the couch earlier to grab your charger and now you can’t even do that because you won’t be able to charge it anyway since the power is out so there’s no point.
As you sat on the couch for a few minutes, several knocks on the door scared you from your thoughts. You cautiously turn the flashlight on from your phone and scan around your apartment hoping that there wasn’t anyone but you there.
A few more knocks came. You curled your knees up towards your chest, staring at the front door. You were scared since you weren't expecting anyone at this hour let alone anyone in general.
For some reason, you had decided to go and see who or what was out there. Perhaps one of your neighbours needed help or perhaps it was a ghost coming to get you.
What the fuck Y/N calm yourself down, why would a ghost knock on your door? You thought to yourself
You get up and slowly walk towards the front door, grabbing a duster you had lying next to the TV on your way there; holding it up like a weapon, like it would protect you.
“Please don’t be ghosts please don’t be ghosts please don’t be ghosts please don’t be ghosts” you repeat to yourself as you take a step closer to the door
You weren’t expecting anyone to be outside so as soon as your flashlight caught a standing figure right in front of you; a fist up in the air, your immediate reaction was to scream the whole building down. However you quickly realise it was just the cute guy you knew that just lived across from your apartment, whose name is Jaehyun aka the guy with the cute dimples you wanna poke.
You’ve talked to Jaehyun every now and then but haven’t really spent a huge amount of time doing so though. Probably no more than 5 minutes because he seemed to always be busy. You’d love to get to know him better though. Maybe tonight’s the chance.
“You’re not a ghost!” you say happily and let out a huge sigh
Jaehyun takes a few moments to register what you just said
“Sorry I uh... what?”
“Oh uh ahaha… sorry. I-I just wasn’t expecting anyone at this time and when I heard the knocks I freaked out and this power cut doesn’t help it at all because it’s so dark and I can’t see shit and I hate the dark and I’m scared that there’s ghosts and-”
You stop mid sentence as you hear a chuckle and look at him. His whole face lit up, eyes forming crescents, a huge grin on his face and dimples so deep (damn you just wanna poke them).
You realise that you were rambling to your neighbour who must have a reason as to why he knocked on your door at this hour.
“Were you cleaning in the dark?” Jaehyun questions, tilting his head to the side as he points to the duster you’re holding
“Oh, no noo, I uh, thought you were a ghost so I just grabbed a… weapon?” you grimace
Jaehyun raises an eyebrow at you and chuckles
“Um, is everything ok Jaehyun?”
“Oh right uh... I was just wondering if I could hang out at yours for a bit? This might sound stupid but I’m kinda scared of the dark so…” Jaehyun says as he rubs the nape of his neck
You shouted out a small “yes!” with a fist in the air, completely forgetting that Jaehyun was here
“I-I mean s-sure! Don’t worry, I’m scared of the dark too so I could really use some company” you say as you let out a nervous laugh
You let Jaehyun in and lock the door as he makes his way to your living room. The flashlight on his phone shines around the apartment briefly, spotting a few prints on the wall and a few small pots of plants.
“Nice place”
“Oh, thank you! Make yourself at home” pointing at the couch and following Jaehyun. You put the duster down on the coffee table and both make yourselves comfortable on the couch. Jaehyun places his phone on the coffee table in front.
You swear you could hear your heart beating so fast, you think he could hear it too. Never had you been so close to him before. You’re pretty sure you’re a blushing mess right now too but luckily it was dark he couldn't see that.
“So, you’re scared of the dark too huh?” Jaehyun asks
“Ugh, it makes me feel like I’m in a horror movie and you know all the things that could happen. It’s not fun and it’s creepy”
“Why are you scared?” you ask Jaehyun
“It’s uh, kinda ridiculous…”
“Come on! I won’t judge” you sit up straight and turn your body towards him
“Well... when I was a kid, I was over at a friend's house one night. We were just playing games in his room when the power suddenly went out. One of my other friends thought it’d be funny to scare us and since it was dark, we didn’t realise that he actually left the room. The door started creaking open slowly until there was a loud honking noise and out of nowhere the friend that left re-appeared right in front of our faces and shouted out a “BOO!” and said “Wanna play a game?” so creepily. He was even all dressed up looking like an actual clown! He had a mask, a big red nose and a crazy orange wig! It scared the living shit out of me. Ever since then I’ve been scared of the dark AND clowns.”
Jaehyun shakes his head a few times and shivers as he recalls that night. He turns to you after he finishes talking and sees you rubbing your chest up and down with a relieved expression. Little did he know that he actually made you jump the moment he said “BOO!”.
“Was that a real story or did you just make it up on the spot to scare me?”
“No it’s a real story, I swear!”
“Hmmm ok, if you say so” you say as you squint your eyes at him
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You and Jaehyun spent the next few hours or so talking about anything and everything. In fact, you enjoyed his company so much that you didn't even realise that it had just gone past 1AM. Pretty sure both your phones have died at some point because the flashlights disappeared but you didn't really care since you had him beside you. You were getting quite sleepy though.
Jaehyun bumps his shoulders slightly with yours as you let out a yawn
“Thanks for keeping me company”
“I could say the same to you. Thanks Jaehyun” you smile at him
Grabbing a blanket from the other side of the couch, you drape it over you and Jaehyun, not wanting to catch a cold or anything. A comfortable silence fills the air for a minute before you say something again.
“Maybe… we could do this again? Not in pitch black of course”
Jaehyun smiles back at you
“I’ve uh, always wanted to get to know you more since the first time I met you when I moved into the building and I hoped to spend more time with you. But I wasn't expecting it to happen under these circumstances.”
“Well, something good came out from the power cut I guess” you laugh
“Would you... like to grab some breakfast with me tomorrow?” Jaehyun looks at you expectantly as he bites his lower lip
“I’d love to” you say, a huge grin appearing on your face
A while later following more conversations, Jaehyun notices you asleep on his shoulder as he doesn’t hear a response from you after he asks you a question. He pulls up the blanket a bit more and shuts his eyes, deciding that it's time to sleep as he cannot wait to take you out for breakfast later on. But not before thanking whoever or whatever made the power cut happen in the first place.
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network tagging: @pretty-neos
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sanccharine · 3 years
bad friend | jh
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musician au, rockstar au
pairing: rockstar!jihyo x friend!reader
genre: angst, drama
word count: 2.4k
warning: lowkey toxic friendship 
summary: when an old friend returns, so do the unresolved issues and forgotten promises.
song rec: bad friend by rina sawayama
a/n: wrote another fic for ficscafe’s au pairing event :D picked prompt fifty-eight – rockstar x friend ; where they separated and meet again years later. and thanks to @masterninjacow​ , @allurence​ , and @gyukult​​ for beta reading. literally your edits and suggestions were so helpful ;-; 
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On the hottest night of the summer, you mopped the floor of the cafe you worked in while listening to music through your wireless headphones. Thick and heavy, they completely silenced any other noise that might spook you this late in the evening.
The cleaning was slow and inefficient; you were far too invested in the lyrics.
Every line in the song resonated with you, as if someone had reached into the depths of your mind, past locked memories and buried secrets to write this song. From the tone of the singer’s voice to the melody, every aspect drowned in nostalgic melancholy, regrets and self-hatred. It was something so visceral, that if you weren’t preoccupied with your job, maybe you’d be sobbing.
However, it wasn’t just the song—it was also the artist and the video accompanying it. With almost twenty million views under a week, the video had long essays for comments about how each individual connected with the lyrics. However, it was a simple lyric video with snapshots of the artist’s most vulnerable moments – it added a layer of honesty and sincerity to the song. For you, it was the song’s ending that plucked at your heartstrings.
Just as the song came to a close, many photos filtered past in a second in quick succession and you always made sure to witness the moment. Picking your phone from the table, you let the mop lean against your hip as you watched and waited with bated breath. As the last note played, a photo of a toy guitar and keyboard above grass remained before fading to black.
That image brought back memories you’d long forgotten about; visions of sunny days and nonsense lyrics. Feeling a heavy weight in your chest, a sad smile crept on your lips but before you could wallow in your sadness, the sound of the bell above the front door rang.
“We’re closed now,” you said, lowering your head to quickly remove your headphones before meeting the customer. Thankfully, the song had ended before their arrival. “Your order will have to be to-go–”
Your breath hitched when your eyes laid on the person before you. They removed the black mask and cap covering their face but you knew who it was. Maroon bomber jacket, short choppy black hair, and her guitar case, decorated with stickers and paint, which never left her back. It was unmistakable.
Park Jihyo, identical to the night she’d vanished, stood opposite of you.
It had been the eve of your graduation. The possibility of starting university had you tossing and turning in bed and the large stack of dentistry textbooks atop of your table didn’t help at all. Entranced by the future, you had jolted up when you heard a knock at your window… and outside it sat Jihyo, aggressively waving her hand along with an irritating grin.
Oftentimes, she’d scale up your shed and find purchase next to your window; you’d spent many nights under the stars there. However, that particular night had been different. Jihyo was there with a plan, a car, and her unearned confidence.
“You, me, our instruments, and the open road with endless opportunities! How about it?” was all she said while wiggling her eyebrows.
And in return, this is what you responded with, “You can’t be serious.”
Then and there, her excitement vanished.
Shaking her head with a forced smile, she tried again, “We’ve always talked about this–”
“Wait a minute, you were serious about this?” You pinched the bridge of your nose and pushed out slow, deep breaths to try and calm down. “Jihyo, our graduation is tomorrow and I got accepted into dental school and you–”
“I what?” Jihyo asked sharply, before raking her hand through her hair. “What about me? What?”
“Jihyo, it’s not realistic,” you whispered, already feeling the tears collecting in your eyes. “We were messing around, you said you got accepted–”
“Yeah, I was serious!” Jihyo yelled and you stiffened. “I lied! I didn’t get accepted to any university, why would they accept – no, don’t bother! – It’s fine, whatever.”
“Jihyo, you’re being unreasonable, please!” you said trying to reach after Jihyo, as she pushed away from your window.
“No, it’s fine.” Jihyo offered a bitter laugh and jumped off, but not before saying, “Enjoy dental school, Y/N.”
Graduation came and all anybody could talk about was Jihyo’s departure. For the most part, the day had been a blur and the summer left you numb until you threw yourself at dental studies and drowned the memories of Jihyo with your work. That is, until she became a sensation. Out of spite, you never bothered to follow her music but then two years after her disappearance, she was unmissable. One of her songs peaked on the charts and her career catapulted. Before you knew it, every billboard in the city had her face plastered over it. The energy drink you bought at the store to study all night depicted a laminated Jihyo on its label. Your streaming site where you rewatched the same sitcom to drown out your misery, offered to play her documentary. Not to forget the cafe you worked at where they constantly cycled her songs.
It was strange to witness and even stranger to see her before you. The bright-eyed, impulsive, firecracker that you’d known for nearly two decades had returned as a ground-breaking world star. She was resolute and complex… and regretful.
“Hey, Y/N,” she mumbled with a small smile while tugging at the strap across her chest.
Instantly, you pocketed your phone for fear she’d notice her song playing. Shaking away your initial shock, you offered her a seat at the table not before offering her a meek smile back. Before she could utter another word, you sprinted to the windows and made quick work of the blinds. Without even glancing at Jihyo, you rushed to the kitchen to brew her an Iced Americano.
In front of the coffee machine, you saw yourself reflected and winced. You had bags under your eyes from sleepless nights and all-nighters and your hair mussed by the headphones. Above them, what was most apparent was the deep-rooted fear that thrummed past your ears as your heart attempted to burst out of your rib cage.
With only seconds to calm yourself, you rubbed your cheeks before grabbing her drink, a water bottle, and some tissues and headed straight for her table. Jihyo was seated with her guitar case leaning against her leg while her fingers mindlessly tapped along to some beat. The detail made your lips twitch, but you suppressed the smile quickly.
“Here’s your drink–”
“Oh no, you didn’t have to do any of–”
“It’s completely fine,” you said politely as you slid the drink across the table along with the tissues. “It’s on the house.”
Grasping the cup with two hands, Jihyo took small sips after mumbling her gratitude. You took your seat opposite her and covered your mouth with your palm, hiding the smile that graced your lips whenever Jihyo stole glances at you. Save for the faint buzzing of the light fixture above you, there was a prolonged and suffocating silence hanging between the two of you.
Then finally, she broke the quietude and blurted, “Mina told me that you would be here.” Jihyo slumped forward, expertly avoiding your gaze by fidgeting with the corner of the tissue paper until the layers separated.
That wasn’t quite what you expected her to say. A brittle laugh escaped you as you folded your arms, “You’re in contact with Mina?”
Immediately, Jihyo’s head snapped up before pushing away from the table almost as if you had flipped a switch. “She reached out to me–” Jihyo paused as you let out another hollow chuckle before continuing, “–a few months back.”
Exhaling, you looked around everywhere before looking at the girl in front of you. Instead of the nervousness she displayed, her eyebrows were drawn together, pupils darting left and right as her tapping on the table returned at an increased speed – it was impatience and impulsiveness, and arrogance!
She hadn’t changed at all!
“I was hoping you’d join me on stage.” You felt your jaw slacken as Jihyo conversed with the table. “That we could open my world tour together… sing and perform together… like old times.”
She hadn’t changed at all.
“Is that why you came here?” you asked, in a tone that was barely audible to even your own ears. Jihyo opened her mouth to speak, but you pushed forward. “Is that why you decided to start your ‘world tour’ here? Just so we could play along to your fantasy? Seven years later and still you only think of yourself–”
“No, wait–”
“You’re unbelievable,” a chuckle of disbelief preceded a fit of laughter as Jihyo stared at you in despair.
The damned song with all its melancholy and nostalgia had put ideas into your head. For a moment, you’d actually believed– you don’t know what you believed!
Were you hoping the two of you would reconcile; have a heart-to-heart about how she deserted you? How she never looked back, never gave you a chance, and dropped you once you were of no use to her? Or perhaps, you’d hurl the song she’d released, lamenting her regrets and her sins? Maybe her fans would love to see that she never meant a single word she sang? Or instead, you’d fetch the scribbled lyrics sitting deep in your closet and toss them at her face? Confess how badly you yearned to play the keyboard, how dental school was never your choice, how you’ve slaved away for nearly seven years with one more to go? On stage, just to perform again… right beside her?
Contradicting thoughts and repressed feelings arrived in a tidal wave, engulfing you whole and dragging you under. Feeling your throat beginning to close up, you blinked rapidly to avoid spilling tears. You should ask her to leave–
“I want you back in my life!” Jihyo confessed, stark and clear. Her breath sputtered, but she repeated with emphasis, “I… need you back in my life.”
“Are you serious?” You might as well have slapped Jihyo, her expression looked all the same to you. With an incredulous scoff, you folded your arms and said, “What does that even mean, Jihyo?”
She paused to look at the closed blinds; her jaw clenched, face pulling into a sneer as her bloodshot eyes threatened to spill tears. Then she screwed her lids shut and shook her head before returning to you.
With a pained look, she breathed out, “it means what it means.”
Jihyo flexed her hands and found them shaking. One would assume with her lyrical mastery in story-telling and how it managed to touch people’s souls, that she’d be comfortable with vulnerability… and yet here she was, struggling to find the right words.
“It means,” Jihyo exhaled out, “It means I was an idiot. It means I was harsh to you. It means that I was wrong… to abandon you.”
This confession truly baffled you.
“And it means I was hasty, to meet you–” Jihyo stopped hurriedly to pat down her jacket, before reaching to get a lanyard… and a ticket!
The sight of her silhouette, unabashedly holding her guitar above her head, had you clenching your fists; within a matter of minutes, Jihyo had you feeling a range of emotions, most commonly rage. Which seemed to return again, now tenfold–
“It’s not about my tour!” Jihyo swiftly attempted to diffuse the situation. “This, I’m just… just give me a minute.”
After a nod from you, Jihyo rubbed her cheeks until she turned and pushed her hair back before leaning forward.
“I came back here – to you – because I messed up and I missed you. We were inseparable and then, god, I don’t know, we fell out and didn’t talk and it was brutal–”
As Jihyo rambled, you finally got the chance to note the little details. How her eyes drooped and struggled to maintain open, the sheen of sweat on her forehead, the faint imprints of her mask against her nose and up her cheek – so painfully mundane. It was not the star that thousands screamed for, instead, under your stare, she’d transformed back to that scared young girl you once knew before.
“I shouldn’t have come here without contacting you before, I’m sorry. But as soon as Mina told me you were here, I booked it, straight from the airport!” Sighing, she said, “The two of us, we have so much to discuss and resolve and catch up and… I just wanted to see you. I shouldn’t have been so impulsive.”
That last line had you gulping, and for a moment, you had to look away from her.
“Listen, I arrived here earlier and I have almost a month before my tour starts,” Jihyo said, patting the backstage pass and ticket sitting on the table. “If you’d allow me, I’d like to meet again. Some middle ground, maybe somewhere outside and at a time when you’re not working and I’m not jetlagged – to catch up and talk things out. If you still want nothing to do with me afterwards, then I understand.” She nodded, glimpsing away. Then she picked up the pass and ticket, before pocketing them into her jacket. “If not, then…”
She looked up to observe you but your head was hung low as a million things swirled around your mind. Offering a bitter smile, she picked up her guitar case.
“My number hasn’t changed – my personal! – so, you know what to dial.” Jihyo cleared her throat, stood up and slipped on her mask and cap.
When you didn’t look at her, she mumbled a defeated ‘okay’ before pushing her chair and heading for the door.
With her back to you, petty as you may want to be, you still found yourself stealing glances at her. That image of her toy guitar and your toy keyboard flashed in your head, making your eyes burn. Pursing your lips and tilting your head up, you grasped for the unopened water bottle and attempted to crush it to alleviate some of the frustration and desperation you felt. It wasn’t helpful.
Just before Jihyo left, she turned back while you glared holes into the misshapen bottle in your hands. “Maybe we’ll see each other again, Y/N… until then.” Although it was simple and quick, you know she meant every word with her whole heart.
And with that, she was gone.
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any feedback is much appreciated.
a/n: honestly, i had this idea scribbled down in my notes when i first listened to sawayama in january but never got around to writing it. but now, after infinity train, it feels like discount ryan and mingi fhsdjkfhsdjk
the fic ends on a bummer note but perhaps an infinity train take,,,,say y/n does decide to meet jihyo, at a park maybe, and their interaction goes just as great as this one. and then bam !! a train illuminated in green passes them and a portal opens.  jihyo, being the ryan, jumps headfirst and y/n, being the mingi, reluctantly follows. three weeks later, they exit having resolved their issues and open jihyo's tour together :D or there's a possibility they fight and never leave the train :D
sorry, i just very badly need more infinity train. book 5 was supposed to answer so many questions ;-; but forget that, i hope you enjoyed reading this. but yeah, goodnight folks :]
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tagging: @its-a-me-mario-hihi​ @luvlyyrv
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wonwooslibrary · 3 years
hey samantha !! im sorry i skipped over last week :( but lookie here it’s weekly positivity time again :D i hope you’re doing alright ! what've you been up to ?? any good movies or books you’ve enjoyed recently ???
ily always, gyu (@gyukult) and i always have our messages / inboxes open if you ever need anything ♡ - ficscafe admins.
...this is a late answer...again....IM SORRY ILY,,,but to answer your question, I've been kind of going crazy? I had my first AP exam last week and I have another one in like, three days. currently, im waiting to check into zoom for class >< i hope you are having an amazing day!!!
(thank you for sending these btw they're the sweetest thing ever and they always cheer me up :D )
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