#filler hell
spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
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📻🍎 I know Alastor's Shadow conveys his true feelings at times, but what if his random background music does too? XD Meanwhile, Luci's just there to give our deer friend a little smooch! 🥰💕✨️
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Also I am proud to announce that I'm officially on break from school. Which means it's back to your regularly not scheduled programming of #HHStargazersAU content from me! Please look forward to it! Because I'm just as excited to share my Chaggie & Radioapple story to you all once again! =D -Bubbly💙
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erros429 · 2 months
something that irks me so bad are those people who argue that the red dragon fight is when the REAL dungeon meshi starts. like all that character establishment and worldbuilding and relationship development from the first 11 episodes are all skippable, and the only important thing about them is that they litter a bit of context for the viewer. but once you get to episode 12 is when you REALLY need to lock in.
and i just. vehemently disagree with that sentiment so much. the death of filler has tragically ruined the way we engage with media. because why the FUCK would i care about the red dragon fight if i didn’t already love the characters and appreciate their motivation for the fight in the first place? like yea, laios wanting to save his sister and marcille wanting to save her best friend are fine motivations on paper, but i honestly wouldn’t give a shit about falin surviving if i did not watch those first 11 episodes of these characters’ painstaking determination to get her back.
the execution of it all was perfect because those expository episodes were also perfect. and we should not devalue them simply because the red dragon fight was the turning point/tone shift for the overall narrative.
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sassykinzonline · 4 months
dude, when were you guys gonna tell me naruto has a seductive fem clone? and you guys think this is a homophobic cis straight male bootlicker? and the clones are woke?
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hes blushing at naked might guy??? HELLO?
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xiakeik · 6 months
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There's nothing more fun than filling an entire doodle page of your favorite car salesman :]
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umbraria · 11 months
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shirii · 11 months
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trying to finish watching naruto but it’s just more and more flashbacks 🙃
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ballerinarina · 18 days
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allastoredeer · 7 months
I just found some Hazbin Hotel leaks, pre-being pick up by A24 and, do you know we could have had an episode where Charlie meets all the Deadly Sins? We were absolutely robbed of a pretty good filler episodes before the big finale with heaven.
Here's link to the leaks: https://imgur.com/a/nCorcZq
In case the link doesn't work, you can also look at this tumblr post: https://www.tumblr.com/hellaverse-critical-confessions/727383242254204928/hello-the-pre-a24-leaks-anon-again-heres-link?source=share
I really hope they use some of this old concepts on the next season cause they seem quite funny and interesting. Those ideas could help flush the characters out a bit more and the worldbuilding. What do you think?
Me writing notes while reading the leaks:
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“Angel and Charlie drag Husk out to a carnival show to show him the not-so-sleazy side of life. This proves difficult with Husk being raised to know nothing but crime and no experience with innocent fun.”
Husk has no experience with innocent fun. He only knows the sleazy side of life T.T Also he has mob connections 👀That is good to know. I find that so, so interesting. It explains it grim outlook on life. Why he's hardly every smiling or having fun. I think one of the first times we actually see him smile is after fighting those shark demons with Angel Dust in "Masquerade."
Now that I'm thinking about it, he smiles a lot more after that. Or, at least from what I remember. I might need to rewatch the show (for the dozenth time, LMAO). But, that kind also goes to show how much this guy needs friends. Good relationships. Connections outside of crime, which is all he's known all his life.
Also love delving more into Vaggie too. How she's incredible responsible, but controlling. After reading through a few of the episode description about her, my personal headcanon/take is that she still has a bit of that "angels are superior" mindset in the way that when she challenges Maxine, she's quickly reminded of her own limits when she's defeated "very easily." It's like what Carmilla was saying in the show. The angels are arrogant in their fighting. They leave themselves open, they're brash, and uncoordinated because they're not used to fighting demons who can actually fight back.
As far as we've seen, all of their victims are regular demons. None of the Overlords. Well, except Carmilla that one time, and she'd taken down the Exorcists with relative ease because she knows how to fight, and she's powerful. Given that this is the first time an Exorcist has been killed, and the first time we hear about an Overlord being attacked during the Extermination, I assume not a lot of Exorcists come face to face with the Overlords.
So, this kind of brash arrogance still lingering in Vaggie, who see's a demon talking down to her and automatically challenges them to a fight, only to lose immediately. Then her falling back into her insecurities that if she's not able to protect/fight for something/someone, than she's useless (which is ANOTHER thing she's learned from her time as an Exorcist angel--if she's unable to fight for the cause, what use does she have?). It's like this double-edged sword, and I'm rahhhhhh I'm gnawing on it.
ALSO ALSO, getting not only one annual event held in Hell, but TWO! "Hells Weapons Exo," (which I like to think Vox co-hosts with Carmilla, as she is a weapons manufacturer, and Vox is the guy to go to if you're looking to sell/buy something. Also, Vox HAS to have a showmanship side of him. Like, a legitimate showy, entertainer side--which I also like to think is what brought him and Alastor together before their, uh, falling out.)
Their second event being "Challenge Day" where lower tiered demons can challenge higher tiered demons for control over souls? I interpreted this in two ways, 1) challenging a higher tiered demon for the souls they already own, or 2) challenging the person who owns your soul as a way to get it back - both of which I really like. It actually fits really well with some of the world-building I've been doing for the last few days, so I am eating it up.
ALSO THE FACT THAT THERE'S A ROYAL BALL HELD AFTER "CHALLENGE DAY." My RadioApple brain LATCHED onto that so quickly. Imagine Lucifer taking Alastor to the royal ball as his date T.T I wanna see them all dressed up fancy, and I want them to dance, and dsofslknjljblkjbj FUUUUUUCK
Thank you SO Much for sending me this! I am soaking up these lore pieces like a sponge.
It also mentions Angel and Charlie taking Husk to a carnival show, which makes me wonder if there are places like carnivals open in Pentagram City, or if it's similar to the traveling circus thing Blitz grew up in. Like, do hellborn demons who doing travelling circus/carnivals just go through all the rings, one-by-one, including the Pride Ring? That way the Sinners get to get in on it too? AH! I just love thinking about it.
Thank you thank you I am feasting so much right now.
Oh, also, I just realized I didn't answer your original question about the Sins, GOD I wish we got that. I want to see Charlie interacting with all the Sins so badly. Though, I suppose with Amazon not really owning Hazbin Hotel, where all the Sin's have been showing up, I wonder if they'd be able to do an episode like at all.
I don't know. Things to think about.
But to sum up! Thank you so much for this! I know this answer kind of went on long LOL, but you have given me so much brain food and I am eternally grateful 🙏
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musicalmoritz · 2 months
Hi, we’re going to see this scene animated in January
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I’m going to scream
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scoots-canoe · 5 months
this guys got yamtien brainrot just like me 😭😭😭
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strawberrystepmom · 2 months
i was pumped for 2ne1 come back until i remembered what comment sections look like now.....quick get behind me you four
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milimeters-morales · 4 months
chapter 5 of the transfem miles fic :3
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chap 6 / Chap 7 / Chap 8 / Chap 9
Wordcount: 4k+
Warnings: Someone's transphobic towards a side character, if you don't wanna read that then skip from "two in the afternoon" all the way to "Miles has been helping around the city all day"
“What did you say?”
Miles swallows down his hesitation, can feel the sweat running down his back, and breathes heavily out his nose.
“I… I told Peter and one of his friends… about us. Being together.” Each word feels like he’s digging further and further into his own grave.
Ganke takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes, “That’s great, man. I honestly didn’t think you’d be ready.” He then places his glasses back on and turns back to play on his computer.
Miles stares at him, dumbfounded. 
Ganke hums. “What? I mean, you’re always hiding me from everybody, I just didn’t expect you to--”
“No,” Miles says, “is… is that it? You aren’t mad? You’re not gonna leave?” He asks, voice shaking. He can feel the rocks in his stomach and the adrenaline making him his limbs feel light.
Ganke quickly turns to face him again, and Miles can see his eyes shining ever so slightly. Shit. 
“Leave? What? Why would I do that?” He asks in disbelief. “Miles, you know I never really liked keeping us a secret. This is… actually amazing, I can tell my mom, you can tell your parents--”
Miles feels cold dread stab him in the stomach, and he holds in the “no” that wants to escape his mouth. Ganke’s eyes lighting up makes him bite the inside of his cheek.
“--well, maybe we can wait a bit before we tell my mom,” Ganke amends with a slightly bitter tone, “but no man, I’m not mad. Should we tell Gwen or do you think Pav told her already?”
Still trying to wrap his mind around Ganke not storming out of the dorm right now, Miles doesn’t respond. His heart feels like it’s beating way too fast, and he feels the sweat coming back full force, running down his face and back. His face feels hot, and he just wants to curl into himself until he gets so small that he merely pops out of existence.
“Ganke, I’m really sorry,” Miles finally says after a few unsure moments of silence. “I just… it was an accident, like with Pavitr. I didn’t actually want to… tell anyone? Not yet.”
Ganke actually pauses the game he’s playing, and fully turns in his chair to give Miles a quizzical look. “What?”
God, here comes the most difficult part.
Miles sits down on Ganke’s bunk, taking off his gloves and fidgeting with his fingers. “I’m still not ready. I know that… I know that you want to let people know, but I… just can’t. I’m--”
Ganke shakes his head, “You’re sorry, I know. I just… why? I mean, your parents are so supportive of literally everything else you do, the rest of your friends are going to accept us,” he trails off, looking away with a frown. “I know you’re scared, but we should at least tell… I want your parents to know about me, I don’t want to just keep lying to their faces and sneaking around all the time ...”
Miles looks down at his hands. He always knew that Ganke never really wanted their relationship to be secret, but already made it clear he wasn’t going to pressure Miles to come out to anybody before he was ready.
“I know, I know. I want to tell them too--”
“Do you?” Ganke interrupts, his tone causing Miles to look up and meet his eyes.
No , he thinks. “I… I already-- I’m Spider-Man, and you know they still aren’t… Look, I can’t keep pushing all this…” Miles struggles to get the rest of the sentence out as he realizes how bad it sounds. 
The other boy seems to realize what he was going to say, because his gaze turns sharp, hurt flashing almost too quick for Miles to catch, before he sighs. “Miles, let’s… not. We’ll talk about this in the morning, or something.”
“Yeah,” Miles agrees numbly, crawling up into his own bunk and changing into his sleep clothes. “I love you, you know that.”
Ganke doesn’t respond, which makes the rocks that settled in Miles’s stomach feel like they were going to drag him through all the floors in this very building and into the Earth’s core, but when he looks over, he sees Ganke already has his headphones on, facing the wall.
He’s going to be sick. He’s overreacting to this, it’s normal for Ganke to be upset right now and not want to see him or talk to him any longer. They can work this out. They love each other, and that won’t change.
Miles leans back into his own bunk, and stares at the ceiling for the rest of the night. 
The cool breeze stings his cheeks as he walks down the street with Ganke. His boyfriend. He squeezes his hand briefly.
“Miles, don’t. I know you don’t even wanna hold my hand right now,” Ganke mumbles.
“I do,” Miles insists, because he really does--
“But you’re scared,” Ganke says--
because he really is.
“I… I don’t want to be, I want to hold your hand,” Miles tries to insist, hating how weak his voice sounded. He did want this, why couldn’t he at least sound like it? “I don’t want to be scared of what anyone thinks--”
“How about this, we start slow. And on purpose, this time, we can…” Ganke trails off.
“You don’t think it’s a good idea,” Miles guesses.
“Well I don’t have any other plans, man. I don’t wanna just keep us secret for the rest of our lives,” Ganke says, tucking his hands in his pockets. His glasses fog up when he sighs, “But I don’t want to scare you off or anything. I don’t know.”
Miles turns his gaze to the ground.
“Maybe… yeah. We start slow. I can tell people… on purpose,” he agrees, swallowing the rocks in his throat. They settle back in his stomach, waiting. 
“But you’re not sold on the idea?”
“No, no. But I can… try?” That’s what relationships are about, right? Trying? Meeting halfway and all that.
Ganke is quiet for a few minutes while they walk. His breath fogs up his glasses, and splashes from the puddles they step in are freezing, even through their pants. 
“Yeah. Okay,” he mumbles. “Who do you have in mind?”
Nobody, but Miles doesn’t say that. He looks around, squinting at the slowly rising sun.
Alright, he could do this. He could try telling people. Pavitr and Peter already know, and they’ve done nothing but be supportive, or in Peter’s case, be annoying. The man probably told his wife, and his baby, who would’ve babbled nonsense back at him, and that friend-- Richard, he thinks-- probably…
Take a deep breath.
Probably didn’t tell anybody. He probably forgot all about it. Miles doesn’t even exist in that world, he would have no reason to go around telling people about some random guy’s relationship worries.
“Do you have anyone in mind?” Ganke asks him, unimpressed with the answering silence.
“Um… yes.”
“Really? Who?”
Miles gulps.
Even on Earth-42, a city that’s overrun with villains controlling more than they should, there’s still annoyingly loud morning traffic. Horn honking, tires screeching, car engines sputtering, and the jumbled muffled noise of people yelling at each other reaches Miles even when he’s hundreds of feet in the air. But it’s all just background noise. He’s not focusing on that. He’s focusing on how to not die inside trying to confess what he’s about to confess.
“So why did you make me come up here? You’re not here to pull an O’hara, right?” G. asks him, slowly coming closer to join him on the edge of the roof. 
The two chuckle at their inside joke, but Miles notices the other’s tense shoulders. Does he really look like that right now too? He relaxes his shoulders just the tiniest amount. 
“I just… wanted to tell you something. Away from Ma and Uncle Aaron-- it’s personal, so…”
“What? Did something happen? Is it about both of us?” G. suddenly straightened up from his slouch, eyes narrowing slightly. 
Oh man, wouldn’t that be a relief. 
“No, it’s just… I don’t want anyone else to know. It’s a secret.”
“Is it a girl?” G. asks hesitantly. “Uncle Aaron’s got better advice than me, though, so…”
Miles swallows the rocks in his throat back down to his stomach, where they finally settle and wait. He feels a shiver go down his spine, and sweat forms on his forehead. God, why didn’t he think to put his suit on before he came here? He could at least hide the more obvious tells that he was scared out of his mind.
“Nah, it’s not that,” certainly not a girl, “I just… uhh…”
Say it. Tell him. Tell him you’re-
“Did you kill somebody?”
“No! Dude, what the hell!” Miles shouts.
“Hey, don’t get loud with me! I was just asking! You look like you’re about to pass out!” G. grumbles, running a hand down one of his braids. “Probably shouldn’t be on the edge, come on.”
With a huff, Miles joins his alternate self in retreating from the roof’s edge and sitting down near the door leading to the stairwell. He picks up a pebble and tosses it up in the air repeatedly, trying to count his breaths. 
He can do this. His anxiety and fears are irrational. Everything about G. shows that he’s bound to be accepting. And even if he isn’t, he wouldn’t gain anything by outing Miles to anyone else here, and he doesn’t even really care about Miles’s friends enough to want to tell them anything.
He can do this. If not for himself, then for Ganke. Ganke deserves it. His boyfriend deserves it. 
G. tilts his head, one brow raised.
Miles lets the rock drop and hides his face in his hands, groaning loudly. “I can’t do thiiissss…”
“Look man, you ain’t gotta tell me if you don’t want to,” G. tells him awkwardly, stiffly patting his shoulder in understanding. “I don’t tell you a lot of stuff.”
Miles peeks between his fingers. “Yeah? Like what?” He asks forlornly.
The other boy gives him a flat look. Yeah, okay.
“That’s the thing though,” Miles sighs, picking at his lip, something G. gently slaps his hand away for, “I want to tell you! It’s super important, and I kinda made a promise to tell you already.”
“And you hate breaking promises,” G. says. “But you hate telling me whatever this super important secret is… more than that.”
“You’re making it sound really bad.”
G. rolls his eyes, “Who did you even promise that to? Ma? Your dad?”
“Ganke. It’s super important to him that I tell somebody, and I promised to tell you like… earlier this morning. I hate breaking promises to him, man.” Miles wonders if that was too much information to give, and that G. would guess what he was supposed to confess anyway. Shit, that would be way worse than him just outright saying it… what if G. guesses it and stays quiet about it but secretly hates him because of that?
Stop it, stop it brain, Miles thinks to himself, furrowing his brows. 
“Ganke? Is this about… y’know--”
Miles swears his heart stops for a second.
“--his crush?”
“Yeah, Barbara? She’s… shit, you didn’t know?!” G.’s eyes widen, and he waves his hands as if trying to dispel the words. “Then forget about it!”
Miles stands up, feeling like ice cold water was just dunked on him. “His what?! No no no, don’t you walk away--”
G. groans and hides his face in his hands, “ Ay, bendito, that’s-- that’s super personal!”
“Then why did you think that’s what I was talking about!”
“Because what else would he tell you to tell another version of yourself that would probably already know?! Dude, seriously , you need to calm down--”
“Calm down?! Calm down?! He’s my--”
G. tugs on a braid as he takes a step back for some reason, “I know he’s your best friend, and we liked Barbara first, but he doesn’t even like her anymore! It’s probably the same with your Ganke!”
“I… don’t… I don’t like Barbara,” Miles says after a few moments of tense silence.
“I don’t even know who that is, man,” he elaborates.
“Then why’re you so heated?”
This is your chance! Tell him the truth, Miles!
“I just…”
He can’t do this.
“I was upset that he wouldn’t tell me something like that. I’m his best friend!” He settles on. The words make his entire body feel cold, and the rocks in his stomach grow heavier with guilt. He isn’t the best liar, but a shamefully large part of him hopes G. buys this one.
“Well, if it’s the same in your world, maybe he just wasn’t sure. And just because you’re friends doesn’t mean he has to tell you everything, you sound overbearing.”
“I didn’t say he had to tell me everything,” Miles bites out.
“Yeah, whatever. What were you gonna tell me?”
Miles shrugs him off, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you some other time.”
G. gives him another flat look and crosses his arms. “Aight, I’m leaving. Waste of my time…”
“Tell Mom and Uncle Aaron I said hi.”
G. doesn’t answer, and leaves Miles alone on the roof.
Ugh. Way to go, genius.
How is it only two in the afternoon?
“Well, thousands of years ago, some ape invented keeping track of time, so now we’re here,” the caretaker responds humourlessly. 
Miles went back home, deciding to spend the rest of the day helping out in his own world. He’s in a homeless shelter, keeping the lights on with his own electricity until the backup generators are fixed. “Don’t quit your dayjob, ma’am,” he responds dryly, startling a laugh out of the lady. “How’d those generators break, anyway? I never asked about that.”
A somewhat elderly man sitting nearby responds, “Rats.”
A woman texting on her phone nearby scoffs, “Dad, it wasn’t rats. You were hearing things, again.”
“I’m not the crazy one, I know what I heard.”
“I’m not crazy, I told you to stop calling me that!”
The caretaker brings the man a sandwich and bowl of banana slices, shooting Mlies a look as if he started the argument. “The official story is that it’s an old generator, it was just a matter of time before it went kaput,” she tells him.
“And the unofficial story?” He presses, crossing his arms and raising a brow.
“Some assholes took a whack at it,” she whispers to him. 
“Why cover that up?” He whispers back, eyes widening.
“So that some people here don’t lose it. A lot of them have no where else to go after this, and we don’t want them to get scared and think we’re being targeted,” she explains, glancing at the two still arguing, “we don’t want to take this away from them because of this one-off thing.”
“What if it’s not a one-off attack?” Miles can’t help but ask, frowning. “Even if it is, you should still let them know the truth.”
“Wow, your mask is really expressive. You look devastated,” the caretaker comments, not answering his question.
“Thank you, I helped design it,” he replies instead, making a mental note to swing over this shelter more often. Something tells him now isn’t the time to debate or argue with her.
Another woman, probably around his mom’s age, shuffles into the room with a tall pile of clothes in a basket. “Hey, the washer and dryer working?” 
“Yeah, thanks to Spidey here,” the caretaker says, waving her hand in his general area.
“Thanks Spidey,” she says, “I’m Jeremy.”
Miles blinks, “No problem, Jeremy,” he tells him. Hopefully his embarrassment doesn’t show through the mask either.
Jeremy walks past everyone to another room, presumably the laundry room.
The old man scoffs loudly, “You’re still letting her work here?”
The way he says it makes Miles tense his shoulders and jaw. 
“He,” the caretaker corrects sharply, “is a great volunteer, and is washing your clothes for you without complaining.”
The old man grumbles, goes to look at his daughter, and gives up the argument when he sees her glaring angrily at him. “Whatever. Too old to be dealing with this,” he mutters as he walks out of the room.
“I’m sorry about him,” the daughter says quietly and stiltedly to Miles and the caretaker, face quickly turning pink as she follows him.
The caretaker doesn’t respond to that, only dragging her hand down her face and rolling her eyes. “Poor kid. He’s gotta deal with those types that don’t even like him. I don’t know how he keeps coming back.”
“Well, my mom has to treat some real jerks at work, and she still goes back,” Miles tells her, “I think it makes Jeremy a pretty great guy. Putting up with all that so people can have clean clothes.”
The caretaker looks at him and smiles warmly. “You’re a good kid, Spidey. Don’t let anything change that.”
“I’m--” Miles coughs, and deepens his voice slightly, “I’m a grown man.”
The caretaker laughs at him, shaking her head. 
Miles has been helping around the city all day after that, not stopping once for a break for himself. 
It started storming at one point, rain seeping into his suit and chilling him to the point of numbness, resulting in a peaceful trance as he swung around, offering a hand wherever he could. 
Sent down to the subway, Miles helps a group of teens find their art wall. Two boys and three girls were just wandering down here, clearly lost, and with their descriptions, he was able to figure out exactly what mural they were looking for. He hopes they don’t realize another mural-- his own, with the other spider-people and his uncle-- is nearby; he doesn’t want it to end up getting attention if the kids decide to take a picture or something, and he couldn’t really explain why he’d stop them either. “The guy who painted this is my friend,” doesn’t sound convincing, and even if it did, what if he ran into these kids as Miles down here? That would be a whole new thing to deal with and lie about!
“Hey, are you actually allergic to cinnamon?” One of the teens ask him, breaking him out of his thoughts as he leads them down the tracks. “Or am I reaching?”
“Why would I be allergic to cinnamon? Where did you hear that?” He questions her, dropping down now that they were getting close. He looks at the group of teens, noticing most of them were slightly taller than him. Which was only slightly annoying.
“Well,” one of the boys begins, “we binging your fail compilations--” Oh come on , Miles thinks-- “and you ran into a wall when running from that candy cane villain. Remember that?”
“Uh-huh,” Miles nods, crossing his arms. It was a few days after Christmas when he first became Spider-Man, and a major embarrassment even if he did end up winning.
“You said you were allergic to peppermint when a reporter asked why you ran, so we searched it up and spiders hate cinnamon too.”
Damn, he did say that, didn’t he? It was to save a bit of face, but the smell honestly did make him want to gag and made him so irritated that he had to do more running away than fighting. Sue him, he wasn’t about to throw up as Spider-Man. Guess he has to roll with the lie now. 
“I like cinnamon most of the time,” Miles finally answers, “only really how my mom uses it.”
“Oh!” One of the girls pipes up, “Have you ever done the cinnamon challenge? You totally should!”
Miles lets out a sharp laugh, “And what, embarrass myself on the internet again? Willingly?”
“You already do that,” one of the boys says dryly.
“Ouch, you should be a little nicer! I am the one leading you through here,” he jokes. 
“Sorry,” the boy drawls, not sounding sorry in the slightest.
They are quickly coming up to the mural, so Miles takes his leave. “Will you guys need help getting out of here?” He asks them, placing his hands on his hips. “I can hang around, and you can just call for me when you’re done.”
“Nope, her uncle can come pick us up when we’re done adding the finishing touches to this,” one of the boys responds, pointing to a girl that’s pulling out her phone. 
The mention of the girl’s uncle sends a pang straight through his heart, but he just nods his head, taking in the mural once more. 
He’s passed it maybe twice before, and It was a really beautiful work of art, messy in a way that screams authenticity and just pure fun, not following any sort of rules or guides. Just a collage made and continuously added on to by complete strangers. There was a group of smiling stick figures all circling the planet, and a realistic heart painting above in the colors of the gay pride flag. There were several more hearts painted haphazardly around, all in different styles, some of them were national and disability flags too, each surrounded by flowers and more smiling stick figures, a few in wheelchairs. There were even some printed out articles glued or taped around, mostly about accomplishments great and small for the communities painted. There was a cardboard sign nearby that said, “Make Your Mark!” with an arrow pointed to the mural, inviting anyone who wants to add to it.
It was probably one of his favorites, if he was being honest.
Miles would have to come back later anyway, just to see what these kids added to the mural.
He sighs and opens his bedroom door. “I got the oranges,” he calls out, peeling off his mask and tossing it behind him.
“Miles, go change, no Spider-Man at the table. You’re soaked, what did we tell you--” His dad tells him as he takes the bag from him, tossing a large towel at his face. 
“But Spider-Man did really good today, can’t he get a few scraps?” He jokes.
“You know what I meant,” his dad mumbles, “go change. Your mother’s trying a new recipe, and I’m not getting my tastebuds burnt off alone.”
Miles’s eyes widen, “Are you sure Spider-Man shouldn’t get involved?”
“I can hear you two!” His mom laughs from her experimenting in the kitchen.
Once he’s in his room, he takes a few minutes to relax. He removes his suit, dries off, and puts on a plain tee shirt and some shorts, wincing when the shirt snags on his earrings. After giving himself a once-over to make sure there aren’t any bruises, cuts, trackers, or old gum he missed, he decides to text his friends.
|Miles Morales 1610-B: Hey hows it going
|Gwen Stacy 65-B: bsuy w fight
|Miles Morales 1610-B: lmk if you need help
Okay, well Gwen’s occupied. Pavitr’s… probably still asleep, since it’s the weekend… Hobie prefers calling, and Miles really doesn’t want to do that right now… hmm.
|Miles Morales 1610-B: Hey margo how have you been?
|Margo Kess 22191-B: hi it’s been going i guess! Wbu
|Miles Morales 1610-B: Nothing much just saving the day and hating school
|Margo Kess 22191-B: felt that lol 
|Margo Kess 22191-B: im actually about to help gwen with this weird villain
|Margo Kess 22191-B: its a surprise tho so dont tell her 
“Oh,” Miles quietly says aloud, sitting down on his chair.
|Miles Morales 1610-B: Thats super nice of you!!
|Margo Kess 22191-B: yeah i want to be close again like we used to be
Huh. That’s interesting. Gwen never mentioned that she used to be close with Margo, and vice versa. Miles fights down a rush of… something close to jealousy, but not quite that. He knows Gwen made a few friends while she was in the Society, but she didn’t really like to talk about her time there in general. And he never really asked anyway, with a wound that fresh. Shoot, should he have asked at any point regardless? He doesn’t want to come off like he doesn’t care.
You’re overthinking again.
|Miles Morales 1610-B: Good luck
Does that look sarcastic? Or bitter?
|Margo Kess 22191-B: thanks dude :)
“Thank god,” Miles lets out a sharp breath, not realizing he was even holding it. He puts his watch in his nightstand and lays back on the bed, pulling out his phone, about to text Ganke--
Nevermind! That would mean he’d have to tell him he didn’t tell G. about their relationship. If he simply… forgot to text Ganke, perhaps…
He needs to tell somebody . Tonight .
“Miles, come help cook!” his mom shouted from the kitchen.
“You okay?”
Miles blinks, looking down at the ball of meat he’s been rolling for the past five minutes. “Yeah, I’m fine,” he answers. “Just a bit tired after saving the day, you know how it is.”
“Mm,” his dad hums, not wanting to talk about anything Spider-Man related, Miles guesses. “Just checking. You’re really tense.”
Miles unclenches his jaw and lets his shoulders drop to a more natural position. “I’m not.”
“Miles, you can talk to us. Me and your mother have seen a lot--”
They have? Miles feels lightheaded, and the rocks forming in his stomach are making him tense up again to not fall over. 
“--whatever happened out there tonight, you can tell us. We know there’s a lot of stuff out there, stuff no kid should have to handle, and… we just want you to be honest...”
Miles could cry right now. Oh my god. They didn’t know, his dad was just talking about being traumatized on the job from getting horrible injuries or whatever. He swears he heard angels singing for a second there.
“I know, Dad,” Miles says, slightly impressed at how steady his voice sounded. He can’t see his dad, but Miles swears he can sense the unease and disappointment in the air around him. 
Miles understands. The part of him that isn't cheering is screaming that he’s ruined his chance to be honest again, for his own selfish reasons. But the other part, the one that fiercely shields him as he hides away in that closet, simply leaves a cold relief as it washed over him.
“Miles, are those piercings infected? They look dark,” his mom points out as she comes back into the kitchen to finish cooking.
The lobes themselves are warm to the touch, now that he actually pays attention. “They do?”
“Yes, are you pulling on them? I told you not to go through any sewers, any dumps, and to clean them everyday!” she scolds, “They’re going to itch like crazy and drive you mad now.”
“It’ll be fine, ma,” Miles chuckles, realizing he actually has been slacking in cleaning them, “I can handle some itching.”
“Oh, Jeff, our son’s laughing about that infection,” his mom places a hand on her cheek, “We’ll have to call the priest.”
“It’s not an infection, mami.”
“Yep, I see the life leaving him right now,” his traitorous dad joins in.
“Guys, c’mon,” Miles laughs, “I’ll clean them after dinner.”
“Our last meal together,” his dad mumbles, shaking his head and wiping away imaginary tears.
Miles waited until his parents were asleep to sneak out onto the roof of their apartment building, creeping into the greenhouse. 
He still needs to tell somebody, even more so now that he has an entirely new person to potentially worry about. Miles doesn’t know who this Barbara girl is, but if she exists here, that means Ganke could have a crush on her, and the very thought of that is making Miles’s brain go haywire. It doesn’t even make total sense in his brain; instead of neurons, there are just jumbled wires and a cacophony of incoherent panicked shouting.
He sits down on the floor of the greenhouse, hunching over and pulling at his hair. 
Be smart about this , Miles thinks to himself. Don’t freak out, don’t freak out… He needs-- there’s gotta be a list. What was it Peter’s friend said? Start a journal, or something. He should list the problems, make a plan of action. That’s the smart thing to do.
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puppyeared · 6 months
Atla live action 😐
#thats my honest reaction 😐#to be fair ive only seen 20 minutes of the s1 finale bc my parents are watching it but. mmmmm kinda mid#like. the casting is definitely an improvement since the last time they tried a live action but it feels like the writing falls flat#or maybe im being harsh bc ive only heard negative criticism on it beforehand. but fr anytime u bring up the original its already#good and not just because its the original. so much fucking detail went into it to the point of someone noticing azula wielding mai's knive#to how well thought out irohs character is used as a way of uniting the cast especially as zukos foil#i heard that sokkas sexism was toned down and i have to agree that feels like a cheap move. like i get WHY they think it would be better#but its not about how that reflects on real world its about how it affects the story. sokka starts out as a misogynistic asshole because#it makes it that much more impactful when he changes. toning that down makes it flatter and makes his character development weak#and someone pointed out they didnt even make him wear the kyoshi warrior uniform and i know it feels like such a small detail but#come on man. they did that in the original because not only does it help him really walk in their shoes - wearing 'feminine' clothing and#makeup and having suki explain its significance but it also ties in with the shows theme of harmony and intersectionality#i was also disappointed when they had the fire sages explain how the water tribe draws power from the moon because in the original it was#IROH who explained it to aang and everyone else BECAUSE we as the audience is under the impression hes with the 'bad guys'#and it builds up to how he learned from the other nations which reconciles his past as a war general and his character overall#AND its an excellent starting point for the cast and audience to understand how the nations arent as closed off as you would think#plus you would think its only fire nation doing propaganda but they expanded on that with earth kingdom censorship and it WORKS#a lot of things in the live action also feel arbitrary like. they gave momo a near death experience for 5 minutes for no reason#im firmly on the stance of bringing back filler moments instead of putting major events right after each other so that u give your#audience a sense of time passing and to really absorb the story. but i think thats more like shock value than filler and yeah its a small#thing to gripe about but those things build up and its really annoying. the thing abt avatar filler moments is that however small#its at least meaningful. hell even the beach episode emphasizes how isolated zuko and his friends are as child soldiers#i also swore to never watch the first live action since it was that bad but i really liked the stylized tattoos they used for aang#anyway. those arejust my thoughts. im not gonna watch the rest because im a ride or die for the original aftr growing up and#rewatching it at least 20 times as a kid. but theres definitely room for improvement and i wish ppl wouldnt take it as 'better' just cuz#netflix is adapting it. i wouldve killed for them to just reanimate the entire avatar series and touch NOTHING ELSE no redub#no changes to the story. just reanimate the thing and leave the rest alone and youd make easy money just the same#ALSO its very jarring not hearing jack desena and dante basco voicing sokka and zuko cause their voices were the most recognizable to me#i get that its because its live action but im allowed to feel a little sad abt that. and uncle irohs accent was really soothing#yapping
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bugprinz · 2 years
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happy *checks notes* thminedai thursday!
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ahandsomebabe · 3 months
Tagged by @oraeliaa - 10 gifs of my favourite tv shows!! I'm tagging @writebythecside
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twilightarcade · 7 months
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What’s a cat’s favorite book? The Great Cats-by!
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