#film liveblog
sharpestasp · 1 year
AvP (Film)
Alexa Woods lives in rarefied environments. The reason she's in just a camisole may have been male gaze, but honestly? She'd be warm in an environment set to be 'chilly-comfortable' for the others.
Her interaction over the gun shows her initial pacifism, and sets the mark for why a yautja would initially ignore her as not-prey.
Sam Troughton doesn't look as much like his dad as Sean Pertwee looks like his.
Her smooth competence on weighing the "panic" situation when Weyland falls, and only making the singular move needed to stop his descent is so on point for later events.
So, same queen since last hunt? If so, how did they get her chained when the xenomorphs broached containment? Do the elders come back to reset the hunting ground?
For that matter, those tubes, the lighting in them? Looks like the young warriors are sent down in cryo. Betting they don't even get a briefing until they uplink their arm-comps -- OR MORE LIKELY -- they have to match their environment to their training to figure out WHICH hunting ground they are on.
This is one of the worst movies for ancient language translation, BTW.
Also, the incubation period on these is... insanely fast. I mean, we know from comics that xenomorphs, like cephalopods, manipulate their genetic structure, either by hatching out from species with needed traits, or just flat out engineering their children. It's one reason Grid is so lethally intelligent in this. Grid is the Queen's ultimate success.
I do like Weyland's ending. He's the only human I can confirm that Scar killed, but I sincerely doubt Chopper and Celtic got all the humans above.
Alexa seeing the truth of allowing the xenomorphs to escape, so clearly.
Her awareness of her environment is UNCANNY.
I really want to know what vital organ she hit to kill the xenomorph that way with the spear.
And I say again, they would have been dead then and there, if Grid hadn't been summoned back to the Queen.
Alexa Woods has a spine of adamantium. Her approach on Scar to insist on going with him is GREAT.
What in hoolies do the yautja make their weapons of, and why is their armor not as acid-resistant, inquiring minds want to know.
Freeing the Queen incorporates something from that AU, Alien3, but instead of Grid choosing sacrifices among its sibs, they all injure the Queen herself. Which makes scary sense; she can take more damage than they can, and they need as many drones as they can keep alive to serve her, drag back prey.
There is a deep deep moment here, with Sebastian, Alexa, and Scar. Her refusing to let Scar kill Sebastian, then doing it herself once Sebastian reminds her the xenomorphs can't reach the surface? It's a clear sign that Scar is responding to her authoritative nature.
Also, may I say, Alexa is the best fucking shape any human can be in. She keeps up with a young yautja. Who is bigger (longer-legged) and from a warrior culture where the weak die.
She failed, she did not bring a single one out alive, and you SEE that as she looks back at what they escaped.
So, because Scar was stupid, he's implanted. He knows it. I wonder what he meant to do if the elders did not arrive quickly enough? He was obviously concerned, to mark Alexa, so the elders would KNOW she was a blooded Hunter.
(By the way, in the book, it's armor they make for her, not just a shield)
Again with that uncanny awareness of environment, avoiding the Queen's jaws.
The renown that Scar would have reaped, having killed a Queen with MELEE weapons... it's immense by comics and novel canon.
Alexa remains the best tool-using being ever.
That ship remains hella impressive. And I LOVE that the two times I saw an Elder gift a weapon to a human, it was a black person. That's like, a key statement, I feel.
And we all know my AU of the ending is Scar gets saved, Alex goes with, no Pred-Alien happens, and the travesty of a sequel remained unmade.
I know I watched Predators after that one. But I have not seen The Predator that came out recently and I have yet to see Prey. I still very much enjoy this movie.
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incesthemes · 5 months
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guy who has never lived with anyone other than his dad and his brother, who he's been cohabiting steadily with for almost 7 years: haha check it out, this loser still lives with his mom
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uozlulu · 6 months
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q-nihachu · 1 year
MY HEART. phil was talking to tallulah because she was sad about wilbur, and he was being so kind to her talking her through it. and then she just abruptly said "buenas noches papa" (which is what she calls wilbur) and went to bed without saying good night to phil. then after a minute or two of angsting over it, phil quietly said "I don't think she realizes that if she dies while I'm gone, that's the last thing she ever said to me."
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silverraes · 4 months
okay I'm sorry I know this is an emotional scene but the entire crew just standing there like 🧍 is sending me
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000marie198 · 8 months
That right there
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Is a baby brother your honor
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brainrotcharacters · 1 month
I'm about to face my unhealed trauma (I'm rewatching X-Men 1)
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trendfilmsetter · 4 months
Sabrina Carpenter as Daphne on the May 18th edition of SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE
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kerubimcrepin · 3 months
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Gif of Kerubim from the Ankama store
I already posted this on my main blog a while back, but I was able to make an HD version of this GIF for this blog!
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morianar · 7 months
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Radio presenter in the boys in the boat: America sees itself, the underdog who works hard, in the faces of these working class boys
Me who temporarily forgot about the great depression and the fact American global power really took off due to WWII:
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ionamalachite · 2 months
I LOVE that dan and meg left herbert in the morgue, uh, *checks notes* getting strangled to death with a large intestine, because in the final scene, dan was alone, acting by himself when he reanimated meg. the lean, the stare, the soft "i love you" before he does it is what gets me. Whoever the villain was throughout the movie doesn't matter because it sets up the scene for Dan to turn into the villain/protagonist/herbert's helper for the next two movies.
TIME to write fanfiction -- after I'm done watching all the extra scenes and whatnot. stay tuned
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Watching a movie, called "Army of Thieves." I have not heard of this film before. Netflix suggested it based on my last watch (Mr. Right). The summary as presented on Netflix:
"A cool, crafty thief assembles a crew of Interpol's most-wanted criminals for an impossible heist. Her ace in the hole? A nerdy bank teller named Dieter."
Things the summary does not mention: This is a zombie apocalypse film. There are zombies on the news and in the halls. It is a prequel to Army of the Dead.
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brownsugarberries · 6 months
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How I feel when he texts me
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flimythings · 7 months
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Empty whispers in the air, Silent echoes everywhere. A void that's hard to bear, Yet hope still lingers, unaware.
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lilydvoratrelundar · 18 days
Hey lads. I'm remaking. If we are mutuals pls dm for my new blog even if we don't talk I don't wanna lose contact with people however 1400 followers seeing the things I post is too many.
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