#filters blew out the colors on some of them
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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-->Oh, they got their fair share of the love, don’t worry. Having shared some kisses with Alice, Victor gave her the salmon he’d caught so she could grill it up and eat it (girl was feeling the hunger -- and the stink, as you can see; fortunate the public bathrooms in the forest also include showers!), then went inside to play chess with Smiler, who favored him with a serenade (after kicking his butt). This led to embraces, kisses --
-->And selfies! And THIS is where I discovered all the fun goofy poses that Sims can pull in selfies thanks to Moschino Stuff adding all those emotional poses. XD I wish I could have shown you more of them (especially the sillier poses), but I was using filters to brighten up some of these, and those basically bleach out the damn screenshots, unfortunately. But these I feel are a good selection -- Victor and Smiler took theirs at the “station” in the forest, while Alice and Smiler and Victor and Alice took theirs at the cabin. Gotta experiment with these and photography in general more!
-->Anyway, yes, as the darkness and the clouds set in again, the gang headed home to chill out. Victor caught some zzzs, while Alice indulged in some beastly boogies and howled her way to another ability point -- I had her pick up the Somber Howl, which will allow her to occasionally lower her Fury in exchange for a sad moodlet. Good for preventing more rampages! And Smiler did some more fishing, using Baconite to catch a bass and a perch they caught to then grab a trout or two. It’s all good plasma packs!
And that is the second day of their camping vacation sorted! Next time, the third and final day -- with more rain, sadly, but also a few more adventures! See you then!
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nouearth · 1 year
the remedy for guilt.
clark kent x male reader.
summary: guilt, pain, and shame consumes clark as his nightmares have been haunted by the memory of lois.
wc: 2.5k. genre: angst, comfort. warnings: cavill!clark, clark has ptsd, nightmares, topic and depictions of death, mentions of blood and wounds.
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thunder blared and cracked to the man’s startle, and immediately, the sky unlocked with a haze, ghastly as if stolen from humanity. spirits of hard rain quickly crashed onto metal gates, barriers that ward off trespassers, and came down harder onto carved stones. it sank into the heart of earth after.
it was an orthodox setting some have found comfort in after painful months of mourning. clark wondered how incredibly cathartic mother nature’s tears would feel on his skin once it was his turn. 
he flinched when a droplet does—burned—and the wind heckled.
in loving memory of lois lane, it was carved beautiful like her handwriting. she was always in a rush, chasing after the biggest scandals with a notepad in her hand, yet the scribe flowed with impressive structure, prideful in every stroke of her pen. kneeling on one leg, without a care that mud had inked uncomfortably into his pants, clark caressed the engraving of lois’ name, gently as if it was skin—her skin, and the gale laughed—louder now.
“—got you these flowers,” clark bitterly chuckled, gently waved the wrapped bundle of cream and pink rosebuds that the wind was sure to have blown away by now if it weren’t for his clench on them. “figured these colors would be a nice change of pace, so…”
the thunder approved clark’s choice of flowers.
“i’ll get going soon, but i just wanted to see you one more time before—“ the gale blew stronger, lifted clark’s bangs and almost his glasses, but they soon found refuge in his breast pouch. there was a beat of silence as the wind sang, unusual in its whistles. “before i head back to—“ 
there it was again. 
a gentle croak that harmonized with the wind. 
someone’s hurt. struck by lighting, maybe? if being drenched in the rain hadn’t strung him back to reality, the eery sound of help definitely woken clark to his senses. he was vigilant, carefully scanning his surroundings with his x-ray vision. 
nothing out of the ordinary—
“help,” a voice squeaked from somewhere, barely audible, but clark managed to filter the gust out. he spun in place when a whisper attacked one ear then the next. defensively, he lifted himself off the ground and scanned the gravesite from a higher viewer. alert, yet calm.
no one.
“please, speak up!” clark roamed in the air, inspected every corner. the wind and rain fogged his endeavor, but he was determined. it grew louder now after several patrols, and relief settled because he was getting closer.
“help me,” it whispered in the fog, and the haze grew thicker, heavier. “please, help me. i can’t breathe!” it cried out now, desperate because safety was near, yet so far away. “please, where are you?!” it pleaded. 
“I’m coming, stay put!” clark shouted, and he flew down, a bewildered frown etched into his face when the mist barricaded his arrival, knocking him back. “what the—“
it was like touching an invisible shield when clark curiously reached out, pressing a palm into nothing. thick air swallowed his hand and he pulled back when another cry startled. “hurry, please! i-i think I’m going to—” it choked.
“i—“ clark ascended higher now, challenged by the mystical fog. he was absolutely clueless, puzzled, but was later comforted because force was always on his side. 
“i’m here!” the clock ticked in his head. thunder and lightning shook the atmosphere of earth, and the rain hit clark’s skin like bullets as he rushed down the gravesite, punching through the several layers of air. one by one, they unfurled, and clark grunted as if it could boost his strength at the very last layer. “please! help! oh god, i—”
“you’re…” it was sheer, unveiling the field of gravestones, and he could see something moving, waving, but the rain blurred his vision. “you’re…” the voice weakened. 
harder now, clark punched several more times with a battle cry louder than the previous, through gritted teeth enough to break bone, and the fog cowered at the very last second, thinning in wispy strides from his force. the swing from his arm pulled him to the source with incredible force. it was out of his control now, the wind yanked, then drove him to the ground, dragging clark across the muddy field. absolute black had entered his vision, and he could only breathe. breathe in mud, rain, grass, as he was pulled everywhere but nowhere, yet somehow closer to the source of those dreadful cries. 
the voice croaked over him as clark was grounded, blindly face-planted into the soils until he wasn’t. his head slowly lifted by an unspeakable force, and the cry continued to creak like nails on a chalkboard, unbearably closer to his face. a cold breath bit at his skin and as if the spell was broken, clark snapped his eyes opened. 
it was horrid. it took every little breath clark had in him, and he tried to shut his eyes. he couldn’t. the spell hadn’t been broken. it was a mere glamor as clark’s eyes began to stung, brimmed with tears as he was bewitched to stare into the bloody corpse of his former lover. “you were,” the more it croaked, layers of skin cracked and peeled off. clark shuddered, his eyelids unwillingly pulled to the heavens as he watched lois’ broken skin unveil bloody wounds, then flesh, then bone, as she ascended higher before him, like a deity, until his head was thrown back.
“TOO LATE.” the voice crackled like the thunder before it, and her corpse crumbled into ashes, spilling onto him like heavy rain.
a guttural inhale stirred you from your dreams, flinching, but it was the sudden movements within the bed that woke you into a fright, scrambling you in bed. equally, clark’s silhouette sat up and slumped against the headboard as he paced his breath. in and out, his pants began to slow, but it was the flicker of the lamp, unveiling reality, and then the warmth of your hand on his chest that pacified him.
“clark,” your voice made him turn and he watched you simulate a regular breathing pattern before following your guidance. “slow, just like that.” your hand rested over his beating heart, aiding its journey to its regular pace with calming strokes, while you held his distraught with assurance, locking it into a vault when you leaned in to press a kiss to his lips. a job well-done, but also a measure to bring him back. 
his breath was warm against yours, and he muttered a soft apology before pulling away, but keeping your hand to his chest, appreciative but silently afraid of letting you go.
“water?” before he could answer, you offered your cup of water that’s been sitting at the bedside table, and with two quick gulps, he soothed his throat. 
it was a routine at this point. not every day, but at least once a week, clark would get night terrors that would startle you awake. others would’ve found it incredibly annoying, but you could never bring yourself to that thought. after what clark had told you, it would’ve been incredibly wounding for you to. 
“i’m sorry,” clark sighed and pressed a warm hand to your cheek. you shook your head against it, mustering up a tired smile before pressing a kiss into his palm. he only pulled you closer to his side as you both lay breathless in bed. “let’s go back to sleep—“
“hah, you and i both know that won’t be happening.” chuckling, you playfully pushed him away before laying his head on your lap. he does so without any complaints, and an appreciative kiss to your stomach pressed. clark was always so protective of you, it was the least you could do for him. “want to talk about it?”
“no, it’s just…” clark’s gaze drafted to the wrinkles of your shirt, then he spent the majority of the silence inhaling your scent. it assured him that you were here—still here.
your fingers threaded through his locks in soothing rhythms, but clark’s frown remained. “lois again?”
“i didn’t mean to—“ he looked up, apologetic in the weary state of his gaze. 
“clark,” your palm gently applied pressure to his temple, and you couldn’t help but to kiss him once more, then his nose, then his forehead, before pulling away. “she’s not… she shouldn’t be treated as if she didn’t exist.”
“I know,” clark hummed, agreeing yet reluctantly so. the strokes to his head—your touch—crumbled the protective walls of his nightmares and dreams, and a vault, mainly consisting of his insecurities and guilt, unlocked. “i know…” 
one would agree that it was weird, offensive even, to talk about your ex-partner, more so if they had passed away. it gave the message that they still clung onto them, that they still loved them, that you were brought into someone’s life solely to fill that missing puzzle in their life. you’ve admitted that you struggled with that before, your self-esteem took a dive because you compared yourself to the impact she made on clark’s life. envious, you teared over. 
but you’ve accepted it now. because clark’s dreams of lois wasn’t because he needed to replace her. the more he awakened you with his night terrors, it was telling that he was haunted by guilt—consumed by it. it ate him up on the inside. where the happiness that you would fill clark was immediately swallowed by regret, because the voice told him that he didn’t deserve to be happy. 
clark agreed.
“i killed her, didn’t i?” his voice animated like the soft wrinkles on your shirt.
“you know that’s not true,” you frowned, and you pressed your palm to his cheek. “clark.”
“if i had been there quicker, if i had been stronger, if i had—“
“if you had abandoned the hundreds—thousands—of people in the city?” you questioned his blame, and he once again, looked up at you. orbs wet, glistening under the shade of dim lights. a sigh left your lips, and you continued the stokes to his head. “i know you’re superman, and… and you feel like you have to do everything—like you can do everything.”
“for the most part, you can.” your voice softened as well as your touch, until it came to a halt. warmth seeped into his head as you rested upon it. “but it’s frankly impossible to save everyone, you know that. and from what you’ve told me about lois, she would’ve wanted this outcome.”
“she probably would’ve forced you to, if i’m being honest.” you chuckled, and looked down at him, into his sober orbs. “and i could never, ever, know what you are going through. to have the safety of the planet fall on your shoulders. to fight those who try to destroy our planet. to take the life of those who do. to play god.”
“but what i do know is that,” clark gazed up now, his turn to caress your cheeks while you closed your eyes to the roughness of his hand. to the warm touch that has become a memory you would yearn for on a daily basis. “it’s not your fault. you had the impossible decision to choose between thousand of lives versus the love of your life, and i’d reckon you’d feel guilt either way, clark. and i’d also reckon that…”
your forehead pressed to his while his hand maintained on your cheek, and you blindly kissed at whatever was in front. his nose, lips, cheeks, features that you felt and cherished with all of your heart. all of your being. “you and lois knew the lives of thousands mattered the most.” 
“i wouldn’t have had to make that decision had i been stronger, though.” clark reasoned, pulling away to sit up now, because guilt ate him again, as soon as you fed him his innocence. “if i was smarter, i would’ve been ten steps ahead. i would’ve figured out that the sun could heal me, to grant me more powers, to—”
“clark,” his mutters halted when you touched him again. though his back faced you, he knew the look you were giving him as he stared blankly, achingly into the wall. reassuring strokes lined his broad back before you leaned your forehead on it. “you can’t change the past.”
“it’s not about changing the past, it’s about,” he was frustrated, apologetic, sorrowful, all in one, and clark buried his face into his palms, muttering. “it’s about you. i can’t let it happen again. what if i lose you too?”
“you’re not going to lose me, clark.”
“we don’t know that—“ he sighed, lifting his head up, and then peered back at you. his wrinkles have never forested deeper, and exhaustion seeped into the fine lines. “it would break me. i wouldn’t know how to move on with myself, how to live, how to—“
“if that day ever comes, then i’m telling you now that i want you to make the right decision.” your arms wrapped around his waist, embracing him with the utmost warmth because in the pit of your stomach, in your deepest worries, you were afraid too. he was right. you never know if something might happen. whether from another attempted destruction of the world, or a simple heart attack, life was short.
“i need to keep you safe.”
“you already do, clark. and if something were to happen to me, then i trust that you will do your best to spare me from looking at death in the eye.” but clark’s hold to your hands sobered you, the warmth and beloved roughness like a potion, broke you free of those reckless thoughts, and you melted soft kisses along his upper back in appreciation, sighing. “but until then, i don’t want you spending the rest of your life worrying about me.”
“it’s my job to.” clark mindlessly played with your fingers, thinner than his. “to worry.”
“i know,” you squeezed tighter around him. “but i fell in love with clark kent, not the man of steel.”
“if it’s my time to go, i don’t want you looking back at how we should’ve made more memories. you don’t need any more powers than you already have, clark.” you assured him with another kiss to his shoulder, and despite his refusal, he melted, leaning back into you. “you’ve kept me safe as you already are, and you will continue doing so until my very last breath.”
“until your very last breath…” he repeated, but you can hear the bitterness in his tone. chuckling, you soothed him with another kiss, to his other shoulder now.
“and until my last breath, i promise to also protect you as you will protect me. i may not be as strong as you are, and i may not be the sun that heals you.”
“but when the time comes, i assure you that your guilt will not be anchored to me. that you will no longer suffer because of me.”
“because i trust you.”
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nouearth. please do not repost, plagiarize, or translate my works. andif you like this story, please reblog and leave a like!
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
You ever get an idea that you just can't get out of your head and you have to bang it out within 30 seconds of thinking it? This is one of those moments
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Non-explicit but Vash has some very NSFW thoughts and feelings about your hands.
"They really are so beautiful." Meryl sighed, fingertips tracing the jagged edge of an emerald-green leaf.
"They're called roses." Vash was smiling as he explained. "They come in all sorts of colors too, not just red!"
The three of you were sat in the grass on Ship 3, admiring the biodome and all of Luida's stunning work. What had particularly caught your eyes today was a large rosebush she had been tending for the past several years. It was gargantuan now, twisting up and through a metal trellis, arcing high above your heads and filtering dappled artificial sunlight down onto your smiling faces.
"Like what? What colors?" Meryl asked.
"Orange and white and pink... I think there can be purple ones too? Luida has a lot of logs about them if you want to see any pictures."
"There's a lot to read too." You added, a single fingertip tracing one of the smaller buds. "She showed me the database. I actually learned something really cool!"
"Ooh! Show us!" Meryl leaned into your side, admiring the flower you were trailing your fingers across. Vash leaned into your other side, expression soft as he watched you. You were always so gentle, so delicate when you admired the flora, it never failed to make his chest feel fuzzy and warm.
But then you did something he wasn't quite ready for. Bringing your fingertips to the center of the rose's whorl, you dipped two fingers elegantly into the center of the bud.
"You can actually help open a rose's petals with your hands, if you're gentle." You murmured, pads of your fingers softly and methodically petting the individual petals open. "For displays and decoration, you can open them up a bit more to make them brighter."
"You're right, that is really cool." Meryl added, completely oblivious to Vash's burning face and internal crisis. Your thumb traced the edge of the bloom as your index and middle finger twirled through the flower, stroking velvety petals until they had no choice but to open up to your careful touch... He gulped, knees coming together slightly as you blew softly on the rose, smiling as the petals folded out under your gentle, insistent work.
"That's it," You murmured, more to yourself than anybody else. "Look how pretty you are!"
The tips of your fingers on each side of the blossom, you spread the petals open between your index and middle fingers, exposing the stamen and filaments hidden away in the center.
"I-uh, I gotta go!" Vash jolted unsteadily to his feet, wobbling a little as he staggered back. "I told Brad he could, uh, check my arm! Yeah, so, I'll see you two in a bit okay? Bye!"
"Uh, bye?" Meryl cocked an eyebrow as Vash stumbled awkwardly away, strangely tense in the shoulders as he did. "Weirdo."
"Bye, Vash!" You called over your shoulder, somehow completely oblivious to just how thoroughly and completely you were able to mess with your boyfriend's head.
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13uswntimagines · 1 year
Promises We Make (Lindsey Horan x Soulmate!R)
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Request: A Lindsey x reader soulmate AU where people know they're soulmates because they share dreams with them. Something angsty and happy and a lot of things.
Author's note: Wow, this has been a crazy long time coming. I think I have almost 2 years of planning, writing and re-writing in this fic. It’s a bit different than the original. It includes some new scenes and things that I meant to put in but never physically did. It feels like a little piece of my soul, so I really hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think, I’m always down to chat. Hit me up with questions or concerns. 
 Without Further ado: 
You had never understood when people said that the dreams you shared with your soulmate were more vivid. It was hard for your brain to wrap itself around the idea that everything was more intense in the shared dreams, especially the first one. 
You didn’t understand until you blinked into consciousness. 
Your eyebrows furrowed at the immediate kaleidoscope of colors that met you. A deep blue sky with cotton-like clouds lazily drifting in the wind. The sun peeked out at you from behind them, its rays landing pleasantly on your face, a light breeze fluttering around you. 
Your fingers wound through the cool grass under you, as you pushed yourself to a sitting position. 
It was nice, even if you weren’t quite sure where you were. 
The comfortability of it all felt like lead in your stomach, countering the inherently light feeling of your surroundings. This was the moment you had been dreading for your entire life. The dream you had been dreading for your entire life. 
The dream you hadn’t been sure you would ever have. 
You blew out a shuddering breath, your eyes tracing a netless goal at the far end of the field and a rusty teeter-totter nestled behind it in a halfhearted effort to follow your therapist's technique for quelling the growing butterflies in your chest. 
Her advice never worked, but still, you tried. 
You drew your eyes along the heavy chain link fence that sprouted from the back corner of the goal and encased the field, separating it from the tall trees that acted as a shield for a low brick building. 
The leaves were alight with the warm oranges and browns of fall, rippling in time with the drifting breeze like the hands of fans as you made your final lap around the stadium. 
Deep breath in. Hold. Breathe out. 
You supposed that they were the only spectators in a place like this, even if you still weren’t sure where you were. You could tell it was a school playground, possibly from childhood, but it wasn’t from your childhood. 
Deep breath in. Hold. Breathe out. 
Or maybe they were a divine sign. A premonition flashing red, orange, and yellow, warning you of the incoming storm. Like the creak of a door before the monster appeared in a movie. 
Deep breath in. Hold. Breathe out. 
The hairs on the back of your neck prickled at the light crinkle of grass behind you. The first indication that you weren’t alone. 
Deep breath in. Hold. Breathe out.
“Hey, fancy meeting you here,” 
Her voice immediately sent a shiver down your spine, untangling the suffocating knot that had formed around your lungs. It had goosebumps appearing up and down your arms and legs. 
You should have been surprised, but you weren’t. 
Your head turned to look back over your shoulder, and suddenly your breath was gone again. 
You gulped, trying not to think about how the sun filtering through her blonde hair reminded you so much of a halo. How the sight alone was enough to ease the bubbling dread in your stomach. She had been through almost everything with you. You and your heart had always been safe with her. 
She wouldn’t hurt you.
“Hey Linds,” You smiled softly. 
The smile she returned didn’t quite meet her eyes. “There’s a set of swings over there if you wanna chat?” She gestured to your left, shifting on her feet awkwardly. 
You nodded, pushing yourself up noting how soft the grass felt under your bare feet following after her. It felt natural. You had been following her for nearly all of your adult life. 
The two of you had met in France when you were barely 17 and from the moment you laid eyes on each other, you were attached at the hip. She had stubbornly forced her way beyond the wall your childhood had built and into your heart. You undoubtedly loved her, even if you were too afraid to admit it. 
You resisted the urge to take her hand as you walked, one that you had never experienced in real life. She always reserved hand-holding for her significant others, and it was one of the few lines that the two of you had never blurred (except in France, but that didn’t count). 
 The walk over to the small, blue-gray swing set was quiet, but the two of you had never been uncomfortable in silence. It was familiar, warm. The silence was full of safety, even as you settled on the plastic seat. 
“Where are we, exactly?” You asked, your fingers wrapping tightly around the chain, the nail of your thumb picking at the slightly peeling paint, and your toes digging into the dip in the ground underneath you. 
It made you feel like you were in middle school, talking to a girl you liked for the first time, not sure what to say or how to say it. Putting your feelings into words had never been your strong suit. 
She cleared her throat, the crinkles by her eyes tightening for a long second as she began to swing slowly, her cleats scratching against the ground. “My elementary school,” 
More silence stretched between you, and you watched her closely. It unsettled you how her eyes remained glued to her cleats, how she wouldn't look up at you. 
Your eyebrows furrowed. Shouldn’t you both be happy? Shouldn’t she feel as relieved as you felt? 
The two of you had been dancing around this thing for so long and now it all made sense. You didn’t have to be afraid of how you were so drawn to each other anymore. You could allow yourself to feel.
But Lindsey didn’t look relieved. 
“I don’t want things to change between us,” She said, her voice barely audible, rough with emotions that you didn’t quite understand, the tip of her cleat kicking up a clump of dirt. 
“I don’t think it has to,” You said slowly, reaching out to catch her hand hoping she would look at you. “We can take this slow, and figure it out as we go,”
You weren’t sure how the whole soulmate thing was supposed to work. You had honestly never believed in soulmates, but you were willing to try.
You would be willing to do just about anything for her. 
Another beat of silence passed between you, and you squeezed her hand once in reassurance. It would all be alright. The two of you could make it through anything together. 
Lindsey dragged her gaze up. You sucked in a deep breath as red-rimmed blue finally met you.  “I have a boyfriend Y/n. I love him.” 
It felt like a knife, sharp and slow slipping into your chest, finding its way perfectly between your ribs. A cold ache diffused from the point of your heart and you resisted the urge to see if she had actually stabbed you. 
“I love him,”
The second half of her sentence pinged around your head like the metal bearing in a pinball machine. It echoed everything you were already aware of, everything your mother had told you before you moved out. 
You knew she loved you too, but she couldn’t love you the way you had always loved her. She wasn’t in love with you. She couldn’t be in love with you because she was in love with him. 
You weren’t worthy of her love. 
You swallowed hard. “Oh,” 
The word was forced and showed more of your pain than you wanted her to see. It wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t love you. That was all on you. 
“I don’t want things to change between us,” She said, her voice edging on pleading, willing you to understand. She squeezed your now limp fingers tightly. “You’re my best friend. I don’t want to lose you,” 
You hadn’t even realized you let go of her hand.
The knife twisted in your chest, its tip scratching at your lungs with each breath you sucked past your lips. One little push and it would rip you wide open. You couldn’t bear to lose her, even if it hurt to not. 
You didn’t know how to be without her. 
“You won’t,” 
The promise was soft, scratchy, filled with all the words you wanted to say, but couldn’t bring yourself to let out. You had never made her a promise you didn’t keep, but you weren’t sure you would be able to see this one through. 
You had to try for her. 
It would make her happy, and as her soulmate, that was all that should matter to you. 
Her shoulders instantly relaxed, and you tried not to think about how the knife wiggled a little more at her relief. You tried not to think about how the warning from the trees had been right. 
She squeezed your fingers again, tugging you off of your swing and into a hug. 
“Thank you for understanding,” 
You shivered at how her lips grazed your neck with the words. They tickled and ached all at the same time. 
You did understand. 
“Yeah. Anything for you,” You mumbled, tucking your nose against her collarbone, breathing in her vanilla body wash and perfume, allowing yourself to enjoy the contact for just a second. Pretending that it didn’t hurt. Pretending that it would all be alright. 
Your eyes slid closed and you will yourself to wake up. 
You could deal with her rejection, as long as you didn’t lose the people you loved the most. 
Your fingers wrapped tightly around the cardboard USSoccer-provided coffee cup trying to leech as much warmth from it as you could. It wasn’t that you were physically cold, but the icy sludge that settled in your stomach from the moment that you jerked awake hadn’t abated. It numbed you from the inside out, sloshing around and refusing to let you forget. 
You took a little sip of your too-hot coffee, swirling the molten liquid across your tongue and savoring the sting. It did just enough to combat the icicles in your veins, but you didn't know if it was because it gave you an excuse to stay quiet and avoid your teammates or because it was actually helpful. 
You knew you were too quiet for a camp breakfast, but you didn’t know any other way to maintain normalcy. The team was just starting to gel, and you didn’t want to throw that off. You knew they didn’t take soulmate issues lightly. They didn’t need the distraction. 
You could pretend you were fine for their sake. 
Lindsey seemed fine after all. She had taken her spot next to you without question, as though nothing had changed between you. She wrapped her arm around the back of your chair and passed you the cantaloupe from her breakfast plate like she always did. She seemed at ease, joking with your friends, nudging you with each story she told. 
She seemed completely oblivious to how each action deposited a little more sediment on the growing stalagmites around your heart. How each smile pulled too tightly from your cheeks and was followed by a steaming sip. 
You could pretend for her sake too. She had asked you to, and you would do anything for her. 
“What about you Y/n?” 
You blinked up at the mention of your name, your coffee cup landing on the table with a low tap and your eyes finding Emily’s. You could see the thinly veiled worry buried in her blue, hidden well enough that it wouldn’t be obvious to the rest of the table, except maybe Kelley but she didn’t count because she was the blonde’s soulmate. 
“What about me?” 
The table erupted in laughter, and Lindsey nudged you again. “You’re such a space cadet,” 
You fought to hold back a cringe at the action, something that would have had warmth blooming in your chest and heat rising to your cheeks on any other day, but it just made the sludge in your stomach slosh, sending another wave of numbness through you. 
Emily’s eyebrows furrowed across from you, catching your pained expression. 
She had known you almost as long as you had known Lindsey and the two of you were nearly as close. 
“What are your celebration plans for when we win?” Emily repeated the question, leaning forward just a bit, concern evident in her tone. 
You shrugged. You hadn't considered what would happen if you managed to win the W Cup. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. You and Lindsey always celebrated together, until the mess at the world cup. It had hurt too much to think about what winning would look like without your normal tradition. 
“We have to get past Uzbekistan first,” 
“You average almost 3 goals a game, I think we’re gonna be ok,” Kristie scoffed, shaking her head, oblivious to the way Emily and Kelley were staring at you. 
“Uzbekistan isn’t exactly known for its firepower,” Rose added with a smirk, rolling her eyes. “And you can’t tell me that you haven’t thought about what you’re going to do when we win,” 
“Maybe we should ask if she’s thought about who she would do when we win,” Kristie cackled, and parts of the table hummed in agreement. 
You knew it was in reference to how you disappeared after you won the world cup. How they all assumed you had slept your way through several fans on your way back to the United States. You didn’t feel the need to correct them. That would involve explaining exactly what had happened. 
You sent them a halfhearted smile, hoping it looked like the one you shot them when you had been caught. “I’ll probably go back to my room and drink my way through my mini-bar,” 
You didn’t miss the grimace Kelley and Emily shared, or the way Lindsey's dimples jumped out as she frowned. You felt satisfaction tickle the back of your throat. Lindsey had spent the majority of her time pretending like the World Cup Celebration didn’t happen. Like the two of you didn’t almost-. 
You shook your head. You told yourself not to think about it. 
She would never understand the fallout like Emily and Kelley did. They were both there to see it. 
“That’s lame,” Kristie said, her nose scrunching at the prospect. “At least in France, you found yourself a companion,” 
Rose raised an eyebrow at you incredulously. “I thought you weren’t supposed to drink alone?”
You rolled your eyes at the line. Your line. The one you had used to avoid answering questions about the world cup. You caught Lindsey's grimace out of the corner of your eye.
She believed you had slept your way back to the airplane too, but you didn’t understand why she cared. 
She had a boyfriend. 
The sludge in your stomach sloshed again. 
“Maybe I’m turning over a new leaf,” You muttered halfheartedly, stabbing at your eggs. 
You didn’t even like eggs. 
“I didn’t think you’d want to after your conquests in Florida,” Lindsey said, her voice a thinly veiled sharpness. 
The tone immediately drew your attention, like a razor running gently across your skin, poised to slice you open.
You didn’t talk about Florida, and most of the team acted like you didn’t disappear for 2 months after the World Cup. Considering all the other things Lindsey pretended didn’t happen, you had never expected her to bring it up. 
You forced the bubbling pit in your stomach down, masking it with an easy smile. “What are your plans then?”
The table paused, Emily and Kelley both leaning forward like they were being pulled by a rope, waiting for Lindsey to answer. 
You were very touchy about Florida. 
The midfielder returned your easy smile, leaning back in her chair. “I’ll probably call Ty. He said he has a surprise for me,” 
You did your best to keep your face straight, even as her words sent a numb wave through you. 
“We all know what that will be,” Rose cackled, wiggling her eyebrows. 
It sent an unpleasant shiver down your spine. You didn’t want to think about her being with anyone else. You didn’t want to think about your soulmate being intimate, being vulnerable, with him. 
“Too bad you two aren’t soulmates,” Sam hummed, almost offhandedly. 
It still burned in the back of your throat. You didn’t want anyone thinking he was your soulmate’s soulmate. 
You didn’t have a right to be possessive, but it roared to life in your chest like a lion. She was supposed to be yours but she wasn’t.
You cleared your throat, rubbing the back of your neck, trying to shove those feelings down. You didn’t have the right to feel those feelings.
“I think I’m gonna go to the bus early and try to catch a nap.” You said, clearing your throat as your voice caught. “I didn’t sleep well. Time change and all,” 
You didn’t look up from your coffee cup as you pushed yourself up from the table, afraid of what you would see. You didn’t need to see her indifference. That would hurt worse. 
You ignored the stares on your back as you took your half-eaten plate to the trash and slipped out the door. 
At least if you fell asleep now, she wouldn’t be able to join you there. 
The soccer field had always been your safe space. It was the one place in the world where your thoughts went silent and all that mattered was the present moment. 
Even when things during your time at PSG had been rough, the pitch had always welcomed you like an old friend. You could forget your pain as the ball bent to your will.
Except this time you couldn’t.
Not with how oppressively hot Houston was. Not with how Vlatko was playing the starters, expecting you and Lindsey to link seamlessly. Not with how Emily and Kelley kept sending you worried glances. 
It felt like an absolute nightmare in all of its vivid colors, but despite it all your performance hadn’t been affected. 
You ran your hand through your hair, wiping your flyaway curls away from in front of your eyes, turning away from goal before you even saw Casey miss the save. 
“How are you so fast?” Emily asked, falling into step beside you with a nudge. 
You shrugged, shoving her away from you, painting a smile over your features, trying to be normal. “You’re just slow,” 
Lindsey had asked you to be normal. 
Emily’s eyebrows furrowed, and you knew she wasn’t fooled. You hadn’t expected her to be. 
Emily had known you nearly as long as Lindsey did, and the two of you were more like sisters than friends at this point. She knew you better than you knew yourself sometimes. 
You spent a month on her couch after you came back from Florida and she had even converted the 2nd room of her apartment into a bedroom for you because she didn’t think it was alright for you to be alone. 
Her soulmate, Kelley, had slotted into your life just as nicely, taking the place of the older sibling you always wished your brother would be. 
They were both deceptively good at reading you, and sometimes it was easier to talk to them than it was for you to talk to Tobin and Christen (your self-appointed team moms). They were just as protective. 
“What’s up with you?” Emily nudged you again, catching your elbow and forcing you to look at her. “You seem off,” 
You shrugged, avoiding her eyes. “I told you, I didn’t sleep,”
“Which just seems odd because Abby said you were passed out cold when she came back from her shower,” Emily said, wiggling your elbow so you would look at her. 
You swallowed hard. You could feel her eyes (and a few others) boring into your soul, and you weren’t quite sure how to make the words come out of your mouth. How could you tell her without hurting her relationship with Lindsey?  
“You can talk to me about anything you know? Keeping it all in isn’t healthy,” She added, nudging you again. 
You sighed heavily, only able to meet her eyes for a second before you had to look away. The weight of them was too much. 
You had too much on your mind, and if you opened up, you weren’t sure you’d be able to stop. 
“I just want to play soccer,”
The words sounded weak even to your ears, an old excuse that had been worn through. Her eyes immediately tightened, as did the fingers on your arm. 
“Does this have to do with how much your phone has been ringing?” Her voice was strained, earning an instant frown. 
You didn’t think anyone noticed how often your phone had been going off, or how you never answered it. 
“It’s not-“ You stuttered, shaking your head, closing your eyes, and tilting your head back. That was an entirely different can of worms you weren’t willing to open. Not on top of the Lindsey thing. “I had a bad dream, I woke up. I’m tired,” 
“Do you want to talk about it,” Emily asked you gently, despite already knowing the answer. 
You shook your head once, uttering a “No,” Despite the loud “yes” that echoed around your head. 
Emily squeezed your arm, forcing you to look up at her, worry shining through her blue eyes. “The longer you push it away, the more it’ll hurt,” 
You could hear the warning in her soft voice but also the unwillingness to press. The dance the two of you had played with for a long time. 
She didn’t want you to spiral again. She didn’t want you to go back to the place you had been right after France. She didn’t want you to think you had to hide your pain for everyone else’s sake. 
“I know,” You forced out, biting into your lower lip to prevent the tidal wave of emotions in your chest from breaking out. “I’ve got it handled,” 
You could tell she didn’t believe you by the frown she sent your way. “And if you don’t,” 
“You’ll be the first to know,” You promised, grabbing the hand on your arm and squeezing her fingers. 
“Promise me,” She demanded, slightly too loud, and you felt more eyes on you. 
You nodded. “Promise,” 
“Ok then,” She said, releasing you and nodding towards the coach.  “It’s your turn to run the drill again,” 
You let an easy smirk take over your features. “Maybe you’ll catch me this time loser,” 
You didn’t miss the look Emily shared with Kelley as you headed to the starting position of the drill, the telepathic-like communication only soulmates seemed to share. Or the furrowed eyebrows Lindsey sent your way. 
You knew what both looks meant. Everyone would be watching you more closely for one reason or another. 
You settled heavily into your airplane seat, your head leaning hard against the window, pressing your headphones uncomfortably into your head. 
It was weird, traveling by yourself. For as long as you could remember you always flew back to Portland with Lindsey, Emily, and Tobin. With your LA trade, that wasn’t a thing anymore. 
Hell, only Lindsey was left in Portland. 
The only thing you preferred about flying alone was how quiet everything was. How you could finally rest. 
Because camp was utterly exhausting. 
You had started in both games against Uzbekistan, and you scored 5 goals in both games, but Vlatko didn’t take the opportunity to get off your ass. Instead, he had used your only 5 goals as leverage to remind you of the youngins below you vying for a spot. 
And then you had the whole Lindsey situation, as you had been calling it. 
It made your chest ache how she acted like nothing had happened between you. How she seemed content to walk the tightrope between friend and more than a friend, ignorant to how much it hurt. 
Oblivious to the numb wave she sent through you each time she so much as brushed your skin. 
It made it impossible to remain neutral, when you obsessed over every interaction you had with her, worried you were too affectionate or not affectionate enough, unable to walk the tightrope. 
And then you had to deal with your friends. Well-meaning as they were, you wished they would just leave you alone. You didn’t want to talk about your sudden difficulty sleeping or have them try to cuddle you to soothe you into it. 
It was easier to pretend when no one questioned you. It was easier to avoid sleep when no one was watching you. 
But alone on the airplane, no one could bother you. You couldn’t receive voicemails you didn’t want to answer, or texts that would make your aching heart tear just a bit more. No one would try to make you talk, and no one would tell you how inadequate of a player you were. 
It was perfect. 
Your eyelids drooped without your consent as you pressed your forehead harder into the cool glass. You shouldn’t have been surprised after 40 hours of nearly no sleep and a 95-minute game under your belt. 
You wished you could stay forever, and let the subzero air outside of the airplane leach your exhaustion away. 
You kept your eyes closed as you came into consciousness, pressing your face deeper into the soft sand underneath you as the sound of the lapping waves and the salty air washed over you.
You didn’t even have to look to know where you were. 
You let it soothe your soul, filling the holes in your chest and removing some of the icicles in your veins.
You felt her warm presence settle beside you, and you fought to hold in your sigh.
You needed peace, but the universe seemed reluctant to give you that. 
You wouldn’t allow her to ruin this place for you. Not when it held so many memories. 
She let you stay quiet for a long moment, before gently bumping your shoulder. “Hey,”
You were reluctant to open your eyes, but you did, carefully rolling over to meet her blue. It was strange that the sand didn’t stick to you like it would in real life.
“Hey,” You smiled stiffly at your blonde soulmate. You were acutely aware of how much your eyes crinkled, how little the edges of your lips moved. You had promised nothing would change, but watching her now, it felt like there was an ocean between you that hadn’t been there before. You felt hyper-aware of every action you made and you couldn’t stop the nagging feeling that you were going to ruin it all. Hell, all of camp there had been a disconnect, and you weren’t sure you would ever have the strength to bridge that gap.  
Lindsey cleared her throat, her dimples appearing as she compressed her lips and tugged at the Stanford sweatshirt she was wearing. “I guess I’m cold on the airplane,”
Your eyes followed a small hole just above the wrist. The hole you had made 20 minutes after Kelley bought you the shirt on a goalpost. 
You hadn’t seen the red material since you left the Thorns for Angel City almost 4 months ago. 
Well, that was a lie. You had seen it when you visited Lindsey for her birthday, but you pretended you hadn’t noticed it tucked under the comforter of her bed. She always did love it more than you did. 
Your eyebrows furrowed, as you looked down at yourself, trying not to cringe at the faded tank top hanging from your shoulders, spiderman’s face bleached by the sun and salt. 
 “Yeah. I guess I’m hot,” You mumbled, your finger poking through a large hole in the bottom, one of the main reasons Emily made you throw it out before you had gotten on the plane back to Portland with her. “I’m not sure how any of this works,” 
Your parents had never been forthcoming with information about the dreams. It was more than that. Your mother despised the concept of soulmates and the dreams that came with them. You supposed it was understandable. Your parents had split when you were young, your mother choosing the bottle over everything and your father choosing his 19-year-old girlfriend. 
You always wondered if her use of alcohol was to suppress the dreams so she didn’t have to see him and deal with the pain and if it actually worked. You wondered if she would have been happier if she hadn't. 
You never got the chance to ask. She had never cared enough to let you. 
“Emily said sometimes our feelings translate to the dreams,” Lindsey hummed, drawing random patterns in the sand. “Like when Kelley is sad, it rains. Or when she’s missing Kelley it’ll be unbearably hot,”
You nodded, digesting the information. You could understand that logic. Emily always did love physical contact when she was sad, so forcing her soulmate to cuddle with her naked made sense to you, but you weren’t sure it applied ot you and Lindsey. 
If anything the discrepancies in how you were dressed would only indicate how much the two of you were on completely different pages. Ice prickled in your veins at the thought, so you banished it. 
“I’m not sure,” You said slowly, pinching a bit of smooth sand. “I haven’t really given this whole thing that much thought,” 
It was the truth. You had been wholeheartedly consumed with acting like the cold sludge in your stomach didn’t roll every time she looked at you. You were consumed with pretending that you weren’t being numbed from the inside out. 
Her head dipped in agreement, as she cupped another handful of sand and slowly let it drip from her palm, forming perfect sandcastles. “I think we’re in your dream this time. I’ve never been here,” 
“It’s New Smyrna Beach,” You supplied easily, letting the velvety sand run through your fingers, enjoying how the cool granules contrasted with Lindsey’s burning gaze. “It’s on the east coast of Florida, just south of Saint Augustine,” 
Lindsey made a low noise, and you could practically hear the wheels turning in her head. Everyone knew you had gone to Florida after the World Cup, but very few actually knew where you had gone. You were incredibly tight-lipped about it, no matter how hard Lindsey pressed. 
You were sure that your surroundings, complete with the one person orange tent you had stayed in, weren’t what she had in mind. 
“You vacationed there after we got back from France,” She said finally, and you had to fight to keep your face neutral, to keep the full body shiver from rocking through you. 
You wouldn’t necessarily call the months you had spent as a beach bum a vacation. It had been a necessary evil. An escape. 
A way to outrun the emotions that being back in fucking France had brought up. A way to get that coach’s voice out of your head, because scoring twice on the team that represented him just hadn’t been enough to quiet those thoughts.  A way to pretend like you and Lindsey hadn’t- 
You shook your head. You weren’t supposed to think of the night of the world cup. Of what would have been had Kelley not knocked on your door. 
It was probably for the best. You wouldn’t have been able to handle being one of her regrets on top of everything else. 
“You never told me what you were doing down here,” She mumbled, seemingly offhandedly, but you knew better. You could tell how invested in the conversation thought the sudden tightness in her back, and the way she was deathgripping the sand. 
You shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. “Surfing mostly,” 
It wasn’t a total lie. You had spent most of your days surrounded by the waves, covered in salt water and sand. It was easy not to think when you were in the surf. 
“You wouldn’t answer anyone's calls,” Lindsey pushed further. 
You tried not to flinch at the distinct wobble in her voice. It made the sludge in your chest slosh and the ice crystals in your veins to grow. You never wanted to hurt her.
You waved your hand towards the north end of the beach, masking your wince. “I threw my phone off a pier,” 
“But why?”
Her hand caught your arm, forcing you to look at her. Her blue eyes burned. They reminded you of how they looked the night you told her what the coaching staff at PSG was doing to you. They rendered you naked and exposed. They pleaded with your very soul. 
But you couldn't tell her. She had asked you to be normal. She asked that nothing change. 
It was more important to you to keep your promise. 
“I just,” You averted your eyes, searching the lapping sea for the answer. To tell her without telling her. “I needed a break. It was too hard,” 
You wanted her to acknowledge what had happened between the two of you. You wanted her to admit that it wasn’t just a passing moment brought on by the excitement of winning the world cup. You desperately wanted her to admit that the two of you had been soulmates long before you shared your first dream.
It was selfish, you knew that, to expect that of her, but you craved it. 
It had been too hard for you to stay around her when she wasn’t going to do any of those things. 
“You’ve never shut me out like that before,” Lindsey said desperately. “Why couldn’t you have taken a break in Portland,” You swore an unspoken “with me” belonged out the end of the sentence. 
You shrugged. She wasn’t at a place where she would understand.  
“My brother lives in Miami,” You explained softly, your tooth catching your top lip as you tried to string together the right words. “I thought that maybe I’d be able to… I don’t know… understand him more if I was down here,”
It was easier to throw blame on him, to hide behind your family problems to avoid everything. Lindsey could understand those. 
“Did it help?” She asked earnestly, and it made your chest ache. She cared just not in the way you so desperately wanted her to. 
“No.” You snorted. “He’s as much of an ass as he always was but the waves, the sun, and the sand were good for me,” 
She nodded, elbowing your upper arm. “You did have one hell of a tan after you came back,” 
“Can’t get that in Portland,” You chuckled.
“Ty says Greece is the best place to get a tan,” 
It was like a pin in the sudden balloon that had filled your chest. 
You sucked in a shallow breath, trying to pretend like it didn’t hurt. Trying to pretend like his very name didn’t send a numb wave through you and have your mothers cackling laugh resounding in your head. 
Your soulmate had chosen someone else. You weren’t worthy of her. 
“Greece is ok,” You shrugged, dragging your fingers through the sand, and picking up a handful. “This beach is less crowded. It kinda grew on me.” 
You flipped your hand on its side, letting the sand slide through, landing in a perfectly imperfect tower shape. You tried not to think about how much it represented you. How things seemed to fall into place, and out of place all at the same time. 
“I’ll have to suggest it to him,” She hummed, completely unaware of your inner war. 
“Yeah,” You muttered, breathing out through your nose, willing yourself to just wake up. 
You forced yourself to watch the sand as it trickled through your fingers, begging whoever would listen in your head to just let you open your eyes. 
You didn’t want to share this place with anyone besides Lindsey. 
Especially not the person who she had chosen over you. The person who would always be more worthy than you. 
You had known that you weren’t going to fool Christen or Tobin. Both women just knew you too well.
Maybe that’s why you didn’t send your usual check in text after you landed- though you would argue it was because you passed out from exhaustion later. Maybe it was because you weren’t even sure how to put what had happened into words. Every time you tried, they got stuck in your throat. You couldn’t even look yourself in the eyes in your bathroom mirror and say that Lindsey was your soulmate and you were ok with her not wanting you. (not that you spent an hour trying). 
But you should have known that by not sending the little text, it would tip them off more than they already were.
It was something so small, but so fundamental in your relationship with them. It started while you, Lindsey and Tobin were still at PSG. It was a way for her to help you stop the things that were happening, and it included Christen shortly after Tobin had rescued you and Lindsey. 
The curly hair forward had taken to you immediately, and vice versa. So much so that the team teased she was your team mom. But your relationship was so much deeper. You went to her with your worry and for advice when you didn’t know how to navigate a situation, and she cared for you in a way that your own family never had.  
You always texted her because you didn’t want her to worry.
Except this time you hadn’t. 
You had half expected her to show up at your apartment the next morning before practice, a cup of coffee in hand, but all that had been waiting for you was a text, hoping you had gotten back to your studio apartment safely. 
You were grateful that she didn’t. It gave you time to get a handle on the numbness that did everything in its power to consume you. To get a handle on the slowly dying tissue around the sludge in your chest. 
You weren’t surprised Christen was waiting for you, leaning against the front of her car when you pulled up to the practice field, but she didn’t pounce on you the second you got out of the car. 
She let you get out and grab your bag from the front seat, waiting until you were nearly at her car before she pushed off the hood. She paused, gently grasping your shoulders tightly for a long moment, before pulling you into a tight hug. 
The hug you so desperately needed. 
It fought against the cool numbness that seemed content to settle in your veins.
“Hey kid,” She hummed into your hair, squeezing you tightly. 
You leaned into her comfort, burying your head into her neck and hugging her back just as tightly. “Hey,” 
Her hands rubbed up and down your back, letting you cling to her for several long minutes, before very slowly pulling away. She held you at arms length, again searching you for something. 
“You feeling alright?” Her voice was soft, gently, the voice she only used when she was worried. The voice she had used the first time you stepped into Emily’s apartment after Florida. 
“Yeah,” You nodded, smiling tightly up at her. “Just tired. All this flying around the country takes it out of a person,” 
Her shoulders relaxed a bit at your half-hearted attempt at a joke. 
“I’m sure it had nothing at all to do with the shows you put on in Columbus and Chester,” she chuckled, letting you go so the two of you could head towards the practice field. 
“And yet Vlatko is still up my ass like a suppository,” You grumbled, beginning to walk towards the training field.“I think he told me about the U20’s coming to take my sport more times than he talked about tactics,” 
“What else happened at camp?” 
She tried to ask the question casually, but you knew it was anything but. You wondered how much Emily had told her. 
You shrugged. “The usual,” 
“Really?”Christen asked incredulously. “That’s why Emily was sending texts last night to make sure we checked on you?” 
Usually, your first descriptors were of your friends, followed by a story about whatever shenanigans you all had gotten up to. The only time you hadn’t was the camp right after the World Cup. The only time Emily had texted them in warning was right after the World Cup too. 
You couldn’t help the low “traitor” that left your lips. 
“What Emily does is her prerogative,” You grumbled back, pulling your bag more tightly to your shoulder. “And I turned my phone off. I passed out when I got home, and the buzzing kept waking me up,”
Her head tilted to the side. Her and Tobin had only texted you once each. 
“What happened in the groupchat?” She paused, her fingers closing around your wrist and pulling you to a stop. 
You shrugged, finding a pebble under your sneaker more interesting than Christen’s concerned eyes. 
You never wanted her to worry. It made the pit in your stomach bubble. Another reason you would never be worthy of a soulmate. 
“Come on,” She pressed, her other hand catching your chin and gently forcing you to look up. “What’s happening?”
You didn’t miss the double meaning to her words. You rarely did. 
“I’m not sure,” You sighed, only telling a half-truth. “I don’t find a point in keeping up with Lindsey and Mal and their boyfriend drama,” 
You couldn’t help the bitterness that leaked into your voice. It hurt every time she mentioned him in the chat, like she was twisting the dagger in your chest just a little more. Like she was reminding you how much better for her he was. 
Plus the never ending text chain from your brother made you flinch every time you opened your Lock Screen. 
Christen’s eyes studied you for a long minute, before she nodded once. You knew she wasn’t fooled. 
You were afraid if she pressed harder you would crumble. You were thankful she let go of your chin and allowed you to head back towards the field. 
You had no doubt she would be watching you. 
Christen hadn’t needed you to forget to send her your normal made it home safe text to know something was wrong. She also hadn’t needed Emily’s heads up. 
She had known something was off before you went to camp, and now, well it was painfully obvious to her that things were getting worse instead of better. There was an odd tension that coated your every movement. A strange hesitance where she had never seen you hesitate before.
But she knew better than to confront you with it, that would only make you slip further back into the shell you had built long ago to protect yourself. It would only make you hide your pain more in some convoluted attempt to protect whoever. It would only make you run. 
She waited and watched and worried her bottom lip as you fumbled your way through warmups. 
It wasn’t that you were playing sloppy. It was that your head just didn't seem in it. You weren’t having fun and it was painfully obvious. 
You didn’t have your characteristic easy smile as drills started. Instead your face was etched with worry lines and stoicism that Christen had only seen from you during the tail end of your time in France. 
“Jesus Christ,” You grumbled as Simone again drove the defenders the wrong way, forcing the little pocket you had found yourself in to close, and cutting off the shot you were trying to set up. 
Christen raised her eyebrow at you, passing you a water as you hit the sidelines. 
You were usually pretty good with the young players, offering advice and rarely snapping when they made mistakes. You liked to teach and you knew people didn’t learn when you yelled at them. 
“They don’t know how to split the fucking defenders and they keep driving everyone towards me,” you explained, gesturing towards the two other forwards Freya had paired you with. “I’ve told them 3 times that the back line will continue to collapse the pockets if they don’t keep their spacing,”
“They’re young,” Christen supplied easily, her eyes tracing your features, noting how much more prominent the dark circles under your eyes were in the streaming sunlight. 
“But they don’t know how to fucking listen,” You huffed, spraying more water into your mouth. “At least Emily and Rose pay attention when I talk,” 
“You, Emily, Rose, and Lindsey have more practice,” She said pointedly, noting the omission of the blond midfielder in your sentence. “They’ve had time to gel with you. The new kids will get it, it’ll just take some time and patience,” 
You rolled your eyes in time with your shoulders, trying to ignore the shiver that ran down your spine at the mere mention of Lindsey’s name. You didn’t have the right to feel the feelings curling uncomfortably in your chest. “We don’t have time, and I’m running out of patience,” 
Christen’s eyebrows furrowed. While you weren’t one of the most patient people on the planet, you always showed patients with the young ones. You showed them the same courtesy that you wished someone had shown you. 
“I just want to play, and it’s like they’re not even on my team,” You muttered, earning an even deeper frown. 
She wondered how deep it went. How much it related to whatever happened at camp and not the young LA team. 
“Listen to me,” Christen said gently, grabbing your shoulders, trying to catch your eyes. “We are on your team. What’s going on?”
You closed your eyes, running a frustrated hand through your hair. “It’s not fucking acceptible. I had 18 shots on goal in the game against Uzbekistan, I only scored 5 a piece. I can’t fucking link up with them. It just…” 
You paused, the words seemingly getting stuck in your throat, and you waved your hand helplessly. 
“You’re under a lot of pressure,” She supplied easily, grabbing your hand and squeezing 3 times. A silent I Love You, but it didn’t loosen the knot in your chest.  
“I was fucking distracted. It’s not acceptable,” You huffed, running another hand through your already tousled hair. It was hard to focus when all you saw every time you closed your eyes was a mix of blue and blonde. It was hard to focus when all you could do was dissect every interaction you had out of fear you were too close or not close enough. You didn’t know how to be without Lindsey, but you couldn’t act like she wanted you to. “I need-“
“To relax,” Christen cut you off gently, her eyes searching you for a clue at what was bothering you, for a peek inside your head, for a reason you were so tense. “You need to relax,”
You blew out a long breath. You had always played your best when you were relaxed, dancing in the locker room with your friends before a game. It was hard when you were struggling to even call your best friend your friend anymore. 
“What’s got you so wound?” She asked you, worry evident in her tone. “What’s going on in that head of yours,” 
Things didn’t usually turn out well when you internalized your emotions. You buried your feelings until they boiled over, and your favorite target for that pain was yourself. The scars on your legs and back were proof of that. 
“I just-,” You sighed, shaking your head and chewing your lip, glancing towards your teammates (none of which had earned your unyielding trust). “It’s complicated,” 
Christen sighed, glancing towards the team behind you. She understood your hesitancy to talk in front of them. You were hesitant enough when no one was watching. 
“How about you come over for dinner, I’ll have Tobin make your favorite and we can chat and relax over some wine?” The striker offered you gently, squeezing your arm. 
“Yeah,” You sighed, leaning into the hand, taking any support you could get. “Dinner would be nice,” 
As it turned out, dinner was nice. Tobin made you Mac and cheese and Christen poured you a too expensive glass of wine, and you couldn’t help but relax as they chatted about their latest re-inc project. 
It was nice to let them distract you, even if it felt a bit like you were under a microscope. They were just so good at reading you. 
But no one had mentioned what they saw yet. No one had mentioned how often your phone buzzed, or how you sunk a bit anytime they ventured towards the topic of the team. 
You blew out a long breath, taking a short sip of your wine, resting your elbows on the railing of Tobin’s balcony. 
The Los Angeles skyline twinkled below you, nearly as good as Portland, but not quite. 
At least it didn’t make your chest ache like you knew the Koin Center and Wells Fargo building would. 
You couldn’t look at them without thinking of her. Your life was so intertwined with hers that you feared it would be like that anywhere you went. 
But that was your problem. Not Lindsey’s. 
You sighed, pulling another long sip of your wine as the glass door slid open behind and a familiar presence settled beside you. 
You didn’t have to look to know who it was. 
“Thanks for dinner,” You mumbled, swirling your wine around your glass, wishing it was something stronger instead. “Mama Heath’s Mac and cheese is always the best,”
“No problem,” Tobin shrugged, and it was easy. Familiar. “I’ll have to tell her you think so,”
“Sorry, I’m not great company,” You muttered, sipping your glass. 
You felt Tobin shrug. “We just want you to know we’re here for you,” 
You nodded. You did know that they were there for you. They had always been there for you. Tobin had helped you in France, acting as a shield between you and the coaching staff. She had worked with Emily to find you after France and remind you that it wasn’t soccer that you hated. Christen had been the one to orchestrate your trade to LA after things got too weird for you in Portland. 
They had always been there to help you pick up the pieces of yourself and work through your emotions. They were the family you never had. 
But they were Lindsey’s family too. 
You didn’t want them to turn on her because of you, but you felt like you had to tell someone what was happening. Like finally saying it out loud would quell the chilling acid in your chest. 
And if anyone would understand it was Tobin. 
“I met my soulmate,” you admitted softly, sipping the last bit of wine out of your glass. 
“I would congratulate you, but I’m sensing a but,” She breathed out, and you felt her eyes in the side of your face. 
Worried and not judgemental. 
Your lips tilted up at the answer. “She doesn’t want to be my soulmate,” 
“Did she tell you that?” Tobin pressed, gently taking the glass from your hand. 
It was only then that you realized how tightly you clutched the fragile edge. 
“She has a boyfriend, and she loves him. She’s made it incredibly clear,” You couldn’t keep the bitter edge out of your voice, a look at the gaping wound in your chest, oozing every time you so much as thought about it. 
“Damn,” Tobin sighed, placing both of your glasses on the balcony table and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Is she someone we know?”
“Yep,” You popped the p, your finger playing with a crack in the balcony’s handrail, debating whether or not you were going to tell her more. Debating if you would risk them turning on Lindsey. “I get to see her all the time,” 
“That sucks,” She agreed. 
You hummed. 
It did suck. Really sucked. 
What sucked worse was that you had agreed to be her friend afterward. They always said it was better to have your soulmate in some capacity than none, but God did it fucking hurt. It was like she had to prove how much better her boyfriend was than you, and you hated the feeling in the pit of your stomach when she showed that she was right. 
You should be able to be an adult about this. 
But you just…. Couldn’t. 
You let the silence linger between you, feeling more comfortable than you had in weeks in Tobin’s presence. 
If anyone understood, she did. You knew that. 
“Christen was dating someone when you dreamt with her for the first time, wasn’t she?” You asked softly, keeping your eyes on the Las Angeles skyline, and trying to ignore her sharp intake of breath. 
Tobin swallowed hard, squeezing your shoulder, seemingly trying to gain the strength to answer you. 
“She was,” She admitted, and you heard the strain in her voice. 
You blinked at her honesty, finally looking up at her thoughtful expression. “How did you work through that?”
“We were in college. We were rivals more than anything else,” She explained, grimacing slightly at what you assumed was embarrassment or pain at the memory. “It changed after we got to go to camp together. We were drawn together like magnets, and at some point, she wasn’t dating him anymore and I was available so it just kind of happened,” 
You nodded, your lips forming a thin line, your heart sinking just a bit. 
Lindsey knew you and had decided she didn’t want to be your soulmate. You were friends. She knew you and had decided that you weren’t good enough. 
“Does it ever go away?” The question was soft, and vulnerable as it left your lips. 
“The weight in your stomach?” Tobin asked you gently. You nodded once and she squinted, taking a long second to find the answer. “Mine didn’t leave until we were together for a while,” 
“Did she feel it too?” You asked. 
It was the question you wanted to know since you had the dream. Did she feel the same sludge in her chest that you did? Was she in the same pain you were? Was she avoiding sleep too? 
“I don’t think that’s a me question,” Tobin said slowly, and you felt yourself deflate just a bit. “It’s not something Chris and I talk about a lot, but I know that we were both hurting in different ways,” 
“I think it would be easier if she didn’t want to be friends,” You admitted. It made you feel guilty that part of you wished you didn't know Lindsey. That you didn’t share the history you did. “At least then I wouldn’t have to hear about him,” 
You missed Tobins furrowed eyes as she tried to figure out exactly who it was. She knew better than to ask, that would only cause you to pull away. 
“I felt that way too, but I think the silence was worse in the end,” She answered after a long second. 
You blinked up at her, pulling out of her embrace just far enough to see her expression. “How did you deal with it?”
She chuckled darkly. “I didn’t,”  
You could understand why someone wouldn't. You didn’t want to deal with it either, but it felt like you were being forced to. 
“I cut her off completely, which wasn’t a problem until we were on the same team,” Tobin continued, shaking her head. 
You nodded, understanding the feeling. If only it were that simple. Lindsey was competitive and stubborn, and you knew she wouldn’t let you cut her off. Not after you already agreed that nothing would be different. 
Tobin squeezed your shoulder as if could feel your pain. 
“Just tell her how you feel,” She suggested gently, “sometimes all it takes is a conversation,” 
“It’s Lindsey,” You snorted, shaking your head. “She already knows how I feel,” 
There was an unspoken- and she still didn’t want me- that hung in the air. 
You barely heard Tobin’s “Oh,” but you felt her squeeze you even tighter. 
“Yeah, oh,” You sighed miserably. 
“I mean, I’m not surprised you two are soulmates,” Tobin said, her chin resting on top of your head. “You’ve been pining after each other forever,” 
You chuckled bitterly. You had been tied at the hip since you were 17, dancing the line between friends and something more, crossing that line more times than you’d like to admit. “Except now she has a boyfriend, and she doesn’t want things to change between us,” 
“Except things have changed,” Tobin supplied, holding you closer. 
“I promised her they wouldn’t,” You mumbled. 
Tobin blew out a long breath. “That’s tough kid,” 
And you wondered if that was the crux of your pain. Would it feel different if you hadn’t said yes? Would it hurt less? 
A long silence stretched between you, comforting in a way that words wouldn’t have been, and you glanced back through the door to see Christen working too hard on drying a plate. 
“Just,” Tobin said slowly, shaking her head as if she knew something you didn’t. “Just tell her how you feel, and give her some time. She’ll come around,” 
You hummed, neither agreeing or disagreeing. You doubted she would ever see you for more than her friend. You doubted she would ever deem you worthy enough to be her soulmate. 
“Do you think Christen is done with the dishes? Or is she waiting for your signal?” You asked instead of arguing with her. Arguing wouldn’t do you any good. 
You appreciated their subtlety, but you knew the striker had to be stalling. 
Tobin shrugged, unfazed at getting caught. “She knows it’s easier for you to talk to me, but she’s worried too. Especially about the way your phone has been blowing up,” 
You cringed. You were hoping that they wouldn’t bring it up, despite how often it had interrupted your dinner. “People think if they harass me, I’ll be more likely to answer and say yes,” 
Tobin let out a low snort. “They obviously don’t know you’re more inclined to destroy it than answer,” 
“At least I didn’t throw it off a pier this time,” You chuckled, running a hand through your hair. You didn’t want to talk about your phone, or your brother’s inability to take a fucking hint. You knew Tobin would be less inclined to let you avoid explanation. 
She squeezed your shoulder. “I know you don’t want to talk about whatever, but Just know Chris and I are here for you, no matter what,” 
You gulped but nodded nonetheless.
“Are you going to tell her?” 
The question was soft, hesitant, and showed the vulnerability you were reluctant to ever express. 
“You know we don’t keep secrets from each other,” Tobin reminded you gently. 
You swallowed again. You knew transparency was important to them. That they never kept secrets from each other. “I just don’t want her to lose you guys,” 
Tobin sighed heavily. 
It was just like you to try to help Lindsey even if it killed you, to ensure that she would be ok despite how much she had already hurt you.  
“Neither of you will lose us,” She said finally, pulling you tighter to her. “But I won’t let her mistreat you either,” 
You hummed, burying your face in her neck, accepting the comfort it was clear you needed. 
“Come on kid. Chris got chocolate cake because she knows it’s your favorite,” Tobin said, patting your back. “We can have a movie night and you can crash here if you want,”
You hummed, nodding into her neck. “That would be nice,” 
You knew she was asking for her own peace of mind. She knew you better than you knew yourself. She knew you would spiral if they let you. 
And you would let yourself be protected. 
You would never get used to the feeling of waking up in a shared dream. The weird way the colors blended, and you were overcome with the most potent form of dejavu you had ever encountered. 
The world blurred into focus. Like you were spinning too fast and then suddenly came to a stop. Like you were seeing the world upside down and suddenly it was right side up. 
It made you want to vomit, despite the aching slush being absent from your stomach. 
It killed you as your eyes opened, because everything felt right, and you knew that it was anything but. It was only a matter of time before you were reminded of how unworthy of your soulmate you were. 
You sighed, closing your fingers around the soft grass underneath you. The bed that was softer than your real childhood bed. The safe space that had always welcomed you until you moved to france. 
You let out a low breath, loathe to sit up and actually face the woman you knew was beside you. 
This place was too sacred for you to desecrate. You tried to remember that you were really on Tobin and Christen’s couch, tucked under one of their blankets like you had been for the last 3 weeks. You tried to remember that nothing that happened here would be real. 
“How is this grass so soft?”
You squeezed your eyes shut even tighter at her voice, hoping that you could make it hurt less if you didn’t look at her. 
“Mr. Barns used to water it by hand,” You said softly, remembering the summer days your mother kicked you out of the house at 6 and didn’t let you back in until well past dinner. If she let you back in. “I helped him sometimes in the summer. He would give me lunch,” 
She hummed, and you felt her settle down beside you, so your arms were nearly touching.  “You don’t talk about your childhood a lot,”
Goosebumps erupted on your skin where her elbow brushed you, and you gulped. “I don’t like to think about it. It wasn’t a normal childhood,” 
“Did any of us have a normal childhood?” Lindsey countered, trying to copy what you and her had deemed Tobins wise old lady voice. 
It made you shiver. She knew how bad your childhood was. She had heard the stories of the horror stories that haunted you at night. 
You cleared your throat, averting your gaze. “I used to sleep out here sometimes. It was easier than going home,” 
You ran your hand over the grass as if to prove your point. 
“Why am I not surprised you preferred to sleep on a soccer field as a kid,” Lindsey snorted, and you bit your lip to avoid cringing. 
She made it sound like you had chosen to sleep on the field. Like your mother hadn’t given you the choice of being locked in a closet or sleeping outside. 
“Yeah,” You muttered, running a hand through your hair. “I don’t like to talk about it,” 
Lindsey made a noise in the back of her throat, too focused on picking a blade of grass. “How about we talk about the radio silence then,” 
You stiffened, your back going rigid. “Everyone’s just lucky I didn’t throw my phone off Tobin’s balcony,” 
Lindsey chuckled as though you were being sarcastic (you weren’t). “That many girls have been blowing you up?”
Your head tilted to the side, and your eyebrows furrowed without your consent. You didn’t understand her fascination with your sex life. Not that you had one. Not since France…
“What girls?” 
It slipped past your lips before you could think to stop it, confusion clear in your voice. 
Lindsey scoffed. “You can’t seriously tell me that you haven’t been hooking up. You haven't answered any of my calls or texts,” 
Her voice was almost… possessive. Your frown deepened, and you shook away the thought. There was no way, right? It wouldn’t make sense with how she had her very own boyfriend. 
“My brother has been harassing me. I shoved it in my sock drawer to dampen the sound,” You said, your voice softer than you expected it to be. 
A byproduct of your inner surprise you told yourself. Definitely not because you needed her to know that there was no one else for you. Definitely not because it made the sludge in your chest suddenly reappear when she mentioned that she thought you were seeing other people. 
It didn’t make sense. It wasn’t fair. But what out of any of this had been?
“Oh,” Lindsey muttered, her fingers catching the grass and rolling it between her fingers, and you could have sworn you saw her nose crinkle at the mention of him. “What does he want?”
Your shoulders lifted and fell, both because you didn’t want to answer the question and because you wished she had been dejected for another reason. You wished she cared enough to be bothered that it wasn’t just her you were ignoring. Instead, she looked relieved. 
“I’m not taking his calls,” You answered your voice more horse than you intended it to be, showing more emotions than you wanted to. “He’s an asshole,” 
Lindsey paused at your characterization, her shoulders slumping in a way you didn’t quite understand. “Am I an asshole too?” 
You could see how she made the jump, but that wasn’t why you were avoiding her. It just hurt too much to hear how wonderful Ty was to her. How he was so much better than you. 
Really, it had been Christen's suggestion after a particularly bad day had nearly sent you into a panic attack and you wouldn’t tell her why. It was bad enough that you had spilled your guts to Tobin. They didn’t need to know the pressure your brother was putting on you. 
You shook your head. “You’re not trying to guilt trip me into doing things I don’t want to,”
It was technically the truth, though it wasn’t entirely accurate. You didn’t want to pretend like everything was fine, but it was nothing in comparison to your brother’s request. His demand. His inability to take no for an answer. 
“What does he want you to do?” 
You felt Lindsey’s eyes on the side of your face, and the concern seeping through her words. It nearly caught you off guard. It nearly let your brain slip into the place where you could convince yourself that the thing between you hadn’t changed. That she cared about you in the way you cared about her. 
You gulped, finally gaining the courage to look up from the grass and meet her eyes. They were burning blue, just as they had been so many times before. Protective in a way that only Lindsey could be. Loved in a way that you had only felt when you were with her. It sent a shiver down your spine. 
It made you feel like she cared. As a friend you reminded yourself. 
Only a friend. 
“It’s complicated,” You finally settled on the phrase. 
“More complicated than Florida?” She fired back like she already had the remark prepared. 
You cringed. She probably did. You hated that Florida had become her litmus test for you, even when the situations were entirely unrelated. 
Your brother had Ignored you while you were in Florida. The only person you spoke to was Emily when the nurse wouldn’t let you check out of the hospital on your own. That was the only reason anyone knew anything. 
You hated that Lindsey couldn’t seem to let it go. 
“It’s different,” You hedged carefully, rolling a blade of grass between your fingers. “He’s asking me to forget that they didn’t want me,” 
You didn’t think it was fair for him to try to leverage your mother's dying wish against you, even after all of the shit she had done. And you tried not to think about how much Lindsey didn’t want you. 
Lindsey frowned, and you could see the wheels turning in her head. 
She reached over and caught your hand, oblivious to the shivers it sent through your spine and how even the small touch made goosebumps appear in her wake. 
Your head jerked up to meet her blue. “It would be their loss. Not yours,” 
You gulped, trying not to focus on how the words felt like she was twisting the knife in your chest just a bit, or how the place where her hand touched your arm felt like it was on fire. 
It wasn’t a fair statement. How could it be when she didn't even want you, and she was tied to you? You wanted to ask if it was her loss. 
Your shoulders lifted and dropped. 
It was the safest response you could muster. One that wouldn’t force her to reinforce how much she didn’t want you. One that would allow you to delude yourself into thinking she cared. 
Lindsey sighed. 
She had always been good at reading you. 
“You promised me nothing would change,” She mumbled, and you shrunk a bit. Her voice was soft, caring, and concerned. It lured you in. 
You shook your head. “Things haven’t changed,” 
The words felt like acid in your throat. You could hear the thinness in them. The lie. 
Everything had changed.
You knew Lindsey heard it too. Her raised eyebrow told you as much. 
You sighed, “I’m trying, alright?” 
It was too soft. Too vulnerable. 
And you watched Lindsey’s face change. 
“It shouldn’t be so hard,” She gritted out, and you flinched at the sudden ice in her voice. The edge waiting to slice you open. “Why can’t you just be normal? We’re friends.”
You gulped down the retort on the top of your tongue. The words that would blow everything wide open. 
You and Lindsey had always been on the edge of friends. Friends didn’t do the things the two of you did. 
“I’m just…-“ You paused, looking down at her hand still on your arm. “I have a lot going on. I’m doing my best,” 
You repeated the words that Christen had given you, and you felt Lindsey relax. Her fingers tightened around your forearm. 
“Just remember you’re not alone,” 
Your head tilted to the side. You knew those words were carefully chosen as well. 
“I’ll try,” You sighed, pulling away and willing yourself to wake up. It didn’t hurt so much when you could pretend she didn’t care. When you couldn’t see the concern etched across her features. “I’m trying,” 
Her fingers tightened around your arm as the scene faded away like she was trying to keep you there, even as you jerked into consciousness. 
You could have sworn she was saying something. A part of you wanted to know what it was, but the larger part of you was grateful that you didn’t. 
No matter what it was, it would make everything hurt that much worse. The ache in your chest was already unbearable most days. 
You sighed, running your knuckles into the place where your heart throbbed, pushing yourself up off of the couch. 
It was worse when she pretended like she cared, even when you knew she didn’t. Not in the way you wanted her to. 
You ran a hand through your hair, grabbing a stray ball that way laying around and heading towards the door. Hopefully, some practice would quell the gnawing hole slowly growing in your chest. 
All you could do was try. 
You thought you understood exhaustion when you were in France. You thought you understood it during your second season when you played every minute you were available in Portland. you thought you understood it at the very end of last camp. 
In the 4 months since you had your first shared dream, you realized that there was an entirely new level of weariness and fatigue beyond anything you had ever experienced. It settled deep into your bones, replacing your normal energy with lead. It ate away at your soul, and you feared that when all was said and done there would be nothing of yourself left. 
You knew that was the consequence of being rejected by your soulmate, of not being good enough for your soulmate, and of your refusal to sleep. You couldn’t share dreams if you didn’t have them. 
You would slowly lose everything that made you yourself. 
What was more shocking to you was that your on-field performance hadn’t wavered, despite the wide berth the team gave you when you weren’t on the pitch. It had only gotten better, according to every commentator in the NWSL. 
You supposed it made sense, the suffocation of your soul leading to a more cold and calculating performance. Or maybe it was just your pain coming out in aggression toward the unfortunate defenders that you played against. 
Either way, you were having the season of your life, and you were hating every single moment of it. 
“I’m not going,” You mumbled, as you pulled your shin guards out of your socks, barely looking up at Christen. “You can tell Kelley I got sick or whatever, but I don’t want to deal with it,” 
It took effort to look up, and you knew it would just show her how little sleep you were getting despite their insistence that you stay on their couch. 
It would also take effort to go to dinner with Kelley and Emily after the game and to pretend like you weren’t slowly disintegrating from the inside out.  
“Or you can tell her and Emily yourself,” The striker countered, settling down on the bench next to you, careful not to touch you as you had been particularly sensitive after your last shared dream. “Unless you skip the game, you’re going to see them,” 
You cursed under your breath, tossing your guards into your bag with too much force. Why couldn’t things ever be easy?  “Freya won’t let me skip the Washington game,” 
“Not a chance,” Tobin agreed, settling down on your other side, effectively trapping you between them. 
You had been playing too well for your coach to let you sit out without giving a good reason, and trying to explain that you didn’t want to see your friends because your soulmate was your other friend and she had a fucking boyfriend wasn’t something you wanted to do. No matter how nice the coach was. 
“Damn it,” You grumbled, leaning back on the wall beside your locker with a thump. It was almost too much for your tired brain to work through. 
You had partially forgotten that you would see Kelley and Emily at the game as well as after. 
It was once in a season that you got to play Kelley and Emily in LA, so of course, they wanted to hang out after the game. Normally you would be excited to see your best friend and her soulmate, but since your last shared dream with Lindsey, you were dreading it. 
Hell, you had been dreading it since you started ignoring your phone. 
You loved Emily and Kelley, but they were too perceptive for their own good. They would ask questions you didn’t want to answer and slowly pry the truth from you. Then they would hate Lindsey, and that wasn’t fair to her. 
She had been friends with Lindsey longer than she had been friends with you after all. 
Or it was possible that they both already knew. That Lindsey had already told them, and they were just waiting for the right opportunity to tell you how much they agreed with her. To confirm what you already knew, that you were unworthy of your soulmate. 
You could still feel the tingle of Lindsey’s fingers on your arm, her words “it would be their loss” still lingered in your brain like a bad cough despite them being spoken nearly two weeks ago. 
You shivered. 
Either way, you couldn’t face them. You couldn’t deal with the possibilities. You couldn’t bear to see Emily’s disappointed gaze. You wouldn’t be able to stand it if you lost her too, despite the way you were pushing her away. 
There was a reason you had called her when you were in Florida instead of anyone else. A reason that you had clung to her afterward. 
She treated you like you were normal. Despite almost drowning in Florida. Despite her having to check you out of the hospital. Despite you running away in France after you and Lindsey almost-... 
“It’ll be fun,” Christen said, nudging your shoulder. “we’ll talk about Bagel and the Spirit drama, and all you have to do is smile and nod,”
“She’ll hate me when she finds out,” you groaned, scrubbing your eyes, your nails digging and scraping at the skin above your eyebrows. You were never good at hiding things from Emily or Kelley for that matter. 
You should be able to be reasonable and be Lindsey’s friend. You should be able to respect her wishes. She was right, it shouldn’t be so hard. 
But it just hurt so fucking much. It didn’t matter how nice she was about it, every interaction felt like a knife slipping between your ribs and into the soft, vulnerable tissue, twisting unrelentingly, intent on bleeding you out. 
Christen caught your hands, carefully pulling them away from your eyes and laying them flat against her thigh. She rubbed soothing circles on the back of your palm. “No one will hate you,”
“You’re not the one who is being malicious,” Tobin added, in a tone that made you believe she 100% thought someone was. 
You frowned. Lindsey hadn’t done anything outright yet. Well, anything besides telling you that she loved her boyfriend, and while that hurt you, it wasn’t a direct shot across the bow. It also wasn’t anything deserving of Tobin’s direct ire. 
You regretted telling the midfielder-turned-winger about the back-and-forth game Lindsey seemed to enjoy. You regretted telling her how much it hurt you to not understand. To know exactly where you stood, the place you had always stood with Lindsey, in the blurry no man's land between friend and more than friend. A place filled with landmines and barbed wire poised to destroy you at the first misstep. 
You had already been cut more times than you’d like to admit. 
You pulled your hand out of her grip, running it through your messy curls, serving only to make them more wild. You hadn’t had the energy to style it, but now you were regretting that decision. It would be a bitch to fix later. 
You felt Christen and Tobin share a look over your head, communicating without words. You wanted to ask if that was a soulmate thing or just a preath thing because you doubted you would ever be in a place with Lindsey where you would be able to find out on your own. 
“Lindsey might not have told them yet,” Christen said gently. You felt her eyes return to the side of your face, and her fingers carefully weaved into your hair beginning to undo the knots. “And we don’t have to tell them either,” 
Tobin’s hand found the back of your neck, digging into the knot that always appeared there. You sighed. Their efforts at coercion were rather effective, especially with the three hours of sleep you had gotten (despite their best efforts).  
“But what if she did?” You asked, your voice showing more vulnerability than you wanted. “What if she told Emily that I wasn’t keeping my promise? That I wasn’t being a good friend?”
Tobin snorted, shaking her head. 
It was difficult for her to wrap her head around how you thought anyone would be upset with you in this situation. How you thought that any of this was your fault. 
“Kelley will be upset if any of this hurts Emily,” You said, softer. You knew how protective the older defender was, especially of her soulmate. 
It was one of the first things you learned about Kelley. She would murder anyone who hurt Emily. 
You were in pain, but you didn’t want to die. Not yet at least. 
Not by Kelley’s hand. 
“We will deal with Kelley,” Christen reassured you, sharing another look with Tobin. On the off chance that Kelley was upset, all it would take would be to mention the word soulmate and she would back off. 
It wasn’t just her soulmate she was protective of. 
“I don’t want anyone to fight,” You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut yet again, hoping it would help the heaviness in them. 
It didn't. 
Your phone buzzed obnoxiously in your bag because god forbid you get 30 seconds of peace. 
You wished you hadn’t told Lindsey about the calls, even Christen and Tobin hadn’t been able to pry it out of you. You wished you hadn’t used it as your excuse, because it felt like another thing that she could hold over you. 
“I just,” You blew out a shaky breath. “I want everything to go back to what it was before I had the stupid, fucking dream,” 
At least then you hadn’t had to face the feelings that continually bubbled in your chest. It had been easy to pretend that you didn’t want something more from Lindsey, something she would never give you outside the privacy of shared hotel rooms and fleeting nights in apartments. 
It was easy to pretend that her denials hadn’t been slowly unraveling you. That you hadn’t been self-destructing since well before the dream. 
“Avoiding sleep to avoid her isn’t helping you,” Christen said softly like she was speaking to a small child. It should have irritated you, but it didn’t. It made warmth bloom in your chest. “And neither is avoiding whoever is constantly calling you,” 
“How about we go home, and you can nap,” Tobin suggested, equally as gently, backing off. “And then you can decide if you want to get ‘sick’ after the game when you wake up?” 
You nodded, pulling your sweatshirt over your head. Thorns practice was about to begin, so it would be safe. 
She wouldn’t be able to follow you, and maybe you would finally get some peace.
Tobin's arm landed heavily on your shoulder as they guided you out of the locker room, and you leaned into her, hoping they would be able to drive the dreams away. 
If your soulmate wasn’t going to look out for you, they would. 
***** you sucked in a long breath as you blinked into consciousness, shifting awkwardly in your chair. 
You frowned. You had never entered one of the dreams sitting, and you idly wondered if the position was due to how you were leaning on Christen’s shoulder as you fell asleep. 
You shifted again in the chair, your fingers falling on the engraved trim, your eyes darted to the wood, painted a shiny gold. You dragged your eyes up the white tablecloth, accented with deep red napkins to the Crystal glasses and gold-rimmed plates. Several forks and spoons flanked the plate, glinting in the dim light of the table. 
Beyond your plate was a vase, filled to the brim with dark red roses, their color so vivid they looked like they were dripping, bleeding. Much like your heart you supposed. 
You shifted again in the chair, straightening your bow tie. 
You frowned. You never wore ties. 
“What the hell?” You mumbled, your fingers dragging down the satin lapels of the tux you were wearing, towards the shiny red vest that matched the tie. 
It was too much. Too fancy. Not at all something you would ever choose for yourself. 
“The restaurant had a dress code,” 
Your eyes snapped up to meet Lindsey’s piercing blue just beyond the roses, and you lost your breath. 
She was stunning. 
Her hair shimmered like gold in the low light, pulled to one side, cascading down her shoulder. You fought to keep your eyes from trailing down the plunging neckline of her shiny black dress, focusing instead on the sparkling diamond necklace around her neck. You dragged your eyes up to her red-painted lips and finally met her eyes. 
They burned into your soul as she casually sipped her wine like she was trying to read your mind. 
“I thought you said dress codes were a no-go,” You muttered, your head tilting to the side. “It’s why you wouldn’t go to the French Laundry with me while we were in New York. You said it was too posh,” 
She hummed, sipping her wine slowly, making you wait. “Ty took me out for our anniversary. He wanted to make it nice,” 
You swallowed hard, reaching for a glass of water to help your suddenly dry throat. 
Of course, she had gone out to fancy dinners with him. Of course, she was dressed up for him. You gulped down the sudden jealousy in your throat. 
She was dating him. You didn’t have a right to feel jealous. But the thought of her dressing in something for him made the sludge in your chest roll. 
You wondered if you were in the outfit that he had worn to impress her. You wondered if seeing you in it made you feel the way her dress made you feel. 
“Did you enjoy yourself?” You asked carefully, placing the water glass back on the table. 
It took everything in you to keep your voice calm, level. To pretend. 
She hummed. “It was ok. The steak was overpriced and the wine was dry,” 
Your nose scrunched. You knew that Lindsey didn’t like the pomp of fancy restaurants. That she preferred tacos and margaritas to 500$ steaks. That she liked light, floral cocktails instead of pretentious wine. 
It made you wonder why he didn’t know that. 
“Sounds too fancy for me,” 
You settled on the comment. It was safe, easy, almost normal. 
She snorted. “It was too fancy for me too. Ty picked it,”
You wanted to ask why. If it was their anniversary, shouldn’t he have done something she wanted to do?
You swallowed your question, your comment, smiling pleasantly at her instead. At least you got to be with her like this.  “It’s nice he’s being so cool about all of this,” 
She paused, her wine glass pressed to her lips, taking too long of a sip before setting it down, swirling the red liquid around the glass. “Yeah,”
Your eyebrows furrowed, noting how her eyes didn’t meet yours and her fingers tapped the rim of the glass. 
“You haven’t told him yet,” 
It was a statement of fact, incredulous in its delivery, but proven by the way her teeth closed around her bottom red-painted lip. 
You didn’t know why you were surprised. Why would she tell him? Keeping it a secret was an entirely Lindsey thing to do. 
Still, it made you feel dirty. A secret. Something to be ashamed of.
“Why would I tell him?” Her lips curled around the question dangerously.“Nothing has changed,” 
You frowned at that. Everything had changed, whether she wanted to admit it or not. He deserved to know that his girlfriend was seeing another person in her dreams. That you were tied to her for the rest of your life. 
“Because I am your soulmate, Lindsey,” You said as though it was obvious, unable to stop it as it slipped past your lips. “Does that mean nothing to you?” 
“We are friends,” She gritted out, emphasizing the words. “I have a-,“ 
“Boyfriend that you love, yes I’ve heard,” You spat back, waving your hand dismissively. It was an old argument, and frankly, you were tired of it. “What are you going to do when he finds his soulmate? I’m not some fucking consolation prize,”
“That’s not. We’re not” She stuttered, her blue eyes wide, but you still couldn’t stop. 
“We’re not what Lindsey?” You asked, bitterness creeping into your voice. Bitterness you hadn’t shown her before. “We’ve been dancing around this since we were 16. We’ve kissed more times than I can count. We would have fucked again after the World Cup if Kelley hadn’t knocked on the fucking door, or did you forget that part of our relationship,” 
She shook her head, shoving herself up from the table, but you followed her. 
You knew you were pushing her, but you couldn’t be ignored. You felt like a volcano erupting, the words bubbling out of you like lava. “How long have you known I was in love with you? How long have you used that to get me to bend to your will? Friends don’t do the things that we do!” 
You watched her face morph from shock to anger. Her features hardened before your eyes. 
You had pushed too far. 
“Look, it’s not my fault that you’ve incorporated me into some gay fantasy of yours. We’re friends,” She hissed and you recoiled like you had been slapped. 
The words felt like venom, her voice the needle injecting it straight into your veins. 
It was the only word you could think of as your brain tried to process what she was saying. As she used the words your mother had used against you when she kicked you out. 
“It’s your pattern,” She said, her lips curling. “You did it with Tobin in France. You did it with Emily in Portland. I’m just the next poor soul on your list,” 
“No Sonnett is my friend-“ you stumbled over your words, trying to order your thoughts, but she cut you off with a vicious smirk. “And you and her were fucking until she found Kelley,” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. you had never slept with Emily. She had been hung up on Kelley just like you we stuck in Lindsey. The only difference was that her and Kelley hadn’t blurred the line like you and Lindsey did. “What the actual fuck are you talking about?”
“She was the one who found you in Florida. You shared her one-bedroom apartment, and you followed Tobin around like a lost puppy in France,” 
“Tobin helped me stop our coach from molesting both of us Lindsey,” You ground out, your voice shaking. “Tobin made sure he didn’t fucking kill me with the extra training sessions and lack of food. If anything, she was the one following me around.” 
Your chest heaved, but you weren’t finished. “Emily only knows about Florida because they wouldn’t let me check out of the hospital after I went surfing drunk. She didn’t want me to be alone while I was dealing with the fallout of You. We have never slept together,” 
You couldn’t help the way you sneered around the word. You couldn’t help how your fist clenched in the table cloth, shifting the too-expensive dining set. 
You wanted her to acknowledge you. 
“That’s not the point,” She bit back. 
“Then what is?” You asked, your hand hitting the table, all of your feelings finally pouring out. “I fucking love you. And I thought that you felt the same. We were back in that godforsaken city and you were kissing me. We would have-“ You shook your head, your voice turning earnest. “It was almost perfect,”
Silence hung between you, punctuated only by your heavy breathing. 
Her lips pressed tightly together, and you thought maybe you had gotten through to her. But something flashed in her eyes and her features hardened. She picked up her wine glass and swirled the red liquid around. 
“I am not gay,” She grit the words out, looking away from you as if she didn’t care about the damage she would inflict and sipping her glass. “I don’t love you, and it’s not my fault that you caught feelings,” 
You let the words sink in. Let them permeate your chest like acid, and erode the final bit of your aching heart. A cool numbness was already spreading out from the wound like you had been shot. 
You knew it was too good to be true during the World Cup. That her pursuit of you, her willingness to be around the team with you was nothing more than a fling. A whim caused by the bubble and excitement. 
You cleared your throat, closed your eyes, and hoped to wake up so you could release your emotions in peace. “I can’t keep my promise,” 
Lindsey jolted awake, her eyes snapping open, all of her nerves on edge like she had been dumped in ice water. Her breathing came in short pants as she sat up, her hand pressing into her eyes. 
She had never heard of people being so… jarred by the dreams they shared with their soulmates. She had never heard of them ending so abruptly.
Then again, most people didn’t try to deny their soulmate. 
She let out a breath, grinding her palms into her eyes further, trying to un-sear your blank expression from her mind. 
She knew that look well. You used it every time you had to deal with your family or your PSG coach. It was your way of shielding yourself. Of pulling away so nothing could hurt you. 
She had never had that look directed at her, and it made her soul ache. 
She had never planned on hurting you, it had just kind of… happened. 
The relief that had flooded through her the moment she saw you for the first time in her dreams was indescribable. It was like the moment your goalie makes a save in a PK shootout. No. It was more. It was the moment you score after the save. 
But then she remembered. She could feel her parents' words etched into her very existence. 
She was meant to grow up and find the man of her dreams. Her knight in shining armor. 
Her mother had filled her head from the time she was small with stories of princes sweeping her off her feet. Her father had told her about the strapping young man who would make all of her dreams come true one day. The young man who she would share everything with, including her sleep. 
And both of her parents dismissed her queries about what would happen if her soulmate wasn’t a man. They had waved away her questions with easy quotes from the Bible and their pastor, and they had drilled into her head that all of her “teenage feelings” were just a phase. 
She was convinced she would outgrow them, but then. Well, then she met you. 
And you made her question everything. 
It wasn’t just that you were smart and funny and gorgeous. It was how kind your heart was. How you would give up the world to make her smile on a bad day. It was how your tough exterior had cracked just for her. 
It made butterflies erupt in her chest and tingles followed everywhere you touched. You made her feel warm and seen and… she couldn’t help but give in to those feelings. 
At first, it was in small ways, sharing your bed in France (something that brought you both immense comfort), stealing small kisses and light touches in the underbelly of stadiums. Little things that had grown into more, until the lines were so blurred she didn’t know where you stopped and she began. 
All that you had been missing was a label, so she conveniently picked one that didn’t make her afraid. One her parents wouldn’t question. 
You were her friend and the secret benefits attached never needed to be mentioned.
She pushed her feelings for you away under the ruse of platonicity. 
It was easy. It was doable. 
Until the two of you were roomed together in the bubble, trapped in a country that gave the both of you nightmares. 
She finally let herself give in to the feelings in her chest. She let her touches linger, no matter who could see. She let herself joke and enjoy your bright smiles in front of her friends. She let herself let go of the fear that being caught staring and watching still evoked. 
You looked so kissable in the locker room after the final, bragging about your game-winning goal, your dimples poking out. You looked so kissable in your stupid goggles, covered in champagne. And she…
Lindsey just couldn’t help herself. 
She hadn’t thought twice about pulling you into a spare equipment closet. She hadn’t thought twice about the way your lips pressed together or the heat that built between you in seconds. She hadn’t thought about her roving hands and how good you felt until…
If Kelley hadn’t knocked on the door, there was no telling how far the two of you would have gone. 
As you broke apart, staring at her like she hung the moon and the stars and… reality finally hit her. She couldn’t have you and keep her family. The lines were too blurred and before she could think, words were falling from her lips, matching your falling expression. she was kicking you out and you looked...hurt was too simple of a word to describe it. 
That was where her options had ended. 
You disappeared into the night, only reappearing to get on the plane, attend a parade, and then you were gone again. 
It only reinforced the lessons her parents had taught her. She would find a reliable man to support her. A man who would care for her and follow her. A man who would help her give her parents grandchildren. 
And she had. 
She sighed heavily, glancing to her left where he lay, sound asleep. 
He was good. He listened but never pushed. He held her when she cried, even when he didn’t know why. He who helped her put her broken pieces back together. 
But he wasn’t you. 
And she knew that by choosing him and protecting herself she was hurting you. An unintentional casualty she had thought of it as. Except nothing about that dream had been unintentional. 
She dragged her hand through her hair, her elbow barely brushing him. He still jolted awake. 
“Wha, babe?” Ty asked, his voice husky as she lurched to a sitting position. “You alright?” 
She hated that her brain instantly compared you to him. How your voice sounded so much sexier than his. How you were a deeper sleeper, and didn’t jump when you woke up. How you would have wrapped her in your arms before asking questions? 
She shook her head, leaning into his side, telling him that she wanted to be held. “Yeah, bad dream,” 
It took him a second to catch on and wrap a loose arm around her. “I’m here,” He placed a very sweet kiss on her hairline. 
She let out a shuddering breath. It was too close to something you would do. “I know,” 
He was there for now, but she couldn’t stop your words from echoing in her head. 
They had talked about what they would do when they found their soulmates, how they would prefer to be with each other rather than with some random person. 
But you weren’t a random person. 
How was she supposed to tell this man? This kind man, who had picked up the pieces her fear had created. that she had found her soulmate and she wanted to go back on every promise she had ever made? 
Especially when you weren’t going to keep your promise to her. 
As it turned out, 48 hours with little more than a power nap did wonders on your psyche.
You were nearing the punch-drunk stage of exhaustion before you even stepped onto the pitch. And dealing with Emily and Kelley trying to stop you for 98 minutes had sapped every last bit of fake energy you had. 
Winning the game helped, but by the time Christen and Tobin were loading you in the car for dinner, you were dead on your feet. And the anxiety about what Lindsey had or had not said to Emily had you on edge as you entered the restaurant. 
The too-fancy restaurant, with white table cloths, red rose centerpieces, and gold-rimmed plates. 
You bit your lip as you were seated, trying to force the dream from your mind. 
But as it turned out, Lindsey hadn’t told Emily anything, and that made things so much more difficult. 
It made Emily and Kelley more curious, and more focused on your every move. You could feel their eyes tracing your every movement, glued to the way Tobin pulled out your chair and Christen sent you a meaningful look when she passed you the menu. 
You knew Emily wanted an explanation for why you had been ignoring her, but you weren’t sure how to put it into words. So you avoided it. 
You avoided making eye contact or engaging in conversation and focused too hard on the menu. 
“Sanchez is super stoked for the next few camps,” Kelley said, nodding her head toward you. “She thinks she can pull out some crazy services with our ducky,” 
You hummed, peeking up at her from behind your menu, using it as a shield. 
Considering how cracked and broken your chest felt, you doubted you would be making many connections at camp. You doubted you would be able to function in the same proximity as Lindsey, much less focus on soccer. 
You didn’t think you would be able to get out of your head enough to do it. 
“She seems scrappy,” You mumbled, your eyes barely flickering towards Emily, trying to avoid the place setting. 
It had the sludge sloshing in your stomach. You couldn’t help how you idly scratched at the point right above your heart. 
It’s not my fault you’ve incorporated me into some gay fantasy. It’s your MO.
You cleared your throat, chasing her voice from your head. “If she can keep up, it’ll be fun to see how we link,” 
“She’s deadly when she connects with Trin,” Kelley said, sending a look between you and Emily. “I’m sure you two will find your groove too,” 
You tried to ignore their secret conversation. The evidence that it wasn’t the first time you were the subject. 
“It’s not surprising her and Trin are soulmates really,” Emily added, sipping her glass of red wine. 
You couldn’t help the way your eyes zeroed in on it. The way the liquid in the glass pressed to red lips had your heart pounding in your chest. 
It was stupid for you to get so worked up over a glass of wine. For the mere mention of soulmates to send you over the edge, but it did. 
“Ali and JJ had their hands full trying to keep track of them,” Trying to hide the concerned look she sent your way. 
You hadn’t even realized your hand was clutching your chest, clawing at your cracked heart. 
Tobin's arm landed heavily on your shoulder, an innocuous move that was meant to ground you. To keep you in the present. “I could tell Trinity was getting frustrated, especially with Girma,” 
“She's young,” Kelley nodded. “Once she matures a bit she’s going to be as much of a force as Alex and you three,” 
“Are you ok?” Emily asked before anyone could respond, reaching across the table to lay her hand over yours. “You look like you’re gonna be sick,” 
You pulled away like you had been burned. The action was too familiar. It was too close. 
“I’m good, I’ve just gotta go to the bathroom,” You said too quickly, pushing yourself away from the table. “I’ll be back,” 
You didn’t give anyone a chance to reply before you bolted from the table, hanging a right (nearly missing a very startled waiter) and crashing into the bathroom door like it was a Canadian defender. 
You stumbled into the sink, clutching the sink like it was a lifeline, praying that the cool granite countertop could calm the wave crashing through your chest. The unrelenting tsunami unleashed by Lindsey’s words. 
It was pathetic. You were pathetic. 
Some gold-ringed plates and red wine had sent you over the fucking edge. The mention of soulmates shouldn’t send your chest tight, but it did. 
You should be able to have a normal conversation with your friends. You shouldn’t fear that the simple mention of something would make you hurt so badly. 
It was a you problem. They shouldn’t suffer for it. 
You sucked in a short, wheezy breath, your fingers wrapping in your shirt to pull your collar down. 
Pathetic. The voice in your head hissed. No wonder she doesn’t want you. 
Your other hand pressed harder into the counter, dipping your head towards the metal faucet. You almost wished you had turned it on. 
“You have to breathe,” Emily’s voice suddenly said, very close to your ear. Her arms wrapped carefully around your stomach, one hand catching your own. “Come on, match my breathing ducky,” 
You leaned back into her body, feeling her heartbeat against your back with each exaggerated breath she took for your benefit. 
It burned to try and match her, matching the ever-present ache that had been there since Lindsey rejected you. The sludge in your stomach expanded and contracted with each breath you tried to take. 
You hadn’t felt this way since the night of the World Cup. Since Kelley knocked on the door and Lindsey had told you to get out. Since she told you you were nothing.
“I know it hurts, but you need to breathe,” Emily said, pulling you back towards her so she was hugging you from behind. 
You nodded, your lips pressing together tightly, your eyes slipping closed as you tried to focus on her. On the way, her arms felt around you. The way each breath hit your ear and moved against you. 
“Come on, breathe in” She hummed, sucking in a deep breath and waiting for you to follow her. You counted to 8 in your head, holding it for 4 before releasing it for 6. And repeating it. 
With each iteration, your relaxed father back into Emily, until most of your weight was leaning against her. 
She held you for a long moment, letting you gather yourself, and keeping a hand on your back as you pulled away. 
“Good?” She asked gently. 
“Yeah, good,” You nodded, your voice horse as you leaned towards the faucet, running cool water over your face before turning to face her. “Thanks,” 
“Anytime,” She said, watching you carefully, like you were a wounded animal she was afraid to back you into a corner, holding out a paper towel so you could dry your face. “You gonna tell me what that was about?”
You shrugged. It had been happening to you a lot lately, the feeling that your chest was going to collapse on itself. Between Lindsey and the never-ending stream of calls from your brother, you knew they would only get that much worse. 
“You haven’t had a panic attack since France,” She continued, her voice ticking up and you knew that she wanted more of an explanation. 
You shook your head. You didn’t want to think about France anymore, or how Emily had found you in the same position after Lindsey kicked you out. How she had held you together for the night while the rest of the team celebrated. 
The only difference was that you couldn’t escape this time. There wasn’t a time limit for you to paint a smile on your face and pretend to be fine. 
“I’m fine,” You croaked, avoiding her eyes. 
“You’re not,” Emily countered, taking a step towards you, holding your hand up to stop her. You couldn't do this if she was close to you. “And I can’t help you unless you tell me what’s happening,” 
You shivered at the words. The same ones she had used before she checked you out of the hospital in Florida. 
“I just have a lot on my mind,” You muttered, pressing the paper towel into your eyes. 
“You’ve had a lot on your mind since camp,” She scoffed, hopping up on the counter next to you. “What’s going on?”
You let out a long sigh, knowing that she wasn’t going to let this go. She had refused to let anything go since she signed you out of the hospital. Since the nurse told her they had put you on a suicide hold. 
you blew out a long breath, weighing the words in your mouth. 
“I met my soulmate, and it’s complicated,” You said carefully. “I had the dream at camp and things have been difficult,” 
“And Lindsey is hurt, even though she has a boyfriend?” She asked, connecting the dots differently than you thought she would. “That’s why you’ve been avoiding all our calls and texts, even tonight,” 
She gestured towards your still buzzing phone. 
“Something like that,” You muttered, finally looking up at her.
She sent you a small, sad smile. You just appreciated there was no pity in her look. She was one of the few who was aware of the true nature of your relationship. One of the few who treated you like you weren’t fragile after you came back. One of the few who held you accountable. 
“We’ll figure it out,” She said solemnly. “At camp Kelley and I will run interference. You can forget about the drama and enjoy the game,” 
You shook your head. “I’m just so tired,” You admitted, finally letting your pain and exhaustion show on your face. Showing her that your soul was slowly seeping from your body. 
Emily pulled you close to her, and you fell into the comfort, burying your face in her chest, much like the night she had found you in France.
She squeezed you tightly as though she was holding all of your pieces together. Like she knew you were forgoing sleep to avoid your soulmate. Avoiding Lindsey. “Come on. Let’s go back, we’ll eat, and then you can get some sleep,” 
“Ok,” You agreed, letting her guide you out of the bathroom and to your seat, completely ignoring Kelley’s questioning eyes and Christen’s worried expression. 
“Everything alright?” Tobin finally asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled over the table, looking right at you. 
“Yeah, all good,” You mumbled. “I think I’m just going to get a cheeseburger,” 
You ignored Emily’s low scoff at the change of subject and Kelley’s raised eyebrow. 
The sludge in your stomach rocked but didn’t flair up like you expected it to. 
“Fishy and King said they were good here,” You added. 
“They said their onion rings were fire too,” Tobin jumped in, and you knew that it was just because she would get details of whatever had happened later, but for now she allowed you to change the subject. 
Christen hummed across the table, and you breathed a sigh of relief as the conversation restarted. 
You tried to relax and just enjoy your friends.
There would be time to worry later. 
Tobin had learned a long time ago that you didn’t always express yourself in words. She had learned to instead watch you because your body language always gave you away. She learned that you would tell her what was bothering you eventually, and that patience was the most useful tool she had. 
So that’s what she did, despite how much she wanted to know what happened in the bathroom. 
She watched as Kelley and Emily pulled unwilling smiles from your lips. As they got your shoulders to relax and genuine laughs to escape your 
It was the happiest she had seen you in months. The most… alive, despite how you flinched each time your phone buzzed in your pocket. 
You still hadn’t told her and Christen exactly who was calling you. 
She smiled as you leaned heavily into Christen as you all made your way down the sidewalk, towards the Washington Spirit hotel, making small talk with Emily. 
The small curve of your lips was a win in her opinion. She could see the effects of the soulmate bond. The slow decay of your soul was a painful inevitability, and your hesitancy to share your pain with them was hard for her. You had been better about coming to them, but you were still hesitant, and she knew the pressure was mounting 
She worried about what would happen when her and Christen weren’t there for support. 
“You gonna tell me what’s going on, or do I have to wait for whatever BS story she told Em?” Kelley nudged Tobin’s ribs, nodding her head towards you. “Whatever happened in the bathroom looked pretty intense, and she was looking rough even before that,” 
“It probably was,” Tobin said half under her breath, her eyes never leaving you. “She’s just… she’s going through a lot right now. I’m pretty sure Chris and I don’t even know the whole story,”
Kelley raised an eyebrow, a clear indication that she wanted more information, earning a long sigh from Tobin. 
The midfielder-turned-forward’s eyes cut to Emily meaningfully. “All we know is that it’s a… personal thing,”
Soulmates shared everything, they held no secrets between them. It was an inherent downside to sharing your dreams with someone. So if she told Kelley, then Emily would know too, and she wasn’t about to betray your trust. 
Kelley followed her eyes, understanding blooming in her features. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t share more than I have to. I just want to help,” She said more softly, honesty in her tone. “What’s the personal thing?”
“It’s a problem with her soulmate,” Tobin said softly, the words barely above a whisper like it would soften the blow, but Kelley still recoiled. 
It all made sense. The dark circles under your eyes, the ache that coated every one of your movements, the exhaustion a simple smile brought. 
Kelley knew the symptoms well. 
“That sucks,” She sighed. 
You were such a good kid, and you never seemed to catch a break. 
“Majorly,” Tobin agreed, remembering how you had cried in her arms. “I’m worried about how she’ll be at camp,” 
She didn’t mention that you dealing with Lindsey on your own was something that made her very nervous. She didn’t mention that she was concerned about your propensity for self-destruction or running away. 
It had taken both her and Emily to track you down to Florida. She didn’t want to find you living in a tent on the beach. She didn’t want to have to convince you that being with your friends was worth dealing with your feelings. She didn’t want to get a call that you weren’t allowed to check out of a hospital by yourself. 
“Em and I will keep an eye on her,” Kelley said, catching Tobin's arm... “I’m sure Lindsey will help too,” 
Tobin grimaced, her eyes turning dark. “Let’s keep Lindsey out of it,” 
Kelley’s head tilted to the side, squinting. Lindsey was your best friend. The two of you had been inseparable until last camp. But she thought better of it than to comment. She knew the past the two of you shared after all. 
“Is that who’s blowing up her phone?” Kelley asked, her brain working to catch up. “Or is it the random soulmate?” 
Tobin shook her head, running a hand frustratedly through her hair. “She won’t tell us who has been calling her nonstop. It was so bad she stashed her phone in a sock drawer,” 
Kelley’s eyebrows furrowed. Tobin wasn’t kidding when she said you were dealing with a lot. It seemed like the perfect mess of things. A web of pain with you at the epicenter. She just worried they wouldn’t be able to untangle you until it was too late. 
“We’ll keep an eye on her. I promise,” Kelley said solemnly, already knowing that Emily planned to watch out for you anyway. She had been worried for weeks, and now that the younger defender had definitive proof there was something wrong, there would be no stopping her. Kelley had already agreed to be along for the ride. “Now let’s try to keep her in a good mood. She deserves that,” 
You were always there for Emily, and she was determined to be there for you. You were like a little sister, she just hoped you would let her help. 
Kelley knew within the first hour of camp that Tobin had been right to be worried. 
You were like a shell of yourself. She had seen it briefly at dinner, but being around you for an extended period exemplified how not ok you were. 
Your easy smile was gone, as was the light that always seemed to follow you. 
The only place you weren’t completely off was the field. 
You were cutthroat, slicing up the young defense with no mercy. You barely took the time to direct like you normally would, and it seemed you had no patience for the new midfield to catch up. You didn’t explain or teach. And you had simply shrugged when Kelley asked why. 
It was more selfish than you normally played and it was painfully obvious you were more focused on winning than having fun or helping the rest of the team. 
It was just so not like you, and other people on the team were starting to notice. 
But you seemed unbothered by the attention. The stares. You had barely looked at any of them. 
The only one you seemed to notice was Lindsey, something that didn’t surprise her considering what Emily told her about the bathroom incident. 
There was just something off about the story though. Something off about Lindsey’s reaction. It wasn’t… the reaction she would have expected if Lindsey was upset about you finding your soulmate. 
“You look like a creeper,” Emily hummed, kissing her cheek, wrapping her arms around her soulmate, and resting her head on her shoulder, following her gaze. “You’ve been staring for a long time,” 
“Just trying to read the dynamic,” Kelley mumbled, squinting as you nodded down another one of Sanchez’s crosses, and Huerta lined up to send one in from the other side.
You had been reluctant to agree to their request after practice, only saying yes to avoid Lindsey (from what Kelley could tell). 
Lindsey glared at the pair as they asked you, cutting off her attempt to get close to you while you were getting water. That glare hadn’t stopped, even as you headed back towards the pitch. 
Lindsey was blatant with the daggers she was sending toward Sofia and Sanchez. But it didn’t strike Kelley as friendly jealousy. 
She was trying too hard to close the distance. She was watching you too closely. 
It was too much. 
“Looks like jealousy to me,” Emily chuckled, tightening her arms around Kelley’s waist, and kissing just behind her ear. “She’s totally jealous,”
“But what kind of jealous?” Kelley asked slowly, leaning into Emily’s lips. “Watch,” 
Emily followed her gaze. Lindsey stood on the sideline, arms crossed, watching where Huerta was setting up a cross. The midfielder glared at the young defender, muttering something neither Kelley nor Emily could hear just before she took the cross. 
It was slightly off-target, but that wasn’t a problem for you. You bodied it down and finished it easily with a heel flick. 
Even without defenders around it was impressive. 
It shouldn’t be that easy. 
“You curl it where she’s going, not where she is,” Lindsey hissed towards Huerta, as you kicked the ball out of the net, passing it to Sanchez. 
Emily’s eyebrows furrowed when you didn’t stick up for the youngins like you normally would. But then again, that would require interacting with Lindsey. 
It was strange to see Lindsey so moody, so… unhelpful. 
“It can’t be Sofia right?” Emily asked. 
Kelley snorted at the question. Sofia was sweet, but she tiptoed around you, and not in the way that would indicate anything remotely romantic. Plus you had been on a team with her before you went to Angel City. Things wouldn’t have gotten as out of hand as they had. 
“Tobin would have murdered Huerta,” Kelley muttered thoughtfully. “And Y/n has barely looked at either of them,” 
The only person you had made eye contact with was Lindsey. 
“It can’t be one of our teammates Kelley,” it was Emily’s turn to scoff. “She’s tearing herself apart and none of them would do that to her,” 
The team held soulmates above all else, and as far as she knew, none of them would hurt you that way. None of them would stand by idly while the dark circles grew under your eyes and the light left your smile. None of them would let you self-destruct trying to make them happy. 
Kelley’s shoulders lifted and fell. “I think the more pressing issue is her sleep schedule,” 
“Christen already warned me,” Emily agreed. “She goes days without it if you don’t watch her,” 
“I’ll talk to Alex and get it swapped,” Kelley said. “She’ll understand and agree,” 
Their eyes watched you as you walked away from the youngins and finally settled onto the bench. Your exhaustion was obvious in the slump in your posture, the way you barely lifted your arm to squirt water into your mouth, even though you were trying to hide it. 
You glanced down at your phone, glaring at the small device. You let out a long sigh, before pushing yourself to your feet and walking away from the group to answer the call. 
“We need to figure out what’s going on outside of the soulmate thing too,” Kelley mumbled, her eyebrows furrowing. “Cause whatever it is can’t be good either,” 
Emily hummed in agreement. “Definitely,” 
It wasn’t that Kelley liked to snoop. It was just that it was too easy to follow after you when you hadn’t reappeared on the field after you took the phone call. 
It had been too enticing to deny.
They needed to know what they were dealing with, and hearing part of that conversation would tell them what you wouldn’t. Plus Kelley was like an older sister, protective and overbearing in her own way. 
She could get away with a little spying, and if you caught her, you would be more likely to open up rather than flip out. 
Kelley also wasn’t stuck between you and Lindsey. She had always been closer to you. 
So she crept up to the door that separated the bathroom from the locker room. She pressed the door open just enough to be able to see your form, pacing back and forth, the phone pressed to your ear. 
“Stop calling me Tyler. Nothing has changed, even now,”  You growled, your lips forming a tight line. “I don’t care that she’s dying,” 
She frowned at the mention of your brother. 
You ran a hand through your hair, tugging harshly at the strands as you listened to whatever he was saying, your head already shaking. 
“There is nothing to consider, stop calling me. I only need to know when it’s done,” You spat into the phone, ripping it away from your ear and jabbing at the screen before you tossed it carelessly toward your locker. 
You looked like you wanted to scream or cry, or hit something, and Kelley felt her heart break for you. 
You were always the strong one. You pretended to be fine for everyone else’s sake. It was rare you let your vulnerability show. Rare enough that Kelley had never seen it herself. 
You turned, content on pacing the small room again, only to freeze in your tracks at what Kelley assumed was a person at the door that connected the locker room to the hallway. 
She leaned forward, catching blonde hair and white nail polish over crossed arms. 
Lindsey, she thought. 
The midfielder pushed off of the door, taking the three steps it took to close the space between you. Kelley wasn’t sure how long Lindsey had been watching you. She wasn’t sure how much of the conversation she had heard. 
Your posture changed, and your eyes hardened. “Look, I can’t deal with you too right now, alright?” 
The coldness of your tone shook Kelley to the core. She wasn’t sure if you had ever used anything like it before. 
“Deal with me?” Lindsey scoffed, exasperated stepping closer, so the two of you were nearly touching. “Can’t I just be a concerned friend?” 
“We are not friends,” 
Your voice was like ice. A knife razor sharp, and unyielding. You delivered it with a tilt of your chin, a glint in your eyes. A heavy blow thrown with complete accuracy. A blow to what Kelley didn’t know, but from the way Lindsey’s face fell, she knew the shot had landed. 
It didn’t make sense. Not unless- 
Kelley’s jaw dropped at the implication. Lindsey couldn’t be your-
“So you’ve said,” Lindsey said back, her voice too even, too calm despite the pain laced in it. But she didn’t leave your space. 
“Don’t do that,” You snapped, shoving a finger in her chest and finally putting distance between you. Kelley winced at the action. 
“What?” Lindsey bit back, her chin tilted up in defiance, her arms spread out to the side.“I’m not doing anything,” 
Kelley held her breath. There was more being said than the words between you, and the way your back straightened at Lindsey’s sentence was as bad a sign as she had seen. 
“You’re never doing anything,” You spat back. “Perfect Lindsey is always the victim, right? It’s big bad Y/n who is in the wrong, preying on the innocent right?” 
You spat the words like venom. Like there was something else that went with them. A line that both you and Lindsey knew, but Kelley did not. 
Lindsey’s face fell. “I don’t-“ 
“You never fucking do!” You shouted, a flush traveling up your neck to your cheeks as your fists clenched. Hurt and anger permeating your entire being. “You can stop being a bitch to Sanchez and Huerta. They’re kids who won’t leave me the fuck alone,”
Lindsey let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Look I’m sorry about what I said, ok?”
“No. It’s not ok Lindsey,” You answered, your voice soft but cold as ever.  “It will never be ok,” 
“What do you want from me?” Lindsey pleaded. “What do I say to fix it?”
You paused, staring at her like she had grown a third head. 
“Fix it? You haven’t even told your fucking boyfriend yet, have you?” you asked the word bitterly, and her silence was enough of an answer for both you and Kelley. You shook your head. “You’re un-fucking-believable, you know,” 
And it all made sense to Kelley. The tension between the two of you. Your pain. 
“I don’t-“ Lindsey stuttered, but you cut her off easily. 
“You do,” You said, a weight of finality in your tone. “Just leave. me. alone. Don’t look at me. Don’t talk to me. Don’t corner me. Just stay away from me,” 
The words were punctuated by the sound of you grabbing your bag, and Kelley stumbled back into one of the stalls, hoping you wouldn’t catch her. 
But she wasn’t fast enough, caught in the curtain as you pushed your way through the door. 
You rolled your eyes at the defender, more irritated by Lindsey than Kelley’s eavesdropping. 
You already expected the extra ears, especially after your episode at dinner with Kelley, Emily, and Preath. They were nosey, even if it was for the right reasons. 
You chose to ignore her as you picked your own shower stall, partially because you didn’t want to address it, but also because you didn’t know if you could speak without your voice cracking and you didn’t want to lose it here. Not with her in the next room, or your friends around to see. 
You were not an emotional person, and being so raw made you uncomfortable. 
“That seemed like a rough conversation,” Kelley said finally, stepping so she could lean on the frame of the entrance to your stall.
You blew out a long, shaky breath, dropping your extra clothes and towel on the little chair. 
“Not you too,” You grumbled. “what’s with you and Emily cornering me in bathrooms,” 
“What’s with you running to them?” Kelley countered, raising an eyebrow at you.
You closed your eyes, your head leaning back on the shower wall with a thump. 
The sludge in your stomach sloshed unyieldingly. The pain in your chest echoing out with each beat of your heart. You unconsciously brought your hand up to clutch over the area, your nails digging into the sensitive skin through your shirt. 
“I don’t want to talk about this alright?” 
Kelley softened at the quiet, vulnerable request, reaching up to catch your hand, flattening it against her palm. “You’re shaking,” 
You bit your lip, nodding down to your chest. “It hurts,” 
Her eyes followed your gesture, and her heart sank a little bit more. 
She knew the symptoms of soulmate sickness. She had experienced its effects for herself. That wasn’t something she wanted you to have to go through. 
“Let me see,” She said softly, waiting for you to nod before she reached for you. 
She was gentle as she pulled your practice jersey over your head, her breath catching when she saw the black mark on your chest, right over your heart. 
It was dark at the very center, several rings of what looked like bruises surrounded it and a web of black veins sprouted from the center. 
It was a physical symptom of your emotional pain. A visual representation of rejection from a soulmate. The necrotic tissue spreading from your crushed heart. 
She watched as the veins pulsed, pushing the dark color further from the epicenter, eating away at your chest. 
“Oh my god,” She breathed out, her eyes snapping to yours. “Do Tobin and Christen know?” 
You nodded once. It was hard to hide when you were living on their couch. Plus they had been there when the first black mark appeared. “It wasn’t this bad until last week. Things kinda took a turn,” 
“I can see that,” She said, retracting her hand when you winced after she lightly touched the angriest of the black veins. “Was this before or after your stopped sleeping,”
“I stopped sleeping after she rejected me the first time,” You scoffed, gritting your teeth when the pain pulsed yet again. 
“Well that’s not gonna continue,” Kelley said sternly.  “I swapped with Alex,” 
“Of course, you did,” You groaned. “I don’t need a parent,” 
“No, you don’t,” She said slowly. “But you don’t have to struggle through all of this alone,” 
You gulped, as her eyes searched you before she pulled you into a tight hug. You buried your face in her neck, letting her strong arm and scent soothe you. 
“I’m not pushing Lindsey away because I want to be alone,”
“No, you’re pushing her away because it hurts less,” Kelley agreed, and there was no judgment in her voice. “Because every time you let her close, she cuts you,”
You appreciated that. 
“It didn’t hurt like this until she called it a gay fantasy and accused me of sleeping with all of my friends,” You admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. 
It was only after the dream that the mark appeared. You guessed it was because it was an actual rejection. 
Kelley tensed underneath you, cursing under her breath. That was more than just a complication, and she wished Tobin had been more informative. Unless Tobin didn’t know. 
It made sense why you didn’t want to sleep. Why was your brother bothering you? None of that made sense, but they could only tackle one problem at a time. 
“She’s an idiot,” Kelley said finally, pulling back so she could look you in the eye. “but tearing yourself apart isn’t the answer. You need sleep. Let me help,”
You met her eyes, and you saw the worry. The anger. The understanding that rivaled Tobins. She made you feel safe. 
Kelley was on a warpath so deadly that even Emily didn’t think she could stop her. Frankly, Emily wasn’t sure if she even wanted to stop her. 
Not after Kelley told her. Not after she saw the black mark herself. It made her chest ache just looking at it. 
It was worse that she knew one of her best friends was the cause of it. That Lindsey had not only accused you of sleeping with your friends but dismissed your bond with such vulgar language. 
They had been lucky to make it through dinner without any outbursts, especially with the way Lindsey stared at your every movement, stilted as they were, and the way she was glowering at Emily and Kelley like she knew they knew. 
But Emily wondered if Lindsey knew. If she had given any thought to the consequences of her actions. 
You had only stayed long enough to eat before excusing yourself back to your own room. Lindsey followed, sending a meaningful glare toward the defender pair as she passed. 
“She’s warning us,” Kelley muttered, standing as soon as the door closed. “I don’t like it,” 
Emily sighed, pushing herself to her feet and trailing after her soulmate. “I don’t like any of this,” 
She hoped Lindsey went back to her room. She hoped that Lindsey wouldn’t push, not when you were already so far on edge. 
Her hopes were dashed as the elevator doors binged open and there she was sitting outside your hotel room door. 
“Don’t you know the meaning of stay away?” Kelley growled as they approached the midfielder. Emily placed a gentle hand on Kelley’s arm, hoping to prevent the second half of the sentence. The match that would light the inevitable blow up. 
“She’s probably asleep,” Emily said, her grip on Kelley tightening. Afraid of what the defender would say. “She said she wanted to nap after she finished eating,” 
It had been a fight to get you to agree that you desperately needed a nap. A fight to get you to recognize that the only way to deal with the stress of camp was to give your body the support it needed. 
“She probably exhausted herself flirting with the kids,” Lindsey grumbled, patting the carpeted floor. 
“She exhausted herself protecting the little bit she has left.” Kelley snapped back.  “We could only convince her to sleep because we promised we’d prevent you from following her there. Prevent you from cornering her again,” 
It had been true. They swore they would make sure Lindsey stayed awake so you could avoid another unwanted confrontation, one Lindsey seemed intent on having. 
You were too tired to fight, and both defenders feared that any more pushing would make the mark on your chest grow. 
“This isn’t all my fault,” Lindsey bit back, shoving herself to her feet and advancing toward Kelley. 
At least it got her away from your door. 
Kelley’s face hardened, and she pressed against Emily’s restraining arm, getting as close to the midfielder as she could. “No. You just belittled the bond you share and accused her of fucking all of her teammates,” 
Lindsey glared, stepping so she was toe to toe with Kelley at the clear challenge. “Are you trying to tell me that Y/n didn’t fuck her way back to the plane in France, or on the beach in Florida?” 
“How fucking blind are you Lindsey,” Kelley scoffed, her chest pushing against Emily’s restraining arm, trying to get closer. 
“Easy,” Emily said, her arm tightening around Kelley, her eyes never leaving the midfielder. “Y/n has been trying to get over you for forever,” 
Lindsey's lip curled at the gentle admission. “And she followed you like a puppy when you brought her back to Portland,” 
A dark look crossed Emily’s face. Both her and Tobin were particularly protective of your time in Florida for a reason. You were a mess when you got back. A self-destructive mess, and it had taken so long to get you out of those habits. To prevent more scars. 
“They were only so close because Em was the one who found her after I found you in the closet,” Kelley answered before she could, her voice turning cruel. “What was it you said to her as you shoved her half-dressed into the hallway? That what you two were doing meant nothing? That she meant nothing?”
Kelley would never forget finding you and Emily that night. The way her own soulmate explained exactly what Lindsey said to you. The guilt she felt at how knocking on a door had set your spiral into motion again. 
But that was nothing compared to this. No. Lindsey had dismissed the bond you shared as a gay fantasy and you were tearing yourself apart over it. 
“She was afraid you would reject her again, or that she would have to pretend the two of you hadn’t blurred the friendship line,” Emily added more softly, finally letting go of Kelley. 
Leaving you alone didn’t feel like a good move right now. 
“Go, check on her,” Kelley said, pushing the blonde defender towards the door with a reassuring smile. “I’ll be good I promise,” 
Kelley waited for the door to close before turning her cold eyes back on the midfielder. 
“She was right to be afraid,” She said, her voice soft but deadly, like a razor running on delicate skin.  “You fucked this up. You were the one who made the choice. Who has made all of the choices? You don’t get to comment on how Y/n protects herself. You need to wake up before you push her too far,” 
With that, she stepped around the stunned midfielder and entered the hotel room too. 
“You told me to call you when it was done,” Your brother's muffled voice met her as she stepped through the door. “It’s done. The service is tomorrow and you’re expected to be there,” 
She frowned at the scene, you perched on the end of the bed next to Emily, pinching the bridge of your nose, the phone held up to your ear. 
“I’ll be there,” You said softly, making eye contact with Kelley, exhaustion clear in your features. 
There was no I love you exchanged between you and your brother as the line went dead. 
Kelley approached you carefully, taking up your other side so you were seated between the defenders. “What’s going on?” 
You ran a hand through your hair, puffing out your cheeks and blowing out a long breath. You took a long moment to order your thoughts, pushing the ones of Lindsey from your mind. 
You could only deal with one problem at a time. 
“My mom died, I have to go,” You said slowly, dragging your hand down your face. “I’ll be back before the next game, but I’ve gotta go,” 
You pushed yourself to your feet and began shoving clothing into your bag. 
“Slow down,” Kelley said, standing and catching your arm as you tried to shove a sweatshirt into your bag. 
You stopped, throwing your head back toward the ceiling with a low groan. Kelley’s hand found your back, silently supporting you. 
“I can’t,” The words slid from your lips, landing like Little rocks on a pond. “I didn’t want to deal with any of this, but I have to,” 
“Your brother is the one who’s been calling you,” Kelley supplied, filling in the gap. 
You nodded. “My mother was in hospice. Her dying request was a conversation with me,” 
“She had no right to ask for that,” Emily said, moving to stand on your other side. “Not after the way you grew up,”
You bit your lip. 
“Y/n,” Kelley sighed, rubbing your back. 
You shook your head. You didn’t have a choice in this. In any of it. 
“Well she did, and now she’s dead,” You said finally, pulling yourself out of their comforting arms and towards your bag.  “It’s another thing I’ve fucked up,”
The only good thing about this situation was that you would be back in time for the game against South Korea in Kansas City. That the game was in the town you had to go to anyway. 
“Stop. Look at me,” Emily caught your arm again, using a thumb under your chin to force you to look her in the eyes. She raised an eyebrow at you. “you know none of this is your fault right?” 
Your shoulders lifted and fell, and for the first time, she saw the little spark in your eyes go dead. It was the first time she saw the full toll of the soulmate bond on you. The full force of the pressure from your family and the team. 
“Look. I don’t want to. I haven’t wanted to deal with any of this, but I have to,” Your voice shook as you said the words. You gulped, shoving your feelings into a little box. “So just let me, and try to get along with Linds. She can’t help how she feels, and she doesn’t need the entire team against her,” 
You didn’t want them to fight a fight that wasn’t their own. 
It was between Lindsey and you, and they didn’t need to destroy the team dynamic over something that was your problem. 
You should be able to be her friend. It wasn’t her fault that she didn’t hold the same feelings you did.
The things she said to you were your problem, not your friend’s problem. 
“I have to go,” You said, grabbing your bag. 
Kelley stared at you for a long moment, before pulling you into a hug. “We’re here for you,” 
You let out a breath, accepting the comfort. “I know,” 
You pulled away, nodding at Emily as you walked out the door. 
You should have been expecting Lindsey to be waiting for you. You should have been prepared, but you weren’t. 
You made eye contact with her as you stepped into the hallway, and it made your chest ache. Her burning blue made the ice in your veins prickle, and your heart lurched in your chest. 
You steeled yourself, opting to roll your eyes and step past her. It hurt less than commenting or trying to hold conversation. 
But she didn’t let you pass. Her fingers wrapped around your arm. 
“Y/n wait. Can we talk?” She asked, her fingers tightening slightly at the question. 
You twisted your arm, pulling away, and stepping towards the elevator. You clicked the call button. 
“Maybe you should try again later,” Emily said, sliding between you and Lindsey. 
You could feel her sending you worried looks over her shoulder., trying to act as a mediator between her two best friends. You caught her hand, intent on telling her to stay out of it, that this was your problem, but Lindsey didn’t give you the chance. 
“What’s wrong with now?” Lindsey hissed, stepping closer so she was pressed into Emily, and Emily was pressed into you. 
You took an involuntary step back, breathing a sigh of relief when the elevator binged open. 
You didn’t answer, stepping into the elevator, and making eye contact again as it slid closed. 
“Y/n please!” She pleaded as the door slid closed. 
But you just blinked at her. You didn’t have anything to say back. 
You couldn’t uncap your emotions now. If you did, you wouldn’t be able to stop. 
And you needed to be in control if you were going to face your family. 
Lindsey clutched her chest as the elevator door slid closed as if she was trying to grab the sudden pain that shot through her. 
It was a feeling she had never experienced before. A stabbing sensation that lit her nerve endings on fire. 
You had been so cold. So… indifferent, not towards her at least. 
And she couldn’t stand it. In the locker room, you had been all vitriol and rage. She could understand your anger. She knew how to respond to anger. 
She could throw your pain back at you if you were simply angry. She could be angry in return. She could pretend that she didn’t know she was hurting you. She could pretend that she didn’t loathe herself for it. 
But the way you looked at her. She couldn’t pretend that you weren’t in agony. That you weren’t suffering. 
She didn’t know what to do with it. She didn’t know how to stop. Not without admitting the truth, and that fucking terrified her. 
But losing you terrified her more. It was her greatest fear. 
She had almost convinced herself that she hadn’t lost you. That it was just a disagreement you would get over. But as the elevator doors dinged shut, it was clear that this was different. 
Her phone pinged, and it made her want to vomit. She knew it was him. She hated how her heart no longer leaped for him, but she wasn’t ready to put him out of his misery either. 
She glared down at the device, sliding down the wall next to the elevator, unable to hold herself up. 
“Great fucking timing,” She muttered, rubbing a frustrated hand through her hair. 
She didn’t know how to stop. She didn’t know how to fix it. She just… didn’t know. 
She closed her eyes, tilting her head up to the sky. She wasn’t sure if she believed in a god anymore (just that thought would make her parents’ head roll), but if there was, she wished he would tell her what the fuck to do. She wished he would tell her how the fuck she was supposed to fix this. 
She felt Emily’s eyes on her for a long moment, before the defender slid down the wall to sit beside her. 
“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” Lindsey said, taking a deep, watery breath. “Any of this,” 
“She didn’t leave camp because of you,” Emily’s shoulders lifted and fell. “Her mom died. She’ll be back with us when we get to Kansas,” 
Lindsey sucked in another deep breath.
So that was what your brother was harassing you about. That was the thing he wanted you to do. 
She knew how strained your relationship with your family was. Your mother kicked you out when you were 16 because she found you kissing your high school girlfriend. 
When she called her your… gay fantasy.
She had used the same term to insult you. 
Jesus, how was she so fucking stupid? 
“I’m sorry,”
Lindsey’s voice was heavy, weighed down by emotions she didn’t know how to put into words. 
Emily’s shoulders lifted and fell again. “It’s not me you’ve gotta convince,” 
Lindsey hated how indifferent she sounded too. How careful not to get in the middle. 
And as if on cue, her phone pinged again. 
She glared at the device, straining to prevent herself from throwing it across the room as if it was the root cause of all of her issues. 
It buzzed again in her hand. 
Emily rolled her eyes at the device. “I think the first step to showing her you’re sorry is to have a very important conversation with him,” 
Lindsey frowned. How did Emily know she hadn’t told him yet? “How?” 
“A locker room isn’t a good place for a private chat,” Emily shrugged for the 3rd time, and Lindsey wanted to scream. How was the blonde defender so… blasé? 
It made the ache in her chest throb like the pain was in time with her heart. She rubbed at the spot on her chest, and the weight of Emily’s pitying gaze was too much to handle.
She couldn’t stop the tears that trickled down her cheeks, or the sobs that shook her to her core. 
She didn’t deserve to cry. Not when she was the creation of the entire mess. Not when she was the one to make the choice. 
Emily sighed, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and pulling her close. 
Lindsey gripped her shirt with her free hand like her life depended on it. 
Emily rubbed her back, resting her chin on blonde hair. It killed her to see you both so… distraught. She loved you both so much. No matter how unhappy she was with her friend, the blonde defender wasn’t heartless. She couldn’t sit back while one of her best friends sobbed. 
She hugged Lindsey tightly, rocking side to side. “I’ve got you. You’re ok,” 
Lindsey shuttered against her chest, her tears leaking into Emily’s shirt. 
“I’m so sorry,” Lindsey cried, gripping Emily’s shirt for dear life. 
Emily shushed her softly. “I know,” 
She did know. She had seen the way Lindsey rubbed her chest and knew it was from the bond. The midfielder was getting a small taste of the agony you were in. A small feel of a soul being degraded. 
“I don’t know what to do,” Lindsey hiccupped, pulling away. 
Emily sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair. She didn’t know what to do either, well nothing that Lindsey was ready to do yet (break up with your boyfriend came to the front of her mind). 
But past that, you weren’t at a place where you were ready to forgive Lindsey either. The midfielder hit a very sore spot. She had opened old wounds with little care. Wounds that would take time to heal. 
“Well,” Emily said slowly. “Y/n has a lot to deal with right now. I don’t think pressuring her will help,” 
“So I give up?” Lindsey sniffed. 
Emily shook her head, raising an eyebrow, and instantly correcting her. “I think you give her the space she asked you for,” 
Lindsey nodded once but bit her lip. “What if I see her? I can’t stop the dreams,” 
Maybe a part of her was hoping to see you in a space where you couldn’t run away. Where she could finally get out all the things she wanted to say, even if you weren’t ready to hear it yet. 
“I think you still try to give her space,” Emily cracked a smile as if she was reading the midfielder's mind.  “You remember how to be a good human, don’t you?” 
Lindsey got the look in her eye that she did when they were running film, and she had just found the other team’s weakness. 
“I can do that,” She nodded, her determination clear. 
Emily only hummed in response, I hope you can, echoing in her mind. Because if Lindsey couldn’t, well, that wasn’t a bridge Emily wanted to have to cross. It wasn’t a bridge Emily thought you would survive crossing. 
Lindsey’s nose scrunched as she came into awareness, her arms folding around herself in a tight hug as she shifted on the uncomfortable wooden floor. Goosebumps erupted on her arms and legs, a doomed attempt to fight the cold that surrounded her and settled deep into her bones. 
She shifted again as her eyes blinked open, the floor creaking dangerously below her. She squinted at the dim blue ceiling, trailing down the peeling blue walls. 
It was dark and dingy, unlike the previous dreams the two of you had shared. She idly wondered if it was due to the only source of light being a small window above the bed, or if it was a manifestation of something darker. 
She let out a breath, watching as it left her in a white puff of mist, curling gently around her, highlighting how sad your small form curled on the windowsill looked. 
You matched the room it seemed. 
There was a small twin bed shoved against one wall and a broken dresser that stood at the end of your bed. It surprised her that those were the only items within the 4 walls. You didn’t even have a closet. 
The only part of the room that looked new was the heavy wooden door. It had no handle, only a series of 4 shiny metallic locks. Her eyebrows furrowed. The keyholes were pointed inward. 
She wondered if it was something the dream world had created. A way to force the two of you to have an actual conversation. One that she wasn’t prepared for. 
You had asked for space after all. She assumed that translated to the dream world instead. 
“It locks from the outside,” You answered her unasked question, never looking away from the window. 
Her eyes snapped to you. “What?”
“The door,” You said, turning to wave a hand at the object, and resting your chin on your knees. “My mom used to lock it from the outside,” 
Her breath caught in her throat. She hadn’t expected you to address her. 
The red ring around your eyes was shocking, as was the way it made the Y/e/c in your eyes stand out. The pain in them was raw, real. It made Lindsey’s chest ache. 
“Oh,” She breathed out, the weight of the implication too heavy for her brain to work through. 
She knew your childhood was bad, but seeing the place you had grown up was… something else. It made her feel like she had ice in her beings, prickling at her skin from the inside out. 
You shrugged, letting your legs fall off the sill and sliding onto the small twin bed. It creaked underneath you. “That's why I liked to sleep at the field. At least there I was free,” 
Lindsey swallowed the lump in her throat with a slow nod, trying not to focus on how the mattress dipped under your light weight. 
You leaned forward, your feet resting on the floor, your elbows on your knees and your chin in your hands. And you looked… sad. Pale and completely defeated. Being in this place was more torment than anything else for you, and Lindsey wondered if this was actually the place you were sleeping for the night. 
If your brother was punishing you for ignoring him. If you were surviving your family. 
The silence stretched between the two of you, as you chewed on your bottom lip watching her as she watched you. You reminded her of a wounded animal, backed into a corner. Trapped in a cage you couldn’t escape. 
It made Lindsey’s chest ache. She couldn’t just sit in silence with you. 
“I- I know you don’t believe me, but I’m sorry,” She stuttered out, barely above a whisper. 
You instinctively knew she was telling the truth, and part of you wondered if it was some weird soulmate thing. The other part of you was too… exhausted to care.
You shifted on the bed, carefully rubbing over the spot on your chest, grimacing as you pressed too hard into the tender skin. 
You couldn’t deal with that and your family and Lindsey all at the same time. It was just… too much. 
“Can we just… not?” You asked slowly, and you hated the pain that permeated the sentence. You hated how Lindsey slumped back against the wall at the request. How… hurt she looked. 
You didn’t want to hurt her, no matter how much pain she had inflicted on you. Two wrongs didn’t make a right. 
She was once your best friend. She had held you while you suffered serious abuse in France. She held you together during your first NWSL season, and during the World Cup when the pressure of being back in the place that had hurt you and the need to perform had been too much. She had willingly blurred and crossed lines that you never had before. 
Lindsey had always helped you handle your emotions, and though you didn’t have the right to ask her, you needed her in a way that settled deep in your bones. Like you couldn’t breathe without her. 
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the rejection you knew you deserved. 
“Look, I know it’s a lot to ask, but can we just pretend tonight that we don’t hate each other?” You asked, so softly she almost didn’t hear you, staring at the floor right by her feet. 
“What?” Her eyebrows furrowed as you made eye contact again. 
You worried your bottom lip, taking a second to gather the courage to ask her again. “Can we just be the old Y/n and the old Lindsey?” You held out a hand, noticing it was shaking. Your entire body was shaking. “just for tonight? Can we pretend that none of this ever happened?” 
Lindsey had every right to deny you, especially when that was all she had asked of you from the beginning. All she wanted was to keep her best friend, and you couldn’t give her that. You told her you weren’t friends. 
Why in the hell should she give you this now? 
Lindsey gulped, slowly standing and taking your hand. Emily’s words echoed in her head. You remember how to be a good human, don’t you?
“Yeah, we can do that,” 
Your hand squeezed hers once, twice, three times. 
She smiled softly, as you scooted back on the bed, making space for her beside you. She very slowly joined you on the bed, trying not to wince when it nearly collapsed around the two of you. You wiggled your way under her arm, gently settling your head on her chest. 
Warmth bloomed from the spot that you touched. It made the icicles in her veins retreat. It made the pain in her chest shrink. It made her feel… right. 
She let her fingers trace patterns on your back and felt you slowly relax against her. She held you closer when she felt the tears leaking through her shirt and the subtle shake of your back. 
Each little droplet burned her like acid, and the ice followed in their wake. It killed her that she was the reason for them. 
“I don’t hate you,” Lindsey said, breaking the silence between you, staring at a dark patch in the ceiling. “And I had no right to say those things to you. I let my jealousy get the best of me,” 
You hummed in response, rubbing your cheek against her chest. It made the pain in your chest lessen. 
“I’m so so sorry,” She continued, her words disappearing into your hair. 
She didn’t expect a verbal response from you. She didn’t need a verbal response. 
She held you tighter though, smiling when she felt your heart rate slow against her, knowing that at least she was settling you instead of upsetting you tonight. 
You closed your eyes and breathed in her scent, nearly as strong in the dreams as it was in real life. 
“Love you Linds, always,” You mumbled against her, not looking up to see her reaction. 
She stilled beneath you, waiting for your breathing to completely even out before she pressed her lips to the crown of your head. 
“I love you too,” 
It was scary how exhaustion and pain were becoming an everyday part of your life. How you were used to the stabbing sensation in your chest, and the tingles that sprouted from it. How you were used to the little anvils behind your eyelids. How you were used to fighting your instincts to curl up and hide away. 
By the time you made it to the hotel in Kansas City, you were losing that fight. You felt so heavy, exhaustion hitting you so bone-deep it was integrated into your very being. 
It only took one look at you by the trainers and they were agreeing that a nap in your room was much needed. They let you grab a lunch plate and head up with little question. Kelley and Emily hadn’t bothered you either, only putting the tv on low while you dozed. 
By dinner time, you felt ready to face the team. Well, as ready as you were going to get. 
You rolled your eyes as you stepped into the hallway and saw Lindsey already waiting, seated beside your door, kicking yourself for not getting dressed fast enough to walk down with Kelley and Emily. 
You hoped that this didn’t become a new normal for her. You were too tired to try and avoid her or to confront her head-on. 
“Hey,” She said, scrambling to a standing position.
You tilted your head in acknowledgment, stepping past her and clicking the elevator button. 
It felt eerily similar to the last time the two of you had spoken in person. Except this time she followed you into the elevator. 
“So silent treatment?” She asked mostly to herself as the doors slid shut, trapping the two of you together. 
Your shoulders lifted and fell. You had nothing against talking to Lindsey, you were just so exhausted. 
You knew that you should bring up the shared dream, and the words that she had whispered when she thought you couldn’t hear. You knew you should thank her for comforting you when you had no right to ask for it. 
But what else was there to say? You had said it was only for the night, and you were damned and determined to keep that. She deserved for you to let her be happy, even if it wasn’t with you. 
You were too… raw to hear her say it though. Too raw for her to tell you again that she was going to choose him. That her comforting you had indeed been only for the night. Plus, it didn’t matter what she said while the two of you were alone. You knew the minute you were back with your friends, things would go back to the way they were before the dream, so believing her now would only… hurt more. 
Your chest already ached at the thought. 
Stifling silence was better than being rejected again. 
Lindsey sighed heavily from beside you, placing a heavy hand on your arm, forcing you to look at her. “Look, I just wanted you to know that I meant what I said, All of it,”
You swallowed hard, trying to ignore the way goosebumps erupted across your arm where her skin touched yours. 
You had meant everything that you said too, no matter how much you loathe to admit it, but you were sure Lindsey already knew that. She was by no means blind to how wrapped around her fingers you were. 
She had known that you loved her since you were both barely adults. She had known since the first time the two of you… 
It didn’t matter what she knew. It didn’t matter what she said. She had said it all before, hadn’t she? And you didn’t want to pretend anymore. You were too tired for games. 
You nodded toward her, unwilling to argue. Her eyes tightened, and you could tell that she wanted to say more. 
But you didn’t want to hear it. She could say whatever she wanted, but people’s emotions didn’t change overnight. A dream wasn’t some magical Band-Aid that would fix everything that was broken. Especially when you were the one to say the truce was only for the night. 
Her mouth opened, but the elevator ding interrupted her before she could speak. Before she had the chance to crack the already broken shell you had built around yourself. 
You stared at her for a long moment, frozen in time, trapped in the deep pools of her sorry eyes, before you ripped your arm away from her and darted out of the elevator. 
You were moving so fast, looking behind you that you didn't see his tall, solid form until you were crashing into him. Her arms caught your shoulders as he steadied you.  
“Whoa, easy,” He chuckled. Liquid fire raced from your heart, out to the points he had touched, an unnerving numbing chasing after it. You pulled away from him like you had been burned. 
Your head whipped between him and Lindsey as you stumbled backward. Just as you thought, she only cared for you when no one was watching. 
You had been right not to trust her. 
Pain was slowly becoming your close companion, the low ache in your chest and sludge in your stomach unwelcome friends that refused to leave your company. You closed your eyes tightly, pressing your face further into the cool cloth of the dining table. 
Emily and Kelley's warm hands did little to ease the throbbing emanating from the dark mark on your chest. 
“What is he even doing here?” You groaned into the white cloth, your eyes closed tightly leaning back into the soothing touch of your friends. It did little to help you, but you appreciated the effort. 
You didn’t want to deal with the situation. With him. You had thought about what you would do if you ever met him. If you were ever forced to be in the same room as him, and none of those options seemed viable. 
You were too exhausted, too pained to tell him what you thought of him. You cared for Lindsey too much to expose that she had lied to him, and it hurt too much to pretend like you were fine. 
“It’s her 100 cap celebration,” Kelley supplied, sounding equally as annoyed as you felt. Her finger lightly grazed the angry black line that extended over your shoulder. You doubted that your kit top would cover it, and you worried that the commentators would draw more attention. That after the game you would be flooded with comments from fans who didn’t understand and media outlets who wanted to profit off of your pain. 
They didn’t understand that it was excruciating being forced to watch your soulmate galavant with her boyfriend. You knew you shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up, but It still made you want to vomit. 
“I didn’t think they were still talking. I thought she told him,” Emily mumbled, rubbing your back again as a form of apology. “She hasn’t been taking his calls since you left,” 
You forced yourself upright, shrugging off the hand and grabbing your fork. You angrily stabbed at your fruit. 
You hated that Emily had been caught between the two of you. It had acid pooling in your throat and made the throb moving up your shoulder pulse. Your pain should not be shared by your friends, and yet-
You shook your head, bringing the fruit to your lips. 
You felt dirty. Emily had agreed to help Lindsey and now the midfielder was flaunting her relationship in front of you all. 
“None of this is your fault,” You mumbled, chewing slowly. “It’s on her. She told me she loved me and now…-”
You shook your head again. You didn’t want an apology from Emily or Kelley. You didn’t even want one from Lindsey. You just wanted to be done. To run away and never come back. For it all to just… stop.
“There’s a difference between loving someone and being in love,” Kelley said softly, gently, like you were a fragile thing she was afraid to break. 
You hummed. You knew that. It was just part of you… a small part… wanted to believe that she could love you. That eventually, she would choose to love you. It was that small hope that kept the soul-sucking ache at bay. That had helped you force your way through your visit with your family and all of their unwanted commentary. 
“I just…” You trailed off, unsure of what you were even going to say. Your family had sapped all of your emotional energy, and this. Well, this just took whatever little you had left. “I don’t even know,” 
Maybe you would run off to Australia this time, where no one would ever think to look for you and your path would never cross with your soulmate. Not even during dreams. 
You took another bite of your fruit. 
“Hey guys,” Lindsey smiled hesitantly, approaching the table and pausing beside the two empty chairs across from you. It drew the attention (and glares) of the entire table to her. 
Your eyes were on her instantly. On the way his hand cupped the small of her back protectively and how she leaned back into him. 
The knife in your chest twisted and the sludge sloshed. You did not doubt that the mark above your heart would grow. It always did when she rejected you. 
You missed the greetings your friends sent their way, adding in your silent nod when Emily nudged you. 
At least Ty pulled her chair out for her as they sat across from you. 
You stared at him with a sort of masochistic curiosity, trying to see what she saw. 
He leaned forward in his chair, reminding you of a giddy child, his dimples showing. “You all ready for South Korea?”
Maybe she liked the way his dirt-colored eyes glinted with excitement. Or the way his head bobbed when he talked. 
It made your stomach roll again, ripping away the little appetite you had. 
You cleared your throat, pushing your plate away and standing. Your chair screeched against the floor. “No, I need to go get my stuff together,” 
You grabbed the still full plate, ignoring Emily and Kelley’s worried glances and Lindsey’s concerned eyes as you turned on your heel and headed for the door. 
You didn’t want or need Lindsey’s concern because clearly, she didn’t care enough. 
“So maybe I shouldn’t place too many bets on a high score line,” Ty chuckled, seemingly oblivious to your abrupt departure, or the awkward silence that had settled over the table. He glanced down at his plate, his smile only getting wider. “Ah shit, I forgot silverware,” he kissed Lindsey’s cheek and stood, his hand lingering on her shoulder as he headed back towards the food table. “Brb babe,” 
She sent him a half smile back and then turned back to the unimpressed looks from her friends. 
“You’re really something,” Kelley muttered around her glass. “But you already knew that,”
Lindsey’s eyebrows furrowed and she watched the defender carefully. “What?”
Kelley shook her head, her lips pursing as if she was thinking too hard about what she was going to say next. “You’re going to kill her, and you don’t even care,” 
Lindsey’s frown deepened, a crease forming on her forehead. She was killing you? She knew you were in pain but… killing?
She couldn’t wrap her head around it. “What?” 
The words felt dumb falling from her lips and she felt dumb for uttering them. 
“You’re going to kill her,” Kelley repeated, her teeth gritting, even as Emily’s hand landed on her thigh. A warning to keep her from saying more. The older defender took a long breath. “And I wished you gave a fuck. It would feel more fair if you pretended to give a fuck,” 
“I do give a fuck,” Lindsey hissed back, unable to stop the red that flooded her cheeks or the unwanted shiver that ran down her spine. 
She cared about you far more than she wanted to admit. She cared so much that it hurt. It made the spot in her chest right above her heart ache and burn. It was a sting she couldn’t even properly put into words. 
Kelley’s glass hit the table with more force than she meant for it to, and Emily’s hand tightened on her thigh. 
“I can’t be on your side when you do things like this,” Emily said, disappointment dripping from her voice. 
“For the record, I was never on your side,” Kelley interrupted her lip curling. 
“We talked about this,” Emily continued as if Kelley hadn’t spoken. “And this isn’t-“
“I’m trying, alright,” Lindsey bit out, interrupting the blonde defender. “I thought he would get the message,” 
She had been ignoring him for weeks. She didn’t invite him, but suddenly he was here. 
Kelley snorted, crossing her arms. “And now he’s here,” 
The older defender shook her head. She could still feel the black vein on your neck pulsing beneath her fingers like a dark promise. A siren of what was to come. A warning light that hadn’t been there before you had come face to face with him.
Emily’s fingers tightened on her. She wasn’t supposed to fight with Lindsey. She wasn’t supposed to get involved, she had promised you she wouldn’t but… she couldn’t just sit and watch. 
Not while you were so insistent on ripping yourself apart to keep the truth from Lindsey. 
Emily sighed, running the hand not holding Kelley through her hair. She knew she needed to pick her words carefully. 
“You know how to be a good human Lindsey,” She said slowly, pushing herself to stand. You shouldn’t be left to your own devices for long. “and you’re running out of time,”
She sent the midfielder a meaningful look before turning on her heel and heading off to find you. 
Kelley watched her leave, also pushing herself to stand. 
She paused, tapping her knuckle on the table and looking directly into Lindsey’s burning blue eyes. “You need to make the right choice,” 
She didn’t wait for Lindsey to reply before she too left the table, only taking a second to send Ty a glare as he reappeared at the table before heading out the door. 
Lindsey could only watch her, slightly stunned. Her hand idly came up to rub the spot right above her heart that never stopped aching. 
“Everything alright?” Ty asked, his hand landing heavily on her shoulder. Her eyes snapped to meet his. It burned where he touched her. It made the ice prickle in her veins. It felt… wrong. 
He looked concerned for her. He cared about something that he didn’t understand because he cared for her. It made the acid in her stomach bubble. 
He slid into the seat beside her, wrapping his arm more tightly around her. 
“Everything's fine,” She muttered, leaning into him, frowning when his warmth did nothing to soothe the prickling in her veins or the pain in her chest. 
He squeezed her shoulder. “You sure?” 
She sent him a very tight smile and a short nod. “Everything is wonderful,” 
He mirrored her, kissing her forehead and returning to his meal. 
His lips burned, and all she could feel was the impression of yours. How many times had you kissed her forehead after an intimate moment or comforted her when things looked bad? How many times had you wrapped your arm around her so she could snuggle into your chest? 
It made the pit in her stomach deepen, and she had no idea how she could stop it. 
You didn’t think yourself to be a superstitious person, but you liked to keep your pre-game ritual similar. You liked your process. It helped you get your head in the right space, and you desperately needed something that would let you focus on anything other than Lindsey and her boyfriend. 
Your hands shook as you wrapped your red pre-wrap around your wrist, counting each pass in your head. 
It was something you had done since the middle of your run with PSG in France. A tradition that fans talked about online, but no one ever asked about it directly. 
For that you were thankful. 
The only person who understood was Lindsey. She had seen the lines that littered the inside of your wrists and arms. The lines that had been a physical manifestation of your pain. Habits that you had relied on off and on since your time in France. Once you had only given up after Emily made you promise. After she saved you from Florida. 
A part of you wished she hadn’t saved you. 
The coral had felt good digging into your back, slicing you open like cheese on a grater as the ocean waves had their way with you. It felt good to give up control. To just be. You remembered the moment that your foot tether got caught on the rocks. How you hadn’t panicked. How you felt almost… relieved.  How you stopped trying to reach for the diving knife you always kept on you or the velcro still around your ankle.  
You could still feel the burn of the salty ocean water as it fought its way past your lips, how it stung your nose and throat as you finally let go. You could still see the last bubble that escaped your lungs as the water rushed in and the diver's wide eyes as she cut you free just seconds before it was too late. 
Your oxygen-deprived brain had been convinced it was Lindsey coming to save you. That you weren’t nothing to her. 
And then you had woken up to bright lights and beeping machines. 
A hand covered your own, catching the athletic tape slipping through your fingers before it could fall to the ground. Your eyes snapped up to meet its owner, softening at Sofia’s shy smile. 
“Want some help?”
She gestured towards your arms, shaking the tape in her hand. 
Your eyes followed it, and you sucked your bottom lip in between your teeth. 
The only person who had ever helped you with your tape was Lindsey. 
It was frustrating how intertwined you were with her, even when she didn’t want you. How you had shared so much of your life with her while she shared hers with him. 
“Or I can get Kelley or Emily,” Sofia said quickly, misinterpreting your hesitation. “You just look like you shouldn’t be alone,” 
“No, I,” You shook your head. The words were caught in your throat. Trapped there by an invisible ocean of rushing water surging into your lungs. 
You missed Huerta's gesture towards Kelley behind your shoulder or the way several of your teammates were looking at you with worried eyes. 
You only noticed when a warm, familiar hand landed on your shoulder, a thumb brushing the little black vein creeping up your neck. 
“Hey, Y/n take some deep breaths,” She said, very close to your ear, trying to keep her voice soft and calming. “Em will be back here in a few minutes. She just had to talk to the staff about her jersey,” 
You shook your head. “I’m ok Kell,”
She raised her eyebrow at you, unimpressed, and her fingers pressed into the little black vein just above your elbow as Huerta began to do your wrap. “You aren’t, and we both know it,”
You were pretty sure the entire team knew by this point, especially if the pitying looks Alex and Megan were sending your way were anything to go off of. It wasn’t like you were doing a good job of hiding it. 
You had never been good at pretending and you were just so tired. 
“I just need to make it through pre-game, and I’ll be fine,” You said too quickly. The field had always been your safe space, the game the only place where you felt free. If you could just make it there, then maybe you could postpone the inevitable. Maybe it would give you enough time not thinking for you to pull yourself together. 
Kelley let out a long sigh, her fingers squeezing your shoulder. “And then what?”
“I’ll play the game,” You answered automatically, robotically. 
“Then what happens after the game?” Kelley pressed, just as Sofia let go of your wrist and caught your other arm. 
You instantly ran it through your hair, closing your eyes tightly. “I haven’t really thought that far,” 
Sofia tried to keep her eyes on your arm, tried not to look towards the little sliver of skin that appeared when you shifted again and tried not to notice the angry black lines just barely visible below the hem of your jersey. 
She swallowed hard, focusing too much on finishing the wrap on your arm. 
She knew where marks like that came from, the entire team did. She knew that if she asked you about it, it would likely push you over the edge, the one you were already teetering on. 
“Pretending that it doesn’t exist won't make it disappear,” Kelley murmured, her thumb squeezing the place between your shoulder and neck, trying to alleviate the tension she felt there. 
You shrugged off her hand, catching the tape from Sofia’s grasp as she made the last turn around your wrist. “What other choice do I have?” 
Your voice was cold and thin. Like taking a step on a lake that was barely frozen over. It held a danger Sofia didn't necessarily understand beneath the surface, but it was enough. 
She cleared her throat, blinking up at you as she tore the tape roll from the piece secured to your arm, ignoring the glares burning into the side of her face from across the room. 
“I think you always have a choice,” She mumbled, pushing herself to stand. 
Your eyebrows furrowed. 
“Soph,” Kelley said gently, trying to cut the defender off. 
Sofia shook her head. “No. It’s true. We always have a choice,” 
A very small smile cracked across your features at her insistence. At her innocence. You very gently squeezed Kelley. Telling her that it was ok. “The problem is, someone else got to make it for me,” 
Sofia frowned her eyes darting over your shoulder, and you opened your mouth to continue. To try and explain the mess of a situation you found yourself in. How the only choice you had was to suffer for her. 
But you didn’t have to. She took a step forward, catching your hand. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but you’ve got the youngins and me behind you. No matter what,” 
You nodded once, swallowing the lump suddenly caught in your throat. 
She squeezed your arm for a long second before moving past you. 
You watched her go, your eyes trailing over her form and towards Lindsey who was shooting daggers your way. 
Kelley’s hand tightened on your shoulder. “it’s not just the youngins,” She said, sending a glare back toward Lindsey. “You’ve got the entire locker room behind you,”
You shrugged her off, ducking your head away from Lindsey’s burning eyes and moving back towards your locker. “I don’t need anyone to fight. That’s not fair to her,” 
You didn’t even notice how your hand instinctively came up to rub at the ever-present twinge in your chest. 
“And none of this is fair to you,” Kelley said sternly, her eyes never leaving Lindsey’s. 
You sighed. It wasn’t that you didn’t appreciate Kelley’s protectiveness, it was just that you were so tired, and she was making your plan to ignore the ache in your chest even more difficult than it already was. You didn’t need any more reasons to fall apart, not when you were already struggling to hold the frayed ends of yourself together. 
You just needed to make it through the game, and then you could disappear to Antarctica to die in peace. 
“Can we just… not?” You muttered, finally letting your exhaustion peek through the cracks in your voice. Kelley’s head snapped towards the sound, and a little part of you instantly hated the vulnerability leaking through your shell. “I just need to get through this game,” 
She blew out a long breath of her own, and you knew she wanted to argue. To say that pushing it all down wouldn’t do anyone any good, but she didn't. She nodded once, “Yeah, we can just not,” 
The game against Korea was… frustrating. More frustrating than you had expected it to be. 
You just couldn’t seem to get your head in the game, which was strange because the only part of your life that wasn’t falling apart was the pitch. 
Everything just felt off. You couldn’t connect with Lindsey and all 12 of your shots had either pinged off the crossbar or landed safely in the keeper's waiting hands. 
It was infuriating, and as the minutes slowly ticked by, you could feel yourself getting more and more worked up. Your passes to Alex and Mal were wide, your collection of balls from Sofia was increasingly sloppy and any chance you had at that point was shit. You could feel yourself giving in to your inner turmoil. Giving in more and more to the building pressure and Vlatko’s unhelpful demands. 
It was pathetic and you couldn’t help but despise yourself. 
By the time the final whistle blew, you were just done. More done than you could ever remember being. 
You always sought to find your limit. To push yourself until you couldn’t push yourself anymore. You always claimed you hadn’t found the edge yet. 
But here you were, teetering on the wrong side of it. 
You hoped maybe a shower would tether you to reality. That the hot water would be a welcome solace. That it would be the balm to the burning ache that settled heavily in your chest. 
You hoped that the universe would give you a fucking break for once. 
But of course, it couldn’t. 
You barely paid attention to the fans as you quickly finished your mandatory lap around the field, and headed towards the tunnel, ignoring the people calling your name as you slipped inside. 
The sight that met you made you wish you hadn’t. It made you wish you had pretended to be fine for them. 
It made your heart stop. 
The sight of him pressing her into the wall, their lips connected. Of his hands heavy on her hips, and her fingers tangled in the baby hairs at the back of his neck. Of his thigh working its way between her legs and the way she leaned into the feeling. 
It made your chest bubble and your stomach churn, but you couldn’t force yourself to look away. 
You were just… frozen. 
You were stuck, wondering if it had looked the same way when you kissed her. If she had melted against you like she melted for him. If the two of you fit as seamlessly as they did. If her head tilted the same way, trying to get a better angle. If she enjoyed his kisses as much as she enjoyed yours. 
You could almost imagine her mouth against yours. The passion and love that you could always feel when she kissed you. How it filled you from the tips of your toes to the very top of your ears. It was another part of her that was imprinted on your soul. 
It was like watching a trainwreck, and you reveled in the morbid curiosity. In the knife twisting in your chest, slicing through your already torn heart with little care. 
She was kissing him where everyone could see them. Where a camera could spot them down the tunnel. Where the cheering of fans had just barely dulled.
It struck you like the wrong note on a guitar. 
She was proud to be his. 
She was never proud to be yours. Hell, she was never even yours. She was ashamed of you, and she kept you hidden like a dirty little secret. 
It was pathetic that you couldn’t see it until now. That you had been too stubborn to accept that she would never want you. Not when she had him. 
You were pathetic. Unwanted. Completely unlovable. 
The realization was like a grenade exploding in your chest, blowing apart the little pieces of your heart that were left.
“Come on,” 
Warm hands were suddenly on your shoulder, and a voice was very close to your ears, but you barely heard it over the roaring in your head or the pounding of your heart. 
The hands urged you forward, towards the locker room and away from the scene. It felt like you were underwater, the halls passing too slowly and too quickly all at the same time. The lines of the concrete walls blurred together. Your stomach rolled just as the locker room door swung open, and you were pushed into a seat. 
“I can't fucking believe her,” Emily hissed, slamming the door carelessly behind her. 
Kelley sighed, settling down beside you and catching your hand. “I can,” 
You hadn’t even realized your nails were digging into your chest, clawing at your racing heart, trying to get to the burning ice it was pushing through your veins.  Your stomach bubbled, and you could feel the bile climbing to the back of your throat. 
“I think I’m going to be sick,” 
The words barely left your lips before a trash can was pressed into your chest. 
Kelley rubbed your back as you heaved, emptying what little was in your stomach into the trash can. “Let it out, kid,” 
You grimaced, pulling away when you were finished, accepting a towel from Emily as she took the trash can. You wiped your mouth, ignoring the pity radiating from her. 
You didn’t want her pity. You didn’t want anyone’s pity. You wanted to disappear. To… never have existed, to begin with. 
Emily blew out a long breath, settling beside you, her head resting in her palms. “She just… I thought she was sorry. I thought…”
“It’s not your fault,” You croaked, shaking your head. 
It wasn’t anyone’s fault but your own. If you weren’t so weak then maybe Lindsey would think you were worthy of her. 
“No. This is all on Lindsey,” Alex said, her voice edging on exasperation. “I don’t know what the fuck she was thinking,” 
You blinked up at them, realizing for the first time that your other teammates had followed you, Emily, and Kelley, back. That you weren’t alone. 
It was like a switch flipped in your head. Like the volume of a radio getting turned up to 11. The voices of your teammates blurred together around you in an indignant symphony of too much sound.
 You couldn’t handle it. You didn’t have enough emotional fortitude to deal with this. Not in a way that wouldn’t upset them. 
Your fingers dug into your temples. You didn’t want them to be involved. 
“Stop,” You said, your voice barely above a whisper.   
The room froze in response, their pitying gazes sinking into your form. 
You didn’t want their pity either. 
You cleared your throat, trying to push through the croakiness. “I’m too tired to deal with this shit. I just-“ 
The words died on your lips as the locker room door swung open, and Lindsey stepped into the room. 
Everyone's attention snapped to her, and you couldn’t help the way your eyes dragged down her form. You couldn’t help how you traced the flyaway hairs pulled from her tight ponytail, the slight swelling of her lips, or the way her jersey was slightly bunched just above her waist. It was evidence. The final nails in an already closed coffin. 
You cleared your throat again, tearing your eyes away from her and examining your still cleat-covered foot, ignoring the suffocating tension that had built in the room. “I think I’m just gonna go to the bus and catch a nap. I’ll shower when we get back to the hotel,” 
The words sounded robotic as they left your lips, scratchy in a way that your voice rarely was, almost like someone else was saying them. 
They hung in the air for a long minute as you gathered the strength to push yourself to your feet. 
“Oh,” Lindsey breathed out, but you ignored it, focusing instead on trying to keep your legs from wobbling as you shoved yourself up. 
“I’ll come with you,” Kelley said, mirroring your move stand and casually wrapping an arm around your waist, steadying you.  “I’m tired too. A nap might be good,” 
A part of you wanted to be annoyed with the defender, but the larger, exhausted part of you was grateful for her protectiveness. 
You leaned into her, letting her care and safety wrap around you, as she guided you out of the room. 
You knew she couldn’t shield you for forever, but you would take any moment of peace that you could get. 
Lindsey stood frozen as you brushed past her, Kelley’s glare daring her to try and stop you.
It filled her with a feeling she didn’t quite understand. 
She could feel the angry gazes of her teammates as she trudged back to her locker. They were like sites on a gun, and she was waiting for whatever bullet they wanted to send. 
“Do I have something on my face?” She asked toward no one in particular as she pulled off her boots and socks. “Or are we starting a new trend where we stare as people undress,” 
“Kelley’s right,” Sofia said, her voice breaking through the murmurs spreading around the locker room. “You’re fuck-“
“No,” Emily interrupted the young defender, with a small shake of her head, looking more tired than Lindsey had ever seen her. “Y/n doesn’t want us to fight,” 
“Let her finish Em,” Lindsey spat back, annoyed even if she didn’t have a right to be. Even if she was in the wrong. Being angry was easier than facing the truth. “Get it off your chest. What is Kelley right about?” 
“That it would feel more fair if you pretended to give a fuck,” Emily said softly before Sofia could answer, and Emily saw recognition in the other defender's eyes.
It was the least inflammatory thing Kelley had said. The only thing that didn’t indicate malicious intent in Lindsey’s actions. The only true thing that hopefully wouldn’t cause Lindsey to dig her heels in more. 
They weren’t sure how much more digging you could take. 
“I do give a fuck,” Lindsey hissed, accentuating the irritation she felt at the jab. 
Sofia scoffed. “Yes, because kissing your boyfriend just feet from the edge of the tunnel you knew your soulmate was going to walk down is totally giving a fuck,” 
Lindsey finally looked up at the young defender, meeting her burning glare. 
Her lip curled at the implication. “That wasn’t planned,” 
“And you were trying your hardest to stop it weren’t you?” Sofia bit back sarcastically, ignoring Emily’s hand on her arm. The warning to slow down.  “That’s why you were pulling him closer to you instead of pushing him away,” 
Lindsey's eyebrows furrowed. She hadn’t been expecting the venom in those words. The disdain. Maybe from Kelley, or even Alex, Tobin, and Christen, sure. She expected the vets to be upset because they understood the history she had with you. 
She never expected someone new to the team to butt into an already complicated situation. One they clearly didn’t understand. 
“What the fuck is your problem,” Lindsey bit back, squinting at the defender. “I don’t know why you think you have the right to comment-“ 
“Because no one else will,” Sofia growled. “We’re watching Y/n destroy herself and no one will say anything because she cares too much about you to let us. Someone needs to care about her, and it certainly isn’t you,” 
“Soph,” Emily attempted to interrupt her, to cut off the building anger crackling off of Lindsey’s form, and to stop Sofia from saying something that you didn’t want Lindsey to know. 
“No. Don’t Soph me. She needs to know!” The defender bellowed, her chest heaving as she finally ripped her eyes away from Lindsey. “Fuck whatever convoluted chivalrous act Y/n wants to pretend she’s committing. You’ve seen the-“
“That’s enough.” Emily snapped, authority filling her voice, silencing Huerta before she could finish her sentence. 
Huerta met her eyes, and an unspoken conversation passed between them. 
Lindsey’s eyes widened at the sentence. What had Emily seen that she hadn’t? She knew you were in pain, that was obvious, but was there something that she wasn’t seeing? 
She needed to know. 
“No, let her continue since she thinks she knows Y/n so well,” Lindsey said, purposefully raising her eyebrow. Trying to get a reaction. “It’s been what, 2 months since you’ve met her?” 
Emily’s blue eyes darted back to her. “Enough,” The defender said, gesturing for Sofia towards the bathroom. “Go take your shower. Vlatko wants you for media,” 
Sofia frowned. “But,”
Emily shook her head. “Go,” 
Sofia swallowed hard, but nodded, angrily grabbing her change of clothing and doing as she was told. 
Both blondes watched as Sofia left, and a charged silence stretched between them. 
You had asked Emily not to get involved. You told her you didn’t want her in the middle. 
That didn’t mean she wasn’t. 
“I told you to be a good human. I told you to have a hard conversation,” Emily said softly, turning back to her own locker, but no one mistook exactly who she was addressing. “Instead you chose to flaunt him in front of her,” 
“Like she wasn’t flaunting whatever is going on with her and Sofia,” Lindsey scoffed before she could stop herself. Just saying the words out loud had a strange ache forming just above her heart. One that had nothing to do with the jealousy that bubbled in her stomach any time she saw the attention you gave the defender. 
Especially when she was on her knees, wrapping your arms before the game. 
Emily paused, gripping her sweatshirt and turning back towards her best friend, an incredulous look plastered across her features. “Do you even fucking hear yourself? You still think this is a game, don’t you?”
Lindsey didn’t answer, instead choosing to pick at a hangnail on her thumb. She didn’t think it was a game, but if you were going to ignore her and Ty wasn’t, then maybe she hadn’t seen the harm. Maybe she wanted you to feel the jealousy bubbling in her veins. 
Maybe she hadn’t thought it through. 
Emily shook her head. “I’m not even sure it matters. I think you’re out of time,” 
She didn’t add that she wasn’t on Lindsey’s side anymore either as she exited the room and that she was pretty sure most of their team echoed her sentiment. 
Your fingers dug into the marble countertop of the hotel bathroom, your nails scraping at the surface like they would keep you from falling over the edge. Like the pressure would stop the anvil on your chest from caving your sternum in.
Water pooled on the surface and the floor below you, still dripping from the shower. 
You understood why Kelley had been reluctant to leave you while the team went to dinner, but you promised you just wanted a shower. You just wanted to sleep when Lindsey couldn’t follow you. 
You dragged your eyes from the gold-plated faucet to the mirror. You paused at the angry back web that began just above the towel around your waist. The pulsing lines that now covered your stomach, tracing back to a solid black circle the size of a baseball right over your heart, continued over your shoulder and down your left arm, nearly past your elbow. 
The dark marks were accented by the deep red of your skin, abused by the too-hot water in the shower and your incessant scrubbing. 
An Ill thought attempt to remove her mark on you. To get rid of the traces she had left. 
You sneered the words in your head, forcing your eyes up the column of your throat and meeting them in the mirror. 
They reminded you of a shark's eyes. Cold and unfeeling. Completely soulless. 
That was how this would all end, wasn’t it? 
The dark mark was just a representation of the punishment the universe was inflicting on you. That Lindsey was inflicting on you for being unworthy after all. 
You would lose everything that you were. It would be taken from you, piece by piece until all that was left was a shell only capable of feeling pain and misery. 
You once thought that feeling nothing would be worse, but now it was all you longed for to be removed from your emotions. To not feel the pain and agony that had become your closest allies. 
You tighten your grip on the counter, hoping it could help steady the building storm in your chest. 
You deserved the pain. 
Your mother had been telling you since you could walk, but you were just too afraid to listen. 
You were weak. Worthless. Unlovable. 
It was almost funny how it was her voice cackling in your head. 
You shouldn’t have been shocked. Why would Lindsey choose you over him? She wouldn’t.
She didn’t. 
You were nothing compared to him. You were nothing at all.  
Lindsey had said so herself the night of your World Cup win, as she shoved your lips off of her neck and kicked you out of the closet the two of you were sharing. She told you it was a mistake. Meaningless. 
Weak. Worthless. Unlovable. Nothing. 
Lindsey’s voice joined your mother’s, repeating the words in your head over and over. 
And you blinked up at yourself in the mirror, realizing that your hands had moved to clutch at your ears. To stop the word’s running around your brain. 
Your face morphed in the mirror, your mother's sneer replacing your features. 
No one would ever want you. You were weak. Worthless. Unlovable. 
You felt the walls of the room closing in on you, your mothers cackling laugh echoing through your head so loudly it was shaking the room. Shaking the mirror. 
You needed everything to stop moving. 
Weak. Worthless. Unlovable. Nothing. 
You needed it to stop. 
The mirror cracked before your eyes, the pain radiating through your hand only after the tremendous crash drowned out their voices. 
It didn’t hurt though. It felt good. But it wasn’t enough. 
Your fist collided with the glass again, and again and again. Intent on obliterating the face staring back at you. Intent on destroying your face. 
Piece by piece your reflection collapsed, leaving only glittering shards in its place. 
You were only satisfied when your entire form disappeared and just a blank white and red wall was left. 
You blew out a shuddering breath, stumbling backward and sliding down the wall until you were leaning against the tub, uncaring of the glass pieces prickling at your bare skin. 
At least you were feeling something other than your internal pain. At least it was tangible. 
You picked up one of the larger shards, catching a blue eye in its reflection. 
You were just a mistake. We are nothing. You are nothing. 
Lindsey’s words echoed around your brain, pricking at your veins, and your hand unintentionally tightened around the shard. 
Why did you think she would pick you? 
You were weak. Worthless. Unlovable. Nothing. 
Kelley knew that they should not have left you after the game. 
She knew that it was a very bad idea, despite your insistence that you were just going to take a shower and maybe watch some television while they got dinner with the team. 
She trusted that you were stable enough to do that. But She could just feel that something bad was going to happen. It was like a snake slithering through her ribs and settling deep in her bones. 
As she stepped into your shared hotel room, she knew trusting you had been a very bad idea. 
Very, very, very bad.
Her breath caught as she stepped into the hotel room, the open bathroom door immediately caught her attention. Her eyes were drawn to your stoic form, sitting in a towel, propped up against the tub. A sea of glass surrounded you, glinting off the harsh fluorescent lights speckled with little flecks of red. Like islands dotted around the ocean. 
But the thing that made her stomach curl was the dark mark on your torso. The epicenter was right at the center of your chest with tentacle-like veins stretching across your abs and shoulder, twisting along your neck and arm, pulsing with bubbling black sludge in time with your heart. 
It reminded Kelley of a murder scene from one of the old horror movies Emily liked to watch. Like a horrifically poetic monstrosity of modern art. 
“Holy fuck,” Emily breathed out right next to Kelley’s left ear. 
She knew you could be self-destructive, but she hadn’t expected this… maybe she should have. 
You didn’t move at the sound. You didn’t even look over at them. You just looked… blank and it sent an unpleasant shiver down Emily’s spine. 
She hadn’t seen that look on your face since Florida. 
“Go get her some clothes, I’m going to try to get her out of here,” Kelley sighed. 
You couldn’t stay in a bloody towel especially if you had cut yourself worse than the scratches Kelley could already see, and you couldn’t exactly walk out with all the glass on the floor. 
“Yeah,” Emily nodded, squeezing Kelley’s hips before moving around her and further into the hotel room. 
Kelley took a long steadying breath, stepped forward, her shoes crunching in the shattered glass, and squatted so she was at eye level with you. 
“Hey, Y/n,” She said gently, “How about we get you out of there? Ok?” 
You blinked listlessly at her, your head lolling to the side in what Kelley assumed was an acknowledgment. 
She took another shaky breath, again tracing down the black vein curing around your neck and down your arm. Besides the dark marks, your chest and torso appeared to be alright. So did your right hand, but your left… 
Your knuckles were stained red, dripping maroon droplets to your fingertips, pooling on the ground just beside your hip. 
“Y/n,” She tried again. Your hand shifted slightly in return, and that’s when she caught the glint of the glass shard in your palm. 
“Hey, sweetie, can you put the glass down for me please?” She asked, swallowing hard to hide the panic threatening to overtake her. She had to be calm for you. 
You blinked again, your hand shifting slightly, almost like you couldn’t process her words. Kelley tilted her head, catching your empty eyes. 
“Y/n,” Kelley said more sternly, hoping to break through whatever stoic wall you had put in place. “Drop the mirror,” 
Silence stretched between you for a long minute, before your fingers unwound from the shard in your hand. It hit the floor with a low tink, splashing in the liquid beside you. Still, Kelley felt the knot in her chest unwind just a little now that the immediate threat was gone. 
“Let’s get you up, ok?” She asked, extending a hand to you. “And dressed,” 
“The mirror broke,” You croaked out in response, and Kelley frowned. 
“I can see that,” She sighed, wiggling her fingers towards you. “let’s get you out of here, and we can call maintenance to take care of it,” 
You stared at the outstretched appendage for a long second, as though you were afraid of it before you slowly nodded. 
“I’m going to lift you,” she said gently, waiting for you to slowly nod again before she scooped you up and carefully carried you out of the bathroom. 
Emily smiled tightly at you as Kelley set you on your feet in front of their bed. Together they ran a towel down your legs to remove any extra glass and helped you into your sweats and t-shirt. 
You blew out a long breath when they were finished, settling on the end of the bed and allowing Kelley to guide your hand into her lap. Emily took your other side, idly rubbing your back as you both watched Kelley carefully began to examine the mangled flesh of your hand. 
She was methodical as she used a warm washcloth to compress your hand, moving it only to catch little peeks at the gashes in your knuckles and the slice right at the center of your palm. 
You flexed your fingers when she pressed just a bit too tightly, hissing in pain. 
Both defenders shared a long look. This wasn’t something they could patch up themselves, not when you were still actively bleeding. 
“We’re going to have to take you to Dawn,” Kelley said seriously, dabbing another bit of glass from the back of your hand, red oozing out after it. “I think you need stitches,” 
You nodded solemnly, unwilling to fight. 
There was nothing for you to fight for anyway. 
Kelley and Emily shared another worried look. They didn’t like how quiet you were. How still you were. It was somehow worse than when you were vocal about the pain you were in. 
It made them wonder about why the mirror had broken, and your intention behind it. 
Emily cleared her throat. “Y/n, was this like when you went surfing in Florida?” 
You shook your head, biting your lip. 
This felt very different from Florida. 
“What happened?” Kelley pressed, again peeking at the very deep gash on your palm. 
You squinted, trying to think of how to put it into words. 
Everything had just been too much, and you wanted your brain to stop. You wanted Lindsey to stop. You wanted the pain in your chest to go away and to feel anything other than the weight of your failure. 
“I just wanted it to stop,” You said finally, your voice horse and straining. “I needed it to stop,”
“Alright,” Kelley sighed. “Let’s get you to Dawn so she can clean you up,” 
You nodded once again, letting Kelley and Emily guide you to your feet and towards the door. 
Dawn would be able to help you.
Emily blew out a long, shaky breath, leaning back into Kelley’s chest. Her eyes never left your form, tucked into a hospital bed. 
It had been surprisingly easy to convince you that you needed stitches, especially when Dawn told you that a hospital was your best option. 
You had answered all of her and the doctor's questions with shocking honesty and sat perfectly still as an intern stitched and wrapped the mangled flesh of your hand (but not before Kelley snapped a picture of it and the dark lines curling from your chest). 
“It’s not a permanent solution, but the medication we’ve given her should help for now,” The doctor explained carefully, gesturing towards you in the window. 
Emily hummed in agreement. 
The IV they gave you had the dark veins in your neck and shoulder retreating, leaving thin gray behind. It had the color returning to your eyes, even if they were still dull. It was enough and not nearly enough all at once. 
“How long do you think it’ll last?” Kelley asked very softly. 
The doctor’s shoulders lifted and fell. “It all depends on her soulmate,” 
Kelley nodded in understanding. 
Soulmate sickness was one of the most mysterious illnesses out there. One of the trickiest to stop. The only one that was dependent on another person's actions.
Lindsey’s actions were killing you. 
What was worse was that you were going to let her. 
“Thank you,” The older defender said towards the doctor, and he bid them goodbye. 
Emily let out another long breath. “How did it come to this?” 
She had never imagined that two of her teammates would be in a position like this. That Lindsey would put you in a position like this. 
Not with the history the two of you shared. 
“Well,” Kelley said, dragging out the word. “Lindsey is afraid of god knows what, and Y/n loves her so much she’s willing to let her be happy, even if it kills her,”
Emily made a low sound in the back of her throat. “We shouldn’t have left her alone,” 
Kelley’s arms tightened around her waist, and her nose nudged under Emily’s ear, before she let go, using insistent fingers on Emily’s hips to get her to turn around. 
“I don’t know that we could have stopped her,” Kelley said seriously, making eye contact with Emily’s gray. “I know you tried in Portland, but this is uncharted territory, even for her,” 
Emily’s eyes darted away from her, but Kelley didn’t let her pull away. “Em, you couldn’t have stopped her,” 
Emily nodded slightly. It was just hard. She had been looking out for you since you came to Portland. She was one of the first to know about your… situationship? Friends with benefits arrangement? With Lindsey. She was the first person you told that you had caught feelings. 
She saw the fallout the first time.  
She knew about the little lines that had littered the insides of your thighs. She knew how they had appeared no matter how hard she had tried to stop them.
But this was different. They had no idea how you had broken the mirror, or how long you sat in the mess. Dawn guessed that the wounds had been open for at least an hour and from the amount of blood in the bathroom. They were just lucky you hadn’t dropped the piece of glass until they got there, or tried to pick the smaller pieces out of your skin. 
“I know,” Emily murmured, leaning forward so her forehead touched Kelley’s. “I just hate seeing her like this,”
“I do too,” Kelley agreed softly. 
“What do we do?” Emily asked, her voice cracking. 
“Tobin and Christen are on their way, so we wait until they get here,” Kelley said, pulling back just slightly to peek at your still sleeping form through the window.  “and in the meantime, we do the only thing we can do,” 
She pulled her phone from her back pocket and flicked through her contacts. She found the one she was looking for and typed out a simple text, including 3 pictures. 
Emily’s hand covered the screen, stopping her from hitting the send button. “Is that a good idea?” 
“Do you have a better one?” Kelley asked, raising an eyebrow. 
Emily sighed, shaking her head, and pulling her hand away. 
She didn’t have a better idea. She had no idea how to navigate this situation at all. 
Kelley pressed the button and then tucked her phone away again. 
She turned back towards your sleeping form. “Now, let’s go keep her company,” 
Emily hummed. That was all they could do. Keep you company and keep you together until more experienced hands arrived. 
Hopefully, you didn’t have any more chunks missing by the time they got there. 
You had made it back from the brink of disaster once, now they had to pray you had the will to do it again. 
It was safe to say that this night had not gone at all the way Lindsey had planned, not that she had a brilliant plan to begin with. 
She let out a breath, glancing down at the man beside her. Her eyes traced his bare chest, down his arms to where their fingers were intertwined. 
She didn’t know he was coming. She hadn’t anticipated that he wouldn’t take her ducking and dodging as hints that she didn’t want him to come. 
She also didn’t anticipate your reaction. You barely even looked at her, and it had unexpected jealousy creeping in her veins until she let him kiss her in an effort to get you to finally notice. To have some kind of reaction that wasn’t stoicism. 
The incident in the locker room after should have been expected. Her two worlds had collided and it ended in destruction that even she couldn’t have predicted. 
An unmitigated disaster with you at the epicenter. 
Her disaster. 
She blew out another long breath. 
There was another reason she didn’t push him away, one that was even more difficult for her to acknowledge. Pushing him away would mean admitting that there was something wrong in their relationship. It would raise red flags that she wasn’t ready to face, especially with her parents in town too. 
If they knew… she was sure they would reject her. 
But in the process of protecting herself, she hurt you. She didn’t know exactly how much, but it was enough to send her teammates into a frenzy. 
It was enough to turn the locker room against her, despite your apparent efforts to get them to remain neutral. 
She wasn’t surprised, even she was against herself. She just… didn’t know how to fix it. She didn’t even know where to start. 
Well, that was a lie. She did know where to start. Emily told her where to start. She was just too much of a coward to do it. 
It made her hate herself. She didn’t want to hurt you. She never wanted to hurt you. 
Her phone dinged from the bedside table, and she couldn’t resist the urge to grab it, hoping that it was you. 
It wasn’t. 
Still, she swiped Kelley’s notification. She wished she hadn’t. 
It was a sentence she would never forget. 
I think you should see what you’re doing to her.
Below it were three photos. 
The first was of knuckles, torn and jagged. Sliced over and over by a force she didn’t know. The second was a palm cut nearly to the bone, tendons, and muscle peeking from its uneven edges. Both were wet, oozing, fresh. 
But it was the 3rd picture that stole the air from her lungs and set her chest on fire. Bubbling, and burning, in an ache that spread with every beat of her heart. 
It was a zoomed-out photo of the arm and shoulder attached to the mangled hand. Dark tendrils stretched from the elbow, winding around the arm, over the shoulder. It crept up the neck, and towards a pitch-black bruise right above the person's heart. 
You should see what you’re doing to her.
Lindsey shook her head. Right above your heart. 
“Wha’,” Ty mumbled, sitting up with bleary eyes, catching a glimpse of the grotesque image on the phone. He grabbed the device, pulling it closer. “Shit, is that one of your teammates?”
Lindsey pressed her lips into a thin line, nodding minutely. If she opened her mouth, she wouldn’t be able to stop the tears from coming out.
She knew what lines like that on a person meant. 
Kelley and Sofia were right. 
She was killing you, and she hadn’t even known it. The bruise on your chest was just an outward manifestation of your decaying soul. Or maybe she knew, but she wasn’t strong or brave enough to stop it. She didn’t give enough of a fuck to stop it before it was too late. 
Emily was right too. She knew how to be a good human, and she had chosen not to. 
“Babe?” Ty asked gently, and it was then she realized that she was shaking. That the low sob echoing through the hotel room was coming from her. 
He dropped the phone and pulled her into a bone-crushing hug just as she fell apart. She buried her face in his chest, gut-wrenching sobs clawed their way from her lips like ripped pieces of her soul and landed against his skin. 
She hadn’t cried through any of this. She didn’t deserve to cry, not when she was the one responsible for your pain. For your suffering. 
“It’s alright, just let it out,” He murmured into her hair, rocking her gently. “I’ve got you,” 
He held her together like a good man… a good person should. 
And it made her feel worse because all she could think about was the feeling of your chest, of your arms wrapped around her. Your perfume in her nose and your hushed whispers reminding her that everything would be ok. 
She couldn’t be that for you. She couldn’t put her own needs aside, even when you were ripping yourself apart. 
Yet, he held her even when she didn’t deserve it. When she deserved for him to throw her away. 
Slowly, her sobs turned into sniffles, and she clung to him for dear life, for the last moments she knew he would let her. 
She couldn’t hide from reality anymore. She couldn’t hurt you anymore. 
“You gonna tell me what this is all about?” He asked softly into her hair, never forcing her out of his chest. 
She sucked in a shuttered breath, pulling herself away, wiping her eyes, and looking anywhere but at him. 
The time had finally come for the important conversation. For the truth. 
“I-“ She gulped around the words caught in her throat. She took another shuddering breath, steeling herself. “I met my soulmate,” 
A pregnant pause stretched between them, only broken when he reached across and gently caught her hand, squeezing once.
It took her another long second to gain the courage to look up and need his brown eyes. The resignation she saw there made her hate herself that much more. 
“How long ago?” The question was soft, and not at all what Lindsey was expecting. 
She bit her lip. “We had the dream almost 4 months ago,” 
A small sad smile pulled at his lips, as he caught her phrasing. “But you’ve known her for a lot longer?” 
Lindsey nodded. 
“We agreed we’d tell each other as soon as it happened,” He said, his voice staying gentle. 
“I know, I’m sorry,” Lindsey said, suddenly finding their intertwined fingers interesting. 
She didn’t have more of an explanation. Not one that would be sufficient anyway. 
He sighed, running the hand not holding hers through his hair. Of course, he knew they would eventually meet their soulmates, but they had agreed to be open about it when it happened and to make those decisions together. 
That plan also hadn’t included another person in as much pain as Lindsey’s soulmate clearly was. It didn’t include them knowing their soulmate before the dream. 
But Lindsey did know her soulmate. Those photos had come from someone in the team, and he had a feeling he already knew exactly whose arm it was. 
“It’s y/n right?”
Her eyes snapped up to meet his. “How did you…?”
He just chucked, squeezing her hand again.
“It’s the way you two look at each other,” He explained gently, remembering how he noted the closeness Lindsey and you shared, even before he had met you. The blonde was always so at ease with you, even when she wasn’t open with him. He had been surprised at first that you two weren’t soulmates looking for a third. You just… fit too perfectly to not be soulmates. “I’ve thought you were meant to be for a long time,” 
“But I’m not gay,” Lindsey grumbled, crossing her arms, and Ty cracked a smile at her, shaking his head. The tension immediately dissipated from the room. 
Of course, that’s what the problem was. 
“There’s such a thing as bisexuality Linds,” He said as if it were obvious. “And I don’t think whatever label you pick matters when it comes to your soulmate,” 
It wasn’t like you got to choose your soulmate, but that fear was still there. She hadn’t considered that she might not have to choose a label. That you weren’t asking her to. All you wanted was the acknowledgment that she felt what you did.
That’s all that you had ever wanted from her. 
And she couldn’t even give you that. 
But she had him. This incredible person who was actively advocating for you, even when it meant that he would lose her. 
She also had you, who was willing to stand aside in agony if it meant she got to be happy. 
She shook her head. It wasn’t fair to compare the two of you, but she couldn’t help it. She could never help it. She loved him, but not in the way that she loved you. 
She was in love with you. She always had been. 
“You’re not mad?” She asked so softly, selfishly. She didn’t want to lose him. 
He shook his head, giving her hand another squeeze. “I’m disappointed you didn’t tell me sooner, but I’m not angry with you,”
More tears left Lindsey’s eyes without her permission, trailing hot paths down her cheeks, and he pulled her back into his chest. “I don’t want you to hate me,” 
He sighed, holding her closer, his finger weaving into her hair and gently scratching her scalp. It was a move he knew soothed her. One he had ironically learned from you. 
“I could never hate you, Linds,” He murmured the words into her hair, resting his chin on the crown of her head. “Not for this,”
Lindsey let out a wet laugh, pulling away. “Y/n does, and so do most of my teammates,”
Ty carefully brought his hands to her cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe the tears still trailing down her cheeks. “They don’t, they’re just disappointed too,” 
Again she was struck by how good he was. By how mature and caring he was. By how good of a father he would make one day. 
But his hands didn’t feel as soft as yours did. They didn’t make her feel as safe as yours did. 
The longing she felt for you was so deep in her bones it hurt, and the pictures Kelley sent her put the ball in her court. 
It was her job to make it right. 
“I need to fix it,” She mumbled, sniffling slightly. 
He smiled sadly again, leaning forward and placing a very sweet kiss on her forehead before pulling away and standing. “I have faith you will,” 
She watched him quietly as he pulled on his shirt, packed his small bag, and slid his shoes onto his feet before he paused by the edge of the bed. 
She couldn’t fight the sudden urge to reach out her fingers towards him, to be connected to him for what would most likely be the last time. 
He met her halfway, tangling their fingertips together in a slow dance. “If you ever need anything just call alright?” He said, and she felt his honesty. “I’m still your guy,” 
His fingers slipped from hers for the final time. 
He might be her guy, but she wasn’t his girl. 
Not anymore. 
She was yours. 
She just had to figure out how to tell you that. How to get you to forgive her? 
Silence echoed around her as he softly closed the door, and for once she felt totally and completely alone. 
She pulled out her phone and scrolled through contacts, looking for someone who would tell her what to do. 
She paused over Tobin’s contact photo. The forward had always been close to you, and she would know what to do, even if she would be disappointed in Lindsey. 
She pressed Tobin’s contact picture, holding the phone up to her ear and closing her eyes. 
Tobin was the only one who knew you as well as she knew herself. 
The phone rang twice before Tobin’s faint “hello” met her. 
“I fucked up,”
Lindsey had never felt more exhausted in her entire life, not even after she had played 120 minutes in 100-degree weather. Not after running endless drills with you in France. Not even after looking all over for you after you disappeared the night of the World Cup. 
It was a fatigue that settled deep in her bones, that followed her through every movement she made. That made it impossible for her to think about anything other than you. A weariness that had nothing to do with her lack of sleep. 
Her only saving grace was the warm cup of coffee. She sipped the dark liquid reverently, eyes shifting between her parents and the door every few minutes, waiting for you or Kelley, or Emily to step through the doors. 
To prove that the photos she had received last night were a bad dream. A cruel prank. 
But mornings after games tended to be slow, and this morning was no different. The few veterans who were in the meal room puttered about lazily, sending looks her way at odd intervals that made her feel like they knew something she didn’t know. 
Like they were scolding her without words. 
“Sweetie, are you ok?” Her mother’s hand caught her own, gently pulling the coffee cup from her hand. 
Lindsey blinked, once, twice, three times as the words filtered through her brain. 
Was she ok?
The definitive answer was no, absolutely not. 
Her world was crumbling around her, and the only person to blame was herself. She had hurt her soulmate so badly that she didn’t know if she would ever forgive her, and the thought of losing you made it hard to breathe. 
She didn’t know how to be without you, and now she was staring that very prospect in the face. 
She let out a shaky breath, blue eyes finally finding the courage to meet her mother's gaze. 
Concerned eyes she knew would turn cold and hard when she informed them of what she had done. Eyes that would surely reject her when they found out that you were a girl and not the dashing young man they had envisioned for her. 
It was like there was a world between them, a chiasm that they didn’t even know existed filled with the admission that she had been lying to them for a long time. Filled with a suffocating silence and words that Lindsey needed to say. 
She could hear Tobin in her head. “The first step is honesty. With yourself and everyone else,” and she knew with everything she was that the midfielder turned forward was right. 
The only way to undo this mess was to be honest. To untangle each half-truth one at a time. To mend each hurt with kept promises and replace each pretend moment with reality. 
The only way she was going to get you back was to confront her fear. That started with this. 
“No,” Lindsey said, shaking her head minutely. “I’m not ok. I messed up really bad, and I don’t know if I can fix it,” 
Her father frowned. “Is this about the game?”
“You played so well honey. Korea just had a bead on the team's offense,” Her mother added, using her free hand to grab Lindsey’s arm. 
She stared at them, slightly dumbfounded at how unseeing they were. How they didn’t seem to know her at all. How they didn’t even pick up on her inner turmoil. 
“No. I-“ She swallowed hard around the lump in her throat. “I had the soulmate dream,” 
“Oh,” Lindsey’s mother breathed out, leaning back in her chair. 
“By Ty’s lack of presence, I’m assuming it wasn’t with him?” Her father said, sipping his coffee. 
She shook her head. “No,”
“Well, we’ll have to meet the young man,” He added flatly, barely looking up from his cup. “He’s part of the family now,” 
“It’s not,” She took a gulping breath, before forcing the words past her lips. “My soulmate isn’t a young man,” 
Her father looked up, locking eyes with her mother. They shared a long look, the kind that only soulmates having a silent conversation could before her mother gently squeezed her hand. 
“Is it Y/n?”
Lindsey’s eyebrows furrowed, entirely unexpecting of her mother’s response. “Wha?… how did you?”
“Sweetie,” Her mother smiled gently at her. “The two of you have been attached at the hip since the moment you met,” 
“We’ve been expecting this for a while,” Her father added gruffly. 
“And you’re alright with that?” Her voice cracked over the word, and her eyes ducked away. 
She knew how they felt about homosexuality. She had heard about it for her entire childhood. She didn’t want to lose them too. 
“You don’t get to choose your soulmate,” Her Father said, though he didn’t sound happy about the omission, but his voice lightened. “And Y/n is exceptional,” 
Her mother hummed, squeezing her hand again. “Plus Y/n always looks at you like you put the stars up in the sky, and she’s been nothing but polite to us,” 
Her father nodded once, and Lindsey took that as his agreement, though he didn’t soften. “An acceptable soulmate,” 
Lindsey felt the knot in her chest loosen, though she wasn’t quite sure how she felt about their assessment. She guessed acceptable and exceptional were the best she could expect from her father. 
“Now,” Her father said, leaning forward in his chair, setting his coffee on the table. “You said you messed up, tell us what happened,” 
She frowned at him, confused by his reaction, and his sudden interest. 
“I,” The words were caught in her throat as she finally met her dad's gaze. “I hurt her because I was afraid, and now I’m not sure that I can fix it,” 
“Afraid?” Her father grumbled, his eyes suddenly hard. “Of what? Y/n has never done anything to make you question her feelings,” 
“Of….” Lindsey took a deep steadying breath, working through his defense of you. Of the strange protectiveness? That had overcome him, while also working through how to phrase her answer. It threw her that they weren’t upset you were her soulmate.  “A lot of things. It doesn’t matter now,” 
Her father hummed, crossing his arms.
It was a gesture she had seen thousands of times before. One he liked to use after he heard both sides of the story when she would fight with her brother. One he used when she told him she was going to France instead of college. 
“Honey, you’re soulmates, but you’re also human,” Her mother hummed. “Give her time to process everything that’s happening, then apologize and let her come to you,” 
There was a beat of silence before her father sat back in his chair. 
“That girl loves you, and you love her too,” He added as if he was telling her that the defense used double pivots in transition. Like it was an undisputed fact. “You’ll figure it out,”
Lindsey swallowed hard. She knew she loved you, but it was unsettling that everyone else did too. That they all seemed to think that you would love her back after everything she had done.
“Y/n could never stay mad at you for long anyway,” Her mother chuckled, patting her hand, a stark contrast to her father's serious face. “Just go on her terms, and I’m sure she’ll be receptive to you,” 
She nodded, more to herself than to them. She could do that. She could wait and do things on your terms. She was sure Kelley and Emily and probably Tobin and Christen wouldn’t settle for anything less. 
A long silence stretched between them, before her father cleared his throat, grabbed his coffee, and leaned back into his chair. “Now that that’s settled, do you know who’s starting in the next game? Y/n got several very good shots off last time,”
“I um,” Lindsey shrugged, scratching the back of her neck, thinking of the photos of you in that stupid hospital bed. “I’m not sure,” 
She didn’t doubt Vlatko would let you play, even injured, but it made the ache in her chest worse to think about. Jill was bad in her own way, but at least she usually stuck to doctor-recommended injury return protocols. 
“Hmm,” Her father hummed, idly sipping his coffee as her mother went back to her tea. “We’ll have to just wait and see then,” 
Lindsey nodded again, thinking more about you than about the game. 
She would have to wait and see if you would be open to her again. To wait and see if she would ever be able to fix the damage she had caused. To wait for you to be ready. 
“This isn’t a good idea,” Dawn muttered, carefully wrapping your signature red pre-wrap around the thick white gauze on your hand, and the plastic splint holding your palm in a fixed position. “You should be resting,” 
“The field is the only place I can think clearly. It’s better if I play,” Your shoulders lifted and fell. “Does there have to be so much wrapping? It looks more like a club than a hand,” 
Christen rolled her eyes at the statement. 
She should have expected it with the blase attitude you had dawned since the moment she arrived, but your lack of care for your health was still rather astonishing. She couldn’t exactly blame you though, not after Kelley told her what happened. 
At least the parts that the defender knew. You still wouldn’t talk about what happened in the bathroom. 
“You sliced into the muscle of your palm. You’re lucky you didn’t lose the mobility in your fingers, and now you have convinced your coach to let you play not even 72 hours later,” Christen sighed, rubbing your right shoulder gently. 
“Yes, the gauze has to be this thick, we don’t want any of the stitches to accidentally re-open,” Dawn explained gently. 
She didn’t mention that she was adding extra to try and shield you from prying eyes. To keep the commentary teams and the media from speculating about the still gray lines extending past your elbow. 
You hummed in understanding, blinking away from the women and to the small paper you had found in your locker. 
It wasn’t the first note that had magically appeared, and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last. 
It made you feel like you were in high school, passing notes, except you refused to pass back. You didn’t even see the point in reading them. As far as you were concerned, you and Lindsey had nothing to say to each other anyway. 
But still, she kept trying. 
It was weird, and you felt a little like a yo-yo being yanked back and forth. You assumed it was from pity. You didn’t want her pity. 
“Did she send you another one?” Christen asked, her voice going soft. 
You swallowed hard, holding the little blue paper between your fingers, avoiding the loopy pen marks it wore. “Yep,” 
“Do you want me to see what it says?” She pressed carefully. 
You held it out toward the forward in a familiar gesture. She had read all of the notes. “If you want,” 
It was the same response you had given to all the little notes. The same… unbothered indifference. 
She very slowly reached out and plucked the note from your hand, opening it and reading over the words. “Do you want to know what it says?” 
“Nope,” You popped the p, pulling your hand away as Dawn tore off the pre-wrap and pressed it to your arm. “If I wanted to know, I would have read it,” 
“Let me get you a pill and you can go warm up,” Dawn said, pushing herself to her feet. 
“It’s mostly the same as the others,” Christen continued as if you hadn’t said you didn’t care. “She wonders if you’ve read any of the notes,” 
“There have been 10 and you and Tobin have given me the gist of them all,” You muttered, accepting the small, metallic-colored pill from dawn, popping it in your mouth, and swallowing it with a sip of water. 
You just didn’t see the point in reading them. Lindsey never kept her word anyway. 
 “Plus, it’s not like it’ll make this go away,”  You waved your hand over your chest, vaguely gesturing to where you knew the deep bruise sat.
You glanced at Dawn who nodded. “The only known cure to soulmate sickness is physical contact,” 
“So there’s no point,” You shrugged, pushing yourself off the table. “Am I free to go now?” 
“Yes,” Dawn said. “Just take it easy, alright,” 
You paused at the door. “What’s the point, I’m going to die anyway. Why not have fun first,” 
Christen grimaced as the door slammed shut. “I hate it when she jokes like that,”
“I’m not sure it was a joke,” Dawn mumbled, making eye contact with the forward. “The medication will slow it down, but it can’t stop the effects entirely,” 
The apathy. The emptiness in your eyes. The loss of your sunny personality. 
You would lose yourself entirely, and then you would lose your life. 
You knew the dream was coming before you fell asleep. You could feel it. 
It felt like a punishment from the universe. A punishment for ignoring Lindsey’s notes. Punishment for letting Kelley, Emily, Christen, and Tobin run interference so you didn’t have to deal with her. A punishment for protecting yourself. 
But it still disoriented you when your eyes flickered open. 
You would never get used to the too-bright colors or the way the light blended into a too-vivid scene that felt real. A scene that made you suddenly feel right. Whole.
A scene you knew was a lie. 
You glanced around the room. A long, open space with little cubbies and nameplates. It was familiar. A locker room like any other. 
You didn’t feel like reading the names to see what part of your past it was from. You just didn’t… care. 
You let out a long breath, shuffling back into the empty cubby and turning sideways. You tucked your knees to your chest, rested your chin on them, and closed your eyes. You were content to wait it out. To pretend.
The bench creaked beside you, but you didn’t open your eyes. You didn’t have to to know who it was. The warmth that filled your hollow chest was enough. Plus there was only one human on the planet who could crash your dreams. 
Lindsey hesitantly cleared her throat, and you heard her shift beside you. “Good game,” 
You hummed. 
It was a good game. Very good. 
You ended up with a first-half hat trick thanks to a stellar cross from Huerta and an assist from Rose. It helped that Vlatko hadn’t let you and Lindsey on the field at the same time (she came on at the half when you were subbed out). 
You were sure how much of that was his doing and how much was demanded by the team and medical staff. 
You had barely seen Lindsey in general, other than when she was on the bench, and you knew that was done by design. When Emily and Kelley weren’t guarding you, it seemed that one of your teammates (especially Sanchez, Trinity, and Huerta) would suddenly need something from you when Lindsey tried to approach. 
It was weird and blatantly obvious, but you deeply appreciated their efforts. 
Lindsey cleared her throat again, and you felt her shift closer to you. “I-… look, I’m sorry. For everything,” 
You let a beat of silence pass between you, unsure if you were even going to respond. Your eyes slowly dragged open and you met tired blue. They seemed to echo the dull throb that had settled in before the game. The same hollowness that just wouldn’t go away. 
A part of you wondered what everything meant. 
Was she sorry for all of the nights you had shared? All of the intimate moments you had never shared with anyone else? That you would never share with anyone else. 
Or maybe she was just sorry she would never care for you in the way you cared for her. 
“Me too,” You said softly. The words felt heavy, laced with truth and pain and utter defeat. 
Not because of the pain she had put you through, but because she regretted you. 
You were sorry because you weren’t good enough. 
You looked away from her burning gaze, back towards the wood of your little cubby. It felt like she was dissecting you. Like she was looking through you and straight into your thoughts. 
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Lindsey said, her voice deadly serious. “This is all on me,” 
“Not all of it,” You shrugged, lifting your left hand and wiggling your fingers. It was strange because you hadn’t been able to move them for the last week, and you expected the thick gauze to follow you into your dreams. 
That part was all on you, no matter what your friends wanted to believe. 
Lindsey sighed, and you knew she wanted to argue with you, but part of you hoped she wouldn’t. You were too tired to fight. 
“How did it happen?” She asked so softly you almost missed it. 
You blinked, and your eyes flickered back to hers. “What?” 
Lindsey swallowed hard, her throat visibly gulping. “Kelley sent me the picture, but no one will tell me what happened,” 
You frowned. You wanted to say nothing had happened. You wanted to yell and scream at Kelley, even if you knew she meant well. You wanted to admonish Lindsey for not already knowing the reason, even if it wasn’t fair. 
“She shouldn’t have,” 
Lindsey’s hand caught your forearm, sliding down your skin to connect your hands. “Y/n, please,” 
It sent a shiver down your spine and a warmth through your veins that hadn’t been there in god knows how long. 
It chipped away at the ice encasing your heart. 
You blew out a long breath, ripping your eyes from her, leaning your head back so it hit the locker with a low thump, and fixing your eyes on the stupid photoshopped picture Emily had fixed on the roof of your cubby after a bad Portland practice. It was of the three of you, your heads photoshopped onto a picture of the Teenage mutant ninja turtles. 
“A mirror broke,” You said slowly, forcing the words around the sudden lump in your throat. You hadn’t told anyone what happened yet, Christen and Tobin included. “And I got cut. That wasn’t your fault, no matter what Kelley wants to believe,” 
Lindsey made a low sound like she knew that your explanation wasn’t the whole story like she knew you weren’t being honest, 
but she didn’t push. Not like she usually would. 
She sat back on the bench, and squeezed your hand once, twice, three times. 
And it made you feel like you were 17 again, sitting in France holding on for dear life as your world was rocked to its core. It made you feel like you were 22, sitting in this very locker room working through your growing feelings. It made you feel safe and loved in a way that no one else could.
That thought made you sick to your stomach because you knew it wasn’t real. 
The mark on your chest was proof enough of that. 
But you didn’t see the harm in accepting the comfort. In letting her let you just exist. Your eyes slid closed and for the first time in weeks, you felt at peace. 
Who cared if it wasn’t real? At least you weren’t in pain anymore. 
“What about the bruise?” She asked after several long minutes, and you blinked back at her again, noting the way her eyebrows furrowed guiltily. 
Her eyes were fixed on the little Thorns logo sitting just above your heart. 
Your shoulders lifted and fell nonchalantly. “Yeah. That’s kinda on you,” 
“Is it..-“ She paused, shaking her head. “Can I see it?” 
Your nose scrunched. “I’d have to take my shirt off, so no. I don’t even know if it’d be in this stupid dream,” 
It was too… vulnerable. Too exposed for you. Far more unprotected than you were willing to be with Lindsey. 
Plus if the universe wanted her to see it, then you would have appeared in an outfit you couldn’t hide it in, not your old training uniform. 
“You weren’t supposed to see it in the first place,” Yoh muttered, closing your eyes and laying your head back on the locker with a thump. 
You heard Lindsey swallow hard, and you knew she wanted to argue with you. Even if you weren’t quite sure what she could argue. 
But she didn’t. 
Her hand squeezed yours in three slow pulses again. “Alright,” 
You felt the know you didn’t know was in your chest loosen, and your shoulders relaxed as you leaned farther back into the wooden cubby. 
At least you weren’t in pain, and in the quiet locker room, it was easy to let Lindsey’s soft breathing lull you into a near doze. 
It reminded you of all the times you had listened to her breathing when you couldn’t sleep, or when you woke up from a nightmare. All the times it was a sign that you were safe. 
Now you just supposed it was like the beeping of a life support machine. Something to prolong the inevitable. 
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if you got to feel this at ease. 
Camp had ended far less eventfully than it had started, and you were incredibly grateful for that. 
The final morning passed with little fanfare, and you felt more rested than you had in months, and before you knew it Christen and Tobin were guiding you through the terminal towards a plane headed directly to LA. 
You hadn’t seen Lindsey at all, but as you grabbed your headphones from your bag, you saw the little blue Post-it tucked just inside the zipper. 
You gently grabbed the little paper, pulled out your headphones too, and shoved the bag back under your seat. You stared at it, running your fingers over the indent of your name across the folded front in Lindsey’s loopy writing. 
“Are you going to read this one?” Tobin asked you, pretending that she wasn’t watching the way you were fixated on the note. 
Your shoulders lifted and fell. You hadn’t decided if you were going to open it yet. “Do you know how it got into my bag?” 
“Nope,” Tobin shook her head once. “I was on door duty, and Kelley and Emily were more worried that you ate,” 
You nodded, your tongue poking past your lips. Christen wouldn’t have made the assist, she made her opinion clear, even after you told her about the latest dream. 
You looked back down at the small note. 
You hadn’t cared about them up to this point. You didn’t want to know what Lindsey had to say. You just wanted her to let you die in peace. You just wanted her to be happy and to not hurt anymore. 
But she wasn’t happy. 
Sitting in the Thorns locker room had also filled you with a strange sense of nostalgia. You missed how simple it was before you recognized your feelings. How easy it was to be around her and to feel safe. 
You missed being her friend, intimacy be damned. 
And no matter how stupid you thought the high school note-passing tactic was, you were suddenly curious if it would change those new feelings. If it would tell you why. 
“Do you want me to read it?” Tobin asked, reaching for the small, blue paper. 
You pulled it away. “No,” 
“Ok,” She agreed easily, settling back into her seat, pretending to not watch you. “Christen put the others in the bottom of your bag if you want to read them too,” 
You hummed at the offhand comment, flipping the little blue note over once more before slowly working it open. 
You cracked a smile at the little sketch of a teenage mutant ninja turtle at the top, just below where it was sealed. It was Leonardo and Rafael with a small pizza slice between them. 
Hey Raf,
I forgot that we used to call each other that until I saw Emily’s drawing in your old locker. I kinda miss the days of being the TMNT 3. I definitely miss you. 
Chris says you don’t read my notes, and I can’t blame you. I just want you to know I choose you. I want you to know I love you. 
You didn’t finish reading it.
You didn’t want to.
“What did she say?” Christen asked you gently from Tobin's other side. 
“Some bullshit about her choosing me,” You shrugged again, crumbling the paper and tossing it towards her. “Was it in all the other ones too, or did you just omit it from the synopses?”
She caught it easily, flattening the paper against her thigh, frowning as she scanned over the page. “I just figured It wasn’t the main message,” 
“And what was?” You grumbled. “That now that everyone knows she fucked up she suddenly wants me?” 
“I think the team is more concerned with you deciding you’d rather die,” Tobin said, carefully grabbing the note and reading it after Christen was done. “But go on,” 
You frowned at the pair, suddenly wondering whose side they were on. 
“I don’t want her to care out of some sense of obligation or guilt,” You grit out the words. “I’m not a consolation prize,” 
“No,” Christen agreed carefully. “You’re not a consolation prize to her,” 
“I think Lindsey has cared for a long time,” Tobin added, catching your hand. “She was just afraid to show it,” 
“Could have fucking fooled me,” You snorted. “She chooses me or whatever but she still hasn’t told her boyfriend that I’m her soulmate,” 
Tobin paused, sending a look over her shoulder to Christen. You frowned. 
“What aren’t you telling me?” 
Tobin blew out a long breath. “Lindsey called me the night you broke your hand. We thought she told you,”
Your eyes widened.
Lindsey called them. Lindsey talked to them. They talked to her. 
“What did she want?” The words forced themselves through your grit teeth, misplaced anger rushing through you and flushing your cheeks. 
“Take a deep breath,” Christen said, her voice as calming as you had ever heard it. The same voice she had used each time your unstable emotions threatened to overtake you. 
They were yet another growing symptom of soulmate sickness. 
“I don’t want to,” You bit back. “Tell me,” 
Tobin held her hands up in defense. “Most of it isn’t my story to tell,” 
You sucked in a deep breath through your nose, blowing it slowly out of your mouth, feeling your anger bleed out with it. “But?”
“Lindsey is trying. She just doesn’t know where to start,” Tobin said very slowly, choosing her words carefully. 
“I will not be her second choice,” You muttered, picking at the gauze still wrapped tightly around your hand. “you’re supposed to be on my side,” 
“We are on your side. The side of you living long enough to go to your third World Cup and win,” Christen said, reaching across Tobin to catch your hand and prevent you from unraveling the bandage. “And we’re not telling you to forgive her,” 
You blew out another breath. “Then what are you telling me?” 
“You don’t have to forgive Lindsey,” Tobin said. “I’m not even saying you have to entertain the idea. All I mean is that you’re tied for life, and when you’re ready, she has a lot of making up to do. When you’re ready, it’s on her to fix it. She knows it, and is willing to do it.”
“Hence the stupid fucking notes?” You asked softly, your eyebrows furrowing. The notes were such a Lindsey thing to do. A way to see how open you were to her without pushing. A way to let you come to her. 
“Hence the notes,” Tobin nodded. “She didn’t know where to start,” 
You closed your eyes tightly, leaning back in your seat. “I wish Kelley hadn’t sent her that fucking picture. Then she still wouldn’t care,”
“Kelley sent it because she is insanely protective,” Christen explained as if it was obvious. “You were hurting and she wanted the person responsible to know,”
“You’re like her little sister,” Tobin added unhelpfully. 
You shook your head. “It’s not Lindsey’s fault I hurt my hand, and I wish everyone would fucking see that,” 
“Then who’s fault was it?” Christen pressed, keeping her voice gentle. 
You let out a breath, counting to 10 in your head, trying to still the sudden rush of thoughts and emotions that came from the simple question. 
The truth was that punching that mirror was all on you. It was your inability to regulate your emotions. Your inability to accept the truth. Your inability to be enough. 
You were frustrated that Kelley had shown Lindsey the aftermath, and even more annoyed that it suddenly changed the way Lindsey felt. 
She shouldn’t be guilted into loving you. 
You weren’t worthy of it, no matter how much admitting it made the place on your chest throb. 
“I don’t want to talk about it,” You said, your voice rough with the unspoken tsunami of emotions in your chest, your uninjured hand rubbing idly at the spot right above your heart. 
“You never want to talk about it,” Christen said, her voice edging in desperation. 
You sighed, peeling your eyes open to meet her green. “Lindsey deserves to be happy,”
The defeat in your voice shocked even you as it reached your ears, and the pure honesty made the sludge in your stomach rock. 
Tobin used a hand to catch your chin, forcing you to look at her. “And what about you? Don’t you deserve happiness too?” 
You shook your head, pressing your lips into a thin line. “I don’t matter,” 
You slipped your headphones over your ears before they could push the issue before they could make you unpack that feeling, and stared out the window. 
“I’ve never mattered,”
You bit the inside of your lip, glaring at the colorful painting that sat on your therapist's wall, picking at the edge of the gauze on your hand. 
There was less of it now, making it look more like a hand than a club, but the stitches were still sensitive enough that you couldn’t go without it. 
“I don’t understand your question,” You muttered, your eyes tracing across the red sunset in the painting, refusing to look at her. 
It was a bad habit you had picked up in the three weeks you had been seeing her. It was easier to talk to her when you didn’t have to look at her, not that you had done much talking anyway. 
“You’ve told me a lot of wonderful things about Lindsey. You’ve told me about the incredible intimacy that the two of you share. I wanted to know who initiated it,” Clarke said, and you could feel her watching you. 
You frowned. “Like who kissed who first?” 
It felt like one of those stupid media fan questions. Like the ones you had gotten on Twitter after the game, demanding to know how you hurt your hand and asking for your opinion on the fan theories the whole ordeal had created. 
It wasn’t like the normal probing questions Clarke asked you. 
She hummed, shrugging her shoulders. “Is that when you think the emotional intimacy between you started?” 
You bit your lip at the question. You and Lindsey had been linked far before you kissed. 
“No,” You said, dragging your eyes to meet hers. “That was pretty instant,” 
You remembered being taken with Lindsey from the first moment you saw her, even though she had ripped all of the laces out of her shoe on a stupid escalator. It was mid-morning when her and her mother arrived at the apartment, and you were so anxious you couldn’t get words past your lips. 
You had waved at her instead, and you were pretty sure she thought you were entirely unable to talk for the first two weeks you had known her. 
“Tell me about it?” Clarke asked very gently, noting the faraway look in your eyes in her notes. 
It was the look you always got when you talked about Lindsey, even if all you told her in your discussions were good things. 
“I…” You paused, biting your lips, trying to think of the moment that you and Lindsey became inseparable. It had to have been after your first hard practice. “It was like two weeks after she moved into the apartment. We were watching Disney movies in French to try and learn the language,” 
It was a semi-truth. You had performed horribly on the field and wanted a distraction. All that was on was the lion king and it was extra money to watch it in English. She walked into your soft sniffles and sat down next to you out of obligation. 
Lindsey felt bad for you. She always pitied you. It was why she sat next to you on the couch that night. 
“And it progressed from there?” Clarke pressed, leaning forward. 
“Yeah, we just kinda clicked,” You hummed, scratching the back of your neck with your good hand. It was more than that. That night, she made you smile and you made her laugh. It was the spark of your entire relationship, and it only got stronger when the pressure from the coaches increased. “And then with all the stuff that was happening…”
Clarke nodded understandingly and it made you feel like she could hear the thoughts racing through your head. “Trauma has a way of bonding people,” 
“Yeah,” You nodded, scratching the gray lines on your neck a little harder. When things continued to get worse, you and Lindsey found comfort in each other. She was the only one who made you feel safe. “We started sharing a bed because I was having nightmares. It was comforting to have her there,” 
“She made you feel safe,” Clarke supplied easily. 
“Always,” You agreed. It didn’t matter what was happening at practice, when you were together, you knew it would all be ok. “It was like she was shielding me from all the bullshit. Our bed was our safe place,” 
“Is that why you kissed for the first time?” 
Your eyebrows furrowed. 
The truth was that the first kiss you shared was… blurry. 
“No,” You said slowly. “That didn’t happen for a while,” 
Clarke hummed. “Who initiated?”
“I…-,” Your eyebrows furrowed. You remembered laying on too-fancy sheets, sharing a bowl of unsalted popcorn. You remembered the sunset peeking through the window and soft laughter. You remember leaning against her strong frame, and her hand running through your hair. You remembered the taste of her lips and the way you moved together, but you didn’t know who leaned in first. “I can’t remember actually,” 
Admitting it made your heart race, and your chest ache. How could you not remember such a fundamental moment in your relationship? 
“That’s ok,” Charlie said, reaching out and placing a steadying hand on your knee. “How about we talk about something else for a bit,” 
You swallowed hard, dropping the hand on your neck and going back to picking at the edge of the gauze on your hand. “Ok,” 
“Let’s talk about the night you broke the mirror,” 
Your back instantly straightened. “What about that night?” 
It came out more harshly than you intended. Colder. Guarded. 
You hadn’t even told Tobin and Christen about that night yet, despite their prying. 
“Well, we haven’t discussed it yet,” Clarke said carefully. “And it’s the reason you have to see me 3 times a week for the next month,”
“What do you want to know?” You sighed, leaning forward. 
Being honest was the only way to not have to see Clarke. The only way for her to sign the papers that would get rid of the Minute limit that had been placed on you. 
“How did the mirror break?” Clarke asked you softly. 
You bit your lip, picking the edge of the gauze with a little more vigor. “I punched it,” 
It pained you to say the words out loud and had blood rushing to your cheeks. 
“With the intention of hurting yourself?” 
You blinked up at Clarke’s question. The same question they asked you in the hospital. 
“No,” You said sternly, shaking your head once. “I just… needed the sound in my head to stop,” 
“What kind of sound?”
You squinted at the probing question. The answer was just so difficult to put into words. It was difficult for you to even wrap your head around it. 
There was so much noise constantly surrounding you, and it had all been too much. You wanted Lindsey to stop, and your family to stop. You just wanted everything to… stop. 
“My thoughts,” You mumbled, catching the edge of the gauze and pulling just a bit too tight.  “I was spiraling and I couldn’t get them to stop. I just wanted it to be quiet so I could breathe,” 
Clarke nodded, jotting more notes down in her little book. “You were having a panic attack,” 
“I guess,” Your shoulders lifted and fell and your eyes returned to the stupid painting in her corner. You weren’t sure if it was panic, or if it was an outward manifestation of your disgust in yourself. 
“Alright,” She said finally as the little timer on the table went off. “I have some homework for you that I think will be helpful before our next session…-“
You tuned out her words, focusing instead on the place in the picture where the orange sunset met the deep black of the sea. Where they swirled together. 
You wished you were there instead of here. 
You knew the dream was coming. The universe had been kind, allowing you to ignore your soulmate for 5 weeks. You knew it couldn’t last forever, especially after Clarke’s homework. 
The only way for you to complete it was to talk to her, and you fucking refused to respond via note. 
You sighed, pressing your face further into the soft down pillow beneath your head, your hand closing around too-fancy sheets. They were cool to the touch, something that never happened in real life. 
You felt eyes on the side of your face, tracing the little scar that existed by your eye (from an unfortunate encounter with a Spanish defender when you were 17), down your cheek, and sweeping across your nose to your lips. 
It was familiar. A scene that had played hundreds of times. 
But it no longer filled you with the warm fuzzy feeling it used to, even if the ache in your chest dulled. 
“It’s rude to stare,” You mumbled, reluctantly forcing your eyes open to look at Lindsey. 
Lindsey smirked, her dimples showing. “Some people consider it rude not to stare at a masterpiece,”
You rolled your eyes, pushing yourself to sit up. “That line was played out the first time you used it,”
It was familiar in a way that had butterflies flying in your stomach, and unease settling firmly on your chest. 
Linsey chuckled. “It still made you blush back then” 
You shrugged, running your hand through your hair, noting that you weren’t wearing the brace and gauze that had become part of your wardrobe. You wiggled your fingers experimentally in front of your face, and you could feel Lindsey watching them too. 
“This is where it started,” She said softly, and your eyes snapped toward her. 
Lindsey’s eyebrows furrowed. “What do you mean?” 
You shrugged, dragging your eyes back toward your hand. It was easier to admit things when you didn’t have to look at the person you were talking to. It was easier to follow Clarke’s advice and be honest. 
“An equipment closet in Paris is where this phase of our relationship kicked off,” 
You said the words softly, but they felt heavy. It was like a rock splashing into a pond, leaving only ripples in its wake. 
You expected Lindsey to argue with you. To say that the night of the World Cup wasn’t where this whole thing started. That this room was the place where you shared most of your firsts. Your first feelings, your first kiss, your first…time. 
But in that closet, she handed you your first heartbreak, and you weren’t sure you had ever even begun to piece back the little shards of your heart. 
She swallowed hard. “I wish that night ended differently. I wish I responded differently. I’ll never be able to tell you how sorry I am. I should have held you tighter, instead of pushing you away,” 
It surprised you that she didn’t try to deny it, and you tried to smother the warm feeling that started to bloom in your chest. All you ever wanted was for her to acknowledge what the two of you shared. 
“You won’t even acknowledge we’re soulmates,” You countered, none of the fire you expected in your voice. You just sounded… defeated. 
Lindsey frowned, her eyebrows furrowing. “They didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You asked. 
It irritated you that everyone knew things that you didn’t know. It irritated you that they were talking about you without you there. 
“I broke up with Ty. I told him and my parents,” 
“Oh,” You breathed out. 
“I’m not telling you to get you to forgive me. I just thought you should know,” She said too quickly as if she was afraid she would break the tenuous truce between you. 
Silence stretched between you as you digested the information. Digesting that Tobin and Christen already knew. Digesting that Lindsey really had chosen you. 
You could hear Clarke’s voice in your head, reminding you of the homework she had assigned. The homework to talk about your feelings. 
“You know, it used to make me feel special that you didn’t want other people to know,” You said slowly, and you could feel Lindsey’s eyes on your face. “Then it just made me feel dirty,” 
She reached out and caught your arm. “I’m sorry,” 
You felt it in your bones. Her honesty, her… desperation for you to believe her. 
You did believe her, but you didn’t want her apology. “You keep saying that,” 
“You deserve so much more than what I gave you,” She said, her voice barely above a whisper, her anguish cracking your heart. 
You shook your head. “I don’t need your pity, Lindsey. You don’t have to do this because you’re guilty,”
She frowned. “Guilty?”
You chuckled. “That’s what our relationship is based on isn’t it?”
She only told them because she had to. Because she felt bad. Because Kelley had exposed Lindsey’s impact on you. 
“Absolutely not!” Lindsey exclaimed, wiggling your arm, trying to get you to look at her. 
“It is though,” You pressed out, despite the bitter taste of the words on your tongue. “You never would have been my friend if you didn’t walk in on me crying,” 
She never would have been your friend if she didn’t feel some… obligation to not leave you alone that first night. She felt sorry for you because you were incapable of making friends with anyone else on the French squad. 
“Y/n,” She said more softly, shifting over and ducking so you had to look at her. “I had been working up the courage to talk to you since I moved in,”
Her eyes burned into yours, and her honesty sent shivers down your spine. 
“It was never because you felt bad for me?” You asked again. 
You nodded, your mind flying to try and catch up with the admission. With the knowledge that maybe she had wanted you as long as you wanted her. Maybe this wasn’t just her response to pity and guilt. 
Maybe she could help you with your therapy homework after all. 
“Did you kiss me first, or did I kiss you?” You suddenly asked the question.
The tension between you dissipated instantly, and Lindsey’s laugh was like bells, drawing a smile to your features. 
Lindsey’s head tilted. “You can’t remember?” 
You shook your head once. “No, and I hate that I can’t,”
A small smile played across her lips. “I guess it kinda makes sense. It’s a trick question,” 
Your eyebrows furrowed as your mind thought back to that night. 
You could practically feel the indent of her hand as it rested on your waist, holding you steady. You could feel her soft breaths puffing onto your lips. You could smell her perfume, mixed with something just so… Lindsey. 
You remembered your eyes meeting hers, and how the blue was just a sliver around her dilated pupils. You remembered them getting closer like you were magnets drawn together. 
“We leaned in at the same time,” 
“We did,” She agreed, watching as you leaned back into the pillows. “So technically it was mutual,” 
You hummed, running a hand through your hair, accidentally flashing the dark mark that had crept back up your shoulder as your shirt shifted. You felt her eyes boring into it immediately. 
“Can I,” She paused, clearing her throat. “Can I see the mark?” 
You tensed immediately, and you pulled away from her, your shoulders curling in on themselves. “You’ve already seen it,” 
She sat before you frozen, her hand hanging in the air like she was still holding on to you and flipped it over, and held it out to you. “Y/n, please?” 
You stared at it with untrusting eyes. 
Talking to Lindsey was one thing, but showing her the damage she caused was another. 
But then again, didn’t she have the right to see it? That was Kelley’s defense after all. 
You let out a long breath, sending her a very stiff nod. It took you another second to gather the courage to pull your shirt over your head. 
Lindsey gasped as soon as the dark mark on your chest and the spider web of veins that sprouted from it was on display, but she didn’t move. Her eyes didn’t even roam the newly visible skin. 
She was doing this at your pace, you realized. 
“You can look,” You said, your voice shaking slightly. 
Lindsey swallowed and very slowly brought her eyes up to gaze at your chest. Her eyes felt heavy, but they didn’t make you feel uncomfortable. You didn’t feel objectified, but you never had with her. 
“Can I,” She cleared her throat. “Can I touch it? They say that helps?”
You blinked at her, once, twice, before you slowly nodded. 
It was something Clarke had suggested. She said physical contact in dreams was a good way to start, especially if you weren’t averse to Lindsey’s touch. 
The problem you saw was that you were the complete opposite. You were addicted to the way her skin felt on yours and the instant sense of safety it brought you. 
Lindsey wasn’t safe anymore, and you needed to remember that. 
She moved slowly as she brought her hand to your chest like you were a frightened animal she was afraid would snap at her. 
You sucked in a sharp breath when her fingers gently landed on the deep purple skin right above your heart, and tingles sprouted from the place the two of you met. 
It made your chest burn, like a flame blasting away at the ice that had coated your veins. 
It was better than a hug, and you could practically feel your worry and pain being sucked from your chest. 
“Does it-…” You cleared your throat, your cheeks turning red. “Do you feel it too?” 
Lindsey frowned, and you rolled your eyes. “Do you feel the ache too?” 
“I do,” She bit her lip and nodded. She let her fingers wander up your chest, tracing the thick black line that extended to your neck.“But I doubt it’s anywhere close to what you feel. I never meant to cause you pain,” 
You hissed when she pressed into the line slightly too hard, in the place Kelley always did. “Then why did you?”
She paused, slowly dragging her hand down across your shoulder and down your arm, following the web of lines. 
“I was afraid, and that made me selfish,” 
“Of?” You pressed, catching her hand. 
Her eyes blinked up to meet yours, and you saw something you didn’t often see. Insecurity. “My family, the media, myself,” 
Your lips pressed into a thin line. You could understand fear. She used Ty and the word “friendship” as a shield. You had just been an inadvertent casualty. 
That didn’t change overnight. It also didn’t make it ok, but it was nice to understand. 
“We would have gotten through it,” You said, your voice barely above a whisper. “Together,” 
You would have done anything for her. You still would. You were willing to die so she could be happy after all. 
“We’ll get through this too,” She squeezed your hand three times slowly. “I’ll do whatever I have to make it up to you,” 
“No more notes. We’re not in high school,” You cracked a small smile leaning back into the pillows. “Just text me instead,” 
“I can do that,” She agreed, squeezing your hand again, and you believed her. 
You knew physical contact was supposed to help with the symptoms of soulmate sickness, you just never really thought about how much it would help. 
You felt like you were walking on air. Like the weight in your chest had eased, even slightly. Even smiling didn’t take as much effort as it had for the last several weeks. 
Maybe that was why Freya had let you help the goalies practice (fucking finally), and even join in on the last few minutes of the scrimmage that ended practice. 
You just felt… good. (But you were loath to admit it was mostly because of the dream you shared with Lindsey). 
You expected that was what Freya wanted to talk to you about as practice came to a close. You hadn’t expected her to instead lay out a plan that put your physical and mental health at the forefront of the team. You hadn’t expected her to care. 
Shock followed you to the locker room, as you sat down heavily in front of your locker. 
“You good?” Tobin asked, settling beside you as you untied your cleats. It was so much easier now that you didn’t have to have the plastic splint under the gauze still wrapping your hand. 
“Hmm,” You hummed, pulling out your shin guards and sticking them inside your cleats. 
Tobin waited for you to continue, sharing a look with Christen and raising her eyebrow when you did not. 
“What was that about?” Christen prompted gently. 
You blew out a breath, “Freya is excusing me from the game. I have to be in Portland but I don’t have to go to the stadium,” 
Christen settled down on your other side. “And how do you feel about that?” 
You shrugged. “I’m not cleared to play, so I’m not surprised,” 
You could feel them watching you, but you stared at your cleats. 
“That doesn’t answer the question kid,” Tobin pressed, her hand leaning heavily on your shoulder, her thumb barely brushing the little scar that had replaced part of the black line that used to extend up your neck. “How do you feel?”
“It’s not good to bottle it all up,” Christen added gently. 
Your good hand clenched on your thigh. You didn’t want to talk about how you felt. It would make you think about Lindsey and how irritating it was that her just touching you in a dream was enough to have the dark marks retreating. It was irritating that she was texting you now like things were normal. 
“I don’t bottle,” You grit out. 
“You do though,” Tobin said, squeezing your shoulder. 
“You hide all your feelings away to not distract us, or to protect us and it gets so bad that you finally explode,” Christen added, much more softly, carefully uncurling your fingers from your leg and pressing your hand flat. “Look where it’s gotten you,” 
“This wasn’t from bottling,” You muttered, finally dragging your eyes up to meet theirs. “I just wanted everything to stop,” 
“And punching a mirror and a wall over and over again helped with that?” Tobin quirked an eyebrow up at you. 
You swallowed hard and looked away. “Sometimes physical pain is better, more tangible than what’s going on in my head. But this is different,” 
“You don’t know what you want to do?” Tobin asked. 
You shook your head once, biting your lip. “No,” 
“You’ll probably get to hang out in one of the boxes if you go,” Christen reasoned, weaving your fingers together, her other hand rubbing smooth circles into your back. You leaned into the familiar comfort, biting the inside of your cheek. 
“Mark will probably have Lindsey on the field for the whole game,” You agreed, suddenly finding your socks interesting. “And she’s already texting me about coffee and stuff,” 
Christen and Tobin shared another long look behind your back. 
“How do you feel about that?” Christen asked you gently, and you wanted to roll your eyes at the repeated question. She was so much like Clarke in that way. 
You shrugged again. “It’s just weird,” 
“What? Being back in the friend zone? Or dancing the line between the two again?” Tobin snorted, and you sent her a sideways glance. 
“Her being nice to me,” you grumbled, pulling on your sweats and throwing your training gear into your bag. “I’m not sure if she’s being honest or not,” 
“And you’re not sure if you want to find out?” Christen finished your thought for you as if she was reading your mind, ignoring Tobin. 
You nodded. “It’s different in dreams, and I’m not ready to do it in real life yet,” 
Frankly, you were just happy that the paper notes had stopped.
But the rest was more… complicated. 
Everything in the dreams felt real. It felt right. You felt safe. But you knew you weren’t. 
You were just waiting for her to turn on you again. Or for her to suggest you go back to the way things were before. You didn’t want to be a dirty little secret again. 
So far, you had taken several small steps, each one talked out in detail with Clarke. 
You weren’t ready to see Lindsey in person. Or to be back in Portland. Your soul was still healing, but unlike your hands, the thick stitches you had used to pull yourself back together weren’t as healed. 
But you didn’t really have a choice in one. 
“Being back in Portland will be a lot,” Tobin said, and you blinked at the sheer understanding you heard there. 
“I know,” You muttered, running a hand through your hair. “I think being inside providence park will be too overwhelming,” 
“So you’re just going to hang out at the hotel?”  Christen asked, her eyebrows furrowed. 
Neither she nor Tobin liked the idea of you being alone. Not after everything that had happened. Especially when you would be in a city that meant so much to the two of you. 
Your shoulder lifted and fell for a third time. “Yeah, probably,” 
Bailey would most likely set up a PT appointment for you or something, and then you would take notes on the game. You would avoid windows and reminders of where you were, and you would take solace in the genericness of the hotel. You would pretend you were in some other City somewhere.
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I’m not going to mention it to Lindsey yet…”
A part of you didn’t want to give her a chance to talk you into it, and a part of you wanted to throw her slightly off-kilter to see how she would respond. To see if she would reject you.
Christen and Tobin shared another look.
“Whatever you want to do kid,” Tobin agreed, though you could tell she wasn’t entirely sold on your plan, and Christen squeezed your hand. 
You needed to take little steps. And that’s exactly what you would do. 
Your nose scrunched as you came into consciousness. 
You dragged your eyes open, immediately noting the clay-colored rocks across from you, and that you were leaning against a boulder the size of a car. You glanced around, seeing the tips of mountains beyond the slight narrowing of the trail, and you assumed a lookout lay beyond the gorge you had woken up in. 
You let out a long sigh, pressing back into the smooth stone. It wasn’t warm, despite the sun on your face, and you wondered if that was a product of the fan on the airplane blowing on your face. You wondered if it was enough to create the artificial breeze dancing through your hair and across your cheeks. 
It was strange that you and Lindsey always met in dreams while you were flying. 
You took another deep breath, before pushing yourself to your feet. 
Your eyebrows furrowed as hiking boots you didn’t own crunched against the trail, and your hand trailed against smooth, cool stones uninhibited by the bandage that had been a mainstay in your wardrobe since the incident nearly 6 weeks ago. 
This had to be Lindsey’s dream. 
You shook your head and slowly made your way through the crevice. You had to turn sideways to make it through the almost too-small crack in the rock to get to the open space just beyond. 
The sight that met you was enough to take your breath away. 
The gorge opened into a small clearing that ended in a cliff. 
Mountains stretched out past the little cliff’s edge, nearly disappearing in the too-blue sky. You could see the ocean just beyond the farthest mountain peak, and if you squinted, you were sure you could spot a boat. 
And there, seated on the edge of the cliff was Lindsey. She was the most beautiful sight of all. 
Blind hair blowing slightly in the wind, her small tank top showing off her strong arms. 
It was painful how gorgeous she was. 
But Clarke said it was good to let yourself feel those feelings. That it was good for you to recognize and acknowledge your attraction to her, even if it made you feel conflicted. 
You shook your head, and very slowly made your way towards her. 
“So this is what you’re always talking about huh?” You asked, settling down beside her, your legs hanging over the edge. 
You felt her shift next to you, but you didn’t turn away from the view. 
“Makes it worth it, right?” She countered, and you could hear the roughness in her voice, but you could also feel her smirk. 
You hated hiking and refused to go on almost all of her outings (the sunrise hike in Hawaii didn’t count, especially with the kiss you had received in the early morning sun), but she always told you that the effort was with it because of the view you got to see. You still weren’t convinced. 
Just like you weren’t convinced that all the work with Lindsey would turn out in the end. But Tobin has once felt the same way about Christen, and they turned out ok. 
You shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’d have to know how many miles away the car is first,”
 “I think it was like 4 and a half miles?” She scratched the back of her neck, and you felt her eyes on your face. 
“Hmm,” You hummed, cracking a smile. “Way too many for me,” 
“You run like 8 in a game and more during practice,” Lindsey chuckled, nudging your shoulder gently. 
“But that’s different,” You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help but chuckle with her. “It’s a goal-directed activity,” 
She raised an eyebrow at you, her dimples showing, but she didn’t argue with you. 
She scooted closer to you and in another world you would have laid your head on her shoulder, but you didn’t. You couldn’t allow yourself to get too comfortable. 
“Are you on the flight?” Lindsey asked you, breaking the short silence that settled between you. 
“Yeah,” You nodded, your eyebrows furrowing. You knew that the flight was early, but you hadn't expected her to be asleep. Not when Mark was obsessed with morning practices. “Doesn’t your practice start soon?” 
“I have no clue,” She muttered, rubbing the back of her neck again. “But we can grab coffee after it ends? Your flight should get to Portland and you should have time to get unpacked and stuff,” 
“You probably want to go to Dutch Bros,” You said teasingly. 
“No,” She said instantly, smirking. “Grounded NW has grown on me,” 
Your eyes widened at the name of your favorite coffee shop near the stadium. “You said you hated them,” 
“It’s grown on me,” She shrugged, and you swore you saw a small blush crawling up her cheeks. “And it reminds me of you,”
You felt heat bleed into your cheeks. “You said you didn’t like their oat milk,”
“No. I didn’t like the barista flirting with you,” Lindsey explained, catching your hand. “Tyler doesn’t work there anymore,” 
You frowned. You remembered the tall boy and his twitchy nature. You remembered his asking too many questions as he took your order. You didn’t remember flirting though… then again you had been with Lindsey. You rarely paid attention to other things when she was with you. 
The last time you had been there, he wanted to know all about your upcoming game. Lindsey hadn’t liked that. She practically dragged you out of the small shop after he got a little too close when he passed you your drink. 
“You were jealous?” You asked. 
She bit her lip. “Of course I was jealous. People hit on you all the time, and you weren’t mine.” 
“That wasn’t my fault,” You countered immediately, but she was already nodding. 
“No, it was mine,” Lindsey agreed. “But that didn’t make it easier,” 
It was nice to know that she shared the feelings you did. That she had wanted you. 
At least it made sense why she hated your favorite coffee shop now. 
“Is that why you ordered the most complicated drink I’ve ever heard?” You asked, your eyebrows furrowing.
It was strange how she always ordered some crazy iced coffee thing when you went there with her instead of her normal oat milk late. 
“Yeah,” She said sheepishly, the red in her cheeks traveling up towards her ears. “It was Emily’s idea really, but it kept him busy any time we went there,” 
You snorted. “I thought that was why he was always glaring at you,” 
“You get stuck in your head,” Lindsey shrugged again. 
You shrugged too, settling into silence. It was a true statement after all. You spent a good portion of your life trapped in your head, oblivious to the world around you. 
“So coffee after practice?” She asked suddenly.  
You nodded, looking away. You wouldn’t outright lie, but you wouldn’t be completely honest either. 
“Cool,” She smiled widely at you, and you noticed the edges of the cliff turning slightly blurry.  “See you in Portland,” 
“Yeah,” You said as she faded before you and the dream came to a close.
Lindsey was very confused.
She thought that you were making progress. The two of you were cordial in dreams, and it felt like it used to feel when she was with you. You were willingly texting with her. You weren’t avoiding her anymore. 
It was easy to be with you. And the two of you were working your way towards being friends again. 
At least she thought that. 
But now she wasn’t sure. Not with you not even being on the roster for practice, much less the game. 
“Freya excused her,” Tobin shrugged, trying to push past Lindsey towards the field. 
It was like a pin popping the balloon in her chest. The little pocket of happiness she had been operating in was gone in an instant. 
You had just seen her. Why didn’t you tell her? Why did you agree to coffee if you never intended on going? 
Lindsey caught her arm. “But she’s ok? She’s not hurt?”
“Yeah,” Tobin said dismissively, trying to pull her arm out of Lindsey’s grip. “She’s not cleared for the game and is bored of being the goalie’s kicker,” 
Lindsey’s eyebrows furrowed. Players who couldn’t play usually didn’t travel with the team. “But she said she was on the plane?” 
“She’s doing PT at the hotel,” Christen cut in, appearing behind Tobin’s shoulder. Lindsey noted the sudden stiffness in the midfielder turned forwards form and the worry in Christen’s eyes. 
And suddenly Lindsey understood. They didn’t want to leave you alone. They didn’t trust that you wouldn’t do something stupid. 
“Maybe we should get out of the tunnel,” Christen said, gesturing toward the now-empty LA locker room. Lindsey nodded and allowed them to guide her into the room and towards the bench. 
She dutifully sat down and began wringing her hands together. “She didn’t want to see me, right?”
She couldn’t help the hurt that colored her tone. She didn’t expect you to outright lie to her. 
“Not exactly,” Christen said as the door closed behind them. 
“She isn’t cleared to play,” Tobin explained, settling down beside her.  “Even if the dreams are helping the marks on her chest,” 
“I didn’t know she wasn’t cleared. She didn’t tell me it was that bad,” Lindsey grumbled, looking away from the pair, and the eyes starting to watch them now that they were blocking the door to the locker room. 
Christen’s hand was gentle against her shoulder, and her words were even softer. “Lindsey, when has she ever?”
The midfielder blew out a long breath. 
Christen was right. You were more apt to suffer in silence than burden one of them. But you told her that you were in pain. You showed her and she still ignored it. She ignored every warning sign and stomped over you like you didn’t matter. 
And suddenly, the strange ending to your shared dream made sense. As did the way you talked around going to coffee with her in your texts. 
You were trying to protect yourself from getting hurt by her recklessness again.
She swallowed hard, looking away from Christen. “But the mark on her chest has been better?”
She needed to know that she was at least helping in some way to repair the damage she had caused. 
“It’s fading slowly,” Tobin said, leaning a warm, grounding hand on her back. “She's irritated because the med staff won’t clear her until the stitches come out,”
“And Clarke won’t clear her until she talks about her emotions,” Christen added, her voice even. 
“So seeing me was too much?” Lindsey said, more pained than she intended, running a hand through her hair. “But we’ve been fine in the dreams,”
Christen settled beside her, and gently took her hand. “The two of you were ok in a dream before, and then she got hurt again,”
“Plus she literally plans out what to say to you in those dreams,” Tobin snorted, shaking her head. “It's most of what she and her therapist talk about,”
“So real life was too? What, real?” Lindsey muttered bitterly. 
Tobin sighed, squeezing her shoulder again.  “It brings up too many emotions and being here is already hard for her,”
“But we were finally interacting like we did before,” Lindsey ran another hand through her hair, dragging it down her face. “Things were finally back to the way they were before,”
Christen’s eyes tightened like she was choosing her next words carefully. “Have you considered that going back to the way things were before might be slightly overwhelming for her?”
Lindsey let the words sink in, but she didn’t understand them. 
“Why? All I did was ask her for coffee. It was a friendly date,”
She felt more than she saw Christen and Tobin share a long look. 
“You didn’t call it a date,” Christen said softly, and Lindsey felt her shoulders sink. “And the two of you were never just friends,”
Of course that was the crux of the issue. You told her it would be. 
You didn’t want to be a dirty secret. You wanted her to acknowledge what was between you, and not just in the dreams. 
But you weren’t more than friends. Yet. 
“We were friends who occasionally slept together,”  
The words felt clinical on her tongue. 
“Psh occasionally,” Tobin snorted, ignoring Christen’s glare. 
“A relationship is about more than sex Lindsey,” The striker said sharply, leaving no room for argument. “You two have been emotionally intimate for a very long time. You were intimate even before you started sleeping together,” 
“We weren’t,” Lindsey protested, but Tobin squeezed her shoulder, stopping her before she could deny you yet again. 
“You were,” The midfielder turned striker said softly, “The only reason I could move into the apartment in France was because you two had been sharing a bed for months,” 
Lindsey groaned. “We weren’t sleeping together yet though,” 
“No,” Christen agreed. “But emotionally, you were far closer than friends are. You were basically dating without a label. You went to restaurants and places alone just so you could spend time together. You held each other during sleep and cuddled every chance you got. You washed each other's hair, and You didn’t keep any secrets. The list goes on,” 
“It felt like your entire world was falling apart when she left, right?” Tobin added, watching as recognition flashed through her blue eyes. “That feeling doesn’t come from just being friends. Each time you deny that, you deny her,”
It felt like a knife in Lindsey’s chest, slowly deflating her. 
The two of you had done all of those things. You moved with and around each other like you were one person. Like you belonged. And when the elevator door shut on your face, she had never felt so much pain in her entire life. It was like cracks were rippling through her entire being. She didn’t know how to be without you. How to cope. 
And it solidified how much she did not know how to fix this. It was a minefield of hurt she didn’t know how to navigate. 
“I know that,” Lindsey muttered, running a frustrated hand through her hair.  “That’s not what I mean,”
“But that’s what Y/n hears. It’s what she’s always heard,” Christen said, her words heavy. A sense of finality in her tone. 
It made Lindsey’s chest ache because you had told her that too. She knew you felt dirty. Used. Dispensable to her, even if you weren’t. 
“I know,” She murmured, dragging her hand from her hair and down her face. “I just…-“
She paused, digging her palm into her eye, and Tobin and Christen waited for her to get her thought out. 
“How am I supposed to fix it if she won’t even come see me,”
The, in reality, was implied.
Christen sighed, reaching out to take Lindsey’s hand and carefully pull it from her face. The midfielder met her eyes with burning blue. “We know she hated the notes, but maybe a coffee delivery will be different,”
“And a “date of sorts,” Tobin added, her lips pulling into a half smile. “Facetime has a screen share feature so you can both watch the game,” 
Lindsey nodded seriously, her face morphing into the one it did when she was watching film. Focused and intent. You didn’t want to see her in person, but a Facetime date would mean that she technically wasn’t. 
“I can handle that,” Lindsey hummed, pushing herself to her feet, motivated now that she had a solid plan. 
“Hey Linds,” 
“Yeah?” She asked, pausing by the door and turning to look at them. 
“If you hurt her again, we won’t stop Kelley this time,” Christen said seriously.
“I know,” She nodded. “Sonnett said the same thing. I’m not going to hurt her,” 
It was decidedly strange being left alone. 
You had been surrounded by people since the incident, whether it was Tobin and Christen or your new teammates doing their best to be there for you (even if they had no clue what was going on). 
You understood it, and deeply appreciated their efforts to protect you (even from yourself), but as you sat on your hotel room bed, adamantly not looking out the window at the view, you realized how much you had missed solitude.
It was something you talked about with Clarke during the team's morning walk-through. 
It felt like the first time in a long time that you had space to just think. To process what it felt like to be back in a city that meant so very much to you. 
The hotel room was generic enough that you could pretend you were in a different place, even if that didn’t follow Clarke’s advice. Even if you weren’t sure you wanted to pretend anymore. 
You understood that avoiding Lindsey and Portland wouldn’t fix anything. 
But you were afraid. 
Lindsey had always made logic go out the window. She made you feel things in your chest and your stomach that made your brain want to believe her. It made you want to set aside all of the warning bells in your brain.
At least in the dreams, you knew that none of it was real. 
It didn’t matter if you trusted her in the dreams, because you knew you couldn’t when you opened your eyes. 
The only way for her to earn that trust back was through actions, but you weren’t ready for that. Even if you were… 
It didn’t change anything.
You blew out a long breath, settling back on the bed and flicking through the channels on the television to find the one showing the game. 
Freya’s only contingency for sitting out was that you watched how everyone performed. You could do that. You were planning on doing it anyway. 
You hummed as the LA Lineup flashed onto the screen, excited to see both Christen and Tobin starting and interested that they would have Charley up top with them. You wondered if Christen or her would take the 9 spot, or if they would swap out. 
It would be a tough task for any of the back line to take them on, and the midfield would be a major factor. 
You were also curious about what midfield Portland would put up to try and slow them down. Of course, Lindsey would be starting, or so you thought. Your easy smile flipped on itself when you saw that Lindsey was not in the starting 11. She wasn’t even on the roster. 
The commentators were steering clear of mentioning it beyond that you were out with an injury and Lindsey’s absence was excused for personal reasons.
You didn’t get a chance to ponder what the fuck personal reasons were before there was a soft knock at your door. 
You stared at the door for a long minute, flipping between the roster and it several times. 
It would be an entirely Lindsey thing to do to show up at your door, despite your efforts to avoid her. It was an entirely Lindsey thing to be stubborn enough not to give up, despite how much you wanted her to. 
You let out a long sigh and pushed yourself to your feet. You paused when you reached the door, your hand on the shiny handle, steeling yourself to come face-to-face with her. 
You cracked the door open, peeking out, expecting to see her standing there.
Except she wasn’t. 
All that was there was a to-go coffee cup with a sticky note attached to the front. 
“What the fuck?” You mumbled, pulling the door open wide enough so you could pick it up, before retreating into your room. 
You plucked the little orange note off the front, squinting at the loopy writing. 
I know you hated the notes, but I wanted to respect your space. 
FaceTime coffee date?
You couldn’t help but chuckle at it, both irritated and endeared at the same time. 
It was thoughtful and reminded you of a Lindsey you knew before the World Cup. 
You sat back on the bed, taking a hesitant sip of the drink she had gotten you and sticking the sticky beside you on the nightstand. 
It was your favorite drink. 
You weren’t sure why you expected anything less. 
You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and flipped to Lindsey's contact, pausing for just a second, stealing your resolve yet again before pressing it. 
It only rang twice before Lindsey’s face appeared on your screen. 
“Hey,” She smiled brilliantly at you, but you still saw the hint of nerves in her eyes. 
You smiled back, holding your cup up to the camera. “Hey, thanks for the coffee,” 
“Couldn’t have a coffee date without coffee.” She held hers up too, and you noticed the little Dutch bros logo that differed from the grounded NW that was stamped on your cup.  “I figured we could pull up a tandem stream and watch the game together,” 
You scratched the back of your neck, as the screen shifted to a wide shot of warmups. “Like a Skype?” 
“There’s a program,” Lindsey shrugged, and the camera shifted as she grabbed what you assumed was her computer. “I can send you a link,” 
You squinted at the phone, glancing back up at your television. There were still 20 minutes before the game. 
“How did you know what room I was in?” You asked, trying not to focus on how attractive the way Lindsey pulled her lip between her teeth was. How attractive the lines of her neck were. 
She looked up at you, her blue eyes burning through you even through the screen. 
“One of the equipment interns is a big fan,” She shrugged. “Cost me an autograph, but she was willing to help,” 
You couldn’t help the way your lips lifted as you shook your head. “Becca isn’t a fan, but her girlfriend Chloe is,” 
“Ah, I see,” Lindsey hummed, and it felt like old times again. It sent butterflies fluttering in your chest and dread pulsing through your stomach. “I found the link, I’ll send it to you,” 
It reminded you that you couldn’t trust her. That she would only hurt you because you were her secret. You just didn’t understand why she wanted to connect with you here. 
Why she was trying so hard when she would just reject you again anyway. 
“Why are you doing this?” You asked her suddenly. 
She blinked back towards you. “Doing what?”
“Pretending like you care,” You shrugged, picking at a loose thread on your shorts, looking away from your phone. “You don’t have to put in the effort because you feel guilty or whatever. I don’t blame you for this,” 
You held your still gauze-covered hand up so she could see it. 
She frowned, holding your gaze. “I’m not doing this because I feel guilty, and I’m not pretending,” 
“Then why?” 
“I…,” Red colored her cheeks and she swallowed her, but she didn’t look away from you like you expected her to. “I’ve had feelings for you for a very long time. You are my soulmate, and I have a lot of making up to do. I know that in-person stuff is probably overwhelming, so I thought this was a good compromise,” 
You stared at her like she had grown an extra head. 
She actually listened to what you told her and then thought about it. For the first time, she was taking your feelings into account, instead of barreling through them. 
It was so…weird. 
Of course, she had always been thoughtful, but never about your boundaries. She had always stubbornly edged her way past the very few that there were, and you let her because you wanted her to. 
And it was frustrating because you couldn’t read her emotions through the phone. You didn’t want to do whatever this was on a screen. 
“The stream will be a little grainy, but it’ll work,” she cleared her throat. “I just sent it to you,” 
You sighed but pulled out your laptop and opened the link she sent you. She was right, it was grainy, especially compared to the stream you had going on the television. 
“This is stupid,” You said as the stream glitched. “Where are you?” 
“Um, the conference room,” Lindsey muttered, scratching the back of her neck. “Why?”
You sucked your lip between your teeth, biting down bone too gently, hoping that the little sting would help you think. That it would help you focus. 
Were you ready to see her in person? Probably not, but when had you ever been ready for Lindsey? 
You were almost there. 
And a FaceTime, when no one knew, was too reminiscent of the way things had been. It felt too secretive. Too… hidden. 
“I'm coming down,” You said, deciding in an instant that if you were going to do this, you weren’t going to be her secret. If you were going to do this, if she was going to prove that things would be different, then she was going to have to do it in public where people could see you. “Watching soccer through a screen sucks when the stadium is only like 3 minutes away,” 
She froze, her mouth opening and closing a few times as you slipped off of the bed and pulled on a pair of slides (laces were still a bitch when you couldn’t move your dominant hand). 
It was cool enough out that you wouldn’t look out of place in your sweats, so you slid your room key and your wallet into your pocket before heading out the door. 
“You don’t have to,” She mumbled, running a hand through her hair as the door slammed behind you. “I don’t want you to feel pressured,” 
You glanced at the screen. “I don’t. I just…,” 
You let out a long breath, trying to figure out how to explain it to her. 
“This feels too much like when we watched the premier leagues finals together on FaceTime because Arod gave me a concussion when we played against Utah,” You said, using your back to push through the door that separated the hallway and the stairway. 
It was an unfortunate accident that kept you off the national team roster for the SheBelieves Cup, but that hadn’t stopped you and Lindsey from watching the Arsenal vs. Barça game. 
You had opened your apartment door to find soup waiting for you instead of coffee, and a little note that felt so similar. It was perfect, until Emily interrupted your date, and suddenly you were just Lindsey’s friend again. 
You swallowed, looking away from the phone as you descended down the steps. “I don’t want things to be like they were before,” 
Everyone was in agreement that you couldn’t go back to the way things were. It would kill you more than the soulmate sickness already was. 
You would be past the point of no return if you weren’t there already. 
She paused on the other end of the phone, a very serious look crossing her features. 
“I don’t either,” She said, her eyebrows furrowing the same way they did in the locker room when she figured out how to break through the other team's defense. “I know you hated the notes, but what I said in them was true. I choose you, and I’ll do whatever I need to prove it to you,”  
You sighed but didn’t argue back, pausing on the landing between the 2nd floor and the 1st. 
There was no point anyway. Now with Lindsey so… stubbornly determined. 
“Meet me in the lobby,” You breathed out, not giving her a chance to say anything before you hung up. 
Your heart beat erratically in your chest, and you gripped the railing, trying to calm the storm of butterflies and ice fighting in your stomach. 
You sucked in a deep breath through your nose, counting to four in your head before blowing it out for eight, repeating the cycle until the gray edges of your vision returned. 
A simple phrase shouldn’t set you so on edge. 
You shouldn’t care so much about meaningless words. 
You dropped your head, resting it against the cool wall of the stairwell. 
It was ok that you cared, you reminded yourself. You could hear Clarke’s words in your head. It was normal, natural to have feelings. 
You let out another long breath, debating on leaving Lindsey waiting for you in the lobby and running back up to your room. 
But you couldn’t. 
That would be cruel, and you should at least put up as much effort as Lindsey was. 
Nothing would be resolved if you didn’t, and you couldn’t live in limbo for forever, no matter how much your anxiety said you could. 
While seeing Lindsey in person was a terrifying prospect, it was a step you needed to take. Not for her, but for yourself. 
You didn’t need her to choose you, because you were choosing yourself. And you wouldn’t let fear rule you. 
You wouldn’t let resignation either. 
Tobin was right, you deserved to let yourself have 5 seconds of bravery. 
You stared out at the crowd at Providence park, spotted with red and roses and little flecks of pink from the fans who had followed you from LA. 
It was a sight you knew would never get old, even if it sent a little pang through your chest now. 
You remembered the last time you had sat in this box, it was so… different. 
Everything in your universe was falling apart, and you were convinced no one cared. It was the last game of the season, and all you could think about was escaping. Running away to a country where even Emily and Tobin couldn’t hunt you down. 
Now though, here you sat staring at the glinting of the fans in the stadium like it was the light at the end of a tunnel. 
You just hoped it wasn’t a train. 
“It’s kinda weird,” You mumbled, leaning forward and resting both of your elbows on the edge of the box. 
It made you feel almost nostalgic. 
“Hmm?” Lindsey hummed from two seats away from you, her eyes never leaving the field. 
She had been strangely…normal with you since you met her in the lobby. Her smile had been shy, and you did your best not to stare at the little sliver of skin above the low-hanging waist of her sweatpants. 
She held the door for you when you came in the back entrance of the stadium and made small talk all through the 3-minute walk. 
It set you at ease and that fucking terrified you. 
“The last time I was up here, Tobin scored a hatty and now everyone is booing her,” You said, your eyes following the winger as she slid a ball in to Christen, and your nose scrunching when Bixby barely made the save. 
Lindsey snorted, and shook her head, clearly remembering the game you were talking about. “That was a rough game for the Spirit. Rosie was pissed,” 
Your lips tilted up. 
Rosie had been so so spicy, especially during the second half of the game. With the frustration on her side, you couldn’t blame her. 
“Emily almost got a red card because she couldn’t stop her without fouling her,” 
Lindsey shook her head, mirroring your expression. “Rosie is a fucking pain in the ass to defend against,” 
Rosie was a magician on the ball, and even with the Thorns up by 4 in that game, she had been tearing the defense apart. 
“The worst,” You agreed, and a strange look crossed Lindsey’s face. 
“I don’t know if I’d go that far,” She picked at a string on her sweatpants, and your eyes zeroed in on the movement. “There were some definite sighs of relief when you weren’t on the roster,” 
It brought you back to where you were. To how… strained things between you and Lindsey were. 
To how it was all your fault. 
She said that she didn’t pity you, but you didn’t believe her. 
The only reason she was doing any of this was because she felt guilty. Your friends had turned against her, and the only way for them to forgive her was for her to try to fix it with you. 
And you were too pathetic to even give her a real chance. 
“I guess I’m a pain in the ass in a lot of ways, huh?”
Her head snapped at the self-deprecating comment, one that she knew stretched much deeper than your soccer-playing ability. 
She knew it wasn’t the perfect time to bring up heavy things, but she couldn’t let the moment pass. 
“You’re not,” Lindsey said vehemently, reaching across the empty seat between you to catch your non injured hand and tangle your fingers together. “I hurt you. You are allowed to process that however, you need to do that. I love you and I will do whatever I can to show you that and to earn my shot with you. I wasted my first one, but I will not waste the second one. I’m so sorry that I hurt you.” 
It was everything you ever wanted her to say. What you had dreamed about her saying for years. It made you feel tingly all over and you were sure that you were blushing. It helped to set you at ease and sent alarm bells ringing in your ears at the same time. 
You tore your eyes away from her, looking back out at the fans. 
Red banners fluttered around the crowd, mixing with the yellows and greens of the stadium like warning signs. 
Like the signs your subconscious had tried to show you the first time around. 
“Don’t,” You bit out, snatching your hand away, pushing yourself up from the stadium chair, and putting as much space between the two of you as you could in the cramped box. You ran your gauzed hand through your hair, ignoring the way it pulled uncomfortably at the strands. 
She paused, watching you with careful eyes like you were a wounded animal backed into a corner. 
“Don’t what?” She asked, keeping her voice level. 
The tone irritated you. 
It reminded you too much of Christen. 
You shook your head, climbing the steps of the box and stepping into the hallway. 
“Y/n wait,” Lindsey called after you. 
But you didn’t. You hung a left and headed off with no particular direction in mind, trusting your feet to take you to a spot you could breathe. 
“Y/n” she called again, her voice closer than it was, but you didn’t stop for her, hanging another right and a left down the maze of hallways. “Where are you going?” 
You didn’t answer. 
Her feet pounded the concrete floor as she raced to catch up with you, but you ignored it. 
You didn’t care if she followed you. 
“Y/n,” She caught your arm, pulling you to a stop and forcing you to look at her. “Don’t what?”
You looked up and met her burning blue eyes. “Don't say things you don’t mean because you think it’s what you’re supposed to do. You might not pity me, but you’re only trying to fix this because you feel guilty or whatever. You’re only saying you love me because you know what will happen if you don’t. I just,” 
You tore your eyes away, stepping as far from her as the small hallway would allow, your back landing heavily against the army-green wall. “I would rather let the hole in my chest kill me than have you pretending to feel things you don’t,” 
She stepped into your space, and you molded yourself against the cool brick. 
“I’m not pretending,” She said, leaning close to you, her eyes boring into yours with fire and passion, and honesty. “I love you Y/n. Not because Kelley sent me a photo or because the team hates me. I’ve been in love with you since we were 18. I was just too much of a coward to admit it. I have fucked this up so badly, I know, but how do I get it through your thick skull that there has never been a moment where I didn’t love you,” 
You swallowed hard, glancing over her shoulder towards the random staff lingering. 
She followed your gaze before all of her attention was back on you. “And this time, I don’t care who knows. You’re my soulmate,” 
And there it was, the moment you had been waiting for since you opened your eyes to see her childhood playground so many months ago. 
“I love you too,” 
The words fell shakily from your lips. A shuttering promise, filled with devotion and heaviness. 
An unspoken Always passed between you. 
“I know,” She nodded once, stepping back from your personal space, and straightening her Office t-shirt. Though she didn’t drop your hand. “Do you wanna watch the rest of the game?”
You swallowed again. “Yeah,” 
Her smile turned shy as she began to lead you back toward the box to watch the rest of the game. “And maybe we can do a movie night or something after?” 
You squeezed her hand in three slow pulses, hoping to slow your racing heart. “Maybe,” 
You didn’t necessarily trust her, but you also weren’t ready for the night to end yet. 
It was a dangerous idea, but the ache in your chest made you hesitant to leave Lindsey. Hesitant to deny her. 
You wouldn’t have to decide until the end of the game anyway. 
As it turned out, making the decision to go with Lindsey back to the hotel after the game was… easier than you’d like to admit. 
Just being with her made the lingering throb in your chest ease. It neutralized the burning acid in your stomach and slowly started to thaw the ice in your veins.
The feeling was addictive and so much stronger than the ones you got from the dreams. 
It terrified you, but you were unwilling to stop yet. 
It was like she was a campfire. You needed to be close to her warmth, but you knew too much exposure would leave you smelling like smoke. That getting too close would burn you. 
It was why you had been so hesitant to see her in person. 
You knew you wouldn’t be able to deny her. 
You had never been able to deny her. 
But being with her this time felt distinctly different. 
She held your hand throughout the rest of the game, and on the walk back to the hotel. She hadn’t let go until you used the little key card to scan into your room. 
She had taken the double bed that you hadn’t used as you cued up an old USMNT game, kicking her shoes off and settling against the pillows. 
It just felt… odd to have so much space between the two of you, even if you were slightly grateful for it. And while you appreciated Lindsey trying to respect a boundary she was unsure of, it felt… forced. 
You looked away from the screen, and towards Lindsey, your hands opening and closing several times trying to figure out where you were supposed to sit. 
You had 2 options. 
You could either sit beside her on the extra bed, or across from her on the one you had already used. 
While sitting on your bed would give you the solace of not having to fight your instincts, just the idea of sitting with her was making the hole in your chest crackle with the possibility of relief. It was like holding water out to a person trapped in the desert. Like a life raft floating inches from a drowning man. 
She made eye contact with you, gently patting the space beside her, seemingly seeing your struggle. “I won’t bite. I won’t even cuddle you if you don’t want me to. We’re doing this at your pace,” 
You slowly stepped towards her, settling next to her on the bed. You slowly leaned back on the pillows, dangerously close to her arm.
She kept her word and didn’t move a muscle, even as you wiggled beside her trying to get comfortable. 
You sighed, closing your eyes as Alexie Lala’s voice droned on about things you didn’t care about, trying not to think about how warm Lindsey was. 
You took three deep breaths, making your choice. You were going to have to be the one to make the first move. 
You pushed your doubt from your mind and slowly moved your hand towards the best radiating from Lindsey. Your fingers gently descended her arm until you met her hand, and you wound your fingers together. 
Lindsey welcomed the touch, and you shouldn’t have been surprised since you had been holding hands all night, but you were. 
It should have scared you how perfectly the two of you fit together, but it didn’t. 
You had always fit together perfectly. Maybe that was why you were soulmates. 
She squeezed your fingers and shifted so her shoulder could be a more comfortable pillow for your head. 
“Comfy?” She asked when you wiggled again, pressing more tightly against her as you got cozy. 
You hummed, opening your eyes to look at the game on the screen. 
She brought your intertwined hands up and kissed the back of yours. “Good,” 
You both settled into a comfortable silence as the men’s team took the field. 
It reminded you of the thousands of nights the two of you had spent together before, but it didn’t fill you with a sense of dread that it had not too long ago. It didn’t make you feel dirty. 
It was impossible for it to when Lindsey’s warmth was leaching into your skin, melting the edges of the ice that encased your chest. 
The fingers of her free hand gently traced up and down your forearm, barely brushing the gray line on the inside of your elbow every few laps. 
You wondered if she knew that the simple contact sent singles up your arm. Or if she knew that physical touch was the only way to cure the effects of soulmate sickness. 
“Do they hurt?” She asked you as Jamaica cleared the ball and the men’s team stepped up to take a throw-in. 
You blinked, once, twice processing the gentle question. 
“Those don’t anymore. They’re healed,” You said slowly as her finger traced the gray line up past your elbow. “The doc says that the lines will never completely go away through,” 
It got a bit darker as it ascended your arm, but it was nothing compared to the bubbling black it had been. The lines would fade a bit more until they were little more than raised silver skin like any other scar, it would just take time. 
“The others?” Lindsey’s voice was barely above a whisper, as she traced slightly higher up your arm, towards your shoulder. 
You shook your head. “Not as bad as it used to be. The meds help, and…,” You swallowed hard. “And not seeing him with you helps too,”
You felt Lindsey nod, and it went quiet again for another long second. 
“Can I see it?” 
Her voice stayed soft and hesitant, and you fought to keep yourself from going rigid. 
It was a hard thing to explain, that letting people see the still deep purple mark on your chest. That letting Lindsey see it was more intimate than almost anything the two of you had ever done. 
Doing it in dreams was so different than letting her see it in real life. 
And you weren’t really sure how you felt about that. 
You also weren’t sure how you felt about being alone with Lindsey in just a sports bra and shorts. 
“You’ve already seen it,” You mumbled stiffly. 
“I know,” Lindsey agreed, taking a long pause like she was choosing her words carefully. “I just… Can I see it for real?”
You let out a long breath through your nose because you understood the need to see it in real life. 
You didn’t trust the dreams either, but did you trust Lindsey enough to let her see?
You wondered what Clarke would say. What her advice would be? 
It would probably be some shit about following your feelings.
You let out another long breath. 
“Ok,” You whispered, your voice sounding more unsure than you wanted to show. 
“Ok,” Lindsey repeated, squeezing your hand once, before letting go. 
It was a long second before you sat up, carefully scooting away from her and turning so you were facing her. She pulled her feet up so she was sitting criss cross and shuffled forward so your knees were touching. 
Your eyes met hers. The blue in them seemed to smolder as they stared into yours, and for the first time in a very long time, nerves bubbled in your stomach. 
You carefully pulled your shirt over your head, revealing the dark bruise that still sat right above your heart, and the receding spider web of veins that sprouted out from it. 
Lindsey’s eyes remained locked with yours until you nodded once, giving her consent to look. It was only then that they trailed down your face, and towards the network of gray and purple that dotted the skin of your neck, deepening as it approached the space right above your heart. 
Her lip disappeared between her teeth as she finally landed on the epicenter of your pain. 
“Can I?” She asked, lifting her hand, but not touching you. 
You swallowed the lump in your throat, but nodded once again, having already expected the request. 
She nodded again, and very slowly extended her arm. 
Her hand was warm as it landed on your shoulder, very gently touching the graying lines near your neck. Even the gentle press had a shudder running down your spine and goosebumps appearing up and down your arms. 
“Good?” Lindsey asked, her eyes darting back up to yours. 
You nodded stiffly. “Good,” 
She hummed, dragging her hand down the graying line towards the black mark above your heart. 
She flattened her palm against it, and it was like a lantern in the dark. Like an instant balm for the ever-present sting that accompanied each heartbeat. 
You were sure she could feel how fast it was beating, like a runaway freight train threatening to explode out of your chest. 
You shivered at the feeling, so much more potent than it was in the dreams. 
It tingled and burned and filled you with a sense that everything was going to be ok (even if the rational part of your brain knew everything was so far from it), but it was different because this time, it was real. 
“What does it feel like?” 
“Hm?” You blinked up at her, realizing that your faces were merely inches apart. 
Her eyes lifted from the little lines slowly receding on your chest to meet yours again. “I feel the warmth in my hand, but what does it feel like for you?” 
“It’s hard to explain,” You said, squinting, your tongue poking from between your teeth. “It’s like a lantern lighting a dark abyss. Like a warm cup of tea after a freezing rain game,” 
She nodded once, looking away from you and back towards the web of black on your chest. “I’m sorry I did this,” 
“I know,” You smiled gently at her. “I forgive you,” 
The truth was that you had forgiven her long ago, even if you didn’t trust her. 
Her head bobbed in time with her throat. “I just felt like I needed to say it again. I was just so in my head that I wasn’t letting myself feel,” 
Your lips turned down, and your eyebrows furrowed. “And what do you feel?”
Her eyes flicked up to meet yours, shy and hesitant. “I feel like I want to kiss you,” 
You tilted your chin so your lips were centimeters apart. “What’s stopping you?” 
She sighed softly. “We’re doing this at your pace, and I don’t want to push you. You should be able to forgive me in your own time, without outside pressure from me,” 
You felt more warmth bloom in your chest, spreading from the point the two of you were touching, all the way up to your ears. 
It filled you with fondness and… love. It made you feel like she cared, and you wanted so badly to believe that she did. 
And maybe this time you did believe her. 
Trust would take time to earn, and for the first time in a very long time, you were willing to give her the chance to earn it. 
This time you had the power to change the ending. 
“Kiss me,” You murmured.
She leaned in the rest of the way, and your eyes slid closed as her lips pressed very gently into yours. 
It was different than the kisses you had shared before, more reminiscent of the ones between you in France before the world of expectations and responsibilities had been placed on your shoulders. 
It was softer, more hesitant, but passionate nonetheless. 
You saw fireworks behind your eyelids and all your nerves stood on end. Your lips fit perfectly together, moving in a dance that only they knew. 
It was everything you had ever wanted and more, and it was everything you wanted for the rest of your life. 
Things weren’t perfect between the two of you. You both had scars and pain and things that you needed to solve with each other, but you knew that they would heal. Together you would be able to move past your past and make your future solid. Together you would figure it out. You would make it, together, interwoven for all eternity. 
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Monster Bride Part 6 Kokushibo
Warnings:  Kokushibo is in pretty rough shape with bad wounds and some blood loss, mentioned blood, Kokushibo murders a rival later, mentioned killing/attempted murder, Y/n gets kidnapped for a forced marriage, Y/n gets cut when someone tries to attack Kokushibo, Kokushibo breaks someone's hand, etc.
Just a reminder Kokushibo is a Omukade Yokai centaur creature and looks a lot like the links below.
Hantengu Bros are next.)
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Quietly you stepped closer as and closer and CLOSER to the bush silently. Slowly behind the henhouse you went and stopped right in front of the bush. The wind blew swaying it's branches creepily and looked like thrashing arms. You grabbed a handful and silently and slowly pulled them back.
And you froze at what you saw-
The winds howled as the darkness crept across the skies. The darkness behind the bush shielded your form from the moonlight which cascaded down between the trees and clouds in the sky. The shadows danced and branches creaked as the wind blew them about. Like arms beckoning you closer to grab you away in their rough grip. Drag you into the shadows never to be seen again. You cracked an opening in the branches and looked out. The darkened sky looked out over the entire area. Tree branches swayed and night fell upon the ground. However you froze as your eyes met a sickening sight.
R E D.
The coldness of the air bit down hard on your skin, like painful bee stings pricking your skin. The terror far greater than seeing a thousand wolves sunk in. A hand flew to cover your mouth as a foul urge to vomit rose and a sickening copper smell filtered through the air. 
That was the color painted everywhere on the ground displayed before you. And there...lying face down slumped over was a man's body. A canvas for the color. Your eyes shrank in terror and your ears gained a ringing sound all on their own drowning out any noise. 
In your backyard and lying right in front of your face. How-...Where did it come from?! Who was this!? Where did it come from?! You wretched yourself away from the bush in shock and leaned over slightly. The urge to vomit riding as you did everything you could to keep it down. The bush branches snapping back into place hiding the sight from you. Automatically you gave a few coughs and gulped down air in an attempt to calm yourself head spinning. There was a dead man on your property! Oh gods! What if someone thought you were responsible for this!? You could be tried for murders-
How did you know he was actually dead?
That one thought made you freeze in your tracks instantly. That's right...How did you know for certain that he was dead? You just merely saw him covered in blood with a gash on his back. Your head turned back to the bush. He...he could've been hurt and tried reaching your house for help. What if he was laying there suffering?! That thought perked you back up into going back to the bush and cautiously reaching out to slightly pull the branches again. The body was still there unmoving. It...sure LOOKED dead but you couldn't tell in the dark. If he was still alive..you had to help him. You couldn't just leave someone to bleed out. The unmoving form still remained unmoving even as you noisily pushed through the bush and stood right next to the head....It was definitely a man. You could tell by how Large the body was and how muscular the exposed skin was. In the limited moonlight you were able to make out long hair and bangs that mostly covered his face and he laid in a position that suggested that he'd collapsed by himself.  But the question still remained...Was he still alive?
You hesitated again ...but slowly you reached over to the face laying on its side and touched the long bangs covering his eyes. It was .. surprisingly soft and silky to the touch and you slowly pulled it away from the face to examine it. The right side of a man's face greeted you.  You nearly jumped back at what you saw. His right eye was closed obviously either unconscious or dead, and read streaks ran down his face in water dripping patterns from a cut on his forehead. However...that wasn't the strangest bit. There was an odd flame looking birthmark on his neck and part of his right cheek. Odd. You'd never seen a birthmark like that before. However you didn't pay it much mind. Your hand instead went to almost touch his lips and flinched back feeling a weak warm breath blow across your fingertips. You reeled back in shock, hand to your chest, and jumping 
Hands grabbed his right shoulder and HEAVED. Barely moving an inch, but slowly the body turned, and with a thud whoever he was collapsed onto his back. A shocked gasp escaped from your throat upon purple eyes seeing his front body. Oh gods...So much blood. His body was practically DRENCHED in the red color! And you found out why. Mr. Unknown had the front of his shirt ripped to pieces to where it was barely hanging on over his shoulders. A large gash across his front from his left shoulder and ending just above his right hip was exposed to you. Definitely bigger than the gash along his back. And there was a third smaller gash along his right collar bone ending near his bicep. There was so much blood..How was he even still alive!? You also saw he had more of those flame like birthmarks on the upper left corner of his face. How odd. You reached out to touch it- But froze as a strong hand snatched you hand.
A pair of eyes opened up and gazed up at the blurry figure above him. Not making any sense of the blurry, spinning vision. Until the eyes rolled up into the back of his head and the last thing he saw was a glimpse of purple.
Everything was warm once feeling returned to his body. Which was odd. He was lying on the cold hard ground last he remembered. Logic was of course the first thing to return to him. His thinking was always faster than his reflexes. Then the feeling of his body settled in. Warmth...but incredible aching, throbbing soreness. It throbbed and panged his body. Hmm..So he wasn't dead after all. It was too painful to be heaven and not painful enough to be hell, and too annoying to be purgatory. So he was Still alive but had passed out for a short while. An acceptable fate. Now...where was he?
Eyes slowly opened themselves up to the world blinking rapidly at the light and his vision blurred until he could see...A one roomed house? It was mostly empty. A coffee table square in the middle, a picture frame or two holding a painting of someone on the walls, a basket in the corner, a shelf full of dishes and other small items, a fireplace with a fire currently going, and a few other bland things. Nothing that really stood out as anything important to him. But who lived here? Why was he inside? How did he get here? And who touched him? 
His question was answered when the door opened and the figure of a woman in a blue kimono walked in. The smell of wood drew his attention to the logs she was carrying. Silently he watched as she slid the sliding door back closed with a foot before continuing on to the fireplace and proceeding to feed the fire the wood. He laid there silently staring at her legs as she worked, feeling too weak to look up just yet and not wanting to give himself away just yet. The sounds of a metal poker scraping against the fire appeared for a little while before it too went away and the legs turned to face him. They didn't move again for a long moment before he felt a hand touch his blanketed shoulder- Faster than either expected his left hand shot up to tightly grip a much smaller wrist and squeezed down just enough to get the other body to freeze.
"Who are you and where am I?"
His eyes turned upwards slowly tilting his head...and he gave pause at the shocked face staring at him. The soft features looking as if sculpted by an angel. Soft, warm, and very beautiful. Definitely a woman. You stared at him in shock at how fast the man moved despite the fact that he was still extremely hurt and had blood loss. Whoever he was, he was extremely trained if he could react this fast. You jumped as he lightly squeezed your wrist. It didn't hurt, not at all, but you couldn't move. This man was obviously serious. So taking a breath..you exhaled slowly to calm yourself.
"Calm yourself," you spoke holding up your free hand despite his face already being an odd calm, "Relax back. You might reopen your wounds-"
"Answer me."
"My name is Y/n. Y/n Tamayo. This is my home. I found you unconscious outside last night and brought you in here."
You heard him him eyes looking you up and down.. before he slowly let go of your wrist and lowered his arm back down but paused when he saw the white wrapped around his palm and held his hand out to look at the bandages wrapped around it. Before his eyes slowly looked down at his now uncovered torso and saw even more bandages snuggly wrapped around his entire upper body, over his right shoulder, and part of his upper right arm. A hand reached up to feel his head and again found more bandages wrapped around his forehead. The throbbing soreness he's been feeling eminated from most of the bandaged spots. And a deep inhale made him aware of some kind of ointment or herbal treatment under them. 
"...You have treated my wounds."
You nodded finally smiling at him. "I did. My mother's a doctor so I know a few medical treatments."
"My sword. Where is it?"
"It's by the table. You were passed out so I didn't know what to do with it otherwise." He looked back to you. "Your shirt was also ruined but I managed to save your other clothes. They're washed and drying outside so you should be able to get them back soon."
"I see ..Again he looked back to his body. "What of the state of my injuries?"
"You have a few large gashes across your back, chest, and shoulder here," you gestured to his torso. "But they're not deep at all and should heal rather quickly. You have a few cuts also but they're even smaller and should heal faster." You then frowned. "However I am worried about how much blood you managed to lose. There was so much. I honestly thought you were dead when I first saw you."
"I'll live," he said simply before sighing through his nose. "Is there anyone else that lives here?"
You shook your head. "No. Just me-"
"Where does that door there lead?" He pointed out the Smaller sliding door near the shelf.
"Oh. That leads into my bathroom." You blinked before looking at him. "My house isn't that-"
You blinked at the man who was sitting up. ...The man was .. sitting up. The man was sitting up despite his blood loss- He sighed through his nose before pulling the blanket to drap around his shoulders and slowly struggled to stand up. Your jaw dropped in disbelief as he was able to stand up and turned keeping the blanket draped over himself. Eventually you shook you head and snapped after him.
"Hey! W-Wait a minute!" He stopped when you grabbed the blanket around him and tugged back. "Where do you think you're going?!"
"To bathe." He turned his head back to you. "Please bring me my clothes." He then tugged the blanket out of your hands and continued on his way. Grabbing a towel from the shelf and entering your bathroom.
You stood there stunned for a very long time opening and closing your mouth like a fish before you looked at the empty futon and then back to the door as the faint sounds of running water started up. ....HOW WAS HE ABLE TO STAND AND WALK RIGHT NOW?! HE SHOUDN'T EVEN BE ABLE TO SIT UP!! But there he was. You were absolutely stunned to say the least, but did as he asked and got the clothes you cleaned from the line. You ended up just quickly shoving them inside closing your eyes and slamming the door back shut to give him respect of privacy. He still took his sweet time however and the next time he opened the door he was fully clothed minus a shirt. Steam escaped from the room behind him as he approached your sitting form at the table but he didn't even acknowledge you. Just reaching out to grab the sword off the table. He stood there examining the sheath of the blade with a calm face... before he paused. His eyes went wide as his arm flew to clutch his stomach as a wave of pain and dizzing nausea came over him. He stumbled two steps to the right before something grabbed onto him barely able to lift him up.
"I TOLD you! You're body's too weak to stand yet. C'mon. Come lay back down." You some how managed to hold up his heavy body just enough to make it back to the futon and help him sit down but he refused to lay down no matter how hard you pushed him to lay back so you gave up and just looked at him breathing heavily. "There. Now don't try that again. You need to recover."
His hair was down now completely cascading down his back and slightly wet covering most of his back but he still turned to you peeking through his hair. "It seems...so. I must take some time to recover."
"I also need you to remove your coat." He raised a brow at you. "To replace the bandages you removed. It'd be better if I treated them properly."
He remained silent but placed the sword on his lap and reached up to silently remove his black and purple checkered coat. You blinked but quickly looked away with red rising to your cheeks. Right! You'd better get those bandages. You were surprised at how silent and calm he was. Not once did he flinch or make a hurt face when you retreated his injuries. Only silently raising his arms and moving his hair when you wrapped new clean bandages around his torso red faced. He was...very physically fit. When you were finished he just silently pulled the coat back over his shoulders.
"You should be fine now but you should rest." He hummed in response. ".... What's your name?"
"Why do you need to know?"
You rose a brow. "Well considering I found a stranger bleeding near my home and treated him without asking for payment in return I think a name would be the least you could give me."
"I owe nothing."
"Maybe not but it would be polite. I can't keep calling you Mr. Stranger."
There was silence again before he said one word. "Kokushibo."
You blinked before smiling. "Well it's nice to meet you, Mr. Kokushibo. Would you tell me what you were doing outside my home?''
He hummed again cracking an eye open at you. "Nosey aren't you?"
"Concerned is more like it. You'd be too if you found a bloodied man outside your home." You then glanced at the sword on his lap. It was a long katana most likely. "...Are you a samurai?"
A large hand clasped around the sword in an instant. ".... I am a warrior." He settled on saying carefully after studying your face for a long moment.  "I was engaged in battle before coming here."
Your brow rose. "Combat in the middle of the woods?"
"I prefer traveling without trouble following. The forest provides a peaceful cover. However I miscalculated an ambush. I will not make the same mistake."
Who attacked him? Other samurai? You've seen these men a few times while in town but never spoke to one until now. "....But do I have to worry about trouble coming here?"
"...No. I have already assured that I wouldn't be dealing with them again."
You decided not to delve further into that. Wasn't your business anyways. At least you didn't have to worry about trouble showing up on your doorstep. You slowly closed the box containing your medical kit. "I'll have to buy some more supplies in town. ...Are you hungry? A full stomach would help you feel better."
He hummed again. " You're cooking beef stew in the fireplace." He nodded. "I will take it."
"And water." He again looked at you. "You lost a lot of blood. You need fluids and get rehydrated fast or else something bad might happen." You stood up and turned away from him. "I'd rather not have my guest collapsing on me again." Walking over to the shelf, you placed the box back. "You can stay here until you recover, but I think it might be a good idea if I had my mother come look at you-"
"NO." You turned around blinking at him as he narrowed his eyes at you. "I won't have anyone else seeing me or knowing I am here. I will stay until I am well enough to walk within a week but until then no one else will know I'm here."
The intensity of the state he was giving you reminded you of a wolf staring at a rabbit. ..And you suddenly had a thought that perhaps you had better stay out of whatever business this man had. So you nodded and he relaxed back but still stared at you. Watching as you set about getting him a plate stuffed full of rice and beef and whatever else you decided to give him. 
"Thank you." He said plainly before just grabbing a pair of chopsticks to start eating. 
"I hope you don't mind such a meager meal. I don't have exactly have access to top meat."
"This will be enough for now but I will need more later to fuel my body's regeneration rate." He said before just silently putting a chunk of the food in his mouth... before pausing before just looking at the food.
You noticed that and tilted your head. "Is something wrong? It's too hot isn't it?"
He was slow to respond. "No... It's quite good. I rarely have home cooked foods." Mostly he feasted on prey he caught these last few decades and home cooked meals like this were rare these days. 
You smiled at him. "Thank you. If you're still hungry later then you're welcome to take more of if you can't move just ask me and I'll get you more." A jug full of water and a cup was placed next to him.  "Here's some water. Drink some. I'm going to clean up the mess you made of my bathroom. Next time don't leave your old bandages next to the tub."
"My apologies."
He did not say anything else as you left to clean up the bathroom and dispose of the old slightly bloodied bandages he had wrapped around himself. Collecting the dishes he set aside once he was finished with it. He stayed like that for the rest of the day, just silently sitting there and looking like he was in deep meditation. You didn't disturb him still feeling strange from the intense look he gave you earlier. However you did comply with him when he asked for more food before retiring to the futon you set up. Not wanting to disturb him, you just pulled out a spare set of blankets from the shelf and curled up near the front door just in case you needed to jump out for whatever reason. However you woke up the next morning in surprise to find the man sound asleep still. 
Seeing as you still had a quiet morning to yourself, you quietly made your way out to start your chores which wasn't too long a job but  you thought that the man would've been awake now. You were surprised to see that he wasn't. Instead he remained there in the same position you saw him in when you first got up. Long hair splayed all around him. But what caught your attention towards him was the twitching of his eyelids. He looked incredibly bothered by something. So when a hand touched his forehead, his eyes snapped open immediately to look at you.
"You're running a fever...It doesn't feel too high thankfully. I have some fever medicine in my kit. I'll give you some and you should feel fine later."
He merely hummed before closing his eyes back shut. "Do what you must."
You smiled and made to move..but paused. Removing your hand you stared at his bare forehead in confusion. ".... That's strange. Didn't you have a cut on your forehead?"
"You're mistaken." He didn't bother opening his eyes.
You stared at him before opening your mouth. That's not true. You DID treat a cut on his forehead but again you decided not to bother fighting him and again treat him with a herbal tea infused with the medicine. He opened his eyes and would've sat up to take the drink from you, but blinked as all of a sudden a hand pushed itself under his head and lifted him with extreme gentleness he'd never felt before. As if he was cracked glass and at any moment could shatter. Something warm and herbal smelling wafted over his lips as you cradled his head and held the cup to his lips.
"Here. Drink."
The eyes stared up at yours and how soft your features were... before they glanced at the cup, and slowly opened his mouth. It was enough for you to tilt the cup for him to drink taking great care to not spill any on him.  Making sure to also give him breaks between gulps to allow him to breath until it was empty. He'll also need something solid in his stomach. Good thing you still had leftovers from dinner last night. He didn't make any moves to stop you from cradling his head and feeding him until he seemed to be full enough and you gently encouraged him to sit back up. You needed to treat his wounds again. He seemed to struggle to sit up by himself so you had to push him up into a sitting position before you could again treat him. He just remained silent and compliant throughout the entire process until he was laying back down and a cool wet towel was being pressed against his forehead. 
"There you go. You should feel better soon. Is there anything else you want?"
"No. This should suffice."
You smiled at him again. "Well you should be well for now. I'll come back later and get you some more water after I finish cleaning the house. For now rest."
He looked at you closely. "You're doing your duties even while caring for someone else fully?"
"Well ..Yes. You're my guest, and I should be a good host but I shouldn't neglect my chores either."
"Hm. The markings of a devoted housewife." He nodded. "Your husband must be very pleased with a woman like you."
You paused blinking.. before slowly looking at him with a look. "I'm not married." His eyes looked back to you. "I'm not engaged either. I clean my home and provide for my own person."
His brow rose higher than before. "A woman living alone and running a farm by herself?" The eyes scanned you up and down. That was unheard of.  "With how young and beautiful you are? A woman by your age is usually married or engaged to be married soon. It's unheard of to hear that you're not."
You paused. Before your face lit up a light pink at his words but despite that you shook your head with a frown. "No. I like living by myself and providing for just me. It's simpler and more peaceful."
"You do not want to be married? Or starting a family?"
You gave a thoughtful look. "Well..I think it would be nice to  settle down eventually, but it shouldn't be forced. Marriage is supposed to be about love for one another, not just what I look like."
"You haven't gotten any suitors?"
You shook your head picking up a bucket. "No. I have but most of the ones I've gotten have always been pushy or only wanted to marry me because they thought I was pretty or for some other selfish reason. Living a bit far from town helps but sometimes someone still has the audacity to come down here and try their luck. Some more pushy than others. A lot of the time they don't like hearing no."
Kokushibo silently seemed to be giving a thoughtful, considerate look to what you had to say. "I see."
He said nothing else as his eyes closed once again and you left to fetch a pail of water from your well. If he wanted to rest then you wouldn't disturb him. Only rolling up your sleeves/bottom of your kimono before starting to scrub the floors. He remained still as you worked even as you moved furniture and pushed him and the futon over at one point to clean under him. He merely perked an eye open, before immediately closing it again unbothered by anything. Made no difference to you. You just continued to go about your business dusting, sweeping, mopping, etc. You again changed the towel on his forehead and fed him more later in the day but it wasn't anything special. However come the third morning he was there you started to think maybe this man wasn't human. You had woken up as usual and gotten up but froze when you found the back door open and he was just sitting there already helping himself to what must've been  the last of the large pot of stew and rice you made. How the heck was he able to eat so much? He noticed you before you could even say something. 
"Apologies for devouring your food. If I wish to regenerate fully faster, I need more sustenance to sustain the energy my body uses to generate the healing process. But rest assured this only means I won't be a bother for you sooner."
You blinked looking at where he had been resting the day before then at him opening your mouth.. before just closing it. "It's..not a problem. You must be really hungry. I'll cook you a few eggs."
He only tilted his head slightly as you silently went over to make his bed, without complaining about it to him, before exciting the home to begin your chores. A woman who didn't complain about things he did and just offered him more food without a second thought. The markings of a good woman who'd take good care of her husband and the home when he was away. However she seemed very stubborn minded about remaining single. She'd most likely die alone. He'd just finished the food you'd given him and you took his plate away with a smile when a knocking noise from the front door caught your attention. Kokushibo merely cracked an eye open from his meditative state. Neither of you moved and then the knocking came back again but louder.
"Who could that be?," you mumbled putting the plates to the side.
"A man." From the presence he sensed and by the smell, it was a male around the same age as you and from the smell of animals, he was either a hunter or was wearing some kind of animal pelts.
You hesitated looking at him both wondering how he knew that and a bit concerned. He said he didn't want anyone to know that he was here, but he didn't make any moves to hide or move out of sight...You supposed it would just be ok to answer the door, you just had to make sure to not accidentally show Kokushibo was there. So with a sigh you steeled yourself with a smile and walked on over to the front door, just sliding it open enough to peek your head out... before you blinked and your face frowned.
"What are you doing here?" Kokushibo's head perked up at the heavy distaste in your tone.
"I came to see the love of my life.~ Isn't it obvious?~ I missed you so much.~", came a gruff but young male's voice he'd never heard before.
Behind the door you placed a hand on your hip. "You're not allowed back in town. You were banned after you almost killed that elder a year ago."
"It was an honest mistake-"
"You got drunk and picked a fight with that poor old man for no reason! On top of that you dishonored your family and that was on top of the pile of horrible things you've done!"
"You don't live in town. This is a decent ways from that place, so I'm not breaking any laws." Kokushibo's head turned to the side and rose a brow seeing a hand caress the side of your head through the doorway. "I missed you.~"
The hand was harshly slapped away from your face. "GET OFF MY PROPERTY!!" You bellowed out at him in a tone that surprised Kokushibo could come from such a soft lady. ''I don't know who you think you are but you're not welcome here! You're NEVER welcome here! You disgust me to no end! Now get off my property! I don't want to see you again!"
There was an instant reaction to your words. One of which being that you were shoved back harshly. Enough to send you stumbling back and falling to the floor as the sliding door slammed open and someone stepped inside. The someone was a man about her age maybe a year or two older with a few scars and clothing made from animal skins. Ah. That explained the smell of animals. He walked in initially with a smirk on his face but paused upon seeing the face of another man staring back at him calmly and silently. You shook your head scooting back from the new man entering your home and glared at him. The two men silently stared at one another before finally the first one sneered in anger and pointed at Kokushibo. 
"Who the hell are you?!", he demanded.
"Who I am is not important for you to know," he responded back calmly only making the newcomer angrier.
"What?! Did you get married or something while I was gone?!" He snapped to you in question.
"So what if I did?!"
"Again that's none of your business! I don't owe you any explanation on what goes on in my life! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!"
The man didn't. Instead he snarled at Kokushibo who took his sweet time standing up and turning to face him. His calm expression beyond repair making him even more so. 
"I believe she had asked you to leave this house," he spoke more calmly half lidded eyes staring at him. You looked up at him. Holy crap...he was a lot taller than he looked. 
"Tch. And what right do you have to it?," he asked silently sizing the samurai up.
"None. I am nothing but a mere guest to this household however you are not. Now you had best be on your way. I would find it improper for you to stay any longer."
Perhaps it was the previous blood loss that had dulled his senses or the fact he didn't take this man as a threat (and to be perfectly honest he wasn't a threat at all) but when a hand shot out he stiffened awaiting the blow- However it-...Never came?
The smell of blood filled his nose after a body flew up and something metallic and shiny slashed across your face. A cut formed on your cheek. Pain exploded as you yelled out stumbling back until you collided with a body. Kokushibo blinked as you fell against him easily catching you in one strong arm as you gritted your teeth and clutched your cheek as a cut bled out on. Kokushibo slowly blinked as you felt tests start to stream down your face. Kokushibo slowly let his eyes grow wide before looking at the man who also seemed surprised as he held up a dagger.
"Leave him alone!," you bellowed out at the other man, "He's hurt enough! Just leave us alone! GET OUT! GET OUT!! GET OUT!!"
Well..that escalated rather quickly. He stared at the woman starting to cry in his arms then back to the man holding the knife. Her body was slowly slid until she was gently placed on the floor. Purple eyes blinked as he easily stepped over and placed himself between her and the other man. 
"You have been told to leave. If you don't wish bodily harm upon you, you'll honor the request."
The other man stared at him before daring to growl. "Who's gonna make me? You?"
"Obviously. Normally I wouldn't care of what business or purpose you have with her, but you attacked my hostess. I can't simply let that slide."
"I'm not going to let a woman order me around like a weakling. And I'm sure as hell not going to let you get between me and my business!"
An arm was raised up high and the dagger was raised only to be swiped down- And grabbed by a large fist faster than either could comprehend. Shocked eyes stared into the calm face framed by burgundy hair.
Your body curled up on itself as a man's shriek echoed throughout the home. Pain wailing through his hand and up his arm shooting off like fireworks. The knife fell to the ground with a clatter by their feet as Kokushibo effortlessly and calmly crushed the man's hand. It was all a quick blur. His hand swiping from the hand to his neck, grabbing him by the throat and lifting up. You watched shocked as Kokushibo was able to effortlessly lift up the dangling man like he was nothing and walk him to the open front door struggling and wheezing for air grabbing at the calloused hand clamped around his throat. Until the samurai stopped just in the doorway.
"A man's place is to protect and provide for the woman he devotes his life to. Your proclamations of love are as empty as your threats. You are neither a man nor a worthy lover. It's only because I'm being courteous to my hostess that you live. She just cleaned last night and I'd hate to make a mess and ruin all her hard work. But make no mistakes. Should our paths cross again for whatever reason..." The calm eyes narrowed as the grip increased. "I will be the last thing you see before death claims you."
The man's body dropped like a ragdoll with a thud and a large gasp left his mouth followed by a current of coughs as sweet oxygen filled his lungs. He simply watched him wriggle and struggle like the pathetic worm he was before he was able to scowl and struggle himself away. He stood there until he was no longer in sight and then some before closing the door in front of him. Silence resumed for a long moment.
"...That was incredibly stupid of you." You blinked as he turned to look at you. "I didn't ask you to defend me and if you do it again I'll be sure it's the last time you do."
You ...just blinked. Staring at him as tears continued to roll down your cheeks before you scowled. "I-"
"Should be the one protected," he stated bluntly, "It's a man's job to protect the women not the other way around. You've already done me a great deed by feeding me, giving me shelter, and treating my wounds without a thing in return. I owe your safety at least in return." You said nothing as he walked on over to the shelf and grabbed the box you kept your medical supplies in. "Now treat the wound. It will be better if you did."
You wiped at your face before nodding. "F-Fine. But remove your coat so I can care for your wounds in return.''
"There is no need. They will be fully healed by tomorrow anyways."
That wasn't true. The gashes on him weren't deep but they'd take a long time to heal fully. "Even still, it'd be better to treat the wounds until they heal fully and I said I'd take care of you until you healed fully."
He regarded you for a long moment. "A woman who insists on treating others before herself...You would be an ideal wife if the right man wished to court you." You deadpanned at him. "Nevertheless I agree but treat your cheek first."
You didn't argue against that or when he suddenly pressed a cloth to your face to wipe off the tears and blood from your cut. Your eyes just widened as a hand tilted your head up to look at him and he continued working...a redness spreading across your face much to his inner amusement.
"Who was that man?" His voice made you jump.
"He seemed to know you. Was he a past lover?"
You scowled in his hold. "He wishes. No. Not even remotely."
He hummed. "He seems to think otherwise."
"His family owns a successful fur trading business in town. Because of that he's very spoiled.  He thinks he can get away with anything but last year he was exiled from town because he almost killed a man after he got drunk."
"What is his business with you?"
"Nothing. His parents tried to convince mine to make an arranged marriage between us as children and I guess since I've told him no he can't seem to get over it. But I'm afraid he might make good on that loophole." He hummed wiping around your cut. "Technically I don't live in town. It's an hour away down the path. So if he comes back here then he wouldn't be breaking the law.''
"If he returns, he does." You blinked as he seriously spoke. "I warned him. If he so chooses to not listen to that warning then he'll face the consequences of his own actions. I never go back on my word."
You blinked at him before pulling away red faced. "Y-You didn't have to do that."
"I did what my role entails." The rustling of clothing had you look over and freeze as his purple and black checkered coat dropped to his feet and exposed his torso to you. "Now you may treat me like you wanted." Your eyes stared at his toned chest- "It's rude to stare."
Jumping you scrambled grabbing your medical kit as he just calmly raised an arm to allow you to quickly pull away the old bandages and trying (and failing-) to not stare at his torso and his scars-...Wait. The bandages fell away from his skin and you froze staring at his wounds. Except..they weren't wounds. They weren't even scars! They were just light markings that looked extremely faded to the point that they were barely present. You just...stared at them.
Wounds don't heal that fast.
Staring silently you slowly looked up at his eyes. "Is something the matter?"
You opened and closed your mouth but quickly shook your head no. "N-No! You're healing up quite nicely! You were right when you said you'd be better in a week!" You offered a smile. "After this I'll make you some more food and drink. Do you like tea?"
"That's fine....You mentioned that you had no lover?"
You shook your head busing yourself by just removing his old bandages trying not to think too much about the mysterious scars. He... probably just had a rare healing rate. Or the wounds weren't as serious as you thought at first 
"No. Most men only wanted me for my looks or my parents money. My father paints and my mother is a good doctor. They make a good living but I'd rather make my own way."
"Would you ever accept a courtship?"
"Well...Yes. I might if the man wasn't interested in my looks or money. Like you for example. You don't seem to care much about those things. If someone as unmaterialistic as you proposed to me or if I asked I would hope he said yes.Uh...N-No offense."
"None taken." He raised his arm higher looking over you carefully before closing his eyes with a hum. "Like me?" 
"Y-Yes. But that's rare to happen-"
"I accept."
You paused holding up a clean roll of bandages. "...What?"
"I accept your proposal." He looked back to you. "But I will court you properly first, Wife."
The roll of bandages dropped to the floor
Kokushibo did not leave when he stayed an entire week.
His proclamation of Courting you caught you so off guard that for the longest moment you were just...well dumbfounded. Acting on autopilot being too stunned to speak just finishing bandaging him and cleaning up the small mess Nori left behind. Kokushibo took the dagger Nori left, but you had no idea what he did with it. He only returned to what he had been doing before Nori showed up, which was meditate for the rest of the day until it was finally nighttime. Kokushibo insisted on you taking back your futon and you still bring in shock just laid down staring at the ceiling until you fell asleep. You awoke the next morning to once again finding Kokushibo silently meditating in the corner helping himself to what must've been a full jug of water. Yesterday's events shot through your mind and you shot up sitting up immediately.
"I see you're awake," he stared plainly, "I was beginning to wonder if you were going to sleep in the entire morning. I'm quite hungry."
You snapped to him with a frown. "You said you were courting me yesterday!"
"YOU SAID YOU WERE COURTING ME YESTERDAY!," You shouted realization finally slapping you fully awake.
You pointed at him. "Why?!"
"You are a well woman and I have yet to be treated like this even before I met you." He drank some more. "And you asked me for my hand in marriage."
"No I didn't!"
"Didn't you?" His eyes opened slightly to look at you. "You wanted a husband like me and said if I were to ask you or you were to ask me you'd either accept or hoped that I would accept. And I have. However I intend to go about this properly. I'll court you for a while before out wedding."
Your jaw dropped as your eyes practically bugged out of your skull. "I-..." 
Oh gods. You HAD asked him hadn't you!? You got yourself engaged to a stranger who had just showed up on your doorstep four days ago! Now he was looking at you expectantly waiting for you to cook for him again! This isn't what you imagined what your eventually engagement would be like! You didn't even know him! You had to break this off now!
"I-It wasn't my intention to!" You quickly said making him turn a brow, "I was only using yu as an example of what I'd like in a husband-"
"And here I am. That problem is solved."
"We don't even know each other that well!"
"That's what the courting process is for. We will know one another in time."
"I-I don't want to be engaged right now-"
"Then you shouldn't have asked me unintentionally or not. I have already accepted. I might change my mind later and break this arrangement but for now I am content with what I see."
"I don't like people who just want to court me for selfish reasons."
"None of my reasons for accepting your proposal were selfish. I accepted because I am content with how you have treated me with kindness and how you go about your daily life. I do not care about money or any property you have. Your beauty is a factor I like but it's not a main reason. Now if you're done giving me reasons to say no I'd like you to cook for me."
"B-B-But our lifestyles contradict each other!," you said in a last ditch effort to convince him otherwise. "I-Im not willing to move away from my parents home and I worked too hard on this farm to abandon it! You'll be traveling around far and wide -"
"And I'll have a home and wife to return to whenever I may need her. I have no interest in making you leave with me whenever I go. That would be inconvenient for us both. My work will be kept separated from home. Now will you be cooking me a meal?"
You deflated only looking at him before sighing and moving to get him the food he asked for. If he was still recovering from the blood loss then he shouldn't push himself until he was fully recovered. He mentioned it would take him a week to recover right? Today was the fourth day so he'll only be here for another three days at most. Maybe he'd forget about you once he left. But for now you'd keep your promise and care for him. It was the least you could do after he drove Nori away. Hopefully that would keep him away too...
Oh how wrong you were about that. 
You ended up serving him more eggs and fruit from your back orchard. He didn't seem to mind however and thanked you before taking it. Leaving you to just go about your chores until retiring that night. The next two days were relatively the same. He'd meditate or watch as you went about your own chores or ask you to cook for him which you obliged. You also checked over his injuries only to find they had healed to the point that there wasn't even any scars left behind. You'd never seen anything like in on another man. Even your father had small scars from burning himself on a stove or cutting himself on a widdling tool. Perhaps he was born with fast metabolism that fueled his body's healing? Would be why he ate so much. You didn't bring it up. You did however try to convince him anyways you could to convince him to call off this engagement but he refused every turn. You were feeling relief on the seventh day. It'd be his last day here before he left apparently and you wouldn't stop him. However you weren't expecting him to ask you for a brush for his hair. Huh... come to think of it his hair had been worn down outside of the ponytail he had when you found it.
"I'll fix your hair for you if you'd like me to," you offered which caught him off guard as he blinked at you in light surprise, "I can style hair a little bit. My mother showed me how to, so I can put your hair back up if you want."
Kokushibo just slowly blinked again before closing his eyes with an exhale through his nose. "Do as you wish."
You smiled in return at him and went to fetch your brush. He didn't move but did lightly open his eyes when he heard you return and grab a strand of his long soft hair. It was soft to the touch and you took gently care in pulling apart the small knots you felt before even pulling the brush through. He found the treatment acceptable so allowed it to continue. There was silence for a long time as you worked until you spoke again.
"You have beautiful hair... You're a very handsome man."
You were surprised when a chuckle escaped from him and even offered you a small smile. "Being bold are we?"
"I-Im only being polite!" 
"Don't be fooled. I'm happy my future wife has attraction for me." Your face went red again. "But any flirtations will have to wait longer. I'll be leaving tonight." You blinked at him. "I'll have to return to my Master and inform him on where I've been before he becomes displeased with my absence. I'll return within two weeks time before the eclipse is here."
Master? So he was a samurai for a warlord? Or some kind of noble perhaps? You didn't remember there being any near here. He was from far away wasn't he? However if he was going to be away for a while then you'd be able to have time to yourself again at least for a little while. So you only smiled and nodded.
"Are you strong enough to travel?"
"And defend myself. I owe you my thanks for my body's recovery."
"You did the healing yourself so there's no need to thank me. But I won't let you go on an empty stomach. I'll make you look presentable and cool you a large meal before you go. Can't have you hungry."
"What a doting wife I have."
"Don't push your luck."
That's how his last day with you ended. With you tying his hair back how you first found him and making sure he ate well. It was sundown when he stepped out your door and turned back to you. You handed him a small cloth bag with some fruit from your orchard for his travels and he bowed to you before surprising you when he caressed your lightly injured cheek.
"Don't forget me. I will return for you soon."
Your face lit up a red as he smiled before turning again and beginning to walk away. Not down the path to town though but through the woods. You watched as he left silently and just disappeared into the night.
The moon shined red as blood tonight as shadows moved.
Quiet night. Unholy night of beasts. Feasting their sights upon the stray women who dare stay out at night when the full moon rises, lighting the pathway for the beasts to claim their prey. Gnashing teeth, snarling fangs waiting to take a bite into innocent flesh where the terrible claws miss. Waiting to snatch you away down into their dark abyss never to return. He was none what so ever concerned about traveling alone tonight. He had better places to be and anyone who dared be foolish enough to tangle with him would never be heard from again. One look at him would deter most creatures away. But his business was not with them.
He was here for the woman.
The woman of purple eyes and far beauty. He never went back on his word and he had indeed returned to the home seeking companionship. However from the first sight of the house he could tell something about tonight was aniss.
Something wasn't right.
The darkness both swallowed him up and closed off the ways both in front and behind him making each end of the pathway difficult to see with the already limited vision he had. Heightened senses were one thing he had been thankful to have retained from years of harsh training to his body and mind. Closing off all senses to be more enlightened to one's world in a different light. Each echo of his footfalls ringing in his mind as the airways of his body forced himself to absorb more oxygen out of the air and each heart beat thudding against his ribcage. Throbbing sensation reaching from his head to his feet with every passing second he was surrounded by the buzzing swarm of danger. Enlightened by the stings of fear. Danger. Dread. Doom. Like many wasps penetrating his most basic human emotions and swelling them up to the point of combusting dangerously all over the peeping, teasing darkness. The soft silk touch of his yakata met his hand. It was hard to move...Hard to will it to move running along the soft fabric to something more smooth and hard. Both basic instinct wasps forcing him to do something so familiar to combat the combustible feelings. To grab at which to protect him and cut it away like a sickeningly sweet cake of misery and despair. Instincts wailing to protect himself from dangers he had yet to see. Had yet to reveal themselves to him. Hopefully to be chased away by the sounds of the silver blade being unsheathed and held out into the darkness to cut it's tainting self down a notch. That his willpower will always prevail over it. Each door slowly passing a tainting gateway. Each with a promise of safety behind it and perhaps even it had occupants inside using it. taking up it's offering of safety from the darkness now dead asleep highly unaware of the sword wielding warrier just roaming outside arm outstretched and staring down the one that dared teased him the most with it's fake promise of protection.
And that promise he would soon come to learn was broken and not even promise to one individual soon enough. As sweat formed on his skin in an attempt to cool it from the harsh tainting from the moment he was face to face with the door that broke it's sacred promise. At first glance to one in the dark it was as taunting as all the others he had just passed, but if one took time to see it's true mockery and failure hidden by the teasing darkness they would've seen it. The remnants of a beast. Looking as though it had clawed and kicked it's way at the door's sacred locks to be allowed entry inside the room beyond it. In it's wake leaving the door in misery and ruins. A slight opening between itself and the wall where one could look into the room beyond it and see nothing but more darkness laughing back at you.
It begged for him to open it further, to peek further into the darkness beyond the door that should have protected the occupant inside. The apartment was still, quite, far too quite for his liking. The broken splintered door only left so little to memory, and with cautious pushed aside Goemon shoved the door open to reveal the horror to his eyes. His eyes widened: there where obvious signs of struggle, evident by the turned over coffee table and the furniture pieces that lay toppled on their side as though someone had carelessly kicked it over in its rampage. Goemon treaded carefully inside the apartment, his shoe crunching on the remains of a picture frame that had been knocked over, its broken shiny cover a perfect match of the doorway half hanging from its hinges - the cover to what lay beyond broken to bits. Someone clearly had been here and there was very obvious signs of a struggle.
And SHE was gone.
Taken by something or chased out he wasn't sure. But the entire small home was wrecked. Then he smelt it. A familiar smell of a human male and animal pelts. It sent a rigid feeling through his veins before an intensify in calm, silent rage. A rage so intense that he felt nothing but calm. Well now...if someone wished to see his wrath so be it. But let it not be said he didn't warn him. 
"LET GO OF ME!!" The rage and desperation in your struggling was all for nothing as you were continually dragged against your will towards the destination of your kidnapper's choosing. You didn't know what was worse. The sting of the ropes forced around your arms forcing your arms to your body, or the too big white kimono that was forced over your head. A tacky excuse for a wedding kimono. "HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!"
"SHUT. UP." A man's voice hissed near your ear and painfully pulled your body uncomfortably close to his face as Nori hissed. "No one's gonna help you. They're too scared of getting carried away by invisible monsters." You winced as he gave a hasher tug. "And no one will suspect a thing. They'll just think you got carried off by a bad monster and forget all about you. And by the time anyone else thinks otherwise we'll be long gone." He chuckled next to your head making you lean forward away from him. ''Won't we, My Little Wife? I just need to get refuge at the temple and have one of the monks bless our union."
You hissed leaning away from his rotten breath. You had to get help! Where was everyone!? No one even peeked their eyes out to see your yelling through the windows. Your screams and cries of help echoing out through the night and going unanswered. You were being kidnapped and no one was going to help you! Nori laughed again behind you and you gritted your teeth before leaning forward more and with all of the strength in your jaw, you bit down onto his bandaged broken hand. Nori's reaction was instant. He. SHRIEKED. He shrieked in pain in ways you've never heard a man scream before but you continued to bite down when he started flailing. Taking the opportunity to catch him off guard, your head snapped back releasing his hand to collided the back of your head with his nose painfully. Your head throbbed immediately after but it worked. He let go.
You RAN. 
your legs moved your body in a speed you've never thought was possible back up the road where you were dragged from. Your heart pounded in your throat. The back of your head throbbed from where it made contact with Nori. And behind you you heard his hellish screaming. Your footsteps echoed throughout the empty silent streets giving away your position as you continued to run- Until something slammed into your back hard enough to send you flying forward and landing painfully onto your face.
"You stupid girl!" He snarled above your struggling form trying to get yourself up without your arms to lift you. "I swear when I get done with you you'll be nothing but a-"
"A what?"
Nori snapped up to the voice and you froze from the intensity behind it but relieved that at least SOMEONE else was here to possibly help you. Nori's face contorted into one of absolute horror at the sight before him. His scream cut off by a hand wrapped around his throat before lifting him up as you continued to struggle. Eventually your head lifted up and you froze at the sight of a hundred miniature legs and you followed them up until they connected to a segmented body..It's shiny outer shell shined I the red moonlight but you could see anymore than that due to your position. Nori was raised until he was staring in horror. His face reflected in six eyes shiny from the moonlight.
"I warned you." A gutteral hissing sound left his throat the jaw unhinged and two mandables pushed themselves out from the maw.
Nori shrieked.
Your eyes clenched shut hearing his scream end with a sickening crack sound and then there was a loud thud of something else behind you. You froze not daring to move. Until something was suddenly raked down your back and you were suddenly freed from the ropes. But that doesn't mean you were out of danger yet as something Snatched you up by the back of the kimono and pulled up into two arms and carried up by hundreds of those mini legs until you were twisted into held up bridal style as something turned and you snapped your head up...only to feel absolute utter horror as not one but three pairs of sinister eyes stared at you from above. Your mouth fell open as the man... Creature??? Walked away
carrying you bridal style in it's arms.
"Oh my gods... Kokushibo."
The six eyes stared at you in acknowledgement to your words before he spoke.
"I told you. I make it a point to always keep my word, and I intend to keep my word on keeping you."
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georgiebrits · 9 months
Christmas - Min Yoongi
You were surprised when Yoongi told you he was going to take you out for ice cream in the middle of winter.
When you asked why, he said simply, “I wanted to treat you for a change.”
And you thought that would be it. He didn’t seem too pleased when you agreed with him, though.
Maybe his family or friends had mentioned something to him about the occasion before he decided he wanted to celebrate it with you, but you really couldn’t remember.
Still, you went along with whatever he wanted – it wasn’t like you could turn down free ice cream - but even though Yoongi didn’t say anything, there was tension between you all day. When he got home late in the evening, it seemed as if he barely spoke at all.
In an attempt to break the ice, you asked him why he was so quiet. He just shrugged, and you realized you weren’t getting any real answers. If it were up to you, you wouldn’t have asked at all. But Yoongi was important to you, whether he knew it yet or not.
That night, after you had gone to sleep, you thought maybe you should talk to him about it, but then the next morning, there he was. Standing on your doorstep with a small black box in his hands. His smile was soft and kind, but his eyes held no warmth. They seemed cold. You wondered what he was hiding behind his face that made him appear so distant. Maybe his family or friends had said something to him after all.
But you were sure that nothing would make him act like this, even over a cake.
With a slight hesitation, you reached out and took the present from his hands, and he immediately let go. The way his hands lingered around yours was enough to tell you exactly how much he loved them. It made a strange feeling well inside you – one which made you want to run back into your room, and hide until this whole thing blew over, but instead, you opened the gift.
A beautiful silver bracelet rested in your hand, glistening from the sun filtering through the blinds and catching the light in ways that made the delicate, intricate pattern shine. You stared at it, trying to process what you were seeing. The bracelet was gorgeous, and you weren’t exactly used to receiving presents on your birthday, but it didn’t look cheap. There had to have been some serious money involved if he spent that much for a plain, old silver bracelet.
You glanced up at him questioningly, “Do I get a price tag? And a description of what’s in it?”
His shoulders slumped slightly in relief and he replied, “The design is pretty simple. Just loop a few links around my wrist and attach one of your favorite colors. And no description, please, I don’t want to explain myself any more than I have to. But if you want something more detailed, you can ask the jeweler tomorrow, alright? I just wanted to show it to you now and…”
You raised your arms and wrapped them around his neck, burying your face into his chest. He tensed slightly, and you felt him stiffen even further. Then he relaxed, slowly wrapping his arms around you in return. You felt him bury his nose in your hair as if to inhale its smell. His body heat was warm and comforting against yours and you buried your fingers in his hair as well. For once, you didn't mind having long hair.
You closed your eyes and breathed him in.
He smelled like chocolate, like cinnamon and cloves and honey, like vanilla and sugar, and something sweet that reminded you of a bakery. A place that only you knew existed. His presence always filled you with warmth and safety.
“It’s lovely,” you finally said, voice muffled by the fabric of his sweater. You pulled away just enough to meet his eyes, “Thank you.”
Yoongi smiled at you gently, leaning forward for a brief kiss. Then he kissed you again.
This time, though, it was sweeter, slower. He pressed his lips firmly against yours, holding onto your waist. One hand moved upwards to cup your cheek as he deepened the kiss, and another slid underneath your blouse to stroke your side softly. Your hands roamed his back slowly, moving down towards his ass and squeezing lightly.
Yoongi moaned softly in response to your touch, breaking the kiss momentarily to lean down and trail kisses along your neck. "Mmm, you smell so good," he whispered, nibbling on your earlobe.
"How do you manage to stay so fucking fresh? Is that a natural scent?"
Your body responded instantly, pressing against him, wanting more. You tugged his shirt off, pushing his pants down so you could slip your hands under his briefs. "Is that how I always smell to you?"
He chuckled, "Only when you're turned on like this." Yoongi groaned as your fingers wrapped around his hardening member, guiding him toward the edge of the bed. "Come here, baby," he whispered, pulling you down with him. "Let's enjoy this birthday surprise together."
You followed his instructions obediently, taking every opportunity you could to kiss him passionately. His hands were everywhere on your body, stroking and exploring every inch as his tongue traced the contours of your mouth. You couldn't stop moaning as you felt his erection against your thigh, and he seemed just as eager as you were. "God, you're so sexy," Yoongi breathed against your lips, his hands sliding down your body to hook under your hips. "Are you ready to feel good, baby?" he asked, positioning himself at your entrance.
Your breath hitched in anticipation as you nodded eagerly. "Yes," you managed to whisper before he entered you, filling you completely.
You clung onto him tightly, legs shaking as your body adjusted to him, to the length of him. He thrust deeper, deeper still. You gasped in pleasure, gripping tighter to his back. "Does it feel good?" Yoongi panted, his hips moving in a steady rhythm. He leaned down to kiss you again, his tongue battling with yours as his thrusts became sharper, more urgent. Your nails dug into his skin as you moaned into his mouth, your body on the verge of exploding with pleasure.
Yoongi kept kissing you, running his hands along your sides and back as you gripped him harder. His thrusts came faster and you could feel yourself starting to come.
As you felt yourself approaching the peak of pleasure, Yoongi pulled back slightly to look into your eyes. "Let go, baby," he encouraged, his hips moving faster as he brought you closer and closer to release. And then it happened - you cried out his name as waves of pleasure washed over you. Yoongi continued to thrust through your orgasm, moaning your name before finally finding his release. He collapsed onto the bed beside you, his arm draped over your waist. "You're amazing," he whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You grinned, turning your head to kiss him back. "And you taste amazing," you teased as he lifted your chin up to meet his lips.
"That's the best birthday gift ever," you said later that day as he wrapped a scarf around your neck while you waited for Namjoon to pick you both up from your apartment. The snow fell softly outside your window, the sky covered in a clear blue color. You looked at Yoongi, sitting across you, watching you as you watched the falling flakes. He had gotten you a new hat, too, just like you had asked him to.
He looked surprised at that comment as if he hadn't expected you to say something like that. But then he smiled softly, his eyes shining happily as he looked at you. "I'm glad we did this," he replied. "We'll make Christmas better when it's our sixteenth year together." He paused, looking thoughtful. 
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undead-merman · 11 months
Day Twelve: Possession
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Ivory Wraith and GN-Pc
Contains dubcon, possession, tentacles, fucking of holes not meant to be fucked, mind break.
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You could never run. It always managed to find you, always creeped around waiting for its chance. An invisible predator always at your heels. You tried the farms, the woods, even under your own bed.
So you find yourself at the beach surrounded by people you don’t know just to have some kind of shield, or at least that’s the hope. The people filter around you, drinks in hand, as they chatter and fluff about. Some have their eye on you, but you can’t spend the energy to care about a few stray looks. You had to keep your eyes out for one specific gaze, a crimson stare that always manged to spot you. Always. You held a red solo cup, though it was still full. You didn’t touch it at all. You had used it as an excuse to keep people from talking to you as you scouted the party. Eyes, so many eyes.
You brushed off a few people, some that gotten more grabby than others, but when you stomped on their foot, you might have also scared them with that look on your face. It was probably unhinged. You couldn’t really find a fuck to give.
A breeze blew past, colder than most. The chill sent a paranoid shiver up your spine. Doubt then suddenly flooded your mind. Your plan wasn’t working, was it? Even surrounded by people, you still couldn’t hide yourself? When you heard the whisper of your name on the wind, it all but confirmed it for you. You threw down your cup, you didn’t even hear the man yelling at you for staining his pants, you simply pushed your way through the crowd. You shoved past dozens of people, not sparing them another glance until your bare feet hit the sand. Until you could no longer see the lights of the seaside social.
Your breathing was heavy, you could feel your heart racing, sweat leaking down the back of your neck. Yet you could still hear it. It simply had to be the wind, right? With how faint it really was, could you trust your own ears? Even with how much you were stricken with terror? The Blood moon hung high in the sky casting a ruby light on everything, the shadows were even deeper there.
“I will always find you.” like it was your lover’s breath in your ear.
Your fingers twitched and suddenly went cold and numb. The feeling crawled up your arm as you fell into the sand. Your arms were suddenly not your own as they reached up and started gropping you. One hand a bit too rough on your crotch and the other shooting up your shirt and scratching at your nipple, bring a tear to your eye.
“You and I are inseparable.” you could feel their long hair around you as if it was your own, violently masturbating with hands that are ice-cold on your own body. It was shameful that it was bringing such lewd noises out of you. Had you really been that pent-up from the paranoia? You caught yourself grinding into those numb fingers.
Fuck, it feels so good. The entity behind your alien hand syndrome knew your most sensitive spot, even more intimately than you knew your own body. Pinching your swollen buds, pulling them, even flicking them, making you gasp and whimper. Your fingers slipped into your undies and start stroking feverishly. You were so vulnerable, your clothes were being wiggled out of without your knowledge, simply too focused on the pleasure. It was wrought out of you, milking you as whispered threats were sung into your ear with jubilation.
You came with a scream that was eaten by an ice-cold mouth. Lips collided with yours and you saw their face. Ivory pale with no color anywhere besides their empty red eyes. Even that long wavy hair felt like a cage as it framed the both of you. Your entire body went numb, surely the wraith had sucked out your very soul.
A prisoner in your own body. You could feel every grain of sand against your back but could not even blink, your body was theirs to puppet. They prep your body, spreading your legs, opening your lips. The scream you wanted to let out didn’t even squeak when you felt the cold slither of snakes against your flesh. You knew far too well those tendrils were not mortal. They pressed against your stomach, wiggling into your bellybutton, your lips, every hole it tried to slither inside, not even your ears were safe.
With a hive mind rhythm they all pushed in at the same time. Your body provided no resistance as they invaded your innards. Each push sent a static of ecstasy that sent heat from your holes up your spine into your brain stem and into your Parietal lobe, turning it into goo. Even the tiny pseudopods that fucked your ears, which made deafening squelching sounds, felt like they were working you to orgasm. They weren’t even organs anymore, just fuck holes.
From your overly wet eyes that were spilling fat globs of tears, you could make out two more, and your heart sank. Where else could they possibly violate? Turns out, your nose was another prime sexual organ. It tickled all the way up to your brain, you could even feel the pleasure behind your eyes as the explosive force of euphoria. You wanted to scream, needed to, but your mouth was not your own and was occupied.
Even when you reached your peak, they drew out the feeling more and more as each orifice was thrust into more and more, making your nerves burn with pleasure so deep it felt like pain. Your guts were filled with a clear fluid that you could see squirt out of your hole. You could feel your stomach bloat from both ends. Shot after shot you could feel each appendage cum inside each hole, leaving a sticky yet warm sensation. It slowly heated, adding to a sudden need to keep going, to cum over and over again.
Slime dripped out of your nose, ears, and mouth in thick gooey clumps as they pull away. But with their tanks empty, you were able to briefly take control of your limbs once more. You seized it. Pulling back a pale tentacle, you licked up the drooling spend pouring out of your mouth and pulled the smallest little tendril back. You stroked it lovingly, offering it a place to be warmed and to fuck once again by your snotting nose. You offered a loving smile up to that sickly monster.
And it returned the kiss with its own sinister smirk.
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ripleycyberautumn · 1 year
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New pfp cuz im bored n wanted to draw Computer scientist then I proceeded to deep fry them with 7 FX filters and blew out the saturation to the moon and back then forgot what colors they originally had so they look like some weird green emo guy
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floydsmuse · 9 months
Meggy, might I present some thoughts about Bob Floyd and his family?? Be warned, kitchen shenanigans can and will ensue and I promise I will have some new Calvin thoughts/thots coming soon (lol).
Bob, his dad, Joe Floyd, and his brothers all have this hilarious dynamic where they give each other the worst amount of shit possible. Bob is a total sweetheart with his mom, you and his sisters, but with the men in the family? All bets are off.
Michael, his oldest brother is a police officer who's seen some seriously crazy shit on the job. It was the morning after your wedding when Bob woke up a little hungover with his hair sticking up at weird angles and looking like utter hell and the first words out of Michael were "oh my God you look scarier than that crackhead I arrested two weeks ago." (lol).
Sean is a firefighter who has also seen some crazy shit on the job. Funniest call he ever got was a fire at a house on a college campus and he was on the radio, manning the hose coming from the truck when a drunken frat boy jumped buck-naked from the top window and landed on top of the firetruck (lol).
Liam is a physical therapist who works with disabled veterans which is how he met his wife. Liam's wife lost part of her leg when she was in Afghanistan but the two of them have run together in marathons all over the US, including Boston. Alot of the prize money that Liam and his wife have won has gone to helping disabled military and first responders.
Then there's Eugene. Eugene's a bit of a dork but he's unbelievably street smart when it comes to running a business. And when it comes to his brothers giving him shit?? He's got a tongue sharper than a razor (lol).
"Hey Eugene, nice wig what's it made of?"
When they're all with Mom or Meemaw, these boys are sweet as pie, but if it's Dad and Papa??? DO NOT.....I REPEAT........DO NOT LEAVE THESE ALIEN ASSHATS ALONE FOR MORE THAN FIVE MINUTES!!!!!
It all started with Thanksgiving kitchen shenanigans. You were out with Bob's Mom, Irene, and Marty, his Meemaw, getting last minute groceries when Irene's phone suddenly blew up with pictures of Bob, Joe and the boys engaging in some pretty stupid kitchen shenanigans. Beer was involved and Joe ended up accidentally slicing his finger to which Irene could only groan, "I'm gonna fuckin kill them when we get home" (lol).
Getting the tree for Christmas was no easy feat either. At the tree lot they had found the perfect tree, nice and full, tall and just absolutely gorgeous. Joe looked around at the boys and was like "did either of you numbskulls bring a saw?" The looks on their faces said it all and it left them having to literally dig the tree out of the ground, roots and all and drive home with it strapped to the top of the truck. When they got home, they drew straws to see who was gonna have to cut the stump and needless to say Bob ended up having to do it. He ended up coming out in a Jason mask from Halloween and scared the shit out of the neighbors (lol, if you've ever seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, you'll get the reference, if not it's all good).
Joe's also had a rather colorful Navy piloting career and goes by many nicknames (Foul Mouth Floyd is always a favorite, because the man has no filter, lol) but none are more well known than his callsign, "Rabbit". Mav and Ice used to be members in his unit and were dumbfounded that he and Irene had as many kiddos as they did with Bob being the youngest (eight total and Joe was the seventh of thirteen, the men in the family clearly have out of control breeding kinks and Bob clearly inherited that gene, lol).
Meggy there's so much more I could add to this but I just can't for I am in the silliest of moods and this just randomly waltzed in like it owned the place (lol).
Mary! yes absolutely! please indulge me with some much needed Bob thoughts 🥰 i can’t wait to read these & future Calvin ones too :))
~ haha aw! Bobby being the sweetest to you, his mama & sisters doesn’t surprise me in the slightest! i picture him always going out of his way for all of you & could see the women in his life being a top priority for him :,) also Bob having a completely different dynamic with the men vs the women in his family is so funny to me & just makes sense!!
~ ooh! i love these little backgrounds for each of Bob’s brothers! the part with Bob on his wedding day & Michael telling him he looks scarier than one of the crackheads he saw on duty is hilarious & made me laugh out loud! 😭
"Hey Eugene, nice wig what's it made of?"
~ this part !! haha! i love that they joke around with each other & i couldn’t even imagine all of the unhinged & crazy stuff that has gone on between all of them, especially when they were growing up🤣 not the kitchen shenanigans!!! ahh i’m just trying to picture this scenario in my head & it’s just great! Irene being done with the boys is such a mood!!
~ aww the part with the Christmas tree😅 not them forgetting a saw & having to fight over who’s gonna cut the stump!! poor Bobby losing the draw & having to do it himself! but the reference to Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is awesome! i love it! foul mouth Floyd!! that’s so good haha! that’s a perfect nickname for someone who doesn’t have a filter!! rabbit being Joe’s callsign & him having been in the same unit as Mav & Ice is great too!! the breeding kink! yesss!🫠 Bob’s breeding kink goes crazy, i just know it! he loves seeing you all full of him & carrying around his baby within your swollen belly. my god!!! i’m unwell thinking about this right now !!
Mary thank you for these wonderful Bob thoughts! i’m sorry i didn’t contribute much, but these were perfect & they made me laugh! i loved reading them! merry christmas eve my love❤️💚
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onehunnit · 11 months
Cinema Studies Minor Gets Super Into Analyzing K-Pop Videos 2.1
Disclaimer: I'm still a student, no where near an expert, I will be wrong in some technical aspects. Also my interpretations are my opinion which means you may disagree and that's okay. Awesome even! Just be normal about it fr. This is also very out of order bc that's how my brain works. Also I am but a baby loretiny, which means my interpretations are shaky at best compared to what's been established. But the lore is confusing anyway so....
The World EP.FIN: Trailer Analysis pt 1: Sections
Why Not Film?
K-Pop's Obsession with Wong Kar-Wai
Ateez and Metropolis
Why Not Film?
I mean like filming on film stock. Because there is a film grain/noise... (overlay? mask? idk man i'm not an editor I forgot my terms) texture to parts of the video that I think is supposed to evoke the idea of a security camera (I would have LOVED some high-angle shots to drive this home but oh well) BUT could also just be representing that it's old/in the past because it is also in black and white.
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the texture is especially evident on San's face. I think they just put a noise filter over this part, which creates grain that you'd find on old film
So why not just film on film stock? It's expensive and cumbersome my guy. they filmed this between schedules like.... digital editing and stuff is just so much easier.
Which leads me to the next section:
K-Pop's Obsession with Wong Kar-Wai
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I fucking love this effect which WKW first did by filming (on stock) at 8 frames per second (fps) and then repeating the same frame 3 times to create that streakiness. Filming at a low frame rate then playing it at a higher one (usually 24 fps, which I'm guessing is also what they used for this trailer, 24-32(ish) fps is the cinematic standard) creates fast motion. This process is called step-printing.
The subject(s) would stay still/ move very slowly while filming to give the effect that everything is moving fast around them while they're normal speed. Super cool, gives sense that time is passing around them and/or isolation from others, which is what I think is intended here since HJ and the teezers are isolated from society as they're trying to fight against the government. sweet sweet storytelling through style. OBSESSED!
Here is an example from Chungking Express:
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But also: K-Pop in general is OBSESSED with WKW's style. I will make a list of MVs that rep that eventually, but off the top my head, Mamamoo's mv for wind flower is inspired by Fallen Angels. The color grading, cinematography, the scene references etc.
Ateez and Metropolis
Now for something completely different: Before I get into it I really want to emphasize how fucking instrumental cinema was in globalization, because when cinema first became an industry it TRAVELED like TRAVELED. and resulted in a mix of styles since the fucking like 1920s. AMAZING
Okay so speaking of 1920s, let's get into IT! German Expressionism was a film movement that was born out of post-WW1 Germany and society's need to express (ha) the horrors of war they went through and since hyperinflation fucked up the economy so much, film companies were like "spend whatever" and blew budget on super elaborate film sets and facilities.
Expressionism is focused on the physical and really emphasizing features and such. It's hyperbolic as show in the screen shot from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari:
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The subject's face is deepened by the make-up and lighting and shows their state of mind, a mindless corpse being controlled by another power (think Master/Puppet, but we don't have time to rly get into post WW1 Ger's anxieties)
It's also hyperbolic, as I said, which sometimes takes form in the sets. Specifically the establishing shots. These would traditionally be miniatures or painted, as they are easy and you can see how they're similar:
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1- Metropolis & 2- The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Notice anything? The lines maybe? Perspective? Symmetry? These are all qualities seen in German Expressionism which I will get into in a momement but first. Let me explain why I use Metropolis as an example. In short, they already referenced it in Guerrilla:
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click to get the whole picture! Guerrilla MV and the film poster for Metropolis, the book cover is similar.
See the lines and perspective? The establishing shot at the beginning is the same, let's compare it to Metropolis again:
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THE WORLD: EP.FIN Trailer & Metropolis
German expressionism is alive and well in film style and I'm so in love with how the director utilizes it.
Next, we're going to talk about structure and lines, along with style and how it helps the narrative.
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riley-phoenix · 1 year
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Pairing: Malia X Reader (gender not specified)
Canon: Teen Wolf
Content: ⚠️Romantic Attraction⚠️fluff, angst, queer confusion, coming out
Author's Note: For My fellow Aros, we don't get enough Rep 💚🤍🖤. Also, don't forget, romance-repulsed Aros are valid. Romance-favourable Aros are valid. Romance-neutral Aros are valid. Anyone who identifies as Aromantic is valid.
Summary: You've been comfortably out as Aromantic for years now, but one day, the relationship you have with your friend and fellow pack member, Malia Tate, changes, and you begin to fear that there may be feelings there...feelings that are more than friendship
You were sitting at the cafeteria between Scott and Stiles, staring down at yet another meal defined by day-old cheese and questionable meat. You poked at the lasagna (assuming that's what it was) unenthusiastically with the use of a plastic fork and mumbled along some generic responses as Stiles rambled on about a supernatural occurrence in Beacon Hills, there hadn't been many recently.
"And get this, they found a broken mountain ash line near a mauled body with unidentifiable claw marks on it not too far from a tree with a spiral carved into it", Stiles spoke without so much as stopping to breathe.
"... Mhm... Mhm...", You repeatedly replied without conviction as you placed the questionable lasagna in your mouth and gulped as you forced it down your throat.
Then; she entered the room. It was the most cliché thing, but it instantaneously made everything better. From the taste of the food in your mouth to the nature of Stiles' monologue, it was almost as if the whole world had been colorized by an Instagram filter. Everything seemed brighter, bolder, your surroundings had been emancipated of anything dull and boring and replaced by a palette of excitedness, accompanied by a hint of nervousness. You noticed every little detail. The clicking sound the heels of her boots made as she strode towards your table, the way she flicked the strands of her hair that covered her face by moving her head to the side as her hands were occupied carrying her lunch tray, even the shape of her dimples that formed vertically on her cheeks when she smiled.
These random moments when the entire room lit up had been occurring more and more often, and it wasn't until recently that you had realised they weren't so random after all. They had been caused by one specific thing. They had been caused by her:
Malia Tate.
You watched as she joined you at the table, and nervously returned her greeting with an awkward wave of a hand. She was beautiful. Beautiful enough to spend hours upon hours staring at without looking at or thinking of anything else. You watched the way the golden-yellow sunlight danced on her skin, illuminating it in a spectacular glow. They say a picture says a thousand words, but in her eyes you saw a thousand pictures. They were the most perfectly proportioned, soul bearing brown eyes you'd gazed upon in your life. You observed her brown, shoulder length hair and noticed the way it blew so elegantly and naturally and eventually sat perfectly on the side of her face.
There was generally one meaning attached to such a glorified level of admiration. Romance. Society dictates that when a person's presence changes the entire tone of the world to you, you were romantically attracted to them. For others, it was simple. It was almost casual and meaningless. The trials and tribulations of romance were something the rest of society took for granted, almost as if it was something that would always be there, not realising for some, it never was. There was one very specific, very problematic reason for which you could not concede to the fact that these feelings were more than friendly:
You were Aromantic.
You had been your whole life, and you'd been out now for several years. It started in elementary school. When everyone else was having their first kiss and getting 'married' under a tree during recess with those little candy rings, you'd just watch from the sidelines, refusing to participate. Then came middle school. Everyone having their first kiss, going on their first date, having their first relationship, and yet still you were excluded from the experience. High school was when it got tough. Everyone was either recovering from a serious relationship, getting into one, or losing their virginity. It was at this point you'd come to the realisation that you just weren't feeling what everyone else felt, or perhaps you were simply incapable of doing so. It actually made you comfortable. Comfortable knowing you had found a label to appropriately convey your romantic orientation, and you couldn't help but think of the day you figured it out.
3 years ago...
Of course, Lydia being the emotional support structure of the pack was the one to help you when you were questioning.
"I don't like people", you said matter of factly
"I know, right? People are the worst", she said as filed her nails.
You sighed, "No, I meant I don't think I like people. As in like like".
"Ohhh. Like... At all?".
"So you've never had a crush?".
"Or been on a date?".
"Maybe you're just--".
"--A late bloomer? Yeah I've got that alot; but... I don't think so. I think there's something more".
Lydia considered you for a minute, "Perhaps it's not that your bad at relationships... Maybe you just don't feel romantic attraction as a whole..."
"What?", You asked, confused about what she was getting at.
"*your name*, have you ever considered that you might be... Aromantic?".
Aromantic. It was on that day you heard the term for the first time. One of the lesser known LGBTQ+ orientations. Unlike the 'gay best friend', there was no stereotypical TV trope associated with aromantics. They were, for the most part, excluded from media representation. The label just resonated with you immediately, it described the longest, most complicated definition you'd have to give to someone when explaining your stance on relationships and conveyed it all in one singular word, and that made it seem so undeniably perfect in your eyes.
A person who feels little to no romantic attraction.
Someone who struggles with the forming of emotional attachments.
One who doesn't believe in love.
An individual without a romantic orientation.
Whatever people perceived the term 'Aromantic' as, it didn't matter. You just wanted them to know you weren't a robot. You wanted people to know you didn't hate love, you just couldn't feel it. It was a concept outside of your capabilities. Not something you avoided because you were too afraid of the possibility of heartbreak, or too afraid to ask someone out or something like that. It was just something you didn't understand.
... atleast it was. The very thought that you'd never find love, that you'd never be loved, it should've scared you, but it didn't; simply because you'd accepted it. But now, these feelings you were having, these impulsive moments of attraction... That scared you. It scared you because it didn't fit the label you'd already associated yourself with and before you took on that label, nothing made sense. Now you were having feelings, and those feelings would change everything; and when things change... Nothing made sense.
"*your name*... *your name*!", The words pulled you back into the present day. You shook your head, realised that you had been staring blankly into empty space for about 10 minutes and noticed it was Malia calling out to you.
"Mm? Oh, yeah. What's up?", You asked.
"I have a math test next week. Can you help me study tomorrow?".
"Yeah, sure", you said enthusiastically, jumping at the opportunity to help her.
As the conversation faded out, you couldn't help but think of another memory, the day you came out. It was, of course, to Malia.
2½ years ago...
"I've been... Thinking alot lately, about my sexuality".
"Yeah?", Malia asked, trying be as supportive as possible.
"I don't experience romantic or emotional attraction".
"So basically you hate love?".
You chuckled, "Hate is a strong word. I don't understand it... I don't feel it. Romance is like a foreign concept to me; I can't process it, I can't convey it".
"So, what does that mean?".
"I'm Aromantic... I know it sounds silly but--"
"--No, it doesn't. Not at all. I'm glad you know who you are... Not everyone does".
Malia wasn't the best at understanding other people's feelings, but she always made a conscious effort to be accepting and comforting. She was a good listener, a good friend. That made it easy for you to decide to come out to her first. Now, however, there was a level of uncertainty, because you weren't entirely certain your feelings for her were just friendly.
You weren't paying much attention to that right now, though. The entire pack had earlier agreed to go shopping for prom outfits together, and after a short drive to the mall you found yourself moving through the racks in search of the perfect garment. Lydia, who was your ride home, walked into a change room with five outfits in hand, and Malia walked into the one next to it. You were still inspecting the different pieces of clothing from the rack opposite the change rooms when you heard Malia call out.
"Um, *your name*, a little help?". You looked over and saw Malia had stepped out with her back facing you as she struggled with the zip of her dress.
"Sure", you said, once again jumping at the opportunity to help her, clearly making an effort to keep your voice casual.
You placed a hand firmly on her shoulder and nervously reached for her zip, as you noticed how close you were. She tilted her head slightly so she could throw you a sideways glance without having to turn around. She smiled, and you smiled back as you lifted the zipper and brought it to the top of her dress.
"Thank you", she said as she once again stepped into the small room to adjust herself.
"...You're welcome", you said, flustered. You stepped aside and noticed Lydia had been standing there the entire time.
"What?", You asked.
"Nothing", Lydia responded cryptically.
You shook your head and chuckled as you turned around and witnessed Malia exiting the change room in the beautiful silver dress you just helped her zip on, almost like an angel descending from heaven.
"What do you think?", She asked.
"Looks good", Lydia commented.
"Wow... You... Look... Beautiful", you said as your eyes grew to the size of saucers and you let your jaw fall to the floor in awe of her beauty.
She chuckled shyly at the compliment before speaking again, "I'm not sure if I'll be flexible enough to dance in this... *Your name*, could you help me?".
You immediately agreed and approached her although you weren't exactly sure what she meant by 'help'. Malia took your hands in hers and got herself into a dancing position, prompting you to do the same. She then placed your hands around her waist and rested her's on your shoulders. It was thrilling, how close her face was to yours. You could feel your heart beating faster and your mind racing uncontrollably and in all honesty, you didn't know why. She started to dance, moving her feet side to side and letting her body follow, and you repeated her movements.
"How does it fit?", You asked.
"Perfect", she answered.
Later, you were in the passenger seat of Lydia's car. While she drove you both home, you sat in silence until Lydia decided to break it. "Ok; what's going on?", She asked.
"What do you mean?".
"You're smiling".
"Yeah, so?".
"You've been smiling for the last 5 minutes".
"I'm happy".
"No one's ever this happy, unless..."
"Unless what?".
"No, tell me".
She sighed, "I saw you and Malia back there".
"Yeah, and?".
She furrowed her brow, "You seemed close".
"Yeah we're like, best friends".
"Is that all you want to be?".
You sighed, "I don't like her".
"I never said you did".
"You implied it".
"Fine! Fine! I'm sorry", she said, momentarily putting her hands up in defence before returning them to the steering wheel. You sat in silence for about a minute before you decided to speak again.
"Ok... Maybe I think she's hot...".
"Maybe?, *Your name*, you were practically drooling".
"...but that doesn't mean I like her. You can think someone's hot without liking them".
"You can but..."
"But what?", You said, rolling your eyes.
"But I saw the way you look at her. That's how I used to look at Jackson. It's a look that says you have feelings that are more than just physical".
"I'm Aromantic", you said commandingly.
"Which is totally fine. But should that label really prevent you from admitting...".
"Admitting what, Lydia?", You said as you crossed your arms.
She rolled her eyes, "THAT YOU LIKE HER!".
"Lets get one thing straight", you said as Lydia cringed at the poor choice of words, "no pun intended. I'm Aromantic, I don't like Malia, and I dont like anyone". The tension broke down as Lyida pulled up to your house.
"Ok, just... Try and keep an open mind".
"Fine", and with that, you left.
The next day, you met up with Malia to help her study for her test, as previously promised. You stepped into her room without knocking and accidentally walked in on her in a towel.
"Oh-- sorry! I'll just--".
"Don't worry about it", she said with a laugh. Being naked was never a serious thing for her, "come in, I'll just change in the bathroom".
You made yourself comfortable in her room and removed your books from your bag. As you looked up, you noticed Malia's shadow from the other side of the door. You watched as she removed her towel and slipped on her clothing ever so elegantly, it was almost impossible to look away. A few minutes later she entered. You were sitting at the foot of her bed, going over some notes and she joined you. The rest of the day went as normal and you managed to be surprisingly productive, until Malia brought you snacks.
You were examining an equation from a textbook when she grabbed your attention.
"*your name*".
"You have some crumbs on your face", she said, laughing lightly.
"Oh!", You said as wiped the wrong cheek.
"Here, let me", she said as she wiped them off.
It was a tantalizing experience. The feeling of her hand cupping your cheek, even if for a brief second. It made you nervous, and you felt a surge of uncertain emotions coming forth.
"Yeah?", She asked.
"...Should be going".
"Oh. Ok... I'll see you out".
You both woke up, and as Malia walked towards the door she lost her balance, tripping and falling directly into your arms as you instinctively reached out to catch her, and when you did, you noticed her lips were barely an inch away from yours.
"I love you", you thoughtlessly blurted out.
Malia's expression changed, she was surprised and clearly taken back.
You nearly died of embarrassment as you realised what you've accidentally done, what you've said and the everlasting affects it would have. Before either of you could say another word, you took off running and never stopped.
The next day...
You were at the airport, waiting for your flight number to be called when someone sat next to you. It was Lydia.
"Hey", you said unenthusiastically.
"So... What are you doing here".
"Why? ".
"You know what happened".
"*your name*, love isn't something to be afriad of. Let alone run away from".
"For you, maybe".
You sighed woefully, "Before I started identifying as Aro... Nothing made sense. I thought something was wrong with me for not doing what everyone else was doing. I never knew who I was. Then I discovered the term 'Aromantic', but it was more than just an orientation, I discovered myself. Now, I'm having feelings, feelings that don't fit the label and I... I can't begin to explain what it's like to look into a mirror, and not know who it is looking back".
"*your name*, the point of labels is to make your love life easier, not harder. If they complicate things that defeats the purpose of them". You respond only with a curious expression before she replies, "I'm saying you can be Aromantic and love someone".
"That... Doesn't make sense".
Lydia reaches out to hold your hand, giving her words a dysfunctional sense of almost parental care. "I was there when you were questioning. Your problem wasn't with feeling romance, it was with understanding it, processing it. And you can't do the former...".
"...Until you've done the latter... So what you're saying is--".
"--Just because you can't process something or understand it, doesn't mean you can't feel it. It means it takes someone extra special, someone so unbelievably amazing to help you understand, in order for you to feel. You found her, *your name*, and she's leaving. Are you gonna let her get away?".
"No... No I won't; wait, what do you mean she's leaving?".
"She just left for the train station. I guess whatever's going through your mind is going through her's as well because she's leaving town".
You reached for your phone to call her and tell her to wait, but it was dead, "Shit!", You exclaimed in anger, "What do I do now?".
"Go to her, *your name*, go!".
In the background of the conversation, you heard the announcer call out, "All passengers for flight 327 should be boarding. Final call for flight 327". That was your flight. Leaving seemed safe and sensible. Staying seemed dangerous and risky. You looked between the boarding queue and Lydia as you made your decision.
"Love is like a glass of still water. It could be pure or it could be poisoned; but you'll never know unless you try it", Lydia said wisely.
"Give me your keys".
You drove with determination to the train station, running red lights and cutting people off as you dragged Lydia's car relentlessly through the streets until you saw your destination in the horizon. As you approached the entrance of the station, you brought the car to a sudden stop, causing the tyres to make a deafening "screech" sound as they tore against the cement. You could see Malia entering her train from a distance, "MALIA!, MALIA!", you called out desperately, but she was too far away. You took off running in her direction but were soon stopped by a professional looking woman in a suit, "If you want to board the train you have to buy a ticket", she said.
"I'm not boarding the train I just needa talk to my friend".
"I'm sorry but you need to buy a ticket. If not, please step aside".
You grunted at the loss of time and threw some money at her before grabbing your ticket and taking off running again. You were a matter of metres away from the train as it started to move. "MALIA!, MALIA!", you screamed out hopelessly. You were beginning to believe your efforts were hopeless, but just then, Malia poked her head out of the entrance of the train and met your eyes.
You noticed the train heading into a tunnel, the entrance would soon be cut off by the brick walls that made it, and time wasn't on your side.
You closed your eyes for a second, thought of everything you've been through and everything it's meant. The pain, the suffering, the confusion... And decided it all came down to this moment. Almost as if your legs had been reborn, you took off running one final time and in astonishing speed, caught up to the train just in time to jump inside before it entered the tunnel.
You tried to regain your balance as you landed inside, and when you looked up, you noticed Malia had caught you in her arms and your faces were almost touching. For a matter of moments, you stood in silence and stared longingly into each other's eyes.
"Malia... What I said before--".
"I love you too", she said curtly.
"...What?", You asked in disbelief.
"I love you too".
Subsequently, you both let your faces fall against each other's, holding one another passionately by your waists, you pulled her in and met her lips with a fiery intensity, and embraced each other in a long, romantic kiss.
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Tags: @melthedwarf @cactuwus
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spinjitzufam · 1 year
The Past Will Never Come Back
A brilliant morning—the sun rose, a constant reminder that another day continued in Ninjago. A smile graced Wu’s mouth at the relief and accomplishment as another day started. The past few months he wasn’t so sure that there would even be another day. The Serpentine War took a toll on the realm, ravaging through civilians and Elemental Masters all the same. 
Our family is still together, alive. Thank you, Father. He prayed, hoping that the Almighty FSM could hear his gratitude. It was worth it. The desperate decisions, the losses, the drained elemental abilities—Minne on the cusp of death—no, she was here, alive. 
“Garmadon, I swear to Father, if you don’t let me go right now!” A shriek was heard from the monastery. 
Speaking of Minne— Wu chuckled to himself as her voice echoed throughout the building. A blessing that she recovered the way she did. Going nearly mute for months, it was joy to hear her voice even if she was screaming in the monastery again. 
“You’ve been sleeping for the past 3 days—any more and you’d be a skeleton, Minne.” Garmadon retorted back, entering the courtyard with Minne slung over his shoulder. “Watch the sunrise with your brothers.”
“I’ve seen it a million times when I had morning training—” She gave another yelp as Garmadon dropped her. “You—asshole!” 
“Language,” Both brothers replied with beaming smiles. She gave a mock scowl—flipping the bird before dodging the staff that Wu swiftly moved with. The scowl morphed into a wide smile as she dodged the staff continuously in carefree motions. They mock sparred with each other, laughing while doing so with Garmadon joining in at some point. 
For the first time, they were using their martial arts for the enjoyment of themselves. Not to survive, not to protect everyone else, for themselves. For the day, they weren’t protectors of the realm. They were siblings who could afford to play the day away with each other, reveling in the ecstatic giddiness that enveloped them. 
The day ended with Minne betting Garmadon that she could make fireworks. So they situated themselves on the roof with Minne creating wisps of her element and throwing them into the sky, creating myriad of explosions that blew out their ears. Garmadon, easily baited, copied her to do the same and colors exploded throughout Ninjago that day. 
At the yells and the beckoning hands of Minne and Garmadon, Wu woke up from the dream. The sun’s rays filtered through the Bounty’s window, and he could only stare at it with nostalgic grief, knowing those moments will never happen again. 
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Madrigal Headcannons if they were in 2022
I couldn’t shake the idea of them with Tiktok and social media
Isabela and Camilo do Tiktok dances together. They spend hours doing it and laugh whenever Camilo shape shifts into another family member to do a dance. Cause like… how else would they ever see Tia Juieta twerk??
Mirabel taught Julieta how to do TikToks and she blew up sharing recipes and giving advice. She has similar content to Tabitha Brown. Everyone loves her.
Bruno is always walking around mumbling Tiktok sounds. He spent weeks going “That’s a big word for Elmo”
Isabela listens to Doja Cat. She probably listens to Ariana Grande too.
Luisa’s workout playlist is the best.
Antonio only quotes Tiktoks he hears from his siblings and cousins. Mirabel sometimes posts him on her page giving animal facts.
Luisa likes to vlog. She doesn’t do it every day but she tries to put a video out every week.
Bruno has an old boom box from the 90s to perform his rat rap battles. Camilo keeps trying to tell him to just use his phone but Bruno likes the authenticity of the boom box.
Isabela wanted to shave her head for a while but they were afraid she’d kill Abuela if she did.
Mirabel has the led lights in her room. She changes the color to reflect her mood.
Mirabel sends Abuela Tiktoks just to make her laugh. Abuela only knows how to watch them if Mirabel sends them to her. She thinks it’s sweet that Mirabel only sends her stuff she’ll like.
Isabela and Camilo are both on gay Tiktok.
Everyone knows when Pepa is stuck in a Tiktok rabbit hole because she laughs so hard it rains and sometimes hard enough to stir up some wind.
Isabela and Camilo can’t drive. It’s the rules. They’re gay.
Felix never drives. He’ll ask Pepa to go somewhere with him and then toss her the keys. She complains every time but she’s always happy to be spending time with him.
Everyone loves when Abuela uses her record player. There’s one song she loves just because the record skips every time. (If you know you know)
Antonio likes to watch nature docs all the time.
Camilo and Bruno watch Cocomelon with Luisa to unwind.
Isabela is convinced she invented iced coffee when she was seven. Pepa is the only one to support this theory. It only happened because Pepa was hailing and some of the ice landed in Isabela’s mug.
Luisa and Agustin like to watch animal videos. They cry all the time.
Abuela plays coloring games on her phone. So does Bruno. They bond over sharing pictures they’ve done.
Felix has a secret SoundCloud. Pepa knows but she’s sworn to secrecy…Julieta and Bruno are also sworn to secrecy. Dolores is also sworn to secrecy.
The triplets discovered Snapchat filters and spend hours taking selfies. It’s really cute. Sometimes they get them printed to hang up in their rooms or to go in photo albums.
Isabela’s lockscreen is herself. Queen shit.
Luisa likes to watch cartoons with Antonio and the animals.
Bruno plays Minecraft.
All of the cousins love animal crossing. They trade turnips and stuff all the time.
Sometimes family game nights are on the switch or the bust out the Wii.
Antonio plays Roblox.
The whole family did a murder mystery once. Agustin and Dolores planned the whole thing. Everyone got really into it.
They like to race go karts and are extremely competitive.
Pepa likes Megan Thee Stallion.
Dolores hates that her Mami knows all the words to Wap.
When Bruno was away Julieta used to watch home videos on their birthday. It made her cry every single time. She was afraid to watch them with Pepa because she knew Pepa would get angry just from the hurt she felt.
Mirabel loves YouTube tutorials. So does Agustin.
Luisa is scared of roller coasters but she’ll go on if Mirabel holds her hand.
Isabela definitely dyed her hair with the money pieces in the front. They were pink first then eventually green.
Pepa likes to embarrass Julieta by telling her kids she had an undercut once. Julieta will always deny it.
The triplets have a group chat. It’s called
“PB&J 🥜🧈🍇”
Pepa got called a milf once and asked Isabela what it meant. Dolores was screaming the entire time. Julieta knew what it meant but she wanted to watch it all go down.
Pepa isn’t allowed to watch Titanic.
Antonio ordered a bunch of toys and treats for his animals on Amazon and got his iPad taken away.
Camilo is more of an iPad kid than Antonio.
Luisa writes fanfiction. She’s really popular online.
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anemoarchonhoe · 3 years
The Ruin Bird - Origins
Hi!! It's me again!! Sorry for a long wait, I had to organize my ideas down on paper before writing the draft on my notes because I just keep coming up with new ones.
Enough ramble, hope you enjoy!
Warning: slight Enkanomiya spoilers (Byakuyakoku volume 2), poor writing, bad grammar, deviates A LOT from canon for SAGAU purposes, Creator has no gender but self-identifies as female, Creator in this chapter ≠ Reader, this is Teyvat world origin but might sound kinda biblical so trigger warning for Religion
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The universe had no beginning. And the same goes for the Creator. This powerful Entity has no shape nor form, a lonely spirit drifting across the vast emptiness of the cursed dark void. It was not the only "god" to exist; they are many and just as melancholic.
The Entity watched Her brethren "create" the first stars, and She joined them, tired of the darkness that haunts. Satisfied, they part ways, and the Entity drifts closer to the one who hasn't stopped "creating".
"What are you doing?" the Entity asked.
"A thing I shall call a planet." the other entity replied.
Curious, She watched as Her fellow creator moved, creating a sphere made of gaseous substances.
"Is that the planet?" the Entity asked.
"Yes. Now, do forgive me, sister, but I will not be able to entertain you beyond this point. I have much more to do and so cannot engage into further talk for my work requires my full attention. Why do you not try to make one yourself?"
The Entity said farewell and then left. Again, She drifts across the darkness, leaving a trail of stars in Her wake, left to Her own thoughts. She ceases in a slightly "emptier" space not occupied by many stars. Here, She finally made up Her mind.
"I shall try my hand at creating a planet, too. And I will make it the most beautiful."
The Entity stretches her hand and draws out power to create a core and carefully layered and covered it with meteor and stardust, rolling it into a spherical ball with her ethereal hands. But the void is too cold, and so it was immediately encased in ice. Disliking the cold white appearance of her planet, the Creator creates a star and places it near the white sphere, calling it a Sun. The ice did melt, but much too quickly, and now the planet is molten red and as hot as the star near it.
The Creator moves the Sun far away from the sphere, but near enough that the sphere still receives light and do not drift away, but it did little to cool it down. Feeling frustrated at her repeated failure for the first time, the Creator shed salty tears which fell upon the lava planet, filling it up and cooling it down.
The planet absorbed the tears, but it was too much. The sphere was now all liquid. The Creator revolved around it, fascinated by its rich blue color, and called it Water. Grabbing a stray meteor, She chucked it on Her planet, wanting to see just how deep it goes. The meteor was small enough to not completely damage it, but large enough that the salty water could not fully engulf it.
Laughing, the Entity shrunk Herself and entered her world. She observed the cracks on the surface slowly fill up with water, and She was pleased to find out that the filtered water wasn't salty.
"The thing I walk on shall be called Land."
Satisfied, She sets off once more into space to observe her planet, and frowned again. Half of her planet is too hot, and the other half is too cold. The Entity rotated the planet to distribute heat equally on the surface, and so Day and Night were made.
At a loss of what else to do, the Entity simply watched the little sphere rotate and revolve around the sun for some time, and fell asleep. The little sighs She made while She slumbered gently entered and brushed against the planet, and then blew across its surface like a gentle caress, and so Wind began to exist. The Creator's holy breaths and tears made Life possible.
When She finally awakened, Trees, Grasses, and Flowers covered the land. She once again descended to observe the surroundings. Mountains, Hills, Volcanoes, and Cliffs were formed. There are also Valleys, Glaciers, Hot Springs, and more. She travelled and interacted with Her surroundings, and the Entity felt Her creations respond to Her happiness by rejoicing, too. Flowers bloomed and released sweet fragrances. Trees bore fruit that the Creator plucked and consumed. The water that She drank was sweet and cool.
But it was still. It was quiet. And the Creator felt lonely again.
"I will create more Life." She declared, and again drew Her power.
She created Animals. The Entity made animals that could walk, swim, and fly. Ones that could be consumed and ones that couldn't be. Large ones and small ones. She filled both the land, sea, and sky with them and was content. At least for a while.
The animals could understand and communicate with Her, but She longed for another that could speak Her tongue.
"I will create life that I will call a Human. This human will take care of my creations for me and I shall be their Mother."
The Creator gathered pure stardust and began to mould the first Ancestors to Her "image". But the Creator has yet to make a corporeal form that could be perceive by humankind's eyes, and mirrors haven't been invented yet, so the first humans' faces were inconsistent (but with the same defining features like eyes, nose, ears, and mouth); but still beautiful and ethereal.
The ability to walk on two feet, swiftness, intelligence, and differing personalities, the instinct to keep holding on to life and fight back. The Creator worked on their masterpieces, day in and night out. The entire animal kingdom observed as She breathed life into the first humans; the Great Ancestors.
And she said to them;
"Love and care for one another like how I do for you and I will bless you. You have everything in this world you could ever desire and need; so live leisurely and comfortably."
And the Creator left the planet, satisfied with Her job well done. Wishing to celebrate her success with Her kind, She invited Her brethren to take a look at Her greatest masterpiece. They were in awe and asked Her how She managed to do it, and She happily shared Her experience.
Now, most of the other starcreators were happy for Her. Except the Primordial One, the "eldest" of them, the first to grow a sense of Self; a consciousness. He desired the World for himself, and the Creator felt his jealousy.
But the Creator is much too weak against him, so She hurriedly descended down the world She named Teyvat, creating the Seven Dragon Sovereigns to protect the world and all the living things within it. One by one, she gave the power of the seven primordial elements to the dragons, but She immediately felt the danger of bringing seven soulless bodies to life; so She took out Her own, and breaks it down to seven pieces and along with the Breath of Life, gave it to the Dragonlords.
"You are all to protect humankind from any outside invaders. This world rightfully belongs to both humanity and dragonkind, as both of my children, so defend it with all your might."
And to the Ancestors, She said;
"Take my hair for yourselves. It is the physical manifestation of Dreams. It is just as powerful as the elements, for it produces Ambitions and Aspirations that no entity can so easily shatter. My children; Hopes and Dreams are my core and now, it is yours. I will return, so please wait for me until then."
And the Creator, exhausted and without spare power, passed away(?). The holy hair attached themselves to the scalp of the ancestors and they faded into browns and blacks after their hearts absorbed its power.
Then the Primodial One descended along with his four shades, and invaded the world, slaying the Holy Dragons and made the descendants believe he was the one who truly created everything. Changing the Law that the True Creator placed, the Primordial One made Teyvat's environment hostile and inhospitable to otherworlders, and created a "fake sky" to hide Teyvat to the rest of the universe and prevent the True Creator from coming back.
And through the power of time, made humanity forget the True God.
But Teyvat never forgot.
Now, it happily welcomes back its God.
( To be continued )
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mariorsomething · 2 years
i was wondering about the pmv you just released, how did you color and shade the frames? did you do them as all separate drawings and then put them together in a separate clip studio paint file? or did you do it in one file w multiple animation folders etc etc? bc i also use csp and your pmv just BLEW ME AWAY!!!!!
TYSM I can try to break it down!! I definitely learned a lot while doing this, and honestly, my methods were far from optimal now that I have a better idea of what I'm doing. Most of this I learned purely by fucking around so take everything I say with a grain of salt, but I rly hope this helps u!! Sorry for the rambling and over-explaining in advance sghdgjs Everything was done in one file and each piece of each frame (background, foreground, effects, text, etc) was done in its own separate animation folder to make it easier to layer them and move each part individually. Parts of the pmv like the transitions and when the background slides behind everything else separately wouldn't have been possible otherwise since keyframes apply to entire animation folders.
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Each drawing was also done in multi-layered folders to make stuff like coloring easier (as opposed to how csp automatically does it, which is by making each animation cel a single layer)
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Additionally, all the coloring was done in black and white to avoid having to worry about color palettes until everything was laid out, and then I slapped some filter layers over all the animation folders to get everything colored and colored consistently. All I had to worry about up until that point was using the same shades of gray.
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I hope this makes sense?? Again, sorry if this was too rambly or I explained anything poorly I'm far from an expert on how csp works (i just figured out you can do fade-ins like a week ago bear with me).
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Monster Bride Part 7 Hantengu Bros
(Warnings: The boys are in bad shape, mentions of wounds, blood, Karaku is poisoned, Sekido has a broken leg, Urogi was shot with an arrow, Aizetsu has some wounds, etc.
The song Y/n sings is A Thousand Years Lullaby version by Christina Perri and fenekot - Hush little baby don't you cry (Mockingbird) (Lyrics) although sone words of tge second song has been replaced to better fit the narrative. Link to songs below.
Enmu is next)
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Quietly you stepped closer as and closer and CLOSER to the bush silently. Slowly behind the henhouse you went and stopped right in front of the bush. The wind blew swaying it's branches creepily and looked like thrashing arms. You grabbed a handful and silently and slowly pulled them back.
And you froze at what you saw-
The winds howled as the darkness crept across the skies. The darkness behind the bush shielded your form from the moonlight which cascaded down between the trees and clouds in the sky. The shadows danced and branches creaked as the wind blew them about. Like arms beckoning you closer to grab you away in their rough grip. Drag you into the shadows never to be seen again. You cracked an opening in the branches and looked out. The darkened sky looked out over the entire area. Tree branches swayed and night fell upon the ground. However you froze as your eyes met a sickening sight.
R E D.
The coldness of the air bit down hard on your skin, like painful bee stings pricking your skin. The terror far greater than seeing a thousand wolves sunk in. A hand flew to cover your mouth as a foul urge to vomit rose and a sickening copper smell filtered through the air.
That was the color painted everywhere on the ground displayed before you. And there...lying face down slumped over was a man's body. A canvas for the color. Your eyes shrank in terror and your ears gained a ringing sound all on their own drowning out any noise.
In your backyard and lying right in front of your face. How-...Where did it come from?! Who was this!? Where did it come from?! You wretched yourself away from the bush in shock and leaned over slightly. The urge to vomit riding as you did everything you could to keep it down. The bush branches snapping back into place hiding the sight from you. Automatically you gave a few coughs and gulped down air in an attempt to calm yourself head spinning. There was a dead man on your property! Oh gods! What if someone thought you were responsible for this!? You could be tried for murders-
How did you know he was actually dead?
That one thought made you freeze in your tracks instantly. That's right...How did you know for certain that he was dead? You just merely saw him covered in blood. Your head turned back to the bush. He...he could've been hurt and tried reaching your house for help. What if he was laying there suffering?! That thought perked you back up into going back to the bush and cautiously reaching out to slightly pull the branches again. The body was still there unmoving. It...sure LOOKED dead but you couldn't tell in the dark. If he was still alive..you had to help him. You couldn't just leave someone to bleed out. The unmoving form still remained unmoving even as you noisily pushed through the bush and stood right next to the head....It was definitely a man. You could tell by how Large the body was and how muscular the exposed skin was. In the limited moonlight you were able to make out long hair that mostly covered his face and he laid in a position that suggested that he'd collapsed by himself. But the question still remained...Was he still alive?
You hesitated again ...but slowly you reached over to the face laying on its side and touched the long black strands of hair covering his eyes. It was .. surprisingly soft and silky to the touch and you slowly pulled it away from the face to examine it. The right side of a man's face greeted you. You nearly jumped back at what you saw. His right eye was closed obviously either unconscious or dead. Your hand instead went to almost touch his lips and flinched back feeling a weak warm breath blow across your fingertips. You reeled back in shock, hand to your chest, and jumping
Hands grabbed his right shoulder and HEAVED. Barely moving an inch, but slowly the body turned, and with a thud whoever he was collapsed onto his back. A shocked gasp escaped from your throat upon purple eyes seeing his front body. Oh gods...So much blood. His body was practically DRENCHED in the red color! And you found out why. Mr. Unknown had the front of his blue shirt ripped to pieces to where it was barely hanging on over his shoulders. A large gash across his front from his left shoulder and ending just above his right hip was exposed to you. There was so much blood..How was he even still alive!? You reached out to touch his forehead- But froze as a strong hand snatched you hand.
A pair of eyes opened up and gazed up at the blurry figure above him. Not making any sense of the blurry, spinning vision. Until the eyes rolled up into the back of his head and the last thing he saw was a glimpse of purple.
Everything was warm once feeling returned to his body. Which was odd. He was lying on the cold hard ground last he remembered. Logic was of course the first thing to return to him. His thinking was always faster than his reflexes. Then the feeling of his body settled in. Warmth...but incredible aching, throbbing soreness. It throbbed and banged his body. Hmm..So he wasn't dead after all. It was too painful to be heaven and not painful enough to be hell, and too annoying to be purgatory. So he was Still alive but had passed out for a short while. A gasp escaped from the sore dry throat that sent him into bouts of a coughing fit. It caused his chest to hurt so much a whimper escaped from the sore body. 
Where was he? Was he home with his brothers? He so wanted nothing more than to hear his father's quivering voice and Sekido angrily yelling at him while forcing him to eat food to get better. Zohakuten telling him how  dumb he was. Karaku and Urogi hugging him affectionately.
Blue eyes slowly opened themselves up to the world blinking rapidly at the light and his vision blurred until he could see...A one roomed house? It was mostly empty. A coffee table square in the middle, a picture frame or two holding a painting of someone on the walls, a basket in the corner, a shelf full of dishes and other small items, a fireplace with a fire currently going, and a few other bland things. Nothing that really stood out as anything important to him. But who lived here? Why was he inside? How did he get here? And who touched him?
His question was answered when the door opened and the figure of a woman in a blue kimono walked in. The smell of wood drew his attention to the logs she was carrying. Silently he watched as she slid the sliding door back closed with a foot before continuing on to the fireplace and proceeding to feed the fire the wood. He laid there silently staring at her legs as she worked, feeling too weak to look up just yet and not wanting to give himself away just yet. The sounds of a metal poker scraping against the fire appeared for a little while before it too went away and the legs turned to face him. They didn't move again for a long moment before he felt a hand touch his blanketed shoulder- Faster than either expected his left hand shot up to tightly grip a much smaller wrist and squeezed down just enough to get them both to freeze. Blue eyes snapped upwards and paused at the sight of a-..
...A-A woman?!
THE. MOST. BEAUTIFUL. WOMAN. HE. HAD. EVER. SEEN. Was standing there above him looking surprised when he grabbed her hand. Blue eyes stared widely at her.. before the tight hand slowly loosened their grip and he let go of her. She pulled her hand back looking it over before looking back at him and slowly smiling.
"I'm sorry. I guess I must've startled you." She tilted her head at him with a smile. "Good morning. How are you feeling?"
His mouth dropped open but all that came out was a torrent of violent coughing which caused pain to EXPLODE in his chest. His body wracked violently as waves of pain washed over him. A force in the form of two hands slam down onto his shoulders to still his body.
"Easy! Easy! Breath slowly. Slow your inhaled." The gasping from the male under you coughed and sputtered and looked like a drowning fish before he finally was able to lay back mouth open and gulping mouthfuls of air. "There you go. That's it." You slowly pulled your hands away from him. "That should feel better soon. Are you feeling better?"
To your surprise a choke noise escaped from the man's throat and he shook his head no. His blue eyes looked at you. And you couldn't help but stare in awe. They might've been the prettiest blue eyes you've ever seen but what was strange was that the sclera and pupil were both blue. Huh. Strange. Was he born with a rare eye coloration or something? The blue eyes weld up in tears water about to spill over before a sob escaped his mouth.
"It hurts," he whimpered in a voice you never heard from a man before, "I f-feel s-s-so..weak."
You instantly felt bad for him. "Yeah. I guess having a wound like yours would hurt but you're ok." You tried to calm him down by smiling and patting his arm. "It's not very deep and you should make a full recovery if you rest up and take care of the wound."
A shaking hand reached up to grab the blanket covering his body and lifted. The blanket shook in his Shaking hold and he could barely lift his head up to peek at his torso, but he saw the clear wrappings around his torso and the snug blankets tucked around his body with care. He stared at your handywork before allowing himself to flop back into place and turn his tearful eyes back on her.
"D-...D-Did you D-Do this-s?"
"If you mean your wounds no. I didn't hurt you but I did find you outside my home and brought you in here." You gestured to his torso. "And I bandaged you as best as I could. The wound is big but the cut wasn't deep and I could treat it easily. Although you're going to be sore and weak for a while. What's your name?"
You beamed softly at him which made his face turn a deep shade of red. "Well Aizetsu, my name's Y/n! It's very nice to meet you. But if it's not too much to ask how did you get in my orchard?"
He sniffled before reaching a shaking hand up to wipe at his face. "I-I don't r-r-remember. I w-was-....T-There was a f-fight a-and U-Urogi G-Gotta hit by an arrow a-and he dropped me.." His pupils widened in horrific realization. "I-I fell....I-It hurt.. s-s-so mu-much."
"Hey. You're alright now." He was surprised when something soft pressed against his face making him jump but then blink bewildered as something soft wiped his cheeks.But his eyes widened in shock as he realized that SHE was the one wiping away his cheeks. Humming softly as she shushed him. "There, there. You'll be alright now."
But that raised more concerns. He said he was in a fight? What kind of fight left him like this? If someone else was hurt then why didn't you find anyone else with him? He said whoever it was dropped him. Does that mean someone abandoned him here? That was sick. Would that mean there was a chance of danger coming to your doorstep. And THAT'S what worried you the most.
"You said there were someone hit by an arrow?," he nodded in awe captivated by your beauty and softness as you continued to wipe his face up without complaint. "Does that mean there's someone else hurt outside? Are you alone?" He continued to stare wide eyed at you. "Mr. Aizetsu?"
He jumped blinking at you. "Uh?! Oh! N-No. Noone else. "
"Then are you alone?" You pulled your hands away.
He whined as your hands left him but shook his head. "No. N- Not for long. My brothers w-will come looking for me."
"You have brothers?" He nodded. "That's good. You can stay here until they find you then. Are you hungry? I made some homemade soup and rice, and I'm sure you must be thirsty." Blue eyes perked up at the promise of food and nodded eagerly making you smile. "Then I'll get you some. Just sit tight for a moment."
He watched as your form walked on over to the shelf Gathering bowls and anything else you needed before heading on over to the lit fireplace. A few minutes later you returned with a bowl of delicious smelling stew and tea in hand. He would've sat up to take the drink from you, but blinked as all of a sudden a hand pushed itself under his head and lifted him with extreme gentleness he'd never felt before. As if he was cracked glass and at any moment could shatter. Something warm and herbal smelling wafted over his lips as you cradled his head and held the cup to his lips.
"Here. Drink."
The eyes stared up at yours and how soft your features were... before they glanced at the cup, and slowly opened his mouth. It was enough for you to tilt the cup for him to drink taking great care to not spill any on him. Making sure to also give him breaks between gulps to allow him to breath until it was empty. He'll also need something solid in his stomach. Wiping his face when he finished. He didn't make any moves to stop you from cradling his head and feeding him until he seemed to be full enough and you gently encouraged him to sit back up. You needed to treat his wounds again. He seemed to struggle to sit up by himself so you had to push him up into a sitting position before you could again treat him. He just remained silent and compliant throughout the entire process until he was laying back down and you smiled at him again.
"There you go. You must feel better with something warm in your stomach. "
"Yes," he agreed, "Um...C-Can you tell me how long I've been here?"
"I found you yesterday around sunset and you've slept through most of today. So almost a full day and night. Not too long.''
He hummed again. "Then my brothers are s-surely already on their W-Way here."
You looked confused at him. "How would they know you're here?"
"They'll follow my scent."
"Oh..They have a hunting dog?"
He hummed again fiddling with the blanket. "S-Something like that?
You didn't know what he meant by that but decided not to pry him when he was already hurt. The rest of the day passed by smoothly since Mr. Aizetsu fell back asleep shortly after he ate dinner leaving you to go about business as usual until sunset came back and you see herding your animals back inside their pens. Your cow seemed rather on edge for some reason. Seemingly irritated as you lead her back into the barn, not seeing the figures limping into your house through the front door on the complete other side of your house. You finished putting away your animals before mindless just walking to your  back door and stepping inside- ...Huh. Hey. When did the candles go out? And why was the fire so low? Not thinking anything of it, you just closed the door behind you and grabbed a few logs next to the fireplace. Tossing them in and grabbing the poker to prod the small fire into feeding on the new logs and bringing more light into the house. You smiled at the warmth until you heard the shifting of something behind you. You instantly turned smiling assuming Aizetsu had woken up. Only to freeze in horror as the darkness held four looming figures staring at you.
Four pairs of eyes. Red as blood. Green as acid. Yellow as sickness. Blue as sorrow. 
All four stared at you from the corner of the room as your jaw dropped open in shock-
"Shit! She came in before we left!" The yellow eyes turned to the red ones. "I told you we should've waited until she fell asleep before grabbing Zetsu!"
The loud yell made you jump and fall over as you scrambled back against the wall-
"S-Sekido, D-Dont scare her. After all she did save my life."
"W-WHO ARE YOU?!" All four pairs of eyes turned to you as your shaking hand grabbed the poker, holding it in front of you like a makeshift sword at whomever the eyes were. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!"
There was silence as they all stared at you unblinkingly.. before a noise made you jump. A strike of a match lit up as a tiny flame floated towards a lamp hanging from the ceiling and lit it up brightening the house further. And what you saw made you nearly drop the poker. Standing there was four men. 
One had red eyes and leaned heavily on a staff. His left left lifted up and looking not good. One with green eyes slumped against the wall breathing raggedly and smiling despite his condition. One with yellow eyes and...PART BIRD!?!? Your eyes widened in horror more. A HARPY!! A FREAKING H A R P Y WAS STANDING IN YOUR HOME!!! He held Aizetsu in his talons as the blue eyed man looked at you apologetically...only...there was something different about him. Now there was two horns sprouted on his forehead when there wasn't any just moments ago.  He stared from the Harpy's arms and-...And-.....
Why did they all look alike?
Aizetsu had the same face as the other three. The only differences were their eye color and the fact that Mr. Red and Green eyes had a long strand of hair running across their face. They all stared at you and you stared at them for a long,long, LONG moment of silence. Nothing but the crackling fire to break the silence.  Until Aizetsu spoke.
"Y-Y/n. I-Im sorry. We were supposed to leave before you got back inside."
You didn't speak at first. Only stared at the four of them in utter bewilderment. Scanning over all four of them slowly.... before slowly asking. "What...ARE you all?"
"We're elementals. E-Except for Urogi, obviously."
"Elementals?! ...As in the fae creatures that control aspects of nature!?"
Aizetsu nodded. "Yes. I'm s-s-so sorry for not telling you before-"
"SKIP THE APOLOGIES!!" You jumped when Mr. Red  Eyes snapped with a growl. "WE GOT AIZETSU AND THAT'S ALL WE NEEDED!! NOW LET'S GO HOME!!"
"Uh...We can't? Aizetsu can't walk like this," the harpy spoke to red eyes, "And Karaku's still poisoned. What are supposed to do? Carry them both while you hop on one leg?"
You just... blinked as the two men began to argue and Aizetsu tried and failed to get them to stop bickering. What was happening right now? You still stared as they argued before looking at the green eyed man and was surprised to find him slyly smiling at you. He gave a half lidded look before winking and you deadpanned back at him. Before he suddenly stiffened and shot into a leaned over position. The sounds of wretching followed making all three of his...brothers(???) shut up and look behind them as you paled. Again silence rang supreme. Until the brothers looked at one another awkwardly.. before they slowly looked at you.
You stared blankly. "....Did he just vomit on my floor?"
"Yyyeeeaaah. Sorry about that," Yellow Eyes said slowly looking at you, "He's hasn't been feeling so good since getting jabbed with a poison dart. He'll live but it has to wear off-"
"HE PUKED ALL OVER MY CLEAN FLOOR!", You bellowed catching all four off guard from the sudden RAGE you felt staring at the mess the green eyed man made before pausing seeing the trail of red pooling from your open front door all the way to where the men were standing there. "YOU'RE TRAILING BLOOD?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? I JUST CLEANED MY HOUSE THIS MORNING!!" YOU POINTED AT THE BATHROOM. "ALL OF YOU! GET IN THERE AND WASH YOURSELVES OFF!!"
"WHAT?! AND WHO ARE YOU TO BOSS US AROUND!?", Red eyes snapped back instantly.
"Or else what?" He hissed exposing his fangs growling and narrowing his eyes. "Do you seriously think a girl like you can scare me? I'd like to see you try to make me do anything!"
Your eyes narrowed at him and a large scowl appeared on your face.
"Are you still hungry, Aizetsu?" You smiled at the man's face cradled in your lap as he stared at you.
He gulped nervously face red and pointy ears pinned to his head. "I-Im good," he squeaked out which made you giggle at him.
Last night had been a big whirlwind. Sekido had not expected the iron angry grip on his ear as you dragged his limping, half hopping, cursing form into the bathroom and scared Urogi enough with your irate yelling at him to drag his other two brothers into the bathroom after Sekido. Then with the limited light you had, you cleaned the blood trails and the vomit as you heard arguing and water being splashed about in your bathroom from the brothers irritating you further. It. Took. FOREVER. To properly clean everything up and air out the foul smells of copper and stomach.  Don't even get you started on how much you had to wrestle Sekido down and fight him in order to force him to lay down and strap his broken leg in a splint. Which still left you with a few cuts from him wrestling with him. Nothing serious but it still annoyed you to hell and back.
"I'm real sorry about the mess last night, Sweet cheeks." Your head turned deadpanned to the green eyed demon. He was laid next to Aizetsu with a wet towel over his forehead and a clean bucket next to him in case he felt like getting sick again. "Do I get to have some food too?"
Your brow rose. "Is your stomach going to be able to handle it?"
"It's been hours. My stomachs settled and I emptied it out completely. ...I'm kinda hungry to be honest."
You sighed but moved to get him some food too. "Fine. But if you feel like you're about to be sick, you better let me know. You can't take the antidote anyways on an empty stomach."
Karaku lit up as he watched you grab another bowl of soup and come over to position his head the same way you did Aizetsu's. In your lap cradling his head and lifting the bowl to his lips. Last night you had also learnt their names and conditions. The one you currently fed was called Karaku and he'd been shot by a poisonous dart. The poison wasn't enough to kill him, just immobilize him and make him sick but you were familiar with the herb used to make the poison and knew the antidote to it. He'll be fine but it'll take time to get out of his systems completely. Aizetsu still had that obvious wound on his chest that needed to be mended but he'll be ok in time. Urogi, the harpy, was the least hurt. He had a few arrows lodged in his left wing you had to carefully extract and stitch up the small wounds but overall he could walk, talk, and if it wasn't for how close his left wing was held to his back compared to the right one you'd never tell something was wrong with him. Sekido (the only one you had to physically fight-) was the second one mostly ok, but his leg was broken and you had to maneuver it back into place before forcing it into a splint to keep it still enough to heal correctly. He was also the most stubborn of them all. Currently he laid propped up against a wall angrily eating a bowl of soup Urogi had given him earlier.  He muttered curses between his at first but had shut up and stared silently when you started treating the others after fighting with him. Especially when you cradled Aizetsu and then Karaku with such gentleness as if they were cracked porcelain cups ready to chip away again. Red eyes blinked slowly as you wiped at Karaku's smirking mouth.
"Are you thirsty? I have some tea."
He gave a purr of content. "Sure. If it means I can get to look at your beautiful face more.~"
You just stared blankly at him more. "Flattery will literally get you no where. I'm still angry with you all for stealing my chicken-"
"Hey! Urogi was the one who stole it for food!"
"I was hungry and it was convienet!" Urogi wisely shut up as you snapped a scowl at him. Awkwardly he shuffled in the blanket wrapped around him. "Um...When can we have our clothes back?"
"Once they're done drying from the wash and I meand them. They were all filthy. Until then the spare clothes I gave you will do."
That was another thing about her. She insisted on taking care of them full despite them being obviously not human and could pose quite a threat. Perhaps her concern or anger clouded her judgement of danger but it...was very strange to him. Eventually she finished up taking care of Karaku and turned back towards Urogi with a frown.
"You're lucky I don't charge you for stealing my hen. They're not exactly cheap to replace! And who just walks on another person's property and steals their animals!?"
"Um...A hungry person?" You scowled harder. "Shutting up now!"
You groaned before just shaking your head. "Are any of you still hungry? I can get you some more."
"I'm fine," Sekido bluntly stated before turning away from you. "You're bothering me too much!"
You frowned further before rolling your eyes and walking away. "Well if you get hungry again let me know and I'll get you all back some more. I'm gonna go outside and see if your clothes are dry. I can nend them afterwards and give them back."
"Do you want some help?"
You looked at Aizetsu. "In your conditions? No. I'll be fine. You just rest up and get better-"
"It shouldn't take long! Our healing process is faster than you humans!", Sekido snapped annoyed.
"Really?...How long will it take all of you to fully heal then?"
"My little cuts should heal by the end of tomorrow," Urogi chirped proudly before looking over his brothers, "Them...I'm not so sure. Maybe a..." His eyes squinted as he thought hard on it. "Week? Maybe two weeks? Can't take longer than that though!" He smiled confidently. "We should be out of your hair before the blood moon."
"Is that really in two weeks?''
You really had lost track of time then. You just hoped that there wouldn't be anymore Fae creatures showing up like this unannounced. You were already having enough trouble wrapping your mind around these four that suddenly dropped in on you unannounced. You didn't need anything else also stopping by.
"Y-Y/n?" Your attention went back to Karaku suddenly waving at you with an upset look on his face. "Uh. Hey Sweetie. Can you get me another set towel for me? I don't...feel too good-"
It was pretty awkward taking care of four men (Elementals at that) in your home. Mostly because they would NOT. STOP. ARGUING. You managed to get their names down. Urogi and Karaku would often poke jabs at Sekido who would yell back at the two laughing at him and attempt to swing that staff of his at them-... Until you wrestled it away from him and wouldn't give it back.
"You can have it back when you all leave! You can't just try to hit them when you're all hurt, Dummy!"
And no the staff was put in the barn with the rest of the farm tools. And this was only the second day they were there. Aizetsu kept profusely apologizing for his brothers' actions even though you assured him it was alright. However the third day was when things started to get ... interesting. Karaku was awfully quiet. Only lying down with his eyes closed other than when he asked for some food or drink from you. You checked him over. He was still sick and he seemed to finally be feeling it. Hopefully his body would heal soon and the medicine would be helpful. But it didn't seem to be anything serious. At least not at that time. You left early right after retreating their conditions and making sure they had something to eat. You'd need to purchase more blankets and  bandages for them all. However you were never expecting the storm when you returned almost three hours later.
"S-Sekido...Am I going to die?"
A firm hand squeezed onto Karaku's arm like a lifeline, angry viens bunched up as the tense silence hung into the air. Karaku's chest rose and fell in raspy breaths as it hurt to breath. Everything felt too hot, too cold, too- A choked so escaped from his mouth as Aizetsu laid on his  side and  patted his shoulder. 
"It's ok! You're g-g-gonna be ok. Breath. O-Ok?"
No sooner than he said that the front door slammed open and said harpy came jumping in quickly dragging a woman's cursing and angry body behind him. 
"WE'RE HERE!" said harpy yanked you over making you stumble and dropped the basket in your hands spilling everything over the floor. "I GOT HER DON'T WORRY!!"
"What the hell is going on here?!", you shouted pulling and yanking at Urogi's iron grip around your arm. "Your brother snatched me up in the middle of the path! He's lucky no one saw him fly-"
Anything else you were going to say died on your tongue as you saw the scene Urogi pushed you towards. It was the three that couldn't move yet. Sekido was sprawled across the floor in an awkward position on Karaku's left side death gripping his arm and glaring at you. It looked like he dragged himself all the way across the home just to lay beside his brother. Aizetsu was painfully sitting up on Karaku's other side where he's always been since you took him in only he looked panicked at you.
"Help him please!," he pleaded panicked voice wavering, "He's having trouble breathing!"
Urogi squawked as you forcing pushed him away and immediately ran over to Karaku. Jumping over Sekido's body and knelt by Karaku's head. A hand immediately plopped itself onto his forehead between his horns. A second hand pressed to his cheek making his blink up his green eyes at you. You stared at him silently.. Before you sighed and moved your hands from him.
"It's the poison isn't it?! He's not gonna die is he? "
"He's running a small fever." Both brothers fell silent and just .. blinked at you as you stood up and crossed your arms. "He'll be fine. I just need to make him some herbal tea. You all are over worrying yourselves."
There was silence as they all looked at one another. 
"You mean... He's not gonna die?"
"No. He's not even in any danger." Aizetsu immediately sighed flopping back down to the floor and Sekido mumbled curses under his breath removing his hand from Karaku's arm. "I'll make you all some food while I'm at it... but first I better move you back to bed-"
"IM STAYING RIGHT WHERE IM LAYING!!", Sekido yelled from his awkward laying position.
You didn't feel like arguing with this. "*Sigh* Fine. I'll move your futon over here but I'm looking over your leg first.  You might've harmed it crawling over here."
Sekido did not fight you struggling to move him back into position and fixing it where he laid down next to his brothers with his splintered leg propped up with a few pillows. Just pouted and watched you closely with narrowed eyes as you went about making  them some food and started handing them out bowls. By now Aizetsu was able to sit up and you didn't need to take care of him but you did still need to help out Karaku whom purred out as you cradled him. 
"Y-Y-You're a real angel. You k-know that?"
You rolled your eyes but smiled. "No. I'm more of a devil myself "
For the first time all day, Karaku smiled even as you held up the cup to his lips to drink.  "Ooh.~ Even better. Because that's exactly my type.~"
Oh be quiet and drink." He chuckled despite himself and you just pushed the cup into his lips. ...But paused feeling the hair on his head. The long black hair was clean and soft but it was also tangled. They needed that taken cared of too. "Do you think you can sit up if you try?"
Your question caught the man off guard but he shrugged. "I mean I can try but I don't know...Why?"
"Because Im taking care of you. Now come on and try."
Karaku was confused but shrugged and proceeded to try and get himself into a sitting up position. He struggled a bit but you pushed his back and Aizetsu reached over to pull his arm so he was able to sit up. He blinked as you handed him the cup and told him to drink it as you just got up and walked over to the shelf in your house.
"Hey, Sweet cheeks...What are you doing?"
You grabbed something and turned around revealing a brush. "Taking care of you like I said. All four watched as you once again stepped around them all until you were seated behind Karaku and he paused feeling you touch his hair. "So messy.. Can't be healthy for your scalp. Hold still."
Karaku's eyes widened as did. The strategic touch was light and he didn't move as she hummed and just started untangling the unruly mane of black hair cascading down his back. Everyone's surprised eyes were on you as you worked on him and used the brush you had in your possession. Brushing and gently prying apart knots in the black locks until the brush was going through without any resistance. Only then did you stop and smile. 
"There. All better."
Karaku didn't say anything. Only reach up a hand  in awe at the gentle treatment. You smiled at your work shuffling back to admire it... before your eyes wondered over to Sekido. His hair was in the same tangled mesh Karaku's was. Automatically you just reached over to gently grab the strands but jumped as he snapped his head around to snarl red eyes at you.
"Helping you."
"Your hair?" You rose a brow pointing at your own head of hair to clarify. "It's all tangled and I thought the reason we came back here was to take care of you two." You reached out aga- Two hands snapped up to cover the top of his head. "Gyutaro, how am I supposed to help you if you do that? Move your hands."
"NO!! I don't like being touched!!"
"Oh... That's ok. I don't like that either." You held up the comb. "Then you can use this and do it yourself."
"Then one of your brothers can do it."
.....You deadpanned. "Not this again. Why must you Always be stubborn? Look just do it."
"Either you do it or I'll hold you down and do it myself! That's bad for your hair and scalp health!"
"Just do it, Sekido!" Karaku said admiring his own hair with a hand. "Quit being a big baby."
"Who's side are you on?!" He yelled at him as you took his distraction to grab one of the loose straggly strands of hair. "I SAID N-"
He froze. Something soft and gentle touched his head which automatically made him freeze. His body instinctively standing on end and a thumb and finger curiously tugged gently at a strand of hair....But no hard metal comb yanked through his scalp. Instead two gentle hands caressed the strands and gently began to weave out the tangled big and small so slowly it didn't even pinch. A hum of a woman's patient voice sneaking through as she worked. The murmurs of a lullaby echoed and gentleness wafted with it. And all of his brothers watched as she hummed.
Silence. Other than the lulling memories of melodies and the soft touch that was left behind.
"Heart. Beats. Fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone?" You gently pried apart two strands of black hair as Sekido remained still. However his brothers' eyes all widened seeing his face. "But watching you stand alone, all of my doubts suddenly go away some how."
Aizetsu looked down as he watched Sekido's hands grip into the fabric. Urogi fell silent as Sekido didn't make any moves to stop her. And Karaku stared in absolute shock as tears weld up in those red eyes and freely flowed down his face from the gentle treatment.
"One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more. " You continued working through the hair which was surprisingly easy to brush through. "Time stands still. Beauty in all she is.  I will be brave. I will not let anything anything take away what's right in front of me. Every breath. Every hour has come to this."
Sekido's arms lightly shook as she nearly completed her work and red eyes watery glanced at the shocked brothers. They all looked incredibly shocked at him.
"One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more. And all along I believed I would find you. Time has brought your heart to me. I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."
You finished up Sekido and leaned back to look at your handywork. However he just slammed his eyes shut from view of his brothers and snapped his head away so you didn't have any clue he was even crying. Instead you rose a brow. Jeez. You weren't expecting a thank you but that was a bit rude of him. You looked over at Aizetsu next. The brothers were so busy still staring at Sekido in shock that they didn't see you walk around to sit next to Aizetsu until you touched his hair making him jump and look at you in shock.
"Hush little baby. Don't you cry. Everything's going to be alright. Stiffen up that upper lip little baby. I told you I am here to hold you through the night. I know Mommy's not here right now and we don't know why. We fear what we feel inside."Aizetsu's blue eyes widened to the size of plates as you gently combed through his hair which went through easily. "It may seem crazy, Little Baby. But I promise we're gonna be alright."
You kept going on to finish your job humming all the while to yourself. Unknowingly to you, Sekido wasn't the only one who was now crying. Aizetsu felt himself starting to cry from the gentle treatment and humming the woman gave him. Larg fat tears stung his eyes before flowing down his cheeks and dropping onto his blanketed covered lap. You hummed along until you were finished before standing up and turning to Urogi still frozen there. 
"Ok. Now it's your turn." He didn't respond. "Urogi?" He still didn't say anything making you raise a brow confused before looking behind you and looking shocked as Aizetsu cried. "A-Aizetsu!" You immediately went to grab his shoulders. "Are you ok? I wasn't too rough was I? Oh no. Did I bump into your injury?"
He didn't answer for a long, long, LONG MOMENT. Before he slowly looked right right in the eyes.
"A-Are you single?"
You blanked. Staring at him for a bit before you blinked. "...What?"
"Yo-You don't have a-a-any lovers right?," he managed to stutter out catching the attention of the the other three. "Y-Y-You're N-Not engaged t-t-to anyone else...R-Right?"
You just... slowly blinked at him. "....What?"
You jumped as two shaking hands gently grabbed your cheeks. "Y-Y-You're so kind..So beautiful. Can I...PLEASE can I...W-WILL YOU BE MY WIFE!?" He ended up shouting that last bit rather loudly. 
Silence rang out as your draw tried to work itself as he still stared watery eyed and cutely into your eyes. "......WHAT?!"
"Aizetsu." All eyes turned to Sekido as he furiously wiped his face before snapping at him. "Correct yourself. She won't be 'YOUR' wife." Aizetsu's face fell before Sekido's eyes turned to your squished cheeked frozen face. "Shell be OUR wife."
"I SECOND THAT MOTION!" Karaku piped up instantly.
"NE THIRD!," Urogi chirped waving an arm around as you went blank.
"From this day on we're courting you. We're going to provide our wife with anything she needs."
Sekido looked at you seriously and you froze staring at them all. Before slowly realization crawled over you and all you could mutter was three words.
"Screw my life."
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