#finally started hannibal
nbc hannibal au where everything is the same except hannibal has a tumblr blog called i-cook-and-eat-rude-people and nobody questions or reports it because they think its just another gimmick blog
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willgrahambf · 7 months
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to whom i pray
e, longfic, in progress
main tags: sub hannibal, dom will, total power exchange, developing relationship, heavy bdsm
“Is that what you want from me?” Will asked softly, taking one step into the patch of light. “A god?”
“You’ve already assumed that title in my mind.”
Will gazed at him for a moment, unblinking. “You know what sort of god I’d be,” he finally murmured, both a warning and an invitation, issued with the acerbic curl of his lips. It made Hannibal’s heart quicken.
“I know what sort of God you are,” Hannibal echoed, desire clutching him. “Merciless, imperious, jealous… demanding. Nothing less than the god of the medieval Christians. He drove thousands of men and women into monasteries under oaths of poverty and celibacy, a sacrifice freely given under the all-consuming power of their devotion.”
In the wake of their rebirth from the sea, Hannibal surrenders himself into Will's hands, but even the faith of God's most devoted servants is tried and tested.
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there is no other version of this story.
true trans soul rebel - against me! // yellowjackets // lake mungo dir. Joel Anderson // the final girls dir. Todd Strauss-Schulson // revisiting mockingjay - sydney bucksbaum // hannibal // white is for witching - helen oyeyemi // abel and cain in the sandman // the gods show up - michael kinnucan // the worm king's lullaby - richard siken
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honeygrahambitch · 9 months
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arkashas · 4 months
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this just emphasizes that he never saw abigail as an equal. he doesn't want her seeing too much of him, he doesn't think her worthy of knowing him. of course, this is also to protect her since hannibal always operates on multiple trains of thought
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xqdormir · 1 month
The Hypnotist 🌀 a.k.a Unorthodox Psychiatry
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takeyourcyanide · 3 months
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Day 1, 2, and 3 of drawing Hannibal Lecter until I finally master his facial features and get completely used to utilizing photo references (along with a little will graham sketch)
He looks very strange in the third one whoops. That one wasn’t originally intended to be him, but it ended up appearing more like him than who I was trying to draw so
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I think I like the sketch better than the actual finished product waaah
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I’m beginning to think I prefer the sketches. I accidentally made him look a little worried in the finished product of this one. The sketches were so much fucking better now I want to annoyedly kick rocks. I think my drawings look a little stiff, which is sometimes somewhat purposeful but hmm
I also never draw ears so this is new
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 4 months
Finally starting my Hannibal fic!!!
Plot summary: time loop fic in which Hannibal is forced to relive Will's death over and over again
also huge shout out to @box-of-snails for beta reading this and helping me out <3 !!!!!!
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b1rdeyes · 10 months
I cannot believe that Hannibal spent an entire season framing will then in season 2 he’s just like “:( I miss him” like brother YOU DID THIS
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vctmsoflove · 1 year
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bitches be like you mine. first of all i’m incarcerated. i belong to the state of maryland.
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vampirismology · 2 years
[ID: A video of several of the Pacific Rim characters doing the Caramelldansen dance to the corresponding song in front of various backgrounds from the first movie. In order of character appearance: Yancy Becket and Raleigh Becket, Stacker Pentecost and Mako Mori, Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottlieb, Herc Hansen and Chuck Hansen, Sasha Kaidonovsky and Aleksis Kaidonovsky, the Wei Tang Brothers, Hannibal Chau and Newton Geiszler, Stacker Pentecost and Tendo Choi, and finally Raleigh Becket and Mako Mori. The video repeats a second time with the characters in the same order. End ID] pacific rim caramelldansen (Г・ω・)г
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themidnightcircusshow · 4 months
@heartofstanding tagged me in this meme months ago and unfortunately it took me this long to get to it because I had a mild crisis over how long it's been since I've read a novel, let alone one that I loved 😅 so this is nine of my favourite novels (not books, because if I included manga/short stories/comics/etc this would be giant)
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0The Picture of Dorian Gray -- Oscar Wilde// Pyrrhus-- Mark Merlis//The Scarecrow--Ronald Hugh Morrieson//Unnatural History--Kate Osman//Tunnels of Blood--Darren Shan//The Coffin Dancer--Jeffery Deaver//Hero--Perry Moore//Frankenstein--Mary Shelley//One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest-- Ken Kasey
#TPODG I feel like is obvious. But a genuinely hilarious book that is also poignant and tragic and so /so/ compelling#The more work you put into it the more you get out of it and I get so sad every time I see people#not wanting to look deeper than what's beyond the surface#Pyrrhus gets the extremely high honour of Greek Myth Retelling That is Actually Good#it's less about the Trojan War and more about the journey there set in the 1980s gay scene#the cursed spot that gets Philoctetes abandoned is an effective allegory right until the moment it isn't an allegory at all#and you should see the gut punch coming but somehow you don't#The Scarecrow is my Token Kiwi Representation and it's also the one that got me into the genre I now write almost exclusively#reading it feels like watching a cheesy low budget slasher that accidentally says some really interesting things about sexism and misogyny#(I say accidentally because it is the 20s and my tutor very loudly hated this book for being sexist)#(and I both totally agree and disagree because Prue is the prototypical final girl and needs an adaptation that does her justice)#Also the story of this novel's publication is freaking hilarious and why I will only write under a pseudonym because I would be next#Unnatural History is an exact blueprint of what I love about sci-fi done well in the way we've only very recently started to see on screen#and I hate that the show of Doctor Who rarely if ever reaches this level#Tunnels of Blood is my favourite of the Darren Shan Saga but really is just a stand in for the entire series#yes it's a kids series but it's a kid series that got me into horror and surrealism#and delivers the most effective and heartbreaking plot twist that not even Hannibal pulled off as well#The Coffin Dancer is just some damn good crime fiction and I wish Jeffery Deaver wasn't so slept on#(yes I know The Bone Collector got an adaptation but The Bone Collector isn't even in the top ten of the Lincoln Rhyme series)#unfortunately Deaver's strongest point is his use of point of view#but he still manages to get the twist to be shocking (and Coffin Dancer is the best example of it) in a way that other media fails at#Hero is about a gay disabled teen with superpowers and somehow tumblr does not know about it#It is such a fun riff on superheroes while also being genuinely sweet and touching and sad#It was meant to get a tv show but the writer passed so it got stuck in production hell :(#Frankenstein is Frankenstein. It's just good on like every level. Victor is my problematic fave. I will take no criticism.#I am however on my knees hoping the Guillermo Del Toro adaptation finally gets it right#one flew over the cuckoo's nest means so much to me but no one ever talks about it beyond the Ratched and Mcmurphy stuff#who are the least interesting characters to me. And I find the debate about the sexism ignores that the novel is about the structural abuse#of the mentally ill
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honeygrahambitch · 2 years
Ok my biggest problem when I write a Hannibal fic is finding the right "time" to place the action in. Like, should it be during Will's encephalitis period? After his time in prison? Before Mizumono? After Mizumono? After falling off the cliff?
Or one of my personal favorites: unspecified time period when Will is still working for the FBI but he knows about Hannibal being a serial killer but they are in love and want to flee together
I always have such a hard time choosing one sgdhdjsjddjdj
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laikuh · 3 months
im going crazy with no one to talk to about iwtv.
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insomtiny · 5 months
that killer at the beginning of season 2 of hannibal was so army of one by junji ito
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covfefeships · 5 months
The Once Great King, Chapter 1 X
Will X Hannibal - To sum it up: space vampires. (With A/B/O dynamics)
Will Graham is sent to the newly established Amadeus; a modern scientific marvel, and the farthest space station from Earth. He's been assigned lab duty, something he has almost no qualifications for, but it doesn't take a biologist to realize that something is not right on board.
Keeping his status as an omega secret becomes the least of his worries when he becomes entwined with alien DNA and catches the dangerous eyes of Doctor Hannibal Lecter. A/B/O dynamics.
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For some reason when I graduated university 3 years ago I thought I would have more time to work on this fic HA! But NOW, I actually have a consistent schedule and time to write so I'm coming back to this one. Sorry for being absent so long!!)
I'm won't be updating this quite as often as my other fics, probably looking more at once a month updates due to the complexity of this one, but that's certainly better than once every 4 years :)
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