#mother of 4 children
pxecedm · 5 months
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Centime Alexis Joann Murrieta, born de la Fayette, was born on 13.11.1995 in Paris, in one of the cold rooms of a secret organization for tests and experiments on supernatural beings, where her biological parents were imprisoned. Unbeknownst to the people who ran this secret laboratory, her parents, an original witch from France and a son of Lucifer, managed to smuggle their daughter out of this hell and into the care of a poor, devout couple.
Centime grew up there, unaware of her origins, with 3 older brothers. The family was very religious. She realized very early on that she did not feel like she belonged to her family. Abuse from her adoptive father, who forced his beliefs on her and she often did not listen to him enough, was a daily occurrence.
When she was 15 years old, she disappeared from home in a cloak-and-dagger operation and eventually found herself homeless on the streets of Paris. Drugs, shady deals and prostitution brought the petite but otherwise tough blonde to her knees. Even as a child, she dreamed of becoming a dancer. In order to finance her studies, she performed all kinds of services, which brought in money quickly enough, but hardly carried a higher price tag.
Until she met Andrew... At the age of 17, she fell in love with the man, who was only one year older at the time and equally without means. Together they made the leap back into society. At 18, she had her first son, who died barely a year later, with Andrew, in a fatal traffic accident.
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Centime had almost completed her dance studies, but the loss of both of them tore all the ground from under her feet. She relapsed and found herself in the worst environment in the city for a second time.
Despite her severe drug addiction, which continues to this day, Centime managed to complete her studies and open a club at the age of just 23. During a live broadcast of American wrestling, she had the idea of creating a completely new kind of business. Entertainment, show, promotion, dance - inspired by wrestling, only presented in a different way.
The ice-cold, emotionless businesswoman that she became over the years created almost everything she ever dreamed of with her own empire. Prestige, fame, power. And the more of it she had, the colder she became. Emotion or love... that was once buried with the two, until then, most important boys.
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However, an encounter one summer's day near the Eiffel Tower was to change everything. The blonde ran into the smart and yet almost equally conceited rock singer Shawn Parker, born Joaquín Murrieta ( @mrvampirerock ). There was an immediate spark - and an even bigger bang when they started off by insulting each other rather than making nice. Centime was incredibly annoyed and sometimes even disgusted by this pompous wannabe singer. They parted ways. Until they met again and could no longer escape this enormous attraction.
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They now have three children together (the fourth is on the way) and are married. Over the years, they have faced many hurdles and confrontations. They have experienced much suffering. But also a lot of happiness. Together they found out Centime's true identity, which was hidden deep within her. Since then, they have struggled day by day with the changes and the course of life. And probably for the rest of their lives. But her husband taught her one thing without ever having consciously done so. In some way, she was able to feel something again, even though all the bad experiences and life incisions had made her so heartless. She could feel again. Sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. And it was a steady, slow but steady process. Her inner healing.
No matter how much you try, to push me aside.. you keep coming back to these blue eyes.
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• Paris/France • supernatural
• cold-hearted and arrogant
• first class, so not your level
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- still in progress-
wire: pxecedm
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fallstaticexit · 1 month
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Chapter Six Edin (Guilt pt. 1) - Previous // Next // Beginning Link to Transcript
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anielina13 · 3 months
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The death of the High Confessor
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bonemaggotsludge · 22 days
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Second commission for today, this time it's @economy-wonderglue's OC Celeste as an Oracle of Atom <3
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eugeniedanglars · 10 months
if you ever feel like you’re bad at your job just remember that joe jonas’ own pr team managed to turn the internet’s view of him from completely neutral to public enemy number one in the span of 48 hours
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downbad4fyodor · 11 months
what if fanfiction writers were in BSD?
I’ve seen this question a few times, so I’m assuming it’s the same person. But the question is interesting so I don’t care.
all I really have to say is I’d be a pretty badass character and no man would be safe literally 95% of the cast is sexy af, and I’d most likely be serving a life sentence in “horny jail” or impregnating every decent looking guy I can find because that’s just who I am as a human being.
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tink27 · 1 year
Fics that focus on Steve's relationships with the kids will always have my heart.
Steve having sleepovers with El and max, letting them paint his nails and do tiny braids in his hair
Playing sports with Lucas and showing him that enjoying traditionally masculine hobbies doesn't have to be negative or toxic
Letting Will explain DND to him, and being more patient than he is with anyone else explaining "the nerd game", because he knows how rare it is for Will to be so openly happy and carefree
Swapping insults and comebacks with Mike, but when he seems off or quiet, Steve making him food and letting Mike just have his company
Having big sleepovers with all the kids, making sure to provide snacks that they all like, stocking all of their favourites, lending half of them old t shirts to sleep in because they insist they forgot (they always try and steal the t shirts) and rotating who is allowed to choose the movie.
No matter what they need, Steve tries to be it, because there is nothing that matters to him more than his found family
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astraystayyh · 7 months
it's been nearly three months since we went through an earthquake and each night when i go to bed i still feel the bed shaking underneath and i have to stand up and stare at my lamp to see if im just imagining things. i didn't even realize that the earthquake, which lasted for a mere minute, affected me this much until this started happening. so i can't even imagine the psychological repercussions that people in Palestine now face
to wake up to the sound of bombs everyday, to know that nowhere is safe, that there is nowhere to hide, to go to sleep not knowing if you'll still be alive tmrw, to write your name on your arm so that ppl would be able to identify you. all of this will leave such horrible horrible mental scars on all Palestinians i can't imagine the fear and the dread and the anxiety they must feel rn. my heart breaks for all of them it's horrible all of this is
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furious-blueberry0 · 7 months
"Leia has forgiven Anakin for what he has done" is probably the most bullshit statement I have ever read in my entire life.
You want to tell me that Leia Organa forgave the one who killed her parents and genocided her people right in fornt of her?
Why the hell would she do that? Only because Luke could forgive him doesn't mean that everyone should.
I love Anakin but he fucked up an entire galaxy, and Leia has more rights than anybody to fucking hate him till her death, and then whoop his ass when she becomes a Force ghost.
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coffeeinthelibrary · 2 years
realist thing BBC ghosts has done so far was the Sorry Song in s4e3 and then Alison asking what they did wrong and none of them knowing i swear I got flashbacks to writing my mum a sorry card and having no clue why she was mad
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Anastasia!Lucemond (the musical) where Aemond is Gleb and Lucerys is Anastasia. Aemond is the  dutiful son of the Greens, a few years back the Greens successfully wipes out the Blacks, Aegon II is the king and Otto Hightower served as his Hand until his untimely death. Now, Aemond is the Hand but when rumours of the last surviving Black prince arise, he decides to personally investigate it himself and kill off the people who started such rumours.
It was not possible, all of them had been killed. Rounded up and burned by Vhagar’s fire. Aemond himself had killed Prince Lucerys, his ancient dragon eating both dragon and dragonrider.
Lucerys, who did survive Storm’s End but forgot everything, is desperate to leave Westeros for Essos because of this unexplainable fear of the Targaryen royalty. Saera Targaryen hears about the rumours and is interested in meeting this prince, thus she declares that anyone who brings the prince to her will be greatly rewarded. A declaration that reached Westeros through rumours which inevitably reached Aemond.
With his investigation, the intel of two common folks journeying from King’s Landing to Essos with the rumoured Black prince catches his attention.  Imagine Aemond’s fury at the discovery that someone has been pretending to be Prince Lucerys.
Lucerys is out here living his best life with two new friends, convinced that he could be this lost prince and is looking forward to spending the rest of his life with an estranged aunt in Essos. If it was in a brothel then who was Lucerys to judge? When Aemond finds him, only a day away from meeting this run-away Targaryen princess turned whore, to his shock he finds out that the rumours were true. 
 “Still/The Neva Flows (Reprise)” except instead of Gleb trying to convince Anya from revealing herself as Anastasia, Aemond is trying to convince himself to kill Lucerys for retribution, for his actions and the actions of the Blacks, while Lucerys owns up to his real identity and bravely stands up against Aemond. Lucerys dares Aemond to kill him, to finally finish off the Blacks and to get the justice that he had spent the entirety of his life obsessing over.
After the war, the Targaryens have all but dwindled to three. Aegon, who was sitting on his throne wasting away, his near-to-death niece Jaehera, and Aemond.  Cue Unhinged!Aemond who makes up his mind about bringing Lucerys back to the Red Keep and make the young prince his wife. With Lucerys and their future children, they could bring the Targaryen name back to its full glory and bring in a new era of dragons. 
It ends with Lucerys unwillingly wedded to Aemond. When Aegon and Jahaera die, only a few days apart, Aemond ascends the throne and sitting right beside him is Lucerys, his queen and the mother of his children.
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nailsinmywall · 2 years
You need to know that your art??? That's what it's all about!!!!! Like. It makes me physically react! I see the babies and I gasp aloud and smile SO BIG. They're everything to me. So cute. So important. And idk how to explain this but they're so genuine? Many times kids in art look like an idea of a child, but yours feel like you KNOW and LOVE children, they just act like real people which is the best!! Anyway sorry for rambling I adore what you do so much bye
holy shit i'm grinning so hard rn omg thank you so much!!!!???? i really like drawing kids, it's a lot of much fun cause kids are so unhinged
here is little celegorm who drew a heart in the mud for you
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cespool · 1 year
the finale neverafter encounter is probably gonna be structured like calamitys final encounter me thinks. like they have just have to survive x amount of rounds protecting a certain person whos working on a certain thing. after all brennan took time to point out that snow white got to concentrate on her spell for 4 rounds and that itll take the same amount of time to undo whatever she did. tpk is prolly inevitable but me thinks destinys children, specifically mother goose, just needs to last at least 4 rounds for them to "win"
on the topic of tpk, i honestly think that this current version of their stories will end in tragedy? but i hope that if destinys children protect tim long enough for him to rewrite everyones destinies they get to be happy in the new world they created, that their thrice upon a time is kindest and where they get to live happily.
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kazz-brekker · 17 days
horrible when you're rereading your own writing and really vibing with it and then you get to the end of the document and realize you never finished it
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what-the-fuck-khr · 10 months
it’s Father’s Day tomorrow I’ve done a long tradition of never editing the fathers in KHR (guess why) and just going ”happy Father’s Day to Tsuyoshi and maybe Iemitsu I guess” every year but this year I may make a special edit for the idiots. bc why not. and also bc some people hate Iemitsu soooo much that it’s funny to me to make them angry about him
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thegreatmelodrama · 2 years
If you, like me, are panicking and stressing out about st4 volume 2 and the fate of our beloved characters, then here are some pics of Steve Harrington with his children (giving off major mother/babysitter vibes) to offer a distraction and provide some momentary happiness:
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(special shout-out to pinterest and twitter for supplying me with amazing content, such as this, over the years)
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