#financial astrology calculator
astroera987 · 5 months
Astrological Combinations Leading To Financial Hardship
Financial stability is a crucial aspect of our lives, and it's natural to seek ways to secure our economic future. However, in the realm of astrology, certain astrological combinations can influence one's financial situation, potentially leading to financial hardship. In this article, we will explore the astrological factors and combinations that can impact an individual's financial well-being and discuss ways to navigate and mitigate the challenges they present.
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astrologydayz · 4 months
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MEDUSA ASTEROID 🫦 - 149 CONJUNCT MC IN A WOMAN'S CHART = People c her as beautiful, really beautiful. "Everybody wants her, but nobody can get her" kinda thing. "Stone cold beauty", "won't really let anybody hit". 💜 BLACK MOON LILITH CONJUNCT MOON = a very sexual person, but it's "hidden"/&def not for display for just anybody - People can be really surprised/seriously stunned by how sexual/freaky these people actually can turn out2be!
💘 JUNO CONJUNCT ASC = a VERY loyal person. They can never stand to do anything that comes close to disloyalty. They protect, and stay loyal through all trials - when it comes 2 those they love. Women who have this aspect = born 2 be a loyal/trustworthy wife.
💜 PLUTO CONJUNCT DSC = searching for/attracted2/getting romantic partners who can be very possessive, “edgy”/“rebel like”, shadow searching, intense, calculative, soul deep, power hungry, destructive but transformative, stalker-ish, addicted 2 something, got contacts 2 down under - involved/has been involved in criminality). 💜 BLACK MOON LILITH CONJUNCT MC can be seen as REALLY sexually appealing - people can be all up on them all the time, sexualising them - but they typically hate this. Cuz that's all people see/talk about when it comes 2 them.
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💘 VENUS/EROS CONJUNCT/TRINE/QUINTILE PHOTOGRAPHICA ASTEROID - 443 📸💋 show us a person who can look really attractive/sexy on pictures - they're better looking on pics than in rl typically, if they don't got any aspects 2 mc from "good looking"/sexy planets/asteroids.
💘 VENUS CONJUNCT ASC IN A WOMAN'S CHART = usually a "good girl" - she's loving, charming, caring, kind, compassionate & she judges nobody. She strives 2 be one of those who "gives a hand4free" - always ready 2 help. She's also loved/adored by many typically! People can praise her a lot.
🩵 MOON CONJUNCT ASC = a person who can't stop themselves from speaking their mind, all the time - good, or bad. They typically can't lie either - they have a need 2 share/can't really contain themselves from sharing exactly how/what they feel/think. MOON CONJUNCT SADO ASTEROID - 118230 = a person who’s very sadistic, but hides their sadistic tendencies away from the world. People can be shocked by these people, as they don't show any of these traits publicly.
NESSUS SQUARE ASC = a person who tries 2 "ignore"/or push aside their abusive tendencies.
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❤️ MARS IN 12TH HOUSE = a person who can have a really hard time with confrontation/problems with asserting/standing up for themselves - they don't like conflicts with others. ❤️ Mars conjunct/square Pluto show us a person with an explosive temper - anger issues, problems with controlling themselves/can show tendencies to be violent - u should def not mess with those who have this aspect in their chart. Revenge is one of the many things these people invented.
NORTH NODE IN 7TH HOUSE/CONJUNCT DSC = a person whose life purpose/theme is marriage/relationships/partnerships!
NORTH NODE CONJUNCT CHIRON can show that one's life purpose/theme is pain - it's something that keeps happening. They can go through so many painful things in this life, that it's just 2fucked up.
PLUTO CONJUNCT ASC people are natural daredevils/rebels. They don't fear anything, or anyone. They live by their own rules - unless something else is overshadowing it, ofc!
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SUN CONJUNCT BILK ASTEROID - 4425 IN SYNASTRY = Asteroid person using Sun person for own financial gain/or just gain in general.
NORTH NODE CONJUNCT CHIRON IN SYNASTRY = Chiron person brings a recurring theme of pain 2 the North Node person💔.
💘 VENUS CONJUNCT PHOLUS ASTEROID - 5145 IN SYNASTRY = asteroid person "blows" up/explodes the Venus person's love, affection, attraction, desires, creativity, beauty etc.
❤️ MARS CONJUNCT PHOLUS ASTEROID - 5145 IN SYNASTRY = asteroid person "blows" up/explodes the Mars person's sexual desires/"sex drive", anger, competitiveness, dominance, assertiveness, ambitions etc.
CHIRON CONJUNCT PHOLUS ASTEROID - 5145 IN SYNASTRY = Pholus person blows up the Chiron persons pain/wounds.
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geovanag · 3 months
Composite Chart #2
🌿 Rising in Composite Part 1 🌿
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The Composite chart, which is effective after meeting a person and is formed by calculating the common points of the positions in the charts of the two people, is the chart that many astrologers (and me too) often use. One of the things you need to know at a basic level is what sign your ascendant is in and what it means. (In one of my previous posts I talked about what houses can mean in general, if you want to read it: #1 ) Let's now examine what the rising between Aries and Virgo mean, the identity of the relationship and how the relationship visibly looks from the outside…
》Aries Rising《
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There's a strong drive to initiate new experiences and ventures together.
Both individuals may value their independence and individuality within the relationship.
A competitive spirit may be present.
There's a direct and assertive communication style within the relationship. Both individuals are likely to express their needs and desires openly and assertively.
Aries Ascendant can signify a love for physical activity and exercise. Engaging in physical activities together can strengthen the bond between the partners.
》Taurus Rising《
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Both individuals value reliability and consistency in their partnership.
There's an inclination towards creating a comfortable and harmonious home environment together. Both partners may prioritize material comforts and may work together to build a solid financial foundation.
Both partners are grounded in reality and prefer to take a pragmatic approach to handling day-to-day affairs.
They are willing to invest time and effort into nurturing the relationship and overcoming any difficulties that arise.
Both partners may enjoy indulging in good food, luxurious surroundings, and other sensory experiences together.
》Gemini Rising《
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Relationship may involve a lot of social interaction and networking.
The individuals may enjoy teasing each other, engaging in witty banter, and finding joy in the small pleasures of life.
The individuals to express themselves in diverse ways within the relationship.
The individuals may enjoy a dynamic and versatile partnership that fosters mutual growth, understanding, and appreciation for each other's unique qualities.
They may share a curiosity for knowledge, enjoy engaging in deep conversations, and have a mutual appreciation for each other's intellect.
》Cancer Rising《
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They may feel a strong emotional bond and a sense of closeness to each other, with an intuitive understanding of each other's feelings and needs.
Relationship may center around domestic life and familial connections. They may prioritize spending time together at home, creating a sense of warmth and security within their shared space.
They may form a close-knit unit, offering each other emotional support and security in times of need.
The individuals are likely to be caring, compassionate, and empathetic towards each other's needs.
There may be a strong intuitive connection between the individuals, allowing them to understand each other's feelings without the need for words.
》Leo Rising《
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They may enjoy being in the spotlight together and may attract attention wherever they go.
The relationship may be characterized by acts of generosity, kindness, and warmth, as the individuals strive to make each other feel special and valued.
They may enjoy celebrating each other's achievements and milestones, fostering a sense of mutual admiration and respect.
The individuals may take on leadership roles within the relationship.However, you should keep in mind that there is one feature to watch out for. Because in this leadership role, frictions/discussions will be inevitable.
Inspiring each other to shine brightly and embrace life with enthusiasm and zest.
》Virgo Rising《
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The individuals may pay close attention to the finer points of their interactions, striving for perfection and efficiency in their communication and activities.
They offering practical assistance and guidance to help each other grow and succeed.
The individuals may be down-to-earth.
They may work together harmoniously, supporting each other's goals and aspirations while maintaining a grounded and realistic approach to life.
Part 2 🌿 is coming soon...
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astrogre · 8 months
Money In The Houses 💴
To be precise each house can show you something about money, for an example your 6H can show daily services you subscribe pay for like Netflix or HBO. but there are 4 primary houses that specifically focus on and show us about money these are: The 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house and 11th house. They all show resource accumulation in different ways. 2nd house and 8th house are the main houses to focus on for money astrology, secondary would be 11H and 5H then all the other houses have their own subtler money relevancy.
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2nd house, The house of Values and Possessions, it shows:
stored wealth like income, earning potential, salary, savings, assets, possessions (like jewels, cars)
- how you spend
- how you earn
- the kind of assets and possessions that you own
- what you spend on
- how you perceive the value of money
- how you save
- The skills and talents you use to make money for yourself
- the state of your financial stability
- Your attitudes on saving
2nd house is money earned through your own personal efforts, the skills that you have, your blood sweat and tears. Money here is made through you and your efforts alone. It is long lasting assets and the kind that are considered when calculating your net worth.
Look at sign ruling this house and the planet. Do they work well together or contradict each other? E.g a Virgo ruled second house with Uranus inside has two energies that contradict one another, Virgo needing to be picky on purchases VS Uranus being impulsive and purchasing what it wants so when these two energies work in the same building you may even feel bad for purchasing things before doing research on it and get disappointed with your purchase because you just went for it in the moment
Finding where the 2nd house ruler planet is in the chart shows the best topics, best places , best way you can earn money that’s beneficial to you.
Eg. If your 2H was in Virgo, look at 6th house what’s inside of it? And where mercury is in your chart. Mercury (ruled by Virgo) in this case shows you how you can can excel in an industry under the topic of the house it’s in. Whereas the 6th house and The planets that would fall into the 6th house, would indicate industries you’d do well in that are a combination of the planets in there and what kind of work you could do/what planet energies you can emphasise to gain more money on your career based on the 2nd house.
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5th house, the house of Gambling and risky investments, it shows:
investments in startup companies ,gambling, investing in penny stocks
- how much you may make from investing, gambling and creative endeavours
- Money made from personal hobbies, creative talents and projects
- how lucky you are at earning money from risky investments
- Your approach to gambling
- How you spend resources on leisure activities and entertainment
- Attitudes on risky spending/gambling
- The outcome of your gambling and risky investments
This would be your trading 212 and creative artist placement. I can imagine people that invested in crypto currency back in 2008 and people that purchased nfts having this house active. 5H placements can make you lucky in the industry you are in, it can give you that boost in industries that require you to need to have luck or attention to make it. This can be entertainment stars, the lottery, entrepreneurship or just being really blessed with income from taking risks for fun. I’ve noticed natives with this house active tend to be successful businesses investors, gamblers, fashion designers, actors and artists, because these industries also require a bit of luck to make it, that’s why it’s also known as thie “star” house for celebrities. If planets here are beneficial native just happens to have the right things happen for them at the right time.
Key figures with 5th house active/stellium: Timothee chalamet, will smith, Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen, Calvin Harris, Mozart, Elon Musk
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11th house, the house of tangible material gains:
ready to be spent wealth like, liquid cash, profit, products (clothing, food), promotion from work
- money made from your public image and things your known for (fame)
- Your financial status and social standing
- How you can gain profit and wealth online
- Money made from your ideas, goals and inventions
- How money comes easiest to you
- The type of resources acquired from
- What part of our lives we may live in luxury or can afford to spend more on (E.g 11H sag being luxury travel)
11H is on hand liquid cash, things like stocks , disposable income, the tangible stuff that you can actively spend, it’s pretty unexpected too like 8th house except 8th house income comes from places you didn’t know about but 11H gains come from sources you always knew about but are just suddenly now benefiting you out of nowhere. You know how some people can be famous and still be broke, with a prominent or beneficial 11 house, you automatically get money along with the attention from their public image. This is because 11H is naturally the representative of social connections, networking and communities but also because of derivative astrology
The 10th house represents your career, public image and the 2nd house represents money/finances so you count 2 houses starting from 10 using Derivative Astrology (10 => 11) meaning the 11th house represents money made from our career and public image. This is why this is known as the influencer house.
People tend to use their fame and wealth from this house to start businesses. This house works really well with 8H because it kind of forces other people to acknowledge you. It’s a little different from the 5th house in terms of getting money from your inventions -In the sense that the very concept behind your creations bring you material gain whereas 5th house are blessed for expressing themselves and in risky situations (not strictly exclusive to creative arts, but the art industry is naturally a hit or miss industry). This house is very similar to 2nd house however I’d say 2nd house is more long term but 11H is quick and easy, makes you appear wealthy like rappers and celebrities living a lavish lifestyle but don’t have something to fall on if it runs out. 2nd house is longevity and allows a native to live off their assets if necessary.
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8th house, The house of inheritance, joint resources and investments, it shows:
inheritance, debt, taxes,investors, gifts, joint resources,insurance, the money people owe you
- how much resources you receive from other people
- How much assets, money and resources you may share with others and inherit
- The individuals you may inherit from,have joint bank accounts, shared resources with that financially bless you
- where your resources from other people come from
- the kind of people and industries that may invest/donate/give to you
- How you handle and manage your debt and loans
- your ability to adapt to financial challenges and a complete change of class or income, essentially how you handle financial transformations
- How much you may leave for others when you pass away
- Your ability to repay financial obligations like debt and taxes
- The financial downfalls or sudden financial gains that come from unexpected sources or a source you didn’t know about (8th house is a house of secrets and in the dark so you don’t really see it coming)
- Attitudes towards other peoples resources and the concept of debt/loans
- What kind of resources, assets and things you may receive from other people
Honestly 8th house covers a lot in finances, it’s the kind of money you get for literally no reason, like you can just be sitting there and money falls on to your lap, it can be known as the nepotism house, resources gained not as a result of your day to day efforts (unless making aspects to 6H/Saturn), but a thing you get all at once as a “here you go, well done!”. You really don’t see it coming either, having a blessed 8H is good but you also need to maintain your inheritance otherwise you can end up losing it all that’s why it’s important to have a grounded 2nd house. The kind of people that tend to have this house active and beneficial would be people that are blessed with money in their darkest of times, natives put in the will of their family, people that marry into wealth, being involved with financial contracts that benefit the native more than the other.
E.g Uranus here would want it’s independence, Pluto would feel entitled to others finances and therefore native would excel in taking money from others, Jupiter is lucky here so you would just be blessed with inheritances and financial gains from others even though you didn’t plan for it.
Also look at the ruling planets of this house, say if you had an Aries 8th house, locating which house Mars is in your chart can show you which kind of places you can be given money from most, E.g your Aries is in 11th house and your Mars is in 3rd House you would make great financial gains on the topic/themes of networking, social media E.g. online companies giving you their products in hope of you trying them, being recommended for bonus or accolades because someone you vaguely know mentioned you to their boss, whereas Mars (Aries planetary ruler in 3H) could also indicate who you get your money from like siblings, people you share your ideas with etc.
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lilithgreye · 1 month
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—11— (Tochtli/Rabbit)
Aztec Astrology is an old form of astrology dating back to 600 BC. This type of astrology has 20 different signs rather than 12. It originates from an ancient tribe, the Aztecs, who were particularly fond of astronomy
Rabbit Dates: January 11/23, February 9/21, March 5/17/29, April 10/22, May 4/16/28, June 9/21, July 3/15/27, August 8/20, September 1/13/25, October 7/19/31, November 12/24, December 6/18/30
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Traits of the rabbit/tochtli —
• Associated with the Moon (the Aztecs believed you could see a rabbit shape in the Moon)
• The most persuasive zodiac of Aztec astrology. Easily sways others with their charm
• They make great social media influencers
• The women/gay men make great romantic partners but the straight men tend to be players. Both genders can be serial daters sometimes though
• Workhorse/hardworking. Strong perseverance
• Very celebratory for others victories (not often jealous)
• Very secretive. Doesn’t open up easily
• Highly prone to anxiety disorders. Especially social anxiety because they’re quite shy
• Optimistic and they also have an addicting positive energy/radiance
• Softies/sensitive/delicate but the male ones tend to hide it a lot
• Often have ADHD or their minds are always racing so they can accidentally sometimes still be thoughtless even though they’re kind most of the time
• Prefers to turn away from conflict most of the time
• Usually financially successful unless unresolved karma isn’t healed
• Needs lots of control over their life. At worst could be too controlling of others
• Abundance of ideas/creative
• Can make friends really easily and are amazing at socializing (even if they don’t always want to)
• At worst can be prone to addiction
• Calculated and rarely act impulsively
• Bunny-like appearance
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
7th Lord in All Houses [ Spouse/Marriage, Partnerships & Public ]
Part 1 .. { Vedic Astrology }
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⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Placement (Vedic Astrology)
1st Step ⇨ Go to Vedic Astrology Calculator
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2nd Step ➚ Enter Your Details & Press { Calculate Sidereal Chart }
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3rd Step ⇨ Find the 7th House Ruler as per the {Sign & Symbol}
"Example here , 7th House is Ruled By Libra & Its Lord is Venus which is in 8th House thus Your [ 7th Lord is in the 8th House. ] "
7th Lord in 1st House
Here, the focus is on you when it comes to partnerships, and it all depends on the characteristics of your 7th lord. If you have a malefic planet like Saturn, Mars, Rahu[North Node], or Ketu[South Node] as the lord of your 7th house, and it is positioned in the 1st house, it can be quite challenging. In this situation, you may become a bit selfish, prioritizing your own interests over your spouse's. Partnership and marriage hold great significance for you, as you always seek companionship. You don't want to be alone, and you constantly attract new people into your life whenever you need them. So, how do you find your ideal partner?
Typically, you actively search for your spouse, either by physically going out and meeting new people or by utilizing online dating platforms. Through these means, you take control of your desire to find a partner. You are a diligent individual who puts in hard work, whether it's in finding a spouse or running a business. You dedicate your full attention to the task at hand. However, you can be quite demanding of your spouse. With the seventh lord in the first house, you possess a passionate nature. You have an intense desire to have a partner, and you are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. You are a savvy businessperson, making you highly entrepreneurial. However, you may find it challenging to work well with others, so it's likely better for you to work for yourself.
When the 7th lord is positioned in the 1st house, there can be potential business issues within partnerships. However, despite these challenges, there are certain factors that can help maintain a strong relationship. One important aspect is the shared background and similar origins between partners. Coming from the same area or having a similar cultural background can create a sense of unity and understanding. Additionally, building a home together and living under the same roof becomes a top priority, emphasizing the importance of creating a stable and nurturing environment.
It is natural to desire someone who will be there for you and provide support. However, this can sometimes lead to a slight selfishness, as the focus shifts towards personal enjoyment and security. When the 7th lord is a benefic planet like Venus, Moon, Jupiter, or Mercury in the 1st house, it can enhance cooperation, but there may still be a playful tendency present. On the flip side, there is a possibility of being manipulative, rude, and engaging in mind games with your spouse. This behavior poses a genuine threat to the relationship and should be approached with caution. Matters such as joint bank accounts, tax issues, inheritance, and purchasing a house together can become particularly challenging when the 7th lord is in the 1st house.
Interestingly, I have observed that individuals with this placement often live in their partner's property without actually owning it jointly. Negotiating these financial factors requires careful consideration, and sometimes the involvement of in-laws from either side can further complicate the situation. Without trust, genuine sharing, and openness, the relationship can quickly disintegrate. It is important to address any minor health issues that may arise for either partner, as they can potentially escalate into major crises that threaten the stability of the relationship.
7th Lord in 2nd House
When the 7th lord enters the 2nd house, you may find yourself torn between multiple relationships or constantly delaying the decision of choosing the perfect spouse for yourself. However, if this placement is well-aspected, you can expect to experience significant financial gains and enjoy a luxurious lifestyle. Your financial security is closely tied to your marriage, and this placement also enhances your sensuality, making you a passionate and pleasure-seeking individual. Interestingly, you may even meet your future spouse through activities related to the second house, such as dining out or within your close-knit family circle. These early environments and experiences play a significant role in shaping your potential partner.
It is crucial for you to have a strong financial bond with your spouse, as financial security holds great importance to you. You are not willing to enter into any relationship that lacks financial stability, as the mere thought of an uncertain financial future can be quite daunting. It is quite likely that you will find yourself drawn to crisis situations, either by working in professions that deal with them or by attracting a spouse who is involved in such fields. This may include professions like doctors, nurses, counselors, psychotherapists, astrologers, or individuals who work with people going through challenging times.
To safeguard the marriage when the seventh lord is in the second house, engaging in creative activities, sharing hobbies, or learning together is key. These activities will help maintain the relationship. On the other hand, threats to the marriage include traveling to foreign lands separately or pursuing higher education individually. Sometimes, even gurus, teachers, or mentors can negatively impact the relationship.
In order to strengthen the relationship, it is important to involve either your or your spouse's father in a supportive role. Harmony with the father is crucial. Building wealth together and focusing on material growth are essential for the relationship to thrive. Without a sense of material progress, the relationship may struggle. This placement is excellent for business endeavors.
7th Lord in 3rd House
When the 7th lord enters the 3rd house, things can get a little tricky. This house is associated with Mars, making it a competitive and challenging environment, which may not always be conducive to intimate relationships. One thing to watch out for is potential issues with your children or the children in your life, especially your sons.
Interestingly, there is a strong karmic and spiritual connection between you and your partner. You are likely to meet your potential spouse while traveling, studying, pursuing higher education, or in the presence of a guru, teacher, or mentor. These are the environments where you are most likely to find your significant other. The key to a successful relationship in this case is to share a deep spiritual bond. It is important for both of you to have similar philosophies, moral values, and religious beliefs, as this will strengthen your connection. If not, misunderstandings and conflicts may arise.
Interestingly, the people who serve you as subordinates or employees in your home or workplace can actually benefit your relationship. They will help protect the reputation of your relationship, and even having pets together can bring you closer. Engaging in fitness and health activities together can also help solidify your relationship. In fact, you may even meet a potential spouse while participating in these activities. Additionally, younger siblings may play a role in introducing you to a potential partner, as the 3rd house is associated with them.
Even when you are traveling, especially in foreign lands, there is a possibility of meeting a spouse. The deepest desire when the 7th lord is in the 3rd house is to find someone who shares your philosophical understanding and deep religious wisdom. Ultimately, you strive to be dharmic and do the right thing, regardless of how things turn out. When the 7th lord is in the 3rd house, the main threat to the marriage or partnership is the interference of work and career. It's crucial not to mix personal and professional life by discussing your spouse at work. Keeping your relationship private can prevent any potential issues from arising in your career.
Avoid mentioning your partner in any work-related conversations to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional life. By following this advice, you can ensure a harmonious and spiritually fulfilling relationship. This placement is particularly beneficial for business individuals, as the 3rd house signifies competition, negotiation, and sales. Those with this placement may excel in sales roles and could find success in foreign markets.
7th Lord in 4th House
When the 7th Lord resides in the 4th house, it signifies that your spouse is somehow influenced by you. You possess a talent for subtly guiding your spouse to look up to you. This doesn't necessarily have to be a negative thing. In fact, it often results in having a loyal and obedient partner who craves deep emotional security. Your spouse sees you as an authoritative figure and respects you. This dynamic may seem a bit unconventional in terms of gender roles, but it's the reality of the situation. This placement also indicates that you are intelligent and well-organized. It's a great position for those in business, as it enhances your skills and talents, allowing you to excel in your career.
Your ultimate goal is to achieve recognition, success, and status. You are driven and ambitious, and you are likely to attract a spouse who shares these qualities. You are a hard worker and appreciate a partner who is equally dedicated. Chances are, you will meet your spouse while working, regardless of the setting - be it at home, in the office, or elsewhere. One of the key factors that helps you both maintain a strong relationship is venturing into business together. I've witnessed firsthand how this can be an excellent way to nurture and sustain your bond. Engaging in any form of bartering, buying, selling, or simply being in the company of others can often have a positive impact on your relationship.
However, it's important to note that trust and sharing play a crucial role. While some relationships can endure with minimal trust and sharing, this dynamic won't work in this particular scenario. The potential threat to your relationship lies in the influence of social circles, organizations, societies, and even friendships. These external factors can pose a risk to the harmony between you and your spouse. On a different note, a special blessing that arises from this situation is the opportunity to prioritize fitness and healthy eating together, which can work wonders for your relationship.
Nevertheless, if there are any negative aspects at play, you might unintentionally put excessive pressure on your spouse to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This could potentially lead to conflicts, so it's important to be mindful of this dynamic.
...Stay Tuned For Part 2...
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be consider for Accurate Personalized Predictions..
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truevedicastrology · 6 months
Unraveling Mars Across the Astrological Houses 1-12
In the realm of Vedic Astrology, the cosmic dance of celestial bodies paints a unique tapestry within the twelve houses of your chart. Each house, a stage for planetary performances, unravels a saga of influences. Mars, the celestial warrior, graces these houses, igniting diverse flames that shape one's essence. Let's embark on an odyssey through the cosmic abode of Mars, unwinding the enigmatic energies it bestows upon each house.
#1 The Martian Incarnation in the First House In the inaugural house, Mars orchestrates a symphony of war and aggression. Aligned with Aries, Scorpio, and Leo, this celestial warrior molds individuals with an innate inclination towards assertiveness. While viewed as a double-edged sword, the Martian presence ignites an indomitable spirit, fostering drive and self-reliance. The pulsating energy may, at times, manifest impulsively, a testament to the intricate dance between strength and restraint.
#2 Mars' Stint in the Second House As Mars graces the second house, financial realms become a canvas for its assertive strokes. Ventures burgeon with calculated risks, unveiling a heightened awareness of one's worth. The duality emerges – a prowess in wealth accumulation juxtaposed against the specter of aggression and competitiveness. Mars in the second house, a financial maestro, beckons a narrative of both prosperity and caution.
#3 The Enigma of Mars in the Third House Nestled in the third house, Mars births assertiveness and boundless energy. A harbinger of curiosity, individuals become swift responders, navigating life impulsively. Independence becomes a beacon, steering the ship of self-control. Yet, the paradox unfolds – the boon of ambition accompanied by the bane of impulsivity. Mars in the third house, an enigmatic force, grants vigor, demanding a delicate balance.
#4 Mars' Homely Vigor in the Fourth House In the fourth house, Mars dons the mantle of a domestic force. A patriotic fervor, a love for the home, and an independent streak mark its presence. The warrior's link to the land roots individuals deeply, fostering both independence and combativeness. A complex interplay unfolds – self-reliance and ambition converging with potential aggression and impatience.
#5 The Fiery Canvas of the Fifth House Within the fifth house, Mars paints a portrait of fiery spirit, impulsive nature, and quick temperaments. The canvas reveals a penchant for challenge, drawing individuals to conflict-laden arenas. Energies surge, propelling assertiveness and focus, yet pitfalls loom. Negative signs cast shadows – anger, conflict, and potentially dangerous inclinations. Mars in the fifth house, a dynamic brushstroke, depicts both vitality and caution.
#6 Mars' Work Ethic in the Sixth House Positioned in the sixth house, Mars becomes the driving force in the realm of work and service. An individual emerges, resilient, driven, and dutiful. Work ethic becomes an emblem, and competitiveness a potent ally. Yet, lurking beneath are shadows of over-competitiveness and relentless perfectionism. The sixth house echoes with the paradox of ambition and stress, demanding a nuanced understanding.
#7 Mars' Assertiveness in the Seventh House In the seventh house, Mars radiates with assertiveness and confidence. Ambition drives a thirst for achievement, entwined with an individual's maturity and chart dynamics. The pendulum swings – a testament to both beneficial leadership qualities and impulsive tendencies. Balanced management of impulses becomes pivotal, lest they cascade into destructive behaviors.
#8 Mars' Determination in the Eighth House As Mars graces the eighth house, determination and focus come to the fore. A relentless pursuit of goals defines this period, where hard work intertwines with assertiveness. Yet, the delicate equilibrium trembles – the risk of veering into aggression and impulsive realms surfaces. A thorough exploration of individual placements is imperative to unravel the intricacies of Mars in the eighth house.
#9 Mars' Influence in the Ninth House Ninth-house encounters with Mars bring forth a tapestry of beliefs and emotions. Attractions to power and authority emerge, adding complexity to professional and personal landscapes. A compelling trait arises, juxtaposed with potential insecurities. The ninth house dances on a tightrope, balancing a robust belief system with a rebellious streak, navigating a journey through philosophy and self-discovery.
#10 Mars' Ambitions in the Tenth House In the tenth house, Mars signals a symphony of ambition, competitiveness, and an ardent desire for success. A canvas painted with determination unfolds, portraying an individual driven to leave an indelible mark on the world. However, caution is advised – the penchant for aggression and excessive competitiveness lurks, posing potential conflicts with others.
#11 Mars' Vision in the Eleventh House Nestled in the eleventh house, Mars orchestrates a vision of energy, assertiveness, and a commitment to the greater good. A leader or pioneer emerges, propelled by an unwavering desire to make a difference. The dichotomy of strength and challenge surfaces – a surge of energy, passion, and initiative intertwined with the shadows of anger, aggression, and impulsiveness.
#12 Mars' Passion in the Twelfth House Mars takes residence in the twelfth house, unveiling a passionate and determined individual unafraid of confronting challenges. A leader in the shadows, creativity intertwines with self-expression. Challenges arise – struggles with self-confidence and hesitations in taking worldly actions. Yet, strengths surface – a reservoir of passion, drive, and intuitive prowess. The twelfth house echoes with the complexity of self-expression and an innate talent for healing.
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sensualnoiree · 6 months
astro notes: profection houses
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In astrology, profection houses are a technique used to determine the primary theme or focus for a particular year of a person's life. The profection houses system assigns each year of a person's life to a specific house in their natal chart. The technique involves advancing the natal Ascendant by one sign for each year, starting from the sign of the individual's natal Ascendant.
For example, I am a sagittarius rising and will be 30 next year. My profection house will be the 7th house in gemini. Currently it is the 6th house and for the past year I have been extremely focused on my health, my work environments, my fur babies, and finances. As I shift and prepare for 30, I see myself really stepping into positions and roles where I will be meeting new people, creating new relationships, and growing in the relationship I am already in with my partner. We got some big plans and I can feel them nearing fruition 🤸🏿‍♀️ I cannot wait to be 30 flirty & thriving ✨
For the houses:
1st House Profection Year: This year emphasizes self-image, personal goals, and how others perceive you. It's a time for personal growth, self-discovery, and initiating new beginnings.
2nd House Profection Year: Financial matters, material possessions, and self-worth take precedence during this period. It's a time to focus on resources, investments, and building stability.
3rd House Profection Year: Communication, learning, and short trips become significant. Relationships with siblings, neighbors, and acquiring new skills are highlighted.
4th House Profection Year: Family, home life, and emotional security take center stage. This period is about roots, heritage, and creating a sense of inner stability.
5th House Profection Year: Creativity, self-expression, romance, and children are prominent themes. It's a time for joy, pursuing hobbies, and taking calculated risks.
6th House Profection Year: Health, work, routines, and service to others become focal points. Organizing, improving efficiency, and focusing on well-being are key.
7th House Profection Year: Partnerships, relationships, and collaborations are highlighted. It's a time for evaluating existing relationships and forming new alliances.
8th House Profection Year: Transformation, shared resources, and deeper emotional bonds take precedence. This period involves facing deeper psychological aspects and inheritance matters.
9th House Profection Year: Higher learning, travel, philosophy, and expanding horizons become important. It's a time for spiritual growth, education, and broadening perspectives.
10th House Profection Year: Career, public image, and ambitions are in focus. This period involves striving for recognition, taking on responsibilities, and professional advancement.
11th House Profection Year: Friends, groups, social causes, and aspirations take precedence. Networking, building connections, and contributing to the community are emphasized.
12th House Profection Year: Inner reflection, spiritual growth, solitude, and hidden matters come to the forefront. It's a time for retreat, introspection, and dealing with subconscious patterns.
for more insight follow me here! 🤸🏿‍♀️
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13lunarstar · 22 days
About Arudha Lagna
Arudha Lagna, aka Pada Lagna, is an important concept in Vedic astrology. It is calculated based on the position of the Lagna (Asc) lord and reflects how a person is perceived by others, their social status, and the external image they project to the world.
Arudha Lagna (AL) is considered important in assessing a person's public image, reputation, and societal success.
How to calculate a personal Arudha Lagna
Identify the ascendant lord (Lagna Lord), which is the ruler of the rising sign (lagna).
Determine the house where the ascendant lord (Lagna Lord) is placed.
Count from that house to the house representing the ascendant sign (lagna).
The house you arrive at after counting becomes the Arudha Lagna.
Factors Influencing Arudha Lagna
The strength and placement of the Lagna Lord: A strong and well-placed Lagna Lord can enhance the perception of Arudha Lagna, while a weak or afflicted Lagna Lord may diminish it.
Planetary aspects and conjunctions: Planetary aspects and conjunctions to the Lagna Lord or the house occupied by the Lagna Lord can also influence Arudha Lagna.
Benefic or malefic effects: Benefic planets (harmonious Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury) influencing Arudha Lagna may enhance a person's public image, reputation and overall success, while malefic influences (Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) may bring challenges or obstacles in their social life and recognition.
Arudha Lagna (AL) along with other factors in a birth chart (Rasi) provides insights into a person's social status, reputation, and public image. It is often considered in predictive astrology when analyzing career prospects, relationships, and overall life direction.
AL in the 1st house birth chart >>> the individual's external image, perception by others, and social status are closely aligned with their own identity and self-image. They may be seen by others exactly as they see themselves, projecting a genuine and authentic persona to the world. Their social status and reputation may be closely tied to their personal traits, behaviours, and actions. This placement can indicate a strong sense of self-awareness and confidence, leading to a consistent and congruent presentation of oneself in social interactions.
AL in the 2nd house birth chart >>> the individual's external image is strongly affected by their wealth, assets, and material possessions ( also parental family as the 2nd house speaks about the parental family and lineage). Their social status and reputation may be tied to their financial stability, resources ( including family, e.g., heritage), and ability to generate income. They may be perceived as financially successful (or not, depending on the factors described above), or as someone who values material security and abundance. Additionally, their communication style, speech, and voice may play a significant role in shaping how they are perceived by others in social settings.
AL in the 3rd house birth chart >>> the individual's image and social reputation are influenced by their communication skills, intellect, and interactions within their immediate environment. They may be seen as articulate, clever, and communicative, and their reputation may be closely tied to their ability to convey ideas effectively. Additionally, their relationships with siblings, neighbours, and close relatives may play a significant role in shaping how they are perceived by others. This placement suggests that networking, social connections, and short-distance travel may also contribute to their public image and social standing.
AL in the 4th house birth chart >>> the individual's social perception is closely connected to their home life, family, roots, and emotional foundations. They may be seen as nurturing, protective, and deeply rooted in their traditions and cultural heritage. Their reputation and social status may be influenced by their family background, upbringing, and sense of security and stability. Additionally, their private life and inner emotions may play a significant role in shaping how they are perceived by others in social settings. This placement may also indicate that they are well-regarded within their community and may have a strong sense of belonging and support from their family and close friends.
AL in the 5th house birth chart>>> the individual's external image is strongly impacted by their creativity, self-expression, and romantic endeavours. They may be perceived as artistic, charismatic, and passionate individuals, and their reputation may be closely tied to their creative pursuits and hobbies ( do not forget to check the Lagna Lord strength and harmony). Additionally, their relationships with children, speculative activities, and involvement in entertainment or leisure activities may significantly shape how others perceive them. This placement indicates that they may be seen as playful, fun-loving, and enthusiastic, and their social status may be enhanced through their ability to inspire and entertain others.
AL in the 6th house birth chart>>> the individual's societal image may be influenced by their service-oriented nature, work ethic, and approach to handling responsibilities and challenges. They may be perceived as hardworking, disciplined, and reliable individuals, and their reputation may be closely tied to their ability to overcome obstacles and serve others in practical ways. Additionally, their relationships with coworkers, employees, and subordinates may play a significant role in shaping how they are perceived by others. This placement may also indicate that they are respected for their attention to detail, organizational skills, and willingness to make sacrifices for the greater good.
AL in the 7th house birth chart>>> the individual's social perception comes from their partnerships, relationships, and interactions with others, particularly in the realm of marriage and business partnerships. They may be perceived as diplomatic, cooperative, and harmonious individuals, and their reputation may be closely tied to their ability to establish and maintain successful partnerships (subject to the strength and harmony of the Lagna Lord). Additionally, their relationships with significant others, clients, and competitors may play a significant role in shaping how others perceive them. This placement indicates that they may be seen as fair-minded, accommodating, and skilled in negotiation and compromise, and their social status may be enhanced through their ability to build strong alliances and collaborations.
AL in the 8th house birth chart>>> the individual's outer perception may be affected by deep transformations, occult knowledge, and hidden aspects of life. They may be perceived as mysterious, intense, and profound individuals, and their reputation may be closely tied to their ability to navigate through life's mysteries and challenges. Additionally, their relationships with inheritances, joint finances, and matters related to the occult or metaphysical may play a significant role in shaping how they are perceived by others. This placement indicates that they may be seen as having a transformative effect on others, with their social status potentially being enhanced through their ability to delve into the depths of existence and emerge with wisdom and insight.
AL in the 9th house birth chart>>> the individual's external image and status are strongly influenced by their beliefs, principles, and quest for higher knowledge and wisdom. They may be perceived as philosophical, ethical, and spiritually inclined individuals, and their reputation may be closely tied to their moral values and worldview. Additionally, their relationships with teachers, mentors, and authority figures may play a significant role in shaping how they are perceived by others. This placement indicates that they may be seen as seekers of truth, wisdom, and enlightenment, and their social status may be enhanced through their pursuit of higher education, religious or spiritual practices, and diverse cultural experiences.
AL in the 10th house birth chart>>> the individual's external image and perception are shaped by their career success, societal status, and public reputation. They may be perceived as ambitious, successful, and authoritative individuals, and their reputation may be closely tied to their professional achievements and social standing (subject to the strength and harmony of the Lagna Lord). Additionally, their relationships with authority figures, mentors, and superiors may play a significant role in shaping how they are perceived by others. This placement indicates that they may be seen as leaders in their field, with their social status being enhanced through their career accomplishments, public recognition, and contributions to society.
AL in the 11th house birth chart>>> the individual's image and social perception are directly connected to their social networks, friendships, and high aspirations. They may be perceived as sociable, progressive, and goal-oriented individuals, and their reputation may be closely tied to their involvement in groups, organizations, and community activities. Additionally, their relationships with friends, associates, and like-minded individuals may play a significant role in shaping how others perceive them. This placement indicates that they may be seen as innovative, humanitarian, and connected to a wide network of people, with their social status being enhanced through their ability to collaborate, network, and achieve their aspirations with the support of others.
AL in the 12th house birth chart>>> the individual's outer image and social perception may depend on spirituality, seclusion, and hidden aspects of life. They may be perceived as introspective, compassionate, and mysterious individuals, and their reputation may be closely tied to their inner world and spiritual practices. Additionally, their relationships with institutions, foreign cultures, and experiences of solitude may play a significant role in shaping how they are perceived by others. This placement indicates that they may be seen as having a deep connection to the subconscious mind, dreams, and the collective unconscious, with their social status potentially being enhanced through their ability to transcend worldly concerns and connect with higher realms of consciousness.
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lup-ines · 3 months
The Saturnian Guide
the do’s and don’t of saturn transits
by lup-ines
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as an aquarius (capricorn in sidereal) stellium, I am no stranger to the difficulties that comes with Saturn.
but what if I told you it didn’t have to be hard?
it may not seem like it, but like all the other planets in astrology, saturn transits can be beneficial if you know how to maneuver them properly!
as a gift to all my lovely readers, I will be letting you know how you can make the most out of saturn transits and where you should tread lightly.
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- practice self-love affirmations
- get into exercise routine or any physical activity that encourages bodily discipline
- make peace with your past
- find ways to take responsibility for your actions without making excuse and take a calculated approach to them
- take the time to get to know yourself and discover new things about your being
- practice patience surrounding adapting a new identity
- make impulsive changes to your appearance
- seek validation from outside sources
- feed into superficial delusions about yourself
- indulge in toxic ways of avoiding your insecurities
- neglect your health and physical appearance
- compare your own journey to the journey of others
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- find new ways to stabilize your finances
- make thorough plans for big purchases and new financial moves
- learn new skills
- explore jobs/careers that will help you expand into a new stage in life
- build foundations around your self worth
- make impulsive/unplanned purchases
- indulge in frivolous money spending habits
- be discouraged by slow financial gains
- gamble
- adapt new beauty routines without doing research
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- read and find ways to gain more knowledge!
- find new ways to communicate more efficiently
- write, journal
- observe the flaws in your communication style and find healthy ways to improve it
- understand that everything is not worth an argument sometimes
- speak before thinking clearly about how your words could affect others
- allow negative thoughts to ruminate
- engage in immature arguments with siblings/neighbours
- buy a car/go on a short distance trip without planning
like and reblog! let me know if you want a part two!
love always,
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- clémence
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The difference between Mercury and Ketu Nakshatras is in the element of control.
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The key theme of Mercury is focus. Mercury is the continuation of Saturn, the further churning and perfection of energy. The key theme of Ketu is release and removal of inhibitions. Ironically, this represents a further level of control, because in order to access yourself that deeply and let go you have to be able to be really in touch with yourself.
As a result of achievement of total mastery of internal chaos, there is a difference in these natives financial and material circumstances. Mercury natives are about navigation and control during acquisition of their resources. They look for refinement. Ketu is where we start looking for material excess.
Having done the research on the Kala Astrology Software with the corrected Mula Galactic Center Nakshatra calculations, outside of Saturn, Ketu nakshatras were prime in men interested in obtaining not just refinement but obscene wealth, often through very concentrated effort (such as Donald Trump, Mula Moon). For women, with that Nakshatra in their big 3, they end up marrying strictly for money, or interested in catching men in order to secure being able to spend money to the point of wastefulness, to satisfy the explosive Ketu energies. These women invest a lot of time in their "man catching skills", psychological manipulation, considering it their personal development (Trump's ex wife Ivana).
The other way Ketu manifests is through excessive, shameless, controversial art, that again represents Ketu's controlled provocation, controlled chaos. Creation is a must for Ketu natives, and those natives with Ketu Nakshatras that don't indulge in their creative passions or spiritual practice often fall ill or lead a life of debauchery or substance abuse simply out of frustration (again the well known Trump controversy).
The Ketu gifts in these natives keep spilling out, burning them from the inside out, as a preparation for the Venus stage, where their art ultimately reaches a perfected form.
Note, that this path is completely different from Jupiter, which is easily blessed with cosmic abundance, because it doesn't look for excess and doesn't struggle as Ketu does, or even Saturn that is self restricted and obtains refinement through personal integrity.
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numerologica · 8 days
hello i apologize for asking a few questions in a row but i was curious on what the best method to determine career based on astrology is, i’ve seen stuff from using the industria asteroid persona chart as well as the mc and its persona chart, to the 6th house and to the 11th house due to financial gains. what do you consider?
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
This article will be a short guide on where and how to spot career/job in your birth chart, I won't talk about Asteroid Industria as I never use it much and I prefer to use other methods in my practice.
QUICK TIP : never use asteroids before an analysis of your own birth chart first, asteroids have lesser weight than your natal planets so they have to be secondarily added to the analysis.
[ ⚠ ] Bear in mind that a few placements alone won't tell the whole story, career readings are birth chart readings, not MC or 11H analysis alone. To spot your career you'll need to see the whole chart.
The information on this article is based on these books by professional astrologers:
(¹) Vocations: The New Midheaven Extension Process - Noel Tyl
(²) Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling - Brian Clark
(³) The Twelve Houses - Howard Sasportas
(⁴) The Houses: Temples of the Sky - Deborah Houlding
(⁵) The Astrology of Success - Jan Spiller
(⁶) Forces at Work: Astrology and Career - Amy Shapiro
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● These ones are the fundamentals to analyze when trying to spot career, as they are referred as "The Work Houses"
⎯ first of all the signs on their cusps
⎯ second of all the planets inside them (if any)
⎯ third of all their rulers and their placements
⎯ fourth of all the aspects to the MC
● Additionally the 11H is the house of salaries, so your income and profits from your job can be seen there.
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↑ "Vocation: The Astrology of Career, Creativity and Calling" - Bryan Clark
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● Often overlooked but very important: Saturn in the birth chart can indicate your job as it represents obligations, resposabilites, long term achievements and duties, as I said in this post of mine talking about Social Planets.
● The Nodes (North Node and South Node) represent your calling, your soul purpose, and almost like the MC they represent your aspirations and life goals, playing a big role in what can be your job/career.
(¹) North and South Node in Astrology - AstroStyle
(²) Saturn in Astrology - AstroStyle
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[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER: your birth time has to be 100% accurate in order to calculate it, please don't calculate this chart if your birth time is uncertain (even if it's a matter of few minutes).
● This chart is extremely important as it represents your public image, your job and your major life aspirations, so be careful when reading it.
● After the first analysis of your "Work Houses" and MC you'll already have some potential career paths in your mind, only after this you'll be able to switch to the MC Persona Chart which will eventually confirm your theories or even suggest new ones to add to the list.
⎯ pay special attention to the dominant energies of the chart
⎯ pay special attention to the MC and angular planets (if there's any)
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[ ⚠ ] DISCLAIMER: your birth time has to be 100% accurate in order to calculate them, please don't calculate these if your birth time is uncertain (even if it's a matter of few minutes).
● ASC/MC MIDPOINT is an indication of how your identity relates to your public image, at the same time it can indicate your ideal job that makes your natural expression shine the most. The balance between yourself and your job.
● VENUS/MC MIDPOINT could quite literally indicate "the job you may love doing", indicating things you like to do and activities you enjoy doing.
⎯ all MC MIDPOINTS are important, but to me these two are the top ones
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● for those using Hermetic Lots, this one is particularly indicated to spot career as it indicates (along with the Nodes) your purpose and direction, what brings natural joy to your spirit, what we're capable of, what we wish to do in our lifetime.
(¹) The Lot of Fortune and Spirit in Astrology - The Astrology Podcast
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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sunshinesmebdy · 4 months
Unleash Your Inner Warrior: Embracing the Power of the Moon in Aries
The vibrant energy of the Moon in Aries brings a dynamic shift to the world of business and finance. It’s a period characterized by bold initiatives, decisive action, and a surge of entrepreneurial spirit. As an astrologer and business consultant, I’m here to guide you through this potent transit and maximize its potential for your success.
Understanding the Moon in Aries Influence:
Fiery Leadership: This transit amplifies leadership qualities, encouraging assertiveness, initiative, and a willingness to take calculated risks. It’s an ideal time to step up, present your ideas confidently, and lead projects with courage and conviction.
The Moon in Aries ignites the inner CEO within! This fiery transit throws open the curtains on your leadership potential, boosting your assertiveness, initiative, and appetite for calculated risks. It’s prime time to shed self-doubt, step onto center stage, and confidently pitch your ideas. Lead projects with the conviction of a lion, unafraid to break new ground. But remember, true leadership isn’t a solo act — leverage your team’s strengths, delegate wisely, and inspire others with your fiery vision. Now go forth and conquer, leader!
Innovation & Creativity: The fiery energy sparks creative thinking and encourages out-of-the-box solutions. Businesses can leverage this time to brainstorm new products, explore niche markets, and implement innovative marketing strategies.
The Moon in Aries is creativity’s jet fuel! Unleash your inner inventor and ignite a brainstorming inferno. Dive deep into niche markets, explore unconventional possibilities, and let your ideas dance outside the lines. This is the perfect time to launch new products that disrupt the status quo, experiment with bold marketing campaigns, and implement innovative solutions that leave your competitors gasping for air. Remember, innovation thrives on a healthy dose of risk, so don’t be afraid to color outside the lines and ignite the spark of change!
Competitive Drive: Aries thrives on friendly competition. Utilize this energy to engage in healthy market competition, negotiate favorable deals, and strive for excellence in your industry. However, remember to stay ethical and respectful, avoiding aggressive tactics that could damage your reputation.
The Moon in Aries throws down the gauntlet, igniting a healthy competitive spirit within! Channel this fire to excel in your market, but remember, it’s a friendly duel, not a scorched-earth battle. Leverage this energy to secure favorable deals, negotiate with confidence, and push your industry boundaries. Remember, sportsmanship matters — compete fiercely, but ethically and respectfully. Think of it as a collaborative climb to the top, not a ruthless push to the bottom. By striking the right balance between ambition and integrity, you’ll emerge victorious, reputation intact and fire still burning bright. So, ready, set, go (with grace)!
Impulsive Decisions: The downside of Aries’ impulsive nature is the potential for hasty decisions and reckless investments. Before making significant financial moves, ensure thorough research, careful analysis, and a balanced perspective.
While the Moon in Aries fuels your fire, remember, impulse control is your armor! This transit can tempt you to dive headfirst into risky investments or hastily close deals. Don’t let the flames cloud your judgment. Before venturing into financial territory, douse the inferno with thorough research, careful analysis, and a healthy dose of skepticism. Seek diverse perspectives, consult trusted advisors, and prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term thrills. Remember, calculated risks are one thing, but reckless gambles can leave you singed. So, channel your fiery spirit wisely, and remember, slow and steady wins the financial race under this potent transit.
Tips for Harnessing the Moon in Aries Power:
Initiate New Ventures: This period favors launching new businesses, products, or marketing campaigns. Channel your creative spirit and develop strategies that stand out from the crowd.
With the Moon in Aries’ spotlight shining bright, it’s go time for bold initiatives! This is the astrological green light to launch that business you’ve been dreaming of, unveil that innovative product you’ve been tinkering with, or unleash a marketing campaign that blazes a trail unlike any other. Tap into your boundless creativity, ignite the spark of differentiation, and develop strategies that make your brand stand out like a supernova in a crowded galaxy. Don’t be afraid to break the mold — remember, Aries thrives on trailblazing and the world awaits your unique brand of brilliance. So, unleash your inner entrepreneur, channel your fiery spirit, and get ready to launch into the stratosphere of success!
Negotiate with Confidence: Don’t be afraid to express your value and negotiate assertively, ensuring you secure fair deals and partnerships. Remember, confidence is key, but stay respectful and collaborative in your approach.
Under the Moon in Aries, your negotiation game levels up! Don’t shy away from expressing your worth and confidently advocating for your goals. It’s okay to bring the fire, but remember, it’s a negotiation, not a battle. Assert your value with respect, collaborate to find win-win solutions, and remember, confidence is key to securing fair deals and partnerships. Think of it as a dance, not a duel — move with grace, power, and a clear understanding of your worth, and you’ll emerge victorious, leaving behind a trail of satisfied collaborators, not scorched earth. So, channel your inner diplomat warrior, and go forth and negotiate with confidence!
Invest Strategically: The Moon in Aries can be a good time for calculated investments, especially in innovative sectors or emerging markets. However, conduct thorough research, avoid impulsive decisions, and prioritize long-term sustainability over short-term gains.
While the Moon in Aries ignites the fire of investment fervor, remember — it’s a calculated burn, not a reckless inferno! This transit can offer fertile ground for strategic investments, especially in groundbreaking sectors or burgeoning markets. However, don’t let the fiery energy cloud your judgment. Conduct meticulous research, analyze trends with a cool head, and prioritize long-term stability over fleeting gains. Think of it as planting a financial seed — nurture it with knowledge, patience, and a sprinkle of calculated risk, and watch it blossom into a sustainable garden of success. Remember, impulsive bets might bring quick thrills, but informed decisions fueled by Aries’ fire will be the true key to unlocking long-term financial prosperity. So, invest wisely, fellow warriors, and let the Moon in Aries guide you towards a future as bright as your ambition!
Delegate Tasks Wisely: Delegate tasks wisely to capitalize on the team’s diverse strengths and prevent burnout. Encourage initiative and creativity within your team, fostering a dynamic and collaborative work environment.
Under the Moon in Aries, delegation becomes your secret weapon! Instead of trying to be a one-person whirlwind, tap into the diverse strengths of your team. Delegate tasks strategically, matching talents with workloads, and watch the collective fire ignite. Don’t micromanage, instead, encourage initiative and creative solutions. Foster a collaborative spirit where ideas flow freely, fueled by the shared energy of the transit. Remember, a united team with individual flames burning bright is a force to be reckoned with! By delegating wisely, you’ll not only empower your team but also avoid burnout and ignite a dynamic engine of productivity that propels everyone towards shared success. So, step back, empower your warriors, and let the collective fire of Aries work its magic!
Maintain Balance: While embracing the impulsive drive is important, remember to maintain a healthy balance. Take time for reflection, consult with trusted advisors, and avoid letting your enthusiasm cloud your judgment.
The Moon in Aries is a potent brew of impulsiveness and drive, but remember, even the fiercest warrior needs moments of calm! Don’t get swept away by the whirlwind of action. Breathe, reflect, and consult trusted advisors to ground your ideas and avoid rash decisions fueled by pure enthusiasm. Think of it as adding water to the Aries fire — it tempers the flames, allowing them to burn brighter, stronger, and for longer. Prioritize sleep, healthy habits, and moments of introspection to maintain balance. Remember, true success under this transit demands not just fiery drive, but also the wisdom to channel it strategically. So, embrace the passion, but fuel it with balance, and watch your Aries-fueled endeavors burn a path to lasting success!
Remember, the Moon in Aries transit is a fleeting opportunity to inject your business with dynamic energy and entrepreneurial spirit. By understanding its influence, employing strategic planning, and maintaining a balanced approach, you can turn this fiery transit into a catalyst for success and propel your business to new heights.
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astrologged · 1 year
Antares in the houses
Antares is one of the four Royal Stars in astrology and is associated with themes of courage, honor, and success.
1st house: Indicates a strong desire for independence and self-expression. These individuals may have a competitive nature and a need to prove themselves, someone who is very self-assured and confident, with a strong sense of personal power and a willingness to take risks. 
2nd house: Indicates a strong connection to nature and a desire for material comfort and stability. These individuals may be slow to change and have a stubborn streak. In the second house, Antares can indicate financial success, especially through taking calculated risks and being willing to invest in oneself.
3rd house: This placement can indicate a strong intellect and a desire for knowledge and communication. These individuals may have a restless nature and a need for mental stimulation. Antares in the third house may indicate success through communication and networking, as well as a willingness to speak out on behalf of oneself and others.
4th house: This placement indicates a strong emotional nature and a need for security and nurturing. These individuals have a protective streak and a deep love for family and home. In the fourth house, Antares can indicate success and achievement in one's home life, family, and private life, as well as a strong connection to one's roots and ancestry.
5th house: This placement indicates a strong creative drive and a need for recognition and admiration. These individuals have a bold and confident nature.  Antares in the fifth house can indicate success and recognition in creative endeavors, as well as a willingness to take risks and pursue one's passions.
6th house: Indicates a strong analytical mind and a need for order and structure. These people have a perfectionist streak and a desire to be of service. In the sixth house, Antares can indicate success in the workplace, especially through a strong work ethic, courage, and a willingness to take on challenges.
7th house: This placement indicates a strong desire for balance and harmony. These poeple have a diplomatic nature and a need for partnerships.  Antares in the seventh house indicates success in partnership and relationships, as well as a willingness to take risks and stand up for oneself and one's partner.
8th house: This placement indicates a strong transformative power and a desire for depth and intensity. These people have a mysterious and magnetic nature.  In the eighth house, Antares indicates success through transformation and regeneration, as well as a willingness to confront fears and take risks.
9th house: Indicates a strong desire for exploration and adventure. These people have a philosophical nature and a need for freedom. Antares in the ninth house indicates success in education, travel, and spirituality, as well as a strong sense of personal honor and a willingness to stand up for one's beliefs.
10th house: This placement indicates a strong drive for success and a desire for structure and tradition. These people have a serious and disciplined nature. In the tenth house, Antares indicates success and recognition in one's career and public life, as well as a strong sense of personal integrity and a willingness to take on leadership roles.
11th house: Indicates a strong desire for individuality and a need for innovation and progress. These people may have a rebellious nature and a desire to change the status quo.  Antares in the eleventh house indicates success through social connections and community involvement, as well as a willingness to stand up for causes and beliefs.
12th house: Indicates a strong spiritual nature and a need for transcendence and compassion. These natives have a creative and intuitive nature. In the twelfth house, Antares indicates success through spiritual pursuits, as well as a willingness to confront one's fears and work through past traumas.
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mystic-scorpio · 10 months
[Based on your 10th house sign]
♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎
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♈︎ ♉︎ ♊︎ ♋︎ ♌︎ ♍︎ ♎︎ ♏︎ ♐︎ ♑︎ ♒︎ ♓︎
[copyrights reserved ©️mystic-scorpio]
- there is nothing like a "10th house sign calculator" in the internet so it's best we do it the traditional way.
-pull up a natal chart calculator site and enter your data.
- I'd recommend:
- Now when that's done, you'll just have to scroll down and find the 10th house sign .
-Good luck! (Not that you'll need it, but yea)
♈︎ 𝔸ℝ𝕀𝔼𝕊 in 10th House
- They are focused and work very hard.
- Inspiring and motivating people is their jam! They make excellent leaders.
- However these people must stay cautious of their impulsive nature.
- They are likely to make rash decisions which can negatively affect their career.
• business man/woman
• members of executive department in any field/industry.
♉︎ 𝕋𝔸𝕌ℝ𝕌𝕊 in 10th House
- They are likely to be dependable, trustworthy, and good with responsibilities—qualities that could help them rise to leadership positions and authority in their chosen profession.
- They possess the valued quality of seeing the big picture, which can be very helpful in whatever profession they choose.
- Most people with this placement WANT money and also MAKE money. (Cha- ching!)
- They can struggle with rigid and obstinate approaches to their professional life/public image.
• banking
• real estate
• financial services
• any kind of art
♊︎ 𝔾𝔼𝕄𝕀ℕ𝕀 in 10th House
- Folks who have Gemini in the 10th House love talking and they love to be heard. So, naturally they decide on a career in which they need to talk a lot.
- When it comes to their work, they’re very good at transmitting their ideas and talking about what they’re thinking of.
- This placement can have a flexible and dynamic effect on a person's career and public image.
- They want adaptability, intellectual stimulation, and communication in the career they've chosen.
• writing
• public speaking
• media
♋︎ ℂ𝔸ℕℂ𝔼ℝ in 10th House
- Your career is like your second home.
- These folks look for an emotional attachment with the job they do. You wanna enjoy everyday at work doing the things you love.
- You are sensitive to people's opinions and try to create a likeable reputation. However you cannot take criticism sportingly.
- You help others regularly in your professional life, but you may lack ambition sometimes.
• medical careers
• social welfare/ counselling
• education
♌︎ 𝕃𝔼𝕆 in 10th House
- These folks have tremendous ambition and HATE working under other people.
- They are great leaders who dominate in a professional setting. (They are that charismatic boss you fall in love with in fanfictions/ rom-coms. Lol.)
- Any position of authority seems to make them want more because they always want to be in charge.
- These folks are interested in building up a good reputation at work and infact, they are highly admired and looked up to.
• entrepreneur
• performing arts or arts in general
• politics
♍︎ 𝕍𝕀ℝ𝔾𝕆 in 10th House
- Folks with Virgo in the 10th house are extremely organized, have excellent attention to detail, and have a strong work ethic.
- They excel at any task that calls for precision or perfection.
- Their capacity for problem-solving and analytical thought makes them productive workers. (Having them as your work-mate is a blessing.)
- These folks are known to worry about their image very much, they want to look flawless in front of others.
• personal finance
• engineering
• editorial work
♎︎ 𝕃𝕀𝔹ℝ𝔸 in 10th House
- When Libra is in the tenth house, people approach their professional life with harmony, balance, and diplomacy.
- They excel at building cordial rapport with subordinates and superiors. (You know that one guy who's always getting along with everyone perfectly?)
- Those having Libra in the 10th House may choose a profession in which they need to collaborate with others frequently. (...and the best team worker award goes to...)
- These natives have the capability to build a perfect public image.
• corporate lawyer (or any law related jobs)
• counselling
• human resources
• customer service
♏︎ 𝕊ℂ𝕆ℝℙ𝕀𝕆 in 10th House
- Folks having Scorpio in 10th house have a never ending motivation to achieve no matter what's going on in their lives.
- When you need to get something done, you make sure you're getting the help that's needed.
- It's a given that you love control. (I'mma act like i didn't see that coming-)
-You don't like chasing the superficial and you have an affinity towards getting to know the human psyche.
• researchers
• investigators
• psychologist
• forensic accountants
♐︎ 𝕊𝔸𝔾𝕀𝕋𝕋𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕌𝕊 in 10th House
- When Sagittarius is in your 10th House, you are likely to attract many professional opportunities throughout your lifetime and you'll have difficulty committing to one path.
- These folks may have an easygoing approach to their career and even without putting in a lot of effort they are likely to have success. (Remember those students in school who got straight A's without studying? I smell 10th house in Sag.)
- They may experience professional growth in a foreign country.
- You'll have a good reputation at your workplace but might lack discipline.
• managerial positions
• scientist
• writer
♑︎ ℂ𝔸ℙℝ𝕀ℂ𝕆ℝℕ in 10th House
- If Capricorn is in your 10th House, you are very ambitious and goal-oriented.
-You view your career as your priority in life and you are willing to put a lot of hard work in order to succeed in it.
-These folks are well-respected by other people and some may view them as authority and fear them.
-People born with Capricorn in the Tenth House are very cautious as far as their career is going.
-They're dutiful and committed to obtaining recognition from others. They want to be powerful and to have a good social position more than they want money.
• CEO or manager
• doctor
• property owner, financial manager or banker
♒︎ 𝔸ℚ𝕌𝔸ℝ𝕀𝕌𝕊 in 10th House
- Folks born with Aquarius in the Tenth House prefer to work in teams, so they can be found in big corporations or doing things in organizations.
-They want a good reputation and to be known as steady, eccentric and smart.
-Aquarius in the 10th House tends to give people the sense that they want to change the world for better. For example you may be concerned about technological advancement, human rights, and individual freedom.
- They're usually really fun to work with.
• astrology or astronomy
• computer science, space science
• engineering
• politics
♓︎ ℙ𝕀𝕊ℂ𝔼𝕊 in 10th House
- These folks have several talents and are good at many things, but no one can beat them when it comes to spreading messages to the world. For this reason, many artists have Pisces in their Tenth House.
-Pisces in the 10th house means that your originality, as well as your ability to dream, create, and empathize with others is the foundation of your professional reputation.
- However these natives are known to run away from responsibility and do not respect any obligation. Therefore it can often be estimated how long the career of someone born with Pisces in 10th House is going to last in a particular place.
• artist, dancer, actor.
• musicians or singer
• acupuncturist or naturopathic physician.
• counselor or psychologist.
NOTE: your career traits maybe be influenced by other factors on your birth chart as well.
A/N: that's it for today, see you in the next blog!
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dreamypisces888 · 11 months
Part of Fortune Overlays in Synastry: Ways You Can Bless Each Other's Lives !
Part Of Fortune in Astrology indicates areas of good luck.  Or let us say the potential areas where someone has the higher chance to be successful. It is calculated based on the position of the Sun, Moon and Ascendant. It is believed to indicate areas of prosperity, blessings and ease .  
Well of course nothing happens without hard work, but we have to admit that sometimes in some areas or some situations we feel naturally blessed so yes!
In synastry when two charts overlay, part of fortune indicates how and where people bring luck and blessings in each other’s lives.
The other day I posted about 1st and 7 house part of fortune overlay. Today I would like to cover some other positions.
Part of fortune overlay in 2nd and 8th house well, this is a placement where the partners bring each other luck and blessing on the area of finances.
 I tend to also interpret the second house as the house of self-worth and procession not only financially speaking but also on a more emotional level, it is an earthy house the energy there is grounded and solid no matter which planet governs it , so the overlay of part of fortune might give the partner a sense of belonging and the we belong together type of energy . Of course, this is one of many interpretations but personally the overlay of the part of fortune in the 2nd house gives a financial blessing and/or a feeling of security within the relationship.
Of course many other elements in synastry may deny or confirm that but still.
Regarding the 8th house the story is a bit different, the 8th house is more about shared money but also about transformation ,death and rebirth.
So having an overlay there means that one of the partners is participating in a positive way in the transformation or the development of the other partner either financially speaking or on a spiritual level. This also can be true for both partners.
The 8th house has a heavy and serious energy. Having someone putting his or her part of fortune there or vice versa might mean that you both bring ease in the most uncomfortable departments of life .
 It can also indicate that after this union one of the partner may receive an inheritance and that eventually might transform the couple’s life, this is also a way of interpreting this overlay .
I would like to mention that this overlay can be romantic or non-romantic father/child , husband/wife, mother/child etc. This is valid for many types of connections between 2 people
I would like to underline that this is my personal take on the subject please feel free to tell me what you think in the comments below . I will get back to you regarding the other placements !
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