#finasteride 1mg
arccanine · 1 year
I took a pause on T since.  Goddamn since about early April (was growing facial hair a Lot, was not a fan.  Thanks for the genetics, DAD).
So after I vanquished the monster (finished my Canadian immigration paperwork) I dove head fuckin first back into researching wtf my options are because I loved literally everything else!!  So for now we’re gonna be trying a finasteride + T combo and I’m crossing my fingers >-<!
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maxine302 · 6 months
As of today I've started hrt
This is something very surreal that I never thought I'd be saying.
It has been a very quick month and a half going from my referral to now holding these tiny little tablets in my hand.
(If your curious about my dosage it's:)
1mg estradiol
5mg finasteride
100mg utrogestan
A fairly low dose but I'm happy with what I'm given.
I've had my first dose and I know its a placebo effect but I genuinely feel weird in a very good way.
Like I feel alot less anxious now and I guess calmer ?? I think that's the right feeling .
I'm very excited to see the changes in my body so much, I've wanted to do this for a good year or so after much time alone thinking about this.
Although I've had to go private and through gendergp, I think Its gone super smoothly and without much problems
(though some parts of the process where ridiculously overcomplicated)
I'm gonna be updating my hrt journey here on tumblr cause I think this platform has a better way of me conveying my thoughts than twitter.
I'm very excited to see my skin become softer (Its really bad) my hair get longer and silkier and most importantly, I really want to see myself grow boobs.
I've been so eager to have some and I can't believe, I'm at a point where they are gonna start developing at some point.
I really want to thank all my friends who have been so supportive of my trans journey these recent years, it has made all the pain and suffering worth it.
I'm hoping this is the start of a brand new life for me where I can start to become ................. well me.
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They gave me 6 months worth or progesterone lol
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assumptionprime · 9 months
I love your comics. Your artstyle is great, and seeing your transition journey makes me feel a lot less alone. I also want to thank you because I'm starting finesteride, and I wouldn't know about it if it weren't for your comic about your transition journey!
Your comics are awesome, I hope you have a wonderful 2024!
Thank you!
I'm glad my comics have been helpful, especially with the Finasteride. Though I should note that I have since learned that the dose of Finasteride I was on in that comic was a bit high, I'm on 1mg daily now.
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junglejim4322 · 8 months
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salternator · 2 years
Hey! I saw you comment you were on DHT blockers, mainly to stop hair loss but keep voice/muscle changes. If you're okay to talk about it, are there other benefits/effects that you know about?
Yup! I'll write out what I've read up on for my own purposes. Standard disclaimer: I don't know what I don't know, speak to an endocrinologist if possible, get regular blood tests if you can.
The main two DHT blockers (that preventing testosterone being metabolised into DHT) are finasteride and dutasteride, with dutasteride having a stronger effect.
I used to take 1mg/day finasteride, the recommended medication and dose for hair loss prevention. However it has a short (6 hour) half-life in the body and I often forget to take it, so I switched to 1mg/3days dutasteride which remains in the body for a much longer time (several weeks half-life). This is not a recommended dosage or regimen - normal dosage is 0.5mg/day for hair loss - but is likely safe since it can be prescribed up to 5mg/day.
Potentially desirable effects of DHT blockers (compared to testosterone without DHT blockers)
Prevents head hair loss on DHT-sensitive hair follicles. For some people it can also reverse existing hair loss, though I wouldn't completely count on that.
Somewhat prevents body and facial hair from increasing. I haven't seen any evidence for reversal though.
It suppresses bottom growth.
Reduces skin oil production and thus may reduce acne.
DHT blockers likely don't affect: muscle growth, voice deepening, fat redistribution, height increase (if your bones are not fully ossified).
Side effects
DHT blockers affect fetal development, so all precautions should be taken to prevent anyone who is pregnant / trying to get pregnant from accidentally ingesting it. This means pill cutters shouldn't be shared for different medications, and you can't donate blood for as long as the DHT blocker is in your body (1 week for finasteride, 6-12 months for dutasteride).
Studies done on cis men taking DHT blockers show a potential increase in depression and lowered libido. However I don't have any information on whether the same effect applies to somebody with starting at a baseline of low testosterone and low DHT, then taking testosterone with a DHT blocker.
This systematic review is quite helpful and uses fairly understandable language.
Things I know that I don't know
The metabolism of testosterone doesn't end at DHT - DHT is then metabolised into other products, and so on. I have not looked into the downstream effects of blocking production of DHT yet, which may be significant if you are taking a near-total DHT blocker like dutasteride long-term.
I have seen many posts on bodybuilding forums (most reliable source of information /s) saying that DHT blocks the effects of estrogens by competing for estrogen receptors. As far as I can tell, DHT does not seem to bind effectively to estrogen receptors, so I somewhat doubt this claim. There is convincing evidence that DHT blockers increase the risk of gynecomastia in cis men, but I haven't yet been able to find out what the mechanism is.
I hope this long post is somewhat useful, and I'm happy to talk about other aspects of non-standard transition if you're curious.
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onlinegenericshop · 4 months
Propecia 1mg: The Ultimate Solution for Hair Loss
What is Propecia?
Propecia is a branded medicine on prescription that comes in daily tablets and contains the active ingredient Finasteride. Finasteride is a Type II 5-alpha reductase inhibitor and is usually the first port of call for people seeking effective treatment for hair loss. It is used primarily to treat male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia. 
How does Propecia work for hair loss?
Hair loss is a natural part of the hair’s life cycle for men and women. However, in men, a change in the way scalp cells react to testosterone can lead to thinning hair, which can eventually result in baldness.
Propecia 1 mg is used to treat common male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia. This condition, often passed down through families, makes hair follicles shrink over time because they are sensitive to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). 
A natural body process changes testosterone, a male hormone, into a different hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) using an enzyme (a type of protein) called 5-alpha reductase. Hair follicles are sensitive to DHT, and with increased exposure to the hormone, the follicles narrow.
When levels of DHT get too high, it can make hair follicles shrink. This means that every time a hair falls out naturally, the new hair grows back a little bit narrower. Eventually, the hair is so fine that it can’t break through the surface of the skin.
Propecia works by blocking this enzyme, which reduces the levels of DHT. Lower DHT levels help hair follicles to grow back to their normal size, leading to a thicker and healthier head of hair. Then hair can grow again like normal. Research shows that 4-6 months after taking
Propecia, up to 60% less DHT is present in the scalp. This works to regrow hair in 9 out of 10 men with male pattern baldness.
How effective is Propecia in treating hair loss?
Clinical studies have found Propecia to be very effective in treating male pattern hair loss. For example, in a major study over 5 years, 90% of men who took Propecia every day either kept their existing hair or saw hair regrowth. This was much higher than the 25% of men who saw these effects while taking a placebo (a pill with no active ingredient).
Additionally, over 66% of men using Propecia for 2 years observed at least 50% more visible hair, whereas only 7% of the placebo group had similar results. So, the evidence shows that Propecia enables the vast majority of men taking it to regrow hair successfully.
How long does Propecia take to work?
Like many treatments for progressive conditions, Propecia works best when started early. However, positive effects are often seen after 3-6 months of consistent daily use. It may then take 9-12 months to see the full desired response in terms of halted hair loss combined with noticeable regrowth.
Maximum Hair regrowth from Propecia may take 1-2 years before becoming evident. So, while Propecia cannot work overnight, it does reliably spur improved hair growth over a period of months for most men.
Who benefits from Propecia?
Men with diagnosed male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia) - those with genetic hair loss and shrinking follicles
Men in the early stages of balding who still have active, salvageable follicles
Men with moderate to extensive hair loss focused on the anterior scalp region and crown
Adults over age 18 with balding (safety/efficacy not established for teens)
Not recommended for men who are already near or completely bald in the scalp area
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tommyysscott · 5 months
How Expensive Is Finasteride Proscar Propecia
Generic FINASTERIDE / Brand PROPECIA PROSCAR 1mg / 2.5mg / 5mg Tablet is used for treating loss of hairs. Early forms of male pattern loss of hair which is also known as androgenetic alopecia is treated with this medicine. Finasteride / Propecia Proscar medicine is classified as 5-alpha reductase inhibitor that works by blocking the production of body of a male hormone in the scalp that stops growth of hairs, thereby reversing the process of balding and preventing further loss of hair.
Content Source - https://www.911globalmeds.com/buy-finasteride-propecia-proscar-online
Finasteride 1 mg Tablet (Generic of PROPECIA)
200 Tablet | US$ 95 US$ 86 | Save 9 % | Buy Now
400 Tablet | US$ 183 US$ 167 | Save 3 % + 9 % | Buy Now
800 Tablet | US$ 359 US$ 327 | Save 5 % + 9 % | Buy Now
1600 Tablet | US$ 703 US$ 640 | Save 7 % + 9 % | Buy Now
Finasteride 1 mg Tablet (Brand PROPECIA, Merck)
112 Tablet | US$ 253 US$ 230 | Save 9 % | Buy Now
224 Tablet | US$ 496 US$ 452 | Save 2 % + 9 % | Buy Now
448 Tablet | US$ 982 US$ 894 | Save 3 % + 9 % | Buy Now
896 Tablet | US$ 1944 US$ 1769 | Save 4 % + 9 % | Buy Now
Finasteride 5 mg Tablet (Generic of PROSCAR)
100 Tablet | US$ 59 US$ 54 | Save 9 % | Buy Now
200 Tablet | US$ 115 US$ 105 | Save 3 % + 9 % | Buy Now
400 Tablet | US$ 226 US$ 205 | Save 5 % + 9 % | Buy Now
800 Tablet | US$ 442 US$ 402 | Save 7 % + 9 % | Buy Now
Finasteride 5 mg Tablet (Brand PROSCAR, Merck)
112 Tablet | US$ 229 US$ 209 | Save 9 % | Buy Now
224 Tablet | US$ 450 US$ 409 | Save 2 % + 9 % | Buy Now
448 Tablet | US$ 890 US$ 810 | Save 3 % + 9 % | Buy Now
896 Tablet | US$ 1762 US$ 1604 | Save 4 % + 9 % | Buy Now
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 At Musk clinic, we believe that medications are equally important in treatment of hair loss and to prevent further damage to the existing hair. This step of treatment is useful in the early stages of the balding process. There are mainly two medications — Oral medication which contains finasteride (1mg) and the topical medication containing minoxidil — that are popular for treatment of common hair loss (androgenetic alopecia).
Visit Website:
What Is Medicinal Treatment?
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truedermoa · 11 months
Finpecia | Truedermo.com
truedermo.com is offering Finpecia at now in best prices.
Product Feature 1 : {Finpecia is a generic brand for the drug finasteride and comes in 1mg form. Helps in reducing male pattern baldness or MPB. The cause of male pattern baldness is Dht.}
Product Prices :- {$5.00}
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topmost21stcentury · 1 year
Hair Loss Solutions:
"🌱 Say Goodbye to Hair Loss 🌱 Struggling with hair loss? We're here to share the latest in treatments, from natural remedies to advanced solutions, that can help you regain your confidence and a full head of hair! 💁‍♂️
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transguydiary · 1 year
Hello! My goal with this blog is to provide a thorough T timeline (since each transition is different) and help other trans and genderqueer people feel less alone. I hope hearing about my personal transition can be beneficial to you in some way!
I plan to do one big update every month, with maybe some smaller updates in between. :)
Basic Info:
genderqueer trans guy
born between 1994-98
started T July 2023 (age 25-29)
0.25ml dose, intramuscular injection
finasteride 1mg to prevent hair loss (may slow some T changes)
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satyahairsolutions · 2 years
Understanding Finasteride: Results, Side Effects, and Propecia Effect
Finasteride is a prescription medication used to treat hair loss in men. It works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone that causes hair loss in men. Finasteride is sold under the brand names Propecia and Proscar, and is available in tablet form.
Finasteride Results Finasteride has been shown to be effective in slowing down or stopping hair loss in men. In clinical trials, more than 80% of men who took finasteride saw a decrease in hair loss, while nearly 50% saw an increase in hair growth. Finasteride is most effective in the early stages of hair loss, and the earlier it is taken, the better the results.
However, it's important to note that finasteride is not a cure for baldness, and results can vary from person to person. While some men may see significant improvements in their hair growth, others may not see any noticeable changes.
Side Effects of Finasteride Like all medications, finasteride can cause side effects. The most common side effects of finasteride include decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and decreased ejaculate volume. However, these side effects are generally mild and go away once the medication is stopped. In rare cases, finasteride can cause more serious side effects, such as depression or breast cancer.
It's important to talk to your doctor about the potential side effects of finasteride before starting the medication, and to report any unusual symptoms or side effects to your doctor immediately.
Propecia Propecia is the brand name for finasteride 1mg tablets, which are specifically designed to treat male pattern baldness. Propecia has been shown to be effective in clinical trials, with more than 90% of men seeing either an improvement in their hair growth or no further hair loss.
Propecia is a popular treatment for male pattern baldness, and has been approved by the FDA since 1997. However, it's important to note that Propecia is only approved for use in men, and should not be taken by women.
Propecia Effect The effect of Propecia on hair growth can vary from person to person. Some men may see significant improvements in their hair growth, while others may only see a slight decrease in hair loss. It's important to note that Propecia is not a cure for baldness, and results can take several months to appear.
In conclusion, finasteride can be an effective treatment for hair loss in men, but it's important to be aware of the potential side effects and to talk to your doctor before starting the medication. Propecia is a popular brand of finasteride specifically designed for male pattern baldness, and has been shown to be effective in clinical trials. While results can vary, many men have seen significant improvements in their hair growth with the use of finasteride.
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"Effective Hair Loss Treatment: Proscalpin 1mg"
Proscalpin 1 mg is a medication used to treat male pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia. It is a prescription drug that contains the active ingredient finasteride, which works by blocking the production of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is responsible for hair loss.
Androgenetic alopecia is a common condition that affects men of all ages. It is characterized by a gradual thinning of the hair on the scalp, which can eventually lead to baldness. While the exact cause of this condition is not known, it is believed to be related to genetics and hormonal changes.
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Proscalpin 1 mg is an effective treatment for androgenetic alopecia because it targets the root cause of the problem. By reducing the production of DHT, it helps to slow down or stop hair loss and may even promote hair regrowth in some cases.
However, it is important to note that Proscalpin 1 mg is not suitable for everyone. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant should not take this medication because it can cause harm to the developing fetus. It is also not recommended for children or adolescents.
In addition, Proscalpin 1 mg may cause side effects in some people. The most common side effects include decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and decreased ejaculate volume. These side effects are usually mild and go away once the medication is stopped.
If you are considering taking Proscalpin 1 mg, it is important to talk to your doctor first. They can help you determine whether this medication is right for you and can provide guidance on how to take it safely.
In conclusion, Proscalpin 1 mg is an effective treatment for male pattern baldness that works by reducing the production of DHT. While it may cause side effects in some people, it is generally well-tolerated and can be an effective way to slow down or stop hair loss. If you are interested in taking Proscalpin 1 mg, be sure to talk to your doctor first to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you.
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sakuraherbfinpecia · 2 years
Dusat 10 Tablets + Minjuve 5mg 10 Tablets - Finpecia Direct Sakura Herb
두사트  100 tablets + Minjuve 5mg 10 tablets. Quantity. 1. Minoxidil 5mg + Finasteride 1mg Consult a doctor or pharmacist before personal import or have sufficient knowledge about medicines. Infants and women are prohibited from directly contacting the skin or taking hair loss pills.
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curmudgeoned-lab · 2 years
What Number Of Ingredients Available In The Market Can Be Used To Treat
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Hair loss issue?
Bald was a popular topic for older people during their golden years. However, with heavy working pressure coupled with poor eating habits, irregular living habits and other reasons, more and younger women and mems are suffering from baldness. There are numerous alternatives available for treating hair loss. The company Xi!-an Biotech Co!-Ltd was able the top products on the market.
Minoxidil is the most well-known ingredient in the marketplace. Minoxidil solution 5% and foam are generally available to aid hair growth when treating for male pattern hair loss. Minoxidil powder can be mixed with propylene glycol to create an effective solution. It is not used for baldness at the front of the scalp or receding hairline in men. Propylene glycol is not present in 2% solution therefore it is safe for use. Using minoxidil solution once in the morning and evening every day, with an interval of more than eight hours. You can make use of a nozzle, dropper or cotton swab to smear it. It is recommended to use 1ml every time. If you require more information or discuss any issues, please speak with your physician. You may get more information on healthcare by visiting cosmetic raw materials website.
2.Finasteride & Dutasteride
Both Finasteride and Dutasteride can be utilized to treat enlarged prostates (benign prostate expansion). These drugs can also be used to stimulate hair growth in men. This is not recommended for pregnant women or children. Avoid crushing or breaking finasteride tablets for women that are pregnant or about to become pregnant. If you have touched crushed or broken finasteride tablets clean it immediately using soap and water and seek medical attention. Many suppliers provide capsules and tablets. Finasteride tablets or dutasetride capsules every day, regardless of when and no matter you take with food or without. The usual daily dose for enlarged prostate is 5 mg. The most common dose for losing hair is 1mg per day. There is a chance that you won't experience any positive effects if taking it long enough. If you forget to take it one day, don!-t do a second dose to make up for it, just take as usual.
Finasteride should not be used by pregnant women. It can passes through the skin and cause harm to an unborn baby.
RU58841 can be used topically, and not the same way as finasteride or dutasteride. . How do you get RU55841 to work?
Step 1. Find a powdered RU58841 raw material with a purity of more than 99%.
Step 2. Add 3g of RU58841 to Minoxidil 5 percent solution.
Step 3.Shaking the solution to make the RU58841 powder completely dissolved
The daily average dosage is 50mg. It is recommended to take it for a longer period to see actual results. After that, you can decide if need to lower or increase the dose.
4.Pyrilutamide KX-826
China Kintor Pharmaceutical initiated this product that is currently in clinical trials. Kintor Pharmaceutical has started Phase III Trials in China from January 2022. As a result of the experiments of the initial two stages, it has similar properties as RU58841 however, it is a more refined and stronger version. Pyrilutamide causes very little adverse effects and is extremely tolerable. This link will lead you to the manufacturer of this ingredient.
Apart from the above mentioned items, Xi! Lyphar Biotech Co.,Ltd can also provide other kinds of products like CB03-01, Biotin, Setipiprant, Minoxidil Sulfate, Bimatoprost and ect. No matter taking any ingredient be sure to take note of the information carefully or listen to your physician. The use of several days is not effective in treating hair loss, you should be constant taking until you can see the results and then consult with your doctor to see if dosage changes needed or not.
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iiyc-nodapl · 2 years
What Are The Best Ingredients To Treat A Condition?
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The loss of hair issue?
Bald was a popular topic among old people in precious years, but now, with heavy working pressure coupled with poor eating habits, irregular living habits and other factors, more and more young mem and women have met with bald problem. Therefore, there are a variety of choices in market to treat hair loss. Xi!-an Biotech Co!-Ltd picked out the popular products in the market.
Minoxidil is the most well-known ingredient on the market. Minoxidil 5% solution and foam are generally used to promote hair growth when treating for male pattern hair loss. Minoxidil powder is dissolved in propylene glycol, and then create solution. It is not used to treat baldness on the front of the scalp or receding hairline in men. The 2% solution doesn't contain propylene glycol. Therefore, it is not allergic to it, and is typically used for women. Minoxidil solutions should be used every day, twice a day, one in the morning and at night. Avoid using minoxidil solution for more than 8 hours. To apply the solution to the skin with a cotton swab, dropper of cotton, or nozzle. Each time, use approximately 1ml. If you have any questions or require attention please consult your doctor. You will get additionalinformation about healthcare by visiting chemical products raw materials website.
2.Finasteride & Dutasteride
Both Finasteride as well as Dutasteride may be utilized to treat larger prostates (benign prostatic growth). They also can help with male hair growth. They are not recommended for both children and women. Women, especially expecting or pregnant women, should keep away from broken or crushed finasteride tablets. When you touch broken or crushed finasteride tablets, wash the area using soap and water and call your doctor. Usually supplier make capsules or tablets in the form of. Finasteride tablets or dutasetride capsule once a day, regardless of when and no matter you consume it with food or not. The typical daily dosage for prostate cancer is 5 mg. For hair loss, the usual dose is 1mg per day. You may not feel any positive effects if you take it long enough. If you forget to take it one day, don!-t take a double dose to cover it up, just take as usual.
Finasteride should be avoided by pregnant women. It could enter the skin and harm unborn infants.
In contrast to Dutasteride and Finasteride which are oral medications the RU58841 drug is applied topically. . So how to make the RU55841 answer?
Step 1.Get at least 99 100% purity RU58841 raw powder
Step 2. Step 2.
Step 3. Shake the solution until the RU58841 powder is completely dissolved
The typical daily dose is 50mg. Taking it for a extend time to observe the actual effects. Then decide if you want to reduce or not reduce the dosage.
4.Pyrilutamide KX-826
China Kintor Pharmaceutical initiated this product that is currently in clinical trials. Kintor Pharmaceutical has started Phase III Trials in China starting in January 2022. Acoording to the experiment of the initial two stages, it has similar properties as RU58841 however it is a way stronger and more refined. Pyrilutamide can be very tolerable with very few systemic adverse consequences. It is available by checking this link.
In addition to the above, Xi!-an Lyphar Biotech Co.,Ltd can also provide other types like CB-03-01, Biotin, Setipiprant, Minoxidil Sulfate, Bimatoprost and ect. If you are taking any ingredient make sure you be sure to read the label carefully and listen to your doctors. The use of several days is not good for treating hair loss You should continue taking until you see the actual results and then consult your doctor to see if dosage changes needed or not.
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