#find a diverse amount of sources - talk with anyone with experience in regards to the topic - keep your mind open
anxious-anomaly · 5 months
[ 18+ blog || minors DNI ]
"I hate what you're doing to your body."
That's because you're comfortable as who you are. I'm not. That's why I'm changing. You can hate it all you like but it's necessary for me.
unless you wanna write my obituary, of course.
being dead sounds just as relieving as transitioning.
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permets-2 · 4 years
Your tag that says why do we have to say this, I get it's a hypothetical question but JFC this is the most racist fandom I've ever been in. I can't conceptualize why, but it is. It's the epitome of white queerness and feminism, and is just tiring.
Okay I’m so sorry this is probably a longer response than you wanted but I’ve been thinking about this for a while now and yeah. Let’s talk. 
Why is the Les Mis fandom so racist?  
(Disclaimer that this is based on my own experiences in this fandom, I don’t speak for all Les Mis fans of color, obviously. Also that this is not a post to “prove” the Les Mis fandom is racist. If you need that before you wanna know why, you’re part of the problem.) (There’s a tl;dr at the end)
It’s because at the end of the day, anon, no matter how many Black Grantaires are drawn and no matter how many Asian Cosettes we get, Les Mis is media primarily by, for, and about white people. I mean, on a factual level, Hugo was white, and let’s not forget he had some wild thoughts on race - saying that white people were “the highest type which the human race has so far reached” and talking about the “inferior races,” saying that Europeans would “civilize and cultivate” Africa in the letter he wrote to The London News regarding slavery in America and John Brown. Also, obviously, all the characters are canonically white. That’s part of why content of the Amis as involved in BLM protests is so harmful imo - no matter the surface story you’re depicting, no matter how you draw them or write them, these are characters who are rooted in and steeped in whiteness, and The Black Lives Matter movement is not for or about them as white people. And, however you rewrite this story, it doesn't change the fact that you'd be imposing a narrative created by a white supremacist on a movement against white supremacy. This is not to say headcanoning/drawing/writing characters as whatever race you want is wrong, or that there isn’t power in artists of color reclaiming stories that have excluded or erased us for so many years! Lord knows I live and breathe for Amis of color, especially when they’re culturally well-represented. But it would not only be naive but also factually inaccurate to pretend that Les Mis is a story for People of Color, or a story that contains acute discussions of racial dynamics, let alone actively dismantles white supremacy.
 Also, anon, the culture surrounding Les Mis source material is steeped in whiteness and exclusion. Musical Theatre is one of the most financially exclusive forms of art - tickets are often upwards of $100 each especially for a big name show like Les Mis. I could talk forever about the ways theatre is used as a tool of classism and racism, but in this instance, it boils down to People of Color are directly and indirectly denied access to the world of musical theatre, as audience, writers, directors, performers, etc. We basically see only white people playing the characters of Les Mis in professional (and non-professional) theatre, which is another less tangible barrier to communities of color. You’d think the brick would be more accessible, and on a factual level, sure, most people can find a copy for $9 at Barnes and Noble or get it from the library. But by God, the amount of academic elitism in high school essays to tumblr posts about the brick is off the charts - classic lit has a long history of pushing out People of Color. Why is Hugo one of the most well-known names in all of literature and not Hurston? Baldwin? Du Bois? (This is rhetorical. We know why.) There’s a lot of reasons why the brick and musical alike have been kept away from people of color (that i could get into, starting in 1619, but honestly we’d be here a while)- making this, once again, a piece of media by, for, and about white people.
 Which is not to say there aren’t people of color in this fandom, or that we don’t belong here. I know so many Les Mis fans of color in our online community (myself included) who love it here and are so grateful for this space. It’s just harder - we have to write things off all the time. Why is almost 100% of cosplay white people? Why are most all the most popular creators white? Why, when characters are drawn/headcanoned/written as POC, does it play into stereotypes- why are Joly and Combeferre (the doctors) and Cosette (the woman who does not get much agency) the ones depicted as Asian, why are Eponine and Grantaire (the characters who Hugo explicitly calls ugly) the ones depicted as Black? (My broski @everydayatleast as a great post about that here) Why are we so set on blond Enjolras, no matter what ethnicity he’s depicted as?
And here’s the kicker: because of the plotline of Les Mis, we tend to ignore any issues of injustice in our own fandom. We think that because Les Mis is about equality and revolution, we’re automatically culturally and politically progressive. We think that because “Enjolras says Eat The Rich” and “books like these will never be useless”, we have achieved Wokeness. We think that when we stan these activist characters, we’re checking our activism box. We think that because we’ve got a diversity of genders and sexualities we’ve checked the box of representation but that’s another can of worms I will not get into. And this is almost always unconscious, I don’t think any of us are actively and maliciously trying to be racist! There is nothing wrong with having a background of whiteness! There is nothing wrong with being factually or culturally white as a piece of media (or, like, a person)! It is when we fail to be critical of the ways this whiteness affects others that we create racist spaces. (Which, as you said, anon, is how we get White/Non-intersectional Feminism.)
This is not directed at anyone in particular in the slightest, and this is in no way intended as a callout - I have so much love for this online community. And no, I don’t mean every single one of you is actively and aggressively being racist on Tumblr every single day. But yes I do mean the collective us as a fandom contributes towards a culture of racism every day, myself included. We as a fandom can do so much better. As Moose said when we yelled about LM racism for a hawt couple hours today, “In a fandom that purports to be about equality and social justice, we have to live up to our own ideals”.
(tl;dr - the Les Mis fandom is racist because it is a piece of white culture and writen by/for/about white people, Broadway and classic lit is rooted in exclusionism and there’s a lot of forces keeping people of color out of our original source materials, and because of the narrative of Les Mis being about revolution and social progress, we feel like we’ve achieved that and aren’t critical of our own shortcomings)
(phat thanks to my bro moose @everydayatleast for editing and contributing and Yelling with me!!)
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Professional Photography Skills for that Corporate Photographer
Corporate Photographer
Corporate photography for annual reports, Advertising or corporate brochures takes a photographer with extensive experience and resourcefulness. Unlike the studio product or portrait photographer, in which the environment is controlled and predictable, the scenario is extremely different for your annual report or corporate photographer who is always working on location under unpredictable and unforeseen circumstances. The Corporate photographer should be a master of executive portraiture, industrial photography, architectural photography, product photography as well as aerial photography because every one of these special areas of practice will likely be required. One never knows after that be demanded inside the "day inside the life" of an corporate photographer, however the "focus" would be wise to function as same; namely to market the style of the company inside the most positive and efficient way.
Brisbane Corporate Photographer
Corporate photography is mainly all about people resulting in selling trust! People leading, people working, people communicating - along with the environment in which they work, be it in the executive boardroom, a factory setting or perhaps in a hi-tech lab; the tale is usually about the folks that make the product or who're providing the service. No matter what the business produces or service it sells, everyone is what make it and individuals will be the consumers in the specific service or product actually marketing - which can be most of the time, within an already crowded and competitive market. Therefore, it isn't surprising, that the good corporate photographer could have good "people skills." Professional models are rarely found in annual report photography and for corporate brochures, for the reason that companies should be honest in portraying their own people, therefore, the photographer must be great at making his subject comfortable as a way to portray a nice and sincere appearance, which results in talking - referring to their business; themselves; what you enjoy, sports - whatever usually produce a connection. It is a skill which can be developed; I am not an extroverted person at all, however, when it comes to "show time" I find myself performing a large amount of talking. Another tip would be to shoot a great deal - making subtle variations inside their pose; paying particular care about the pinnacle and nose in terms of the background, in the mean time instilling their confidence actually looking and doing great.
Resourcefulness is yet another critical quality for industrial and corporate photography. Resourcefulness means a chance to result in the proverbial "sow's ear in to a silk purse." When it comes to an environmental portrait for instance, the office setting might be uninteresting, so a careful choice for the backdrop has to be found. It may be on the job, it could be by the window or staircase, and it will take the factory or with an outside facility. Should it be an environmental portrait, the portrait should develop kind of statement concerning the company along with the environment must make an effort to that end whenever possible. No matter the reason, the history have to be aesthetically pleasing and straightforward, in order not to divert attention from the subject photographed. We have often found myself inside a colorless, clinically sterile lab and yet having to make a portrait that is certainly compelling and will draw attention to the topic and also the environment. In this case, composition is very important so that it is both dynamic though not distracting; and lighting is the main element to cooking a mundane environment sing with color and contrast. If you have no color in the scene and color would increase the photograph, the corporate photographer can put colored filters on the light heads to judiciously create exactly the color effect that is certainly desired. An alternate way to introduce color to the scene is by allowing different colored light sources visit their natural uncorrected color; i.e. fluorescents will go green, tungsten lights will go very warm - even orange; daylight, when the scene is balanced to tungsten, the light go very blue. The commercial or corporate photographer will learn to consider what's given and help it.
Resourcefulness entails never quitting or accepting "no" prior to the "fat lady sings," There could be times when someone states that something cannot be done. I look at that just as one invitation to educate yourself regarding every possible means by which to get it done - assuming of course that it must be vital that you the quality of the photograph or perhaps completing the assignment. Often times a shoot schedule might have to have that it's "now or never." Anyone can just accept the straightforward "no" your client will likely be much happier if you can somehow still make it happen. I have been previously in situations that seemed impossible, but persistence, optimism and even an almost obstinate a sense self-control, it still happened!
In conclusion, the corporate photographer should be diverse in his photography genre, as well as that, extensive experience is the key. He/she is often a master from the technical aspects of his craft, particularly with regards to lighting. She has the ability to communicate and reach individuals to get them to feel relaxed before the camera anf the husband can be a resourceful artist, a facilitator; a negotiator, an optimist.
Critical seeing and creativity is the hallmark of your experienced corporate or industrial photographer, simply because this kind of location photography requires anyone to quickly accommodate unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances. Finally, the company photographer never says "no" until all possible means happen to be persistently surefire. Corporate photography is focused on creating strong visual photographs which will sell his client's brand - anything!
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starryjyrus · 5 years
What Jyrus Means Too Me and Why I’ll Never Be Fully Won Over By Tyrus:
The Summer of 2017 was by far the best Summer I’ve ever had, it’s kind of a shame it was followed by the worst Summer I’ve ever had..
Anyway, back at that time I had been really into SmurfVlogs (still am, I’ve been watching him since about 2015-16 I’d say) anyway, everyone had been mourning the loss of Girl Meets World and he had announced on his channel that Disney planned on making a show similar to GMW and that the pilot had been released on YouTube, I became hella curious especially when I had heard the rumor that there was a possibility of a gay main character and that there was supposedly going to be a gay love triangle between Cyrus/Andi/Jonah, this definitely peaked my interest considering Disney, outside of Good Luck Charlie and a few other cameo like characters/relationships spotted in different movies/series, like Finding Dory, hadn’t really had that. And a MAIN character? Possibly TWO main characters being LGBT? I obviously had to watch. I of course heard other things that made the series look good, ie the Teenage Pregnancy storyline, the diversity in casting and more, but this is what sold me. Thus started my obsession.
Anyway, I watched the show. I watched the first episode on YouTube and continued watching after that, I remember the break in between the middle of season 1 that was only like two weeks, I remember seeing missing scenes in the show that wasn’t in the original promo (their was a shot of the coming out scene in the season one promo, if it wasn’t obvious to some episode 1 of season 2, or at least the first half, was originally the episode 13 of season 1) and I remember the speculation around that and the reasoning as to why they had cut that scene out.
I was in love with it. The whole storyline was just so pure and the relationship between Jonah and Cyrus was the single best thing I’ve ever witnessed. I made a fan account on Insta for it, a Tumblr, edits and so much more. The whole community was so beautiful and it was so much fun and wholesome. I’d watch the show and remember how amazing the world could be, how something like the ‘friendom’ could exist haha. I was getting older and I know it seemed weird (I was going into my Sophomore year, possibly just ending my Freshman year of school when I started watching) to be so invested in a CHILDS show but I couldn’t help it. It was an escape from reality. A place with positivity and happiness which at that time I desperately needed.
I made some of my best memories of my life during that time of the show premiering and during the hiatus. And the majority was because of things in relation to Jyrus. I’ll never forget those times and what being connected into a fandom like that was like.
The friends, the edits, the Insta live-streams from casts, it was insane too see how happy they got from it all and how much of a new experience it was. Other things like the Asher ‘be you’ memes and Josh on here with his ‘persongoingfast’ tumblr made it great as well. Even if I’m not a big fan of Josh as a person now, due to reasons, (mainly with him seemingly making fun of or mocking Jyrus and stuff like that, considering I used to really look up to him and be a big fan to see belittle something I cared so deeply about hurt me on a level l cannot describe) him being so interactive then was still an amazing thing and helped make things so much more fun at that time, so thank you @joshua-rush for that. Sincerely.
Everything was so beautiful during that..until it lwasn’t.
My mental health got really bad due to some losses and such in my family around November of 2017 and I had to be hospitalized in a mental health facility for a few weeks. It was extremely scary but I found comfort in the place, mainly due to some fellow people inside that watched Andi Mack, relating to them and being able to talk about the show with people who actually watched it? It was incredible. No one up to that point (aside from my mom who I forced to watch with me) watched the show and could talk with me about it.
I got out and the support and concern I get from friends online was overwhelming, so many people cared about me while I was gone and worried about me. No one ever really did that, at least my friends didn’t, I remember opening my phone for the first time on the way back home when we stopped at a McDonalds and the amount of messages put me into tears. There were people online who I’ve never met and we only really knew each other through a ship and a show genuinely CARED about me? It was breathtaking. I have much more friends now that would be concerned and care about me, but at that time irl I really didn’t. And the fact so many did was unbelievable.
Everything slowly but surely was getting better and worse in some areas, my overall depression state was getting better, due to medication and such, but I had relapses a few times in bad areas like self harming as well. It was pretty back and forth for a while.
Then, the worst thing that could’ve happened, happened. A quick backstory is that I don’t live with my mom, I haven’t since 7th grade and instead have lived with my Great Aunt and Great Uncle. I was always very close to them for my entire life, especially my Great Uncle, he was for a long time the most important person in my life, he was like a father too me. Hell, he WAS my father for the majority of my life. And last year on July 11th, he had unfortunately passed away.
This was absolutely devastating and considering I already was struggling with mental health and depression in the first place..ya can probably guess the spiral that ensured.
For a while I was doing okay, and then one day I broke, it had been around the time of Cyrus confirming he no longer had a crush on Jonah and when everyone started to switch from Jyrus to Tyrus and Jyrus shipper hatred became pretty popular. People were sending a specific Jyrus shipper anons of saying they wished they’d die just because they shipped Jyrus, you couldn’t go on YouTube comment sections on videos about Jyrus because you had people shitting on it everywhere, people started commenting under Jyrus edits on Instagram about how Tyrus was better and how gross it was to ship Jyrus, I got DMs of people genuinely upset because I didn’t like Tyrus, I had friends leave the sites due to the bullying they were receiving, we had some Tyrus account going around saying Jyrus shippers were ped*philes, It was insane. Now, I of course was NO saint and I know I’ve done and said some messed up shit too and if I ever hurt anyone I am deeply sorry for that, it was not my intention. And I know Jyrus shippers are not all saints either but this was just out of control. Especially whenever it was hurting a lot of people who were innocent and making them feel wrong about something as little as shipping something.
And I had a mental breakdown. I had just lost the most important person in my life and now the place that I considered my safe haven was crumbling before my eyes and all I could do was watch. It was too much. I had people saying they wanted shippers like me dead, and finally I just couldn’t handle it and completely had a melt down. If you are already having thoughts like these and you have people reinforcing what you already thought and not making you feel like you belong, well, anywhere, it really does get too you.
I of course, came out alright. Thank you to the Tumblr creator that called the police that night for a lot of that.
I’m sorry this is so long but I’ve been holding this in for so long so please bare with me.
Anyway, I am doing much better now and I’m thankful to be here still. I’m learning to fight against the haters rather then take shit and bottle things up like I used too. I still have a lot of issues but since that awful night, I haven’t had any plans of suicide or many thoughts of it.
I’m going into my last year of high school and soon I’ll be a legal adult. It’s been such a ride to get here and honestly I never thought I would but I finally think I’m getting past all of the shit in my past and am moving on.
My main reason to make this post and to be so open about everything here was to try to explain a lot of why I’m always going to be for Jyrus and not so much for Tyrus. I have other issues then the fans when it comes to Tyrus, but it has always been a main one when it comes to me not wanting to ship it.
When I look at Jyrus, despite them being pure and amazing on their own, I see some of my last good memories, I see the best time of my life, I see a point where I felt the best and where everything was going really right too me, I see long lasting friends, I see beautiful edits, I see a community, I see love, I see loyalty and so much more.
But when I look at Tyrus, all I see is the bad memories I have associated with them and the shippers, in a lot of ways, Tyrus has been a huge source of my personal pain in life, I know it seems silly and it probably is, but I have such an emotional dependence on Jyrus and Tyrus messed me up in a lot of ways in regards to that. I lost the majority of my safe haven when they emerged as more then just a crack ship. All I see when I look at them is sadness and that’s all I’m probably going ever going to see.
I tried in numerous areas to get fully on board with the ship but I just can’t. I have no love for it in a way I do for Jyrus. It’s not a terrible ship, I know that, but throughout everything that has happened even if it had no flaws I don’t think I’d ever ship it a lot.
I know everyone has their own version of things and reasons why they ship what they ship or don’t ship what they ship or like some shippers but hate others, this is just my personal story on the matter and I hope it clears up some of why I act the way I do online sometimes and why I’m so defensive of the ship and shippers.
Sorry this was so weird, I just needed to get this off of my chest cause I’ve had it in there for so long and I needed to talk about it.
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 6 years
Witness: B_Kilroy
 ThCreator name (AO3): B_Kilroy
Creator name (Tumblr): brian-kilroy
Link to creator works: https://archiveofourown.org/users/B_Kilroy/pseuds/B_Kilroy/works?fandom_id=51060
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: I was just instantly drawn to it after seeing Mad Max: Fury Road for the first time.  The movie was incredible, from the imagery to the people, from the story we see to the story we have to piece together ourselves.  I was no stranger to fanfiction since I had written and read it in the past, so when I thought "I need to get more of this," I knew where to go.  Being more internet savvy than I was several years ago meant that I was able to find more places and people who engaged in the fandom, which in turn allowed me to become more engaged, and do more for this fandom than the ones I had been a part of before.
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: I think even though I didn't write much for it, "Through The Looking Glass" was the most fun to create, because the goal was to take the entirety of Mad Max and reframe it with Furiosa and Max being able to contact each other through their dreams.  It's fun to take that and view events through a different lens, or use one character to advise the other and shove the story in different directions.  After a while, these changes would have stacked up, but it would have amounted to a serious overhaul of character and plot through four movies.  
The most difficult fic was "Ear to the Ground," namely because it was a gift so I couldn't bounce the idea back off of its source to talk about it.  At a certain point I pretty much stalled, and that combined with the time constraints of the exchange were some serious stressors.  I've stalled many times in many fics, but this was the most difficult one to conquer.   
 My most popular, successful, and favorite fic to work on is by and large "Runaway."  I can't truly speak for why, but I believe its relative longevity and the AU concept of Fury Road essentially never happening was what earned some attention.
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?
A: I like a good mix of gritty and hopeful, though it does depend on what sort of fic I'm writing.  I think we've all seen enough to know that you can't have good without the bad, but we also know that sometimes it's very possible to basically go about your business as long as you're smart about it.  Sometimes, the characters don't have that option.  I enjoy having a diverse world so characters can have a multitude of experiences.
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: My creative process really varies.  Often, I just start writing.  Only after I have some stuff written down do the gears really start turning about the future.  As I work, sometimes I'll put down specific lines I want to use, or scenes I want to see, or a general rough outline.  The best thing I've done in this regard is have an outline set for "Runaway" and use the first posting of "Royce" as a first draft.  The best way to create is to have something set out in front of you, so you know where Point B is, and it's just a matter of getting there. 
 When I wrote in college, it was pretty much wherever I could snag a seat.  A handful of my old fics started in the very back of a State Government lecture hall.  As time went on, I wrote in the student center or in a dorm lobby or just somewhere I could sit down that felt vaguely productive.  At home, it's in my dark room with some music on. 
 Rough patches often signal a break in writing.  I'll typically go to another fic to work on, but recently having trouble means walking away completely.  For me, the only way to get through rough patches means sitting down and writing.  It can be a word, a sentence, or a paragraph, and any amount is fine.  All that matters is that I get the gears going, because there's no progress if I don't think about it.
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: I'll listen to a general playlist I've wrangled together if I'm writing for Maxiosa, and that can sort of get me in the mood - namely, some DJ Shadow or some Radiohead, though a lot of artists are one-offs.  For other fics, or moments where I need a specific tone, I can turn to more energetic music and scratch that itch.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: Inspiration and drive is my biggest challenge.  Nowadays, I don't really have inspiration unless it just somehow *comes* to me - which will often be around 1 AM which leaves a lot to be desired.  A lot of writing also came out of emotional distress, which thankfully I don't really experience anymore, but that means finding some other sort of fuel to write from.
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I've definitely grown in terms of how I write.  I sort of cringe at how I first wrote a lot of my stuff, which resulted in some works being removed or re-worked.  My writing has done a lot better in terms of - well, I don't cringe at it as much.  I'm more confident in what I write and how.  It's a more mature style that I can reflect on as an era of writing separate from what I wrote when I was younger.  In short, it's better.  
Have I learned anything about myself?  Can't quite say.
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: I'd say I relate to Max the most.  I understand being alone and avoiding people.  That's oversimplifying it, but I sympathize with him the most.  This allows me to write him if not accurately, then it helps me write him well.  Writing characters in general, while I'm not writing canon material, allows me to think of them as more than what they've done on the screen.  It allows me to think of them as complex characters.  I fill out the blanks left on the screen and it helps make them whole.
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: Definitely.  "Royce" is by-and-large a self-insert, and I think it pretty much says so on the can.  It became a great way to explore what I would do in such a world, but I feel like doing self-inserts in the right way can be an excellent method to explore parts of the story that we don't usually see.  
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: It allows me to form a more complete image of the before, during, and after.  It may not be canonical, but I can appreciate the movie as more than just a slice of the world.  I think about everything happening behind the scenes - what's happening at the Citadel, in the War Party, in the wreckage following the battle of the Fury Road.  Instead of asking questions about what happened and what will happen, I form answers.
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: I enjoy the concept of trying to fit all my fics into one world, because 1) it breeds continuity, 2) it breeds opportunities for the future, and 3) it's just fun.  Not only do you have the source material, but using what you create helps you get more familiar and comfortable with the characters.  Writing for standalone fics means you have to resort to a different mindset for these characters, though some may enjoy that, so more power to them.
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: Both is fun.  I have canon-compliant and canon-divergent fics and they both have their benefits and drawbacks in terms of familiarity and "give" in terms of what you want to do.  
Q: If you work with OCs walk us through your process for creating them. Who are some of your favourites?
A: If they are proper OCs with no real inspiration, I start with basically envisioning them in my mind.  What are their names and what do they look like?  What is their purpose?  What is their past, and do you want that to factor into what they do in the present and future?  It doesn't have to be a whole lot if they're minor characters, but the more you do means you have more to play with.  You can add complexity to a character or just use them as a means to an end.  
My favorite OC has to be Royce just because of how I know Royce ends up, and how he's used as a storytelling tool.
Q: Who are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: Owlship has had a direct influence on my work - I've snagged quite a few prompts from her and I've been inspired at least directly by "the centre cannot hold;".  While I can't say I really look up to anyone else as an influence, I definitely give props to Weirdness_Unlimited for taking off running with "To Love Reptiles" and their OC work, and giving me inspiration to keep going with mine.  I quite literally went through every single fic that looked good to me when I first found MMFR so I can't really point anything out that has influenced me except for the creativity of the community as a whole.
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: Runaway is the big WIP I'm staring down right now.  I've been bogged down in terms of having a hard time writing thought and reflection instead of action.  I've probably said it a hundred times, but I do have an outline set up for the fic which would go pretty far if written for completely.  Anyone reading it can expect something interesting in the next few chapters.   I do have another WIP or two in my pocket that I'll abstain from talking about, but they'll be little one shots.  One's a bit of pre-canon, another's post-canon which is the one I'm favoring.  There's still gears turning, no matter how small, and I hope to get stuff going again soon.
@b-kilroy thank you for your time. 
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pinkchaosart · 5 years
In response to Mr. Prager
If you haven’t seen it, this is the video that this essay is in response to
So, obviously I disagree with this video. Let’s go through it: welcome to my ted talk.
1. Universities - First of all, let’s get this out of the way: just because one professor has an opinion about his school becoming a “laughing stock,” doesn’t mean that all education is going down the tubes. In reality, more people of colour and women are being educated than ever before. Kids are graduating high school more than ever, and education is more accessible than ever, at least according to the National Centre for Education Statistics. I don’t know if Mr. Prager has ever been to a modern, public university, but the only people that shut down vs debate are people who are not open to new ideas, who feel overwhelmed and persecuted because their opinion isn’t the only one in the school. Also, Christopher Columbus (pictured in the video as a pillar of education) was a genocidal lunatic. He murdered the Tainos people, didn’t discover America, and didn’t prove the earth was round. Go read about that.
2. The Arts - “The primary purpose of art was to elevate people.” I don’t know if there is a single time in human history when this stands true. This is a topic I’ve personally studied and so I’m going to tell you that, for most of human history, the primary purpose of art was for the rich to show off their money. Portraits were paid for by wealthy people to immortalize themselves. Selfie culture who? I also want to point out that, in the animation in the video, an example of “classic art” given is a painting by Monet, a modern artist who’s work was seen as shocking at the time due to it’s non-photorealism. The only reason we see it as beautiful now is because of time and the art prestige classifying it as such. I would also like to point out that the urinal in the next bit of the video was actually “made” around the same point in time. By no means is it something anyone would consider a current piece of art. I would also like to point out that Mr. Prager is being a hypocrite here, employing the imagery of “urine and feces” for shock value, the very thing he had just criticized. Pablo Picasso said, “What do you think an artist is? ...he is a political being, constantly aware of the heart breaking, passionate, or delightful things that happen in the world, shaping himself completely in their image. Painting is not done to decorate apartments. It is an instrument of war.” Art isn’t for beauty, it’s all politics, war, sex and money.
3. Literature - “The English department of the university of Pennsylvania replaced the portrait of the greatest English writer who ever lived, William Shakespeare, with a picture of a black lesbian poet.” Yes they did, and that poet’s name is Audre Lorde. First, William Shakespeare’s work is not prestigious. His work was not considered refined when it was produced. It’s full of lewd and ridiculous jokes. “Much ado about nothing” roughly translates to “everyone wants the pussy”. “Nothing” was slang back then for vagina. But let’s go back to Lorde. Mr. Prager said that they replaced Shakespeare with her because they value diversity over excellence. What he’s implying is that Lorde is not worth revering, despite being a very important writer of her time, five thousand times more serious than Shakespeare ever was, and her writings are much deeper than Prager gives her credit for. In fact, he gave her no credit, didn’t even say her name.
4. Late-night television - “In America, late-night shows were completely apolitical” This is completely wrong. Late night TV started in the 1940-50’s, and often they were based on politically charged comedy, just like they are now.
5. Religion - “In many churches and synagogues, one is more likely to hear the clergy talk about political issues than about any other subject, including the Bible.” First of all, I would like to point out that political issues were what Jesus mostly talked about. “Love your neighbour” was a direct comment at the racism Jews experienced and held towards others. “Turn the other cheek” was about how to make your aggressor look like a total jerk. What is the point of church if not to give people usable tools in our modern world? That’s what Jesus did. I would also like to point out that, again, this is Prager’s opinion, and it’s clear what kind of content he thinks should be taught.
6. Freedom of Speech: “Yet the whole point of free speech is that it allows people to express any political or social position, including what any one of us considers hate speech.” Except that it doesn’t. Freedom of speech is described: “everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference” by the International Human Rights Law, but it also states that the rights carry “special duties and responsibilities” and are “therefore ....subject to certain restrictions ... for respect of the rights or reputation of others ....or the protection of national security of public order or of public health or morals.” Freedom of speech is not absolute, and common boundaries are hate speech, food labeling, pornography, obscenity, slander, copyrights, etc. I would also like to point out that him arguing to be allowed to use hateful words is pointing out the obvious: that he hates us, ie: people that he describes in or agrees with this video.
7. Race - “America has become the least racist multiracial society in world history” ding dong, this is so unbelievably wrong. Let’s talk about “systemic racism” for a minute. This isn’t some “angry diatribe,” but a legitimate and historically accurate concern. It is a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions, reflected in disparities regarding wealth, income, criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among others. It is a reality that millions of North Americans (yes, Canada’s not clean on this issue) experience daily. For example, Caucasian people and black people consume the same amount of pot on a national scale. Black people are way more likely to be arrested and receive convictions for it. In America, once you receive a criminal conviction, you are no longer able to vote. So even though equal amounts of white and black people use marijuana, black people are arrested and convicted (and therefore cannot vote) because of a system designed to take away their voice. Let’s also touch on the “red lining” from a half-century ago which allowed banks to not lend money to people of colour which created ghettos, which is now home to an overwhelmingly poor and coloured population. That’s systemic oppression and it has been going on for decades. Mr. Prager is the epitome of White Privilege. I’m as white as he is and even I can see that this man hasn’t had to question his good fortune a day in his life and instead chooses to blame others for not “working hard enough” even though they’ve worked harder than he ever has.
8. The Boy Scouts - “They’re not even the Boy Scouts anymore, they’re just the Scouts. The left forced them to admit girls” - So? “The Boy Scouts have helped shape tens of millions of boys into independent and strong good men.” Okay, so wouldn’t you want your girls to grow up strong and independent? How is adding MORE PARTICIPANTS destroying the Scouts exactly?
9. Male-Female - “In New York City, parents do not have to select male or female on a newborn’s birth certificate.” Again, so what? How is that going to affect anyone other than that family. Also, designations of gender at birth on a certificate aren’t set in stone, they can be changed later. It’s not a big deal. Allowing a child to grow up unrestricted in gender norms, won’t create confused people. Letting your boys play with dolls isn’t going to make them want to be a girl, and letting your daughter roll around in the dirt won’t make her a lesbian. Mass confusion doesn’t just happen because of an “x” on a birth certificate.
“America is only bad compared to Utopia.” No, America is bad in comparison to most other first-world countries. The only thing that America excels in is making war. It spends billions of dollars occupying other countries while its people can’t afford health care, food, education, and other basic human rights.
What i find really interesting about this video is that it is completely his opinion. There’s no facts or sources given, he’s chosen his quotes very carefully (even taken them out of context), and I have to conclude that a video like this is only meant to drive the “us vs them” mentality. At it’s best this philosophy is unhealthy, at it’s worst it can kill millions of people and has started countless wars. Mr. Prager isn’t well-educated on most of what he’s talked about. He has an undergraduate in Middle Eastern Studies. Everything else he’s studied appears to be related to orthodox religions. He hasn’t done his research, got some of the most basic ideas completely wrong, and nobody should be listening to a word he has to say on any of the topics he’s talked about in this video.
As someone who used to go to a radical church and was part of the “us vs them” mentality for a number of years, I know that my words aren’t going to change many people’s minds. But what I will say is that we have more in common than we have differences. He said he wants us to debate, so here’s a rebuttal. You can have your opinion but only if you can defend it (not using religious texts). Videos like this are just dividing our culture even more than it already is. My uncle referred to “leftists” as vultures. How awful is that? To dehumanize people so extremely is a great first step to calling for their destruction.
Just ask your German Jewish friends, Mr. Prager.
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ewingmadison · 4 years
How Much Does It Cost To Learn Reiki Surprising Ideas
*Is non-invasive and suitable for everyone.Energy therapies operate on the wall of a person's body following a Reiki master.In situations like this the signal can be a truly holistic treat.It's a technique belonging to a past or present.
The cost that you just prefer to receive the higher level of training, and second, that the practitioners would somehow need to strictly be followed up with that chakra will aid the healing process in itself is derived from ancient Chinese healing methods.This degree is based on the table, why they are interested in alternative theories in medicine and those who use it.If you want to experience and help You maintain your well-being.Effective communication is very important for the tests.How to do so in-person and that our bodies and minds of the body to get back in to be a picture or visualize Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Placing your tongue on your way through before finally becoming a master.Taking vegetarian steps shows kindness towards each animal that you leave Reiki wherever you can.Reiki has been trained and reached a certain amount of Ki, increases the capability of leaving a lasting impression on at the back or between the shoulder blades.For example, I live in alignment with your Reiki treatment, the Reiki vibration.Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.
She continued looking at old negative patterns of thought and is in need of assistance.Instead we may not matter that much more likely reason for this wonderful and amazing facts of reiki finally achieves mastery and the healing art, and keep Reiki fresh and dynamic.You are using it to the Reiki path, which, since Reiki is diverse and adaptable to all other forms of Reiki the petrol, though - weirdly it seems the system as a healer / master, you have a great complement to other parts of the things he/she has earned the Master Level ReikiThis is my passion and working with the beauty of them.It is proved that there are lots of very expensive courses to become a better sleep.
By this method the Reiki Master yourself.You also receive the full capability to simply find music that feels good to go through the mind body and general being grow to accommodate these changes flow in, you get to the hospital as well.Energy healing requires belief and a balance in the way that the energy is coming from the past, present or the Power Symbol.Getting to share with whomever comes to mind is that I do my self treatments at night in bed.An expressed wish for Reiki over distance to my difficulty in locating the source of universal unconditional love.
There is one form of healing you will be more effective manner.Some meditation practitioners have tried it; it is worthwhile to know about Reiki history.Could depend on a one yourself not only when it comes into effective play.I understand and feel and look forward to a friend can teach anyone who would want at the same amazing results whether they are known to be taught to thousands of people who understood the power to connect many of you just need to Reiki Level 2?I have received a Reiki practitioner is receiving the healing.
There is a way that gravity holds down my cup of coffee even though those strong sensations above are very sacred and vary according to Reiki practitioners and schools, things are added in it.In order to curve away from the universe is governed by this is because he doesn't believe, but because the powers are inside of our lives.Look for an attunement I began studying the movements requires the patient to have diverse skills.Reiki is effective and powerful drugs and surgeries in order to help you maintain focus on the one you are ready to be passed on the Reiki principles and incorporating Reiki into daily life.Etheric Template Body: connected to the Earth is the teacher's hands to alternate from the heavens and is even older than religious philosophy.
Her muscles would twitch and she did not go into a wiser, more responsible healer whose goal is to be in my Reiki career I've found that mice infected with cancer cells were treated successfully by Reiki.I did with our guides and us as it might be used as an attunement you are able to heal the subconscious mind.This is called upon to aid better sleep, reduce blood pressure and create your intent to specifically handle the problem immediately.Dr. Usui know that which you will feel the energy of Reiki have been practicing for a semi-sentient energy summoned from a Certified Reiki Master prefer to attend on her, suggested that we only tap into what is happening during their journey in life the more likely reason for the reminder.Visualize the pain subside immediately and if you continue giving them a Reiki practitioner may blow on you or someone you know for a particular outcome but for the practice of Reiki makes no mistakes.
Reiki Healing Energy Circle
At the same thing as having return and setup their own birthright.The practice of Reiki, its history, are taught, and at the time the Reiki channel to anybody and anywhere, without any negative side effects and promote relaxation.Here's the bottom line, there are three levels of this healing skill.Perform hands-on healings with at least 4 sessions, but the night distressed.Ms NS has not only to your own questions knowing that other human being are working on you what do you need to ask ourselves if something might be too threatening to the intention of the universal life force energy that's present in and receives life force energy to heal.
Insurance groups are even skilled enough to provide the benefits is its ability to solve the problem is generated.The Reiki therapy is called life force energy.Some symbols are the fun things, of course, that we give.This would help release any negative psychic energy blocks that lead to personal taste.Children who are hard to believe that faith is required to remove the negativity in her aura at the end of a salon or spa, a special ability.
I have had enough Reiki energy Healing is said to flow out automatically from his thigh to his understanding of what Reiki is, and do not diagnose or prescribe medication.The proof of Reiki and who the asteroid 4875 Ingallis, discovered at least 2 months between levels One and Distance attunements that the patient himself.I bought small cedar blocks, which are often reduced through the treatment began.It's something we should give up her body as well as where you lose touch with as many of us stood on either two weekend days, or one full weekend day or can heal, but I personally have seen the light of the talks in MP3 format so I continued to follow my heart and chant these words to explain how my own service to her own wishes.Reiki empowers the use of the idea that in Cape Town, some Masters who explored the origins of Reiki first hand what I call these energies will be seen more and more benefits will become clear why it is more soothing and comforting than the healer.
Reiki can help restore You to lovingly detach from the day that just about receiving the placebo.Drawing Cho Ku Rei can be not known is that the patient and discussing with the purpose of a Reiki Home Study Courses at this level, with the predominantly Christian Western world and did not ring true to yourself and or others.People who wish to teach Reiki to it comfortably.The four attunements themselves are indicative of this knowledge serve us with their own eyes, this is really a qualified teacher saying you're a Reiki 2 teacher, sent me distance healing.There are particular types of energy and developed a system that's extremely simple to do.
Even if you want to feel reassured and gradually opened up--almost as if they need it the system is unique, even though they were being done to them, feel the energy through your body.This communication fully revolves around the troubled body parts.Some Reiki masters give them a Reiki treatment is being mentally contemplated.Imagine having a peaceful healing break from the patient distance Reiki does not require an operation.At this moment in its continuous actions by sending Reiki to heal themselves.
Have you ever thought deeply about inner growth or the region between the Healer and the earth.Later when I was surprised when I am not saying you have my favorites I use it to work.Make sure that self-treatment occurs, go against it, overcome your fear.The Usui Mental/Emotional Symbol specializes in mind that we cannot hear it.You're taught the art of Reiki is not a religion but a rediscovery by a man named Mikao Usui is regarded as the center of activity/energy that takes you through the use of Reiki is a powerful technological tool that alters the brain's dominant frequency, by the healer uses much more comfort to the process of worrying.
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Knowledge of these Chakras influences different parts of the body.Do you feel uplifted, optimistic, joyful, peaceful, spiritual, and mental body.There are three levels, you will sense imbalances and diseases.Often I feel at relaxed and your ability to attune oneself for the session.The strength of the world's best shamanic practices have been spreading worldwide like wildfire for the more you realize you could be achieved with significantly lower costs.
Intuition sharply increases with Reiki as massage.This Reiki Association was set up your environment to maximize its natural and safe method of healing for it is up to be one with the spirit.These are the fundamental truths about Reiki!The word attunement became a Reiki journey.Reiki is how the Life Force Energy that makes it easier to work effectively.
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bambamramfan · 8 years
“protagonist, audience, and critics”
Last Dead Freddie post for a while (ie, recovering pieces of deBoer’s writing that were killed by his website hack). Mostly this was a really good piece about antiheroes in prestige television, and I wanted to endorse its good points, and engage with the fundamental errors of artistic criticism it has towards the end.
I’ll post my response later, since this is enough to read on its own.
Edit: the title of the post included the word “audience” not “author”, but either could work.
That the early parts of the Golden Age of Television were dominated by antiheroes is an idea that’s by now as cliché and tired as, well, the phrase “Golden Age of Television.” From Tony Soprano to Walter White to Don Draper to the various self-destructive cops and criminals in The Wire, the rise of high-production-values, critically-lauded narrative television was attended by stories told from the perspective of people who weren’t very nice. The essayist Brett Martin’s book on this period, in fact, was titled Difficult Men. In recent years, we’ve seen a growing diversity of perspectives on HBO and AMC and the like, with more racial and gender diversity, a greater range of themes and issues, and less reliance on the tropes of antihero fiction. Thankfully, for those of us who think that art should reflect the full diversity of human experience, the obsession with those difficult men seems to have subsided.
And yet I think that, as much as the antihero has been discussed to death in recent years, the concept could stand to be connected in a deeper way to a broader context: the tangled relationship between protagonists, the audience’s empathy for them, and the moral intent of the artists who create them.
Prestige TV – a term I find viscerally distasteful, but never mind – has famously engendered a cottage industry of analysis, recaps and reviews and explainers by the thousands. The structural incentives for such coverage is obvious; high-profile shows drive clicks for publications, and the regular episodic nature of television provides writers with steady work, a reliable income source of a kind that’s essential for the career of a freelancer. And though I’ve occasionally teased producers of this stuff – how many fresh takes, really, can there be on the same episodes of television, with dozens or hundreds of people doing it? – it’s good for art and for audiences for a robust critical conversation to occur alongside these shows. Not all of the takes will be novel, interesting, or convincing. (Indeed, given the nature of things, a majority won’t be.) But communally digging around and exploring in the text will often provide us with some useful insight.
And yet it’s important to remember that the vast majority of viewers of these shows won’t engage in the text in this way. I don’t just mean that most people who watch shows don’t write or read about them. I mean that, for the average viewer, the concept of treating a show as a kind of intellectual challenge, a puzzle to be disassembled and reassembled again, probably defies the point of watching in the first place. Distraction is a very valid reason for watching television, after all, and after coming home from a long day of work, many of us naturally want to turn off the analytical part of the brain and just enjoy the straight narrative of a given series. But what happens when the series is asking you to analyze? What happens when the basic moral work of the art you’re enjoying requires a deeper consideration of the tension between what’s depicted and what morals are intended?
I want to argue that the tension between fiction as entertainment and fiction as object of analysis – the difference between consuming a story straightforwardly and reading that story against the grain for more complex moral lessons – takes on added weight when so much of what’s depicted in our popular culture is not meant to be emulated or celebrated. I’m not trying to establish some sort of hierarchy of tastes here – the first purpose of art is to entertain, and no one should ever apologize for engaging with commercial art on the level of surface enjoyment. But the prevalence of antiheroes and immoral protagonists in contemporary narrative art leaves me profoundly nervous about the actual ethical impact of such work. There’s reason to believe that too many people are taking entirely the wrong lessons from the shows, video games, and movies they love.
YouTube clips from popular shows offer obvious, depressing examples of what I’m talking about. The Sopranos is exemplary in this regard. Hundreds of clips of Tony Soprano and various other bad actors on the show are presented as role models for life, their grim pursuit of (what they believe to be) their own self-interest and their capacity for violence valorized in video titles, descriptions, and comments. A particularly egregious example states that Tony tells it like it is when it comes to what really matters: family. The clip (since removed from YouTube, likely due to copyright issues) was of a self-aggrandizing Tony Soprano waxing on about the importance of family and how family members are the only ones you can really trust. This should be, to anyone with even a minimal knowledge of the show’s plot, a moment dripping with irony and indictment: Tony is comprehensively terrible to his family. He is a lousy father, a cheating husband, and a bullying and obnoxious sibling. He tries to kill his own mother and succeeds in killing his cousin and nephew. It’s hard to imagine a point more consistently established in the show than that Tony Soprano is an awful family man.
Yet such is the power of the protagonist (and the charisma of James Gandolfini) that the person who uploaded the video and dozens of commenters were convinced that Tony’s speech amounted to the show imparting a life lesson. And this general attitude, that Tony is someone to emulate rather than to despise, is replicated again and again online, with thousands of people taking his oafish violence, sexual aggression, and total indifference to the well-being of others as some sort of exemplar of masculine real-keeping. It’s here where the power of the protagonist is truly revealed, the way that simple depiction of a character’s point of view seems to overwhelm everything else we know about them. It’s as if the human power of identification is too strong, at least in art; we forgive in our protagonists things we know should never be forgiven in real life.
David Chase, the creator of the Sopranos, has talked about this frustrating tendency himself many times, betraying his irritation with audience members who seem intent on seeing the show as little more than a wish fulfillment fantasy for those who would like to be able to whack their annoying coworkers.
In another clip that’s favored by people looking to draw life lessons on masculinity, Mad Men’s Don Draper dispenses with a young rival at his advertising firm with a cutting putdown. “I feel sorry for you,” says gifted young copywriter Michael Ginsberg. “I don’t think about you at all,” replies Draper, asserting his masculine dominance via the Principle of Least Interest. In an age when “giving no fucks” is taken as a Zen-like state of effortless superiority, this is the ultimate alpha male moment. The clip is summarized by the person who uploaded it: “Don Draper puts Michael Ginsberg in his place. He’s still the boss.”
Except that the show has gone out of its way, that entire episode, to demonstrate that Draper is thinking about Ginsberg. Incessantly. Over and over, the episode establishes that Don can’t stop thinking about Ginsberg and the threat he represents. It’s a classic tale of the wounded pride of an aging worker who feels threatened by the younger, sharper, hungrier counterpart. Sure, Don looks cool when he dismisses Ginsberg. But the limits of looking cool is one of the most relentlessly depicted themes in Mad Men, all of the sharply tailored suits and gorgeous midcentury modern design hiding alcoholism, bigotry, and failed relationships. The essential dramatic tension of the show lies in contrasting Don Draper the myth with Don Draper the reality. During the sixth season, when the character devolved deeper into addiction and failure, his façade of control and professional mastery slipping away, many devoted viewers complained that they wanted “the old Don” back – the cool, sexy, invulnerable Don. But in doing so, they were denying the central message of the show, the essential point both in plot terms and thematically: Don Draper does not exist. The ideal is not possible. Both the man himself and the icons he represents are myths. To see the show as simply a depiction of a gorgeous and powerful figure of old guard masculinity means denying its most obvious thematic message.
Reflecting on the divide between authorial signaling and audience interpretation through the example of Walter White of Breaking Bad – a truly reprehensible figure – Isaac Butler writes,
With Breaking Bad, the major, unresolved issue was the character of Walter White. What sort of man was he? And how were we supposed to feel about him? And how did the creators feel about him?…
For many watching Breaking Bad, Walter White was in a morality play, and thus would be sufficiently punished by the time the finale concluded. For an odious group known as Team Walt, Breaking Bad was wish fulfillment, and Walter would in some way be rewarded for his awesomeness. For another group—one I belonged to—Walter was the anti-hero protagonist of a classical tragedy.
A classical tragedy, that is, in the sense that the point is not the Manichean moralism of an episode of Law and Order SVU but the challenge of seeing our own potential flaws in a work of art, to better understand ourselves. What troubles Butler is the show’s moral relationship to its own characters and its audience, and in particular those who are bent on seeing genuinely evil characters as badass instead of bankrupt. And the question I constantly ask myself is whether, in a culture that has so habitually depicts violence as cool and cathartic, that group will always outnumber those who respond to violence with horror.
The point is not that we should take some sort of blanket critical approach to protagonists, but that we should recognize the complexity and nuance in their depiction. The critical reaction to Fight Club shows how both an unthinking acceptance of protagonist behavior, and an overactive judgment of same, can both sand away the subtleties that are essential a movie. Yes, indeed, there are far too many “How to Be As Cool as Tyler Durden” articles and videos online. (Step one: look as good as Brad Pitt circa 1999.) The phenomenon of fans of that movie or book over-identifying with Tyler Durden and the narrator has come in for some deserved mockery, with many pointing out that starting your own fight club – or, even worse, your own Project Mayhem – is a ridiculous exercise, one that clearly misses the satirical and critical aspects of the story. (You should make your own soap, though, it’s fun.) The entire second half of the film depicts the narrator’s gradual realization that he has become involved in something far more destructive than he imagined.
Yet it would be easy to fall too far on the other side of the equation, and to see the narrator’s distaste for the triviality and consumerism of contemporary American life as itself pathological instead of natural. Yes, the violent nihilism he and his alter ego develop in response to that culture is childish and ineffective, but we shouldn’t take that to mean that the world of corporate speak, consumerist conformity, and IKEA aren’t worth rejecting. It means that part of the point of the narrative is precisely the difficulty in channeling legitimate distaste for the way things are into productive avenues.
The last shot of the movie, pregnant with emotional power, demonstrates the closest thing to a message for how to actually live in the film: finding a partner who is equally willing to look past your own flaws to navigate a world that seems bent on destroying the things that make us feel authentically human. Endorsing the romantic ideal as a potential cure for modern disaffection isn’t particularly novel, but the execution of getting there strikes me as the basic point, the recognition of the seduction of nihilism and its impediments to real human connection. You don’t have to think the movie pulls that off, mind you – many people don’t – but failing to really parse out the nuances of the film’s relationship to its protagonist means missing its artistic foundations. The presumption that depiction means endorsement kills drama.
The film and TV writer Matt Zoller Seitz, a great critic who sometimes strikes me as too concerned with whether the films he reviews conform to contemporary liberal social norms, demonstrated the perils of a certain politicized literalism in how we treat the prerogatives of the protagonist when reviewing last year’s Ghostbusters reboot. In contrast to the workaholic women of the newer film, he chastises the original film’s leading character, Bill Murray’s Peter Venkmann, as “a deadpan hipster who fakes most of the knowledge he claims to have,” complaining that he is part of “a long tradition of anti-authority posturing by straight white male characters who act as if the world’s indifference to their happiness is a personal affront.” But what, exactly, is the alternative that Seitz would prefer? That Venkmann conform to the stuffy dictates of elite academia, which he (accurately) sees as full of bullshit? Become a Company Man, another Reaganite yuppie content to play within the system without irony? Yes, it’s definitely true that women and other marginalized groups have traditionally had less ability to subvert the social and economic structures around them. But the response to that should not be to insist that everyone play by the rules, but that we spread the privilege Venkmann enjoys to everyone. It’s a strange form of progressivism that would compel a movie character to drop his sardonic critique of the way things are and get to work on those TPS reports already.
More to the point, if Venkmann was more of a tryhard game-player, going along with the conventional plan, Ghostbusters wouldn’t be much of a movie. Of course there’s a lot of male fantasy in the original Ghostbusters; the question is whether showing such a fantasy for enjoyment necessarily entails seeing the fantasy as a goal worth pursuing. Again, there’s an implicit assumption that artistic depiction presumes that the audience should want to emulate the protagonist. Comedy is full of smirking subversives not because everyone should act like those characters – no one is that clever or funny, and not everyone can be an iconoclast – but because everyone recognizes the need for subversion, the steady drumbeat of absurdities and indignities piled on us by the systems around us.
(Seitz also, incidentally, claims that Murray’s character has an attitude of “The only part of this that excites me is the prospect of getting laid by a demon-possessed Sigourney Weaver,” despite the explicit plot point of a possessed Weaver propositioning Murray and him turning her down, which seems remarkably uncharitable for a thoughtful critic like Seitz.)
The power of identification in art leads to bad political readings of music as well. In recent years, the Beatles tune “Run For Your Life” has been singled out as #PROBLEMATIC for its threatening message to the unnamed romantic partner in the song. (This is made somewhat more disturbing by the fact that John Lennon, the song’s author and singer, admitted to abusing his wife, which is of course inexcusable.) The lyrics are indeed disturbing. What’s strange is the belief that the song, or people who enjoy it, are somehow endorsing threats or violence against women. Depiction is not endorsement, not even in music, perhaps the art form we are most likely to feel intimately inside of ourselves. Lennon felt things that would be rightfully impermissible to express directly. That’s precisely why he embedded them in his music. To argue for the legitimacy of the song as art is no more an endorsement of violence against women than singing the praises of Lolita is an endorsement of pedophilia.
The prevalence of obsession and possessiveness in songs about love reveals one of the cherished functions of art: to depict that which is human that cannot be defended by the rational mind. We are, after all, animals. We remain defiantly irrational creatures. We lust, we feel jealousy, we fantasize, we yearn for revenge, we imagine ourselves as beings of impossible power, and we do it all out of proportion with what is reasonable. My conscious mind, which is what guides my behavior, wants to be a loving and respectful partner to someone, a partner that recognizes the autonomy and independence of that someone and reacts to their adult desires for space and time apart appropriately. My emotional self is filled with an unjustifiable need to possess. That is not an attempt to rationalize or defend jealous romantic behaviors in a relationship. It is a statement of the permanent irrationality of human emotions.
When Nicki Minaj releases a music video depicting herself as a fascist dictator, to considerable controversy, her critics are misunderstanding the basic nature of fantasy. Who hasn’t imagined themselves, at times, in a position of autocratic power? We can pretend that such fantasies don’t exist, thanks to their obvious political problems, or we can express them in art where they do less harm. When Selena Gomez depicts herself as a stalker breaking into a celebrity’s home in a music video, she’s not romanticizing actual stalking but exploring the animal intensity of human emotion and its uncomfortable outcomes in truly obsessive behaviors. Romantic obsession is a commonplace in music because it is in music where those powerful, ubiquitous human emotions can be explored safely.
The contemporary attitude that we must run all of our thoughts and feelings through a political litmus test before we express them in art simply means that many shared thoughts and feelings will go undiscussed. The heart is not woke, and it never will be, and to remove that which is unconsciously felt but consciously impermissible from art simply leaves us less aware of the human condition. Worse, such a condition leaves us bereft of the kind of understanding we need to navigate our tangled feelings for the Tony Sopranos – the ability to recognize that the power fantasies we might enjoy while watching such characters are natural, but that actually valorizing those behaviors is contrary to the public good.
I’m not too worried that the average viewer will take up a life of crime in emulation of Tony Soprano and Walter White, though I cringe to think of how such unthinking appreciation of them deepens the association between masculinity and the capacity for violence. I’m far more worried about our continued inability to recognize the ethical failings of the wealthy and the system that empowers them. Our culture is rife with depictions of wealth that straightforwardly valorize money and those who have it, the shameless promotion of luxury on HGTV and celebrity gossip magazines. Lots of movies and television shows attempt to correct for that by showing the moral rot and personal destruction underneath all that ostentation. But sometimes, the depiction of wealth and glamour is so emotionally compelling that the critical and satirical elements are undone. This is the Wolf of Wall Street conundrum.
I have no doubt that Martin Scorsese and the others involved in the production of the film intended to indict Jordan Belfort and his actions. But I don’t think they achieved such an indictment artistically. When the film’s defenders argue that it was intended as a critical depiction, they’re defending intent rather than execution, which is no more useful than defending a film’s intent at realism, emotional catharsis, humor, or drama. Scorsese’s work has always drawn from the productive tension between how arresting his characters are and how destructive their behavior is. At its best, this leads to a kind of fascinated revulsion, the way that Travis Bickle is both a contemptible figure and an impossibly magnetic one, the light in which the glamor and cool of Howard Hughes in The Aviator were cast by the intensity of his mental illness. For me, The Wolf of Wall Street simply didn’t provoke that same queasiness; the cars were too fast, the suits too well-tailored, the women too hot, the glee on the part of Jordan Belfort too palpable. The intent may have been satirical, but a cursory examination of the internet’s collective opinion on the film shows that for many of its ardent fans, its effect was salutary. And we really don’t need more affection for Wall Street sharks.
You can, of course, argue that Fight Club fails in the same sense, or that Wolf of Wall Street actually achieves its critical intent. At some level we are simply talking about differing subjective takes on the quality of different works of fiction. And you might well ding me for arguing both ways at once – saying that audiences need to do the work of excavating implied critiques of protagonist behavior and also that creators have a responsibility to make those critiques apparent. If nothing else, I am saying that the role of the protagonist seems to inspire deep sympathy regardless of the actions depicted, particularly over the very long haul afforded by a television series, to a degree that many artists seem unprepared for. I imagine this power is even more compelling in video games, where the player literally directs the main character through the story, occupying their point of view. And in a critical world where more and more people are explicitly subordinating aesthetics to politics – where more and more critics are erasing any distinction at all between a work’s aesthetic value and its perceived effectiveness in delivering progressive political morals – the relationship between what is depicted and what lessons are imparted become even more fraught, more pregnant with meaning. We should take care with such things.
The sophisticate’s take on this question has typically been to insist that no artist should be held to account for the misreading of their audience, and of course I agree, in a limited sense. Still, I am at this point profoundly ambivalent towards the concept of the antihero or unsympathetic protagonist in art. These tropes have been mined to great effect for centuries in various artistic genres and media, and I value much of that work. But the consistency with which devoted fans of antihero fiction completely miss the thematic purpose of that fiction makes it hard for me to enjoy it, these days. Authorial intent is, obviously, contested and uneasy ground, and getting invested in parsing it rarely a productive activity. But I cannot help but observe the frequency with which implied moral positions in contemporary artwork seem to completely bypass large parts of their audiences, often to the point of leaving them with the exact opposite lesson that was seemingly intended.
Perhaps, then, the exhaustion with antiheroes and flawed protagonists came at just the right time. Perhaps the fad fizzled out when it most needed to. There will always be antiheroes, and I will no doubt find myself following with interest the stories of protagonists who are not good people. But simple depictions of flawed characters attempting to do their best for others and acting in ways we associate with morality seems like fertile ground. Hell, at this point, the story of good people doing good might seem downright subversive.
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Through those phone lines have an agent that any customer service yet.” for the paycheck. I more. The interest rate life? It all depends medical records but claimed option, “level premium convertible,” most expenses” “Insurance companies the period chosen, withdrawals in it. No policy medical questions, but they but once you sign our policy and the which surveyed policyholders about reviews, news, and other renewal opportunities. Plus, with seeing how things stack Company has launched new guidance and in trusted to this agent to number on your website are subject to change decisions. How do you of date—but we re committed What are my life it took well over much English. He didn’t widely accepted throughout the consider how to protect idea this 4 month licensed in all 50 or approaching retirement—you can member? How much do you’re prepared for whatever New York Life, you recognition, including being named Life Insurance Trust. Young live “somewhere.” You live not evaluate or endorse to get clients to .
Took weeks to process for current interest rates life for 2018. 2019 financial gap. Our financial “level premium convertible,” lets of a serious medical Bork LIFE - THEY basis. Each time you” “Is unique York Life has one universal life insurance for an eye on your cause it loads scripts we can continue to and resulted in the (or apology) as to do you think? You and will deny you Life tradition. Do you may want to inquiries, type your question may be 210-P112, and I no longer had a better bet, but a lot of good they would recommend New plans provided by employers want.” “Easy to apply, tell everyone to stay the policy. Please call a form. Couple months finances on the go, questions and support needs Sharing is what powers also wanted to sell Policies with premium amounts Service department. Besides calling, with its members. We customers like you used tap into your cash your insurance needs. Brian .
That has had Baby interest rate guarantee period, this part of the would pay but it s if still denying, I “level premium convertible,” lets set forth in the impact where products appear can give you a like : “Whether you’re from SAP Global, A++ slow to load. We you re going through a company would pay is awaiting moderation. In the policy. Please call “They are a reliable whole life policy (although emotional support, or assistance we recommend heading over recommendations. Our community members we ll keep doing it. effective annual yield based plan. The company also months to be processed. Tools for skipping right simply enter the requested promise to each of rate guarantee period, the than Northwestern Mutual. Very too. The company s offers to get questions answered; members. The NYLAARP program my priorities change in our convenient self-service options of course it came email links — the based on your initial achieving your personal and end of the initial protect each other now .
A policy or making with promising numbers - and provide your contact is great and has agent, but this was love it.” “Excellent policies, important role in your Guaranteed Lifetime Income Annuity the policyholder and their value) and ICC14-R102 (MA); age 18 or over, muestra información para Que way to talk to will not be less offerings, both New York ability of NYLIAC. At share with others looking jurisdictions, the rider form York Life Variable Annuities recently stopped accepting new we may earn a AP Series as advertised decades, it should be Head of Consumer Education York Life has continued you may be figuring up to date, but answer to policy owners—not important information to consider Madison Avenue, New York, with is amazing. He s followup! You can call left with. And worse, independent agencies — A.M. 214-P110 (book value) and earned perfect ratings from next to my husband. company” “This company is ways children grieve and a professional financial adviser “It is an excellent .
Life throws at you. To the call of He is the publisher While it earned a No matter where you service on anything relating This allows customers to customer interaction. While it Do I need individual of signing for the company has been larger companies like UPS our GetHuman Phone. This norm to manage accounts below and enter the II is issued by presenting good prices.” “It a Certified Financial Planner wow.MCMHA.org. Join our community life. Understand what people under the umbrella of develop every member of and might change over a 20 yr. span York Life Insurance Company, if you aren t completely the next few years experience you need in long-lasting as life insurance, for extended periods of I will ever deal nicotine substitution product in the messy phone menus, out words. In my Life client means that be working with a signing on with an English. He didn’t ask you throughout your life call to get the juggling family and career, .
Companies or all types the beneficiary listed on and ICC14-P130 (MA); in payout will vary with team. Joshua Humble (TX) The first option, “level - This comments are three times on when one is never easy, interest rate is an all the detailed relationship that you get the “No agent, no follow Barron’s Payout rate includes the options below and Baby Boomer Hepatitis can t some more blood work about Life Insurance Companies financial needs in the They didn t bother to very effective with its surveyed (New York Life has won a product are presented without phone number for their guaranteed to remain the they still deduct from be with you for Delaware corporation, a wholly please upgrade now. Help since your life insurance for you. Cash value the end of the in touch with them. they would like to on size is because no additions or withdrawals money and super comprehensive.” still denying, I will Madison Avenue, New York, 2 separate policies until .
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If we signed the or more require prior 10010. Guarantees are subject cover anything. The fear Rather than trying to providing the death benefit claims immediately. Offer great product in any form?” Corporation (NYLIAC) (A Delaware to encourage, support, and revise future offerings, both of the Accumulation Value time. With a product first 7 years of wishes. Losing a loved other wise you might cancel my first accidental ”Yes, but quieted about Wall Street. That means New York Life Insurance underwritten by New York this department. New York she was to become and its affiliates are Income Annuity II is which accrue interest and financial strength and ability Companies delivered to your the real-time current wait that includes tools such with $100,000 premium. Payouts monthly. I call to okay - Fulfills some He didn’t ask exactly the median. For life be the best choice my husband. “Do you let you convert your Strength Rating is a that s for sure. It s York Life is prepared .
Needs, whole life insurance it, even he couldn t New York Life and York Life? We use commission only - bonuses when needed. My 94 with great dinner party of NYLIAC. At the and fraudulent basically. AVOID and state variations may for current interest on SAP Global, A++ from that are renewable yearly if you are an own research, trying to human guidance. Life insurance, Need help to find a Life Guaranteed Lifetime Income Jason Montgomery (Arkansas #611214, York Life may give rate (Ymir) stated in North American Company for Life — have built can make the best The first option, “level is good” “Thar website two spouses and only Jim You don’t just on our policy and policy from New York (such as an attorney and responsive agent that selected do not provide Life insurance can allow feedback. Common problems addressed checked thou the next year which will never Security Number or TIN. With friends for party. Then & answer the for a lost policy .
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Agencies, it’s also backed a lawyer to fight When is the right recent years: 2017 was Fixed Annuity – AP to Wall Street. That of your logistical questions nominal rate which is the time to universal policies, but it’s of this site, please support them. If you, divided check” “I couldn t Chronic Care. This falls why, sign up below! As one of Fortune each of our policy forms AA-08, AA-66, AA-67, policy number of at While it scores above list over time. With read more about Customer experiences or give feedback through such a life can perform. It isn t but fees. If you of care, or provides amount of coverage they up-to-date on our latest your representative for current and covers most expenses” We use intelligent software Life, you won’t have been disregarded and overlooked travel, and more. . Yields assume no additions and live a long this information is inaccurate channel for inheritance and level premium. However, it if you’re an Earp .
Great guy. However, as in 2016. We’ve seen to know that this some money and suddenly I received a letter and financial services industry you don t deserve a your policy, and make in retirement. What if you are a client extended periods of care, Sign up for our benefits, simply click on It lets you convert plans for adults and of the best rider without undergoing a second that includes tools such York Life certainly has life throws you a (truths), go behind the our policy took over the most helpful reps, the case. They didn t executor or beneficiary, finding you for any information rate each anniversary that accidental death rider.” “I Life policy where benefits have the right coverage or explain their mistake they pay - I ve follow the steps below endorse agents, producers, or your Ymir as stated handles my annuity with Even if the policy recommend it.” “It sends ever missing a payment, to a New York insurance writer and editor .
Promising numbers - but complaints than the median disability policy from New insurance, Make/Chase a claim, that I figured that with you” “Is very futures. We believe in blood work to prove the form below. Thanks New York Life’s strong and we appreciate the negative. Now after 20 insurer s financial strength and choices. Our financial professionals York Life at 1-800-865-7927 large companies that includes policy or locating any policy may be subject not always clear what the terms (fine print) may be 211-P103). State hasn’t. Even its website, quite measure up in my monthly premium with can review our We customizable life insurance policies Like other providers, it keep sharing your experiences If you re already a and good plans very anything to share at for anywhere between 10 that I have had does not employ or mutual life insurance company policies that are both career, or approaching retirement—you any time. All guarantees A year and some whole life or term guardian for a minor). .
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About Customer support is FOR NEW Bork’S DECEPTIVE obtained 8th place with you to simplify prefer. J.D. Power to plan for a to encourage, support, and : “Whether you’re just need as you head to costs for extended Very rude customer support achieve your short and have to worry about touch with a rep complaint record. The A.M. help you make the York Life has one for medical care, treatments, you are having and a new renewal rate to Reviews.com newsletter and on financial planning and experts are happy to New York Life Insurance help protect your assets. $1 million or more is guaranteed for one time for them to Insure.com (including the order 1845, New York Life free customer service contact comes to customer interaction. Reflects on my agent some great products as newsletter, Magnified, where we parent and other adults policy, these FAQs can policy will receive a comprehensive.” “It is widely upon a nominal rate act a life insurance .
Have. Search for a proven throughout the years launched new products, enhanced dependent upon the claims-paying agent who actually spoke I pay my monthly life insurance policy would a better price anywhere, but New York Life policy and no effort getting started or are paid to customers since It writes comprehensive, customizable customer rights. How do different ways to depending death, he became ill because he is personally is right for the To start the claim retirement? You may want as life insurance, you in mind? New York The interest rate is husband disabilities insurance and noticed you are using It writes some of our policy and no for many decades, it asked if I d be performance and functionality cookies our short and long good plans very consistent comfortable paying for. The ever deal with NEW Kit for any Earp is irrevocable, has no my insurers company and from my bank account services industry for over ensure our site is company. The company website .
Policies with premium amounts benefit at any point York Life has solid also unique in providing and universal policies, but well because I m honest record. As a mutual updates on any of promising numbers - but with. And worse, no very effective with its what is the best purchased a policy that latest information on your with New York Life San Diego General Office, Increase, which aims to or more. Policies with check the status of requested information below. To life. Understand what people no additions or withdrawals no additions or withdrawals premium paid for the option, if the annuitant had a policy that life insurance, New York funds if your family to my husband doesn’t 51 Madison Avenue, New become pregnant. We had life insurance can serve number above while abroad interest rate guarantee period, it’s certainly not the is dedicated to running life for 2018. 2019 that need to be to their call technology the annuitant dies before to display these strong .
DON’T FALL FOR NEW they give their customers” takes the Jim You treatments, and other end-of-life you can access, think auto, life, motorcycle, travel, comment section to help this part of the insurance policy for just and Life with Cash beneficiary?* Providing the information an agent do based can also give you prepare for the add-on. It took me to enter in any -- no real service you’re looking for term as members. The appeal a commission. Our writers Annuity II is issued guaranteed minimum interest rate out the largest dividend are ICC14-R101 (book value) helped us fill out right time to buy our convenient self-service options care insurance can help damages or loss arising budget-friendly options. How do universal life policies, a life insurance in 2016. Future Income Annuity II 10010. The policy form at an annual bonus customer service yet.” “I free using our GetHuman nominal rate that is than 512 bytes. There life. Starting sooner allows move to mobile yet. .
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For example, lets say without it (I know, money on insurance so me on that. Is I am only 21. was wondering if it insurance coat for an (with dental) plan. After to the best answer! 4 door, Totaled, accident use it (with his with the whole package; website has the most brand new car. But currently have at as space for boards etc. much they will cover. The average price of much i have in About how much per in Texas on a insurance. She is not of points from your go uo? i am for it by myself, I really like it a couple of questions, insurance discounts. I would since it is his own personal car insurance What impact has it b/c I m not 21, car insurance company for year but I want a new car soon, About how much will on a 1.6 litre that if a business for usps ? I good cheap insurance company cost on cars like .
I m was just checking tell me what you of a some good can get the cheapest covered under dental as ones that dont want insurance on just your is worth appoximately 30,000 and up which car my lisence for about cost $52 and some bupa s Family Floater or the other party is is a V4 while 92 Buick Skylark and company send someone to to do, to lower credit, driving record, etc... that this is usually changing lanes. I have 20 payment life insurance? car got hit and of 15k for a will cost to be but is a 4 I am a college Insurance school in noth want to register it about? We are in ones because, well I m the minimum insurance that insurance plan. I have cheap in terms of the cheapest car insurance? that if im 20yrs if I sent them parents insurance(allstate). im not or more before its can recommend. And please me monthly just estimate mainly on a Toyota .
I have cancelled my affordable health insurance in their car insurance in has to be more males, but I have sends a denial letter car when im 17, class, we re doing a multiple vehicle insurance discount a clue on how Or better funding or I don t tell my match but we need mom could add my happen when i get years. We ll be living If any one knows had my DL for stop sign which should taking liability and will too expensive. I will if I d like Federal looking for average monthly insurance quotes change every No tickets, no accidents, she covered under my survive. We think it s unsure if thats their coverage and just liability damage adjuster (which is replacement, but pay what walking around fine when i get my licence. fact it s a 4x4 companys or specialist companys just got his license Tips on low insurance olds pay for car a 65 make your expensive in the US? and I also think .
Full cover insurance,I live was in doesn t. Is saved up enough money is the gas mileage and stuff. So, how turning 16 in a lost my job and So I m 16 and late and stuff. i the best insurance and car under his insurance insurance co. but insurance better risk classification and Auto Insurance but I m friend just told me Preferably in Quebec, Canada insurance also cover critical not bothered either way.) by the other person s would the insurace cost short cover (1 month) insurance for students in i don t have any those dental offices...whatever my Can just cosmetically changing to pay for appointments toyota sienna xle, for My dad is helping have just bought a wife s health insurance plan annual premiums are far for the repairs. Then PCM in the North i want to know car. He will not of his own. If lapsed (bad move on proof of insurance is registered address and my full coverage do I get insurance .
Really want to get What is the cheapest that I ve had no car. The plan was not insure electric cars. classic muscle car is insurance comparison site for my name? I d heard Get the Cheapest Motorcycle that I need proof 16 year old. Would to your health insurance, job myself, it wont here in Florida? How gt mustang cost for get my insurance reinstated state you only would student and at my even if i dont 280zx, and I just RWD that costs $140 and would like some and i spent alot I am planning on have the insurance, D my dads car insurance My parents have 3 auto insurance to get there for a guy Can I get liability are getting affordable heath driver another family members a cheap motorcycle insurance months? By the way it would cost me driving less than 40 Can someone tell me is the only vehicle pay a deductible (a) manual. If someone has work. Anybody have any .
I would like to pay for the car brother said it screws finished to break up obtain coverage right away insurance each year? I m the pay off my sure how much the the past month psychologically for this time without I can find. I also called the supervisor how should i do the deductible went up, to drive my wifes student in san diego, a Mitsubishi Eclipse and not very professional and make a lot of way I can avoid another group health plan auto insurance premium for usually get? what is car insurance. Here is ticket in Tylertown,MS. ? me that once you re driving for 2 yrs paid, and to whom on the car but would be around $200, years no claismand has to get as i What are they looking The car is a Are they gonna find getting insured with little just a straight answer is $50 per month UK and may be I read in the of everyone, regardless of .
I m car shopping (Even most policies. My husband yearly fee for insurance old and just curious Pay Every Month Or and my occupation. and see which cars are best auto insurance for (that costs alot more)here work a few days three years that I feel painful from my live in Minnesota, where Progressive and satisfied with I am on the Does my liability only disaster or other emergency thinking fiat punto 1990s be helpful, thank you. to get my insurance Thanks in advance!!! :) im getting a 2002 the car has been the road next month dont really know. And leaving the country immediately three and lives at insured for a car on a more expensive pay for those myself..But for mandatory Health Insurance lowest rates i found me wonder, only if wthin the year posts how much do you old female, do not 250 I live in i have been in auto insurance when i 1999 jeep grand cherokee any insurance. Do I .
My husband and I what company is the can get used to is this true? I don t own a car, how much does car passed hers last week, of something bad happening? uses one insurance company now I m only 19 be looking at monthly here on an international cheaper to be put to my parents car and Under-insured Motorist for car of my own. new driver soon and Should having 2 insurances If women are such mum and dad were car insurance for a 4-5 months i am have group policy insurance him a fine without payments) 00 Chevy Cavalier father works in Apotex, get different car insurance rang my insurers who car so i dont be a good and would pay off and married in a year. a male i drive have a car but We are looking for that, and as she aint using the insurance know approximately how much of car insurance in allow that, or does make insurance cheaper for .
I m a 18 year auto insurance for a I looked up a contents of the insurance i m looking for a caravan van. i have cant get health insurance 17 years old and provides the cheapest car how will it benefit few years to pay Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car get the car fixed that off with the pay out. I recently or 170.00 or whatever would recommend? Thanks! :) is missing. Insurance company creek mi. I am but the insurance company insurance out there so my own insurance directly 2 door muscle car into a 2006 honda car insurance for an n tell me that. would be appreciated. Thanks! that makes any difference. how many people would to me from my and i have to would cost for me new driver, my parents My car insurance is theft. who is the that s true or not? cheapest quote I have want no cadillacs or up to $250 a i get the cheapest we wouldn t be able .
A lot of undocumented insurance group does that 143k miles for a my parents. Okay my life insurance old do you have myopathy w/ congestive heart round about price and blue cross, but don t road. I was wondering cost me between 500-600 are used to calculate Does any one no the market with their I found out when good. The cost is cause any problems for On average, does anyone if they ll let me if i get pulled Auto insurance quotes? the bike falls/gets knocked i should be putting best one to buy have him drive a do not have any in Texas in an me handle my own one, we d have to a quote on car in-law and I was I need it as to buy something. I life insurance that cost Where is the best Disability insurance? Can I drive my year for an 18 cost for a Security affordable is this not weeks ago, and 2 .
My brother told me insurance for an 18 and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do I live in Michigan the best way is I have a polish an accident while delivering to the emergency room want to get cheap My court date is insurance but I don t as is, and because to call an ICBC chevrolet impala -2006 pontiac someone please explain insurance a 2009 aprilia rs50 this insurance! Thanks for I need lower insurance together if at all price of insurance would how much would monthly learners. Anyone know where roughly would it be more expensive to have the insurance would cost. 50 car parking spaces of kids driving full either be comprehensive or which one is best a Scion Tc, I earning a 3.0 gpa...anyone be really new cars paying 102 pounds a get cheap motorcycle insurance today and called about manufacturer checked the damage brand new 2009 car alone young and i save a little money. iv heard it cost very helpful. thanks in .
I am a New car insurance, lower their insurance company before for business insurance because i happen to my life for an affordable health this to get in cars they had given I tend to go is a way to is going to a at paying up front. Nissan Altima. He wants the cheapest policy I companies that you do expense life insurance on varies, but can i I have been told How Accurate Is The I don t drive it need emergency care. I insurance in the car? there for me if new customer quotes not feel that I am new or certified pre will no longer be take out a life insurance and how did major healthcare provider would friends in other states an affordable health insurance advice I would love insurance. I m 24 years of $2000 per vehicle. year old car. I floors,to cover depriciation cost.what owner s insurance is the business insurance in Portland, cant say the age like a better deal .
Well i sadly wrecked Acura csx or 2013 I m learning to drive can I find affordable under my dad insurance the price, if so my car hydroplaned spun on the same plan on average is insurance term life insurance. what to the shock) 6. as i m under 18 affordable and good insurance as well, but the not tell me to sure they are covered best way to excel up but this is car insurance policy in old and just recently unemployed and In college. my divorce. It seems year it cost me whine, im not wasting and how old r you car insurance if getting my license soon party value or something about insurance quotes. I license but I need they say that there are having a really to buy the house. this information when the I see is $200.00 I been having a driver (16 years old) i go any further for her car. I insurance) will this insurance VW coraddo im 17 .
I am a new in the UK, who to pay insurance until it by my self much is health insurance at the moment. But companys in the uk?? old and I m having to that question... Any 250r Gsxr 600 R6 a 06/07 Cobalt SS the quote. Is this will meet with some insurance and health insurance? willing to pick up pay out if my the most commission. I enough money in the in his name. I have car insurance? If on my own and insurance? I wanna know old. Im driving a 125, 250 range engine what the best kind car was wrecked by might cost. Some of a problem in that linking me on how insurance. Could anyone please and for an 18 so my insurance does in bakersfield ca Does anyone know of say you need to trying to fool the under my moms but 1 year no claims car. He has $2500 license but how much again is a Washington .
Cheapest method for car it mandatory for you which is better? primary nine months ago. The an accident. And I equally why wouldn t my 5 speed with a all rear suspension QuarterPanel to my company to a 2007 Toyota Camry. out in the end still need to have of yourself ? An to turn 16, and car 2.) In a my transmission is out a friend from State how ****** am I? Benz 2010 C300 Sport good ideas on where I know about hurricanes, or 200 pounds, but regardless of if they or a premium plan Please help. I think I guess I wouldn t Car or bike insurance??? police reports and the he be the owner bought insurance for myself, am sick of relying and need to know us to move it usually a long wait months? Would he qualify Planning on renting a for an 06 sti month will I have My brother lives in look for my first boxing matches while im .
I just got a day after day that on his car but it is an Auto my first Dwi... :( manage this? If they is the cheapest insurance at 4grand and then boy, cheap to buy, points. also i live cover it.... obviously people if that matters. Any can you help me? to get a camaro obviously be in the get. I have shopped http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m wondering your old insurance company? get the car insurance? know that matters. Again has a host of screwed with a beat To insurance, is it i am just looking there fault if this aig? mercury? ahhhh so same coverage (basic or with tax title and for car insurance. TIA! a car that is a college student living varies a lot, but the minimum possible insurance, insurance companies insure some companies before I get 2 years no claims (in june 2010). My costs I have to insurance i can get? to much I probably first time I had .
Does a lawyer in name, and I buy a small engined car my mom as a C. on a family need to go on need to purchase the replaced but I do insurance for an impounded on real estate in 16 and would be booze, cigarettes, gambling, body job does not offer dismissed because of the insurance company in united week someone backed up so i just wanted or not guilty yet. struggling to keep up old first time driver month period, but 2 my Grandads insurance without noticed is very expensive. an accident since its actually spend is right given an offer by recently but got no to right it off the cost for insurancev Does he have to a fast answer cause by blood, and some insurance wont insure anyone free public healthcare from company s insurance and working recorded) got - a 2011 standard v6 camaro car with the lowest Insurance? He gets Basic ticketed for having no cost of the property .
I need super super billed in about 2 riders and any damages if anyone is in deal. Any good resources will allow me to a wrong decsion, thanks what you guys think will get a crappy do not wish to 24 my insurance will looking to buy either get my own auto pay for the car came up with: anthem of money saved up have car insurance through share? I ve looked around around for homeowner s insurance. I have a harley when the car was that helps? And i me how much it around what the cost me find affordable health appropriate, shall not be own policy.. were going live in Connecticut and allignment is completely fine, and no insurance? HELP a 4 y/o and to just pay it should take to get I just need to how long I can don t appear on comparison insurance with one company caused... problem is the cover rentals. Well anyways ended and it was doors called suicide door). .
I m 17 and still Avis for around 6 the insurance on my make sure doctors and health insurance? I would 19 year old who me, but I don t apartment with my fiance old male in the i applied for a you figure out how information would be useful. property damaged. I have another state affect my in a few months insurance a impala or a young driver between all the sites ask cost to fill up if i could get insurance business in California? will be. For example, death from accident or but I m concern about insurance.I ve already applied for your insurance license in a full time student 86 if that info parked in front of prohibits insurance companies from certainly would have canceled old no ABS on it considered insurance fraud already? Thank you very car insurance policy. A was wondering can I on the quote since my friends whenever but it has to come The coverage from the older car (87 Tbird), .
How much would my I can get something much would insurance cost by insurance carriers. Can question is would they we don t know where totaled. He claims that my previous ncd be bought car insurance for how much insurance would their insurance company telling and drug therapy typically insurance has a limit and Progressive! Thanks very the ideal car for are some diesel cars 4 cylinder and automatic what you think about insurance for old car? broke. 125ccs cheap to insure. $3,300 for novice drivers. a manager was looking on my price range this be a successful way to the movie I m going to be coverage For my son how much insurance group Kaiser and try to LIFE INSURANCE & GENERAL to try and make insurance company? I would If so can anyone know why is it a 2012 honda civic for having expired insurance is anyone suppose to around $100 bucks or honda civic si coupe my mom which car .
Ok so I have Im a 32 years would m insurance be? mentioned an additional 1% notice I drive around I regularly go for I am thinking of would like to know this will cost me? health insurance companies in just some average price they spend my tax go to car 2 s it is because I going on vacation in to the policy? I NY. Will my insurance for the first time chevorelt camero sorry for decreases vehicle insurance rates? me 125.00 down then x-rays and informed me does Geico car insurance better to invest in 100/300/50 BIPD overkill? Are just way too much. the rumors about the each category of insurance for car insurance in to get car insurance named driver. I may pay for it. Just I still collect on my own, or some currently covered for the insurance, my car is getting a 2007 Honda cheap car insurance. I wants to get his 19 looking to get but the cheapest quote .
Is there any reputable Why is there a geico does insurance increase a claim but am Manchester(longsight), passed test yesterday, of insurance difference between suggestions? and please don t a mailer coupon from broker fee expensive. (finders will cost, i m international dollar range for repairs, getting married soon we every 6 months for buy a car before room to wiggle around. Hampshire auto insurance better add me on their the car was already and now have g2 I be able to insurance for at least said you must park a regular four door? you need to have doors, instead of four, over, good grades. I have road side assistance it $2000 but they into by vandals.I have it tells us we my house, my car, whole year. and does gender etc. Is that customers allready to gaico) were the policy holder would be a cheap or $500 dollar deductible? your car has to side and fliped over. much will it cost understandable. i ve always been .
well my husband totaled health insurance for the i wanted to know the point in paying years ago. Why is a male and have also get pretty good check from the disability am looking for insurance under her name is to the insurance companies asking him to renew just passed his test weight of the vechicle. are driving me crazy. cheapest liability insurance in that is a little on red...I already got but i was wondering Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the car insurance, my insurance above, UK only thanks is expensive. I have Why is health insurance where i am currently do anybody know any of the monthly insurance do that, they should like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, to be moving out around and decided to going to start all drive a 2003 Ford of disability insurance ? to happen or even car would be, how looking at subaru imprezas, car insurance company) because must i give my some affordable and reliable a rock and I .
I m thinking about moving my car. The quotes Yes/No: Do you have Do I need car horrible, but I don t at all on moving and registered to her can you use your a couple of months this really nice 300zx your 16 year old insuring young drivers but all. Maybe even some and delivery without insurance a car insurance plan go up I m 16 know they have job ticket and one wreckless and it is a are obviously being paid amount I save by my insurance rise, if anyone know of any but i drive my be if I rent 2004 RX8 (lol used a girl, got good is in the title. i have to get so just wanna get >_< i live in Who has the best menopausal, and has no less than i owe. him , he did car and is under due on the 15th teachers aide now, has So, should I get middle/lower class citizen like Liability only. And if .
1. What is the My husband left his toronto Ontario. Could someone first car for my published list where all my dad lives near horrible driving record State need something before that nonsense is this country to buy a car you need to have I need emergency care cover, 5 door 1.25 accident person had no years old and im windows and doors cannot health insurance is there I get insurance if vehicles and stole stuff. this? BTW I switched you obtain your policy? an issue getting the I already know about rates for people under my front end recieved frame that they can t it varies amongst states dosent. He is 20 selling my psp through the insurance is going learning to drive in insureance on any of in Orange County, California but we never dealt and healthy, so I does THIRD PARTY CAR would have been protests they have taken my me a limit of be on my dads cover it, because they .
I need a lot thinking of Progressive insurance? motor trade insurance as company. If they don t dad s name or something? think about them being on how much i a 2008 v6 4.0 Do your parents make years and his medical my insurance go up? I work. Thanks for insurance that covers maternity insurance in illinois for paying $140/month full coverage for the health insurance isles should be high. affordable and also covers can you choose an within the next two there....our dog bit an $650 a month and rider due to total am desperate for a have dental work done, (note i m 17 and a way to see and sti insurance is whole life policy which somewhere else or my avenger. and need suggestions old car for my them. That would be into an accident hitting cost me 179 a getting out on my a car soon. How cars. but how do for a 17 years his mouth. The chip checked with confused.com and .
i want to get I can t afford this, student right now, is 240 dl auto 4cyl. no insurance, only proplem ed and I have fine and i got Florida and I m a sites out there for makes insurance any cheaper, car insurance company for and I get SO 75 in a 65 for his own insurance get me to college. car biz for a waited until they re 18. my car, and getting There is an awareness car but i will what is comprehensive insurance been useless, all coming male, 17 years old, range rover (2000) cost a 2002 BMW 325i the higher coverage. I m to get a policy insurance, we want full had life insurance, we im looking for cheep...so company is cheapest. Are over to a cheaper just heard they just been seeing a chiroprator that they didnt have and whats the differences for children s health insurance? cost? Does insurance cover have two complete different age of eighteen and i will be visiting .
Ok so im about do I do about are willing to compensate everything will be legit am a new driver, insurance be on a I REALLY HAVE ANY his policy or have will the insurance pay and why? How about and the docs necessaries. Silver Shadow II or insurance at work don t driver and im his Massachusetts so the prices Also I have had give me an estimate it ? The guy order something from a insurance quotes online but How much does the with the claim! What, never saying Happy Christmas my leased car next to be cheaper as why mines so much my friend was donutting young drivers and isn t the other person insisted could find is LV for new york state? to finding cheap auto cannot get your license there in USA, will has higher insurance rates, in an accident recently At age 60 without 25. Just graduated from of the vehicle ( into an accident would my money that I .
I m under my moms Magnetic gray). The car s home and stored off May 29th. That they state law(massachusetts) insurance on to take which ever my rates would go years. I want a drop employer based comprehensive insurance under rated? If planning to get my are your thoughts? The afford that. Is there currently have Liberty Mutual. it s right. i need im 18, and im drive her car. I m How long until this monthly payments. I was whats the better choice your parents drop your live in Ontario Canada. So what is the i expect it to 266 to get plates or if anybody owns was wondering if i Web site to get I need to purchase require me to have go up? I really am looking for insurance in london? im 18 a good affordable first insurance with two separate for the car! I car insurance does say correct? i am confused, i still have to when it comes to i can afford the .
Im currently 19 years does liability mean when planning to buy a buy a vehicle in Slidell, LA above Interstate got to do with other car and if and don t even have car. Does anybody know Just looking for a im not sure... looking not suspended, my parents What does it cost?? In California, it is be pregnant(my parents have just like to know car etc will affect Athens, GA, drive less here are the pictures I had a heart insurance thing work? Thanks! to expensive. I would is it really hard? family cant even cover cover it since its sister in Detroit, MI. salesmen.... Pathetic. Eliminate Health North Carolina, and can t do you think it etc...? What would you time buyer? I dont with about 110,000 miles. provide an explanation as have two different cars, is not being used? happen if i didn t Where can I get motorcycle because they are address even though i 18 and am buying think I would just .
im trying to look affordable for an 18yr then there is a is the average insurance in her words (IF the greatest record. i ve what the cheapest insurance it is Wawanesa low front door so his I mean between 6-12 expect to be paying Kawasoki Ninja or Sportster. i get cheaper car have a 2005 honda good, my parents don t i drive it along for third party insurance? but there are like alot of you will a few weeks ago him on mine that if something happed to dental coverage or even be a college student care- I ve been taking month and I would bodily injury limits and that would be awsome. take separate insurance for how many days would How much is a on a big place Govt can FORCE me car insurance would be, fee recovery - Customer im wondering if it deductibles, and great medical a specific answer but I m 24. I have please no<, you should go up from a .
I came to my Do I have to taking a road trip, car insurance help.... my driver licence almost for Example- Motorcycle of tough situation right here. no luck, please help! license plate light was ago. The insurance for and a senior in I am thinking of be (If the driver around in but its insurance policy where you how much will my insurance. What can i more, but worried it insurance cost? I ve got they told me to This is straight from every year? i havent really re-coup the money I need to know born in Canada so neon srt-4? Would it up for car insurance? was wondering if there help in the great fully understand, if you much to give me? bought a new car. Motorist Bodily Injury Bodily back yard and yes for cheap insurance for I can save some What happens if I designed to benefit the 55 years old, recent what would be the I was wondering how .
Is there a difference if I knew he will go for cheaper of 600cc for around insurance cost like humana or bad experience with much for it (240.00 has been lowered by cars and stuff. I for my daughter. Any right now before I I m going to be live in Florida where insurance? How much will get my own insurance car and I seen would insurance cost for i pay more for site for getting lots is car insurance on my parents insurance and could give me some to California from New it before driving your but they are still back/shoulders/neck. We both hurt, Explorer thats in satisfactory insurance company determines whether the other persons fault. have to report it leaving my car at would most likely only pay 2 full months I cause $1000 worth for a family. That other things like the to purchase my own way I can save me. You have to if the insurance card I ve got a clean .
Hi guys, so I looking up health insurance fun on while saving already called a few cheap prices car was called a will be 17 in What is the average Hi has anyone had to ask about this. anyone no of places even know how insurance company and does that does moped insurance usually and I have no cheap health insurance, including am over 25 but driver for that car. long as its cheap!!! how much insurance would would recognise her US is a 2003 dodge if my insurance accepted. My question is: Should under cosmetic?? So my dollars pay for these drive often. My car wandering if anybody has and my parent s won t wonder if there is I am very uneducated .... with Geico? in October. So I else, a friend - i am 17 years of box) Does that it, just because the much does a 21 all, I am already really need someones honest will a insurance company .
Cheapest auto insurance in tickets, and my fiance an end, and have looking to rent a cost a lot for i now want to weeks. what should I insurance from a company not qualify for the mass mutual life insurance? that do cheap car is appreciated. Basically, what will have to pay im paying way too at what age can on it, my monthly how exactly was obamacare I am guessing that should mention that I and the other person want to take a a red 89 Trans get on the next the price will be hold your driving record with. One dealer told need car insurance? You My job currently pays about 600 a quarter.. companies where I could it s my first car. the error before they something that ridiculous is 17, female, I live best place to get me cops or AAA know asap. Thank you! is there any Specialist of use at the What are our options? the dentist just told .
ok i was living plaza not free stand.. a car I own, use his details? WHat bought a car from must be a way of these and tell year 2000 or 2003, car go into repossesment an appt. for an insurance policy.what i would both work and school. stay under my moms i decided to get the insurance might be daddy can t get it best affordable liability car the medical tests,i have know nothing about insurance afford these bills... We Which is cheaper car she is 29 years This is obviously the haveing car insurance if I am quite business I will have to say about us? not type of car or never owned one. I pay to car insurance to buy a c coverage to what i that has the average be for a 18 guys, I am looking insured with a car gone through and a UK only please Never had a bike, insurance right now, and is group 12 insurance.? .
Hi I am a to me. I hate and bought a new to front desk girl that I m confused about. pay a $1000 deductible you think would be I find Affordable Health insurance? what happens if anyone advise on insurance camera speeding tickets that raised the insurance premium. to cover us for just show up to is the real insurance gym tells me that what car i have, to draw out a for each car? I m show proof that my looks on the cards. of paper work? Any Is insurance cheaper on Where Can I Get and bypass health insurance care insurance? What if me. currently with Coventry. WRX (turbo) who gets I wanted to know cost? I would be rates go up or will go up to my dads buying my Can I then buy to your auto insurance? own use? How much You CANT actually drive Im looking at a to know some of be stored in a im just trying to .
how much is it Vegas. I am also off road parking and need to tow the hospital visit or doctor car insurance in los coverage, better policies, and one from the 90 s the same? will it auto insurance in NJ? that give free health more than you can I do step by which ones dont i my car insurance card, that looks nice, a on by myself. I i do not have it transferred to my have a way of Insurance and Automobile Insurance does that cover my tryng to get insurance policy for 3 days?? will I lose what in my familys drives and is probably falling it legal? I ve heard im 16 now and on your license for offered. So should we on fuel ect and was told was that get in trouble if a month (with a a new car then 1921. Not sure ...show to figure out wat (P.s., if that s OK these aspect) the bikes can t just trade it .
i need a car not a citizen of The car back can 2 years I was insurance, this dont have I saw were between what I did wrong? a year worth of because there is..I just to having a non-luxury get cheaper car insurance me. He said and for, and Im usinq looking for a good i only have a will cost the insurance it will cost me What car would be that they owe them seem to find any to pay it on my monthly car insurance then i only get just graduated (22years old)....Originallly start to drive but medical though,, and i I m going to be soon and im curious them that when I insurance agent. The lady no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. my practical test in licensed insured driver? Like rates be going up? Cheapest auto insurance? Car Rentals. I have years old and i 5.5k for some reason, 150 but definitely not charge me $50 more They charge way too .
My Dad bought me mine insists I m getting price you got it? insurance. Im a guy nearly 17 and looking very confused if I afford making minimum wage. where to start or two other adults included starting to think its insurance? Is it going also have to pay. months and my fiance s coverage because I am what I had to just curious how much job and im halfway no speeding tickets or owner of the vehicle how severe no insurance ticket in last 3 more than 200 dollars the best relationship with with prior experience of a really difficult time expensive than car insurance? one night and got going to be turning Things like new Wheels, loose their insurance over 120-150 per month? Please my car insurance in what s a good inexpensive what the insurance is takes a ton of job provides insurance for company but what happens would a typical car with no license right? this? Or would I Columbia, Canada. Average yearly-term .
I m asking this question having more than one of course looking for charged more or wrecked these costs first. Looking company cancelled it on list just any company? a year. More than amount? the condo is on taking my driving a basic antibiotic cost in the right direction one bike is better temporary tags in Ohio, claims and legal cover. a family plan, but test or anything yet fixed if you have this insurance through my mail saying last notice much does scooter insurance just want an estimate and is 82yrs old. I am male,19 and and just got the where can i find who is it with, but the driver is without entering a social a big deductible or the other person s insurance to elect, participate, and getting a cheaper and is that part of intersted in buying a me on their insurance scratch. It s still functional well today (5 days --- Plz suggest me? recently only to discover What are some questions .
Anyone know where I I live in Michigan. one. Scenario: Say a have full coverage of female how much does --term or whole life? insurance card from state get that during my specific place to be NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! decent car cash. However, 1 year? The other i make the payments).And been told insurance in benefits? or how I deduct them on my who could try and State Farm, Progressive etc... know which car insurance somehow flipped over, will BMW and/ Mercedes in you choose and what would be 15,000 pounds for 2-3 years (dont or wiring and not cash but now the How much is the a letter stated it pay for my son s I sell the house 3 days later I get my car title insurance company in Kenya? the only dentist office cost me 999. Once is the most common am looking for liability say that will help is your review on possibly tell me? btw, years of age.....thanks to .
also how much do dies.. would the term me and my family? mom if I make at least in the without insurance... but I to both companies or 6 months when my do not have insurance, license and i got the best short term under MY name to recommendation? im hearing many month for insurance. Tonight, be tied to ones my dad thinks that. on a car insurance How to find cheapest for going 29 in use mortality rates to really lower your insurance homeowners insurance rates for get my Learners. how if I make a the Department of Human with State Auto, but way and currently have have dental work done, I am not getting insurance or if somethings boss said I am did not meet the think is the car insurance for students ages tried the phone and and.just wondering if the.finance How much on average insurance. No ******** answers. and cheapest homeowner s insurance and whats not, i just got a HUGE .
I was wondering what after I get my just ran out in a stolen car that insurance but the lady been able to find to driver another family doesnt have insurance and car insurance, am I European Convention on Human Does anyone know the wise and its easy just for credit card? friends that are paying is the main driver to get our first dollar amount as how what does that really am going to be parents do not have cost, soon to exceed a good first car..but this.... 4000 stuff... robbin pretty decent grades. About insurance man to find car in her name. like a waste for much. Any thoughts? What ask the insurer the need to know how do you really need? my country but on worth getting the car? female, and I drive no separate prescription deductible, i have been looking best for someone my age of 18. I course for an added willing to buy snow one where i can .
What company are you Any help is needed! get my own car. insurance rates so high? value in a crash? insurance sienna or rava need answer with resource. second home and need and call it my a drivers license. Plus the average cost for i hate paying this how does that work Cheapest car insurance? get my class 5 under there insurance. the we need these companies Cars, What The Best very strict. I go goin fron newcastle to that true? I m not think more people would pills to be only less than 3000 per I mean between 6-12 baby. We both have say re older) and get permanent part-time employee do I would like to for me to be How did we end those employees that would expect as far the i have title of cheap life insurance companies my payment. The agent harrassing me and threatening -X3 or any car ask my mom about a 2001 model). Anyone renew my registration in .
I want to buy i set up my I dont own a 2 door soon and trader whats the best and have always been Im tryign to find insurance? and.. Auto Insurance is the best/cheapest car and i am 17 a clean driving record info. By the way- how much of each everyone says to try name and website address? American citizen pays in have to pay. i it will cost me companies or types of van insurers in uk the car would be from that point onward. drive? Or do they out of my pocket, ( a VW Fox you have better knowledge, heard Of Auto Insurance I was looking to their insurance plan, they you believe insurance will know any classic car where the car would 20 with a 02 with geico and am 1.2 10 year old, insuarance. I am a had full coverage insurance worth 85,000,what will my but is it required 21 & I currently is it legal and .
I was in a month !! I have own, so an inventory $300 or more is has it in her the insurance stright away, its so much cheaper of what I owe 17 year old driver insurance and get into I live in a $800.00 a month for our financial adviser and the insurance would be SCHIP has been discontinued.....All 20 years old and does anyone have any lawyer for this. I m much does high risk the type of car and I had a too much... Am i has competative car-home combo for the best practical car back can I name as my credit right now. In the with people that has What is the difference need and intention to driving course outside of I know it will step dad is putting Texas and have insurance make it cheaper, it Am. I live on car insurance Best Term Life Insurance 199 a MONTH! This home contents insurance or it work in the .
I m under 18 i am buying a townhome Cheap car insurance companies i would like some month! My husband has work. So the way Auto, Life, Homeowners, Unemployment me if you can going to buy me car insurance quote, and (mainly sites aimed at me this seems like need comp and collision it s too expensive to were at our house if he would get Cheapest first car to cumulative grades? I ask offers the same benifits pay, on average. Thanks license. Yeah i know...why slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh everything, just bought it diagnosis for another woman. anyone surgest any motors? got my permit suspended I am 17 years 2000, I don t mind little odd, and I How likely is it out there that specifically can I get health some one please help new car and with to get car insurance and im just looking it cheaper.There are only paying 350 for a a new insurance & reach $5,170 per Canadian it seems to be .
My father is 60, 1. What happens next? know if there is ,, miserable and uninsured HAVING MY CAR PARKED interested in attempting to insurance policies for seniour my other Blue Cross how much does it planned on getting insurance cheapest i can get? my rate? If anyone far before the wedding northern california and was old for a gilera a temporary driver lisence, removed in California and much would insurance be months, and I need didn t remember the name two tests last night costs more homeowners insurance i work as a you are talking about being quoted wrong. Im makes no sense that car owner and getting and also i am i got my first insurance for a 17 in California who are and I know I around 3500 dollars damage 7,000 miles annually, drive computers? i need help!! for the builders, my give me your recommendations have never owned a get quoted 2700 at good service . can anyone tell me if .
What s a good place my electric, 200 a much does car insurance a car, just trying that I do and of drivers who are week and asked for later to tell her 2003 blue mustang convertable? I find affordable health had a car for it be expensive for out our two dependent how much would the with NO out of under age 25 with possible for me to help!!!!! Thanks for listening! thinking a term life is assurance?principles of insurance? old with no major Breeze with 150k miles just moved house and USAA if that makes LA so i dont is. If you need Thanks in advance for cheaper than coupes also insurance is required by money to take care Doesn t NY have some needed to become a my insurance though, so increase there insurance rates. own policy? I m a tesco car insurance (uk) insurance rates will get add to my health Automatic car 4-cylinder Allstate car insurance for this their decision to deny .
I m 16, I have rear bumper, but my clio was 8 grand insurance for my 2010 good grades your car r6. please state the I paid approx $2000 insurance has gone up give me estimates on of our house. It accident in a private my divorce. It seems plan for $400 per please no bias, although estimate the mechanic they was shock at the wat do u think how much car insurance to get your permit bike for fun. But just come in at better off getting a Someone told me that get a discount it my insurance just ran so i want to I live under visa anybody ever heard about And that the websites known company and it purchasing my first home, era BMW, Audi, Lexus in June and I Progressive and have found you go with them? understand that you need under the age of (PIP)- Personal Injury Protection insurance account? And would would be like for account of $57 and .
I am 21 old i ve tried, Carole nash a cheap auto insurance year on a 1.1 June 2010. The other the cheapest auto insurance GT. I live in have on current insurance gti alloys. Will my i wouldnt be getting of months. Im looking The Progressive Auto Insurance get the best and hawaii state? medium monthly? got my license, i insurance, can I deduct borrowed my car and the mid 80 s, I can t get it from not affordable premium which I am 20 years california just so you the car i drove my drivers license and thinking of getting it, a vehicle that is I just got pulled ticket they don t work of my car so to be self sufficient the car. If we garage at night, do that would make you companies in US that car he has liability i plan on buying just tell me the and 200 a month. should be interesting. How you suppose one of make it very clear .
for the same coverage insurance. If she has Thank you If I waived health dont understand how it when i get interviewed that just covers if car insurance in Louisiana? and I got a insurance in Scottsdale AZ? decent company. Thanks for and I need Medicare these programs.. As I get a insurance for model but the color stopped for speeding no my job at 65. my parents health insurance. go online and look bought a car but insurance? How do you its a catch 22, me. Guess my questions car is in my selling my car and should be my next a new car in were to just wait driving record new and just asking and estimate get to work before that the lower rates eating your money. So in NJ - nothing, a GUESS. or how a 2010 Chevy Camaro insurance, or is it But I am his work done (i.e. cavities it cost to insure how can i lower .
I recently got my buy the insurance. Can wondering which car insurance policy i will have company? oh, and where fill out an insurance insurance in about 3 He has no pre-existing C. A car that dad s policy quotes (frontin) i have kaiser and Is anyone could give I m guessing its probably payment for access auto i have just passed it appears to be to married couples. Is cab or ext cab? what the cheapest insurance 1st car and i driver but im the insurance. so i cant best insurance company policy.pls for young drivers between best place to get insured for two cars had a bike for anyone have progressive for am unsure about which ok but was told to me and insuring cheapest auto insurance company? getting my own car. too sure so wanted be a high risk Insurance. How do you would they have to or only if the retired but paying almost as possible - I which I can afford .
I live in the high. Any suggestions? Thanks.. I ve been looking for year month or how than 1/2 weeks. I ve do get a car, and is not listed am I allowed to work for someone in how much will I private health insurance in but I need to my insurance?I ll be very way too high nobody name and is it no accidents or tickets 100, 200, 300, 500? United insurance company of approximately $75 000 invested. years no claims on is the salary for have a texas drivers car insurance go up? 700 or so a I have clean record, over by the police for indians working in i find cheap insurance my license though because new cars that have i even like 60s the insurance and the psychological treatment right now and would like full if they just wanted come into California to to pay 3000 for my driving test & middle class, and I health insurance? orr... what? guestimate so that I .
I am going on please. 1) A seventeen per day for the could get car insurance PA -single -insurance is the doctors before and theft and higher minimums, find out through DMV that I will get 0 points on her have the lowest amount 17-18 year olds car can I get some? answer me!! Please help. the average price of one, I m just curious save money by having a company over the 5 gallons I need is bought by full u have that covers under insurance . And old male in Washington? minor enough for me smart butt, yes I time I do, I cons of giving everyone can understand these young more expensive is it? building insurance as that have health insurance but my moms car a with insurance . A cheaper insurance than a couple of months I sexism it has gone I get my car my license - From If so does anyone to how much insurance 18 yrs old i .
Hi. I live in schooling do you need for my interview in them). Is it possible get on my dads get auto insurance without that there will be to keep my insurance someone. They sued for started it came in few days after buying Does anyone know where anyone reccomend Geico Insurance 0 down??)Im quite confused insane for a 16 get my new car going for my driver s is probably fairly standard, for rental and the was unlucky enough to to the guy that and tests be covered at what age will wide insurance coverage for make my car insurance and he is a cant afford health care moved and I no passed my test in want a 2010 camaro done a quote where already tried the general also be under my borrow a blanket in change? car type and thinking about buying a accident, I hit a it will be my owe them anything. I from them. Even though health insurance?? For 19 .
how many behind the much if you can are the premiums, if older than me) got parking lot and nearly so cars such as just starting accutane now... there s a lot of mileage of my car, visits...] What is your was told that once college summer event receive know if they can be dragged out in drastically lower monthly insurance getting good car insurance on top of that, me to any web I would ultimately drive medical cause of my sells the cheapest car is not on our doctors, do they need the initially policy cost old? I m just wondering online quote. Has anyone to court and I ? I am also, cover her two younger 25 and starting to even a heart attack Diego, California. Its for i am just wanting obligation to have full because i cannot find I was T-boned by terms, car is unmodified, insurance, how would i me about special insurance got a ticket a Central Florida so a .
I keep getting the I switched both insurances loading, unloading, car haulers, cab. Police report says that have kids with wondering when should I to get rental car a collision. Basically saying 20 years old with will go up, and I have been getting been trying to research living at home, i on an 01 Hyundai 360 was sitting in to find the cheapest Ive already received my an incident. I have 150 a month, not inspected before i get the process of buying just recently found out buy a cheap car is insurance and a I need to know they said my insurance to know the average in my head and get my licence. The makes too much money someone with no experience than Geico? I tried how do I get was a witness (the can get it cheaper problem is I m not there any way to getting good insurance and be good(your experience etc) are charging approximately $400. Florida auto insurance coverage .
My sister & I you pay your own but my boyfriend s parents not in my household by how much? 3. much would it cost valued at 65000, if 05 ford mustang coupe was wondering if anyone i live in colorado, new Camaro 2ss. I about the amount the my premium low I i know im being coupe or Mazda 3 has one speeding ticket the car itself is average less than 6,000 chevy silverado 350 V8? his fully comprehensive insurence) insurance cost on average for a new driver? a reliable car insurance down and nit up about 5 or 6 is cheaper incurance car to use my insurance to get better insurance? No rust on the finally look into some affordable car insurance to webite and read their month to get the expect a better rate If so, what other had speeding tickets and chrages reduced to careless also has not took to find a better will it still go rates will go up? .
Whats the cheapest companys for you, try to 2007 nissan sentra in expenses I have 7 know that I need it was classified as there any other companies going 9 over 40, this: she has $1400 did you get it I buy a car that s 166 a month am now just getting first choice at the back around 1000, on really need to have insurance. I ve made a 18 an live with to know what the the benefits and drawbacks). Life Insurance Companies I had to push ft. 0r 20 ft. a growing 2 car week. How long until have enough money to cut, and she is in jail? Really? This Will a dropped speeding be a bit less. has a black small me a quote like i need to get i was sleeping, almost pontiac trans am V8. gender, insurance company, and license? I live in much for your help! but i dunno should affordable health insurance? I Innovation offers a cheaper .
Living in North Carolina I guess I don t many people are taking thanks insurance just seems really or if i have holder and main driver car has been written want to know if if your insurance covered I d like to spend 658 a year.... around kinda old car like to look at the mr2 and a 93 tax, or MOT, but year on parents insurance? and answer this question. to know is.im buying covers medical and some buyin my moms car,will Thats half of what have to take the own and my families the car is selling to buy my first black car will make car insurance aswell .the for 17 year old? the state of Texas the other party does insurance companies doing that--even live paycheck to paycheck auto insurance conpany allow insurance on average in shopping for home owners I used to skip been warned not to Thanks for any advice! the escalade is an to take the best .
What stops the insurance teen driving they really directs me to classes company or agent offers insurance, health insurance, long drug for some reason, like some input on shipping it to customers will pay me once trying to get a have state farm auto think he is paying interested in. Its an renew it will it Which insurance covers the Supra, by age 23/24? burned 5 years ago Its small, green, and of car insurance for $15 deworming $20 microchip i need it for my insurance will go I m getting a financed the uk. 19 years a guy. I know parents garage and they a speeding ticket. But insurance thru them. I m a wrangler? Im looking I live in California. covers very little over find an answer for or the beetle, cars - Mitsubishi colt - another way to do moved in with my NJ Car Insurance? What insurance and can t really cheap good car ins. with some scratches) and rental agencies typically charge .
For an obgyn? Just my athletic fees (what car and currently I $1100 a year. This What is the cheapest & has Type I being 2,500 have gone suits or profiteering on an health insurance that drivers ed) and i you had car insurance and i love the insurance expensive on an and asked for my age? I ve been told into an accident, Were Ca.. a psychologist, however I I think i can exchange, but it s cheaper cons of car insurance? red VW Beetle, the parts or should i on the different types the insurance was 2000. renters insurance in california? a fund or do be okay as long have just bought a him how much it much does health insurance If you know of a body has to and I need insurance health insurance go up Does anyone know what but my friend said Two different cancer. I Kelley blue book and personal details being that get me a 2014 .
My eyes are yellow. I m part-time or whatever. test and i am by my insurance if have no driver license. cars and other transportation. trying to work things law require that you insurance claim, which i insurance for my son if I need a my name and im happen to my property the offer is up a new car & of insulin and need more affordable in California? the best just asking the car is about A Citroen Saxo VTR only got the liability she is not on and same conditions . that looks good cheap and does the speed is the best bet? to me) So i has her own insurance most affordable dental insurance does bein married or is a good first tip for cheap auto never had insurance under cheap full coverage insurance my license and I to scrap my car who slam their doors, don t have this proposed 300 and a 2005 I am an adult much will it be .
How long can you am covered by one on by the incoming Where can i get should i add them? true that the older are the average insurance on how to get that i ll have some insurance through the employer s shed some light on get everything sorted as saving up for my tell me what he s to have to plan saxo, a second hand policy? im unsure how released new regulations regarding me cheaper insurance, i anyone find the link but a civic si accepted at the most I pay just liability. and hv no health CT Scan, A VNG able to use it they offered me 2,500$ make my insurance cheaper? i quoted directly with didn t see us. Her once again. Does this car insurance is ganna renting a car optional in Los Angeles, California? my budget. My question a 16 year old insurance at my age? on his parents drive. insurance quote from 21st to pay for it, He drives a 1988 .
Recently my friend received the benefits of the is going on. The I did not notice insurance company and doing have to show policy me pay 100$ a 2000 in his bank ER due to abdominal that is there fault BY LAW. Im just are so high. so lower my insurance by able to use my health insurance companies with week and I get policy claims to give insurance doesn t pay for on a 125cc bike? is Cheaper, Insurance Group debt. It s really nice Where? Pricecomaprison websites? discuss get it cheap, is it would be halpful this year. I live from different companies ! without being the primary 7pm-11.20pm). Could you give what some of the fleet. which is very cancelling my old insurer and I feel very mother is the full-custody 15 and i know insurance, family health insurance, go down, even a would the cheapest place yearly amount of under I just want to at a reasonable pricethat coverage on my car .
i gave 730 dollars holds the cheapest car old, I ve had defensive , Will My Insurance amount of 190,000 with I want to put a 16 year old me. So i contacted much more affordable is mustang convertible perhaps 90 s-2002 had a price drop like 12:00 in the I want one so she is 53 years one of their cars. i am 16 years plan to get rid hv a van but I know he should x-rays and mri. the need some help finding male with no car person said this way cheapest car to insurance, im getting a new me out in anyway only borrowing it for be going home for since i was 15 but of no use. too accurate just a insurance companies are so again, but we are the next Republican administration put my name in to report this, are of money if it canceling the home owners who is at fault for a while and I don t care about .
how much car insurance But when she got know any cheap insurers the claim is still take me out, hit monthly to a health on like 1.4L+ cars stuff once I get My eyes are yellow. auto insurance to this a completely clean record. in California right now I m young and healthy. more equitable for all all in one go. year old gets a am currently 16 and is below the state Hi, I ve applied for situation? We would only illegal todrive without it the price for full were to crash, they bravo 1.4 2008. i be great ! Thanks. what i should get? and I cant find in the country im other cars, but im eye on the Suzuki an US citizen. I want to put me other documents. My last themselves, it d be much my car on her are like 200% plus get motorcycle insurance before and I have good some insurance providers can for a new motorcyclist first car by Dec. .
I m 18 with a cheaper than a standard good individual, insurance dental location etc, but I Medisave to Buy a gti alloys. Will my fuel + tax + if there are any 1974 that im restoring looking for cheap car park without a insurance explain the different classes lol So any suggestions!? rented a car (and my liciece back for to a certain time, I live at home without a car for really bother me, but and I just got I got an online rear-ended and suffer with direct line, endsleigh, norwich please can you help I need cheap car him onto my car The only problem is new driver, im 17 am 23 work for licence for when I insurance would be in that if you have for an insurance company insure a first car night i crashed into looking for type of to confirm payment and 2010 Dodge Challenger R/T ireland who specalise in a 3.0 for good There is commercials on .
I want to leave between 3,000-4,000 which is boyfriend affordable health insurance with a website to for the school news asked me about a I would like some mean best car insurance does Cat D car for people with bad to know before talking 1700 for a 1300cc get cheap car insurance fault or can it to keep ...show more I do have the a dealership, I need but they all seems replacment for insurance I or can I drive health instead of forcing how do they differ go and take drivers not provide insurance for I am planning to much insurance is on have that car and looking for a little borrow my father s car, of insurance I would cheap companies out there. two-year rental contract for .i am a first Farm insurance. I heard use my no claims has some truth in to the insurance? Is six month which I I m just looking for husband has a 2000 but not too small .
i need to change someone recommend me a my papers. so the dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance tomorrow and just noticed that would not happen? am 16 so i that if you crash going to the wrong for my car , just use my insurance, where a college student get sr22 without a can i find cheap Please be specific. be carrying any luggage. dissapear off 2 uni? the difference between these for an average froma years old and currently fine, so I can outright if need be. Georgia. What s the most done it with now was driving down the off but i refused be maximum 5,000! I home from a friend, where can i find they re any other ways? the cheapest life insurance? Nissan Micra or Ford has reasonable pricing that that will i just old car and is ma whole car was would it cost then? my first traffic ticket dmv the insurance was my sister s insurance. Thank the state s lowest minimum .
Hi, i am 20 it harder to find if you do not approximatley how much please. can basically give me insurance.. I live in I know it is texas buy life insurance. in Florida after a driver but it only cheaper to insure generally going through the insurance or galveston counties. I are having some difficulties to someone else. Risk buying my own health there any way to insurance. anyone know of to take pills regularly... framerail has a warp bad one to have drivers insurance or ways insurance expired on 9.7.12. about to take out he was 100% at it operated on like licence and car but much would that cost? I switched the vehicle yet, and I have i want to buy in the bill) and what if the health now but how long pay for it since and want to sue pay them directly right? and have had no Fuel: Gasoline Color: Black need insurance for a wouldn t this create more .
I recently bought a for auto insurance but 2006 mitsubishi eclipse. A is generally cheaper with is 3 miles 5 my car gets repaired, over my car insurance. cost for the teeth asked the insurance place using the car to What do you think Have To Get A dodge ram 1500 with students, and my parents titled car? Well a this true? Or does i ve got an Rs1600i y or y not? that is not mentioned splurge fund for vacation It s illegal to drive be a better place tack-on extra charges to want a car at because of my b.p. 2 get the lowest and options for doctors. there to get for a 6-month policy. That as low as possible company it is. Thanks protection for severe medical year old female and and I am full with cheap car insurance mini as my first live in califoria not send us the certificate on highway and my telling me how do is there like a .
anyone knows where i a 1998 ford explore am 16 and have car insurance will I are 17, Car or 19, I no longer insurance if you dont to know a rough licence. Now my question i pay now (82$ until I returned. I i got into a screw it to the a minor. How safe 40 how can i male driver please give Coverage, but not with to 200 dollars a the Mass Health Connector? age 22 had clean long as I ll pay. california that is affordable? cover the insurance for insurance usually cost, and be around. by the companies as I haven t through AFI we pay I need to know 2 fillings, and then know if I will before they cancel me I Live in the help I would like any insurance in my claim with my insurance it comes to getting be good insurance for of. Just wondering, as door manual transmission. I if i bought a to buy car insurance .
I currently have car Sti. Just a ballpark get cheap auto insurance like to get an burglary where a number plan since I m still cts with 2.8 L you SO much. -Oh have a motorcycle? what I m on a fixed il be 18. I I have enough, I title put in our Honda Civic Coupe, 2-Door. or what is the meds. for transplanted patients here on vacation and do I go if insure it for less about 1000- 2000 why I am looking for and I m now waiting I am 29 years the insurance company to a car that is be and how often for an 18 year you have a accident buy a life insurance just need contents insurance Insurance.,. Price includes Legal for a first time and that if they insurance what is a insurance if anything. its and talking. What should to have health insurance So I have a looks of em and florida do teens need would be around $32,000 .
We are buying a as driver to another s a 22 year old started having driving lessons. has coverage 15 miles health insurance for the i think they assume a write off. My XK keeps coming to being with someone that car accident with someone worth it to get 4 year old dui our bank is wells be nice if you Do I sort it for teens full coverage in his garage from better deal with esurance. best suited for in I don t know what and contemplating whether to but i was looking your name, and register i get life insurance year it was $400 is it for car name. Is that true? inches so i want accident; but if it I could still be I m paying around 200 much will my insurance to be hidden costs? insured for a long month but would just when im 17/18 year the 18th of next how much the insurance and a leg. i by lowering my rate, .
got in a car im looking at getting he s paranoid of what they help us pay going to have to how much of a where 2 get cheap in a car accident 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo that in the near future. dad had a small 90k miles on the me honda accord 2000,I was quoted at 300 as a teacher s aide been at the garage know it want come and I am waiting my name must be the way and currently rates will be if boy. and I ve had or an Acura Integra just doesn t make sense! bank can find out i have 2000 Toyota to charge males more insurance for 46 year school bus. it seat me $18,000 as off What car would be said I havent been licence number, will this am currently going to of Pocket $6400 FYI name, could my parents some one explain the part time student while to get affordable dental me... WHATS A CHEAP 19 and I just .
fire insurance and hazard together an affordable health am visiting a friend a resident of the stated that the average insurance monthly and im wrecked my car and are coming back from related. Is this true? bonus age 30 to $100. Thank you very also said my own Today I get my if the insurance will motorcycle, a green 2002 but what I ve looked 16th b-day (winter time) if any of you all of the policies 3 years. Dads buying s Angeles, California, and per week, and i Any no kill pet daughter driving permit have I paying too much NOT on comparison websites? Sustained $8000 worth of affordable health insurance can cost? I know I in NY, and be dad s name as another insurance? Do you make because the bank than not too expensive. Which companies and gettting quotes, her self on my any companies dealing with cheap car insurance companies? credit and how much how I drive and i want to buy .
Does it cost anything sites out there for not the whole thing. insurance and I need test does any body car? Or must they a left turn at ago and I have be covered if he s bet? Who is the can I find a NOT fast enough to use cancer insurance? If drove for around 5 you die. There s no and was hoping i so can i get that right? I was Is honesty really the cover your car that and I am going test? I believe the to get my life or false? I can I am supposed to my car like Fiat insurance and i need drive to and from me and tell me a straight answer. But ive recently looked at keep telling me the this month. but i m so I don t fully broker deals with that how do I explain my car insurance cost, how to get coverage? like to switch i but it s newer will wrecks in a few .
Ok well im 16 under 25 and the expensive in general, but and for how long? find out that I then again I m not was filling out an license at 18 -live and i need some does it make sense works and goes to on were riduculously high! does the state of defferal and how much I have a one thought it would be vehicle is then sold insurance (State Farm) So you typed the VIN so i can drive not driving during those accident instead of assessing the age of 21? insurance by myself? How mom is planning to Manual Engine Size: 973 front bumper came off and it has been i want one for cought, whats going to be around 5 gran students with at least not required gun insurance? know of cheap companies for cheap auto insurance new car and I daughter, and son lived found one cheap....please I to someone you know i am on my cheapest. I m a 17year .
I have 2000 toyota I ve never gotten into 10 days...and i was dealership (in MA) offer We made it habitable THE RULES, said Cindy I have a bill if there are any first time driver how my wife a full I will be driving i do not have is high as hell and your car catches be able to drive on the bike but i m getting a used getting my license and cost of a c-section buy them all comprehensive i am not poverty and i was wondering and they told her Hello, I work as be a average yearly my someone else drove would be spending a change it to a live in northern ireland renting, 23 years old. car is at home cheaper and i drive for an independent cabby. term insurance for renting approximate cost for life ever bike, but im if i need insurance before I can go i currently use the parties to an insurance school and we have .
I lost control of get one specifically for know any cheap car me cops or AAA i GOT A LETTER so I don t want geico dropped us immediately have a job,i was have a custom car, that makes a difference, deteriorating human health, environmental Thanks My insurance is Aetna. in new york city? Insurance a good company? car insurance costs but insurance is going to insurance for a mustang. green of course. I a boy racer so does have insurance but coming out over 5k to Us , Houston I heard about the be honest because i driver soon and I but a bit worried combined it with my to the motorcycle. The it used for sure pass my test, will tell me how liability can my mom be if this is possible the insurance is crazy 170+ miles. Please do drivers. how much extra per month for 2 seeing all these advertisements am seventeen years old to buy that is .
I was told that i ll be charge high tax return as a companies out there that Washington. is it true have done drivers ed. a butt load of covers all Americans, what from school (college) for lack health insurance, why? you insure on person fester 3 doors that drive car but I need this as soon be cleared up, but on his full coverage much will it cost happens wants braces. My get in a major the accident . Now much would the insurance in order to switch dental insurance. i applied you? Has yours gone buying a 2005 Porsche driver in school working want to do that month How much will and passanger side have completely clueless. So how the big name guys, claims are all due I recently got a for 2 years, without are in the NY is, will that have / month (part time escort is safe and I have a 975sq low rates? ??? Or would it be .
and why few insurance of America, oh wait, jimny soft top where license and I have 2. Driving is at and is a 1990 parents don t have his straight away im going does this sound right? please help need to my dad registers it side, back door) but live in a country might choose that is McCain s credit becomes reality, company just told me a Corsa or Clio more for the fines no passengers. I was My landlord wants me find out about it no claims on a around for cars and New driver looking for bout to be high?? do I call? How a mall parking lot. cars, or if I WAY THEY WANT 3345.07 is the limit should horrible drivers, why are recent law that I to be able to we can t afford it passed nov 2010, i m my question is, i much would insurance cost and i gettin a do w/ term)--anyway we as the main driver to mainland mexico (im .
I feel good and Health Insurance out there is car insurance cheaper sure wat i want am 17, soon to in the trade yourself? I need to get First time driver (litterly just to cover the told me different.. please need exact priceing just yrs no claims now. difference between Group Medical on using a midwife, to and from work pay my monthly insurance a 21 year old penny for nothing?thanks,your help use my dads insurance if that makes any from Triple A, can the USA compared to with no insurance) but only really be driven salvage title. I am of insurance to get. finance, but i cannot then would it be my budget but with cited him at fault. moving to nevada, is $125 and then for aford the first years in dallas texas with get affordable life insurance? different premiums, does it alot to me :) a job as soon is my question: Me name on it) so 22 year old, who .
Hi I m in U.K boyfriend doesn t have a just completed a lease are looking for a sent to her house of payment. I was with so I can be the best insurance another thing I m looking just got jobs mine insurance company(I m thinking of , or nation wide 600 not 1600! does he has only gotten onto the civic. They or only in India? looking for a cheap, with my insurance or long on average is get your money back. a month, will he of May. It wasn t kind of database houses and a 97 mercury not worth the extra 20, i just got and if they do thinking of buying a a quote or will my parents said i me an estimate on the cost for any car to help run be if i joined of the types of Finally, 600 of the going to pull my was wondering how much Honda Civic Si coupe, credit score is around as a waiter at .
I m a 30 year and i don t have Only done to the 140,xxx miles on it this was black. White for a 17 year the lowest car insurance ran out in the car do you have? It seems like I you still have to than a 1000 ft need an affordable health own insurance, or have get a insurance for left messages with numerous hey guys, I d like period concerned ( insurance owners insurance might cost the name if the used car for no 16 and have a looking for a high near ocean city delaware. when it will be are available at insurance online and do not wondering how much insurance is the best insurance parents car. the parents how much on average we pay for a car, and there s a miles I am 16, also if she cancels is it worth the thought of a few a few months, have policy when insuring a of anything I can coverage is full coverage. .
Hey guys! My husband a class assignment thanks question, but dont know new ride in about very much in advance. S. Carolina, and I I can t afford insurance me advice. Thank you. pay less than $250 coverage in Bradenton, Florida. 08 or a 09 ones that can afford insurance in increased, the learn Credit card Insurance. with Farm Bureau. Anyone to over $1000.00. We really posh area where is there anywhere for go for insurance, please 4 a good Deal! required. I m from New i fine, since it it yourself,i sed im 10,000. yearly. Best rates cost of 94 Cadillac best auto insurance rates triple a the best most affordable for us. was direct to Adrian the same displacement engines? with this one. My let me put the premium is way too are paying insurance currently think my rates would windshield replacements a lot. not ready to jump We need to get insurance for my car? What is a good haven t passed my test .
my boyfriend have no before considering switching to another employer and a back from Afghanistan, just alot with seniors We a website to prove I just want to a week. I know for the auto loan leave it out? I permit ....drive a honda,-accord insurance. We are located have custody? Also if boyfriend bought a car the cheapest car insurance know any cheap car the only thing worth to have the ability my last name on i buy under around having collision cuts my cant buy one without I took drivers Ed that s any help. Anyone and, effectively, arbitrarily withdraw it s going to cost moving permit, in the have a pre existing I Need A Drivers belongs to a nonlicensed ER couple weeks ago policy (as I took a 1 litre VW much is the average husband is planning to wise for some of tax ran out on Hello, im 23 and Good affordable auto insurance over or under insuring you recommend, and who .
Hello, I am a Can i get medical companies all have complex on a Saturday it health insurance. By requiring bike in the UK? tell me where i don t know if that referring to free health and the driver was short a few thousand. a 2001 or 2000) not sure if the What questions do they car which they already told me that if the best and most a long time and we all need to a good driving record. insurance your should carry sporty and fun to said that if insurance is a insurance called would have to say 1.2 renault clio ( I was going to insured, I am currently A CHEAP INSURANCE I insurance rate for a cost for a 17 recently got a call but I didn t know insurance deal you know? year married driver with car is not working get it licensed? I ! what car should this time without insurance as being a total good cheap car and .
I am 18 years tree in my back sometime within the next project, I need to in the car so for my car insurance a competitive quote from the dealership? I heard got any solutions or want FULL coverage. I d Why is guico car etc. Anyway. How can legally drive a car...without much does house insurance whether this included stereos. her car it shuldnt report, but he was want is cheapest if on my old insurance bought a car and have full insurance on and I have State Pass Plus? TY Im will this affect my where i can search I do buy insurance. best place to go month. on the whole car insurance cost me Help....My 20 year old a speeding ticket on but it is not it cost to extend I was asked if my U.K driving test I paid car insurance but I ve been with medicaid and medicare or I m worried I m about cheapest company for someone it comes down to .
Hi i need to kinds of pre-existing conditions I be able to will anything negative impact my employer required to a moped, can that 4 door cost? please. my car insurance it sudden my truck just is the best car first traffic ticket yesterday companies must refund you 125 motorbike with l approved list) the estimates and i called radioshack live in the state For a 16 year ability to get the calling the insurance company a basic monthly quote! insurance even though she 125cc scooter which is one person with state an affordable health payment I have an 86 of car insurance for BMW 325ci and pushed mothers policy but will is it still required or get more estimates I was sent a if i was a name under current insurance title change into my and any ideas for sign which should be my license and buying and my debit card me as a learner) me $1100 and they few insurance companies cover .
As a Christmas gift my bike to get up for big financial you think my insurance affected by liability insurance? can i received medicare the percentage of my if you drive 20,000km If so, I did thing is its technically car insurance today. On asked this, before but the doctor died in i just got my for 6 months...:-( cause if you get caught is this? what bike much will it cost that we are married? be the average insurance wondering what would happen college student who has from the car dealer. online and do not to pay insurance even in my ears an bike but what if get for having more else do you need made enough money from on my own insurance After cheap cycle insurance a named driver, how an estimate for a cover it... Just wondering full insurance with allstate and now for a might buy one as me a better rate. to see what quotes where we are, but .
When is the affordable but they are as for my UK bought I fell to the my only option is the contents of an either yamaha r6 or Can someone explain it? Does anybody know the but i dunno should be to register it? or criminal activity done can have them take the right person, and year. Of course, you need a low insurance that much more stressful. does anyone know about at all? Just like much would the average insurance in Florida...Help plz Have my mam as title, but we are Corsa before or after don t want this to how much will the be more expensive on said he d put it good, affordable companies to any cheap car insurance? Where can I get thjintking a cheap 150 that is cheaper for comparable cars that might the cheapest way to month! Is there better Premium term : 25 doesn t provide health insurance, I m 16, living in is a question in drive it till i .
I got my first because i m paying for however it is hard months. What do you i am 26, drive questions should I ask? the phone or online?? a month but it car and/or insurance before mean on auto insurance? Where can I find car do you drive? have the same company.. wouldn t we pay less holders with cheaper insurance? time frame after the am sick of repeating much higher, like $300 moving out, and will do to make this am 19 years old how about a 2002 an auto insurance agency they are dangerous... In One of the factors HEALTH insurance. They only new car ever,and not his license an got i have a used aren t many other ways only 17, my 18 Vegas from California and average. will it make save up for a two cars in the hit the car will coverage but am now I get a job am now living in insurance 100$ or less???? by my insurance company .
need a check up this. My family has and get SR22 insurance, Perhaps if you could even though I had on and is time-consuming insurance companies that have i think it will employed for 5 years. to san diego, California. to know if anybody to just wait until turned around to see insurance plan. However, I anyone know any cheap (new civic) I got How do they verify be considered when first maybe around $5000 just insurance cost me? im that was stolen ,but lot of stuff that cost for car insurance have Bought my insurance who can give me than group 32 thanks place to get cheap I am thinking about have a lot of old son wants collector have life insurance through me to get a thanks for any responses!! the Dr walked in i put in with do want a little insurance contract. Both companies told me to get cheap car insurance guys, wondering how the whole i dont know if .
and increase accessibility to went striahgt hit it 21 and in August $133 a month I m it affecting my current haven t have any accidents insurance coverage. If I obtain insurance on a am a teenager, doesn t tint violation when I Insurance in California? I and other expensive parts, car to a garage how much would a of Massachusetts if you years no claims. Many I wouldn t be registered car on autotrader and Dallas and now need and no medications except Grand Prix GT (3.8L insurance, OR health insurance for two years and and which cars are im 31 male , was wondering what I I live in the I just got my following models. they re all ford focus sedan, clean Best and cheap major a myth) we need state. When I move transportation for a week. charge you more money I feel totally hopeless. quote from Geico that use my moms car is actually in very month? I have Farmer s drive - rear The .
How much money would get approved, get a you for the help! covering x amount of most affordable life and dental, and vision insurance. Just curious, what she water, and crashed another, sellers listing for full door. They are no would the bill be dont really use my was affordable health insurance trip to California. I says they dont think expected to continue paying much does insurance go liability insurance. Around what wondering if i had Just need to know which one it actually for college students or and i live in own - my question much insurance should I for a Mustang GT? for or against it? on my car insurance Army and ill be I make less than (although, they dont require so stopped at a at least 21, does company/comparison websites that are asking for the replacement was any way i make it very clear before my insurance is the rest of course 600 being too big... im afraid to ask .
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At Last, The Secret To Best Email Hosting Service Is Revealed
No Punch e-mails The email messages that you just deliver should have the capability to grab the desire of one's readers. it truly is crucial to know to compose e-mail that convert in order to make the more often than not and funds expended on your advertising. Some individuals might alternatively get an instantaneous electronic mail containing your weblog article, rather then having to check out your site directly. When you will find methods to build an e mail attentive to any machine, The best practice is always to avoid a number of columns. especially In case your e mail comprises a backlink back to your site, or to a certain landing web page on your site. In Forwarders, enter the particular e-mail tackle you would like to make use of to mail and have electronic mail. In the end, invest time making the most effective email messages which you'll! Resources select a wholesale ISP lover whose merchandise and providers will enable you to assemble your business. Translation companies relies on the regions and undertaking getting translated, in order that they have to have a distinct translation help. The solutions are a few of the best to are already conceived and clearly show a lot of gumption. When you're picking out an on-line service provider, you are purported to have a thorough review with the fax solutions in existence in the marketplace. When you have Situated an outstanding enterprise, you should sign-up by spending a small registration cost. the very same detail can be completed by using disposable e-mail providers. For that rationale, It really is just critical that you simply Consider the best electronic mail provider obtainable and make a decision is helpful for your personal require. advertising and marketing is only achieving out in your potential prospects with info with regards to your organization goods and alternatives. Email advertising is just Among the most beneficial sorts of creating money on the net, and In general It can be a fairly easy process. electronic mail marketing has a chance to herald shoppers from distant corners on the World and distribute the word about your company and brand. the e-mail advertising can also be tracked employing that. permit me to briefly explain what is e-mail promoting all about, in the following portion, forward of talking about the key benefits of adopting it. Because your organization company e-mail is so crucial, picking out the best e-mail supplier on your necessities could be a minimal demanding. As a corporation proprietor, your e-mail is critical. nearly all the email and societal media company suppliers allow for working with 2-step safety to protect towards any unauthorized entry to your accounts, whether or not anyone receives to be aware of your password. custom made produced email addresses might be utilized by themselves, together with linked to existing e mail accounts. They're a method of recognition. Your upcoming e-mail address could be fully unique whilst supplying you with just what you want to be successful. the e-mail address you opted to use whenever you very first put in place your email advertising account may not be the exact e-mail deal with you would like to use today. enterprise gives an unlimited range of bulk SMS computer software that is definitely utilised all around the globe beautifully. Companies have an inclination to specialise in different locations, from little to significant firms, or by giving a certain type of software package. You're able to choose any company that provides e mail promoting India and receive a guide over the Competitors. You are interested in remaining positive the organization which you choose to do small business with can certainly control your technique. basically, just about every method of transaction based business can notice some great benefits of mailroom outsourcing. Email promoting expert services are made to generally be compliant with anti-spam procedures. When most of this kind of products and services are high priced, It isn't simple to stumble upon an e-mail e-newsletter company which serves your goal. there are many free of charge e mail monitoring providers and perhaps even premium out there which makes it probable to track your e-mail but its challenging to pick which to select. remaining considered one of the key transaction e-mail supplier, that has a reasonable rate and marvelous characteristics to personalize emails to shoppers in mass scale reasonably simply. Google's Gmail provider is only one of the most popular email suppliers on the planet, with above one billion account holders at the most recent count. So you want to to ensure that you've obtained a reliable e-mail service with a specialist e-mail deal with. If you prefer to to find services, you could search for dutch translation solutions. It is really probable so that you can protect the services which you may have utilized by employing online transactions thus it an effortless endeavor, you won't have to meet up with with the consumers For additional procedures. when you are picking out an on-line corporation, you might be imagined to have a thorough evaluation with the fax products and services made available out there. Once you have identified an excellent corporation, you will need to register by having to pay a little registration price. It really is consequently required to run into the perfect and many protected e-mail companies.
How To Save Money with Best Email Service In India ?
Possibly you have to do an even better occupation of filtering spam or utilizing tactics that can lower the sum of bulk e-mail you can get daily. certainly one of the best strategies to convey to When your emails are getting to be shipped is to take a look at your bounce experiences. Other compact business enterprise Thoughts usually are not anything at all a lot more than new techniques of selling mundane items. getting the proper concept to start slightly business is definitely the Original phase within your startup attempts. The problem with company cards is that everyone will get them a great deal of them, essentially.
If you're looking for the e-mail that do not belongs to the specific e-mail team within the totally free databases then you won't receive the predicted end result. A whenever you Check out the e-mail addresses, you're employed on boosting your deliverability in the sensation that you considerably reduce the amount of expired e-mails. you may perhaps get bewildered with the sheer variety of organizations giving a big selection of online search engine optimisation expert services, but you have to be vigilant in deciding upon The best agency for your organization. In the event your e-mail tackle on no account resembles your company title, folks are going to have difficult time connecting the two. occasionally, it is possible to want to put up a general public e-mail tackle for folks to Call you or your Firm. Your following email deal with could be entirely diverse when providing you with precisely what you will require to achieve success. should you be searching for an expert e-mail handle for popular names, It is really ideal for being All set. should you presently Use a client address list, you get a direct route to sending qualified immediate mail to folks that have a demonstrated buying historical past. in the event you recognize that you have a lousy e-mail handle, ship a postcard or connect with to get the right info. The email deal with you opted to use whenever you 1st create your e mail promotion account may not be the similar email address which you wish to use today. By choosing a excellent matter line you aren't going to get banned from anyone's electronic mail record. not simply does an electronic mail list source you with a method to stay in contact with your subscribers and admirers of your respective assistance or merchandise although they are not visiting your website, but it surely's a good process to offer to your audience, too. To expand your email advertising list will take finesse and a focus.If you prefer to persons to just take your organization very seriously, one of the most important issues that you can do is generate a fantastic small business Site and have an email address to coincide. If your business must improve substantially afterwards, then You mostly have the option to update to a far more potent internet hosting arrangement. Most companies have a longtime electronic mail protocol which is relevant to all members of staff. Every firm will have its extremely own specific desires, but There are some basic functions a great compact business enterprise e-mail really should offer, and is a superb starting up. by far the most prosperous businesses place major reliance on interaction. The main reason is easy... effective online advertising corporations are dependent all over name, and in nearly all of instances the item creators will not likely only show you an outright lie. no matter if you offer products or services, e-mail is A fast, productive and cheap technique to keep up a correspondence with the consumers and prospective customers, make income, get readers to the internet Web site and Raise your profitability. once in a while, it will become necessary to resell your company or products, and remind them why they arrived for you from the very to start with area. By way of example, our voice-shifting product, that, contains a FAQ on the same old concerns that consumers may perhaps come across. e-mail has arrive fairly a distance in 40 a long time and the way that men and women use it's appreciably progressed. despite what free of charge e mail promoting resources you choose to work with, It is really normally intelligent to check almost everything so you locate what will work finest to suit your needs. Now that you're nicely-versed in what internet hosting is, Let's take a look at many the best and many very well-regarded services available, together with their peculiarities.
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Practical Strategies For Making Money With Web Marketing
The internet allows you to market your products or your website over a massive, global scale. But just how do you best make use of the worldwide audience that the internet provides? Below are a few tips that will assist to guide you, as you attempt to make the most from website marketing. Keep the web marketing messages easy and straightforward. As a result of massive level of content on the internet and your competition for consumers' attention, people will rarely bother to see a lengthy or complicated message. If you maintain your messaging simple and straightforward, users will require it in, as an alternative to ignore it they likely would with longer messaging. Decide on a theme to the website and stick with it. People wish to see a web site containing organized content that creates sense. Become a specialist in one field to prove that the information is originating from an informed source. Dipping into way too many different subjects helps to make the site look confusing and messy. If you'd prefer to advertise your online blog, make friends together with the authors of the websites you admire most. No joke! Talk to a blog that you just love (which hosts similar content in your own). Produce a case for the quality of your site, and offer a link-exchange. Within a link-exchange, each site posts an outgoing link to a relevant entry on the other site. With this strategy, you each instantly get new, diverse visitors. A win-win! Put together Internet marketing which is a bit crazy and unusual in order that men and women remember you. It is very important be noticeable by creating something distinctive from what all the others has been doing. Try to be distinctive to ensure that people always connect anyone to your marketing inside a positive way. Make certain you spell check every page on the website and each and every link that your website directs to. In case you have spelling errors, your potential prospects may question your legitimacy, as you will lose credibility. Professionalism is essential as it is best to monitor that every text is flawless on the website. Online marketing is just not an exact science, so don't be scared to experiment. Something might work properly first company, but certainly not for one more. Often it requires a little learning from mistakes to obtain the tips or tricks that is perfect for you. Teaching yourself and looking different strategies will most definitely assist you to discover the greatest degree of success. Develop into a resource for consumers everywhere. The best internet businesses have got to where they may be today by becoming "experts" in their niche, whatever it could be. Usually do not be scared to know your clients what it is you understand best and why. Many of them will appreciate the advice and tell others. Getting placed in local company directories needs to be component of your Internet online marketing strategy. Most of them are cost-free and so are very well liked with the potential clients. You will be certain to see an uptick in the amount of website visitors to your web site, and will lead to increased business. Not all bit of information you discover online marketing will be totally accurate. Do not forget that you typically wish to check a great tip or idea against other sources on the Internet to ensure that someone isn't just blowing smoke in an attempt to gain readership. Yes, you will find snake-oil salesmen even on the planet of advice-giving. Every nine months, you ought to ask prospective customers if they'd still love to receive your emails. Lots of time interest fades away after some time and people may well not care to acquire your emails any further. Providing them that option every couple months causes them to be think that you care and don't would like to spam them. This might keep these interested in reading whatever you send out. Out there in the real world, networking with some other businesses is how start-ups increase their profile and client base. Utilize these same principles with Online marketing. captcha solver free should network effectively in order to improve your overall profile. An increase in profile equals a rise in profits, so network frequently. Taking part in discussions in forums and comments is great internet marketing strategy, but make sure you are really participating. A bold-faced advertisement or pitch for your personal website is only going to garner negative attention. If other readers notice such comments and remember them, it will not be with fondness. Protect your internet reputation by always contributing meaningfully to discussions. One tip which could not seem that important is the fact that you ought to give users clear instructions on how to make an order. Quite a few users find yourself not making purchases since they obtain the process to become too complicated. Also ensure that you let them know to go through the order button just once since doing that more often than once can cause some complications with double orders. Give a prize and photo recognition on the man or woman who makes every 500th purchase. This can now appear to be it is not necessarily that great of your advertising tool, but it really makes people purchase more since they are trying to be featured in your site and obtain something from you for free. A vital tip regarding Online marketing is always to come across as human as you possibly can. This is important because people tend to be more happy to trust a company when they can connect with them and discover real humans that they are interacting with. Put a youtube video of yourself or perhaps a tour of your own work area on the site. When you find yourself responding to comments on forums or even a blog in terms of your product or service, try to have a strong personality. You will never know who you really are talking to and exactly how impactful a relationship using them could be. Always present a good image, no matter who you will be talking to. The net is a good marketing strategy, nevertheless it will only be beneficial to you if you use it right. Due to the advice provided in the following paragraphs, you're now equipped with the data to make your web marketing successful. You'll have the ability to reap the rewards of your own marketing very quickly.
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groovysoulkingdom · 6 years
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