#my fam when I asked if I could get a drive down to the hospital for top surgery next year
anxious-anomaly · 5 months
[ 18+ blog || minors DNI ]
"I hate what you're doing to your body."
That's because you're comfortable as who you are. I'm not. That's why I'm changing. You can hate it all you like but it's necessary for me.
unless you wanna write my obituary, of course.
being dead sounds just as relieving as transitioning.
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trashbin-nie · 2 months
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Weather The Storm: Jey Uso x Mixed! OC
Do NOT copy/translate my fics. Reblogs are always welcome!
Summary: Rosa Winters NXT women's champion, cousin Trinity (aka Naomi), introduces her to Josh Fatu, her boyfriends brother, and they hit it off this is their story
WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety, fluff. This story WILL contain sexual content so minors DNI
CHAPTER 2: Story of the past
Word Count: 1435
AN/ apologies for the wait 😅 Vetmed is a killer!
“Damn I wish y'all were on the main roster with us!” Josh whined. “Sounds like you two get down.”
“Mmm not really. Trin an I ride together to each show and all I hear about is ‘I wish Jon were here’ and blah blah, alla dat happened back in college. Now that's when we got down,” I said. He laughed.
I looked ahead to Trin and Jon who were smirking at us. They think they done somethin’.
“So I take it that you two are better then?” Trin asked.
“Girl you know they good as hell if Ro Ro smilin and jokin and shi’,” Jon said.
I rolled my eyes, lips pursed, and arms crossed. “I know you want something else Trin.”
“Well Smackdown on Friday is supposed to be in Orlando, the same city as NXT on Saturday, and we were planning on heading down early to see the fam anyway, sooooo do you mind if they ride with us?” She asked, hugging Jon's arm with a huge smile on her face.
I sighed, her eyes were practically glimmering with hearts as she looked between me and him. My eyes closed, I breathed out yet another sigh, and said, “Fine, on one condition.”
“Anything.” She said her eyes darkening.
“I do zero driving, and I sit in the back seat,” I said holding my hand out, but snatched it away before she could grab it, adding, “and you must promise like we did as children so no take-backs, begging, or acting like this exchange didn’t happen, got it?”
“Ugh, yes! Just gimme yo’ hand now,” she demanded.
I placed my hand out for her to start. We did our handshake before locking our pinkies at the end, and Trin said, “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” and to seal the deal we kept our pinkies locked and touched thumbs.
We nodded to each other before letting go and starting to walk away.
The boys watched us confused the entire exchange, and hadn't even realized we left so they were stuck catching up.
“Wait a damn minute what did we just witness?” Jon asked.
“Our handshake?” I said without looking at him.
“Nah nah nah, that wasn't no handshake, that was finger voodoo,” Josh said, his eyes wide.
“Damn straight. What he said. You two almost as synched up as us, and we twins!” Jon said.
“Oh. We're practically twins born on the same day, year, and time as the other,” Trin and I spoke in unison. “Just different hospital rooms, and mothers.”
“Freaky,” Jon shivered, hugging himself.
“Oh please Jerdy, you already knew that,” Trin said, slapping him on the arm. I giggled, my eyes crinkling at the edges and I covered my mouth.
We all walked out to the car and packed up our gear, well Trin and I did, the boys' things were already in the trunk. I loaded my backpack into the backseat, then grabbed my fuzzy corgi blanket from the front seat before hopping in.
The others didn’t take long to join me, Trin in the front passenger Jon in the drivers seat and Josh joined me in the back behind Trinity.
“Erreybody ready?” Jon asked.
We all agreed and with that we were off. I sat tucked against the window wrapped in my blanket, my eyes were drooping and my head was bobbing, I shook my head trying to wake myself up and join the conversation.
“Oh I got a great story about Rosie,” Trin said, a devious smile on her face.
“Ok so get this, Ro and I went to different High Schools; her in Pensacola and me in Orlando, but we spent every weekend together, and she had this gigantic crush on one of the star football players, and she didn't even know his name!” She said.
“Oh jesus christ,” I said, “Can we maybe not tell this story?”
“Not how this works Ma’ continue Trin,” Josh said
“Nah I'll let Ro tell this one,” Trin said.
“Ugh I hate you. Ok, so, seven-ish years ago:
“Trin, I swear he's so hot, and sweet,” I gushed.
“Girl you spoke to that boy once an’ you don't even know his name!” Trin yelled exasperated, rolling her eyes.
I scowled, “Yeah, well, the one time I did speak to him he was kind and cute,” I said, sticking my tongue out. “Granted, I did only talk to him cuz he accidentally sent a football at mach 10 into my back knocking me out of my position.”
“Exactly you don’ even know this boy and you crushin’ on him?” Trin asked, throwing her arms up falling back on my bed.
“I do not have a crush on him, he's just attractive and nice. He's also a senior so he's got two years on my ass,” I said shrugging while playing with the rings on my finger.
“Mhm, you gon’ call me tomorrow and you're gon’ tell me you down bad,” she said, lifting only her head.
“I will not,” I said.
-The following day-
I was rushing through the halls that morning, having woken up late and missing my bus.
Quickly I opened my locker and shoved the things I didn't need in there before slamming it shut and taking off. Unfortunately today really wasn't my day and I smacked right into someone spilling my water all over my cheer uniform.
“Dammit! I'm so sorry! I-” I paused looking up. No way, I crashed into the stupid cute football player, I'm just gonna crawl into a hole and die. “I wasn't watching where I was going and I guess I didn't screw the lid on right in my disaster this morning, and now your jersey and you are soaked and I'm so so so sorry! Oh jeez uhh I'll go find some paper towels!”
He grabbed my arm, his eyebrows raised in amusement, “You sure can talk Rose, that's for sure,” he said, chuckling. “No worries I got this its just water it won't kill me, you go to class you look like you gon’ explode.”
“I-uh Thanks, I'm sorry again,” I said turning and running away my face beet red, and tears burning my eyes.
I couldn't believe I had done that! I'm such an idiot and then I just wouldn't shut the hell up, I am a total social failure.
I trudged my way to class no longer hyped up on adrenaline but 100% feeling the after effects. I sat at my seat dropping my head on the desk with a very loud thud.
“Uh oh Ms. too good for Sophomore math looks like she's had *quite* the morning,” My only friend outside of the cheer squad, Joe, said laughing.
“Oh yeah laugh it up Mr. I can't do math to save my life,” I said, I turned my head, but my face was still smushed into the desk. My eyes red from the few tears that escaped.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Woke up late, missed the bus so I had to sprint three miles to get here even *close* to on time, then I threw my shit into my locker, slammed it shut and started running again. Only I didn't get very far before crashing into the cute football guy and throwing all my water on my uniform and his jersey,” I said with a blank look on my face. “As you can see everything is spectacular.”
“Oh man, I'm sorry Ro that sucks,” Joe said.
“It's fine too late now,” I said, sitting up and grabbing my math notebook.
Naturally, later when I got home I called Trin and told her all about it, and she laughed her ass off. Definitely knows how to make her twin from a different bin feel just *amazing.*
Over the course of a few months I interacted more with the guy, but I could never figure out what his name was! I dunno what's up with guys an’ not usin’ their real names, but it's really starting to piss me off.
Then graduation came and went and I never saw the guy again. It's too bad really.” I said.
“Damn girl we went to Pensacola too, we probably knew the guy!” Jon exclaimed shocked, but Josh remained eerily quiet.
“Josh?” I said. He snapped out of his trance.
“What? No, I'm good I was just thinking but I can't think of anyone it could be,” Josh said turning towards the window.
The rest of the car ride, everyone kept exchanging stories, and I fell asleep somewhere along the way, thinking about Josh's sudden quietness.
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strangermask · 4 months
This is gonna sound so out of pocket, but what better place for out of pocket shit then tumblr
So like three nights ago (I think sunday night) i was having a dream like asleep ppl do. I was in a water jungle amusement park with my fam. There was this ride which was like a boat-train through a river path. The fun/horrible idea part was riders could take turn driving the boat-train. I went on it once with my Ma and lil sis. Had fun, drove it a lil, nice time.
Then stuff and stuff happened, my lil sis got super angry (can’t remember why), and we decide to go on the boat-train again. We were having a good time, the driver was taking it slow. Then my sister got to control the ride, and she was still pissed off. And you can tell because the ride from gentle to fast as fuck and dangerous in a snap. I was looking at my ma, we were talking that she needs to calm down or someone could get hurt. And I specifically said: “she could put someone in a coma.”
After that I fucking got knocked out, and all of a sudden I’m in a hospital. I’m surrounded by three or four kids who just looking at me. I look at myself, and not only am I in a hospital gown, I’m injured as fuck. I look at one of the kids and ask: “hey what day is it?” They look nervous and hesitantly answer, and I find out I was in a coma for a week. So I ask: “hey, can you tell someone I’m up?”
They said they couldn’t for some reason, so I just decided to hop out of bed and go to the waiting room. Not only is my entire family there, but also two of my managers. Everyone here is saying stuff like: “oh my god, you’re awake!” “Are you alright?” “Dude wtf happened??”, meanwhile I’m just standing and responding as if it’s a regular Tuesday and I didn’t just wake up from a fucking coma.
Then come to later when I actually wake up from the dream. And my only takeaway is how the fuck did I dream about going into and waking up from a coma? Like: usually when you get knocked out by something you wake up. That is the rule, that is the standard. There is no exception. But no, my brain just decided to defy dream physics and pull this horseshit. Like wtf. And i’ve never even been in a coma before, so where the fuck did come from?
Anyways, since humor is one of my coping mechanisms, I decided to make a meme about it
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
How would (Yanderes of your choice) react to a pregnant darling? Like the second she tells him she’s preggers, how would they react?
Yanderes x pregnant darling
Mmmhh, I'll be doing Todoroki Clan, Overhaul, Bakugo Clan, Ushijima Wakatoshi.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Todoroki Clan:
Okay, so the clan finds out you're pregnant, perhaps due to a fling or something, just kids being dumb and all. The first thing they do is calm you down. Obviously, they are all very disappointed in you- but with the way you're sobbing, its clear that you're very sorry as well.
Whether you want to keep the baby or abort it, the family will 100% support you. Either way, Dabi is going to kill whoever knocked you up. Sorry, thats non-negotiable.
They are all constantly hovering over you. Rei is always making you nutritious food, Fuyumi is applying stretch mark creams and helping you to the bath, Shotou is always right by your side, either to help you walk or give your sore feet massages. Natsuo is making sure that you're eating all your vitamins, checking if you have bleeding gums or any nutritional deficiencies. Rei and Natsuo always accompany you to your doctor appointments, making copies of your tests and prescriptions.
Enji is keeping up with all your cravings, no matter how weird. You're craving ice chips? Alright. You want ice cream at 3 am? The fridge is stocked with your favs. Oh no, you want soft serve? Its okay, princess, I'll drive us there. I'm sure they'll open the store for the no. 1 hero.
Dabi is surprisingly very understanding. He's not reacting badly to any of your mood swings. If you're mad at him, he won't do anything to infuriate you anymore. If you're crying because you can't get off the floor on your own, Dabi will calmly pick you up and take you to your bed. He knows stress is not good for the baby, and you're also a baby in his eyes, so he'll be uncharacteristically sweet and patient.
I can also see Enji giving you his card so that you can shop for the baby, but the rest of the fam just push you into bed and huddle up close to you as they all look at the laptop with you, doing online shopping. You will have to sneak in a Endeavour onesie since your brothers keep on removing the item from the basket.
Yandere Kai Chisaki:
When he finds out you're pregnant with his baby, he's quiet. There are million things running through his mind. On one hand, having a baby will have you more bound to him, you'll fall into Stockholm syndrome faster. On the other hand, he's possessive. He doesn't want to share you with anyone. But you seem to want it, and should you ever return to your hysterical ways and run away from him, he could use the baby to against you.
Oh man, Kai is not only getting the best OB/GYN for you, he's doing extra check ups on you too. We already know he's gonna have a whole medical room for you, fully equipped with the latest technology. He doesn't trust you when you say you're fine. He's there with you throughout the whole process, and he has his men monitoring you when he's busy.
Oh and when it times when you can find the baby's gender, if you say you dont wanna know and want it to be a surprise, thats fine. But he's going to find the gender, he just won't tell you about it. He needs to be mentally prepared.
Kai will cater to all your needs. He will help you bathe, dress, watch you swallow your vitamins. Whatever cravings you have, he will provide for you, but to an extent where its not harmful. Like you can have sweets, but not too many.
He will talk to you even in a more patronising tone than before, bending down to your height so that he's eye level with you, and then he explains why you can or can't do certain things.
Knows your hormones are going crazy, so he won't react when you yell or cry, just waits for you to calm down so that he can take care of you again.
Likes to rub your belly, not because he cares about the baby, but because it eases your pain (also becausehe wants to near you). He will absolutely rub your sore muscles and will even let you take walks in the garden, with him accompanying you of course.
He's just really sweet to you. Well, sweeter than before.
Yandere Bakugou (+ clan):
Oh so you're pregnant with a Bakugou? The happiest day of his life! No, abortion is not an option unless its endangering your life. I can see him wrapping his arms around you and spinning you around, hes over the moon! He's going to wipe your tears away and wash away any fears you have about starting a family. Katsuki tells you he will support you 100% and to hell with your family if they disown you for it. He's going to take care of everything, just be with him.
First things first, he's gonna propose and marry you. Next thing, you're gonna have to leave your job or put your studies/career goals on hold; you're pregnant with his offspring- he's not allowing you to put yourself in danger like that.
He is up in an instant when something is wrong, always worrying over you whenever you hiss or whimper in pain. If you listened to him, Bakugou would always be taking you to the hospital for anything. Luckily, you didn't.
Considering that you're both still young, and Bakugou is focusing on becoming the no.1 hero, I imagine you move in with his parents, or at least somewhere close to them, so that they're always able to pop in and check in on you. Mitsuki is taking your measurements (that change as your bump grows) so that she's making maternity clothes, made specially for your needs and requirements. And not to mention the cutest clothes she makes for the newest addition for the family.
Masaru will be taking care of all your cravings, and is unsurprised when you want spicy food (but makes sure its not hot enough to give you an ulcer lol). Tells you all the stories about Mitsuki when she was pregnant. And then they both show you Katsuki's baby pictures and all the embarrassing stories.
And when Bakugou returns home, he ushers you to lay down on the couch so that he can talk to the baby. Scolding the fetus for giving its mother a hard time, before breaking out in a grin when the baby kicks back.
Bakugou definitely loves to take you on late night drives, adoring the way your eyes take in the city lights. He lets you play your favourite music and buys you your favourite foods, not once complaining about your mood swings or anything.
Yandere Ushijima Wakatoshi:
He's all smiles. Gentle, soft smiles.
So happy he's going to be dad, and even happier that you're his baby mama. He's going to hug you and kiss you so sweetly, before pulling you to his chest as he tells you how happy he is. He'll tell you that he'll take care if everything, he'll provide for you and the baby. You just be his good little housewife.
Wakatoshi will wake up before you so that he can appreciate the way you look when the sun rays illuminate your face. He'll be rubbing his hand over your bump anytime he can, always kissing it before showering you in affection.
I can see him waking up every time you have morning sickness, pulling your hair back and patting your back as you puke.
Very hesitantly buys you the belly pillow for pregnant women, but he knows that he cant be there for you all the time because of his matches. But don't you dare use the pillow when he's around. He gets jealous.
Loves, LOVES taking baths with you. He settles you in the bathtub very gently, before taking his place behind you, his strong muscular thighs trapping you. He carefully washes you, humming in content as you lean back against his chest and cup the soapy, scented water over your belly, the bump glistening.
Big, protective himbo will be doing as many house chores as he can, you just need to cook him some food and rest. I can just see him sneaking up on you and pulling you to him or into his lap, kissing your earlobe, while his big, warm hands rub your belly, whispering in your ear how beautiful you look and how he lucky he is to have you.
So happy he baby trapped you💖
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God, I love them all so much. Now, this is just like off the top of my head, but I wouldn't mind going in details if someone were to ask for one of my babies *coughs* Bakugo and Todo Clan *coughs* also *coughs* love Ushijima *coughs*
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jeonggukookies · 3 years
too young || six
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summary: you and jungkook meet up after a surprise delivery happens at the school
word count: 2,018
genre:  parent!au, single dad!jungkook angst
one || two || three || four || five || six
When you thought about your first heartbreak, you’d thought you would be nonstop sobbing in your bed, being surrounded by empty jars of melted ice cream pints and sad movies. You thought that despite the distance, your mom would make the trip and drive all the way to see you, rub your back in small comforting circles and take care of you as if you were a sick child. You thought that everything would hurt so much that you wouldn’t even want to move. 
The only problem? Your first heartbreak didn’t feel like that at all. 
It was all practically numb.
You didn’t fall apart when you did something that reminded you of him. 
You didn’t start breaking down when you watched him pick up Jules and didn’t bother to come in to your office to say hi to you. 
You didn’t crumble to pieces when you had no notifications on your phone from him.
You lived your life normally again just without Jungkook and Jules. 
There were no more screams or echoes of noise from Jules and her cousins when you peacefully relaxed, there was no more idle music playing in background as you did your work and there were no more soft breaths and snores next to you in your bed. 
Your mom called you every night on the phone, checking up on you. It was like she wanted you to cry and to feel some pain, just so she could go down there and be there for you. But you told her that you were fine and will deal with whatever negative feelings when they come. 
Life went on whether you liked it or not. 
Three weeks after the break up, at the end of March, there was a familiar knock on your office door after the last school bell rang. You haven’t talked to Jules since the night she found you looking at pictures of her mom, and you really hope it wasn’t awkward when you talk to her. 
It’s the first time you see Jules’s hair was down, strands of her hair going in every direction. She looks like a mess. Tears streamed down her face as she ran towards you, hugging your legs. “Can you help me?” 
“What’s wrong, Sweetie?” 
“I lost Jungkook’s mp3 player,” she cried, rubbing her face on your black dress pants to wipe her tears. “He’s going to kill me!” 
“It’s okay, Jules.” Bending down to comfort her, you wipe her face and stroke her hair. You’ve never seen her this sad, and it made your heart sink. “I’m sure he’ll understand. Things like this happen all the time. It’s okay.” 
She shook her head. “Auntie Moon Soo is coming soon, and I can’t leave without the mp3 player. I can’t.” 
“Why don’t we ask her to come look for it with you?” You asked softly. “That way 3 people are looking for it.” 
Namjoon’s wife, Moon Soo comes out of her van, she’s surprised to see you standing next to Jules. She doesn’t say anything to you at first and tries to reassure Jules that’ll be alright, that they will find it before Jungkook goes home tonight.
When it’s been over 30 minutes, retracing Jule’s steps from her locker to the gym to the playground, she goes to the bathroom, making you and Moon Soo wait outside for her. 
“I’m sorry we had to meet like this in this circumstance,” she said, offering a kind smile. “I heard a lot of great things about you, and I’m sorry things didn’t go well at the dinner with the girls.”
You hear Jules flush the toilet. “It is what it is.” 
“I know what it was like,” she said. “They made it seem like I wasn’t good enough for Joon, and we took a small break too. But at the end of the day, it’s about how you feel about Jungkook and Jules that matters more than their opinions, especially if they brought up Sarah.” 
“I’m almost done!” Jules shouted, turning on the sink. 
“But that doesn’t change the way Jungkook feels about Sarah.” Tears were forming in your eyes, and you bit your lip to hold them back. “But I’m glad you and Namjoon were able to overcome it.” 
“It’s been like what, almost a month? Jules knows Jungkook can easily buy her a new mp3 player, or even a phone, anything she wants, honestly. But think about it...I’m sure she misses you and is using this as an opportunity to spend time with you again.” 
“Can we check out my classroom?” Jules finally opened the door, getting out of the restroom. 
The three of you walk quietly over to her class where she looked through every desk (without touching their things) and looked over to the place where she reads books in the class. She lifted the bean bag in the corner of the room, revealing what she has been looking for this whole time. “Yay!” 
“See, everything is okay.” Moon soo smiled. “Are you ready to go, Jules?” 
She nodded, but then stared at you with her piercing eyes. “Is this going to be the last time you’re going to talk to me?” 
“Of course not, Jules.” You took a breath. “I’m here for you always.” 
“I have to tell you something.” But before she could tell you, she pointed at Moon Soo. “Why didn’t you go to the bathroom when we went, Auntie?” 
Moon Soo raised her eyebrows, then looked down at what Jules was pointing at. She then began holding on to her stomach with a pained look. “My water just broke.”
“Hey!” Namjoon exclaimed, rushing through the hospital doors. Before he goes to Moon Soo’s room, he went towards your direction as you waited outside the room with Jules. “Thank you so much for bringing her here safely and for being there for her at that time. I seriously cannot thank you enough.”
“No worries,” you let out. “I’m glad I was there.” 
He’s about to say something, but you hear Moon Soo scream Namjoon’s name, making him go into the room as quickly as he can. 
Your phone in your blazer buzzed. 
the whole fam is coming in about 10 minutes 
thank you for taking care of jules
will be there soon and you can leave
“Are you leaving when they come?” Jules asked as she looked down at your phone screen, seeing the texts from. “You’re not going to stay to see the babies?” 
“I don’t know yet.” You lied, knowing you were going to leave once someone is here able to take care and watch over Jules. As much as you wanted to see the twins, you didn’t want to see some specific people. You were doing fine right now in your life and didn’t want to ruin that if you saw Jungkook or some of the girls. “I have a lot of work to do still, Sweetheart.” 
“Will you see the babies with me on different day then?” 
“I hope so.” You couldn’t make an empty promise to her. “Are you excited to have more cousins?” 
She nodded. “I like my small family, but sometimes, I hate being alone. The cousins help me forget that I can’t have any brothers or sisters.”
You sighed, wrapping your arm around Jules. “Never forget that you will always have your family, your uncles, aunts and cousins to support you. They will always be there.”
“Will you?” She asked, looking up at you, once again, her eyes were so piercing.
“I hope so.” You rubbed her back in small circles. 
“I heard what Auntie said when I was in the bathroom,” she said. “I missed you, but I had to find this mp3 player. Jungkook’s new song is on here. I’m always the first to listen, and I didn’t want to lose this song.” 
“That’s good you found it then.” 
She’s about to tell you more, her mouth is slightly opened, but she doesn’t say anything more and started to stare in the direction behind you. Letting go of her, you turned behind, seeing Jungkook walking towards you two. 
He paused, not expecting to see you here, but then continued to walk forward as you looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m hungry,” Jules answered with a pouty look on her face.
He laughed, taking his leather wallet out of his back pocket. He hands her a couple dollar bills, telling her to get something for the three of them from the vending machine. “Go crazy.” 
“You know I will,” she joked. 
There’s awkward silence in the air now, with Jules gone. Jungkook then sat down in the empty chair beside you, with his head turned to you as you looked down at your hands in your lap. He doesn’t know where to start and what words to say. How ironic, coming from a songwriter. “Hey.”
“Did you eat yet?” He asked. 
“Nope,” you replied, still not looking at him. “Did you?”
“Not yet.”
“I should get going.” You finally took the first step, grabbing your purse off the ground. 
Before you could take another step, Jungkook reached forward and grabbed your wrist, stopping your movement. “I never loved her, you know.” 
You wanted to shake him off, go on your own way, but you kept standing in front of him, facing away from him. “What?” 
He sighed, wishing he could look you in the eyes. “I never answered you that day because I was too scared to admit it out loud. I never got to tell her either, and I knew she loved me. The thing was I only thought of her as a sister, someone I had to protect. And I was afraid that if I actually told someone that I didn’t love her before she got the chance to hear it from me, I would somehow hurt her even though she’s gone.” 
“Jungkook,” You said this name, but he kept talking.
“I know that’s no excuse, but I am so sorry. I never wanted you to feel like that, and I should have just told you. No one has been competing with you.” He let go of your hand and stood up. “I don’t want you to be Sarah because I love you for who you are. I want you for who you are. My life feels incomplete without you.”
Finally turning around, you stared at Jungkook. It’s the first time finally looking at him up close in three weeks, and he looked like death. Dark circles were under his eyes, his hair was a mess. You could tell Jungkook felt too much.
And he did. For the last three weeks, he got up every morning, trying to ignore the pain he was feeling in his heart. He tried to continue his life like everything was okay, but all he kept thinking about was you. He wanted you to see you when he picked Jules up from school. He wanted to hear you laugh when he watched a movie with Jules. He wanted to you next to him when he was alone on Wednesdays. He wanted to hear you cheer for Jules when he watched her soccer games. He just wanted you. 
With all the pain he had been feeling, he’s been trying to figure out his feelings and all the words he wanted to say to you that night, and now that he was finally letting all of it go, he was crying right in front of you.
“You saw me more than Jule’s guardian. I felt like you were the first person to honestly see me for me. I want to live spending more time with you, watching Jules’s games, hearing all your different opinions and views than mine. And I am so sorry that I damaged us in the process.”
“Hey, Y/N!” Namjoon rushed out of the room. His jaw dropped once he saw you and Jungkook together, looking all sad. Still, his smile on his face reappeared as he asked, “Do you guys want to see the babies?” 
hi this is so long overdue i apologize, i’ve honestly been stuck :( hope you all have a good day and enjoy permission to dance<33 lowkey not proofread either:/
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falcqns · 3 years
Hii i have this request in mind like Chris Evans x Actress! Singer! Reader like the reader and chris dated for 3y idk but they broke up but the reader always visit chris’ family bc she treated them like family aswell specialy when the reader’s parents died so she spend Christmas there or any occasions bc chris’ family invite her and when chris got a new gf the reader is kinda hurt bc she still love chris but she try to look like she doesn’t care but then she released her new song its called deja vu (by olivia rodrigo) and she release it to her bday so when the song is released the fans knew its abt chris bc of the new gf (chris’ fam doesn’t like the new gf and the fans kinda didn’t support them bc of the girl’s attitude) and chris’ family invites her over bc they want to show the reader something and when the reader got there they surprise her for her bday and congratulate her and turns out chris is there too with his new gf🤨and the reader knew chris’ new gf hated her bc of her look and scott called you all to the living room and watch the mv of the reader’s new song and when the mv ends scott and the fam congratuleted the reader and chris’ gf is giving the reader looks again and chris is noticing it and when the reader is in the kitchen alone getting something chris talk to her and congratulate her and chris’ new gf wrapped her arms around chris and chris tried to stop her to make a scene but she started a scene and scream at the reader but the reader cut her off and embarrassing her and the reader prove the new gf shes first not her (idk if that make sense lol) and the new gf leave(idk you can make her a random name so its not only “new gf”) and the reader and chris talk and they got back together, you can do wha you want at the end this is just so random bc i was listening to deja vu and advance thank you if you do my request! Stay safe! ❤️ and im so sorry if this is so long
Deja Vu
pairing: Chris Evans x singer!reader
warnings: parents death, major angst, fluff. 
a/n: thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy!
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You had known Chris since college, when you had met him in your communications class. You two had grown close quickly, and became best friends. 
He brought you home every Christmas Eve, before you would go home to your parents house on Christmas Day. You had always felt like a part of the family, so when your parents passed a way, you turned to him. 
You and your parents were driving home from a Christmas Day church service, when you were hit by a semi truck. It had completely totalled the car, and your parents had died on impact. You had been sitting in the back, and only had a broken leg from where your moms seat had been pushed back into it roughly. 
You had been pulled from the car and sat in a second ambulance, while your parents were transported in another. You knew you'd never forget watching that ambulance door close and drive away, knowing that was the last time you'd ever see them. 
When the police officers asked if there was anyone you could call, you didn't know what to do. Your parents were both only children, so you had no aunts, uncles or cousins. You were an only child too, so you had no siblings, and your grandparents had passed when you were little, your other ones passing before you were born. 
So when the officer asked you, you told him the Evans’ phone number. Lisa picked up on the second ring, and you tearfully explained what had happened as the shock wore off. She immediately said she’d meet you at the hospital, and not to worry, that she and Bob would take care of you. 
You were taken to the hospital and treated for your broken leg. Less than an hour after you arrived, Lisa arrived at the hospital with Chris in tow. They comforted you, and took you home with them. You stayed in Chris’s room for the first few days, and when you were given your own room, you still had a hard time sleeping alone, so Chris ended up in your bed with you most nights, not that he minded. 
You never went back to college, and instead turned to singing as a release from all the pain you were feeling. You started out posting covers on YouTube, and gradually progressed to getting a record deal with Interscope Records, which didn't surprise anyone who knew you. You had immense talent, and your parents used to tell you that they were counting down the days before you were a celebrity. 
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When Chris graduated college and told you he was moving to Los Angeles, he convinced you to come with him. Prices were high in LA, and he didn't want to be separated from you for too long, so you joined him. He got to be an actor, and you got to be a singer, which is what you both had wanted since you were younger. 
You went to every one of Chris’s movie premieres, and he attended as many of your live shows as he could. You supported him through all his relationships and his breakups, and played the middle man whenever he and Jenny would fight, up until the very end. You told yourself you did that because you just wanted what's best for him, but you both kind of knew that wasn't the reason at all. 
Throughout your time living together, you friendship grew, as did your feelings for each other. You'd be lying if you didn't have a small crush on him in college, and those feelings only grew as time went on, especially since the two of you decided to only get a one bedroom apartment. Mainly because it was cheap, but also because Chris made a decision a week after your parents death to never allow you to sleep alone because of the nightmares that would occur if he wasn't there.
So, when you won your first award for your first album, named ‘hand in hand’, he kissed you the second you came off the stage with your award in hand. It blew your mind that he felt the same, but you were happy nonetheless. You two began dating that night, and everything was perfect. 
Until, you were invited by 5 Seconds of Summer to be their opening act on their newest tour. You had agreed, and Chris let you go. You two had been dating for over 3 years, and you thought your relationship would be fine. 
You quickly realized however that that wasn't the case, when the two of you started fighting less than two weeks into the tour. The fights weren't anything major, more petty things like ‘did you change the Netflix password’ or ‘why did you take this piece of clothing, that was mine and it was my favourite.’ All around stupid fights. 
You had turned to Calum, who you were closest with, and he consoled you as much as you could. You realized however, that you couldn't be with Chris anymore when he drunk called you in the middle of the night while you were in the UK and got angry with you when you answered and told him to call you back in the morning when he was sober, to which he proceeded to brag that he slept with his co star at the time, Jessica Alba, you freaked out and ended things. 
You got a message from Jessica on instagram the next day letting you know that they did not sleep together, and that she was sorry he even said it. You assured her it was fine, and felt relief.
Relief because you got to the bottom of the situation, but also relief from your relationship. You didn't know what happened in those few weeks, but you knew the relationship was turning toxic, and you wanted to stop it before that happened. Neither you or Chris needed that. You told him you’d find a new place to live, and by the time tour ended, you bought yourself a house in Beverly Hills, and moved out of the apartment.
Chris moved out not long after, and bought his own house. He had tried to stay friends with you, but you didn't want that at that point in time. You were still hurting, and needed time to heal. 
Once you felt ready to date again, you were asked to be Calum’s date to the Peoples Choice Awards, you accepted. You knew Chris would be there, and you were hoping to talk to him, and maybe work it out. He had told you during the break up that he would always wait for you to come back, and that he still loved you, and always would. 
But you knew that wasn't the case when he showed up on the red carpet, with a new actress named Myra Woodfield. You had smiled at him, while trying not to break down inside, but he gave you a dirty look and rolled his eyes at you when Calum wrapped his arm around your waist for a picture. You furrowed your eye brows and took a good look at Myra. 
She looked almost exactly like you. Same build, same hair colour, same eye colour. The only difference is that she was slightly taller than you. You didn't know why he was replacing you, but it hurt. You pushed it out of your head however, and enjoyed the night with your best friend. 
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It was a few months later when you were awoken by the constant dinging of your phone. You unlocked it, and saw you had a lot of unread messages from Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum, and your other best friend Ashe about Chris’s new movie trailer, you sighed. 
You watched the trailer, and sighed when it looked like a recreation of a bunch of moments in your relationship with him, only Myra was in your place. 
Your fans and some of Chris’s had commented on it, and Myra immediately became aggressive with them, and insulted them. She told them that you were a nobody who could make Chris happy, which she was glad about because she made him happy how. 
Within minutes of this happening the hashtag #cancelmyrawoodfield was trending on twitter. You shamelessly went through the tweets and like and retweeted a couple. Then an idea popped in your head.
With a quick google search, you had a plan. 
You had written a new song called Deja Vu after the peoples choice awards, and it was had been recorded a few weeks ago, and you just had to decide on a date to release it, and make a decision on the music video. Her birthday was in about 3 months, which gave you enough time to get everything in place to drop on her birthday. 
Was it evil? Yes. Did you care? Not really. Besides, you inherited your pettiness from your mother and you knew she’d be proud of you. You called your manager and label, and got it planned out. 
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When the new music video had been announced, Lisa called you and invited you home to watch it premiere with the family. You accepted, knowing Chris and Myra would be there, and that her birthday would get overshadowed by the release of your music video.
So, three weeks later, you were sitting with Lisa, Bob, Carly, Shanna, Scott, Chris and Myra in Lisa’s living room, waiting for the video to premiere.
Scott had picked you up at the airport earlier in the morning along with Carly and Shanna, and the four of you had a laugh about the face that no one acknowledged Myra’s birthday, not even Chris. It was mean, but no one liked her. 
Lisa absolutely hated her, but didn't want to upset Chris, so you got a call shortly after the PCA’s from her and the two of you ranted about her for a good two hours. 
You watched as the timer counted down from 10, and then the screen turned black. You took a deep breath and watched Chris out of the corner of your eye. 
You had searched for a while for a guy who looked similar to Chris, and you stumbled on Andrew Siwicki. He didn't look exactly like Chris, but it was close enough that everyone would know who the song was about if they didn't already. Andrew was a fan of Chris and hated Myra too, so he was more than glad to help you out. 
The music began to play, and you watched as the black screen faded in on two people walking along the beach, holding hands. 
“Car rides to Malibu Strawberry ice cream One spoon for two And trading jackets Laughing 'bout how small it looks on you,”
The next scene was a recreation of yours and Chris’s first date where you two had a picnic on the beach, and ended up splashing each other with the ocean water. Towards the end, everyone watched as Andrew picked you up and threw you into the water the same way Chris always did. 
You glanced at him, and could have burst into laughter at how uncomfortable Chris looked, but more importantly how angry Myra looked. 
“Watching reruns of Glee Being annoying Singing in harmony I bet she's bragging To all her friends, saying you're so unique, hmm,”
The next scene was you and Andrew (who was dressed as Ransom) on what appeared to be a recreation of the Knives Out set, running around with a dog that looked like Dodger chasing after you, the two of you laughing. The next shot was the two of you kissing behind a trailer, seemingly hiding from production. 
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was our place, I found it first I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you,”
The next scene was the two of you driving through Southern California, in a car that was almost identical to Chris’s. You two were laughing and singing along to the song, your hair whipping around you.
You took a deep breath, knowing this next scene would piss him right off.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? (Ah), hmm Do you get déjà vu, huh?”
This scene was you, along with the rest of Chris’s family sitting around a living room that looked like the one you were in now, a Christmas tree full of presents in the corner. The camera panned across everyone as everyone was talking and settled on you and Andrew and the two of you recreated the scene where Chris whispered in your ear how much he loved you, and couldn't wait to start a family with you. 
“Do you call her Almost say my name? 'Cause let's be honest We kinda do sound the same,”
The screen showed you and Andrew saying goodbye at the airport, with 5 Seconds of Summer standing behind you. They weren't actually there when you left for tour, but Luke suggested it to piss Chris off, and you had agreed. 
Then there was a small montage of clips from tour, including a shot of Michael elbow dropping Ashton into a pool, which made everyone laugh, except Chris and Myra. The montage was followed up by you sitting on the floor of a dressing room and crying as you sent a text that said “I’m done.”
“Another actress I hate to think that I was just your type,”
Now you were on the red carpet, with Calum right beside you. You both were wearing the same clothes you wore on that night, you hair and makeup recreated perfectly. The camera unfocused on you as you turned and looked at Andrew and an actress named Alexa Morrison, who looked a lot like Myra, and they were recreating Chris and Myra’s actions perfectly. The camera swivelled around and came to rest pointing towards your face, as you looked in shock, and a single tear fell down your face. 
“I'll bet that she knows Billy Joel 'Cause you played her Uptown Girl You're singing it together,”
You were shown watching a movie trailer with Ashe sitting next to you, while you sobbed at what Alexa and Andrew were doing. You looked at the camera and began singing the song, while Ashe and everything else around you was frozen.
“Now I bet you even tell her How you love her In between the chorus and the verse (ooh) (I love you),”
You were sat on the bed in Chris’s red flannel that you had stolen before leaving for tour, and you were writing in the notebook aggressively with tears rolling down your face and singing.
“So when you gonna tell her That we did that too? She thinks it's special But it's all reused That was the show we talked about Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you,”
You were now being shown sitting on the couch, and watching Andrew run across the TV screen dressed as Captain America, an ice cream tub in your hand. You were wearing sweats and a t shirt, your hair in a messy bun.
“Do you get déjà vu when she's with you? Do you get déjà vu? Oh Do you get déjà vu?”
The camera circled around you before transitioning to the next scene. 
“Strawberry ice cream in Malibu Don't act like we didn't do that shit too You're trading jackets like we used to do (Yeah, everything is all reused),”
You were shown laying down in bed, and your eyes closing before an image of you and Andrew danced, dressed as Steve and Peggy in endgame, a scene Chris always told you the two of you would recreate one day. You had called Hayley and asked if it was okay, and she immediately said yes, and even came and watched you do the scene.
“Play her piano, but she doesn't know (oh, oh) That I was the one who taught you Billy Joel (oh) A different girl now, but there's nothing new (I know you get déjà vu),”
When your eyes opened, you were sitting at your piano, and playing while singing along. 
“I know you get déjà vu I know you get déjà vu,”
Suddenly, the piano disappeared, and you were left standing in an empty living room as the screen faded to black. 
The entire room burst into cheers as the video ended, except for Myra, who looked like she was going to murder you, and Chris who just clapped with a tight lipped smile. 
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Later that night after all the kids had gone to bed and Lisa was driving Bob home,  Scott had pulled you into the kitchen under the pretences of ‘helping him fix a drink’, which ended up just being the two of you gossiping about Chris and Myra, and the music video.
Suddenly, Chris walked in, and nodded for Scott to leave. You cleared your throat and ignored him.
“That was a good song, and an amazing music video.” He said. “I can see you're just getting more and more talented as time-” He began, as you rolled your eyes, and looked at him. 
“What do you want?” You asked bluntly. 
“I just wanted to congratulate you.” He said, and you were about to open your mouth, when Myra came slinking in the room with an evil look on her face. 
“Nice job, Y/N. I’m glad I could inspire your music video.” She said sarcastically, and you could tell Chris was about to defend you, but you opened your mouth first. 
“Well, I’m glad I had such a snake like bitch to draw inspiration from,” You said, and heard Scott, his siblings burst into laughter in the living room. Myra’s jaw dropped and she turned to look at him. You looked up at Chris, who was leaning up against the counter, and biting back a smile.
“You’re just going to let her talk to me like that?” She asked, and Chris sighed.
“Myra, don't start. Not now.” He said, she scoffed. 
“I knew you still loved her. Only a pathetic loser could love someone as ugly and untalented as her.” She spat, and Chris growled. You felt tears welling up in your eyes, and you ran out of the room, your drink abandoned on the counter. 
You ran into your bedroom, where you shut the door, and fell onto the bed in tears. 
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Back in the kitchen, Chris had gotten in Myra’s face, and was yelling.
“You need to leave. If you don't we’re going to call the cops.” He stated, and Myra rolled her eyes before storming out of the house. 
Scott turned back to Chris, and was shocked when he saw him in tears. 
“You need to work shit out with Y/N. It’s clear the two of you are still in love, and you need to figure it out as adults,” Scott said, his sisters nodding. Chris took a deep breath, and looked at your closed bedroom door.
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Chris walked up to your bedroom door, and took a deep breath before entering the room where he used to sleep in every night.
He opened the door, and saw you curled up in a ball on the bed, your body still shaking. He smiled sadly, and walked into the room, closing the door behind him. He sat on the bed behind you, and rubbed your back gently. 
“I’m sorry. Not just for what Myra said, but for everything. For breaking your heart, and for causing you so much pain. I didn't realize how much I was missing you too until we watched that music video and I saw how truly broken you were. I never noticed that before now. And I’m sorry I didn't. If I’d have, I could have fixed this sooner, and we could be together right now.” He said.
You furrowed your brows at his last sentence and sat up.
“W-What?” You asked, and Chris moved closer. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug. 
“I still love you. So so much.” He smiled, and a tear rolled down his face. “You're my entire world, and not having you here is slowly breaking me apart. I didn't know just how much until today, but I can't live another day without you.” He said. “I’m so sorry I hurt you baby.” He sobbed, and his head buried itself into your hair. Your body shook with sobs too, and you turned around to face him.
“I love you too.” You sobbed out. “I never should have ended things, but-” You said, but were cut off by Chris’s lips on yours, and you felt yourself melting into it.
He pulled away a few seconds later. “Don't. It was my fault, not yours. I am so sorry, and I am going to spend the rest of my life making up for it, I promise.” He said, as he stood the two of you up and led you out of the room, and to his.
“Where are we going?” You asked, and Chris pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I have to grab something.” He said. He opened his closet, and grabbed something out of the top corner before turning to you. 
“I said I planned on spending the rest of my life making it up to you, and I plan on keeping that promise.” He said, as he got down on one knee. You gasped, as he opened the box and your dream engagement ring was inside. “I want you for the rest of my life, and the next. Will you marry me?” he asked, tears pouring down his face, just like yours.
You nodded enthusiastically, and Chris stood up. He placed the ring on your ring finger and scooped you up. “I love you,” You choked out, and Chris sobbed harder into you. 
“I love you too, and I’m never letting you go.”
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@nerdypinupcrystal @kpopgirlbtssvt
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sodasback · 3 years
Origin Story - Part 2
ER Nurse Rafe x ER Nurse Reader
Part 1 Part 3 This was really just to get from Part 1 to Part 3
Warnings: Unprofessional work environment stuff. Alcohol consumption. Mentions of needles.
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Not my GIF. All credit to owner/creator. <3
The night at the bar was a blur. You remembered everyone buying you shots ...a lot of shots. You were thankful that you were not on the floor with patients tomorrow, but taking a class for half the day instead. 
Your mentor in nursing school from the cohort ahead of you, turned best friend, Tara, also worked at the same hospital on night shift. But Tara wasn’t working tonight so she came along with everyone to the bar. 
As it was getting later and you had obviously had plenty of fun, Tara knew she needed to get you home and Rafe and Edgar offered to drive you two. Thankfully everyone else kept their drinking to a minimum knowing they would be working the next day.  
“Come on, Y/N, it’s time to go.” Tara tugged at your arm.
“No, I love this song. Edgar! Dance with me!” You yelled, pulling Edgar toward you. Edgar, always being down to dance, immediately started trying to get you to step in rhythm to the salsa music playing, despite your complete lack of ability to keep up now. 
“Edgar, you’re not helping. Come on, we’re going home. It’s past 12 o’clock and the 3 of you need to be up in 6 hours.” 
“They’re coming with us?!” You asked excitedly. 
“Yeah we’re gonna take you home, Rookie.” Rafe told you. 
When you got into Edgar’s truck, you almost instantly fell asleep in the backseat. 
15 minutes later, he pulled up to your apartment to drop you guys off and Tara tried to get you out of the car.
“Uhh...” Tara hesitated, wondering how she would navigate your lifeless body up to your apartment.
“Need help?” Rafe chuckled, getting out of the passenger’s seat. 
“Yeah, do you think you could carry her?” Tara asked, “She’s not gonna walk at this point.” 
“No problem.” Rafe leaned in and picked you up out of the car, you stirred and wrapped an arm around Rafe’s shoulder.
“Where are we going?” You mumbled.
“We’re getting you to your apartment, Y/L/N.” Rafe told you.
“Rafe?” You asked. He hadn’t heard you call him by his first name before and it took him a minute to recover from the fluttering feeling he felt in his chest when he heard it leave your lips.
“Yeah, it’s me, Rookie.” He chuckled. 
“Okay. ...Rafe you’re so strong.” You slurred, still half-asleep. 
“Oh yeah? You think so?” Rafe asked amused.
“Mhmm and so handsome.” You nuzzled your forehead to his neck a little. 
“Y/N! Go to sleep. Stop talking!” Your friend Tara scolded you, trying to save you from saying something you’d regret, as she got your keys out of your purse opened up your apartment. “Her rooms that way. I’m gonna get her a glass of water and Ibuprofen.”
“Yeah” Rafe agreed, carrying you to your room.
“Rafe I wanna kiss you.” You mumbled. Rafe smiled to himself at your admission as he crossed the threshold to your bedroom.
“I think you need some sleep Rookie.” He gently laid you down on your bed.
“I’m not tired.” You protested.
“Your eyes are closed silly.” He told you sweetly.
“Will you help me take this off?” Your brow furrowed as your eyes remained closed and you struggled with your jeans that had 6 buttons instead of a zipper.
Rafe quickly and gently cradled your hands to prevent you from stripping in front of him as he kneeled next to your bedside. “I’m gonna let Tara help you with that pretty girl.” He let the term of endearment slip only because he knew you probably wouldn’t remember it tomorrow. 
“You’re a nurse, you see people naked all the time.” You reasoned. 
“Yeah, this is definitely not the same thing.” He told you as Tara came in with some water and Advil. 
“She gets pretty flirty and has zero filter when she’s drunk, don’t hold it against her.” Tara said, only imagining what you must have told Rafe while you were alone. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“I know you guys always do your little ED fam initiation at Crazy 8′s but she’s gonna be humiliated tomorrow and think she ruined her professional relationship with everyone. So make sure if you see her to let her know she didn’t kill her career in one night?” 
“Of course. I think her’s was the tamest Crazy 8′s initiation we’ve ever had.”
Tara nodded. 
“You guys good?” Rafe asked. 
“Yeah, thanks Cameron.” 
The next day you were walking from the parking lot into work. Hoodie pulled over your head, sunglasses on despite it being 6:30 in the morning, coffee in hand. You walked quickly despite your hangover, hoping you could leave your stuff in the breakroom and head to your class for the day without seeing any of your coworkers.
“Morning sunshine!” 
“Good morning!”
You heard Rafe and Edgar call to you as they caught up to you.
“Oh my god! Why are you guys yelling?” You whined.
“Looks like someone had fun last night.” Edgar teased.
“Yeah, because some of my new coworkers kept buying me shots” you accused.
“It was your welcome to the family!” Rafe defended.
“Hungover are we?” Edgar asked.
You glared at them.
“Don’t worry, we can fix that.” Rafe assured you.
You gave them a skeptical look. 
You started putting all your stuff down in the break room/locker room and Edgar left to get something. Rafe had started stocking his pockets with everything he’d need for his shift.
“So did you have fun last night?” He asked trying to scope out how much you remembered. To be honest, you did remember everything you told Rafe, but you were way too embarrassed to let him know that.
“Yeah, I kinda don’t remember much though.” You lied nervously. 
A slightly awkward silence fell between the 2 of you as Rafe nodded and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted when Edgar came back with a bag of fluids and IV start kit.
“Have a seat Y/L/N” Edgar instructed you. You looked at him with your brow furrowed but sat down anyway.
 Rafe sat in the chair next to you and quickly opened the IV kit, grabbed your arm and tied a tourniquet around it tightly.
“After this banana bag, you’ll feel good as new” Rafe said. 
“Why aren’t you guys hungover?” You asked, grumpily. 
“1. We didn’t drink as much as you. And 2. We did this at home” Edgar laughed.
“And you’re kinda a lightweight.” Rafe added quickly, earning yet another glare from you.
“Yeah, well good luck finding a vein Cameron. I’m chronically dehydrated when I’m not hungover. What gauge are you using?”
“Mmm 16” he murmured studying your arm, looking for a vein.
“What the fuck?!” You tried to pull your arm away from him but he kept a firm grip on it.
He just smiled at you, satisfied by your reaction. “Relax Rookie, I’m using a 22. Don’t be such a baby.”
“You’re a dick.” 
And the way he looked at you with a slight smile playing on his lips while he held your forearm securely, you both knew that you remembered what you said last night and that you meant every word.
“Hold still.” He told you. And you smiled as you watched him expertly stick the needle in your arm.
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elocinnicole · 3 years
Butterflies – Part Three
Pairing: Collin Hoskins x Black!Reader
Rating: M for Language and Death
Tagging: @ohsoverykeri
Part One Part Two Part Three
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You spent most of the day in your room not wanting to be around Collin. This isn’t the first time you and Collin got into a fight. The last time you could recall, was when he first went to jail and he was complaining about his mom not coming to see him.
A Year Ago
You played with your fingers waiting to see Collin, he’s been locked up for almost a month and the people who came to see him regularly were Miles and yourself. Of course, Val didn’t come but the past couple of times you came to see Collin you would ask his Mom to come along. At first, she would agree but then when it came to the day of she would cancel.
“You got one hour.” You heard the gruff voice of the CO. Collin was escorted to your table, you offered him a small smile which he returned, having been his friend for almost twenty years you knew something was troubling him.
“How you been, Y/N?” Collin pulled you in for a hug, you smiled into the embrace, Even though you saw him last week, it was hard visiting your friend in prison.
“I’ve been good, Collin.”
“That’s enough!” A booming voice barked, Collin rolled eyes and the two of you pulled away. Collin saw the bags of chips on the table and his eyes lit up
“You got some for little old me?” He teased
“Shut up, I only did it because your Mom asked me to.”
“You talked to my Mom?” He asked, you looked at him with sad eyes. The last time you came to visit him, Ms. Nancy had told Collin that she would come to visit with you
“Yeah, uh I know she said she was gonna come with me today, but she wasn’t feeling good this morning…” Collin slowly nodded his head
“Y/N, I don’t know how she can’t come and see me. I’m her son, Y/N! I’ve been in here for a month and she still hasn’t come to see me. Don’t she miss me?” Collin asked his voice growing loud
“Of course she does, she said she misses you all the time.
“Oh yeah?”
“She said it’s too hard for her.”
“It’s too hard for her?!”
“Hey! Keep it down Hoskins!”
“How do you think I feel? I’m the one that’s locked up!” Collin asked in a loud whisper
“Yeah, over some dumb shit.”
“Oh really? So you been talkin’ to Val?”
“Collin, don’t go there!” You were hoping that this would be a good visit but as time went on you were getting increasingly irritated with your friend.
“How do you think I feel when my Mom won’t come to see me?”
“How do you think she feels? Who do you think called her when you got your ass arrested? Did you know she put a second mortgage on the house to try and bail you out? When I told her that you got arrested the first thing she asked me was did they shoot you? Collin every time I see her or call her on the phone, she cries, the entire time, for you. So, before you get mad think about why she may not want to see her son in handcuffs.”
“Alright, visiting time’s over.” Collin’s CO said and before you knew it they were escorting Collin away from you…again.
You were finishing up a wig for a client when your phone ringed and you saw a text message from Trevon,
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You went back to your wig when another text came through, this time from Janelle
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The sound of your door creaking open made you look up, you saw Collin slowly entering your room holding a plate of nachos. You tried hard not to smile, nachos were your favorite food to eat. You and Colin would eat them all the time when you were in high school. “Figured you were hungry,” Collin said sitting on the edge of your bed.
“I am, thanks.” You said grabbing the plate of nachos and placing them on your nightstand and joining Collin on your bed. As much as you wanted to discuss your argument from earlier there was an even bigger elephant in the room.
“We need to talk, Collin,” You started
“I’m sorry for not asking about Val, that shit’s foul and it’s your place—”
“I don’t wanna talk about that.” Collin frowned in confusion
“We got gotta talk about the other night, because you can’t be getting mad at me when I go out on a date but I have to ‘understand’ your booty calls with Val.”
“They not booty calls,”
“Oh so what are they?”
“I’m trying to work things out with Val trying to see if we have something,” you rolled your eyes and sighed heavily
“Why do you act like you owe her something?”
“Because I do!”
“Collin, when was the last time you heard from Val other than her wanting some dick?” Collin turned his face away
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You bringing all types of niggas in here!”
“First of all, no the fuck I don’t, two, it’s my house. If I wanna bring a nigga all up and through my house I can do that. Besides, it’s not niggas, I’m actually talking to someone and he’s been here once, try again.”
“I’m doing the same thing!”
“No, you’re not, you getting your dick wet just because some bitch says ‘jump’.”
“Don’t be like that Y/N, we didn’t really end things. I just want to see if there’s anything still there.”
“How many times, does Val have to tell you she don’t wanna be with you? Did she come visit you, put money on your books, did she even call your ass?”
“You don’t gotta give me a history lesson, I know all that shit,”
“Did you know she was gonna let your ass rot in that jail cell? She didn’t even want to attempt bail you out.”
“Collin, she’s not good for you. I just don’t want to see you hurt again.”
“What makes you think she not good for me?” You were done talking in circles with Collin, at this point, all you wanted to do was be alone.
“You know what Collin, Imma drop it because you gonna do whatever the fuck—-”
“Nah, air out, tell me why you think Val’s not good for me,”
“I’m not about to do this with you, Collin.”
“Y/N, as my friend, shit, one of my best friends, you gotta air out,”
“Janelle sent me a text—” Your phone ringing interrupted you, you almost ignored it but you saw that it was your Mom calling.
“We’re not done with this conversation,” You said before answering your phone.
“Hey, Mom—wait, wait, slow down. What’s going on?” Collin saw your face drop and instantly grew worried
“Okay, okay I’m on my way.” You ended the call, still trying to process the conversation you just had.
“What’s going on?”
“Um, I gotta get to the hospital, my dad just had a heart attack.”
You stared out the window while Collin drove the two of you to your parents house. By the time you got the hospital your mom told you that your dad was gone. Various memories of you and your Dad flashed through your mind. From learning how to ride a bike to when you graduated from cosmetology school and how your Dad treated it like it was a college graduation. That was your Dad though, he went above and beyond for every event for you and you brother no matter how small it was. Being the oldest, you were always a Daddy’s girl. Life without your Dad never really ran across your mind, of course you knew that he wouldn’t be here forever but you didn’t think that time would be now.
You laid on the twin size bed in your old teenage room, staring at the ceiling your eyes focused on the Nelly poster. If you looked at anything else in your room you would’ve broke. You’ve been doing a great job, so far, at managing your emotions, you didn’t have time to fall apart. You have to be there for your Mom, your brother, and your nephews. The bed sunk letting you know that Collin had got in the bed with you. You insisted that he sleep in your brother’s room. Even though it was still the same size bed in his room as well, you know that he would have more space rather than sharing with you. Collin could sense you were barely hanging on, he turned his body toward you, waiting for you to look at him.
“Y/N,” You ignored him, “Y/N, look at me.”
“Collin, I’m fine. We have to get some rest, we gotta get my brother and his kids from the airport early tomorrow.”
“Y/N, can you look at me? Please,”
“Collin, I’m fine. Goodnight.” You turned off the lamp and rolled to your side, hoping Collin would drop it.
The next day Collin, tried to get you to slow down but if you sensed he was trying to talk to you about your Dad you would change the subject or busy yourself with something else. Your mom made a Instagram post so you were getting calls and text messages all day, it was becoming over whelming. Luckily for you, Collin had to work that evening so you didn’t have to deal with him following your every move making sure you were okay. Your brother, Cameron, and you were now attempting to draft your Dad’s obituary.
“I don’t know why we can’t put that in there.” Cameron mumbled under his breath.
“Because, it’s not important! He only spent one semester there,”
“And? That’s where he met Mom!”
“Cam, we only have one page for this obituary, it’s not an autobiography. We can say when they met and got married, period!”
“So you just gonna cut out an important part of Dad’s life?”
“Cam, I’m not—you know what, I can’t do this. Ever since I picked you up from the airport, you’ve been fighting me with every decision. I’m going back to my place,” You huffed quickly getting your bags together.
“So you just gonna leave?”
“Yes, the hell I am.” You left your childhood home, slamming the door shut, once you were halfway down the block you realized that, you didn’t have your car. You let Collin drive it to work. The walk to your place wasn’t long but it was late, your pride hindered you from walking back to your Mom’s and facing your brother again,
“Damnit,” You pulled out your phone and called the first person you could think of. “Hey, can you give me a ride?”
“Thanks, Miles, for picking me up. I know you and Ash are busy with Shauna—”
“You fam, it’s no problem and I’m sorry about your Dad, he was like the only guy I looked up to.”
“Thanks, Miles. You remember that time he caught you skipping school?” Miles chuckled at the memory
“Yeah, I ain’t know he was following me and shit. He hopped out the car like he the muh fuckin police. Then he had my ass running back home while he drove behind me.” You laughed while Miles reminisced until he got a text from Ashely.
“Miles, go home before Ashley beats your ass.”
“Well, shit I’m waitin’ on your ass to get out my car.” You jokingly shoved your friend before getting out
“Bye, Miles!”
“Ay, when you gonna come braid my hair like Ash’s?”
“Bye, Miles!” You shook your head as Miles sped off. Once you got inside you realized that you hadn’t eaten all day. You honestly didn’t feel like cooking so decided to order something from UberEats. Nothing looked appetizing to you so you decided against it. Sitting on your sofa, glass of wine in hand, you finally had time to yourself, no one asking how you were feeling, no one calling to offer condolences, family members and friends you haven’t heard from in years were reaching out, it was too much. Finally having a moment to yourself, you felt the tears coming
“Y/N?” Collin called out, you quickly wiped your tears, not wanting him to see you cry.
“In the living room.” You called out, Collin walked with takeout boxes in hand.
“Figured you’d be hungry,” you gave him a small smile in return.
“Thanks, Collin, but I’m not hungry.”
“You need to eat something—“
“I told you I’m fine, I’ve been telling everyone I’m fine all day! Damn!” You snapped
“Aight, I was just checking on you!”
“I don’t neeed anyone to check on me, I only want one person to check on me and he’s not here!” For the first time today, you finally cried. Collin sat eside you and pulled you close to him
“No amount of food, texts, or phone calls can bring him back.” You cried into Collin’s chest as he held you. You pulled away and Collin cradled your face in his hands, you leaned into the embrace. He gently grabbed your chin and before you knew it, you were kissing Collin. You were the first to pull away and Collin frowned
“What about you and Val—”
“Fuck Val,” Collin said pulling you in for another kiss.
Please let me know, if you would like to be tagged in this series.
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with Nestor Oceteva.
Request: Nestor dating Baby Sister Reyes and him asking EX and Angel and Filipe permission to Marry her
BY @cherieann-2001
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 1.3k
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: @angels-reyes
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“Aren't you gonna tell me where are we going?”
“Aren't you gonna tell me how you managed to make Miguel break you from your chains for two days?”
Lying on its side of your seat, you narrow your eyes trying to figure out what the hell is going on, watching him feign being so focused on the road that nothing else matters.
“What are you hiding?”
“Sorry, I can't hear you, the music is too loud!” He says turning up the volume of the radio, making you chuckle, leaning over your seat to kiss his cheek.
“Fuck, no”. Angel just said, with his eyebrows frowned in a serious gesture.
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“Son, she's your sister, but she's also my daughter. And I make the decision”. Felipe was more calmed than Nestor thought when he called them to meet in your house.
“Dad, he fucking works with the Cartel”. Your older brother highlighted, maintaining your boyfriend out of a business you didn't even know.
“I work for Miguel, not the Cartel”.
“Same shit, madafaka”. Angel smashed the table with the tip of his forefinger, leaning over it.
EZ placed a hand on his brother's chest to push him back on his chair, trying to calm him at all cost. They know that you love Nestor more than you love yourself. He has been your everything since three years ago, before the Mayans started to work with Galindo. He has taken care of you in your worst, and cheered you in your best days. Without complaining a single time. Always with a soft smile on his lips, following you to the end. And he was there, facing two beasts and their master, to do the right thing. He didn't have to ask them permission, but he knows how much you love your family and he just wanted to do the right thing.
“I want to make her happy, to give her a life and a family”.
“She already has a life and a fam—”. Before your older brother could finish talking, your father slapped his nape to make him shut up.
“Why did you come to me? Why didn't you ask her directly, mijo?” The old man questioned, crossing his arms over the edge of the table.
“I wanted to ask you first. I wanted to do the right thing, señor Reyes”.
For his mental health, you fall asleep of boredom, surrounding his right arm with yours and your head resting on his shoulder. Nestor loves to travel with you, only for moments like that, enjoying the things he loves the most: you too close to him, trusting him with your life, and drive. He has the window lowered, letting the fresh air of Cali coast flood the big black SUV, while the sun is falling on the horizon to welcome the night. Your destiny is in less than one hour, but he's not going to wake you up until reaching it. Last night you were working in the hospital till late, so he knows well that you're not going to wake up by yourself.
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At this point of the day, Los Angeles is almost collapsed. But he takes some long streets, avoiding traffic jams to Santa Monica. You were studying there and you told him once that you used to study your final exams lying on the sand. So, Nestor knows that it's the perfect place to do it, being aware that you drive there whenever you feel low or you need to run away to think.
Parking the car next to the empty beach, thanking god to be alone there, he takes off his seat belt before undoing yours. Putting away a tuft of hair behind your ear, he leans to your cheek to kiss it gently.
“Reina, wake up”. He whispers caressing the side of your head, touching your nose with his.
“Are we already?” You reply somewhat sleepy, sitting up to rub your eyes with your knuckles until focusing your gaze through the glass. “Wh— Are w—Are we in Santa Mónica?”
“Looks like”. He smirks with a hand over the steer wheel, so proud of seeing you smile this big. “C'mon”.
Stepping out from the car, feeling happy like a child in the fair, you stretch both arms over your head as you stretch your legs, before walking towards your boyfriend. Surrounding his waist with both arms, he leads you towards the beginning of the sand. It feels good to be back after some months, in which you have wanted to escape sometimes. But sharing your special place with him, made worth for the wait. The breeze is soft and warm, closing your eyes and getting focused on the caresses on your back, the salty smell and the sound of the waves breaking in the shore. That's everything you need.
Finding a place close to it, you sit down between Nestor's legs and your back resting over his chest. His arms wrapping your neck, sinking his face into the space between your skin and his, having a deep breath to find the encouragement he needs to pop the question. And you can feel him lightly shaking, not knowing why. It's not cold, being a perfect temperature for Los Angeles.
“(Y/N), you know that I love you, right?”
For you, that's pretty random in a place like that, turning your face frowning softly with confusion. He didn't bring you to break up with you, and that only has a reason then. Practically jumping out from his arms, standing up on your knees you turn around towards him with a surprised gesture on your face. And he knows you found it out at the exact moment you pout at him about to cry, sitting on your heels.
“I ju—just asked if you know that I love you!” He chuckles nervously.
“Nestor…” You mutter with a low tone and your lips trembling.
“Oh, c'mon! You can't fucking know it just because of what I said”. Now, he breaks into laughs, watching you cry softly. “Nah, okay, com'ere, reina”.
Raising his arms to your hips, pushing you somewhat closer, he holds your hands to interlace your fingers.
“Last night I went to your house, to ask your father and your brothers for your hand”. Nestor confesses, with his dark eyes fixed on yours, making you laugh between teeth imagining the situation. “So…”
Loosening one of your hands, you can see him tucking it into a pocket to grab a small black box with a golden heart drawn on top of it. Using both hands to open it, he takes the golden ring with a shiny diamond on it, placing it almost in front of your eyes.
“(Y/N) Reyes, would you make me the mos—”.
“Yes”. You cry out nodding.
“No, no. Shut up! I've been preparing it for a month and you already fucked up with your smart ass”. He laughs covering your mouth for a second. “(Y/N) Reyes, would you make me the luckiest man on earth by marrying me?”
“No”. You tease him laughing and crying at the same time.
“Nah, fuck it, you're gonna marry me anyway”. He ignores you, putting in the ring and admiring for a second how good it looks in your finger, before jumping into him. “Te amo demasiado, mi reina”.
You can't say anything else, hugging him tightly as you fill his face with kisses, all around his cheeks, his lips, his forehead, his chin. Everywhere. If you thought that Nestor couldn't make you more happy, you were wrong.
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✨ Tag list:
@starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli @marquelapage @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @jadesamhart @mycupoffanfiction @claytoncardenasbabymama @thesandbeneathmytoes @phoenixhalliwell @thewarriorprincessxo @sugary-x-sweet @multiyfandomgirl40 @imanerdychubbyqueen @iambabyharry @firebenderwolf @itsanofrommesir @noz4a2 @peaches007 @edonaspanca @irenne-stans @skyofficialxx @that-chick212
If you want to be tagged, send me a message!
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goddamnitkastle · 4 years
Tell Me Where Your Heart Is
Hello Brooke! (@the-restless-brook)! Yes, I am your Kastle Secret Santa. Ta da! 
You prompted me with “anything cozy, domestic, or angsty (as long as there’s a happy ending).” 
So full disclosure I really had no idea what I was gonna come up with for your gift. I thought about doing some sort of AU for you (because you really are the the Queen of the Kastle AUs) but that ended up being a red herring cause Season 2 of Virgin River came out and OH BOY did I get inspired lol
And so I ultimately decided to go full on angst, which I hope you will like. There is a happy ending, I promise. And there’s also a couple Marvel/Netflix Universe nuggets I threw in, I hope you’ll catch them :)
But to keep it simple, here’s a post The Punisher Season 2 fic in which Frank and Karen meet up at Josie’s. Will they make their way back to each other? (well, yeah, duh but it will be an angsty ride).
Enjoy! And Happy Holidays, Kastle Fam! <3
Josie’s on a Monday is pretty dead, even in December. Honestly a graveyard is more lively on this weekday than the bar in Hell’s Kitchen, despite the homely effort of the Christmas decorations put up by Josie herself. So when Karen comes strolling in, just dodging the light rain, and takes a seat, she’s not surprised by the look on the bar owner’s face.
“Wow. Must’ve been a hell of a day. Starting early for the week, huh?”
“I guess you can say that. Can I get a bourbon?” Karen asks as she places a twenty down on the bar top.
“You got it.”
Josie turns around and grabs the Four Roses bottle off the shelf. Karen takes a quick survey of the scene, clocks everyone here. Rob and Mira Donohue are having drinks at the table by the pinball machine and Tom Belkin is at the pool table with a friend.
“Here ya go, love.” Josie places the glass in front of her and takes the twenty. Karen takes a sizeable sip, tries to focus on the burn going down her throat rather than her rattling nerves. She doesn’t miss Josie’s eyes go wide though when she gives her her change. 
“Hey should I be worried tonight, Page? This isn’t your usual night and look, I don’t mind... usually…”
“It’s fine, Josie. I’m just... meeting someone. And I need this place to be quiet. I think they need... quiet.”
Josie shakes her head, walks over to the end of the bar. She pulls back a small curtain, revealing a safe hidden under the register. She turns the combination lock, opens it, and pulls out a 9mm.
“Josie come on, that’s not…”
“It’s a precaution. I do trust you... usually... but I got an establishment to protect.” Josie says as she ejects and checks the mag.
She clips it back in and clicks the safety off when the bell rings by the entrance door. Karen resists turning around, even though she is dying to see him.
God how long has it been since the hospital she thinks.
She goes for another sip of bourbon, tries to feign casualness even though his very presence has changed the mood of this dull Monday night. The Donohues have stopped talking and Tom and his friend have stopped playing. Heavy boots pad their way to the bar. Out of the corner of her eye, Frank Castle comes into her line of sight. He’s in all black, sporting a full beard, and scowling, but it doesn’t feel lethal to her. Josie though is gripping her gun like a lifeline.
“What can I do for you... scary hipster?” Josie asks.
Karen has to choke down her laughter. She covers her mouth with her hand and squeezes her eyes shut.
“I’ll just take a beer.”
Frank sits down a seat away from Karen and the tension lifts once Josie clicks the safety back on. The bar patrons resume their activities as she quickly serves Frank a beer, gun still in hand. Josie walks toward the end of the bar toward the safe but not before giving Karen a quick I will never let you in here again if there’s trouble tonight look. She just shrugs in response.
Neither of them say anything for a good while. Karen just focuses on her bourbon. Frank was the one who called her, he can start this. Not like she has anywhere to be...
Although drinking at Josie’s on a Monday night isn’t exactly at the top of her list.
“Hell of a place you picked.”
“Didn’t know what I was getting into. Knew it wouldn’t be crowded here... and I needed a drink.”
“What about your place? Don’t tell me you had to move again…” Frank cracks as he takes a swig of his beer.
“Nope, I’m still there.”
Frank takes a step closer to her. Karen can’t help it, she turns to face him and take him in. No bruises and his hair is growing out again. He looks the way he did when he first came back into her life, just without a blanket and not asking for change.
“Wasn’t sure you were gonna say yes to meeting me.”
“I wasn’t either. Still debating on leaving, actually…”
“Do you want to?”
“Honestly? Yes.”
“Okay. You can go.”
Karen starts to get up and she wishes she missed Frank’s face. Looking like a puppy who got kicked for chewing on someone’s flip flop.
“Hey.” Frank says intensely as he grips her arm. “Come on. Don’t…”
“Don’t what, Frank?”
“Don’t... go.”
“You literally told me I could go. Look, what do you want Frank? Can you just tell me why you called…”
“I will when you stop this.”
“Stop what?”
“Being pissed at me.”
“Being pissed... oh boy.”
She bites down on her bottom lip; a suppression to not straight up scream at him.
“I want to talk, Karen. But if you need to say something to me just say it. Just get it out in the open so that we can move forward.”
His eyes bore into hers. Karen hopes Frank isn’t looking into her soul, he doesn’t get to do that anymore. She knows she needs to break this, needs to move on. He chose the war. He chose to continue being The Punisher. The people that care about him, the peace he could have found... he pushed it all away. And he can’t just decide to want it now after almost a year of silence.
“Fine. I do have some things to say. But first, you’re gonna buy me a drink. Okay?”
She walks back over to the bar and sets her bag and coat down again on the chair. Frank follows. Josie saunters over.
“Another bourbon, Page?”
“No I’d like two shots of whiskey please. He’s buying.”
Karen jerks her head toward Frank who immediately pulls out a wad of cash from his coat pocket.
“You got it.”
Josie walks away to get the shots. Karen takes a seat and Frank takes the one next to her.
“Didn’t take you for a hard liquor kind of girl.”
Karen opens her mouth, then closes it. How exactly is she supposed to respond to that? People have been making assumptions about her all her life and she’s in no mood to tell Frank that he’s wrong.
“But I guess I don’t know that much about you, do I? You always... surprise me.”
The genuineness throws Karen off. She wonders if she should cut him some slack. It’s not like they owe each other anything. The connection that Madani had told her they had will probably always be there but as it stands she doesn’t fit into his life and vice versa. What’s the point in trying to make it work?
“No. You don’t know anything about me.” She says after a prolonged pause.
Josie comes back with the shots and makes herself scarce again. Karen takes the shot and gestures to other one.
“Come on.”
“Jesus…” Frank mutters.
“Not into hard liquor like me? Wait. Let me guess. You actually love wine.”
“I do actually.”
He stares at the shot glass then back at her. He sighs and downs it. The grimace he makes is brief, but then he turns back to her and she knows what has to come next.
“It’s been a year since the hospital Frank. ” Karen starts as she rotates her empty shot glass with her fingertips.
“I think. I’m honestly not sure… anyway. I thought we were done. I thought you were finally out of my life and then those pot of white roses landed on my desk last week and… I really don’t understand what you want for me at this point. If it’s to get information I am not going to do that for you. If you are looking to reconnect I don’t want that either. Not while you continue to wage this war of yours that you chose. Over life. Over love. Over… me.”
She places the shot glass down, the clink on the wooden bar top being the loudest noise in her ears.
“I’m sorry. About that day. And I’m sorry I never called you after that. But I thought you understood.”
“Why I am doing this. Why I couldn’t accept what you were offering me that day in the hospital. I lost my entire family, Karen. I had to watch them die and then bury them. You can’t even begin to imagine…”
“I’ve buried people that I loved. I absolutely know what you are going through. I know hurt. I know guilt. I know how it feels to want to drive a knife into this world just to feel like I had some kind of control over it. So don’t you dare try to tell me how I feel. I just…”
Karen huffs as she runs her fingers through her hair. Frank scratches at his beard, clearly processing.
“Do you think I like feeling like this? I am never going to see Maria again. I am never going to hold Lisa or Frankie Jr. in my arms. They are gone, Karen. And it is my fault that they are gone. If I let myself love you…”
“It’s just a risk I can’t take. If anything happened to you… I wouldn’t be able to survive it.”
Frank’s trigger finger taps away on the bar top.
“So is that it? Is that why you called me? To tell me that you will forever be stuck in this black hole of a life? Stuck in a war that can never be won and you think it’s what you deserve?”
“It is what I deserve.”
“No it’s not Frank. The loss of your family… that is something that you will carry with you with the rest of your life. And the grief will always come straight at you, unexpectedly. But you deserve an after…”
“Karen, no…”
“You do. I know you can’t see it but you will come to a day where you’ll be able to think about them but still go on with your life. And that won’t feel like a betrayal...”
“I can’t do this. I’m sorry. I should’ve never called you.”
He practically bounds out of the bar stool and heads for the door.
“Frank!” Karen shouts.
The door swings and he’s gone.
This is a crossroads moment. Karen can feel it. She could let him go, never see him again. Maybe at last find peace with this pain. Find someone else to build a life with.
“You love him don’t you?”
Karen turns around to find Josie looking at her. She’s cleared their shot glasses away and is washing them in the sink.
“Don’t try to deny it. And he loves you too.”
“Yeah, sure he does.” Karen replies sarcastically.
“He does. I remember that news story a while about that crazy asshole who shot up that hotel trying to kill ya and that senator or whatever. I read that he took a few bullets for you. That’s love.”
“How did you... nevermind. Yes, that is true, but then when I offered the option to love someone else, he said he didn’t want to.”
‘Yeah but then he asked to see you again. Timing is a bitch, that much I know. Come on, at least go out there and give the man a hug. Man looks like he could use one.”
Karen turns back to the front door. Before she can process it she is heading out the door, barely catching Josie‘s laugh.
The sharp, winter air hits her and the light rain Is back. Karen looks down both sides of the street, knowing that he is probably long gone by now. The man knows how to disappear, and will only be found if he wants to.
She goes to her left to head home. As she turns the corner, he’s there. Against the wall of Josie‘s, barely standing.
She walks toward him but he doesn’t acknowledge her. He looks so broken, looking up at the sky.
“You belong with someone else, Karen. Not with me.”
“You do.”
“Well I don’t want someone else, Frank. I want you.”
He turns away from the sky and stares at her, wide eyed.
“Yeah. It’s still on the table. But if you’re not even going to open yourself up to the possibility of an after… And I’m not saying an after with me. I mean for yourself. If you won’t even allow yourself to try to find it then it’s not going to work. I need hope, Frank. I need to believe that there is a better world to make and to be had. Even if that means I am not going to be around for it. I am still going to try to leave it better than I found it.”
“Who was it?” Frank asks after a few moments.
“Who did you bury?”
“My mom. My brother, Kevin.”
“Tell me about them?”
“Okay. Walk me to my car?”
She thought it would be a lot harder to tell him about what happened to her mom and Kevin, about who she was before she came to New York City. But it fell out of her, everything. He doesn’t interject nor interrupt her. They’re still a block away when she’s done talking.
They reach her car as Karen fishes for her keys. They are stuck at the bottom of her bag and she groans in frustration. She had almost forgotten that Frank is still with her but then she feels a hand lightly touch her shoulder.
She looks up. He is looking better but there is still that same lingering, soul crushing sadness in his eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
The sincerity of his apology stuns Karen. Then it comes back. The memory of when she told Matt about what happened to Kevin.
“Jesus Karen.”
Matt was wrapped up in trying to take down Fisk at the time. Karen was trying to pull Matt back, she knew it wasn’t the right time to tell him. She knows he would’ve probably have had a different reaction under different circumstances. Karen knows this. But Karen would be lying if his response didn’t haunt her dreams every now and then.
“Well I should get home. If you ever wanna talk… well I’m sure you’ll reach me somehow. I’ll keep an eye out for another pot of roses.”
She gets her car door open and climbs into the seat. She turns the key in the ignition but the engine stalls.
“Come on.”
Karen keeps turning the key but the engine continues to stall.
Frank knocks on her windshield window.
“Hey, let me check. I can probably jumpstart your car.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Jesus Karen.”
“I don’t want you here, Karen.”
Karen smacks the steering wheel repeatedly and then screams. And screams. And screams.
“Karen! Karen!”
Frank’s voice is muffled and Karen barely registers that he’s opened her door and is pulling her out of the car.
“Karen it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here.”
The screams turn into sobs and Karen stops trying to pull away from Frank.
She doesn’t know how long they stand there in the light rain while he holds her. Her crying does subside in time and all Karen feels is his heartbeat and his hand running up and down her back.
“I know. I know.” He keeps repeating into her ear.
Frank asks if Karen wants a ride home. Karen just simply nods, now realizing that her legs are numb.
“Okay. Let me make a quick phone call.”
Frank gets on the phone and says hi to Micro. Karen manages a small smile. Good to know that he’s not dead.
“Okay so Micro is calling in some favors. Your car is gonna get towed to a lot nearby. I will take care of it tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Frank.”
“Let’s get you home.”
Frank holds his hand out and Karen takes it. 
It takes an hour but they arrive in Karen’s neighborhood. Frank has to park ten minutes away from her apartment, which has him apologizing and cursing alternate side parking in one breath.
Karen feels simultaneously exhausted and wired. Frank hasn’t taken her hand in his since they got out of his van but they keep drifting and bumping into each other as they walk.
“Thanks for driving me back.”
“You’re welcome. You okay?”
“Yeah I just… I told Matt. About Kevin. And it... wasn’t the best timing and I had never told anyone before that moment and…”
“Yeah well I don’t think altar boy has the best bedside manner. Even on a good day.”
Karen can’t help but laugh. They walk up the front steps of her apartment building.
“Don’t worry about your car. It’ll be safe. I’ll pick it up tomorrow and take it to the shop. It’s probably the alternator.”
They reach her door.
“Okay so I have your car keys but you probably need these back.”
He hands her the rest of her key ring. He turns to go down the steps, their fingers interlocking around each other.
“So hold onto it. You have everything. Use two hands and never let go.”
Never let go.
Never let...
She grips on his fingers and he turns around. She doesn’t say or do anything but hold on to the key ring and his fingers. They just stare at each other but something changes, something shifts.
He walks back up the two steps, and they’re now face to face.
Karen can’t explain it but she’s filled with such a longing that she thought she had buried a long time ago.
They are still holding on to her key ring, the metal becoming warm from the heat of their hands. She inches closer and closer to his face, eventually ghosting her lips over his.
Karen places a small kiss on his mouth. He doesn’t react, which isn’t surprising, so she tries again. She can feel how taken aback he is but he starts to reciprocate soon enough. He angles his mouth as she pushes her tongue past his teeth, his hands cup her face as she wraps her arms around his neck.
The flurry and fury of their movements push them up the stairs. Karen has never been more grateful for her one floor walk up. He gets the door open as she gets to work on getting his jacket off. He helps her out of hers with ease, his mouth never leaving hers.
Karen is trying to take it all in but it’s too much. The ridges of the scars on his skin that have stories and how she wants to know all of them. How strong he is, taking her shirt off with a gentle force she has never felt. How soft his hair is, how his beard feels so fucking good on her neck.
They fall into her bed, still partially clothed but Karen doesn’t mind, she’s content to just kiss him and hold him close to her.
His mouth leaves hers and Karen tries to reach for it but stops. It’s that stare of his again. But it’s different this time. She’s seen him vulnerable but never this vulnerable. He honestly looks terrified.
“Frank what is it? We can stop…”
“No. I want to. I want this... I just... when we’re not together... when I don’t see you... it scares me. And I tried to hide from that feeling all year. Karen don’t…”
She runs her hands through his hair and he frames her head with his.
“It’s okay. It’s okay Frank.”
Instinctually, her hand slides down to his chest. Over his fast beating heart.
“It’s safe. You’re safe.”
She reaches for his face, her finger tips brushing against his lips. He kisses her palm and she pulls him back in.
Frank is warm. A comfortable warm, not the searing kind that comes from his nightmares. Hands are wrapped around his head and his face is pressed against soft skin. Karen’s skin. This stillness, after all that transpired last night between them, is strangely comforting. As is her slow, deep breathing. And when she wakes up, a smile forming at the sight of him, he still wonders if this is all a dream. 
“How do you feel?” Karen asks as she pushes away a strand of hair from his forehead.
“Happy.” Franks answers honestly. 
“That’s good.”
“And safe.” Frank admits quietly.
“That’s exactly how I want you to feel.”
“I do. With you.”
“So do I.”
He reaches for her face, brushes the pad of his thumb on her cheek. For a brief, sudden moment he sees smoke and a bloody cut on Karen’s forehead. How close he came to losing her that day…
“I will come for you.”
Frank shakes away the memory and tries to focus on this one. He wants these kind of memories with Karen, not the ones filled with violence and open ended goodbyes.
“Is everything okay, Frank?”
“Look Karen… I want to be honest. I don’t want to lie to you anymore and… you should know why I called you.”
Frank pulls away from her and sits up against her headboard. Karen follows suit, pulling her comforter up.
“I... want to be done. The Punisher… I want it to be over.”
“Yeah. I won’t, uh, bore you with the details but… I was near death. About a month ago. I really don’t remember much but I wasn’t… planning to come back from this job. But I guess Curtis and Madani weren’t on board. They got me out and… I just remember cracks of light. From the car windows. And each time, I saw you. I honestly thought you had come with them. I kept wanting to let go though, finally be with… but you were there. Telling me to hold on. Cause there was another side to this. An… after. And I did. When I finally came to, I asked where you were. And yeah, I found out you weren’t really there but… it was real. And it got me through. And that was why I called. I want you there. But then you were ruthless... stomped on my heart... which I deserved... and I got scared. I’m still scared, Karen. But I don’t want to live without you anymore. And I don’t expect…”
Karen takes his hand, puts it in her lap. Whatever he was going to say next dies on his tongue.
“This is real, Frank. You know that, right?”
“I do.”
He leans in to kiss her and it is the sweetest touch he can muster. He hopes it is enough.
It was a hell of a journey for them to get to this point. And they still have a long way to go. But her heart is safe with him. And now his heart can be safe with her.
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genevievemd · 4 years
Taking The Next Step
A/N: So I posted a bit of dialogue the other day and asked if you wanted a fic from it and you said yes so here we are. 
Not my best work but I wanted to get it out before the new chapter incase this no longer works after its out. It’s really more of a wordy headcanon/written scene than an actual fic. So bear that in mind as your reading. But whatever yolo right? (is yolo still a thing?) Enjoy these two idiots in love
This is set in the future, post book 2 and we’re going to assume that either Leland Bloom helps save the hospital or something magical happens with the state budget and Edenbrook ends up not closing and everything is fine. 
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Geneveive McClure) 
It’s been a day from hell, the new interns nearly killed a patient,  Ethan’s hit a wall with his own case, and to make it worse barely seen Genevieve since they left his apartment that morning. 
Though a small part of him is grateful for their conflicting schedules. He plans on asking her to move in with him tonight and his nerves are getting the best of him. His mind running with a million different ways to ask her, with both his own ideas and those given to him by Dr. Trinh.
Ethan wanders the halls until he finds Genevieve. Finally finding her at the nurses station, talking animatedly with Marlene. She looks exhausted, and if Ethan wasn’t positive that he’d lose his nerve if he didn’t ask her tonight, he would wait. 
He comes up behind her, kissing her head only half aware of the smirk they get from Marlene as she leaves the desk.  
“Hi,” Genevieve leans back just the slightest bit before turning around and wrapping her arms around his waist. 
“Long day?” Ethan brushes a few pieces of hair behind her ear, letting his fingers linger on her cheek. 
“The longest and I still have 3 more hours.” Her head falls against his chest, sighing heavily. 
“If you’re feeling up to it, I thought perhaps you’d let me take you to dinner tonight. I have something I’d like to discuss with you.” 
She pulls back suddenly, eyes filled with confusion and worry. “Why does that statement make me feel like you’re about to take me to dinner only to then tell me you want to break up.” 
“I assure you, G, it’s nothing of the sort.” 
“Mhm,” Genevieve narrows her eyes, still suspicious “The last time you called me ‘G’ was right before you told me you had to go to Dallas for two weeks to help with a patient and subsequently miss my parents visit.” 
He remembers now, why he hasn’t used that nickname in months. Because every time he does, she brings that particular situation up. Ethan pinches the bridge of his nose with a sigh. “Is it a yes or no to dinner?” 
“It’s a yes, obviously.” She smiles. “Just know, I’m still suspicious of your intentions.”
“For Christ’s sake.” 
“You know you love me.”
“Sometimes I question why.” 
She leans up to kiss his cheek, “Meet you out front or do I have time to go home and change before dinner?”
“I’ll pick you up at your place. 7:30?” His eyes soften the slightest bit. 
“Perfect.” Genevieve leans up to give him a quick kiss before turning to walk away “I’ll wear that gold dress you love.” 
He hums with approval, grabbing a chart from the desk. 
Genevieve turns around when she’s half way down the hall, giving him a playful smirk “Just incase you do break up with me I want you to remember what you’ll miss.” She laughs loudly as Ethan rolls his eyes and shakes his head. 
“You’re impossible, you know that, Rookie?”
“Another reason why love me, Dr. Ramsey.” She blows him a kiss from down the hall and he can’t help but laugh. 
They make it to the restaurant on time, seated at a table in the back. She kept her promise of wearing the gold dress, the one that shows just enough skin to drive him wild. She’s radiant under the dim lighting of the restaurant. 
They share stories of their day, make jokes over the appetizers. He can see that she’s itching to know what it is that he wants to discuss, her impatience bubbling to the surface with every passing minute. Ethan finds it quite cute. 
His nerves are getting the better of him, though. His foot taping every so slightly on the restaurant floor. She’s the only thing that could ever make him this nervous, no patient or case has ever made him feel as uneasy as Genevieve. 
Once the dinner plates have been cleared and he’s had enough glasses of scotch to soothe his nerves, Ethan slides a velvet box across the table towards Genevieve. 
She looks at him with a tilt of her head, picking up the small box. “What’s this?” 
“Open it.” 
She gives him a playful smile as she pulls out a small key and holds it up. “Is this supposed to be, like, the key to your heart?” She sing songs, eyes twinkling in the candle light. 
“No.” Ethan clears his throat, wishing he had asked for a refill of scotch when he had the chance.  “You don’t need a key to that.” 
Genevieve gives him a sweet smile then looks back at the key. “Okay so then what is it?” 
“A key to my apartment.” 
“I already have a key to your apartment” 
“Right, well, it’s- a symbolic gesture.” 
She gives him a questioning look, he can see the wheels turning in her head. He wonders for a long moment if maybe he should’ve gone with his simple idea of just asking her outright instead of using Sienna’s idea of a, quite possibly, overly romantic gesture.
He sees the moment it clicks, her mouth falling open just the slightest bit. Looking quickly between him and the key. A look of pure adoration engulfs her gorgeous face. And if nothing else, all the hassle of tonight was worth it just to see that look on her face.
“Wait, Ethan, are you trying to ask me to move in with you?” 
She’s looking at him like he’s a puppy that just brought the newspaper in for the first time. It’s entirely too cute and mildly infuriating. 
“You’re adorable.” Her giggle is infectious, making it hard for him to keep a straight face.
“I am not.” 
Genevieve gets up from her chair, walking quickly around the table to Ethan.  He moves his own chair back as she sits in his lap, placing a hand on her thigh as she drapes her arm around his neck. “You did all this just to ask me to move in with you?” 
“It was Sienna’s idea. I hadn’t intended to make it such a grand affair, but she told me it had to be romantic.”  
She brings her hand up to caress his face, eye’s shining even brighter than before. “You really love me, don’t you?” 
She smacks his arm playfully before bending to kiss him. He holds her there for bit longer than he should, cradling the back of her head. 
Genevieve gets up from his lap once they’re both aware that their little display is attracting an audience. 
“So is that a yes to moving in with me?” He asks her once she’s back in her seat.
“Of course it is.” They share a look, Genevieve takes a sip of wine before smiling teasingly “It seems only logical, I’m there most nights anyway. I already have a drawer and a shelf in the bathroom. Might as well make it official.” 
“That was my thinking.” 
“Nothing romantic about it, strictly for practical reasons.” 
“Exactly.” He sees her smirk over her wine glass, eyes filled with mirth. “I do love you, Genevieve.”
“I know.” She reaches across the table to take his hand. “I love you too.” They stare at each other lovingly before Genevieve lets out a small giggle. “Wait till Naveen hears about this.” 
“Christ, I’m never going to hear the end of his ‘I told you so’s” 
“Oh, Never.”
a/n: i’m sorry this is trash, i really tried to give you guys a legit fic but I just could not for the life of me get it out. So Sorry fam jam, I hope this is enough for you. 
@queencarb, @overwhelminglyaquarius, @me-and-my-choices, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @crazy-loca-blog, @a-crepusculo, @drakewalkerfantasy, @ohchoices, @adrex04, @udishaman, @drariellevalentine, @custaroonie, @archxxronrookie, @terrm9, @maurine07
I promise to make it up to you all with an actual fluffy and cute fic soon.
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ladyscarlettwrites · 4 years
The Next Heir
Chapter 4 The Perfect Family
To say that that Chairman Han was excited was an understatement. Jumin and MC invited him over for breakfast the following morning and announced the pregnancy news to him. He was so overjoyed that he started crying.
“This is just fantastic news! I’m going to be a grandpa!” Chairman Han says as he pulls Jumin into a hug. “I’m so proud of you, my son! You found yourself a lovely wife that is absolutely wonderful and you’re finally starting your own family!” He pulls away to wipe his tears, “I know that I haven’t been the perfect father for you and I deeply apologize for everything that I have done wrong and I hope...I hope you’ll forgive me some day.” 
Jumin still wasn’t used to expressing his feelings and showing emotions but after hearing his father’s apology MC could see his eyes gloss up before pulling his father into another tight hug. “Of course I forgive you...” Seeing that happen in front of her made MC break down and start crying which ended up causing both Jumin and his father to start freaking out.
“M-MC! Are you okay, my love?!”
“Do we need to go to the hospital?!” Chairman Han asked as he started to pull out his phone to dial the ambulance.
“N-No, I’m sorry! Nothing’s wrong, I promise!” MC says as she let’s Jumin wipe her tears away. “It’s probably just the baby hormones! I’m just so happy!”
Chairman Han smiles in relief and walks up to her and gently grasps her hands and kisses her hands softly. “Thank you so much, my dear. You changed our lives for the better and I can’t thank you enough for bringing me and my son closer together. And most importantly, giving us a new life to love and cherish. You’re like the daughter I’ve always wanted.” MC starts crying even more as Chairman Han hugs her tightly.
After a while, when MC finally stops her crying, Chairman Han leaves, talking mostly to herself about all the things he should buy for when they baby arrives. Jumin and MC start getting ready to hangout with the rest of the RFA members and talk to several reporters, that are currently waiting outside of the penthouse, to put the rumors to rest and officially announce the pregnancy. 
MC tries her best to not let the articles get to her. Jumin also has been doing his best to reassure and kisses her hand gently as they stand in front of the reporters. He turns to them and clears his throat.
“I’d like to start off by thanking everyone for finding the time to meet with us on such short notice. My beautiful wife is pregnant and before you ask, yes, the baby is mine. These useless rumors that have been going around, accusing my wife of adultery and having a secret lover. I’ve been with my wife everyday and she is not that type of person. She does not need to be dealing or hearing any of this. I have lived most of my entire life in the public eye but my wife is still very new to this certain lifestyle and attention. So I hope you will all understand when I ask of you all to please; don’t stress my pregnant wife by writing unnecessary rumors. We’d like to be able to have a stress-free pregnancy. Thank you.”
He backs away slightly and motions for them to start asking their questions.
“Mr. Han, is it true that you will be suing the doctor that went behind patient and  doctor confidentiality?” “Yes I am. But that is all I can say about it until I’m done.”
“Mrs. Han! How far along are you?”
MC steps up and shyly loops a strand of hair behind her ear, “I’m not so sure yet. I just found out recently but we will hopefully be finding out soon!”
“Are you hoping for a girl or a boy?”
“It doesn’t matter to me but if it’s a boy, I hope he’s as handsome as his father!” MC giggles.
“What about you Mr. Han?” Jumin smiles as he looks down at MC and brings their interlocked hands up to his lips and kisses the back of her hand. “ I hope it’s a girl and that she’ll look as beautiful as my wife.” MC blushes and looks up at him lovingly as the reporters start snapping photos of them.
“But wouldn’t you want a son so that he could be the next heir to take over C&R after you?”
MC squeezes Jumin’s hand gently when she sees that he looked annoyed at the reporter that asked that question. Jumin squeezes her hand back gently before looking back at the reporter, giving him a cold stare. The reporter shrinks back.
“If we have a girl, she will be more than capable of running the company as any capable man.”
“Mrs. Han, what does your family think of the news? Have you told them?” “And how come they didn’t attend your wedding? Where they not invited?”
“Are you and your family on bad terms? Do they not approve of you marrying someone of such high class as the Han family?”
MC flinches and tightens her grip on Jumin’s hand as she tries not to let her eyes swell up in tears. “I...I’m actually...an orphan. I don’t have any living family members...”
Jumin pulls her close and glares at all the reporters that asked those questions. But before he could say anything the rest of the RFA members appeared right beside them.
“We’re MC’s family now and we’re so happy for them!” Yoosung says as he hugs MC. Jumin tries not to glare at Yoosung only because it was making MC feel better.
The reporters were quick to notice how close Zen was to Jaehee and when they looked even closer they saw that he had his arm wrapped around her waist.
“Zen, are you in a relationship?!”
“Is she your girlfriend?!”
“How long have you been dating?”
MC gasps when she turns around to see that Zen indeed have his arm around Jaehee. Zen smiles at the cameras as he holds Jaehee closer to his side.
“Yes I am and this here my beautiful and smart girlfriend, Jaehee Kang! We just recently started dating but we’ve known each other for a longer time! She’s actually a member of the RFA with me. So I hope all my lovely fans will cherish her as I cherish her like I do and continue to support me and my hard work!”
“Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be on our way.” Jumin bows before he walks away with MC as the bodyguards open the car door for them. The reporters try taking pictures of them as Driver Kim drives off.
“Jumin, we could have waited and given the others a ride as well. We’re all going to the same place.” MC pouts.
“I’m sure that the others came in Seven’s car, my love.” Jumin says as he pulls her onto his lap and nuzzles her neck.
“Juuumin...! You can’t aways do that to try and get on my good side!”
Jumin smirks as he nips her neck gently and rubs her belly gently. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m just naturally showing my lovely wife, the mother of my unborn child some affection.”
MC giggles as he continues to nuzzle and holds back her moan as he nips her neck again. “W-we’re not far from the restaurant and I’d like to look presentable  in front of our friends and in front of any reporters that happen to be there.” Jumin opens his mouth to say something but MC smirks as she continues, “Unless you want the men to get a glimpse of what I might look like in the privacy of our bedroom? Help them with their imagination of what it’ll be like if I was with them?”
Jumin glares and tightens his grip around her waist and growls deeply, “ No. That’s for my eyes and my eyes only.” He moves her dress a little and nips her shoulder, marking her. “You are mine.”
MC moans softly, “ Yes...that’s right. I belong to you and only you, my love. And you belong to me.”
Jumin kisses her before leaning over to her ear, “Don’t think that you won’t go unpunished when we return home later, Kitten.” MC shivers as she nods her head.
The car stops in front of a huge restaurant. Bodyguards lineup outside and opens the door for them. He gets out of the car and turns back and helps MC out of the car. As soon as she steps out Seven’s fast, flashy car stops right behind their car. MC giggles as Yoosung stumbles out of the car and holds his stomach as he hunches over, trying not to throw up. Zen exits out of the car, yelling at Seven as he helps Jaehee who almost looks sick like Yoosung.
“Just because you have a flashy sports car doesn’t mean that you have to drive super fast and all crazy! Yoosung is over there about to throw up and what about me and Jaehee! My fans will hunt you down if anything happens to my appearance and I’m sure Jumin and MC would hate it if anything happened to Jaehee!”
Seven just laughs it off and hugs the hood of his car. “Don’t listen to the big, handsome meanie, babe! He just doesn’t understand that you’re meant to be driven fast, baby!”
“Ugh, stop calling you car creepy names like baby and babe! It’s weird!” 
Jumin rolls his eyes and leads MC into the restaurant. “Let’s let them figure this out. We need to get you something to eat.” MC giggles as she follows him in but gasps when they see V standing there smiling at them without his sunglasses.
“V!” MC runs over and hugs him, “What are you doing here?!” 
V laughs as he hugs her back, “ I couldn’t just stay away when I heard that my best friend and his lovely wife were expecting a baby! I had to come and congratulate you!”
Jumin walks up and hugs V and smiles “Thank you, Jihyun. It’s nice to have you here to celebrate with us.”
“I wouldn’t dare miss it!”
MC looks up at V, “V, you’re not wearing your glasses...did you...?”
V smiles and nods his head, “After you guys had left for your honeymoon I went and got surgery done to fix my eyesight.”
MC tears up as she hugs him again. “I’m so happy!”
V hugs her back before pulling away when everyone else finally enter the restaurant, “Now let’s go celebrate!
The entire day is spent celebrating inside of the restaurant with the whole RFA members. MC smiles as she watches all of them talking amongst each other.
Jumin leans in to her ear, “Is everything okay, my love?”
MC nods her head, “I was just thinking of something?”
“And what were you thinking about?”
“I was just thinking of how lucky I am. I was always alone ever since my parents passed away and I never thought I’d end up having a family of my own. But hearing Yoosung say that the RFA members are my family now...it just made me so happy! I’m so glad I stumbled upon the chatroom that day. It was dangerous of me to listen to the hacker but I have new friends who are now my family and I met you...the love of my life. And now, the father of our child. You and everyone else have given me everything that I could ask for and I wouldn’t change it for the world!”
Jumin smiles at her lovingly, “We should be the ones to say that we’re lucky...you brought back the light in our lives. We were all suspicious of you and you didn’t hold it against us when Jihyun told us to trust you. Yoosung and Seven’s friendship with Jihyun is better now, Jaehee and Zen are happier now together which I’m sure you helped. I’m sure it’s also because of you Jihyun finally agreed to getting the eye surgery. And finally me, you made me more human. You helped untangle these knots of threads that I had in my mind. You make everyone’s life turn for the best. We owe you so much.”
MC smiles as her eyes start to tear up. Jumin leans in and kisses her forehead gently. “I love you.”
“I love you too, my love.” Jumin looks at his watch, “It’s getting late, so we should pull Jaehee and Jihyun aside so then we can ask them our question.”
MC nods her head and stands up with him. She pulls Jaehee to the side as Jumin brings V as well.
“So what did you want to ask us?” V asks as he stands beside Jaehee.
MC nervously twiddles her thumbs, “Um...so...I’m pregnant and...and we...” She looks up at Jumin so then he could help her.
Jumin chuckles softly and pulls her close as he looks back at V and Jaehee, “MC and I were wondering if you two would do us the honor of being the god parents to our child.”
Jaehee gasps and tears up as she nods her head and hugs MC tightly who tears up as well and hugs her back. “Of course! Thank you so much for choosing me!”
V smiles and hugs Jumin, “I’m honored you picked me as well. I will be more than happy to be the god father! Thank you!”
When it was time to leave, everyone hugged and said goodbye. Jaehee and MC making plans to go shopping later for baby stuff. Jumin smiles lovingly as he watches them. He was really happy to be starting a family with MC and with the RFA members included it truly was the perfect family.
A/N: I am so sorry that this was late! A lot of things came up but I’m going to start the first draft of the next chapter now. Hopefully the California heat this weekend doesn’t stop me! Let me know if you want to get added to the taglist! <3 
Taglist: @misstartrekandel
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sapphoooe · 5 years
Accident (Jade West x R)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Gif/Pic Credit to original maker/editor
Jade West x Reader
Summary: (request) Can you please write a Jade x reader where the reader gets in a really bad car accident and when Jade is driving home, she notices it's the reader's car?
Warnings/Info: all characters are at least 18, Kisses, fluff, Angst, car crash, alcohol misuse, injuries, hospital, swearing ,Happy Ending
A/N: I tried my best with the request fam✌🏼Also I edited it at like 3 AM ,so if there are any mistakes, lemme know.
Y/N = Your Name
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Jade was on her way home, to your shared apartment. After being gone for three weeks, because of an internship for her future dream job, she was finally coming back home.
To you.
It was really difficult being away from each other for so long, even a week would have been too long, maybe even just days. But Jade was getting happier each second she got closer to you.
She soon could finally touch you and kiss you again. You both still Skyped and called each other, but it still wasn't the same.
Seeing the police lights in front of her, Jade slowed down. There were two damaged cars on the side of the crossroad, a black SUV and a car that looked A LOT like yours. Jade's anxiety started to rise up.
It couldn't be. It couldn't.
She looked for the license plate. And it was yours.
This can’t be happening. It can’t.
Jade found it near impossible to breathe.
She stopped the car on the side and rushed out.
“Ma'am you can't go in there, please stay behind the police tape."
“I need to find my girlfriend, that's her car, where is she?!”
“Ma'am please I need you to calm down, both drivers were just taken to the Medical Center Hospital, 30 minutes ago”
The hospital. You were at the hospital.
Jade ran back to the car, to get there as fast as she could. She felt like throwing up, her hands whitening, while gripping the steering wheel.
You had to be okay. You had to. She couldn't lose you.
After Jade arrived, she parked the car and marched inside. She had a scary aura around her, so everyone avoided her at all costs as she walked up to the reception.
“How can I help you?” The receptionist asked.
“Y/N Y/L/N. She was brought here after a car crash. What room is she in?!”
The woman raises an eyebrow at Jade, as Jade glares at her. She sighs and turns to her computer, typing something into it and she pauses to read the screen before she replies.
“She’s in surgery right now, but if you step aside we can take y—”
“No. I need-”
“Did you ask for a ‘Y/N Y/L/N’ ?” The Doctor behind her interrupted her.
Jade turned to her.
“If you’d step over here, I can explain what happened?” the doctor tried with a gentle smile.
“I—Okay.” There was no point in arguing.
“Who are you?”
“Jade West. Her fiancée.”
It's wasn't completely a lie, someday it would happen, as long as you wanted to.
Jade nervously clenches her fists.
“Yes, right. She was in a pretty bad car accident. She’s still in surgery, but if it goes well, she will be fine. But the driver was drunk. And from what I’ve gathered, he slammed into the passengers side. Her leg got broken and she sprained her wrist. Also got a concussion from the impact.”
“When can I see her?”
“When she gets out of surgery. Someone will come and get you.” Jade takes a breath and nods, sitting down and focusing to calm down.
Its hours before someone comes.
A nurse clears his throat and Jade looks up to see him standing beside her with a kind smile. She's too tired to be rude.
“Jade West?”
“You may see her now.” Jade stood up and followed him.
He opened the door without a word, leaving you both alone.
You're asleep, looking somehow peaceful.
There are bruises along your hairline and some stitches above your right eyebrow. Your wrist is bandaged and your leg is in a cast.
Jade holds back a sob.
She cups your cheek, leaning down and gently presses a kiss to your forehead.
After sitting next to you on a chair, she takes your uninjured hand in hers, stroking your knuckles.
Jade doesn't remember falling asleep, but she wakes up to your hand stroking her hair. She smiles when your eyes meet.
“Hey Gorgeous” you smile.
“Hi” Jade croaks, tears falling down her cheeks.
“Whoa. Are those tears? Must be pretty serious, huh?” You try to joke.
You place your hand on her cheek wiping away some tears.
“Hey, it's okay baby, I'm fine, come here.”
She stills and you pull her to you. Making carefully some room on the bed for her, (minding your injuries and medical wires. Jade's face is hiding in your neck, as she tries to hold her tears in.
“Hey, it's okay, I'm right here, Gorgeous.” You tell her. “Besides, can't get rid of me that easily”
She gives you a small smile and looks up at you with that same smitten expression, the same way you are looking at her too.
“I fucking hope so Y/L/N.”
She doesn't ’t think she’ll ever get used to the way you look at her. As if she's your everything.
“I love you Y/N, I love you so fucking much, more than anything. I'm just so happy that you're okay.” 
You press a soft kiss to her lips.
“I love you too Jade, so much Gorgeous.”
“Take a nap with me, Jay?”
She nods.
“Everything you want baby”
And presses a kiss to your neck. Both of you relaxing into each other on the hospital bed and letting sleep take over.
You were already softly snoring, as she smiles in relief and gratitude.
You were going to be okay.
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madfantasy · 4 years
1) Oh, dear Mani, it's so devastating to read what you're writing about yourself. You're a loveliest person and a beautiful artist, and you deserve all the very best in the world. Sorry if it's dumb (I'm from Russia and maybe it's like asking if there're bears everywhere in the streets here) - but is it common in your country or it's just your family? Is it legal to prevent you from socialising etc. or is i just a tradition ?
You are so precious, thank you for your kindness.. I'm so sorry to have to trouble you.. but I can't seem to filter anything lately.. and no, it's not a dumb question at all. One is not expected to know everything, that without mentioning other people's cultures, tbh I hardly know much of mine but what I have encountered..
The simple answer would be— it is common; but it varies.. my family is probably at 8 or 9 out of ten in the extreme levels, I guess this is me numbing it down again, but... anyway, It's not even a religious thing, it's more of old cultural habits and practices—before religious times. It's even -what my family's doing- against what is considered common habits, here. As people are normally extremely, suffocating-ly sociable and curious and inviting and probably won't leave you alone if you haven't made it clear.
I don't know if it is legal or not, I'm sure it is illegal based on human rights alone? I'm always told (as a way of threatening) how parents can call the authorities on their misbehaving children. And it is a thing here, usually if the kids be abusive to their parents (as in beating up their elder parents) or troubling, police escort them to where ever. And I don't want to think of the anti...
As I am assigned at birth this gender- female- automatically I'm shut down by my family of fear of shame and whatever but told it's out of "honourable" protectiveness of their reputation and mine.
Tho they know I am far from being associated with the traits of being that gender (or any) I disliked dress, spoke with no gender pronouns, hated hair styling, make up and all.. I was still been treated as if I am a shame that needs to be kept private in all possible legal ways. As no one of any kind should be..
(Without mentioning that having female child is considered a way to heaven— religiously speaking— and in ancient times, they used to burry their infants females out of shame. How did they still exists is beyond me)
Anyway, to me it meant no contact with the opposite gender at all cost, only sticking to matchings. That means no hospitals if the doctors weren't females, no school trips, no malls, no visiting my schoolmates (next door or not), no public places, no house yard if the fence built too low, no windows (blocking them with cardboards and textured stickers). Was gonna share a pic of baby Mani in a house that has that, but. Literally I remember imaging z hanged picture with cottage in flowery field as the view outside our window, and day dreamed happily about it. (I have no pictures of me in my teenage years, cuz it was shameful to have them, even with smartphones arrived, mine was constantly searched for them) while we received pictures of the extended families children in all of their age groups..
I had to constantly come with excuses to everybody why I can't come see them or why I can't go. I thought being poor was the main reason and it was shameful, and I was embarrassed by my charity cloths and unfurnished homes, I was always told to lie about it, because people would laugh at me if they found out. So I did. And everything made sense until I grew more brain cells and realising nothing have changed, either we be dirt poor or not. People actually offered to pay me food, trip costs, give me coats for the winter, rides to school, to beat off my misfortune when they are able just to include me, yet it was still being rejected.. and I couldn't understand why anymore.
I seen married couples, when ppl forced fam to take me somewhere to enjoy and have fun, the wife is the one running the house, goes out shopping, or just go out for rides, calls the workers for repairs, go places on her own, took taxis, and it was... Normal?!
A cousin of fam came to visit and asked why your children don't go out, why don't you give them money and let them shop their heart's content? They answered, they fear society.. a lie at that time
Maybe it's not something noticeable for outsiders, but cloaks speak of the area's culture and age too. When I came 'of age' I had to cover up in the extremist of ways, ways consider only elderly ppl did, and I always got funny looks when I wore my cloak.
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I was never allowed to show my eyes, specially that I wear glasses and can't see with the cover. So I tripped alot and was humiliated for in the streets, trying to make me understand that anything I do is an ' invite' for their eyes..
I was beginning to see the flaws, the lies, the holes in reasons I was offered.. linked together the constant misery that I didn't understand it's reason, since as further as I remember.
Maybe it's not spoken in plain words (until yesterday that is) but all that is just because that I am born under that title..
Women now can drive.. can be their own legal guardian without the need of a male to confirm everything she does (which was what it used to be) she can travel abroad alone if she's over 21.
I'm fighting so hard to exist, and to have basic needs satisfied..
It almost took my soul out begging to have my ID card, until the gov announced fine to those who don't register their females.. I should had my ID 16 of age. Got it 27.. and their excuse is that I didn't have a reason to get it anyway.. as everything goes in my life I asked for... I don't need what I think I need. I don't need to drive.. I don't need to work.. I don't need clothes- I'm fashion thirsty- I don't need to have fun.. I only need to do exactly what they wish. Which drives me crazy as it contrasts with the sacrifices they made themselves for us and everything that we gone through together..
I have to fight and argue and plead to get anything.. I was able to draw while I was furiously I could not, I could speak English as I please while it offended them, still-- they can't speak it--.. and it obviously the only way to express my shut off mind without their interference..
it feels I'm losing a chunk of myself each year nothing changes... And this year everything was tossed backwards so hard I'm constantly dipping into extreme depression.. not to mention how the whole world is suffering too...
Even if I found psychologist, it wouldn't do me any good, remaining under these conditions..
it pains me to share this but I can't see no more point to hide anything or act as if I'm okay..  specially if my art reflects it... It's what I'm able to offer for now.. and I'm so sorry... bless your days with fortune.. all of u..
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andiandyandee · 4 years
Last Words 2/2
   Okay so plot twist I think this might become a whole thing so If you want more Parental Logince Punk AU shenanigans let me know.
Part 1
Taglist! @datfearlessfangirl @cas-is-a-hunter @princemesscharming
This is straight up fluff lads. This is just some fam shenanigans.
Okay the story is under the cut have fun
  When Roman woke in the hospital, he was sure he could tell it had been a long time. His hair, once very meticulously cut to ensure it wouldn’t hang further than his eyebrows, was now brushing his cheekbones. He hoped that was his hair. There was quiet talking somewhere in front of him. His bones felt stiff like he hadn’t moved in years.
     He was a big fan of dramatics, but he did really hope it hadn’t been years. There was a weight on his chest, pushing down and keeping his lungs from expanding.  
      Wait. Was the weight... Moving? He opened his eyes and was blinded immediately by white light reflected on white walls. There was light ginger hair brushing his face. He was NOT ginger.
      For that matter, he only knew one ginger. “Patton?” He croaked it out, wincing at the way his voice rattled. “Baby, I need you to move, okay? I can’t brea-” The weight was lifted suddenly, by someone in a black dress shirt. Roman breathed deeply, flinching at the sudden stab of pain from his side. He coughed a few times, then looked at the man who was holding his toddler. Blue eyes, almost white, stared at him with a look of both frustration and complete and utter relief. He was not wearing his glasses, his tie was nowhere to be seen, but it was his Logan. 
     “If you ever do that again, I will kill you myself,” Logan said in a flat, monotone voice with an eyebrow cocked. “And then I will resuscitate you, so Virgil can kill you too.” Roman glanced around the room, finding his older son curled on the lap of someone in a black and green sweatshirt. Remus. 
      His brother was telling Virgil a story, one the child had heard a thousand times, though it was obvious from the look on the child's face it was being told from a new perspective.
     “And the strong, scary knight told the scared dragon-”
     “You will never be welcome here, foul beast. There is no room for someone like you in our lands” Roman finished the line, trying his best to put on the regal voice saved specifically for this story. It made sense that Remus was telling the story from the perspective of the dragon. Virgil looked up with wide eyes, almost exactly the same shade of white-blue as Logan’s. 
     “You never told me the dragon was a momma dragon!” He cried, sticking out his lower lip. “Why did the knight have to kick her out?” Remus winked at his brother, a smirk on his face. 
      “Yeah, Ro! Why DID the knight have to kick her out?” Roman’s eyes narrowed a bit.
     “She was breaking the village's things! Perhaps the knight did not know the dragon was a mother. The knight was simply trying to protect his people.” Remus raised his eyebrows at that. 
     “Perhaps the knight should have asked the dragon.”
     “I have it on good authority that the dragon and the knight spoke very different languages.” 
     “Yes, one of them spoke trash goblin, and the other spoke drama queen.” A voice from the doorway piped up. A teenager in a leather jacket with a bright yellow t-shirt that read something along the lines of “Punk’s not dead” was smirking at the family. Virgil immediately perked up at seeing the teen. 
     “DeeDee! Look! Papa let me put PURPLE in my hair! Now Ima punk too!” Virgil smiled, showing off the single very light purple streak in his bangs. Logan chuckled at that.
      “Oh, very intimidating, Virge. Remind me to grab you your present before I head home tomorrow. I got you something to match.” Virgil nodded and went back to curling up on his uncle’s lap. “And Pat, I have something for you, too,” Dee promised with a little wink. Roman did not like the sound of that. His nephew’s gifts always ended up with the boys getting dress-coded in their kindergarten class. “Uncle Roman, it’s good to see you awake. I was certainly not scared out of my godda..” He glanced at the toddlers, “..ng mind by your brother calling me screeching about a car accident.” 
     “Why does he get to be UNCLE Roman but I don’t get to be Dad?” Remus whined from the chair.
     “Because YOU are a nightmare dressed up as a functioning parent” Dee smirked at him.
     “Roman is quite fine, Dee,” Logan said. “You did not have to drive twelve hours to come see him.” 
     “Yes, I did, because I took the family brain cell with me to college, and Dad told me you all haven’t left this hospital room in two days.” Logan blushed at that. 
     “I’ve been asleep for TWO DAYS?” Roman screeched. “Why didn’t you TELL ME?”
      “You were too busy bickering with your brother about an imaginary knight’s actions,” Logan said flatly. “And besides, you were expected to be asleep until at least Saturday, so the fact that you are both awake and functioning properly-” Remus snorted at that. “Is indicative that you are completely fine, save for the broken rib and that, er, laceration, on your jawline.” Roman touched his jaw, feeling a large bandage across the left side of his face. His eyes widened, looking over to his brother who had a hand to the vertical scar on his face.
     “Bad news, little brother, We have the same face again.”
     Roman groaned as he got out of bed, glad to be finally leaving the sterility of the hospital room he had been in for the last four days. The doctors assured him it was only a precaution, and that they were worried about the healing of the cut on his face, but it still felt like he would wake up at any minute to be told this was the end for him. 
      Logan was seated in one of the recliners across the room, typing on his laptop and looking unsurprisingly annoyed. Roman could hear Dee whispering outside the door, either on his phone or more likely- teaching his innocent tiny children how to rebel against the “man” which were often the lessons they kept in mind, and the ones that got them in trouble in school. The teen had decided to stick around for another week or so if only to keep the kids entertained while Roman was recovering.
     “Dee, if you could refrain from encouraging my kindergarteners to form mosh pits, that would be wonderful.” The teenager barked a laugh, sticking his head into the door only slightly.
     “One- I would never. Tiny bones have to be at least this tall” He gestured to only a few inches above Virgil’s head, which was the only part of the five-year-old Roman could see, and even then, only just a bit of his purple hair sticking out, “Two- if anything, your children are punker than I am, dearest Uncle.” Roman was immediately concerned. “Come on in, you two. Show your parents what your favorite cousin bought you.” 
     “You’re our only cousin, DeeDee.” Virgil reminded him, walking in with a big smile. He was wearing a black and purple patch jacket, grey leggings, and the tiniest pair of combat boots Roman had ever seen. Patton, who was standing behind him, was in a light blue sweater, a tiny grey jean jacket, and holographic boots that were very similar in style to the ones Dee was wearing. Both children had eyeliner on, but Virgil’s was smudged under his eyes so much it looked like he was a raccoon. Roman broke into giggles immediately.
     “Logan, Lo oh my goodness they look like you in high school. Oh my gosh, you corrupted our tiny baby children!” Logan raised an eyebrow, looking at his children standing there with big smiles and laughed a bit. 
     “Wait- Uncle Lo was a pu-”
     “I love you guys, you know?” Roman cut Dee off, if only to stop that conversation in its tracks. None of them wanted to listen to Logan assure them that he was still very much a ‘punk’. “Like, a lot. All the time, not just when I think I’m going to die. You guys are my whole life.” He looked at Dee, and behind him, to Remus, who was standing there looking a little uncomfortable. “All of you, okay?” 
     He figured, even if they weren’t his last words, they would be the words he made sure to say the most. That had to count for something.
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satanfm · 4 years
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hello! this is my smol messy child with a heart of gold lux !  i’m very excited to rp with all of you beauts, so pls give me all of your affection & plots 🥺 lux is twenty-three, a singer and professional nuisance to record companies, managers, collaborators, exes, and basically anyone who’s ever met her. positive traits are often overshadowed and forgotten due to the intensity of her negative traits.
chicago’s very own lux santana has been spotted on madison avenue driving a range rover , welcome ! your resemblance to sofia jamora is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty third birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re aggressive , but being confident might help you . i think being a leo explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be being soft and stone cold at the same, broken guitar strings, & singing songs under her breath. (lux doesn’t want children, so when she got pregnant she had an abortion and lied about it to the father by faking a miscarriage) & ( cis female & she/her) + ( hailey , 19 , she/her, cst)
— “ basics ! ’ 〉
full name. lux santana. 
nicknames. friends can her lux, and enemies call her satan. 
age. twenty-three. 
date of birth. july 26. 
occupation. singer/songwriter. 
sexual orientation. pansexual. 
birthplace. chicago. 
zodiac. leo. 
spoken languages. fluent in english, spanish & some french.
— “ backstory ! ’ 〉
satan ... i mean lux santana was actually born delilah humpries and raised in chicago. her father is one of those important political bigwigs and...all she knows about her mother is that she’s never known her mother.
her dad was the typical rich successful man who showered his child in all of the presents and money that she could ever ask for in order to make up for the fact that he was always too busy working to ever spend any actual time with her and instead left lux to be raised by a revolving door of nannies
from a young age it was obvious that lux had a talent for music & ofc her dad was willing to pay for her lessons so long as it kept her occupied so she started with singing and piano but moved on to learn a few other instruments including the guitar and even began dipping her toes into songwriting. by the age of 14 she had written and recorded a whole demo album in her bedroom and once it was done, she started sneaking out at night so that she could go hang around the local big name recording studios in the hopes that she would catch a producer leaving for the day and hopefully convince them to listen to her demo
she never did
sis really tried though. now ofc her dad could’ve paid a record company to just hand her a contract and she knew that, but dammit. lux wanted music to be her lifelong career and she wanted to earn it herself. she knew that she was genuinely talented even though her demo album was probs lowkey garbage lmao and she knew that she could be successful, and she didn’t want anyone to be able to say that she didn’t truly work for her career
she was so determined that she spent y e a r s relentlessly hounding record companies but no one would give her the time of day, so she developed a different strategy after seeing some flyers around the city and at the age of 16 she joined a local bar band who happened to seeking a lead singer...and got kicked out like two weeks later for being absolutely fucking insufferable
join local band in need of a lead singer. attempt to overhaul said band and push all of the other members into the background. face resistance from said other members. get angry, lash out, get kicked out of the band, repeat. it was a vicious cycle that went on for a couple years.
it was while she was in the midst of this vicious cycle that she met her (now ex) boyfriend and they were...whew. A WHOLE MESS. he was the frontman of a different band that was gaining more and more popularity by the day. he was older and he seemed so cool, and so ofc lux fell for him hard. they got together and appeared to be madly in love, but all was not perfect at all.
they were veeeery on and off, the type of couple to get in a screaming match and “break up” over nothing only to get back together like ten minutes later. this guy also wound up getting lux hooked on drugs, getting her arrested, getting her name plastered all over the tabloids for everything except her music, which was something that she still hadn’t quite found her footing in yet
until finally at the age of 19 she landed a record deal and, at the age of 21 after a lot of delays that had to do with her perfectionist nature and tumultuous relationship her first album was released and turned out to be a major success with all of the singles charting, lots of streams and airplay and a sold out debut tour that would unfortunately get cut short
so basically what happened was her bf showed up after one of her concerts and ofc they got high together, but then lux started to overdose. she passed out, but her bf thought she was dead and ofc he freaked out so, uh...he ran. literally bolted out of her tour bus and lux has not seen him since
fortunately she was found by someone else in time and rushed to the hospital. of course the rest of her tour was cancelled so that she could recover and she subsequently did the obligatory few months in rehab only to get out and immediately go back to using. that was over a year ago now and since then she’s been working on her second album aaaand it’s almost finished! people are starting to wonder what’s taking her so long and the answer is honestly just the fact that she’s nearly impossible to work with tbh
— “ fun facts / headcanons ! ’ 〉
lux is lux, not delilah. she uses the stage name in order to a) be pretentious and b) distance herself from her family name as a way to shut down the argument that it’s the only reason why she’s famous/successful. as for where the name came from? but yeah. lux, not delilah, or she’ll get all huffy.
pan af, has dated & hooked up with people both before and after her disaster bf and sometimes while they were “broken up” for all of ten minutes. tbh she kinda...gets with people solely to use them as songwriting material and then just dumps them when she’s gotten some material out of them? yikes! so she can be a bit of a heartbreaker.
since music is really the only thing in her life that she takes seriously, it’s what most of her energy tends to go into and it’s why she can be so impossible to work with. she’s always full steam ahead and she always thinks that she’s right, which doesn’t really pair well with the fact that she’s also very stubborn. recording studio employees have literally quit on her in the middle of a song more than once before bc they just couldn’t deal with her anymore. she’s that bad.
she’s quite intelligent and empathetic and genuinely talented but unfortunately her stubbornness and perfectionism and short temper often overshadow her best qualities and become all that people are able to see when they look at her. lux, surprisingly, doesn’t seem to realize that dialing back the attitude might help her in her quest to be just be taken seriously for fuck’s sake
she is the embodiment of ' 5′1 but attitude 6′2′.
can be v reckless, willing to try anything once.
she's v free spirited but can be flighty, never wanting to settle, always on to the next thing, whatever it may be.
big on living in the moment, future who?
— “ wanted plots ! ’ 〉
some potential wc i’m terrible at thinking of these so please don’t feel limited by this list!
best friends
step siblings
perhaps someone from her mom’s side of the fam
attempted good influence
exes ( she probs has a bunch who hate her )
former / current hookups ( again, she probably has a bunch )
ex friends / bridges she’s burned ( probs has more of these than anything else lmao )
straight up enemies
other singers or musicians who have tried to work with her
people she’s written songs about!
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