#finnick was SOLD as a child
lilgynt · 10 months
say what u will about suzanne collins but none of her copy cats had the balls to talk about sex work or child sexual exploitation like she did
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emptyjunior · 4 months
Not to repeat history and make the hunger games all about what boy katniss Loves again😭 But I am still continually haunted by Finnick finding out that Peeta and Katniss love each other for real.
Like Finnick has been in this industry a longgg time. He knows what it is to construct a story for the games, and I think he really does respect the two of them creating this lovestory narrative, it provides them a lot of protection, it makes them a lot harder to pair up with others especially if they're BOTH in the public eye, it literally saved their lives in the arena.
That scene when he approaches Katniss with the sugar cubes, she thinks he's flirting with her but those winks and little in jokes, that is a co conspirator and fellow trickster trying to tell her hey I get it, hey I'm in on the joke.
But Finnick can only withstand all of this, withstand the suffering he endured because his real love is secret. He has something to protect, something real to go back to that's hidden and out of the public's eye.
So his dawning realization that Peeta and Katniss's story is REAL, is TRUE is horror for him. It's pity and horror. He's a boy who's experienced basically slavery and abuse since he was a child, and he's looking at Katniss with pity. Because he sold something cheap. He gets to sell the fake story of a playboy and capital harlot to the world, something that he could not care less about losing pieces of.
Katniss and Peeta are selling their love. The very real, awkward tween crush stage of their life, the companionship of two people who look out for each other, they had to flip that outwards and show it to the world. Let vultures take off pieces and push and shove them around. The entire world present for a young girl's first kiss, which should have allowed to be private for an incredibly private person, should have allowed to be messy and weird, they had to make it movie star worthy. And Katniss had to declare she loved Peeta forever after one kiss, even though her in the real life needed much more time to open up. Peeta had to have his feelings pulled out of him and played with, when he knows Katniss doesn't feel the same yet. He's an incredibly smart person, he knows when someone is faking and he had to watch the girl he loved pretend to love him back or she would Die it's horrifying.
So yeah, Finnick's shock at discovering that under their fake story is a Real story that has been harvested for parts makes me dizzy to think about
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literary-chameleon · 3 months
Thirsting over young Snow pisses me off but also does countering such people with "lets not forget what he did to Finnick". I know what he did to Finnick was awful. I also know Finnick is a well constructed and likeable character. But this specific statement diminishes the severity of the state of other tributes. The hunger games have been carried out for a long time and around 65 years under the rule of Snow himself. Imagine how many tributes are dead. How many people from the districts (and the Capitol) have been tortured. How many victors have been traumatized, experimented on, sold for sex work. And all this because Snow's petty little high school romance didn't work out due to his own actions.
The point is, yes, Finnick deserved better but so did every other child who was chosen as a tribute. Since the 'Sunrise on the Reaping' news, some fans seem to be more focused on which hot new actor will be playing Haymitch Abernathy and not on what Suzanne Collins has been trying to say through FOUR books now.
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finnickfan8 · 10 months
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“Thank you”
Pairing: Finnick Odair x reader
Genre: Hurt/comfort and smut
Warnings: smut, mentions of trafficking (very brief)
Your husband never slept well, so when he did you knew not to interrupt his one sense of peace. You loved hearing his soft snores and little noises as he nuzzled against you. Sometimes he would talk in his sleep babbling on about nothing, that’s how you knew Finnick, your Finnick is in a state of serenity.
His skin was velvet despite the scars and callouses that add a nice contrast in texture to the cashmere of his sun-kissed skin. His ambrosial scent was intoxicating and it filled your nose and then your mind with bliss.
The angelic man began to stir, his breath become more ragged and unsynchronized with your own. Finnick’s once somewhat swarthy knuckles became pale as he clutched the sheets near your waists. His nose twitched and his mouth dropped to let out a little ‘no.’ Finnick was in danger you knew it.
You stroked his messy tufts out of his face and shushed him, hoping to lull him back to sleep. To your avail he tosses over before flailing back in to you. You hold him still and start humming lullabies to him. “Shhhhh Finny, it’s me. It’s Y/N. You’re safe and I’m safe.” He starts to wake up and raises his tear stained face from your chest.
“We gotta go, the Jabber Jays, they have your screams. I’m so sorry.” He cries in to you, clutching your shirt. “I’m supposed to be here for you and here your ‘strong’ husband is, whining in your eyes like a child.” His sobs continue, the emasculation furthering as he cries in to you.
“Shhhhh, Finn, you know that’s not true. I love how you comfort me.” you pull his head up to look at you as tears rush from his sea green orbs. “Now it’s my turn to comfort you. What’s wrong, handsome?” He breaks eye contact and sits up.
“I saw them. The people i’ve killed, the people i’ve been sold to, and you. What I had done to them, the terrible, horrible things, was being done to you.” He pulls you up to sit between his legs, stroking his fingers through it, separating strands. “You were alone in the games, Jabber Jays screaming at you as the tributes took their turns taking a go at you in both ways. I stood there unable to do anything.” He shuddered a bit, braiding your hair to try to calm himself down.
“That would never happen, you have always protected me.” You smiled weakly at the love of your life, trying to reassure him but not knowing how. His hands go from your hair to your thighs, running them up and down.
“You’re always here for me and I want to thank you.” He trailed off, playing with the seams of your shorts. “Only if you want me to, because consent is very important.” He smiles down at you, kissing your forehead.
“You don’t have to use your body to thank me, Finnick. I wouldn’t marry you if all I liked was your body.” You were sure this was something he was taught to do in The Capitol, and you didn’t want him to feel like he had to.
“No, please.” He looked at you with glossy eyes. “I want to thank you this way. What do you say, Love?” You nod happily, knowing he did enjoy making you happy. Before you knew it, you were strewn in the middle of the bed and legs on Finnicks shoulders as his tongue took a lap around the inner edge of your labia.
Long strokes of his tongue went around the edge of your cunt as he avoided your clit, teasing you. A strangled moan escaped you as he flicked his tongue against your clit before going back to making zigzags across your pussy with a flat tongue.
His tongue dips in, slightly, just rimming you. His actions were so painfully teasing. “Please Finnick.” you whined, grabbing a fistful of his hair. Finnick obliged, kissing your clit gently. He started to suck and roll his tongue over the small bud. The way he used his mouth drove you crazy, within minutes, your legs were shaking and you were mewling.
“You look so pretty.” Finnick breathed out before kissing your cunt, looking up as you as he inched his long finger in to you. You moaned his name, feeling the stretch of his finger gliding in to your walls. “You’re doing so well.”
He starts to move his finger inside of you, slowly in and out as his thumb circles your clit. his mouth starts to kiss up to your breasts, taking one in his mouth and gently circling the nipple of the other. His thumb on your delicate nipple, flicked it up and down as he desperately sucked your other breast.
He pulls off with a ‘pop’ and adds another finger. Your cunt clenches around him as his nimble fingers find your spongy G spot. Finnick abuses that spot, hitting it over and over until you’re begging him.
“Please Finnick, it’s so good you’re so good. ” You choke out and he grunts in response. He was so focused on making you cum. He switched which hand was in you and moved the other, slightly lubricated one, to your nipple, toying it up and down.
“You’re so perfect baby, come on show me how good I make you feel.” His mouth lands back on to your clit, sending you over the edge.
You moan out, tugging at Finnick’s bronze locks as he relentlessly shoves his fingers in to you at a seemingly supersonic pace. Your orgasm is long and drawn out. For the first time, you squirt and in to Finnick’s mouth at that. He pulls you in to a quiet kiss, showing his love.
“Such a good girl for me my love. Let’s get you cleaned up.” Finnick begins to go get a towel to while you up with when you pull his wrist.
“Nope, your turn.”
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I think it's safe to say that not a single Hunger Games character had an easy life, but Mags is the one who really gets to me. I mean, this is a lady who was the first victor to get a Victory Tour/Victors Village house, etc. She was the first Victor to really get the celebrity treatment when surely all she wanted to do was go back to Four in peace and try to forget her trauma.
I unfortunately think she might've been the first Victor to be sold, but we don't have any proof that she was sold in general, let alone that she was the first, so I'll just focus on what we do know: She wins the 11th Games, and then goes through roughly six decades of watching her tributes die, or they win and then they have to go through their own horrors. She has to sit through two Quarter Quells, mentor Finnick - the youngest Victor ever - who she becomes very close to and she has to sit back and watch as her honorary grandson goes through sexual abuse.
Annie's Games were hard for Mags to watch (watching a child from your district get beheaded? It'd be a miracle if she didn't go a bit "crazy" in the same way Annie did), but she was so happy to see Finnick fall in love and know just a little bit of happiness.
But then just a few years later the 3rd Quell happens. Finnick gets Reaped along with Annie, and Mags volunteers knowing she won't survive. She's thrown back into the place of her nightmares, with the endgoal being to protect Finnick, including and especially if it means sacrificing herself, which she does ultimately end up doing, in a very painful way.
(But there is a part of me that is glad she died during the 75th Games. Because if she hadn't, she'd likely have to live through Finnick's death, and maybe even be tortured by the Capitol if they picked her up, which likely would've killed her anyway given her age and frail state.)
There's a lot of discussion on whether or not it was possible that she knew about Lucy Gray / watched her Games, but I wanna know if she knew Coral and/or Mizzen. Imagine if she'd been close with them and watched them die and then she went into the arena immediately after?!?? District Four is pretty big so it's likely she didn't know them at all, but it's also possible she did.
She's older than the Games themselves, and she's been through so much loss. Her death itself wasn't peaceful, but I'm sure that she found peace in her death, especially knowing she was dying for Finnick and the rebellion.
And then, you know, if there's an afterlife in Panem, her heart broke when Finnick showed up just roughly a year after she herself died.
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justsomerandom-nerd · 9 months
I saw a head cannons that maybe Mags knew Mizzen or Coral, but I raise you: her being Mizzens big sister. Her watching the screens with some flint of hope, that maybe just maybe her little brother makes it home. Her watching as Coral takes care of him in the arena, the way she desperately wishes she could.
And then he dies tragically, and she swears she will make his loss mean something.
The next year Snows changes take place, and she becomes one of the first volunteers. There’s more than just her life, there is glory in it. A moment of defiance, a way to bring home something to her district besides loss. A way to honor her brothers memory or go out in a blaze of glory.
And then she wins, but there’s a bitter sense of loss hidden in that victory. She embarks on her victory tour and sees the family’s of the other tributes- some but not all of which she killed. They’re just like her- mourning and empty with the loss of their children, their siblings.
The years go on and others follow in her footsteps. She’s among the first mentors. Most tributes never see home again, but sometimes she manages to bring one home. More kids volunteer as the years go on, the older, stronger ones. But those first couple, she still gets a few too young to stand a chance. Like her brother.
But then the 65th hunger games, she’s been doing it for years. She has a list of suspects in who might volunteer, knowing just how eager some have become for the glory they may bring their district.
He’s one of the youngest volunteers she’s ever seen- 14. His district partner fairs a far better chance, tall and broad shouldered, eighteen and out of school. He’s just a boy. When his hand shoots up, the crowd clears to show this defiant child, who strides forward with an unmistakable since of readiness. Eager, almost it. It sends chills down her spine.
Finnick Odair, destined to die like every other child thrown into the games.
She feels sorry for him. She can see her brothers ghost in his every movement, from the second he enters the arena she is thrown over five decades ago- she’s a girl again, watching her little brother fight for his life.
But against all odds, he wins it. He’s the youngest victor in the history of the games, and he quickly becomes a capitol darling. She’s glad- happy to bring him home. Their bound together from then on, and for once she feels like she has a family again.
Every year, they get on that train with two new kids, hoping one will make it home. Every year, even when one wins, they’re left mourning another fallen tribute.
She gets to watch as he grows up, watch him fall in love with a vicious girl- someone that reminded her of Coral with her pretty red hair and ruthless spirit, desperate to win. She watches as that girl changes to- no longer numb to pain, the horror in her eyes that possesses every tribute once they realize just how real the games are. She watches as that girl- Annie, become unresponsive at the worst possible time. She watches as Finnick uses what little power he has to convince the game makers to flood the arena.
Sometimes she calls him her brothers name- slips he ignores for her sake. And in turn she ignores what he does while their in the capitol- something she stopped having to do along time ago, becoming numb to the sensation of it. She only ever offers him a listening ear.
Sometimes she’s thankful her brother died rather than endure what comes after the games, the cruelties of having to relive it every year with a different set of kids. The horrors of being sold, being an object for purchase. But from time to time, she can’t help but see him in Finnick. She can’t help but see him in every twelve or thirteen year old who goes into the games, no matter their district.
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mikonez · 10 months
okay my thoughts on tbosas bc I have nobody to talk to about that (and all people i know who have watched it told me they were "disappointed the love story didn't pan out the way they wanted" )
1. Lucky Flickerman is an entertainer and made jokes to distract from the fact that they were killing!! children!!! and the way people on the internet (specifically tiktok) are talking about how funny he is and not about the children that died (wovey!!) makes me want to remove my eyes with a rusty spoon.
like. the point is. RIGHT. THERE. its manipulation to make people in the capitol think dead children equals haha
2. (also tiktok) people are making smashability rankings, which, whatever who am I to bitch about that but. putting finnick on number one when we all know he was sold for his body and attractiveness feels so weird?? and what's even worse is that nobody is reflecting on that???
3. and don't even get me started on snow. "I could fix him", "me ignoring all the red flags" whAT. I swear we're all just a capitol hive mind. saying you love snow but hate gale?? I don't necessarily love gale either but I still know that he had good, understandable reasons for what he did. he was a complex character who grew up in poverty and fear. he had to grow so fast to provide and care for his younger siblings. he was a child, too. And he didn't give the order to kill a bunch of children. Him killing prim was not his intention. Snow! wanted to kill prim. and just because he's younger and attractive in the movie it doesn't make him less homicidal.
lets all remember that snow is a little piss boy fascist dictator who still hasn't gotten over a situationship 50 years ago, kills little children for entertainment, and sells children and women for their bodies.
Also! i know in the movie we don't get to see his inner monologue that makes him so disgusting in the book but surely his little hissy fit with a gun at the end cut the deal for people, right? wrong. apparently :|
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 3 months
E Rated Fics Masterlist (38)
Part 1-Part 29 / Part 30 / Part 31 / Part 32 / Part 33 / Part 34 / Part 35 / Part 36 / Part 37 / 
Created: March 17th, 2024
Last Checked:-----
The Surrogate-Demona424 (ao3)  Summary: In the Capitol it’s all the rage, your own personal sex surrogate. When you’re rich, why not get one or two to fit all your marriage needs. Sometimes having sex with your spouse can be just so boring, but you can bring the spice back into your lives with someone who will do whatever you please. And with a surrogates from every district to choose from, you can have whomever you choose. The Tasting Room-dispatchesfromdistrict7 (ao3)  Summary: Modern AU. Katniss and Peeta decompress at the end of the day in their winery’s tasting room.  The Tutor-amelia_day (ao3)  Summary: When Finnick Odair, star quarterback and golden child of the Panem Nightlock’s football team, is seriously injured on the field, his coach is willing to go to any length in order to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Enter Annie Cresta. **A Part of ‘The Bet’ universe** The Upriser-ashyblondwaves (ao3)  Summary: Katniss Everdeen was special. Born with powers that fed off her emotions, Katniss’s birth prophesized an uprising and a revolution with her at the helm. However, with the president determined to kill her and hunters bribed into doing his bidding, Katniss’s emotions and budding abilities were stunted for years — until Peeta Mellark became part of her life. The Way We Were-bubblegum1425 (ao3)  Summary: It's been four years since Katniss Everdeen saw or even spoke to her childhood best friend. But now Peeta Mellark has returned to their town of Panem, and life will never be the same. Can they find a way back to one another? Katniss is determined to try. But with hard truths and hidden secrets to confront, it's not going to be easy. They Go to Hell Alone-ashyblondwaves (ao3)  Summary: Orphaned and alone, Katniss Everdeen is forced to take desperate measures to ensure her sister Primrose is fed. But when the boy dressed all in black shows up in the dead of night, their bargain takes her on a journey that will change things forever. Three Circle Concept-ashyblondwaves (ao3)  Summary: Ultimately, our definition of sobriety is our own, but if we define our own program of recovery in isolation, our self-made programs may deceive us, becoming too loose or too restrictive.— Three Circles - Defining Sexual Sobriety To the Ends of the Earth-Broken_everlark (ao3)  Summary: The Scarlet Mockingjay tribe of Panem has been fighting dragons for centuries, they are unholy beasts of nature that steal their food and kill their men. Many have fallen victim, including Peeta Mellark, the boy that disappeared, lost in the woods and never to be seen again. Katniss still can't believe he's gone, the once sweet, shy boy that would never hurt a fly. The one that saved her life. Troubled in District Twelve-AyYouFiction (ao3)  Summary: Everyone knows about the Troubles in District Twelve, but people never talk about them. Valor, Valeria-aimmyarrowshigh (ao3)  Summary: Gale sells and Finnick is sold, and there is no honor in Panem.
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Finnick being the son of Jason and Percy who was taken from them and ended up in Panem.
Is a tragic idea for many... Many reasons.
But the one that sticks out to me is that this is Jason's worst nightmare.
All Jason wanted was to be loved, to grow old and have a family.
In peace.
He would've adored Finnick and done everything to keep him safe.
Also learned yeah... Lupa wasn't exactly the best parent.
... And Finnick ends up having Jason's childhood.
The very thing Jason wanted to protect him from.
Child soilder being sent to fight a losing war.
Being put on a pedestal and hating it while playing the part.
Because if you don't and people see your afraid you will die.
If you don't follow the rules, if you don't keep your promises you will be abandoned.
Everyone you love will be hurt or killed.
Constantly battling with who you are and who you have to be.
Jason served 14 years.
Finnick was sold at 14.
Everything Jason grew up in and wanted to leave is now inflicted on his son.
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lemonluvgirl · 2 years
What's your opinion of Finnick Odair as a character?
Your favourite Finnick moment or quote in each books/movies?
Thank you, @curiousnonny
My opinion of Finnick Odair as a character...well I think he's just another example of why Suzanne Collins is a fabulous writer.
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I mean, she totally introduces him and sets him up to be a huge douche canoe at first. Pretty, arrogant playboy, from a career district, youngest person ever to win the Games ever, and darling of the Capitol, so that should make him super dislikable right? Except Suzanne was like I'm gonna take all your initial impressions of this character and turn each one on their freaking heads.
Arrogant playboy you say? Well it turns out he loves his 80 year old mentor like he would his family, and he doesn't have a million lovers, he loves on mentally scared girl from back home. Career district killing machine? Well now he's gonna vow to use his legendary fighting skills to save the two long shots from District 12, at the expense of his long time friends (Mags, the other victors), and himself in the Quarter Quell, so that he can further the rebellion's goals and help free everyone in Panem.
Youngest person to ever win the Games? Darling of the Capitol you say? Well that just means Finnick spent the most time as Snow's puppet, and he was a child prostitute sold by an evil dictator for over a decade against his will. He also put those ten years and the quote-en-quote public adoration he received to good use though, not for personal gain mind you, but to gather secrets about the rich and powerful in order to use one day to topple the corrupt regime that had enslaved its district citizens for over 75 years.
That's the real Finnick Odair ladies and gentlemen. He's a tragic hero and he was taken from us far too soon. SC should have given him his happy ending with his wife and his baby and his freedom. But for reasons, she killed him off in order to make yet another point about how war destroys the best things humanity has to offer, and blah, blah....
I mean I get it. I do. But I'm still upset to this day about Finnick dying.
Like, still pissy about it.
ok. rant over now. I hope my reasons for why Finnick is one of the coolest characters in the Hunger Games trilogy have made some sense.
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barbiegirldream · 1 year
mockingjay is so funny. they’re like katniss is too worried about peeta she can’t do a film right now. but finnick was sold as a child prostitute since he was fourteen years old after being forced to murder a bunch of kids for the honor so throw him on the camera
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shiroxkeith · 9 months
Hunger games thought
Could a Victor be a pedophile?
Finnick was sold when he was 14 to snows closest friends so we know that there’s pedophiles in the upper elites. When a child is reaped, they’re taken to the Capital for three days (not counting the train ride) with ultimately strangers. Like yes the districts know their own Victors, but how much do they really know?
If anyone in the training center or train was to notice, it would just be brushed under the rug. The kids are most likely going to die soon anyway so what do they care happens to them before hand, as long as they’re not hurting each other? An Avox would be the most likely to even notice as they’re constantly in the training center floors but they literally can’t do anything.
(This was just a late night thought that branched from a fic I love, that I’m literally starting to see it in my dreams now😀)
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Once again being sad about finnick. You didn’t deserve anything that happened to you honey. You didn’t deserve to be forced to kill at 14, you didn’t deserve being sexualized and forcefully prostituted at such a young age, you didn’t deserve to be bought and sold around like an object, you didn’t deserve having to go through the hunger games again, you didn’t deserve being separated from the love of your life, you didn’t deserve to die. You should’ve been able to live a long, happy life with your wife, you should’ve been able to meet your child, you should’ve been able to watch your friends live out their days. He shouldn’t have died.
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sanjarka · 3 years
listen, i get where people are coming from when they say that the hunger games movies focused way too much on the romance but at the same time what romance? do you mean the ,,love triangle"? or adding that kiss between katniss and gale in catching fire? are you team peeta or team gale? who is hotter - josh or liam? because the actual romance doesn't exist.
what about he gives me a smile with just the right touch of shyness that unexpected warmth rushes through me? for a moment i feel foolishly happy? there's a whole world locked away inside of him? how don't his eyelashes get tangled up when he blinks? he plays with my hair while i make a flower crown? his voice is like the morphine they give me? in a minute i can see his smile and hear his laugh? i wonder if those kisses would feel like the ones from the beach, the ones i hadn't let myself think about until this moment? did you really hear him screaming? don't let him take you away from me? let me go - i can't? none of this is shown or implied.
no, this isn't a romance book and there are a lot of other extremely important scenes that the movies don't focus enough on (for example: the death of her father and how important that relationship was and still is so important to her? how much she misses him? how she never had the time to grieve him?) but the romance that does happen between the main characters is a big part of the plot - it moves the story, it creates conflict. the main story depends on it. this isn't just a story of war, it's also a story about the life of its protagonist and it's only natural to want her to find joy and peace. and no, not everyone has to like it, love it, be obsessed with it (i don't care about that, nor is it a realistic thing to expect or the focus of this post), but can we just stop pretending like it doesn't exist? like it's a bad thing to enjoy it. that you are exactly like the capitol because of that. that even katniss herself doesn't care about it and is somehow above that - she's a confused, traumatized child who doesn't have time to prioritize her own feelings and emotions. at 17, she should be able to think about that beach kiss for every second of every day and not feel the need to hide it because she's afraid of expecting too much, or wanting too much, or needing too much.
the movies left a lot of damage, not because they focused on the romance, but because instead of filming what was already on paper they went ahead and glamorized it, deleted it or changed it. they deleted the fact that seam people are poc. they aged up the cast. dehumanized kato, clove... didn't show how ugly the capitol really is. how haymich lost everything because he didn't want to be their piece in the games. how finnick was sold from the age of 14. how johanna isn't just angry and mad but damaged and broken. how gale isn't a war criminal but a teenager who got lost in trying to see what is right to do in a war. how war changes people and how, in the end, it usually loses its right side if it ever had it. how you can still be damaged and worth something. that the real revolution isn't in the fight but in helping those around you, by giving them bread on a rainy day or singing them a song when they are dying in your arms. that peeta lost his leg, his sense of self and his entire family. that both him and katniss had traumas prior to the games. that they truly loved each other and were each other's hope. that it would've happened anyway. that it's only him. that their love is a lot of things but never practical or just for comfort. 
the romance that the movies presented was shallow and superficial. the tragedy in their love story isn't gale, or that it only happened because it was forced, or because of their shared trauma. instead it was snow and the capitol. they weren't allowed privacy and to move at their own pace. they were used and manipulated with, hijacked. the tragedy of their love story was that it was tainted. that they weren't allowed to think about it as just theirs.
and then after everything they were still the only ones who could have healed one another. after all of that, they still somehow grew back together. the movies forgot to say that it was absolutely everything to both of them. that they are fully equal in that love.
so no, the problem with the movies isn't too much romance.
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zootopiathingz · 3 years
Into the Wilde
Meet (Not So) Cute
There are many steps of a hustle. The first one being that you have to have the confidence to actually do it. Not a lot of mammals I know have the guts to try. But when you're like me and you've been doing it since you learned how to talk, it basically becomes your whole personality. My lifeline is based on tricking other animals to get what I need so I can sell my product and earn some money. At first I wasn't proud of this, but now I've gotten used to it after 20 years.
Today's just another day of work for me. I'm going to meet up with my business partner, Finnick, at an elephant ice cream parlor to scam our way into getting a giant popsicle. Then we're going to resell it as our own branded "pawpsicles", and to earn some extra cash we'll sell the leftover sticks to some construction workers, maybe some rodents. It sounds convoluted but it's worked so far. I don't see why today should be any different.
Right about at noon, I make my towards the ice cream parlor known as Jumbeaux's Café. Sure, the place is meant for bigger animals, but that's the point. We need the biggest popsicle we can get so we can melt it down to smaller sized treats. And so no one suspects us, we have the perfect story that's sure to fool the owner.
As I cross the street, a Fresh Doe truck drives right past me, nearly running me over. I look back at the ram driving it, and he shouts at me to watch where I'm going. What an asshole. Eh, I expected him to blame me for it. Everyone in Zootopia's always blaming the fox. That's just how it is.
Moving on, I walk in front of the café, but I have to make sure no one's watching me. You can never be too careful with this kind of stuff. Once the coast is clear, I follow an elephant lady inside, and now begins the plan. I see Finnick waiting for me by the door, wearing an elephant onesie costume.
Finnick and I go way back. I've known him since I started doing this type of business. He showed me the ropes and was the first to suggest that we do this together. At first I didn't want to, since I was dead set on becoming independent. But after a few years I decided to accept his offer, since we could make twice as much money working together than by ourselves. Besides, what was the harm in having a friend? Well, we never exactly referred to each other like that, but that's pretty much what he is.
He walks past me to get in line, murmuring, "Let's get this over with." I follow him quickly and we make our way towards the front of the line, and since we're smaller than the elephants, no one notices that we cut.
The owner (I think his name is Jerry, so I'll call him that) turns around to take another order. He almost doesn't even see Finnick and me, so I have to call out to him to get his attention. He looks down at us, and I see in his face that he's not happy. I don't need to guess why.
"Can I help you?" He asks, eyeing me up and down. I get why it would be weird for a fox to buy something from a shop for elephants, but damn, he hasn't even heard me say anything and just assumes I'm up to no good.
"Yes sir, I'd like to buy a jumbo pop, please." I say politely.
Apparently I wasn't polite enough, since he just glares at me. I can tell he's observing my behavior very closely, so I try to stand still in the least suspicious way possible.
"Listen, I don't know what you're doing skulking around during daylight hours, but I don't want any trouble in here." He says. "So hit the road!"
Geez, if this is how he treats customers, then it's a mystery why this place has a four-star rating. But I want to avoid arguing with him, at least not aggressively. That would get me nowhere. I have to keep up an act. "I'm not looking for any trouble either, sir." I say in my own defense, "I simply wanna buy a jumbo pop," I gesture down to Finnick, who trots to my side. "for my little boy."
Yeah, the plan is to pretend we were a father and son. Acting cute and pulling on heartstrings is the best way to hustle, so that was our usual routine. I bend down to ask Finnick, "You want the red or the blue, pal?"
He walks up to the glass displaying the three jumbo pops. As expected, he points toward the red one. We always got red, it was just how we liked it and it always sold the best.
Jerry, however, just shoos him away with his trunk. "Okay, come on, kid. Back up." He looks down at me, "Listen buddy, what? There aren't any fox ice cream joints in your part of town?"
"Uh, no, no. There are, there are. It's just, my boy," I pat Finnick on the head. "this goofy little stinker, he loves all things elephant, wants to be one when he grows up."
Finnick pulls up the hood of his costume, which has the ears and the trunk of an elephant. It even has its own trumpet, which he uses now to emphasize my point. "Is that adorable?" I ask as he leans against my leg. "Who the heck am I to crush his little dreams, huh? Right?"
But Jerry isn't impressed. Honestly, he could not care less, it seems. "Look, you probably can't read, fox," He takes a sign and points at it with his trunk, "But the sign says 'we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone'! So beat it!"
Refusing service to someone because they want a jumbo pop seems extreme to me, but hey, I'm not a café owner. Still, we can't give up yet. We need that jumbo pop, and we have to get it one way or another.
"You're holding up the line." An elephant lady says as she pushes me from behind.
Finnick trumpets sadly and I rub the top of his head 'sympathetically'. We have to appear as cute and as sad as possible now, so maybe we can be pitied by Jerry or another one of the workers. But these elephants have no mercy. Great. Now how are we supposed to sell today? There aren't any other ice cream parlors that sell big enough popsicles that we can get in time.
Suddenly, I hear a voice from beside me. "Hello? Excuse me?"
I turn around to see a bunny speaking to the owner. She's wearing a hat and an orange mesh vest, so I guess she does parking duty. Why she's even here is beyond me, but I get the sneaking feeling it has something to do with me and Finnick.
"Hey, you're gonna have to wait your turn just like everyone else, meter maid." Jerry says to her.
"Actually, I'm an officer." She says, pulling back her vest strap to show off her badge. Huh, that's weird. I didn't think they let bunnies on the police force. Then again if she's doing parking duty, she must be new. Makes sense. Police work isn't meant for animals like her.
"Just had a quick question," She goes on, speaking a little louder. "Are your costumers aware they're getting snot and mucus with their cookies 'n cream?"
A couple elephants sitting nearby hear this, one even spits out his ice cream all over the other's face. I have to hold in a laugh.
Jerry looks down at her confused, "What are you talkin' about?"
"Well, I don't wanna cause you any trouble, but I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class-three health code violation." The bunny says, "Which is kind of a big deal."
Wait, is she trying to help me? She might also be trying to help out the customers by not getting snot in their ice cream. But still, she just randomly shows up while I'm trying to buy a jumbo pop for my 'son'. It can't be a coincidence, right?
Jerry glares at her for a moment before she continues, "Of course I can let you off with a warning if you were to glove those trunks and, I don't know," She gestures for me to step forward, in which I oblige. "Finish selling this nice dad and his son a...what was it?" She whispers to me.
"A jumbo pop." I say, smiling up at the owner. "Please."
"A jumbo pop." The bunny repeats.
Wow, I honestly did not expect anyone to actually help us. I was starting to think our little ruse wasn't going to fool anyone. I almost feel bad that we're having to trick her, too.
Jerry sighs in defeat, deciding to give in. And I don't blame him. "15 dollars."
"Thank you so much." I say, then nod at the bunny. "Thank you."
But as I reach into my pocket, I'm surprised to feel nothing there. Or so, that's how it looks to the others. Of course I have my wallet with me, I'm not an idiot. It's just all part of the ploy. "Oh no, are you kidding me? I don't have my wallet!" I chuckle nervously, pretending to be frustrated with myself. "I'd lose my head if it weren't attached to my neck. That's the truth. Oh boy," I sigh and kneel down to Finnick, "I'm sorry, pal. Gotta be about the worst birthday ever."
I might have improvised that part, only to further guilt the animals around us. Hey, a fox has to have a little fun.
"Please don't be mad at me." I say, cupping Finnick's face in my paws, kissing his head. I know he hates that, but I have to do whatever it takes. I stand back up and take his paw. "Thanks anyway." I say sadly to the bunny before walking out of the line. I can feel Finnick trying to reach out to the jumbo pop, probably pouting like a child.
Before I can even walk out the door, I hear someone slam something onto the counter. Not to my surprise, the bunny pays for the jumbo pop for us. I'm surprised she actually fell for our little fib. She really is a rookie.
After we're given the red jumbo pop, the three of us walk outside the café. Finnick holds the bunny's paw while I carry the jumbo pop over my shoulder, surprisingly it's easy to lift. Just a few pounds heavier than myself.
"Officer, I can't thank you enough. So kind, really." I say to her, "Can I pay you back?"
As I get a better look at her, I catch a glimpse of something in her belt. It looks red, maybe pink-ish. But just from that one glance, I can already tell exactly what it is. I've seen it many times in my life. Hell, I'm used to seeing it almost everyday. Fox repellent.
Of course a bunny would be carrying that around. They were all afraid of us. But then why did she help me when she obviously isn't fond of foxes? I guess she's just trying to make herself feel better. Now I feel less guilty about tricking her.
"Oh no, my treat." She answers, releasing Finnick's paw. "It just— you know, it burns me up to see folks with such backward attitudes toward foxes."
Really? Then explain that fox repellent, two-faced meter maid.
"I just wanna say you're a great dad and just a..." She pauses to find the right words. "A real articulate fella."
"Well, that is high praise." I put a paw to my chest, deciding to play along. "It's rare that I find someone so non-patronizing. Officer...?" I ask, hinting that I want to know her name.
"Hopps." She tips her hat. Of course she has a last name like that. "Mr...?"
"Wilde. Nick Wilde." I hold out my paw, and she gladly shakes it.
I probably should've used a fake name so this can't be traced back to me. But I'm not worried. It's not like she's a real cop, anyway. And I'm not doing anything illegal, so it doesn't matter.
She bends down to look at Finnick, smiling widely. "And you, little guy, you wanna be an elephant when you grow up? You be an elephant. Because this is Zootopia." She pulls out a sticker from her pocket and places it on his chest. "Anyone can be anything."
Now I know she's not from around here. Anyone who actually grew up in Zootopia would know that that stupid saying doesn't mean jack shit. You can't just be whatever you want. God, someone needs to open her eyes and introduce her to the real world. Oh well, she'll figure that out soon enough.
"Ah, boy. I tell him that all the time." I say, then hand the jumbo pop down for Finnick to hold. "Alright, here ya go. Two paws!" He holds up the jumbo pop easily, probably better than me since he's actually stronger despite his size. "Oh yeah, look at that smile! That's a happy birthday smile! All right, give her a little bye-bye toot-toot!"
Finnick toots twice, and the bunny mimicks the sound with a small laugh.
"Bye now!" I say as I turn around, walking along the sidewalk with Finnick.
"Goodbye!" She says, but I don't bother to turn around to see if she waves. I honestly don't care less.
Well, that was a painfully long five minutes. But it worked. Now it's time to move into phase two of our popsicle procedure.
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I had completely forgotten about Katniss’ book when I came up with this idea, but it feels kind of similar. And all the more right for that similarity. To take a moment to sit with the dead, to remember them, to thank them. To mourn for all that they should have lost, and rejoice for all that they did. 
To say goodbye to lives lost too soon.
Finnick Odair - you deserved happiness. you had been denied it so long. you were used and abused, bought and sold, and finally you were supposed to be free. you were supposed to get to build a life with the woman you love, build a future with her. a safe future. a peaceful future. you were supposed to have a future. you were supposed to have the happiness you’d always been promised. the promise was a lie, but you made your own happiness. and then you gave it away for someone else’s. for thousands of people’s. thank you. i’m sorry. 
Primrose Everdeen - you were so young. you were a child. thirteen. the age of the district that sent you to your death, preyed on your kindness in order to destroy your sister. you helped so many people, saved so many lives, and you should have gotten to live your own. you had so many dreams, so many plans, so many people who loved you. so many people you loved. we needed your kindness, your optimism, your innocence -- not naivete, you understood the world and its cruelty, but you still hoped for better. you should have gotten to see that better world. 
Boggs - you were the most stable and supportive guardian figure she’s had in years. you cared about her, really cared about her. you saw her as a person. you used her, too, but not cruelly. not manipulatively. you saw her humanity. you saw her weakness. you looked out for her, protected her, but you also gave her autonomy. you didn’t treat her like a little girl, you didn’t treat her like a weapon, you didn’t treat her like a pawn, you treated her like a person. you treated her like someone who needed a friend. needed a father, even. you weren’t like haymitch or gale or peeta or coin or snow or even her own father. you were entirely your own. and you trusted her. and i can never thank you enough. none of us can. 
Cinna - you are one of the bravest men in this story. you knew you were going to die. there was no saving you. you knew that. most of the others might have hoped that they would escape in time, but you knew. there was never to be an escape for you. so you made your designs first. the wedding dresses. the tribute outfits. the mockingjay uniform. you got it all ready. you knew your deadline. you didn’t know the day, but you knew it was coming. and you were ready. you chose it willingly. i suspect your greatest regret was knowing in your final moments that you hurt katniss, sent her into that arena afraid and alone. it wasn’t your fault, cinna. it was okay. she was okay. you succeeded. you were perfect. you should have lived to see the mockingjay fly free, but i know you saw her in your mind’s eye anyways. and you knew she would soar.
Madge Undersee - your home should have been safe. your family should have been safe. but in the end, no one was safe. you changed the world, though. i wonder if you ever knew it. your mockingjay pin, your aunt’s legacy from twenty-five years ago, your father might have led the district in subjugation (a status that is no fault of his and i do not blame him for), but you led it in freedom. 
To all of you and more - thank you. i’m sorry. thank you.
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