#fire country spoilers?
cerealbishh · 2 years
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"What if you stopped caring about what your dad thinks? What if you started believing in yourself instead?"
"Sounds like you need to take that advice, too."
"I will if you do."
"It's not that easy, is it?"
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whumpypepsigal · 6 months
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Fire Country s02e04: “[Bode] is concussed. Eve said that debris fell on him inside.”
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laf-outloud · 1 month
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Jared's character's full name is Camden Casey!
And who wouldn't be excited about casting Jared? LOL!
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The King: Do you remember?
Siffrin: The 21st of Semptember.
The King: NO NO NO! *instant onset migraine* OUCH OW FUCK!
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booasaur · 2 years
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Fire Country - 1x01
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whumpdoyoumean · 2 years
A/N: So, I watched the new Fire Country and was annoyed at the lack of Bode whump. So here's a little something with my ideal version of how that scene in the woods would have gone down (with Vince having managed to actually keep Sharon from going to the fire which was definitely a trap). Spoilers-ish for 1x11, Mama Bear xxx Bode wants to kill him.
He wants to kill Odin.
He’s been angry before. Hell, he’s spent years of his life angry. Had plenty of reason to be, too. But never, ever has he felt fury like this, hot and raging inside of him like a living thing and he wants to destroy the man who’s threatening his family, both blood and found. Who’d almost killed Dolly and Paulie. Who’d set fire to the place that’s become something like home. 
Who’d tried to hurt his mother.
He wants to hit him until there’s nothing left.
Before he can, though, someone is grabbing him from behind, holding onto his raised arm, preventing him from landing a blow.
“No, no. B.” Surprise finds its way through the blinding anger as Bode realizes it’s Jake that’s speaking, his words breathless but firm as he keeps his grip on Bode’s arm. “Hey, listen. You hit him, and you become him.” 
The rage is still burning and Bode tries again to hit the man on the ground. Jake still knows him, though, despite everything, and he must sense it coming because his grip tightens before Bode even has the chance to move and all he manages is a small jerk of his arm. 
“Bode!” Jake is almost desperate now. “Hey. That is exactly what he wants. To take away your chance at the life you deserve. I swear to god, don’t you let him.”
Jake’s words somehow cut through the rage, and Bode finds himself calming enough to speak. “He wants to hurt my mom.”
“I know. I know, but we won’t let him,” Jake says, and Bode allows himself to be pulled backwards as two police officers run forward, dragging Odin to his feet and cuffing him. “See, the police are here, okay? He’s not going anywh--oh my god. Bode. You’re gonna be okay.”
Bode frowns in confusion at Jake's sudden shift in demeanor. “What?”
He looks down, following Jake’s wide-eyed gaze, and his eyes land on the small knife handle sticking out of the middle of his left side, wet dark blooming out around it, staining the orange of his uniform a deep crimson. Bode’s hands shake slightly as his right one reaches up, fingers wrapping around the cold metal. 
“Wait, Bode, don’t--” Jake begins, but Bode is already pulling. 
That’s when the pain hits. He’d had too much adrenaline before to notice the knife but shit he notices it now and he lets out a pained grunt as the knife slips from his grasp and hits the dirt. Blood starts flowing in earnest now, and Bode is hit with a sudden wave of dizziness.
“Oh, shit.”
“Okay, B, easy. Easy,” Jake says, easing Bode back so that he’s lying on the ground. Bode groans as Jake puts pressure on the wound, squirming slightly under his touch.“Hey, I need some help over here! Someone call an ambulance!”
There’s the sound of running footsteps, and then Manny says, “Bode? What the hell happened? Oh, geez…”
“Cap,” Bode gasps, looking up at the concerned face hovering above him. “Go--go get Gabby, please. Keep 'er away. She doesn’t n-need to see this.”
“I’m not leavin’ your side, Bode.”
“I got ‘im, Cap,” Jake says. “Bode’s right, Gabby doesn’t need this right now.”
Manny stares at him for a long moment and then nods. “Okay. Okay, Jake, but you--you don’t--” He swallows hard and lets out a loud breath. 
“I’ve got him,” Jake says firmly, "and we need a first-aid kit over here." Manny nods again before standing and walking out of the clearing. Jake watches him for a moment and then turns back to Bode. “How we doin’?”
“Hurts,” Bode says. “ But ‘ve had worse.”
Jake snorts. "Yeah, okay tough guy."
The circumstances are… less than ideal, but in that moment things almost feel the way they used to, and Bode feels a pang of something close to regret. He's about to say something when there's a sudden commotion, and he can hear the sounds of yelling and branches breaking. He tries to sit up but Jake quickly puts a hand on his chest, keeping him down.
"Whoa, hey. Steady there," Jake says. "It's just your crew."
"They okay?" Bode asks, trying to ignore the worsening pain as he grabs Jake’s wrist, trying and failing to move his hand. He cranes his neck as much as he can manage. "Someone hurt?" 
"No, B, they're fine. Fire’s out. They're just worried about you, man. You're the one who's hurt, remember? So you need to stay still so I can keep pressure on it, right?”
Bode frowns slightly. He’s not hurt that bad, and his guys need him. Jake takes his hand off of his chest and moves it back to keep pressure on the stab wound, and Bode seizes the opportunity to try and sit up. He regrets it immediately--the pain is deep and sharp, and he lets out a cry, his vision going black at the edges as he falls back into the dirt. 
“Damn it, Bode, stay still!”  Jake cries, as another familiar voice says, sounding distant and strange, “Oh my god. I--I got the first-aid kit. Is he okay?”
“Thanks, Freddy,” Jake says. “I need you to get out some gauze for me while I keep pressure, okay? Bode--Jesus--you still with me?”
Bode’s heart is pounding, breath coming in small gasps, but he manages a nod. 
“Do you believe me now?” Jake sounds like he’s trying to sound angry, but his worry is too obvious for Bode to buy it. 
Bode doesn’t say it, but the answer is yes. It’s starting to sink in that maybe Jake is right about him needing to stay still. Even as Jake presses gauze to the hole, Bode can feel the blood soaking his jumpsuit, can feel his own hands growing cold. 
“It’s bad, isn’t it,” he finally says. 
“You’ll be fine.” It’s Freddy that says it, but he sounds terrified and not at all reassuring. 
“He’s right,” Jake agrees. He sounds only marginally more sure. “You’ve just gotta hang in there til the ambo gets here.”
“It’s--it’s bad,” Bode repeats, and his heart sinks as realization hits him like a ton of bricks. “Oh my god, I fucked up.” He barely gets the words out before the tears start, feeling hot against his cool skin. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bode, hey! What’s goin’ on, man? You’re gonna be okay!”
Bode squeezes his eyes shut tight in an attempt to stop the tears, then looks back up at Jake with watery eyes. “No, you don’t--you don’t understand. I--I got tested to see--to see if…”
“To see if you’re a match,” Jake finishes. “Bode, you can’t think about that right now, okay? You have to focus on you.”
“What if I’m a match and I can’t--oh god, I never should’ve g’n after him…” His tongue feels thick and heavy, and the words come out slurred and strange. He blinks heavily, and he can feel unconsciousness pulling at him. 
“No. No, Bode! Don’t sleep! Stay awake, damn you!” 
Freddy’s voice joins Jake’s, frantic and loud. “Bode, stay awake!” 
Bode forces his eyes open, fighting against the darkness at the edges of his vision, the sick dizziness that makes him want to close his eyes to get away from it. 
“Tell my parents--”
“Bode, no--”
“Jake, you gotta…tell my parents ‘m sorry.”
There are hands on his face and shoulders, shaking him, voices saying his name, but there’s nothing he can do to keep from slipping into oblivion. 
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papabearbobbynash · 7 months
Fire Country S02E02 thoughts.
Honestly Sharon looks like a completely different character from S1, and I'm not so sure if this is a good thing.
The interesting point to me is how she feels like she enabled a lot of Bode's reckless behavior and she doesn't know how she can be any different and so it comes the stiffness in her current relationship with Bode. This is actually an interesting stance, considering how her role pretty much has reversed with Vince regarding Bode.
Speaking of Vince, we have the other main relationship of Sharon, and one that was pretty much the only solid thing during S1 and most likely an aspect it kept a lot of people watching...
Honestly, Idk what to say about the episode outcome, I really want to believe the writers are misleading us... Because it does not to make sense for them to throw a possible cheating storyline after Sharon literally throw a tantrum about how Vince wasn't with her in the camp fire and how she, wanted him there but he wasn't and how she wanted him to show he missed her and all (something I also don't think it makes sense because I mean they were pretty solid before this).
I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to her, like maybe this Liam is a guy who kept trying to convince Sharon to have something with him and she was annoyed hence her behavior with his presence and reason she was so vigorous about Vince not being there in the camp, maybe is that idk, but I refuse to believe the writers really think trying to ruin the only healthy and mature relationship of the show was a good idea.
About Vince, I actually think he is the only character in the show that has been written consistently in character so far. You know when you watch something and you feel like you know where the arc is going? This is the feeling I get from Vince rn. Like his S1 arcs actually had a point considering his current stance compared to how he started S1 and he is trying to make up and redeem himself with Bode this season. It's like the writers know where they want the character to go and we as viewers can get that from how he behaves on screen, unfortunately he is the only character in the show rn that gives me that feeling.
Bode... Idk if trying to show off to you potential daughter is the way to go here champ. That implies you're still reckless as always so behave.
Jake has nothing going on to be commented at all, and I'm really not interested in Gabby drama regarding her marriage and Bode... Eve is kinda forced rn so I will give a bit more of time to see if her current stance changes or not.
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lilalbatross · 2 years
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shitshowkb · 2 months
okay so i haven't watched in MONTHS but i just spent the last few days binge watching season 2 so as per usual here are my reactions throughout the ENTIRE season. i need season 3 like yesterday.
✧ fire country - season two reactions below the cut ✧
• i'm still mad that bode's ass is back in prison and i get that he did it for freddy but i'm still mad about it
• ope there's my favorite dilfs
• also if B doesn't get out of prison soon i'm gonna RIOT
• also can we please tell bode he has a kid, maybe he'll get his shit together and act right
• earthquake and a fire, let's goooo
• "but now i got me a knife" boy if you don't stop i stg
• you have got to be shitting me omg
• ambulance guy is kinda fine 👀
• not this idiot stitching himself instead of going to the infirmary
• i KNEW gabs had a thing with the medic
• tell him jake 👏🏼
• this shit is stressing me out
• if bode kills him, he's fucked
• oh great another earthquake
• man i knew it was gonna come down to bode saving this asshole
• "us being the next vince and sharon" gabs you barely even know this man
• oh my god AWKWARDDDDDD
• "i'm so happy for you" lying ass
• sharon on a motorcycle? that's HOT
• man i can't wait to see bode being a dad
• drunk kids doing drunk things, gotta love it
• shar gotta get it together, i get that she's pissed but come on
• fire below, fantastic
• come on gabs
• this shit is always so stressful
• i KNEW vince was gonna hit him
• man i just need vince and shar to make up already
• not liam being the drone operator guy
• fuck him up vince
• "you won't break this family, but you will help keep it safe"
• man i love bode
• this whole little village of people are gonna cause some bullshit, aren't they?
• oh shit
• OF COURSE the cars are on fiRE
• this is intense
• god i love these leone men
• liam shut the hell up dude
• thank god eve and manny made up
• gabs baby that man is so in love with you, please pull your head outta your ass
• "you met a girl" HIS DAUGHTER DUMBASS
• these two idiots
• damn sharon looks FINE in that outfit 🥵
• idk man i can't see gobs being happy anywhere besides 42
• "no manny, i can't be your date to jake's wedding" 😂
• man i feel like that reaction was a little much
• like they were just helping that little girl???
• and now bode can't see gen??? that's some bullshit
• i don't like chemical fires, too many unknowns
• of course there are people trapped
• bode with this little girl, y'all he's gonna be such a good dad 🥹
• trouble in paradise
• oh dear god where does an explosion always gotta be eminent
• man i like cole, i hope eve changes her mind about him
• eve better not send cole back to prison
• lmaoooo diego is pissed
• eve come on
• oh my god no
• a fire tornado!? seriously!?
• this is crazy
• besties we're in a wooden shack in the middle of a FIRE TORNADO, we can't stay here
• cara better not die man i stg
• hell yeah eve
• holy shit
• oh my god NO
• i'm sobbing wtf
• this is not okay
• man gen better be bode's daughter
• man i do not like this shit
• why is bode always in some crazy ass life or death situation
• fuck him up mickey
• this show just stays pissing me off
• having them build a fence around fire camp makes me so sad for them
• and it makes me so sad that bode can't be at gen's guardianship signing thing
• manny perez is so mf fine
• why is everyone so pissy about the fire camp now??? it's always been there and they've never bothered anyone so stfu thanks
• eve baby, you gotta chill out a little bit
• what the fuck oh my god
• and now the guardianship signing is postponed, greatttttt
• i don't like how any of this custody stuff is going down
• look at gabs killing it on her first day as medic
• hell yeah eve, tell em 👏🏼
• oh here we go
• this damn show either has me stressed tf out, crying or pissed off i stg
• you have GOT to be shitting me
• oh thank god
• man i think jake is gonna be a great dad, but this makes me so sad for bode
• because i know he's gonna be an AMAZING dad
• vince and manny are my favorite bromance
• dammit vince
• gabs please talk some fucking sense into vince
• oh gabs mom is gorgeous
• i don't know if i like gabs mom yet, pls hold
• oh good lord, can we not have vince's life on the line again!?
• vince leone you stubborn idiot, please go fix your heart issue
• dammit vince COME ON
• someone beat his ass i am BEGGING
• when i said someone beat his ass, i DID NOT mean set the firehouse on fire in the process
• "my boy's a poet" i love cole
• "I will get you to that fire" hell yeah you will
• so gabs and diego aren't actually gonna get married, right?
• alright campaign fire i already know this shit is gonna be intense, let's gooo
• "promise me you won't die" this poor girl
• bode is SO mf fine
• gabs is insane bc i'd be climbing that man like a tree
• if vince doesn't tell bode and sharon what's been going on with him i stg
• manny what the actual fuck are you doing!?
• i feel like gabs should just beat vince and manny's asses, they need it at this point
• billy burke playing his guitar, god bless 😍
• these two idiots LOVE each other come on
• tell him eve 👏🏼
• i'm glad gabs told bode but i fear that shit is not going to pan out well
• manny and gabs made up, time for vince to stop lying to shar
• "we're trapped" vince i stg
• fantastic. great. wonderful.
• besties i am going to lose my shit
• dammit vince don't you fucking give up
• i am ✨stressed✨
• "another bad decision" bitch shut up you love him
• is this a fucking joke!?
• BUT WAIT does this lead to INMATE MANNY!? because i lowkey wanna see that
• now where the fuck is manny? please tell me he's not this stupid
• don't you fucking run manny
• last episode let's gooooo
• gabby baby pls don't marry diego
• man i think eve would kill it leading all the fire camps but i don't think she wants to leave her people and edgewater behind
• and jake becoming an inspector?
• nah baby, bode is getting out and i need him to fight fires at 42 with his people
• vince and shar are so happy 🥹
• bode baby please avoid that man like the plague
• gabs sent bode the exact donut he was just talking about getting the next day? SOULMATE SHIT
• "it's just a donut" is it bode, is it really??
• the leone men out here cleaning firetrucks because they can't run calls, i love them
• manny what the fuck are you doing sir??
• bode baby please don't fuck this up
• explosion at the hospital, here we go
• ugh i love this man
• and he was literally born to be a firefighter
• if he doesn't get to be a member at 42 i'm DONE
• cole out here making some damn good points to eve
• "aw honey, you waited up" lmao i love bode and freddy
• "first 72 are up. you stayed out of trouble, now you need to start some." freddy i love you
• "go get your girl bode"
• bode out here on a mission to FUCK SHIT UP
• man come on
• hell yes sharon wants her old job back
• can uncle luke please fuck off to like canada or something
• "do they still do that thing where they ask if anyone objects?" lmaooo eve knows
• she can't do it, she can't marry diego
• man why does the season gotta end like that
• i hate cliffhangers man
• uncle luke i'm begging please do this one nice thing for ONCE
• also if jake loses gen it's going to fucking wreck him
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sarah-cam · 4 months
I’m about to witness a left at the alter situation aren’t I? That is so Japril coded.
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cafecitoeddie · 5 months
fuck you fire country fuck you
you can't hit me with the manny / bode double whammy like that omfg i don't know what to even think !!!!! are my tears happy or are they fucking devastated???????
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cerealbishh · 2 years
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"I came to Smokey's to pick up food for me and Jake, and I talked to your mom about today and got into a fight with my dad and stormed out without the food. So... what do I do?!"
"Uh... Go back in for the food?"
"No. I mean about my dad."
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Fire Country s01e07: “Bode! Can you hear me?”
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cowboybuckleys · 6 months
i mean i figured that was gonna happen, but holy shit i hated that. that death wasn't necessary at all.
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chenlopez · 1 year
How dumb are those investigators or corrupt I should say. The drugs weren’t even an issue for all the time Bode was there until recently??? How is he the one responsible. And holding Freddy’s release over his head like that? Sickening. And now Sharon has lost all faith in her son and Vince is the one who believed him!! Thank fuck there’s gonna be a new season cos if it ended like that I would be so annoyed. Gabriela’s reaction broke my damn heart. And Bode possibly having an 11 year old daughter???
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shavincesworld · 7 months
I thought I was done with Sharon but I’m not lol.
This is the second man in as many seasons who has declare themselves to her. Now I’m starting to think she entertains this shit. And if she was entertaining Liam for months while Vince was trying to save Bode from his reckless tendencies (that she always enabled), then he needs to go ahead and ask for a divorce.
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