#fire nation donnie
happyfoxx-art · 2 years
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I am SO normal about this fic by @unorthodoxx-page mmmhm xD This scene was so SO good, I’m having the time of my life seeing Donnie interact with Azula. 
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1300marshall · 1 year
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"Its the damn firebender brothers again gahhh!!!"
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thatonewierdo · 2 years
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SCENE FROM CHAPTER 6 OF A TALE OF SPIRITS by @unorthodoxx-page​.
Check out the fic cause I promise it’s worth your time, my first impressions of it were like “wtf how is this so good?!”
took some time given I’m preparing for college at the moment and way underestimated how my almost 2 year art break affected my digital skills but now that I’m back I’m just PUMPED to get back into it. Might do some other scenes in the future who knows (send recs and I might just be tempted to do other scenes and fics).
Beware they may be simpler than this tho cause wtf even is coloring and backgrounds? Give me my pure sketchy goodness
(segue into my messy sketch. idk man I just like seeing artists being messy and not giving a fuck about ‘clean’ art)
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beanstalk-nicholas · 2 years
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more art inspired by @unorthodoxx-page ‘s rottmnt atla crossover fic, “A Tale of Spirits”. I keep imagining Donnie lounging around in fancy (and more importantly soft) fire nation robes
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Scene from chapter one of @unorthodoxx-page’s story “A Tale of Spirits”
Donnie ending up in the Fire Nation palace, surrounded by extravagance and then acting like he couldn’t care less, lives rent free in my head. I had to draw it.
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indieyuugure · 19 days
Was actually (90 percent sure) I was able to date when Indie TMNT started!
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Between the detail of a plane ‘falling out of the sky in a hellacious ball of fire’ the fact the year is 1996, and the fact I watch too many plane crash documentaries for me to be comfortable with getting on a plane, this was enough for me track down the exact plane crash-TWA Flight 800, which you guessed it, crashed on a Thursday. Specifically Thursday July 17th 1996.
So if we go to next Thursday…
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Then I can say the comic starts on July 24th, 1996
Aw man, you’re REALLLLY close! But actually it’s a different flight he’s referencing.
The one he’s referencing was actually two months prior to the one you’re talking about. Here’s the Wikipedia article about it
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The crash made national news, it’s definitely not as big as the one you’re referencing, but it was bad enough that the airline basically went out of business because of their bad reputation and ended up taking on the new name AirTran Airways.
This crash happened on May 11, 1996, which is why it’s still fresh in Donnie’s mind, but note that Raph is referencing that last week was about gang violence, not plane crashes, which given this calendar:
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Means that probably most of the news from the 12th to perhaps the 14-15 were of this event. I would assume that the news cycle of this would be shorter since it took place in Florida, whereas they’re hearing this in New York. (If any of you actually experienced watching this on TV I would be fascinated to hear both how it was reported and how long until the News lost interest)
So if we say that after that calmed down and the news went back to its typical types of reports, that means their birthday is probably somewhere between the 20th-31st.
Now, it’s kinda tricky for you to be able to know which date I picked unless you say that Raph is referring to last Thursday as “Today is Thursday and seven days ago was Thursday” (or you wait until the end), but as the author I will tell you it’s May 23rd.
Great detective work!! This is pretty vague information to go off of and I’m quite impressed with how much you research you did!
Good question! :]
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notsotinyblob · 2 years
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if you haven’t read A Tale of Spirits by @unorthodoxx-page yet you’re missin out on some prime fire nation Donnie content
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Welcome to the TMNT Fandom Family Reunion!!
This is a tmnt fandom event made to bring the fandom closer together! It isn't a comp, though there are some competitive aspects for you daredevils or there!
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Here is our current event schedule:
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(Note: The event ends September 8th!)
Campfire stories
Craft day (Mikey Themed Event)
Science Fair (Donnie Themed Event)
Raph Themed Event
Leo Themed Event
Mysterious event (yellow 😔)
Farewell Event (😭💔)
♡ - Start of a new event, announcement of winners of the last event      ✰ - Fun magmas / Gartic phones / other events will happen on these days!
(Cabin names and other helpful info is under the cut!)
Here are all cabin numbers and names:
Cabin One: Arsonist Army
Cabin Two: Baby Cult
Cabin Three: (Not Named)
Cabin Four: Haunted Past, Hopeful Future
Cabin Five: Beholders of Angst
Cabin Six: (Not Named)
Cabin Seven: Seven Wonders of the Turtleverse
Cabin Eight: Oozma Kappa
Cabin Nine: Cabin Kool Kids
Cabin Ten: The Besties
Cabin Eleven: Genius Built Cabin
Cabin Twelve: The Ourples
Cabin Thirteen: The Winners!
Cabin Fourteen: Krang Corps
Cabin Fifteen: Fire Nation
Cabin Sixteen: Mystery Cabin
How Do Points/Representatives work?
Who Are The Current Representatives?
What Cabin am I in? What cabin is @______ in?
Camp Fire Event Winners
Craft Fair Event Winners
Science Fair Event Winners
Sports Day Event Winners
Fashion Show Event Winners
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theartofeverything · 3 months
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TTL au Mikey, Raph, and Donnie from cabin 11 are here with some charms for craft week!!
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Walk walk fashion baby~
Angelo is having the time of his life here.
(Cabin 15, Fire Nation! @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion)
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potsnpansies · 2 years
Quick little oneshot for @unorthodoxx-page ‘s A Tale Of Spirits! I wanted to explore the tense relationship slowly forming between Azula and Donnie. And Donnie’s issues with sensory that he likely has to hide.
The first time Azula noticed it, she passed it off as the spirit’s typical antisocial and self-important demeanor.
This time, however, it's clearly something more.
The first time they were in a royal procession. Spirit and Princess paraded around the city to show off the Fire Nation’s power. Both in large, open palanquins so that the onlookers may be graced with their presence. Azula was bored, it was a typical routine since Donatello had appeared. She glanced at the spirit on the adjacent palanquin and was surprised to see him unusually stiff.
There was an accompanying band this precession, and some children waving sparklers and cheering. Donatello squinted at the sights and sounds, seemingly annoyed. Azula took it as his regular distaste for the Fire Nation and its people.
The second time, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and the Spirit are walking through a bustling market. Their bodyguards are covertly stationed everywhere around them, but it doesn’t seem to dim the lively place. Azula hopes to gain information better this way, the group hooded and concealing their status. Peddlers try and shove their goods in their faces, street performers dazzle cheering onlookers, people argue and haggle, and street musicians are stationed everywhere to get a quick buck. It's all very chaotic and loud.
Don’t even get started on all the smells and flashing colors. The gutters reek of refuse, while everywhere is bombarded with smells of spiced meats and perfumes. Azula herself finds it too much for her tastes.
“How much longer do we have to search around this dump?” Mai complained, she never was one for outings.
“I think it's fun! Everythings so.. Lively!” Ty Lee chipped in, much to the glower of her friend.
Azula finished interrogating a fishmonger for any information he may have received and turned to give her posse a short speech on patience when she finally noticed him. The Spirit was as far into the hood as he could, his face pulled into a subtle grimace. He’s uncomfortable, she could tell as much.
Why didn’t she notice sooner? He was usually always prattling on and lecturing to her, showing off his strange knowledge. But he hasn’t said a word since they started walking around. Very well, she can be benevolent.
“We’re done here, guards, to me.” Within mere seconds the five bodyguards which were previously discrete seemed to practically teleport to her position. “Gather information on the avatar, question anyone you might think might have intel.” She sent the chosen guard away, then ordered the other to ready a coach. The spirit was quiet the whole time as well. Even the other two seemed to notice something was amiss.
“Aren’t you going to say thank you?” Azula prodded Donatello, the pair had been riding silently for nearly 15 minutes beforehand.
The spirit drew in a slow breath, then released it. He still seemed uncomfortable. “For what?” He deadpanned, but there was a subtle bite to the words she didn’t expect.
“For getting you out of there, of course, it's clear you don’t like crowds. Though I expected a Great Spirit to able to handle more than some rowdy shopkeepers.” Azula smiled, her words lacked the venom they spat though.
“I don’t need your pity.”
Now THAT was a surprise, no comeback? No scathing remark? She had hit a weak spot. Azula pushed further. “I never said I pitied you, you just looked so sad out there, I figured it was the least I could do for such a powerful being” Azula teased. She watched as he practically raised his hackles. The two fingers that had been previously tapping his knee the whole time instead gripped his pants in a moment of anger.
He released his grip and sighed. His palm gently hit his face and dragged downward in a show of annoyance. “Listen, Azula, I don’t do well with large crowds. Is that what you wanted me to say?” His question came more as a sign that this conversation was over. Azula took it. “Very well then, I’ll make sure the fire priests know.”
She always had to have the last laugh, after all.
Azula entered the spirit’s room without knocking. The fire priests came to her saying that he had shut everyone out of his dwelling on threat of death. Strange.
Donatello was wrapped in a blanket on the floor in the corner of his room. It was dead silent save for the muffled noise of some strange grating music coming through the device he always wore on his head. He was gently rocking back and forth, clearly, he had not heard her. He stared fixated on the floor, and only when he sensed her movement did he shoot up straight to his feet.
He was furious.
“Get. Out.” He practically growled the words. His gaze pierced right through her.
Azula practically shivered. “Apologies dear Great Spirit, but you can’t threaten the Fire Sages like that.” She tried to lighten the mood.
“Five.” He had never sounded so angry.
“What are you saying?” Azula began to back up.
“Four” by now she had gotten the idea.
She was out of the room by “two”.
When Donatello left his room finally, it had been two days. It was only to pluck some food and drink from the apologetic offerings the sages had left before slamming the door. Azula had been putting up with his sulking since the terrifying encounter. But now she had to confront him. He couldn’t stay cooped up in there forever.
And she needed to apologize.
Of course, it's only strategic, the sages had been in a frenzy at Azula since her breach of his boundaries. They were praying profusely for her to not be cursed or sentenced to death. It's not her fault. Right?
Two knuckles softly rapped at the spirit’s door, the guards stationed on either side had been sent away. She didn’t know why she felt the need to do that, but it was already done.
“Donatello. You are required to leave your living quarters at some point.” She kept her voice stern, but not cruel. There was no answer.
“You can’t stay cooped in there forever, the sages are going crazy from your little stunt.” Shift the blame on him, that always works. Sure.
No answer.
Azula sighed. “Listen, I’m sorry alright? I should have asked to come in. I breached your privacy. I, Azula, Princess of the Fire Nation and daughter of Firelord Ozai, apologize.”
For a moment Azula thought that she was just talking to air. Several long seconds dragged on. Azula readied to leave when the door slowly creaked open. Looking down at her was a rather tired spirit wrapped in a silk robe.
“I accept your apology.” And with that, he turned away. However, leaving the door open as an invitation.
Azula took it.
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“Greetings from Cabin 11, I have come to inform you about how to correctly create a S’more”
Donnie will NOT tolerate any burnt marshmallows
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I think he's listening. ~ Cadoo 🐾
@tmnt-fandom-family-reunion Cabin 15, The Fire Nation 🔥
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3, 6, 16, 23 👀
3. favourite musical to listen to:
I'm suddenly regretting reblogging this ask, this is like choosing between children. However! I have the unfortunate theatre nerd honor of loving lots of versions of musicals that are not the OBC so choosing purely from albums....
I think I would have to say The Scarlet Pimpernel. It's one of my favorites in general but that soundtrack goes so stinking hard. Esepcially everything Douglas Sills does as Percy. When Percy thinks he can't trust his wife and resolves to continue anyway during "Prayer"??? 😭 and Marguerite's mirrored despair at losing the man she thought she knew in "When I Look At You" (AND THEIR DUET) The hilarity of "The Creation of Man" and and "The Scarlet Pimpernel and "They Seek Him Here"???? ("I said brief, not infinitesimal" and his book-perfect inane laugh my beloved) The sweeping epic opening of "Madame Guillotine?" !!!!! The amazing sibling love in "You Are My Home" and the exhilarating swashbuckling of "Into the Fire" and the PEAK villain ballad, "Falcon in the Dive" ksudfnlsdkjfsnldfkjsd. Frank Wildhorn musicals my forever beloved, and Nan Knighton's one and only absolutely perfect book and lyrics. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
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6. favourite musical you've seen live
I have been blessed to see several touring productions of beloved shows as well as some really wonderful local productions. I'm going to cheat and say two bc the one doesn't exist anymore lol. I got to see the out-of-town tryout production of The Last Days of Summer starring Corey Cott and can I tell you that experience will stay with me for all my life. I think I wrote a massive post about it on here somewhere way back then. But the true answer should be Wicked. Wicked is the first professional (tour) production I ever saw, and a bonding point with many friends, and I got to see it on Broadway last year as my first bway show. 😊 This show is not overrated, it is literally perfection of stage craft from the top down and deserves every accolade and I hope the movie is good but it will never replace the show in my heart.
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16. favourite musical that's underrated
(I love so many unknown/underrated musicals hhhhh)
Nobody now talks about The Secret Garden but it was certainly not underrated when it was on bway, people have just forgotten about it. 😭 Same with The Scarlet Pimpernel. So I have to say Bandstand, right? Absolutely, of course I do, and I'm gonna.
Corey Cott (him again) earned that (nonexistent) Tony nomination. I would be sad if he was nominated and lost, but I will eternally be Salty As Ever Living Heck that he wasn't even nominated. But the show in general is just so amazing, musically and storyline and visually and acting and lksjdnfsdkgjneiosfdk. This show is so so important to me, you don't even know. War widows and brotherhood and grief and survivor's guilt and finding love again and throwing off the glamor to expose the truth. Laura Osnes's #withtheband vlogs from backstage while they were in the show have taken up residence in a corner of my soul.
Wicked is only the first show I saw on bway because Bandstand closed after Dear Evan Hanson swept the awards, and I didn't have enough time to make the trip to see it.
BUT! I did get to see the tour! The fall before covid hit AND CLOSED IT TOO I got to see the national tour cast and I was very unconvinced that they would be able to do it justice when the OBC cast are some of my favorite humans in the whole wide world, but man oh man. When Zack Zaromatidis broke down as Donny telling Julia his awful dark secret, Zack bent at the waist like he had sucker-punched himself and from my seat a few rows from the stage I watched a single tear fall from his face and hit the stage floor and I'm telling you, I lost it. He did Donny and Corey right and proud. And my friend and I got to meet him and a bunch of the cast after!
I may or may not have access to the Bandstand proshot they made right before closing and I may or may not be willing to totally share so you can be obsessed too...
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23. favourite lyric from a musical
I literally can't do this, you can't make me, I'm just gonna pull some of my absolute beloved lyrics from the aforementioned shows off the top of my head, ok go:
The Scarlet Pimpernel: Oh Lord, how could you let me love like this? / No one dies upon a kiss / and only fools believe in bliss... With time, I'll find a way to right this wrong / if it takes my whole life long / Lord, I'll fight my battles all alone / but make me / strong.
(Idk any of the lyrics from Last Days of Summer and it's a criiiimme)
Wicked: Let me say before we part / So much of me / is made of what I learned from you / and you'll be with me / like a handprint on my heart / Now whatever way our stories end / I know you have rewritten mine / by being my friend.
Bandstand: They'll say right this way / we've reserved this just for you / you've been waiting for this day / it's the least that we can do / you've arrived at last my friend / after fighting for far too long (it's a privilege sir may I say?) / "Right this way."
-deep breath- Ok, well, good to know my inner theatre nerd is still alive and well. XD
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sugarmarbles21 · 1 year
An alternate future
When you have surface level understanding of Azula’s psychology and the different family dynamics between the Fire Nation royals and the Hamatos, you don’t understand the reason for Donnie’s fondness for her but I think I do. I think what he saw when he got to know Azula was an alternate future. A bad one. Where he and his brothers were never rescued by Splinter and raised by him. They would’ve most likely ended up like Azula if those alternative timeline fanfics are anything to go by.
Donnie is trying to show Azula that she is more than her father’s war dog. That she can live a life that isn’t governed by Ozai’s approval and expectations. But with her deteriorating mind thinking that Leo is telling lies to Donnie in order to conspire against her, I don’t think she’s going listen for now. Not until something changes and I don’t know what that could be.
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beanstalk-nicholas · 2 years
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currently obsessed with “A Tale Of Spirits” by @unorthodoxx-page , and I’m EXTRA obsessed with donnie vibing with azula and the fire nation
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flamingfantrash · 2 years
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sketches inspired by the fanfic a tale of spirits, by @unorthodoxx-page while in the north pole I was worried about Leo being too cold and while looking up earth kingdom fashion I saw a character wearing a bandana and just thought Leo would do that, also Donnie in fire nation pants and boots sounds very intimidating
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
Its 10:45pm time to yap about ANOTHER au (because I cannot be stopped)
So remember that untitled atla x tmnt 2012 au I came up with thats inspired by A Tale Of Spirits?
Well...it has a title now :)
"Before The Summer's End." (Look A Tale Of Spirits is already a really good title but I can't USE it because its already claimed and I've been wanting to yap about this au for so long and couldn't come up with an idea so SUE ME)
So basic premise, the turtles (including my own tmnt 2012 versions of Venus and Jennika because they are my beloveds and its my au I can do whatever I want, plus those two are not in fics often) all get transported to the alta world and separated from each other. (Again like A Tale Of Spirits but that fic has rooted itself into my brain and this au isnt gonna be a carbon copy so its cool)
So key differences from A Tale Of Spirits
Its tmnt 2012 (my beloveds) post season 4 (the turtles are all 20)
It includes Venus and Jennika
It begins at the end of season 1 episode 3 "The Southern Air Temple" unlike A Tale Of Spirits which starts at the beginning of season 2
So already pretty different
And for once Leo ISNT gonna be the main victim of my angst hammer. Its gonna be DONNIE (I have plans for him >:3)
So who exactly ends up with who?
Venus will be the first turtle introduced, landing in the Southern Air Temple and will meet Aang, Katara and Sokka straight away (Venus and Jennika will definitely get the most screentime since I am basically inserting characters that were never in tmnt 2012 and making them fit in with my favorite turtles because the two girlies definitely SHOULD'VE been there Im just saying)
Jennika will land on Kyoshi Island and will join the Gaang soon after they meet. (Girlie gonna have a field day)
Leo meanwhile will land in the ocean close to Prince Zuko's ship, close enough to warrant investigation. (Ok I know that Raph, Jennika, maybe even Mikey would've been better fits for Zuko but I didnt want to take the obvious route plus Zuko becomes "The Blue Spirit" wielding twin swords and later on calls himself "Lee" the joke was right there and I had to take it)
Raph lands in an Earth Kingdom town, very close to the estate of the Beifong family. (Yeah I loved the Raph Toph dynamic in A Tale Of Spirits, bite me)
Donnie ends up in the Northern Air Temple (he aint gonna STAY there because...I have plans for him. He's gonna learn the lesson Leo has already learned. Being the author's favorite is NOT a good thing :3. Donnie's gonna go through it that's all I'll say)
And Mikey is gonna land right in front of Princess Azula, in the heart of Fire Nation territory. (Purely because I am very tired of Mikey being treated as a "fragile weak innocent baby" by fanon. NO MIKEY CAN BE JUST AS DANGEROUS AS AZULA. Especially if he gets angry)
Its gonna be very fun, especially on multiple occasions that the kids need adult the turtles will realize that THEY are the adults
("We need an adult...I am the adult")
Almost forgot to post the age order of the turtles oh my god I am tired
Ok so the age order from oldest to youngest is
Leo, Raph, Venus, Donnie, Jennika, Mikey
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