#fire sage lu ten
asiriyep · 2 years
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Atla Gen Week 2022.
Day 5: Childhood/children.
This is a glimpse of our AU "Fire Sage Lu Ten".
[ID: Mini comic with two vignettes in monochrome magenta.
In the first vignette, a pre-teen Lu Ten confidently and excitedly says "I'm a prince!, how hard can it be?" he holds Zuko and Azula who are little children in each arm, Zuko in the right arm and Azula in the left arm, they are holding hands on the front of Lu Ten. In the background on the left side it reads "Babysitter for the first time" with emphasis lines on the edge of the vignette.
In the second vignette, in a darkened stillness, Zuko and Azula are floating, both with glowing eyes, mouths open as they hold hands. Lu Ten screams frightened. End ID].
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likeabxrdinflight · 3 months
I want to talk more about the way the characters have been adapted for the live action adaptation, because character writing is the thing I care about the most and as a psychologist it's probably the aspect of any story that I'm most invested in. I can get around pretty much any plot contrivance or weird maguffin or even shitty pacing if the characters of a story are engaging enough. This is my bread and butter, so to speak.
And I want to start with Iroh, because I think he is by far the best adapted character from the original. But I suspect I think this for different reasons than other people might, because the beloved Saint Iroh from the animated show this man is not.
See the thing with animated Iroh is that he's just...a bit too perfect. We know he's been complicit in the war in the past. We know he laid siege to Ba Sing Se, we know he had a complicated past. But we never really see it, we only barely hear about it, and more often than not there are other aspects of Iroh's past that serve to further deify him. He was a general in the war, but then he goes on to protect the last dragons and learn the true meaning of firebending. He led a 600-day siege and lost his son but he came out of that experience Enlightened, having journeyed to and from the spirit world. He joins up with the White Lotus (at some point) and becomes the wise old sage we know and love.
Except most of that is revealed in later seasons and is inconsistent with his actions alongside Zuko in season one. Season one animated Iroh is kind of a passive character, largely existing for comic relief and as a support to Zuko. But there's very little to suggest he's disloyal to the Fire Nation or their cause. He says it himself- "I'm no traitor, Zhao!" Now you can certainly interpret that line in several different ways, but I suppose that's the point- there's a lot left up to interpretation with animated Iroh. We get a sense of who he is in relation to Zuko, but his own development largely happens off-screen. And because to Zuko he's a wise, caring uncle and mentor, that's largely how we, the audience, see Iroh. We love him because Zuko loves him. And that's fine for what it is, and clearly it was effective- Uncle Iroh is almost universally beloved. But it does leave a lot of questions about him up in the air.
Live action Iroh is a very different character. This Iroh is a deeply broken man who was been profoundly impacted by the war and what he has lost because of it. I do not get the sense that the loss of Lu Ten has led to any spiritual enlightenment for this Iroh- there's no indication that he can see spirits, for example, or that he has ever traveled to the spirit world himself (he does still oppose the killing the moon thing, though.)
Right out the gate, we get the sense that this Iroh has lost faith in what the Fire Nation is trying to achieve with the war. He explains to Aang fairly early on what the Fire Nation's goal and perspective is, and can rattle off this dogma quite easily. But when questioned by Aang if these beliefs are also his beliefs, he dodges them rather un-deftly. So you know immediately that this Iroh doesn't really support the war. Later you see him somewhat bluntly telling Zuko that the throne may not be all it's cracked up to be, and he's fairly openly critical of Ozai in other moments. So you know from the jump that Iroh's not really on Team Fire Nation.
And yet this is also not a truly repentant man. When he is captured in Omashu, Iroh gets another brief scene with Aang while they are both imprisoned there (this is before Aang meets with Bumi). And in this scene, Aang tries to convince Iroh to help Zuko stop being The Bad Guy. And Iroh defends Zuko to Aang and stresses the point that it is not Zuko who owes him any great debt, but he who owes Zuko. Later, when he is confronted (and hit several times) by an Earth Kingdom soldier who lost his brother during the siege, Iroh does not apologize. He does not flinch at the man's accusations, nor does he deny them. He defends himself, albeit weakly, by stating he was a soldier, and it was a war. He has the audacity to accuse this soldier (somewhat obliquely) of having been made dishonorable by the effects of war. It's kinda messed up, honestly.
But then this man accuses Iroh of knowing nothing of loss. He leaves the shot, and we saw Iroh's face just crumble, and the scene cuts directly to Lu Ten's funeral, where Zuko chooses to sit with his uncle and support him through what must have been the darkest moment of his life. Back in the present, it is only later, after Zuko has come to rescue Iroh, that he speaks more honestly to the Earth Kingdom soldier- he shows mercy and states that they've all "seen enough death."
So what we have here is an Iroh who is deeply disenchanted by the war and does not support it or the goals of the Fire Nation, but who has continued to stand alongside Zuko and support him in his goals. We have a man who doesn't necessarily regret his actions as a soldier in the war but who very much does regret what those actions have cost. We see a man who is profoundly impacted by loss and grief and has become emotionally reliant on his nephew as a source of support. Not that he's parentifying Zuko or anything, he's very much not, but he is rather obviously channeling all the love he once felt for his son into Zuko instead. Zuko is his lifeline, he needs Zuko and you get the sense that without him, Iroh would truly fall apart. I mean the man is on the verge of tears more often than not when Zuko is in even the slightest bit of danger in a way that animated Iroh was not.
This is what I think is different here. Animated Iroh seemed to turn against the war because it was morally wrong, it had thrown the world out of balance, and imperialism is bad. Live action Iroh seems against the war because it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth the cost, or the death, or the grief. He couldn't see that until he lost Lu Ten, but now he sees it everywhere. I get the sense that this Iroh just wants it all to stop, and I'm not sure he cares how that happens.
The White Lotus is definitely hinted at, but I suspect that was his motivation for joining it. It's not about restoring balance to the world for this Iroh. It's about restoring peace, so that he won't have to lose Zuko like he lost Lu Ten. So that the death and destruction stops. So he can just live a quiet life and put the past behind him.
It's a different take. And it's not that he doesn't still have a lot of wisdom to him, that he's not still a gentle, caring person. But he's a much sadder person, and he's lost that sense of "enlightenment" that his animated counterpart had. There's a selfishness you can read into to this version of his character that's much more apparent than the animated version.
I think a lot of people are gonna hate this, because it's a darker take on a much loved character. But I love it. This Iroh is human, this Iroh is flawed, and this Iroh has a lot more growing left to do. And that's awesome. If we get to actually see more of a character arc for him too, if we get to see him also growing and changing alongside Zuko? Please. It's not like he needs a total redemption arc, per se, but if in his journey with Zuko throughout the Earth Kingdom we can see Iroh gain some of his fortitude back, we can see when he decides he needs to push Zuko down a certain path, to take a side in the war, to see that it's not just the death and destruction that makes it wrong? God there's so much potential with that.
Now, maybe this isn't what will happen with seasons two and three. Maybe they'll back track and try to make him more similar to the animated version. I don't know. But for now? Live action Iroh is fantastic, and Paul Sun-Hyung Lee is giving a hell of a performance. He's warm and tender when he needs to be, fierce when he has to, and just profoundly sad throughout it all. And I love him so much more for that.
I'll be controversial here and say it. So far, live action Iroh is a better character than animated Iroh.
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muffinlance · 1 year
Prompt: Azula joins Zuko on his Avatar hunt instead of Iroh. I don't know why, I don't know how, but I'm certain to be entertained by whatever follows.
Ozai and Ursa were already dead by the time Iroh arrived home. He stepped from his ship into the palanquin, and rode past the places of their execution, holding the urn of his son’s ashes. 
He had no time to entrust them to the Fire Sages before his father summoned him. He brought them along, because this was an easier thing than setting them down. And perhaps Lu Ten’s grandfather would like to see him once more, outside of the family shrine. Iroh would have given anything—
He placed the urn on the floor next to him. It did not kneel when he did. Fire Lord Azulon surveyed him from behind the flames.
“Rise, my son. It is good to have you home.”
They did not speak of Lu Ten. His father had always been a man to look to the flames of the future, rather than the ashes of the past.
* * *
They hanged Ursa, as befitted her attempted crime, and her past station.
They burned Ozai, as befitted his. A child of Agni should always return to the flames.
The children of the traitors had been stricken from the family line. Had been placed in the capital prison; bait for the trap. Azulon was keeping close eye on those who expressed concern for the offspring of regicides. Ozai had expected support for his position; it would be Iroh’s second task to sift through the court, and discard the chaff. 
His first task was a more practical resowing. Azulon had already selected a handful of candidates: women of suitable birth and known loyalties. The wedding date had been set, pending selection of the bride.
“Thank you, father,” Iroh said. 
Lu Ten held his silence.
* * * 
Azula had never liked the servants who’d fussed at her hair and clothes, who’d pulled and tugged until she was perfect, like perfect was a thing outside of her for others to bestow. She only had to look at Zuko to know how far tailored robes and well-oiled hair could take one.
She couldn’t see Zuzu from her cell. Her robes were too cold against the stone and every tug to wrap them tighter just made them worse, she could see it in the guards’ faces, the way they’d stared when she’d first arrived and looked a few days after and now they barely even saw. No one would talk to her, no matter her demands. They didn’t even stop their own conversations anymore; just slid in her food and kept walking and batted away her fires and it was cold here.
There were things crawling in her hair that her nails couldn’t dig out. Sometimes she thought she heard Zuzu yelling, but she couldn’t be sure. And it would have been undignified to yell back. She was a princess. She was fifth in line for the dragon throne. 
Fourth, now that Lu Ten was dead.
Third, because father was, too. 
He’d yelled and then he’d screamed and it hadn’t done anything but make the crowd jeer. Fire Lord Azulon had been silent. Poised. In control. She was his namesake and she would be too. 
She was nine.
* * *
Zuko yelled until his throat burned. The guards didn’t care, they didn’t listen to him, which was nothing new. He shouted and shouted and his own ears hurt. Maybe that’s why he never heard Azula calling back.
Grandfather had made them watch when he’d killed father and, and—
If grandfather had Azula killed, he would have made Zuko watch that, too. Azula was probably just better at being a prisoner than he was. Maybe the guards even talked to her.
He was eleven.
* * *
Iroh’s new wife was a third his age. A flower just coming to bloom. She looked like his first wife; Azulon knew his preferences. She was young enough to be Lu Ten’s sister. She smiled and laughed each day with the other court wives, and came to his room with lists of possible dissenters to discuss in their marital bed. It was not the pillow talk he was used to, but it was charming, in its way. She liked to lay on her stomach and kick her feet above her as they traced the web of treachery with his dead brother at its center. She was here to have his children—a task at which she worked with admirable diligence—and to be the acting Fire Lady. She had not had to struggle and flaunt herself for his affections; she had been picked from a line-up, her expectations realistic, her motives aligned with his. It was the least romantic relationship Iroh had ever been part of. It was… refreshing.
On the day the palace doctor confirmed their newly budded line of succession, the Fire Lord called them both in for congratulations. And for pruning.
* * *
Zuko had turned twelve, but had not realized it. Azula had turned ten. She’d counted the days.
Iroh had not been able to visit them in prison; only to inquire as to their treatment. Individual cells, regular meals of reasonable quality, no abuses. He’d moved his own people into position to ensure the last. 
Azulon had moved them back, after a delay for his soft-hearted son’s conscience. They could not waste loyal men on cuckoo-vipers. And Iroh could not waste his father’s good will. Not when it would be needed in the future, for the most important request.
* * * 
“And your wife agrees to this?” asked the Fire Lord, behind his flames. 
Iroh’s wife had not been directly addressed, and so did not reply. She sat in polite and perfect seiza, her head raised, as befitted the woman currently running her half of the court. Azulon had never seen fit to replace his own wife, after all.
“She does,” Iroh spoke for her. “We have spoken on the issue at length, and believe it best. Our family is small, and cannot afford to be smaller. The children are young; too young to have been in their parents’ confidences. With proper guidance—”
“And how would they place in the line of succession?” Azulon asked. “How would they chafe, how would they plot, with a decade’s experience over your eldest?”
Lu Ten’s own connections at court had been built while his cousins were still in diapers. But he was no longer Iroh’s eldest.
“We believe—”
“No,” his father interrupted again. “I will not allow their adoption. Not by you, where they could smother your own babe in the cradle, and certainly not by someone I trust less.”
Which was everyone, since the night his daughter-in-law had served him tea sent by his son.
“Father,” Iroh began, and his wife shifted her elbow just so, the only indication that she wished to dig it into his ribcage. “They are young, and innocent. They are my beloved nephew and niece. Your grandchildren. We cannot in good conscience—”
‘Good conscience’ had never factored into his father’s policies. Iroh had… begun to realize that, of late. His wife let out a small sigh, deliberately audible only to the man next to her. She had cautioned very strongly against a—how had she put it?—a feelings-based approach to this situation. Feelings rarely factored into her own decisions. She had been hand-selected by his father, after all. 
His wife went into a half-bow, her head lowered. “May I speak, my lord?” 
The flames crackled. The shadow of his father inclined its head, just slightly. 
“To kill the children is wise, and I admit, would set my mind at ease for my own child’s sake. But my husband feels strongly on this matter, and so I support him, for his happiness is my own. May I suggest a compromise? To place them outside the court, where they cannot build influence, nor harm your son’s heirs. A position from which you can judge their characters and value to the nation as they grow.”
“You suggest banishment,” the Fire Lord said.
“Not unstructured, of course. To leave them roaming freely would invite those that would take them in. Perhaps a military commission? As they are commoners, they should begin from a rank befitting their station, of course. Let them prove their worth on their own merit.”
Iroh could not see through the flames, but he knew his wife’s small smile was reflected on his father’s face. 
“A naval position,” the Fire Lord said. “On a ship that does not frequently make port. The frontlines would be the best place for them to prove themselves, wouldn’t you agree?”
Iroh closed his eyes.
“Father,” he said. “Please,” and he could feel his wife willing him to stop talking. The Fire Lord had already agreed to spare their lives. A banishment could be undone, so long as he and the children both outlived the man before them. “I… thank you for your wisdom in this ruling. But perhaps, if they complete some feat worthy of our line, they could be allowed to return?”
The flames were hot against his face. His new wife was still and silent against his side. His father… his father laughed, a low exhalation, the wheeze of a humorless old man.
“Let them bring me the Avatar,” Fire Lord Azulon said, “and I will welcome them home with honor.”
* * *
Zuko didn’t know why they’d pulled him from his cell or scrubbed him down or taken his old clothes. They’d been dirty but they could have been cleaned. His new clothes were scratchy, and too big, and they looked like a common soldier’s, and… and—
And they’d shaved his hair. 
* * * 
It had gotten rid of the bugs, Azula admitted, in the privacy of her own mind. Still. She memorized the faces of the woman who’d held her down and the man who’d shorn her. For future reference.
They hadn’t bothered sizing her new outfit for a child. Azula noted the quartermaster’s face, as well.
* * *
They were put on a ship. It was the first time they’d seen each other in nearly a year.
Zuzu looked at her head, and wisely said nothing.
She raised an eyebrow at his, and graciously granted him the same.
It was hard to tell them apart. They had their mother’s face. And their father’s.
* * *
Their captain’s name was Zhao. He invited them to dinner in his private quarters, once the Fire Nation was behind them. Zuko fidgeted. Azula didn’t.
The captain spoke on how much potential he saw in them, under a commander who saw their true value. 
Together, they could go far. Very far, indeed.
Azula smiled and said all the things she thought father would have said. Zuko scowled. 
Zhao brushed over their arms with his own while reaching for things. He served them more when they said they were already full. He squeezed their shoulders when he brought them back to their rooms, which were next to his, even though the rest of the lower crewmen slept together in the same big cabin. Zuko scowled harder. 
Azula was invited back. Zuko wasn’t.
* * *
Zhao was… Zhao wasn’t a good person.
“I know that, dum-dum. But do you want to stay banished forever?” 
“Uncle said—”
“Uncle’s going to change his mind, when he has his own heir and a spare. We’re threats, Zuzu. And Zhao knows father’s old friends. He’s one of the smart ones.”
The dumb ones had already been executed. 
“I… I think he wants to—to tie himself to the royal line.”
“Eww,” she said. “I’m ten. If he wants to get engaged, I’ll just break it when we’ve got the throne. It will be too late for him to retract his support, then.”
They’d barely left port before Zhao had made his first move. He didn’t seem like a man who waited. 
Azula was ten, but Zuko was twelve. Being twelve was almost thirteen, which was almost a teenager, which was almost an adult, and adults understood things that ten year olds didn’t.
They had to get off this ship. They had to go home.
Zuko had to find the Avatar.
* * *
(This ficlet is now posted on AO3.)
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mugentakeda · 3 months
scoring a job at the tea shop was too easy. but now that he’s staring at bowl of jasmine flowers next to the black blend, it might have been a dumb idea. it’s not busy enough to numb his stupid brain.
the owner, mr. dugu, a short middle aged man with greasy long hair, was all too happy to hire him. we could use a looker like you, it’ll bring all the women in!
lu ten thinks back to zhao and jiro in dismay. he highly doubts his love life will ever heal itself back to normalcy. azula would agree with that.
it’s probably for the best that zhao doesn’t know where i am, he muses, but jiro would probably try and send me money.
now that he thinks about it, mr. dugu kind of reminds him of jiro. just a few decades older, and in green. a slick and stout guy that thinks he’s all that and a bag of fireflakes. so slick, you wouldn’t see the earnest, hard working gentleman hidden beneath at first.
but his dad is in there too. with the crows feet, receding hairline, deep tea scent, big hands. laughter in his eyes, at just about anything.
in the tea shop, however, his dad is everywhere he looks. his dad is the smells, the old tea cup rings stained in the tables, every sun ray shining through the windows, the cheap peeling wallpaper with painted leaves floating in the wind.
is it betrayal, what he’s done? or is he just dying on the hill of what his gut tells him is right?
he’s forcing his heart and his gut to become one, so he can physically stand loving his father, but not liking his father, simultaneously. letting them both exist together, at the same time. it’s not life ruining or earth shattering. it just… is.
lu ten misses the parts of his dad that he enjoyed, with great guilt. the roughhousing, the morning meditation, a warm hand brushing through his feathery hair, carrying him to bed after a long day at the beach, dropping his bags and letting lu ten barrel into his arms at full force after weeks being gone, bickering over the do’s and don’ts of tea. things got spotty and more spaced out once he turned double digits, because at that point lu ten was old enough to go longer without seeing his father. he was a busy guy and lu ten had been okay with that. he’s never been someone that needed constant attention, anyway.
but those parts were only enough to satisfy the young lu ten who didn’t care what his dad was outside of being his dad. then his aunt was married into the family, and lu ten started caring about a whole lot of things.
his aunt and his cousins give him purpose. what would he be, without them? they shape his interests, his entire worldview, his habits, his sense of self. the areas of politics and legislation that he dipped his toes in as a prince were even influenced by them. he tells right from wrong by wondering, if it was your aunt and your cousins, would you be okay with it?
what ursa went through after having azula haunted his dreams. the afterbirth stench, her hyperventilating, hoarse wails. the fire sages and azulon and ozai all muttering to each other, just to add to the chaos. he’d gripped little zuko to his chest in the dark corridor across from her chambers like a vice, biting his lip in terror and cheeks flushing as hot tears rolled down his face. it was the worst thing he’d ever heard in his life, and nobody seemed to care.
then he finds out that his mother went through the same thing with him over morning tea with his grandfather. casually, like he was being informed of the weather.
she believed she had the right to name you toshiro, despite not showing any enthusiasm over you at any other time of day, azulon had grunted. i don’t know why he ever bothered with that commoner wretch. you’d still have a mother today if he hadn’t picked some halfwit dancer with a smart mouth, you know. i even went through the trouble of setting up a whole line of good, wellborn women right before him, and he didn’t entertain a single one! but i suppose it doesn’t matter now, seeing the fine young man you’ve become regardless. i was afraid you’d inherit her crassness, if you’ll forgive me.
so she got sick of the shit and disappeared. to this day, he barely knows what to do with that information.
he hates ozai for doing the same shit to his aunt that his own father did to his mom. forced, unwanted marriage. the pain and misery of childbirth. postpartum. making heirs. he fucking hates that word. heirs.
toshiro. it’s a good name.
he’d leave his dad if he were his mother, too. he did leave his dad.
mr. dugu asked after hiring him if he was a soldier, going by his posture. he’s no earthbender, and the scars are from trial and error lightning bolts. but there are nonbenders in the earth army, and lu ten can put his mouth where the money is when given a staff. so he says yes.
that must be why i like you so much, mr. dugu had sighed. my own boy is a little older than you and lives in ba sing se with his old lady, as a teacher in a little kid’s school. he’s a bender, so he enlisted to help fight- but that stubborn old prince bastard is persistent. you know the ash and blood is filthying their water? his old lady is pregnant, and she has no clean water to drink. it’s unbelievable! but that ashmaker doesn’t realize how steadfast the good people of the earth kingdom are. the spirits will deliver them, and he’ll tuck his tail between his legs and run for the hills.
filthy water also means sick livestock. and sick livestock means sick people when the livestock is eaten. sick people means sick mothers and children, and sick doctors that can’t help sick pregnant mothers give birth. and then ba sing se is cut off from incoming supplies due to his father’s army, so they’re probably rationing the medicine. so sick pregnant mothers giving birth without proper medicine, without proper doctors because they’re also all sick. that leads to dying mothers, dying newborns, or mothers and newborns dying together.
lu ten just isn’t sure his father realizes little stuff like that. or maybe he does, and just doesn’t care. and that thought makes him so angry, he doesn’t even know what to do with himself.
his father had acted like all that was happening in the impenetrable city was something funny in his letters. along with a couple of thinly veiled pleads for lu ten to quit being stubborn and join him already.
narrow, ignorant self-interest does not impress him. its ugly coming from his own father. its even uglier on a man that’s supposed to lead their fucking country one day. lu ten will not be the same. the people he loves most in this world cannot afford for him to be the same.
you have a savvy for diplomacy, zhao had snapped at him. your father could use something like that. what’s keeping you here? don’t you see benefits waiting to be reaped from this? your cousins will still be here when your father succeeds! get over yourself!
“diplomacy,” lu ten sneers out loud. then sighs loudly in frustration when he knocks the cup over with a jerky hand.
one minute ba sing se is being taken by his dad so it can become one with the fire nation. the next minute he’s burning it to the ground. if it’s the fire nation, why in the all fuck is he ruining it? is that not counter-productive? is that not hypocrisy? what diplomacy is there to be had when there’s nothing left of the city?
but then, people on the homeland get arrested for some real petty shit. the colonial towns get paid dust. his dad killed the last dragon, despite a good portion of lu tens childhood folktales composing of dragons. despite agni herself being depicted as a dragon. a million things that he never questioned before that make no sense to him now that he has the freedom and time to truly ponder.
the spirits are not to be trifled with or questioned, my son. the spirits can even judge the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
lu ten isn’t a man who claims to know the spirits ways, nor does he question them. he wasn’t there when they laid foundation to the earth. he doesn’t know who determined its measurements. but he does know that agni wouldn’t deliver a message so stupid and pointless.
he just questions his father, and the authenticity of his pointless quest to flatten a city being spirit-sent.
what do you wanna bet he used the wrong kind of flower for his tea and was just tripping balls?
the more he thinks about it the less grace his train of thought is willing to spare.
he’s so mad that he can’t like his dad. he’s so mad that he exists at the cost of his mother’s everything. he’s so mad that everything his proud, beautiful country stands on and believes in has the strength of a single grain of rice. he can’t bare the thought of just continuing to ignore it to maintain his sanity- he’s never been so glad to be an adult with a brain and not a kid in his own little world- but realizing things is so painful. its only ever painful. he wants to curl up in a ball and rot away. the guilt and anger is mind numbing.
do you think of me with as much frustration as i think of you, dad? do you sit and ruin your own day trying to understand what goes on in my head, or is it just me?
the fumes from the boiling teapot steam his face as he bends over it slowly, trying to curb the acid crawling up his throat like a demon emerging from hell. static curls up and down his arms and brings his hair straight up, the heat bleeding from the tips of his fingers and his palms into the counter is teetering on the edge of unbearable-
“cousin?” a little voice startles him out of his thoughts.
he pauses, and turns his head.
zuko’s standing there in front of mr. dugu, who’s grinning at him cheekily.
zuko is wearing a green apron that drags on the floor. the anger building in his chest melts like chocolate over a fire. the counter is already cooling beneath his steel grip.
“…li,” he greets, weak humor in his voice. “what’s shaking?”
the kid flushes. “i got bored and walked here from mom’s work. and mr. dugu said no loitering in his store. so i’m….. hired.”
“are you a seasonal employee?” lu ten snorts.
“i don’t even know what that means,” zuko replies curtly. he doesn’t realize his sass definitely matches azula’s. “i can bring the tea to the customers.”
“well,” lu ten sighs, “i believe i’ve scalded the hell out of this jasmine by accident. give me a few minutes and i’ll happily provide you with something drinkable.”
“…do better!” his baby cousin orders awkwardly. and so he does, because lu ten is only ever the loyal servant to his baby cousins.
zuko brings the tea to the customers. every time lu ten hears his lispy little voice thank them for their patronage in monotone, he can’t help the way his lips quirk in amusement.
“the girls in the front kept baby-talking me,” his little cousin grumps later that day. “i had to run away before they got the chance to pinch my face.”
mr. dugu laughs, and pats zuko’s little shoulder heartily. lu ten’s heart aches. he can think he hates ignorance until the sheep-cows come home, but there’s nothing crueler than seeing his father in this man’s mannerisms, who’s son could be dead or alive at this very moment, due to his father in question.
“just be glad your sister wasn’t here to see it,” he replies, lest he choke himself up with his own angsting.
zuko huffs and slides off the chair he’d been sitting crosslegged on. “mr. dugu, could i take some cakes from the back to my sister? she’s a sweet tooth.”
“it’ll be coming out of your paycheck,” the man replies teasingly.
zuko frowns like a cranky owlcat. “i don’t know what that word means either.” and with that, he stomps to the back.
“that one’s a trip alright,” mr. dugu laughs. “and you say the younger one is even worse?”
“sure is,” lu ten sighs happily. “they both are the worst. i’m wrapped around their greedy little fingers. they don’t let me hold the house keys, but they’ll let me buy them candy.”
“it’ll be like that forever,” mr. dugu says sagely. “my only son is now a grown man with a wife of his own, and soon, he’ll make me a grandfather. but at the end of the day, he’s always gonna be my precious boy. my baby. and no matter what, i want him to always know he can come back home to me. despite everything. no matter what.”
the man deflates suddenly. “if anything, i might just beg him to come back home to me, once ba sing se chases that scumbag away. i have enough room to house the three of them. my boy lives and breathes to be a teacher in the city, but this old heart can’t take not knowing….”
he trails off, and pushes over a rock with his foot glumly. “they say he has children, too. the fire nation prince attacking the city, i mean.”
lu ten’s blood turns to ice in an instant.
“i doubt one such as he would feel anything if he lost them. if a man can kill another man’s child, i believe he’d might as well kill his very own. and this father would protect every child in this village as his own. you, and your little monster cousins. you know?”
agni is a big blurry dot in his vision, and he swallows hard. “yeah. yeah, i do. this one thanks you for it.”
he holds zuko’s little hand tighter than usual as they go to pick ursa and azula up from the florist.
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balillee · 3 months
had to turn back to tumblr after a year of not using it to hate on the new atla adaptation
a few things
speedrunning through half of the story with the fire nation family is not a good idea, actually. lu ten was introduced far too early, and with it you delve into iroh's backstory, motivations and true character before you've even fully developed the whole 'silly old spiritual man who prefers tea and hanging out with his nephew over hunting down an 11-year old air nomad'. the lu ten funeral scene was fine as an addition, but it's not something for book 1. learning about lu ten is something we do in book 2 as it compliments the developing relationship between iroh and zuko with the fire nation as a whole. also, iroh seems a lot less cool. the show commits the grievous literary sin of always telling rather than showing, and by continuously telling us 'he's the famed general iroh, dragon of the west' you're not actually accomplishing anything. let him redirect some lightning you fucking cowards.
azula also seemed to exist for no reason. any of the correspondences to azula from zhao could have bypassed her entirely and could have gone straight to ozai or even the fire sages. she exists in season 1 purely to rush through explaining zuko and iroh far too early. the show exists as a guideline. FOLLOW THE GUIDELINE. THE GUIDELINE IS GOOD. EVERYONE KNOWS THE GUIDELINE IS GOOD. also make her fire blue. cowards
aang does not waterbend for the entire season, which means the window of opportunity for him to learn to bend the other elements before the arrival of sozin's comet is even shorter than in the original show. even the original aang, who the netflix adaptation changed because he was 'too childish and always goofing off instead of getting to the point' understood his responsibilities to learn the elements better than this new live action version - part of the reason for the gang to get to the northern water tribe was to find aang a teacher (not just katara), master pakku, because katara was not capable of teaching him at her novice waterbending level but even so they were still seen practicing together on multiple occasions.
this brings me to my next point. WHERE THE FUCK IS JEONG JEONG. aang in the original series understood the urgency of defeating the firelord before sozin's comet after speaking to roku very early on, not as late as depicted in the adaptation. currently, the gang don't even know that they're on a time crunch, and yet still the show refuses to let them take their time by going on side adventures. this leads into the episode where aang meets jeong jeong and tries to learn to firebend before he's even started earthbending at all, because he's still scared that he only has a year to master the elements. he burns katara while trying, which is the reason she learned she had the power to heal with her waterbending, we see how fucking sick jeong jeong is at firebending for the first time during the fight with zhao, and aang swears off learning firebending at all, which is one of his main points of conflict leading all the way into book 3. if we skip that whole episode, we have skipped meeting one of the members of the order of the white lotus. the show could think it's slick by omitting him to just have iroh as the white lotus' firebender, but that's possibly one of the worst changes they've made. the deserter was not a filler episode.
i know a lot of people were talking about this before the show even came out, but sokka is not sokka. in book 1, sokka is three things - funny, overconfident and sexist. in the live adaptation, he is kind of one of those three things. part of why sokka's arc is one of my personal favourites from the original show is the stark change you see from the start to the end of his story - he believes himself a leader but has no real tactical or combative experience despite telling all the fighters and warriors he meets about how impressive he is. and then at the end of the show he is a definitively strong leader, shown by leading the assault on the fire nation armada - his team being two of the show's most competent female characters, who he trusts and respects with his life. by omitting these traits from sokka's character, you remove a big part of why he's even there in the first place - his arc's beginning allows him to become the fearless leader that lead his team to defeating the fire nation army.
i also hate that aang meets monk gyatso in the spirit world. a big part of aang's conflict about running away is that there exists nobody in the world who can tell him that what happened to the air nomads was not his fault, and that there was nothing aang could do to stop it if he was there. the new adaptation decides against the inclusion of one of aang's primary internal conflicts by changing the 'running away from his responsibilities as the avatar because he's a terrified child' to 'getting some air', and then throws in meeting the spirit of monk gyatso to tell him all of these things that aang needs to learn on his own. once again, telling rather than showing.
and finally, my least favourite change - the agni kai. part of the reason why i personally think the agni kai is so significant to zuko's story is the fact that zuko intentionally refuses to fight. in the adaptation, zuko fights back against his father, and his father scars him simply because zuko hesitates. in the original series, zuko bows to his father and pleads for mercy, and refuses to fight at all, and that is when it cuts away to iroh and azula's very differing reactions to the altercation, zuko screaming in the background. the setting also irritates me, because in the original, the agni kai was a public spectacle for hundreds to see in an ominous chamber, while in the new show it looked like just a regular old family gathering in the sun. zuko's adaptation scar i also hate because it doesn't even look like a scar. it looks like a birthmark, or at best, a black eye. if you hadn't seen the original, you would only know that it's a scar because the show tells you that it's a scar. zuko's scar in the animated series is a definite physical deformation of his face, his face looks red and raw, and his eye is smaller likely due to how the tissue healed, and as the show goes on you learn that the severity of his physical scars reflect the severity of his emotional ones. the original show does a brilliant job at showing how, just through the scar and the banishment alone, that despite zuko's beliefs, his father has betrayed him time and time again.
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phoenix-king-ozai · 3 months
The Ozai, Ursa, & Ikem romance debacle…
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I truly honestly hope that the Netflix adaptation doesn’t adapt The Search when it comes to Ozai and Ursa’s relationship. Which, thank Agni seems not to fully be the case. It seems that LA Ozai does care for Ursa and his family members, even Zuko. He show respect to Lu Ten and Iroh and even cried when burning Zuko. He even mentioned the “soft” mother Ursa when talking to Zuko and referenced her when saying “don’t talk to me about loss” Showing that he had feeling for her.
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The Search is very poorly written and turn Ozai into a very piss-poor caricature of an evil abusive bad man for no good or compelling reason yet even fails to deliver on that interpretation of Ozai and Ursa’s complex and compelling relationship.
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This song is basically the Urzai relationship in the ATLA comics!
If The Search wanted to turn Ozai into a compelling, vicious, dangerous, and cruel monstrous villain in Ursa’s and our own eyes. Then why didn’t Yang have Ozai kill Ikem when he THREATENED his father, Fire Lord’s Azulon life in defiance due to his love for Ursa? Yet, for some reason, he had Ozai spare Ikem’s life due to Ursa's “love” for Ozai which Ozai knows is a blatant lie and stupidly desperate!
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The realistic and emotionally heart-wrenching scenario would be for Ozai to march towards Ikem, Ursa tries to stop Ozai, however Ozai scarred Ursa’s wrist by burning her via firebending and then backhanded her causing her lip to bleed. Then proceed to execute Ikem by immolation in front of Ursa’s very eyes. This very demented, sinister, vile, and cruel brutal punishment for DARING to raise his hand against Fire Lord Azulon, Fire Prince Ozai, and the Fire Sages wishes would had created a compelling narrative regarding Ursa having complete and justified loathing of her betroth Ozai.
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It was extremely foolish, idiotic, unreasonable, and unrealistic to have a no-named peasant like Ikem, who is not a firebender, attack the royal carriage and guards no matter how brave and noble his affection and intentions were regarding the integrity of his childhood love. Fire Lord Azulon and Fire Prince Ozai probably should have immediately immolated Ikem and his familial relations due to his affront against the Fire Lord and his son. Trying to stand up against the authoritarian, oppressive, violent, and vicious absolute monarchical regime of Fire Lord Azulon and Fire Prince Ozai should have come with immense consequences just like the fire nation rebels in Episode 3: Omashu in NATLA.
Zuko mentions that Ozai and Ursa’s along with their family used to be happy, and we saw that in Zuko's flashbacks. Yang, just decided to make Ursa a victim because in his mind: URSA WOMAN, OZAI BAD MAN, SHE MUST BE HELD, HOSTAGE!!! While Ozai and Ursa arrange marriage does make sense and was confirmed by the creators. It doesn't mean that Ozai and Ursa relationship was ALWAYS BAD, or SHE WAS KIDNAPPED! Plus, the Urzai relationship is quite normal in the antiquity of Asian societies that the Fire Nation is based on aka Shogunates of Japan and Imperial Chinese Dynasties!!!
Personally, I am afraid that the ATLA comics are going to screw up the Fire Nation Royal Family Characterization and Dynamics along with making them one-dimensional especially Ozai and Azulon. They might legit have Azulon and Ozai be abusive and beat Ilah and Ursa. I'm so doomer blackpilled regarding ATLA comics considering the Serach. This is probably why the comic writers ignore making a comic Pre-Zuko Alone flashbacks.
Ozai's harshness and ruthless regarding Zuko has nothing to do with Ursa or Ikem forbidden love! Ozai wants Zuko and Azula to both prove themselves. Ozai doesn't favor Zuko or Azula. It is about which child will succeed Sozin, Azulon, and his legacy as future Fire Lord. In fact, Ozai doesn't want Zuko or Azula to think that they are the “favorite” child. He wants Azula and Zuko to improve through competition. Because of the “only the greatest of pressures can forge diamonds” & “steel sharpen steel” mentality. Ozai has the mentality of an imperialist warlord. Ozai isn't trying to be the world's most loving and caring father but rather continue and build upon a powerful and dominant legacy that his forefathers had created before him. He wants Zuko & Azula to be cold, ruthless, heartless, vicious, and brutal imperialistic warmongers like him (Ozai), his father (Azulon), and his grandfather (Sozin).
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zuko-always-lies · 1 month
ATLA Book 2 Character Stats
One thing I have been wondering for a while is how many lines of dialogue each character has in ATLA. I recently figured out an easy way to calculate it, so here are the stats for Book 2. You can find the stats for Book 1 here.
There are 3186 total lines of dialogue in the season. They are divided up as follows:
Sokka 499 lines, 15.66% Aang 492 lines, 15.44% Katara 412 lines, 12.93% Toph 242 lines, 7.60% Iroh 181 lines, 5.68% Zuko 169 lines, 5.30%(this increases to 194 and 6.08% if you include "Young Zuko") Azula 92 lines, 2.89% (this increases to 103 lines and 3.67% if you include "Young Azula") Jet 60 lines, 1.88% Long Feng 46 lines, 1.44% Kuei 40 lines, 1.26% Pathik 37 lines, 1.16% Chong 33 lines, 1.04% Suki 31 lines, 0.97% Joo Dee 29 lines, 0.91% Ty Lee 29 lines, 0.91%(This increases to 31 lines and 0.97% if you include "Young Ty Lee") Mai 28 lines, 0.88% (This increases to 29 lines and 0.91% if you include "Young Mai") Xin Fu 27 lines, 0.85% Zei 27 lines, 0.85%
With the more obscure characters below
Young Zuko 25 lines, 0.78% Fong 22 lines, 0.69% Young Azula 21 lines, 0.66% Yu 19 lines, 0.60% Ursa 18 lines, 0.56% Wan Shi Tong 18 lines, 0.56% Jin 17 lines, 0.53% Lee 17 lines, 0.53% Smellerbee 17 lines, 0.53% Tong 17 lines, 0.53% King Bumi 16 lines, 0.50% Lao 14 lines, 0.44% Guard 13 lines, 0.41% Tho 13 lines, 0.41% Due 12 lines, 0.38% Ghashiun 12 lines, 0.38% Ticket lady 12 lines, 0.38% Ying 11 lines, 0.35% Huu 10 lines, 0.31% Song 10 lines, 0.31% Yung 10, 0.313873195% Captain 9, 0.282485876% Dai Li agent 9, 0.282485876% General Sung 9, 0.282485876% Gow 9, 0.282485876% Oyaji 9, 0.282485876% Gansu 8, 0.251098556% Hakoda 8, 0.251098556% Kenji 8, 0.251098556% Shuzumu 8, 0.251098556% Fung 7, 0.219711237 General How 7, 0.219711237 Male student 7, 0.219711237 Pao 7, 0.219711237 Than 7, 0.219711237 The Boulder 7, 0.219711237 Trainer 7, 0.219711237 Mongke 6, 0.188323917 Quon 6, 0.188323917 Sela 6, 0.188323917 Tycho 6, 0.188323917 Ukano 6, 0.188323917 Fire Nation Man 5, 0.156936598 Lily 5, 0.156936598 Michi 5, 0.156936598 Moku 5, 0.156936598 Old man 5, 0.156936598 Ozai 5, 0.156936598 Roku 5, 0.156936598 Blue dragon 4, 0.125549278 Broadsword man 4, 0.125549278 Customer 4, 0.125549278 Earth Kingdom soldier 4, 0.125549278 Kyoshi 4, 0.125549278 Macmu-Ling 4, 0.125549278 Merchant 4, 0.125549278 Merchant #1 4, 0.125549278 Merchant #2 4, 0.125549278 Old Sweepy 4, 0.125549278 Pong 4, 0.125549278 Poppy 4, 0.125549278 Qin 4, 0.125549278 Scary prisoner 4, 0.125549278 Soldier 4, 0.125549278 Villager 4, 0.125549278 Azulon 3, 0.094161959 Fire Sage 3, 0.094161959 Florist 3 ,0.094161959 Guard one 3, 0.094161959 Ladies 3, 0.094161959 Male student #2 3, 0.094161959 Man 3, 0.094161959 Sha-Mo 3, 0.094161959 Ticket woman 3, 0.094161959 University student 3, 0.094161959 Unnamed Fire Nation boy 3, 0.094161959 Bato 2, 0.062774639 Brainwasher 2, 0.062774639 Cabbage merchant 2, 0.062774639 Captured agent 2, 0.062774639 Commander 2, 0.062774639 Girl with umbrella 2, 0.062774639 Guest 2, 0.062774639 Head of the Dai Li 2, 0.062774639 Huge round angry face 2, 0.062774639 Joo Dee replacement 2, 0.062774639 Joo Dees 2, 0.062774639 Koko 2, 0.062774639 Kyoshi Warrior #1 2, 0.062774639 Li 2, 0.062774639 Lo 2, 0.062774639 Oracle 2, 0.062774639 Pakku 2, 0.062774639 Pet store owner 2, 0.062774639 Sensitive ruffian 2, 0.062774639 Servant 2, 0.062774639 Song's mother 2, 0.062774639 Store owner 2, 0.062774639 Villager #2, 2 0.062774639 Villager #3, 2 0.062774639 Young Ty Lee 2 ,0.062774639 Adult guest 1, 0.03138732 Agent 1, 0.03138732 Audience 1 ,0.03138732 Boy's mother 1, 0.03138732 Earthbender guard 1, 0.03138732 Engineer 1, 0.03138732 Farmer 1, 0.03138732 Flyer distribution man 1, 0.03138732 Guard #2 1, 0.03138732 Guard two 1, 0.03138732 How 1, 0.03138732 Iio 1, 0.03138732 Katara (flashback) 1, 0.03138732 Kyoshi Warrior #2 1, 0.03138732 Lady on stage 1, 0.03138732 Lo and Li 1, 0.03138732 Longshot 1, 0.03138732 Lu Ten 1, 0.03138732 Man in the bar 1, 0.03138732 Old woman 1, 0.03138732 Older guest 1, 0.03138732 Palace woman 1, 0.03138732 Peasant girl 1, 0.03138732 Princess Yue 1, 0.03138732 Prisoner #2 1, 0.03138732 Red dragon 1, 0.03138732 Resistance fighter 1, 0.03138732 Resistance fighter #1 1, 0.03138732 Resistance fighter #2 1, 0.03138732 Royal messenger 1, 0.03138732 Sandbender #1 1, 0.03138732 Sandbender #2 1, 0.03138732 Second Engineer 1, 0.03138732 Shop owner 1, 0.03138732 Star 1, 0.03138732 Tea seller 1, 0.03138732 Team Avatar 1, 0.03138732 Terra Team leader 1, 0.03138732 Terra Team member 1, 0.03138732 The Hippo 1, 0.03138732 Third girl 1, 0.03138732 Train conductor 1, 0.03138732 Villagers 1, 0.03138732 Waiter 1, 0.03138732 Warrior 1, 0.03138732 Water Tribe warrior 1, 0.03138732 White Lotus member 1, 0.03138732 Young guest 1, 0.03138732 Young Mai 1, 0.03138732 Younger guest 1, 0.03138732
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highfantasy-soul · 2 months
Things I LOVED about NATLA Episode 8 - Legends
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
The Aang Gaang working together in the fight!!!!
Honestly it felt so natural to have all three of them taking out the Fire Nation ship that I completely forgot it didn't happen like that in the animated show!
In the animated version, Aang took out the ship while Katara and Sokka just stood on the ice wall - showing them in battle together and working with synergy was phenomenal
Aang doing AOE damage, Katara taking out soldiers with precision, and Sokka shouting battle plans and taking out the command center - really great way to SHOW the roles each play in battle
The Gaang complementing each other was soo cuutteee!!
"Lu Ten would have been proud to have you as his father" 😭😭😭
Then the Iroh hug!!! 😭😭😭
"I'd say it's 50/50! …. 60/40 😬"
Lol oh Sokka, you're so bad at optimism
Let's go Katara!!!! Going to even the odds!!!
The war balloon showing up early!!!
The entire battle of the North was sooo intense!
I really felt a lot more of the danger and panic than in the animated version
LOVE that Pakku's change to allow women in battle came here, with Katara and the other women standing up to him
The animated show doesn't even have any women helping at all in the battle - we don't even see them healing the wounded. To me, the live-action actually addressed the systemic issue of the sexism in the North rather than just having Katara be the token woman who wanted to fight
"You KNOW we can make a difference!" "We?"
The shot of all the women standing there in traditional clothing was super powerful to me
I know some people think it's 'virtue signaling' or whatever and complain about the shot of all the women heroes in Endgame or Captain Marvel's 'standing up after being knocked down' montage, but call me a stupid woman, those scenes actually mean a lot to me. Why is animated Katara railing against Sokka because she has to do the laundry seen as the height of feminism and yet a group of indigenous women standing up and backing one of their sisters in her bid to make systemic change actually the opposite of feminism? It makes no sense to me.
I LOVE Yagoda backing Katara!!
Katara isn't some 'outsider coming in to change a culture's savage ways' - she's simply the catalyst for the people WITHIN that culture to stand up and say 'yeah, now is our time, change needs to happen and we've known it for awhile'
Yue wanting to be out there helping her people 😭😭
Her father's talk with her really reminds me of Eowyn and Theoden from The Return of the King - even if you want to help defend your home, if you're in a position of leadership, staying alive so you can lead in a fallen chief's place is an important role to play, too
Sokka and Hahn's ….tension as he promises to take care of Yue 👀
The student calling Katara 'master'!!!! 😭😭😭
In my in-depth analysis, I go into why I think it's a title she's completely earned despite her lack of formal training but suffice it to say that if you have an issue with them calling Katara master, then shut the fuck up
Ooohh adding a time-table for the Fire Nation attack with the Ice Moon caveat!
I like adding to the depth and lore of the world which makes it make a whole lot more sense that the Fire Nation would attack the WATER TRIBE during a full moon
I like the Fire Sage actually knowing spiritual stuff and finding value in it - even though he's using it to help Zhao hurt them
Yes, Iroh. Zhao is most definitely planning on tampering with the spirit world 😬
Avatar Kuruk coming to Aang!!!!
I really like that concept - like on the Lionturtle, the past Avatars can appear as a mirage to give warnings
And connecting Kuruk's battle against the evil spirits to the Fire Nation twisting the weapons of defense into a weapon to harm - soooo goooood
"Killing the ocean spirit would deprive people all over the world of their lives!!! I'm not a monster!!" 🙃
Aahhh, twisted logic at its finest: after all, what's the point in ruling the world if there's no one to rule
Oooohhhhh and Kuruk's voice beginning to layer with the other Avatars as he talks about how Zhao can't be allowed to meddle with the primal forces of nature!!
Such a great use of the voice alteration that happens when they go into the Avatar state!
Hero Momo!!!!!
Omg I was SO WORRIED they actually killed Momo!!!!
Sokka and Momo's relationship is so cute how they developed it 😭
I like Yue telling her story this way better than in the animated series
Here, the story is connected to what's happening directly: she's saving Momo's life the same way her life was saved and letting us know the spirit oasis water has healing properties beyond regular healing
Zuko and him fire blasting out from beneath the ice - cool in every adaptation!
"How do you know that?" "Because I helped design the thing" 😔
Love that we're getting a direct tie from the war balloon to Sokka - just like with Kuruk's spirit knife and like Sokka said all the way back in Omashu: the Fire Nation can turn anything into a weapon
Though Iroh won't fully stand against Zhao yet, he's totally stalling as much as he can
"This is about you and me!" aawww classic Zuko - walking into a massive thing and thinking it's still just about him capturing Aang 😅
We've got bigger fish to fry, buddy - oh, shit. No. Oh god. Why'd I use that turn of phrase?? Too soon! Too soon!
Love the full circle moment here with Katara and Zuko's showdown
Aang is now letting her fight while he goes off to another task, trusting that she'll be ok
"Go easy, enough people have been hurt already." "I don't care. "I wasn't talking to you 😏"
Damn right, Aang! Putting respect on Katara!!!
Also, Zuko's face as he realizes Aang doesn't see him as the most important thing here 😬 that's gotta hurt
Love that they're getting a rematch so we can see just how far Katara has come in her combat/waterbending training!
The bending is GORGEOUS!
You can see every move each of them are making and watch the respective elements respond to their movements perfectly.
"You little peasant!!" Oh Zuko, you silly, angry boi "You've found a master, haven't you?"
"Yes, you're looking at her" - DAMN STRAIGHT!
Despite Pakku not agreeing to train her, she's taught herself. She clawed tooth and nail to learn everything she could from every source she had available - she observed other benders and created a waterbending version of the move, she practiced in every spare moment, she grappled with her emotional and spiritual trauma and came out the other side with a more holistic view of bending despite the world telling her to stop - so yeah, she IS her own master.
While I do love the "You rise with the moon, I rise with the sun" line, I'm ok with the siege lasting only a day instead of several like in the animated series.
Zuko's little field trip with Aang takes an entire day with nothing really going on in the battle, it's just a few minutes of screen time until we can get back to night again so we can see the moon being killed.
Streamlining it and having Aang seek council before the battle starts rather than in the middle of it I think was a good move. We didn't need a cliffhanger mid-episode like we did in the animated series since it's all a single episode.
Zhao's plan revealed is such great character work - he's just as egotistical as the animated version, down to wanting to be declared 'the moon slayer', but there's so much more depth in the live-action version
He's so ambitious that he actually believes he could become Fire Lord and doesn't take Iroh's threats seriously at all - his pride ensuring his downfall.
LOVE that they kept the blood-red moon as the moon spirit is captured!!
Aang trying to talk down his enemies yet again 😞
No matter how clear their antagonistic motives, he truly believes the best in people and always wants to give them the chance to do the right thing
Oof Zhao cutting to Aang's fear without knowing it: Zhao thinks the Avatar doesn't matter on its face - Aang is afraid he's not good enough as an Avatar TO matter
This sets up Aang's decision to give himself to the ocean spirit - he accepts that he isn't good enough - he doesn't matter, but the ocean spirit does
Iroh shot first!!
In the animated show, Iroh only attacks after Zhao kills the moon spirit, here, he's trying to help the Gaang by distracting Zhao enough for them to save the spirit
But they're too late
They kept the black and white shading where only things bathed in fire or the ocean spirit's blue light have any colors!
I think this entire battle sequence was amazingly done
You can FEEL the terror, you can SEE the cost of such an attack
It's not gratuitous violence - it's showing the realities of war without showing gruesome injuries
I love how Hahn and the other Norther Water Tribe Warriors got to have a heroic stand even without waterbending. Despite their best resource being taken from them, they aren't going down without a fight.
Iroh unleashing on the soldiers and Zhao running like a little bitch!!!!
I love Aang's speech here - he's "following" the advice of past Avatars by putting the world's needs above his own, but it's out of despair, not balance
He's surrendering to a power greater than him because he doesn’t feel like he's succeeded in being the Avatar (which unfortunately, through no fault of his own, is true) and so he's willing to fully lose himself to another power to save the world.
It's WILD that this happens only HALFWAY through the episode!! They really let this sequence breathe and gave so much room for all the character moments to happen
Iroh hugging Zuko while he just stares at the giant koi fish 🤣😭
"Uncle, what is that?" "That, that is wrath" - CHILLS
Zuko ready to fight that monster fish to get the Avatar 😭😭😭😭😭
He really is a crazy dude
"He's a small man who's going to meet a small end"
So right you are, Iroh
Zuko v Zhao!!!
LOVE how the live-action made Zhao a cerebral rather than physical antagonist for Zuko
Even though Zuko beats him physically, Zhao destroys Zuko mentally by revealing all the truths about the royal family dynamic
"You were the fire in which her iron was forged"
Love how each adaptation has Zhao die in a different way 🤣
Honestly, I like all the ways ppl have decided to kill him
The ocean spirit taking him, waterbenders drowning him, and now Iroh killing him for attacking Zuko
I do think I like the animated death the best, but Iroh killing him to protect Zuko is also a nice way to end him - Iroh isn't about this 'give them infinite chances', he's a soldier who's not afraid to get his hands bloody.
The entire attack by the ocean spirit is phenomenal - beautifully shot and you can now feel the terror from the fire nation soldiers
Yue getting the agency to realize she can save the moon and sacrificing herself was a good change
"It's worth it to be alive, even just for a night"
"The world needs you. I need you" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I think it was a really good choice to move Katara talking Aang down from the Avatar state and telling him they're family to the final episode rather than way at the beginning like it happened in the animated series.
That declaration holds a lot more truth as we've SEEN them become a family
Seeing the actual loss from the battle was heart wrenching, but I think it was really needed
Poor Hahn and the young waterbender
I love that Sokka didn't fight in the big battle - his place was being there to support someone else and provide comfort in a terrifying moment for her. His heart is what was needed in this battle, not his combat skills
And Pakku giving Katara her due - she EMBODIES change and growth, always finding a way no matter how many people tell her no
And she got her spirit water!!
"I'm tired" "Then you should get some rest. A man needs his rest" 😭😭😭😭😭
"How do I do this without causing so much pain?"
Oh Aang, that's a question you're going to be grappling with for awhile.
It's such a wonderful way to sum up his character - he doesn't want to cause pain, even to the point of giving people chances they don't deserve - but that quest to find an answer is the reason the world is saved and Aang cements his own legacy within the Avatar line.
Closing with another lesson from Gyatzo!!!! 😭😭
"Let go of your past, or you'll never have a future" - thesis statement right there
Let's not misinterpret this line to say 'forget the past' - this is a Buddhist version of 'letting go' which is to say 'don't cling to the past so much you cannot take steps into your future'
The Gaang's banter over Sokka always thinking about food!!!! So cute!!
I love the scenes here at the end with the Fire Nation
Ozai still holding out hope that Zuko will surprise them with some 'hidden' reserve of strength, but still willing to let him fall so 'the strong' can rise
Azula taking over Omashu!!!
And the comet!
Makes sense that they didn't give a time-table as kids grow fast and we can't just draw them the same age: Gordon is a growing boy so we need to give some space for how much he grows through the filming process
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juliaswickcrs · 4 days
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character profile: princess mira of the fire nation (x)
Born in the great city of Caldera only a year after the birth of Prince Zuko, Princess Mira's birth has oft been a subject of debate for the fire sages. For neither General Iroh nor her mother were seen on the supposed day of her birth, leading many to speculate how exactly the Princess came about. General Iroh would claim she was the product of an affair in the earth kingdom colonies, a brief infatuation which led to an even briefer marriage, before the woman died giving birth to the future princess. But many speculated something far more sinister as whispers of bastardy and imprisoned water benders were carelessly tossed about the capital. That was all thrown aside when Fire Lord Azulon all but declared Mira the spare to Lu Ten's heir, and no other word was spoken on the matter. And of course once the world learned Mira struggled with bending as much as the prince, no one paid her any attention, certainly not her Uncle Ozai or her new cousins. And of course, after the death of her brother and the disappearance of her aunt, Mira watched as her father abdicated his crown, abandoned Ba Sing Se, and whisked her north to an island filled with a civilization long thought to have died out. The Sun Warriors. It was there Mira learned the truth of her bending, and how to master it. It was there Mira grew from a scared girl to a formidable warrior, her skill in battle only matched by her wit and grace. It was there she and her father were summoned back to the mainland for a war meeting which would change the course of Mira's life as she knew it. Her newly crowned Uncle dismisses her as neither bender nor warrior, simply a princess with no talent to offer, but lets her sit in out of love for his brother, he says. But there is no love in his eyes when his son speaks out against a general, or when Mira watches in horror as Fire Lord Ozai presses a burning flame to Zuko's face, scarring him at thirteen. Now, she and her father have joined Zuko on his hunt for the avatar, and while Mira's travels take her from pole to pole, she is left to wonder just how long it will be before her Uncle turns on her too....
tag list: @bisexualterror @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr​ @jvstjewels@camiemendess@a-song-of-quill-and-feather @arrthurpendragon @villain-connoisseur​ @starcrossedjedis @drbobbimorse​ @noratilney​ @stanshollaand @kingsmakers @astarionbae​ @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse @misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
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attackfish · 6 months
Anonymous asked: can i ask for 5 more hcs about deaf fire sage zuko?
Continued from: [Link], [Link], and [Link].
Awww Nonny, why would you ask this? When we last left off, Zuko was safe and happy, with a home and friends. Why would you make me shatter that? To remind us all of the fact that Lu Ten dies, and that his death sets off a chain of events which will culminate in Ozai taking the throne?
Because Ozai does take the throne, and he is not a man who can be content while an imperfect child of his lives. He sends assassins after Zuko, and it is only sheer luck his son survives. The head of the order of sages does the only thing he can think to do, and writes Iroh. Iroh, sunk deep in his grief, finds himself unable to return home. Instead, he goes to his nephew, and disappears with him, running with him to keep him out of Ozai's long reach.
But some days, Iroh can't even drag himself out of bed. How is he to take care of a child? Especially one he can't talk to, and who can't talk to him?
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nerdyerror · 1 month
Zuko and Mai had 5 kids and here is how (and a shortish explanation of who they are)
An Orphan from Republic City, who stole food from Zuko. Zuko after finding out he was an orphan, brought him home, thinking ‘yea just til we can find him a good home’ and then after Izumi was born, he and Mai realized, ‘oh shit, Yijun’s our son!’ and then adopted him a day later. ‘Cause the Fire Nation was still recovering from a 100 years of racist propaganda so he wasn’t able to become Firelord, which he was fine with, he ended up as an ambassador to the earth kingdom, he had three kids with his wife, who absolutely flipped her shit when she found out her then boyfriend was the SON of the FIRELORD! He’s an earthbender.
We all know Izumi, the Firelord, she was the kid planned for by Zuko and Mai, they thought they were only going to have one kid, bcs of their mutual trauma with siblings and shit. However they didn’t realize that Yijun was already their son when they had her, besides Yijun couldn’t inherit.
(not Tenzin’s wife, a different Pema)
After they adopted Yijun they started up an adoption system in the fire nation (a nationalized one that is), when they went to visit one in Caldera City, Pema jumped off a banister and landed on ZUKO’S HEAD, which made Mai laugh. Instead of getting in trouble she became a princess. Pema became a fire sage, (not all fire sages are benders in my book) she is a non-bender.
Lu-Ten II
Yijun and Izumi (they hadn’t adopted Pema yet), got along which assuage their fears about sibling rivalry, and them neglecting one of their kids, because they didn’t, so they decided to have another kid. Lu-Ten II was born a non-bender but after an incident with a set of spirits he gained the ability to bend air and earth, this also made him not die at ten (he was born sickly :(( ). He trained Korra in earthbending. Also he is wheelchair bound for the most part.
While they were only planning on having one more kid, surprise! Lu-Ten was a twin. Azura was born a fire bender and completely healthy. She had overheard that her best friend (Lu-Ten II) was dying, freaked out and ran away, so Lu followed her, where they ended up meeting twin spirits, who chose them to be their new ‘people.’ They had once been the guardians of an ancient, pre-lion turtle exodus, society, having taught humans who had survived by fusing their souls with lesser spirits, how to bend opposite elements. One spirit, the one that had chosen Azura, taught how to fire and water bend, the other who chose Lu-Ten II, controlled air and earth. Azura taught Korra how to firebend. Also her name is a fusion of Azula and Ursa. She one of the six most important girls in his life, was named after two of the other most important women in his life.
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phoenixrsing · 2 months
your muses aesthetic. list your muse’s aesthetic from tastes, smells, outfits, and sceneries. add as many subjects as you like, it can help with people tagging you in aesthetically pleasing things towards your muse.
tastes: traditional fire-nation cuisine. spicy fire-flakes, roasted pork, and hot tea infused with jasmine. dragon fruit, lychee, and mangoes, grilled sea pawns. aged fire nation wines with complex flavors of oak and spice. fire nation whiskey, intense and smoky, with hints of charred oak, toasted spices, and a touch of volcanic ashroasted chestnuts. green tea ceremonies, delicate jasmine tea, and rare white dragon jasmine tea leaves—a specialty of his father. rare spices from trees that are native to fire nation, including cumin, saffron, and cardamom.
smells: a scent of smoldering cinnamon, cloves, and star anise in the air. jasmine blossoms, lotus flowers, and orchids from the royal gardens. the crisp scent of autumn leaves and the smoky aroma of fire pits. herbal notes. a hint of sage, lemongrass, and mint leaves in herbal teas. sandalwood incense burning in meditation rooms. crackling hearth fires in the royal palace.
sights: volcanic landscapes. volcanoes looming on the horizon, with smoke rising from their peaks. intense flames swirling, casting shadows against the red walls. royal palace. opulent halls decorated with gilded ornaments, tapestries depicting ancient fire nation legends, and imposing thrones. fire nation technology—advanced warships, steam-powered machinery, and towering factories billowing smoke. traditional fire nation dances—graceful movements accompanied by the flickering light of torches and lanterns. colorful celebrations featuring elaborate firework displays, traditional music, and performances. endless amount of war memorials. monuments honoring fallen soldiers of the fire nation, with eternal flames burning in their honor. regal crimson robes with intricate gold embroidery, adorned with the fire nation insignia. messages of propaganda, supremacy, and strength through firebending. a recruitment poster featuring a soldier, with the caption, join the fire nation army and defend our sacred land.
sounds: the rhythmic sound of flames dancing in fire pits and torches. trumpets heralding the arrival of fire nation royalty, accompanied by drums and cymbals. war drums—thunderous beats echoing across training grounds, inspiring troops before battle. lightning crackling in the foreground. melodic tunes played on traditional fire nation instruments, the pipa and guzheng. the chirping of fire nation birds, the rustling of palm trees, and the distant roar of waterfalls. war machinery—clanking gears, hissing steam, and the rumble of warships off the shorelines. moments of quiet contemplation, where the only sounds are the soft rustle of leaves and the gentle crackle of embers. practicing the dizi, traditional flute in between training sessions.
sensations: the comforting heat of firebending flames against the skin during training sessions. luxurious fire nation silks and satins, smooth against the touch. intense warmth radiating from the earth's core during visits to volcanic hot springs. humid, sea breezes brushing against the skin from the coastlines. tactile connection—a sensation of firebending energy pulsing beneath lu ten's fingertips, responding to his every movement and command. resilient spirit and unwavering determination. a deep sense of connection to the spirits of fire. commitment to serving the fire nation. isolationism, a loneliness you cannot shake. failure is not an option. reluctant heroism, internal struggles between morality and obligations. inside of me, there are two dogs. one is mean and evil and the other is good and they fight each other all the time. when asked which one wins, i answer, the one I feed the most. ambiguous loyalties.
tagged by — me. tagging: @hotknickers, @denouemente, @linghung, @hookedswords, @dropovers, @fearbend, @kniveds, @yourideaguy, @bowbend, @rotpoetry
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
Remembering the topic of prejudice against the Yaoguai, I understand that some of the immortal masters on the Yuanshi side were objects of nature? you know, rocks, stones, etc (correct me if I'm wrong). So, the prejudice would technically be more present against cultivated animals? Or just that the Jie sect AND Yaoguai in general are perceived as evil or that they shouldn't cultivate. In addition to what you said that the Jie sect were accepting Yaoguai that they may have done bad things.
However I've been reading a lot of articles lately so my mind may be remembering it differently.
The only character on the Chan side who is explicitly stated to be a yaoguai is the Dragon-bearded Tiger, and the only yaoguai who is a cultivated rock is Lady Rock Demoness/Shiji, who is a disciple of the Jie Sect.
Characters like Jade Tripod and Yellow Dragon, despite their fancy Daoist names, are not literal inanimate object yaoguais or dragons.
However, if we are not just talking about Chan Sect proper (the 12 immortals and their students), and include their Western Sect allies?
There's Ma Shan, FSYY's take on Huaguang, who is the flame spirit of Vulture Peak's crystal lamp, Kong Xuan the Peacock General who, uh, just shows up out of nowhere to be a giant roadblock and isn't actually aligned with any of the sects prior to his defeat, and...yeah that's it.
If we are getting into theory territories, Sage Lu Ya, who specializes in seriously OP curse rituals and owns the Immortal-slaying Flying Knife, may also be a non-human character.
Like, during the Ten Formations arc, he just walks into the Blazing Flames Formation and stands there unharmed, because he is "the treasure in the flames, the essence of the Li position, the spirit of Samadhi". (乃火内之珍,离地之精,三昧之灵)
This naturally leads to a lot of speculations by readers and FSYY-inspired Xianxia webnovel genres, from him being a Three-legged Sun Crow to a lamp spirit like Ma Shan to the literal elemental spirit of the Samadhi Fire.
But, whatever he may be, Lu Ya is also a sectless/unaligned Daoist (散人) who just shows up to help, kinda like the Western Sect guys. So yeah.
My reading is not that yaoguais are considered evil, or should not cultivate per se——otherwise Dragon-bearded Tiger wouldn't have been allowed, would he? It's just that, for a more orthodox, less folk-religion-ish sect, their "barrier to entry" seems to be much higher.
As to whether the prejudice towards cultivated animals is stronger? No, I don't think so. One of the Three Demonesses of Xuanyuan Tomb is a cultivated musical instrument, the Jade Pipa Demoness, and she is treated just like Daji: a femme fatale villain.
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peony-pearl · 1 year
@sleepyghoststories @prodogg pls enjoy this part 2 X3
Ursa was smoothing out Azula’s hair. Zuko was lowkey trembling.
Ozai still wasn’t there.
“There’s so many people,” Zuko murmured. He’d already seen the Fire Sages frantically preparing on the other side of the curtain.
This was no longer just a transfer of power. Azulon had sent word out quite effectively to everyone in the capitol that the announcement had become far more than just that. The sea of people that awaited the word of the Fire Lord was immense and uncountable.
Azula continued to stew in Ursa’s words from earlier. Ursa took little notice, or at least, if she did, she didn’t say anything.
Zuko then quickly snapped to attention. “Dad!” He said. Ursa jumped and Azula ran from her mother, blindly over to her approaching father.
Ozai absent-mindedly patted her back, not stopping to greet her as he walked.
Zuko was feeling brave. “Good morning, Da-”
“And what’s so good about it?!” Ozai hissed.
Zuko’s bravery diminished. Ursa pulled him close as Ozai and Azula walked off to another part of the waiting area backstage. Why was everything so stressful?
“I always thought that a blessing would be a happy time,” he said, looking up to his mother, his golden eyes full of tears. Ursa took pity on her boy as she knelt down to his level.
“It... It’s going to get better. I promise,” Ursa insisted. She was thankful Zuko never took the time to question her.
The Fire Sages bustled backstage to wait for the Fire Lord and the crown prince, as well as to get their first look at the new princess. They murmured amongst each other, nervous and excited. Such a blessing, an amazing thing that the spirits had finally deemed the future of the Fire Nation as the true deliverer of the world, and as the rightful, superior element.
A small commotion caught their attention, and Lo and Li were entering the backstage area, followed by Azulon, who, even in his ripe age of 95, was able to navigate himself just fine with the use of an ornate cane. Followed by him was Iroh, now wearing ceremonial robes. Still in his arms was the newborn blessing herself, swaddled tightly as she slept through the ordeal. Iroh’s care for the child was already palpable by anyone who looked at him as he regarded his daughter with caring, tender eyes.
Zuko almost felt the wind current from the Fire Sages rushing forward to look at the baby. They also had yet to witness Iroh’s condition, and within moments they were staring at the hole in his chest, confirming the oddity of the situation.
“Let us begin,” said the first Fire Sage as Iroh fixed his garb. The family stepped out from behind the curtain, facing the mass of people in the crowd.
Azulon stepped to the forefront, and was met with the bows of his people.
“Nearly two months ago, my family was struck with a great loss! As my son, Iroh, claimed Ba Sing Se, his only child, Lu Ten, second in line for the throne, was taken from us! A noble, diligent, and loyal prince; his death is a tragedy that has been felt rippling far beyond the palace!
“This morning I was prepared to make a most heartbreaking decision!”
Ozai fought to not show his emotions too much.
“With Lu Ten’s untimely demise, I was ready to name our own Prince Ozai as next in line for the throne, so to be inherited by one of his children.
“And yet, by a miracle, by a decision far beyond myself... Iroh returned home this morning a father again! Not by the blood of a mortal womb, but crafted by the spirits themselves, using Iroh’s own blood alone!“
Murmurs in the crowd began to lift into earshot as Zuko listened to his grandfather’s speech. Several Fire Sages walked towards Iroh, each of them holding something. As Azulon continued, one placed an ornate headdress upon Iroh’s head.
“My son, who gave his time and strength and body and only son to conquer Ba Sing Se and claim the Earth Kingdom! My son, who returned home with a broken heart can now begin to mend it, as the Spirits have taken his pain, and have created from it our future Fire Lord, and a new little blessing to grant him a second chance at fatherhood!”
Another Fire Sage placed a ceremonial tapestry over Iroh’s shoulders.
“It is my privilege and duty to announce not only an impending royal, but a being amongst the ranks of Agni in our midst! To guide and lead the world to a true paradise of the Fire Nation! To herald this true new start! Not to finish what Sozin began, but to continue his vision and reign with glory unlike anything we’ve seen!
“With the blessings of the spirits, with the sacrifice of my grandson, and the honor and burden placed upon my firstborn to raise this child, I am thrilled to announce the new second in line for the throne, and the eventual leader of a new world!
“Her holiness, Fire Princess Zion!”
With one final touch as a Fire Sage finished anointing Zion’s face with ceremonial makeup, Iroh lifted his daughter into the air as the crowd went wild. It was unlike anything Zuko had ever seen. Azula watched with her own wide eyes, still embittered by her interaction with her mother earlier, and by watching Azulon shower praise on this baby who had nothing but her existence to offer, and yet Azula and Zuko were there, healthy and powerful. Well, at least Azula was powerful.
Ursa stole a glance towards Ozai. He stared out to the crowd, not entirely focusing as he tried to maintain his composure. She could tell that returning home after all of this was going to be... eventful.
Iroh lowered Zion back into the safety of his arms, and Azulon smiled at the two. He dipped his hands into the makeup that had been dabbed onto Zion, and he decorated Iroh’s face with great care and pride, painting a series of shimmering symbols onto his beloved son’s face, with a final touch of a flame amongst Iroh’s receding hairline.
Azulon then looked out to the crowds, the happiest they’d ever seen him.
“I decree this, my granddaughter’s birthday, to be observed as a holy day! This following week shall be ripe with celebrations! I want to see joy through the Fire Nation at this momentous occasion!”
With a further cheer from the crowd, the day, and following week, commenced as ordered. The streets were full of food and fun; streamers and ornate kites floated in the air. Lanterns were lit and music was heard all throughout the Fire Nation. Artists created tapestries, paintings, and songs for Crown Prince and General Iroh and his Little Blessing.
Meanwhile Azulon’s second son didn’t leave his chambers until there was nothing left of the celebrations.
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agentemo · 3 months
Netflix's ATLA initial thoughts, ep 8: Legends
Honestly love Katara joining Aang in attacking the ships. I still wish he could waterbend too. Oh Sokka is here! Teamwork :')
Awkward CGI ftw. I had to mention it at least once.
Iroh giving Zuko advice makes more sense! That's the kind of thing I wanna see! That said, "Lu Ten woulda been proud" is not as strong as "You are like a son to me." Whack dialogue strike 74.
Bringing in the airship early is...a choice. And oh man Iroh, you will find out what job soon enough.
Sokka and Yuuue sitting in a...on an ice block
Master Katara seemingly as earned in this show as in the OG. Which is extra points against this show lmao you're supposed to improve upon the flaws you stupid remake!
Fucking fire sage traitor ass bitch. I don't mind the sages having this information; makes sense. I also like that the ocean and moon spirits appear rarely instead of BEING mortal. That is the kind of flaw improvement I like to see.
I don't love the super powerful being (Aang) seeing things others don't. It's giving hallucinations for plot purposes, which I hate.
Momo came here to nearly die, I see. I'll allow it. There's a push and pull (heh) between realism and fantasy and they are leaning toward realism. It works if Yue has powers and needs to save someone in an oasis that is not just a 10 by 10 island.
I love seeing the adults act. They're so believable lmao.
Katara Zuko fight! Lmao and Aang telling her to go easy on him. I wish that was earned.
"Yes. You're looking at her." PERIODT! I...wish that was earned.
Zhao wanting firelord is bullshit. Also how do you know which fish is the moon? Must... not... nitpick... final... episode.......
I will say Zhao's actor ate this whole season. He came to the Netflix buffet and had his fill and then some.
Color grading, I kiss you on the mouth.
So many water tribe warriors would have died in the wake of the death of the moon spirit. I'm glad they showed that. It hurts to watch but I didn't sign up for this live action remake to have my hand held.
I finally believe this kid as Aang and it took him about to go kaiju. Maybe because I couldn't see his eyes.
Speaking of kaiju!!! Fuck it up, kings! We BIG mad with the Avatar and ocean spirit!
He's a small man! Who's gonna meet a small end!!!
Okay. I love Azula in this. They made a good choice here. Actually no. They made many good choices here. They brought her forward a season and they made so many compelling choices with her character. Incredible.
Yeah keep throwing fireballs at a water kaiju you dumb fucks.
Sokka and Yuuue... and then just Sokka...
Katara, he can't hear you. Stfu.
I love seeing the aftermath except I don't. Fuck the aftermath. Have I not cried enough?
You don't! Have to be a warrior!!! To be a hero!!!!!!
A man needs his rest!!!!!! And a me needs their CRY
Chemistry between the trio in the literal last scene of them lmao.
Azula helping conquer Omashu? Under the shadow of the siege of the north? Brilliant.
Yeah what the FUCK is next, Azula?
G-give...me season 2? Now. I want it now.
More thoughts coming....well I have a lot of work the next few days but this will be front of mind anyway lol
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fanboyzuko · 1 year
How much is a royal title worth in LTF? Dragons Wings seems to imply that it was a really big deal having Lu Ten as a figurehead for the movement, does that importance extend outside of the Fire Nation as well? Outside Ba Sing Se he immediately became a valuable target the moment the wrong person found out his location.
I'm extrapolating from available information mostly to try to figure out how careful the Sazanami needs to be when traveling outside Fire Nation controlled waters with two royals on board. And how dangerous it might be if information about their location and mode of transport were to spread. Would the Earth Kingdom generals consider them a worthwhile target to chase after if that information became known? Would the South Water Tribe fleet?
And depending on the answer to those questions, would the Wings mention having royal backing in any eventual future meetings with other factions? or would they keep it quiet to not risk a repeat of what happened to Lu Ten? (The more I think about it, the more Zuko's Hui-persona seems to offer a vital layer of protective camouflage, allowing him to become insignificant to those who would go after him. How much does Zhao know about the details of that identity? that's the only weak point I can see at the moment.)
TL;DR Royal title has significant political weight in LTF. However, threat levels of being specifically targeted not too high for Zuko&Iroh while sailing about even outside of FN waters. No different than any other FN vessel. Wings will definitely start establishing they have someone suitable to take the throne if they overthrow Ozai, at least to FN allies. To possible foreign allies? Proooobably not after they were burned so hard last time... Hui should be safe from Zhao.
Long rambling answer:
Oh maaan you always ask them hard hitting questions. I really had to think on this one.
So perhaps the first thing I really sat thinking about is how in canon, the political weight the noble class is very... light? Understandably so, as this is a Nick cartoon, not some Game of Thrones style type shit. I feel like that pretty much extends to general fandom perception and content? Like I feel most the time when I see focus on the importance of say Zuko's royal standing, it's to deconstruct it and show him 'breaking norms.' But what ARE the norms?
Zuko may have been banished and (presumably) taken out of the line of inheritance until he found the Avatar, but Iroh still had his title as a prince of the FN. Even disgraced after the siege, he has standing. But it doesn't come off that way at all! And then Azula, Ozai's only heir while Zuko is banished, is sent off to capture Aang. And sure she's a powerful firebender but?? She really had meager guards and protection being IN THE MIDDLE OF ENEMY TERRITORY! And gosh the whole King Kuei running off into the wild with his pet bear is bonkers. No matter how much of a puppet king he was, he's still a whole ass king. Buck wild. But again, kids show lol.
So then turning to LTF... The politics are a litter messier and hold more weight. The Fire Nation royal line 'traces back to the first Fire Lord' and it is a Big Deal. There's probably a lot of nobles who take immense pride in their connections to the royal line. "I'm the great-great grandson of Fire Lord X's youngest sister!" type shit. And it's a big deal who is then brought into the royal family. Hence Ursa coming out of nowhere was such a huge upset in the court.
As far as the commonfolk go, I'd say that ties into the spiritual significance of the royal family. The FN gives off the 'divine right to rule' vibe to their politics, with the original Fire Lord being a Fire Sage and the throne being tied closely to the Fire Sages in its beginnings. Even after the Fire Lords started pulling more power to themselves and from the sages, the Fire Sage clearly still have strong social and political sway. I hinted a bit at it with Ju Long at one point, how the Fire Lord is supposed to be a representative of the FN's spirits of sorts.
So it is important that if there's a faction going against the throne, they have someone from the royal family backing them. No matter how radical the group, they know that if they're going to usurp the Fire Lord and keep someone else on the throne, they need the support of the nobles and commonfolk. Only way to do that is with someone in the royal line. Also touched on that briefly with Bun Ma's conversation with Iroh before she left, about the Fire Lord who was overthrown by the clans who had to marry their candidate to rule to someone in the royal line to secure their place.
Which now gets me thinking, it'd be SO interesting if the Earth Kingdom tried forcing Zuko/Iroh to marry an EK noble and making a claim to the Fire Nation throne.... Oh man that'd be so interesting. Bc honestly, with Zuko's banishment and Iroh basically abdicating the throne, they aren't high profile targets to foreign powers. Lu Ten was targeted because his worth to Iroh was well known, and it seemed like the best move to end the siege. There's no benefit to targeting Zuko or Iroh other than reparations in regards to Iroh (like what almost happened in the show when he was taking his bath lmao), a shot in the dark Ozai isn't as heartless as he seems and would care about a ransom, or the secret third option I just thought of, of trying to upset FN politics from the inside...
I'm losing the thread some maybe... I've been thinking about this all day can you tell haha.
Okay so for the Wings, if they want to have any hope of making significant waves in the FN political sphere, they need that royal backing. So as they start pushing harder, they will need to disclose they have someone suitable to take the throne should they overthrow Ozai. But they'll be playing it safe of keeping it vague just who they're putting their money on. If anyone outside the Wings starts hearing of their movement and mission, they could think it's Iroh or even a noble with direct lines of descent from the royal family.
Coordinating with foreign allies, they'll be keeping their cards even closer to their chest. After Lu Ten they're not going to take any chances. So they'd definitely imply their royal backer isn't in the immediate royal family. Or that they're completely breaking FN norms and saying fuck it. After a century of conflict and isolation, EK and WTs wouldn't necessarily know the political and cultural climate of the FN. They could probably accept and believe a rebel group hoping to overthrow the throne without royal backing, unlike FN allies.
As far as Zhao goes, he definitely underestimates the power of Hui. Even if he did learn Zuko's undercover name, he hasn't remembered it. He just vaguely knows that Zuko's been posing as a scholar. What a waste of time and resources, but go off banished prince, is his mindset. Last he's met Zuko, he went to the library and came back without seeming to have learned all that much. Whoopdeedoo.
If he actually knew just how much shit Zuko's gotten up to as Hui and how many connections he's made, it'd be a different story. But he doesn't, so Hui's safe from Zhao's interference.
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