#fire up that green energy machine
beardedmrbean · 2 years
The facilities managed by the Electricity System Operator have been prepared by the company's teams to ensure the trouble-free and safe operation of the power transmission system during the fall-winter season 2022/2023, reports ESO.
The company invested over BGN 200 million this year in the implementation of the projects set in the investment and repair programs.
In 2022, the construction of the 110 kV Varna North - Kavarna power line was completed, as well as the new 110 kV overhead line to connect the newly built 110 kV substation "Obzor".
The implementation of a new 110 kV overhead line is planned, connecting the 110 kV "Kurilo" and 400 kV "Metalurgichna" substations, which is essential for ensuring the safe and continuous electricity supply of the city of Sofia.
ESO welcomes the upcoming winter season with the most developed 400kV network in Southeast Europe, which in recent years has been doubled in the direction Plovdiv - Maritsa East - Burgas - Varna with the implementation of five projects of common European interest, the Electricity System Operator adds.
During the preparation of the power transmission facilities for the autumn-winter season 2022/2023, reconstruction of 148 km of 110 kV overhead lines was also carried out, over 10,000 decares of clearings of the overhead lines were cleared.
A bypass of power lines was made at a distance of nearly 30,000 km. Complete prevention of 71 substations was carried out.
Reconstruction of the open 110 kV switchgears at Plovdiv, Ikhtiman, Devnya 1, and Kavarna substations was carried out. Work continues on the modernization of the open 110 kV switchgear at Hisarya, Lazur, Lovech, Lukovit and other substations.
More than 500 kilometers of lightning protection cables have been replaced. Off-road equipment and cars are provided.
The electric transmission operator has also made serious progress in the construction of automatic control systems for substations throughout the country. Five support points are in operation, from which more than 150 substations are already managed.
From the beginning of 2022. 38 substations were modernized with built-in remote control systems.
According to the digitization program, construction and assembly activities are being carried out in 11 sites - in 110 kV Lovech substations; Hisaria; Azure; substation TPP Plovdiv; Noise Center substation; Bulbous; Velingrad; substation Targovishte 2 and others.
By the end of the year, another 35 substations will switch to remote control, and in the next two years, the control of another 75 substations will be automated.
ESO has built an optical network of over 5,000 km, which is constantly expanding. This network includes 294 sites, of which 223 ESO substations, 30 ESO administrative centers and 41 sites of manufacturers and substations of large industrial users.
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Here is a wonderful little story A young cashier told an older woman that she should bring her grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologized, "We didn't have this green thing back in my day." The young clerk said, "Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations." She gave him a firm stare and a hard grin and said “Back then, we returned milk bottles, soda bottles, and beer bottles. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over. They were recycled. Grocery stores bagged our groceries in brown paper bags, which we reused for numerous things. We walked upstairs because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. Back then, we washed the baby's diapers because we didn't have the throwaway kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy-gobbling machine burning up 220 volts -- wind and solar power did dry our clothes back in our day. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. The TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief, not a screen the size of the state of Montana. In the kitchen, we blended and stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded-up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn gasoline just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades with a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. Back then, people took a bus and kids rode their bikes instead of turning their moms into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 23,000 miles in space to find the nearest burger joint. But the current generation laments how wasteful we old folks were just because we didn't have the green thing.” The cashier stood there still and quiet as the old lady found her wallet to pay. Then lady turned to leave but stepped back and turned toward the cashier. She said “You have a world of knowledge in that little device in your hand. Pity you just use it to gossip, take pictures, and waste time. It would do you good to search a bit of history before you embarrass yourself like this again. Forward this to another selfish old person who needs a lesson in conservation from a smart-ass young person.
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DP x DC: Reaction Time
Based on the Danny Phantom Episode: Flirting With Disaster
(Another idea I've never seen anybody else use so I'm going to go with it)
When the United States sent up a new Satellite the Justice League had conflicting feelings about it all. Yes, it wasn't any danger to the Watchtower and was nothing more but a mild annoyance. Mostly because 'Axion Labs' had built the damn thing after constantly refusing to share their specs with any competitors and everybody was very tightly lipped about it. They had no idea if it were safe, what it was capable of, and it was ugly.
It turned out that the satellite was just the processing unit but that due to 'Secret Axion Labs technology' was able to access any and al devices to allow world wide alerts to go out in a matter of seconds. Which wouldn't have been a bad thing if A) The Justice League had even a glimps of what data they would be sending, B) Axion Labs could even be trusted - which they couldn't, and C) if the owner of Axion Labs wasn't also on Batman's personal "Watchlist" for a multitude of reasons one of which was blackmail and fraud.
Batman didn't trust it and specifically made any possible adjustment on their equipment that they could to prevent anybody from hacking into their systems or finding out their personal information.
For a few months things were fine until one day things suddenly changed.
It was a rare mid-day meeting to talk about the increasing number of Lazarus Pits popping up around the world when a sudden bright green laser shot out from the middle of Illinois and hit the ugly satellite.
In seconds every Justice League member was on their feet and at the window, watching the situation with wide eyes while Martian Manhunter multitasked and started trying to locate the source of the problem. Batman watched as he obnoxious round dome on the satellite suddenly morphed into something green and almost alive. It was glowing and face like as it laughed, it's voice echoing through space as it boomed.
Batman was thankful that he had updated the security on the Watchtower and his stuff back in Gotham City but now he was left spiraling and concerned. What happened to the satellite? Why was it suddenly sentient?! WHAT THE HELL WAS HAPPENING?!
"There are two figures approaching the satellite." Superman said, "Without a ship."
"What?!" The collective comment formed as the satellite began to move on it's own and Batman pulled up the camera's from the outside while pulling up more information from earth.
The outside cameras showed what looked like two teenagers - one in a red suit that definitely wasn't meant to be a space suit and one in no suit at all just a helmet and what looked like some kind of jetpack!
Pink lasers shot out of the satilitte down the earth, making Batman fear the worst as news became flooded with a glowing green face of a man with long white hair in a mullet and a black and white suit of some kind. He was laughing wildly.
Suddenly earth was thrown into chaos.
Street signs changed, electronics came to life all over not just America but the entire planet as one by one areas were struck by pink lasers. The teenager with the mask flew at the satellite with glowing green energy shooting out of their hands as it effortlessly bounced off of the machine.
"Whoever that kid is, he seems to know what's going on." Flash said quickly, "We might be able to hack into the helmet and form some kind of communication."
"Maybe I should go out there." Superman suggested.
"Not yet, that glow could mean trouble." Batman grumbled and Superman deflated slightly, "Let's try to contact the kid." He said, getting to work on hacking into the kids helmet when the second kid in the red suit suddenly slammed into the one in the mask, trapping them in the middle of some kind of hoverboard.
Suddenly there was an explosion, a crack in the back of the jetpack as the kid tried to break free, firing a blast at the red one, throwing the two of them apart. The red one went limp while the green seemed surprised at their own actions before flying towards the satellite, flying in front of it. The teen pulled off the jetpack, turned it on, then let it go as the satellite opened what looked like it's mouth and swallowed the jetpack.
Which - understandably - exploded and destroyed the satellite in turn. The faces were yanked off of the news, all of the machines which had been powered up were suddenly shut down and fell harmlessly to the ground.
Disaster had been averted in a matter of minutes and just as quickly both teens vanished.
"What the hell just happened?" Gawked Superman.
"I don't know... but Axion Labs has a lot of explaining to do." Batman glared. "Let's find out as much as we can about the Illinois location."
"Amity Park Illinois." Flash said, already having information pulled up. "It's - oh."
"Oh?" Green Arrow repeated.
That was never good.
"Uh... yeah, looks like this isn't gonna be an 'on the way conversation'. Looks like we have a new meeting topic."
They learned about the kid they had seen, Ghosts, and half a dozen attacks that probably should have at least caught the attention of Justice League yet they had never even heard of these things.
They had never heard about Danny Phantom or the problems Amity Park was having but that was going to change from that moment on. They were taking a fieldtrip to Amity Park. To meet Danny Phantom, figure out what was happening, talk to Axion Labs, and figure out how the hell they hadn't heard about any of this.
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caffieneaddictt18 · 4 months
werewolf x reader who works at Walmart - just meeting. Kind of random but i get bored at work sooo....
"Yo, yo, yo, what's poppin?" I ask as I approach a couple with a baby, probably in their late 20s. My hand is already blindly grabbing for my name badge.
"Hi!" The woman says smiling, "The machine just stopped and said something about a scale. I'm just trying to weigh my zucchini."
The man next to her nods as he plays with the baby, as to back her up. I don't necessarily care.
My shins are starting to hurt... I thought the new ortho shoes would help...
My hands go through the practiced motion of taking whatever was on the scale off, pressing the button for zucchini, and then weighing it. Aka, the only way to weigh your produce that doesn't throw the machine into a hissy-fit.
"Easy-peasy," I slap on my customer service voice like the passed on Queen of England decided to step into Wal-Mart, "Just make sure to press the button beforehand, and then weigh the produce. And it's so funky." I try to make it relatable for the woman, "Some produce needs to be weighed and others need to be counted. It gets confusing." I smile and see her smiling in relief, thankful that someone understands her.
Someone does but it aint me. This is my whole ass job.
I smile and say the unforgettable 'Have a great day!' before leaving and having to walk around the self-check.
New big boss gonna fire me if I stop walking... fucking bullshit. I see a toy that was placed on a chip shelf and mess with it as I go to put it away.
"Hey! Hey! Girl!" Someone snaps their fingers at me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, smiling a smile that would put Alastor to shame.
"Hello! What seems to be the problem today?" My customer service voice is getting strained as I see it's just an old man wanting to buy alcohol.
"The machine will need you to check my age when I buy this alcohol." He gestures to the cart that has it's undercarriage filled with Modelo.
I look at his order on his screen and scroll through it. "Well, sir, it looks like you haven't scanned it yet, so I can't give you the go ahead; But once you do, I can definitely give you the go ahead to buy it." I throw it back in his face, trying to make him feel as stupid as possible. He scoffs and takes the hand scanner off the terminal and it starts beeping loudly at him.
"Stop yelling at me!" He shouts, frustrated that it won't stop beeping and won't scan his beer.
"Well, sir, it is a machine, so it can't yell at you. It doesn't have a mouth. It's just beeping because the batteries are going out, but you can definitely wait until the hand scanner flashes green, and then it should work." I patiently wait for him to put it back on the terminal. And once it flashes green, he scans the beer.
The first notification, asking if the customer looks younger than 40, pops up. I look back at the man and size him up and down before pressing 'No'.
"Have a great day, sir!" I bounce away and continue walking around. I see a group of men who are all standing around quietly, just simply waiting. Their light is flashing red and they are being silent. It's definitely a nice change.
I walk over. "Hey there. Sorry to bother you, but I gotta fix this. Sorry." I look at the screen... and it's a mis-scan. My boss is gonna hate me...
"Sorry about the wait, guys! It's been a busy day." I think back to when someone dropped a whole gallon of whole milk and it leaked into the aisle next to it. We had to use two whole things of spill clean-up... my anxiety has been high ever since. Could also just be the 5 Hour Energy and Redbull I chugged, but meh.
"No problem. I could tell." The obvious leader of their band of friends talks, as if talking for the whole group. One of the guys has a faint blush on his face and the others are laughing, talking about their plans.
I watch the little video the camera produced and determine that it was just an old bag crossing over the scanner without being scanned... cuz it is an old bag.
"Oops. Looks like it's just the bag. The machine must've just gotten confused. Sorry about that." I smile and wave before giving them the go-ahead to keep scanning.
"No worries. Thank you."
I think back to the one guy who was blushing and leaning on the cart's handle. He's kinda cute... and hot. What the fuck.
Meh whatever. Just focus on work- I did it, I did, I jumped-
"Hey! Girl! I need you to ring up my groceries for me!" I silently sigh and walk over.
"Of course, sir!"
Another day in the life of a person at Wal-Mart.
Author's Cup of Tea:
Im ngl, i thought about this while I was changing prices in the cigarette cases. It took 4 hours to do all of the price changes😭
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killmongerskeeper · 2 years
Crashing Waves // Chapter 5 // Namor
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Pairing: Namor x POC Reader
Warning: Spoilers
Chapter 4 // Chapter 6
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Namora stood before me with a scowl. "Do we have a problem or something? Every time we're in the same proximity you have this scowl on your face." You asked her in confidence and she scoffed. 
"No problem. I'm not about to let K'uk'ulkan become bewitched. Take that as a warning surface dweller." She said with malice in her voice and I crossed my arms.
"It's Y/N. And why would I bewitch him, when it was you guys that brought me down here, fish head." You spat and she stepped towards you.
"You don't want to do that missy." You warned as a green hue engulfed your hand ready to defend yourself if need be. At that moment she readied her spear before dashing towards you and you deflected her attack with a manifested shield. You quickly threw some energy spheres at her but she was quick to dodge them all. You eventually manifested a dagger in which the two of you fought for at least 5 more minutes. 
"He shouldn't have brought you here! You should've died with the rest of them." She sneered as the blade of her spear caught your cheek. You could feel the blood running from the wound before you shot a full blast at her and she flew backwards. She broke a couple of icicles on impact but your stance never faltered. The big guy from earlier walked into the room before holding Namora back. 
"Relax Namora. This one is no weakling." He said to her before turning to me. "I am Attuma. Apologies for Namora. We just want what's best for K'uk'ulkan. The surface world hasn't been too kind." 
You frowned as you wiped the blood off of your cheek and turned away. They left soon after and you took the chance to reach out to Shuri. Closing your eyes, you did your best to clear your mind as you thought of the princess. When you reached her you felt sadness and guilt. She sat with the queen on the shoreline in front of a fire. You saw them both clear as day. 
"My brother is dead. He is not in the wind. It's just your imagination to help you cope, mother." She said to the queen and you sighed. 
"Shuri-" You mumbled and her head snapped up. She glanced around the river with wide eyes. Unsure where your voice is coming from, she stood from her spot still searching.
"I'm here princess." You called out again and she gave a small smile. 
"Y/N?" She called out again to make sure you were really there.
"Yes I'm here." You smiled as she stretched to stand. 
"Where are you? Why are you not here?" She questioned as you frowned.
"Listen to me Shuri. Someone is coming to you. Through the river border." You informed her and she shook her head.
"It's sealed, no way anyone is getting through there." She debunked as you sighed.
"Shuri you don't understand. He travels through water. Unseen by the surface eye. His army is like no other. A military rig got attacked because they found vibranium out at sea and they are blaming Wakanda for it." You stated as you felt his energy grow closer to the two women.
"Wait what are you-" 
She stood with her mother as the animals began to run out of the water. And I knew Namor had reached them. They held their battle stance as he stepped out of the water looking around in amazement. 
"Stop right there! How did you get in here?" The queen questioned but Namor paid her no mind. 
"It's beautiful here. And the air is so crisp. I've heard stories about how amazing this place was." He pondered aloud until he was completely out of the water. 
"I am not a woman who likes to repeat herself. Who are you?!" She began to grow impatient as the underwater king introduced himself. 
"My enemies know me as Namor. I stopped a military operation from recovering Vibranium out in the Atlantic."
"Atlantic?! Impossible, vibranium only exists here! In Wakanda!" The queen said with anger across her face. 
"Mother look at him, he's covered in it!" Shuri stated and he nodded.
"The surface world had a machine built by a scientist. One that tracks down vibranium on land and in the ocean. I've come to offer an alliance. To burn down the outside world before they come to you. All you have to do is bring me the scientist."
"We do not need any help with our affairs. Leave at once!" She shouted and he frowned. 
"I have an army larger than you can imagine. You don't want to pick a fight with me." He warned the two women who refused to stand down.
"So I've been told." Shuri said in a low voice.
"So the little one is listening." He said with a grin and you froze. He knew? How could he have known? 
"Where is she? What have you done to Y/N?" She asked and he ran a hand through his hair.
"She's alive for now. That's all you need to know." He told her and Ramonda pushed Shuri behind her.
"Here's a better proposition for you, bring me the scientist that built the machine and I won't bring my army to Wakanda. That shell there, use it to call out to me and I will come shortly after." He left without another word but not before the machine used to locate vibranium appeared behind the wakandans. Confused by what just occurred, Shuri put down her spear as she and her mother ran out of there. 
"Y/N! Can you hear me?" She shouted out loud.
"I'm here but not for long. He will soon return here."
"Where is here? Where are you?
"Somewhere underwater. How deep I don't know but I have to go now. I'll stay in touch."
"Wait Y/N-" You cut off communication with her before Namora and Attuma walked into your space. You had a feeling they weren’t here to share water breathing tips.
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Taglist: @missdragon-1 @zooni92802 @22carolina08 @bonnapple @arcaerin @bontensbabygirl @simpingfor-wakasa @secretpostts @gardenof-venus @batfam-sitcom @caldodemazapangourmet @naiomiwinchester @moneteguiza @gnkkstarz @aut0matic-supers0nic @historygeekqueen @violet-19999 @euphoricsirens @emberfulclass @pixiest1ckz @randomtumblerusersblog @tired-hungry-angry @aykxz98 @yepimthatperson @hangesbaee @aeilani @juicyj28 @astrospunutt @natalia-rmnva @stitchattacks @xxmusic13luverxx @usernamelotus @euphrosyn3
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Quirks based off of videogames: Part 1!
Slime Rancher - Emitter/Transformation type Slime Rancher causes the user to generate a buildup of a slime-like substance on the lower half of their legs. When enough slime has been generated, the user creates a slime creature, which will have different attributes based on the colour of the slime generated. Creating a slime consumes a large amount of energy, so the user will need to rest and recover after creating one. Additionally, the user can transform their arm into a vacpack-like machine, which only sucks up slimes, and certain foods. For example, the vacpack could be aimed at a bowl of grapes, blueberries, and strawberries. Only the strawberries would be pulled in, and when ejected from the pack, they will have been transformed into Cubeberries, an item that any slime that eats fruit will consume. They are favoured by phosphor slimes. Also, the user takes hits differently- they will be injured and function completely normally, until they reach a certain threshold, at which point they will collapse and remain unconscious for 12-24 hours. They will also collapse upon being submerged in salt water, or being burnt. Slimes of all kinds will cease to exist upon contact with fire or salt water. Slime types (examples, not complete list): - grey substance = Tabby slime - pink substance = Pink slime - blue substance = Rock slime - purple-blue substance = Crystal slime - red substance = Boom slime - caramel-coloured substance = Honey slime - green substance = Rad slime/Radioactive slime - luminous, light blue substance = Phosphor slime - teal substance = Tangle Slimes Drawbacks include: - exhaustion after creating slime - dehydration after creating slime - hunger after creating slime - pain transforming vacpack when tired/weak/injured - dizziness after overusing vacpack
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son1c · 1 year
out of the frying pan and into the fire (but they don't know that yet)
falling stars fic masterpost
Whoever had built this roller coaster deserved a raise. It was handling the weight of Sonic, Shadow, the motobug, and even the large robot like a champ. The large robot stood a ways in front of the others, its bold proclamation vibrating the metal tracks, but they refused to be intimidated.
Sonic's eyes widened. "Distress signal?" he repeated. Then, he looked down at the motobug. Its eyes were still flashing that same desperate red as before. "Huh… I never would've guessed our little buddy came with a direct line to someone like you! But hey, I'm glad it's got some friends on speed dial!"
The large robot bored its crimson eyes into Sonic. "INCORRECT," it said. "THIS UNIT IS NOT 'FRIENDS' WITH THAT INFERIOR MODEL."
The motobug beeped. If it was capable of making an expression, then it probably would have been sticking its tongue out right now.
Sonic was confused. "Well, if you're not pals, why'd you show up?"
With a single sharp, titanium plated finger, the large robot pointed at Sonic and Shadow. "SCANS OF THE AREA INDICATED AN ABNORMAL SPIKE IN CHAOS ENERGY. THE DISTRESS SIGNAL HAD AN ESTIMATED 73.4% CHANCE OF BEING RELATED."
Shadow didn't like where this was going. "Why would Chaos Energy be of any interest to you?"
Sonic and Shadow looked at each other. Then, Sonic turned back towards the large robot. "That other half might be tough to come by, big guy," Sonic said. He spared a glance over his shoulder and saw that the G.U.N. soldiers had begun scaling the hill below them. "Y'see, we're kinda popular right now…"
It was then that the large robot's hands retreated into its arms. With its blasters now operational, it raised them up, preparing to shoot down whichever poor G.U.N. soldier was unlucky enough to reach the top of the tracks first.
Sonic felt uneasy as he stared down the barrels of the large robot's blasters. They didn’t look like very precise weapons. Cautiously, he urged the motobug to drive behind the large robot. Now, at least, they wouldn’t get caught in the crosshairs of those massive machine guns.
“Blue,” Shadow hissed, his eyes locked on the back of the large robot’s head. “We don’t need to put our faith in this machine. A warp is still possible.”
Sonic glanced at Shadow. He whispered back, “Then what? You go dark on me again? I’d rather take my chances with Mr. Mecha here.”
A single drop of sweat slid down Sonic’s head like he was an anime character. “Sorry,” he said. “I’d rather take my chances with Mr. Omega.”
“…Just Omega?”
A human hand appeared at the top of the tracks. A helmet and head joined it shortly afterwards, illuminated by the bright white spotlight on the ground. Omega didn't hesitate--he opened fire immediately, and the soldier dropped back down the tracks with a startled yelp. Bullets clanged off the tracks and pierced through the office building to their right, turning the green outer wall into a pretty decent impression of a cheese grater.
Then, everything went quiet. So quiet that Shadow could hear the internal mechanisms of the motobug whir as it sat idly on the tracks. Shadow hopped off of its back after a second spent in the tense, unmoving silence. Now he was standing parallel to Sonic and the motobug on the other side of the tracks, with his fists clenched tightly in anticipation.
The hedgehogs and robots watched the edge of the tracks. Waiting.
But they were looking at the wrong spot. No soldiers appeared from the hill--instead, a group of them dropped down from the sky, having leapt off the roof of the office building. Omega resumed his attack on them immediately, swinging his hulking robotic body around and letting loose a blanket of bullets that seemed to cover the night air with red hot steel.
A soldier with gold teeth landed on the tracks in front of Sonic. He jabbed his gun in the blue hedgehog's face, but Sonic was faster than him, and he slapped the gun out of the soldier's hands before he could pull the trigger. It fell to the ground far below, breaking into a million pieces when it hit the sidewalk.
The soldier jumped in fear when Sonic grabbed his collar. "W-Wait!" he gasped. "Don't! I just got my teeth fixed from the last time I saw you!"
Sonic frowned. He didn't let go of the man's collar. "You're that guy from the forest?"
Nodding, the soldier replied, "That's right!"
Sonic punched him in the face. A few of the soldier's gold teeth went flying.
"Word of advice?" Sonic quipped dryly. "Quit your job."
After releasing the man's collar, Sonic did something risky. He hopped off of the motobug's back, balanced on the tracks with his one uninjured leg, and then pushed the disoriented soldier over. The man landed on his back on the tracks, and once Sonic tied the hems of his shirt and pants to the horizontal beams, it was clear he wouldn't be rejoining the fight anytime soon.
When that was done, Sonic straightened. Then, the motobug drove up to him. Its eyes had returned to their original electric blue color, but the little robot was obviously still in distress--a feeling that worsened when Omega's aim shifted from the sky to the tracks and the soldiers that were crawling across them like insects.
Sonic did the only thing he could think of to keep himself and the motobug safe from the onslaught. He hooked one hand under Buggy's wheel, and then he dropped down under the tracks, dangling from them with his free hand. A concrete patio jutted out from the office building about 30 feet below them, but he wasn't going to risk that fall until someone tried stepping on his fingers, so he simply hung there for now.
Meanwhile, Shadow was up against the rest of the G.U.N. soldiers. He could feel the pressure building behind his eyes the longer they fought, his punches driving back one soldier only to reveal two more. It was difficult to stay on the narrow, slippery tracks while trading blows--something the soldiers didn't have to worry about, Shadow realized, since their shoes were magnetized.
However, it wasn't until Omega started firing in his direction that Shadow really started to feel the heat. Sparks appeared around his fists, and when he socked the next G.U.N. soldier in the jaw, the impact released a burst of red kinetic energy, and the man's head snapped sharply to the side. He stumbled backwards, then fell to his hands and knees.
Omega took care of the rest. One by one, the soldiers crumpled under the pressure, until none of them were left standing.
Then, Shadow hurried over to where Sonic and the motobug were hanging from the edge of the tracks. He pulled them both up with one hand. "That was beyond reckless," Shadow said.
Sonic shrugged. "It was no big deal," he said. "Besides, I needed the workout!"
Omega turned towards Sonic and Shadow. His arm cannons were smoking. "THREAT ELIMINATED," he said. "COMMENCING HEDGEHOG RETRIEVAL PROTOCOLS."
Shadow tensed when the large robot moved to grab them, but then his attention shifted to the sky over his flat yellow head. Partially hidden by the darkness of the citywide blackout, a G.U.N. helicopter was hovering in the space just beyond the tracks, a giant missile hanging from its undercarriage, pointed directly at them.
Shadow zapped himself behind Omega. The missile unlatched from the helicopter. Shadow started glowing, his whole body on fire. The missile ignited, its tail ablaze with the promise to come right towards him. Shadow jumped from the tracks and landed on the window of the helicopter. The missile began rocketing forwards.
The pilots inside the helicopter became frantic at the sight of him, but there was nothing they could do.
Molten Chaos Energy exploded from Shadow's body. It engulfed the helicopter and the missile. It scorched them. Destroyed them completely. For a second there was ashes, but then they got eviscerated too. Shadow hung in the air for a moment afterwards, floating in the space where the helicopter and missile had just been, radiating power.
And then it all went dark. The red light disappeared, and he started to fall, his energy completely spent. The soldiers on the ground waited, all too ready to catch him.
But Sonic beat them to it. He didn't have a plan--he didn't need one. He had driven Buggy to the edge of the tracks and then leapt off of the motobug's back without a second thought, diving after his friend with determination.
Sonic caught Shadow by the wrist. Then, he curled around Shadow's unconscious body, steeling himself for the moment when they would hit the ground.
It wouldn't be the first time.
But history didn't repeat itself. Omega swooped in before the hedgehogs could create another crater, and he snatched them from the air, saving them from falling into G.U.N.'s clutches. Sonic winced just a little bit when Omega's big metal hands jostled his broken leg.
Sonic looked up. The motobug waved down at him from its spot atop one of Omega's large shoulders. Its other claw was wedged in an extremely convenient, handle-like protrusion that the author is amazed they managed to make plot relevant somehow.
"BLUE HEDGEHOG," Omega said, his shiny eyes peering down at Sonic. "YOU DID NOT INFORM ME OF THE DARK ONE'S DESTRUCTIVE POWER. I LIKE IT."
Sonic adjusted Shadow in his arms, holding his friend's head against his shoulder. "It's news to me, too," Sonic admitted. After a moment spent listening to Omega's thrusters burn and crackle, he asked, "Thanks for the save, and all, but mind fillin' me in on where we're going?"
"Heh," Sonic laughed. It was short and thin. "Way ahead of you. Seriously, though--what's the deal with you?"
"I DO NOT OPERATE UNDER A CONTRACT," Omega stated plainly.
Starlight City faded into the distance behind them. Up ahead, the horizon was free from skyscrapers. In fact, it was free from any buildings at all. The only things for miles were mountains of sand and the occasional palm tree. And now that they had lost sight of G.U.N., Omega was flying closer to the ground, kicking up clouds of sand and dust in his wake.
Sonic wanted to trust Omega. He had just helped them out of a tight spot, after all. And he seemed to know who they were--or, at the very least, he knew someone else who did. That lead was important, because it's what Stripes was looking for.
But Sonic couldn't help but wonder what waited for them at Scrap Brain Base, and if it was any good. Was Omega's creator going to be like G.U.N.? Sonic figured it was a coin toss.
Frowning, Sonic examined Omega. Unlike Buggy, the large robot was clearly built for combat. What kind of person would build something like him? "Omega," Sonic began, "you sure you're not with the military?"
"POSITIVE," Omega responded in that same booming mechanical voice as always. "MY CREATOR IS AN ENEMY OF THE STATE."
Sonic smiled faintly. Just like that, the scales tipped in favor of Omega's creator having decent character. "It doesn't seem hard to do," Sonic said somewhat bitterly. "Those police types always seem to wanna pick a fight!"
Shadow shuddered in Sonic's arms. He wore a pinched expression in his sleep and his fur was hot to the touch, despite the chill of the desert night. Whatever affliction he had suffered after their confrontation with the cowboy ghost was getting worse. That much was obvious to Sonic.
Carefully, the blue hedgehog ran his fingers through Shadow's quills. Quite a few of them were splintered or outright broken from their fall. Sonic cleaned them up with a deftness he didn't expect, hoping to bring at least a little comfort to his feverish friend.
Shadow's hard frown softened by a fraction, and Sonic considered it a win.
And there was one more thing. He no longer felt unsure about their destination, because he had realized something. If Omega's creator was familiar with them, then that was a good thing, because the guy would probably know a thing or two about Stripes. Specifically, what was wrong with him. Sonic just hoped they'd be willing to help.
Maybe then, he would be spared from having to hunt down a doctor.
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cipheramnesia · 9 months
Trying to articulate a certain concept of mecha pilot typing without a direct one to one reproduction of a manga or anime character is such a hazardous navigation. For starters it doesn't matter how alike the core concept is, for sure someone is gonna see what they like, and another generally the giant robot fight is highly associated anyway.
Still and all, the sense is what must exist inside the mind of this pilot as it is fused into a vat grown killing machine the size of a small building, their entire neural map copied into something man-made but wholly alien, picking up new sets of nerves and wiring and tracking systems and fusing them into their beached wet brain matter while their body is wrapped inside a cockpit of alloy and plastic muscles along with fleshy veins and artificial nerves. The small mountain not precisely a cold slab of unyielding metal but warm curves and soft insectoid overlapping plates. It makes a breathable atmosphere throughout armored spiracles and exhales missiles like breath, twitching across knurled organic material extruded from dead mechanical processes.
But at the center of it all are human hands operating controls more bone and meat than plastic or carbon fiber while their mind explodes in a thousand pieces, pre-programed needs and scalpels sing through their spinal column to extract their fear, their nightmares and terror buried below layers of spongy organs. And the pilot, they are both subject and object of their own dissection, the conversion of their mind into a battery of nightmares projected across a field of combat because it is the only way humans have to level the field when the enemy uses some immeasurable life force to cast energy and shape the world in a way defying physics (they beat the word magic out of them in training, it's simply alien science).
It's all they have, this psyche pulled into components on an autopsy table and delivered into a hulk of armor and weaponry that fractures apart green flames that burn and dissolve like acid, throws the tall damselflies carrying twisting silver staffs into disarray, and tears apart the thirty foot walking tree with a salvo of depleted uranium slugs and missile fire. Inside it all the pilot shaking, starving, sweating out every drop of salt so I just wonder.
When they are free of the death machine, their mind packed neatly back into small, soft flesh and body, and they slide tumble out of the gaping maw holding shock fluid, sweat, blood, mucus, and a banal plastic seat. Clutch their body to its feet and try to center their mind and nerves inside themselves, who are they. What is left of the pilot then, how to they hold on to the will to live, to fuel their fallible flesh with carbs and protein knowing and feeling how the dreams that drive them screaming out of their bunk are scattered through a muddy, wasted field of shimmering blue blood and electric sparking nerve threads. They look at themselves and each other and their faces will never be the same again.
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saberswordseabass · 8 months
A Hidden Danger; Know your threat (3.5)
Soldiers began to bolt down a dark metal grated floor. The sturdy, metallic walls creak from a minor gravity difference. One of the soldiers shouted something unintelligible to the recording unit. The wall to their right begins to creak louder and warp from stress.
Blast doors begin to lower, trapping the two soldiers in the corridor as the wall bulges like it was hit by a freight train. The soldiers begin to obviously shake as they lower their helmets over their elongated fox like faces. They raise their laser rifles and steady it at the wall bulging.
After another moment, the wall explodes inward, but no explosive decompression followed. A bulky fox robot with stark white, like star-bleached armor, forced its way through. Lasers streak and sizz in the air as the soldiers begin to pelt the robot.
It seemed unfazed by the lasers, only focusing on them when one managed to shoot it in the optic sensor. The graviton ram of its right arm, hissed as it prepared to operate once again, while it raised its left arm, its fingers arcing with a green energy. The bot begins to march towards them intently.
The graviton ram began to glow with a green field as it launched forward with a wet squelch from the soldiers before the video seems to freeze as the recording device manages to show a soldier in horrible mixture of fused into the wall and crushed under a powerful gravitational force.
"So what are you thinking for lunch? I really want to try this Philly cheesesteak that the captive mentioned." A Ursidain spoke, gently scratching their belly as their unruly clothes suggested pirates.
"Eh, doesn't sound awful. You might have t-" The Taurian companion began to state before a warning light began to flash rapidly.
A warning began to echo from the P.A. system; "Prepare to be boarded! Don't recognize the ship, but it is probably the human savior team from the GC. Give them hell!" The P.A. warned as a few moments later, the ship violently shuttered as the boarding vessel rammed them.
The two pirates were caught off guard and had been knocked into the left side wall. "What the hell is wrong with them? Are they insane?!" The Taurian screamed as they grabbed their weapon. Right as they finish that thought, the wall to their right melts like butter. An intimated robot in height, having to lean down to fight in the hallway designed for Ursidains.
"Command: Give up human now, and your lives may be spared." The bot ordered as its stark white armored glistened in the dull, flickering florescent light. It held two massive clamp hands, like originally designed to carry around the cargo pods, but they were paired with some kind of unknown weapon, but the armored canister attached to it suggested a flame based weapon.
The pirates look at each other as the bot stares unmoving at the two, waiting for a reply. The Ursidain nodded to his Taurian companion before unslinging an old earth shotgun and firing a shot into the bot's ribcage area. "Eat ferrus insect!" The Ursidain roared as the bot stumbled back, its inner working exposed from the 'insect'.
"Hostile action has been taken." The bot spoke as its wide footing managed to stabilize. The bot's orange, almost yellow eyes, begun to rapidly shift color to a cool, icy blue. Its arms raise out, and frost began to coat its flamethrower like barrels. An icy stream connects with both organics. The Ursidain looks relatively unharmed but still affected by the flash freezing of his outer layer of fur and fat. His Taurian companion was not as lucky as half of her right side crystallized from the ice-thrower's very napalm; 'Neptunic Nictro'
The Ursidain rushes to close the gap, firing two more shots into the bot, which finally knocks the bot down onto its back. With another shot to it's fox like head makes the machine go limp.
From this device's recording, the screen begins to get hit with many white particulars, giving the recording a grainy resolution. A much smaller bot began to step through the hole left by its bigger cousin. Their rifle, which was glowing blue from an unknown source. Upon readying the gun at the Ursidain, who noticed it too late, the camera grows more grainy. The camera cuts out as the Ursidain attempts to rush the smaller bot, and a split frame of a blue pulse wave echos from its gun.
A deep-seated anger began to fill room, as all recording on each screen paused at a gruesome death. A dull grey fur inquistor sat at a desk in front of the screens. "I've spent 70 years making sure Octarus does not awaken. It is a massive threat to not just us, but all of the GC, if allowed, to get fully operational... again." Gloved hands gently rub the inquistor's face. "And if word gets out that we are the cause, that could cause an end to us, not just as an empire but also a species if what the GC did to the majority of humanity is to be noted."
"Get me on the line with Quilx." The old inquistor spoke to his help, who rushes off, only to return a moment later. "What's wrong?" The older inquistor asks as a worried frown fills his graying brow.
"Sir, Quilx has made a ground expedition to the planet where he believes Octarus' forces have been coming from." That made the old inquistor shoot up, only to grip his chest with a pained expersion. His body was old and failing as he was reaching a century in his Inquisitoral duties.
The help rushed to him before he shooed them away with another pained grunt. "Quilx will die if he steps foot on that planet! Warn him immediately to change his course of operations." The old inquistor gasped as his body forced him back down onto his padded chair.
"Maker, why?" The old inquistor gasped quietly to himself as he stared into space with horror of first-hand experience.
Decided to try another approach to this. I hope you enjoyed it! C&C is very much welcome and appreciated! Again, thank @wolven91 for creating this amazing universe to allow me to create this weird word soup :>
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floridaboiler · 5 months
Back in the day!
Anyone age approx 35 or over should read this - copied from a friend ... Checking out at the supermarket recently, the young cashier suggested I should bring my own bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. I apologised and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days". the cashier responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations".
She was right about one thing--our generation didn't have the green thing in “Our” day. So what did we have back then? After some reflection and soul-searching on "Our" day here's what I remembered we did have.... Back then, we returned milk bottles, pop bottles and beer bottles to the store. The store sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles repeatedly. So they really were recycled. But we didn't have the green thing back in our day.
We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every store and office building. We walked to the grocery store and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two blocks. But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day.
Back then, we washed the baby's nappies because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 240 volts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right. We didn't have the green thing back in our day.
Back then, we had one TV, or radio, in the house -- not a TV in every room. And the TV had a small screen the size of a handkerchief (remember them?), not a screen the size of the state of Wales. In the kitchen, we blended & stirred by hand because we didn't have electric machines to do everything for us. When we packaged a fragile item to send in the mail, we used wadded up old newspapers to cushion it, not Styrofoam or plastic bubble wrap. Back then, we didn't fire up an engine and burn petrol just to cut the lawn. We used a push mower that ran on human power. We exercised by working so we didn't need to go to a health club to run on treadmills that operate on electricity. But she's right. We didn't have the green thing back then.
We drank from a fountain when we were thirsty instead of using a cup or a plastic bottle every time we had a drink of water. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got dull. But we didn't have the green thing back then.
Back then, people took the bus, and kids rode their bikes to school or walked instead of turning their mums into a 24-hour taxi service. We had one electrical outlet in a room, not an entire bank of sockets to power a dozen appliances. And we didn't need a computerized gadget to receive a signal beamed from satellites 2,000 miles out in space in order to find the nearest pizza joint. But isn't it sad the current generation laments how wasteful we older folks were just because we didn't have the green thing back then?
Please post this on your blog so another selfish old person who needs a lesson in conservation from a smarty-pants young person can read this!
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literalliterature · 18 days
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[ID written by the artist @ultrasopp : stylized drawing of the northern lights. bright green “waves” drawn in thick lines cover the upper left corner of the drawing. the rest is a dark blue sky filled with stars. End ID.]
guess i'm some kind of freak: a laika borealis playlist
(yes it's another TTRPG OC playlist yes she is named after the space dog)
01) 10,000-Year Earworm to Discourage Resettlement Near Nuclear Waste Repositories (Don't Change Color, Kitty) -- Emperor X
the radiation that the change implies/can kill, and that's a fact
02) Look Who's Inside Again -- Bo Burnham
when you're a kid and you're stuck in your room/you'll do any old shit to get out of it
03) The Mind Electric -- Miracle Musical
scattering sparks of thought energy/deliver me and carry me away
04) Mariella -- Kate Nash
i'm heavy-handed/to say the least/my mother thinks i'll be an awful clutcher
05) Just a Girl -- Florence + the Machine
oh, i'm just a girl/take a good look at me/just your typical prototype
06) Next Up Forever -- AJR
this is my imagination/this is how it looks and sounds/but i gotta go so much bigger/so they can never shut me down
07) Brass Band -- Jukebox the Ghost
boredom is a gift/but i've had enough of it to last a lifetime/give me something shocking
08) Second Child, Restless Child -- The Oh Hellos
and they saw trouble in my eyes/they were quick to recognize the devil in me
09) Numb Bears -- Of Monsters and Men
far across the ocean alone/while numb bears at home/said i could never get there/but i'm already there
10) Haven't You Noticed (I'm a Star) -- Olivia Olson
haven't you noticed i made it this far?/now everyone can see me burning
11) I Like That -- Janelle Monae
but even back then, with the tears in my eyes/i always knew i was the shit
12) Scrawny -- Wallows
if i'm offending them i don't mind/maybe they all should listen to me/it isn't all about what you see
13) Problems -- Mother Mother
i found love in the strangest place/tied up and branded, locked in a cage
14) Blah Blah Blah -- The Oozes
get out of there/you don't deserve that chair
15) Carnivore -- Bear Attack!
you took my heart and ate it/but i won't be your victim/can't take it anymore
16) Saint Bernard -- Lincoln
you always said how you love dogs/i don't know if i count, but i'm trying my best/when i'm howlin' and barkin' these songs
17) Never Love an Anchor -- The Crane Wives
it's a secret i keep tucked inside my chest/with this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful
18) The Mind Electric -- Chonny Jash
it seems those beams of light have caused some glare/freakish and dismal, hollow and bleak
19) Neighborhood #2 (Laika) -- Arcade Fire
when daddy comes home/you always start a fight
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Snow Globe - A Tyler Galpin Imagine
Characters: Tyler Galpin x Reader
Word Count: 2297
Summary: Christmas has arrived in Jericho, and Tyler accompanies the Reader to the market.
Warnings: Slight angst - topics surrounding absent parents
Written by: Josie
A/N: Not us posting our first imagine in a whole year?! Go have a read of our last post for context but we’re so excited to be back, and what better time to do that than Christmas! We’ll make an updated post on making requests soon, but for now, I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: GIF isn’t ours - credit to who it belongs to
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Things were different in Jericho this weekend… but this time, it’s not in a bad way.
The main square of the town was alight with red and gold and green, and stalls selling all sorts of wintery goods lined the streets for what looked like miles. Christmas music played through the speakers and the town was alive with energy and spirit. Frankly, it was a beautiful change to the often gloomy atmosphere in this town, with the tension between the normies and the outcasts constantly looming. The holidays just make everything… different. There’s no “us” and “them”, just a sense of community and happiness. And Y/N was not planning on missing out on this.
Tyler Galpin had done everything he possibly could to get the day off today - he even managed to talk his way out of working a hot chocolate stall. In his defence, he’d already managed to get his shift covered at the Weathervane, he wasn’t going to accept a job doing more or less the same thing. However, that didn’t stop him popping over to get himself a cup of steaming hot cocoa.
“Tyler,” one of the guys behind the stall greeted him with a grin - a regular from the Weathervane. He must be volunteering, Tyler pondered. “Not working the cafe today?”
“Well, I didn’t wanna miss this,” the boy responded, quickly skimming the drinks menu despite already knowing exactly what he was going to order. “Could I get one hot chocolate please?”
The man nodded, and got to work. Tyler threw his hands in his coat pockets, something he always does when he isn’t quite sure what to do with himself, and looked around at the crowd. He was always very observant, someone who’d much prefer to watch from a distance rather than be in the centre of the action. As he scanned all the people enjoying the festivities, his eyes landed on the one girl he really wished to see today. She was alone, looking intently at a stall of little Christmassy trinkets.
“Excuse me, could you make that two?” Tyler said quickly, before the man could finish his drink as to not inconvenience him too much. God, he knows what that’s like… nothing worse than a customer changing their order when he’s already halfway through making it. If looks could kill… well, the espresso machine would be dead, as if he stared at the customers that way, he’d probably get fired.
“Here you go,” the man said as he passed Tyler down the two cups. The boy thanked him, paid, and set off toward his destination.
Y/N didn’t notice Tyler walk up to her, as she was far too fixated on the stall in front of her. There were lots of small ornaments that would be just right for a gift, and she wanted to find the perfect one.
“Hi, Y/N,” Tyler spoke, snapping the girl out of her trance. He smiled at her, that smile that always made her heart jump. “I bought you a hot chocolate.”
The warmth that spread through her body as soon as her hands gripped the cup was so incredibly satisfying that she sighed, content. “Thank you Tyler… are you sure these weren’t both for you? You saw me and decided you probably should give one to someone else?” she teased.
“I guess you got me,” Tyler smiled. “So… you looking for anything specific here?”
“I want to get something extra for my mum,” Y/N spoke, clearly back in her own mind, thinking hard about what the right thing to buy might be. “She deserves just a little something more. Something special… sentimental. I just can’t decide what.”
Tyler scanned the selection of possible gifts with a critical eye. He had never really had to buy a present for his mother… it had been far too long since he’d spent a Christmas with her, or a birthday. If he was totally honest, he didn’t have a clue what you were supposed to buy for a mother. How could he? He didn’t even know what to buy for his father, the parent that is around. He doesn’t do emotional, sentimental gifts, let alone gifts at all really. Every birthday, Tyler would get ten dollars and a pat on the back, and for Christmas? He’d get a stocking half full of socks, or something else that just proves his dad doesn’t know a single thing about him, his interests, his passions.
Y/N was lucky enough to have loving parents, both of them. Some people in Tyler’s position would be jealous - and in all honesty, he was jealous of a lot of others - but Y/N was different. She really deserved to have the family she did, so he wasn’t jealous, he was happy.
“Get this,” he spoke, pointing to one of the many items on the table.
“What?” Y/N responded, not expecting Tyler to make any suggestions.
“This one, here,” Tyler said, reaching over to the table and picking up a small item that Y/N couldn’t quite see. He placed it in her palm, the slight touch of his fingertips to her hand sending a warmth through her not dissimilar to the way the hot cocoa did, just with added excitement. As he slid his hand away, Y/N saw a little snow globe with space for a photo behind the flurry. Tyler had a subtle but not unnoticeable twinkle behind his eye as he watched the girl he adored shake the glass globe with a smile.
“Tyler, this is absolutely perfect,” She beamed, warming his heart so much that he couldn’t feel the cold anymore. Placing her hand on his arm, she looked him dead in the eye, speaking a thousand words, yet only two made their way out. “Thank you.”
The barista shrugged, feeling bashful as his rosy cheeks hid the blush that was definitely creeping up on his face. “It’s nothing.”
But it wasn’t nothing. Y/N knew Tyler didn’t have his mother around. She’d internally kicked herself after mentioning who she was buying her gift for, cursing her mouth for moving faster than her mind. As soon as she saw his pursed lips and furrowed brow, she absolutely hated herself for being so stupid. How could she be so careless? Way to make a good impression, Y/N, bring up his trauma. Nice one.
So when Tyler’s mouth turned up at the corners as his eyes fell on the perfect gift, her heart grew fonder of him even more so, if that was possible. He just kept getting better and better.
“Walk with me?” Y/N asked him, looking up with eyes he couldn’t refuse as she sipped on her drink. God, he wished he could look into those eyes every single day. “I was gonna go see the rest of the market and maybe check out the fair at the end… now I say it out loud it’s kind of sad that I was going to it all alone,” she rambled. The way he was looking at her, eyebrows slightly raised in amusement, was making her nervous. Little did she know that he thought it was oh so adorable. “So… you can come with me, if you want to.”
“Do you want me to?” Tyler challenged. He wasn’t about to be difficult, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to play with her a little. She was being far too cute, he couldn’t resist a little lighthearted teasing, just to see that beautiful smile of hers as a light blush coloured her cheeks.
“Yes, Tyler,” she replied. “I’d like you to come with me.”
A few hours had passed, yet it barely felt like a few minutes. The pair had eaten German sausages, added ornaments to the Jericho town Christmas tree and even had a cheeky bit of mulled wine, for good measure. When your dad is the sheriff, you can get away with these things.
Eventually, the fairground at the end of the market trail was in front of them, rides flashing with bright lights. There was definitely a lot to take in, but they both agreed they wanted to try out the ferris wheel first.
The crowd was very busy that evening. There were families with small kids, teens running around with their friends, and just about every kind of person at the fair, which definitely made it easy to lose your companions in the crowd. Using this as a wonderfully convenient excuse, Tyler reached down and embraced Y/N’s hand with his own, lacing their fingers together. Y/N looked up at him with wide eyes.
“Didn’t wanna lose you in the crowd before we got to the ferris wheel… that would kind of suck,” he shrugged, before heading off in the direction of the large ride. The ferris wheel was lit up a beautiful red, the colour of the holidays, casting a ruby glow on the pair’s faces. As they waited in the queue, Tyler looked down at the girl he wanted to call his, her face a brilliant scarlet, and wondered if you could make a wish on a ferris wheel, as he knew exactly what he would wish for. Funnily enough, he didn’t think ferris wheel wishes were particularly common.
After a short while, the ride staff guided Y/N and Tyler to their carriage as it came around, with the latter helping Y/N on. It could be said that he was being a gentleman, but really he just didn’t want to let go of her hand. As they sat with the bar down waiting for the ride to move, Y/N took a deep breath.
“I have a confession to make,” she said, turning to face the boy. He blinked, taken aback by the apparent randomness to this conversation starter, but intrigue always reigns superior.
“Okay… what might that be?”
“I’ve never actually been on a ferris wheel before.” Y/N breathed. That was it? Thank god. Tyler worried that it might be something much worse. Not because he was thinking pessimistically, but because he worries about her. Because he cares.
“You haven’t?” He asked, and Y/N shook her head. “Aw well, it’s nice. You’ll like it. Especially at night. You can see every single light in the town… it’s really quite beautiful, actually.”
The wheel began to turn, sending the two of them round and upward at a slow pace. After a short while, Y/N learnt that Tyler was right… she could see the town like she never had before. The whole Christmas market they’d just walked through was clear as day in front of her, the trails of stalls painted out like a road on a map. As Tyler pointed things out to her from their height, she noticed him ever so slightly place his fingers over hers as they held the bar. She nearly didn’t notice at all, but the spark that shot through her body gave it away.
“And… that there is the Weathervane. You’ve got the town hall right there, obviously, it’s where the massive Christmas tree is. Oh, and you see that light all the way in the distance? That’s Nevermore.”
Y/N looked around wide-eyed at the beauty she could see from the sky, despite there being nothing quite like the beauty that was next to her. Unbeknownst to her, Tyler was thinking exactly the same thing. His fingers were still latched onto hers, but he ached to be closer. He longed to touch more of her, hold all of her.
“This must be the most breathtaking thing you’ve ever seen, surely?” Y/N almost whispered, still taking in the scene in front of her.
Tyler smiled the unique smile of someone that is hopelessly in love, admiring her as she stared out at the twinkling night. “Not quite.”
His tone caught her, and she turned her head to face him, eyes meeting his. She didn’t realise they had reached the top, and were stopped there, and she didn’t think he had even noticed at all. He did, though. There was something in his expression that made Y/N’s heart skip multiple beats, for it was far too intense for the heart to only skip one.
“Y/N,” he began, playing with her fingers. Really it was nerves, but the girl thought it was ever so sweet. “Can I kiss you?”
When you’ve been waiting to hear four simple words for so long, they almost seem faded and distant, like you’ve imagined it and you haven’t actually heard them at all. Y/N had to replay that one short sentence in her head a good few times before she could register that yes, he had actually said that. She was shocked, to say the least, so all she could do was nod.
The buzz of the Christmas market lowered to a quiet fuzz as Tyler cupped her cheek, admiring her for one more second, before he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. He did it softly, delicately, as though he was afraid she might change her mind, and the ecstasy he felt when she kissed him back was something beyond compare. Her lips were like heaven, the sweet taste of the mulled wine still lingering between them. Their kiss was innocent, yet emotional, and just perfect.
Tyler’s thumb caressed her cheek as they pulled away, both on cloud nine. Y/N grinned as she noticed something different - white little particles now decorating his sandy brown curls.
“It’s snowing,” she grinned, and Tyler laughed as he noticed how a couple of snowflakes caught in her eyelashes. That smile on her lips was so enticingly irresistible - even more so than it always had been - that he didn’t feel sorry for interrupting her excitement for the snow by kissing her again.
And again.
And again.
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rockybloo · 2 years
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In order they are Jessie (ghost), Harry (monster), and Danny (demon) The trio bump heads from time to time but they are able to combine their braincells when it comes to keeping Karrie safe
Karrie has a big interest in the paranormal and supernatural and enjoys investigating strange sightings and haunted locations.
While most that visit these places wind up with empty hands, Karrie tends to strangely attract the otherworldly.
Sometimes these are just her being able to capture actual footage of strange phenomenon (that people always chalk up to editing) but she has had a couple encounters that led to her walking away with a crushing creature…so far these creatures are Jessie, Harry, and Danny.
Karrie discovered Jessie while in college after getting a prank pulled on her that led to her getting stuck inside an abandoned building.
He had strangely been haunting an old vending machine she winded up using. Specifically, an old bottle of cola.
Karrie met Harry during an investigation where she had to go camping in a forest that had a long record of reports of a "large green and red horned bear" roaming around as well as some recent disappearances.
She shared s'mores with him and he's been trailing behind her since
Karrie winded up encountering Danny while in a house that had been having strange demonic activity ever since the owner suddenly disappeared. Turned out, Danny had a summoning job gone wrong and winded up getting trapped inside where he was throwing quite the bitch fit.
Most of Karrie's time is spent checking out strange stuff and posting her findings online
The trio, if they aren't wearing human disguises, travel inside of a cola bottle, a bottle of sparkling water, and an energy drink can to make Karrie's traveling easier…and cheaper.
She has a youtube channel…or at least my universe equivalent of it, where she shares footage though it's kinda spiraled into being THEIR channel where the trio do things while pretending to be human.
She has a decent following.
In terms of how their relationship works.
Karrie is kinda dense and isn't fully aware the monsters that linger around her are in love with her. Mainly because she isn't used to being the object of affection, which leads to some shenanigans sometimes.
She is aware that they like her but doesn't know to what extent. Thus, she remains in a loop of crushing on them and wishing they were her boyfriends, realizing they are her boyfriends, and then forgetting and crushing on them again.
As for how they feel about each other, they each have some level of respect and understanding. They occasionally get into arguments and tease each other but it's a strange kinda bond where "I'm happy we are dating the same person bc you are kinda cool when not annoying"
There really isn't any legit jealousy in the relationship as there are boundaries they've worked out with each other for Karrie's sake. They also all understand that they are not threats to the relationship…
They won't hesitate to leap into action if a human is bothering Karrie. If she is on an investigation and people around her are being jerks, like saying the supernatural is fake and she's wasting her time or just picking on her for how she acts, they WILL turn the place out.
So basically, Karrie has 3 large monster men who love her very much and she also loves them in her own bashful way and the cuddle piles are absolute fire.
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huffle-dork · 3 months
Swap Across the CrystalVerse Chapter 3: SepticHeroes Revisited
Read Swapboys | Crystal’s AUs | Read Septicheroes
Read SITCV | SITCV SepticHeroes Chapters | AO3 Link
A few minutes pass in silence. And then Jackie inhales sharply. "They're coming!" He flings the curtains open so everyone can see. 
There are five of the SAMs flying down the street towards them. Three are the black models they'd seen before, one is the same size but red instead, and one is green and softball-sized. 
Soren nods. "I'll go on up, then. Chase?" 
"Yeah, I'll come with," Chase says, grabbing Frosty's lead and following him up the stairs. 
I won't be much use against Machines so I'll hang back, JJ says. He reaches into a lamp in the living room, pulling out a metal pipe for defense, and then backs up. 
"Everyone else, get ready," Jackie says.
Jackie Mann hurries up the stairs and holds his knife out, watching the door. 
Alt glitches to his feet and bubbles up magic at his hands. "... Hopefully the shield holds..." He whispers anxiously. 
Bro looks nervous as he gets into a fighting stance, watching the door. 
The red SAM starts glowing. And then it flies towards the window, glowing brighter and brighter--and it lets out a blast of energy, shattering the glass and Alt's shield at once. 
"Holy shit!" Jackie shouts, using a gust of wind to deflect most of the flying glass. "Cover!" 
As the shield gets immediately cracked, Alt screams and crashes to the ground, gripping at his chest like the blast hurt him. 
Bro pales and hurries over to crouch by him, "A-Alt!" 
"H..How...?" Alt coughs, looking even more pale. "H-How did they do that??"
The small green SAM flies into the fray first, and its camera flips over to a screen, its projector sliding open too. Both the screen and the projector show a 3D animated model of a man with an LED screen for a face. "Hello world."
Both Alt and Bro look up at the man. Bro hurries to put a hand out to protect Alt. And Alt pales even more, shaking slightly. "I-It's you!" 
Jackie growls and bares his teeth, pointing his knife at the hologram, "The fuck do you think you are, tin man?! Too cowardly to fight us in person?!"
Anti laughs in his robotic voice. "Unfortunately fighting you in person is impossible. I am not there. But there is someone who is coming soon." The three black SAMs fly into the room. "And I'm willing to get things ready for him." 
"Fucking bitch! Just leave us alone!" Jackie yells.
One SAM has part of it slide away as a gun-like attachment pops out the top. The other two have the end of their peripherals shift into something like laser pointers. And they all fire at once, with the two laser pointers firing energy blasts at Bro and this world's Jackie while the big gun fires a heavy-looking projectile at Marvin.
Alt tries to yell out, "Chase! Watch out!" But, the energy hits Bro and he hits one of the back walls, momentarily disorienting him. 
Jackie yelps and jumps out of the way of the energy blast, but Marvin gets knocked back by some sort of canon ball, sending him sprawling across the ground. Schneep gasps, glancing back and forth between Marvin and Bro before JJ gestures for him to go help Bro. Schneep nods and rushes to his side while JJ helps Marvin up.
Alt growls and whips out a hand to try to shoot one of the SAMs with a blast of lightning.
 Two of the SAMs dodge the lightning attack but one of them is too slow and gets immediately fried, falling to the ground completely dead. "Oh?" Anti says. "So you can do THAT, can you? Fine, then." And both of the SAMs aim their weapons at Alt, firing the canon and the energy attack. Marvin sits up, clutching his stomach. He gasps as he sees the SAMs fire on Alt and throws a ball of energy in their direction. 
Marvin's attack brushes both SAMs but don't do enough damage to divert their course. 
Alt's eyes widen and he gasps and tries to get out of the way- but the energy blast hits him first before the canon hits him and sends him, skidding back. He curls up into a ball, coughing and clutching at his chest. 
"Alt!" Bro cries as Schneep helps him up. He whips on the SAMs and growls, momentarily forgetting his powers are blocked and trying to aim to punch a SAM as hard as he can.
The SAM doesn't try to dodge Bro's attack, thinking that a neutralized hero won't be able to do much. But, surprisingly, there's enough force behind Bro's punch that the SAM with the canonball attachment goes spinning into the wall. 
Marvin laughs. "Nice one!" he says, and aims a second attack at the other SAM. The beam this time shears off its peripheral. 
Bro blinks in surprise then grins, getting into another fighting stance. "I'm not completely out! Watch it, ya eyeball freaks!" 
Meanwhile, Schneep turns his attention to Alt, checking him over. 
Alt coughs more, his chest aching terribly after being hit. It's hard to think. He blinks up at Schneep with an unfocused gaze, "S-Schneep-" God- it hurts to breathe... he keeps having to drag in deep gasping breaths.
"Shh, it's okay," Schneep mutters. "That hit you in the chest, there could be damage, but you are still breathing and that is good." He reaches into his backpack and pulls out a cold pack, which he hands to Alt. "Put that where it hurts most and I can tie it into place." 
Alt nods and takes the pack, placing it over the pain. 
"You may not be out yet, but you haven't faced the worst yet," Anti says. "He's coming." Marvin eyes' widen as Anti says that. He gets ready, conjuring a protective shield around Alt and Schneep before scrambling to his feet.
Alt blinks at the shield and then shrinks in on himself as he feels a familiar presence in the air. “…fuck-“ 
Schneep looks up at the shield, feeling the heat it gives off. "Oh no."
Evil laughter echoes around them before static shimmers in front of Marvin and a clawed hand reaches out, aiming for his face. 
Marvin shouts in surprise as he dodges to the side, Mag's claws scraping along his mask but not doing any permanent damage. "Fucking shit!" he shouts. 
Magnificent growls, baring his teeth as he skids into a cat-like stance, just having missed Marvin.
JJ whips into action, throwing at string at Mag, aiming to wrap him up.
Mag sees the string coming and then slices at the air with his claws as his eyes burn with hatred. He laughs, showing his fangs. “Oh no- we’re not playing that game this time, kitten.” Mag holds out his hands and a bright spiral appears behind him, trying to draw the people around under his power. “We’re gonna play my way this time~!” 
“N-No! L-Look aw-!” Alt tries to yell, but his voice gets cut off with a strangled gasp.
The spiral is… beautiful. It’s so hard to try to look away once it captures your gaze. Magnificent’s smooth voice beckons you to listen… to obey. 
“Yes… that’s it puppets! Why don’t we make this interesting hm?” The mad magician cackles, “Kill your friends- kill any super that gets in your way.” 
Jackie and Bro know better, they manage to cover their eyes. 
Alt tries but- he slips and purple green magic spirals in his eyes. He staggers and tries to get up- ignoring the shield- almost trying to walk past it, despite the heat coming off it. 
Schneep is too busy looking through his backpack for bandages to pay attention to the spiral. And Marvin acts fast enough to close his eyes. But Jackie and JJ are looking at Magnificent when the spiral appears. They both slump, relaxing immediately. JJ looks over at Marvin, more strings appearing around his fingers. 
"JJ...?" Marvin says in a shaky voice. "Please don't--" 
But JJ attacks anyway, strings lashing out. 
Jackie's spiraling eyes look at Bro and Jackie. He lunges for the two of them, aiming to punch whoever's closest. 
"Alt!" Schneep grabs Alt and pulls him back before he can walk straight into the burning hot shield. "No! Wake up!"
Bro’s head whips up as he sees the spirals in Jackie’s eyes. “n-no- Jackie! C’mon man! Don’t listen to-!” The hero gets cut off as Jackie punches him right in the face. Bro staggers back, blinking spots out of his eyes. 
“Hey! Other me! Not cool!!” Jackie Mann shouts, sliding down the stairs parkour style - then he tries to kick Jackie in the face. 
Jackie easily dodges Jackieboy's kick, turning his attention to him instead, lunging at him for another attack. 
Jackieboy skids as he misses and has a second of losing his balance before he gets punched by Jackie. He holds his cheek and staggers back. Bro sees this and yells, trying to grab Jackie’s arms from behind to stop him. 
Jackie is in the middle of swinging back another punch when Bro grabs him. He struggles against him, trying to pull free. 
Alt looks back at Schneep and his expression darkens. He quickly glitches to face him and then tries to tackle him to the ground by his neck, his pocket knife suddenly in his hand.
Schneep yelps as Alt grabs him and quickly goes intangible before Alt can pin him down. 
Alt blinks at the empty space below him, blinking slowly. 
Schneep backs up, disappearing through the wall to their backs and circling around to the other side of Marvin's shield. He pulls a pocket knife of his own out and goes for Mag--but is intercepted when the red SAM from earlier rushes at him, emitting some sort of energy pulse. Schneep yelps and falls as the SAM runs into him--not being hit by the machine itself, but by the energy it's emitting. He clutches his head--why is it aching all of a sudden?
Mag looks amused as the SAM attacks for him, grinning and waving at Schneep from behind it. 
Marvin gasps and slices through JJ's strings before they get close. He's suddenly breathing heavily, eyes darting back and forth. "J-Jameson, please don't do this again! Y-you don't want to be like this anymore!" 
Alt hears Marvin’s shouting and bares his teeth- finally glitching out of the shield and then trying to lash out to attack Marvin from behind with his knife. 
Marvin spins around, sees Alt, and quickly ducks. 
JJ, still hypnotized, lunges for Marvin as he drops to the ground, and Marvin immediately freezes up when JJ grabs his wrists. "No!" he screams, panicking, struggling. "JJ! No! Don't do this! Please! What about your friends?! What about your family?! What about Dahlia?!" 
Something in JJ's eyes flickers at that. Dahlia? Dahlia. Dahlia... And suddenly he gasps, spirals disappearing. And he jerks backwards, looking down at his hands in horror. 
Alt’s eyes flicker at the scene of Marvin freaking out- some part of him sympathizing. 
But, Mag shouts angrily as his hold on JJ breaks and this snaps Alt back to attention, magic flaring brighter in his eyes. He yells too and sends out a sound wave to try to hit Marvin and JJ.
Bro seems to have forgotten he’s powerless right now- Jackie easily fights his way out. Bro staggers then shouts at Jackie. “C’mon Jackie! Windstorm would never work for a bad guy, right?! Fight this!” 
Jackie's eyes flicker. "Wind... storm...?" he repeats. He shakes his head, backing away and pressing his hands over his eyes. Then his head snaps up. "H-holy shit!" 
Bro deflates with a relived smile, “H-Hey hey it’s okay! You’re-“ The sound wave goes off and startles Bro and Jackie, who whip around to look. 
This moment comes at the same time Alt's sound wave fires off, sending both Marvin and JJ sprawling across the floor. JJ reacts worse than Marvin does, clutching his ears and writhing. Marvin gasps and scrambles over to JJ, covering him protectively. His eyes snap to Magnificent and he aims a beam of energy at him--and that red SAM swoops to intercept it. The beam slams into it, burrowing a hole in its side--and yet it stays flying. 
Magnificent yells as his control gets broken again. “Insolent pests!” He cringes as Marvin’s blast comes towards him but- the SAM intercepts. Mag grins, laughing. “Ha! These things are handy!” 
Alt glitches in front of Marvin and JJ, towering over them with bright spiraling eyes. He opens up his hand in front of Marvin’s face, magic bubbling up hot and dangerous as he aims like he might try to shoot Marvin through the skull. “No!! Alt stop!!” Bro tries to yell.
Marvin's eyes widen--and he kicks Alt in the knees, knocking him to the ground.
Alt hits the ground like ton of bricks, jostling his injured chest and making him let out a strangled gasp. His eyes flicker wildly. 
Bro looks at Windstorm with wide eyes and then his eyes flicker to Mag. His expression darkens. “We need to take out Mag. But the eyes are getting in the way!” 
Magnificent yells in anger, then slams a hand against the wall. Green flames burst out and then crackle around the room-cutting off their exits. “None of you fucking heroes are winning today!” He snarls dangerously. “None of you will leave this place alive!”
The whole group tenses as the fire appears--but Schneep gasps. He points towards the hallway leading out of the room, now blocked off by flames. It's--someone-- 
A blur rushes across the room towards Mag, crossing the length in less than a second, and Mag suddenly feels something hit him very hard against the back of the head. 
Now it’s Magnificent’s turn to hit the ground like a ton of bricks. He wasn’t expecting this at all. He’s out- and the fire flickers out around them as Mag slips into unconsciousness. 
Standing behind him is one Dahlia Jackson, holding the metal bat Soren had earlier. 
Bro and Jackie stare dumbfounded at the now downed Mag and triumphant Dahlia. 
The magic in Alt’s eyes breaks when Mag falls and he rolls onto his stomach, coughing and gasping. He starts to shake wildly, trying to take in the scene. 
The remaining SAMs have all been knocked to the ground, though they're all quickly getting back up. 
Jackie cheers and jumps up, “YEAHHH DAHLIA!! That was bad fucking ass!” 
She grins at the group... and then blood begins to leak from her nose and she immediately collapses. 
Jackie gasps- JJ lets out a voiceless scream and hurries over to her. Schneep is right behind him, checking Dahlia's vitals. 
Bro rushes over and kneels down by her too, but tries to give Schneep room. “W-What just happened?! How- how did she do that…??” 
“Is she okay??” Jackie asks worriedly, hovering behind them. 
The guys don't say anything for a while, Jackie and Marvin hurrying closer while Schneep works. Then, Schneep sighs. "She overexerted herself," he mutters. "The nosebleed is a side effect of using her powers too much, yes?" 
JJ nods. It starts coming from her ears too if she goes too hard. 
"Yes. And because she is still so weak, even a short use of the powers was too much. She needs rest." 
Jackie lets out a breath of relief. 
Marvin is also visibly reassured. "Thank goodness," he mutters. And Jackie looks at Bro. "'How did she do that'...? Heh, y-yeah, I guess we never explained her powers, huh? Dahlia is--was, maybe, I dunno if she still wants to do it--a hero called Timekeeper." His eyes light up. "She can manipulate time to her will, speeding up or slowing it around her. She must have slowed time for us, which is why she looked like she moved so fast!" 
Bro’s eyes widen and then he grins, “Just like Henny! Oh my god- now they need to meet!” 
"Whoa!" Marvin suddenly shoots a blast at one of the SAMs, which is up again and aiming its canon attachment at Bro. It dodges, but at least Marvin succeeded in drawing attention to it. 
Bro yelps as Marvin yells and then he turns to protectively holds his arms over Dahlia. 
Alt peeks up his eyes and then growls seeing the SAM. He narrows his eyes and tries to see if he can dismantle it with his magic.
The SAM falls apart into pieces. 
Marvin blinks as he sees that happen, then laughs. "That also reminds me of someone. Maybe Alt should meet her, too. Next time you guys should come on a non-school day." 
Alt blinks at Marvin and then laughs breathlessly, pushing himself up on shaky arms. “Sounds like s-someone I’d like to meet too.” 
Then Marvin spins around and shoots another beam at the red SAM, finishing off the job he started. It falls to the ground with a hole right through it. "Think you can do that with the last one?" 
The last black SAM has its peripheral burned off earlier, but it's preparing to fire something else--looks like more neutrinalin darts.
Alt looks at the last SAM and nods, jerking his head to the side as his eyes flash green, trying to take this one apart as well.
The SAM's lens pops out, followed shortly by all its panels falling open and then its hovering mechanism failing as it crashes again. 
Jackie applauds. "That's so cool!" Then he looks at Alt and his smile fades. "Are you okay?" 
Alt’s eyes quickly dim back down and then he sighs and grips at his chest. He smiles tightly at Jackie. “M-Magic exhaustion and ngh- getting hit in the chest by whatever those things fired… I… I’ll be fine…” 
"Alright... if you're sure," Jackie says. 
"We have medical supplies, if you have time to get patched up," Schneep offers. 
Jackieboy hurries over to Alt’s side and helps him sit up properly, the smaller boy resting his head on Jackie’s shoulder. Alt smiles gratefully. “thanks…” 
Footsteps. Soren comes running into the room, aiming a--that's a crossbow. Why and how does he have a crossbow? Everyone in the room shivers for a moment as the sight of him rushing in and aiming it, eyes flashing menacingly, is pretty intimidating. But as he lowers it, the feeling abruptly disappears. 
Bro stiffens as Soren comes in and then relaxes only slightly- “…why the fuck do you have a crossbow??”
Soren examines the crossbow in his hands. "Because I couldn't find a trustworthy firearms dealer in the city. Underworld's really gone to shit in the past year." 
"Also, What the fuck happened?! Dahlia disappeared--Dahlia?!" 
She'll be okay, Soren, JJ says. She took out Magnificent and Alt took apart the Machines, like how G-computer does.
He looks at JJ, raising an eyebrow. "Really? A man of many talents." He gives Alt a grin. "Nice job."
Alt flushes a bit then smiles at Soren’s compliment. “T-Thanks.” 
"You know this isn't over, yes?" The green SAM is still intact. 
Alt stiffens as he hears Anti’s voice. 
"Shut the fuck up you--you hellspawn!" Marvin snaps. 
"I didn't spawn from hell. I spawned from man like the rest of you." 
“Yeah? Well why don’t you fuck off before we spawn you outta existence, freak!” Jackie shouts. 
"Get out of here!" Jackie shouts. "How dare you use that SAM?!" 
Anti laughs.
Alt’s eyes burn with magic as he glares at the last SAM, looking ready to take it apart too. 
"Fine," Anti says, noticing Alt's look and none too eager to lose this more specialized SAM. "But I will see you again. And next time, you won't be ready." And the SAM flies back out through the broken window. 
Alt glares after the SAM as Jackie Mann shouts after it, “Yeah! Run with that tail between your legs, bitch!” 
Jackie grumbles wordlessly, folding his arms. 
"The fucking window is broken?" Soren notices. "Dannazione, come osi..." He shakes his head. 
Schneep gently lifts Dahlia up. She's awake, but looking really out of it. "Come on, Dahllie, let's get you some rest," he says quietly. "You all can come upstairs too, I am sure Chase is worried about all of us."
Bro gets to his feet, still feeling kinda weird without his powers. He almost offers to take Dahlia from Schneep but thinks better of it. 
Alt starts to push himself up and Jackie helps him. Alt narrows his eyes at Mag and then mumbles some spell words- ropes of magic coming to wrap up his arms and legs and a magic gag over his mouth. He sags a bit against Jackie who keeps him upright as his eyelids flutter. “Okay bud- no more magic for a bit…” Jackie gently scolds him, putting on his dad voice. 
“D…didn’t… want him… causing trouble…” Alt mumbles sleepily. 
“That really helps, Alt, thanks,” Jackie says, grabbing Mag. “We’ll keep an eye on him. But you should rest up, okay?” 
The group heads upstairs again. Bro helps Jackie to take Alt up. Chase is waiting in the bedroom, standing up and looking nervous. He jumps when the door opens, grabbing a knife Soren lent him, then relaxing as everyone comes in, all looking relatively unharmed. “E-everyone good?” He asks. “We h-heard a bunch of shouting downstairs a-and then all of a sudden Dahlia was gone—” 
“She helped,” Schneep says, putting Dahlia down on the bed. She rolls over, closing her eyes. “But she completely wiped herself out.” 
JJ gets to his knees next to the bed so he’s level with Dahlia’s face. When she opens her eyes he signs, Thank you, but be careful, Dahlia, okay? 
“Yeah…” Dahlia mumbles, closing her eyes again. 
“Oh, Alt, wanna sit down?” Marvin asks. “You uh… you’re tired. Do you need anything?”
Alt tiredly smiles and nods. Bro is quick to help Alt sit down and worriedly checks him over. He’s a bit warm but- not worryingly so. Alt blinks and starts to shake his head but then pauses, “…maybe some water? S-something to eat… it’ll be a second until I’m back up completely though. Food doesn’t fix everything…” 
“Oh oh alt! Cant you like- drain electricity from stuff for power? I swear you’ve done that once-“ Jackieboy says, leaning on the back of the chair. 
Alt shivers slightly, “…I could but… I don’t want to b-break anything… I-it’ll be okay… I’ll be okay.” 
Bro frowns in worry, looking between Dahlia and Alt.
“I’ll go get you some water, then,” Soren says. “And snacks. Do you think you guys will stick around for dinner, or do you have to deal with him quickly?” He points at Mag, who Jackie just kinda dropped in the corner farthest from the door. 
“Man! I’d love to stay for dinner… but this fucker will probably wake up.” Jackieboy gestures to Mag, “Jays always says people don’t stay knocked out that long.” 
“Yeah… we should probably take him home… once Alt has enough energy to power the TRVLR that is… maybe we can take a break…” Bro mumbles, not looking happy. 
JJ looks over at Soren. Before you go, can you— and he makes some signs that don’t really make sense. It translates directly to relax me but it must mean something else in this context. 
Soren bites his lip. “You know it’ll fade as soon as I leave the room. If you’re still worried when I get back, though, sure.” 
JJ nods. That’s fine.
Bro does blink at the sign language and looks between Soren and JJ, “…’relax me’? What does that mean?”
JJ blinks. He gestures at Soren to explain. “I can affect people’s emotions,” Soren says. “Make them feel happy, sad, angry, afraid—it sounds worse than it is, really, cause I have to see you to do it. Jem worries a lot, so I try to help out.” He glances at JJ. “But I can’t do it all the time.” 
I know, JJ says. I’m figuring stuff out. 
“You need a therapist,” Schneep says bluntly. 
I know! That’s kind of difficult to find when we’re in hiding. JJ sighs. He glances at the rest of the room. I’m not going to air all my personal feelings, but I DO know how to deal with problems in ways that don’t involve direct emotional change. It just helps sometimes for short periods of time. 
“Wouldn’t agree if I didn’t know that,” Soren mutters. “Alright, I’ll be right back.” And he quickly leaves. 
“…you do need therapy,” Marvin says. 
Well so do you, JJ responds. 
“Ooooh- okay,” Bro says, nodding. “That makes sense- hell we all have a therapist but if I had an easy access to something to relax me right away I’d take it.” 
“Damn seems like we need to bring Dr. J here too!” Jackie grins. 
Bro bops him on the head, “We’re not bringing Dr. J to another dimension for him to just do his normal job for our doppelgängers! Really Jackie??” 
“It was a joke!!” Jackie says defensively, then pauses. “…kinda. Jay wouldn’t judge- …but maybe it’d be weird to… therapy an alternate version of yourself.” 
“It’d be super fucking weird!!” 
Alt looks at Jj tiredly but mumbles out quietly. “…I get it… getting controlled by Mag really messed with you, huh?” He grips at his wrist, massaging his purple markings.”…I know the feeling.”
JJ looks at Alt thoughtfully. He nods. I almost did something I promised myself I would never do again… he signs slowly. 
“H-hey.” Marvin clears his throat. “It wasn’t your fault. You know what mind control is like. It wasn’t really you. And i-if you’re worried about me… it’s fine. I forgive you.” 
…Thank you, Marvin, JJ says. He shakes his head. Anyway, Soren is really smart about people’s emotions, and it’s not just because of his powers. 
“Could’ve been a therapist if he wasn’t a fucking crime lord,” Jackie mutters. 
“I don’t think he is still like that,” Schneep says slowly. “Everything has sort of disbanded.” 
“Because you put him in jail,” Chase adds, looking at Jackie. “So you should really know.” 
“Well yeah but—but that’s not the point. I’m saying that he would’ve been a great therapist in another world where he wasn’t a villain in the first place. He could still be one now, but I don’t know many people who’d be eager to have Pathos as their therapist.”
Alt looks at JJ sympathetically and then finds himself giggling quietly as he mutters. “Heh… Pathos means feelings… that’s funny- good name-“ 
“Oh god he’s getting loopy,” Jackie mutters. 
“‘M not loopy… yer loopy…” Alt grumbles. 
Bro blinks and looks between everyone, “…I feel like I’m missing vital info here- Soren was a villain???” He throws his arms up into the air and then gestures at Schneep and Marvin, “How many of you were villains before that I had no idea about?!? …I mean- it doesn’t change anything! But I still feel like this should have gotten brought up!!”
"Uhhhh... everyone but me, Chase, and Time--Dahlia," Jackie says. "Which like--Bro. I get it. Do you know how much it rocked my shit to hear that Chase's doctor had been moonlighting as a master thief for years?" 
"Master thief?" Schneep repeats, clearly flattered. 
Jackie makes a face at him. "Not to mention the whole thing with JJ as the Puppeteer. My whole world just flipped upside down then. I mean, sure, turns out JJ was blackmailed to do it, but at the time... my, like, brain fucking broke." 
"At least you're now much more open?" Chase says. 
"I... yeah, I guess. I used to have a very, uh, black and white type of view on heroes and villains. But having it turn out that some of my friends are them, and then Marvin and Soren turned out to be, you know, people beyond their crimes, it... yeah." Jackie falls into a contemplative silence. 
Bro looks at Jackie and nods, holding his arms. “…I’m trying to be… better about that too. The black and white thinking… I.. I really hurt people… thinking like that.” 
“…cuz I was a villain too.” Alt speaks up, “…only for a couple months… and I was hella influenced by Mag when doing it but…” He closes his eyes and takes a steady breath, “…we’re all so much more than the bad things we do… especially when we try to be better.” 
Bro blinks then smiles softly and hugs Alt to his side.
 Meanwhile, JJ gives Alt a small smile. 
Alt looks up at JJ and then smiles too.
Soren soon returns. "Alright, here." He hands Alt a water bottle and a plate with a peaunut butter sandwich, a banana, and a wrapped chocolate bar. "Not my best work, but if you guys have to leave soon I figured faster was better. And I also grabbed my old phone. It's charged but there's no SD card on it, so don't worry about breaking it if you need an electric boost."
Alt blinks open his eyes and they light up with delight. “Oh my god- this is more than enough, thank you!” He hungrily starts to dig in. 
"Hey Jem, are you okay now?" Soren asks gently. 
JJ nods. A little bit. I can handle it now. 
"Okay, let me know."
Jackie laughs, sitting down on the floor. “Man- I wonder if like- being hungry after using magic or powers is like- worst then being regular starving… I wouldn’t know. But like- I forget to eat cuz of my ADHD and that sucks!” 
"Oh, I know, it's the worst, isn't it?" Jackie agrees, jumping in with his other self. "Especially since like--okay I don't get hungry directly from using my powers but I do have to concentrate and if I'm concentrating on flying I'm not thinking about how hungry I am so I don't eat." 
"Broooo," Chase says, turning the word into a booing sound. 
"Oh don't give me that, you forget, too." 
"Frosty helps remind me, though," Chase says, patting Frosty's head. "You don't have him, you gotta do it yourself." 
“Bro tell me about it! I swear I sit down to make my kids and me lunch and then I’m like oh I should do the dishes real quick and then I’m like oh a mug! Let’s make coffee! Then I’m like oh yeah I need to make a coffee date with the mates soon- and next thing I know I’m on the couch watching videos on my phone with two sandwiches half made wondering why I feel like rubbish!” Jackie laughs. Then he pauses and frowns, “…my life sounds so boring compared to a superheroes though-“ 
"Bruh, tell me about it," Chase says. "Everyone in this room except for you and me has powers." 
"Hey, don't sell yourself short, Chase," Jackie says. "Just because you guys don't have powers doesn't mean you're not needed. Or wanted. You're like, my best friend." 
"...oh." Chase looks unbelievably touched by that comment. 
Bro grins and pulls Jackie into a hug with his arm around his neck. “Yeah! You’re my best friend too ya dummy! I don’t know where I’d be without you and your stern dad voice!” 
“I don’t have a stern dad voice!” 
“Oh you so do-“ Alt laughs. 
Bro nudges his Jackie. “So, Don’t sell yourself short, Jackaboy- dealing with kids is hard work!”
Schneep glances at Jackieboy. "And this may sound cheesy, but I bet you are your children's hero. Good parents are something to be valued." 
Jackie looks touched too.
Bro softens and then hugs Jackieboy tighter. “And believe me bro- Schneep’s right. your kids… they think you’re the coolest guy in existence. You’re a big hero in their eyes.” Jackie’s eyes get a bit misty and he quickly wipes at them with his jacket sleeve. 
“But, since you were curious! I know I feel ravenous after flying around for a bit- but only afterwards.” Bro continues. “Flying takes a lot of thinking!” 
“Really? I thought it just made you an airhead-“ Alt snickers. 
Marvin snorts at Alt's comment. "Hah. Airhead." He nudges Jackie. "You." 
"Wha--excuse you?" Jackie glares at him.
Alt bursts into giggles. 
After a few more minutes Alt seems to be back in working order, finishing up the food. He grabs Soren’s old phone and grips it in his hand, draining the energy from it. His eyes glow brighter green and soon enough pixels vibrate around his shoulders and he grins, glitching back to his feet. He winces slightly as he moves his chest too much but he grins. “Fuck yeah! Oh, that was just the boost I needed!”
"Whoa!" Chase grins. "That's so cool!" 
"Whoooo." Dahlia raises a hand into the air, giving a supportive thumbs-up and announcing to everyone that she's more awake now. Schneep and JJ laugh. 
"Just in time too, I bet bitch other-me is gonna wake up at any moment now," Marvin says, glancing at Magnificent. 
"So are you guys gonna, like, drop him off and then come back, or are you gonna stay in your world for a while?" Jackie asks. "Because I'd be down for both." 
"We do not know if time between worlds is consistent," Schneep muses. "Perhaps even if they come right back, much time will have passed for us." 
Like Narnia, JJ says, spelling out the name. 
"Th' endin' ov that series sucked," Dahlia mutters.
Jackieboy laughs at this. Then, he turns to Bro. 
Bro frowns, sighing. "...I dunno how much time passes to be honest... We might be able to come back but... we don't know if the TRVLR is-" 
"Maybe it was just a fluke-" Alt says with a shrug, "Sure once we bring back Mag we can come back! But, just in case- maybe we should get each other's numbers- just so we can warn you next time we're around." He says with a grin. 
Jackieboy frowns, "Can that work across dimensions?" 
"Eh... probably not- but I know an Anti who could help with that- or maybe my glitches make it so I can... cuz I talk to him a lot," Alt replies. It does indeed seems like Mag is stirring- but is not quite awake yet. 
Jackie raises an eyebrow. "Really? That'll be cool. Yeah, hang on." He reaches into a pouch on his supersuit and pulls out his phone. "I dunno about everyone else, but I'll give you guys mine." 
"Me too," Chase says, taking his phone out. 
Schneep frowns. "That does not seem like the best idea to me. What if it does not work and you end up texting someone else with my number?" 
I'm a bit reluctant to give out my phone number these days, JJ says. 
"It's fine, if they have Windstorm and Chase's those guys can contact the rest of us," Marvin says. 
"Motherfucker I can't contact you," Jackie says. "I still don't have your number." 
"And you never willlll~" 
Alt laughs at Marvin's comment- 
Jackie rolls his eyes. "Okay, Marvin's up in the air, but the rest of us should be informed if you can contact us. Here, gimme your guys's number, too."
The boys all quickly exchange numbers. Alt, Bro and Jackie all give theirs. Jackieboy bounces up and down, "I hope we can get this to work!! I wanna hear all the cool hero things that happen here!" 
"Um?? Hero best friend right here?? Kinda offended??" Bro says raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms, "Am I not good enough anymore?" 
"You know what I mean! I wanna hear what other me gets up to! Besides they all have different villains and shit!” Bro snorts and rolls his eyes. 
“Oh my god- dude if we could face time my kids would lose their minds if they met you!" Jackie says excitedly, clutching his phone. 
"That might be pushing the universes' boundaries a bit-" Alt laughs.
"Oh I'd love to talk some more whenever you guys come by next!" Jackie says excitedly. "I could tell you all about my rouges gallery. Hyper Spike, Glacier, Titanium, Dark Storm--Marvin was actually one of my rouges for a long time but we're chill now so I wonder if I could chill with some of those guys." 
Jackieboy’s eyes sparkle, “I have no idea who any of those are but I wanna know!! Oh my god- new heroes and villains to learn about!! That’s so fucking cool!!”
"Dark Storm's a bitch, he won't want to chill with you," Marvin mutters. "But, uh, yeah, I-I'd love if you guys could... come visit again... and chat." 
Alt smiles at Marvin and nods, “Yeah… someday we can just- chill. But… gotta get the cat home first-“
Bro kneels down by Dahlia and blinks at her, "Hey- you gonna be okay? We never said thank you for saving our asses back there-"
Dahlia grins up at Bro. "Not a problem, it's what I do. I'll be fine. 've come back from this before." 
"The coma makes it a bit tricky," Schneep mutters. "But we will take care of her." JJ nods, grabbing his sister's hand and squeezing it tightly. 
"Hope we'll see you guys again," Chase says.
Bro smiles and nods, “I get it- just… take care of yourself. Seems like you got a lot of people who care about you.” He gets up and then grins and lightly punches his other self’s arm, “You will! We’ll be back! Promise!” 
Jackie Mann frowns at Mag and then looms over him- just in time for Mag to blearily open his eyes. He glares up at Jackie and struggles, shouting out against the gag. Jackie’s expression darkens and he kicks his foot against Mag’s cheek. Mag’s head snaps to the side and he looks almost stunned. 
“That’s for ruining our trip ya egomaniac!” Jackieboy bites. 
“Okayyy here Jackie just- lemme handle the mad angry hostile villain.” Bro says, dragging Jackie back. He goes to lift up Mag and then- finds he once again can with ease. He relaxes and laughs, grinning. “Just in time! Seems like power suppressing stuff wore off!” 
“Thank god.” Alt sighs with a smile. He pulls out the TRVLR and finds their own dimensions again, setting it up to jump.
"Whoa, I feel like that wore off faster than usual." Jackie laughs. "I guess that's the benefit of being from another world." He then glares at Mag. "You stay away last time. Or we'll kick your ass even harder than we just did." Dahlia glares at Mag as well. And Soren smiles, an expression accompanied by a chill of... fear? When was the last time Magnificent felt fear? 
Magnificent squirms and spits out curses against Alt’s magic- all up until that surge of fear gets sent through him. Then he quiets, seeming to shrink against Bro’s shoulder. Bro blinks then laughs, “Hey! That’s a handy trick!” He beams and nods his thanks to Soren and the others. 
JJ, in between Dahlia and Soren, signs, Don't come back. 
"You all can come back, though," Schneep says, nodding at Jackieboy, Alt, and Bro. 
"Any time!" Chase adds. 
"We'll see you around," Marvin says. "Good luck with all this."
Jackie grins, “We’ll be back real soon! For a proper day!” 
Alt smiles and salutes, “Until then~!” He then grabs the others and presses the jump button, preparing to go home.
And the familiar falling sensation happens, the world around them going dark. But... again, there it is. That ripple. And, like fish in water, the group feels themselves diverted just slightly off course as the space around them shifts.
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collabpartners · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel: The Contract of Blood Ep. 12
*Hey guys, we're back with another episode! This is published on April 6, 2024. If you like this episode, don't be afraid to heart, reblog, and comment! That would be greatly appreciated! Warning: Vulgar language and some nudity. Enjoy!*
Episode Twelve: Worlds Apart Pt. 1
The ringing is the only sound to hear.
Mammon stands in the middle of his tent, the green fire consuming everything he once has. The green tears stream down his eyes while watching everything coming apart. It is then, the green energy inside of him is being sucked out of him by the staff above him.
The three Vees glow different colors. Velvette glows green, turquoise, and yellow. Valentino glows blue and purple. Vox glows red and orange. Morrigan and Orais stands between them as Morrigan raises her staff to summon the swirling clouds above Hell.
Alastor stands in the middle of the dark woods with a blood red background, his eyes greener the closer he gets. His smile is knitted with green strings for yellow teeth. His shadows grow darker and shaped like a deer monster before the green eyes flash.
Husk yelps awake, sitting up next to Angel on the twin bed. Breathing heavily, he puts his paw on his chest to feel his heart racing. He leans his head against the wall, calming his breathing.
“Fuck,” Husk mutters to himself. He looks to see Angel sleeping between him and the wall. His breathing is calmer compared to Husk’s earlier. Husk is surprised that his boyfriend isn’t jolted awake by his sudden movements. With a soft smile cornering his face, Husk caresses Angel’s hair and massages the back of his neck.
Husk hears his stomach growl, causing him to sigh. He scoots off the bed, but one of Angel’s hands cling onto his wrist. He smiles and kisses one of Angel’s hand.
“I’ll be right back,” Husk whispers to him. He begins to walk off and out of the cabin they are sleeping inside. As he search around the campsite for a vending machine, he sees Blitz standing by the machine, butt-naked.
Blitz turns and notices Husk frozen in his stance at this.
“Uh, you don’t happen to have change, do ya?” Blitz asks with a nervous grin.
Husk shakes his head.
“Damn it,” Blitz curses and looks at the vending machine.
Husk looks away from Blitz’s nakedness. “Did you--?”
“Yeah, I did.”
Husk furrows his brow. “Did what?”
Blitz blinks in confusion. “Wait, are you asking about the--?”
“I was asking if you packed a robe.”
“Yeah, I just was lazy to put it on. I thought you’re going to ask about something else.”
There’s an awkward pause.
“Well, did you fuck Stolas?”
Husk huffs in annoyance. “You should’ve worn a robe.”
“I thought everyone is asleep,” Blitz whispers to Husk.
“What if the kids were out here?”
“They’re already asleep,” Blitz responds.
A soft gasp is heard as they glance to the side to find Emily widening her eyes in horror at Blitz’s nakedness.
Husk throws a withering glare at Blitz. “One kid isn’t.”
Blitz shifts his glance at Husk and groans. “Fine, I’ll put the damn robe on.”
Blitz walks away, using his tail to cover up his crotch. Emily blinks in shock and watches Blitz departs from the vending machine.
Husk elbows the machine, letting the soda can fall off. He digs his hand through the slot and brings it out for Emily. “Here, is this what you came for?”
Emily nods her head, slowly taking the drink from his hands.
“Pretend you didn’t see any of that,” Husk instructs her.
She nods again in understanding, turning her heel to head back to her cabin.
Husk sighs and elbows the machine again, letting the soda can fall into the slot. He digs his hand again and grabs the purple soda can, drinking from it before going back to bed. He walks back to his cabin and enters it to find Angel still in his slumber.
Husk finishes his drink and places it on the table next to their bed. He sneaks back under the covers, easing his body between his lover’s four arms. Angel’s tired smile grows, his arms subconsciously wrap around Husk. Husk purrs without control, his chin laying in the chest fluff to fall asleep again.
Husk is screaming in pain with green seeping into veins while Alastor is behind him.
“You shouldn’t have fallen in love, dear Husker.”
Husk feels his body on fire as he screams out Angel’s name.
Husk screams awake, his arms holding onto Angel’s body.
Angel flutters his eyes open after hearing his screams. “H-Henry?”
Husk listens to his boyfriend’s heartbeat until he breathes calmly. “Did I wake you, Anthony?”
Angel shakes his head with a smile. “A little. But it doesn’t bother me.”
“It’s okay, baby. You don’t have to apologize.”
Husk smiles tiredly into Angel’s chest fluff. “Thanks, baby.”
Angel helps sit Husk up and stares into his yellow eyes, his pupils dilated. “Did you have another nightmare?”
Husk sighs and nods, losing his tired smile.
“Wanna talk about it?”
“I rather not. I don’t want to relive those nightmares.”
“You had more than one last night?”
Husk nods sadly.
“Poor baby,” Angel says with a frown and cradles Husk. “It’s okay. They’re just dreams.”
“I can’t tell. Gabriel gave me the damn visions and now I’ve been getting them,” Husk responds.
“Maybe they can be important on how to stop Morrigan and Orais.”
“Maybe. I don’t know. My head’s fucked up.”
Angel sniffs as if he smells something. “I smell something cooking. Wanna go and eat with the others?”
Husk looks up at Angel. “That sounds wonderful right now.”
Both of them scoot off the bed and head out of the cabin while holding hands.
Blitz is grilling some eggs and bacon over the fireplace in the middle of the campsite with a plaid shirt that is open to reveal his red torso and wearing sunglasses.
Fizz steals a piece of cooked bacon from the pan with his stretched robotic arm, earning Blitz’s attention.
“Damn it, Fizz! I’m in a middle of cooking!” Blitz shouts.
Fizz takes a bite of the bacon with hum, sitting next to Blitz. “Delicious. Shouldn’t you use the kitchen in the cabin?”
“No--wait, actually, I might.”
Fizz smirks. “Where would you be without me?”
“I’ve been without you for years, what are you talking about?”
“That’s because you left me!”
“Whoa, I thought we already talked about it.”
“We did. We did.”
Blitz sighs and offers the scrambled eggs on the plate to skip the subject. “Eggs?”
“Sure.” Fizz takes the plate and starts to eat the eggs.
Husk and Angel approach the two.
“It smells good, Blitz,” Angel compliments.
“Eh, you have to learn how to cook to survive,” Blitz replies.
“Heh, I never learned how to cook,” Fizz responds with a nervous laugh.
Blitz widens his eyes. “Seriously? You let Ozzie do all the cooking?”
“Yeah...I blew up his kitchen last time.”
“Fuck, man, I didn’t think you’re that bad at cooking--”
“I can’t even use the oven right.”
“HOW CAN YOU NOT USE THE OVEN RIGHT?!?” Blitz shouts in shock. “Follow the ingredients, turn the knobs to the right degrees, and boom! Your kitchen is not on fire!”
“Following the ingredients is for pussies!” Fizz quips back.
“No wonder Ozzie didn’t let you cook in the kitchen,” Blitz responds with a deadpan tone.
“Ooh! Whatcha cooking?!” Millie enters the scene, holding Moxxie’s hand.
“Some scrambled eggs and bacon. Thinking of making pancakes,” Blitz replies.
“I didn’t think you know how to cook, sir,” Moxxie responds.
“Oh, fuck you, Mox!” Blitz shouts. “I had to since I’m living in an apartment with one child to take care of!”
“I’m just saying,” Moxxie says with a sigh.
“I even teach my own daughter how to cook!” Blitz says while referring to Loona approaching the group with her eyes glued to her phone.
“Wait, she knows how to cook?!” Moxxie shouts in shock.
“Shocked?” Loona asks with a smirk at Moxxie.
“Well, you sucked at a receptionist job. Soooo, maybe a tiny bit shock,” Moxxie replies, earning Loona’s middle finger.
Husk sighs at the crew and leans his head on Angel’s shoulder.
“Don’t criticize my angel!” Blitz says while pulling Loona into his arms, petting her.
“What’s up in your ass this morning?” Millie shoots a question at Blitz.
Stolas arrives to the campfire, maroon robe off of his shoulders but it is covering his pelvis pretty well. “Morning, everybody.”
Fizz glances at Millie with a small smirk. “I think you just got your answer.”
“Oh, not like you haven’t talked about how big Ozzie’s cock is before,” Blitz responds with sass.
Fizz’s face turns red immediately. “Uh, fuck you!”
“Just saying,” Blitz adds.
“Is this really necessary to talk about this during breakfast?” Husk questions tiredly.
“Especially in front of a child,” Stolas says while referring to Octavia following her father with her earbuds in her ears.
“Children,” Vaggie emphasizes, entering the scene with Charlie, Bella, Emily, Cherri, and Sir Pentious. Nora, Eleanor, Sebastian, Nifty, Rosie, and Alastor are the last ones to approach the others.
“Good morning, everyone. Are we having flesh and bone for breakfast?” Rosie questions with a toothy grin.
“What the fuck--?! No!” Blitz shouts at Rosie.
“Where did you get the eggs and bacon?” Alastor questions.
“From the corpses of our enemies?” Rosie probes with a demonic smile.
Emily hides behind Cherri and Sir Pentious.
“Lady, what the fuck is wrong with you?! No!” Blitz growls at Rosie. “I had the groceries delivered here earlier!”
“Wait, really? How?” Millie questions.
Blitz holds up his phone to the others. “How else am I going to order the food?”
Emily sighs. “I miss Heaven.” She looks at the waters. “But the waters are pretty in the living world.”
Angel gasps with an idea in mind. “We might go swimming in it.”
“Angel, we don’t have time. Hell is in danger. Both Heaven and the living world will be too,” Charlie says with her tone anxious.
“I mean, it’s not a bad idea. Hell is already going through---hell, so why not enjoy time we have before planning a big battle to fight against Morrigan and Orais?” Blitz questions.
“I agree,” Stolas replies, causing Octavia to put down one earbud to listen to her father. “If we stress ourselves now, we might not be able to face the battle.”
“The bird prince is not wrong,” Alastor voices his agreement.
“B-But! Dad and Ozzie and Bee! They’re in trouble! And we’re going to have a party?!” Charlie brings up.
“Yeah, we need to plan something quick,” Fizz steps in to agree with Charlie’s points.
Blitz frowns when Fizz steps in to argue.
Rosie frowns and places a hand on Charlie’s shoulder. “Sweetheart, I know that things are hard. But your Dad is tough. It’s better to have a careful planning than just stressing out a plan and jump back into Hell. We know Morrigan and Orais is powerful enough, but if we face them now...well, it’s suicide. Relax yourself, dear, and take the moment we have now to spend time with your loved ones and then face the battle.”
Charlie frowns, holding Vaggie’s hand. She looks at her girlfriend and her adopted daughter. Then she glances at Rosie.
“Okay,” Charlie says with a sigh.
“Hey, we’ll make it fun!” Blitz determines. “Now let’s have a fucking beach party!”
“That’s a lake, sir,” Moxxie corrects.
“Lake. Beach. Whatever,” Blitz says, waving it off.
Stolas chuckles quietly at his short boyfriend.
Stolas manages to get bathing suits for everyone with styles they’ve preferred and that fit them perfectly.
Husk isn’t sure if wearing those red swimtrunks with black strings to tighten around his waist might be a good idea. He’s changes into the trunks in the changing rooms of the campsite. He walks out of the changing rooms, feeling a rush of wind passing by him. He almost stumbles to see Nora in her bright blue bikini suit with blue shorts over her bikini bottom. She jumps off the edge of wooden dock, flying off into the sky. Bella swims around the lake and watches Nora flying up to the sun.
Vaggie and Charlie notices this with wide eyes while Eleanor and Sebastian are just about to get into the lake when they see Nora flying high in the sky. Then she dive bombs towards the water.
“Should we worry about her?” Vaggie whispers to Eleanor.
“Oh, she’ll be fine,” Eleanor responds with a wave.
Nora crashes into the water headfirst.
Bella floats above the water in her bright pink one-piece swimsuit, looking for Nora to pop out of the water. Before she can find Nora, Bella is lifted further above the water, causing her to yelp in surprise when she sees Nora underneath her. Both of the girls are giggling until Bella falls off of Nora and into the water.
“Oh, shit! You okay?” Nora asks as Bella pops back up from the water to spit some water at her face playfully.
Bella giggles while Nora spits out the water from her mouth.
“Wanna play that way?” Nora challenges, splashing water at her with her arms.
Bella shields herself and uses four of her arms to splash Nora. Nora pretends to choke and falls into the water. Bella blinks in confusion and looks around.
“Nora?” Bella asks before Nora jumps up from behind and grabs four of her arms so that she won’t splash water.
“Gotcha!” Nora says with a laugh.
Bella dives forward, attempting to get Nora off of her while holding her breath. They pop back up from the water, chuckling.
The laughs fade as Nora realizes she’s holding Bella a bit more intimate than she realizes. Once she notices it, her face becomes beet red along with the tips of her ears. Bella also starts to blush as well at the way Nora is holding her. Immediately, Nora lets go of Bella and looks away.
“Uh, sorry,” Nora utters, blushing.
Bella tries to hide her face from her, earning stares from their parents.
Vaggie and Charlie exchanges a knowing smile at each other.
Eleanor leans over to Vaggie. “Is Nora catching the--?”
“Yeah,” Vaggie answers without hesitation.
“Oh,” both Sebastian and Eleanor utters simultaneously. Then they both nod.
“I can see it,” Sebastian responds.
Eleanor nods in agreement.
Blitz is on the shore with the volleyball net set up.
“Alright, we’re doing boys vs. girls!” Blitz determines as Fizz and Moxxie are on his side while Loona, Octavia, and Millie are on the other side.
“This is so dumb,” Loona groans.
“What if I want to team up with Millie?” Moxxie whines.
Millie softens her gaze. “Aw, baby, I would love to be on your team too. But we girls gotta dominate you boys.”
“That’s sexist!” Blitz points.
“Ahn~Mommy~” Moxxie moans.
Everyone glances at Moxxie in the volleyball court awkwardly except for Millie, who’s giving him a flirty smirk.
“Ugh, Mox, keep it professional,” Blitz replies with a small disgusted look.
Stolas enters the volleyball court. “Can I play?”
“Eh...we have an even number. Come join the boys team since Millie is the powerhouse for the girls,” Blitz points out.
Octavia looks at her father, her eyes soften, “You’re not going to join my team?”
“Oh no, I must choose between joining Blitzy’s team and my owlette’s team. What must I do? Eeny meeny miny moe. Catch a tiger by its toe. If he burns, let him go. I choose you--Oh! Looks like I’m going to be on my daughter’s team!” Stolas responds while playing the ‘eeny meeny miny moe’ game.
“Aw man,” Blitz responds while Stolas joins the opposing team. He crouches. “Alright, team, we gotta bring our A-game in this. We got to show the other side who’s tough.”
“Mind if I join you fellas?” Alastor asks while joining Blitz’s team with a red tropical shirt and shorts.
“Uh...I guess,” Blitz responds. “Now, we’re even! Let’s fucking go!”
“Wait, who’s going to be the referee?” Moxxie asks.
“I will,” Rosie determines in her one piece purple suit with her hair loose and blonde under the sun. She steps up to the ladder. “Let’s go up to twenty-one points. Remember, each team gets three hits. No double hits from one person. Whoever wins two out of three games, wins. Now, let’s go!”
Blitz is the one who serves the ball as he throws it up and spikes it with his open palm.
Loona charges towards the ball, hitting it.
Octavia uses her hands to set it up.
Millie runs up to the net and slams the ball onto the other side, accidentally hitting Moxxie’s head and causing him to fall back.
“Oooh! Can I play?!” Nifty joins, smiling like a gremlin in her red swimsuit, however she realizes that she’s too late until she starts chasing after the ball with the knife while the players are hitting it over.
The ball flies up in the air, letting Fizz hit the ball up enough to have Alastor to slam it to the ladies. With one of his tentacles, Alastor manages to slam it down on the other side, however Stolas saves it with just his wrist to protect his daughter from the incoming ball. The ball flies over the net and towards Alastor, who dodges it to not get hit. The ball zooms all the way towards Husk, who’s walking on the wooden docks. Husk is suddenly hit on the side of his head, falling into the water. The ball flies up as Fizz stretches his arm to grab it.
Husk yowls like a cat and climbs up on the wooden dock, fur soaking wet and shivering.
Stolas clenches his teeth. “Sorry, Husk!”
Angel swims around in a bikini until he notices his lover digging his claws on the wooden dock. He makes his way towards Husk.
“You’re all soaked, baby. What happened?” Angel asks and places his arms on the edge.
“Nothing. Just got hit in the head by a ball,” Husk responds and turns to the others playing an intense volleyball match.
Angel notices and sighs. “Wanna swim with me, baby?”
“Uh.” Husk looks back and notices Angel in a bikini, blushing madly. “I-I guess.”
Angel smirks and pulls him over to whisper in his ear. “You’re so hot in those trunks.”
Husk’s face starts to heat up. “Damn you.”
“You know, you love me.”
“Fuck you.”
“Only if you want to.”
Husk groans and stares into Angel’s eyes. “Look, this is going to sound insane...but I’m actually terrified of water.”
“Why? Don’t you know how to swim?”
“Yeah...I guess my stupid cat instincts hates water,” Husk responds.
“Well, how about I help you overcome your fear?”
Husk notices Angel’s hands reaching out to him. He’s about to take his boyfriend’s hands until someone shouts, “HEADS UP!”
Husk turns to see the volleyball smacks him right in the forehead, pushing him into Angel’s arms in the water. Husk is underwater for a second with Angel until they pop back up into the surface with Husk clinging onto his boyfriend and shaking.
“SORRY!” Blitz shouts while getting the ball.
Husk hisses at Blitz like a cat.
Angel giggles softly and kisses Husk’s wet fur on his head. “You know, you look good without your tophat.”
Husk glances up at Angel, starting to relax in his hold and laying his soaked head on his boyfriend’s chest.
“Let’s get you away from where the ball will be,” Angel responds while swimming away towards the wooden dock.
Husk just cuddles into Angel’s fluff and nods.
“Uh, are you sssure that this is a good idea?” Sir Pentious asks as he, Cherri, and Emily are approaching the cliffs.
“Hell yeah! It’s something people do all the time!” Cherri responds, taking off her casual clothes to reveal the bikini underneath it.
Pentious sees this with his face red and looks away.
Emily blinks at the informal wear Cherri has. “Uh, are you this is appropriate?”
“Oh yeah, don’t worry,” Cherri says while waving her hand in reassurance. She looks at both her boyfriend and Emily. “Don’t be pussies! Let’s go!” She hurries towards the cliff and jumps off. “WHOOOO!!!”
Cherri crashes into the water, concerning Pentious and Emily.
“Uh...I don’t have a good feeling about this,” Emily replies, rubbing her arms.
“Never fear Misssss Emily. Let’sss make the besst of thissss,” Pentious suggests before slithering and jumping off the cliff with a scream.
Emily watches Pentious crash into the water. The fallen angel starts pacing back and forth in anxiety. She takes deep breaths to calm herself and looks at the cliff. Finally, she takes off of her oversize dress she used to wear as an angel, revealing being in an underwear and bra. With a deep sigh, she bolts off the cliff and jumps. She screams in fear at first until she gets closer to the water. She crashes into the water, opening her eyes to see all the underwater fishes swimming around her.
She smiles at the sight of it until she looks up to see Cherri without her bottom bikini. She screeches and looks away from underwater, swimming up and glancing away.
“Oh shoot, Cherri, where’s your bathing suit?!” Emily shouts in shock.
“Wait, you’re naked?!” Pentious questions with widened eyes in surprise. “There’sss a child present!”
“I’m not a kid,” Emily responds.
“Sssorry,” Pentious apologizes.
Cherri nervously laughs. “Kind of ripped off my bottom bikini. I’ll get some shorts on.” She swims onto the shore and goes off to find some shorts and underwear to cover herself.
Emily groans. “This is twice I see someone naked in one day.”
“TWICE?!” Pentious yelps in pure shock. “WHO ELSE DID YOU SSSSEE NAKED?!”
“Um,” Emily utters.
Meanwhile, Charlie watches her friends enjoying themselves from the boulder, smiling softly in realization. However, she’s deep in thought.
Vaggie hops out of the water and sits next to her. “You doing okay?”
“Yeah. I just...I’m hoping Dad is okay,” Charlie responds, rubbing her arm.
“I’m sure he is,” Vaggie replies. “Besides, we faced worse before. I’m sure it won’t get any worse than it is with the angels.”
Charlie looks at the rubber ducky with the white top-hat and sighs. “I hope you’re right.”
Lucifer groans in pain in his chair. His vision is a blur as he glances at Ozzie and Bee to notice their features. Ozzie appears wrinkly, pale eyes staring off somewhere. Bee appears fatter, barely able to be held down by the leather straps.
“Look, who’s finally awake,” Orais’ voice announces.
Lucifer narrows his brows. “Fuck you both.”
“This is just a beginning, Luci,” Orais responds with a smirk curving up.
“The beginning of what?”
“The beginning of an end. An end which you don’t want sadly. That requires your little princess to die along with her friends and family.”
“You fuckers. You already took half of my powers. I still have some left.”
“But you’re too weak to use it,” Orais quips. “All three of you are too weak to use it. You’d be better off letting us take the rest of your powers then try to fight us.”
Ozzie glares at Orais. “I swear, if you lay one hand on Fizz, I’m gonna--”
“What? Kill me? You can’t protect your cyborg imp. Without your powers, you can barely turn your head. So, my best advice to you right now is to stay down. Or your little imp is gonna get himself torn apart...limb by limb.”
Ozzie starts shaking, tearing up at the thought of Fizz being torn apart.
Orais snickers and then looks at Bee. “And look at you, you can barely contain yourself anymore. Years of self-indulgence is over. Your little boyfriend is dead.”
“You’ll pay for that,” Bee growls at her, struggling in her bonds.
“Revenge is sweet like honey,” Orais replies. “But it won’t work for you here. And no one will save you any of you this time.”
He straightens up and looks at Lucifer. “You know, Luci. You and I were close once before we found our wives. You and I are brothers once. I’ve never forgotten that bond between us.”
Lucifer breathes heavily.
“In all of our ten-thousand of years of banishment, we both have faith that once you fell down here with us, you would set us free from our banishment. I guess that’s why you’re the Ruler of the Pride Ring. You abandoned us. You abandoned me! I’ve watched while you rise up, creating more rings with your little friends that you’ve treated like brothers and sisters, hoping to replace us. To replace me.”
Lucifer frowns and shakes his head. “This doesn’t have to be that way--”
“Don’t talk the bullshit now!” Orais snaps. “You have already abandoned me and I’ve watched you from my cell! Now, it’s your turn, Luci.”
He turns, facing away from Lucifer. “I will finish what we started a long time ago. By the time we’re finished, no one will be left alive in all of Heaven, Hell, and Earth. It will take a while to darken the light. But once it’s darkened, no one will be left.”
“Did you tell that to your three minions working under you?” Lucifer growls with his teeth clenched.
“The Vees? Not yet. But don’t worry, they will be rewarded for their...naiviety,” Orais responds as he walks away. “Now if you’ll excuse me, we got the other rulers to capture.”
Lucifer watches Orais exit with a growl. “Fucking coward.”
Orais arrives, noticing his wife looking from the middle top steps, overhearing whipping sounds and cries of familiar servants.
“What’s going on down there?” Orais whispers to Morrigan.
“Both servants let their brat and her new found family escape,” Morrigan whispers back to Orais.
“Huh, interesting. Anyways, how goes the hunt for the other rulers?”
“I’m sure they’ll be here any--”
The doors open, revealing Striker and Crimson entering the castle with the Vees walking beside them.
“Look who we got!” Vox announces, motioning towards passed out Mammon, Belphegor, Zelus, and Mal. Vox glows brighter red than before. “Fucking Mammon and all the other rulers.”
“Well done,” Morrigan replies. “Striker, Crimson, you’ll be rewarded for this service.”
“Anything to please you, ma’am,” Crimson responds, his eyes glowing blue.
Val has the puppet strings on him. “They both have been good boys.”
“No lolligagging. We got work to do,” Orais replies, heading up stairs. The gangsters of imps with blue eyes glowing pulls the rulers of the seven rings. Going up the stairs, Mammon is the first to wake up. He flutters his eyes open and looks around.
“Wait, where the fuck are we?!” Mammon shouts before being pushed further up the stairs by one of the gangsters. “Don’t you fucking push me, you cunt!”
The gangsters doesn’t respond. Before Mammon can unleash his full power to fight, he feels a shock going through his fat body. He yelps and looks to find Vox shocking him.
“Behave,” Vox growls at Mammon.
“Fuck you, asshole,” Mammon snarls back, earning another shock from Vox. He is taken to the laboratory with Belphegor, Zelus, and Mal behind him. Zelus and Mal start to wake up and notice Mammon in front of them.
“What the hell is going on?” Zelus asks in fear.
Mal starts to get angry, fire crackling in her coal-colored hair. “¡Mierda! ¿Dónde carajo estamos ahora? ¡Juro que acabaré con cualquiera que me ponga una maldita mano encima! (Shit! Where the fuck are we now?! I swear I’ll take down anyone who lays a damn hand on me!).”
Belephegor is still passed out as they are guided into their seats in the laboratory.
It’s sudden the remaining four rulers are strapped down with leather straps.
“Shit!” Zelus screams in fear.
Mammon glances at Ozzie, who appears wrinkly. “Ew, you look like shit, Ozzie.”
“Fuck you,” Ozzie growls.
Their surroundings darken again. Ozzie braces himself.
“Shit, here we go again,” Ozzie responds.
Morrigan opens the book and waves her hand, chanting in Latin.
“O tenebrae!
Da nobis potestatem dilatandi chaos et innocentes necare.
Da nobis potestatem somniorum dissolvere et lumen obscurare.
Da nobis potestatem mundi regna regeres.
(O darkness!
Give us the power to spread chaos and kill the innocent.
Give us the power to dissolve dreams and darken the light.
Give us the power to rule the kingdoms of the worlds).”
As Morrigan is saying those words, all the seven rulers are having their powers sucked out again, taking all of their powers and symbols and placing them inside of the staff in the middle of the alter. The seven rulers of the seven rings scream in pain, their eyes becoming more pale.
Once all the powers are sucked from the rulers, Morrigan smiles with glee and takes the staff. She looks at the rulers to see them pale and nearly dead, smirking.
Orais smiles and kisses her shoulder. “This is perfect, my love.”
“Now, for their reward,” Morrigan responds while turning to Velvette, Valentino, and Vox in the room. She points her staff towards them, giving them more powers.
Velvette glows of yellow, turquoise, and green. She sees everything as profit in her eyes with her pink hair becoming lava lamp fluid colors pink, orange, and purple. She feels her waist burning up as she looks down to see that her stomach is shaped like the lava lamp.
Vox glows of red and orange. He feels his strength increasing while he feels like he’s overheating from absorbing Mal’s powers. However, he’s able to shape-shift to have a bigger screen head.
Valentino glows of blue and purple. His red smoke has a blue outline in around it, but he’s able to change the outline to purple. He walks over to Ozzie to taunt him by blowing the purple smoke into his nostrils. Ozzie passes out from the smoke, earning giggles from Valentino.
Morrigan raises her staff, giving her new clothes of red velvet dress with wide sleeves that drifts to the ground. Orais’ new suit is black and white donned him, a black cape with the white on inside flowing in the new wind.
Morrigan changes the Vees’ styles with Velvette wearing a maroon dress and high heels.
“Ooh, I love this!” Velvette responds with a smirk.
Vox has his blue shirt on with black pants, a blue cape attached to his right shoulder. “Now, this is what I’m talking about.”
Valentino has his red hat covering his head with his red coat over his gray suit and red bowtie. He smiles with his teeth, smoking his red smoke.
Morrigan smirks at them. “This is only the beginning, my friends. Now, let’s get started, shall we?” She points her staff up to the skies of Hell, causing swirling clouds above the tower.
The television is turned on in the cabin while the others are getting back from having their fun time at the lake. Husk notices this and enters the cabin where the television is turned on. Angel notices this and follows his boyfriend into the cabin.
“What’s going on?” Angel asks him before noticing the familiar news anchor is on television.
“Katie Killjoy?” Husk recognizes a panicked news anchor.
“Breaking news, Morrigan and Orais has been free after several years of banishment. And it’s only going to get worse from here---”
The television glitches, interrupting Katie Killjoy’s news and revealing to be Vox.
“I’m afraid that I’ve regain my signal,” Vox responds darkly.
Alastor enters the cabin, groaning at the sight of Vox. “Ugh, you.”
The others with Charlie and Vaggie looking on with concern.
“Where should I begin? Oh yeah, your home is ours now, princess,” Vox says with a taunting smile.
“You fucker,” Vaggie growls lowly.
“Ouch,” Vox responds sarcastically. “You know I can see where you guys are, right?”
Everyone widens their eyes in shock to see Vox talking to them through the television.
“Aw, shit!” Blitz gasps in shock.
“That’s right, I’m talking to you bitches! Oh, Angel, Val wants me to say hi to you,” Vox taunts Angel, who narrows his brows in anger in response to Vox. Husk notices this and places his hand over one of Angel’s.
“Now, where was I? Oh yes. Hell is ours for the taking,” Vox answers with a grin. “Soon, all the realms, including Heaven will be ours--”
Blitz hurries out of the living room and comes back in with the bat. “Stand back, guys!” He raises the bat and smashes the television screen. The television shatters under the harsh swings.
Blitz smiles victoriously. “Ha! Now, our location won’t be tracked.”
They hear television statics around the campsite as they look outside of the cabin they are in to find more televisions turned on.
“As I was saying,” Vox continues, his voices on the speakers. “You fuckers are through. Your rulers are almost dead, but don’t worry, they’ll be put out of their misery soon.”
Fizz hears the television Blitz smashed up crackle and turns his head to find Ozzie shown to be drained and tired. Fizz starts to breathe heavily in fear, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“Oz?” Fizz utters while picking the television back up, staring at Ozzie’s colorless body from the shattered lens.
Charlie turns to find her father next to Ozzie, a gasp escape her lips. She summons horns on the sides of her head, red eyes with white pupils glistening.
“You’ll fucking pay for what you did!” Charlie growls demonically.
“Don’t worry, princess. Soon, you and your little friends will be next to die. Bye!”
Vox leaves the speakers and the televisions are turned off.
Charlie starts to pace back and forth in panic. “This is why I told you guys we need to go now!”
Fizz seems spaced out, the tears falling off of his jawline.
Vaggie puts her hand on her girlfriend's shoulder. “Charlie, keep a cool head--”
“No! They are going to kill Dad and the rest of the rulers! Then they’re going to go after the realms and Heaven! And there’s nothing we can do to save anyone!”
Husk groans while holding his head.
Angel glances at his boyfriend. “Husky, are you okay?”
A flash of a vortex appearing on the red skies, sucking everything in the realm, appears in Husk’s mind. He collapses on the floor, grabbing at his head and blacking out.
“Husk! Husk!!” 
To Be Continued...
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solo-pitstop-vibes · 1 month
🎬Director's Cut: Rowing Pair 🎬
In response to this post! I got "send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!"
Thank you, Abby, for sending me the stars!! I sent some right back, and I'm excited to see what you post for yours!
This was so, so hard to find just one part that I wanted to talk about, so I chose two, although they're related in a way. Both from part two, they both relate to Allie and Bobby's friendship. To me, it's so easy to write Bobby (even harder to write Don), but I loved reintroducing Bobby the way I did here:
The last few days of practice had not gone well for either team. The varsity crew was looking worse by the day, and the JV boat wasn’t coming together as it should. Another hour passes with the rowing shells making their way up and down the channel, and no one is happy with the progression of the day. The coaches are climbing out of the motorboat, waiting for the two row boats to finish floating in. Allie looks to Ulbrickson, “Permission to speak candidly, sir?” Al gives her a curt nod. “I don’t think Glenn is a good fit for the boat, they need someone with more fire. There’s a lot of energy to wrangle in that shell, and I don’t think he can do it.” Al’s eyebrows raise in interest, “Okay, then who would you suggest?” “You know who.” That statement gets Allie a pointed look from Ulbrickson without hesitation, “We’ll talk about it later.” The next practice, Bobby Moch strutted down the dock and straight into the cox seat of the JV shell. Three practices later, they were rowing like a well-oiled machine. Allie stood next to Ulbrickson and Bolles, watching from the dock. Allie couldn’t help the smug smile trying to break its way onto her face. “Better?” she asked Al, hands clasped behind her back as she rocked on her heels. That got her another pointed look, but this time followed by a small smile. “Better.”
We all know Bobby strutted back into practice, even if it was a demotion from the varsity team. In my mind, Bobby knew he could change the direction of the junior boat, just like Allie did. It also shows when she does get the nerve to speak her mind, especially about rowing, she knows what she's talking about.
Secondly, the part where Allie comes to the party is another favorite. To me it shows more of their friendship, but also how Allie gets nervous and shy, much like Don. She says she's not scared to come in, but Bobby knows otherwise, or more so that she's nervous to come in. That's why he tells her "This party is just as much for you as it is us." and offers to walk in with her, almost guiding her in. Just like he gives Don a shove later on for some confidence.
Allie was still standing outside, nervously smoothing out her dark green dress when Bobby’s smiling face appeared in the doorway. His jacket had already been abandoned somewhere; his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Leaning on the propped open door, he spoke, “Scared to come in?” Allie shook her head, “No, it’s just weird because I’m late and coming in alone.” Bobby clicked his tongue, making his way down the steps to her with his hands tucked in his pockets. “It’s not weird, I’ll go in with you. This party is just as much for you as it is for us.” She didn’t move, just giving Bobby a nervous glance. Bobby’s expression softens, “Hey, uh, I’ve been meaning to talk to you anyway. Ulbrickson told me that I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you and that I wasn’t an option until you suggested me. So, thank you. I’m really happy to be back on the team.” Allie hadn’t known Bobby long, but they had become close over the summer. While he was strong headed and liked to act on his own fruition, he always valued Allie’s opinion. She was stunned when he was removed from the varsity crew. Unfortunately, Ulbrickson had used Bobby’s punishment to teach the crew a lesson. Everyone is replaceable, he had said. That’s why he was so hesitant to bring him back and eat his own words. “I’m really glad you’re back too, Bobby. It wasn’t the same without you.” Allie meant it. Bobby brought out more in the JV team than he ever could have with the varsity team, and the potential was building. Bobby knocked his shoulder against hers, flashing Allie a cheeky smile, “Come on, time to let loose. I bet you can get some schmuck in there to dance with you in the first five minutes!” Allie smiled softly, shaking her head, “Oh, maybe I’ll just watch. I don’t want to dance with just anybody.”
Also, not sure if it was a big enough lead or not, but Allie's "Oh, maybe I'll just watch..." is a nod to Don's "I'm watching." when he asks him what he's doing later in the scene! I've never done one of these before, but it was really fun!
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