#fireman!Jared Padalecki
impalaimagining · 4 years
Fire & Rescue [2]
EMT!Jensen, Fireman!Jared, Reader
1,796 words
Warnings: angst, attempted assault, protective!J2
Written for Lindsey Wilburn as the first part of her second Shotgun Rider series on Patreon!
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Series Masterlist - Masterlist
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You got the rundown of the situation, found the locker with your first initial and last name on it, and stuffed your bag into it before you heard someone huff behind you.
“Wha-” You spun and found yourself face to face with four guys, a little older than you.
“Oh, don’t mind us.” One of them smirked and raked his eyes up and down your body. “We’re just,” he licked his lips and finally met your eyes again, “lookin’ around.”
You shuddered under his gaze and stepped back. “I’m, uh - I’m gonna go find Jensen.”
He caged you in, leaning his arms against the locker beside yours. “I think you should spend some time with us other first-dayers.”
“I - I’m good.” You forced a tight smile and attempted to push past him. “Thanks.” Your opportunity to side-step him was lost as he blocked you in, stepping into your path.
“I said, you’re going to spend some time with us.” He reached up and pushed you back against the lockers, your back bouncing off of them with a shaky metallic clang. His hand moved from your shoulder where he’d shoved you, across your collarbone. His hand stretched until the space between his thumb and index finger was big enough to wrap around your neck.
Before he could close his fingers around your throat, you screamed.
“Son of a bitch.” He clamped his hand over your mouth instead, muffling the sound falling from your lips.
But not before Jared heard it. He was sitting in the lounge, feet kicked up onto the coffee table in front of the black leather couch. When he heard your screech, he straightened up, then sprang from his seat when he caught the way it became almost instantly muffled. Jared darted for the kitchen first, where there were the most outside doors, the most room for access for an intruder, but the kitchen was empty, save for the head of the women’s auxiliary committee cooking for the upcoming bingo night.
He painted on a smile in her direction and flew out of the room. Jared ran into the locker room and saw them, a group of four out of the other six first-dayers surrounding you in a semicircle.
“Back up.” His voice boomed, echoing off of the lockers and empty walls. Their heads turned, whipping around as Jared came closer, towering over most of them. “I said back up.” He seethed, jaw clenched around his words.
The man who seemed to lead the newbie “pack,” whose name you’d later find out was Cory, withdrew his hand, allowing you to gasp in a breath. Tears filled your eyes and you clamped them shut before disappearing into one of the lockable changing stalls. The doors weren’t solid from floor to ceiling, so you could hear every word Jared was saying.
“Don’t ever let me catch any of you near her like this again.” He poked his finger into Cory’s chest. “You hear me?” Cory nodded dumbly, unsure of what he could even say to alleviate the tension. “If I find out any of you touch her, unless you’re doing man-to-man training, you’ll be reported and immediately suspended from the program. Do you understand?” Cory nodded again, and the others mirrored the movement. “Get your bags and get out of here. Consider this the end of your first day.”
After they scurried to collect their things and leave, Jared knocked with a single knuckle on the thin wooden door to the changing room. “Hey, you still in there or did you manage to sneak away while I was kickin’ their asses?” He teased.
You slowly cracked the door and peeked out, making sure it was just him in the room with you. “Thank you.” You spoke softly, unable to look at him. “I can’t believe they-”
“Don’t worry about it. They won’t be bothering you again. And if they do, you come to me.” He pulled the door the rest of the way open and ushered you out, then held the door as you walked back into the lounge with him following close behind. Jared pulled out a chair for you around the huge wooden table in the center of the room, then sat beside you. “You okay?”
You nodded, but Jared raised a brow and you quickly switched to shaking your head. “I don’t want to deal with that for the rest of training.”
“I don’t blame you.” Jared nodded in agreement. “But trust me, you won’t have to deal with it. As soon as I tell Jensen-”
“No!” You reached out and grabbed Jared’s forearm. “No, no, you can’t tell Jensen.”
Jared looked down, seeing your knuckles white with how tightly you were holding onto him. “Why wouldn’t I tell Jensen? He’s the one working with you every day. He’s the one who will see them around you and know if something’s up. He should know.”
“Please don’t tell him.” You pleaded, releasing Jared’s arm. “I don’t want him to think I’m - I can’t stand up for myself and I needed you to swoop in and save me.”
Jared smirked. “To be fair, I did kind of come in like a knight in shining armor.”
With a roll of your eyes, you shoved away from him. “Shut the hell up.”
Jared chuckled, but quickly turned serious. “Jensen should know.” He repeated. “He’s going to be in the field with all of you. He can keep you safe.”
You furrowed your brows. “I don’t need him to keep me safe. I can handle them if they start their shit again. I just - they just caught me off guard in there.”
“They’re lucky you weren’t in the middle of changing or something. I would’ve had them suspended on the spot if you were any kind of indecent in there.” Jared patted your knee and offered you a warm smile. “I’m gonna go see if Janice needs any help in the kitchen, but you just stay in here and take it easy, okay? For as long as you need.”
“Thank you.” You looked up at him as he stood, and he just brushed off the thanks. “No, Jared.” You reached out and caught his wrist in your hand. “Thank you.” You didn’t need to say it, he knew he’d done more than you were letting on.
Jared flipped his wrist and captured your hand, squeezing it gently. “Whatever you need, you just let me know.” He smiled and tightened his grasp on your hand again before letting go and walking into the kitchen.
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You spent the better part of your first week riding in the front of the ambulance with Jensen when calls came in. Nothing too serious, just the lower-profile, embarrassing cases that would never see the front page of even a local paper. When you were back at the station, the two of you hung around Jared, mostly, but the other fire guys flitted in and out of the conversations as well.
Friday afternoon, after all of the trainees packed up for the day and headed home, Jared pulled you aside. “How’ve they been?” He asked quietly and nodded in the direction of the guys you’d started with.
“Haven’t even looked at me since Monday.” You shrugged. “I knew I’d be the odd man out because I’m… not a man, but damn.”
“I’m sorry if me stepping in made things worse.” Jared pulled his lips to the side and chewed the inside of his cheek.
You shook your head. “Like I said, I came in expecting being the only not-dude in the program. Not sure I expected all the current EMTs to also be dudes but…”
Jensen made his way over to you and Jared, frowning as he noticed the uncertainty on your face. “Everything okay? Did something happen? Something I should know about?”
Mild panic washed over your features. “Nope, all good.” You blurted before you could quell the anxiousness in your voice.
Jensen raised his brows. “If this doesn’t work out for you, you might want to give acting a shot. That was very convincing.” He licked his lips. “Wanna try again?”
Your eyes darted to Jared. You were certain he would’ve told Jensen, regardless of what you said. “I, um - the other day - Monday, the day we started, the - the guys kind of - um, they trapped me in the locker room and-”
“They what?” His eyes grew wide.
“They - they cornered me and - and Cory pushed me against the locker. He put his hand around my throat and I screamed. I don’t - I don’t know what his plan was, but Jared stepped in and stopped them.” You looked at your feet.
“I… what?” Jensen pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’ll have them suspended. I’ll go to the-”
“No.” You reached out your hands in front of you, waving them frantically. “No, it’s okay. They’ve been… handled.”
“Warned.” Jared clarified with a sly grin. “I took care of it.”
“Thanks.” Jensen gave him a tight smile and a knowing look, and you realized you’d be the topic of their conversation later. “Are you okay? Really? Being around him after all that.”
You gave a single nod. “Gotta be. I can’t let them think they got to me.”
Jensen drew his lips into a thin line and nodded again. “I’ll make sure you don’t have to work with him one-on-one, okay?”
“You don’t have to do that.” You insisted. “I gotta,” you scoffed a laugh, “man up if I’m gonna be around all you guys, right?”
Jensen rolled his eyes. “You don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. So if you don’t want to work with Cory, you don’t work with Cory. It’s simple. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen.”
“Yeah.” You gave a small smile. “Sure, thank you.”
“If you need anything else, let me know, okay? When it happens, not four days after the fact.” He raised a stern brow as his hand fell to the ball of your shoulder, and you nodded your understanding.
“Thanks.” You repeated and glanced to the side, watching his fingers tighten around your shoulder. “Thank you.”
Jensen removed his hand from your arm and nodded his head in the direction of your car. “Go ‘head and get out of here. Have a good weekend.”
You stepped back and took a single step in the direction of your car. “Don’t work too much this weekend, yeah?” You threw him a grin over your shoulder. “Gonna need you in tip-top training shape on Monday.”
The corners of Jensen’s mouth perked up in a tiny smile. “That so?”
“Yeah, if you plan on keeping me as safe as you think you’re going to.” You teased with a wink before turning and disappearing to your car.
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Part 3
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gif: x
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realjensenackles · 3 years
Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, and Eric Kripke are all trapped in a burning building. You can only save one of them who do you pick
good question .I wanted to be a fireman when I was a boy but it didn't work out because I got scouted to be a model instead (I am very handsome). we had a fire on set once because Jared thought it'd be funny to light his bathrobe on fire with gasoline and then convince misha to wear it. I would save misha because he is very old and probably can't run fast. Eric is impenetrable to fire so he will be okay.
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
Social Media Anon here!
This ask is about two things.
1. Why demographic rather than audience matters, and
2. Gen Padalecki's comment that she and Jared are looking at three works to produce (star in?), one going to script.
Dealing with demographic, people (including me) keep pointing out how much audience loss Walker has had, and they are right ( it's lost 70% and I suspect it will go a little more) what is REALLY worse is that it has gone from a .37 to a point .10. demographic That means that the audience is 50+.
TV SHOWS ARE JUST THE SPACE BETWEEN THE ADVERTS. The only reason TV shows exist is to have the audience looking at the screen for the adverts. Of course, Advertisers only want to advertise to an audience who will buy. That is the 18-34 and 18-49 demographic. Older viewers than that are seen as not moving to new products or new luxury goods. Think of the adverts that happen at age related daytime slots, they are for grey power products not general products.
Demographic is measured by taking the whole of that age group in the country and see what percentage of that watched the programme. so .10 means that 1% of the target age market watched Walker (not total viewers in that age, total population). THAT is low. Demographic is why the CW wanted to be a teen market. You can have low ratings but high demographic and be more successful than a high ratings show. You need to be hitting the target audience NOT any audience. Advertisers won't pay big money for the wrong demographic.
So the falling demographic is more of a problem for Walker than the audience share. Both are catastrophic... but advertisers drive shows.
Obviously the only way Gen is going to get hired is through nepotism. She's a bad actress. She was a very pretty actress and could get away with bad acting but she's 40 and has had so much work you wouldn't put her near a naked flame (sorry Jared, candlelit dinners really aren't safe...).
Jared however should be pushing the longevity of Walker. He hasn't got time to "actively exec" a 22 episode show and seriously develop another project. When he tried to simply act in other shows in hiatus during SPN he was exhausted and both he and Jensen said they couldn't commit to anything else.
So.... is the idea of another product signalling the end of Walker? it'll go to season 3 but on it's current trajectory (it's number 3 in demographic on a falling curve on a network that has issues) season 4 isn't actually a given. He, I suspect, is expensive.
Jared is a businessman and I'm quite certain he'd be just as willing to put on a stethoscope, strap on a fireman's helmet or put on khaki to sell Jared Padalecki in whatever other poor show he can think of for a couple of seasons. He sells to the same people, squeezing every ounce of of them he can.
However, he isn't A list. Every C lister ever tried to get themselves back in the game by self production, it's the only way actors can guarantee work. Doors other than the CW won't automatically open to him.
Perhaps we can look forward to a season of PadaChristmas specials on the CW? I can't see any other network being interested in Texas Eco Barbie and Hooters Ken.
What do you think?
Texas Eco Barbie and Hooters Ken
I snorted! Alright, I will do my best not to go on a tangent, but given my track record, I’m not optimistic. 
First off, I had no clue how ratings and demographics worked until you brought your knowledge here and I appreciate it so much! It’s really fascinating to me! It also helps me (and probably the people who aren’t sure how the show is so garbage yet somehow “number one”) understand what’s going on and what counts. It’s really eye-opening to see those numbers too. I can’t imagine they’re too happy about their target demographic just simply not caring about this show the way they assumed they would. 
You’re right on the money about Gen only getting work through nepotism. If Jared wasn’t involved in Walker, she would have never landed that role. Try as she might, she’d be nothing without Jared at this point. 
You may be onto something with Walker being on the way out! Maybe Jared’s realizing that this show isn’t his ticket to superstardom and he’s trying to line up some back up plans. Either that or he just wants to follow in Jensen and D’s footsteps. After all, he can’t let Jensen (or anyone for that matter) have anything, can he?
You’re also 100% right about him doing anything to sell himself. We’ve seen him do it for the past few years and I don’t see him stopping anytime soon. 
Bias aside, I can’t see Jared or Gen bringing anything new and exciting to the table in terms of shows. Plus, if anyone has been watching his EP skills, I can’t imagine they’d be rushing to work with him. 
I guess time will tell, I just hope neither of them decide to make the leap to OnlyFans anytime soon....or ever. 
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lol-jackles · 4 years
There’s been a J2 tinhatter (or at least a minion representing to be one) spamming Danneel, Gen, and Jared’s social media comments including when Jared came out of hiding to comment on Jensen’s call me al post. I know you said fans don’t have as much power as they think but in combination w/Clif’s stance not long ago on ppl being mean to the Ackles and Padalecki’s, do you think Danneel would be bothered enough by those comments to ask J2 not interact as much online?
Remember what I’ve said about Clif being the equivalent of a fireman setting small nuisance fires so that he gets to play hero? (x)    I think Clif (and to an extent, Danneel) like Tinhatters because they are relatively harmless because their gossip is innocuous and the least known, for that they make useful villains in a narrative - Clif gets to play hero and Danneel gets to play victim.
So to answer your question, no, Danneel is not bothered because they give her the excuse to play the “strong womyn” standing up to bullies.  Its the equivalent of PETA harassing women in fur coats instead of bikers in leather jackets.
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saxxxology · 5 years
Here's a compilation of all my NSFW Kink Drabbles! Each one is Patreon Exclusive and written for the members of my $5 Angel Tier! This list will be updated as I post.
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Out of His Mind - Sam Winchester x Reader (Overstimulation - male)
Young Stranger - Sam Winchester x Reader (Age gap)
Strong - Sam Winchester x Reader (Muscles)
Pretty Girl - Sam Winchester x Reader (Body worship)
Wild - Jared Padalecki x Reader (Hair pulling)
Role Model - Negan x Reader (Age gap)
Bite Me - Alpha!John x Omega!Reader (Biting)
So Good it Hurts - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader (Overstimulation - female)
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Mine - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader (Biting)
Thatta Girl - Sam Winchester x Reader (Praise)
Watch - Sam Winchester x Reader (Mirror sex)
Big - Sam Winchester x Reader (Size difference)
Make Me a Mommy - Negan x Reader (Impregnation)
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On Both Ends - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader (69)
Scary - Alpha!Winter Soldier x Omega!Reader (Fear kink)
The Most Beautiful Girl - Jared Padalecki x Reader (Age Gap)
Morning Glory - Bucky x Reader (Thigh Riding)
Play With Me - Jared Padalecki x Reader (Vibrators)
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Cold - Bucky x Reader (Cock warming)
One More - Jared Padalecki x Reader (Pregnancy)
Suit Up - Steve Rogers x Reader (Suit kink)
Take a Breath - Jared Padalecki x Reader (Breath play)
Wet - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader (Squirting)
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Switch - Omega!Sam x Alpha!Reader (Rough Sex)
Her First - Alpha!Jared x Omega!Reader (Chastity + Lights)
Under the Mistletoe - Bucky x Reader (Mistletoe)
Dirty Mouth - Soulless!Sam x Reader (Dirty Talk)
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A Moment of Silence - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader (Gags)
Promises Made, Promises Kept - Alpha!Soulless!Sam x Reader (Impregnation)
In the Dark, We Play - Sam x Reader (Nyctophilia)
Hey There, Big Guy - Bucky x Reader (Muscles)
Good For Me - Sam x Reader (Praise)
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Painted White - Alpha!Steve x Omega!Reader (Creampie)
Scardy-Cat - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader (Fear kink)
Big - Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader (Phallophilia)
My Big, Strong Man - Bucky Barnes x Reader (Muscles)
Marked Up - Steve Rogers x Reader (Biting)
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MARCH 2020
Long Time, No See - Bucky Barnes x Reader (Weapons)
Love Bites - Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader (Biting)
In the Dark - Soulless!Sam x Reader (Nyctophilia)
One More Try - Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader (Impregnation)
Shhh... - Sam Winchester x Reader (Public Sex)
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APRIL 2020
Coming Up Short - Steve Rogers x Reader (Size Difference)
Quiet, Doll - Bucky x Reader (Gags)
Squeeze - Bucky x Reader (Choking)
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MAY 2020
Can’t Wait - Steve Rogers x Reader (Fleshlight)
Watch - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Delta!Reader (Mirror Sex)
Tug, Pull. - Bucky x Reader (Hair Pulling)
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JUNE 2020
Good Changes - Alpha!Sam x Delta!Reader (Praise kink)
Sharp - Bucky x Reader (Knife kink)
Three's A Crowd - Alpha!Sam x Delta!Reader (Body Worship)
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JULY 2020
Captain's Girl - Alpha!Steve Rogers x Delta!Reader (praise kink)
Worth Waiting For - Sam Winchester x Reader (student/professor)
Warm - Sam Winchester x Reader (cock warming)
Count 'Em - Bucky x Reader (spanking)
Red Lace - Sam Winchester x Reader (panties)
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Alpha One - Alpha!Steve Rogers x Delta!Reader (uniform kink)
Where's the Fire? - Fireman!Sam x Reader
Gold Chain - Bucky x Reader (collaring)
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Cresent - Steve x Reader (biting)
How He Likes 'Em - Soulless!Sam x Reader (age gap)
All of Me - Sam Winchester x Reader (dialogue prompt)
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Ruin - Alpha!Sam x Delta!Reader (dialogue prompt)
Love and Joy - Bucky x Reader (dialogue prompt)
Reconciliation - Omega!Natasha x Alpha!Reader (biting)
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Make it Up -  Dean Winchester x Reader (dialogue prompt)
Too Much, Not Enough -  Sam Winchester x Reader (overstimulation)
Feel the Difference -  Sam Winchester x Reader (praise)
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Ease - Dean Winchester x Reader (dialogue prompt)
Pretty in Pink - Sam Winchester x Reader (panties)
For the Sake of Memory -  Sam Winchester x Reader (biting)
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A Weekend Away - Bucky Barnes x Reader (prompt: dialogue)
Feel It All - Dean Winchester x Reader (dialogue)
Favors - Steve Rogers x Black!Reader (cunnilingus)
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Guidance - Cowboy!Sam Winchester x Reader (virgin)
For His Hands Only - Bucky Barnes x Reader (punishment)
Good Morning To You - Dean Winchester x Plus Size!Reader (thigh riding)
Double the Pleasure - Sam Winchester x Reader (overstimulation)
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MARCH 2021
Modern Technology - Bucky Barnes x Reader (sexting)
Tease - Dean Winchester x Reader (dialogue)
Sweetheart - Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader (heat)
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APRIL 2021
Under Control - Sam Winchester x reader (male chastity)
Metal - Bucky Barnes x Reader (fingers)
Rare One - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Delta!Reader (virgin)
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MAY 2021
Once in a While - Sam Winchester x reader (dialogue)
Lips & Kisses - Bucky Barnes x Reader (lips)
Go Loud, Go Hard - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader (loud)
All My Heart - Sam Winchester x reader (fluff + heat)
Urges - Sam Winchester x reader (no prompt given)
Lace - Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader (lingiere)
For Marriage - Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Reader (dialogue)
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JUNE 2021
Faking Reality - Sam Winchester x Reader (fake dating)
New Lil' One - Cowboy!Sam Winchester x Reader (new baby)
Lazy - Bucky Barnes x Reader (cuddling)
Quiet n' Quick - Bucky Barnes x Reader (public sex)
Straw to Copper - Cowboy!Sam Winchester x Reader (proposal)
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JULY 2021
UNTITLED - Sam Winchester x Reader (creampie)
UNTITLED - Sam Winchester x Reader (pining/longing)
UNTITLED - Sam Winchester x Reader (begging)
UNTITLED - Bucky Barnes x Reader (love notes)
UNTITLED - Bucky Barnes x Reader (proposal)
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Parentdale - - - for plotting ref!
So Lyndsy’s soiree has be thinking about the Havensdale parents a lot and I’d love to plot out some connections with them!! Below’s a list of all my viable parents and their backstories in a compact summary for reference (feel free to message me about connections etc and what it’ll mean for our actual characters!):
Havensdale Natives (they grew up here so high school etc connections like!!)
Karen McReid (single, fc; stana katic) - you know her already! The aunt of Ruby & Carrie, mom of Danny. She was super serious in high school, like ‘class president’ material also with a bit of a wild side but her sis Krystal was the Wild OneTM. Had the weight of the world on her shoulders ALL the time. Eventually dated Daniel Moore (Jenny’s uncle) in high school. Now a businesswomen and all around pillar of the community but keeps an arms length from being too involved in town shenanigans.
Veronica Evans (single) - this is Erica and Rose’s mom! She’s very lovely, a friendly neighbour with a messy ex that no one really knows the real story of (except a select few including neighbours the Wilsons). Close with McReids & Wilsons. Had a lot of friends in high school but lost touch with them when she was married. Is still trying to regain Power over her life and have fun again with friends. Doesn’t date but might want to. Help her.
Chuck and Claire Cooper (married, fc; paul rudd and leslie mann) - the Cooper’s! Christian’s parents and Cam/Callie’s aunt and uncle. Chuck is a teacher at Havens High and Claire owns local baker ‘Claire’s Cakes’. Chuck Cooper was the Ricky Beaumont of his time, total party animal, messy flirt, always up for shots. He’s a bop! Claire is the one who keeps them together, a responsible, very embarrassing mom (they’re both embarrassing tbh). They were BFF since childhood but didn’t get togetherTM until well after high school. ▣ (x)
Victoria Harvelle (married, fc; america ferrera) - Jess’ mom and absolute #dramaQUEEN. She grew up in Havensdale and got the hell out as soon as she turned 18. She’s an ex soap opera star, glamazon and simply #dying over having to be back in Havensdale all these years. Thinks she’s better than everyone - always did. D-I-V-A. Fake friends only probably. Knows her husband is cheating on her. Will not discuss his love child Lua Harvelle thanks bye. Was compelled by Jess to think they’d sent her away for her bad behaviour but tbh won’t bring her up either.
Mitchell and Lacy Morrison (married, fc; alexis denisof and charisma carpenter) - the Morrison parents! Mitch is an absolute dork with really cool socks who owns ‘Morrison Records’. Honestly just...a soft, nerdy Dad who loves his wife more than anything. Lacy is the Bad GirlTM and always was (definitely in love with this nerd all her life tbh). She’s very cool which makes up for how uncool Mitch is. Remember, non-magical people think Mark woke up from his ‘coma’ recently and magicals know he was brought back from the dead. They deserve a nice night, basically.
Aaron and Marie Fairchild (widowed, deceased) - Charlene’s mom/Rachel’s uncle and aunt. Marie died when Charlene was young and Aaron is always on the road for work. Marie was thee Cool MomTM and very involved. They both would have had a TON of friends until Marie died and Aaron became distant. Needless to say, neither are here tonight.
Lyndsy McArthur and Andrew Moore (re-married - fc; , deceased - fc; jason bateman) - Jenny’s parents! We all know Lyndsy of ‘Lyndsy’s café’. She’s an absolute sweetheart with a right hook to match. Another piller of the community TBH, need I say more? The same goes for Andrew who died when Jenny was little (he was a fireman). These two were high school sweethearts, 100% the cutest couple, probably prom king and queen. Lyndsy’s now married to Derek McArthur if y’all remember!
Felicity Montgomery (married, fc; madchen amick) - #icequeen! In high school though she was a punky rebel with a giant attitude problem. Her and Ethan McArthur were also #that couple - don’t remind her. (x)
Maryse Anderson (married) - Effy & Lana’s mom, god help her. Very judgy, very straight laced and god fearin’ - she’s also super involved with the town’s events etc. Probably causes drama at every PTA meeting. Probably has beef with every other parent in town. BIG SECRET: her husband is in jail.
Larry Manning (married, fc; will smith) - Tyler’s dad. Owner of family pub/restaurant ‘The Silver Fox’ and a town treasure. Basically everyone’s dad, always looking out for you and can fix pretty much anything. He’s a settled down, very chill, married man and father. Was literally THE COOLEST guy in high school though, ask anyone!
Fred Porter (married) - the Porter dad! Can you believe there was an original Greg? ‘Cause Fred was breaking hearts, jaws, his own fists and making 1000 mistakes per minute long before his second son was even a thought. He got his act together! He’s a very hard working dad with good, family values who only wants the best for his family. Is so hard on Greg because he sees so much of himself in him tbh. His wife was 100% his saving grace, he loves her so much.
Mr and Mrs Jennings (married) - Isaiah’s parents! Mr Jennings is a member of one of Havensdale founding families so they’re SUPER involved in the town. They’re very fancy, have a big ole house, love to take trips but are friendly with everyone. They’re only snobby on accident. Mr Jennings is very serious and is waiting for Isaiah to stop his nonsense and join the family business. Mrs Jennings is way funner.
Not *from* Havensdale but live here now!!
William ‘Bill’ Tyler (technically, legally still married, fc; mark ruffalo) - Hailie’s dad. He own’s ‘Bill’s Tech Store’ which is a computer store so he’ll fix your WiFi etc. A grumpy loner type with an absolute heart of gold. Everyone who was around at the time knows his wife Grace Laurel Tyler left him and Hailie years ago (her dramatic return is still lowkey on the D.L right now though). Loves his daughter SO MUCH, is stressed to his eyeballs about her having.......a boyfriend. ▣ Was dating Sarah Palmer before she died (Juliette's mom) and honestly, me and Kayleigh figured this out today and I'm still crying.
Joseph Montgomery (married, fc; matthew mcconaughey) - Mr Montgomery! He’s lived here with Felicity since before Elena was born (22+ years). He’s a business man with political ties and always wears a suit. A big ole charmer that you literally can’t help but like!
Mrs Porter - info to follow on Greg, Simon and Annie’s mom but lbr...she’ll be an angel!!!
Penelope ‘Penny’ Manning (married, fc; salma hayek) - Tyler’s mom. The Mannings moved to Havensdale 17+ years ago! Penny’s a high flyer, works in fashion, always has her hands-free in, slightly aloof and very scary when she’s on the phone dealing with a problem. The BossTM. Absolute goals. Loves her son and doesn’t mean to be so absent. Friends with everyone but she never has time.
Joseph Salvatore (married, fc; jared padalecki) - Joey and Keith’s dad (and maybe more). He’s lived in Havensdale full time aroundabout when Keith was born (ISH). Before this, he was a legit rockstar. He toured, he did the whole sex, drugs, drink and rock ‘n roll thing. Now he’s a real pillar of the community, owns the gym, is very involved with the town - which made the arrival of his Secret Son Joey such a SCANDAL. He’s still recovering.
Charles Harvelle (married, MIA, fc; david tennant) - No one has noticed yet or caused a scene about it but Mr Harvelle is currently missing.... Details will follow, for now his wife just believes he’s on another business trip AKA having an affair with his secretary. A mess at being a father and husband. RIP. Has lived in Havensdale aroundabout 18 yrs with his wife and Jess.
Mr & Mrs Thomson (married) - Tessa’s parents. They’re both hunters who’ve been on the road for most of their lives (saving people, hunting things, the family business). Just a fab couple! A supportive, dorky dad and a badass yet super sweet mom. They’re v likable and have been in town for a fair few months now.
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spnfanficpond · 4 years
EMT!Jensen Ackles, fireman!Jared Padalecki, EMT-in-training!Reader
1,937 words
Warnings: minor angst, slight implied smut (I guess?)
0 notes
ao3-rickylmerthurj2 · 6 years
Head over Feet by <a rel="author" href="/users/non_tiembo_mala/pseuds/non_tiembo_mala">non_tiembo_mala</a>
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2G3j9j5
by non_tiembo_mala
From the original art prompt: An ex-fireman Jensen, literally and figuratively scarred by his job, meets a free-spirited punk named Jared.
When Jensen's therapist suggests he do some volunteer work, he starts helping out at a soup kitchen downtown. Meeting Jared, the guy who runs it, is the first in a string of good surprises that just might change Jensen's life for the better.
Words: 29902, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Cortese, Danneel Harris, Kim Rhodes
Relationships: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Additional Tags: Firefighter Jensen, Punk Jared, Soup Kitchens, reference to suicide, Past Suicide Attempt, mental health, Injury and recovery, Physical Disability, Grumpy Jensen, first time in a long time, Anal Sex, Barebacking, Blow Jobs, Riding, Little bit of angst, Fluff, Schmoop, Seriously the schmoop is out of control and I'm not sorry, well maybe a little...
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2G3j9j5
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impalaimagining · 4 years
Fire & Rescue [1]
EMT!Jensen Ackles, fireman!Jared Padalecki, EMT-in-training!Reader
1,937 words
Warnings: minor angst, slight implied smut (I guess?)
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Series Masterlist - Masterlist
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You pulled into the firehouse parking lot, eyeing the huge white doors hiding the engines. Inhaling and closing your eyes, you braced yourself for your first day of training.
“Well.” His voice was low and gravelly, catching you by surprise as you stood outside the door marked office above the frame. “What do we have here?”
You swallowed hard. “Um… I’m Y/N.”
He extended a hand, no expression crossing his face. As you shook his hand, he introduced himself as a veteran EMT, having been on the ambulance for four years. “Name’s Jensen.”
“Hi Jensen.” You swallowed hard, trying to make any kind of attempt at reading his face.
After a few seconds that ticked by more like years, you watched the hard exterior of his facade crack and a warm smile beamed through.
“Let’s get you inside.” He put out his arm, ushering you into the firehouse.
You stood inside the door, gawking at the space in front of you. You’d seen a few firehouses in your time, but this place was immaculate. The offices were pristine, which shocked you, based solely on the fact that the chief and assistant chief were men. The space was decorated like a woman had been around, putting her touch on every inch of the firehouse.
“You like it?” Jensen watched as you took it all in. You nodded. “Guess I take it for granted.” He smiled, folding his arms over his chest. “Place is pretty nice, isn’t it.”
“It’s incredible.” You breathed. Jensen looked down, grinning as he watched you admire your surroundings.
“This is just the lounge.” He smiled. “C’mon. Let me show you the rest.”
“Wait.” You furrowed your brow. “Am I the only one starting today?” You looked into the parking lot and saw six other cars with very nervous-looking people in their drivers’ seats.
“You’re the only one starting under my watch today.” Jensen winked and nodded toward the steps leading downstairs. “Come on. If you think this is nice, just wait until you see the bunks.”
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“Is this all of them?” You looked down the line of vehicles, shined up and waiting to hit the road.
Jensen nodded. “The whole fleet.” He smiled proudly across the firetrucks and ambulances. “The guys take good care of them.”
“I can see that.” You observed with a nod. “They’re well taken care of. Everything here is.”
Jensen’s smile grew at your words. “Don’t worry.” He looked at you knowingly. “We’ll take care of you too.”
You choked on your breath at Jensen’s words. There was no denying he was attractive. He was the kind of EMT people wrote romance novels about - shining green eyes, a bright smile, tiny freckles smattered across the high points of his face, lips that always seem to fall into a perfect pout no matter his expression. You would’ve been lying if you’d said you hadn’t been sneaking glances at him throughout the day.
Jensen ushered you back into the lounge and disappeared into the kitchen, but returned quickly. “You okay?” He cracked the seal on a bottle of water and pressed it into your hands.
Taking a careful sip, you took another deep breath in and righted your breathing pattern. “Thank you.” You croaked before drinking again.
Jensen nodded, the corners of his eyes crinkling with his sly smile. “Told you I’d take care of you.”
You didn’t miss it - the way he said he would take care of you instead of they would take care of you. Sure, he was probably assigned to be your mentor, and obviously he knew nothing about you prior to meeting you a few hours earlier, but…
Maybe he’d seen your name on the roster and chose you because you were the only woman. He was probably a dog just like the rest of them. You grew up listening to the firemen your father and grandfather ran with; you knew how they talked about women, especially women in the department.
Looking around, you thought again about the woman’s touch that had seemed to have graced the firehouse. Were you the only woman? There had to have been someone else here at some point. The chief’s wife, maybe.
“There you are, Ackles.” A voice sounded from across the lounge. A man, with at least four inches on Jensen, entered the room from the door that led to the engine bays. “I thought I heard you were gonna be around today.”
Jensen rolled his eyes fondly, and you knew immediately that they were friends. “I told you this morning I was headed in.”
“You think I pay attention to you before my coffee?” Jensen’s friend looked at you. “Who’s this?” His eyes skimmed up and down your body twice before he offered you a smile.
Jensen started. “This is-”
“I’m Y/N” You jumped in, extending your hand for a shake. If you were going to make it for more than a day around these guys, you’d have to establish your dominance sooner rather than later. “Nice to meet you…”
“Jared.” He glanced at your hands, connected and unmoving. You pulled back quickly as you realized you were still grasping his hand. “Nice to meet you too.” His attention shifted to Jensen. “You show her the whole place?” Jensen nodded. “She meet Chief?”
“Not yet.” You spoke up again, not letting Jensen answer questions about you, for you. “Is he around? I’d like to meet him.”
Jared tipped his wrist toward his line of vision and frowned. “Should be in his office.” He looked toward the open door, where no one was seated behind the desk. “Maybe he’s out on a call or something.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Wouldn’t you have gone on the call too?”
“Not always.” Jared clarified, shaking his head. “Sometimes they only take the higher-ups and let us grunts stay back here in case there’s anything stupid that comes through while the head honchos are out taking care of real business. They take the stuff that makes the papers. We get the little old ladies whose cats climb trees.”
Jensen laughed. “Or the naked old men who can’t get out of their bathtubs.”
Jared cringed. “I wish I could permanently flush that image from my brain.”
You flinched away from their conversation. “I’m just gonna…” You motioned with your thumb over your shoulder to the wall of plaques and photos, side-stepping toward it and escaping any other scarring images for the time being.
They disappeared through the doors of the kitchen, the double doors swinging back and forth in the frame. Through the mirror, you could see the back of Jared’s head, bobbing as he spoke.
“So, what, you picked her because…? Is she some kind of side project? You think because you’re teaching her the ropes you’ll get into her pants?” Jared raised his brows at Jensen.
That was all you needed to hear. Anger bubbled inside of you until it exploded in the form of your fist slamming into the door, propelling the heavy wood outward. You bee-lined for your car, leaving Jensen and Jared behind you.
“No!” Jensen argued, immediately on the defensive. “That’s not why - I just - I don’t know. I figured, I have a little sister about her age. Maybe I’d get along with her better than any of those douchey first-time-in-a-van frat assholes.”
In your car, you seethed, Jared’s words on repeat in your head. You knew Jensen was just like the rest of them. He’d played it off all day like he was the nice guy, talking at least a little bit of shit about every other guy in the brigade, but he was no different. Clenching your fists around the steering wheel, you sunk your teeth into your bottom lip and clamped your eyes shut.
“Fuck this.” You slammed the heel of your hand against the steering wheel and threw the door open, stomping back in through the kitchen door. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” You glared at Jensen.
The two of them drew back, eyes wide and brows raised.
“Wh- what?” Jensen stammered, your face flushed with evident rage. “What are you talking about?”
“The doors aren't fucking sound-proof, Jensen.” You gestured behind you to the doors that separated the kitchen from the lounge. “I’m a side project? You show me the ropes and think I’ll, what, invite you over for dinner and then you can just shove your hand down my pants while we’re watching a movie?”
“Oh, son of a bitch.” Jensen groaned, closing his eyes and tilting his head backward. “Look what you did.” He shot Jared an exasperated look before turning back to you. “No.” He looked into your eyes. “I’m not - I didn’t choose to be your trainer because I thought it would get me somewhere with you. I’m just so sick of the wannabe tough guys who come in on their first day thinking they know it all and can’t even hook up the ventilator right after a week.” He explained, then chuckled and shook his head. “I’m tired of dudes.”
You looked at Jensen, then at Jared, eyes widening as realization dawned on you. “Holy shit.” Your eyes moved between the two of them, slack-jawed as you whispered. “You two are together.”
“What?!” Jared’s mouth fell open in a loud cackle as Jensen waved his hands and shook his head adamantly.
“No, no!” Jensen ran his hand down his face with a loud sigh. “Jesus. No. Jared and I are not together.”
Jared took in a deep breath, ceasing his laughter. “I mean, we do live together.” Jared wiggled his brows, and Jensen reached over and shoved his chest.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jensen looked at him incredulously. “You’re not helping our case here.”
“So you - you’re not…?” You licked your lips, a new heat rising in your cheeks, one of embarrassment.
“No.” Jensen couldn’t help the laughter that escaped his lips. “We’re not gay.”
“Shit.” You mutter, looking down. “I’m sorry I assumed. I just-”
Jared chuckled, shaking his head and pulling you under his arm as he wrapped it around your shoulders. “Don’t worry about it. We won’t tell.” He shot you a quick wink. “But if you’re gonna be hangin’ out around here with all these guys? You’d better get used to it real quick.” You furrowed your brow, looking up at Jared, making him laugh again. “The guys around here are, um… different.” He teased. “You’ll see.” He released you from his one-armed grasp and left through the lounge doors.
You looked up at Jensen and scuffed your foot against the brown tiles of the floor. “I, uh - I’m sorry I yelled.”
Jensen just shrugged. “Happens to the best of us. First day jitters. I get it.”
“And I’m sorry I assumed you were just in it for-”
Jensen held up his hand. “Don’t. Just… don’t assume again, okay? I meant what I said, I’m tired of the assholes who come in here after watching one episode of E.R. when they were ten and now they think they know how to run a mainline in under a minute on their first day in the wagon. I’m sick of dudes acting like they’re above training.”
You smirked, the corner of your mouth quirking upward. “So, women are better learners than men? Better listeners? Less stubborn?” You challenge, and Jensen huffed as he rolled his eyes and nodded. “I’ll, uh, keep that filed away for future reference.” You tapped your temple and grinned at him. “So.” You leaned against the cold metal countertop. “You and Jared live together, huh?”
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F&R Tags: @briagallen @iamabeautifulperson18
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