#fireman AU
avonne-writes · 2 years
Lucerys as a college student, Aemond as the fireman who carries him out of his burning student accommodation. Aegon as the guy whose cooking started the fire.
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cosmosis · 1 year
e. kirishima x reader - fireman au
Eijirou thinks its just a normal day on the job; risking his own life and running headfirst into a fire to save others. 
What Ei doesn’t expect is to save a super cute girl, and earn a date afterward. 
. . .
No, fires aren’t that common in your neighborhood. But, when a pyromaniac just decides to frolic through your apartment complex, all you can really do is run or hide. 
Sweat aggressively beads at your forehead and neck as a giant wall of blaze threatens to burn off your eyebrows. Just before you could surrender yourself to the arms of safety, a pathetic slab of wood feel from the ceiling, blocking your escape right before you could taste it. 
It feels like the universe has done this to just get a laugh out, and now you’re in jeopardy, knocking on death’s door. 
Dressed in cute fluffy pajamas and a scrunchie is not how you wanted to die, nor expected to die. 
Panic starts to travel up your spine like water would on a paper towel, and you stand frozen by your front door, predicting your doom as it came closer. 
It’s (obviously) hot, and too hot, and smoke began to rise quickly, bringing tears to your eyes. You stretch out the tank top you’re wearing, bringing part of it up to your nose in a poor attempt to cover up your nose from any smoke. 
Just as your death was guaranteed, a fact, if you will, you hear a crashing; a crunching against your front door. Hope begins to burst in you like a new years sparkler, and you gaze anticipatively at the door, expecting some kind of miracle to save you. 
And he does. 
He crashes through the door of your apartment, scattering giant splinters and specks of rubble across the entire room. Wearing a hat, gas mask, and uniform, his size is what you notice first, by the way his head skims the very top of what used to be your door. 
“Hey! I got you!“ He says, his voice muffled by his mask. 
You can barely make out his face amidst the smoke and his mask as he urgently runs towards you, his head rapidly tilting at all directions to search for any sign of falling rubble or a threat.  
Before you could even think, he hoists you up into his arms, big hands holding you bridal style as he presses you close to him. Yes, you should be worrying about your own life right now, but its simply unfair how closely he handles you. 
He peers down at you, and you can catch the faintest of red within his gas mask. 
“It’s gonna be okay.“
Without another word, he runs out with you in his grasp, ducking under the frame of your front door. You’re safe. 
. . .
You’ve never been more thankful to breathe in the cold 2 am air, wrapped in a thermal foil blanket whilst sitting on the edge of a firetruck. 
Apparently, everyone had gotten out completely fine except for you. Just your luck. 
The fireman from earlier, your savior, currently lay on his knees, gently tending to a few scratches, burns, and bumps you received during your experience with near death. 
“What your name? I’d love to hear the name of the man that saved my life.“ You ask, gazing into his still-on gas mask. 
In reply, you can only hear a voweled muffle; a fault of the mask. 
The man just sighs, setting down the supplies he was using to patch you up. Surprise writes itself onto your face as you watch the fireman, his hands reaching up to pull on the secure band of the mask. He pulls it off, and lifts away his hat, revealing vibrant red hair among deep black roots just starting to peek in. 
Attractively, he shakes his hair, and you get to see him for the first time. 
He flashes you this shiny, movie-star quality of a smile, beaming his spikey pearly whites to you. He’s so cute, with a boyish smile and perfect skin to match. You smile, and he scratches the back of his neck. 
“It’s Eijirou.“ 
“Wow- uh, you’re cute.“
You almost didn’t mean for that to tumble out of your mouth, but it does, and a flush blooms onto your cheeks. 
“Thanks, sweets.“
You try your best not to seize at the nickname, keeping your composure to the best of your ability. He’s so smiley, so big, so handsome its utterly terrible. They should specifically hire average-looking people as firefighters, just to save girlies like you a bit of stuttering. 
“Would it be bad to ask the savior of my life on a date?“ You ask, shuffling the foil blanket around you further. 
“Only if I get to ask for her name first.“
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ramp-it-up · 5 months
There was a smell in our building this morning and the fire department had to clear the building.
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Jeeeezzzzzzzuzzzzzz! These men were fineeeee.
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I’m inspired. 😏
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densi-mber · 9 months
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A/N: I know it only just ended, but it’s the return of Fireman Deeks!
The Return of Lieutenant Deeks
Deeks pulled his LAFD truck up to the address Bates had sent him, stopping outside the barrier erected around a low brick building. The two squads sent out earlier today had already left, which meant the scene was clear for Deeks to investigate. Grabbing his hard hat and jacket, he tucked them under his arm before heading toward the center of the action.
“Woah, woah, woah, you can’t be back here,” an agent said, putting up his arms to block Deeks’ path.
“You must be new here,” Deeks commented, craning his neck to see beyond the rookie agent. There were a group of cops and agents several yards off and Deeks recognized Sam’s frame among them. Kensi couldn’t be far off. “Agent Blye!” he called out.
Almost immediately, Kensi stepped out from the group, head turning in search of him. When she spotted him, she jogged over, a smile breaking over her face before she settled into a more professional expression.
“Lieutenant Deeks,” she greeted him. “You can let him through, Davis.” She nodded the younger agent, who looked deeply offended, but stepped out of Deeks’ way.
It sucked to be the new guy sometimes.
Deeks gave him an apologetic smile, and ducked under the caution tape, following after Kensi.
“I didn’t think I’d see you tonight,” she said, falling into step beside him.
“Taylor is out sick, so I got called in,” he explained. “So, what calamity is on the menu for tonight?”
“Municipal building, possible arson. We’re still figuring out the details. Which is where you come in.” Kensi offered him a smile as they drew even with the others.
“Deeks, I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you’re here,” Sam commented once he caught sight of Deeks.
“Well, since I’m one of the few people who can actually deal with you guys,” Deeks replied, drawing a snort from Callen and a vaguely amused smile from Sam.
None of them argued, likely because they couldn’t deny that since Deeks had become acquainted with the team, their relationship with LAFD had improved significantly.
“Sure. I assume Kensi caught you up,” Callen intervened, bringing the topic back on track.
“Uh, the bullet points. What—”
Deeks’ question was interrupted by an LAPD officer running towards them.
“Agent Callen, one of my guys is trapped inside the building,” he shouted frantically.
“What the hell is doing in there?” Callen asked, and as one, they started running towards the building.
“He thought he heard something, so he went to check on it. A few minutes later, the entrance collapsed.”
“You didn’t try to break through, did you?” Deeks demanded.
“No. We didn’t want to make it worse,” the cop said.
“Good. Ok, let us get some gear on and we’ll go in,” Callen decided. “Sam, you want to grab the battering ram?”
“Nope, the only one going in there is me,” Deeks said, tugging his jacket on.
“Callen, I’m specifically trained for this.”
“God, I love it when you’re confident,” Kensi said, and Sam snorted.
“When isn’t he confident?” he commented in an undertone.
Taking Deeks’ hard hat, she pushed it down over his curls. “Go save him, Lieutenant.” She kissed him lightly. “And be careful.”
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ejzah · 10 months
A/N: Well, sadly we have reached the end of this story. I’ve enjoyed writing this fic so much and have loved your enthusiastic appreciation. Farewell to Fireman Deeks.
The Agent and the Fireman, Epilogue
The next morning, Deeks woke to an empty bed; the side where Kensi had slept was still rumpled, and when he touched the sheets, they felt slightly warm. He’d kind of expected as much, but he’d hope it would be different. Dropping his head back on the pillow, he pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes, bitterness overwhelming the euphoria of last night.
“Your bathroom is so much nicer than mine.”
His eyes sprang open at the sound of Kensi’s voice, and he turned to see her coming out of the bathroom, dressed in the shirt he’d worn last night. He stared at her in mild disbelief.
“You stayed?” he whispered before he could stop himself. Kensi laughed, giving him a curious look.
“Yeah. Did you want me to leave?”
“No, of course not. Last night was—”
“Amazing,” Kensi filled in for him with a knowing grin.
“It was,” Deeks agreed softly. He shrugged, feeling unusually vulnerable. “It just hasn’t always been my experience that the relationship continues after this point.”
Kensi slid onto the bed next to him, gripping his chin between her forefinger and thumb. There was an almost protective look in her eyes. “Well, then I guess I’m not like those other women, because you’re not getting rid of me that easy.” Then, curling her fingers into his hair, she kissed him, pressing him down into the bed. When she pulled away, a smile tugged at her lips. “Now what does a girl have to do to get some food around here?”
11 Months Later
“Hey Kensi, your fireman is waiting outside,” Callen informed Kensi as he strolled into the mission.
“Ooh, we have dinner reservations at 7. Can you go tell him I’ll be right out while I go change?” Kensi requested, grabbing a bag from beside her desk.
“Since when did I become your answering service?”
“Callen, please?”
“Fine, but I expect to be tipped,” Callen said flippantly.
“I’m still not sure how I feel about Deeks knowing the location of our headquarters,” Sam commented. “No offense to him, but this is supposed to be a covert operation.”
“With how much we’ve had to collaborate on cases, he might as well be,” Nell pointed out with a sly glance in Kensi’s direction. “It’s amazing that he always seems to be on-call when we need the LAFD.”
“I can’t help it that we have so many fire related incidents,” Kensi said with an innocent shrug.”
When she made it to the parking lot, Deeks leaned against the hood of his truck, facing away from her.
“Did someone call the fire department? Because I see a smoke show,” she said, wrapping her arms around Deeks’ back, kissing the side of his neck.
Deeks turned, arms falling around her waist, head tilted back as he laughed. “Oh my god, that’s terrible. I love it.” He glanced her over, his eyebrows raising in appreciation. “Speaking of smoke shows.”
“You ready to go?”
“Always,” he told her, dipping her back to kiss her.
A/N: Hope you liked it!
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lizpaige · 11 months
its been a while since ive written anything so words are... surprisingly difficult lol but here's a snippet from the firefighter!ronan pynch au hoping to get it posted by wednesday 🤞🚒🔥
“Jesus,” the fireman said, his voice muffled behind his mask. He rushed over to Adam and knelt down beside him, making sure he was conscious and responsive. “Hey, man, we’re gonna get you out of here, okay?”
Adam’s lungs were full of molten fire, razor sharp pain clawed up his throat. Somehow he still managed to look up at the man, into his icy blue-gray gaze behind his mask. “Door was stuck.”
The man laughed short, but humorless. “Yeah, I noticed.”
“And the window.” Somewhere in his mind, Adam refused to be rescued without letting this guy know he tried his options. He paid attention in school when there were fire drills and the local fire department came in to teach about fire safety. He drafted up an evacuation plan for his dorm floor when he was an RA at Harvard. He didn’t just lie down and wait to be rescued.
The fireman took Adam’s hand in his thick leather gloves and raised him up to his feet easily. Adam felt grounded by the strong grip. “Window, too, huh?” The man sounded amused as he led Adam out into the living room.
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arimakes · 10 months
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A Christmas one shot! Under 5,000 words. No Upside Down.
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auideas · 1 year
Dying Embers AU
Firefighters have a series of responsibilities; among those are having long hours, answering distress calls, putting out fires (as they should be), etc. However, one of these responsibilities can slip their minds on occasion.
Because of their long hours and paramedic training, firefighters are one of the first lines of defense in multiple ways. Some fire stations house what's called a Safe Haven Baby Box, an anonymous drop off crate in which parents can surrender their babies if they don't have the means to care for them.
One morning, however, Firefighter Characters A, B, C, D, & E wake up to the sound of rustling from the direction of the baby box. Upon further investigation they find four infants in the safe haven -- in retrospect, they totally understand that the parents who surrendered them likely did so because of the raging blizzard outside, but the firefighters themselves can't leave for the same reason, nor can they transfer the babies to the proper channels until the snow lets up.
Without any other option, Characters A-E must find a way to care for the four infants for the next week while attending to their regular duties. That and, of course, attempting to keep the babies warm while not resorting to the obvious wrong choice (lighting a fire).
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redroseinsanity · 2 years
Fire(man calendar) Hazard - Iwaoi
Heard about a Haikyuu calendar and my brain went from calendar>fireman calendar>iwaoi AU and now we’re here
TW: mentions of fire and crowds!
Part 1 | Part 2
October Man is about to say, "Nobody important." Then he'll gather Tooru into his arms and give him the kiss of life. 
"Medic!" October Man pulls himself out of Tooru's grip, "Medic! I think he needs help, quick, he's asking for assistance!"
Tooru is left gasping for air like a fish on land while paramedics swarm over him, some checking his blood pressure and others shining things at him. In the crush, October Man slips away.  
By the time Tooru's breathing is back in the healthy range and a whole bunch of checks have been done, he's lost sight of October Man. 
Tooru doesn't know if he should rage, cry or climb a tree and demand for October Man to rescue him once more. 
How could he have wasted such a golden opportunity? Certainly, nearly dying from smoke inhalation had been a minor snag in the plan but really, Tooru was disappointed in himself for losing October Man just like that. 
They're loading him into the ambulance for more checks at the hospital and Tooru is lying in the stretcher fuming when he sees the familiar spiky black hair that graces his living room wall. 
With what little strength he has left, he launches himself upright and stumbles off the ambulance to the alarm of the paramedics. 
While he may not have nailed the adorable Bambi look earlier, he's certainly nailing the Bambi on ice routine since his legs fail to cooperate and several lunging steps in, his knees buckle for the third time today. 
Right in time for him to crash straight into October Man whose arms instinctively come up to hold onto Tooru. 
"Whoa, you okay?" He asks, his voice full of concern. 
Tooru melts. Not only is October Man hot as sin, he's also sweet and kind! 
"Are you a fireman?" Tooru's mouth works faster than his brain and October Man's brows furrow in response. 
"Uh, yeah," He's half carrying Tooru and half supporting him back to the ambulance, not really paying attention to what Tooru's saying.  
"Cause I have a fire only you can put out," Tooru blurts before clapping a hand over his mouth and feeling a hot flush start from his ears and rush to his cheeks. 
October Man has stopped short, staring at Tooru with his mouth slightly open in surprise and Tooru vaguely wonders if going back into the smoky building would be less painful than this humiliation. 
Tooru's face is the real fire now, with the way his cheeks are flaming. 
"Anyway, thanks for rescuing me, bye now," He chirps and bolts back to the ambulance on shaky legs, clambering up and very carefully never looking back. 
Thankfully, the ambulance starts and then they're off before Tooru can make even more of a fool of himself. 
"You used a firefighter pick up line," Makki snorts, "On the guy who saved you."
Tooru doesn't respond, just sinks his face into his hands. 
"Who is also the guy who's in the firefighter calendar you've been mooning over for more than half a year," Mattsun grins sadistically. 
Tooru flops face down into his pillow, making a sound of frustrated resignation. 
"Didn't you say you have a 99.9% success rate with anyone you try to pick up?" Makki prods at the lump on the bed that is Tooru. His voice is full of teasing glee as it has been once they found out that Tooru is well and is only being kept overnight for observation. 
The doctors have proclaimed that Tooru is fine, his lungs may be a bit clogged up, which explains the oxygen mask he's just discarded in order to properly wallow in shame and self-pity, but they think that he'll be fine after 24 hours and some medicine to take at home. 
The bruising on his shoulder is already purpling but nothing is fractured. 
So in actual fact, the most wounded thing is Tooru's pride. 
He'd seen himself when he finally got in front of a reflective surface and he does realize why literally throwing himself into October Man's arms didn't work. 
His eyes were bloodshot behind his glasses, both from rushing the report and from the smoke. His face was sooty and he can't even convince himself that it's in a way that helps him contour a little. He can't even begin to consider the state his hair had been in.  
Sighing, he shoves his face a little harder into the pillow as if hoping that a little more oxygen deprivation can erase the memories of the last six hours. 
"Guess you're going to have to revise that statistic to maybe, say, 80% successful after this?" Mattsun chortles. 
Tooru sits up with an indignant retort on his tongue but it never gets delivered. 
"Oi, you're supposed to have the oxygen mask on until the doctors clear you," October Man is frowning in the doorway and looking exactly like he does in the calendar except that he's not holding a dog and has more clothes on. 
"Holy shit, it's really 99.9%," Tooru hears Makki whisper but it doesn't really register, not when his entire brain is trying to figure out why October Man is here. Is he lost? Or did he come to press charges for harassment? 
Oh my god, Tooru's game had been so awful that the fireman is going to take it to court? 
While Tooru's brain had been flailing and running through panicked possibilities, October Man has approached, giving polite nods to Tooru's friends and stopping at the edge of Tooru's hospital bed. 
"I need to eat and I need someone to watch me eat," Mattsun drawls, his eyes flicking mischievously between the two, "Be back in an hour or never."
Tooru, his mouth agape, watches his friends abandon him to die a slow death of humiliation and then startles when October Man reaches towards him. 
Picking up the oxygen mask on the bed, October Man presses it into Tooru's hands, "Put it back on, you need it to recover."
Numbly, Tooru follows the instructions, only pausing just before the oxygen mask actually lands on his face. Abruptly, he yanks it back off when he remembers that he already looked like crap in front of this man and it's currently his only chance to look like his normal, dashing self. 
"Wait, why are you here?" Tooru stares up at October Man. His heart is pounding but even if the slight frown creasing October Man's face, Tooru can't find it in himself to actually be scared or worried. 
October Man looks the most uneasy Tooru's seen him all day and that includes the part when October Man was literally carrying Tooru out of a burning building. 
"You- Um, just now-" October Man's frown deepens and he takes a breath that sounds like an angry sigh. 
Again, Tooru really cannot find a shred of fear in himself, because this frown seems to be doing it for Tooru and he's more interested instead of less, now that October Man is here, scowling at him in the flesh. 
"You're insane, you know that?" October Man finally snaps, but there's no bite to it, just incredulous exasperation. 
Tooru continues staring, the oxygen mask forgotten in his hands. 
"You're the only idiot I know who would drop a pick up line after nearly dying in a fire," October Man glares at Tooru and ooh, Tooru wants to keep being on the receiving end of that glare. 
"You're the only firefighter I know who looks that good after fighting a fire," Tooru retorts because clearly the smoke didn't kill him but managed to kill his brain to mouth filter. 
To Tooru's absolute delight, a light blush blooms in October Man's cheeks. It's the most adorable thing Tooru has ever seen and he's even more thrilled to discover that more than being just a hot guy on a calendar, October Man is actually really cute. 
"Don't-" October Man starts, before huffing and impatient exhale and then snatching the oxygen mask from Tooru's hands. In one smooth move, he's fitted it on Tooru's face and wow, it really is easier to breathe now. 
In favour of breathing normally, Tooru decides to hope that the brief moment of seeing his face properly would be enough for October Man and to keep the oxygen mask on. 
"Do you flirt with everyone you meet like this?" October Man frowns but it's different now, Tooru is able to tell that it's less perturbed than before and he wonders how much concern October Man's scowling actually conceals. 
Then the question registers. 
Now, it's Tooru's turn to frown. 
"Listen here, Mr Sexy October Man," Tooru sits up on his knees to get on eye level with October Man and prods a finger in his chest with every word, "I'm naturally charming but I only flirt with people I like so you better figure out what that means or I'm gonna stop flirting with you."
"Mr Sexy October Man?" October Man sputters before his expression clarifies into comprehension, "Oh, the calendar."
"Exactly, that calendar has ruined my life," Tooru's on a roll and the oxygen mask is steaming up so he wrenches it off and keeps going, "Why are y'all all with the best dogs I've ever seen? Whose idea was that, huh? Did y'all consider the impact of having hot guys and cute dogs? Most importantly, who the heck is Aki?"
Okay so maybe the stress of the day is finally getting to him. But Tooru is beyond the initial humiliation and he'll be damned if this hot firefighter thinks he's flirting with him for fun. October Man has taken over his brain and if Tooru isn't going to get over him today, it better be because he's getting together with him. 
Tooru watches as October Man mouths 'Aki' while his frown deepens and his hand flits up to the shoulder, before his eyes widen. 
"Is that why you were tapping my shoulder?" He asks, "I thought you needed medical attention!"
"Why would you ask that?" October Man continues when Tooru just raises an eyebrow at him, "You literally just got pulled out from a burning building."
"Why not? I have my priorities straight," Tooru sniffs then pauses, "Or, not straight."
He cracks a grin at October Man's pained expression. 
"My dog used to love autumn," October Man finally says, after several breaths have passed, "She loved catching leaves and she loved the temperature and everything about the season."
"We should have named her Aki," October Man smiles ruefully, "So when she passed, I got that tattoo. I miss her every day but I miss her more when the leaves change."
If there's one thing Tooru's a sucker for more than sexy men, it's dogs. By the time October Man has stopped talking, Tooru has tears in his eyes and he has completely lost track of his original mission. 
"Do you have a photo?" He asks in a small voice, "Of her?"
October Man looks briefly surprised before fishing out his phone.  
He shows Tooru a bunch of photos of the best dog ever (every dog is the best dog ever to Tooru) and Tooru makes heart eyes and melts even more at every photo.  
Tooru swipes back to a shot with October Man in it. He's in a cozy sweater, boots and a beanie that makes his face look cuter than ever. He's on his knees, roughhousing with his dog and whoever took the photo must have been laughing because it's a little blurry. 
But the sheer happiness that radiates from it is undeniable. 
Tooru smiles wider at every photo but this one makes him smile until his eyes turn into crescents and the corners wrinkle. 
"This one," He points, turning that bright grin onto October Man, "This one is even better than the one in the calendar, they should have just used this."
October Man looks slightly stunned before turning the screen to look at the shot. 
"Yeah," He says softly, then louder, "Yeah, you're right. It wouldn't have sold as much though."
"Rubbish," Tooru scoffs, "I would have bought the entire stock if the calendar was just this photo for every month of the year."
October Man's expression is something soft now, the edges of a smile tilting his lips up. 
"Then you won't be able to call me Mr Sexy October Man anymore, you'll have to call me Calendar Man or something," He snorts. 
"Or," Tooru looks slyly up at October Man through his lashes, "You can just tell me your name and I can call you that instead."
"Iwaizumi," Iwaizumi offers and finally, finally, Tooru has a name to the face that's been running through his mind for more than half the year. 
"Nice to finally meet you, Iwa-chan," Tooru sticks his hand out, "I'm Oikawa and I promise I'm not usually like this about guys on calendars although I'm usually also more charming than this."
Tooru waits for Iwaizumi to mouth 'Iwa-chan' to himself before glancing at Tooru, the same knowing look he had given the camera in the calendar. Tooru feels his heart rate speed up. 
"How about you recover properly first," Iwaizumi firmly sets the oxygen mask on Tooru's face again, "And then you can show me how much more charming you can be."
Tooru's eyes light up. 
"You mean…" His expression grows mischievous, "I've sparked an interest in you?" 
Tooru laughs as Iwaizumi groans. But he can't hide the small smile that has found its way onto his face. 
Tooru doesn't tell Iwaizumi about his firefighter calendar pre orders for next year until their third date. 
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inkfishie · 1 year
Whaaat, chapter three of Hot to Trot my shamelessly indulgent Firefighter Sheith AU is up? There’s gay panic and romantic comedy level misunderstandings and pining, socially awkward Shiro???
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angel-of-the-moons · 5 months
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Don't mind him, one of the volunteers is getting dragged around by the firehose. (It's probably Miles)
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avonne-writes · 2 years
I'm thinking about the fireman AU again... what if Luke would deliberately get himself in situations where he needs to call the fire department? I don't think he'd go as far as start a fire, but climbing a tree with his cat Arrax, letting him nap on a branch, climbing down and hoping Aemond will show up when he calls, I could see happening.
Also, because I'm such a sucker for jaegon too, what if Jace is a little taken with Aegon after seeing him covered in ash, big sad eyes on display. He could decide to teach him how to cook to avoid any further fires. If he gets to spend more time with the eccentric but weirdly lovable man, that's just a bonus.
Yesss! 😄 Luke puts Arrax on the lowest branch first and waits for him to climb, but Arrax just lies down and gives him a look. So Luke sighs and climbs up himself with Arrax in his hand. The neighbour shakes her head at him, but he's on a mission, okay?
When the firefighter who answers his call is indeed Aemond, Arrax hisses at Luke as if to say, "You so owe me one!"
Then, to thank Aemond for "the heroic rescue", Luke invites him in for a drink and he just so happens to have some cake too, which he made himself by the way, yes the little decorations too, and does Aemond like movies? Aemond stares at him.
"I'm on call." He says.
"Oh." Luke deflates, turning a bit red. "Right."
Aemond's lips twitch into a smile. "Give me your phone." When Luke does, he puts his number in it. "For the next time you need help with that fleaball." He jerks his chin at Arrax.
When he’s gone, Luke squeals to himself and goes to hug Arrax, who just growls and sulks.
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Meanwhile, Jace is sitting in a café with Aegon (to be on the safe side and make sure Aegon doesn't go anywhere near a kitchen).
"What were you trying to cook?"
"Flambéed Steak Diane." Aegon sighs. "I would have gotten it right if I hadn’t forgotten about the candles in the bedroom. Maybe we could try again together."
Jace can only blink. "Um. How about we start with boiled eggs first?"
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Nick x June Fanfic:
“Four Alarm Fire” 🔥🚒🥵
Check it out on A03!
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kaitokitty19 · 7 months
(from @witchhakuba it won't let me switch accs) we've seen saguru and tiny kaito. but what about kaito and tiny saguru? 👀
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Ahhhh thank you for the ask and sorry I took so long to reply (I was sick 🤒)
Buttttt god, thank you for giving me the excuse to draw tiny Saguru 😘😘😘
Imo, if Saguru were to be drugged with APTX4689, it would be because he stumbled upon the Black Org at a heist and stepped in as they were about to harm Kaito. Kaito brought him home and they work together to find the antidote (and pandora). Now, instead of chasing after KID, Hakuba is put into a position where he has to cover up KID’s trail against other detectives (which he will have moral crisises about) and fend off the Black Org.
(Kaito becomes very protective of Tiny-guru because he felt guilty Hakuba’s drugged because of him).
Hakuba’s alias would be something like Arthur LeBlanc (Arthur Conan Doyle and Maurice LeBlanc - author of Arsene Lupin and Blanc means white, which Saguru took quite an offense to, but hey, Kaito’s the one forging documents here 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Unlike Conan, I don’t think Hakuba would let his parents know about his predicament. He doesn’t seem to be close with his parents and wouldn’t want to bother/endanger them. Each of his parents just thought he was staying with the other one. At most, he tells Bayaa.
Arthur enrolled into the same primary school as Conan, and immediately arose suspicion when the Detective Boys arrived at a murder scene only to be informed that the crime has already been solved by another first grader. Ai Haibara, especially, did not trust him and avoid Arthur at all costs. Conan further suspect him when Arthur shows up at every heist.
Ahhhhh please feed me more ideas! This was fun. I’d likely draw more atpx!Hakuba in the future!
Click here for the mini comic I made for this AU 🫶🏻
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ejzah · 11 months
The Agent and the Fireman, Part 16
Jason McHenry was obviously familiar with the area, had dodged the barriers around the scene and started across the street. He was slower than Deeks, but aided by his head start. Lengthening his stride, Deeks fought to close the distance between them, Kensi right behind him. By the time he and Kensi crossed the street, McHenry had disappeared from sight behind the closest building. Wordlessly, Deeks headed for the right, while Kensi went left.
For once, Deeks was grateful he’d had time to ditch his gear, because it would have slowed him down considerably. He did regret not asking for a Kevlar vest before this all went down; he wasn’t looking forward to another run-in with McHenry’s gun.
Reaching the back of the building, Deeks scanned the area, finally spotting a darkly clad figure darting between sets of road blocks. He’d obviously ditched the LAPD vest and other accessories, which had also slowed him down considerably. As did maneuvering around the many blockades and debris from nearby construction.
Deeks put on another burst of speed, launching himself into the air as McHenry rounded the final barrier. He crashed into the other man, who let out a pained groan when he landed face first in a pile of gravel. It didn’t keep him down for long; within seconds, he was struggling against Deeks, managing to turn on his back.
He grabbed a handful of stones and threw them, and Deeks winced against the spray as they hit his face and neck. He dodged an off-center blow, punching McHenry squarely in the face.
“Stay down,” Deeks ordered.
“I suggest you listen to him,” Kensi said, and Deeks looked up to see her quickly approaching, her weapon drawn. “Because unlike my partner here, I am authorized to fire this gun.”
McHenry stilled at her threat, tongue flicking out at the trickle of blood working its way down his chin, and dropped his head back.
“Oh, I’m your partner now,” Deeks asked conversationally, turning McHenry onto his back for Kensi. She cuffed him efficiently before giving Deeks a teasing smile.
“I didn’t say what kind of partner now, did I?”
Once cuffed, Jason McHenry didn’t attempt further escape or struggle against Kensi as she led him to the SUV. He also refused to say a word. Which didn’t surprise Deeks at all.
“I thought we talked about you playing the hero, Deeks,” Callen said once they were all together again. Deeks had gone to fill his superior in on the latest news while Kensi updated Callen and Sam.
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll be regretting it tomorrow,” Deeks commented, rolling his left shoulder a few times.
“Mm, from the way Kensi tells it, you were Captain America, Iron Man, and Black Panther all rolled into one,” Sam told Deeks, smirking in Kensi’s direction.
“That…is an exaggeration,” Kensi sighed as Deeks grinned and Callen chuckled at her expense.
“So, now that we’re 99% certain you have the right guy this time, what happens next?” Deeks asked, nodding to the destroyed building and then where McHenry was secured.
“We’ll take him in for an interrogation and try for a confession,” Callen answered.
“Yeah, good luck with that.” Deeks doubted McHenry would give himself up for anything.
“I can be very persuasive.” Sam cracked his knuckles menacingly.
“Remind me not to piss you off.”
“Aside from that, we’ll pool the collective evidence to build a solid case against him,” Callen continued. “We’ll of course be consulting with LAFD as needed.
“But otherwise, you’re not in need of my considerable services for the time being,” Deeks summarized.
“I don’t think so. You can go back to breaking down doors and impressing damsels in distress again.”
“Awesome.” Turning to Kensi, Deeks wrapped an arm around her waist and tugged her to his chest. She arched an eyebrow in surprise, but didn’t move away as he dipped her back, pressing his lips to hers.
He’d only intended the kiss to last a few seconds, but he forgot everything but the feel of Kensi’s lips on his, especially when she slid her right hand up into his hair, holding him even closer.
When they finally broke apart, Deeks carefully lifted Kensi out of the dip. She swayed against him, her eyes darker than normal.
“Wow. I thought you wanted to wait until our first date,” she murmured.
“I got tired of waiting,” he said with a shrug.
“Thank god,” Kensi said fervently, before he could even think of apologizing.
“Well, I guess that confirms one question,” Sam said sardonically from behind them.
“Shush.” Kensi waved a hand in his direction, eyes still on Deeks. “You’re ruining the moment.”
A/N: Yay, the bad guy is finally caught and Kensi and Deeks finally kissed! I think just one more part to finish up for all who stuck with me through this story. It’s been a pleasure to write Fireman Deeks for sure.
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cak3o · 9 months
as a casual fanatic of cowboys, i think solar man should join fire and magma since he looks a cowboy himself
i blame my partner, since they’re responsible for the HC for solar
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A new cowboy enters the tavern….
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