#big fish fic
aerknight · 1 year
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biG fisH
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Mirabell instarsandtime is so smart you guys!!!! Don't discount her!!!!! When you first get her shield, she blasts siffrin with so much technical craft jargon he can't keep up in the slightest!! Even Odile on had a faint grasp on the CARROT method!!!! And she was the first to bring up that Time Craft would actually kill you from the energy it needs!!! Guys she's a craft genius!!! Can anyone hear me!!!!!
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ok, with all the weird fish stuff on the server do you guys have any ideas on what's going on?
Considering one of us got possessed by dredge for a week, we've also got our own problems over here!
But seriously, do we have any ideas? We sure do...
Beef has no idea who Big Salmon is, but they make a very compelling argument. Well, maybe more like very compelling hallucinations of fish... But who is he to refuse an offer like that? It's honest work, and taking his mind off the definitely-not-scales on his arms and chest and the surely-not-concerning bony lumps he found on his forehead yesterday.
(The scales are much more noticeable on his sleeveless colleague. Big Salmon provides all their workers with certain benefits, and it's definitely a benefit and not Beef's fault at all. He hopes.)
Pearl remembers a world that destroyed itself a thousand years ago. Her home here is not dissimilar to her home there. And the fishy features appearing from her face and body are not dissimilar to one of two sibling rulers from that world... except that these scales were that of his worst enemy, the creature that, eventually, led to total destruction. Pearl stares into a furnace, its contents already beginning to subsume her thoughts. "Salmon..." she murmurs to herself. "Why is it always fish?"
Grian and Gem brought the (curse? mutation? disease?) to Magical Mountain by accident. Pearl's gifts helped, of course, as did Scar's collection of fish heads, but none of them noticed any particular changes to themselves until the fishing started. Until Grian started wading further and further into the water, and Gem started fishing up stranger and stranger fish, clearly different but never quite off enough to throw out. Surely they'd all be fine to eat. And if everyone around the mountain is growing scales and gills, then it's probably a normal thing. Right?
xB thinks he should have been suspicious of the salmon earlier. He's seen it before: someone traveled too far upstream, without enough supplies, and returned - if they returned at all - changed to near unrecognizability, deliriously rambling about the fish they'd seen. Of course, there was no way for him to know at a glance that the salmon here were infected; he hadn't seen it happen in a long time - since a time before the ocean ruins were ruined.
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bleue-flora · 5 months
at least cpunz has cdream to comfort him if they feel bad about the ctommy and ctubbo stuff /j
[context] & [other context]
You joke but like…
When clingy duo hurts them, they got eachothers’ backs. When clingy duo fails to see how cpunz could even be hurt, cdream is there with sandwiches to confront him…
‘I just don’t want to ever be excluded.'
(Side note, anyone ever notice how cdream says they are going to go listen to some music in that clip?… now that’s wholesome. What song do you think they go listen to? Cat? Mellohi? Pigstep? Maybe one of the discs he got from cTommy?………. ya know it’s crazy that the villain also just likes to vibe with his best friend and listen to some discs… almost like he’s just some guy or something…)
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grillbyz · 7 months
Save me undyne undertale,,, undyne undertale,,, undyne undertale save me,,,
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cosmiado · 9 months
not enough oakworthy fic. I Will Fix This
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swordsmans · 1 year
ahhh i really try to keep things Flirty and Fun here, but i just wanted to lower the capitalization to flirty and fun for a moment, because. this is the second day in a row that i have full-on weepy cried irl over comments on my newest fic, and i really, really, really cannot thank you guys enough for the response to it from the absolute bottom of my heart.
fic writing brings me a lot of joy. it's both a creative outlet and a form of escapism. it's also a very intentional challenge i give my brain. yes, fundamentally i'm writing about two anime guys wanting to kiss sooo bad (because they should)—but inevitably i've put little bits of myself into my stories, as well. my little vulnerable insides that i sometimes struggle to look at directly. you know, regular artist stuff. it's hard not to, because all stories come from the heart (even fanfic).
i stopped writing for myself for many years, and i have only just returned to it this year for various reasons. the response from everyone has been absolutely overwhelming, even from day one. i'm not always the best at responding to messages or comments fast (or even at all, depending on the day) but i read everything. tags, bookmarks, ao3 comments, dms, inbox messages—all of it. i have screenshots saved in case anyone deletes anything. i go back and revisit things over and over again. every single kudos or like brings me joy.
i cannot overstress how much i love and cherish every single person who reads the stuff i've written. i'm a writer but there are literally no words big enough in the english language to express how you guys make me feel. all i can do is say thank you and keysmash and send lots of heart emoji memes... and hope i am getting the message across. but really, really thank you. from the bottom of my heart thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you.
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none-i5 · 7 months
kinda wild that furilumi used to be a very dead ship like literally before 4.2 there was barely 1 page of fics about it in ao3 :,,) AND NOW WE'RE APPROACHING 100 FICS??? LETS GO FURILUMI NATION LETS GOOOOOO ‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥
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cheetour · 3 months
I keep on working on the next very long fanfic chapter even in the knowledge that it's possible nobody will leave a comment on it at all. I don't do this for feedback but to leave behind a detailed account of my insanity, like in a horror game
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hiding-in-the-vault · 6 months
hi gamers
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jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
Tyler and I sit at a restaurant. He's telling me things I already know.
He's telling me, most of the mercury in the environment comes from the air. And it comes from the air from anywhere. It used to be from coal burning mostly, but we've started to stop doing that. Now it's artesianal gold mining. If you're poor, and you're in some unfortunate shithole, and you hear the white men are coming in to drill up the earth for gold, or they've just left — what you do is you pan out a bunch of rocks. You infuse that with mercury. It forms an amalgam, of gold and mercury and nothing else.
So far, this is fine. But to get at the gold and make a little nugget you can sell so you don't starve to death due to the destruction those people who own the gold company have wrecked upon your region, you have to boil the mercury off. Somewhere out there is fancy technology that helps you catch those areosolized droplets. You can't afford it. You don't even know you should want it. You don't know about ataxia, about losing your hearing and speech and peripheral vision, about brain damage and paralysis and comas and death. You don't know about that. You know your brother, who went insane, but you don't know why, or if you do, you don't know how to stop it, and you can't afford to do so. You boil off the mercury in the room with your baby, because it's the only room in your home, and you have no windows open because a smog has settled outside.
Don't you feel twitchy.
And then the areosolized mercury that doesn't take up residence in your baby or your brain floats on up to the atmosphere, and maybe you get revenge, because it settles down everywhere, including in the wetlands and lakes and shores of the country that that gold company is from. And little microbes eat it, methylate it, and now its much, much more dangerous. It stays in the body far too long. Now, it's concentrated, and the best and fattest fish are full of it.
And now you have to watch your tuna. Your cobia. Your kingfish. The smaller you are the less dose you need. Really, it's only a risk if you're a fetus, or you want one in you. It passes the placenta and gives a baby a small head and artifical cerebral palsy. You don't lay off the fish, you risk giving birth to someone who could match experiences with a victim from Minamata bay. Or, it's only a risk to yourself if you eat fish every day, or if all you eat often enough are the apex predators. If you're the gold mining artesian back in rural Indonesia, or one of the indigenous peoples of wherever-got-fucked who subsist on fish, you can kiss the feeling in your hands goodbye, because you don't have other options.
If you're an unknowing compatriot of the gold mining company, you're eating those fish anyway. The risky ones. The ones that are full of poison and killing them destablizes the ocean. We love our grouper, our snapper, our swordfish, our yellowfin and bluefin tuna. The safest tuna is the shittest, because it's made from the smallest skipjacks, lowest on the food chain. Methylmercury can take eighty days to leave your body. On a Florida vacation, how many big fish will you eat? How much methylmercury are you taking home with you? Can you microdose brain damage?
I know this because Tyler knows this, and Tyler orders me a plate of ahi tuna.
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caesurah-tblr · 1 year
Late night fnc thoughts… Gillion can’t even touch Chip anymore because he radiates divine energy, and Chip being an undead means it hurts him. The first time Chip gets hurt, Gillion goes to heal him but it’s so painful that it just makes him yelp, and the area where Gill’s hands have touched him turns black.
No more hugs, no more face grabbing or hand holding or anything- and even though Gillion knows why, he tends to always look at Chip dejected and sad and Chip can’t help but want to do those things anyway, regardless of the pain.
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liloinkoink · 1 year
my day one piece for treebark week is done. needs some heavy edits but it’ll def be up tomorrow
i’m very very excited for it, but also, oh man is tbw gonna get a lot of shit on ao3 from me, christ
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flannelepicurean · 10 months
A Hannigram, a Lawrusso, and a Kakavege walk into a bar...
Okay so I was over on reddit going HAM in a thread about what would happen if your three fave OTPs were stuck in a room together for 24 hours. And I had SO MUCH FUN thinking about it, and writing up an absolutely crack-tastical summary, and I wanna share it with you mellifluous organisms.
The dynamic duos are Johnny Lawrence/Danny LaRusso (Lawrusso), of Cobra Kai; Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham (Hannigram), of NBC's Hannibal; and Goku/Vegeta (Kakavege) of Dragon Ball Z.
The room itself is... I'm picturing like, not quite a middle-school gymnasium, not quite a "this is definitely not a psychological experiment, just trust us on this," vibe.
Anyway, here's how it goes down:
Johnny and Goku become best friends almost immediately. Johnny offers him some slightly-expired sandwich meats from a random pocket while they're chillin' on some folding chairs, and Goku is like BOY HOWDY, WOULD I EVER!!!
Hannibal is disgusted by this. Danny is disgusted by this. Vegeta is just generally annoyed. They become The Mean Girls, they are a clique, now.
Will gets jealous and pouts in the corner. And starts scheming.
Johnny and Goku are insufferable. Two class clowns with "Wanna go ride bikes?!" energy, except middle-aged men who do martial arts. They CANNOT calm down. They CANNOT be tamed.
Will wanders by the Mean Girls table and suggests that Hannibal could easily outdo that fucking pocket ham, that's not even food, Hannibal knows food. And then he wanders away.
Hannibal preps a dinner party. Don't ask me how he got all this stuff. He probably just...found it in a closet. Don't anyone ask too many questions. Shh.
Danny's a teensy bit put off; for all his pretense to being almost high-society now, this is...really avant-garde. He's really boxed macaroni at heart, regardless of his quinoa. Before Johnny can even get a full, "WHAT THE FUCK," out, Goku and Vegeta are horfing down fish jello and unsavory Bostonians and the floral arrangements and everything like they've never been fed once in their entire lives.
Hannibal's pupils shrink. His stabbin' hand gets a little tense. Will smugs into his wine glass. Danny and Johnny hold very still. Then exchange a glance. Then hold very still some more.
The Saiyans, however, are fairly complimentary of the food, and Hannibal is a little torn. Goku’s like, “DO YOU HAVE MORE? IS THERE GONNA BE DINNER?” Hannibal sneaks a glance at Johnny, at the very edge of his peripheral vision, and gives a polite smile. Will sips wine.
Hannibal does his best to get Johnny alone so he can turn him into the main course. But he’s always running wild with Goku or hanging all over Danny when Goku decides to go bother Vegeta.
Goku keeps randomly asking about dinner. Not necessarily to Hannibal, just generally like, “Boy, I wonder when dinner’s gonna be,” and, “Man, I can’t wait for dinner!” and, “I wonder where he got the jiggly fish. I hope there’s jiggly fish again. The jiggly fish was good. Man, I hope we have dinner soon.”
Eventually Hannibal deputizes Will to try and get Johnny away from Danny, which Will agrees to with full spousal support appropriate of a murder husband.
Will asks if the Lawrussos can help them with the wine selection? They’re gonna need a really sophisticated palate to properly pair the beverages for the evening, with the many intricate courses, and they’re not serving beer, can’t get it for some reason, so if they can go over a very detailed list of notes on the flavor profiles of— And Johnny’s like NOT IT. But Danny gladly follows Will to the cellar (other corner of the room) for the Amontillado. There's a wine rack there, now.
Hannibal asks Vegeta if he could kindly guide Goku in setting the table, in preparation for dinner? Goku just about does a backflip. Hannibal provides an EXTREMELY complex diagram for the table setting that includes some entirely made-up utensils that he assures them are somewhere in the very extensive utensil kit. Or the credenza. Or several other pieces of cabinetry which now reside in the room.
Finally isolated with Johnny, Hannibal attempts some banter before going in for the kill. Johnny rags on him for being a nerd who dresses like a weirdo and talks like a book with no pictures on the cover and doesn’t even serve beer at a dinner party. Hannibal makes one packaged ham/long pig quip and leaps into action.
Johnny, however, is not exactly a stranger to knife fights, and he knows KARATE. So they have an instantaneous realization about each other, and one full-chested, “HEY, FUCK YOU, PAL!!!” later, we’ve got a Situation.
Danny and Will both immediately assess the Situation and rush in; Danny goes classic feral purse chihuahua, and Will goes rabid mongoose.
Goku and Vegeta turn away from their imminent crime of passion about where the goddamn ostrich spoons are, and fly over and hover above the situation for like… two seconds. They exchange a perplexed glance.
The Saiyans land on the periphery of the melee, and Vegeta fires one good blast into the ceiling, and everything screeches to a halt.
Goku starts making an impassioned speech in the “Have you forgotten the true meaning of Christmas?” genre. Except the point is that they were all supposed to be MAKING DINNER TOGETHER.
Hannibal’s pocket square nearly ignites from pure Had Enough of This Shit, but at the first twitch of that chef’s knife, Vegeta raises a hand like, “Bitch, don’t even try me.”
Goku summons a figurative Spirit Bomb onto the conflict to ask if they can please, please stop fighting…and just make dinner. He’s really hungry.
Danny realizes that, hey…he’s actually really hungry, too. And sometimes he gets a little hot-headed when he’s—
Will finally snaps and says, okay, enough is enough. You all think you’re so cute and adorable and interesting, but he does NOT find you that interesting, you are LOUD, and RUDE, and WEIRD, and he just wants to go home and spend some quality time with his HUSBAND. And his dogs!
Hannibal has a breakthrough realization, because Will didn’t say “dogs” first, and is like, Babe, I would never, I love you so much, OMG, you’re right, I’ll spend less time with my weird new friends and pay more attention to you. GASP! HOLY SHIT, WAS THIS A SCHEME, DID YOU SCHEME ME?! That's so romantic, I LOVE YOU, MONGOOSE!!!
Everyone kinda stares at them in horror. Danny’s like, “…Okay, that’s toxic.” And Johnny’s like, “Wait, were you gonna eat me?!” But Hannibal’s like, “Gentlemen, who here can say that we have not done something banana-butter-bonkersauce for the man we love?” And everybody just kinda looks away from each other extremely uncomfortably for a second. But then they grin at their partner a little.
And Danny’s like, “…You know, I bet I could make a mac and cheese in here…” And Hannibal’s like, “I think I saw some white truffles…”
✨And it’s a dinnertime miracle.✨
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trashpidgeon48 · 2 years
I’m having the good old fashioned urge to write fic for obscure fandoms
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kenzie-ann27 · 1 year
sometimes I forget that connor doesn't know that kendall killed that waiter
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