#firestarter child bertrand
constancecontraire · 2 years
don’t read if you don’t want to be influenced before taking the poll !! but personally i think esmé seems like one of the most likely of the sbg to change her name. she’s one of the few vfd members who is never shown to be connected to an established family unit (the others who come to mind are bertrand, monty, georgina) and added to the fact that she isn’t really mentioned in any of lemony’s memories of his school years (although i’d have to go back to tua to check this) leads me to believe she’s an outsider, she was neither from a vfd family nor a a part of vfd as a child. and this is where personal headcanon takes over but it makes sense to me that she would have kind of slipped into the firestarters’ organization and their social circle after everyone else was already friends. that she always knows what’s in and out because she feels she has to keep up appearances, or she’s a little insecure about not being in the know. and that, yes, she would have taken jerome’s name to give herself that family connection she didn’t have
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Ok I have a few strong ideas about pre-VFD sugar bowl generation, a lot of it based on my paternity and maternity and nationality hcs that are My Blog Canon anyway here:
- Just to start everything that we see of Unfortunate Generation x VFD is an exception and not the rule of how things were done. Maybe the Quagmires were doing it closer to how it should be, and Widdershins had Fiona in something very close but they are an exceptional case due to living in a submarine.
- I think the rule is not having the VFD talk with your children because they will be tested and evaluated before being recruited. If your child is “dumb” there is no point in having them knowing about VFD as they won’t be recruited. Now that I type this I realize there is some potential in thinking of the “rejected” children. There is a shitpost somewhere that Jerome would be one of them. Maybe the Poes as well?
- Kit and Dewey were 4 and 5 when the Schism happened so the pre-VFD time for Sugar Bowl Gen gets the few years before it and some years after. I usually place both Lemony and Bertrand as babies when it happened.
- Beatrice, living miles away, didn’t deal with adults stressing out with the Schism as I believe it was an event very centred on the City. She was sent to there after being recruited as part of an operation to strengthen the firefighting side by getting new volunteers. Anyway, before being recruited, Beatrice had a normal life. She is an only child, lived in a small town of which her family is the richest. She had lots of uncles and aunts and cousins and spent a long time in the library, where she found out on her own about VFD and how to be recruited. Finding the information on her own was her test, and she passed. Her parents and other volunteers were watching closely her every move.
- Back in the City, Bertrand was being raised by the Markson siblings. Being put in their care was his “recruitment” in a way, and since he was a baby, this means there wasn’t a time he didn’t know about VFD. Theodora really loves him, so do her brothers, but they were never ready to take care of a child, so they are indecise if they should threat him as an apprentice or a son. A lot of mess here.
- The Snickets were a proper traditional VFD family, with Jacques and Kit being subtly prepared for recruitment from a young age, and being closely watched. But then the Schism happened and L was still a baby. There was some pressure to recruit the children soon, to which Jacob agreed and E disagreed. Still, before the recruitment they were your perfect rich family, living in a large property near Killdeer Fields but a little away from everything.
- Olaf is a bit of a mystery to me, I still couldn’t figure out how he recruitment went or what his relationship with his parents was like
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dragoneyes618 · 3 years
Beatrice Baudelaire II is the daughter and only child of Kit Snicket, famed (and notorious) volunteer. She is the last and youngest member of the famous-in-VFD-circles Snicket family. She looks exactly like Kit.
She is the namesake of Beatrice Baudelaire, another famed (and notorious) volunteer. She was raised by Beatrice and Bertrand’s children, who became somewhat famed (and notorious) themselves.
All in all, the young Beatrice II, through no fault of her own, has become somewhat of a symbol for the volunteer firefighters.
This, unfortunately, makes her a target for the firestarters.
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esotericakit · 4 years
Fancy ranting about why you love kit snicket?👀 tbh I never found her character that compelling but I’m extreme open to changes of opinion hhh? pls feel free to ignore this hhgkkgkg
oh my god i’m so sorry i’ve been super busy I only just saw this but ahhh I love this question ((also sorry if some of thisk doesn’t make sense, i just got off a 7 hour bus ride and I am sleep deprived)). also a tw here for some discussions of painful stuff like death, loss, grief, implications of suicidal thoughts (nothing graphic)
okay so that’s valid bc she doesn’t get a lot to work with in tpp BUUUUUT what you do get is very rich. so basically it’s all tied in with vfd and what they’ve done to the sugarbowl gen. every member of the sugarbowl gen has been ripped from their family extremely young and recruited into this organisation, forced into life threatening situations, kept from loved ones for long periods of time (like kit and lemony in atwq) and have sort of convinced themselves, to varying degrees, that it’s important because the organisation is important. with lemony, he’s disillusioned and disappears after heartbreak. with beatrice and bertrand, they decide to pull away and leave. with jacques, he buries himself so deeply into his work with vfd so that he doesn’t have to reckon with what they did to him. and then you have kit.
with kit, I think she isn’t as sold to vfd as jacques and can still be somewhat critical of it, but also recognises that she’s trapped and always will be at their beck and call, and it’s not easy to break out from this illusion of the mighty organisation she’s a part of. she’s a quick thinker, she’s a mechanic, she’s resilient, she’s quick-witted, she’s as good a volunteer as they come, and so they exploit that and use her gifts (like building the queequeg and having her make the poison darts). for the most part, she buys into vfd’s bullshit, but i think it’s a sort of defence mechanism where she knows that resistance is going to be harder than compliance, so she puts her head down and does the work.
and this leads her to do things that she maybe wouldn’t have done of her own free will, like aiding in the murder of olaf’s parents. we don’t know exactly what kit and olaf’s relationship was like, but from what’s given in their interaction in te, i think they were young sweethearts, i think kit did genuinely care for him, and i think that it was vfd that ordered the murder, and not beatrice and bertrand, as many people have implied. so, by giving beatrice and bertrand the darts, she chooses the organisation over her relationship, and it can’t have been an easy choice. this then re-ignites the schism, olaf becomes a firestarter and kit has to watch as her brother is framed by olaf for crimes he didn’t commit.
and then lemony dies, or so she thinks. i’m of the mind that kit never learns that her brother is actually alive, and dies thinking she lost him. and we know that family is one of the most important things to the snickets; “we snickets look out for their own”, and I imagine kit going beside herself trying to find ways to protect lemony from all the attacks, the frame jobs, the rumours, only to have it be too late, and she’s lost her brother forever.
and so she’s left there, mourning lemony, and all she has left of her family is jacques. and she loves jacques but his first priority is vfd, it’ll always be vfd. she has beatrice and bertrand, but they’ll leave to the island soon, and they’ll leave vfd after that, and be largely out of her life for good.
she starts building the queequeg and at last, her vfd work seems to be doing some good. she meets ink, monty’s latest discovery, and at last, it seems that other members of vfd are doing some good. and then she hears about the medusoid mycelium, and the illusion of vfd cracks a little bit more. she desperately tries to stop gregor from creating the mycelium, only for that to fail. another loss.
then, we don’t know the nature of kit and dewey’s relationship so again, going off what we have with the fact that she is pregnant when we meet her and that dewey’s last word is “kit”, not to mention the way that she explicitly asked about dewey’s wellbeing when she meets the baudelaires on the island, the implication is heavily that she and dewey are romantically involved. and I think she found a lot of solace in dewey. dewey, in his own way, had lost a lot, from his parents to his brother (joining the firestartera), to his own identity, all to vfd, and he understood where she was coming from in terms of being disillusioned but also being trapped.
and then the baudelaire fire happens, and it’s very clear to everyone that olaf was involved (whether he actually was or not is a different debate). so this is now 3 people who kit has loved that olaf has had a hand in their deaths. someone she loved killing other people she loved, and it’s the most painful thing.
we don’t know where kit is for the events of asoue, but regardless, she has to hear how other associates and friends have died or been killed at the hands of olaf, and each one hurts more than the last, because she can’t stop or slow down how many people she’s losing, and I think there’s an element of not being able to help but blame herself for his actions, because if she hadn’t helped kill his parents, maybe he wouldn’t be doing this.
and then jacques dies, and it’s the biggest blow yet. she just lost the last member of her family she had left, and she can’t cope, she stays in bed and decides that, despite dewey, despite her child, she’ll never leave her bed again.
what does make her leave, however, is vfd business; the message from quigley. she knows that she can’t even take the time to mourn her brother, she has to keep moving, and the pressure to carry the whole “good” side of vfd, to continue what her brother started, is on her shoulders, and that’s immense.
and so that’s when we meet her in tpp, and she is a broken person. she has lost so many people, been put through so much, had her entire worldview and foundation turned upside down, and she’s still doing all of this work, putting her life on the line over and over again, for an organisation that has done nothing but take things from her and hurt her, but there’s absolutely nothing else she can do. she’s pregnant and she can’t allow herself to be happy or excited about that because she just doesn’t have it in her. all she knows is that she has to get through this as quickly as she can, losing as few people as she can. her conversation with the baudelaires is interesting too, and is so exemplary of how she’s mourning; she remembers little details about beatrice and bertrand (like the feathers on bea’s shawl) and reminisces about how much the children look like them, and you can tell that it’s extremely painful to go through
she then leaves the baudelaires and risks her life again trying to rescue the quagmires, and it’s unclear whether it was a success or not but regardless, when she finally pulls herself up onto that stupid book raft she insists on making, she’s so so so so tired. she’s in labour, she doesn’t know what’s happened at the hotel denouement, she doesn’t know whether she’ll return to the city and find more destruction or not. i think the only thing stopping her from giving up while on that raft is the thought of her child and dewey, so she holds on.
she washes up on the island and the baudelaires are there, which means they’re alive, so that’s something. but then she hears that dewey’s dead. that the hotel went up in flames. that all that’s waiting for her in the city is more pain and more loss. and that’s the final blow, that’s the moment that she knows that there is nothing can happen that can repair the damage created by what’s been taken from her. she refuses the apple, citing fear that it would harm the baby, but I think the truth is that she couldn’t bear to consider continuing her life after all that’s happened, even if it means sacrificing a life with her child.
and then olaf shows up and he rescues her from the raft and she’s suddenly face to face with the reason for so much of the loss she’s faced. it was him who killed so many of her associates, her friends, her brothers. and she doesn’t forgive him, because she knows she isn’t big enough to do that. we can also hypothesise about whether or not olaf could be the baby’s father (i like to headcanon that she doesn’t know either way but it’s either dewey’s or olaf’s, and the stress of that makes this moment even harder). but she also doesn’t have the energy to be angry at him. she knows these are her last moments, and she knows that olaf was a victim of vfd, just like she was. so she touches his tattoo and chooses instead to recite poetry, because it’s easier than being angry, it’s easier than hating him. he recites poetry back, and then dies. and despite the fact that he’s hurt her so much, she did care for him once, it’s one more person she’s lost, when she didn’t think she had anyone else to lose.
and then she gives birth to her daughter, using the last ounces of strength she has left. it’s a horrendously sad thing, because i think she could have had the capacity to love her daughter, to be a good mother, but the pain won out and she stopped being able to want to help herself, if that makes sense. so she gives her daughter life, the only thing she has left to give her, and then dies.
I think it’s so staggering to think about this person, who could have lived a life full of colour and fire, and see her completely beaten down to what she ended up as in tpp. she’s a prime example of what vfd does, she’s the last one standing of her generation, and the toll that takes on her is immense. i think the juxtaposition of her recklessness and her grief against the fact that she’s pregnant and about to become a mother is even more heartbreaking. she’s such a compelling character and so gorgeously written, even though what we see of her is so brief. she’s a person who so desperately wants autonomy and control over her situation, things she’ll never truly have, so she does reckless things that endanger her life, to get that control back and because she truly stops caring about her well-being.
and it’s a little comforting i guess? i tend to project onto kit a lot because of some of my own life experiences and losses and i understand where she comes from a lot of time time and it’s such a difficult place and my heart just hurts for her a lot
i’m sorry that this was so long, i got carried away lol thanks for the question though!!
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All Those Things They Couldn’t Say - A Runaway Baudelaires AU
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Chapter One - Prologue
“Why are we always running?” 
Beatrice and Bertrand always knew this question would come. It was inevitable, what with their situation, their way of life, one their children would always notice wasn’t considered normal. But still, it took three attempts before they finally answered. 
First came when Violet was five. Old enough to notice that everybody else had permanent houses, permanent cities, who moved only rarely and were impressed that she couldn’t even remember how many places they’d lived. When she asked, while little Klaus was stumbling around the room trying to find a book for their father to read to him, Beatrice just forced a smile and told her that she’d explain when she was older.
Second was when Violet was six. She was older, she’d thought, so she should know now. And it was after she had come home from the playground with her mother, crying because the other kids wouldn’t let the new girl play with her. She was always the new girl. Would she never have anyone to play with? When she asked Bertrand, he fell silent and asked her if she wanted to practice her lockpicking. That distracted her as well as cheered her up immensely; she was very good at picking all sorts of locks, and loved finding out how they worked. 
Finally, third, came from Klaus. And when their youngest asked, their little five-year-old confused that he couldn’t get a library card if he didn’t live in town, while his seven-year-old sister looked up behind him, begging with her eyes for them to finally explain, they realized they couldn’t delay it any longer. 
Beatrice held out her arms, and Klaus ran up to her, stumbling over his own feet and blinking behind his new glasses, leaping onto her lap and curling up against her chest, already clinging to her arm. He was definitely more of a cuddler than Violet, who preferred to only occasionally give hugs and would rather just wave or blow kisses from across the room to show affection. Still, Violet went over to Bertrand, sitting on his lap so he wouldn’t feel left out and wrapping and unwrapping a ribbon around her hand. 
Beatrice glanced around the room a moment; they were in a small hotel, for the next two weeks before they could catch the train. This was a relatively safe city, but it still made her uneasy. She didn’t like staying so close to anything VFD-related for long. But if they caught this train, they might have a month or two before moving again. 
“Mama?” Klaus glanced up at her. “Are you gonna answer?” 
Beatrice and Bertrand shared a very sad look. No sense delaying it longer. 
“Well…” Beatrice muttered, running her hands through Klaus’s hair as he snuggled against her again. “You see… it’s not a very happy story.” 
“Tha’s okay.” 
Beatrice held out her other arm, and Bertrand grabbed and squeezed her hand. It’s okay, he was clearly saying. We’ll do it together. Like everything else. 
She had to hold back tears- don’t let them see you cry, Bea, don’t let them see you cry- and managed to say, her voice breaking only a little, “Mommy and Daddy did something very bad.” 
Violet looked over at her, surprise in her eyes. Beatrice didn’t dare look down at Klaus; he hadn’t moved from her grasp, but she was sure he was also shocked. They’d never imagined their parents could do something bad, something so bad it would ruin their lives before they even began. Not that they understood their lives were so horrible yet; this was all they knew. 
“We, um…” she took a deep breath, and then glanced at Bertrand. He nodded. 
“You know those kids a few towns back who were a part of those Scouts?” Bertrand said. “Where they gathered together and learned things at the same time?” 
“Yeah, like a club.” Violet nodded. 
Bertrand sighed. “You see, there are some of those for adults, and not all of them are good. Some of them are very bad, and make you think doing bad things are okay, and the only good thing you can do is stay in the group.” 
“That sounds scary.” Violet said. 
“It… it is.” Bertrand said. “And when Mommy and Daddy were… were about your age, our parents gave us to a group like that, because they didn’t know it was bad. They were told it was… was a good thing to give their kids up. But we’d never do that, okay?” He looked very seriously at both his children. “We learned better, and we’ll never let anyone take you away.” 
Klaus and Violet nodded seriously. They couldn’t even imagine a parent giving up their child. It was unbelievable to them. 
“We grew up there.” Beatrice said. “And they made us do bad things and think they were good. And one of those things… we tried to leave, and that bad thing was revealed.” 
“You know how the police are supposed to help people, but we always tell you not to talk to them unless it’s an absolute emergency?” Bertrand said. “It’s because they’re looking for us.” 
“Why can’t you just explain you didn’t know it was bad?” Violet asked, tilting her head. “Wouldn’t they believe you?” 
“I’m afraid not, baby.” Beatrice said. She let go of Bertrand and wrapped her arm around Klaus, hugging him as best she could. “Our group is secret, and keeps themselves very secret, so nobody knows about them, and if we try to tell people, they won’t believe us.” 
“And we… it’s still our fault.” Bertrand said. “No matter what we were told, we should’ve known what we did was bad. We were told that… that it was a bad thing, unless our group asked it of us. We should’ve realized how contradictory that was.” 
Klaus looked up at him. “What does ‘con-tra-dic-to-ry’ mean?” 
Bertrand smiled a little. “Logically opposite, inconsistent, impossible to connect.” 
“And if we turn ourselves in,” Bertrand said, glancing at the ground, “Then our enemies will find and hurt us. And, even worse… they could find you.” 
“And we want you to know,” Beatrice said, very slowly, “That no matter what Mommy and Daddy have done, we will never do anything to hurt you, ever. We’re running so the people who want to hurt us, and the group that hurt us, can never find us or you.” 
“But we might be able to stop someday.” Bertrand said. “We have a…” he and Beatrice shared a look. How were they supposed to explain his relationship to them? “A very close friend. He’s working on getting our enemies locked up for the bad things they did, and…” 
“And getting us in a good enough place that we can find somewhere to live safely.” Beatrice said, and she ran her hand through Klaus’s hair again. “Or… or at the very least, you can be safe. Even if we’re not, the most important thing is that nothing happens to you.” 
They’d considered that for a very long time. That they might have to turn themselves in. For what they’d done. For the blood on their hands. They would do that if they could, they knew; it was deserved. They’d killed people, they deserved the consequences. But Violet and Klaus didn’t. They didn’t deserve any hurt, any of the horrible things that could happen to them because of what their parents did. If all went well, Lemony could clear their names. But if he could only get the Firestarters locked up, get VFD off their backs for long enough… Lemony would take care of their children. They knew he would. 
“It’s very hard to tell you this.” Bertrand said, remembering that he’d been told it was important to be emotionally open to your children so that they understood, and by God, did he need them to understand. “You know how hard it is to admit you did something bad to someone you love.” 
Violet nodded slowly, thinking hard. She knew what it was like to admit that she’d pushed Klaus down, or broken something that didn’t belong to them. Even Klaus knew what it was like to confess that he’d ripped a book on accident or stolen extra food on purpose. Of course, none of that was as bad as murder, but it was the worst thing they could probably think of. Enough to at least understand how their parents felt. 
“But we do have to tell you.” Beatrice said. “We just wanted to wait until you were old enough to understand a little. We’ll explain more as you get older, and can understand everything. Is that okay?” 
Violet and Klaus were silent a moment, and even though they knew it was unlikely, Beatrice and Bertrand both felt a fleeting moment of panic that their children didn’t understand, and were angry, and were going to yell and scream and hate them- or worse, run away and end up right in the arms of people who could hurt them. 
Then Klaus nodded. “Okay.” he said.
Violet nodded, too, getting back to work on wrapping and unwrapping her ribbon. “Okay.” 
Their parents shared a very significant look, one full of sadness, yet relief. 
“So, we have to keep moving until things are safe.” Beatrice finished. “And I’m very sorry. That’s also why you get to learn so many things-” 
“Like math?” Klaus asked. 
“Well, no, everyone should know math.” Beatrice said, forcing herself to laugh a little. “We mean like… stuff other kids don’t know. Like lockpicking, and self-defense-” 
“And codes?” Violet asked. 
Beatrice bit her lip. “Yes. And codes.” She took a deep breath. “We can’t answer all of your questions right now. But we will, we promise. We can’t hide this from you while we keep you on the run with us. But do you have any questions? We’ll try to answer whichever ones we can.” 
Violet and Klaus shared a look, considering, while Beatrice and Bertrand met each other’s frightened gaze. 
Then Violet asked, “What was the bad group called? So we don’t accidentally join?” 
Klaus nodded his agreement that yes, that was a good question. Beatrice sighed, thankful they hadn’t asked for more specifics on their parents’ crime. 
“It was called the Volunteer Fire Department,” Bertrand said, “But they call themselves VFD. They use those initials as a code.” 
“There are two different parts of the group.” Beatrice said. “Some of them work to stop fires and preserve knowledge, and some of them start fires and work to gather material possessions. But they both make their members do whatever they want, and convince them that they can never leave.” 
“Both of them will try to hurt you, if they find out you exist.” Bertrand said. “And we’re very sorry about that, and we don’t want to scare you. But we also want you to know what to stay away from, and what is dangerous, so that you don’t end up with them, thinking they’re safe.” 
“Okay.” Violet nodded. “Tha’ makes sense.” 
“Can we go to the library now?” Klaus asked. “I wanna finish that book on tide pools.” 
Beatrice smiled, and once again had to remind herself not to cry. “Yes, of course.” she said. “Do you want me to read it to you, or do you think you can do it yourself?” 
“I think I can.” Klaus nodded seriously. He felt very grown-up, now that his parents had told him a secret. Which reminded Beatrice-
“Oh, and one more thing.” she said. “You can’t tell anyone about this, okay? We don’t want to get caught.” 
Violet and Klaus nodded, even smiling a little, excited to be trusted so much. 
They got up to get their bags to go to the library, and both Beatrice and Bertrand tried not to cry. 
Beatrice and Bertrand rarely contacted Lemony back. They felt bad about it, but when they went on the run, they all agreed it was best. They would send him something inconspicuous when they were to stay in a town for long enough for him to send a report back. Sometimes a message, if they could risk it- Violet learned Sebald quickly. Klaus has finally managed to scale a building. Thank you for the coats, they were useful. Violet’s recent invention was so magnificent, you would be impressed. Klaus can recite Beowulf in the original Old English, you’d love to hear it. We miss you. 
She has your eyes. 
They weren’t to be in this town long- only until the boat could ferry them across the harbor in a few days, but they knew they had to risk it. 
Violet was upstairs, working on making a portable toaster so they could cook food without setting a campfire. Klaus was downstairs, reading some books they’d stolen from the library, which they would return before they left, something about the life of one historian or another. They were growing up so fast. Too fast. 
Beatrice had grown even more nervous since they sent the message, and every time Bertrand came back from the post office, shaking his head that there had been no reply, she got even more concerned. 
They were both terrified, but they’d felt this terror before. On the island, when Beatrice realized why she was so nauseous when she was no longer at sea. Several months later, when they were hidden in the basement of an old house Lemony could visit, and he and Bertrand had to help her by themselves. When they were swiping food from the store, and she was shoving bags into her coat while Bertrand distracted the cashier with how cute Violet was, and she was feeling dizzy, and she, with shaking hands, also stole a test from beside the counter. Months after that, when they were in the woods and Bertrand had to zip Violet into the tent so she couldn’t wander off while he used his little medical knowledge because they couldn’t get to a hospital even if it would’ve been safe for them to. The several weeks when their infant son needed help to breathe, and kept getting sick, and all those nights they couldn’t sleep because they were terrified he’d slip away and stop moving forever while they weren’t looking. 
But it had been a long time, and the terror returned like a gutpunch. 
Finally, while Violet invented and Klaus read, Bertrand returned from the post office with a telegram. He and Beatrice sat on the couch to decode it, and smiled a little when the message read something that wasn’t angry, or judgmental, or even sad. 
If you name them after our chaperone, so help me God… 
Bertrand laughed, and Beatrice laughed. And then they cried. 
“One day,” they promised each other, “One day soon, they’ll all be safe. They won’t have to run. They won’t have to hide. Maybe this one won’t even grow up on the run.” 
They knew that was a promise they couldn’t keep, but they were content with pretending.
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kitsnicket · 4 years
How I feel about this character:
Ernest intrigues me. I want to know what pushed him to become a firestarter and how that impacts his relationship with his volunteer siblings. I think there’s still a lot to discover about him in general.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Gonna say Bertrand again bc I think him with either F or E would be interesting
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Ernest and Beatrice teaming up to pull shenanigans that specifically annoy Frank
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Again idk if this is unpopular but Ernest Denouement middle child
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Same with Frank. More scenes where we know its him. Obviously that is unrealistic tho
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whoslaurapalmer · 6 years
penultimate. peril.
penultimate peril is my absolute favorite in the series and these episodes somehow simultaneously lived up to and didn’t even meet my expectations 
-the “welcome little baby” line!!!! but isn’t that actually from the end? -OH GOD -THERE HE IS -LEMONY -AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -no brunch. no distraught kit. no brunch.  -compared to in previous eps, klaus being the pro-vfd one, now violet is! “of course we will!” UGGGG -STILL NOT DISTRAUGHT -olaf has more pressing problems in his life and better things to do than trying to prove something to the man and the woman  -”e is for ernest who is evil” WHOA THERE -I THOUGHT SHE WAS JUST GONNA SAY ENEMY -EVIL  -no brunch. no baby room wallpaper line. no distraught kit. -i’m sorry but i just can’t get behind bertrand being the one with glasses. bea had glasses and she hated wearing them and rarely wore them. -no “your father got that same look on his face whenever he was thinking” none of that, huh. -OH!!!! THERE WE GO!!!! THE SHORTEST MENTION OF BEING DISTRAUGHT AND PREGNANT EVER!!!!!!!!!  -young!!!!! lemon!!!!!!!! -dewey saying a line that was absolutely from lemony’s letter to bea and saying it to kit is, weird. -oh so they’re. playing it like that’s ernest. like kit’s with ernest. mmmmmmmm. cause someone who hasn’t read the books wouldn’t know about dewey yet. mmmmmmm. really. i see. -WHAT IS THIS TIMELINE -WHAT THE HELL -lemon. -hey. where are their. you know. sunglasses. -oh i love the triplets walking behind the desk, that was STELLAR AND I LOVED IT -tv was made to portray the three different chapters of violet and klaus and sunny’s different adventures in the hotel. like, it’s worth it just to be able to see them play out like this cause they STILL play out like they did in the books, one at a time, and it!!!! it’s so good!!!!!! IT WAS SO GOOD -i was so disappointed to not see hal, though. i really wanted to see hal. i was actually. excited for that..... -oh so now nero has replaced geraldine. -changing so much of the......background mystery of the show and seeing it play out just made me feel like the JS mystery didn’t fit in the show now -- especially because in the books, even justice strauss doesn’t know, right????? but as revealed later on, they were all?????? working together???????? it just doesn’t sit right with me  -THE WRONGS. WERE BEAUTIFUL. OH MY GOD. -that was. the best thing in the world. god it was so good. it sounded. forgive me. so right.  -babs.........and jerome...................... -jerome!!!!! and charles????????? okay!!!!!! i could dig it if it wasn’t another throwaway line about vague distant background representation that we never see -same with babs and mrs bass -LARRY -I FUCKING SCREAMED WHEN LARRY SHOWED UP OH MY GOD i thought they’d just cut him right out too. -OLAF AS JACQUES I’M FUCKING DYING that was hilarious. so good. oh my god. the eyebrow. -yay. creepy olaf. is olaf.  -fortunes? not finance? -mr poe just changed personality but somehow still stayed exactly the same. what the hell. -lasso reveal -- YIPPIE  -YIPPIE KI YAY -yippie. ki, yay.  -re: larry -- it’s more fun to hear about the absurd moments in the series, including the absurd deaths, because then they’re amusing but we don’t see them and it makes up the fabric of the story and can still be serious, but seeing larry get boiled in a giant vat of curry, like, seeing it happen, was........well..............mmmm. it took that away. seeing it made it feel more weird dark spy than weird absurd spy. i don’t know what i’m going for here. made sense when i wrote it on my phone during the ep. makes less sense now trying to type it after.  -but i stand by whatever the hell i just said there -elephant!!!! i got my elephant story reference!!!!! i got it!!!!! oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was there!!!!!!  -actual justice strauss!!!! i legit thought they would cut her out. -but her presence, after watching larry and jacquelyn and jacques and olivia, has none of the meaning it had before in the book, seeing her show up out of nowhere and hearing her talk about following them. because we’ve seen other adults follow them now. -okay, look, the thing is, there’s no way lemony doesn’t know who those kids are. -also, side note, you think kit played by allison williams looks old enough to be having her fourth child, lemony?????? -i guess it depends on how you want to view the timeline, and there are people who view lemony as having worked on the series for years, and babybea finding him before the 13th book came out, because the beatrice letters was released before it, and in-universe it would take time to put all this together and take the same length of time as the real-life publishing of the books, but  -at the same time there are enough hints in the story that also place lemony, by slippery slope, close to where the baudelaires are in their story. at least that’s the way i prefer to see it. so this????? i’m not having any of this  -i don’t like the triumphant music when dewey talks. he should be a lot more harried than this  -OH THEY’LL LEAVE VFD TO RAISE BABYBEA BUT LEAVE THE LIBRARY IN THE HANDS OF THREE SMALL CHILDREN  -”is a safe life really enough” hey fuck you -where’s dewey’s soft and kind “noble enough” line. where is that. fuck you for taking that away from me. -BEATRICE STOLE IT FROM MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE -why. did you change olaf saying “what choice do i have” to “what else do i know how to do” 
-OPERA -oh my god esme and kit and LEMONY AND OLAF -that typewriter.............oh my child  -so. olaf’s parents or at least his father. not being presented as firestarters.  -WIFE DIED IN A FIRE -I’M SORRY, WIFE DIED IN A FIRE????? -this isn’t even what the taxi driver said anyway. -god life made so much more sense when lemony was not the taxi driver and he was just a mysterious figure i hate this  -walking away from lemony did break my heart but i also didn’t like any of this scene at all so. who knows what i’m feeling today, cats  -olaf. in the closet. not the kids. mkay. -not to be such a book stickler but...........man...................................... -blind justice!!! -PURPLE DRESS -PURPLE HELQUIST DRESS -no.......blind.......justice?????? just????? at the end???????  -i’m actually gonna cry during the kids’ court speech oh no my babies  -THEY CALL OLAF TO THE STAND?????????????????????????  -i know it’s probably just because she calls everyone darling but man young!esme is just fucking in love with everyone isn’t she  -straight up thought she was on a date with kit before olaf was in the scene in the first opera flashback, honestly  -it completes her tea set. -i mean it’s a shallow enough reason for esme but also esme is. more than a shallow person like i don’t care for her much but i know that i think she’d have a better reason than ‘it completes my tea set’  -THEY JUST WALK OFF WITH IT. JUST LIKE THAT. -no big deal but lemony mentions somewhere in the series (slippery slope?) that it was actually kit’s idea to use the sugar bowl as a container.  -”We’re all friends here” WHY WOULD KIT SNICKET EVER SAY THAT  -it looks. it really looks like they framed the murder of olaf’s father. as an accident. and i don’t like that. i don’t like that at all. i hate it with every fiber of my being.  -also the schism happened before that incident but whatever.  -ALSO. I’VE SAID IT BEFORE. I’LL SAY IT AGAIN. NOWHERE IS IT EVER IMPLIED THAT THE DEATH OF OLAF’S PARENTS AND THE THEFT OF THE SUGAR BOWL HAPPEN ON THE SAME NIGHT AND I HATE THAT THEY PLACED THEM ON THE SAME NIGHT I HATE THAT TOO -pepper. -it was pepper.  -once again. “burn down hotel” was also a moment. that needed to be slowed down.  -this season is actually lacking a good deal of the lemony narration that would have slowed down certain scenes in a good way  -lemony wasn’t even holding a dart. why do they think lemony killed olaf’s father???????  -okay i actually went back and rewatched that and he WAS holding a dart. -i’m not gonna get into my perception of lemony post-atwq and how he feels about murder after that, okay, i’m not, i don’t have the energy  -but fuck you for having him hold a poison dart  -so no break up letter. not at all. he just. says those words to her. that’s all.  -and you know why that pisses me off? because it takes away the real reasons behind lemony and bea’s breakup. it takes away lemony’s cowardice and bea’s impulsiveness and the arson accusations and going on the lam and all the implied everything about it and the fact that it’s vfd and the ideals and what they’ve been forced to do and be that breaks them up and reduces it to.........this. ten seconds. that’s what their relationship is.  -so no, i did not like the weird......timeline travel montage with the photographs and the background song...........the only thing i felt was ‘are you guys serious about doing this.’ 
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beatricebidelaire · 6 years
unpopular opinion but jacques/esme is actually a pretty underrated and intriguing ship and probably the only m/f jacques ship i’m interested in. like, jacques/esme complicates jacques’ character in a way other ships rarely could. though jacques/olaf was a firefighter/firestarter ship too but the jacques in that relationship is just kind of misguided (about what kind of person olaf was) and overly optimistic and probably nostalgic about their past teenage fling and guilty over his friends’ involvement in olaf’s parents murder. that makes him misguidedly thinks olaf was still redeemable and makes me want to scream about how he’s going to get killed by his optimism one day wait he already did and while i enjoyed that, i think jacques/esme has more potential in a different side of jacques. esme didn’t canonically have the opera night parents’ drama like olaf did and seemed to just enjoy being in which makes the writer has to give jacques a reason that he would want to get involved with esme, a side of her he knew that nobody else did and that adds more backstories to both characters. idk i just want him to have some unseen side or be a little more problematic than the all-too-noble volunteer he seemed to be. like we did see how he absolutely believed in vfd’s child recruiting thing despite all the problematic-ness of it (wth is the correct noun here) and i appreciate the show for showing that but i really want more
(tho i do think jacques/bertrand would be interesting in different ways like “both as poster child of vfd perfect volunteer but nothing’s as simple as it seems” kind of way, and jacques/jerome is pretty nice too)
(but just .... jacques/esme)
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That Would Be Enough (2/?)
I wrote to Montgomery a month ago No I begged him to send you home You should have told me I'm not sorry I knew you'd fight until the war was won (The war's not over) But you deserve a chance to meet your daughter Look around, look around at how lucky we are To be alive right now Leaving was easier said than done. They had been trying for three years to cut ties with V.F.D and yet they were still as ensnared as they had been as adolescents. But in an attempt to distance the organisation from their young child, and unable to say no to his dear friends, Bertrand had set out for a project in Peru. When she ceased getting his coded messages, and anonymous trinkets and toys for their daughter, Beatrice grew more than a ittle concerned. And so Violet was entrusted to Jacques Snicket for a week or two and Beatrice followed him down into South America.
When she got there it was worse than she’d feared. Monty was probably the only one keeping her dear husband alive. Messages from firestarters littered the wall, and a strategic plan was scribbled over drafting paper. Code cracks were piled on the floor. Most of all, the sugar bowl she’d near forgotten about sat in prime place on the table. 
However, the state of the safe house was not her biggest worry. It was her husband himself. His hair was messy and oily, his beard thicker and unshaven, and the dark rings under his eyes gave him a deadened and manic look.
“Bertrand, we knew they’d try and find us.”
He didn’t answer her, staring at the line he traced over the map.
Still, no answer. She grasped his shoulder tightly.
“You can only decode Esme’s sugar bowl so much. And you promised me three weeks, with consistent contact, and then home. It’s been almost two months. And you stopped your letters.”
He braced the wall and slowly shook his head. 
“It’s not their faction I’m worried about, Bea. It’s ours.” When she didn’t respond Bert took a breath to steady himself. For weeks now he’d wondered how to tell her all that he now knew. And yet, in the moment, it came spilling out if his mouth haphazardly. “If they don’t kill us for our children and the inheritance, then our own side will. There is no escape, my love. We have to dedicate ourselves to destroying V.F.D. for good.” Unable to help himself, he looks to the door as if expecting an entrance at any moment. “Monty thinks all I’m doing is decoding the sugar bowl for him. I’m not. I’m trying... I’m trying to work out... everything. From now until V.F.D’s hopeful collapse. All the ways they could come after us, all the ways they could destroy us, all the ways we could destroy them. I can’t leave until they buy that when the time comes we’d give the children up willingly. I can’t.” 
Will you relish being a poor man's wife Unable to provide for your life? I relish being your wife Look around, look around… Beatrice gazes around the room, as if it was all clicking. He’d unravelled, and without her presence to balance him the worst thoughts possible had eaten him alive. 
“When the time comes, Bertrand, I’d give up the wealth in a heartbeat. We’ll live in a shack in the middle of the desert and be happy. And safe. And our children, however many we have, will be fine. You don’t need to do this on your own. Monty... Monty has a fiancee. He wants children. He’ll understand if you explain-”
“Will he?”
“Yes. Come home. We’ll do every scenario together. Violet and I need you home.”
His bravado gone, Bertrand crumples, resting his head on her shoulder and wrapping his arms around her. It was unsaid but obvious to Beatrice-- he’d seen his family perishing in his mind and been unable to stop until the danger felt vanquished. She kissed his head and held him close. Sometimes she believed, his heart was too big for this terrible world. The organisation had always deemed it a negative while she had always loved it most about him. 
Look at where you are Look at where you started The fact that you're alive is a miracle Just stay alive, that would be enough
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The Woman and Mr. Feint and the solidarity of “my baby was taken by VFD with the support of my ex-lover and was raised by people I hate and I will eventually face him in a battle of life and death because he was taught beliefs that are completely against mine also he will one day propose to Beatrice.”
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In Burning Bridges, The Woman survived this when Bertrand was taken because the Markson boys were against this sort of thing, and it wasn’t official business anyway which is also why there is nothing in the archives about this. It was just the Markson boys’ personal revenge on The Woman.
And that makes it super hard for both The Woman and Bertrand to find out what happened. The three Marksons keep taking Bertrand to remote places so hopefully she wouldn’t even learn they had a kid. Which also resulted in B taking longer to meet the other volunteers his age.
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So, for the hcs I used in Mystery and A Fire In The Mind and also Burning Bridges (though we’re not there yet), Bertrand was raised by Theodora and her brothers.
The three of them loved him a lot, but they are different levels of disaster and don’t know how to parent, so he learned how to take care of himself early, and how to do it in a way that his guardians won’t notice they are doing a shitty job (ie not saying that the money for food isn’t enough but getting more in secret). Also even though, I repeat, they love him a lot, there are some messy feelings because of his parents and stuff and also the fact he was born near a turning point for VFD and the adults were only learning how to deal with it, so when he was younger there were moments when they had some unpredictable moods so he tries very hard to please them at all times.
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This is like. If I was working at the same time in the atwq as asoue au and the 2004 canon fic and the reversal au fic. Is the Lemony I am thinking about movie!Klaus’s clone or is he Hangfire 2.0 or is he just invisible? But I am also writing movie!Klaus and Hangfire except he is Dr. Feint and he is ridiculous at times. Who started the fire anyway, Hangfire or Olaf or Lemony? Who am I? Who is narrating this?
It’s a mess but this is what I love about these fics. These three are some of my favorites I have written here (well, reversal au is just in my drafts still but one day!). Then there’s Markson family stuff which is my baby that I love and protect, and my hidden gem in which Lemony is Hangfire’s son (which is technically a child of the reversal au because evil!Lemony is Hangfire 2.0). And Markson family stuff gave birth to firestarter!Bertrand au which I totally don’t have ulterior reasons for loving so much
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tell me everything u headcanon about TWWHNB
- Bertrand's mom. They have the same blue eyes.
- One of the first firestarters. She first got into it because she wanted revenge against her horrible guardian, who was important in VFD, kept doing it because arson is fun
- Self taught latin
- Got into law and became a judge for the power
- She is best friends with The Man, he's one of the few people she truly cares about. They're both not really into cheesy displays of affection though.
- As a child she was very quiet and didn't have many friends. She spent a lot of time reading.
- The hatred for books she shows in TSS comes from a hatred for everything that VFD stands for, which only grew bigger as the years passed
- I am not sure if she and Bertrand's dad got married as I see their relationship as going really fast. They were planning on leaving the fight against VFD at least for a while, moving somewhere far where the baby would be safe. But then Bertrand's dad died on a mission and then the baby was taken and she decided to keep fighting, now with a hatred much bigger than she had before
- Probably removed her tattoo on her own. With fire because aesthetics.
- She's sarcastic in a way that comes out as mean even when she is not trying to be mean (she is mean to henchpeople and servants and her enemies and strangers, but not to her friends and coworkers)
- She was probably the one who guided Ernest to the firestarting side. I still don't know the details.
- Probably has some personal issue against Lemony because almost every villain has some personal issue against him. He's just like that, he goes around making enemies everywhere.
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I think I never shared this particular hc but I have shared the ones that gave birth to it before:
1- That thing with The Woman being Bertrand’s mother. He was taken when he was a baby by the firefighters and she never got over it, spent years after him, etc (see my Markson Family Stories series in ao3 or my “firestarter child bertrand” tag here for more info)
2- Ernest’s recruitment by the firestarters began when a woman met him during a mission and started filling his mind with firestarting ideas (see my Volunteers’ Fanmade Descriptions post for the Denouements)
The lovechild of these two hcs is that The Woman at times unconsciously saw Ernest as a replacement for the child she lost and she probably hated it if she ever realized it.
That could easily be Olaf instead of Ernest but I think the thing both The Woman and The Man had with Olaf was much more complex also before Netflix s3 and some hcs from other people here and there I had no reasons to think The Woman and The Man had relevant roles in Olaf’s life but anyway. It’s cooler if they do and I like to think it was something more complex.
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