#first anime that i KNEW was anime was Cardcaptor Sakura
mdzsshoujo · 10 days
MDZS Shoujo Mashup Master List
We made a list of all the amazing works made for the MDZS Shoujo Mashup!
Artist: Frania (teleport warning)
General Description: Yunmeng siblings run a maid cafe
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Artist: Frania (teleport warning)
General Description: Clow Cards (Cardcaptor Sakura), WangXian as The Time and The Return
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Artist: HellingLaozu
General Description: magical swords WangXian (collaboration with spookykingdomstarlight, art accompaniment to "Help!!! I'm a Broke College Student How Did I End Up With a (Hot) Amnesiac Sword Spirit For a Sugar Baby??!??")
Chapter 1 art on Bluesky and Tumblr
Chapter 2 art on Bluesky and Tumblr
Artist: littleartbot
General description: Magical girls Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing and MianMian
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Artist: lychee (lycheeeart)
General description: "welcome to 'burial mound oddities and antiquities'" 🪭✨
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Artist: Niq (skuzzybunny)
General description: modern au accidentally drunk teenji and his magical animal companion silkie chickens
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Artist: YaYa (terabyte-my-ass)
General description: Cloud Recesses Host Club
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Author: em (gusufan) - threadfic WIP
Summary: Lan Jingyi is sick of watching Wangxian pining for each other, so he convinces Jiang Cheng to help him get them together. (He doesn’t expect to fall for him in the process) Additional Details: CW: strong language probably? (it's JC 🙄)
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Dawn of the Red Lotus by Raine (rainewritesfanfics)
Summary: Wei Ying is hiding something, and Lan Zhan can do nothing but watch and worry as Wei Ying's smile stretches thinner and more bandages peek out from his hems. When he finds himself entangled with the city's young superhero, he realizes that answers may be closer than he realizes, and that the Red Lotus may not be the only one with magic in his veins. Additional Details: featuring magical boy Wei Ying, tea shop waiter LWJ, and a deadly family curse 😱
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So, You Think I'm Pretty? by Sour Tea (lordoflemons)
Summary: Lan Zhan takes on a role as a maid at Caiyi Cafe, a maid cafe his friend had introduced him to. Far from his school, he thought no one would find out about his part-time job until one day, classmates he knew too well came to visit. Now one of them has taken an interest in the shop and has become a regular. This person also happens to be his deskmate, Wei Ying, and he seems to have a keen interest in Lan Zhan's alter-ego 'Jiji'. Has Wei Ying figured out it's him or does he really like maid cafes? Guess the only way to find out is to go on a date with him.
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Help!!! I'm a Broke College Student How Did I End Up With a (Hot) Amnesiac Sword Spirit For a Sugar Baby??!?? by Spooky (spookykingdomstarlight)
Summary: Wei Ying is a normal first-year college student. He lives with his parents. He gets good grades. He has friends. Or a friend, at least. Everything is going well, at least until a stunning man in hanfu with white hair manifests right in front of his eyes on a field trip. Suddenly he’s stuck introducing a sword spirit to the modern world, dealing with a mystery involving metal shards appearing all over Jiangsu province, and grappling with the possibility that Siri from his old phone might be sentient. What’s a normal first-year college student supposed to do under these circumstances? He dives right in, of course. ⚔️ sword spirits ⚔️ reincarnation ⚔️ tragedy with a happy ending ⚔️ siri
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Unusual Gifts by Toshokanin
Summary: At a critical moment in canon, Luo Qingyang, Wen Qing, and Jiang Yanli each receive a magical gift. But will it be enough to change the course of events? 🔮 CQL canon divergence ✨ Magical Girls ❓ Ambiguous/hopeful ending
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WIP teaser: jes (francowitch)
The word of the week was "friends"
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Picrew: Niq (skuzzybunny)
A Shoujo-ifier for all your MDZS favorites
Picrew Dollmaker
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You can also view the list on our carrd:
If you have any late works you want to add, just send us a message!
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I just need a moment to scream about Ranna 1/2. It's my first intro to Gender Bender stuff and that, Huh, am I Really a girl? Moments. I love the world building that we could see in the .... Product of it's Time shonen plot? Like, the acceptable humor of it's time but now horribly grates against my LGBTQ+ and gender equality sensibilities makes it a bit of a tragedy for me. Because the author had so many amazing ideas but they covered it in leecher humor when there were So Many ways it could have been a masterpiece? I mean, it was the 70s (I think?) so obviously there wouldn't be very many open-minded concepts from then but it still hurts, almost.
The gender and animal changing pools, the matriarchal Amazons, the Phoenix and Mollusc Tribes, Ranma's mom Nodoka (who really needs to kill her husband and stop scaring her kid) who is a complete badass (I'm sure Genma (the asshole who should've died on his "training trip") went on the trip because he was scared of her, the fic fodder that Ranma's training trip can give you, the Angst of Ranma's Nekoken (Genma deserved to die for that alone, death by cats asshole 🤬) and his possible grandma figure, the "Rivalry" between him and Ryouga (I'm pretty sure if Ryouga knew gay was a thing, he'd be one) over Ranma not making it to their fight because Ryouga got Lost (there's tons of fics right there for his Lost Trips, the Hibiki's are Directionally Cursed™).
My absolute fav fics are the Trans/Gender fluid Ranma ones. When they're on that journey, too. Just learning who they are. When I'm feeling shippy, then Ranma/Ryouga because they have a Connection. But Ranma xovers so easily. His girl form could be made into so many different Magical Girls (Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura, Shugo Chara, etc.) And his mom! She has no background beyond being a kickass swordswoman and housewife. She can be anything! She just made 3 bad choices. 1: marrying Genma, 2: letting Genma take Ranma on their training trip, 3: pretending that she'll hold Ranma to the contract he signed with his handprint at 3 to become a Man™.
I can't believe that Nadoka would kill Ranma over having a girl form like Genma thinks (but she would kill Genma). She was way too happy to spend time with Ranko (Ranma's go to name for his girl half) and mothering her. I fully believe she'd just be like, You're a woman, too, now so you need to be the Best Woman™ now, too. And just do Girl Bonding. Y'know, teaching Ranma how to look after themselves (cooking, cleaning, financials, more than the same clothes every day), shopping, and of course Swords. Nadoka deserves to pass on her Skills™.
I hate that all of Ranma's fiancees (that he only has because Genma kept selling his son for shit before leaving) are determined to marry him. They all click with Ranma on some level, but more like friends who just happen to be girls rather than wife material. Like, I feel bad for them, but they keep blaming Ranma for all the fiancees when they should be pissed at Genma for selling his son to so many people. Which is probably why I ship Ranma/Ryouga so freaking badly.
Both Cursed, both Amazing Martial Artists, Childhood Friends (for a while in middle school, Ranma's job was to escort Ryouga to class so he wouldn't get Lost and miss school), an actual Friendship to build on. I'm pretty sure Ryouga defaulted to Eternal Enemies over their missed fight because why else would he be so upset and feel so strongly over a missed fight with his best friend?
Anyways, sometimes I just get Feels about Ranma and I had to say it.
Ranma is a classic for a reason
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animepopheart · 1 year
Do u remember what got you into anime?
I do! I think like many of us, I'd been watching it since I was a kid without realizing it, but then a series of anime really made me into a fan. The first was Digimon Adventure, which I'd just kind of keep on in the background while I was studying. I liked the dub and how it showed friendships in ways western animation wasn't.
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Then I purchased Princess Mononoke without knowing a thing about Studio Ghibli based on a line on the DVD cover saying it was the "Star Wars of anime" and showing Ashitaka with what almost looked like a lightsaber. It was decidedly not like Star Wars, but was amazing in a whole different way.
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Then I got cable television and started watching series like Cardcaptor Sakura and Tenchi Muyo. The latter really made me understand that anime was so distinct from western animation. It made me curious enough about the medium that I decided I would try the most buzzed-about series at the time.
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Yes, Evangelion. I fell in love with it immediately and knew that I was now a fan of anime. And I've been pretty much watching every since.
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cardcaptor-lisia · 3 months
had a busy day today!! went to the library :) got myself a card as my first ever 'adulting' act, it went very well!! got some of the cardcaptor sakura manga bc i've been meaning to watch / read it for a loooooong while... it was my older sister's childhood magicalgirl anime so i knew i needed to see it somehow ehehehe
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self-loving-vampire · 6 months
I can't remember what the very first anime I watched was at all but I do know that during my childhood - before I even started going online to find stuff and relied on whatever was on Salvadoran TV - I saw at least a couple of episodes of the following.
Dragon Ball (original, Z, and GT).
I didn't like DBZ nearly as much as everyone else in Latin America seemed to. A lot of the fights felt not only slow but also kind of mechanically uninteresting.
Cardcaptor Sakura.
I surprise myself by feeling this nostalgic over such a cute and soft show. It's very different from what I normally like. I guess even I have a softer side sometimes (@thirteen-jades this is not an invitation to forcefem me).
Corrector Yui.
I have very few memories of this show. It was about an internet magical girl or something? I want to rewatch it sometime.
Ranma 1/2.
My parents explicitly forbid me from watching this, so of course I did it anyway when they were not around. They really didn't like the idea of a character who could transform like that. I only watched this one pretty early on before scheduling made it difficult to even find so I had only vague memories of it prior to a rewatch I started with my girlfriend.
I got into Pokemon before anyone at my school knew what that was. I remember that much. I was more of a casual fan (could not play the games for the longest time since my parents thought games Encouraged Vice) and only watched the anime for a while before falling off eventually.
She was great, though:
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Sailor Moon.
I have memory gaps about this one as well. Pretty sure I watched less than 10 episodes total, out of order. I think it was on a channel I didn't really know the schedule of, and at the very least I'm pretty sure it wasn't the same one that had most of the other shows on this list.
Digimon (all series up to and including Frontier).
I know they're not really comparable but I think I preferred the designs in Digimon over the ones in Pokemon. Also, I distinctly remember that this scene in particular poked at my ryona and defeat kink before I even knew what sex was:
Monster Rancher.
What the hell even happens in this show? I remember some of the monsters but absolutely nothing about the events of even a single episode. All my memories of it are just gone.
Yu Yu Hakusho.
Felt way more interesting and varied than DBZ to me, and I also found the characters to be more appealing in lots of ways. Still only remember it vaguely, though.
Rurouni Kenshin (oof).
In hindsight the fact that Soujiro was my favorite character makes me eventually becoming a Kohaku kin kind of predictable. Anyway, I think this was one of my favorites and also a good source of fuel for my growing ryona kink. Love shows where attractive men injure each other so viscerally (one of them even gets a chunk of his shoulder bitten off in a major fight).
Unfortunately, the creator completely sucks in such a way that also makes parts of the show feel hollow now.
Mon Colle Knights.
Only vague memories of this one too. It was decently cute, I guess?
Saint Seiya.
The Latin American dub of this is actually so much better than either the English dub or the European Spanish dub it almost feels unfair. Even the opening sounds about as good as the original, and I say this as someone who generally thinks Spanish is an ugly language with bad vibes. No wonder it seems way more popular in Latin America relative to the US.
Cyborg 009.
It was okay, I think? Not really into that older style of cyborg design. I can barely remember much else.
Yu-Gi-Oh! (only the original series at that time).
Like with Pokemon, I was into this before it became big in my area. I haven't forgotten nearly as much about it as I have with many of the other things on this list either. Especially where the first season is concerned I'd say I remember everything reasonably well (obviously not the turn-by-turn details of every duel or anything but yeah).
I notice that with a lot of the shows on here the main draw for me really was just seeing all the cool monsters, but I did come to enjoy the game and just the sincere insanity of the setting too. I also now associate this with master and Past Me.
Duel Masters.
Mimi was kind of cute. I liked her outfit. The show itself was... kind of weird, to be honest. It's one of those shows where the dub was basically a joke (more so in English, though).
Captain Tsubasa.
Those guys can get really intense about football. Can't remember much other than an episode where a guy is trying to overcome a fear of being hit by the ball or something? Pretty sure I only watched this one when I was stuck somewhere where I could not watch or do much else.
Plus some others I am also failing to remember. Genuinely kind of distressing how hazy my memories of these things are.
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
I think the only obvious fact about sns is their apparent love for each other. Im a little confused on their possible homosexuality, but its not as obvious as you say it is. You need to look twice to catch them. I wish you would elaborate on where it is so obvious.
I have written about it several times. You can search SNS tags on my blog. For both Naruto and Sasuke.
You are misstating me a lot. I have always maintained that their sexuality is subtly shown, subtle as compared to the usual shounen tropes. But shown nonetheless. It has been obvious to me because I am quite exposed to LGBTQ+ cinema, I talk about these films often on this blog. So the usual tropes used in gay coming of age drama and love stories are obvious to me. I have never said that it is obvious to everyone. I am always talking about subtleties and layering. I don't know what content of mine you have been reading. Lol.
Look man, even if you weren't exposed to these themes, the story itself is written pretty intuitively and it certainly is written to encourage curiosity in the average audience. Sure, not everything is made crystal clear to the audience deliberately, but it's crazy how blatantly layered it is visually and narratively. Even during my first watch, i would get puzzled or hooked a lot of times and curiosity made me mad. While i could surely recognise the tropes, that it was shounen had sent me for a toss, it was certainly not easy to digest. But then I remembered watching Cardcaptor Sakura and I felt better lol. It was quite a strange experience to see a gay love story in what's practically a kids show meant for boys. I know how genres work. But I waited until the end to go looking for fan discourses, I wanted a watching experience unperturbed by extraneous things. Most of all, Kishi's storytelling hooked me, he is a hell of a writer honestly. He really knows where to strike and what to use to strike with. That brutal brutal beautiful man. Only a truly intuitive, empathetic and sensitive person can write something like that. And talented af to boot.
Anyway, honestly, many sensitive readers or viewers could tell that there was something not quite right with the way the romance was superficially set up in the story. Naruto and Sakura, Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto and Hinata. It was a subliminal response. It takes some time to dismantle it in your head, but you get used to it with time. When reading the manga, I did struggle initially because it was a new medium for me, i settled down soon enough. It was very enjoyable. And it only reinforced everything I knew with the anime even more acutely.
One of my fav fellow Naruto fans, clocked it out at the age 13. A child. Simply curiosity and an advanced sense of comprehension. And a looooot of others could tell in their first watch. That they are gay has been the running narrative since the beginning of this manga, many fans have been making memes and jokes about it, SNS communities and channels have millions of subscribers the world over. And they are not analysis bloggers like me, lol. You really think it's that unclear?
Look I am not taking away from anyone if they cannot get it at first glance. Some can, some cannot. There are several factors. Depends on how sharp your comprehension is or how experienced you are, or how exposed you are to gay tropes and narrative devices. But the good thing is, one can always develop their senses, train them, discipline their eyes and ears and mind, to focus more and pay attention, ask questions. It's how you enjoy media in all its glory.
Naruto inspires so much in people, so many from the queer community relate to Sasuke and Naruto, so many closeted folks see themselves in Naruto and Sasuke, and are comforted by it, inspired even. Representation matters. So much empathy to go around. I am not even the first person to have started talking about it lol, how come you missed all the others? It has been the topic of hot debates for years all over the world man. They have been talking about how obvious it has been from almost the get go. You can't measure everyone with the same lenses. Not everyone would have the same skill sets.
The short of it is, lol, it's obvious if you know what you are looking at. It's a little confusing and you have to look twice if you don't know what you are looking at but are curious nonetheless so you invest and then find out that way. But if you are closed off and unreceptive, you probably won't have the benefit of this lovely story in all its radiance. Or any story.
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remimibanana · 8 months
AnimeGO 2023 Report!
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I had the opportunity to go to AnimeGO this year! It was a Japanese Pop Culture Festival that had so many things there! There was an arcade there, kimono dressing, yummy food and so much more!
I went with my good friend Pie (@piedivide), which you’ll see him appear throughout this report! Thank you for the fun time, Pie!!! ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
The report is below the cut!
So, context time.
Pie told me about this festival one day about a month or two ago. I didn't even know it was a thing in all honesty, but it sounded so cool! The tickets were pretty cheap as well, and was filled with things that we both liked (aka anime and Japan lol).
And so, we decided to go!
We bought tickets as soon as they came out, and awaited the day to come.
A few days before the Festival, we met up and looked through all of the activities that it was offering on the day. One of the activities that interested us the most is the Kimono Dressing. It only cost $10 for a ticket and you could dress up in a Yukata and take photos!
We literally bought the tickets right away (I pulled out my laptop just so I could buy it lmao), and we managed to get the same timeslot too!
With all of that, we were ready for Sunday!
Day of the Festival!
Before we went to AnimeGO, we took a detour to the UNIQLO store because they were having a Cardcaptor Sakura collaboration and I wanted to get a top if they had any left. Spoiler alert, they did not have any left ;;
We then went to a new bookstore that opened up in the same building, I had no idea it was even up there. I don't go into the city too often so it's always a surprise for me. The inside was very lovely, and of course we gravitated straight to the manga section.
A lot of older manga were there, especially the first three volumes of Animal Academy, one of my favourite manga! I used to borrow the first six volumes from the library, but they only have the second one now which sucks ;;
And so, I couldn't pass up this opportunity. I bought all the volumes lol
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And now all we had to do was find the entrance to the venue.
We knew the general direction, but not where it was exactly. We went up and down, thinking we were going the wrong way until we spotted a Nezuko cosplayer who saved us lol
Pie and I went all the way around to get to the venue and even got on an elevator, when we could have just walked through the train station ( ˙-˙ )
It's about the journey, not the destination! (tells myself that to make myself feel better lol)
We got these little wristbands to prove we bought tickets as soon as we got there and I managed to break the one I got for Pie orz
He had to get a new one. I’m sorryyyyyyyy (シ. .)シ
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We paid our respects to our Fumo overlords (or I forced Pie to)
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Arcade!! I love arcades.
The Arcade was the best part to me. All because they had Hatsune Miku Project Diva MegaMix + with the the arcade controls!
I freaked out a bit as soon as I saw it. I've never played this game with the arcade controller so I was pumped to try it!
I played Senbonzakura first, although I probably should have chosen the F version so I could have gotten the pretty MV but that's okay! I got to play and that's all what matters to me lol
I then played my favourite Vocaloid song ever, Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder. I actually failed it the first time because I forgot all of the controls for some reason lmao
I redeemed myself at the end and passed it, don't worry. I was so happy to play it. Len and Rin make me happy!
I also did Hand in Hand and that was fun too! Next time I want to play it more!
Pie did Ghost Rule with this lovely Module that looked so pretty. This is Snow Miku 2019!
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We tried out Sound Voltex, which was something I never heard of before. It looked sort of confusing at first, but was a lot of fun once you got the controls down! Aqua from Konosuba was the navigator and she made funny faces at you on the results screen if you did not so great.
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Would love to play it again some day.
We also played Taikou no Tatsujin and Muse Dash! We played the heavenly melody, the Calamari Inkantation by the one and only Squid Sisters, blessing the whole Festival with squid music.
Muse Dash was very enjoyable, it was my first time playing it. I heard of it beforehand but never had the chance to try it out. I tried playing it without knowing what the controls were but Pie was smart and pulled up the tutorial lmao
After 3pm, they had a prize gacha system in place where you had to play either a full session Taikou no Tatsujin or Muse Dash and you would get a gacha card upon doing so. You would then line up and roll for two coloured marbles from this white dispenser. The colour determines what type of prize you can choose from.
Yellow was the best one.
Although by the time we got there, most of the cool prizes were gone. They had a Lumine and Aether plushie, I would have so loved to have gotten one of them. But alas.
I only got to choose one prize, while Pie got to choose two.
I got this Haru Okumura from Persona 5 clear card hehe that I stuck up on my wall. Pie got a Marth amiibo and a Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5 clear file.
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We also walked through all the different stalls that were present! We saw a stand that had retro games, and Pie managed to snag the Ocarina of Time 3D for the 3DS for only $40, which is such a steal! I'm glad he was able to be reunited once again with the game.
Pie and I have this tradition where we each buy each other a print (only one, mind you) while at a convention/festival/wherever there is a print, and that’s what we did!
We went to the main artist alley and spilt up.
Pie got me a Kafka print (thank youuuu, I love it) and I got Pie a Kazuha print!
As soon as I saw it, I knew it was perfect. And it was even more fitting since it was Kazuha’s birthday too! ٩( ᐛ )و
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Here is us in our pretty Yukata!
I chose this lovely blue pattern with flowers that caught my eye from the moment I saw it. And I chose well, it looks so good!
I felt so cool in it.
The original hair clip I wanted to use kept falling off my head, I felt bad for the person helping me get dressed aha
And then my hair was literally in the way the whole time, next time I'll tie it up. I did actually bring a hair tie but I forgot about it, welp aha
I'm glad I had this opportunity to do so!
Who knows when I’ll have another opportunity like this (unless I go to Japan….one day I’ll go!)
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There was a lot of Japanese food there as expected from a festival such as this one! We tried this Japanese cheesecake which was really nice. Reminded me of something my grandma would make.
The daifuku was a bit too sweet for us both, although it wasn't bad! We got three different flavours: Mango, Strawberry and Matcha.
Much more squishy than I assumed it would be. I liked the mango one the most, I made a "mmh!" sound because I was so surprised at how mango it was and Pie laughed at me.
I can't understand what Pie meant when he says matcha tastes like a tree, I couldn't taste anything I swear lol
I was sitting there, chewing my heart out but the matcha flavour never came...I think my sense of taste was gone that time...
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(i forgot to take a photo of what I ate i'm sorry)
We went to a maid café! It was our first time at any sort of maid café. The maids were very pretty and so kind! I ordered a Matcha Custard Puff and Pie ordered a Pumpkin Mini Loaf, which you can see above!
When I received my order by a lovely maid, I was asked if I wanted my food blessed by them. And of course I said yes!
Gotta go all in after all.
We did this little blessing sequence together and it was actually pretty fun! I managed to say everything properly, I thought I messed it up at the end but I did it!!
The food was pretty good. Blessing worked! The matcha custard was really nice. Even Pie, who doesn't like matcha liked it.
Blessings are powerful.
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AnimeGO ended at 6pm, and we were about to head home. It felt sort of unfinished to me, like it didn't truly feel like the end. I didn't want to leave so quickly and so suddenly.
I still wanted to do more.
While I was waiting for my train to arrive, Pie suggested we should go out to the bridge that's outside of the station to kill some time. We walked across a bit of it, and we saw that there was a different festival going on below.
For context, AnimeGO was part of a bigger festival called OzAsia that's been running for the past two weeks I believe. That's the one we saw going on below.
Pie and I saw this other festival from the time we got to AnimeGO earlier in the day, but we assumed that we had to pay to go to that one so we took no heed of it aside from commenting it looked cool.
But that's when I spotted a large sign that said "Free Entry" from the bridge and I was like...we should go there. It was free and we were literally right there. It was still light out!
I never did tell my mum when I was heading home anyway. So it was all finee.
And we did go! It's sort of our thing, doing things rather spontaneously haha
It was the Lucky Dumpling Festival, filled with stalls of food you could buy and a stage with performances! It was really cool.
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We saw a stall that sold Takoyaki, which was actually the same stall we bought Karaage Chicken from AVCon!
We missed out last time, so we couldn't miss this chance this time. Pie and I bought one to share, since it was a bit expensive and we weren't sure how much we would like it either.
We had to wait like 20-30 minutes. In the meantime, on the stage arrived three idols.
They started to sing.
And the first song they sang was Saijoukyuu Paradox (最上級ぱらどっくす), Idol Time Pripara's second opening.
When I heard it, I was like "WHATTTTT".
I freaked the heck out, I literally never thought I would ever hear this song in a random festival. I love Pripara, and so to hear this song made me so so SO happy.
Pie can attest to that.
I did not catch nor their names or unit name after the song ended aha
We were sorta far from the stage to hear it properly. But they looked so cool! I loved their outfits. I loved the fact they sang that song like aaaaaaa
And so I stanned these idols who I had no idea what their names were lmao
Our Takoyaki was ready after a while, and we looked for a seat...which was rather hard. There were no seats at all, and we were going to use a random table I saw that we would have to stand at or sit on the grass.
That was until we walked through the front area where the stage was, which had loads of benches.
And lo and behold, there was an empty bench I spotted. Right near the stage. I literally pointed to it aggressively and sprinted to it, so no one could take it. It was ours!
Takoyaki was really good. Like wow! I wished I had more of it then. I am so buying it next time it is available somewhere. So warm…
Of course I am a failure when eating so my Takoyaki balls were falling apart aha ( ´_ゝ`)
We ate it while watching the idols perform various songs and it was so much fun!
There was death metal screaming and it was incredible. The talent.
Such awesome idols. (*≧∀≦*)
Pie and I learnt that we could actually meet them and buy merch from them after the performance.
And of course we did! We were again there already and it’s not everyday you meet idols!
At this point I learnt they were called A-Muse Project, and there was usually 6 members but there were only three here today. It was their first time in Adelaide in fact! They're from Brisbane!
They were so nice and so kind! It was hard to hear them because we were right next to the stage and the next performance was on. And the wind was freezing by the time we managed to talk to them, I was so cold.
Was worth it. Anything for idols lol
We got these little group Cheki with them for $15 and they signed it too! I've never done anything like this before, but it was a lot of fun!
There were also penlights on sale for about $40, which was a bit too much for us so we passed on them.
We didn’t want the signatures to smudge so we just held them carefully for a really long time to make sure (even if we checked they were dry) lol
It now felt like the day was complete. I'm glad we did go to this festival as well!
It’s my first Polaroid I’ve ever gotten and I stuck it up on my wall hehe
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We saw many cool cosplayers too, and we vow to cosplay next time we go because it felt sort of like a missed opportunity.
We didn’t get any photos with any of them because it’s honestly rather awkward asking people randomly “hey, can I take a photo?” while not in cosplay aha(´-`).。oO
But I did stare in awe.
There was this maid Xiao that we kept seeing everywhere, quite literally. We saw them at AnimeGO and at the Little Dumpling Festival.
We joked that if we called Xiao’s name, they'll come lol
There was a really cute March and such a cool Stelle! And a really cool Dottore that kept eluding me and disappearing randomly, it was rather incredible and creepy at the same time lol
There was also this Flandre Scarlet cosplayer which I absolutely loved. I watched them play Taikou no Tatsujin while waiting in line for the game.
I want to do that one day too, do that cosplay and then play Bad Apple lol
Point is, a lot of cool cosplay.
This place is literally like paradise for someone like me. I love anime, manga and gaming! People are so nice at conventions, I love the atmosphere and simply, I'll never get enough of it all.
We did so many things. It was such a fun day, and I won’t forget about it for a long time.
Thank you for reading!
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pickletrip · 10 months
I've always loved anime ever since I watched Cardcaptors and Pokemon as I was growing up. The shows I watched as I entered my teens have nothing on the animes I've seen during the same time - Digimon, Beyblade and the like. So then I wondered why it took me so long to rediscover that love and joy I experienced watching Sakura and Ash do their thing.
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As I entered University I had the sudden urge to rewatch Cardcaptors, to recall that nostalgia and be enamoured by these wonderful characters and plots. Of course the show didn't strike me as hard as it did back then, but I was determined to rediscover my love for it. So, to restart my journey the most recommended show was Death Note.
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This show absolutely blew my mind away and I genuinely couldn't understand why I had stopped watching anime in the first place because this show changed everything for me. It is intricate in the most beautiful way. Light and L and 2 characters who live with me daily because that's how charismatic they are. I was pumped up and finally knew that there was no turning back. So I jumped head first into whatever I could get my hands on. That's when I came across Tokyo Ghoul.
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It challenged my whole understanding of good and evil, just like Death Note did, sending me reeling and leaving me feeling flabbergasted as I watched each episode. Was this the turning point in my life? Almost. Close enough. After graduating and beginning a new job I heard my friends talking about a show called Bleach. I couldn't understand anything they said, and all the references they made. I didn't want to be left behind, so I looked it up.
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Little did I know what I was signing up for when I watched that first episode. Everyone told me that I'd take forever to finish all 15 seasons (the latest season hadn't come out in 2019). I told them, "Watch me finish this show without skipping a single filler episode."
Ichigo Kurosaki and his band of friends cemented my love for anime. There was no turning back after this.
I've watched many many shows after Bleach. The list is quite long. I've loved almost all the shows I've watched, but nothing as much as I loved Bleach. That is until I started Haikyuu!! a few days ago.
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I put off watching this show for a long time because it was sports related and I have no idea about Volleyball. But as soon as I saw Hinata and Kageyama and the team from Karasuno, I knew I was sleeping on something great. The grit, passion and endurance that this show channels into our lives is insane. I'm not obsessed with just Hinata's success, but I'm thoroughly invested in understanding every single opposing team they play. That's how good the show is. As I enter season 5 of Haikyuu!! I can't help but feel so joyful about their journey.
I'm reminded of my timid beginnings, where I would choose to watch shows with a limited number of episodes. But that's the past. I'm here to watch characters living their best lives, battling through thick and thin, irrespective of whether they emerge victorious.
For the love of anime.
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cloverandcrossbones · 2 years
I missed yesterday so I'm combining!
Day 2: Infodumping
Do I even have to describe it? 😅 If you know me you KNOW I do this!
Topics that pose the biggest threats of triggering a steady stream of consciousness monologue form me:
Lord of the Rings, and it's only getting worse the more Tolkien studies I consume!
Random baking definitions and food chemistry. I don't cook and I rarely bake but I used to watch so much of the Food Channel (Good Eats with Alton Brown and Unwrapped were my favourites!)
Sailor Moon
Cardcaptor Sakura
When I was a kid I was ready to unload every fact I knew about dinosaurs or animals, I grew up on Discovery Kids!
Day 3: collections
Oh my God, both my parents are hoarders so this used to be a PROBLEM for me! I've since stopped but I had to pretty much quit cold turkey bc it was taking up so much room and money
Keychains (my first collection!) any time someone was traveling I asked them to bring me home a key chain! I hung them on a chain of paper clips on my bedroom wall lol
Hello Kitty ANYTHING. LITERALLY ANYTHING. I have an entire bookcase of HK merch, dolls, bags, facial tissues etc. And I kept the PACKAGING too which I don't allow myself to do anymore 😭
I definitely inherited the 'tism from my dad and he's got all the "classic" obsessions, model airplanes, boats, tanks, military history.
Actually as far as info dumping, he and I used to play trivia where we would just write long lists of questions about the kids shows he watched with me and quiz each other 😅
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sleepy-edits · 2 years
what anime couples do you like besides inukag?
- Temari / Shikamaru (from Naruto) are something i did not expect but found way too cute . I love their dynamics. Temari is the type of woman Shikamaru needs in his life
- Reze / Denji (from Chainsaw Man), even though at first it started as a ruse it just became so intense you know? so real for Reze? I really felt that, so I love their pairing very much.
- Caska / Guts (from Berserk) , this is too intrincated to even explore but I love Guts with all my heart and I wish him happiness. I'm sad that the manga kept hinting that Caska might not want the same fate for Griffith that Guts wants even after all he did to them ....
- Orihime / Ulquiorra (from Bleach) call me crazy but those interactions that Ulquiorra only ever had with Orihime and that in a way he wanted to understand what it is like to have a heart... Just got me weeping.
- Rukia / Ichigo (from Bleach) I know it doesn't feel right because the manga stated several times about Renji's feelings for Rukia and Orihime's for Ichigo but it just.... for me it feels like after all they went through, and all he did for her? Their hearts became one to the point their love became platonic. I really think they love each other, so much that it's way past a couple relationship status. They are something else for each other.
- Komugi / Meruem (from Hunter x Hunter). Among all the atrocities happening during the Ant-Chimera arc their relationship felt like tenderness. It became love before they even knew what love was.
- Matsumoto / Gin (from Bleach) I'm just a sucker for these two.
- Shinichi / Ran and Kazuha / Heiji (from Detective Conan)
- Sakura / Syaoran (from Cardcaptor Sakura)
These are the ones that come to my mind without getting a headache trying to think and remember, it's been over 6 years since I last watched any new anime. I do read manga occasionally, but I've pretty much invested most of my time into movies and tv shows. I can tell you that I love with ALL my heart the Jonas / Martha pairing from Dark. Those two? Wow. I just. They loved each other in every universe man, in every time line. I could cry for days about them. I haven't mentioned FMAB but because it's story is so amazing it just swept me off my feet more than any sub-context love pairing they had or made canon. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is amazing. Nia and Simon are beautiful. I like them, I do. I just tend to mention the things that make me feel the most as to say. The relationships that got the closest to my heart.
In the end I made the answer super long ! What pairings do you like? The ones that make you feel the most?
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terras-diary · 3 months
anime review - madoka magica
some context: i watched this way back when in like 2012. it was probably one of the first anime i had ever seen. i rewatched it with justin, he had never seen it before.
the story: in the past year or two i have seen people on tumblr saying this show sucks actually, and i was worried that it would just be some stupid edgy show. it really wasn't. i actually probably liked the story more this time around than before. i think it's because i've been exposed to more anime since then. like at that point i had only seen parts of sailor moon, so in theory i knew what a magical girl was but it didn't quite click as to why madoka was so different. i think the same can even be said for eva. that was another of my first animes i ever watched (on myspace believe it or not). i didn't understand mecha anime tropes then and tbh i still haven't watched anything other than that (i don't think) so maybe i don't even get eva as good as i could if i had watched series previous to it.
in retrospect i am now suspicious of all lil guys in magical girl anime. justin watched cardcaptor sakura a couple of years ago and i asked if the little dog thing was evil and he was like 'no!!wtf' so perhaps this story has had more lasting damage on my mind than previously thought.
also just loved how homura had a normal ass hand gun. that was hilarious. if i was a magical girl i'd want a normal gun too tbh.
the characters: you know i didn't really like sayaka and kyoko the first time around but i liked them this time. homura and madoka were still my favs tho. and i think i like em even more!
conclusion: yea i still think this is a good show. i think i appreciate it more now than way back when. i'm kind of interested in the movies too - i heard they are good.
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alena-reblobs · 7 months
Why not: A CCS reread, Part 5
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As a general warning, this is not spoilerfree for all of Cardcaptor Sakura! Though if you do end up reading this I guess you know how the story goes :D
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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Yue being surprised by sincere kindness and care towards him? Just what of a Master was Clow Reed to you? >:/
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Omg this has got to be the best line of the whole series so far.
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Saving this as some rare insight to Yukito's thoughts...yeah that must be pretty confusing and worrying for him.
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Tree scene tree scene
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These pages are going in here uncropped.
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assdjahsf and then Ruby interrupts them.
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He looks so sad here D: He's lost, doesn't understand what's going on, and then Ruby teases him and Touya just lets him stand there alone! Man that poor boy.
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Ah there was something Yukito wanted to tell Touya, too! I don't remember what though? Asking about what's been happening to him? Hm..
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I never knew what to think about Eriol. On the one hand he cares for Sakura and is nice to her, on the other hand he's being a dick to Yukito and obviously putting her under stress with these trial-thingies.
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As Kaho said, Touya is really being such a sweet soul to the non-human beings.
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Ok I might not really like Eriol but him teaming up with Yamazaki? Oh I'm so here for this.
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Ah ah ah! *points wildly* Now I get it! What she means is, his power, by stealing it with a kiss. Much like what Yue later does when he saves Yukito by doing so!! Those are the things I definitely didn't get on my first read, and I'm not sure if all of that was in the anime...good that I'm reading it a second time now!
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These two dorks are getting cuter by the day, too. D'awww.
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Meanwhile the drama rises with these two :( Yukito!
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I do wonder, why must it be Yukito who figures out what's happening, and why can't Touya tell him? It's probably being said later on, but I can't remember...
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Touya with a desperate look we so rarely get to see on him...and I want to know what Yukito wanted to ask or tell him :/
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Step aside, Ruby! These two dorks have stuff to figure out!
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In the meantime, Shaoran misses his chances to confess his love. Poor boy! :D It's all very cute though.
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Well of course Ruby was gonna interrupt them, but they do look very adorable hanging in the window like this.
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Yes! Grab your man and don't let go!
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And that gives Touya the confidence to have the talk now! Don't care about the test or stuff, Yuki needs you!
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Having the TALK
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They meet!
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Historians might later even say, they were very good friends.
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Aww look Yue's even a bit smaller than Touya! And that grin of Touya in the last panel! :D Finally!
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Hihi Yue's response.."I guess I'll try to stay alive...*grmbl*"
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Look how soft Yue can look when he wants to! <:3
Aaaah I met my image limit! Time for a new post.
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littlewalken · 10 months
Sep 3
It goes without saying if you're in any hobby long enough you'l run in to a bargain because someone doesn't know or doesn't care what they have or it's the last one which is probably cursed and they want it out of their damn shop. And yeah, it might seem like the scalpers and flippers have all the luck, but often it happens because you're a persistence hunter. Or you're a generally good person who does chaotically good things and the universe wants to reward you.
My Phantom of the Paradise, well, it's the last one, the box isn't in great shape it's got a lot of shelf wear, none of the usuals at the comic book funky pop collectables store want him, we'll give you free shipping. I wasn't buying his box, which I d still have, I was buying the one that came with the plunger. Paradise fans know about the plunger. Isn't that right robot mask wearing duo in all leather?
The Mini Dollfie Dream was in the collector's case at the junk store, they knew that much to keep her behind glass, but she's not a bride doll or a fancy Barbie. Couldn't even see more than her arm because of the other "collectables" in front of her. But I know what a dollfie arm looks like. What ever they wanted I was going to pay. I've paid more for new Barbies and Monster High at Walmart. That musty grandma's garage where we smoke weed smell came right off.
That's a cute doll, I've never heard of Alchemic Labo before, is that an anime? Who's Lusis? Is she the main girl or something? Hell if they know. But she with her two face plates, regular which I plan to scrub it's not factory, and asleep and a yawn/sneeze plate I found elsewhere with shipping and taxes are still less or about what I paid for the Chibi Unoa.
So thank you fairy doll person.
I wonder in the back of my mind if the Lusis smells, I can take care of that, or what but she's going to hang out here. My Obitsu 60 is in ragged shape but he's still here. Some times dolls leave but a fair amount get to stay forever.
Of course I'll be in the market for an Ange face plate eventually, and any others I don't have, that's always been the draw for me to get a Unoa.
Another thought that had crossed my mind for my doll money was to get a different head for the Volks MDD. They're all anime style so it wouldn't make any real difference in her looks. She's a kludged Cardcaptor Sakura, going by how the wig is cut, and so she'll stay. Did make her a pink coat hat cape outfit but still dealing with the fact she's the first of the DOA on topics I've never been able to bond with.
Not for sale tho because she fits a size and brand niche no one else does.
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ilaiyayaya · 10 months
Hunter X Hunter Is Sooooo Good
I normally don't particularly love shonen anime, it's by far my least favorite genre, and outside of a few specific shows, it's just not really a genre for me. I don't entirely hate the genre as a whole, I like One Piece decently enough, I used to like Dragon Ball as a kid, and there's a few shorter ones that I enjoy, like I thought the first season of My Hero Academia was good (I have not seen past the first season and I likely never will, knowing that the 2nd season is a tournament arc completely kills any interest I have in continuing), but the typical genre tropes of shonen just don't really do it for me. I started rewatching Hunter X Hunter recently, I never actually finished it on my first viewing around 2015, but I remembered enjoying it and I was looking for something that I could watch while just barely paying attention while doing other things. Plus, I won't lie, I am 100% mostly interested because I want to see Alluka, and she doesn't appear until the very end, she was probably the first trans character that I ever really took a liking to, long before I identified as trans myself (I'm non-binary), I never even got far enough to see her as a kid, but like, she has such cute clothes, and for 12 year old me that was all I needed for a character to become my favorite, even if I hadn't seen a single episode with said character and knew almost nothing about them :). Honestly that's still all I really need to like a character, yes I am shallow and I am proud >:). I know it's one of the most highly acclaimed anime ever, so I expected to be good, but like, I expected it to be good for a shonen, which means for me personally it would probably be like, a 6.8/10 at best, but like, no it's genuinely just really good. I just finished the Hunter Exam arc, which is only the first arc, but I'm already completely entralled, everything about it is just so well put together, the characters are fantastic, it looks so good, I even noticed the great sound design, and like, I normally don't care about that at all in anime, so it's gotta be really good for even me to take note of it. It's not very often that I watch large chinks of episodes nowadays (I used to almost exclusively binge full anime, but not anymore, not enough attention span sigh) but my first session was 10 episodes, and my 2nd was the entire rest of the first arc, and I wasn't bored for even a moment the whole time. I know the later arcs are way better, so I'm really excited to get to those, but I also remember the 2nd arc is a tournament arc, which is where I dropped it the first time years ago (I really don't like tournament arcs) so I may be coming up on my first major wall, but like maybe it won't be so bad.
I'm also watching Cardcaptor Sakura right now as well, I'm not nearly as far in it as I am Hunter X Hunter, but I'm still very thoroughly enjoying it. I'm watching it in pretty much the exact opposite way as I am Hunter X Hunter too, I am 100% paying attention at all times with all of my focus on Cardcaptor and it's for the dumbest reason imaginable. Before watching it, I was told by a friend that in every episode Sakura has a new unique outfit, which immediately piqued my interest, like how can I not watch something with potentially countless cute outfits, like that's the easiest way to get me interested in anything ever. Therefore I am judging EVERY new outfit and writing my own personal little review on all of them and it makes watching each episode take like 50 minutes, but it's worth it, and maybe once I'm done I'll put a doc with all of them on here. I'm only 5 episodes in so far but like, damn, Clamp absolutely knows how to design nice clothes, like in one episode they gave Tomoyo an all bright yellow outfit and it is genuinely probably the best looking outfit in the show so far, like how do you even do that, bright yellow is such a difficult color to make look good. Truly the power of oomfie teamwork drip knows no bounds. Oh and also the show itself is really good too, very typical magical girl stuff but like, I like that so it's good, but like who gives a fuck about stuff like characters or plot just give me cool looking clothes and character designs.
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