#first goal of the season by captain kim <3!
deadcool14 · 10 months
I wanna talk about this show (btw pls watch it, it's so fucking good, the characters are peak and the animation is fucking amazing!):
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Episode 1:
-I can't believe they foreshadowed the final boss with fucking Sonic trivia
-Ngl if I asked out a girl and she didn't know anything about neither Sonic or X-Men, I'm dipping the first chance I get
-I was wondering why Scott had the star t-shirt at the beginning, since he only got that at the finale battle with Gideon, to signify his love for Ramona, but with the added context it's not supposed to matter, it's there because it's his most recognizable look
-Matthew's entrance doesn't have the same umph as the movie's. His actor really went all out in that scene, XD
-Sucks that Scott wasn't very involved in this, since he is the title character, but I still loved everything about this. Hope we get to see his arc in the next season
Episode 2:
-Why is Ramona dyeing her hair so damn satisfying?
-Edit: The fact that STEPHEN of all people was the one that gave Scott a euology and was the only one that actually gave a damn XD
And it's pretty sweet that he would have been ok to find out if they sucked, if they found out they sucked together
-"Mommy!" yeah
-I can fucking believe she actually sang that fucking song XD
-Brie Larston is so talented; if I didn't already know she played Envy, I honestly could not tell that was her, but then again I only know her as Captain Marvel, where she has a deeper and much cooler voice
-So, if in the Scott Pilgrim world people just re-spawn at home after being defeated, does that mean that there no one can be murdered or manslaughtered? And if so, how do people actually get a "permanent game over"? Does everyone just die of old age? Also if people bury the coins dropped after someone dies, would that make grave-robbing the most common crime in the world?
-The fact that all Matthew needed to defeat Gideon was confidence is actually very inspiring. The probable reason why he's so extra (besides being a theater kid) is because Ramona dumped him, which really hurt his self-esteem. And while it's kinda sad and pathetic to let a middle school break-up bring down your self-worth, that doesn't mean it didn't suck for Matthew; and after realizing that Ramona wouldn't take him back just because he beat Scott, he finally got a reality check and decided that their goal was pointless, so he moved on from Ramona and decided to make something out of himself, and using the confidence he got from "beating" Scott, he unleashed his true power and was able to defeat Gideon, take his company, and then became successful Broadway actor
-"Et tu, eat me." Roxie is a fucking queen
Episode 3:
-Hey, I didn't asked to be fucking attacked about my writting process, Scott Pilgrim!
-Knives getting more character development besides being obsessed with Scott is everything I didn't know I ever wanted
-I feel you Stephen, I do 😞
-Omg I ship Knives and Kim so much!
-Since Roxie predates Toga, then should be saying that Toga gives off Roxie vibes?
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-I'm in lesbians with all of them
-Roxie is so fucking horny lol. Tho I can't blame her, I would go rent to that video store everyday to talk to Kim or Hollie... and immediately choke and explode before a word comes out my mouth
-Also, fun fact: Hollie looks like a milf, but she's actually 26!
-Nice of that lady to apologize to Robot-01. He doesn't deserve all the mistreatment he gets, he's a good boi
Episode 4:
-Holy fuck this animation
-Bro, what is that song? XD
-'Edgar Wrong' XD XD XD
-Young Neil is a fucking treasure
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💚 :3
-Straight Wallace is an anomaly that should not be allowed to exist
-Notorious heterosexual
-People are 100% saying some bullshit like, Lucas is only going out with her because he's secretly a pedo is only likes her because she's PLAYING a 17-year-old and that feeds his fetish
-Already saw a meme of the "My God!" clip, keep those coming people!
-Holy fuck this animation!!
-The paparazzi looking like cockroaches, nice
-I feel really bad for Lucas, he's actually a nice guy
-And then he fucking yeets a kid and steals his skateboard XD
-"Watch out guys, Vegan comin' through!"
Episode 5:
-I feel a little bad for Todd, but it's also so satisfying seeing this jackass, who thinks he can get away with anything because he's a rock star, get wrecked
-Weird the Vegan Police didn't show up to take away his powers tho; maybe they were informed of the situation and decided to give him a pass this time.
I really hope they expand on the whole concept of being Vegan in season 2
Envy: Hey, ask them what it feels like to always get his sloppy seconds?
Ramona: How does it feel-?
-I love how they expanded on the Stephen & Knives friendship :3
-I did not recognize Simon Pegg and Nick Frost until the end where they had the cornettos XD
Episode 6:
-Honestly, surprised they didn't bring up that Julie had a crush on Scott, and that's why she's always a bitch to him, specially because this is an anime, they can actually call her a tsundere!
And while we're on that, anyone think it's weird that nearly single girl in the comic had or still has a crush on Scott? Like, seriously? This asshole, really? And you just know that if it was a manga made in Japan, Stacie would have a goddamn bro-con complex with him
-Idk how I feel about them just glossing over Gideon just being an absolute monster; like yeah, Ramona was a bitch with most of her relationships and she does tend to run away from her problems, but Gideon was a manipulative, ego-centric, abusive piece of shit. I mean, the guy kept his 6 ex-girlfriends frozen in stasis for appearences or for whatever else he wanted, and he wanted to do the same to Ramona. I like him and Julie being assholes together, but seriously, I hope they touch on that in season 2
-Dude fuck those kids, I would give Gordon so much respect for actually trying that; I wish I had a third of his confidence
-I never knew I needed to see Captain America and The Spot being goofy friends until now
-I headcanon that one of the reasons why they had Matthew take over Gideon's company was so they could finally give him a job XD, tho it was always insinuated that he was in the army, because of the Private Rank patch on his jacket, which they removed in this version and that really sucka because I liked that little detail; it was also another reference to him being the 1st Evil Ex, because Private is the 1st rank in the military
-At least Ramona does recognize that what she did was messed up, even if the Twins were also being dicks, she should have just called them both out and be done with them
-Those fucking Vegan Robots man, I swear to God
Episode 7:
-When Old Scott spoke, I thought it was Ben Schwartz at first lol
-I love how the world isn't the cliché "terrible post apocalyptic world caused by something that happened to the main character", it just looks really crappy, which... yeah, accurate; the look everyone has just seems to be the current fad, they just embraced the post-apocalyptic looking world they live in.
Also that tech is not that advanced, they have hover vehicles and board, and holo-phones, that does seem like they kind of tech we could have in a few decades, maybe
-The fucking Virtual Boy XD XD XD, surprised Scott's eyes weren't on fire after staring into that thing
-Old Wallace is a fucking GILF
-That lucky motherfucker! He probably got the Switch for free!! 😬😬😬
-Nice Death Stranding reference
-Ramona changing her hair color every week was symbolic of her always running away from her problems, but I like that she keeps doing it in the future, just because she likes it
-Of course Future Ramona has fucking Back To The Future roller blades XD
-Both Ramonas are the same fucking size XD
-At first it felt that they just speedran Scott and Knives, but then again Scott probably read a little of Old Young Neil's auto-biography and figured things out. And since Knives wasn't as obsessed with Scott at this point it makes sense that she'd take this a lot better, Kim and Stephen probably helped her out too
-But at least she catharsis by seeing Scott and Ramona not being able to kiss XD
-Oh! And I just realized that she didn't waste her first kiss on Scott! 😃
Good for her!!
Episode 8:
-I think it's dumb they gave Knives her look from the comics without any reason. She only changed her look to look more appealing to Scott in the comics, and in the epilogue she's back to her normal look, like, at least have people mention the look and her saying that she's trying something new
Edit: I rewatched the whole thing and I just realized that Even Older Scott punched the highlights out of Knives' hair XD
-It's basically a meme at this point, but pls have the Katayanagi Twins do something! They had such a bigger role in the comics. At least I wanted to see their combo moves animated!
It's nice that the Exes are actually cheering for them to kiss, or maybe they're just teasing because they can't; either way it's nice
-Even Older Scott is Ramona's 8th evil ex. He debuts in the 8th episode and has studied the powers of all the other 7 Evil Exes along with his own, which adds up to 8.
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Sucks he didn't actually use their powers, I would have loved it if he used Vegan Powers combined with mystical powers, maybe instead of Demon Hipster Chicks he summons little Nega Scotts, he has stronger skateboard tricks than Lucas, he some robot arms that can shoot lasers and can help him do the Twins' combo moves, but doubled
-Edit: The fact that Knives went for Ramona instead of Scott. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!
-Even Older (Nega) Scott is just Evil Ryu and I fucking love it!!
-Even Older Scott's color scheme not only signifyes just how jaded and lost he's become, but also that Nega Scott has completely taken him over is just *chef's kiss*
-Edit: Todd still has the Wallace tattoo XD also his was my favorite attack, he just teleports and slams down, simple, but awesome
Also Even Older Scott defeated him with a headbutt
-Edit: It would've been funny if he had also punched Roxie in the boob again
-Every future character has "Old" in their name, but Ramona is just "Future Ramona", she will cut you if you call her old. Real missed opportunity to not call the oldest Ramona "Future Future Ramona".
"MILF" and "GILF Ramona" also would have been acceptable
-Sex Bob-Bomb became the new Crash and the Boys, except that instead of having an 8-year-old, they have a 17-year-old.
And Scott now has his actual girlfriend watching him perform
-Looks like Ramona actually enjoyed the stunt double gig. Good for her, tho honestly, she should have stuck with Netflix, Idk why, but I feel like they're gonna blow up at somepoint
-I like the idea of Lucas x Kim, but I would still prefer Knives x Kim, and my personal made-up ship: Lucas x Stacie. I just love big bois with cute smol gfs
-At first, it didn't make sense to see Todd and Roxie hanging out, but then I realized that just like Roxie, Todd was hurt by someone who treated their relationship like an un-important after-thought, a phase; and just broke it up like it was nothing, without any consideration for the other's feelings. And now that Roxie got closure with Ramona she's helping him to move on from this in a way healthier way than she did. (That and they're both gay) That is so fucking wholesome, I need to see them being friends in season 2 pls!! Also sucks she didn't interact much with Matthew, because Satya Bhabha said that he thinks Matthew and Roxie would be friends.
Also this was kinda foreshadowed in episode 2, at the end of Matthew and Gideon's fight, where she mentions wanting to get Vegan Powers after seeing how convinient they are. I need Half-Ninja, Vegan, Lesbian, now!!!!
-Wallace: Holy shit! True love does exist!?
-Ramona is finally gonna stop running away, so she keeps most of her hair as her natural color with a little green at the end to not forget her past and where she came from
-Get wait to see what Goose's game, but it must be in pretty early development, probably untitled even
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erinkou · 1 year
Let's talk about something juicy: Park Beom-Gu and Lim Ji-Seob being end game!
So, in this interview with the D.P. cast, Kim Sung-Kyun spilled the beans. He said, "Captain Lim Ji-Seob and Sergeant First Class Park Beom-Gu are two different people. They've also taken different path as soldiers, but they start to accept each other differences and understand one another."
Son Suk-Ku chimed in too, saying, "That's right and before they were at odds with every situation they came across. But now they aim for the same goal and grow closer than before."
Kim Sung-Kyun added, "When they had to work in huge case together, there were many areas that required thinking in season one. Perhaps that was a good opportunity for them to deepen their thought"
Hold on, though. Son Suk-Ku took the spotlight and noticed something steamy. He was like, "Look at Beom-Gu's sexy expression!"
Wait, what? Sexy expression? Tell me more!
Oh, and here's the real shocker. Yeah, he said, "Originally, when he walked out,  we were supposed to meet eyes like there's some bromance. But because his appearance at the end, we couldn't use it, for the shake of better scene."
No way! I can't believe it. There was a romance scene between Ji-Seob and Beom-Gu, and they scrapped it? Ugh, talk about being robbed!
Son Suk-Ku was bummed too, and he said, "But I was personally very sad about that. It was our romance."
Oh, Son Suk-Ku-nim, I feel you... (cue dramatic sobbing in the corner)
Alright, Director, I have a heartfelt plea for you: More Ji-Seob and Beom-Gu romance in D.P. season 3, pretty please, I'm begging you! We need that special connection between them to shine and make our hearts flutter. Give us more of those intense eye-locking moments and heartfelt interactions. We want to see their bond grow even stronger and their friendship blooming into something truly heartwarming. So, consider this a petition from us fans, eager for more of that amazing chemistry between Captain Lim Ji-Seob and Sergeant First Class Park Beom-Gu. You have the power to make it happen, and we'll be forever grateful! Let the romance flourish! 
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bufffnaked · 2 years
CBS Soccer! :)
2023 way too early NWSL Power Rankings
Portland Thorns FC
Newly promoted head coach Mike Norris steps in for former manager Rhian Wilkinson and that commitment to continuity is present throughout the team. The Thorns will enter the regular season with nearly all of their 2022 NWSL Championship roster intact. Sophia Smith is the reigning league MVP, and the club re-signed long-time captain Christine Sinclair for one more year in an effort to chase another title.
Kansas City Current
The club ended its season as runners-up in the 2022 NWSL Championship, narrowly missing out on a remarkable "worst-to-first" season. After looking stagnant and out-classed in the final the front office quickly got to work to get even better. They re-signed key players Hailie Mace, Alex Loera, and Kate Del Fava. and then won the free agency period by signing three sought-after targets Morgan Gautrat, Vanessa DiBernardo, and Debinha. 
San Diego Wave FC
Wave FC were calculated in their offseason moves after a historic inaugural season ended in a playoff semifinal appearance. Head coach Casey Stoney and general manager Molly Downtain retained much of the inaugural roster, and added pieces in free agency. The midfield got a big boost with Danielle Colaprico, but if young prospect Jayden Shaw can add more goals in her sophomore year expect the Wave to have another successful season. 
OL Reign
The 2022 NWSL Shield winners ended their season with a semifinal defeat in the playoffs. Head coach Laura Harvey has made minor changes to her roster leading into the 2023 season. Veteran re-signings with Lauren Barnes and Megan Rapinoe were predictable moves, but the additions of defender Emily Sonnett, forward Elyse Bennett, and midfielder Luany could provide the team with a new spark.
Houston Dash
The club hired a new head coach in Sam Laity and he's tasked with taking the team to the next level after the the made its first-ever postseason appearance in franchise history. They retained key players in free agency with new contracts for Sophie Schmidt and Allysha Chapman and have many players returning from their quarterfinals run. But acquiring Diana Ordonez might take the team to the next level if she can replicate the record-breaking goal-scoring from her rookie season. 
NJ/NY Gotham FC
The east coast side leaned into veteran experience this offseason after hiring new head coach Juan Carlos Amoros. They landed goalkeeper Abby Smith in free agency and re-signed Ifeoma Onumonu and Taylor Smith. They also acquired Yazmeen Ryan and in maybe the splashiest move of the off-season traded for USWNT forward Lynn Williams during the draft, setting up big expectations for the club after a last-place finish in 2022.
Chicago Red Stars
The team suffered the biggest departures in free agency losing all of their starting midfielders. They tried to stop the bleeding by acquiring veteran Cari Roccaro, and signing Brazilian international Julia Binachi. Forward Mallory Swanson has had two consecutive MVP-caliber seasons with the team and is in remarkable form with the national team, but much of the clubs' success will depend on how their new midfield pieces pan out. 
Racing Louisville FC
Head coach Kim Björkegren has created a roster of massive international talent since he joined the franchise in 2022. Nigerian forwardl Uchenna Kanu is the newest addition and enters the league off a successful stint with Tigres Femenil. While most teams will feel the pressure of international windows in a World Cup year, Louisville may feel the impact hardest. A break in the regular season will help, but how all the new pieces mesh together will put a lot of pressure on Bjorkegren getting his tactics right. 
Orlando Pride
The Pride promoted Seb Hines to head coach after the team went on an undefeated streak during his time as the interim boss. The team picked up exciting young players in the draft, but how players return from injury may impact the teams' success as Brazilian icon Marta returns post-ACL injury and Vivanna Villacorta continues to strengthen her ankle after season-ending ligament surgery last season.
Angel City FC
Angel City will embark on just their second season but made minor moves in the offseason to improve. The biggest brand in the league struck out in the first-ever free agency period but did manage to sign Katie Johnson to the roster. It's a risky move to hope multiple players (Christen Press, Sydney Leroux, Sarah Gorde, etc) have breakout seasons after major injuries, but the team has a young prospect in Alyssa Thompson to be excited about.
Washington Spirit
The 2021 NWSL Champions took a complete 180 degree turn and struggled during their 2022 season. The team strung together just enough performances to avoid last place, but may not have accomplished enough in the offseason to get them back to the playoffs. Much will depend on whether or not the current core of players will buy into former NWSL champion and new head coach Mark Parsons' tactics in his second stint with the club. 
North Carolina Courage
The team officially closed the chapter on an entire era after losing Debinha to free agency and trading team captain Abby Erceg. The roster also lost Carson Pickett and Merritt Methias in the trades, but welcomes USWNT defender Emily Fox, Estelle Johnson, and Tyler Lussi to the squad. 
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basicallyblank · 2 years
Quick warning my first language isn’t English so I may be a bit confusing sometimes. And sorry for the novel length.
It’s not even necessarily that Jordan didn’t start. Should she have started every game? honestly she probably wasn’t fit enough for that at the moment. Does she have enough talent for it? Of course. Could she have started more often? Maybe
Arsenal has an incredibly talented midfield and I can’t say that any of them should be benched either. Even through I do think he could change up his starting line sometimes. It’s for me honestly more the fact that she was also so rarely subbed on. And if she was it was often fairly late in the match, She proved in a lot of games that when she subbed in she could really help turn the game and still she often sat on the bench for much of the game if not all
And yes, while mana may not have been the greatest fit for the team, she could have been used in a much better way. The Chelsea match could have used more subs. The fact that the only on used was Katie, an so late on, is a bit of a fail. Her aggressiveness could have been a benefit against Chelsea if brought on earlier. And the forwards should have been changes much earlier. And perhaps the should have added more defensive power in the end to protect their lead.
Good points ! With jordan, there’s a lot of different arguments surrounding her. Obviously with people labelling her ‘injury prone’ , it’ll cause her to not be first choice for many people, and people struggle to see where she fits in the team , because everyone on the team is too talented to be benched, but Jordan is also too talented to just come on for 20 minutes when someone starts to get tired.
She has repeatedly turned games around for us this season; West Ham, the first fixture against Zurich ect. Whilst people had a problem with her performance against United, we have to realise that she went from getting 0 game time, to then being heavily relied on to captain the team and start games because Kim was injured, and she hasn’t had a key role against big teams for ages, so she won’t have performed her best, and then she got sent straight back to the bench once it was all over 🙃
The Chelsea match was disappointing, and whilst Chelsea have always been good, we used to easily score 2-3 goals against them, so I think we just need to re think maybe our approach to games like that, so we don’t have players scrambling and exhausted at the end
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greywindsports · 2 years
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Little goal- ARS vs BHA- September 16, 2022
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rinkrats · 3 years
🥺 that mike lange story. But also those tags #sid loooves christmas #he loves giving presents #looks good in red #piles on the pounds fast #post hockey career as santa 😂😂👌🏽👌🏽
he loves his mementos and presents and is COMMITTED to them. scrapbooking. matching jackets. little pills with hidden motivational messages~*~ his love language is gifts and neck smooches and stalking geno. relevant right now are some anecdotes i sent a friend earlier this year for dorky sid gifts fic fodder:
1. Crosby's constant thoughtfulness would be impressive from anyone, much less someone of his stature.
"Sid always texts me happy birthday, he's always asking me like, how's Russia?" Evgeni Malkin said. "We talk and message all summer. He asks me how my skates are. He knows, like, everything. He follows my Instagram, I think (laughs)."
In addition to having a handle on those little details, Crosby is constantly providing those around him with memories and mementos. If the team is on the road and goes, say, sightseeing or to a sporting event and takes a group photo, Crosby will later send a framed copy to everyone.
When Ron Hextall and Brian Burke watched their first Penguins game in person, Crosby is the one who approached head equipment manager Dana Heinze and asked for two used game pucks to give to the new GM and president of hockey ops. 
After the Penguins won in 2009, Crosby had jackets made for the three players on the team who had scored a Cup-clinching goal in Game 7: Talbot (Pittsburgh), Ruslan Fedotenko (Tampa Bay) and Mike Rupp (New Jersey).
"They were blue jackets with gold buttons, and each one had a patch on it that said 'GWG Game 7,'" Talbot said. "At one of our first team meals the next season, he presented us with the jackets and did a big ceremony with the music and stuff. We had a private room in the restaurant. I still have the jacket."
-The Consummate Teammate, Captain and Ambassador, Feb 2021
2. Merz: My first interaction with Sid was when we were on the bench, guys were talking about a teammate, and the first thing this 15-year-old says is, “Hey, guys. Let’s keep everything positive. Don’t talk about your teammates that way.”
Salcido: When we were getting ready for nationals, he found these little pills that you could put a hidden message inside. They unscrewed, and inside was a tiny scroll. He gave one to every teammate. … He had everyone fill one out. He didn’t tell anyone what to write, but he made it known that we all knew what the goal was: winning nationals. So we wrote on our scrolls, rolled them up and put them in the pill thing. We kept them with us everywhere we went.
-‘Is this real?’: Stories of Sidney Crosby’s year at a Minnesota prep school, May 2020
3. On “Butterfly Boy” Jonathan Pitre:
Though the Senators are his team, Sidney Crosby has always been Jonny’s favourite player. After the TSN documentary airs, Tina gets a call from the Penguins. Sid needs Jonny’s measurements. He wants to have a suit made for him by his personal tailor, Domenico Vacca.
“It’s the kindest, sweetest gesture,” Tina says. “Sid heard that Jonny went to a lot of games, so he wants him to look like he’s one of the guys.”
“I want him to feel like a pro,” Crosby says. “Here’s a guy who is going through something so painful, and his first thought is always, ‘How can I help others?’ When I was young, I’d watch on TV the players coming to the rink in their suits. That was a cool part of being an NHL player. I want him to feel that, to make it as real as possible for him.”
Tina tries to discreetly measure Jonny while she’s changing his dressings. But he’s way too smart for that.
“Um, Mom, why are you measuring me? Am I going for surgery again?” he asks.
“No, no!” Tina replies, trying to reassure him and come up with a good lie, all in the same breath. “The doctor needs them just to make sure they have proper dressings next time you are in.”
A few weeks later, the sharp navy blue suit shows up at their front door, along with a couple of ties, an autographed stick and a handwritten letter from Sid. 
“His eyes just light up,” Tina says. “Jonny always liked to be well-dressed, and he just loves having his own suit. It fits perfectly. He looks so good in it.”
-Beauties by James Duthie (2020)
4. Pascal Dupuis inspired his Pittsburgh Penguins teammates on their run to the Stanley Cup, and Sidney Crosby found a special way of driving that message home.
Dupuis retired in December with lingering health concerns because of blood clots. Despite his NHL playing days coming to an end, the veteran forward remained an integral part of the Penguins and was in uniform to hoist the Cup after Pittsburgh's six-game win against the San Jose Sharks in the Stanley Cup Final.
On Sunday, Dupuis brought the Cup home one last time as a player to share a special day with his family, friends and hometown fans.
"Yes, it does feel bittersweet a little bit," Dupuis said. "You get the Cup, you want to celebrate. But at the same time I got a gift by the mail [Saturday]. Basically, it's a book of all the pictures of all the good stuff we went through. It came from Nova Scotia, so you guys can figure out who it came from (Crosby), but he couldn't give it to me during the season, he saw me skating a little bit.
"And he sent it [Saturday], before my day with the Cup, so he knew what he was doing to get me right here," Dupuis said, putting his fist over his heart.
-Pascal Dupuis shares Stanley Cup with family, friends, Aug 2016
5. In 2011, Crosby was out of the lineup with a concussion, and the Penguins made their annual visit to Children’s Hospital.
Crosby got along so well with one boy there and was so touched that he later asked Bullano to go back... just the two of them, no cameras, no attention.
When Bullano and Crosby met for the follow-up visit, Crosby appeared clutching a pair of Toys “R” Us bags, filled with a Transformer toy the two had discussed.
“He literally bought every type of this toy they make,” Bullano said. “[Crosby] had never seen it before and thought it was so cool.
“There are no pictures of this. There’s no video. He was laying in the bed with the kid. They were just playing. We were there for over two hours. I got to know the mom really well because we were just sitting there.
“The kid had no idea. Didn’t expect it. They had no idea he was coming. We got there and he said, ‘Hey buddy. hope you don’t mind that I came back.’ The kid couldn’t believe it.
“[Crosby’s] crazy cool about stuff like that.”
What’s crazy is trying to recount the many times stuff like this has happened with Crosby:
• The Little Penguins Learn to Play program has been around for nine seasons, outfitting now 1,200 kids with free head-to-toe hockey equipment. Not only does Crosby serve as the face of the program — which the NHL has now adopted — but he helps fund it, too.
“There’s an awareness of what a person in his position can bring,” Penguins vice president of communications Tom McMillan said. “I think he activates that as much as anybody I’ve seen during his playing career.”
• After a recent practice, Crosby noticed a local family in the Penguins dressing room, approached them, introduced himself, learned their story and wound up giving them a signed stick.
Nobody asked Crosby to do that, and he wanted zero credit when discussing it a couple days later.
“For people who have the opportunity to come in here, people dealing with certain things, if you can brighten their day a bit or spend some time with them, it’s something that’s special for all of us,” Crosby said.
• A few years ago, through a team charity event, Crosby befriended a 4-year-old Amish boy with cancer. Crosby remarked to Bullano how much he loved talking to the boy because of how engaging the boy was and how he wasn’t consumed with technology. Crosby even tried to visit the boy but learned he had passed away.
• He learns the first and last names of the kids who attend his hockey school in Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia.
“Two kids came from Japan its first year,” Bullano recalled. “He was so blown away by that. He couldn’t wait to meet them.”
• Earlier this season, the Penguins welcomed Grant Chupinka, 24-year-old cancer patient, into the dressing room. Crosby chatted up Grant and his parents, Steve and Kim.
He spent his usual time — about two or three times the requirement. Gave the tour. Then found out the Chupinkas didn’t have tickets for that night’s game and decided he would pay for them to go.
“I’m sure he could just give them an autographed puck or something, but he takes his time to go out and see them and talk to them and get to know them,” Brian Dumoulin said. “It speaks volumes for him and who he is as a person.”
Spend any length of time with Crosby during his visits with those less fortunate, and a few things become obvious.
One, Crosby is really good at these. Smooth but not in a slimy way. Sweet. You know how when you’re around someone talking and they go out of their way to make eye contact with everyone around? That’s Crosby.
He’s also humble, always introducing himself like those he’s meeting don’t already know. Holding a hand is no issue. And Crosby is the rare 20-something pro athlete without kids who acts every bit like he does.
“It is not an easy situation to talk to someone with terminal cancer,” McMillan said. “A lot of people couldn’t do that. He has an amazing ability to do that and make that person feel good.”
Crosby has welcomed several Make-a-Wish kids and tries, if at all possible, to schedule such events for practice days — to maximize the time he’s able to spend.
He’s developed a special friendship with Patrick McIlvain, a soldier who nearly died when he took a bullet to the head in Afghanistan. McIlvain actually does physical therapy with one of Crosby’s sticks.
A former club hockey player at Cal U, McIlvain comes by every year, and the Penguins don’t even bother to tell Crosby. Either he already knows or immediately stops what he’s doing to come say hello.
“He’s not doing it to leave a legacy,” said Terry Kalna, Penguins vice president of sales and broadcasting. “His numbers leave the legacy. He’s just a down-to-Earth, good guy.”
Before a visit, Crosby has Bullano email him what is essentially a scouting report on who he’s going to meet. He likes to learn about them, their situation and what they’ve been through. As much information as he can ingest. Crosby never just swoops in, shake a hand and leave.
“As much as anyone has ever seen, he accepts the responsibilities of being not just a professional athlete but a star professional athlete,” McMillan said. “He views it as part of the job. Like coming to the morning skate. That’s just what you do.”
Put another way, “he owns those moments,” says Kalna.
Said Bullano, “He’s just a good human being.”
-When it comes to giving, Sidney Crosby does as much as he can, Feb 2017
6. When Crosby received a generous signing bonus on his Reebok deal, he wanted to share it with everyone.
“He gave everyone on the bus gifts,”  says Oceanic radio commentator Michel Germain. “Him sharing his bonus with all the people he’d been travelling with for two years, that impresses me greatly. I think the most important thing about Sidney Crosby is his personality and the kind of human being he is. What he exuded. The inner richness he’d already developed.” 
-Superstitious and generous, Dec 2006
7. also this simply because it makes me ;w;
Even in defeat — no, especially in defeat — Sidney Crosby proved why he wears the "C" for the Penguins.
After the game, with his heart sinking and his season over, the Penguins’ captain bent over, sank to the ice to pick up the puck, took it to linesman Tony Sericolo and then skated to his team’s handshake line.
I immediately thought of a View from Ice Level I’d written on Crosby making sure a retiring official was sent away from PPG Paints Arena properly. I knew picking up the puck wasn’t for the same reason that was, but I also knew, in some way, it was connected to Crosby’s awareness and respect of the game.
“It was for the Islanders,” Crosby told me after the game, his eyes swollen from a first round exit – by way of a sweep to make it worse. He told me how the winning team always wanted the puck, and it was his way of providing it for the Islanders.
Crosby looked me right in the eye as he told me this, just as he did with every other member of the media to come to him after the loss.
I could tell from those swollen eyes and the way he sat at his stall, by himself with his hands folded as he stared blankly, that Sidney Crosby is much more used to being on the receiving end of a puck when a series ends than he is at retrieving it for the winning team.
That scene. His swollen eyes. Staying in the locker room until most had left – talking to anyone who needed him. Most of all, though, picking up the puck that prompted my question in the first place and making sure the right people got their piece of their own history.
It all adds up to one thing: In victory and in defeat, Crosby respects the game above all else – just as he’s always done.
-Even in defeat, Crosby shines, April 2019
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alexbkrieger13 · 3 years
Are we gonna get a What Happened to arsenal tonight?
Oh, I have some opinions. Overall really impressed how they played but I have some points
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1. Finishing
Overall like Chelsea they had chances where they could have put the game away (This was a more even game than the Chelsea one but still they still had chances). Viv and Beth's forms really have to be looked at Beth seemed to pick up a niggle. Parris really hasn't impressed, more of a liability losing possession and giving up fouls than anything.
2. Subs
The difference the subs made was massive. Tobin that's kinda obvious. Really impressed with Rafaelle for it being her first game her ability to get back was crucial. Lia coming into the midfield allowed the midfield to settle down and she have several key interceptions and forward passes. Stina was good at pressing and she set up Tobin's equaliser, which she made look much more easier than its was. To keep possession in a 4v1 and have the vision to pass to Heath was top class
3. Form returning
That equalised seemed to put something into them as they all seemed like a weight had been lifted off them and they started to play more freely than they have since November.
4. Communication
This is where Lia coming back into the line was so important. There were many times in the first 60 minutes where they weren't communicating with each other and literally bashing into one another. I've said this before but Kim, though she is captain is not a vocal player and Jordan often when she attacking is not the best for relaying and communicating with those around her.
When she came in you could see Lia was directing players where to go and to pass. It settled them much more especially within the midfield where before it was quite messy and all over the place. She also was allowed to play as a single 6 and play more to her style while implementing some of Jonas's wants for her to go forward. Basically, if you don't notice her she's doing her job very well.
5. That Ref decision and the aftermath
That should not have been a goal. That's pretty clear if you look at the rules and there is really very little room for interpretation.
However, how they reacted and kept pushing for a goal instead of putting their heads down was the Arsenal we saw earlier in the season which was really good for them.
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Here are some rambling thoughts on my train home about the game last night:
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I don't have a fixed seat in the East Stand (wasn't sure how many home games I'd get to so didn't think there was much point having a set seat if it was going to be empty for various games) so I was sitting in the West Stand. Think I've only ever watched half a game from that side before but I really enjoyed it. At first I thought I was a bit too close to the Man City fans and their drum but I took a lot of joy from trying to drown out the "City" chants after the drum beats with chants of "Arsenal" instead. After a quiet start most people were joining in and after a while the drum stopped...
Ended up right next to the press box as well (not sure why it was moved to the other side for this game 🤷‍♀️) and could hear some of the commentary for, I think, maybe the FA Player or BBC 5Live. The commentator was being very descriptive about the colour of the sky at a couple of points so I wondered if it was for radio. Also ended up in Tim's photo of the celebrations after Katie's goal! 😂
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Think I was taking a photo at this point, was definitely doing lots of cheering and clapping as well!
Lauren Hemp was near me for most of the first half - she was constantly calling for the ball but was seemingly invisible to her City teammates when she was open on the wing. If I'd been her I would have been raging at half time! I was very glad they were stupidly ignoring her tbh, I was def most worried when she had the ball. Must say though that Noelle did brilliantly to contain her.
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It was great to see both Noelle and Steph up close actually - they were both hit with injuries last season and obviously didn't play in front of the fans so it was brilliant to have each of them near us in each half and see them bossing it.
Jennifer Beattie 👏 Those defensive headers 😍 Think she was first to the ball on pretty much all City's set pieces - so happy she's back with us!
The pressing generally was excellent throughout but Kim and Beth particularly just did not stop running! Felt a bit bad for the City defenders towards the end tbh - Beth, Viv, Frida and Katie went off but our subs just kept up the intensity and continued pressing.
Really exciting to think about all our subs and the fact we can actually rotate properly and not lose any quality on the pitch. Guessing we'll prob see Keets, Mana, Caitlin and Lotte start on Wednesday - maybe even Tobin, although she may just sub in earlier than she did tonight. Hopefully we'll see Jord back on the pitch too! This is what we've really missed in the last few seasons and is just what we need with the busy schedule ahead.
Little bit of video I took of the subs warming up - when was the last time we had so many first team subs available?!?!
Captain Kim I love you. I always do, but last night she was just brilliant.
Really want Frida to score - so close at one point! Thought she was excellent yet again, what a signing!
So pleased for all the goal scorers but Leah scoring right at the end really put the cherry on the top of a fantastic evening.
The confidence the team are playing with at the moment is just wonderful to see and it's so great to see, especially after last season.
Loved that because Katie and Beth both had to leave at their closest edge of the pitch when they were subbed off they basically did a lap of honour walking back to the bench with everyone cheering/singing for them as they went past.
The atmosphere was great tbh, seemed like a lot more than just over 2000 - I wonder how it came across on TV, especially as the City fans and their drum were much closer to the cameras/microphones than most of the sections of the crowd that were singing/chanting. Was really funny after Katie scored though - 3 separate sections of the crowd starting singing "We've Got McCabe" at slightly different times so it was a bit like they were singing a round 😂
Something that I really love about going to Arsenal games, especially when I've gone on my own, is that more often than not I end up chatting to the other fans I'm sitting with - there's something so lovely about sharing the experience of the game with people you don't know but share the same love for this team.
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ladyonfire28 · 4 years
ngl seeing all those posts you reblogged about that danish actress Sidse made me want to watch the show lol. Do you have any other danish tv series or films to recommend ? I'm so unfamiliar with the danish film industry but I would love to discover more of it!
You have no idea how happy this makes me lmao. If i can make people watch danish stuff my goal in life is ACHIEVED haha. 
Danish film industry is small but has some very good stuff. 
Here are some of my favorite films (all of them are very dramatic and sad i’m sorry lmao): 
The Guilty, directed by Gustav Möller (2018): This is a very special film. It’s about a police officer getting an emergency call from a woman who is being kidnapped, but the call is suddenly over. And the whole film is about him trying to solve the case from his office on the phone. There’s only one set, the office, and like 3 camera angles. You actually follow the story by listening to the film, which is so great but also very stressful. The sound editing is just phenomenal ! An amazing thriller. And it’s a FIRST feature film, which is even more impressive.
A Royal Wedding, by Nikolaj Arcel (2012): A period film about a real historic event in Denmark in the late 18th century. I wanted to watch it for Mads Mikkelsen and discovered Alicia Vikander thanks to that film. they’re both phenomenal. It’s not a happy film though, you gotta be ready lol. 
The Hunt, directed by Thomas Vinterberg (2012) : Again, Mads Mikkelsen is incredible in this film. He carries the whole film so brilliantly. One of the best performance i’ve seen. Truly one of the best actor of his generation. The film is great, but once again, pretty tough haha.
R directed by Tobias Lindholm (2012):  This is also from real events. the story is about a cook in a merchant ship being taken hostage by Somalian pirates. Captain Philips is the US remake of the film ! There are two great actors Pilou Asbæk (Borgen, Game of Thrones) and Søren Malling (The Killing, Borgen) in it !
After The Wedding, directed by Susanne Bier (2006): Another very sad film about a family drama haha. With another exceptional cast: Mads Mikkelsen (yes again) and Sidse Babett Knudsen
Festen, directed by Thomas Vinterberg (1998). Another very intense family drama. But it’s so so good, I needed a little while to get over it tbh. I think it got the Prix du Jury at Cannes . 
Pusher I, II, III, directed by Nicolas Winding Refn (1996, 2004, 2005). This is clearly not for everyone. To be frank, I saw the two first films too young and I was traumatized by it lmao. And i never saw the third one. But I don’t remember much so i don’t know how really tough it is. You’ll see a very young Mads in it, but more importantly you’ll see Kim Bodnia, whom you might recognize if you watch Killing Eve ! 
And here are a couple of TV series ! 
The Killing (3 seasons - 2007-2012). A great crime show. Every season focuses on one case/investigation. The US tried to make a remake of it but it’s bad so please watch the original show lol. The cast is again really good. Sofie Grabøl is an amazing lead actress and her character Sarah Lund deserves all the happiness in the world. i still think about the final episode every day and i want to SCREAM.
Borgen (3 seasons - 2010-2013) of course. A political show about a woman who becomes the Prime Minister of Denmark and all the consequences of it. I swear to you that it’s NOT boring and Birgitte Nyborg is the best woman and prime minister ever. 
The Bridge (4 seasons - 2011-2018). Another crime show, this time it’s half danish and half swede, which is also very fun. A great dynamic duo lead by Kim Bodnia and Sofia Helin. I barely started the show though, so i can’t really say much about it haha! 
If you’re interested in more Sidse Babett Knudsen projects, she’s also in two pretty good french films, L’Hermine (Courted) and La Fille de Brest (150 Milligrams) both from 2015. Because of course as the perfect woman she is, she can speak french very well !
I’m sorry for making such long lists, I just got very excited haha! I hope it helps at least ! 
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callunavulgari · 4 years
Scrapbook 2021 | Part I
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal. I think the first one was 2011? Maybe? In which case, woohoo, ten years of scrapbooking!
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 80 books, finish five video games, write more than 20 fics or something larger than 20k, and write either an original short story or start a novel. 
Past Years
(Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring)
(Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers)
(Lord of the Rings: Return of the King)
Robin Hood
(Age of Ultron)
From Up On Poppy Hill
(The Mummy)
Raya and the Last Dragon
(My Neighbor Totoro)
(Hunchback of Notre Dame)
(Beauty and the Beast)
Weathering With You
A Deadly Education | Naomi Novak [Fin]
Home Body | Rupi Kaur [Fin]
The Sunken Mall | K.D. Edwards [Fin]
Bloom | Kevin Panetta [Fin]
The Angel of Crows | Katherine Addison
All the Stars and Teeth | Adalyn Grace [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 1 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
I Hope You Stay | Courtney Peppernell [Fin]
Pillow Thoughts | Courtney Peppernell [Fin]
Piraneesi | Susanna Clarke [Fin]
The Ex Talk | Rachel Lynn Solomon [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 2 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
The Adventure Zone: Vol 3 | McElroys & Carey Pietsch [Fin]
The Angel of Crows | Katherine Addison
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink
Winter’s Orbit | Everina Maxwell [Fin]
Fireheart Tiger | Aliette de Bodard [Fin]
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink
Fire | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
Bitterblue | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
The Witch’s Heart | Genevieve Gornichec [Fin]
Winterkeep | Kristin Cashore
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink [Fin]
Winterkeep | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
The Memory Theater | Karin Tidbeck [Fin]
These Violent Delights | Chloe Gong 
(Red White and Royal Blue | Casey Mcquiston) [Fin]
Rule of Wolves | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Alice Isn’t Dead | Joseph Fink [Fin]
Not the Girl You Marry | Andie Christopher [Fin]
The Echo Wife | Sarah Gailey [Fin]
The Midnight Library | Matt Haig
Catherine House | Elisabeth Thomas [Fin]
Séance Tea Party | Reimena Yee [Fin]
Lumberjanes vol 1 | Noelle Stevenson [Fin]
The Unseen, Christmas and New Year Special
The Penumbra Podcast, Juno Steel arc, Heart of It All and What Lies Beyond
The Penumbra Podcast, Second Citadel, Strong Arm of Justice and The Priestess’ Fortune
I Am In Eskew, Episode 16
Welcome to Night Vale, Episode 67, 68, and 69
The Magnus Archives, Episode 190 and 191
The Magnus Archives, Episode 192-194
The Adventure Zone, Episodes 15-60
The Magnus Archives, Episode 194-200 [Fin]
The Adventure Zone, Episodes 60-TAZ BALANCE ENDING
MBMBAM, Episode 1
I Am In Eskew, Episode 17-22
I Am In Eskew, Episode 23-END
Alice Isn’t Dead, Episode 18-END
His Dark Materials, s2 [Fin]
Watcher Entertainment
Buzzfeed Worth It
(Black Sails, s1)
The Queen’s Gambit**
Cherry Magic
Wandavision, s1
Watcher Entertainment
The Owl House
(Little Witch Academia)
Star vs the Forces of Evil, s3, s4
Buzzfeed Unsolved: True Crime
Heaven’s Official Blessing
Wandavision, s1 [Fin]
Watcher Entertainment, Puppet History & Watcher Weekly
Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Word of Honor
Word of Honor, s1
Watcher Entertainment, Puppet History
Falcon and the Winter Soldier, s1
Kim’s Convenience, s1, 2, 3, 4
Leverage, s4
Shadow and Bone, s1
The Great, s1
Hades, 37 hours [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Hades, 75+ hours? 
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 16 hours
Persona 5 Royal
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 45 hours
Persona 5 Royal, 141 hours
Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, 35 hours
Concrete Genie, 3 hours
Concrete Genie, 6 hours [Fin]
Animal Crossing: New Horizons, 65 hours
Persona 5 Royal, 160 hours
Monster Hunter Rise, 2 hours
Civ, 5 hours
Modern Rustic by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 22k | “I think,” he says, finally, “that if we looked around this place hard enough, we’d find a rose underneath a—a glass thing, what’s it called—losing petals. Metaphorically.”
easy livin' by sarcasticfishes | Buzzfeed Unsolved (Fallout AU) | Ryan/Shane | 6k | The Wasteland - and Ryan - through Shane's eyes.
(in nocte consiliam by oxymoronic | Bartimaeus | Bartimaeus/Nathaniel | 4k | London, 2003. Britain is on the brink of war, and someone is trying rather hard to kill John Mandrake.)
made of glass the way you see through me by uneventfulhouses | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 19k | Will it always be like this? Ryan wonders, watching Shane lope up the snowy walkway and pushing his way through the front door, humming some jolly old tune in that way Shane’s prone to do. Theatrical, performing for an audience even though Ryan is the only one around.
All Your Stars In View by alpha_exodus | Harry Potter | Draco/Harry | 18k | Life after the war is difficult for Harry, especially when the only thing that makes him feel better is, oddly enough, being around Malfoy. So when Malfoy asks to paint his portrait, Harry can't refuse, even if it means baring himself in more ways than one.
13 Genuinely Awful Things About Steven by thefourthvine | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 10k | Andrew’s learned to like cake, he’s learned to like oysters, and he’s learned to like Steven.
we’ll make a brand new start of it (in old new york) by misantlery | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 10k | “Just to be clear,” Andrew says. “You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend at a party to spite your high school bully and your high school girlfriend and possibly the entire state of Ohio?”
Russian Roulette Croquembouche by misantlery | Buzzfeed Worth It | Andrew/Steven | 9k | “Get that on your business card,” Andrew advises. “Steven Lim, video producer, world traveler, fancy dessert boy. Human cream puff.”
rose-colored boy by juniperProse | Buzzfeed Worth It | Steven/Andrew | 2k | Andrew’s eyes are pink.
Like Wildfire by makemadej | Watcher Entertainment | Shane/Ryan | 20k | “Is this gonna be a thing with you?” Ryan demands. “You can’t keep committing to stuff that no one else knows about! When people online say they want you to be more open and vulnerable, this is not what they mean.”
Scratching the Itch by bendingsignpost | Doctor Who | Rose/Ten | 20k | Her mum had always told her that blokes had only one thing on their minds, but this was taking it to an entirely new level.
lie back and let me unlock you by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 7k | Xiao Xingchen, reluctantly, admits to certain fantasies that he has. His friend is happy to indulge him.
in our respective ways by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng & Lan Wangji | 6k | Jiang Cheng has his golden core back. But he seems to have lost Wei Wuxian.
By Proxy by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng/Lan Wangji | 12k | Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji, looking for comfort in all the wrong places.
some good mistakes by Lise | The Untamed | Jiang Cheng & Lan Wangji | 18k |  Or, the one where Wei Wuxian vanishes and Lan Wangji, reluctantly, asks for Jiang Cheng's help tracking him down.
efforts in a common cause by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang/Song Lan | 12k | Everybody's walked out of Yi City alive. Now it's just three badly adjusted adults (and one badly adjusted teenager) trying to make things work - a project somewhat derailed by a night hunt that turns out to be something else.
swinger of birches by astronicht | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 23k | Lan Zhan is a little witch in the house on the hill, whispering out a love curse. Wei Ying is a witch undead, undone.
let me desecrate you by hkafterdark | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 6k | “Dangerous words.” Wei Wuxian drew back. The flickering candlelight gave him an otherworldly appearance; that, and his beauty, unchanged since the first time Lan Wangji had seen him. “You aren’t afraid to be at the mercy of the fearsome Yiling laozu?”
The Demon Affair by stereobone | Yu Yu Hakusho | Hiei/Kurama | 9k | Kurama accidentally seduces Hiei into a relationship.
i came to win (and i won) by paperclipbitch | The Queen’s Gambit | Beth/Benny | 3k | They play chess, and they fuck.The two things are not the same.
Sylvain Gautier Would Love To Try To Solve All Your Problems Through Sex (Hey It Might Help) by Fall Out Boy by harriet_vane | Fire Emblem: Three Houses | Sylvain/Felix | 22k | In which Sylvain wakes up on the wrong tour bus, and refuses to be their sex therapist (unless Felix asks nicely)
Turnabout and Start Again by runningondreams | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 34k | WIP | Wei Wuxian lives. The siege fails.Thirteen years later, Lan Wangji wakes in a body that is not his own.
μήτηρ, in the Greek by antistar_e (kaikamahine) | Hades | Nyx & Persephone, canon relationships | 37k | At the end of this recounting, she tilted her head and asked politely, Is this not how you have children?Uh, no, said Persephone.
that voodoo that you do so well by veterization | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 18k |  Ryan buys a voodoo potion oil at Voodoo Authentica meant to attract Yummy Boys. Appropriately, things happen.
A Bridge Between by Runespoor | Spirited Away | Gen | 3k | Years later, Chihiro moves into a new apartment; her parents help.
the ghost king's bride by arahir | Tian Guan Ci Fu | Hua Cheng/Xie Lian | 10k | Ghosts won't stop giving Xie Lian flowers, Hua Cheng won't stop teasing, and Xie Lian is out here doing his best, man.
Side bitch out of your league by rohkeutta | Captain America | Steve/Bucky | 3k | “I tried to call Sam,” Captain America says, bewildered. He’s sprinting like Usain Bolt and doesn’t sound even a little out of breath. Fucker. “Who’re you?”
cause in your warmth (I forget how cold it can be) by madnessandbrilliance | Promare | Lio/Galo | 7k | Lio is always freezing. Galo is always warm. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the rest.
backdraft by broments | Promare | Lio/Galo | 32k | It happens in an instant, Galo gaping like an idiot while Lio presses forward to defend against the perceived threat, the weapon sparkling but not burning as it kisses Galo's throat.
your perfect crime (& how you laugh when you lie) by aroceu | The Untamed | Lan Zhan/Wei Wuxian | Death Note AU | 8k | The first time a convicted murderer dies of a heart attack in their jail cell, no one thinks anything of it.
Yosuke will now die for you! by DragonBandit | Persona 4 | Yosuke/Souji | 5k | ...This, causes problems.
dramamine by brawlite | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 7k | Song Lan is having a bad morning. Help comes from the last person he'd expect: Xue Yang.
Hearth and Home by lady_ragnell | Leverage | Alec/Eliot/Parker | 1k | When Eliot goes to a temple, or when he’s in one place long enough to build a shrine, he doesn’t do it for Ares. He does it for Hestia.
Where One Ends and the Other Begins by kalliopeia | Leverage | Alec/Parker/Eliot | 30k | Nobody’s particularly shocked when the job goes spectacularly sideways because their loot turns out to be magic. Parker and Eliot begin reading each other’s minds, accidental sharing happens, and shenanigans result.
Hungry Thirsty Roots by coolkidroland | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 56k | In which Akira absolutely does not learn to leave well enough alone. **
Without Grasping Yet by Angelic_Ascent | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 8k | Akechi and Akira end up far too cramped for comfort in the Morgana bus. And then they're left alone in Mementos.
Falling Up by KivaEmber | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 2k | “If it helps…” Akira spoke up suddenly, his tone morbidly amused, “I forgive you, for shooting me in the face.”
Touch of Forbidden by tirsynni | LoZ | Ganondorf/Link | 2k |  Nabooru warned him not to travel to the Spirit Temple. So of course Link went to the Spirit Temple.
breaking the same old heart by tardigradeschool | The Adventure Zone | Magnus/Taako | 11k | Taako and Magnus in triptych: before, during, and after the Bureau.**
your head is good, it’s loyal, it’s clean by Anonymous | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 4k | "Here, I do this all the time."Too quickly for him to react, Taako plucks away one of his golden rings and slips it onto the ring finger of Magnus' left hand.
bruising kisses, whispered confessions by tangerine_skye | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | The trio stop over at an inn for the night. Taako and Magnus share a bed.
i can see what's coming (but i'm not saying it) by pansywaist | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | His breath is still hot on Taako's lips, distracting enough he almost misses the strained whisper: “I thought I was gonna lose you.”
Emergency Consolation in the Pocket Spa by Anonymous | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | If Magnus wants to hug a wizard, Magnus gets to hug a wizard.
together for the long haul by kismetNemesis | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 6k | Magnus and Taako were married on a bright spring day in the year after they saved the world.
thin skin, bruises, and a cold cup of tea by GayFrankensteinsMonster | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 3k | Sleep is for the weak, and Magnus has no weaknesses, except for his own natural curiosity.
tender is the night by dollylux | TAZ | Magnus/Taako | 10k |  “It’s just…” He runs a hand through the thick bramble of his hair, gripping the crown of it to anchor himself. He sighs, slumping back against the footboard. “I guess I’m just not very good at one on one. Like, not… not in any way.”
a note is attached to the top of the vial by GayFrankensteinsMonster | TAZ | Kravitz/Taako, Magnus/Taako | 5k |  Elves have a lifespan of up to six hundred years. The people that you know don't even come close to that.
Pieces of Memory and Heart by ellemaris | Raya and the Last Dragon | Raya/Namaari | 1k | Raya isn't sure how to heal everything between Heart and Fang, but returning something important to Namaari seems like a start.
the gods laugh by miss_aphelion | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 11k+ | WIP | Wei Wuxian is just getting used to being alive again when he's ripped from the world he knows. He wakes in a place where his sister and her husband live, where his brother doesn't hate him, where the Wen remnants have all survived.
In Your Room, In Your Bed by giraffeter | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji/Jiang Cheng | 25k | After Wei Ying is disowned, Yu Ziyuan forbids Jiang Cheng from letting Wei Ying live with him. Jiang Cheng lets him stay anyway because Fuck That. He tells his parents Lan Zhan is his new roommate instead.
in the blossom season (in the pouring rain) by varnes | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 14k |  “Doctor Flowers,” Lan Zhan repeats, pointing at the tiny plum tree, just to confirm that his son is suggesting a magical tree named Doctor Flowers sprouted overnight and made their tame family project turn into a verdant jungle.
34 years old - 5'8" - DL - no-BB by withpractice_ff | Ace Attorney | Edgeworth/Phoenix | 3k | Phoenix finds Edgeworth’s Grindr profile
spinning with the stars above by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 7k | Wangji returns home to Vulcan for the first time since he left for Starfleet Academy, this time with Wei Ying at his side. He’s not expecting Wei Ying and his uncle to be fast friends, but things go poorly in a very different way than he was expecting.
every breath that comes before by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 10k | Or, what if that cup of wine Wei Wuxian drank for Lan Wangji after the Phoenix Mountain hunt wasn't just wine?
never love an anchor by tardigradeschool | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 31k | A fisherman and a selkie fall in love beside the sea. Regretfully, things are never quite that simple.
Be Careful by giraffeter | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang | 5k |  Song Lan and Xue Yang try to survive a week in their shared apartment without Xiao Xingchen as a buffer.
  won't you let me know you now by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 12k | WIP | “Have you ever heard of a mind meld?” Wangji keeps his voice as level as possible, as if he is not revealing foremost Vulcan secrets.
running for a soft place to fall by tardigradeschool | The Untamed | Lan Xichen & Lan Wangji | 10k |  As he leaves for his coming of age test at age twelve, half-Vulcan Xichen has a goal in mind. The rules of the kahs-wan prohibit taking food, water, or weapons. In accordance, Xichen is bringing none of those things, but he does have a compass tucked into his pocket. He is going to find his father.
an act too often neglected by Ariaste | The Untamed | Lan Xichen/Meng Yao | 60k | The single faceless, anonymous photograph on the profile that catches his eye is shot in elegant black-and-white, and there’s something about the crispness of the focus and the markedly off-center composition that says art, for once, rather than mugshot.The caption below is equally sparse: “5’6. Demanding.”
where you go, I'm going (so jump and I'm jumping) by Aria | The Magnus Archives | Martin/Jonathan | 6k | "I don't think so," Alex said. She looked at Martin. "Is this really how it went?"
Morning, keep the streets empty for me by feyburner | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 6k | Ghosts were drawn to the ring roads.
2am on a saturday by detectorist | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 11k | In which Lan Zhan gets high, slides into Wei Ying's DMs, and somehow ends up having the harmonica played to him at 2am in the morning.
Grief Kindly Stopped by ShanaStoryteller | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 5k | Nothing leaves the Burial Mounds alive.
superhero love triangle by Asuka Kureru (Askerian) | Bleach?! | Grimmjow/Ichigo | WIP | 17k | You know those classical superhero-genre love triangles that actually only contain two people? Yeah.
Boat Basin by downjune | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | 5k |  He thought the 21st century now maybe suffered from an overabundance of classifications for all the different ways to fuck and/or romance a person, but the most important thing—and his therapist had emphasized this—the most important thing was connection.
my touch magnifies by isozyme | Word of Honor | Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu/Ye Baiyi | 7k | Wen Kexing gets hit with fuck-or-die sex pollen on the way to Longyuan cabinet. Everything would be fine, except Zhou Zishu’s been keeping an unfortunate secret: the nails in his chest mean he can’t get hard anymore.
2020 || Multifandom Mashup
Hades - Official Animated Trailer
Hades Mini-PMV: This Year
2020, I guess
MARVEL || Energy (ft. Easy McCoy + Black Hydra)
obi-wan || give it
2020 ll Multifandom Mashup
Multifandom | Goodbye 2020
Multifandom | Goodbye 2018
2018 Multifandom | MASHUP
His Dark Materials - No Sanctuary
Lyra & Mrs. Coulter | Hurricane
► mrs. coulter || way down we go [hdm]
Wonder Woman || BORN READY 
Vikings | The End of the Journey
MARVEL || Ready Set (ft. Vo Williams)
MARVEL || Here We Go (ft. Chris Classic)
MARVEL || Is You Ready || The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Never forget || Hualian - Hua Cheng x Xie Lian AMV 
【魔道祖师 / MDZS】Animatic - The First Siege | Safe & Sound
Multifandom || Going Bad (feat. Drake)
Broccolli Casserole--The Untamed
Hey Brother - The Adventure Zone Animatic/PMV
The Adventure Zone: Balance trailer
The Adventure Zone: Balance Arc Trailer (Animatic)
13 Year Olds (A MDZS Animatic by Arcxus)
Multifandom || Die In This Town
DNA | shadow & bone
(Marvel) Wanda Maximoff | Grief
Defying Gravity | MDZS/CQL Animatic
It’s Quiet Uptown | MDZS Animatic
To The Stars
(Marvel) WandaVision || Awaken
Walt Disney Animation Studios | A Magical Journey
We don't have forever.
stop living a fake life.
► Wanda Maximoff | PAINT IT BLACK (+15k)
Multifandom || Take It (c/w Quang Truong) ft. @SEIGE WORLD​
Kylo Ren | STAR WARS
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
MARVEL || Natural ft.ImagineDragons
​ xue yang & xiao xingchen ➤ gasoline
Wen Kexing ✘ Zhou Zishu || Dandelions
Play With Fire - Wen Kexing
TOXIC ~ Wen Kexing ~ word of honor ~ 山河令
(Marvel) Bucky Barnes | Free
Bucky Barnes | Feeling Good
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier || Next Level ft. @7kingZ​ || (Marvel)
Eternity looking down on us.
The complexity of reality.
Captain America
✗ The Crows | Trouble (Shadow&Bone)
Shadow & Bone | Paint It Black
The secret fate of all life.
A Better Version - Jessie Shelton
Start a War - Klergy, Valerie Broussard
Meet Me in the Dark - Melissa Etheridge
ily - Surf Mesa, Emilee
Space Man - Eurielle
To Be Loved - Aurora
In the Blood - Darren Korb
Can’t Help Falling in Love - Tommee Profitt
Astronomical - SVRCINA
Oh Comely - Neutral Milk Hotel
In This Shirt - The Irrepressibles
goblincore + cottagecore
moonlit love letters 🌙💌 (sailor moon-inspired lofi mix)
Moonlight Densetsu Lo-Fi Remix 1 hour version
Peaceful Meditation
Never Forget You - Zara Larsson
Is You Ready - Migros
Recomposed Four Seasons - Max Richter
The End - JPOLND
Love Yourself - Sufjan Stevens
Deja | Daniel Roure
Used To Like | Neon Trees
Material Boy - Sir Sly
Willow - Taylor Swift
Overture - Apashe
Evangeline - Josh Garrels
Gris, pt 1 - Berlinist
Inferno - Hiroyuki Sawano
BAMBAM - Angie
Dictator - Rei Ami
Demons - Hayley Kiyoko
Runaway - Rei Ami
Deep Blue - Marcus Warner
Brave New World - Kalandra
Nero - The Speed
The Path of Silence - Anne Sophie Versnaeyen
Tuleloits - Kerli
Soft to Be Strong - Marina
Relic - Reeder
Ascension - Gorillaz
Will You Follow Me Into the Dark - Klergy
Voidfish (Plural) - Rachel Mitchell
Raya and the Last Dragon soundtrack
Unicorn Wizard - Ninja Sex Party
Me Too - Meghan Trainor
Umbrella - Rihanna
Colors Flying High - Lollia
Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There - Lyn
lovely - khalid
Burn My Dread - Lotus Juice
Progress - The Dear Hunter
My Mother Told Me - Rachel Hardy
Savage Daughter - Sarah Ross
Four - Sleeping At Last
The Other Side - Amarante
Predator & Prey - Griffin Puatu
As the World Caves In -Matt Maltese
Tell Her I Wasn’t Scared - Dan Thiessen
Esmeralda - Adriel Genet
Woods - AfterInfinity
So Human of You - Shireen
Flags of Rome - Jesper Kyd
Do It All the Time - I don’t Know How But They Found Me
Hummingbirds - Venus Hum
On and On - Curtis Harding
Grand Escape - RADWIMPS
my ex’s best friend - machine gun kelly
Sofia - Clairo 
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Charlotte Lawrence
Next Level - 7KingZ
Tell Me - Johnny Jewel
Get Out of Town - Firefles
Music for Anglo Saxes
I See Darkness In You - Red Mecca
Satan Is His Name - Holly Golightly
Rocky Trail - Kings of Convenience
Story - NF
Because the Night - 10,000 Maniacs
Use to Be (L.O.V.E.) - Chelsea Collins
Bird on a Wire - Simone Istwa
Huzzah - Nathan Barr
gonna make you feel, boy | Hades | Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus | 1,101 words | “You can touch, you know,” she murmurs, satisfaction and anticipation warring within her. Her pulse pounds. Zagreus’s eyes have darkened, his pupils eating up all that color. He looks good enough to eat.
how long do we have? | She Ra | Adora/Catra | 1,539 words | “The war is over, Adora,” Catra tells her. Adora hums. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
only fools rush in | The Adventure Zone | Taako/Magnus | 5,209 words | “Okay,” Taako says, sitting down heavily. “So. Ancient ritual to… bring people together?”
til my lungs both billow out | The Magnus Archives | Jon/Martin | 748 words | The knife goes in. The tape runs out.
the echo, as wide as the equator | The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | 2,927 words |  “Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying whispers after it is done.
1685 words of Buzzfeed Unsolved, tattoo AU
3121 words of Magnus/Taako, Stolen Century verse Posted!
852 words of Steve/Billy
got the morbs: sad/somber songs for sad/somber people
2021: a mix for the year that comes after 2020
Sahara Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Spanish Sahara
Fire Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Play With Fire
Consequences Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Consequences
Paradise Baby: a mix for songs that sound like Paradise Valley
Real Boy: a Zagreus playlist
only fools rush in: a taako/magnus playlist
pomegranate seeds: a persephone playlist
make them bow: a megaera playlist
fuck feelings: a taako playlist
til my lungs both billow out: a jonmartin playlist
i am my mother’s savage daughter: a playlist for the girl
3 notes · View notes
Jax Zhou (Priscilla Quintana) may be a student at Earth's Space Training Academy, but she's going to be busy in Pandora Season 2 doing what she should be training for: trying to save the Galaxy from alien and human threats.
At least she and Captain Xander Duvall (Oliver Dench) are finally together, right? But the fact that her ex-boyfriend Greg (John Harlan Kim), who died at the beginning of the first season, popped up alive in the finale might complicate things. Still, she, Xander, and the alien Ralen (Ben Radcliffe) have much more important things to worry about, like an alien race that threatens the universe.
Here, Quintana previews how Jax is feeling heading into the new season of the CW sci-fi series, her relationship with Xander, Greg's return, and what's coming up for her on Good Trouble.
How is Jax feeling about herself? She got a lot of information last season, including about who she is (a Pandora, sent to judge the universe).
Priscilla Quintana: She's still trying to figure everything out. There's been a lot of curveballs thrown at her, and she's had to quickly adapt, react, overcome, so I think this season, she's more confident in herself. She's more trusting and confident in her relationship, which just makes her a funner character overall, someone that you can be even more invested in and root even more for. That's what we're really going for this season.
And she's not just a student now. She's also working for the Earth Confederacy Intelligence Services with Xander. How's that work and balancing that with her studies going?
I hate to say it, but Jax, much like me, is not a straight-A student, so it's possible that saving the universe might just be a notch above getting an A+ in class for her this season. [Laughs] But that's actually something that comes in often. She's like, "Can I just go back to class?" and the authorities are like, "No, you have to save the universe." I'm like, "Right, that thing. Let me go do that." Maybe Season 3, she'll make it to Space Harvard or something. I think that would be dope.
Jax and Xander are finally together. How's their relationship? Stable?
Stable, well, what is stable? Technically we're in space, so nothing's stable, right? At first, yes, I think so, but I think there's a lot of pressure on both of them to — much like in modern day, people want to go after the careers they want, they want to pursue their own dreams and their own goals, and you kind of just have to figure out how to balance that while staying true to yourself. I think that's something Jax and Xander are both navigating at the moment.
There is the complication of Greg being alive. How's Jax dealing with that shock?
You know what, every time he comes back into the script — look, John, if you ever read this, I love you, but I'm like, "Didn't he die in Episode 3 of Season 1? [Laughs] Why is he back messing up my relationship again?" No, but really, John is an amazing actor. It's so fun to work with him. He always brings something fun and new to the show. This season, I don't think he really stirs too much up, but I guess that just depends on who you ask. I'll just leave it at that.
And a couple of people in Jax's support system — Atria Nine (Raechelle Banno), Pilar (Banita Sendhu) — chose not to return to the academy at the end of Season 1. Who's in her orbit now?
We have Xander, we jokingly call him Xan-daddy. We have my new roommate, Zazi (Nicole Castillo-Mavromatis). She's different than Pilar. They're both very, very loyal to Jax, but Zazi's a little more bubbly, a little more outgoing, so it offers kind of a nice contrast from Season 1, just as far as the dynamic goes between the roommates. I can't tell you the second one, but he was in Season 1 and caused a lot of trouble and now he's back and supposedly reformed. We'll see. And then of course we have our staple Ralen, who's amazing, his lovely wife, and then we have a trickle of new characters as well that'll come and do some amazing work that I think the audience will love.
Things were a little complicated and awkward with Ralen last season. Are they on more sturdy ground now?
I do think so. I think it's sometimes important to set those boundaries if you're not feeling it. I feel like a lot of time as women — I can only speak for myself — it's hard to put those boundaries up for fear of hurting someone's feelings or being a bitch or whatever they're going to label you as, but I think it is important to set your boundaries and say what you want, say what you expect, and just be real about it. I'm actually really proud of Jax for doing that last season, and that actually sets amazing groundwork for them this season because they both are on the same page and they're more like teammates rather than one's fawning after the other and maybe some mixed signals getting in the way. We are on very stable ground and at a great understanding.
And will we get more scenes between his wife and Jax?
I would love for them to be friends. Yes, you will definitely see their relationship develop — whether or not it's positive or negative, we'll see.
And you have more Good Trouble coming up. Can you tease anything about Season 3 and what's next for Isabella?
Yeah, I go back to shoot that on the 5th. Oh, I'm so excited. We actually had to stop shooting that in the middle of COVID. We were shooting a scene, and there were talks of production getting shut down and I had to do a big hug with the person I'm in the scene with and we were so paranoid that we were both going to give COVID or get COVID, that was insane. But we're going up to wrap that episode.
As far as Season 3 goes on that show, you can expect a lot more just sexiness overall. As far as my character goes, I think that she's always been very vulnerable and extremely eager to be liked, but I'm thinking she might shed that a little bit and come into her own a little more, which might continue to shake some things up.
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andrewuttaro · 5 years
New Look Sabres: GM 20 - CHI- Dach’ed Two Points
Tumblr media
4-1 Regulation Loss
We’ve now reached the twenty-game mark and the question remains: what are the 2019-2020 Buffalo Sabres? It’s safe to say 95% the same thing the 2018-2019 Sabres were but that answer is pessimistic and uncreative at best. Optimists like me have tended toward a whole new, transformed club, but most of the second ten games so far this season has made that conclusion seem foolish. So what is it then? Twenty games is still a little early to tell but let’s make a guess educated by a sample size that constitutes about a fourth of the season. They’re… ugh… you know what fuck it. How am I burning through this many rants and we’re not even to American Thanksgiving yet? I said you guys got to wrack up some points in the standings against lesser competition and its like you immediately started writing out a gorgeously scripted Fuck You like SpongeBob the night before his paper is due! AT LEAST LAST SEASON YOU HAD THE COURTESY AND GOOD SENSE TO WAIT UNTIL CHRISTMAS TO SHIT IN MY MOUTH! Like, I want to blame it on the Chicago Blackhawks somehow having Buffalo’s number or some shit but that would be a special kind of bullshit cop out! You know how I know this is now really bad? Like really, we’re going to be in for a nightmare in the press kinda bad? No, not the grilling of the GM and the Coach or even the benching of Dahlin and Miller for ever shittier versions of Jake McCabe and Rasmus Ristolainen; no, I knew it was bad when fucking dog moms on twitter who watch the Sabres in their free time started saying “GEE, I HOPE DYLAN COZENS TURNS OUT TO BE GOOD!” Build through the Draft. Yeah, I know how a rebuild works but I think we should be getting to the point when we do the thing that comes after building… uh… WINNING? WE ALREADY HIT RESTART ON THE REBUILD! WHEN YOU REBOOT THE MATRIX FOR THE THIRD TIME WHAT DO YOU GET!? HUH!? MATRIX REVOLUTIONS! THAT WAS SHITTIEST ONE! I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL WE CHASE ANOTHER REGIME OUT OF TOWN AND SEE WHAT NEW INSULTS WE CAN LOB AT TERRY AND KIM WHILE THEY BRING IN THE NEXT DUMBASS FOSSIL TO BENCH DAHLIN! WHAT IN THE EVER-LIVING FUCK!
*Deep Breath* So here are our positives: they came out strong in the first again but weren’t rewarded. Casey Mittelstadt had a great game he wasn’t rewarded for. I nearly fainted in a Bath and Body Works this afternoon. Oh wait, I ran out of positives. OH THAT’S RIGHT! YOU DON’T GET ANY WHEN THE ONLY WIN THIS MONTH IS AGAINST THE MOTHER FUCKING OTTAWA SENATORS! EVEN IN THAT GAME YOU WERE TIED TWICE AND BENCHED DAHLIN! Fuck me! Can I just be a Buffalo Bills blog for the next 4-6 weeks before they get pounded by Baltimore in the Wild Card Round? At least that way I wouldn’t have to deal with certain losses against the Leafs later this month: the most jaded, self-absorbed fanbase in hockey fresh off signing the last of their big four in disregard for all the salary cap norms that are supposed to prevent super-teams in this sport! I made a deal with myself that I was going to rein in my Hockey hatreds. How rich! I had a long hierarchy of clubs and players I hated as if I was the clown from “It” feeding off of little twitter babies’ fear and hatred. Fuck the Canes! “Oh YoU’rE a BuNcH oF jErKs! We’Re MaKiNg HoCkEy FuN lIke BaSkEtBaLl WhErE tHe SaMe 5 tEaMs AlWaYs WiN eXcEpT wHeN iT’s ToRoNtO!” FUCK THIS TRASH SPORT! The Soccer world burned me out on being an unbridled hate machine… well that and my acid reflux getting bad at *checks calendar* the age of 25. I narrowed the teams I honest-to-God hate down to Toronto, Boston and the Montreal Max Domi’s in that order! WHY THE FUCK AM I TALKING ABOUT THE LEAFS!? Oh YoU bUfFaLo FaNs, AlL yOu Do Is WoRrY aBoUt ThE LeAfS, dOn’T yOu WiSh YoU wErE uS!? FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE IF I COULD IGNORE YOU I WOULD! Isn’t a sad day in this City when the fucking Buffalo wide right Bills are making me happier than the Sabres!? Josh Allen is running and jumping into John Brown’s arms like its fucking dirty dancing down there while I have to talk myself into believing this club will beat anywhere near enough teams to make the fucking playoffs this year! HARDER MORE, I NEED TO LIE TO MYSELF INTO BELIEVING THE FRONT OFFICE EVEN WANTS TO MAKE THE PLAYOFFS! LET’S GO AHEAD AND WATCH BOTTERILL SIT ON HIS HANDS AGAIN AND ACT LIKE THE WHOLE FUCKING ORGANIZATION ISN’T BURNING DOWN AROUND HIM!
Oh, I guess I should actually try to talk about the game. Are you still reading? Is this a little much to go with your morning coffee? Is this a little rough? Hey, if the coffee doesn’t work you still got some angsty hockey fan yelling at you in all caps. Geez Louise. Should I talk about Tage Thompson finally getting his callup we were somehow excited for this season only to get his arm torn off by a pack of deep-dish eating heathens in the United Center? Should I talk about Jack Eichel scoring the Sabres lone goal in the third period after his club was already down 4-0 looking into the great big oblivion that his career has turned into? Should I talk about how that’s seven goals this month for a Captain who is one of only three goal scorers to have more than one goal this month!? NO GOAL NOVEMBER EVERYONE! I am so out of steam with this team. They could beat Minnesota by double digits tomorrow night, and I will still be certain Boston will ground them down into paste on Thursday like they’re playing a friendly against an AHL team! Sorry, back to this game that darkened our lives last night. Kirby Dach scored the Hawks first two goals: the only two goals in the first two periods of the fucking game! KIRBY DACH! Yes, that guy who was literally just drafted! He was the guy whose tallies reigned supreme while nobody in a white uniform could convert on a chance. CHANCES THEY FUCKING GOT! THESE MOTHER FUCKING SABRES DID THINGS TO THE HAWKS THAT TEAMS WHO BEAT THE BUFFALO NORMALLY DO TO BUFFALO!! They tied them up in the neutral zone, they got ample O-Zone time, they played together or whatever the fuck that actually is other than motivational bullshit! All that and they get to be down 2-0 going into the third. You want proof God hates the Sabres? South Buffalo’s own Patrick Kane scored on the powerplay to make it 3-0! UNASSISTED! Just for shit and giggles let’s pretend its 2013: Jonathan Toews gets a goal assisted by Brendan Saad and Brent Seabrook because fuck it! Time is a flat, circular dinner plate used to bash over the heads of starving hockey fans from upstate New York!
I guess I better end on some good notes. That early rush on points in the standings has been exhausted so we’re already in a hole before Thanksgiving again like the old days. Shoot, sorry that wasn’t a good note. All endless vats of eternally replenishing pessimism aside, Brandon Montour had a decent night. I don’t know guys, I had so much fun writing the Senators postgame it was like there was finally a release. I finally got to enjoy this thing I do for fun in my free time! I have to write a Masters Thesis this coming Winter and Spring. Should I really spare the mental energy to suffer for a team that might be just as bad as they always are again? I might lose that argument with myself sooner than I had hoped this year. Last night’s game has not been fun to write up. Am I fool for thinking this team ever be good? Eight losses in Nine games in November? I am too engaged to ever really be out but it’s not really fun to be in on these guys right now. At least the Bills won. Let’s Go Buffalo!
Thanks for Reading.
P.S. Like this post if you don’t want me to stop writing these. If you read this far each postgame you care about this blog. The Sabres are so bad right now I honestly don’t know if I want to keep doing this. Yikes.
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chloe-gayzer · 6 years
all of them for mitali (and adora, if you're feeling ambitious owo)
okay this was a lot but i am NOT weak and answered them all for BOTH
1. Age, Birthday, Star Sign
She’s almost 33, born April 20th, 2005. She’s a Taurus.
2. Gender Identity
Cis woman!
3. Orientation and Relationship status (single, taken (by who?), crush (on who?))
Lesbian, eventually taken by another OC, Savannah Wright
4. Race and Ethnicity
Mixed; Scottish and Indian.
5. Height and Body type
5’7, fit af
6. Headcanon VA
Haven’t terribly considered anyone but…… Claudia Black, with like, a scottish accent, would be Good
7. Occupation
Captain of Security
8. Weapon of Choice(?)
Bow and shotgun, for more “distance”. But fuck she loves her knifes.
9. Hometown and current residence
Bo’ness, Scotland. Prosperity.
10. Do they have any markings, piercings or scars?
Probably has her fair share of scars (newest one being from that gd crocodile). No piercings to speak of. A tattoo on her back that’s a dahlia and a transvaal daisy. They were each of her mother’s favourites.
11. Do they have any notable features, like horns, tails, or so on?
Not really, ha. Maybe her hair? It’s really long.
12. Own any pets?
A dog and a pig! She loves both Timber and Horatio.
13. Have any kids?
She wants to.
14. Can they cook? Can they bake?
She can cook pretty well but she usually doesn’t have the time. Baking, she hasn’t really been able to try. Not in a long time, at least.
15. Can they sing? Can they dance?
She can sing! Pretty well too! One of her moms was heavy into music and taught her a couple instruments. During their time in the bunker, she was taught a whole lot of songs on guitar. Might know a few dances.
16. Can they drive?
Yup! Best driver in the business ha
17 Can they fight?
That’s her main talent ngl
18. Have any special keepsakes?
She’s got her mother’s wedding rings tucked away. She never lets them away from her.
19. Hobbies
Nothing actually firm. She likes to read and there are times she likes to play music, but it can be sort of bittersweet for her. Hunting maybe, but that’s another survival thing.
20. Clothing/Aesthetic
She likes button-ups and to layer a bit. Enjoys soft blues and deep reds.
21. Fave food(s) and drink(s)
She misses salt and vinegar chips so much. Pretty partial to cider-- not the alcoholic kind-- but it’s harder to get.
22. Fave Color
23. Fave Genre
Romance lol
24. Fave Season
25. City or Country?
26. Guilty Pleasure
Tbh??? Finding someone to fight just to get some anger out.
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
She had two mothers until she was around 16. After they passed, family wise she was alone for a very long time. Now, the Ryes treat her as family and, at some point, Savannah would be her wife. She’s close with Kim and she’d never let anything happen to Carmina. She’s fast friends with Nick when they get him back-- she’s always glad to see a good man who has no issue being soft or saying “i love you”
28. Are they literate? Did they go to school? How long? What level?
She went to school up until shortly before the bombs fell, and her mothers did their best to teach what they could in the bunker.
29. What was childhood like?
The first 12 or so years were in Scotland. She was pretty healthy and well balanced. She enjoyed music, knew some instruments and got voice lessons. She was pretty athletic too, planning to do something military-centric when she was old enough. She and her mothers moved to the west coast of the states when she was twelve. It was maybe a year before the bombs fell.
30. What was adolescence like?
The first couple years were in the “bunker”, which was barely more than a multi-roomed basement shared between her and her mothers-- their neighbor, who’d offered them the shelter, didn’t make it in. He hadn’t been home when the bombs fell. The food ran out maybe two years in and she got to spend a year with her parents above ground before they were killed. The rest of her adolescence was spent mostly alone, living in a small shelter in the woods. She rarely had contact with people, only ever to trade. Once or twice she’d lead people out of the woods. It wasn’t until she was nineteen or so that she joined Rush.
31. What’s their current main conflict?
Loooooooooooots of self-hatred. Sure, there’s the whole highwaymen deal, but her hatred of herself makes it hard for her to make friends because she honestly doesn’t believe she deserves to have them.
32. What steps have they taken to overcome this conflict?
She doesn’t, really, until after that whole deal with Joseph and the apple and the bear. She of the mind it was just a drug trip, but it did make her think about who she is. Made her afraid she really had become something monstrous. After a breakdown and some help from Savannah, she actively tries to be a better, warmer person.
33. How have they changed over time?
Her trying to change helps her a lot. She goes from being pretty quiet, pretty grumpy, and antisocial, to being a happier, more open, but still pretty quiet woman. She teaches Carmina some songs on the guitar and plays more often for the people in Prosperity.
34. What’s their room look like right now?
I mean idk how the rooming situation is in Prosperity, but if she’s able to have a room that’s more private, she probably shares it with Savannah, after a point. Might have some plants and her guitar leaning in the corner. If it’s a shared room situation, she probably sticks to the bare minimum as to not take up too much space. Maybe a trunk under the bed with her clothes and a couple trinkets.
35. What are they like as a friend?
Literally if anything hurts you she will hunt it down. If she considers you a friend, she’ll make sure you know it.
36. What are they like as a partner?
Romantic partner, I’m assuming, she’s loving and protective, but often restrained. She doesn’t like to overstep boundaries.
37. Do they have any phobias?
Water. She can swim but fuck does she hate the feeling of something about to get her. Selene’s quest did not help that.
38. Did/do they go anywhere special for vacations?
Her parents took her to Disney once, but otherwise no.
39. Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order?
Raspberry hot chocolate.
40. What time do they go to bed, usually?
Whenever she’s done with the work for the day and has the chance to crash.
41. What’s their morning routine like?
Wake up → unbraid and brush hair → get dressed → find out what needs to be done for the day. Food if she remembers.
42. What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done?
Go after Selene’s weed bag and get attacked by a crocodile, what the fuck, we can find you more weed, we can’t casually find Mitali a new arm.
43. What pokemon would your character be?
OOOOOOhhhhhh this is my kind question, I need to go look at pokemon lists. Oh fuck I’m back, she’s a midnight form lycanroc for SURE. Looks sorta scary, is cuddly, has the ability to maim.
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44. What’s their pokemon team? Try to pick all 6.
I love these questions holy crap. Midnight form lycanroc because DUH. Houndoom. Pignite. Gengar. Yamask. Zangoose.
45. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
Wolf by First Aid Kit.It’s not a whole playlist but also: She Said Maybe by Steam Powered Giraffe. Lion’s Roar, by First Aid Kit. Ghost by Mystery Skulls. Thistles by Mumford and Sons. For Those Below, also Mumford and Sons.
46. If this character was in a musical, what would their motif be (what kind of instruments do you hear, what’s the tempo, ect).
Oh this is pretty hard.... Violin-centric, maybe. And the tempo would be different depending on which point of her life. A lively one for early life, a mournful one for like…. 16-32. Happier again after that.
47. What was this character’s biggest turning point in their life, something that changed them almost completely?
Her mothers dying for sure! She went from being a hopeful young woman to almost spiteful. Killing the men who killed her parents was what sealed the deal.
48. What was their lowest point? What was their highest point?
Yup parent death is still gonna be lowest point. It was sudden and painful and no one involved deserved it. Highest point is when she finally breaks free of that depression and realizes she doesn’t have to hate herself anymore.
49. What are some themes tied to your character’s story?
Forgiveness, redemption, hope.
50. What are some motifs associated with your character?
Wild animals (mostly wolves), death and rebirth.
51. What were some inspirations for your character (people, movies, games)?
Big surprise but….. Mitali was definitely inspired in equal parts by Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross (so Lost Legacy, in a nutshell). Also some great wolf related aesthetic pictures.
52. How are you and your character the same? How are you different?
Well this is an unexpectedly deep question that I’m going to avoid due to my own self-worth lol
53. Expectations vs Reality: what did you expect and what did you get with this character?
I expected to have her be very heavily military, but I ended up with a woman who only really wants to be a wife and just love the woman she marries with all of her heart and she wants to raise a kid and just have a good and happy family.
54. What does your character want, and what do they need?
She doesn’t know what she wants but she needs love. Any kind. Platonic, romantic, whichever.
55. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? What happens when these all interact with each other?
Protective to a fault. It can be both their best and worst trait, but their real worst trait is her self-hate. The two things interacting usually lead her to cutting herself off from friends so they’re “better off without her”.
56. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults?
FUCK I want her to have a happy ending so badly. I’ll have to see how New Dawn ends first, but end goal is her marrying Savannah and eventually having a kid or two. Maybe twins???
1. Age, Birthday, Star Sign
23, October 22nd 1994, Libra
2. Gender Identity
Cis woman
3. Orientation and Relationship status (single, taken (by who?), crush (on who?))
Lesbian and taken by Jess as soon as she possibly can be
4. Race and Ethnicity
Mixed, Brazilian and South African
5. Height and Body type
Lil bit on the shorter end maybe 5’4, and she's got a swimmer bod for SURE
6. Headcanon VA
Don't have one yet
7. Occupation
Deputy to Sheriff Whitehorse
8. Answered previously!
9. Hometown and current residence
Cascade Valley, Hope County
10. Previously answered!
11. Do they have any notable features, like horns, tails, or so on?
Her hair is big and curly, lovely afro. Other than that, maybe her newly given WRATH scar
12. Own any pets?
She left her pet cat with her dads when she moved, but now she's got a cougar, a dog, and a bear. Peaches is her favourite.
13. Have any kids?
in the future, she has a daughter named Masha!
14. Can they cook? Can they bake?
She's not the best cook, but she can bake pretty well.
15. Can they sing? Can they dance?
She's not a great singer but she dances well!
16. Can they drive?
17. Can they fight?
She's really scrappy, and a pretty big threat tbh
18. Have any special keepsakes?
Her dads gave her a star of david necklace before she left. she never takes it off.
19. Hobbies
She loves to fish!
20. Previously answered!
21. Fave food(s) and drink(s)
She's 100% here for pumpkin pie and loves pink lemonade
22. Fave Color
23. Fave Genre
Rom coms
24. Fave Season
25. City or Country?
Depends on the day, leans towards country.
26. Guilty Pleasure
Taking a break to fish when she should be doing something else. Also taking her hearing aids out when she doesn't want to listen to someone.
27. What’s their family like? Who’s in it? What’s their relationship with them?
She's got two dads! They're an older couple who are very loving. One is deaf. Recently I gave her a brother named Adam! He’s a cool dude. Bi and lovable.
28. Are they literate? Did they go to school? How long? What level?
She finished school up to get her degree! Finished at 22
29. Previously answered!
30. What was adolescence like?
She went through a lot of emotional issues during her teens, but her dads got her in therapy and were supportive and loving. A lot of who she is today comes from the love she got then.
31. What’s their current main conflict?
Joseph fucking Seed decided to mess around in lives he should've left alone and now she's gotta clean up after him and try to protect her new friends.
32. What steps have they taken to overcome this conflict?
In the words of the lego movie: “shoot shoot shoot bullet bullet gun”
33. How have they changed over time?
Probably the biggest change was early teens to late. She was angry and spiteful and pretty depressed.
34. What’s their room look like right now?
Her room at home is covered in posters. But her room during 5 is… a bunker she found and claimed. She keeps it stocked, managed to put up a lesbian flag, and brought in the comfiest pillows and blankets she could.
35. Previously answered!
36. What are they like as a partner?
Over affectionate to the max, both with romantic partners and her work partner Hudson. A bit protective. Jealous when it comes to romantic partners.
37. Do they have any phobias?
Most boil down to the death of loved ones
38. Did/do they go anywhere special for vacations?
She used to get to pick a vacation spot once a summer when she grew up. Had to be reasonable, but she got to go to some great campgrounds, a couple good concerts, and Mammoth caves
39. Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order?
A white tea and cookies
40. What time do they go to bed, usually?
Depends on the day.
41. What’s their morning routine like?
Wake up → try to sleep longer → eventually be convinced out of bed (either by herself or by Jess) → try to manage her hair if she didn't braid it → give up on that and wash face → get dressed → eat → start day
42. What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done?
“I won't get hurt jumping from that height”
43. What pokemon would your character be?
Whisicott! But shiny
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44. What’s their pokemon team? Try to pick all 6.
I seriously love these questions. Whimsicott! Of course! And a sylveon. Gardevoir. Shinx. Rapidash. And Cinccino!! She’s fairy-centric.
45. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
Dance Apocolyptic by Janelle Monae.
46. If this character was in a musical, what would their motif be (what kind of instruments do you hear, what’s the tempo, ect).
Hmmm… Piano. Something upbeat, most of the time.
47. What was this character’s biggest turning point in their life, something that changed them almost completely?
Therapy in her early teens. It helped her cope with the fact she suffered under her birth parents and realize she’s worth so much more than they tries to make her feel
48. What was their lowest point? What was their highest point?
It’s still gonna be centered in her abuse, but it could also be the grudge she holds on the Seed family (minus Faith). Highest point is probably something to do with Jess.
49. What are some themes tied to your character’s story?
Healing, unconditional love, leadership.
50. What are some motifs associated with your character?
Water, guilt, death, freedom
51. What were some inspirations for your character (people, movies, games)?
Adora is named after She-ra! Her brother too. Physically, I’m not sure. Mmmmaybe a little Nadine Ross, but even then, their hair is really the main similarity, and even then Adora’s is more afro than Nadine’s
52. How are you and your character the same? How are you different?
We’re about the same age? We both love Jess Black. That might be where the similarities end.
53. Expectations vs Reality: what did you expect and what did you get with this character?
I expected to have a gal who was nursing a crush on her partner in the force but instead i have a gal who’s a hundred percent in love with an archer she found locked in a cage by religious zealots.
54. What does your character want, and what do they need?
She wants some goddamn rest and the ability to go on a proper date with her girlfriend. She wants to see her dads again. She wants to be certain she won’t wake up and find herself kidnapped again.
55. What’s your character’s core trait? What’s their best trait? What’s their worst trait? What happens when these all interact with each other?
Is “sunshine” a trait? She’s a happy sort of person and likes to show it. Smiles a whole lot. Best trait is her willingness to trust. Worst trait… she can hold a grudge. For a LONG time. Holding a grudge can keep her from mending bridges, so it doesn’t act terribly well with happy & trusting. And when it does, she’s happy to hold a grudge lol.
56. What’s your overall goal with this character? Will they get a happy ending or will they succumb to their faults?
My goal is her to eventually have a happy life. She gets her “happy ending” in the shape of being with Jess until the day she dies, and even taking in a little girl to raise. She passes away in her sleep a long way down the line.
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thefalse9 · 2 years
2022 Serie A Preview: Napoli
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Last Year's Finish: 3rd
Predicted Finish: 4th
Odds To Win Serie A: 16-1 via OddsChecker
Napoli head into the 2022-23 season with the aim of mounting another title charge and building on the progress that Luciano Spalletti has made with the squad. The 63-year-old has proven himself to be the right man for the job, as he was able to keep his squad in the Scudetto race for the majority of the season and guided them to the round of 16 in the Europa League, where they lost to Barcelona 5-3 on aggregate. In short, Spaletti did what he has always been known to do: help teams overperform and get the most out of his squad. The Partenopei achieved Champions League qualification for the first time in three years but you get the feeling that it was another season of missed opportunities for the club. Spalletti had to work with a squad that had nowhere near the depth of the likes of other top clubs last season but managed to produce similar results. For this, you have to give credit to the tremendous job that Spaletti did.
Still, the lack of squad depth did them in, as they lost their top spot in December last year and injuries coinciding with a lack of depth became too much to overcome. Sadly, it looks like instead of stocking the team and fixing the issue, the cupboard is more barren this year, with notable figures leaving the club and questions remaining on whether the holes have been filled or just patched over. Still, this is a team with a seasoned manager who knows how to get results and a team with talent across the board. UCL qualification is still the goal, but depth concerns will have them outside of any true contention for a Scudetto.
Despite being one of the busiest clubs in Italy during the transfer market, Napoli appears to be a weaker squad on paper than last season. The club had to let go of longtime captain Kalidou Koulibaly as the Senagalese defender moved to Chelsea for £33 million, which is a huge blow to the center of that defense, as his stability and prowess truly lead that line. Fenerbahce centre-back Min-jae Kim was brought in as his replacement for €18m and needless to say the South Korean will have big expectations this season. The Partenopei signed Georgian winger Khvicha Kvaratskhelia and left-back Mathías Olivera for around £10m each to add some much-needed depth in the squad, but questions remain regarding both transfers and whether they'll truly contribute or just make up a part of the numbers.
Napoli did make defensive midfielder André Zambo Anguissa’s loan permanent for around €15m and signed Brighton & Hove Albion defender Leo Östigard, who spent last season on loan with now-relegated side Genoa, both moves a boon to the club as they'll solidify necessary gaps in the roster for years to come.
That said, this team saw too many loses. The aforementioned Koulibaly, and Milik are the least of your concerns. David Ospina, Dries Mertens, Faouzi Ghoulam, and Kévin Malcuit all left on free transfers while Lorenzo Insigne made his long-awaited move to MLS side Toronto FC, moves that one would consider costly if it wasn't for the fact they were so damned telegraphed when you realize that Aurelio De Laurentiis is the Napoli owner and his only character trait in life is "cheap bastard". Seemingly, Ruiz is leaving too. That hurts.
There is hope, though. With the departure of starting goalkeeper Ospina, Napoli have turned their attention to Chelsea’s Kepa Arrizabalaga and PSG's Keylor Navas, both of which are considerable upgrades over Ospina, and if Osimhen is able to stay healthy all year, you might as well call that a game-changing transfer for their entire campaign.
One To Watch:
Victor Osimhen and Koulibaly were Napoli’s two best players but it was the hole that Osimhen left when he was injured that proved he was Spalletti’s most important player. Despite the Nigerian striker only featuring in 27 Serie A matches due to a cheekbone fracture, he amassed 14 goals and five assists as well as claiming the Serie A MVP for U23 footballers. To say that he was a force and a gamechanger of the highest quality is an understatement. Osimhen made Napoli dangerous every time he was on the pitch. Napoli will need the 23-year-old’s impressive hold-up play, aerial abilities, and finishing this season as Spalletti needed to adjust his tactics in the absence of their star striker last season and suffered dearly for it, possibly even costing them a Scudetto, if we're being honest.
Spaletti is too good a manager and Osimhen too good a talent for this team not to qualify for the UCL, so long as Osimhen stays healthy. If this team is able to sign Kepa or Navas from Chelsea and PSG respectively, you have a reliable shot-stopper in net in front of a capable defense and a midfield that has two verifiable and quantifiable stars in Zielinski and Zambo Anguissa; both of which are incredibly underrated players and would get time at many of the top clubs around the world. You do wonder where the rest of the goals are going to come from. Piotr Zielinski is a fabulous footballer, but he's not known to be a goalscorer, as decisive as he can be. Will Hrving Lozano rebound and have a good year or will he continue to be mercurial and overrated? What are you getting out of Politano nowadays? There's too many questions with this side for them to mount a serious challenge, but UCL is well-within reach.
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ssportsnews · 3 years
Bentuho 'European group' sorties in large numbers over the weekend... Heung-Min Son Aims at Leeds Goal
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토토 사이트, 카지노 사이트, 파워볼 사이트, 온라인 카지노, 토토먹튀,파워볼먹튀,카지노먹튀 
 European players of the Korean national soccer team will scramble from their respective teams on the weekend.
Son Heung-min (29, Tottenham), the national team captain, has a match against Leeds United in the 12th round of the English Premier League (EPL) for 2021-2022 at 1:30 am on the 22nd at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, England.
Tottenham Hotspur's first match since the appointment of Antonio Conte as manager, Pittsser (Netherlands) and UEFA Europa Conference League Group G Group G, after a difficult 3-2 victory, in the 11th round of the league against Everton on the 7th, 0-0 0 was drawn.
If you look at the league alone, the league is in desperate need of a rebound with Manager Conte's first league win in the match against Leeds, which is ranked 9th (16 points) after only 1 draw and 2 losses.
Heung-Min Son's scoring, which stopped in the league for a month after the eighth round against Newcastle, is also time to resume.
Heung-Min Son scored 4 goals in the league, and added 1 in a conference league match against Piteser on the 5th, and is scoring 5 goals this season.
Another Premier Leaguer Hwang Hee-chan (25, Wolverhampton) waits for a home game against West Ham at 00:00 on the 21st.
After the season started, he joined Wolverhampton in September, appeared in eight league games and scored four goals, quickly establishing himself as a key player.
Wolverhampton, 8th in the EPL (16 points), lost to Crystal Palace in the 11th round of the league against Crystal Palace just before the match A break 0-2, and will face West Ham while the last 5 matches (4 wins, 1 draw) were suspended.
Lee Jae-seong (29, Mainz) and Jung Woo-young (22, Freiburg), who returned after scoring goals in this month's World Cup final qualifiers along with Son Heung-min and Hwang Hee-chan, will face the 12th round of the German Bundesliga.
Freiburg will first play a home match against Frankfurt at 11:30 pm on the 21st, and Mainz will play against Cologne at 1:30 am on the 22nd.
Min-jae Kim (25, Fenerbahce), the core of the national team's defense, and In-beom Hwang (25, Rubin Kazan), the commander of the midfield, played in the Turkish Super League match against Galatasaray at 1 am on the 22nd, respectively, and the Russian Premier League match against Sochi at 1:30 on the same day. expected to go
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The Meaning of Family | The Beginning or the End? {Part 1}
Characters: Kim Taehyung, Original Characters, Park Jimin, Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Jeon Jungkook
Words: 5028
Genre: High School Student!Taehyung, Soccer Player!Taehyung
Warnings: lots of fluff, Jimin is suffering from a broken heart so give him lots of love, angst, smut, unprotected sex do not do what they did in this unless you are fully prepared to take on any consequences that may come from it
Summary: “Does anything ever happen between Taehyung and Kortni?”; A new person shows up and Taehyung is not too happy with their presence; Time Period - Taehyung and Jimin’s senior year, ranging over a 3 month period; Ages: Jin - 38, Namjoon - 37, Yoongi - 20/21, Hoseok - 19/20, Jimin - 18, Taehyung - 18, Christian - 17/18, Kortni - 17/18, Jungkook - 16, Sammie - 19-22 months
A/N: So since this first part answers that question, any subsequent parts to this storyline will come if it gets requested....I know, I’m evil :D Hope you enjoy! <3
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“Look who finally decided to show up, Mr. Captain~” Kortni called out as Taehyung approached their regular soccer field. It was their last day before school started back up after Christmas break and their final soccer season of their high school careers was about to begin. It had been announced after tryouts that Taehyung would be the captain of the boys’ team. “I heard Joy was very eager to congratulate you.” Taehyung set his sports bag on the sideline of the empty field and pulled his soccer ball out, smirking as he joined Kortni in the center of the field. Kortni scoffed at his expression and reached out to playfully shove his shoulder. “Why are you such a manwhore?”
Taehyung held his finger up to stop her. “Ah, ah, ah, manwhores will sleep with anybody. I have standards.”
Kortni held back a laugh at that. “Pfft, what standards?”
“Well, I’ve never tried to sleep with you, have I?” Taehyung flashed her a smile as her jaw dropped in irritation.
“Oh, you are such a jerk!” She punched him on the arm as he laughed before taking the soccer ball out of his hands. “I start~” As she set the ball in the middle of the field, Taehyung took his spot across from her, still laughing. He only turned serious once Kortni nodded to him that she was ready, and they began their regular scrimmage.
After nearly an hour of playing, the score coming out to a tie, the two of them sat on the ground, sipping from bottles of water that were kept cool by the January air. “How’s Jimin doing?” Kortni asked, and Taehyung gave a small shrug.
“He’s still heartbroken.” He brought his bottle of water back up to his mouth but spoke again before taking a sip. “I don’t blame him, it’s the first holiday season since she dumped him.”
“Not to mention that she was his first love.” Kortni commented. “That would be hard for anyone to get over.” Taehyung stared at her with interest until Kortni looked up and noticed. “What?”
Taehyung shrugged. “I never took you for a romantic.”
Kortni shot him a playful glare. “Watch it, I can still kick your ass~”
“I’d like to see you try~” Taehyung laughed, leaning back as she tried to swat his arm. “Alright, I gotta get home for dinner." He said once he’d calmed down, standing up and gathering his things. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“No, I was totally planning on dropping out of school with one semester left just to avoid you.” Taehyung laughed sarcastically as the two of them made their way to their respective vehicles.
“I’m home!” Taehyung called out as he entered the house, immediately seeing Hoseok lounging on the couch on his laptop. He made his way to the kitchen where his dad was. “What’s for dinner?”
“Caprese pasta~” Jin responded as he drained the pasta. “It’ll be ready in a few minutes; can you go ask Jimin to come set the table?”
Taehyung nodded and made his way to their shared bedroom, unable to do anything but feel pain for his brother as he saw him curled up on his bed completely covered by a blanket. He sighed as he set his sports bag down, getting ready to use his normal tactic to get Jimin out of his funk. “Come on, Jimin, time to get out of bed.”
The lump on the bed shifted until the other 18-year-old was peeking out of the comfort of his blanket. “Leave me to suffer alone~”
“Sorry, no can do. It’s against the rules of this family.” Jimin retreated back into his makeshift shelter. “But seriously, it’s your turn to set the table for dinner.” Jimin stayed quiet and didn’t reveal himself again. “Alright, you asked for it.” Taehyung walked over and pulled the blanket off of Jimin, throwing it to the corner of their room so he couldn’t pull it back over himself. “Up~”
“I will literally drag you out of this bed.” Taehyung threatened, only honesty laced through his statement.
“I don’t doubt you will.”
True to his word, Taehyung took hold of his brother’s ankles and tugged him until he was off the bed, Jimin going limp and subjecting himself to his fate as Taehyung dragged him across the floor and out of their room. Taehyung didn’t let up as he crossed the living room where Hoseok and Jungkook, who had arrived home from hanging out with Yugyeom at some point while Taehyung was trying to coax Jimin out of bed, didn’t even bat an eye as they were so used to the action. “I got him!” Taehyung announced as he entered the room with Jimin’s body.
Jin turned around and his eyes immediately widened. “Taehyung, what have I told you about dragging Jimin around like a ragdoll?”
“How else was I supposed to get him in here?” Taehyung retorted as he let Jimin’s legs fall to the floor. Jin just ignored him and moved to Jimin, pulling him to his feet, at which point the 18-year-old moved to grab plates from the cabinet.
The next day, Taehyung dropped his lunch tray on the table with irritation before sitting across from Kortni. “If my child care teacher wasn’t such a bitch then my life would be perfect.” He angrily bit into his breadstick.
“Someone’s still salty about the one time he got a B on an assignment.” Kortni snickered.
“My dad, who has worked in a preschool for 20 years, helped me make that activity plan, and she turned around and said it wasn’t age appropriate for preschoolers because it involved word labels.” Taehyung stared at Kortni, who shrugged.
“I get it, she’s a bitch who doesn’t know what she’s talking about.”
“Thank you~” Taehyung popped a grape in his mouth. “She’s the main reason I’m happy summer break starts early for seniors.”
“On the plus side, you can now let off your frustration towards her during practice.” Kortni pointed out before taking a bite of her pasta.
A few days later, Taehyung arrived at the soccer field for practice, waving at Kortni who was on the designated field for the girls’ team, before setting his bag down and beginning to stretch. “Alright, boys~” The coach gathered them around. “Before we actually start practice, we have a last-minute tryout today. This is Christian, and he just transferred here from Cabot.” Taehyung vaguely recognized the male as the new student in his AP Lit class. “So, let’s give him a fair tryout. Taehyung,” the 18-year-old immediately looked at his coach. “Although I get the final say, I would love the captain’s input.” Taehyung nodded and waited for the coach to begin the tryout.
All throughout Christian’s tryout, the most prominent thought in Taehyung’s mind was wow this dude is cocky. His arrogance permeated through the air any time he successfully made a goal, stole the ball from someone else, or was able to escape without losing the ball. Taehyung thought he might be imagining things, but he was sure Christian was targeting him by sending smirks his way each time. Even though something was off about the guy, Taehyung knew he had to put that to the back of his mind when the coach asked for his opinion. “I can’t lie, the guy’s good.”
Christian was immediately welcomed to the team and everyone cheered, although Taehyung obviously wasn’t into it. He noticed as Christian looked over towards the girls’ team and shot a wink. When Taehyung looked over, he felt something bubbling in the pit of his stomach as he saw Kortni blushing and trying to avoid looking over.
Soon after practice picked up, Taehyung forgot about the small action, and his new teammate went to the back of his mind until a week later when he was at the first rehearsal for the school musical. “Summer lovin’, had me a blast~” Taehyung sang quietly, already running through the songs before rehearsal officially started.
“Tae,” Mr. Spiridigliozzi caught the 18-year old’s attention, “I wanted to introduce you to your new understudy.”
“Understudy?” Taehyung looked at his teacher in confusion as he stood up from where he had been sitting on the stage.
Mr. Spiridigliozzi nodded as he stepped aside to reveal none other than Christian here. “This is Christian-“
“Oh, I know Christian,” Taehyung responded, trying not to glare at the guy.
“Well, Christian expressed his interest in the musical and since he was unable to audition back in December, due to him not being  a student here yet, we went ahead and let him have a special audition, so would you mind getting him caught up to where you are with your role in these next few minutes before we start?” Taehyung nodded, not trusting his voice at that moment. “Great~” The teacher pat both students on the shoulder before walking off to speak with the choir director.
“This ought to be fun,” Christian said, that smirk once again displayed across his face.
That Friday, Taehyung sat at his and Kortni’s usual table, picking at his chicken rings as he waited for Kortni to join him. When she finally did, Taehyung’s face morphed into one of slight horror. “What did you do?!”
“Oh, shut up~” Gone were Kortni’s signature curls pulled back into a ponytail, and in their place were straightened locks that flowed a few inches past her shoulders.
“No, seriously, who are you and what have you done with Kortni Stephens?” He then squinted his eyes and leaned closer to her. “Are you wearing lip gloss?!”
Kortni reached out and smacked the top of Taehyung’s head, causing him to quickly lean back and rub it. “You know, most girls like to fix their hair and makeup on occasion.” Kortni snapped at him as she opened her bottle of water.
“Yeah, but you’re not most girls.”
Kortni scoffed. “Wow, thanks, Tae~”
“No, I mean that as a complete compliment.” Taehyung said honestly. “You’re real, unlike most girls.” Kortni rolled her eyes and didn’t respond to him, nor did she attempt to hold a conversation with him for the rest of lunch.
He got an explanation for the body invasion in 7th period AP French. He was sitting next to Jimin, furiously finishing up his homework assignment when a familiar giggle reached his ears. He looked up to see Kortni with Christian, just standing outside the open classroom door and talking in the hallway. His grip on his pencil tightened when his gaze moved down and landed on their intertwined hands. He wasn’t sure how long he stared, only snapping out of it when he felt the pencil in his hand snap in half.
That evening, Taehyung paced around his and Jimin’s room as Jimin watched him from his bed. “I can’t stand him!”
“I can tell,” Jimin mused. “If looks could kill, he would have been dead ten times over.”
“I’m serious!” Taehyung exclaimed. “It’s like he’s trying to steal my life! I used to be my AP Lit teacher’s favorite student, now he comes along and becomes the teacher’s pet. I’m the lead in this year’s musical, he becomes my understudy, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he turned out to be planning out some sort of ‘accident’ for me.” Taehyung ignored Jimin’s eye roll to continue with his rant. “And finally, he’s obviously trying to take my captain spot from me.”
“You forgot how he has Kortni.”
Taehyung stopped in his tracks. “What? This has nothing to do with Kortni!”
“Are you sure?” Jimin raised his eyebrow. “Because you’re looking a little green.”
“This isn’t about Kortni~” Taehyung said firmly just a few seconds before a light knock sounded on their bedroom door.
The door pushed open to reveal Sammie toddling into the room, Yoongi standing behind her and watching her fondly. “Pizza~” She said in her cute voice, which bettered Taehyung’s mood, but only slightly.
“Woah, did I just enter a war zone?” Yoongi asked as he bent down to scoop Sammie into his arms.
“Don’t worry,” Jimin told their older brother as he stood up from his bed. “Tae’s just a little jealous.” He and Yoongi walked out of the room to join the rest of the family for movie night.
“I’m not jealous~” Taehyung grumbled, following after them.
The semester went on and it seemed to Taehyung as if his frenemy no longer existed. What started off as just straightened hair and lip gloss turned into dresses and full on makeup. Not only did her appearance change, but so did her behavior. She became gigglier and was almost always seen clinging onto Christian’s arm. She also went from spending every lunch with Taehyung to every other day to not at all. The final straw was during early April at a party. He was leaning against the wall, flirting with Emily, one of Kortni’s teammates, when he looked up and noticed the aforementioned girl standing in the corner, looking around awkwardly. “Excuse me~” Taehyung said to Emily before making his way across the room. “What are you doing here? You don’t even like parties~” Those were the first words Taehyung had said to her in months other than during French class.
Kortni looked up, seeming surprised that Taehyung had approached her. “Christian wanted to come by for a little bit.” She answered.
“Of course, he did~” Taehyung muttered. “And where is Christian right now?”
“Oh, he just had to go to the bathroom, he should be right ba-hey!” Taehyung had grabbed her by the wrist and started to tug her towards the front door. “Let go!”
“I’m taking you home.” Taehyung said, not stopping until Kortni yanked her arm from his grip.
“No, I’m staying here with my boyfriend!”
“Do you really not see it?!” Taehyung asked, whirling around to face her. “Your so called ‘boyfriend’ is changing you!” He finally got off his chest what had been troubling him since the beginning of the year.
“He is not changing me.” Kortni insisted.
“Really? Because you literally told me six months ago that you would admit I’m a better soccer player than you before being caught wearing makeup and guess what, you still haven’t admitted it.”
“You don’t know anything about relationships, all you know is how to get in some girl’s pants!” At this point, neither of them cared that they had become the center of attention at the party.
“Well I do know that if you have to become a whole different person to please someone, then that’s not any relationship you need to be in!”
An expression of realization crossed Kortni’s face. “I get what this is really about. You’re jealous because this is something I beat you at.”
Taehyung looked at her incredulously. “What?”
“Yeah, I got into a serious relationship before you did, and you can’t handle coming second in anything, so now you’re lashing out. Grow up, Taehyung!”
“This has nothing to do with our rivalry, Kortni!” Taehyung exclaimed. “This is about how Christian is a jerk and the person I consider to be my closest friend is going to end up hurt by him!” The two of them remained silent after Taehyung’s confession.
Christian arrived a few seconds later, obviously noticing the tension between the two. “Is everything okay over here?”
Before Taehyung could tell him to fuck off, Kortni spoke up. “No, Tae was just leaving.” Taehyung shot her a look, one full of hurt, before walking out of the house.
Kortni didn’t show up to school for a few days, which gave Taehyung time to think over their argument and plan out a way to apologize to her. On the exact day he’d picked out to share his apology, he was elated to see a familiar ponytail sitting on the wall at the edge of the courtyard. He headed straight towards her, wanting to go ahead and patch things up before going to the band room to get some morning rehearsal in before class. “Well, look who’s back~” The smile fell from Taehyung’s face when he heard a sniffle and saw Kortni angle her body away from him. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Go away, Taehyung~” If the sniffle hadn’t already done so, the waver in Kortni’s voice made it obvious that she had been crying.
“No, tell me what’s wrong?”
“Why?!” Kortni’s head shot up, revealing just how red and puffy her eyes were. “So, you can gloat about how you were right? Just leave me alone~” She grabbed her backpack and stood up, running off to find somewhere more private to let out her feelings.
Taehyung clenched his jaw before turning back to the parking lot, heading to where he saw a certain someone hanging around their truck with their friends. As soon as he arrived at the group of young males, he was shoving the owner of the truck. “What the fuck did you do to her, Christian?!”
“Dude, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” That smirk was still painted across his face as he looked around at his friends who were snickering away.
“Kortni.” Taehyung said, shoving him again. “What did you do to her?”
“Oh, you mean the prude!” Taehyung felt a fire burning inside of him after hearing Christian refer to her in that way. “Yeah, I got tired of her. I mean, three months and no action, come on~” He fakely smiled at Taehyung. “You understand, right?”
“No, I don’t understand, because I don’t string girls along and make them cry.” Taehyung glared at the boy.
Christian sucked air through his teeth as he shook his head. “That’s not what I’ve heard. Then again, you have been working on her for years now, right? Maybe you’ll actually get lucky now, thanks to me.” Taehyung took a step forward, but Christian held his hands up. “Woah, woah, you don’t want to do anything to risk your precious captain spot. And we all know who Coach would pick to take your place.” Taehyung clenched his jaw and with one last glare towards Christian, he walked away.
In his child care class, Taehyung finished his assignment early, so he took the extra sheet of construction paper he had grabbed and started drawing and writing on it, hoping to have it finished by lunch. He did, and he went straight to his and Kortni’s usual table, happy to see her sitting there. He set his tray down and began digging through his backpack. “Tae, I told you to leave me alone-“
“And I will,” Taehyung assured her. “I just want to give you this first.” He pulled his hand out of his backpack to reveal the card he had made in class and the small gift-wrapped box he’d placed in there that morning before school. “Happy birthday, Kortni~” After setting the gifts on the table in front of the shocked now 18-year-old, he went to sit with Jimin. He didn’t attempt to talk to her later in French, not wanting to push her until she was ready, but he couldn’t help the smile that stretched across his face as he saw her already wearing the charm bracelet that he had spent months collecting charms for.
That Saturday, he was laying on his bed reading when he received a shocking text. Are you still coming over tonight? Long before Christian appeared in their lives, the two had planned to have a movie night that weekend, prom weekend, since neither of them found the appeal in going to the school dance.
He unlocked his phone to type back his response. Is that still happening?
He received a reply just a few seconds letter. I’ve already made a pillow fort big enough for two.
And that’s how Taehyung found himself at Kortni’s door that evening. “So, your mom’s allowing you to have a guy over for an indefinite period of time tonight?” Taehyung asked as Kortni let him into her house, knowing just how conservative the girl’s mother was.
“She doesn’t exactly know.” Kortni answered. “She’s out of town on some gospel retreat.”
They didn’t speak again until a few movies later, other than commentary on the films. “So…” Taehyung turned his head on the pillow to look at Kortni, “I haven’t thanked you for my bracelet yet…thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Taehyung responded, sitting up. “Do you like the charms I picked?”
“Yeah! At least the ones that I know the meaning of. Like the soccer ball is obvious, it didn’t take much to figure out the fleur de lis or the ponytail.” Taehyung reached out and lightly took her hand in his, admiring the way the bracelet looked on her. “But I can’t figure out what this 4 is supposed to mean.” Kortni fingered the gold charm dangling from her wrist.
“Oh, that’s just the number of years we’ve known each other, going back to the very first time you approached me at the soccer fields.” Taehyung explained, smiling at her.
Kortni bit her lip and took her hand out of Taehyung’s. “This seems kind of sentimental for your supposed arch nemesis.”
“You may be my arch nemesis, but you’re also my best friend.” Taehyung said softly.
“So, you don’t actually hate me and aren’t just doing the whole ‘keep your enemies close thing’?” Kortni teased, bringing small laughter from the pair.
“Trust me when I say I’ve never hated you. In fact, believe it or not, I actually had a crush on you when we first met.” Kortni was rendered speechless, only able to tilt her head as she watched Taehyung talk. “I even talked to Jimin about how in love I was. But then you came out with all that shit about trying to take me down and that was the end of that.”
“Wait, you loved me?” Kortni asked, seeming to have latched onto that one part of Taehyung’s confession.
“I mean, I was only 14 and had never had a girl actually talk to me without openly flirting with me, so-“ Taehyung froze when Kortni leaned in and pressed her lips against his. After a few seconds of registering what was going on, he let his eyes fall closed and began to move his lips against hers, soon after bringing one of his hands up to caress her face and letting the other one fall to her waist. He tensed up when he felt her hand fall on his upper thigh, extremely close to his crotch, but relaxed as he convinced himself that it didn’t mean anything, only for her hands to creep up his chest and tug at the top button of his flannel. “Wait, wait~” He lightly pushed her away. “I didn’t mean to make you feel pressured or anything.”
“You didn’t~” Kortni stated, completely serious and Taehyung could see it in her eyes. “I want to.”
She leaned in again, and Taehyung welcomed the softness of her lips on his for a few seconds before pulling back. “I don’t have a condom.”
Kortni bit her lip again, and Taehyung moved to lay back down to start watching the movie again but stopped when she spoke. “I’m on birth control, if that helps.”
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Wait, your mom, the queen of conservativeness, let you-“
“It’s for period control, like cramps and stuff.” Kortni shrugged. “And you could, you know, pull out too if you needed to, right?”
Taehyung knew he probably should have said no and stopped things there, but he found himself unable to keep from leaning back in and molding his lips to hers. They didn’t progress past kissing for a few minutes, as Taehyung didn’t want to rush through things. When he finally decided to deepen the kiss by slipping his tongue between Kortni’s parted lips, he gently pushed her to lay back onto the pillows and climbed over her. They continued to take their time, slowly removing articles of clothing piece by piece until they were finally down to just their underwear.
Taehyung fingered at the clasp of her bra without making any moves to take it off. “Are you absolutely sure?” He waited until she responded with a ‘yes’ before unhooking the clasp and removing the undergarment from her body. Before she even had the chance to cover her breasts out of shyness, he leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to the top of her chest, beginning a trail down her body to the hem of her panties.
It was when he reached the top of the fabric and had started to tug them down that Kortni spoke up again. “You’re not going to do anything down there, right? Like, no oral?” Taehyung paused in his movements and looked up at her. “The thought of it just kind of weirds me out.”
“Not if you don’t want me to.” Taehyung assured her before slowly tugging her panties down her legs. “But it’ll probably hurt more if I don’t.”
“That’s okay~” Kortni said as Taehyung pulled his own underwear off. “I trust you.”
He leaned down and kissed her once more, taking hold of his member to guide it towards her entrance before parting from her lips. “If we go on from here, we can’t go back, so are you 100% sure?”
Kortni reached up and encased his face in her hands. “Yes, I am absolutely, positively, 100% sure.”
Taehyung allowed her to pull his face down until their lips met, using it as a distraction as he pushed the tip in. He stopped once he felt her tense up and whimper against his mouth and pulled back from the kiss. “Hey, it’s okay,” he whispered, taking hold of her hand and intertwining their fingers as he looked at the pained expression on her face. “Just tell me if you want to stop.” She shook her head and squeezed his hand. “Am I okay to move?” She nodded, and he pushed deeper, stopping again after a few seconds to allow her to adjust. He continued this until he was fully inside her, letting out a quiet groan at the feeling. “You still good?” He asked, pressing a kiss to her forehead afterward.
“Y-yeah, just wait a little bit~” She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close until there was absolutely no space between their bodies, burying her face in his shoulder. With the new position, Taehyung nuzzled his face against her neck, leaving gentle kisses everywhere he could reach in hopes of providing comfort to her.
He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, but eventually her grip on him loosened. “Okay, you can move now.”
Taehyung pulled away from her neck and propped himself on his forearms, leaning in for their lips to meet yet again as he began to rock his hips against hers, only making shallow thrusts so as not to push her limits. Everything was blocked out of Taehyung’s mind except for the feeling of his lips on hers and their bodies moving together. Even the pain from her fingernails digging into his back was nonexistent as they connected in a way that before that moment, Taehyung never would have imagined to be possible.
He woke up the next morning to Kortni’s curls tickling his nose and his phone vibrating loudly. He opened his eyes and immediately realized that Kortni was curled up against him, her head resting on his chest. Once his phone began to vibrate again, he slowly moved out from under her without disturbing her slumber. When he was free, he sat up and leaned forward to grab his jeans, pulling his phone out of his pocket and immediately answering it once he saw who was calling. “Hey, Dad-“
“Don’t ‘hey dad’ me!” Jin cried into the phone. “Taehyung Kim, you better have a good reason for staying out all night and ignoring my calls and texts!”
“I’m really sorry, Dad! Kortni and I fell asleep while watching movies last night and I just now woke up. Trust me, I was not intentionally ignoring you.” Taehyung whispered, still trying to not wake Kortni up.
He heard his dad breathe a sigh of relief. “As long as you’re okay…just come home soon, alright?”
“Yeah, I’ll be home in a few minutes.” Taehyung hung up the phone and got up, gathering his clothes to redress himself. Once he was situated, he walked over to Kortni’s desk, softly smiling when he saw the card he made for her propped up by her picture frames and tore a piece of paper out of one of her notebooks, grabbing a pen and writing a note for her so she wouldn’t be upset when she woke up and saw he was gone. After the note was finished, he kneeled next to Kortni on the floor, pressing his lips to her forehead before leaving, making sure to grab the plastic cup he had ended up finishing in the night before to throw in the trash outside to limit the risk of Kortni’s mom seeing it and finding out her daughter wasn’t as pure as she thought. As he closed the door to her room, he failed to notice that the slight wind created from the action cause the note to move slightly, just enough to fall off the edge and become lost between the furniture and the wall.
That next Monday, he sat at their usual lunch table, waiting for her to arrive, but she never did. He convinced himself that she was busy meeting with a teacher or talking to her teammates as he gathered his trash to throw away. That was proven untrue by the end of the day. He perked up in his seat as he saw Kortni enter their French class, only for it to feel like he had been punched in the stomach when she chose to sit across the room from him rather than in her normal seat in front of him. He could feel Jimin’s eyes on him, silently asking what was wrong, but all Taehyung could focus on was how what he thought was the start of a relationship between them was actually the end of their friendship.
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