#first response early result pregnancy test
ozi-uwu-vwv-owo · 6 months
*drumroll followed by trumpets, cheering is heard* Welcome to the show everybody, where me , Ozi your host will present to you *louder suspenseful drumroll* GET THAT MONSTER PREGNANT!!! *loud cheering* The only show on air with both scary crypdids, beasts, monsters, and sex all in one package!,!! During this show our contestants will try to fuck our star guest until they walk away gravid, each child gives the responsible contestant one point along with rewards, with a bonus round for even more! Now lets introduce our star guest for tonight!
Standing in at over 13 feet tall, this lady could be mistaken for a tree at night with back fur and a earthy sent, with also a deer skull (that I’m pretty sure it’s her head) that is particularly shiny today, claws as long as your arm, intimidating teeth, and sizable bazoningas if I do say so myself, it’s the modern interpretation of…… THE WENDIGO!!!!! *the crowd cheers and claps*
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Art by tfzn on e621
Now miss Wendigo how are you feeling tonight? *unintelligible warbles and chirps, alongside what seems to be poorly mimicked speech* Thank you Miss, now please stand there as we introduce our contestants!
First we h- *the crowd gasps* oh, *cartoonish YEOWCH* oh Lordy it seems our- *cartoonish train noises* contestant started a little early, *deep terrifying growl* good thing we cover medical cost! *canned laughter* we’ll come back to see the results after a short break! *cuts to commercial*
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Are you tired of CEOs? Are rich people being bitches? Wellll introducing hammer explosion!!! This state of the art explosive hammer now improved and better than ever! *demonstration of it blowing up a car with a rich guy inside* Now with over 50% more than normal explosions!!!! Call now at FUC-YOU-6969! Warning: Hammer explosion Co. is not responsible for customers using our products as weapons
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*end of commercial as it cuts back into the show*
Now last we left off our first contestant started a little early but now with a little cleanup let’s see the results! *drumroll as a employee walks up and hands Ozi the pregnancy test* The result iiiiissssss *a moment of suspenseful silence as the camera zooms in on the contestants* POSITIVE! *the crowd erupts with cheer and clapping, some standing from their seats, the first contestant raises their arms in the air yelling out* “YES, YES FUCK YEAH” *you can now see a “I learned from lesbians shirt on them* CONGRATULATIONS!, for your amazing first attempt I will reward you with your point annndd! *pan to a smaller curtain opening* A NEW GAMING SETUP!! Complete with 24848 Fuckibite display monitor, and a 6969 graphics card, this bad girl will run anything smooth as butter, NOW come and get your prizes!,!! *the contestant runs over to it grabbing it and showing it towards the camera before running down into the crowd hugging their friends, a group of various women, one wearing a collar* Well that’s a good start to the night! Now lets get to our next contestants!
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A Texas woman who had sought a legal medical exemption for an abortion has left the state after the Texas Supreme Court paused a lower court decision that would allow her to have the procedure, lawyers for the Center for Reproductive Rights said Monday.
State District Judge Maya Guerra Gamble last week had ruled that Kate Cox, a 31-year-old mother of two from Dallas, could terminate her pregnancy. According to court documents, Cox's doctors told her her baby suffered from the chromosomal disorder trisomy 18, which usually results in either stillbirth or an early death of an infant.
As of the court filing last week, Cox was 20 weeks pregnant. According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, which brought the lawsuit, Cox left the state because she "couldn't wait any longer" to get the procedure.
"Her health is on the line," said Center for Reproductive Rights CEO Nancy Northup. "She's been in and out of the emergency room and she couldn't wait any longer."
In response to Gamble's decision, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton warned a Texas medical center that it would face legal consequences if an abortion were performed.
In an unsigned order late Friday, the Texas Supreme Court then temporarily paused Gamble's ruling.
On Monday, after Cox left the state, the state Supreme Court lifted the pause and ruled against Cox's request, dismissing it as moot.
According to court documents, Cox's doctors had told her that early screening and ultrasound tests suggested her pregnancy is "unlikely to end with a healthy baby," and due to her two prior cesarean sections, continuing the pregnancy puts her at risk of "severe complications" that threaten "her life and future fertility."
The lawsuit alleges that due to Texas' strict abortion bans, doctors have told her their "hands are tied" and she would have to wait until the fetus dies inside her or carry the pregnancy to term, when she will have to undergo a third C-section "only to watch her baby suffer until death."
The lawsuit was filed as the state Supreme Court is weighing whether the state's strict abortion ban is too restrictive for women who suffer from severe pregnancy complications. An Austin judge ruled earlier this year that women who experience extreme complications could be exempt from the ban, but the ruling is on hold while the all-Republican Supreme Court considers the state's appeal. 
In the arguments before the state Supreme Court, the state's lawyers suggested that a woman who is pregnant and receives a fatal fetal diagnosis could bring a "lawsuit in that specific circumstance." 
According to the Center for Reproductive Rights, Cox v. Texas is the first case since the overturning of Roe v. Wade to be filed on behalf of a pregnant person seeking emergency abortion care. Last week, a woman in Kentucky who is 8 weeks pregnant filed a lawsuit challenging the state's two abortion bans. 
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weixuldo · 1 year
Enigma// ch 19
anakin x reader
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a/n: sorry this update has been so slow!! i’ve been working a ton to save up some money for college!! but dw the vision is there and i am so excited to continue this story :)
No one has heard from Anakin in a while and Ben decides to check up on him
warnings: cursing, cannon disabled character, insecurity, alcohol abuse, emtephobia (barf and stuff…), DONT DO WHAT ANAKIN DOES PLS LORD, seizure?? mentions of pregnancy
No one had heard from Anakin since he shared his test results with Ahsoka, so Ben decided it was long enough to start to worry.
Ahsoka had dragged you out to start baby shopping; you thought it could wait but she excitedly insisted it was better to start early. So the two of you were out for the day and Satine was busy with the wedding planner; that left Ben as the only one free to check up on the antisocial man. 
Of course Ben had no issue checking up on his longtime friend, he was used to it, but he was upset that Anakin was back in a stage where he needed to be checked up on… even if it were his own fault. 
Ben walked past Satine at their kitchen table sorting out color swatches for the table runners and a smile graced his face. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a light kiss when she looked up at him.
“Alright, My darling, I’m off to go check up on Anakin” Ben said.
Satine sat the swatches in her hand down; “Do you think he’s ok? I mean I thought maybe he needed to be checked up on earlier…”
He kissed her on the forehead, “I’m sure he’s just fine. He’s probably sitting on the couch watching TV or just had a little too much to drink. Nothing I can’t handle”.
She bit the inside of her cheek and nodded, “ok, If you say so, dear”.
“It’ll be fine, I’ll check in with him then go to the grocery store to pick up that yogurt you wanted, alright?”.
“Ok… well tell him that we’ve all been worried ok? He can’t just disappear…”.
Ben nodded; he knew over the years they had been together, she began to see Anakin as a little brother of sorts and he was grateful she cared so much.
Anakin had created a found family with his friends.
He hopped into his car and turned the AC up to combat the summer heat as he cruised towards Anakin’s place.  
Once he arrived nothing looked amiss, the car was there and the blinds were closed (as per usual). He knocked on the door.
No answer.
He sighed and knocked again.
“Alright Anakin, You can be stubborn, but I know where the spare key is.”
When he had no answer again he bent down and grabbed the fake potted plant by the door and removed the false bottom to grab the small silver key. It wasn’t the first time Ben had had to do this. 
The door clicked and he entered the house, there was an odd smell lingering that he couldn’t quite put his finger on. 
“Anakin?” he called.
Still nothing. 
He saw that the TV was not on and assumed it was because he was sleeping so he headed towards the bedroom. 
Ben entered the dimly lit room and looked towards the bed only to see it vacant. He walked in further until he almost tripped on something, he looked down to see Anakin sprawled out on the floor under him lying in a puddle of his own barf. 
This was not the first time Ben had seen Anakin like this; he bent down to lightly tap his friend on the face.
“Anakin…” Ben called, gently shaking him.
No response. 
“Anakin, come on- you’ve got to wake up” he said.
Still nothing.
Ben’s brows furrowed and he grabbed the unconscious man by the shoulders and began to shake him harder. 
Anakin’s face twisted into a pained expression and he groaned weakly. Ben breathed a sigh of relief, at least he was alive. 
“Anakin, do you know where you are?” 
More groans escaped the incapacitated man. 
“Can you open your eyes for me?” 
Anakin couldn’t.
Ben opened one of his eyes and his irises were completely unfocused. Ben looked over his body to see if he had any injuries; there was no telling what he had gotten into while he was blacked out.  
As he examined his friend, he noticed Anakin had also wet himself- that usually never happened. He started to become more worried the more he sat there with his friend; Anakin couldn’t seem to do anything more than groan and honestly he probably didn’t even know Ben was there. 
“Alright, Anakin… you’re not going to like this, actually I know you are going to be outraged with me” he pulled out his phone to dial the emergency number; “I’m sorry, but I will do what I must”.
911, what is your emergency?
“Hello there, yes, um I just found my friend unconscious on his floor, he seems to have been drinking but he's completely unresponsive right now.” Ben explained.
Alright sir, does he seem to have any external injuries? 
“Not that I can see”
Ok, does your friend have a past with alcohol abuse?
Ben knelt down beside Anakin as he was about to throw up again and Ben pushed him onto his side. 
“Yes mam, he has, but I’ve never seen him this bad,” Ben explained, putting the phone on speaker and setting it down so he could help Anakin with two hands. 
Once Anakin had finished throwing up Ben grabbed a towel that had been lying around and wiped his friend’s mouth. He was about to answer the responder’s next question when Anakin jerked in his arms and began to convulse. 
Ben’s eyes widened and he interrupted the woman on the phone; “He just started seizing! I-I don’t know what to do! Are you sending someone quickly?!”.
Yes sir, I have an ambulance on the way
off to the side she asked “dispatch, how long we got on that ambulance to the west side?”
They should be there in less than five minutes-
“HE’S STILL SEIZING, IS THIS NORMAL? WHAT DO I DO?!” Ben yelled, rolling his friend on his side once more. 
Sir, I need you to stay calm. If he was drinking it is most likely an alcoholic seizure, they are actually much more common than people think. 
Ben looked back down at his younger friend and began to speak, “Anakin, it’s alright, please just hang in there”. 
Ok, could I have the names-
“Anakin Skywalker is my friend, and I’m Ben- I mean…well my name is Obi-Wan Kenobi, but I go by Ben”.
Why was he oversharing? Why was he overthinking oversharing? He had no idea, this was a mess. 
Anakin finally stopped seizing and groaned; Ben wiped the drool from his friend’s mouth and tried to comfort him (even though he knew his friend couldn’t hear it). As he brushed his friend’s hair back, Ben noticed that Anakin’s breathing had become unnervingly shallow until it suddenly stopped. 
“H-HE ISN’T BREATHING!” Ben exclaimed. 
Ok, the ambulance just arrived, the EMTs should be coming in any secon-
The door busted open and a team of people dressed in black and navy uniforms trampled in with a stretcher and longboard. Ben breathed a sigh of relief to see them, but not long after the anxiety came back. 
He stepped aside as the team swarmed Anakin, each worker doing a different task.
They administered him oxygen, put a neck brace on him, and rolled him onto the board. The team lifted him onto the stretcher and began to roll him towards the ambulance. 
Ben followed worriedly and asked if he was allowed to ride with them in the ambulance.
“I’m sorry sir, but we need all of the hands we can to get your friend stable, but you can follow behind if you would like” one of the EMTs offered. 
Sooner than he could comprehend, the vehicle darted off with its sirens blaring; Ben shook himself from the panic and headed towards the hospital. What had Anakin done?
On the other side of town…
The store was filled with soft colors and cuddly toys for kids of all ages; apparently Ahsoka knew the owners and could get a discount, so she brought you here to pursue the infant section in preparation for your child. 
Ahsoka picked up a small plush frog and smiled, “Aww, my friend Din bought one of these for his son- it’s so cute”. 
You smiled, she was more excited about this than you were.
“Do ya think you can tell if it's a girl or boy?” she asked as you inspected more toys.
“I’m not sure but I think I want to keep the gender a surprise til I give birth- that would be kinda fun. Like a blind box surprise” you joked. 
“Your choice” she smiled, “Though I’m gonna cast my bet that it’s a boy” she said.
You laughed a little, “That’s funny, because Ben and Satine are sure it’s going to be a girl”.
She shrugged, “well whatever it is, it’s gonna be a big baby with the speed it's growing”.
You laughed and continued down the aisle of brightly colored toys. 
Never in a million years would you have thought you would be pregnant in college, you always assumed you wouldn’t even have kids. There was no doubt that you were scared but as time went on and the baby grew, you couldn’t help but feel more and more excited to meet them. 
Regardless of Anakin’s role in your child’s upbringing you would do your best to be the most capable mother a child could have.
Deep down you knew you wanted the kid to at least have some sort of relationship with its father (and so did you), but it was seeming less and less likely by the day- Anakin’s silence was still ongoing. 
You were about to head down another aisle when your stomach bumped a display making you let out a surprised noise. 
“I didn’t know I was sticking out that far! I’m going to have to start buying new clothes before I know it” you complained as Ahsoka laughed.
“Hey, at least they're starting to make those clothes stylish. I remember when they all looked like potato sacks” .
Playfully, you rolled your eyes and continued further into the store. 
Eventually you chose a few things to buy and you got in line with Ahsoka. Apparently everyone in the city was here today because the line was impressively long. 
“We can just wait and buy this stuff later” you offered.
“Nah Its alright, plus this store gets a bunch of unique things that wont be here if we wait- and I think that’s a pretty cool steal” she smiled pointing towards the cute plush mobile of the solar system you found in the back. 
“I guess you're right, we have nothing better to do,” you agreed. 
Ben arrived right behind the ambulance and rushed in alongside the stretcher Anakin was on. He was able to watch them transfer him to bed and begin a stomach pump on him. 
He saw one of the doctor's brows turn in confusion when they saw Anakin’s polycarbonate limbs. 
“He’s a veteran- He lost all of his limbs” Ben interrupted.
The doctor nodded and continued the procedure, though Ben was soon approached by another doctor looking for more information.
“Who are you?”
“I’m his best friend- I was the one who found him” Ben replied hurriedly, trying to see Anakin over the doctor’s shoulder. 
“Do you know how long he had been there?” 
“I-I have no earthly idea, I usually don’t come over randomly, but I hadn’t heard from him in a while…” Ben answered. 
“Alright sir, I’m going to have to ask you to go to the waiting room- I’ll send out a nurse to get the rest of the information- but right now we need to take care of your friend alright?”
Ben thought it odd that the doctor phrased it as if Ben was the one who started inquiring and now he was the nuisance- but he bit his tongue and followed the man’s instructions and headed for the dreary waiting room. 
Once he finally had a moment to digest what had happened, he pulled out his phone to call Satine. She was shocked to hear the news and asked if he was going to tell you or Ahsoka; that was a good question, who was he going to tell first?
Ahsoka was his longtime friend, but you were Anakin’s girlfriend, well ex (but he knew Anakin regretted acting so brashly towards you). 
He decided to call you; you were the mother of Anakin’s child, after all.
Bzzz, Bzzz, Bzzzzz
“Who is calling me?” you said to yourself as you maneuvered the items in your hand to grab your phone. 
It was Ben…odd.
He sounded solemn- and all he said was “hello”? (usually there's more)
“Is everything alright?”
I know you and Anakin are not on the best terms right now, but I thought it best to let you know what has happened
Why was he being so ominous?
“What happened?” you asked worriedly; even though Anakin was a major dick, you still wanted him to be ok. 
Anakin is in the hospital. This morning I went over to check up on him and I found him incapacitated on the floor- I tried getting him up but he wouldn’t even open his eyes- I called 911 and before they got there he started seizing
“Wait, what?” you exclaimed, garnering a curious look from Ahsoka.
They took him to the ER and I saw them start to pump his stomach, but I’m not sure what else is happening- I’ll let you know though
“Who is that?” Ahsoka whispered to you as she grabbed the bags.
“Ben- Anakin is in the hospital” you told her.
Her eyes widened and her face drained of all color, “what?” she asked softly. 
You just nodded as Ben continued to speak. 
I don’t expect you to come over after all he did, but I thought I should let you know- Oh, I have to go now, they need me to fill out some paperwork
You lowered your phone and looked towards Ahsoka. 
“Ben found Anakin unconscious on his floor then he began seizing” you explained, half in shock. 
“Do we need to go over there?” she asked, concern laced in her voice. 
You nodded. How did this happen?
a/n: hmmm more plot hehehe- there’s gonna b a few small time skips in the next chapter- just for reference it’s supposed to b like late june :)
taglist : @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote @poisonedsultana @imarimone12 @fallinlovewithevil
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I don’t know how I feeeeeeeeel I’m just jittery and unable to settleeeeeeeeeeee 26 hours of waiting to go bleh. liz & alex are househunting all morning and early afternoon. I need a project to distract myself but also I just kind of want to mindlessly scroll and let myself float in this weird bleh state of limbo. but let’s see how about this:
9-10:30 mindlessly scroll or maybe read fic
10:30-11:30 maybe walk the dogs and listen to a hockey podcast or idk maybe not or go for a short run or something idk
11:30-1 hang out with liz/alex on their break
1-2 shower/get ready
2-6ish hang out… maybe go to the lake… idk
6:30 dinner with everyone + my sister
watch the bear
blah blah that should kill the day and then tomorrow I’ll just have to kill time from like 6am to 10:30am 🫠🫠🫠
gonna talk out some stuff behind the cut
here are the possible outcomes tomorrow:
everything looks fine and my doctor confirms the pregnancy is still viable
doctor determines the pregnancy is ectopic and counsels taking meds to end things
doctor determines the pregnancy is located in the uterus but isn’t developing normally (blighted ovum or missed miscarriage or something else) and counsels a D&C or waiting to miscarry or further testing
doctor can’t make a determination and schedules me for further bloodwork and/or ultrasounds once I’m further along
I decided I wanted to go on my own because I don’t want to feel responsible for managing or responding to someone else’s reaction on top of my own… if it’s bad news I want time to process it by myself before I have to talk to anybody. I am going to walk to the appt tomorrow morning and if it’s bad news I’ll probably want to go on a long walk around the neighborhood to be by myself with my feelings for a while. liz and alex have a couple other viewings scheduled shortly after so I can just wander around till they leave and then go back to the house to be alone for an hour or two. there was a period of time earlier in the week where I thought I wouldn’t get too upset again because I did so much pre-grieving last week when I got the first results back and I felt kinda hollowed out by that, but unfortunately five days of renewed hope and hopeful planning has kinda erased all that pre-grieving and now I think I’ll just be really, really sad again. like I’m already crying about it now and we’re still 26 hours out from any new information. I just want this baby to make it! I just want this to be it! but I know there’s a decent chance things won’t work out. I’m seven weeks tomorrow and still so very firmly in “it’s way too early // the risk of things not working out is still way too high” territory. I just wish I could fast forward to tomorrow morning. it feels like the first IUI cycle where I hadn’t yet accustomed myself to waiting or learned how to stop calendar watching and so every single second just seemed to drag by impossibly slowly. aghhhhhh okay. I just feel like I would feel more if I was really pregnant instead of just intermittently queasy and irritable. but I felt exactly like this last weekend when I was convinced my symptoms were gone and it turned out my HCG levels were busy tripling in that time. so idk idk. just want this day to PASS
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batisms · 1 year
( continued. / @catlucked . . . )
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"i'm  not  sure  if  it's  something  we  can  just  take  lightly."  bruce  sheepishly  laughs,  disbelief  in  blue  hues  &  a  hint  of  panic  in  his  expression––  concealed  by  his  chuckle.  taking  it  as  a  joke  is  certainly  an  unsettling  feeling  that  buries  in  him,  but  it  almost  is  more  comforting  than  it  being  realistic.  her  thumb  caressing  his  wrist  is  the  only  actual  comforting  thing  right  now.  "why  now  decide  to  tell  me  this?"  why  not  earlier,  like  at  breakfast  before  getting  him  in  the  middle  of  a  grocery  store  &  surprising  him  with  this.  cart  comes  to  a  stop,  &  he's  still  chuckling.  "that's  not  something  i'm  intimidated  by."  the  idea  that  they're  even  needing  to  go  down  this  aisle  for  purposes  other  than  pads  is  what  is  intimidating.  "i  have  no  issue  with  it."  feminine  products,  he  means.  he  was  raised  better  than  that  to  find  things  like  that  as  if  there's  something  wrong  with  it.  bruce  just  doesn't  understand  how  she  thinks  he's  going  to  know  more  about  it,  that's  the  cause  of  the  confusion  &  hesitation  on  his  visage.  "you  have  been  the  female  the  longest,  selina."  but  she  leaves  him  to  figure  everything  else  out,  so  of  course  he'll  take  the  lead  and  leave  the  cart  as  he  takes  a  few  steps  away  to  let  his  eyes  wander  over  the  labels  until  he  finds  pregnancy  tests.  brows  furrowing  in  concentration,   a  handful  of  different  ones.  early  result,  digital  result,  inexpensive  brand,  expensive  brand.  the  price  is  no  matter,  so  he  leans  down  to  grab  the  early  result  by  first  response.  "this  one?"  he  questions,  leaning  back  up  with  it  tall  and  straight,  offering  it  to  the  brunette.
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mariacallous · 11 months
Grassroots activists who work with Russia’s orphans are clear: teen pregnancy is a widespread issue in the country’s orphanages, though administrators prefer to cover up the problem, sometimes pressuring pregnant teens into having abortions, and sometimes, on the contrary, talking minors into giving birth even though they don’t feel ready for parenthood. Svetlana Burakova, a reporter for the independent Russian publication Cherta, has talked about the experience of pregnancy in the orphanage system with caretakers, social workers, and the teens themselves. (The names of most speakers in this article have been changed at their request.) Meduza is publishing an abridged version of this story with the outlet’s permission.
‘I had to keep the baby’
Katya was sent to an orphanage when she was 14. Her mother was a heavy drinker and would frequently beat her at home. The traumatized teen never wanted to have children of her own.
When Katya was 17, she met a boy she liked. He wasn’t from an orphanage, and lived with his mother. In the first year of their relationship, the girl accidentally became pregnant.
Katya speaks in a barely audible voice, picking her words carefully. She remembers the early days of her pregnancy in detail. After she first felt morning sickness, she took a pregnancy test, and the result was negative. A couple of weeks later, her symptoms grew worse and her period was delayed. She took a second test, and this time it was positive.
“I started to cry, then called my boyfriend and told him about it. He was shocked as well,” she says.
Despite Katya’s fears, the young man accepted the situation and said he was ready to help Katya and raise their child together. Katya, however, said right away that she wasn’t ready to give birth. She wanted to have an abortion. Then it turned out that the orphanage wouldn’t let her do it.
“The orphanage director didn’t want to take responsibility,” Katya says about the their refusal to allow an abortion. “Because I’m a dependent, I cannot make decisions on my own,” the teen adds.
“I realized things were going very badly,” Katya says. “They weren’t going to let me have an abortion. Then the management started trying to convince me that everything would be fine, that they would help me. I had to keep the baby.”
According to several grassroots activists who talked to Cherta, teen pregnancy in Russia’s orphanages isn’t exactly a mass problem, but it is widespread.
Pregnancy taboos
Because the topic itself is taboo, there are no official figures on the rates of orphan pregnancy in Russia’s institutions. In 2022, however, the Russian nonprofit Kultura Blagotvoritelnosti (“The Culture of Charity”) conducted a study of outcomes for young people who graduated from Russia’s orphanages, by interviewing 1,000 emancipated orphans aged 16 or older (most of the respondents being in the 16–25 age range) across the country. What the study revealed was that 23 percent of the respondents already had their own children. Six percent said they had a child aged seven or even older, which suggested that pregnancies occurred when the respondents were still minors themselves.
Media reports also help track cases of teen pregnancy in orphanages. For example, in 2012, an eight-months-pregnant girl ran away from an institution in St. Petersburg. Three days earlier, another girl, seven months pregnant, escaped from another orphanage. In 2018, a 15-year-old orphan girl escaped from a clinic where she was diagnosed with fetal demise. 
In 2019, the story of three pregnant teens from an orphanage in Chelyabinsk emerged. The management of the institution assured the press at the time that one of the girls had married the father of her future child, and the others were also engaged to their partners.
According to Svetlana Stroganova, an adoptive mother who heads the charitable foundation Deti Nashi (“Our children”), an orphan’s pregnancy presents a serious problem for an orphanage and its administration. As the legal guardian of a pregnant teen, an orphanage director can be legally reprimanded or lose a salary bonus. Other caregivers can also be disciplined.
Katya recalls another teen who became pregnant at her orphanage. At first, the administration tried to cover up the pregnancy, but later an orphanage volunteer assumed legal guardianship of the pregnant girl, and everything settled down. Katya says that the caretakers were the focus of all the sympathy, since they would lose their bonuses for “letting things happen.”
Katya spent her entire pregnancy at the orphanage and getting prenatal care from a local women’s health clinic. At first, the orphanage nurse would take her to appointments, and later she would go on her own. The institution bought her prenatal vitamins and folic acid prescribed by the OB-GYN, but the other things she needed came mostly from volunteers and occasional visitors to the orphanage.
Although caregivers tried to support her and give her advice, many things about pregnancy and birth caught Katya unprepared. After she gave birth, she had too much breast milk and needed a breast pump, but no one had warned her about this, and she experienced a lot of discomfort.
She also faced judgmental staff members at the orphanage: when one of the caretakers thought she was out of earshot, she called Katya “irresponsible” for getting pregnant and deciding to give birth. The orphanage director, meanwhile, pressured Katya to marry her boyfriend, who was already 18, arguing that he might be at risk of statutory rape charges. Katya didn’t want to get married. As she got closer to her 18th birthday, the administration finally let go of the topic.
When Katya gave birth, she moved in with her boyfriend and his mother. It turned out that his mother drank, which Katya didn’t want to be around her. Eventually, she got an apartment from the state program for emancipated orphans, where she now lives with her partner and their daughter, who is four.
‘A pregnancy is a scandal’
According to Svetlana Stroganova and other grassroots activists, if a girl gets pregnant while living in an orphanage, she will likely be forced to have an abortion. The predominant view of how these decisions get made in practice is that “a child in the system cannot have a child,” as put forward by one of the speakers.
“It depends of what the girl herself wants and at what term the pregnancy becomes known. If the term is still early, they’ll naturally try to persuade her to have an abortion. When the girl is further into her pregnancy, she ends up giving birth but, since she herself is a minor, her child is usually taken away and sent to an orphanage for babies,” Stroganova explains.
Nikolay was sent to an orphanage together with his older brother and younger sister. When his sister was 16, she got pregnant, and the orphanage administrators forced her to have an abortion. “I didn’t know the details, apart from the fact itself,” says Nikolay, “but this has clearly traumatized my sister.” “The adults didn’t want extra problems for themselves, so they persuaded her,” he says.
But it isn’t true that there aren’t any other options. According to Stroganova, a minor who reaches the age of 16 can petition for emancipation. This is what often happens when the future child’s father has already turned 18 and the couple feel ready to get married and live independently. Another option is for a pregnant teen to get a legal guardian who takes her out of the orphanage. In that case, the guardian also becomes legally responsible for the newborn.
This is what happened in 2015, when the 45-year-old Moscow resident Yulia Zhemchuzhnikova became the legal guardian of two 15-year-olds, Polina and Oleg. She first heard about them when one of her friends sent her a link to an article about two teenage orphans from the Smolensk region. The article mentioned that Polina was pregnant, but her child would be sent to another orphanage if the couple couldn’t find a legal guardian to get them out of the system.
“In one of their interviews, they used all my emotional catchwords — about love, freedom, and being together,” says Yulia. She was compelled to try to help.
Polina and Oleg had both come from high-risk families. Oleg’s mother had alcohol dependence, and killed Oleg’s father during a drunken episode. When she went to prison, Oleg went to an orphanage. Polina’s mother lost her custody rights because of psychiatric problems. When the two teens met in a state boarding school in Safonovo, they fell in love.
“They were both so traumatized that they just clung to one another, like two wolf cubs, together against the whole world,” Yulia says. “They really wanted to be a family, but they didn’t have a chance in the system, because for an orphanage, a pregnancy is a scandal.”
To keep Polina’s baby from being separated from her, Yulia had to act quickly. Polina’s due date was just a month away. The paperwork was extensive and time-consuming: the social workers releasing the orphans from state custody had to do their part of the job before handing it over to another set of social workers on the receiving side of the custody case. None of them seemed to be in a hurry. There was also a requirement that each of the teens Yulia was taking into custody should be given a separate room, and their baby should be allotted a third.
Yulia still feels that she has done the impossible. In the two weeks leading up to the New Year, she collected all the documents and managed to gain legal custody of the young couple. A week after the New Year, on Orthodox Christmas day, Polina gave birth to little Sophia. From the maternity ward, the young family came to Yulia’s home, where the mother of seven lived with four of her children.
Polina and Oleg lived with Yulia for a year. It was a hard period for everyone, as the teens developed drug and alcohol problems and started running away from home — sometimes back to the orphanage. Yulia was ultimately forced to give up custody. Polina and Oleg went back to the orphanage, while Sophia remained with Polina’s aunt.
Still, once the teens reached the age of 16, they got married, got emancipated, and reclaimed their daughter. By the time they reached 18, they got their own apartment, where they still live together. Instead of one, they now have two daughters. Yulia keeps in touch with them but admits that they don’t speak very often.
‘Life as a non-value’
Maria Fedorova is an experienced adoptive mother now working as an adoption specialist in a charity called Naidi Semyu (“Find a Family”). She describes adoption as a complicated, multi-layered process that can also be very precarious:
People often want to help because they’re emotional: they don’t want a baby to be born into an orphanage, and they think that their desire alone will help them get around some tight corners. But in practice, even when the kids themselves really want to be in a family, a very difficult adaptation process begins for both sides literally within a month. Children from an institution always show up with the trauma of rejection and abandonment.
“If we’re talking about a pregnant girl, that trauma overlaps with pregnancy complications and bodily and hormonal changes, leaving practically no chance of an easy, uncomplicated life,” she says. Fedorova believes that first-time adoptive parents should take specialized courses to get ready for all the particulars of helping a pregnant teenager. None of it, though, guarantees that the young woman will not abandon her baby after giving birth, she says.
According to the Russian state statistical agency Rosstat, 25,000 children were born to underage mothers in 2021. How many of those mothers lived in an orphanage is unknown, since the state doesn’t collect such data, but Svetlana Stroganova, the program director at Our Children, believes that teen pregnancies are more common in orphanages than in families.
The problem is partly about the orphans’ lack of information on safe sex and contraception. Because they don’t have any money of their own when growing up in an institution, they cannot buy contraceptives either. Nor do they have access to emergency contraception, even in cases of sexual coercion (which they often keep to themselves). And there’s finally the sad factor of treating their sexuality just as carelessly as orphans treat themselves: abandoned children often “see their own life as a non-value,” the expert observes.
Maria Fedorova agrees that girls living in orphanages are at a higher risk of unplanned pregnancy. “The thought that you don’t have a family yourself but you can just create one and give your baby everything you yourself didn’t have sometimes makes pregnancy a welcome piece of news.”
According to Svetlana Stroganova, this expectation is often deceptive, since teens living in orphanages don’t have any role models who could show them what normal family life looks like. “They give birth to a baby and don’t know what to do with it,” she says, “and this is why we have whole dynasties of orphans, with the grandma, the mom, and the child all growing up in orphanages.”
‘Family placement is the best solution’
The problem of teen pregnancy in orphanages is an ethically fraught matter, says Yelena Tseplik, executive director of the Find a Family foundation. The question doesn’t boil down to sex education either, she says, since even the most forward-looking and caring institutions face the same problem.
As an example, Tseplik describes a regional orphanage she visited eight years ago. At the head of it was a very passionate principal “who was constantly learning herself and organizing training for her colleagues, bringing experts from Moscow.” Children in that orphanage lived in spaces that looked like real apartments, in mixed groups of different ages, each group attached to an unchanging caregiver.
“During the meeting, we learned that there was a baptismal room for newborns,” Tseplik says. “The director told us, ‘please understand, we have babies born all the time, so I thought we should have this room,” she remembers. The director also didn’t feel that it would be right to increase supervision of the teens: “This is an orphanage, not a prison,” Tseplik recalls the director saying, adding that the children would leave the grounds for extracurricular activities: “They had various contacts with the outside world, and this is normal.”
Tseplik herself cannot say what’s better, to let a teenage girl get pregnant or to put her under lock-and-key. It all depends on the situation, she says, but the best solution is to place as many children as possible with families, where they can adapt to living as a family:
You can kill yourself trying to make an orphanage a good and happy place. But an orphanage is, among other things, a story about the orphans’ sexual lives. When a child is with a family, the mom and dad can keep on eye on them. I won’t pretend that teenage girls don’t ever get pregnant in families, but it doesn’t happen nearly as often. And if an adopted girl gets pregnant, the adoptive mom becomes the legal guardian of the baby, who then grows up in the family. And that’s a completely different story.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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Embryos made from stem cells—instead of a sperm and egg—have been created from monkey cells for the first time. When researchers put these “synthetic embryos” into the uteruses of adult monkeys, some showed the initial signs of pregnancy. It’s the furthest scientists have ever been able to take lab-grown embryos in primates—and the work hints that it may one day be possible to generate fetuses this way. 
“This is amazing,” says Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes, a developmental biologist at Leiden University in the Netherlands, who was not involved in the study. “It’s the first time I’ve seen [synthetic embryos] developed so far, and with such good quality.” It is also the first time such embryo-like structures have been implanted in monkeys.
The team behind the research, Zhen Liu at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Shanghai and his colleagues, started with embryonic stem cells originally taken from macaque monkey embryos. These cells have been grown in labs for multiple generations and, given the right conditions, have the potential to develop into pretty much any type of body cell, including those that make up organs, blood, and nervous system.
Lab-grown embryos
The team used a set of lab conditions, which they tweaked and improved, to encourage embryonic stem cells to develop further. Over several days, the cells began developing in a very similar way to embryos. Theresulting blobs of cells are called blastoids, because they look like early embryos, which are called blastocysts.
After the blastoids had been growing in a dish for seven days, the researchers put them through a series of tests to figure out how similar they were to typical embryos. In one test, the team separated the individual cells in the blastoids and checked to see which genes were expressed in each one. The team analyzed over 6,000 individual cells this way.
These tests revealed close similarities between the stem-cell-derived embryos and conventional monkey embryos. “The … analysis is simply mind-blowing,” says Chuva de Sousa Lopes. “These blastoids seemed to transition to something that really looks like an embryo. And that is really amazing.”
Some of the blastoids were grown for longer—up to 17 days. These structures looked very much like typical embryos, the researchers say, although other scientists not involved in the study say more evidence is needed to prove just how similar they are.
The only way to find out how embryo-like these blastoids really are is to test whether they can develop in a monkey’s uterus. So the team put between eight and 10 seven-day-old blastoids into the uteruses of each of eight adult monkeys. The researchers then monitored the transferred blastoids for three weeks.
The researchers believe that in three of these monkeys, the blastoids successfully implanted in the uterus and appeared to generate a yolk sac—one of the very first signs of pregnancy. These monkeys also had elevated levels of pregnancy hormones. In other words, they would have had a positive pregnancy test.
The presence of these hormones is not surprising, says Nicolas Rivron at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, who has done similar research in mice. It is a set of cells in the developing embryo that produce these hormones, whether or not the embryo is going to develop further, he says. As part of his own past research, Rivron and his colleagues grew human blastoids in a dish. When they dipped a pregnancy test into this dish, it gave a positive result.
But within 20 days of transfer, the monkey blastoids stopped developing and seemed to come apart, say Liu and colleagues, who published their results in the journal Cell Stem Cell. This suggests the blastoids still aren’t perfect replicas of normal embryos, says Alfonso Martinez Arias, a developmental biologist at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. For the time being, “it clearly doesn’t work,” he says.
That might be because a typical embryo is generated from an egg, which is then fertilized by sperm. A blastoid made from stem cells might express genes in the same way as a normal embryo, but it may be missing something crucial that normally comes from an egg, says Martinez Arias.
There’s also a chance that the team might have seen more progress if the experiment had been done in more monkeys. After all, of the 484 blastoids that were developing at day seven, only five survived to day 17. And getting an embryo to implant in the uterus is a tricky business, says Chuva de Sousa Lopes. “Even when you do IVF in humans, it’s one of the bottlenecks in getting pregnant,” she says. “Perhaps if you did this with 100 monkeys, you would have two that would get pregnant further.” 
Monkey lives are precious, though, says Martinez Arias, and such large experiments would probably not be considered ethical.
A model embryo
None of this means that the blastoids are not useful. They still provide a good model of what happens in the earliest stages of embryo development in monkeys—and potentially in humans.
Researchers hope that monkey blastoids will help us learn more about human embryos. We know very little about how the union of sperm and egg eventually leads to the development of our organs and nervous system—and why things can sometimes go wrong. Scientists are generally not allowed to study human embryos in a lab beyond 14 days after fertilization. And recently published international guidelines stress that human blastoids should never be implanted into a person or any other animal.
“We want to understand human development, and it is not safe to transfer human blastoids [into people],” says Rivron. “We have to find an alternative. And nonhuman primates are the closest relatives to humans.”
Scientists hope that this type of research can tell us more about human pregnancy, including why some people struggle to conceive and why some miscarriages happen. Because scientists could generate infinite numbers of blastoids, they wouldn’t need to rely on animals as embryo donors. And they would be able to test drugs on hundreds or thousands of blastoids in the hope of discovering ways to improve IVF, says Naomi Moris, who researches embryo development at the Crick Institute in London.
Stem-cell babies?
As the technology advances, it’s likely that researchers will find ways to use stem cells to create more mature embryos, and potentially fetuses and baby animals. “There seems to be some kind of race to see who is first to get something out of these blastoids,” says Martinez Arias.
As things stand, there’s no way one of these blastoids could develop into a fetus or, eventually, a baby monkey. But the technology is improving all the time. Research into synthetic embryos has really taken off only in the last five to 10 years, and a huge amount of progress has been made in that time, says Moris.
“We’re definitely moving very fast, and developments are being made really, really rapidly in this field,” she says. We need to make sure that laws keep pace with developments “to make sure we’re not pushing ahead too fast,” she says.
“One day, will someone get a monkey from a blastoid? Probably,” says Martinez Arias. “But I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”
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safic4-m · 2 years
🤎💉 Welcome
Pairing: Diane Sherman x Fem Lector
Author’s note: Something short while I work on a request made to me.
Big things are coming up people
Word count:648
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~Master list~
You park in front of your house and you are surprised to see your wife’s car, she is usually late, so seeing her car is strange.
-Diane! Where are you, honey?
-I’m in the living room
You find her sitting reading a book, you take a moment to admire her beauty, she has her hair in a messy bun, one of her jumper and sweatpants outfit.
-You’re out early,- you say, approaching her and planting a kiss on her lips.
-It was a pretty quiet day,- flashing a wide smile.
You don’t quite understand what he means but you decide to ignore it for now.
-What do you want for dinner?,- you ask as you make your way to the kitchen.
-I’ve already ordered pizza
Hearing your wife say those words, you stand still in your place.
-You what?- you question, thinking you didn’t hear her correctly.
-I ordered pizza,- giving you a smile as you return to the living room.
-Who are you? and what did you do with my redhead?,-making her laugh at your reaction.
-What are you talking about?,- he asks playfully.
-The Diane I know would never order fast food…she’s a woman who has her own garden where she grows her vegetables organically,- you say, clearly confused by the situation, -Are you okay?
-I just had a craving for pizza,- flashing a broad smile.
-I know you, you’re not… wait,- coming over to sit next to her, -you…?- you start and cut yourself off without being able to finish.
She simply nods in response and you feel your eyes fill with tears, in the emotion of the moment you take her in your arms and start to spin around with her clinging to you.
-We’re going to be mothers,- you say, filling her face with kisses.
-Yes,- biting her lip as a few tears escape down her cheeks
-But how, the doctor told us it didn’t work,- putting her down and sitting on the sofa patting the spot next to you.
-Well… after I spent most of the morning throwing up,- she starts and sits on your lap, -I went to the pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test,- playing with your hair.
Since they got married they had been trying to have children, they went to several doctors but the results were the same, Diane always got depressed when the doctors told them it didn’t work. You couldn’t bear to see her like this and this was supposed to be the last attempt, as your wife really wanted to experience motherhood, but…this, it had really worked…it was happening.
-Finally…after all this time,- she says between sobs, hugging you tightly, -it feels so unreal.
-It’s really happening, love,- rubbing her back.
The sound of the doorbell breaks the moment and you gently move her to get the food; opening the door you find an adolescent with your pizza.
-Are you all right?- she asks, referring to the falling tears.
-Of course,- smiling at him as you take the pizza and hand him the money.
-Are you sure?- he asks again, looking for something in your appearance.
-Of course…they are tears of happiness,- giving him one last smile before dismissing him.
-I’d ask you what you were talking about but I’m hungry,- taking the pizza from you to take a slice.
You take a seat and you have Diane back on your lap, she takes the first bite and you hear her humming with satisfaction.
-We should eat more pizza,- she says with a mouthful of food.
-As much as you want,- wrapping her body around your body and burying her face in your hair.
-Look how beautiful she is,- says your wife, holding the newborn baby in her arms.
-She has the colour of your eyes,- taking her little hand and placing a kiss on Diane’s forehead.
-Welcome Chloe
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fandomdaydreamer · 2 years
The Lighthouse and The Ocean
Pt 22 - Goodnight Angel
Pairing: Pedro Pascal/OFC
Warnings: angst, mentions of poverty, pregnancy scares, phone sex (we have two different phone calls here, hello), dirrrty talk, cam show, f/m masturbation. ARREST ME FOR THIS FILTH happy Kinktober!
Summary: Nini knows something had changed her life, like she was now living it instead of waiting for it. Though more change could come with Pedro's reaction to the pregnancy test.
Notes: Also find this fic on Ao3 -here- or the series' Masterlist and Playlist -here-
Lots of music here. If you would like to imagine what Nini's rock song could sound like, I suggest you listen to 'My Poor Brain' by The Foofighters. Furthermore, the striptease soundtracks are in the playlists.
Length: 8.6k
Goodnight Angel
In my eyes, Pedro and I were happy and in love. At least... as long as the next couple of minutes wouldn't arise any unforeseen conflict and blow our future to smithereens. Multiple horror scenarios ghosted around my head and I simply ceased to allow myself to let them unfurl any longer once I understood I had lost every ounce of control over the result anyway.
It was almost three o'clock when I finished my nighttime routine but I never stopped stalling, brooding and panicking. Technically... It was morning. I started to feel the urge to pee and very soon but I was too scared to face this pregnancy test alone and too scared to call Pedro. I briefly considered calling Tom but immediately realised I'd rather have the potential father freak out with me.
Seemed like I had a habit of speaking to his portrait when Pedro wasn't here to dodge my anger. "You and your dick did this to me!" I scolded our picture and ended up betraying myself as a quivering smile threatened my lips. Was this funny to me? My whole life could be turned upside down.
Dropping onto the covers, I unlocked my phone and texted Pedro with my head in my hand, checking if he was even awake. A ping alerted an incoming message, barely a minute later.
2:53 - Hey, still up? Wyd?
"On a mission with Shrek and Donkey." I texted a dry comeback he regarded with a laughing emoji.
2:54 - Can't sleep?
"Miss my hubby"
2:54 - Call me
"Hey, songbird." Pedro picked up on the first ring and no matter in how much stress I was, knowing he was there always remedied most of it. "Hello, angel, how are you? I hope I didn't wake you."
"No, you didn't." He treated me to a pitiful sigh. "Because sleeping without you is weird. But I'm better now I hear your voice." He complained, sounding tired and resistant to my cooes at his wanton reply. Maybe he had thought I wouldn't call anymore and I felt ever so sorry about keeping him waiting.
"I miss you too." I suppressed a sniffle and hid behind my hand to conceal my anxiety, even though he couldn't see me. I would have liked to hold him near as November retaliated but for the next couple of weeks, this would have to do. "I'm sorry I couldn't call earlier, I was getting to know the band and settling into this ranch with them."
"That's alright, I was hoping you were enjoying yourself You have to tell me everything!" I could hear the excitement in his voice despite this early hour.
The memory of everything that happened today sparked up a flood of short-lived passion. "Jack's invited me to go on stage with him tomorrow!" I pressed through the phone and giggled at Pedro's response cheer. "We talked music for hours and hours today. He is so great..." I lost some of my enthusiasm the more I thought about how exciting all of this was and how much I wanted it to continue. "The band is great, they're all so cool. Everything's been... great."
"Great?" Pedro asked sceptically at my flavourless description, spying through an underlying tremble I didn't hide well enough. "How are you, really?" He inquired.
I put on a brave act. "Cold but at least I've got your jumper." I joked on a lighter note, cradling the warm laugh he let out to my ear.
"Yeah, I noticed after you were gone. Now, what am I gonna do without that one 'and' the sweater I sneaked into your suitcase? I'm defenceless against the cold now." He teased me and I promptly clutched at his second, warm white sweater he miraculously managed to keep stain-free and hummed at the comforting softness of it underneath my cheek.
"Have you noticed I also left stuff for you?" I grinned at his bashful reaction. I had purposefully put my soap and honey lip balm on his bathroom counter before I went, never mind the pineapple.
There was a sound of him smacking his lips as an answer that he was already wearing it. "By the way, I went online to check you out because I missed you and I dead-ass thought 'wow, I have a huge crush on this woman' and then I remembered that we're a couple and I was like 'aw fuck yeah!" He managed to make me laugh properly this time. "But... there's a scandal already," Pedro mentioned and his delight practically sounded a song.
I didn't have to guess. "About the hickey." What lay underneath the piece of clothing that famously belonged to him couldn't have gone unnoticed. I flopped back onto the duvet and pouted as my cold fingertips traced the stain of bruising kisses he had inflicted on my skin.
Most would say to never listen to your critics but it was like watching yourself and the one you loved through different pairs of eyes once you came out to the public. Out of habit, I couldn't help but worry about some of the nastier comments.
Pedro on the other hand, seemed less than even a little bit self-conscious. In fact, he was having way too much fun with this. "Hey, I'm proud of my work! But... apparently, you have rug burns on your knees too."
I gasped, partly scandalised and thrilled at a fascinating lie that made me feel like I was looking at a car crash by the side of the road. And that accident was me. "They're not rug b-" I swallowed my outraged protest, pulling up my knees and rubbing at the still pink and irritated spots. "I got them from climbing hotel walls!"
"An adventure which we aren't gonna tell a soul about. So... no comment." Pedro insisted before letting out an adorable evil laugh.
I tutted at him, curious at how fast he'd made my mood turn so much lighter. "Well then. I'm not ashamed to let the world take one wild guess about who's fucking me." I proclaimed, stubbornly.
"Is that so?" Pedro's voice had dropped several octaves. "One day apart and we're already halfway into phone sex."
My eyes drifted away. The fear of disappointing him tasted bitter. I would have gladly given in but there were other things on my mind tonight, more urgent things. "I promise I'll try to behave... at least until next month." I dodged him but the suggestion made me smile anyway.
"I know, baby. This is torture for me." We sighed together before Pedro continued to ramble sweet nonsense. "But wait until you're filling music halls and your groupie, that's me, is gonna be there, in the first row telling people 'that's my wife up there!" He still used our inside joke, our non-married, married status and possible future together to pull a laugh from me.
I willed away the tears threatening my water line. My voice sounded thick when I finally managed to answer. "You're too adorable, Pedro." I cleared my throat, braving myself with an alluring voice and a grain of humour. "Why don't you just come here and kiss me?" "Soon, mi amor. Soon." He promised.
I got up, spying on the pregnancy test that taunted me while it sat in the pale light of the bathroom counter. I really had to pee and this also meant the time for a moment of truth had come.
"And what have you been up to?" I asked innocently as I walked over, pinching my phone between chin and shoulder as I turned the test and flew through the instructions.
"I made a new friend too." He answered in a playful, happy tone.
"Oh?" I hummed intrigued, knowing he was still fully busy shooting with the same crew until the end of November.
"Did you know Starlings are so fucking very scary and interesting birds?" Pedro cleared up. "They whistle along with your song and they're nice when they sing but then it's like a static kind of electronic radio voice is talking to you. They taught the bird to say a line of yours. 'So long, cowboy." Pedro tried to imitate it and I replied with half-assed sounds of attention. "She was quite beautiful and had freckles too." He added, a smile evident in his voice.
I breathed out an amused huff at his good-humoured description but I was still hung up on the package instructions and what two little marks would mean.
"Baby, are you okay?" He asked after I had stayed silent for too long.
"Yeah, of course." I mustered all my courage, spinning the stripped pregnancy test between my fingers. One moment I was fearing a sign of life, the next I began thinking about what could be. A tiny baby to dote on, something Pedro and I would have made. "I uh... I just... I wanted to tell you something." I didn't know how to put my feelings into words as so many of them spilt over.
"Tell me what?" Pedro urged, sounding worried too now.
I gathered my breath, just to chicken out last second. I wanted to tell him everything at once, how much I loved him, how much I valued him, how scared I was and how impossible this seemed to pass through the phone.
My voice thinned out as I became close to tearing up. "I need you to know how much I admire you and everything you've done." I didn't know why I said it but I suddenly realised these thoughts had been preoccupying me all day, waiting to vent.
"Sweetheart... I- thank you? Where is this coming from?" Pedro spoke gently through the phone. "Please, don't cry."
"Sorry, I'm a bit emotional." "That's okay, why don't you tell me what's this all about, hm? I can listen."
I took a deep breath. "I know, I know, angel." I laughed and wiped away a single escaped tear. I gathered myself and used some toilet paper as tissues, deciding to lead with something else that bothered me instead of the pregnancy that could be. "It's because they were a bit cautious about my intentions here at Third Man... at first. I know I got here because of networking and Jack didn't say it but it was clear he wanted to see if I'm serious about making music or if I'm just dabbling." I knew I was being unjust and this wasn't at all what Jack was like but my own insecurities and experience remained. "Most people complimenting me on my accomplishments start with 'actually you're pretty smart, nice and talented for someone with a face and body like that. That's what they're really saying subconsciously."
"I'm so sorry. I know this isn't the first time you've been underestimated." Pedro gave me nothing but sympathy, as always.
He let me sniffle on for a while, patiently whispering encouragement into my ear while possibly everything became too much. "No, I get where they're coming from," I said anyway. "I got my spot in the club of Hollywood because I have rich grandparents who could support my career."
"Nini-" he tried to interrupt me, almost angrily but I didn't let him.
"Which is why I realised something important today... about prejudice and privilege. I met this super nice but very poor person today. They play the cello-" I told Pedro about the person who was already my favourite band member. "Olivia flew them in literally this morning and... I realised I'm so out of touch with reality about artists being out there, struggling to even pay for their next dinner." I rambled through tears. "I don't think I could admire you more, Pedro. I know how hard it's been for you sometimes before you got where you are today. You're the best human being I've met in my entire life and you deserve... everything. You did all of this by yourself and I can't even grasp how much this means because I can't relate. I haven't struggled a single day of my life."
Pedro took several beats to digest my fast string of words, but when he did, he sounded so soft. "It means a lot to me that you're saying this but-" He promised, taking another pause before he spoke next, his voice had thickened as well. "I owe so much to kind people and pure luck." "And hard work."
"And hard work, okay." He parroted with an amused exhale. "Honey, you've struggled differently. You know that." He spoke gently and I imagined a look on his face I knew would unfurl my world all over again.
"It's not the same." I toughed through with a dismissing smile but Pedro wouldn't hear it.
"And you 'do' deserve everything- and more. You say you owe your place because of existing money? You earned it through talent, not through nepotism, not through what you think is cheating by being rich. I know about privilege too, you know. Talking about... ethnically ambiguous male privilege." Pedro laughed into the phone, loosening a bit of my tension as well. "I'm sure you stood your ground and showed them how unique you are today and you'll surprise the world again, you'll see. I'm so fucking proud of you, baby."
Slowly, my sense of guilt subsided and I no longer felt a sense of mourning for the life we froze. He gave me hope. "God, I miss you. I feel like I'm going through a lot." I gulped heavily and sighed at the pregnancy test, concluding that the next part was rather self-explanatory. Finally, I couldn't hold it any longer, pulled my shorts down and sat on the toilet.
"Something else you wanna tell me?" Pedro gently tried to coax out of me.
"Not yet." I confused him and after a while of silence over the phone, I summoned my courage. "Actually, yes there is. I'm peeing." I began and heard a snort on the other end.
"Alright," Pedro replied in an amused tone, muffled around a bite of something to eat.
"Promise me not to get mad about what I'm going to tell you? I guess I'm making progress since I am telling you what I'm about to tell you." I rambled nervously, still checking if I was doing this right.
"It's okay." He obviously continued eating, unfazed. "What's this about, you're making me nervous." Pedro stopped chewing on his food.
"Nothing. I- first... swallow." I told him and provoked a sputter on his end. "Hey, that's my line." That cheeky bastard gave back and I barked out a laugh before falling silent again.
"I'm taking a pregnancy test." I finally admitted and scrambled for words after a silence that felt like infinity. "I mean... I'm- I'm doing it right now. Just because I didn't get my period doesn't mean... so maybe it's stupid but... I just needed you to be here with me-"
More silence.
"Yes, I- I'm here. I think- fuck, I think my heart just stopped." He stuttered, breathlessly, gathering his ability to comprehend. "Are you okay? Holy shit, really?" He almost yelled. "How did you not lead with this? Are you sure?"
"I'm- no! Why do you think I have to take a test?" I snapped back and bit my tongue afterwards. I lowered my tone as I washed my hands. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm just... a little on edge."
"Nini," Pedro simply cooed, hoping for any sign of clarification from me.
We didn't say anything for a while as I sat on icky naked tiles on the floor with my knees tucked up beneath my chin and the test face down next to me. "Three minutes and we'll know."
"Oh fuck." Pedro cursed, letting out a huge exhale on the other side while I talked him through it.
"I forgot to take contraceptives during my little breakdown... and our holiday. I thought we were safe. Oh god-" I sniffled pathetically, regretting my breakdown even though I knew nothing could have reversed it. "I'm sorry."
"Hey, don't, please. This would be- " "-bad timing." "-wonderful."
"What?" We asked at the same time. There was no way he'd say that so easily, no way I'd just contradicted him so bluntly.
"I said... I think it would be... wonderful?" Pedro hesitated to repeat himself.
While I sat here, staring at the wall with my mouth open, I tried to digest if Pedro had really meant it. Oh, how much of a disappointment would it be now, if the test was negative? "Then, what if it's nothing?" My voice strangled my throat when I realised it could be worse. If I was indeed pregnant and didn't want it. "What if I can't do this?" My nose clogged up the more I tried not to cry.
"Honey, then nothing will have changed. I'm glad you told me and... if you are... pregnant, I would support you with every decision you'd make." He tried to find the right words but he was saying the most compassionate thing he could have said in my situation while he sounded like his heart was breaking at the thought. "Did you know there'd be no Fleetwood Mac if Stevie Nicks hadn't gotten an abortion? I'd understand if obviously... you're taking a big leap in your career right now."
I tried to stop the tremble in my bottom lip. "Your halo must weigh rather heavy, doesn't it?" I felt my eyes burn, just when I heard him sniff out a laugh.
Pedro willed himself to cheer me up and I grinned, glad about having such a feminist boyfriend who would support my choice. "It's the bare minimum." He disagreed.
"And I'm just sitting here, bawling my eyes out because I'd want both." My own laughter died all of a sudden when I realised what I'd said. "Uh-"
I felt like his silence had become unbearably loud. "You'd... want... you want a baby?" Pedro finally hushed out and I wished I could see his face, for his voice was unreadable.
I scoffed in what I hoped was still a friendly manner. "Pedro, okay, I realise we've been together for such a short time but even a blind person can see that you're practically born to be a dad." "That's not what I asked."
"I... yes," I confessed, almost feeling embarrassed. "At least... someday, I'd love to have all of this with you."
To my surprise, I heard a little sniff over the phone. "Someday." He repeated my words, sounding hopeful and heartbroken in equal measure.
"What about you?" I needed to hear anything from him at this point, really.
"I'm almost too afraid to hope," Pedro confessed, relieving my heart. "Seems too good to be true."
A tear rolled down my cheek, as I finally felt at peace with whatever the test would tell us. A glance at the clock indicated that it was time. "Three minutes are over." I introduced the idea of possibly the last seconds of life as we'd known it.
Shaky hands turned the pregnancy test while Pedro was holding his breath.
Glimpses of our future passed through my head like lightning. A pram in a sunlit room, my lips touching a baby's forehead, messy breakfasts and simply being together as a happy and... healthy family the way I'd never known one.
I felt hot and cold at the same time, as the result struck me. "It's negative." I interpreted the single line and concealed a huge exhale while Pedro didn't hide his.
After a short moment of silence, a smile turned into a loud grin, which turned into full chuckles until we were both laughing in relief of our nerves and also, love for one another.
The corners of my mouth turned downwards in disappointment before I could pull myself together and tell myself that we were better off that way for now. "Shame." I finally choked out and meant it but I also felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders.
"Yeah, shame." Pedro agreed with slowly dying chuckles.
I groaned, shaking with my head between my knees, still holding the pregnancy test with numb fingers. "Are you alright?" I asked immediately, feeling incredibly sorry I had put him through this.
Pedro's voice came out quiet. "Can you promise me something?"
"Anything, of course." "Always know that, if the test ever turns out to be positive, you can tell me without being afraid of how I'd react... because of course, if that's what you want too, I'd be over the moon happy. I'll be there-" his voice broke and it shattered my heart. "-no matter what happens, alright?" His vow of being this committed to our bond was everything I had needed to stop being afraid of the future. I just couldn't say anything to articulate how much it meant to me until I heard a little sob over the phone. Was he crying?
"Oh, Pedro." Now I was crying too. "Yes, I promise."
"I think I need a hug." He choked out, voice quivering and I cooed, drying my fresh tears with my sleeve.
"When will I see you?"
Pedro took a moment to gather himself. "Soon as I land. You'll be back in New York by the time I'm done with the promo shoots... come December."
"I should pick you up." "No, baby, I'll be there as quick as I can. I have to get things sorted out first." "But-" "Can you let me do what I need to do, woman?" He asked, strictly before we laughed together again.
I closed my eyes, a real smile beaming on my face, reflecting happiness from the depths of my heart. "We'll be back together in no time."
"And in between, another hotel room without you."
"We'll manage." More silence followed as I extinguished the bathroom light and tapped toward my window on bare feet. "I'm looking up at the sky. It's so clear... and so dark."
"I'm looking up now too. We're looking at the same moon." He described and I gazed upon the pale source of light, feeling so small compared to the grandeur of the universe while he was down here with me, but still so far away.
"It feels like you're here." He said and I wished I could kiss him with all the love I felt for him at this moment.
"I am," I promised before I settled into bed and buried my face into his hoodie, waiting there for me to revive my bittersweet homesickness.
"Do you want me to keep talking until you fall asleep?"
"Yes, I'd love that, angel."
Dawn broke, finally. After the band and I had finished another obsessive all-nighter in the studio, I yearned for a moment of peace and quiet.
That's how I found myself antsy to get some coffee and feel a little worse until I couldn't bear to be inside any longer. I had to take myself and my designer boots outside into the muddy grass fields and still couldn't believe I was doing this. Meanwhile, I was quartered at a studio in the middle of nowhere with cows and crows for early neighbours.
A little off-town, at a country ranch just across Cumberland River, I soaked up the bleak winter sunrise, watching the crows multiply as they blacked out the view. An imposing sight of delicately crafted clouds stretched above the wide farmland with autumn branches colouring the greys. The occasional cow mooed and I smiled wistfully at the peace surrounding me as I simply stood here, deprived of sleep and freeze crawling into my toes.
I had attempted to pour unpleasant black coffee into my soul until I was struck with the electrical charge of an epiphany. "Yes!" It burst out of me and birds flew up the trees when I leapt for the house. Coffee sloshed over the rim and my hand when I slammed through the door, burst into the studio and directed all eyes on me.
"I got it!" I yelled and repeated my statement in a calmer voice when all I got were shocked expressions. "Wah wah wah, bap bada wah wah wah." I mimicked the guitar line and then sipped my already empty cup. "You mean-" my guy at rhythm guitar played exactly what I meant. "Yes!" I pointed at him, satisfied.
'Blue Eyes' turned out to be the perfect blend of soft vocals and hard new-wave rock. The abrupt changes within the song blew Jack away several times when he came in to visit us during rehearsal one of these days. I waved him off but it was still nice to hear that multiple people agreed that my ode to Ewan had the potential to become a number-one chart hit.
This button addressed that unit and produced a dirty sound and a double baseline with the keyboard made you wanna dance. We all played differently and that was where our personalities flared up. Yet, I felt like the band had become a unit and I immensely enjoyed pushing ourselves to the best result.
I wiped underneath my eyes to get rid of the smear of excess eyeliner. "You've got one more in you?" I asked the exhausted band, then turned around to speak to the sound engineer behind the soundproof glass. "Try more echo on the guitar part and maybe throw it left and right in the intro?"
"Right, gang." I picked up the electric again and made it hum in anticipation. "One, two, three, four-"
Dear Nini,
I hope you're glad to know that everything is alright here and I'm keeping myself busy but I miss you so. I smell the roses, I eat the sweetest peaches and I think of kissing you.
Sending you a new friend and all my love, so you'll hardly feel my absence, mi pajárita.
"I should go away more often if that means I get to receive such beautiful love letters from you." I mused, thriving off Pedro's responding non-verbal sound of amusement. "Thank you so much for this. It's a great comfort." I rolled to the side and cuddled with the fluffiest stuffed animal my beloved boyfriend had send me. It had been delivered along with the most romantic, lyrical note that could let my heart pound in my chest whenever I read its lines. "I think she looks like a Stevie." I stroked the cloud-like donkey stuffie's ears.
"That seems appropriate, I know you'll take good care of her." He chuckled back and I was briefly saddened and nervous about the fact that he wouldn't receive my record postcard to his New York address for several weeks to come. I felt like I had been neglecting our daily chats and calls for a few days while my name was being teared up in the news and my upcoming music career was no longer the stuff of rumours. "How have you been holding up?" He asked.
I let out a sound of pity at his slightly sceptical tone and immediately wished to soothe this poor abandoned man. "Oh, I don't know what to do, where to put my hands without you here. The only thing I know is that every day, I feel jealous of the sun that's kissing your face instead of me." I sighed and yearned for his skin after it had soaked in all warmth of the day.
Pedro seemed satisfied at that. "I miss you too, little songbird. Still counting the days til I'm on my way to you." "I miss you more. Not long now, and I'm all yours. I'll wait at my place when you'll get back and I'm already planning what I want to make us for dinner. Wait for it- Italian."
Pedro gasped. "Feeling a bit bold, are we?"
"I want to broaden my horizon. Maybe I can learn how to cook Mexican food too."
"I'd thought we'd cook together? I mean, I love a home-cooked meal but I don't expect you to do all the work. I can pick up some wine too." "Babe, I just want you to bring yourself and an antithes-tamintamine, antistethamine. God, what a word."
Pedro snickered. "Wine and dessert then?" He insisted. "Or... we could make ice cream like promised. I can dig that but you know I'm into the idea of tasting something much sweeter." He purred, his voice dropping into a seductive tone.
I giggled at his flirtation, blushing and twirling the donkey's ear in a bashful way, even though he couldn't see my flustered state. "Pedro?"
The tone of his questioning hum suggested he could read my mind from miles away. "What is it, mi amor?"
"Where are you?" "In my room, sitting at my desk." "You could be more comfortable, you mean." I pouted, manipulating him without any fruition. He wouldn't fall for my subtle cue.
Pedro was already intrigued. "Is now the time where you're going to tell me you're wearing my sweater again, you little minx?
I laughed. "Oh, I am indeed. Do you like the idea of your girlfriend wearing your clothes with nothing underneath?"
"Fuck." He cursed. "Yeah, I like that. Combined with one of your barely existent panties. Now take a wild guess what I found today." He rasped out but cleared up the mystery shortly after. "I'm holding the light pink ones in my hand right now, the pair you wore the very first time we slept together." I gasped, having completely forgotten I had never found them again afterwards. "Found them behind the dresser and I've been turned on since.
"Well, doesn't that make a nice souvenir, papi?" I asked, bravely close to saying what wasn't allowed and using the term of endearment in a sexual context. I smirked at the tortured groan he failed to hide anyway. He liked it as much as I did but never permitted us to indulge for the sake of my mental health. What a waste of opportunity.
I got up with a sensual swish of air and looked for a pretty pair of underwear and a short skirt, zipping it up and pretending like I had been wearing it all along because I knew he'd soon ask for more details. "Do you wanna know a secret?" I hushed out, only receiving an intrigued hum from him in return. "I touched myself in them, thinking about you before we met that night."
"Fuck, you did?"
I intended to drive him nuts with intention and anticipation and I savoured his laboured breaths like the sound of cacophony before the orchestra would begin to play. "It was so easy to make myself come back then. Now though? You touch me so right, spoiled me. I need you." I whined, pathetically.
"You're so adorable. Can't wait to kiss you again, little songbird." "Kiss me when you catch me and we'll see how much cooking we can get done." I lured him into sexy future promises as I put on some plumping lipstick.
"So, what else are you wearing, baby?" He asked in a sinfully suggestive tone. "Only my clothes? Don't tease me now, not when I want you so much."
I hummed innocently, congratulating myself for my foresight. "My hair is loose." I began, running my hand through it and floofing it up. "And I'm wearing a skirt that stops just above my thigh-high socks." There was a bang audible on the other end of the phone that made me jump as well as purse my lips in amusement. "Damn. Is there anything more sensual than a girl in high socks and a skirt?" Pedro gritted out.
"What, you wouldn't rather see me naked?" I teased him further.
"In my bed here with me, sprawled out, sweet and needy for me to go down on you. I miss your taste."
I giggled, blushing at his spurge of filthy words. "I honestly have to admit that I have 'never' met anyone who's as eager about eating a girl out." "I fucking love it, that's why. You're my girl and I love the sounds you make when I've got you under my tongue."
I hissed at the unbearable spiciness our call was flavoured with. "Is this- are we having phone sex?" I chirped out and he chuckled. "If you want to."
"I mean, I just hope you can take it." I concerned and I knew the 'bitch please' kind of face he was making at me right now before he was forced to let me carry on. "Come, feel me, you sweet man. I wanna know how good it is for you. You know I'd let you do anything to me, don't you?" I let out breathy words into the speaker like I was telling him a villainous open secret. "I get off on it, giving you anything you want, whatever you need and how you'll have me. What does that make me, you think?" I waited for his answer.
"Mine," Pedro replied correctly and I cried softly in triumph, bringing the speaker as close to my lips as possible.
"How about your good little slut?" I suggested confidently, doing my surprised but eager partner one better.
Pedro exhaled violently. "You have no idea how good you are at this." He breathed carefully, preparing to order me around. "Get on the bed."
"Yes... sir." I purred and bit my lip when I let my body drop onto the plush bed. "What now? Are you gonna join me or do you only want me to keep it wet for you until you get home?" I giggled at his deep, tortured growl.
"Do whatever it takes while I'm figuring out how you can have the audacity to walk around with your own spit in your mouth instead of mine." He sounded dangerous and these absolute filthiest words made me speechless, staring with wide eyes at the ceiling while he took advantage of my shocked state. "Go on. Tell me what else you think about when you pleasure yourself and come on your pretty little hand."
My face was beet red. I thought I had a plan but Pedro had quickly taken over. Who knew he was so good at phone sex as well? I hesitated, drawing out the moment before I admitted. "All of you... your tongue, your hands." I whispered, my heart still pounding in my chest. "I can feel myself getting so wet, just thinking about what we could do. Imagine it."
He hummed, satisfied at my eagerness to explore this part of our sexual experience. "Why don't we check, let my hands spread those soft thighs? Fuck, baby, prettiest little thing I ever laid my eyes on. I just wanna bury my face into your pussy. So... sweet and soft and wet for me."
I bit my lip, almost painfully. "And it's all yours when you come home."
Pedro rumbled out a promise. "When I see you, it's on sight." He warned me, just when a moan trembled from my lips at the excitement buzzing within me. "Are you touching yourself right now?" He asked, breathlessly.
I swallowed, thickly. My fingers were shaking but already slipping past the hem of my skirt to find suddenly hot skin. "Can I?" "Fuck, listen to yourself asking for permission. Do it."
I held my phone next to my ear as I settled back comfortably. "I am- I am touching myself but my skin feels too dry without your tongue." Slowly, my fingers began to descend down my body, dancing over perk and sensitive nipples before they slipped beneath my skirt and applied pressure where I most needed it. Another mewl spilt into my phone at the sweet relief. "But I'm wet for you here, dripping. You're doing this to me."
"Good. You know how much I love to prepare you for me, slowly. Tease yourself the way I would."
I could only whimper while I worked myself, imagining his fingers instead of this poor substitute as I slipped deeper into soft, dewy flesh.
"Words, honey. What are you doing?" "Feels good, Pedro. Feels- s' good. Want to push inside me but... it can't compare to anything you give me." "What do you want?" "Give me more, more dirty words!" I ordered him. To hell with all these pleasantries when I just wanted him to fuck me.
"Ah, ah. You know what to do. Indulge me, sweetheart." He corrected me.
I would, in my greed, beg him as I threw my head to the side and gasped into my pillow. "Please, give me more. Please." I hushed out, swallowing my pride.
"Good. Very good. That's it. Don't worry, I got you. I always take good care of you, don't I?" His praises were hot and sticky whispers in my ear, flowing into my veins and running down my throat in heavy gulps like slow petit mort.
"I'll always be there for you, baby girl. Fuck, you're so perfect when you rub your little clit like this, doing such a good job pleasing me." His soothing words poured tears into my eyes and caused a violent shudder to run from the nape of my neck down to my toes. "Can you imagine me holding onto your hips, kissing your neck when I push my fingers into you?"
"Mmh, yes." I moaned out, gulping before I remembered I had my equal part to play in this. "Will they stay inside? I'll let you stare at us when your fingers drip from me, in and out. Know this tight cunt is yours to play with." My voice dropped alluringly.
"Filthy, filthy girl."
"All those marks you leave on my body? Wouldn't be enough, hm? You need to fill me up soon. Baby, touch yourself for me." "Way ahead of you."
The image he projected into my head was a sight for sore eyes, him on the bed we had shared, stroking himself with blissfully parted lips. "You look simply devine like this, my angel. Tell me how hard you are." "Rock h-" Pedro groaned.
"What would you do if you saw me like this, finger stuffed, trying so hard to come without you?" "I'd watch." He let out a huff of breath. "You wouldn't be allowed to stop until you'd make yourself come."
Every ounce of my being begged my body to let me come or let me die. "I'm- holding off, I could... right now." I chocked on air when he interrupted the exquisite approach of my climax.
"Easy, go slower." He commanded, gently but with no room for argument.
I had felt my peak building up, then subsiding into frustration when I listened to him and stopped. "But-" I began but Pedro was always keen to remind me of our most sweet and sinister ways. "You do as I say, remember?"
I swallowed. "Yes, sir."
"Good girl. Let's say you did come-" "You're being cruel." I protested but he simply chuckled.
"I'd take you right there when you haven't even come down yet." Fuck, oh, I wished he would. I wouldn't be prepared and it would make all the difference. If I listened closely, I could even hear him emitting the wet sounds of bringing himself pleasure. "You're an entity, maybe that's why it feels so holy when I finally push into you... when you break open for me and let me in. I can't stop looking at your face when I do, like it's too much every time. Fuck, when I think about that first moan you give me." His rumoured whispers had me breathless. His dirty words were poetry. I heaved an involuntary high and choked out sound, overwhelmed at how good he was at this and he simply scoffed at it.
"There it is." He purred further. "How does it feel for you?"
"You fill me up so good, you're so big and I want you to make it fit." I had tears in my eyes when I bit into the back of my hand.
His panting made out a faint whisper. "And you're taking it like a big girl. My sweet thing, so wet for me. You can relax for me now. I always got you, don't I? I'll make you come soon, hm? You'd scream my name when I fuck you hard, just the way you like to take me. Ask me to go so much harder when you take it from behind this time."
I whined at the image he envisioned. "Yes! Fuck me harder, yes! Oh god, harder!"
"Love seeing you tremble underneath me when I do, when I break you apart and you can't think about anything else than being fucked on my cock, baby."
"Love it when you hit me just right, I can't think- I..." I let out theatrical girlish moans. "I'm so cockdumb."
"I make it so you can't move underneath me, pinned down and you just have to take it like this but you're too far gone anyway-"
I shook in pleasure as I panted sharply into the phone. "Please, make me cry for it. Fill me up, I want it!"
Pedro gave out a villainous hum. "Are you really so needy for me? Would you beg for it properly or do I have to reconsider and pull out and paint you? You're such a pretty little thing when you beg." He panted and I pictured the sinful baptism, pictured him towering over me as he held me in submission. "Do you want me to give you my fingerprints on your hips? Fuck, you look so tiny between my hands, taking my cock so well. You're doing so good."
Pedro let out a string of Spanish curses and praises and we both got lost in our fantasy for a moment. My eyes were violently screwed shut and I simply let go, rubbing and rubbing, never staying silent and moaning directly into my phone.
"Baby there's-"
"Pedro, shit, I'm almost there!" "-no better place than deep inside your body." I rose higher and higher, building up my climax until I could feel myself balancing on the edge.
"I want you to fucking come. Now." He ordered. His voice prolonged the high I had already reached and it spilt over when he grunted, oh so perfectly. I obliged, coming so hard I couldn't believe it had been from my own fingers.
I let out a shuddering breath as my mind transcended towards the ceiling, circling so perfectly. Moany breaths left my lips in the aftershock and I pressed my phone to my forehead as the bliss ebbed away.
Pedro chuckled, he actually chuckled at my defeat. He knew how good he was with his words and voice alone.
I panted out, trying to swallow from my dry mouth. "I came so hard, that was incredibly hot." Pedro keened at my words while he listened to me come down from my orgasm. I was buzzing and trembling, energised and full of wonder.
"Such a good girl, I knew you could do it. My perfect, kinky little plaything," He said through gritted teeth, the praise more for his pleasure now. Even though I had already climaxed, his words made my muscles clench and my heart beat uncontrollably wild. "Do you have any idea how hard you got me?" He asked, a painful hiss in his voice. I could tell from the sounds that he was still pumping his cock but a thought made me interrupt him. "Stop!" I commanded and a breathy exhale proved his frustration.
"I was so close, why-"
"Switch to video chat with me. Now." The demand was uncharacteristically authoritative of me but it took Pedro only a second to oblige. I smirked deviously when I finally saw his face which seemed to ask me where that attitude suddenly came from. I placed my phone onto the low headboard and crawled up close so he could only see my plump lips, swollen from biting them. "Save the image for the real thing, honey. I've got something even better for you. Let me make it up to you."
His chest was heaving. "Turn around beautiful girl, show me how wet your panties are."
I set my phone square onto the headboard of my bed against the wall, so he could see the entire play area. "I can do more than that, angel," I promised cryptically, paired with a sweet smile.
Pedro smiled beautifully in return, dark obsidian eyes impossible to distinguish from his pupils. "What is this, hm?"
I leaned to the side for a moment, dimmed the lights and found just the right song on my old iPod. Afterwards, I sat up and made a show of messing my hair up. "Relax and enjoy the show," I told him with a wink and turned on the song I had in mind for this special occasion.
"No, you didn't!" Pedro hollered and cheered in amazement, it made me break character for a brief second as I laughed at his adorableness.
A second later, I blinked at him with the most sultry look I could muster. The song had the distinguished erotic character of Prince expressing his feelings for this absolutely horniest, sexually liberated woman he once met. It was perfect for the occasional strip tease I would have in store for him in the future.
I had seen it play out in my head before and had planned a loose concept of a choreography. It all went according to plan when I turned around during the intro and showed him enough of my ass underneath my skirt to let him see a glimpse of my ruined knickers. I looked back from this kneeling position and could barely hold back a moan. The screen was a little small from this distance but Pedro's mouth was momentarily hidden by his hand as he seemed to spit into it and went back to stroking himself off-camera.
I smirked at his eagerness. Pride and confidence washed over me at the sight of his pleasure even though I had barely done anything yet. I introduced sensual swirls of my hips back and forth to the slow rhythm and flicked my hair when I arched my back and gathered it back in my hands.
I knew a girl named Nikki, I guess you could say she was a sex fiend,
Prince moaned out his song while I bit my lip and teased Pedro when I revealed more skin underneath his clothes. My hand following the plane of my belly until it cupped my sex.
Met her in a hotel lobby masturbating with a magazine.
I would make this good enough for him to develop a Pavlovian reaction to this particular song.
The first thing I peeled off my body was his oversized sweater and I squeezed my tits for him underneath the confinement of my bra. Pedro watched me pretend to grind down on him from this angle, picking up my hips and sinking down again like he was here with me and not just his hoodie. I swirled my hips in hypnotic circles and began grinding just like Nikki would.
When the instrumental part hit, I was in only my bra, skirt and thigh-high socks, flipping my hair dramatically. I was slowly tugging them off my skin the way I remembered from my dance class for the Burlesque sequel I had starred in. Everything I had learned back then came in handy now. Even three years later, I knew how to properly fling my clothes across the room and make sure he could see barely enough. It was all part of the tease, to unhook my bra artistically and with such faked innocence in my eyes. I concealed my nipples from him with my hands until I dropped them and went from showgirl to stripper.
I was almost sure Pedro had whispered something but the music was turned up loud enough to drown every other sound. Greedy eyes stared back at me through a slightly shaking video chat. My chest and legs were bare to him now and my hair got wilder and wilder as the song got more intense and my confidence peaked.
She said sign your name on the dotted line, the lights went out and Nikki started to grind
Another instrumental part made me throw myself back and lift my hips into the air rhythmically. Slowly, I rose my legs and peeled my thin panties off without letting him look underneath my skirt.
The music overlapped his curses when I rolled onto my knees and elbows and dipped down onto the mattress. My hooded eyes were staring at my boyfriend through the lit screen of my phone until I started the pantomime. The actress in me enjoyed the play I initiated with the particular erotic passion this song provided.
I dropped my head and whipped my skirt up like it had been an invisible hand, fast and surprising and still not enough because Pedro could only see the front of my body and pushed up curve of my ass. I was naked, out in the room. Granting him a blissful expression with a slap on my thigh. The sting tingled but it felt pathetic compared to a spank from him. It was entirely ludicrous. The skirt made my strip tease so much dirtier than if I had been completely naked. It wasn't just porn, it was art.
I let the thin air make love to me while I pretended he would take me from behind in my skirt, hard and slow to the beat. It looked real, it looked filthy but it was just me, on the bed, making straight eye contact and actually drooling until wiping it away with my hand.
I can't tell what she did to me but my body will never be the same
I stayed mute to not disturb the song's passion but I rose my head in an open-mouthed moan when I shifted my body and angled it just so he could finally view my dripping core and could see I was about to touch myself again.
Oh, she'll show no mercy but she'll sho'nuff, sho'nuff show you how to grind. Darlin' Nikki
Just like that, I decided he could enjoy the sight of both my face and my pussy if I would sit back and spread my legs, lift my hips into my hand and throw my head back with a silent expression of pure bliss.
Grind, grind, grind, grind, grind
I had thought I was satiated, I didn't need another orgasm but my body didn't listen. It made me feel so fucking powerful while the instrumental part went on and on and my movements got wilder and messier. My entire body tensed up in euphoria when I came again but my fingers kept rubbing and clenching my core until my body went limp and I feel forward in exhaustion.
It just felt so damn good to hear those sounds from him when he orgasmed with me but the song had ended and I slowly opened my eyes to grin at Pedro. We were both out of breath and just stared at each other in wonder.
In our newly discovered silence, he made an appreciating sound and wolf whistled. "I think I'm speechless. That was fff- fucking incredible."
I giggled at his praise. "How do you feel?" I asked sounding something between shy and sultry while I crawled up to my phone on wobbly limbs.
"Sweaty... Sticky." Pedro grumbled, raising one eyebrow as he looked down at himself. His gaze spoke volumes from accusation to admiration when his eyes snapped up again. "I made a mess of myself."
A triumphant grin spread across my face. "Next time you choose the song." I invited him.
His eyes closed when he chuckled. "I couldn't have chosen anything better, but here's the deal.... only if you'll let me return the favour." He insisted and I gasped excitedly.
"You'd do that? Holy shit, that's a big fucking yes from me." "I used to be a go-go dancer when I was younger. I can do that." He nodded at himself, determined.
I didn't have to think long. "In that case, 'Bottle Living' by Dave Gahan." "Alright," he grinned at me. "Got to see if I can steal the cowboy hat for that one." My fist hit my pillow. "Oh, oh fuck, oh fucking delicious."
He narrowed his eyes at me. "When you're done, I wanna watch you come to um..." he thought for a bit. "Feelin' Love' by Paula Cole."
"Ooooh." I felt giddy at this excellent soundtrack and clapped my hands, deciding I could lip-sync throughout the entire song. "Next time. I can't wait."
"Next time," he repeated, looking satisfied for one moment longer before he cringed down at himself. "I've got to clean up and get my head together. You're definitely the best thing that's ever happened to me." While I melted on the inside, he let out one last tired groan, though the smile on his lips lingered.
I blew him a kiss. "I'll speak to you soon, I miss you."
He caught it and nearly kissed the camera in return. "I miss you more. Goodnight my little songbird. You're amazing."
"Goodnight, angel." My heart lit up once more. I simply wished I could have seen it in person when the crows feet in the corners of his eyes crinkled with joy.
Part 23
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nymfaia-archive · 1 year
more timeline fun, ft. My Ship + their bb. ft. @nossumusmanus since this ship + the ship's respective verse is fairly intertwined w/ quintus living at this point, lol
alta gets pregnant around the time of Pagl'than. either before or after. she is barely a few weeks along when Endwalker happens, and is Very Thoroughly Ill in Garlemald - something she thinks is a result of the corpses and the sheer horror of what has been done to Varis and the Tempered soldiers. It's early spring by the end of MSQ, and the snow is melting, exposing corpses that had not been able to rot in the cold, the sickened aether from the Tower making her feel nauseous and ill to her bones.
It is after their first excursion into the Tower that it truly rears it's head, and she is caught outside of camp kicking snow over the rations she failed to stomach. Jullus finds her crying and upset at herself for not keeping things together. After some encouragement, she bundles her uncertainty and despair back in, knowing she had a world to save.
(she's also sick in Thavnair, but - as she was sick from using the Aetheryte to travel there - she assumes it's just that, along with exhaustion and nerves.)
After the end of the main MSQ, Alta is quarantined in Sharlay for multiple, multiple weeks. She's still sick and she needs physical therapy and time to heal from her wounds. I think someone in Sharlay probably tried to tell her what state she was in, but she was convinced her injuries and her light aether corruption from Shadowbringers would cause the pregnancy to be a fluke. Out of fear of being known and having been cooped up for too long, she swiftly left after that to go aid the realm. By the time she leaves, she's just shy of three months along.
She visits Thavnair first, subsisting almost exclusively on mint lassi to keep her from getting too sick on the palace's tiles. Vrtra pegs her and her coalescing aether almost immediately and does his best to respect her hostility, and Alta flees to the undersea vault with her former Scion allies before the greatwyrm can truly guilt her about it. (Unfortunately for her, Y'shtola's aether sight knows it just as well. Fortunately for her, she says little and less beyond a veiled tease that the Warrior of Light entirely does not get.)
As soon as she ties up that loose end, Alta returns back to Garlemald. Her illness has gotten better, but is still off and on depending on what she's doing. A few days into the stay, she learns about Quintus' lover and their state, and both her and Jullus make an attempt to gather supplies from a deserted medical clinic. They bring back a mobile ultrasound machine, medicines, and vitamins, stopping by Tertium for a rest. They find a retired nurse there who is able to show Alta that she was still with child - and closer now to four than three months along. With Jullus, she traverses back to Camp Broken Glass to retrieve Quintus and Nerva and returns back to Terncliff that same evening.
Alta is in Terncliff for less than one moon. She dances around telling him the truth, and finally does one evening when she thinks he's fallen asleep beside her, whispering the news in his ears as if testing words on for size. By the time he fully awakens in the late morning, she's already long gone - but he knows what he heard was not a mere dream.
She doesn't return to Garlemald, but Thavnair. The tear betwixt realms is explored, the first two of the Fiends felled, and Zero returned to the Source upon their collapse. Still desperate to avoid Gaius and what response he may give her, she travels back to Ilsebard.
She teams up with Jullus and Quintus to go through the tower for supplies, and the three of them run into Nerva Galvus - or nearly do. Removing Quintus from the palace was like pulling teeth, but both her and Jullus finally were able to convince him it wouldn't end well if they stayed. They resolve to return after sharing the news with the Alliance - and, after some needling and reminders of you swore, Alta admits she's about in the same boat as Nerva (and sheepishly apologies for being a bit spicy in Endwalker and beyond.)
Alta has gone from begrudgingly eating rations and a half to starving even after two, and feels guilty that she's sapping resources from Garlemald and it's people. Using magic has become a drain on her she hadn't expected, and her stamina for traveling has lessened. After they enter the palace for a final confrontation, putting what was left of Varis to rest in a funeral pyre, she returns to Terncliff. Her state is becoming obvious to those who knew her previously. (Tataru would be happy to see Alta gaining weight again, after how thin she had become during her trip to the First. Alta firmly does not tell the receptionist-turned-tailor. Half the realm would know by sunset, and she is stubborn in keeping those who know to a bare minimum. She is nigh five months and beginning to get quite tired of people asking questions.)
It's the first time she's fully explained what all went on in Garlemald in her visits. She couldn't stomach telling Gaius the truth before, but now she feels as if it's unavoidable. He knew things had been dire, but had no idea that Zenos had treated his father so similarly to Varro and his children.
He was not there for his children. He was not there to protect Varis. There had to be something he could do to repent to his homeland, if only to close that chapter wholly and soundly behind him. Gaius decides he needs to return, if only to visit the grave of his homeland one time before it begins anew.
So he and Severa take off, leaving Allie in Alta's care and Alta in Valdeaulin's. A week of feeling bored and thoroughly harassing Valdeaulin later, Alta takes Allie on a small trip abroad, just the two of them. Allie learns of her present state: Alta, going without her facepaint, flies mostly under the radar as the two act as tourists in Kugane. They return to Terncliff about ten days later and Alta has a linkpearl call almost as soon as the airship lands; the disbanded Scions prepared to go into the Thirteenth, but were informed of issues in Garlemald with voidsent.
Alta leaves Allie in Valdeaulin's care and returns to Garlemald once more. Alongside Gaius once again, the pieces begin to fall into place for those she is affiliated with - her closeness to him as they move about the camp, his challenging gaze when she volunteers overmuch, the meals they share side-by-side - it is painfully obvious what they had gotten themselves into. Alta travels into Lapis Manalis alongside three Scions and Zero, acting as a sub-healer. The third Fiend is eradicated, and they return to the Camp with many, many liters of ceruleum.
(She is instructed to stay in the vehicle and stay warm as they load their loot, and her absolute silence on the ride back has Alisaie being a little sassy about 'the savior of the world, pouting over not being allowed to help'. She is about six months along, and, despite her apology to Quintus for being uncouth and short-tempered, she is still both of those things. It has been years since she has been disallowed to act - doing so now feels like a curse instead of a nicety.)
Alta is taken back to Terncliff with Gaius, who is still in disbelief that she's still forging ahead despite not being able to button her coat any longer. She lurks about the town for nigh on a full moon, tending to the flower field her and Valdeaulin have been growing since her first visit to Terncliff after the end of the world; and, for a moment, she's enjoying the break... before the Scions call on her once more.
The fourth fiend is in need of being dispatched. So she does as they ask, as she always has, and isn't given a reprieve to return home before they make further progress: they've figured out how to get to the Thirteenth's moon, and she's needed.
First to aid in the Aetherfont, and then to travel betwixt the stars.
While she is tired and irritable at the beginning of their adventure to the island of Haam, the surplus of positive aether is a boon after months of feeling drained. Her spells are cast with ease, her mana well feels as if it is bottomless, and for the first time since visiting Elpis, she feels as if she is hale and whole. She carries the energy through to the Thirteenth's moon, and, while relying on her shards from beyond the rift, she is able to take down the Knight in Black.
After a short stint in Thavnair to rest, she does return, one final time, to Terncliff. Despite the small town's slow pace of living and it's lack of true adventure, Alta finally decides she needs a rest. She calls the Scions and their affiliates to inform them of her hiatus and then clicks off her linkpearl for the longest, quietest stretch of relaxation she has had in over five years. She is seven moons and a handful of suns, having traversed two realms and taken down more enemies than the 'disbandment' of the Scions had promised her. She loves them all dearly, but she is tired.
Gaius still has his own linkpearl connection with Estinien open, and is kept abreast of their machinations as Alta stays willfully ignorant. He knows the biggest battle is yet to reach them - to tear down the last bastion of evil in the Thirteenth - and he hopes it is at bay for long enough for the Warrior of Light to have a peaceful last few weeks.
When they come to be, it is to her surprise - not his - that Moogle mail carriers are inundated with gifts and well wishing cards. She thought she had been quiet about it. She thought no one had found out, outside of Jullus, and Quintus, and Nerva, and Alisaie, and Y'shtola and Vrtra and - ....
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merrock · 2 years
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face claim: emma stone
full name: willa faith kennedy
nickname(s): willa
pronouns & gender: she&her. cis woman
sexuality: pansexual
birth date: November 12, 1988
birth place: Manhattan, NY
time in town: two years
housing: suburbs
occupation: nurse at the hospital center
family: one daughter, Amelia. born december 23, 2019.
personality: Kind and nurturing. Willa's compassionate with people yet she doesn’t put up with crap from people. She’s stubborn but sweet with those who she knows.
trigger / content warning: mention of alcoholism, bullying.
Willa’s childhood in New York was great from what she remembers if she’s asked. She was raised by a single mother since her father was an alcoholic and left when she was a baby. As she grew up she was told that her father cared at first but then drinking took over and her mom kicked him out. They didn’t have much but they got by and Willa knew she was cared for and loved.
In middle school she was bullied by the more popular cliques and the same group followed her into high school where it continued. She was teased for not being pretty enough or called names because she was smarter than them in class. She would just laugh at them in response and while some of it hurt about her looks, she knew they were jealous of her intelligence but sometimes those memories come back to her. She managed to get through school with some scholarships and chose to pursue a career in nursing. After going through a good nursing school she achieved getting her license and worked in a  hospital in Manhattan.
Years later when she was twenty seven she was at a bar after a long shift when a stranger caught her attention. She remembered he introduced himself as David and after some drinks they ended up at his place. She woke up and he was already gone, he didn’t even leave his last name with her or number. She never thought she’d have a one night stand at her age but she collected her things and left, never seeing him again.
Two weeks later she woke up feeling terribly sick. She thought it was just the flu but she slowly realized she missed her period that month. She took a day off from work and got a pregnancy test, she was terrified as she waited for the results in the bathroom. Those two lines appeared and her life was changed forever. One night and now she would be a mother. The father? She didn’t even know anything about him so there was no way she’d find him. She was now going to be a single mother like her own years ago. She was determined to make it work. Nine months later when Amelia came into the world, she knew it was the right choice.
Fast forward three years and she felt burned out by the long hours at the hospital in the big city while trying to be there for her daughter. After talking to her mother a change of scenery could help how she was feeling. She packed up her things and hired movers for the rest when she chose Merrock, Maine. She now works as a nurse in the hospital with much easier hours, while her daughter is starting preschool. She’s much happier. Looking at some of the other women around town those early comments from her childhood come back to bother her, not feeling good enough but she pushes back against them. She doesn't want her daughter growing up with a negative feeling about herself.
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shamsqamar · 2 months
What to Expect During Your Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Procedure
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Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a widely-used fertility treatment that can help couples achieve pregnancy by enhancing the chances of sperm reaching the egg. It is often chosen for its relatively simple and non-invasive nature compared to other fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF). At First Move IVF, we understand that undergoing an IUI procedure can be both exciting and daunting. This comprehensive guide will walk you through what to expect during your IUI procedure, from preparation to post-procedure care, ensuring you feel informed and supported throughout the process.
Table of Contents
Understanding IUI: An Overview
Step 1: Initial Consultation and Evaluation
Step 2: Ovulation Induction and Monitoring
Step 3: Trigger Shot
Step 4: Sperm Collection and Preparation
Step 5: The IUI Procedure
Step 6: Post-Procedure Care and Monitoring
Step 7: The Two-Week Wait (TWW)
Step 8: Pregnancy Test
Step 9: Early Pregnancy Monitoring
Coping with a Negative Result
Understanding IUI: An Overview
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Step 1: Initial Consultation and Evaluation
Before undergoing an IUI procedure, you will have an initial consultation with a fertility specialist. During this appointment, your doctor will review your medical history, discuss your fertility challenges, and conduct a series of diagnostic tests to evaluate your reproductive health. These tests may include:
Blood Tests: To assess hormone levels and ovarian reserve.
Ultrasound: To examine the ovaries, uterus, and follicles.
Semen Analysis: To evaluate sperm count, motility, and morphology.
Hysterosalpingography (HSG): To check for blockages or abnormalities in the fallopian tubes and uterus.
Based on the results of these tests, your doctor will determine if IUI is the appropriate treatment for you and develop a personalized treatment plan.
Step 2: Ovulation Induction and Monitoring
Ovulation induction is a crucial step in the IUI process. The goal is to stimulate the ovaries to produce one or more matureeggs for fertilization. Ovulation induction can be achieved using:
Oral Medications: Such as Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) or Letrozole (Femara), which stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs.
Injectable Medications: Such as Gonadotropins, which directly stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple follicles.
Your doctor will choose the appropriate medication based on your individual needs and response to treatment. Throughout the ovulation induction phase, regular monitoring is essential. This includes:
Blood Tests: To measure hormone levels, particularly estradiol, which indicates follicle development.
Ultrasounds: To track the growth and number of follicles and determine the optimal time for insemination.
Step 3: Trigger Shot
When the monitoring indicates that one or more follicles have reached the appropriate size (typically 18-20mm in diameter), a trigger shot of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is administered. The hCG injection mimics the natural luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, triggering the final maturation and release of the eggs from the follicles. Ovulation usually occurs about 36 hours after the trigger shot, making this the ideal time for the IUI procedure.
Step 4: Sperm Collection and Preparation
On the day of the IUI procedure, a sperm sample is collected from the male partner or a sperm donor. The sperm sample can be collected at home or in the clinic, depending on your preference and clinic policies. The collected sperm undergoes a process called sperm washing, which involves:
Separation: The sperm is separated from the seminal fluid and other debris.
Concentration: The healthiest, most motile sperm are concentrated into a small volume.
Activation: The sperm is activated to enhance its ability to swim and fertilize theegg.
Sperm washing is crucial as it removes any chemicals in the seminal fluid that could cause uterine contractions or other adverse reactions, ensuring only the best-quality sperm are used for insemination.
Step 5: The IUI Procedure
The IUI procedure is relatively quick and straightforward, typically taking about 10-15 minutes. It is performed in a clinical setting and does not require anesthesia. Here’s what to expect during the procedure:
Preparation: You will lie on an examination table, similar to a gynecological exam. The doctor will use a speculum to gently open the vagina and visualize the cervix.
Catheter Insertion: A thin, flexible catheter containing the washed sperm is carefully inserted through the cervix and into the uterus. This step is usually painless, although you may experience mild discomfort similar to a Pap smear.
Sperm Insemination: The sperm is slowly injected into the uterus through the catheter. The catheter is then removed, and you will be asked to remain lying down for about 10-15 minutes to allow the sperm to swim towards the fallopian tubes.
Step 6: Post-Procedure Care and Monitoring
After the IUI procedure, you can resume normal activities, although it is advisable to avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for a few days. Some women may experience mild cramping, spotting, or light bleeding, which is normal and should subside within a day or two.
Step 7: The Two-Week Wait (TWW)
The period between the IUI procedure and the pregnancy test is commonly referred to as the two-week wait (TWW). This can be an emotionally challenging time, as you may feel anxious and eager to know if the procedure was successful. During this time, it is essential to:
Stay Positive: Try to remain optimistic and engage in activities that help reduce stress and anxiety.
Follow Doctor’s Advice: Take any prescribed medications, such as progesterone supplements, and avoid activities that could negatively impact implantation.
Monitor Symptoms: Be aware of any early pregnancy symptoms, but remember that some symptoms can be similar to premenstrual symptoms.
Step 8: Pregnancy Test
Approximately 14 days after the IUI procedure, you will take a blood test to measure the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in your bloodstream. This hormone is produced during pregnancy and can confirm whether the IUI was successful. A positive test result indicates pregnancy, while a negative result means that the procedure did not result in pregnancy this cycle.
Step 9: Early Pregnancy Monitoring
If the pregnancy test is positive, you will continue to be monitored closely during the early stages of pregnancy. This monitoring may include additional blood tests to measure hCG levels and ultrasounds to confirm the viability of the pregnancy and check for multiple pregnancies. Once the pregnancy is well-established, typically around 8-10 weeks, you will be referred to an obstetrician for ongoing prenatal care.
Coping with a Negative Result
A negative pregnancy test can be disappointing and emotionally challenging. It is important to remember that it may take multiple IUI cycles to achieve a successful pregnancy. If the IUI procedure does not result in pregnancy, your doctor will review the cycle and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. They may recommend repeating the IUI procedure or exploring other fertility treatments, such as IVF.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a valuable fertility treatment that can help many couples achieve pregnancy. By understanding each step of the IUI process, from initial consultation to post-procedure care, you can feel more informed and prepared for your fertility journey. At First Move IVF, we are dedicated to providing personalized care, advanced technology, and compassionate support to help you achieve your dream of parenthood.
If you have any questions about the IUI process or would like to schedule a consultation, please contact First Move IVFtoday. Our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way and support you in your quest to build your family.
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surrogacyagencykenya · 2 months
My Own Experience with Same-Sex Surrogacy in Kenya!
Most surrogacy specialists have differing ideas about same-sex surrogacy in kenya, and this issue has always drawn discussion. A few people refer to it as a safe refuge for same-sex parents seeking surrogacy, while others express worries about the lack of surrogacy rules in the nation. But for me, the experience of using same-sex surrogacy in Kenya has been significant and transformative. 
My partner and I, as a homosexual couple, decided to go on this road in order to realize our desire of having a child. I will recount our tale in my blog, starting from the early difficulties we had and ending with the joyous day when we finally received our kid in our arms.
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Making an informed choice!
It all began with a strong desire to establish a family. In addition, my girlfriend and I had been dating for a few years when we both had strong parental desires. Either way, we were aware of the social and legal obstacles that came with being a same-sex relationship. Furthermore, we started looking into our possibilities because we were aware that gay surrogacy in Kenya may be a drawn-out and dubious procedure.
Surrogacy seemed to be the best option for us, but we were unsure about the legal and social views, especially in a country like Kenya where LGBTQ+ rights are not widely accepted.
Getting through the challenges!
Finding a surrogate mother who was willing to cooperate with a same-sex couple was one of the initial worries in this area. In Kenya, surrogacy was not well-informed or supported, so we had to rely on private associations and internet forums to connect with possible surrogates. Furthermore, it took us months to find someone who understood our situation and was ready to help.
The legal barriers were similarly formidable. Furthermore, there were unclear legal guidelines governing same-sex surrogacy in Kenya. We also got in touch with several family law attorneys, and they advised us to create a thorough surrogacy contract in order to protect the interests of both sides.
Handling the emotional aspects!
The emotional conundrum arose after we had settled on the legal positions and located a willing surrogate. Having said that, we developed a strong relationship with our surrogate and she became an important part of our lives. Also, when we took fertility drugs and awaited the results of the pregnancy test, the overwhelming feelings of expectancy, trust, and unease.
However, there were also happy and inspiring moments when we learned that our surrogate was expecting a child. Anyway, while we discussed the instabilities of pregnancy and labor, there were also times when I felt uneasy and afraid. Throughout the voyage, we relied on the support of our chosen family and companions and clutched each other's hands tightly.
Our child is finally here!
We were overcome with joy on the day of our child's birth, which was a turning point in our lives. It was also an amazing sensation to be in the delivery room, watch our baby breathe, and hug them for the first time. Furthermore, our surrogate had bestowed upon us the most priceless blessing we could possibly get.
However, there were difficulties involved in surrogacy for same-sex couples in Kenya who chose to become parents through surrogate pregnancy. That said, we encountered opinions and preferences from a small number of people in our neighborhood as well as from medical professionals. Still, the affection and encouragement we received from our loved ones and relationships outweighed the pessimism.
We fully embraced our responsibilities as fathers, providing our child with a nurturing and loving atmosphere. In addition, we discovered how to balance job and family obligations, and every day presented fresh opportunities and difficulties. Regardless of sexual introduction, parenthood may be a learning and growth adventure.
Making it through with the legal battles!
The most notable obstacle we faced following the birth of our child was getting official recognition as guardians. Due to the illegality of same-sex marriage in Kenya, our parenting rights were problematic. Furthermore, we were aware that we would need to defend our child's legal rights and ensure that they would have the same legal protections as other children.
We further partnered with LGBTQ+ organizations and legal experts to advocate for legal recognition and communication. In addition, the battle was exhausting and protracted, with many setbacks and disappointing times. Whatever the case, we persevered surrogacy for gay couples in kenya thanks to our confidence and the community's support.
We achieved a victory when Kenya acknowledged our parental rights, following a protracted court battle. Furthermore, it was a turning moment for LGBTQ+ rights in the country in addition to being a personal victory. Additionally, other same-sex couples wishing to become parents through gay surrogacy in Kenya now have a clear path to follow because to the precedent our case created.
Final words
My own experience with same-sex surrogacy in Kenya has been a life-changing one. Every decision we made, from the initial decision to become parents to the difficulties we encountered along the road, helped to mold us into the loving and adaptable family we are today. Our experience might also serve as evidence of the value of affection, assurance, and the encouragement of a supportive community that values communication and recognition.
In sharing our story, we hope to inspire others who may be confronting comparable challenges and inspire them to seek after their dreams of parenthood, notwithstanding of their sexual introduction.
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octoberkait · 5 months
Hi,this is actually technically not an idea since it's from your fic but would you want to write a continuation of Try Me? What happens when they're in the middle of an heated argument one day and suddenly nausea shots up through reader like a bolt? And she immediately makes a run for it and hunched over the toilet bowl letting it all out? And ofc later,they both found out she's pregnant. How will Bucky be with her? Especially as her baby bump gets bigger? Will he be gentler with her & made her cry less? And how will he deal with her pregnancy & mood swings. Also,I don't know if it's in character or out of character with reader from Try Me but what if shortly after their baby was born,let's say about 2 or 3 months,reader had a breakdown and begs Bucky to kill her because she feels trapped and doesn't want to be his prisoner anymore. If you don't want to write this,it's okay then. Thank you so much.
Ouu that’s fun to think about!
I feel like Bucky would be sooo proud of himself - like very smug about the whole thing. For once he got to follow through on something he wanted, not something that others forced on him (ironically). He would definitely be more gentle then before, especially in the early days when there’s more risk of loss. Like this man has done his research and know exactly what to expect from your body before you do and how to treat it in response.
But to go back to your actual prompt I could totally see reader just waking up feeling really sluggish and nauseous so she doesn’t train at all that day and when Bucky barges into her room to find out why she wasn’t where she was supposed to be, they argue until she’s cut off mid sentence and running towards the bathroom.
And of course this was Bucky’s eventual plan, but even he didn’t expect it to happen so soon after he had tampered with reader’s birth control. It had been a while since you two started sleeping together and he was getting ready to leave the avengers - not wanting to work for Fury anymore, so he figured no time like the present.
Reader would be genuinely surprised when Bucky came into the bathroom after her, first watching almost curiously, before moving her hair out of her face and gently rubbing readers back as she heaved. For the next couple of days as reader battled waves of morning sickness he shockingly kept his hands to himself except for to provide comfort or make sure reader ate and drank.
On the 3rd or 4th day I feel like reader would start to clue in to Bucky’s sort of suspicious behaviour, only to be confirmed when Bucky shows up with a paper bag containing several pregnancy tests of various brands. Bucky doesn’t bother to hide his arrogance as reader slams the bathroom door in his face to take the tests privately - even though she knows Bucky would break down that door before he let her keep the results from him. Unsurprisingly to Bucky every single one is positive, and a whole new form of nausea washes over you…
I honestly might continue this in a fic so this is all for now 😇
Thanks for asking!
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ask-sister-rosalie · 7 months
When a ghoul gets someone pregnant does a positive test show up faster?
Mhm, my first pregnancy I got a positive two days after it took. That’s normally not possible in a human. But since two ghouls were responsible for my pregnancy, the test showed a positive result very early on.
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shawandareneeobeymd · 7 months
Health Equity Requires Utilizing Technologies in an Informed Way
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Health equity ensures that US residents from all ethnicities, backgrounds, and communities receive fair and transparent access to high-quality medical care. In today’s healthcare system, implementing new technologies and platforms is often intertwined with addressing persistent inequity issues.
The pandemic has a major role in increasing the use of telehealth, or remotely accessed diagnosis, treatment, and triage, within the continuum of care. Within a year, from the first quarter of 2019 to the same timeframe in 2020, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported a 50 percent increase in telehealth visits.
Unfortunately, a 2021 study revealed that telemedicine use lagged significantly in communities with high poverty rates. Adoption of telehealth technologies lagged particularly among older people and those with substandard internet connections, limited English proficiency, poor health literacy, and limited electronic skills.
In response, some US healthcare organizations have taken proactive steps to bridge the health inequity divide. As explored in a 2022 Brookings Institution report, the Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), Mary’s Center, serves approximately 60,000 patients annually. A majority of patients are Hispanic/Latino, and many are undocumented and uninsured immigrants from Latin America. Seeking to improve care, the Center operates a Health at Home program with local managed care organizations.
Mary’s Center’s facilitated telehealth program addresses structural barriers that stand in the way of traditional telehealth access, including broadband capacity, geographic location, language and cultural barriers, and technical hardware. Medical Assistants (MAs) visit patients’ homes directly and bring suitcases equipped with all elements required for a comprehensive telemedicine visit. This includes vaccines, basic drugs, and blood draw and storage equipment. The MA also transports a Wi-Fi hotspot and laptop and can connect, alongside patients, with clinic-based physicians and nurse supervisors.
Transporting health care services directly to the home environment has several benefits. It provides a more comprehensive understanding of elements that define telehealth access, including neighbor support, family structure, and home safety. It also helps acclimate patients, in a culturally sensitive way, to a technology-enabled system that often seems daunting and unfamiliar at first.
The program has been effective in critical areas, such as establishing communications with immigrant women at a much earlier stage in their pregnancies. It also involves follow-up. Outcomes are tracked as part of the program, and steps are taken to make the care provided more responsive and effective.
Technology is not always the panacea for improving health equity and outcomes in underserved communities. A 2023 Stanford Social Innovation Review article drew attention to next-generation pulse oximeters as a glaring example of “disparity-perpetuating healthcare tech.” Such devices measure blood oxygen levels by calculating how much light human tissue absorbs. Initially developed by Hewlett-Packard in the 1970s, care was taken to ensure accurate results through testing it extensively with patients of various skin tones.
Unfortunately, contemporary pulse oximeters employ optical color-sensing, frequently providing inaccurate readings among patients with darker skin tones. Despite this known issue, pulse oximeter readings were hailed as a key biomarker for triage and early hospitalization at the start of the pandemic. Sometimes, patients unable to breathe well were sent home simply because the device indicated they didn’t require oxygen.
A key takehome is that health equity requires an investment in understanding the various health needs and the limitations and inefficiencies of technology when treating patients of different ethnic backgrounds. It’s not enough to deploy a new device or set a new system of care in place; care must be taken to gain buy-in from local communities and ensure that equipment works as advertised across the entire spectrum of patients.
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