#first-year kagehina
afterglow || ch 11: lotion (fictober day 2)
fandom: haikyuu!! fic summary: Kageyama has learned a lot of things since befriending Hinata Shouyou. Things about Hinata, things about himself. How to open up. How to be vulnerable. How to love. And Hinata? Hinata learns more about Kageyama than he ever thought he would. Kagehina drabble collection ft. the rest of Karasuno, written for sarahenany. Daily drabbles for Fictober 2022! fictober day 2: "nobody told you about me?" by @fictober-event ch summary: Hinata's hands are dry and cracked due to the nippy weather. Kageyama gives him some lotion to remedy this. entire drabble below. :) find the whole collection: ao3 // tumblr
Hinata winced as he pulled on his uniform blazer, the back of his hands stinging. When he looked down at them, he realized why: “Ugh, my hands are so dry.”
“Have you tried using lotion?” Yamaguchi asked, already dressed and standing by the doorway, ready to leave.
“I don’t have any with me,” Hinata admitted with a pout.
Suga winced sympathetically. “Ouch. I’m sorry, Hinata. I don’t have any on me, either.”
Hinata’s pout deepened. He sighed and buttoned up his blazer, studying his hands as he went. It wasn’t even the good kind of sting—the kind that followed a good spike. The nippy October wind probably wasn’t going to help.
“It is getting colder out,” Daichi said. “I’ll try to bring a bottle tomorrow to keep in the club room.”
“Thank you, Daichi-san,” Hinata said, wondering if he even had any at home. His mother probably did, somewhere—if not, well. He’d be stuck waiting until tomorrow.
Something poked his arm. “Here.”
He blinked at the sound of Kageyama’s voice and then blinked again when he saw what had poked him: a medium-sized bottle of hand cream. “Waaaaahhhhh, you have some!” 
“Why are you surprised?”
Hinata wasn’t sure. Kageyama took that extra step when caring for his own hands—he even clipped and filed his fingernails, whereas Hinata’s were bitten and uneven. Of course he had hand lotion.
“Are you gonna take it or not?” Kageyama asked abruptly.
“Oh! Yes, thank you!”
Their teammates continued getting dressed and filing out of the clubroom, probably ready for a hot bath and a meal. Hinata, anxious for both as well and knowing their captain was waiting for everyone to finish so he could lock up, hurried to snap the cap open and squirt some into his hands.
Except he must’ve squeezed the bottle too hard because a lot more came out than he intended.
Eek! That’s a lot!
“Dumbass. You don’t need that much,” Kageyama said and gave him an unimpressed look.
“Nobody warned you about me?” Hinata said, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I always use this much.”
“Right. You and your tiny hands.”
Hinata lifted his gaze to meet Kageyama’s fiercely. “It was a joke, you jerk. I obviously didn’t mean to. And—hey! My hands aren’t tiny!”
“I dunno,” Suga commented, eyeing Hinata’s hands. “They’re a little small…”
“Idiot, give me that,” Kageyama said.
Hinata didn’t get a chance to reply before Kageyama took the bottle back, shoved it under his arm to hold it hands-free, and scooped half the lotion from Hinata’s palm to use for his own hands.
“There,” he said when he was done rubbing it in. “Oi. Don’t just stand there.”
Hinata realized after several seconds that he was staring at Kageyama with his mouth open. He squeaked and slathered it over his fingers and palms, wincing again at the sting. “Ouch…”
“It’s probably going to hurt a little bit because your hands need to heal,” Daichi pointed out.
“You should keep a bottle with you,” Kageyama told him. “You need to keep your skin moisturized.”
Hinata nodded, looking down at his hands as he continued to work the cream into his skin, cheeks traitorously hot. He tried not to think about the way Kageyama’s fingers, long and warm, felt against his palm as he took half the lotion so it wouldn’t go to waste.
As promised, Daichi brought a bottle of lotion for the club room the following morning for everyone to use when needed. But what Hinata couldn’t get over was that Kageyama also brought an extra bottle—one specifically for Hinata—and told him to apply it regularly.
He appreciated their captain’s kindness along with the rest of the team, but it was Kageyama’s generosity that left him feeling warm and fuzzy inside.
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noranb · 2 years
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way back home
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lanirawhoney · 2 months
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First year KageHina for @belatinysun
"hinata makes kageyama freely laugh for the first time and his heart almost explodes seeing his bf's adorable giggles"
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beanschan · 3 months
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more kghn doodles + fucking around w color !! im gonna draw more of kurasuno soon lol
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gothamtwinks · 2 years
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Ok I guess I’ll post here now because the state that Twitter is in 😭😭
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weathertheraine · 1 year
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Tysm to @balievoheme for the genius kageyama dialogue DKJHS this idea has been sitting in my head for SO LONG!! I’m so happy I got to finally draw it and I dont do this kind of coloured comic much and it was a lot of work oof,, but I love how it came out !! Pls tell me if youd like to see more stuff like this ??
(Also gotta credit @kaprikume for the style of coloured bubbles bc i very much stole it from their excellent comics!)
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touchlikethesun · 3 months
i think the karasuno first years are so funny (for so many reasons i just adore them but rn in particular) because you have two of the most straightforward people that are the definition of sharing the same braincell - cept when it comes to volleyball, they are so no thoughts head empty (said in a nonliteral affectionate way) - and then you have the other three who are all (albeit in different ways) just completely the opposite like the other three are all chronic overthinkers like ‘babes pls stop you’re giving yourself a mental illness’ kind of overthinkers. there’s no middle ground, they are all so extreme and extra (in their own way). and then like, they just hang out. the five of them. some of them pretend to hate each other. one of the overthinkers is a lesbian. incredible group dynamic.
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nekomanessa · 2 years
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sugawara--san · 7 months
whatever you do don't imagine the karasuno first years as third years saying goodbye !!
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itspanzee · 6 months
Wow I'd love really give my left arm to watch Haikyuu for the first time again. But I guess rewatching it for the 6th time is good enough..
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afterglow || snow day (fictober day 08)
fandom: haikyuu!! pairing: kagehina fic summary: Kageyama has learned a lot of things since befriending Hinata Shouyou. Things about Hinata, things about himself. How to open up. How to be vulnerable. How to love. And Hinata? Hinata learns more about Kageyama than he ever thought he would. First-year Kagehina/Hinakage drabble collection ft. the rest of Karasuno, written for sarahenany. Slowly working through the remaining Fictober 2022 prompts! fictober day 8: "do you remember?" by @fictober-event ch summary: School is canceled due to the snowy weather. Hinata bikes into town and shows up at Kageyama's house anyway.
entire drabble below. :) find the whole collection: ao3 // tumblr
“Whoa, it really snowed a ton,” Hinata exclaimed into the phone, panting. “No wonder they canceled school before it even started yesterday.”
Kageyama winced at the loud volume of his voice, although he didn’t know what he expected. Of course Hinata would be wide-awake at—at whatever time it was. Kageyama, personally, had decided to sleep in until his phone started ringing.
“You called me to tell me it snowed?” he grumbled, rubbing an eye. “I coulda looked out the window, idiot.”
“Wow, ok, you’re an idiot,” Hinata shot back. “We don’t have to sit through boring classes! Where’s your excitement?”
“I’m too tired for that shit. Give me one reason why I shouldn’t hang up so I can go back to sleep.”
This time, Hinata chuckled nervously. “Well, um… I’m kind of at your door, so…”
Kageyama shot upright, eyes blowing wide. “You’re what? ”
“I’m at your door,” Hinata repeated, slower, his words tinged with more nervous laughter. “...can I come in?”
For a moment, Kageyama’s sleep-clogged brain failed to register Hinata’s request. He just sat there with dinner plate eyes, mouth hanging open, struggling to process his words. 
Hinata. Hinata willingly came over, on their spontaneous day off from school. And now he was at his door. For what reason? It snowed enough to cancel the whole day of classes, not to mention volleyball practice, and this idiot had left his house—a house that sat on a damn mountain—and how did he even get here? On foot?
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Kageyama burst out finally, throwing himself out of his bed. “It’s gotta be freezing outside and you’re—did you bike here?”
“Uh,” Hinata fumbled, and the silence that followed was enough of an answer for Kageyama.
“You idiot,” he went on, and it didn’t matter that he was only in pajamas because moronic Hinata was at his door, had ridden his bike in the snow, and something about those facts had him rushing to let Hinata in.
“Hi,” Hinata said meekly when he finally reached and opened the door.
Kageyama nearly dropped his phone.
Hair damp, nose pink, and the shell of his coat dripping, Hinata looked like he’d been caught in the rain. His bike lay on its side, discarded in the yard, and a glance down at his shoes showed Kageyama that they were soaked.
“Oh my god, get in here, you moron,” Kageyama hissed, yanking him by the arm immediately. “Are you stupid? It’s freezing outs— you’re freezing!” 
“Yeah… I realized that riding my bike probably wasn’t very smart,” Hinata said nervously, looking down at his shoes as he removed them slowly. “I slid on the ice a few times, so… I got all wet from the snow…”
“What were you thinking?” Kageyama said as he closed the door. “You could get sick! You could’ve been hurt—did you get hurt? You didn’t scrape yourself up, did you? We have a game next week!”
“I know, it was pretty stupid,” Hinata said. “And impulsive. I just… Natsu and Kaa-san were held up because of the snow, and the buses aren’t running, and… and I wanted to see you, I guess.”
Kageyama’s rant withered in his throat, and his mouth snapped shut. What did he say to that? His brain blanked on him as he stared at Hinata’s sheepish but genuine expression, once again failing to come up with the right words to respond.
“Oh,” was all that came out, faint and inexplicably breathless, when his voice finally decided to work again.
But then he saw the way Hinata’s lip quivered, and everything came back online in an instant. He tugged at Hinata’s gloved hand—what was the point of wearing them if they were wet?—and dragged him along as he marched off to his bedroom.
“Wha—where are we going?” Hinata squeaked. “What’re you… what’re you doing?”
“You have to get those wet clothes and get warm, dumbass,” Kageyama told him because, hello, wasn’t it obvious? “You’re going to get sick.”
When they reached Kageyama’s bedroom, he released Hinata to dig through his dresser for something even a little small for Hinata to wear. He wasn’t very successful—all he had was old clothes from middle school, but he ultimately decided Hinata in clothes too large for him was better than a sick Hinata, right?
“I’m sorry,” Hinata said sheepishly. “For, um. For intruding…”
“That’s not—” Kageyama stopped, trying to collect himself. He wasn’t trying to yell. “That’s not the point. You could come over at any time and I wouldn’t care, I just don’t want you getting sick!”
Hinata looked up at him, then, his eyes now blown wide in surprise. “Huh?”
“Do you remember?” he went on. “We have to be careful with ourselves, for volleyball! You can’t play if you’re hurt.”
Hinata blinked a few times but didn’t respond. Instead, he just stared up at Kageyama as if he’d just revealed the secret to getting good grades in school or something.
Then, eventually: “Do… do you mean that?”
“Mean what?”
“I can… come over whenever,” Hinata echoed, with a slow-growing smile. “And you wouldn’t mind?”
Kageyama stopped himself again, because yeah, he totally did say that. And as his brain finally caught up with his mouth, heat ascended up his neck and across his cheeks. His gaze darted immediately to his socks, embarrassed.
“Well, you’re the only person who comes over besides when Nee-san visits, so,” he said, and then one of his hands found its way into his hair, as if moving would get rid of the sudden nervous energy that flooded through him. “It’s—it’s not like it bothers me.”
“It doesn’t?”
“N…not really, no.”
In fact, Hinata’s company was… pleasant, in a way he didn’t expect at all. He’d never been invited to other people’s houses before attending Karasuno, much less invited others to his own house. The only other time he’d gone to someone’s house other than Hinata’s was when they studied at Yachi’s place.
Was it like that for everyone? Did people just enjoy the company of their friends, or… or did it have to be a specific someone? Kageyama didn’t know. He wasn’t good at this whole people thing.
(He wrinkled his nose at the thought of inviting someone like Tsukishima over.)
“I like visiting you,” Hinata told him abruptly, and when Kageyama lifted his gaze, he saw the wide smile stretched across Hinata’s face. “It’s fun.”
“I don’t—” Kageyama shifted awkwardly, uncertain of how to take that. Was it a compliment? “I don’t really do anything special, though.”
“Well, even if we don’t do anything, it’s fun spending time with you,” Hinata said. “I like y—um, I like your company.”
If possible, Kageyama’s face grew even hotter. He looked away again, just because he wasn’t sure if he could handle looking at that bright smile of his. 
He, what? He didn’t know how to put his thoughts into words. 
“Just, um, just get into dry clothes,” came out instead, turning away because—because Hinata needed privacy to change. Yeah. “Then we can, um. Do something together, maybe.”
“Do something?” Hinata said, still wondering. "And you wouldn't mind? It doesn't bother you to hang out?"
“Sh—shut up! I wouldn't—um. I wouldn't... mind."
Of course I wouldn't mind. Of course I want to do something with you.
“I did bring my Switch and our game! Nice and dry in my bag.”
“At least you’re capable of taking care of something.”
“Hey! I’m good at taking care of things,” Hinata defended. “I’m an amazing older brother, just so you know.”
Yes, I know. “Mm. Yeah.”
“Just ask Natsu!” And then, playfully: “You wouldn’t know what it’s like being an older brother because you’re the younger sibling.”
“Wha—why does that even matter, you dumbass?!”
He turned around just in time to see Hinata pull his shirt—Kageyama’s shirt—over his head, and when it fell over his chest, twice his size, he grinned up at him. His bedroom light wasn’t on but Hinata seemed to glow in the dimness anyway: a piece of the sun itself, wedged into the body of one tiny person, shining bright just for Kageyama.
And in that realization, he found his answer to his earlier question:
Nobody was like Hinata. Nobody smiled like him, and nobody’s company felt the same. Hinata Shouyou was in a league of his own, and nobody else compared.
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
Heyo, I’m back! :3 *waves* Sorry for being in here so much: I have a slight Peppermint Mocha addiction lols 😅🤣
If I may, could I please ask for Platonic!Kagehina of Haikyuu? :3 I think a funny prompt would be Hinata gets one of those ridiculously long scarfs as a gag gift and wants to share it with Kageyama, so they both wear it and kinda drag eachother around until someone’s all: “That’s it!” And grabs the other accidentally tickling them 👀
If you’re not feeling Kagehina, I’d love to see AsaNoya- really whichever feels right! 💖 No pressure to write these of course- if you feel up to it, have at it :)
Thank you so much, friend! Have a great winter and holiday! 💖💖💖
❄️ Peppermint Mocha Special Order ❄️
“Hinata!” Kageyama snapped as he was pulled forward without warning, connected to his friend via oversized scarf.
“I got it!” Hinata declared proudly, holding up the chocolate he’d dropped on the ground. He began unwrapping it without a care in the world, oblivious to Kageyama’s glare in his direction.
Noya, as a joke, had given Hinata a way-too-large scarf for Christmas, which Hinata had of course worn proudly despite tripping over it several times. When the two of them had sat down to lunch, he took one look at Kageyama shivering in the cold wind and insisted they share the material for a little while. Kageyama had been secretly grateful at first, but now…
“Would you stop darting all over the place?” the setter cried as he was once again pulled forward against his will when Hinata went chasing after something the wind tried to snatch away. “You’re going to kill me!” He’d already almost choked on his milk and barely been spared from biting into his own finger instead of a carrot stick.
“Don’t be dramatic, Kageyama,” Hinata replied, sitting back up again. “Would you rather be cold?”
“At this point, yes!” Kageyama huffed. At the sight of his friend rolling his eyes, something inside him reacted automatically. He grabbed Hinata around the middle and yanked him closer, trying to get under his coat to tickle his belly and sides without looking like he was assaulting the redhead.
“Ah! W-What are you – Kageyahahahama!” Hinata squealed, realizing immediately the danger he was in but far too late to try and escape it. He giggled preemptively, squirming in the setter’s hold. “Dohohon’t be such a wihihimp! Next time I wohohon’t share my scarf with you – ah!”
Kageyama smirked victoriously. “Gotcha.”
“Nohohohohohoooo, Kageyahahahahahama! Dohohohohohon’t!” Hinata pleaded, giggling helplessly as his friend scratched and scribbled at his belly and hips as much as he could reach under his bulky winter coat.
“No fun being stuck to another person when you can’t get away, is it, Hinata?”
“Yohohohohou’re the one who agreheheheheheheed to this!”
“Oh, so it’s my fault?”
Kageyama abandoned all pretenses and tackled his friend to the cold ground, unzipping his coat in a hurry to get to his ribs – his real weak spot. Hinata threw his head back and cackled hysterically, kicking and squirming all the while, but the scarf connecting the two of them made certain he wasn’t going anywhere fast.
It all ended up being much more fun than either of them anticipated.
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beanschan · 3 months
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more kagehina doodles !!!! them as first years doing domestic shit and pining for each other sends me to another realm,,,
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lem0nblue · 1 year
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Karasuno first years all grown up 🥺😭💕 Also love how Yacchan came out 🥰💕
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weathertheraine · 10 months
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Happy Haikyuu Day!!
It’s so late that it’s not actually Haikyuu Day any more here… but it is for a lot of you! So here are my darling first years <3 they have come so far and grown so much. Thank you Haikyuu!!
(Click for quality as always)
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morons (affectionate). They're trying so hard to pretend that they don't want to practice with each other but break the second Yachi gives them a reason too. And she's soo sweet for it too 🥺
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